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The Creative Process of 12-12 and 12-15-2014

2014 ACCELERATIONSThis is a month of powerful transitions and vibratory conditions on a personal and global level. Just as we get through one acceleration, another one is upon us. We don’t get much chance to stabilize ourselves through the process, but that is exactly what we need to do – create balance in order to receive harmony.

The teachings we have brought forth from the many ascended beings (Walking Terra have shared that this December does reflect the intensity of changes like 2012 but even more so. They have expressed that more people are now ready to awaken unto a higher reality. This can come in many stages; first a person can realize they need to do more in the psychological health so they seek a Coach in their life; then there are the ones that go for the Self-Help individuals. The journey can continue so that an individual then wants to learn how to meditate, find the silence of their life to enfold. These are the beginning stages of stepping into mastery but it is a long way. Until a person is ready to work within each of their four-body system (physical, etheric, emotional, mental) in order to receive their spiritual body, then they truly are not within a mastery pathway. They have stepped into self mastery and it is up to each individual of how far they want to go with this process.

The Universe is helping every soul within this planet to arise to their own potential and their soul’s contract before they came to Earth. Many individuals are unable to realize this amazing opportunity due to the lower energies of fear, uncertainty, and staying stuck within their mental or concrete mind. It takes great courage to move through these adversities which may take many lifetimes.

No matter what level you are working within, the Universe helps us to become more within ourselves. The planetary energies are assisting GAIA to ascend into a new position; we call this her Ascension process. But unlike GAIA, we as humans are not leaving our bodies, we are descending these energies from our highest self into the physical existence. So we have to deal with the day-to-day frustrations of the physical body to accept the higher body of light. And, this cannot occur in one fast sweep of energetics. That is why we have ascension symptoms.

So the planets are becoming more aligned to allow the inhabitants of the earth to move through these processes. They can be very challenging but the most important element presently is to be in your Highest Essence which means accessing your Higher Self. This part of you cannot be fully integrated until the four-body system is cleared of debris that has been held for eons of time. We travel in our Etheric Body and that part of us remembers everything that we have ever experienced, good and bad.

So this is why we become challenged when these planetary accelerations occur for us. The Universal energies are helping us to come into alignment for the New Earth. That is why we have ascension symptoms. At the same time, the dark energies within and around the atmosphere are working double-time to make sure people do not awaken within themselves. They will cause reactions to occur within the mind, emotions, and body. Illnesses can occur easily that include headaches, tiredness, dizziness, emotional imbalances, feeling lost, etc. Wherever your weakness lies, the lower energy will activate it unless you work at it through the energetics. Don’t let these energies stop you; allow them to blending within you as you become One with Them.

We need to be very diligent with our protection protocols; to constantly connect within our breath to the higher levels of frequency. If you connect to the 144th dimension by counting upwards, you are fully going into Oneness; thereby, are able to fully integrate your I AM Presence, your Higher Self, and the ascended beings of light that are in oneness. Everything else is a much lower frequency. Then, you bring those energies down into your physical body; you become those frequencies. Now this takes a lot of practice; but doing it all through your day will assist you to receive the next level of awareness that is necessary for your transformation. The planetary accelerations are here to assist us; taking these steps daily will help to ground the energies into the full-body system.

12:12 ~ Cosmic Alignment

12:12 comes right after we experienced the Full Moon energies of balancing the Higher Mind within the Lower Mind. In fact, we are still within that frequency for a period of two weeks which takes us into the New Moon which activates on the 22nd of December.

Per the Mayan Oracle, 12 represents Complex Stability. It is the foundation of the self with the foundation of our higher essence with the mystical truth of polarity. It represents the Yin and the Yang, the Feminine and Masculine coming into alignment.

As we take that definition and apply it to the Full Moon on the 5th, it brings in the ability to meld the Higher Mind into the Lower Mind. Now mind you, the Higher Mind presents both the masculine and feminine energies as they blend within the Heart Center even though the masculine is the Mental Body and the Feminine is the Emotional Body. The Higher Mind is the Higher Heart within the concept of our Higher Essence. As the Higher Mind integrates within the Lower Mind, there becomes less confusion and confliction of the mental faculties; thereby, allowing the Intuition to become more acute which also represents the Mental Illumination and accessing the Feminine Divine.

So on this day we are receiving the next phase of our stabilization of allowing our Higher Essence to be more involved within our physical self. Take notice of the energies around you and how you are feeling with them. Allow yourself to bathe within the frequency to help you ground the essence that has been separated from you. It is part of the process of bringing forth the balance of your integrated self.

 12-15-12 – Uranus Square Pluto

December 15th poses another highly accelerated phase of light. In past times this planetary acceleration was considered to be very life changing and volatile to society. This planet is fully within its duality; the light and dark are fighting with each other constantly. We see it everywhere with protests, people wanting change, and trying to do so on a physical level. But yet, those of us that are working with higher levels of energy, know that it is not the right way to go about the changes presently. We have all been there; we have been the warriors and now it is time to put down our weapons and hold the light within us.

So this acceleration takes each of us into a new part of our existence. It is not easy to lay down your weapon when you have spent many lifetimes upholding the energies in the same manner. Change must result within each of us in order for the New Earth to occur. We cannot stand by and just allow these energies to make the changes but allow them to be within us so we can change.

The 15th is going to create these two planets to collide in a way that could cause more confliction within the GAIA’s essence. As lightworkers, we truly need to uphold our light as much as possible.

How do we do this when we are being challenged so greatly?

Again, it is important to be working within your tools that you have learned. Access the higher light frequencies and allow them to be grounded within you. Send them to the core of Gaia and call upon the Ascended Beings of Light to assist.

The Light and Dark can fully collide at this time. It is meant to do so to help each of us embrace the Light that we are. Now, we all now this can be challenging, but so rewarding. I believe that this frequency on this date is going to be the middle ground of changes to occur within each of us. If we allow our old timelines to be removed and access the positive timelines, then we are going to be giving this Earth a great service. We all understand on this pathway that we intuitively are accepting our light energies within us, but how do you do that.

Do you fully ground them into your Earth Star?

Are you sending them to GAIA within her core crystalline structure?

After a meditation, are you expanding the light you bring within yourself into the higher realms of the Earth so that her field can be expanded?

What Beings of Light are you working with and are they within the Unified Whole of the 144th dimension?

These are very important questions to consider as they will help to change the earth’s frequency into more light which means more individuals are going to be able to wake up within 2015. The Universe and Spiritual Hierarchy is asking for our help to hold these energies within so that others can awaken in the very near future.

Will the transition of these energies affect us personally?

Of course, they will. It may debilitate you as it is meant to allow the duality to stop but yet this earth is still very much within that process. Yes, we have more light than we have ever had before which is beautiful. But it is not enough. This earth is still fighting for her acceleration as many individuals around the planet are doing the same. We are in the midst of many storms both literally and physically. The weather patterns presently reflect that around the world.

So I ask, where are you in this equation?

Have you gone into the depths of your soul to pull out the darkness that has been there for eons of time which represents the fighting and being a warrior with aggression and only wanting to win?

On this day of the 15th it is important to pull as much light into you as you can handle. Hold it, ground it, be it as the darkness is trying to stop this as they did in 2012. We, as individuals, have a responsibility to be strong with our Will, Power, Love, Courage, Strength, Creating Harmony and Balance along with activation of the Love that We Are as we step into allowing the Freedom of the Self to be fully integrated. We can do it; but not alone – together with the Spiritual Beings of Light.

On another note, the 15th of December marks an important doorway for lightworkers to work more intimately with the Ray Chohans, the Karmic Board, and Master Confucius, Lord Lanto, and Master Hilarian at the Royal Teton Retreat. I am sharing more about this bi-yearly opportunity in my blog entitled, “Doorway of Opportunity ~ December 15th ~ Royal Teton Retreat”.

This will be a day of many tests for all of us. It is then that we will celebrate on the 21st for the Solstice of 2014. The New Moon occurs on the 22nd which will help us to continue with the energies to allow the full grounding into the 31st of the month. It truly is a month filled with many blessings.

