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The Creative Process of 12-12 and 12-15-2014

2014 ACCELERATIONSThis is a month of powerful transitions and vibratory conditions on a personal and global level. Just as we get through one acceleration, another one is upon us. We don’t get much chance to stabilize ourselves through the process, but that is exactly what we need to do – create balance in order to receive harmony.

The teachings we have brought forth from the many ascended beings (Walking Terra have shared that this December does reflect the intensity of changes like 2012 but even more so. They have expressed that more people are now ready to awaken unto a higher reality. This can come in many stages; first a person can realize they need to do more in the psychological health so they seek a Coach in their life; then there are the ones that go for the Self-Help individuals. The journey can continue so that an individual then wants to learn how to meditate, find the silence of their life to enfold. These are the beginning stages of stepping into mastery but it is a long way. Until a person is ready to work within each of their four-body system (physical, etheric, emotional, mental) in order to receive their spiritual body, then they truly are not within a mastery pathway. They have stepped into self mastery and it is up to each individual of how far they want to go with this process.

The Universe is helping every soul within this planet to arise to their own potential and their soul’s contract before they came to Earth. Many individuals are unable to realize this amazing opportunity due to the lower energies of fear, uncertainty, and staying stuck within their mental or concrete mind. It takes great courage to move through these adversities which may take many lifetimes.

No matter what level you are working within, the Universe helps us to become more within ourselves. The planetary energies are assisting GAIA to ascend into a new position; we call this her Ascension process. But unlike GAIA, we as humans are not leaving our bodies, we are descending these energies from our highest self into the physical existence. So we have to deal with the day-to-day frustrations of the physical body to accept the higher body of light. And, this cannot occur in one fast sweep of energetics. That is why we have ascension symptoms.

So the planets are becoming more aligned to allow the inhabitants of the earth to move through these processes. They can be very challenging but the most important element presently is to be in your Highest Essence which means accessing your Higher Self. This part of you cannot be fully integrated until the four-body system is cleared of debris that has been held for eons of time. We travel in our Etheric Body and that part of us remembers everything that we have ever experienced, good and bad.

So this is why we become challenged when these planetary accelerations occur for us. The Universal energies are helping us to come into alignment for the New Earth. That is why we have ascension symptoms. At the same time, the dark energies within and around the atmosphere are working double-time to make sure people do not awaken within themselves. They will cause reactions to occur within the mind, emotions, and body. Illnesses can occur easily that include headaches, tiredness, dizziness, emotional imbalances, feeling lost, etc. Wherever your weakness lies, the lower energy will activate it unless you work at it through the energetics. Don’t let these energies stop you; allow them to blending within you as you become One with Them.

We need to be very diligent with our protection protocols; to constantly connect within our breath to the higher levels of frequency. If you connect to the 144th dimension by counting upwards, you are fully going into Oneness; thereby, are able to fully integrate your I AM Presence, your Higher Self, and the ascended beings of light that are in oneness. Everything else is a much lower frequency. Then, you bring those energies down into your physical body; you become those frequencies. Now this takes a lot of practice; but doing it all through your day will assist you to receive the next level of awareness that is necessary for your transformation. The planetary accelerations are here to assist us; taking these steps daily will help to ground the energies into the full-body system.

12:12 ~ Cosmic Alignment

12:12 comes right after we experienced the Full Moon energies of balancing the Higher Mind within the Lower Mind. In fact, we are still within that frequency for a period of two weeks which takes us into the New Moon which activates on the 22nd of December.

Per the Mayan Oracle, 12 represents Complex Stability. It is the foundation of the self with the foundation of our higher essence with the mystical truth of polarity. It represents the Yin and the Yang, the Feminine and Masculine coming into alignment.

As we take that definition and apply it to the Full Moon on the 5th, it brings in the ability to meld the Higher Mind into the Lower Mind. Now mind you, the Higher Mind presents both the masculine and feminine energies as they blend within the Heart Center even though the masculine is the Mental Body and the Feminine is the Emotional Body. The Higher Mind is the Higher Heart within the concept of our Higher Essence. As the Higher Mind integrates within the Lower Mind, there becomes less confusion and confliction of the mental faculties; thereby, allowing the Intuition to become more acute which also represents the Mental Illumination and accessing the Feminine Divine.

So on this day we are receiving the next phase of our stabilization of allowing our Higher Essence to be more involved within our physical self. Take notice of the energies around you and how you are feeling with them. Allow yourself to bathe within the frequency to help you ground the essence that has been separated from you. It is part of the process of bringing forth the balance of your integrated self.

 12-15-12 – Uranus Square Pluto

December 15th poses another highly accelerated phase of light. In past times this planetary acceleration was considered to be very life changing and volatile to society. This planet is fully within its duality; the light and dark are fighting with each other constantly. We see it everywhere with protests, people wanting change, and trying to do so on a physical level. But yet, those of us that are working with higher levels of energy, know that it is not the right way to go about the changes presently. We have all been there; we have been the warriors and now it is time to put down our weapons and hold the light within us.

So this acceleration takes each of us into a new part of our existence. It is not easy to lay down your weapon when you have spent many lifetimes upholding the energies in the same manner. Change must result within each of us in order for the New Earth to occur. We cannot stand by and just allow these energies to make the changes but allow them to be within us so we can change.

The 15th is going to create these two planets to collide in a way that could cause more confliction within the GAIA’s essence. As lightworkers, we truly need to uphold our light as much as possible.

How do we do this when we are being challenged so greatly?

Again, it is important to be working within your tools that you have learned. Access the higher light frequencies and allow them to be grounded within you. Send them to the core of Gaia and call upon the Ascended Beings of Light to assist.

