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Frequency Update ~ October 29th through November 4th, 2012

Planetary Level ~

On October 29th at 3:52 pm EDT the full moon occurs in Taurus.  This is a time to fully create the balance and structure that is needed for the next level of energies that will be arising on the Earth.  It affects us from the peace-loving energy of Taurus as we are in the energies of Scorpio which can be emotional and highly electrifying.  It can be a very passionate and exciting time but it also will teach us to be more careful in our dealings.  This is also preparing us for the upcoming energies within the month of November with a Solar Eclipse on November 13th-14th and a Lunar Eclipse on the next full moon of November 28th  visible in the southern hemisphere.

Weather conditions this week are causing disruption around the globe especially in the U.S. East Coast where the hurricane, Sandy, hit the coastline in New Jersey and New York on the 29th.  This not only causes physical disruptions but energy patterns with the winds and rain continually for many hours.  There have also been disruptions in the earth with an earthquake in Canada which caused some havoc in Hawaii but it was not as bad as anticipated.  In reference to Solar Flares there was a huge CME on October 28th but its target was hurled into space.

Cosmic Level ~

This week it is very imperative for individuals to find their own inner balance.  As has been discussed about the Full Moon energies, there are conflicting energies that are going to be hurled right at everyone’s core essence.  So it is essentially important to take full advantage of this full moon to completely release old elements that are cropping up in your awareness whether it be with relationships of a personal nature, family members, friends, or your neighbors.  It does not matter who it is going to be as it will appear within your awareness this week.

This is not a bad element to have happen as it is only preparing you for more acceleration that is deeply needed for the transitions in December.  We know we have discussed previously about the December 12th and 21st activations, but we will not know more until the time grows closer due to how people are interacting within their personal agendas.

This is something that is essentially important to realize as we personally cannot move through the changes until the agenda’s of one’s self but be fully open to the public so to speak.  In reference to the word “public” we mean that it is necessary to be fully open in all avenues of your existence and this means in all your dealings with others.  The old facades need to be broken down so that you can find the TRUE YOU.

This is also representative of the weather patterns this week.  Each time there is a huge current of frequency that can cause destruction upon this Earth, it is representative of the energies that are housed within that geographic area.  The lesser the degree of frequency, the more balanced the outcome will be, and the more intense of the situation and how people react to it, the more destruction that will result.  Remember these patterns within the weather are being activated in more ways than one and it is up to each individual to fully accept their Divine Responsibility within their divinity to integrate the challenges with the best of their knowledge.

So that brings us back to the present discussion of the SELF.  What is happening in your life and how are you handling it?  Are you taking care of the issues by taking care of elements within your Being.  Remember you are the creation of your reality, and these energies are mirrors for each of you.

This week is an opportune time to fully acknowledge the parts of your Being that need to be recognized.  Are you taking time to accept your gifts and what you are doing within the world?  This is where the energy needs to start.  Then you can look at what needs to be removed.  There are many more elements that you are going to attract in your life when you realize the potential that you have within yourself, but you must start with the best parts of what you know works for you.  Sometimes, individuals learn to release what does not serve them, but they really do not accept their true potential.  In learning the structure of what works within your circumstance, then you can weed out the parts that are not in full alignment with the basis of the matter.  Once you learn to do this with everything you are encountering within your life, you will see a huge change in your reality.

We have given you Steps 1, of accepting what you know, 2, letting go of the elements that do not fit into alignment with the first step, and now, 3, moving into a new aspect of your-self.  First, when you acquire the first two elements, there is a clearing and a focus than can happen.  You may feel renewed and rejuvenated.  Allow that feeling to flow within you.  Then, it is time to take some steps into a new way of doing or creating.  You may feel an inspiration within you that it is time to fully accept your new power.  And, you will sense a Beingness within you to fully accept your life is going to change.

It is important to realize that as humans you tend to forget the process.  You can get stuck in the reality of the emotions or the thoughts.  It is imperative to move ahead by realizing you are a Divine Being of Light ready to charge ahead.  You must also remember that the frequencies are going to either assist or de-assist you in this process.  The only element that is going to allow the new beginning to be manifest is your Divine Presence.  We cannot stress enough how important it is to connect with the Source of Being that you are and remember that your body, your mind, or your emotions do not mold who you are, but your Spirit and your Soul’s Essence does.

This week it is very imperative to start a daily practice of connecting to your Source of Light if you already do not do so.  It can be done through breathwork, visualization, chanting, or singing.  Yes, singing.  It is very important to bring music into your life.  It lifts the spirit, but also allows your essence to shine brightly.  It creates the light within you by working with the Harmony of the Spheres.  Movement is very important every day and should not be forgotten.  When an individual becomes stuck in their present reality, it is because the fluidness has not entered their consciousness.  Always moving is very important through breathing and experience of light frequencies.  Without it, it becomes lost in the moment, and then that is when the issues arise.

So remember, when the energy becomes inactive, it means that you as a person are not accessing your Divine Presence within the physical body.  This is how atrophy sets in and the human condition becomes just that, human and nothing else.  An individual forgets that they entered humanness with the express frequency of their Soul’s Essence.  Tune into her or him and you shall see a completely different world arise at your midst.

We walk with you through the process of Divine Intervention within your Physical Essence.  It is our pleasure to see you arise to each occasion of beauty, joy, purity, and light that You Are.

