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Master Altebetahn and the Cosmic Great Central Sun ~ The Power of Love Creates Healing

Walking Terra Christa presented Master Altebatahn (Higher Self of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) with the Cosmic Great Central Sun in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on June 1st, 2020 for the Ascension Mastery Teachings . This teaching was in memoriam of George Floyd and Black Lives Matter.


Let’s continue with this breath, connected breathing, opening up these energies.  Tonight, we’ll be connecting with ALL of the Rays of God that represent the 330 Rays of God.  Swirling colors upon colors coming down through the Antahkarana into the Soul Star and swirling through your central canal, opening, and allowing each of your chakras to spin with the highest frequency of Light all the way down through your Earth Star.

As the Earth Star and Soul Star spin simultaneously, these flames all move through the physical body.  Breathing that in, relaxing your shoulders and your neck and your bodily system to receive it into the Etheric Body opening up all timelines to be healed and addressed.

Moving into the Emotional Body allowing the Feminine essence to be ever-present.  Then the Mental Body allowing the Abstract Mind to be prevalent within the Concrete Mind.  There are flowing energies within and around you, accessing your Higher Bodies of Light, allowing your I Am Presence to become MORE part of your reality within your consciousness.  As you Solar Angel and your Gatekeeper assist you to bring forth your Higher Self Consciousness.  ALL elements are in ONENESS.

We create this beautiful Merkabah vehicle of all these Flames of the Blues and Greens and Yellows and Golds and Pinks and Violets, the higher Frequencies of Light, the translucent Pearlescent all spinning together within each of us as our Merkabah is the most beautiful vehicle that we have ever experienced.

As we move from the Planetary level up into the Solar Level reaching higher into the Galactic Level of the 11th dimension through the 24th, into the Universal Level from the 24th to the 36th and then the Multi-Universal into the 36th dimensional frequency.

We arrive within the beautiful field of flowers as each of us walk within our own Light bodies through the meadow we reach the Rainbow Bridge.  We walk across the Rainbow Bridge onto the garden pathway.  As it winds around in many different directions it is taking us to the Magical Forest to the Clarion Temple of Oneness in its Bluish-Silverish illuminating Light.

We walk up the steps and we are met by Archangel Michael’s Warriors who protect the Clarion from any energies that are not of the highest frequency of Light.  They acknowledge us.

As we step into the magnificent amphitheater, Yamteleus, who is the Spokesbeing of this Temple takes us all the way down to the first row on the first level.  This amphitheater holds many levels of Souls and we want to acknowledge all of these Souls.  We’re coming together in this moment.  Yamteleus will give his introduction.


Greetings My Dearest Friends, Comrades, all Souls in Oneness.

Thank you for being here within this glorious Temple in this moment.

Tonight, we would like to honor ALL that has been occurring upon the earth.  We would especially like to honor George Floyd, who arrived in the Temple almost one week ago as Mahlariessee was able to CONNECT with him ON the earth realm and he was guided to be here with us.

In his memoriam upon the earth, we have asked Master Altebetahn to join us along with the Cosmic Great Central Sun for a blessing for ALL that is occurring upon the earth, the protests and the uprising of the angers.

George is in a state of a healing process.  I and many others have been communicating with him. Master Altebetahn, as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and many others have been assisting him.  He has invited ALL of his friends and family and all the Higher Selves of the Souls upon the earth that are in a state of anguish to join us here within this Temple and the magnificence that it brings.

I, as Yamteleus, am deeply honored to be the Spokesbeing for this glorious Temple as I, as you know, was one that was NEW to these energies almost 20 years ago of your earth time.  Let me be an example for so many.

Namaste’ and blessings to each of you.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]


We are the Angels of all Principalities of Light.  We blend our energies together to create a circle of protection and Divine Light unto each of you and to ALL the Souls upon the earth, and to ALL the Souls that are here in this moment.

We HONOR George in his Pure Essence, that he is learning to acknowledge and heal his heart, and to heal ALL aspects of his being, because NOW his journey continues on a different level.

We are deeply honored to assist George in being here within this Temple.  We thank him for his COURAGE to come to Mahlariessee.  We thank HER for her COMPASSIONATE love to assist him and ALL who followed.

We come together in these moments in Oneness; ALL of us in many Legions of Light, as we surround you with our Wings of Light and Love and Compassion.

In reverence and deep blessings.