In Expressions of Oneness,
Christine Meleriessee
[Note from the author: As always, my writings do not just come from my Higher Presence but with the Oneness of the Unified Whole and Many Masters and Beings of Light I work with. I want to thank them for integrating their energies within me through this writing and encouraging me to write in this manner.]

Many blessings to everyone.

P.S. We have a free Holiday Gift for all those who want to assist in creating the New Earth through Ascension Mastery.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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Stepping Into the Balance

full_moon1wtcOn December 6th, 2014 we will be experiencing the last full moon of this year.  It is within the Sun Sign of Sagittarius within the Moon of Gemini and will reflect how well we align our minds within our Higher Self or Lower Self (Concrete Mind).  The alignment occurs at 12:26 GMT time, 4:26 AM Pacific, and 7:26 AM Eastern.

We all know that the full moon is full of intense emotion as Grandmother Moon helps us to realign our energies in preparation for the new energies that come into our awareness.  The reflection this month is to fully take action within our Higher Self to allow the Higher Mind to take precedence over the Lower Mind.  This is a huge challenge for every soul upon this planet.

We have been taught through the many timelines that we have experienced that control occurs in our every waking moment within the third dimensional reality.  That is why it can be so difficult to step out of the mold of who we were into what we desire to be.

As individuals awaken within themselves that there is a higher purpose to their lives, they are then stepping into the unseen world of accepting their intuition and higher knowledge to be their guide.  They have acquired the wisdom within themselves through the many experiences that have formed their existence.

At least this is what we all desire to see happen within this planet.

As has been shared through the New Earth Frequency Update for December, the Ascended Beings say that the month of December is pivotal for creating balance in our lives to prepare for 2015.  We are going to be inundated with higher frequencies each week of this amazing month.  It is our time to fully understand what we are experiencing, allow it to be grounded within us, and prepare for our next moments of creation.

This full moon is a divine opportunity to allow the balance to come more fully within us.  The sign of Gemini represents the Lower Mind of wanting to keep doing things the same way as always.  The sign of Sagittarius represents the adventurous spirit of constantly wanting to try new ways of living representing the Higher Mind.  Now both of these aspects are very important for each of us, but we have to come to a state of understanding the balance between the Lower Mind and Higher Mind.

Many times when going through this type of process the Lower Mind wants to refuse the efforts of the Higher Mind, but yet, it is important to allow the Higher Mind to intertwine within the physical self with some ease and grace.  Jumping into the Higher Self can create a shock to the system especially if an individual has not practiced the energy to occur.  That is why it is important to reflect continuously on what we are experiencing, looking at the past, and see the changes we have made within ourselves.  It is imperative to allow the flow of life to fully be within us, because these accelerations and changes we are experiencing can be very life changing.  It can cause an individual to go into a state of lower ego, thinking that they have it all together, but yet, it is just the opposite.

We have been challenged greatly throughout this year.  2014 has represented the essence of GROUNDING UNITY.  This means that every awakened individual is working within themselves to ground their Higher Essence or Higher Self within the physical body.  If the soul psychological work has not been done, then there will be a huge overload within the system which will cause the lower ego to stay intact.  It is a proven fact that when one reaches the higher initiations and they have not taken care of their subconscious thoughts, that they cannot continue within their ascension process.  We cannot have it both ways; purely within the old self with the higher self intact.  It will not happen as the Higher Self steps away from the physical body during this process.

The pathway of acceleration includes all of these aspects; this is exactly what we have been experiencing this year of 2014 which is the ability to ground our Higher Essence within the Physical Body 24 hours a day continuously.

So how are you progressing with this process?

That is a good question for each of us and no one can give us the answer but ourselves.

The power of who we are becoming is right within us.  We can ask for advice, guidance, and coaching on the pathway, but in truth, each of us is responsible for ourselves.  That is why there are tools to assist an individual on this pathway of ascension so that stepping into our higher essence becomes very easy.

I know, it is not that way for many individuals.  We have to deal with the fourth dimensional reality of this earth.  We are in a state of great transition with individuals trying to show their opinions are the right way, but yet we know, we cannot exist in that type of energy any longer.  This is exactly what we are experiencing.

We are awakened every day, and we change through the process so that the awakening state goes to a much deeper level than it did previously.  That is truly what ascension represents as we De-Ascend our highest essence into the physical body.

This moon is the first of light infractions that we are receiving for December.  It is giving us all that I have shared and allowing each individual to look at themselves from a different angle.  It is a time of preparation as the month continues; we will be receiving more frequencies of light within the planet and each of us.

I believe that this full moon is truly a gift from the Universe.  It is a time to stand between the Higher Self and Lower Self to allow the mind to be fully illuminated by the Light that We Are.  Within that process it can be overwhelming and challenging as events enfold within our lives to make us see how we are doing.  We are continually being tested on this pathway, and rightly so.  If we are to be the Ascended Masters for the New Earth, we are going through many trials of fire  to help us to acknowledge the depth of our wisdom along with how to apply what we know into our present circumstances.

Take some time in the next few days to connect fully with your Lower Mind by noticing your thoughts and how they create your reality. 

Then take some deep breaths and bring in your Higher Self.  Ask him or her to help you go deeper within yourself.  Allow yourself to be One with Yourself in the moment and your breath.  Feel how your thoughts start to shift as you feel the change come over you.  Then, afterwards, write about the experience before and after.  You may take some time to recall an event in your life that was upsetting emotionally and mentally.

How did you deal with it then?

Go back to that moment and use the exercise with your breath.  Bring in the Violet Flame to transmute it, then the Pink Flame to recreate your circumstances.

Has your memory of that situation changed? 

Notice the differences you may now feel.  What is also important is to not hold these negative vibrations within your physical body which is what we do all the time.  Take the same energies and blend them within your breath; completely surrender into the moment of resurrection as you change the thought processes within you.  Then journal about it; date it and reflect on it at a later time.

As you practice this within your life, you will be able to start to feel your Higher Mind more often than you did before.  But it takes quite a bit of practice, reflecting, and allowing the silence of your Higher Essence to fully be within you.

This is what will bring you the balance between the Lower and Higher Mind.  You will be able to try new ways of living in your life by accepting your intuition is your guide, but yet have a strong foundation that has already been acquired.  When we talk about the Higher Mind integrating within the Lower Mind, you must remind yourself that the Lower Mind is not disappearing.  It is transitioning into a higher state of Beingness as the structure you have created is important.  But the control mechanisms within your concrete mind are no longer needed.

I would say that this is a very powerful month and it is helping us to go deeper than before as we prepare for the upcoming energies throughout the month.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a Full Moon Ceremony via tele-call on Saturday, December 6th at 10 AM Pacific.  This is an open call for every person; we hope that you will join us (please check the link for the details).  The MP3 recording will be available via our website within 24 hours.

Wishing you a blessed Full Moon Experience.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The December Leap of Light

New Earth Frequency UpdateBlessings and love to each of you within humanity of Gaia.

We are the Unified Whole Command of the 144th dimensional frequency of Light with Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein at your service in this present moment.



Now that the month has moved into the last part of the year it represents so many octaves of light that have occurred within the planet during 2014.  The changes within each of you are key to the next phase of Gaia’s evolution into 2015.

This month of December will prove to bring forth frequencies of light into each of your hearts and minds to prepare you for the upcoming year.  It will represent your ability to take what you have learned and apply it within your role upon this Earth.   The act of understanding and sensitivity towards others will be essential as humanity will be experiencing great shifts of awakening within their journey upon Gaia.

We ask you to reflect upon your own changes that have occurred within your life in 2014.  We hope that you can see how deep you have had to travel to find moments of clarity and joy within your world.  This is because each soul upon this Earth is being asked to travel into their psyche to understand who they are becoming.  The accelerations within the Earth are just that essence – a vibrational change that comes into the planetary existence.  It is what you do with those moments of higher dimensional frequencies coming within you that matters as they can come into you, through you, and not affect you in a grounding manner.  But yet, if you are completely aware of each time an acceleration comes into your consciousness by allowing it to integrate within you, then accessing the emotional and mental responses it may have upon you, and change what is not working, then you are allowing the essence of Unity of Love and Light to be your guide.