The Light and Dark can fully collide at this time. It is meant to do so to help each of us embrace the Light that we are. Now, we all now this can be challenging, but so rewarding. I believe that this frequency on this date is going to be the middle ground of changes to occur within each of us. If we allow our old timelines to be removed and access the positive timelines, then we are going to be giving this Earth a great service. We all understand on this pathway that we intuitively are accepting our light energies within us, but how do you do that.

Do you fully ground them into your Earth Star?

Are you sending them to GAIA within her core crystalline structure?

After a meditation, are you expanding the light you bring within yourself into the higher realms of the Earth so that her field can be expanded?

What Beings of Light are you working with and are they within the Unified Whole of the 144th dimension?

These are very important questions to consider as they will help to change the earth’s frequency into more light which means more individuals are going to be able to wake up within 2015. The Universe and Spiritual Hierarchy is asking for our help to hold these energies within so that others can awaken in the very near future.

Will the transition of these energies affect us personally?

Of course, they will. It may debilitate you as it is meant to allow the duality to stop but yet this earth is still very much within that process. Yes, we have more light than we have ever had before which is beautiful. But it is not enough. This earth is still fighting for her acceleration as many individuals around the planet are doing the same. We are in the midst of many storms both literally and physically. The weather patterns presently reflect that around the world.

So I ask, where are you in this equation?

Have you gone into the depths of your soul to pull out the darkness that has been there for eons of time which represents the fighting and being a warrior with aggression and only wanting to win?

On this day of the 15th it is important to pull as much light into you as you can handle. Hold it, ground it, be it as the darkness is trying to stop this as they did in 2012. We, as individuals, have a responsibility to be strong with our Will, Power, Love, Courage, Strength, Creating Harmony and Balance along with activation of the Love that We Are as we step into allowing the Freedom of the Self to be fully integrated. We can do it; but not alone – together with the Spiritual Beings of Light.

On another note, the 15th of December marks an important doorway for lightworkers to work more intimately with the Ray Chohans, the Karmic Board, and Master Confucius, Lord Lanto, and Master Hilarian at the Royal Teton Retreat. I am sharing more about this bi-yearly opportunity in my blog entitled, “Doorway of Opportunity ~ December 15th ~ Royal Teton Retreat”.

This will be a day of many tests for all of us. It is then that we will celebrate on the 21st for the Solstice of 2014. The New Moon occurs on the 22nd which will help us to continue with the energies to allow the full grounding into the 31st of the month. It truly is a month filled with many blessings.

In Expressions of Oneness,
Christine Meleriessee
[Note from the author: As always, my writings do not just come from my Higher Presence but with the Oneness of the Unified Whole and Many Masters and Beings of Light I work with. I want to thank them for integrating their energies within me through this writing and encouraging me to write in this manner.]

Many blessings to everyone.

P.S. We have a free Holiday Gift for all those who want to assist in creating the New Earth through Ascension Mastery.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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2nd New Moon in January ~ Progressive Change

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On January 30th, 2014 at 1:39 PM Pacific, 4:39 PM Eastern, 21:39 GMT we will experience the energies of the New Moon in Aquarius.


This the New Moon of Progressive Change as what we have experienced in the month of January is going to help us move into more changes by accepting the challenges with more ease and grace.

The New Moon energy is going to help us propel further by thinking outside of the box and detaching from our emotions and destructive behaviors.  It is a time to let go of the old way of doing things and step into the unknown by reaching out to others.  As Lightworkers, that can be a challenge as we only want to be with like-minded people and sometimes where we are located does not afford us the availability to spend time in group connections.

On a spiritual note, I take this energy to mean that it is time to reach out deeper with our spiritual connections.  The first one is with our-self.  I pose some questions:  Are you connecting on a deep level to your Higher Self and what has changed for you?  What did not work for you this month?  Do you know how you can handle things differently within our own spiritual pathway?

Reflect deeply on each week in January and try to see how you have changed through each cycle.  It is important that we see the changes that are happening within our consciousness and life to truly embrace the new essence that is awaiting for our arrival.   Then take inventory on the elements that need to be removed and the ones you want to embrace.  Allow yourself to look at your small achievements and reward yourself with positive energy.  Accept the fact that you are changing even if it is very minute and no one else may see it as much as you.  That is okay; you are the one that needs to confirm within your physical mind that “all is okay”.

Then, if you need assistance with understanding what these questions may mean or need to reach out, please do so within your meditations and prayers.  The best place to ask for help from the Ascended Beings is when you are within your quiet space reflecting on what it is you need to change.  Allow yourself to be within your breath awareness, the “in and out” of the breath represents the “no time zone”.  It is within this space that we truly connect more fully to ourselves.  Once you experience this, you will want to do it continually as it helps you to become more focused on your Higher Essence instead of your Physical Self.

Then, when you return into your conscious awareness, write down your experience.  How did it feel in your body?  Were you completely out of your consciousness or could you reflect upon your higher energies like floating on a cloud?  Be specific so you can let your Higher Mind blend within your Lower Mind.

This is truly what this New Moon represents for each of us.  We are within a time of great acceleration but also dramatic changes are going to happen within this Earth.  We have to learn how to ground our higher essence within our physical system.  If we do not do so, then we will be vacillating between our emotions and thoughts.  Nothing can be achieved in this way of being.  It is of the old paradigm of the 3rd dimension.  It is n w time to take action.

As you work with this exercise, you will see that you are more positive and hopeful about your life situation.  Elements will change to help you see your life more objectively without the confines of the old mind and heart getting in the way.  You start to learn to access your Higher Essence, feel the love that you are on that level and fully extend it into your physical body.  You will see healing occur for you in various ways.  But you must make the first step and create your new reality.

Blessings for a wonderful moon experience.

In expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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