I AM the Great Divine Director with Master Thoth

For the Unified Whole Command

Frequency Update ~ October 21st through 28th, 2012

Planetary Level ~

This week we are transitioning the Sun Signs from Libra to Scorpio.  Within Libra there is balance or at least we try to create balance in our relationships, environments both personal and work related, and all interactions with others.  Moving into Scorpio is the essence of “I Want” which means that we are no longer ready to sit back and accept things for the sake of balance and harmony.  This also creates individuals to look more deeply within and get to the ‘heart’ of matters.  This can be a very intense time as we switch energies.  Let’s look at it as we take the balance of Libra and blend it with the intensity of Scorpio to be the peace-maker but yet not allowing ourselves to be taken advantage of in any situation.

We are also preparing for the Full Moon energies on October 29th which is right at the end of this cycle we are speaking about which will be in the sign of Taurus representing “taking care of ourselves”.  Take time this week in preparation for this moon cycle as we always have a tendency to feel the energies before each cycle begins.  We will be facilitating a Full Moon Ceremony on Walking Terra Christa on Monday evening, 5 PM Pacific.

Solar Flare Alert ~ The Earth is being hit with an X-Flare starting on October 23rd which is expected to be felt in Asia and Australia although it may be the result of more solar flares coming which has been the norm in the past few days.  So if you are feeling tired, dizzy, irritable, and not just YOU, then you know you are changing through this process of renewal.  Take time to rest, take cleansing baths and showers, meditate, and connect with your Highest Presence to assist in the process.

Cosmic Level ~

The energies this week encompass all that has been written and so much more.  Each passing week gives each initiate a perspective of a deeper reality that is currently being presented to them, and we ask you to look at your thoughts and feelings this week.  It will serve you on a higher purpose to acknowledge what needs to be looked at to clear and what elements need to be embraced for your higher pathways about to enfold.

Each passing moment of this year that is remaining is truly that statement “passing moments”.  They are moving quickly with the pace of the clock ticking in the background as each of you are preparing through your Higher Self’s and your physical bodies to be in full alignment.  Each moment is crucial to these elements that will occur within your reality.

We say these words with great conviction because we want each of you to understand the process of continuance that you are going through to support these moments of change.  It is no mistake that you are having fears arise or feelings that you did not think you still had.  They are a pure reflection of your energies shifting into the higher essence that you are incorporating within your full body system.  We urge you to take these moments and go deeper with each reflection.  If something comes up that makes your feel uneasy within yourself, then that is a reflection that you must take time to understand.  It is arising for a reason within your consciousness to prepare you for the next step of your evolution.

Please know that everything you say and do, how you act, what you are feeling, and experiencing within your life are the mere reflections of what needs to be accepted or removed.  You, the maker of your destiny, must make these decisions within yourself in preparation for the next phases that are occurring.

In essence this is exactly what you are going through with changes, fluctuations, and energy shifts either through your own inner work or with the assistance of the activations that are occurring within the Earth.  Many new individuals are awakening unto these energies which are going to make them feel very uncomfortable within their physical bodies.  This past week with 10-21-12 was an Activation Day to assist individuals who need to be awakened more to the reflections within themselves.  Many senior members of initiation are beyond these frequencies as they are holding the Light to pass through them unto the Ones that need to accelerate themselves in a new and different way so each of these smaller activations are assisting in the Planetary Awareness of seeing the world in a new and different way.

This week shall be another preparatory stage for the Full Moon energies as these activations occur to remove the inner layers within the Cellular Memory to fully accept their I AM Presence more actively within their physical existence, but it cannot be done without seeing the Inner Reflection.  This is the dichotomy of the present state of awareness.  In the first stage an individual feels different, full of love energies, and allowing that essence to flow through them.  Then, in the next stage the love energies intertwine within the lower essence to fully reflect within the individual.  So at first, there is a surge like being in Love with Oneself; and then, that loves grows into the areas that need assistance.  So the old energies can arise out of the system to be purified within the four-bodies of Physical, Etheric Emotional, and Mental so the Full Body system can be acquired.

This process is important and should not be ignored.  Trying to mask the lower feelings with the higher feelings will only allow them to be hidden deeper into the cellular structure until one day it will burst open into flames of anger, hurt, and deep depression.  We share this information as this is what is happening to many individuals upon the planet.  We must not mask the feelings, but allow them to surface and be purified into the Oneness of Creation that You Are.

This is the week to prepare for this stage as with the onset of the next full moon on October 29th, 2012 the frequencies of this purging will go to deeper levels than ever felt before.  Each week the vibrational level of the Earth is shifting into a new paradigm of frequency and it cannot be measured in terms of how to deal with it until it arrives.

This is the week to fully acknowledge the depth of what you are NOT and change it into WHO YOU ARE.  It is not an easy process; this we know.  But in so doing, you will be preparing yourself for more acceleration upon the event of 12-21-12.

It is our time to walk with each other and you have chosen to be the Way shower upon this Planet.  The process of initiation and acceleration is not easy to handle, but you would not be reading these words if you were not ready.

We walk by your side each moment of your rebirth unto the New Earth.

We are the Unified Whole Command,

I AM the Great Divine Director at your Service

So Mote It Be, We Are One!

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page.