If you are an individual that has traveled through these moments of creation and are still unsure of what has happened to you, then it is time to go into deeper reflection of the old self, the current self, and allow the New Self to be borne.  Humanity is going to be experiencing many changes within the next month and it is due to what needs to be accepted by every individual soul within the planetary structure.  It is a pre-requisite journey of what is to be in 2015.

The world needs to change and this change must come from each of you.  If you have taken on the journey of being an awakened human, then you have a responsibility to be part of that contract within your physical existence.  It is not just about “thinking of love and sending it to others”.  It represents the ability to embody your Truest Essence and allow it to enfold within you.

In order for the New Earth energies to be fully embodied by Gaia, major changes have to occur first in each individual soul.  Now there are many that do not have a contract to awaken, or they just have not come to the right moment in their creation to allow it to be.  Those are not the ones we are speaking to in this moment.  We want to address this transmission of light to each of you that are an awakened human, a star seed, a galactic being, an angel, or a initiate of mastery upon the pathway of enlightenment.  Each of you has a role within the New Earth which is not even known at this time.  It cannot be; until you fully accept the fact that you have a responsibility to be part of the most magnificent pilgrimage of light any planet has ever seen.

This December you have a Divine Opportunity to allow your purest essence to merge within you so that you can see for yourself whom you truly are.  The portals of light that will be arriving in this month will allow each awakened individual to go into a deeper part of themselves.  They will be occurring all month but specific dates to watch for are the Full Moon of the 6th; the conjunction of the planets of Uranus/Pluto on the 15th; the Solstice on the 21st; the New Moon on the 22nd; and the culmination of energies on the 31st.  Each of these dates are important but the irony of these activations is the fact that one is not higher in frequency than the other.  They bring forth a journey of light within the planet as each transition occurs; it represents an increased movement of energy building at the beginning into the end for the climax of allowing the energies to be fully grounded within the planet and each of you.  It is important to realize that this is part of the Divine Plan of allowing awakened souls to see them-selves in a completely different way than they have before.  It is also an imperative element that needs to occur for the New Earth.


Whatever you experience this December depends upon your own creative process that is occurring within you.  This means that your four-body system is going to access these frequencies to help you go deeper into your subconscious mind, pull out the debris that is necessary, and become more aware of the Light that you are.  You see, many of you are not doing this.  You are allowing the energetic exchanges that are occurring to come within you as you idly sit by and allow it to happen.

These moments of high acceleration are being given to assist the planet but every individual soul must do their part.  It is imperative that each of you go within yourself, see the energies that are coming up within you, make the necessary changes by the tools you have learned, and start to become a multi-dimensional being in human form.  Just thinking that it is going to happen does not make it so.  The internal work needs to be done by each of you for your own individualized self.


First of all, it is Universal Law that these moments of creation come into a planet and must be acknowledged by those that are embodied within the planet.  Or else, the creative process cannot stay.  It creates a movement of light to come in and go through the planet, but it is not held.  Each of you are the ones that hold this essence within your humanly form.  It is part of your contract.

Then, what occurs that each soul that receives these light infractions within their physicality have to process within their four-body system of the physical, etheric, emotional, and mental faculties in order to receive the Spiritual Body or Higher Self essence.  You see, you all hold the memories of all the other timelines in which you could not do this work.  So feelings of not being good enough, fear of the unknown, and uncertainty can plague your consciousness and life path.  It is important that individuals not allow those energies to be the ruling factor as they are very strong within the planetary structure.

This is why you have been so deeply challenged this year with the high accelerations coming into your Beingness.  We hope that you have taken the time to remove the elements that do not fit the higher essence that you are receiving as it is an imperative process to be doing.  In fact, you cannot continue the way you have been going if you do not allow your higher essence (Higher Self and I Am Presence) to be your guide.  But the lower ego, the lower self can get in the way of this progress.  Change is inevitable at this time so these elements are very important.

December will be another huge surge of light coming into the planet.  So it is within this moment that we share this information to help you through the process.  Each of these accelerations will allow the illuminating light that you are to be your guide into the month.  The work up to the Solstice will prepare each of you to bring forth great light infractions into your Being and within GAIA. The more ceremonial work that you perform, the easier will be the transition.  As December 31st approaches, these light infractions will be more grounded within Gaia which means each of you are being given an opportunity to understand more about yourself.

2015 will be more of the same energies; it will affect all humans upon the Earth in one way or another.  Change needs to occur but we need each of you to understand your own process at this time.  The New Earth cannot occur without the grounding force each of you beautiful angels provide.  You are the ones standing in the forefront holding these frequencies; sometimes they are overwhelming to your physical bodies and can cause you to over react to circumstances and changes you are experiencing.  The more individuals that hold these frequencies within them, fully grounded, the easier it will be in 2015.

It is a divine opportunity to be more within yourself, to understand your thoughts and emotions, to take time to connect with your Higher Self, and purge what does not work for you.  Do not question any thoughts that arise out of your consciousness that says you are not experiencing these elements, that it is just a sign of depression or sadness.  Remove those old habits as they do not serve you any longer.

Stand in the face of adversity, start to understand what it takes to be a Master of Light in Truth and Honesty.  Be that initiate and walk through your doorways that have been closed before.  Bring in the Rays of God representing the Will and Power, the Love and Wisdom, the Creative Actualizations, the Harmony and Balance, the Truth of your Wisdom in the Science of God, accessing your Inner Devotion to the Self, and feeling the Freedom of the Magic to enfold within your life.

The power of these energies is unmatched by anything you have received previously.  We had hopes that it would occur within 2012, but the time is right for this Earth to inhabit more Love and Light than ever before.  You are the Torch Bearers, you are standing in front holding these frequencies of Love more deeply than ever before.

Hold deeply and you will be able to ground the frequency for the New Earth as many others will be needing your assistance.  If the grounding does not occur as we think it should, then we will be experiencing a different 2015 than we previously envisioned.

It is up to each of you, the aspirants of this Earth, to hold true to your divine contract with each of us in the Force of Light of the 144th Dimension.

We look forward to standing with you, helping you physically through this process, as you become the Initiates for the New Earth.

With love and deep devotion,

We are the Unified Whole of the 144th dimension of all Masters and Ascended Beings within the Christ Consciousness.

So Mote It Be~ We Are One

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Project Gaia to Terra Christa ~ Ashtar Command

Galaxy-3928Blessings and greetings everyone,

It is I, Lord Ashtar, with the Ashtar Command. Thank you for being with us once again.

Let us all breathe deeply to bring the connection in more fully. As you extend your frequencies of light around you and beyond your Merkabah, feel the spinning of your Chakras with all the Ray colors intertwining within you. You are the double helix of light, as we connect to each of you in these moments.

What we would like to share with each of you today is to allow the intercommunication between each other to be within a closer frequency.

How do we do that?

As we have shared on the call before we began this transmission, some individuals are unsure of it, some do not believe it, some do not want to take responsibility. They think of us as the defining light and source here to assist each of you. While this may be so, it is all based on a partnership.

This is what we have been trying to convey through Meleriessee and Walking Terra Christa for quite some time in order to awaken people to the fact that we cannot assist until they assist themselves. Yet we are here. We are here in your skies. We are here watching over you. We are here working with each of you.

As your multidimensional, galactic selves become more active, you are the Galactic Humans. You have chosen to be here upon the Earth. It is not only the starseeds who may believe themselves to be the only ones that came here from planetary systems. Their elements are more directly aligned with those planetary systems and not so much with the Earth energies. Thus, they too have to learn how to communicate, as each of you is in a human body.

How are you affected by these transmissions?

What do you do with them afterwards?

Do you listen again?

Do you reflect on how to bring forth more energetic exchanges within the Earth?

