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MARCH FIRST FULL MOON: DOORWAY OF TRANSFORMATION ~ Festival of Lights ~ March 2018 ~ Master Djwhal Khul

Ascension Mastery Message for the Full Moon of March 2018. Channeled transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa. 

The Full Moon of Virgo arrives on March 1st, 2018 at 4:52 Pm Pacific, 7:51 PM Eastern, and March 2nd, 12:51 GMT within Pisces. It brings forth the integration of the Spiritual Self (Pisces) to be grounded within the Physical Self (Virgo).

This cycle will bring with it challenges for each individual to access their Spiritual Consciousness while walking within physically upon the Earth. Virgo gives us the ability to be grounded, offering tools of acceptance to occur in the physical pathway. Pisces is much more spiritually aligned allowing for the Intuition to be the focus within the physical consciousness.


This can cause quite a challenge for some individuals if they are not used to bringing forth this alignment within their full consciousness. Those of us that are on the Mastery Pathway will find it easier to connect with their Divine Self as Grandmother Moon is assisting us to become more aligned with the essence that the Sun brings to the equation.

Dreams can be very prominent at this time along with deep meditative states that will assist in bringing forth our intentions to become manifested. On February 15th, the New Moon, there was a Partial Solar Eclipse which brought a new doorway to be opened to allow forth positive changes to occur (these alignments last for six months). So with this full moon cycle of the balance within the physical body occurring allows for the higher consciousness of light to become more concrete within the lower consciousness.

In a way this means that the Super Conscious of the Higher Self is being integrated within the Physical Consciousness so a blending can take place.

With this energy there comes the appearance of the Subconscious Mind to be activated in a new a different way. The old layers of lower elements can arise to the surface, but with this exchange of light it can be an easier transition for the Physical Consciousness to accept the Higher Consciousness.

It is a very powerful time to Detox the system whether it is emotionally, mentally, or physically. With the exchange of energies we are asked to be our best self and that means not to hold onto any issues that no longer serve us. The alignment of this cycle is assisting in this process so don’t be surprised if you are experiencing periods of purging or releasing. Always allow yourself to bring forth the higher element you desire to be because this time is also very powerful for us to do so. We are in a highly accelerated state of abundance for the self and our manifesting abilities will be very acute.

This is exactly what Ascension Mastery represents: the blending of the three minds of the Super-Conscious, Sub-Conscious, and Physical Conscious to become one integrated energy.

Having this alignment to occur in the beginning of the year will help to set the stage for the following months to become more synchronous. Please know what can occur is the cycle of Resurrection in which elements come to the surface that can be unpleasant to deal with, but the best part of this occurrence is allowing both the Spiritual and the Physical to work in unison for the Good of the All, meaning our Divine Self.

You may already be feeling these energies coming to the surface; it is important to allow your Spiritual Self to help you in the Process. As the moon represents the Divine Feminine it is becoming more grounded within the physical existence of the earth; in retrospect, the Sun representing the Masculine Divine allows for the Feminine to be introspective and open to all possibilities as the masculine will hold that energy for the feminine until they can come together in unity of love.

This is truly a doorway that each of us needs to realize within ourselves.

Where within your consciousness do you need to allow the Piscean Light to assist in the healing of the Virgo grounded-ness to occur within you?

This is a very important statement that each of us needs to reflect upon. We need change to occur within the planetary earth to allow her essence to blend with the spiritual earth, meaning the 5th dimensional energies. It cannot occur until each of us inhabiting the planet take full responsibility of our connectiveness to our Divine Self.

Take time to truly allow this energetic exchange of energies to assist you in your healing process. Know that within your Higher Self you will achieve what you desire no matter what you are learning through each moment of transition to allow transformation to occur.


Greetings, My Friends,

I am Master Djwhal Khul at your service. We have arrived at another full moon cycle upon the Earth which will be ground breaking for many souls to assist themselves to know their Inner Self more intimately than ever before.

This cycle of the Virgo Moon with the Piscean Sun is just the movement that Gaia has been asking for as it will bring forth an alignment that can allow the higher light formations to occur within the physical existence. It also brings with it great turbulence for those that are not ready to receive the transformation that their Higher Self desires them to exhibit within their lives.

As with any transformative process, there is always a period of uncertainty. Each of you have experienced this and are still doing so presently. The most important element is how do you react to the tragedies within the world? And are you able to transcend any of your own elements that may be arising because of what you are seeing others experiencing upon the planet?

There is great upheaval presently. It needs to come to the surface as in any circumstance of transformation as the transition of the dark into the light must be acknowledged. It is never an easy process and many of you have experienced this in many other lifetimes.

It is different this time because changes can occur. You are a part of that change so it is important to realize within yourself how change must come for you personally.

Did you know that every thought, feeling and action that occurs in your life affects the entire planet and the universe beyond all universes?

It reverberates and returns to the Earth, into the core of Gaia. Then there are reactions to those actions, so it becomes a continual cycle.

This period occurring presently is allowing every soul upon this Earth to change the way that they think and interact within themselves and others. The cycle of the Virgo Moon with the Piscean Sun is allowing for more advancement of the higher realms of light that every soul is a part of to be acknowledged within the physical consciousness.

This is a huge movement of light that many may not realize is occurring presently.

My suggestion through this phase is to allow your own physical self to acknowledge within your consciousness what needs to be changed. Allow the energies that each of you will be experiencing through this light to assist you to become more grounded within your higher consciousness, of the spark of light that you are as your I Am Presence. The more you acknowledge of what you can be – the possibilities – the more that you will be – the probabilities.

The earth is coming upon a brand, new doorway of light – one that can assist your transformation in various ways. Only you within yourself knows what this transformation represents. It is within your Etheric Self, hiding away, awaiting for this time of renewal and that doorway is now being opened during this cycle.

Take time to get to know yourself, the parts you do not like, acknowledge all of them so that the transition from darkness into light can occur. It is only through self-knowingness that true awareness occurs. You are the driver of your physical world, but let your Higher Self and I Am Presence, assist you to move into a new phase of your existence upon this earth.

I walk with you each step, hand-in-hand, assisting and acknowledging all that you Are and All that you are Becoming.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

TO WALK THROUGH THE DOORWAY OF TRANSFORMATION PLEASE LISTEN TO THE AUDIO OF OUR ONLINE GLOBAL GROUP GATHERING with Master Djwhal Khul and the Native Elder energies. We travel to the Golden Etheric City of WakenSoiEka; it is infused with the First Seven Rays of God and the Native Indigenous energies. It is in the 5th dimensional etheric earth over the area of North America in the United States encompassing North and South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana. This is a powerful ceremony to be used any time throughout the year.

(P.S. Thank you for those who offer donations for this gathering).

Related: For those who are serious about stepping into Mastery in 2018 for discovering how to accept more COSMIC LIGHT into your consciousness and physical self, Walking Terra Christa is providing 2018 Light Quotient Embodiment Training.


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