Science of Ascension Series, Phase 2 ~ Understanding Your Role As An Initiate

Science of Asension Mastery Class Series by Walking Terra Christa
Science of Asension Mastery Class Series by Walking Terra Christa

The Science of Ascension Series will continue on Thursday, October 25th, 2012, 11:30 AM, Pacific.  We will be sharing the dynamics of Ascension and what it means to understand the process.  This session we delve deeper into the levels of dimensions, the ascended masters that work on the various levels, how to connect with them, and learning the tools to help yourself with balance in your life.

Ascended Master Djwhal Khul and Master Joshua will be assisting us in providing the latest up-to-date information.  Included will be a discussion period, meditation, and channeling from both of these masters on the subject.

During this segment we will explain the following:

The frequencies of the dimensions up through the 144th, Creative Source of Oneness ~ We now know that we are able to access the 144th dimensional level of frequency which is the Unified Whole.  We will give background information on the Unified Whole Command, who resides within it, why we access it, and include the God Force Energies of the Mahatma in our discussion.

The Seven Paths to Higher Evolution ~    The chosen pathways as an initiate that we choose from our Higher Self which is important to access within the physical existence.  Will include channeled up-to-date information on each pathway.

Acceleration Techniques to Build Your Love & Light Quotient ~ Specific techniques to work with Etheric Ashrams, Spaces of Inner Light on the Inner Plane to receive assistance during sleep and awake states.

List of Ascended Masters to Work Within Their Chosen Field ~ Will discuss the Levels of Dimensions which Masters are associated on various levels with the latest up-to-date channeled information.

Meditation “Traveling the Dimensions of Light” ~ Working with The Great Divine Director of the Unified Whole along with Master Toth; will include releasing timelines that do not serve your Highest Purpose at this time of acceleration along with accessing past timelines that are necessary for your present pathway in 2012.

Djwhal Khul will share the dynamics of connecting with these energies and how to incorporate them into your daily life.

Master Joshua will speak about the pitfalls of Ascension; how to be balanced in your pathway both personally and professionally.

If you would like to join us for this amazing calls,  please enroll under our Mastery Classes page by clicking this link.  The conference number and password will be sent to you upon payment.   If you are interested, but cannot attend the Live Class, the MP3 download is available for you to purchase.  Don’t miss out on this amazing series.


Learning to Surrender with Lord Rayla & Lady Ralyio, The Elders of Love & Wisdom

Lord Rayla & Lady Ralyio are the Elders from the Throne of Grace that represent the Golden Yellow Ray of Love and Wisdom.  They are considered Elders 3 and 4 in which their essences are a combined effort of many essences of this ray.

This is true for all of the Elders, and is a concept that we are not used to understanding; each of us may represent an aspect of them as they sit within the Throne of Grace.  Their frequency is one of the purest essence in which we embody.  As we sit and call upon the Ray of Love and Wisdom, they will full embody our essence within ours.  So the experience can be quite different than receiving the ray energies from the Chohan, Elohim, or Archangels as we probably have more of an affinity with each of those energies.  They represent the ability to delve deeper into the soul’s wisdom by accessing patience and strength; thereby, fully embracing the essence of a multi-dimensional Being of Light.

Greetings My Beloveds,

We bring to you in this moment the fluidness of the Golden Ray as it is imbued within your own physical body.  We want you to acknowledge the frequency of who you are now, and allow this essence to delve deeper into your consciousness of awareness.  Accessing the Ray of Love and Wisdom is an acknowledgement of your own essence that will take you on a journey of the Self that is much deeper and creates a beauty of enrichment within your experience.

You have arrived with this essence within you but due to the confines of your society and not understand who you are, they have slipped away into the memory banks of your I AM Presence ready to be accessed when your physical existence allows it to be so.  Each of you are embodied deeply within Love and Wisdom; it is just what you do with it once it is acknowledged.

This is why it is a ray of complete surrender and allowing the essence of expansion to grow within you.  Without allowing this to occur, you cannot fully access the Divine Being that you are.  It will constrict you and create mental limitations in your daily life.

We are here to assist in a new and completely different way than we have ever envisioned before.  We are the receptors of the frequency of this ray as we stand proud to embrace each of you into allow the essences that we all represent to fully be accessed within a physical existence.  This is very exciting to us, the Elders, that hold this energy deeply.  We now have the availablility to fully send the frequency to each of you directly by your command.

Once you learn to embody the ray fully within you there is an understanding that is created throughout your mental level.  But first, you must realize you are a being of pure love and why shouldn’t you fully allow that to come within your reality.  Let’s take a moment and feel this frequency of Light that is truly an aspect within your own essence.  We ask you to feel the Universal Love, Patience, and Calmness that results within your Being.  We share this with you so as to go deeper into your Heart’s essence which is the Love of God.  Feel it flowing within you as it now blends into your Mental essence to relax the mind.  You are learning to access the Higher Mind but it does not happen automatically.  It must be a fluidness and enveloping energy into your entire system.

Once you have acquired this state of Grace, you are now ready to access the Wisdom that is being shared with you.  It opens up doorways of the deepest part of your reality within the Cosmic forces.  It does not come from your mental mind, but it comes from your Higher Mind.  You see these are steps. 

Embracing the Light of the Golden Yellow will relax you into a deeper state of awareness.  It is like you just stepped into a beautiful tub of water filled with the Golden Yellow.  You breathe and feel its essence enfolding within you.  Your body starts to relax through the process and then you can find the clarity that you need because you have created serenity by allowing yourself to know it cannot be created by the mental mind.