Do you create some of the tools we offer to allow our essences to help each and every one of you, and therefore, help the planetary systems?

We know that this takes time. It takes moments of stepping out of your physical self, out of your mental mind,to have the realization that you are a direct line of focus to allow the light upon this Earth to come in more fully.

What we bring to you today within this month of November is the ability to know that you are very important to each of us.

We cannot do this without you. You cannot do it without us. If you go deeper into the essence of your soul to feel that galactic part of you, that part of your essence that believes in the other planetary systems, you will bring that focus into your consciousness for you to receive more.

It is truly what occurs in this process. It is the defining light. Each of us was created at the same time. We just came into different states of Beingness, awareness and physicality.

I, as Lord Ashtar with the Ashtar Command on this day, extend our essence onto each of you. It is not only about the weather patterns. Those are our beginning stages.

It is about all that is occurring upon the Earth. Let us think about that for a moment. If you think about the Federation of Light of the Intergalactics, of the Christed Beings of Light, are you not part of this? Yes, of course. Some of you may have other alternated selves that are within this consciousness. At the moment, this may seem incomprehensable to you. The role that you are playing is so much larger than you realize. This is true about every human being upon the Earth. Awakening themselves to a better state of Beingness is what we want to assist with. That is why Lord Sananda is intertwined so much with the Federation now.

The frequency of light that he has been has moved from the Earth energies into Universal Consciousness and into Galactic Consciousness to allow all races to receive this light. We work very hard and diligently to allow this to be. Each of you in this moment sits here and allows that essence to fully come within you. Know that you are a major part of our work, of your work. As you are receiving this transmission presently, you are not only receiving it through words, but through light formations. You are allowing it to come through you with your breath and expand it out of you. Right then it allows us to create portals of light to bring in more light frequency guided by Lord Sananda, myself, and the entire Federation of Light to fully be incorporated within the Earth. The Earth has been under such tyranny for eons of time. Each of you is a major part of that tyranny changing and coming more into awareness, more into a focus on light. It cannot be done by force. That is why we come through in this manner and why we want to assist as deeply as possible.

The more light formations we bring forth, the more it will grow. As it grows, the advantage of us being more physical in your world, will appear. Please know we need your assistance deeply.

If you have ways to share this information, please do so. It is going to assist. All a person has to do is listen to this transmission and the energy will be within them and through them. They do not even have to do anything about it. It is a domino effect. If we allow the frequencies of light from the galactic forces to come through each of you to grow out of you, then others are affected by what you have listened to. It expands out of your field into the many electrons within the Earth, in the environment, in the skies, everywhere you expand yourself. Expansion is our role today. We want to help each of you understand the particle of light that you are, and that you are allowing that to grow within yourself. It is like the effect of a cell that is not healthy in a body; quite the opposite. It grows and it grows and it grows. It expands that light through every element. If you allow yourself to be the beacon of light that I think each of you is, you bring this essence into yourself now as you are that focus.

As these messages become viral, it does not matter whether one does not believe. On a soul level, it is accepted. Thus, it filters down through the fields of the Earth. We expand this light into the Earth to clear out the debris, to clear out all the souls that are stuck on this planet. Those are souls that have passed away and think they are still living here. We do affect that change also.

Today, let us concentrate first on the energies of the weather, what is happening in different parts of the country and the world. As this year comes to a close, there is going to be more coming into your world. It is imperative that each of you understands the source of your own light and allows that to expand within and outside of you. Allow yourselves to be those beacons of light. I extend this Divine Light Language Encoding toward you now for it to become part of you.

You do not have to think about it. All you have to do is breathe, and it will expand out of you into the areas you walk upon, into the areas that you see around you to help all human beings upon the Earth to come together in Oneness. You see, our role is so much more from what you thought it was.

I wanted this to be a focal point today. You are important. Each of you has your own responsibility. It is not a large responsibility. You are in this moment to listen, to hear and to be. You are saying “I AM part of this project. I want to be one of the Galactic Light to help the Earth”.

We say to you in this moment, just allow your breath to take you into another space of light. Feel the frequencies of the galactic forces coming down in sparkles of light. As we all stand on a beautiful hillside, we allow these frequencies of us to come together in Oneness. This hillside is in that higher Earth that you are intending so much of wanting to be in. Within that higher Earth, there is love. There is companionship. There is compassion. There is serenity. There is a growth process within each individual. Everyone is growing at the same time in different ways. Every being has something to give. Feel this essence coming to you now, as we extend our Christed light through Lord Sananda and myself, to fully embody this within you. Feel the sparkles of light coming down the star systems and the frequencies of a higher level, which the Earth needs so desperately. Feel that coming within you now.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel your Galactic Essence. Feel our Galactic Essence, spinning in colors and vibrancies completely around you as if you were within the circle of electrons swirling on the outside of your field and slowly moving inside your field. We now all connect to each other. We connect to all the planetary systems with the beautiful beings of light as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and all those extraterrestrials that make up the Federation of Light that we are.

Above us, we see our Mothership which represents the frequency of light that you have just received. We fully command the Mothership to be One within each of us. Feel the vibrancy of the Mothership that represents these frequencies of light, these colors of extension to assist the planet.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

The mothership opens up her doors. Many Galactic Beings come out to join us. Christed Extraterrestrials that are within the Federation of Light all circle within one another, hands within hands, circles of circles of spiraling light. I as Lord Ashtar, I as Lord Sananda, stand in the middle of the circle. Each of you intertwines within these beautiful beings of light. We have a job to do with one another. Open up your Hearts and feel the purification of everyone’s essences.

Collectively, we are one Federation of Light.

Yet individually we represent many planetary forms. Each of you represents the Earth. Each of you has a lineage from other planetary systems. That is why you are here. You are accepting so many elements to come into your world. Feel the force field we have around each other. You could call this our contract with each other. Yet truly it is a project.

It is Project Earth, Project Gaia to Terra Christa, to allow the embodiment of Gaia and Terra Christa to blend as one. Each of you individually is doing so within your own processes of your physical self and higher essence.

We all stand here together and conform our energies to spin around the Earth. It moves around the physical Earth, the globe of Gaia, into the core of her being. It moves into all the environments. It goes into the oceans, where we connect to the whales and dolphins so that they can send a message through their environments. They too are part of this project. We bring forth these energies in Oneness. Feel the beautiful essences that we are together. Feel the power that we are. Allow this frequency of light to now go into every human being, as they, too, are part of this project. Allow their minds to awaken to the beauty of all of us being in Oneness.

We now take this energy and lift off any debris that has been collected through our force field. It moves out into the heavens, to the God Source of the 144th dimension to go into Oneness. There is a spiraling of light occurring that trails upward into that 144th level of light. Everything begins to change. Breathe deeply within yourself. What changes are you feeling in this moment? We now call upon the weather patterns to feel the change we are bringing forth.

As the messages are being carried through the animal kingdom, through the whales and the dolphins, they receive the information that we all come into Oneness. Feel that Oneness. Feel your power to create this. Now let it expand outside of your field. Let it go outside of your homes. Let the change occur. Know that you are not alone. We are here with you. We walk with you. You bring forth this light into the Earth in order to assist. Believe me, we could not do it without you and you without us. Let us form a bond within each other. Let us form a bond, within which we take a breath and feel these energies at any time you like to do so.

You as a physical person do not have to do anything.

We say these words “I now call upon the Ashtar Command with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda to bring forth the frequency of light within me to allow the sparkles of the stars to come upon this Earth of where I am standing. Let it expand around me. It now completes its duty of purifying the land I sit upon.”

As you do so, it changes. It is that simple. Through this command, we will work with you in that moment. It will be a moment of reflection. Allow yourself to be open to any sounds that you hear, any frequency through your ears, a high pitched noise, as that is confirmation that we are with you. We all stand here within each other, and we bring our circle closer and closer together until all of our beings become One together. Breathe and feel the power that we are together. Feel the love, the compassion, the joy, the acceptance. We do the work. We are here as your warriors. You are not the warriors any longer. Let us help and assist you. Let us be with you.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

All the Great Central Suns shine their light upon you for you to feel this reflection within your soul, within your being, within your physical consciousness. Be the essence that you are. Thank you for coming forward. Thank you for addressing this element within your world. We walk together in silence. Our time will come when silence will be broken. The more we gather, the easier it will be.