This is a very important facet to understanding the full composition of Love and Wisdom.  An individual that carries this within their Mental aspect is very lucky, because it comes to them in automatic pilot.  He/she does not have to think about it, IT JUST IS.  (To learn more about which rays you incorporate within your four-body system, a Ray Reading with Djwhal Khul will assist.)

For the rest of you, it takes practice but it is very attainable.  This is especially true with individuals that are very masculine oriented and this ray is the most important part of your mastery pathway to utilize for your personal enlightenment.  Without it, you cannot attain it.  This will truly assist you in attaining the “Love Quotient” that is necessary to walk into the higher realms of Light.

Please do call upon us to assist you in this process of Love and Compassion Within.

It is our pleasure to be of service to you.

We Are,

Lord Rayla & Lady Raylio, Elders of the Throne of Grace


Join us for the 22 RAY Challenge which will fully assist you in the pathway of Mastery with ease and grace.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page.  Excerpted from the upcoming book.


Frequency Update ~ October 15th through 22nd, 2012

Planetary Level:

We start the week off, Monday, with a New Moon in Libra, 8:03 AM EDT which will represent balance in our relationships.  It is also a very good time for creating new projects as the energies are presenting this facet in our earth energies.  The buzz words are to create the NEW but within the Balance of the Self.  This not only represents our relationships but our environment while allowing our new creative Self to be born.  This week will truly help us to embrace the elements that have been purging in the past frequencies recently.  So take time to fully understand what is in balance and what is not aligned in your True Self.

In reference to Solar Flares it looks like this week is also going to be in balance.  There was an ignition of Auroras from a G-1 magnetic storm this past weekend that lasted 15 hours which caused some pretty amazing graphics, see

Cosmic Level:

The frequency of Light this week is going to be one that will assist you as long as you keep the elements in perspective.  Remember that we are preparing for a very important time within two months with the energies of 12-12 and 12-21, 2012.  Each of you is being prepared in ways that your Higher Self is deeming it appropriate for your present circumstances.

You can no longer accept your life in the way that has always been done.  The world is changing into the higher frequencies.  Some are living in the 3rd, some in the 4th, and very few in the 5th.  But each of us aspires to that point of creation within the 5th dimensional frequency.  So each of you must be prepared to step into this doorway of your awakening.

We are not talking about new awakenings as in asleep consciousness-minded individuals which there are many of on this planet. We are talking about YOU ~ the one that is reading this text because your life is going to change dramatically in ways behind your conscious reality.  This is what we are preparing for in each week and different stages of growth.

You may already understand the transition that you are going through but you cannot know, until it arrives, how deeply it will change you.  We explain these parts so that you can fully understand the process of each moment you are living within your experiences.

This week will help in creating new definitions of the Self within you to fully accept the potentiality that YOU ARE.  As we draw closer to these important events, then the understanding will go deeper within you.  So this week will help you to realize more of yourself.

It is time to fully acknowledge the parts within you that do not fit and allow them to be removed which is not part of the higher aspect of your reality.  If you continue to allow yourself to be in the old spaces of existence, then this transition will become ever increasingly difficult for you to handle.  It is when you fully allow your physical body to accept the higher frequency that is also YOU, to be within your Being, then you accept the full potential that you are.  And that potential will change with each increasing moment of acceptance.

Take some moments this week to reflect fully on the inner parts of yourself that need to be adjusted and this may include family and friends that have been dear to your Heart.  As you get closer to the inner reality that is you, then you see the perspective changes that need to be made.  This is not easy at all but this New Moon represents Balance in all aspects of living and Being.  You must be very TRUE to YOURSELF, and in order to do so, you must understand what does not fit your present purpose of existence.

We did not say this was easy at all; but each of you that are reading this material, are aligned with a higher consciousness.  It depends upon what you do with it and how you allow it to blend within yourself.  Please know that awakening of the Soul within the Physical existence is not an easy process as you have been asleep a very long time.  You must also know that very careful steps must be taken in order not to perceive yourself as something you are not.  This is the paradigm of the New World that will take effect upon everyone’s existence within them and around their environment.  It is an essential part of allowing the elements to fully grow within you, adjust the changes that are necessary, and full align with the NEW YOU.

So take your time this week in allowing these energies of the New Moon to support your in your own endeavors of creation.  It is a very powerful time, and we must not resist what needs to change, walk into new doorways of Light, and accept that you will be supported, loved, and accepted in so many ways.

It is our Divine Pleasure to walk with you during this phase and moving into the New Earth of Unified Consciousness.

We are the Unified Whole Command,

Walking in Oneness with you,

So Mote It Be In that Light That We ARE

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  Permission granted to share information as long as copyright information is included.

Frequency Update ~ October 7th through 13th, 2012

Planetary Level:

This week the planets are settling down so it is a time of Reflection.  Look back unto the previous New Moon of Virgo and the Full Moon of Aries to assist in fully moving through your journey of the Self.  The past two phases have been very instrumental in assisting us in learning who we truly are even though they are causing intense moments of pain, sadness, and shifting into our new realities.  The inner and outer self has truly looked at each other to make the necessary adjustments.  You may still have remnants of these activations to fully work through so it is a perfect time to do so.  Not a time of relaxation, but truly moments of adapting to our new essence.

On the other hand, we are being hit with the Solar Flares this week.  So in one way we are allowing the new changes to occur and then being feeling the frequencies on an inter-planetary level.  The solar flares will occur approximately from October 8th-9th resulting in geo-magnetic storms.  This can cause us the usual changes within the physical structure.  We have to remember that these solar flares are assisting us to incorporate the higher frequencies within the physical structure so it is a time to truly utilize your tools for grounding and shifting into your new reality.  Those of us on the Northern Hemisphere are going to be feeling the energies of DRACO the Dragon Meteor Shower from Sunday evening through Monday morning (


Cosmic Level:

The energies this week are truly going to assist each individual but it is up to you, the individual, to fully realize that again, what you do not take care will be arising out of the surface.  The last two weeks have been monumental for individuals to fully realize the potential of their inner selves and this week you will be able to put that into practice.

What do we mean by this?  Well, the month of September has represented to the Awakened Beings of this Earth to know that the onion is not completely peeled, and truly, it will never be.  You may have felt the bottom of your life dropping away as you have known it.  September was a very powerful month indeed, and October is going to present its interesting twists and turns for each of you.

Do not think that if you are an accelerated Being of Light, in your own words, that you are not being challenged.  In fact you are the Ones that will be challenged more deeply, because you make a lasting impression upon many who touch your lives in your words or thoughts in whatever way you are sharing your Essence.  This is a time of great testing ground to see how far you can go.  It will get deeper and deeper, and the true challenge is how are you going to handle it?

This is what the Solar Flares represent in your physicality.  You have come to a point of time in the conditioning of your awareness through your physical body by allowing the higher realms to fully infiltrate within you.  Or, Are YOU?  This is the question we pose to you for this week.

Take this time to get deeper into yourself and see what you are sharing with the world around you.  Does it really reflect your true Essence or are you just sharing because you want to have a voice?  This is a big question and will come up with many Lightworkers in the next few weeks.

You have now reached a point of resting with the full moon energies.  Then the solar flares will be arriving into the Earth’s atmosphere which truly represents the Great Central Sun(s)…Yes, all of them through the Cosmic Levels.  So what does this mean for you?  You may have thought you are in a good place of balance but there is still more to understand.  You may have arrived into the pathway of sharing Light Frequencies to the masses and feel this is your destiny.  But my Dearest Ones, this is just the beginning.  For those that are just awakening and learning ways to find your Higher Self or I AM Presence, TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF THIS TIME.

What we are trying to convey in these moments is that this week is a PERFECT OPPORTUNITY to understand yourself more.  You have arrived with changes in your reality and the Universe is now going to shift more frequencies within you.  It is important for you to look at your BALANCE and how you react or don’t react to given situations.  Each of you is being prepared for the most optimal opportunity in your lives and everyone’s lives (meaning all soul families of Light).

REFLECTION of the Self is going to be very important at this time.  It is showing you how to look at the inner you and the outer you, how they relate to one another, and then to the world around you.  Learning how to fully accept your views, how you interconnect with other sentinent beings of light, and what is the difference between a good soul relationship and a bad one. 

Why, you ask?  Because there is going to come to a time very soon when you are going to have to choose what your life represents.  This week is a perfect opportunity for each living soul upon the Earth to fully look at themselves, their life and what it means to them, and the course of action that they want to take to create a better life.  Now we are not talking about material aspects, but the quality of your relationships and how you share with others.

Let’s face it ~ everyone wants to walk with their Higher Selves fully intact 24 hours a day.  This is what we mean.  This means that those old ways of doing, sharing, expressing, and being will not work.  No more judgments whether they are You, or Them; no more sarcastic remarks about individuals that are different from yourself, and no more feelings that You are not good enough.

It’s all about Oneness, right?  This is what everyone wants in their lives and we have to remove old ideas, thoughts, and timelines ~ yes, the most important element from the past lives to be fully removed.  Because all that you do and think, is not ALL YOU.  You may think it is, but it is not.  You are so much more beautiful, loving, joyful, and you deserve to have all of that right now.

This is the Harvest Time and it is not just about receiving what you desire but showing others Who You Truly Are.  This week may be rough on you depending on where you are in your development but believe me, it is going to assist you greatly for the next three months.  It will prepare you deeply for the changes that are occurring upon this Earth and you will stand ahead ready to help others to do the same.

We do not mean to be harsh, just loving thoughts of what you truly desire for yourself.  We know that this time is the most powerful but challenging moments in history.  All you have to do is say to yourself, “Am I Ready” and if you are not, then get deeper within yourself to be Ready.  Otherwise, these next few months are going to be very tumultuous for you.

This week is a sampling of more to come.  Those of you that are in balance we pose this comment.  Are you ready to receive more frequency within you?  Are you preparing yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually?  All you have to do is PREPARE.  Just one step deeper into your exquisite Light.  Not a big step but allow this week to assist you for the journey of your life.

We just also want to share that these do not have to be big steps this week.  Just one foot in front of the other and continue the walk of the Light within this Earth.

We are deeply honored that you are doing this walk and know you are the most courageous souls that could have stepped into this experience we call Earth.

In the Creation of Oneness,

We are the Unified Whole Command in the Light of the One

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibratory Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  Permission granted to share information as long as copyright information is included.

Faith is the Structure to Create the Will to DO, Archangels Michael & Faith of the Blue Flame

Archangels Michael & Faith: Archangel Michael, as most of us know him well, is the Archangel of Faith and Protection.  He is the Director of the Angelic Kingdom and representative of the First Ray.  He works with assisting souls to find the right balance whether in or out of body helping anyone in distress who desires his help.  Archangel Faith  embodies the God quality of faith, which resides within every human heart.  Faith in God should be the constant state of One’s Being, every second of eternity.  Faith is the substance of all things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.  Together they share how important it is the embody Faith first and the Will to Do will follow.