Let us now command that all the weather patterns and all the energies coming upon the lands of Gaia be harmonious, be healing, be what needs to be. It is now time for us to leave our beautiful space. We separate from one another, yet we are not separate from each other. Feel the beautiful essence that we are as we walk up the hillside.

The Galactic Beings go back into the Mothership. Each of you now spin your Merkabah and come back into your physical vehicle as we move into our physical vehicle. My Heart is open within the essence Ashtar Command, Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda.

We are speaking within Oneness in this moment. Separately, we shall always be by your side. Together, we are One within you. In the Light of the Christ that we are together, may the blessings bestowed upon this Earth become the New Earth, as each of you exhibits the ability to bring that light, to be that torch and to hold that frequency. I am eternally grateful for this moment of connection with each of you.

I AM Lord Ashtar.
I AM Lord Sananda.
I AM the Ashtar Command.

Each 2nd Saturday of the month Walking Terra Christa holds an open tele-call with the energies from Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command.  The next meeting is December 13th, 2014 at 10:00 AM Pacific, LIFE STATION EARTH GROUP LIGHT GATHERINGS; we will be connecting with the Whale Community during the call.


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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The Pathway of Multi-Dimensionality ~ Lord Adama

gladiolablossom-qprwtcGreetings, My Dearest Ones,

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

It is so nice to be here with each of you once again. I am very happy we are all together here.

I ask each of you to open up your hearts, and feel all those energies Meleriessee brought in. Allow them to be activated within you. Call upon your highest potential. That is what I would like to talk about today.

This city of Honlontonneash represents that highest potential and ability to be within Divine Love and Divine Power. It means there is no Lower Mind and no Lower Self, although they are in the physical self. The integration has taken place and you allow those essences to fully be within you.

How does an initiate get to the point at which it is consistently within that concept?

Again, I am going to state that each of you is living on the Upper Earth, where some places are 3rd dimensional, other places are 4th dimensional, so it does not support that energy to constantly be in that space. You do have to work much harder than coming to Telos and being able to actualize it. It takes a lot more strength and courage. What you are going through is to be faced with situations in your life consistently to go deeper within yourself, to look at yourself, to understand what you are feeling. When it does not feel or look right to you, then you have to change it.

I know that this is the most challenging part. It feels like you are constantly hitting brick walls. You are not fully able to walk through all these doorways as quickly as you would like to. Everything must come in its own time.

Your greatest potential is a statement that represents your highest essence. As you go through the challenges of your initiations, within the lower initiations, that highest potential is not going to be the same that it can be on a much higher level, such as someone on the 8th initiation for instance. Within the lower initiations, you are going through those doorways that make you look at yourself on a deeper level. You still work within your 3rd dimensional construct, although intentionally you are working with your 5th dimensional self.

Yet, how much of that is grounded?

How much are you accessing through your physical self?

It is like any other school you go through. You have to relearn your experiences. The only way you can stay within that process is to learn your lessons and accepting those lessons. When a situation occurs again, you say to yourself “I am not going to do it the way I have before”.

This is what you are going through. Your highest potential coming into consciousness is not going to be on the level of a high initiate; one that has acquired mastery. Even then it can be a challenge, depending on your consciousness, depending on what your subconscious is still holding within you, depending on what your Supe-Conscious wants to bring forth that rules your full Conscious mind.

This is why I speak of reflection so often, what it truly means and why we need to reflect on who we have been previously. It is the only way we can work on what we have done before to see the difference and who we have become. The more you bring this essence within your Physical Body, the more you will accelerate and allow it to be grounded. Then your highest potential changes. It will get broader. It will change onto a higher level.

The more you practice utilizing the Rays of God, the more you bring in that energetic field within your body and the more you will be able to hold. You have to remember that your Physical Body cannot hold these frequencies. One of the major components of that is your environment; where you are living, the lands you are walking upon, the debris that is upon the Earth, the souls that are still stuck there, affects you tremendously. This is why we ask you to do the cleansing showers and baths. It is only a tool for you to help yourself connect to that higher essence that you are within your potentiality. When you do so, you will feel a difference, even if it is only slight. We want the best for each of you, to be able to hold this energy within yourselves, to hold it within your entire structure, not just your Physical Body, but to allow it to go into your Earth Star, to allow that Earth Star to spin with these frequencies of light. That is your highest potential. That is the ability to fully accept your Divine Love and Divine Power.

It is ready to enfold within you.

It is everything else you have been dealing with of becoming the multi-dimensional self that stops you from having that potential. It is a challenge as this road has many different pathways you can go into. It is important for you to always acknowledge within yourself who you are, what you are in this moment.

So I ask you in this moment, how do you feel about your energy?

How do you feel about your emotions?

How do you feel about your mental thoughts and the full totality of your existence?

If you can tune into yourself to see that your body is transparent and that you are just light infractions coming in and through you, you would understand it more easily. Yet what happens is that the Concrete Mind, the physical mind, does not see it as that. A training process has to occur. You have to remember that you are the Divine Light. You are this Divine Essence. You are the vibrational level of bringing forth the frequency within yourself. Let it spin through you and ground it through your feet. Let it be in your Earth Star so that it can become you.

We know that each time you listen to one of these teachings, in the moment it feels absolutely beautiful. Yet afterwards, you can slip away and not fully feel everything you desire to have in your world. The role of becoming a multi-dimensional self is truly quite enormous. It is not only about ascension. It is not only about feeling the higher energies. It is about becoming all those elements that you ever have and to be able to change the elements within yourself that do not fit.

This is why I suggest for individuals every month to sit and make a mission statement, a paragraph of what you would like to achieve within that month spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. That way it can blend within you physically. The more you intertwine your highest essence within your physical creation, the more you will be able to accept what you are receiving. Everything that happens to you is a direct result of what is going on inside of you.

I know each of you knows this. You see it occurring within you, but then you are concerned about why it is happening a certain way.

Why am I not getting my way, my wish, my desire?

You have to take that statement and turn it inside yourself. Ask that question. Why are you not getting it? The layers of debris, some call it the onion peeling, to get to the core essence could take years to unravel. With the frequencies of light and the changes we are presently experiencing upon the Earth, it can go much quicker. What happens to each of you is that it becomes more of a challenge energetically, emotionally, or mentally. Sometimes you do not have time to relax in between the adjusting energies that are coming into the planet.

At this time, it is a perfect opportunity to do so. Fully take the elements you are receiving and allow them to come into your consciousness and into what you are experiencing. See what needs to change. Use these frequencies of light to assist yourself with moving into the direction you desire. If it is peace and solitude, you ask for that. If it is serenity, you ask for that. If it is movement, you ask for that. You do not go backwards. That is the most important element.

When you travel backwards, you are only going back in linear time to what you have been before. This causes great distress within your psyche, within your higher consciousness, within your Physical Body. It is very important to be reflective without taking on those energies and be the old self once again. I know sometimes that can be very difficult in this process, as you may feel you are becoming the old self. Yet in truth what is occurring is that the layers are being peeled away so that you can find the inner core. Within that essence it may feel very raw, because it will be new. That is allowing yourself to receive your highest potential.

Tonight is going to be a very powerful exchange of energies with Lord Metatron, as he is going to assist you. Think about what you have received in the classes of the Solar Angelic Body. Think about the attunement you have received. What has it done for you? Have you relistened and made some notes to yourself about what areas may need to be addressed?

As we go through these attunements, it brings up unpleasant elements and it brings up beautiful elements. The role of those frequencies is to assist you to remove the unpleasant thoughts and emotions, and to change them so that you can become that potential.

I would like to thank Lord Metatron for giving forth this teaching through the process. As I know, it will assist each of you on a much deeper level. We look forward to having him come back and continue the process with the keys and the Metatronic Light.

Many blessings to each of you,

I AM Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos

Always At Your Service

Extracted from the New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light class, October 19th, 2014.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Going Below the Surface of the Self with Lord Adama

magical_garden-fbGood Evening Everyone or Good Morning, wherever you may be. Thank you for being with us.

I AM Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light, fully incorporating the energies through Rev. Meleriessee. Take some deep breaths. I want to feel your energies.

What I am presently doing is to get a feel of where each of you is, so that I can individualize this program to each person. Even though we will hopefully have more people join us in the later sessions, I truly want to get a feel from your consciousness of what is occurring for you. First I will lay some things out on the table. You must remember that we are not in a room all together. The interaction with each other is quite different from how it usually is. The other thing we must also remember within ourselves and what each of you need to do as students is that whatever you get out of this program is up to your own abilities to center yourself within it. Doing the journey and listening to this tape will help, but the true work has to be within you.

One of the main reasons why we wanted to bring this forth again is to go deeper. We were told by some of the students that they wanted to go deeper than previously received. I will say a few words that are not only directed at you. They are directed at all the students of Walking Terra Christa and also all Lightworkers that may decide to be part of this program at a later time.

Time is not on our side. The energies are changing so quickly and time becomes so limited of what we need to be doing in our lives.


It is imperative to truly find a balance with everything you need to achieve. Each of you is a student within the initiations of the pathway of mastery. You have to work harder. The energy is assisting you, but it can also do the opposite if you are not careful.

Do not let anything get by you. If something feels uncomfortable, do not let it sit for a week or two. Let it come to you. Utilize the tools we will be giving you to help you. Most of all, connect fully with your Lower Self and your Higher Self to make the necessary changes. I know each of you worked hard on the programs we did this summer with Lord Melchizedek. They were very intense. They were given specifically to learn more about your psychological path. It is in order to know where your soul is within this body.  Not your Higher Self, not your spirit, but your soul and what it has dealt with on many different timelines. I share this and remind you as some of the other masters will, but it is imperative after this class to not just say “Well, this was a great class, ” but to ponder, “What did that class do for you?”

This class tonight will probably be more of an introduction, although we will also go into some depth, so that I can pass into each of you through Meleriessee and understand what you need to be working on. Ideally what I would like within this session is to talk to you before and talk to you after to assist you in this process. This is why it is a paid program. We are not only sitting here and receiving information from a master or from Telos. It is about me tuning into each of you and learning more about what you are experiencing in order to help you and guide you. I want to assist you. I want you to fully accept the fact that you need to do more work. I know each of you knows this, but sometimes you have to be reminded.

It is like we are in a classroom together. This is why we go to the Lemurian Retreat House. It is serious. It is not just to connect on a different level. It is to help you really understand yourself and what you are going through. The reason why I want to do this through Meleriessee is that she does it naturally. She has always done it naturally. She has the ability to tap into each of us and has for many reason. It was accelerated her and helped her in the processes she was going through. We never interfered, but she was assisted by many. Until each of you is ready to do so on your own; that is what we are here for. That is what I am here for and that is what Walking Terra Christa is here for. As Michael holds these energies, he also receives guidance from Meleriessee.

As you heard from Saint Germain yesterday; about 80 percent of Lightworkers being more mentally active than emotionally active.   This means that a lot of deep work has to be done to remove those pantheons and those elements each person holds within them. I give you these energies, these words, from my Heart to yours. Yet I need to be a little bit strict. At times, we feel that since Meleriessee has been dealing with it for such a long time, it is not just about sitting and receiving the attunement. It is about what it does for you, and what it does not do for you. Where does it go? What needs to come up? What needs to be processed? These elements are very important. I want to make sure each of you gets the best experience you can. That way you will be able to move further along on your pathway. You do not have to feel as if you were stuck.

Today, in this moment, take a deep breath. Bring forth these beautiful Rays of God you received yesterday.

Why did I choose this title?

When we as individuals in the human body think about who we are, that is just a surface energy. It is within our lower mind. If I was to look at each of you presently and look at what your life is, I could say that you would be someone of what you are doing on the physical plane. Maybe you are working somewhere in an outside field.

What defines who you are?
Is it what you see in the mirror?
Is it what you feel about yourself?
Is it who you interact with, who your friends are? It represents a false surface; the face you show to the outside world.

We need to go below this surface. If you meet people on the street, how do they perceive you by what you say to them, by what you do? Usually, the first questions on this plane of existence on the Upper Earth would be “What do you do for a living? Are you married? Do you have children?” Truly, that is not who we are.

It is not our defining energy. We must go below the surface of the self to allow those other parts of ourselves to be ignited out of us, so that when we converse with another person, we converse from our Heart Center and from our Higher Self. This is the journey I want to take everybody on in order to know more about yourself. Inside of yourself, you probably think differently from what you can share with another person. We will be doing a little bit of exercise with that. This is what I would like each of you to understand.

I want to take those particles of yourself and bring them up into your consciousness to allow them to fully be acknowledged.

I ask each of you, what are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?

Breathe deeply within yourself. Fully correlate all those Rays.

Where do your strengths lie?
Is it your Will and Power?
Is it your creative actualization, the love of yourself?
Is it the science of your mind, tapping into your higher essence?
Is it your devotion and taking care of yourself?
Is it finding Harmony and Balance?
Is it your Love and Wisdom, illuminating your lower mind with your higher mind, which brings us to the freedom we are looking for.

I know each of you knows about the Rays of God and what they represent in your life. What aspects within yourself do you need to acknowledge and what aspects do you fully have? I am not just referring to a meditative state. On a daily basis, are you able to access those energies? We all know that things will happen and you will not be able to access your higher mind, higher thoughts and higher emotions 24 hours a day. However, what I refer to is the majority that rules within yourself, feelings about yourself. How are you affected?

These are all elements that are important to think about as it will help you gage within yourself how you are doing within this pathway.  Otherwise, it can become confusing and very overwhelming.

We will now take a journey into Telos together:

Let us all take a deep breath. Feel the energies of all those Rays. Your Soul Star and your Earth Star are spinning in a clockwise manner. Feel your Merkabah now being activated.

I would like each of you to join me in the garden within Telos. We walk upon a pathway of green grass and flowers everywhere. As we walk around, there are many children and many others within here to greet you. We center ourselves in the garden today. We are not going to the retreat house. Feel the blessings of this energy. The waterfall is a few hundred feet away. You can hear it in the distance. You may also feel sprays of the water across your face. As we all sit here together, feel the beautiful essences that are here within Telos.

What is your Heart’s desire? Have you thought about that?

Each of you work diligently on being part of these teachings and doing your other work afterwards.

What is it doing to you physically, emotionally, mentally?

How does your body feel?

Are you able to readjust yourself?

The important process of learning more about yourself as we have just gone through, is not an easy process. This I know. It is not easy to have me sit there and tell you exactly what you may not be doing or what you can be doing. It is to help you go into a deeper level, into the core of your Being. Yet, each of you allows this to happen.

That shows your tenacity of wanting to change. It shows your ability to understand yourself more. At first, it may feel very uncomfortable to look at the mirrors that I share with each of you. Yet when you deeply go into those aspects within yourself, everything shifts. It shifts because your consciousness shifts. You learn to accept what you are hearing and then process it within yourself. What I heard from each of you today is that you are willing to learn more about yourself. You are willing to see that there is a better way for you to exist, to flow, to allow yourself to understand more about your power and what that means for you.

We all know power is not aggression. To be fully empowered means that you have love, that you have balance, that you are devoted to that part of yourself while you learn that you can tap into your higher wisdom and access the purity of your Light.

Purity is the pure essence of Crystalline energy. Pure. There is no dysfunction. There is no lower energy. There are no lower aspects. It is just those essences within of the purest energy that can be brought forth, like Divine Mother and Father God, like the Source of Light. Feel that purity within you now. Feel the pure white light from the God Source.