We love to be honored by the frequency of the Blue Ray as our work is not only inherent within the Rays but to assist souls in and out of body to bring these essences to all of humanity.  Some may think that this ray of the Will and Power is something out of the scope of understanding within the common man or woman.  Possibly that is because there is a lack of understanding within the will of their own essence being able to tap into the Higher Mind.  That is a misconception.

We, as Archangel Michael & Faith, come to each of you in this moment to assist you in the process of your own divinity of understanding the depthness of the Will for your own lightwork and pathway whether it is personal or professional.  Our role is not any different for either.  Our main goal is to assist you to understand the Power of your own force within the Will of your creation.

Let us say as a rule that I as Archangel Michael assists anyone that truly needs help in receiving their own courage and ability to find their Will.  I work with many Beings of Light to help them understand their own thought process is the one that truly makes their destiny.  Within that aspect I share the ability to have courage.  This is not an outside circumstance but truly an inner truth; but then as I as Archangel Faith bring to each individual the same experience by accessing their knowledge of the faith within their experience.  If a person cannot have faith in their endeavor then there is no accessibility of courage.  They go hand-in-hand.

Many say that angels protect and guide humanity which is very true.  When it comes down to the pathway of Mastery, then that is when we divide the work we have been doing separately and become the union of Will and Power.  We bring to each of you to acknowledge your own essence of your Will to Do.  It is about learning what is truly going on within your world to ‘walk your talk’ and share with others the experience.  When you are hit with a moment of despair, how do you work through it?  Do you call upon one of us or do you call upon your-self?

This is a very important aspect to ponder because walking in mastery means that you must find the pathway that works best for you while at the same time of initiating your worth of knowledge.  We are here to assist with these elements.

It is not to say that we are not your protectors but once an aspirant walks upon the pathway of mastery then that is when we truly step in to teach and honor each of you.  You have been an angel but you forgot that fact along with many other timelines that are important.  At this moment in time, it is very important to bring forth these elements to assist every one of you.

We want to make sure that each of you understands that we walk with you side-by-side.  We as a team, do this, not separately but our components together bring forth a great teaching for each of you to acknowledge your own self-worth.  You have just forgotten and now that the ‘Veil of Forgetfulness’ has now been broken, you have the Universe at your command.

Think of something you feel very strongly about; it could be a conviction that you truly want to share with the world.  But yet, in the physical existence, the element you want to share is not something that others may understand or appreciate it.  This brings forth your Faith.  When you have a deep desire to share with others, you must bring forth your faith to express it deeply.  If you do not have the faith in yourself, then how can you have faith in sharing it with another?  We must start at the basis of any creation and that is to deeply say “I have faith in this program, or this project, or this subject, and I want to share it”.  This then creates the WILL to DO.  When individuals are still insecure within themselves, they have lost faith within.

This also creates the element of Courage.  Some have courage on the lower aspect but that is arrogance which can create great conflict.  People know when you are truthful and if you are sharing something that comes deep within your Heart and Soul, then there is nothing that can stop you from creating it.

This is the ability to have great initiative and strength to move forward to teach others what you know.  Do you think you have this?  Are you arrogant about it?  Or do you sit back and wait for others to do it for you?  These are some of the aspects that are very important within the Blue Flame of Will and Power.  Having a properly balanced Mind, Body and Spirit will allow you to fully incorporate the Blue Flame within you as you share it with others.

As we speak in these terms, think about your angelic presence and what he/she would want to be acknowledged within you.  This is the important factor that needs to be addressed within our level of creation.  We work with all of you to embody these qualities; to remember that you offer the essence of God within you to share it with others.  Take a moment to see where these elements are coming from:  humility of your spirit with the power of your essence and not from the desire to control others with obstinacy and anger.

Take a moment and allow the Blue Flame to embody within you and spread your wings far and wide.  You will see your essence change from the lower aspects into the higher realms of your mind.  You are a great Being of Light that embodies faith in each moment to protect all of humanity.

We are Archangels Michael and Faith

Embodying Our Wings of Light to Merge with Yours

©2012 Walking Terra Christa ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed.  Excerpted from the upcoming book.

Join the 22 RAY Challenge ~ Receive a decree & attunement two times a week for each of the 22 RAYS.

Frequency Update ~ September 30th through October 6th, 2012

Planetary Level:

We are in the midst of the Full Moon energies which is bittersweet as it represents the Harvest Moon but also a time of working through our inner securities.  The Moon is in Aries which tells us about the fire energy outside of ourselves, but with the conjunction of the other planets, it is also a time of inner reflection.  It can cause great strive within our emotions and thought processes because we want it NOW.  It represents the energy of the lizard, Uranus Square Pluto, which is taking away our outer layers.  Lizard represents our dream-time and making those dreams manifest.  That brings us the ability to look fully within our inner self that wants to come out of the closet.  This Harvest Moon is being shared that it is the most powerful full moon of this year as it is time to REAP our Rewards, all our hard work that has been in place this year.  But if we do not allow the clearing process to occur, then we are allowing our lower energies of the self to be illuminated out around us.  This creates the Harvest to be the elements that still need to be cleared and processed.  So it is a great time of inner reflection of allowing your pathway to be exactly what you choose it to be, ILLUMINATION of your Light.  This is not easy because we are being challenged greatly by these events in the planetary level.  Note:  We held a Harvest Moon Ceremony on October 1st; check for the MP3 download.

Solar flares hit the Earth September 30th which were considered very strong..   You might have felt these effects on the 30th and the 1st of October which causes tiredness, dizziness, and out-of-body experiences.  There were reports of Aurora lights being seen in the southern part of United States (


Cosmic Level:

This week is a blessing in disguise for those of you who have been working through elements of change within your lives.  The frequencies of the Cosmic energies are truly walking with each of you as you merge into the PERFECT You. 

Some may not see themselves as being Perfect, but that is within the eye of the beholder.  What is it that you are seeing for yourself in these moments?  Are you having difficulty with adjusting to a new way of Being when you are unsure what that is going to be?  Are you finding time to realign your energies in a new and balanced way?  These are elements for each of you to ponder within your reality.

Why are these so important?  Well, each of you are resisting and assisting at the same time.  What you resist will persist and if there are aspects within you that are not aligning into your personae of the person you think you should be, then there is resistance.  We never like to hear this but it is so true. 

THIS IS THE MOST POWERFUL FULL MOON that each of you will encounter in your lives.  It is pushing and prodding you into a new perspective and that element is not happening in your conscious-aware state.  It is coming from the super-consciousness, higher self, guided self or whatever you choose to call this part of yourself.  If you have been working on yourself diligently and feel like you are getting nowhere, in fact everything is a standstill, and then you are in perfect alignment.  Hah, you did not think we would share that, did you?

It is so very true; you don’t know what you are releasing, you are doing all the work, but yet there is still no movement.  Well, then you fully need to surrender to that process.  This is the energy of the Lizard as Meleriessee has shared but truly we like to think of it in the snake energy.  Snake energy moves along the base of the earth, going up and down wherever it chooses.  Then one day there is a blockage.  The snake cannot go up, or down, it is stuck.  What does it do?  Does it cry and lash out onto someone else?  Well, if it was a human stopping him, maybe so but that is not the gist of our story…The blockage was created for him to stop, go within, maybe take a nap, and fully allow the old skin to be removed.

This brings us to the thought that the rawness occurs to the surface when the skin is removed.  This is when you need to fully get within yourself and find the spark of light that you are.  Your physical body does not have the answer nor the thoughts of fear and feelings of emotional loss, but you must go throw  away all those elements to fully find YOU….

So let’s get back to what this moon represents.  It has been preparing you for THIS…the Harvest.  You cannot reap what you have done if you still have gar-bage to clean up…Then your illumination is just more of that gar-bage…So this week is your time to fully reflect what you want in your life and not to worry about the process of getting there.  Your Higher Self has it all planned out for you, believe me.  It is a time of JUST TO BE.  Feel the pain or the joy because that is complete surrender of your Essence fully coming within the physical existence.

Now you are fully ready to HARVEST all that you are.  You will have the answer that you need if you allow it TO BE.  Within yourself there is a special gift and that gift is to understand your process of BEINGNESS.  It cannot come from outside of your-self, from another person, or even a spiritual guide.  This is a time of true HARVEST.  That harvest means your Higher Essence is designating your pathway.

The ones that do not understand how to do this will suffer more.  The energies will become more intense and what you do not work with, will work on you.  So try to find a way to fully accept your destiny.  Make the necessary changes.  Planning stages are in process for this to happen.  So the HARVEST is within you and to create it in your outer world you must find the Balance.  Change your old way of doing things as they probably are no longer working for you.

The blessing of this week is knowing this process and understanding how to get to the next phase of your growth.  We know that you are not clueless and that the growing pains are still continuing to help you move through your Divine Essence within your body.  It is not easy and if you do not work through what is happening with you, then you shall be challenged greatly. 

We name this week CHANGE because it is happening whether you want it to or not.

The other element is that it is beautiful because the pain of growing up into your Divine Essence, your spark of creation, your I AM Presence, is the beauty of knowing you are continuing to walk further into the Essence That You Are.  This is truly the Harvest season as you deserve to fully accept the gifts within you that will assist you in the process of being an Enlightened Being upon this Earth.  Believe me, towards the end of the week, you will thank yourself for taking care of the Old as you Move into the NEW.

We also walk with you in this Creation of Light.

We are the Unified Whole Command In the Creation of Light of Oneness.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa ~  All Rights Reserved.  Sharing Approved with Copyright information Only.

Ray Chohan of the Blue Flame ~ Master El Morya ~ Walking the Bridge to Freedom

Master El Morya is the Ray Chohan for the Blue Flame of the Ray of Will & Power. This flame is associated with our Throat Chakra in the Universal Level.  Working with Master El Morya can be a very life changing experience as from the qualities of this ray an individual may think that his energy would be intense and very strict.  He is very powerful but within that power he brings forth a calmness of his Spirit that is so wonderful to experience within your Being.  As many of you could relate in reference to teachers we have had in our studies, they do not always share their pure heart.

Well, Master El Morya is very strict but within that strictness he shows how to work through the process of ascension and acceleration.  Allow him to come to you as you read his words.  Take a deep breath and allow him to stand before you to fully feel Who He Truly Is and you will see Yourself reflected within very deeply.

Thank you, Dearest One, for your kind words.  I believe that many initiates that I have worked with would not have been so kind but I have helped them to move mountains in their own endeavors.  They have proved to be the best students as the ones we do not like necessarily affect us the most.