Let us go to the Creative Source of the 144th dimension. It comes down into this beautiful garden right now. It goes deeply into the core of your being. Let it go through all your Chakras. Deeply let it go into your Heart Center. Think about your Lotus Heart. Allow it to open up. Open up fully into the core of your soul’s essence of your Higher Self and your physical self. Bring these two aspects together.

This is what is going to assist you to understand more about who you are. Bring forth those essences within you. Remember the Source of Light we all were in the beginning. I bring that essence onto each of you now. Feel yourself just lying down on the grass. You hear singing of the children in the distance. You feel content. You feel serene and peaceful.

Allow your I AM Presence to fully come within you. That aspect of your Beingness is on the level of the 144th. The other soul aspects that traveled, just as you are traveling, are not pure. We bring them into the Purity of the Light.

Feel the adoration of yourself. Feel your devotion. Feel your strength and courage. Feel the inner truth that you are of your higher essence.
Allow it to flow through your entire body, all the way down to the soles of your feet and into Earth Star.

Let us visualize the Physical Body connecting to the Earth Star and Soul Star. Let us connect to all the Chakras, the soles of the feet, the ankles, the knees, the hips, the Root, the Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Thymus, Throat, Third Eye, Crown, shoulders, elbows, wrists, palms of the hands, all vibrating. It is vibrating energy that occurs on the outside of your field as it pulsates with the purity of light that you are.

{Divine Language Light Encodment}

Take a moment to sit up. Feel the blessing that you are to your physical self. Feel the entourage of beautiful energies that are arriving within your existence in these moments. Let it fill up the holes from the lower thoughts we just shared. Let it intertwine within you. Let it be you. Feel the power that you are within yourself.

All the thoughts you have shared with me, that were not positive, bless them now. Bless them in the existence that you are. Bless them in the purity of your light. Allow the reflection you see now to help change you and help you through the parts of yourself you cannot acknowledge. Bring forth acceptance of yourself. You are now aware. You have acknowledged these thoughts. Now feel the acceptance that you are. It does not mean you are a bad person. It means that these thoughts are just showing up for you to fully acknowledge them now. Embrace them. Become them. Feel them. Allow them to be all parts of your field; your Physical, Emotional, Mental and Etheric.  Allow the Spiritual Body to take it away. Allow the spiritual part of you, your Higher Self, to transmute these elements within yourself.

See your Higher Self in front of you. Allow your Higher Self to blend within you through your hands, eyes and your feet. You sit across from each other and you become One with each other. This is who you are, not the other things. Embrace them fully within you. Be them. Your Higher Self now blends fully within your body. You arise. We all arise from the ground.

The children have a basket of flowers. You pick some flowers for yourself. Notice the color of the flowers. You put them to your Heart. You become that flower. You become that essence. This is purity. This is grace. This is mercy. This is compassion of all that you are. Feel the essence of our beautiful sun. It is quite different from your sun. It embraces you deeply and who you are. Breathe and feel it be you, as I see it in you.

It is now time for us to leave. This is a place you can come to any time to allow the purity of your light to fully be within you. We are one. Take a moment. Activate your Merkabah Vehicle. Let the colors spin within you, as now there are more colors. As you activated your I AM Presence more fully within you, you accepted all Rays of God to be you.

Feel yourself walking very slowly. As you do, you lift and feel yourself through the hemispheres, coming back to your present location, settling yourself within your Heart, Solar Plexus and the base Chakras. Feel that activation occurring.

Take some time to reflect on what your experiences are presently. Ground these energies.

I thank you for all you are doing and for being here with us. Great changes will happen will happen within each of you.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna
I AM your brother in Telos, Lord Adama

This is a written transcript of a portion of Lord Adama’s Discourses, Telosian Way Part II, September 2014.  The Telosian Way Part II is a personalized class with Lord Adama so that students can have a personal interaction with the master himself and also participate in a very powerful program.  To see more information and register for this monthly class, please click the link above.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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Creating Balance with the 12 Flames of Light

rays_of_god2-webThe 24 Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace gifted our weekly Abundance of Light-Creating Prosperity Circle on October 25th 2014.  The Elders represent the first 12 Rays of God as they are the defining energy from the God Source unto the Office of the Christ and then unto each of the Ray Chohans of each of these rays.  Their message was powerful to help each individual to bring full abundance into their lives.

Blessings my Dearest Children,

We are so happy to be here together at this time in this consciousness, and we are so grateful to extend our services unto each of you.

As we represent all the beautiful rays of God to come into your existence to into the planetary level, allow them to center with you, of the Blue, the Pink, the Golden Yellow, the Crystalline, the White-Green-Gold, the Ruby Red/Gold, the Violet/Purple, the Seafoam Green, the Blue Green, the Pearlescent, the Pink Orange, and the Gold.

Our ultimate goal is for you to have complete balance within all these flames of light and these frequencies we represent in this moment

Allow our energies to flow within you as we encircle around you within this beautiful garden to assist you within the Purity and the Acceptance of all that You Are within your totality.  We want to remind you of your Divine Essence, your Source of Light that you are before you came into this body.  As now you are going through changes within yourself, it is time to reflect what is the most important element that comes up for you as we spin these colors within you from your Crown all the way to your Feet, from your Soul Star to your Earth Star becoming those purification of essences within.

{Divine Language Light Encoding}

The blessing that we want to bestow upon you today is to assist you in the deeper part of your existence upon the planet.  You must remember that before you arrived you already knew what you would achieve.  In hopes of that energy, you arrived and accepted your Free Will, then the changes occurred within yourself.  So what is it within your consciousness, within your mind or your heart that tells you that you cannot achieve your desired outcome ~ that you cannot have the abundant lifestyle that you desire.  Each of you has that ability to tap into that higher Source of Light that you are.  As you are walking this pathway, and learning more about yourself within the frequencies of light, then there cannot be any hesitation.

Feel our frequencies of Light that represent the Divine Mind.  When we exhibit that essence from that Source of Light, from the Source of Divine Mother and Father God unto each of you, there cannot be any separation.  That is the problem – a separation occurs between the higher source and the lower source.

We now allow these energies to spin within you with the rainbows of colors that we are to go deep into the core of your being to help you accept your Divine Mind, your Divine Heart, which creates the divinity and the pathway that you are.  It is that simple.  The problem is your thoughts of the physical self, of the physical earth get in the way.

As we allow all our energies to be One in this Moment, let us wash away all the obstacles, all the thoughts that do not accept our Prosperity and Abundance in all areas of your life, within your breath, within your health, within your life, within the particles that you are to create that structure upon you to allow it to grow.

We send you today all these beautiful aspects from the 12 Rays of God through the Office of the Christ, through each of the Ray Chohans, and unto your own purification of your Divinity of Light that You Are.  You are no less than any of us; we are no more than any of you.  We are just of that frequency that you desire to have into your world.

So breathe deeply; allow these essences to fully come within you so you can fully accept your Divine Mind, your Divine Thoughts, your Divine Consciousness and let it grow – let it grow like a beautiful extension of beautiful rainbow of colors within you.  It will push away the lower thoughts that you cannot achieve what you desire.  Because it is truly wrong; that is not who you are.  Feel these colors melding within you now, circling in waves of light within this beautiful garden.

We say unto you:

I Am the Power; 

I Am the Will;

I Am the Love; 

I tap into my Wisdom;

I Accept It To Be. 

I feel Compassion and Love and within that essence I am able to Create;

I Am in Pure Harmonization of my Divine Mind in Creation, 

I tap into my Inner Truth, I see, I see the Power that I AM;

As I fully Devote all that I Am within Me, I acquire the freedom within my world; 

As all that does not fit this highest essence is fully Transmuted.

I, then, allow the guidance of my Higher Self to purify anything else that does not fit this frequency of light that I Am Receiving. 

I feel the Light coming into my body and I Accept It.

I Feel the Balance of the Masculine and Feminine coming together in a most beautiful marriage. 