It all depends upon the student as they work with the Master.  I represent probably one of the most intense frequencies of ray energy available and it turns out to be the first one individuals turn towards.  It is the type of individual that is ready to work through their own processes to make the necessary changes that is truly the best relationship for Master and Student.  It is the ones that rebel and think they are right when a lesson comes to the surface that causes great discord within the Master.  But it happens and later that student, if they are humble enough to do so, should return and thank the Master for that lesson.  It has gone both ways for me, by the way.

Representing Will and Power is not an easy job but one that I am very diligent in my own pathway.  There is nothing more important to me than sharing with individuals how to find their own Freedom and once this is done, it assists the planet immensely.  If everyone was obstinate and sure of themselves when they truly had not done the proper homework, then I would not be doing my job.  It is a huge position to assist individuals to fully understand that they are part of a greater whole and not all that THEY are doing, is of the utmost importance.

We are a team, each of the Ascended Masters, and that means each of you that have acquired this position of standing.  It is important for every individual to embody Will and Power from the God Essence and not their emotional or mental bodies.  This is where the world gets into trouble and has been for centuries.

We are at a place in history when more individuals are awakening upon the planet to assist in making this planet, Earth, that we call GAIA a balanced energy that expresses the essence of God into their Hearts and Minds.  So how can we embody Will and Power if the four-body system is still separated from the Essence of God.  Some do not think so but it is true.  My job is to assist you, as the student to fully understand the process of Will and Power which will create deep understanding, from a perspective of great tolerance and patience.  Each of you have something very strong to give to this world; otherwise, you would not be here at this time.  But you cannot jump into the cart before the horse is ready to move.  Patience, my children, is your friend as it will give you great tolerance in what you are learning.

You have a will within you that is great but it cannot be shown to another until you can express it within yourself.  Where is this Will coming from ~ your physical mind?  If it is, then you are in trouble.  If it is coming from your Highest Essence, then you are on the right track but it is a huge learning process as there are many lessons within the initiations and sublevels of trial and error.

So we need to start from the beginning of your Creation and allow the Blue Fame to fully embody your essence.  Bring it down through your Antakarana Bridge from the Higher Realms like your Higher Self is on a huge sliding board and allow it to slide into your physical body.  What does that feel like for you in the physical realm?  I bet it feels very powerful but yet flowing.  As you express the deepest part of your being into the physical realm it will change elements that you have been trying to combat within yourself.  You see, there should not be any arguments happening with you.  There is only one way and that way is to fully see yourself as a God Realized Being.  This is where your power lies; not in trying to control your situations or people around you.  You must take responsibility for yourself completely.

Once the Blue Flame embodies within you and sits within your Throat, you are now able to speak from the highest part of your Being.  It is when you speak from your physical mind that it gets you into trouble.  The mental body is trying to find a way within your world and he thinks he knows best but truly he does not.  He must blend with the emotional body and remember there are emotions attached to each of these experiences.  When you allow the Blue Flame to be embodied within you, it is like a light bulb that is turned on.  It is an AH HAH moment.  Yes, now I remember what I am supposed to be doing.

Then, at this stage, you start to reflect on your next movement.  It comes from the space of your God Essence within and allows the power that is within you to be very diligent but yet with great humility of the journey you have traveled to be where you are.  This is where the true Will comes into your awareness.  These are the highest aspects of your Being.  When you do it any other way, you are definitely allowing the lower mind to take over which creates obstinacy, anger, and arrogance.

Allow the Blue Flame of Will and Power to embody within you God’s Essence that is YOU.  It is not anyone else, but truly your ability to fully see yourself in the Light and walk from the Old to the New.  Create the bridge of your reality into the BEING that you have become.

Ask for me and I shall help you walk on this bridge and see that what was before was okay but now it is beautiful and flowing within your existence.

I AM Master El Morya

Chohan for the Blue Flame of Will and Power

©2012 Walking Terra Christa ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed.  Excerpted from the upcoming book.

If you want to learn about all the 22 Rays of God – why not take our 22 Rays Challenge and get a Decree and an Audio MP3 Attunement for each of the 22 Rays?


Walking The 5th Dimension ~ New Seminar Series with Lord Adama and The Ascended Masters


The Telosian Way - art by Marc Eden
The Telosian Way of Being Seminar Series  — artwork by Marc Eden

Are You Ready To Walk Upon The New Earth?

 That answer for most of us is actually: “No”.  And the reason is, even though we want to believe that the New Earth will be like just walking down the yellow brick road to the land of Oz, it won’t be that simple.

Do you still get angry at your family members or co-workers?

Do you still get anxious or apprehensive about making your bill payments?

Do you find some individuals annoying or rude?

Do you have self-doubts and fears?

Well, in the 5th Dimension not only do you walk along your path without expressing all these lower frequency emotions…you have learned to not only not think about them, but to not even have them.  Fully. At All.

And we here at Walking Terra Christa. which includes the voice of Lord Adama and the Ascended Masters and Lady Masters, want you to be able to say “Yes!”

So, effective immediately the New Earth Consciousness ~ Circle of Light calls are going to change to be a teaching forum in preparation for the energies of 12-21-12, the Gateway to the New Earth. We are being asked to fully acknowledge the divinity within us in order to assist the masses of new students that will be arriving in their awakened states after that much anticipated date.

(click here to read more about this special seminar series…)

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