I walk into the New Essence that I desire to Achieve as I Am the Christ, I Am Buddha in my own way, and allow the purification of these essences to assist me in my strength, my power, my light, my compassion, my love, my will, and I structure this within my entire system.

I allow it to go into my Earth Star and anything that does not fit this is dissipated and is being removed out of my full consciousness. 

I now command within myself of what I desire to create within these moments.

I see in front of me my desires as tangible, I feel it, I accept it; because all of these flames of Light from the Elders that surround the Throne of Grace are within me. 

I accept my Divinity of Light, of the God Source to be my Source.  I am one with this essence with the beautiful Omnipresence of Light.  I know it is me.  I allow it to expand through my body.  It goes into all aspects of my Beingness.  I am now able to create the aspects of life that supports my pathway. 

I feel it – I extend it.  I see it and it expands out of me as the Universe sees it so now it comes within me.  It is a flow of in and out.  In and out – allowing that purification of light that I Am to be my creation as I co-create with the Source of Light, the Source of the God Heads that I Am, the Source of all that I Am in one breath. 

Breathe and allow the purification of these essences to be within you.  Feel It.  Accept It.  Embrace It as it yours.  It is your Divine Right to fully feel these essences within yourself.  Be One.

We of the 24 Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace come as this consciousness to assist you.  Let us be with you and we shall assist you deeply in defining the world in the way your Higher Essence desires.

Let it come within, Let it be You, As it is your Divine Right To Be.

So Mote It Be in the Light of the Christ, In the Light of the God Source,

We Are One with You.

The Abundance of Light~Creating Prosperity Together is a free service that Walking Terra Christa provides.  We meet Saturday’s at 10 AM Pacific.  Please see details provided in the link above.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Creating Your Own Personal Huna Prayer

abundance1Those of you who listen to the weekly Abundance of Light ~ Creating Prosperity Togetherl know that we recite a Huna Prayer from Djwhal Khul which is for the group consciousness. It is also important to make your own personal Huna Prayer.

The suggestion is to write it every 30 days; see what changes for you and then make the necessary adjustments.  You will find that elements will appear in your life but possibly not in the same order that you have asked them to be manifested for you.

This is a sample of the Huna Prayer for you to utilize:



Beloved Presence of God, Mahatma, My Mighty I Am Presence, all the Masters that work with me the Entire God Force, and the Heart and Will of God along with the Creative Source of All That Is.

I, ________________, hereby ask and pray with all my heart and soul and mind and might for your divine help, guidance, direction, and divine intervention in helping me on my ascension path.

I command that my I Am Presence assist me in helping to create the life I truly desire which includes the following:




My beloved subconscious mind, I hereby ask and command that you take this thought form prayer with all the mana and vital force needed and necessary to manifest and demonstrate this prayer to the Source of my being through my beloved Monad.  –

Lord Allow the Rain of Blessings To Fall!


Then Say:

I AM that I AM – 3x


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Responsibility of Self Mastery ~ Lord Adama

garden-webBlessings Dearest Ones,

I speak to you from the Telosian Command Center with the Telosian Council of Light. I am Lord Adama with a special message of love to each of you.

At this time within the upper Earth, there are great changes happening with each individual person. Individuals are being challenged by the simplest tasks within their world and truly do not know how to change them. Their concrete minds (of the physical self) are trying to control the process of their lives.

I share this information which I know is not new to you because each of you as awakened beings of Light have a role within yourself to help humanity. It is truly within your own process of understanding. The more that you are able to envision within yourself of what you desire, the more that others will also do the same.

You see, you have a very important role upon this planet. It is one that is teaching you that you have a commitment not only to yourself but to others to be strong, loving, compassionate, and desiring to hold that essence within you. it is about Responsibility of the Self.

As you move through your day, you intend to allow elements to be put into place that will assist you to experience the beautiful moments you desire to be expressed in your life. So is everyone else.

But I tell you this, the month of October has taken every individual person on a journey of the self; some are very concerned with what they are experiencing as it is not of the old way of being. You and I know that this is so very true. Nothing stays the same especially within these times of acceleration.

The difference between you and them is that you know this. You have lived it and work through it every day in your thoughts and emotions. You are learning how to process elements differently in your world.

If you are not doing so, then there is no time like the NOW for self reflection. This then turns into Self Responsibility.

Think about it ~ if we don’t take care of ourselves, then what is going to happen within this Earth? We won’t achieve the New Earth even in consciousness. It will be a dream that is not fully realized.

The potential that you have within you each moment is beyond the capacity of your physical self. Each of you all know that you are more than the physical body; you work hard within your meditations to change the thoughts and emotions that plague you every day. As you make the necessary changes within yourself, you are helping GAIA to receive them. This then in turn is gifted to all human beings upon the planet.

The work that you are doing is not going un-noticed. Others are being affected each moment with a positive and loving thought. It filters through the air waves and allows someone else to receive your Divine Moment of Beauty, Joy, Expansion within your heart, and the full existence that you are embracing. It is such a beautiful element when each person upon the planet allows their Divine Essence to enfold within them. It helps to change the thoughts, the emotions, and all the unsettling moments that occur within the Earth.

Many love to connect with the Angels. What happens when you feel their essence coming down into your heart? It helps to expand your heart and heal the wounds within.

This is so very true of each of you. You are the Human Angels and it is your responsibility to take what love you are embodying within you and share it outwards into the essence of the world. You don’t have to talk about it, all you have to do is let it expand out of you with your breath. Send it into the core of GAIA or to a particular place or person so that they can receive the purity of light that you are allowing to be within you.

Don’t hold your expressive essence within you. It is part of your pathway within Mastery to share it with others. Some individuals are not there yet; they can not express this joy or love within them due to their timelines, or their pain as that is all they can focus upon.

It is time within yourself to take the breath of light that you are and then just allow it to spin outside of your field into the world around you. Believe me, it will be received. Maybe not within the physical consciousness, but truly in the Higher Consciousness which will help that person to eventually receive it.

We, in Telos, work with each of you for the same reasons. We cannot let you ponder what you should be doing as mistakes can be made. We want to show you how we have done it. We truly are not any different than any of you.

It is our Responsibility as Divine Beings to show others how we have achieved our enrichment of life. Take a moment and share your essence of love and light unto the world you live in. It is part of your mastery pathway to do so.

This is one way in which we are going to bring the New Earth into full consciousness and planetary reality. Small steps to create our Divine Wisdom to be fully manifest.

In Light and Love, I expand my essence unto each of you in this moment.
I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos
Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee
October 31, 2014

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Initiating the Peace of God – Mahatma Gandhi

pyramidAnalogy of a Pyramid

Allow yourself to intend to travel to the highest point of your personal pyramid to receive the essence of peace so that you can bring that frequency of light within your pyramid of existence. Those that are allowing themselves to receive the highest frequency, then must take that peace that they are and send it to the structure of the Earth.


Sometimes individuals take too much of their energies and puts it out into too many places which causes the imbalance to occur in the physical structure. If you take the essence of peacefulness from God’s Heart into the Will of your creation, you will allow your body to come into balance.

What brings you peace within your Heart?

What brings you the availability to take the parts of yourself that are in conflict and allow them to be in the state of serenity?

Some times that is a tall order so if you think of your body, your Soul Star at the top of the pyramid and your Earth Star s the bottom of the pyramid, then you can take that frequency of Light that you feel, while bringing that all the way into the structure of the base.

You see the structure of the base of your existence is your Earth Star; that is what grounds you to this Earth. It is associated with your feet, it is associated then with your limbs and then moving up the body into your organs and the heart center representing the core essence of your beingness.

The rest will fall into place if you take these moments of allowing serenity and stillness to be fully within the acceptance of your structure.  It will flow through each of your limbs, into your organs, into all muscles and tendons, and the cellular structure, but you must allow yourself to just sit and breathe the Peace of God.

Take the next moment, and breathe the Peacefulness you received into your Earth Star unto the core of GAIA.  She will receive this essence and expand it into her fields of creation.

Mahatma Gandhi

Clarion Temple of Oneness, January 2013

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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