Greetings My Dearest Comrades, Countrymen, Souls of all Colors, of all Races, of all Genders!

I am Master Altebetahn and am deeply HONORED to be here to assist in bringing forth the Divine energies within this Temple and unto the earth, but mostly for the earth, and for this Divine Being we know as George Floyd that is NOW with us in his FULL essence of his Soul.

When I SPOKE within this Temple on my anniversary in January, I had many misgivings of what was to come; and it has arrived.  I am deeply SORRY for the passing of this man upon the earth.  But I believe his memoriam WILL bring forth a sense of climatic assistance in humanity that needs to be acknowledged.

Every Soul upon the earth is affected by what has HAPPENED to him whether it be the ones that DID it, whether it be the ones that DIDN’T WANT to do it, whether it be the ones that STAND for goodness of the police force, the ones that stand for HONORABILITY AMONG the Black race.

What CANNOT BE acknowledged is the ANGER that is RESULTING out of this.  It MUST be turned into COMPASSION.  We must LOOK at what has OCCURRED to be a STANCE of bringing forth more LOVE because the reason these OCCURRENCES HAPPEN within the world is because THESE SOULS do not have LOVE.  They DON’T have LOVE of themselves let alone love for another person, that they are FULL of prejudice, that are FULL of hostility, and they DESIRE to HAVE the CONTROL within their WORLD and because they ARE in a career that ALLOWS them to do so they think it SHOULD BE.

But, in essence, their Soul is purging; it is purging deeply as many Souls are purging upon the earth, because there is the division that’s occurring.  What I would LIKE ALL peoples of this earth to REALIZE within their hearts is that they MUST have COMPASSION, COMPASSION of themselves to realize WITHIN that the only way to SHOW CHANGE is through the essence of Love and to EXPAND that LOVE unto other individuals from your OWN heart essence.

But if one is full of HATE, if one is full of ANGUISH, it TURNS to violence, because that is the dark SEED, that is the DARK ESSENCE of what the DARK, the lower energies, WANT HUMANITY to DO.  What must HAPPEN through THIS occurrence is to STAND UP with LOVE.

There have been MANY, MANY circumstances being SHOWN through the internet that individuals ARE doing so, STANDING UP with LOVE.  Allow THEM to be the example.  Don’t FEED INTO the VIOLENCE, don’t FEED INTO the angers, as they will just create more frustration and anger within each of YOU.

As I have worked with George for the last few days, hours upon hours, I have been TRYING to get HIM to see the BLESSEDNESS of his disappearance upon the earth.  To see that what is occurring PRESENTLY will NOT be forgotten, as it has been with MANY other individuals. THEY are also here as we have COMMANDED them to come.

Many Souls LOST through the lower dimension have been asked to COME into this Temple to the Overlooking Booth to REALIZE the POWER of the LOVE that can be expressed and NOT to HOLD ON to those angers, because that is just feeding the lower self.  It is NOT the Blessedness of the Angel, it is NOT the Blessedness of the CHRIST, it is NOT the Blessedness of Divine Mother Father God!

JESUS CHRIST is NOT your Savior, but he is an EXAMPLE.  You can LOOK at him as a Savior if you ALLOW yourself to step into his WALK.  If you ALLOW yourself to fully WALK as Master Yeshua did, to WALK THROUGH the many dimensions of Light to BECOME Lord Sananda.  He is a Son of God and you ARE ALL Sons and Daughters of God.  The Christ Consciousness represents bringing FORTH that DIVINE ENERGY FULLY into humanity’s HEART, to REALIZE the POWER that they have within themselves is the POWER of what Yeshua spoke about, how he LIVED, and WHAT he preached.

I ASK each of YOU to preach within yourself to BRING FORTH the WORD of the God Force into your OWN heart, to bring forth the existence of ALL that we ARE and ALL that we CAN BE together.

In this Temple, it has created billions and billions of Souls, Souls from all WALKS of life, Souls that have experienced traumatic events.  They may NOT be the SAME as what George has experienced, but they are SIMILAR.

SIMILAR because of the energetic patterns that have occurred UPON this PLANET for WAY too long!

ALLOW us to assist you through the process of these energies on THIS day, in THIS moment to bring forth this blessing.

I, as Master Altebetahn, call upon the Divine energies of the Divine Mother and Father God, and the Christ Consciousness, and the Holy, Holy, Holy Hyos Ha Kodiesh ALLOWING the BLESSING of ALL that is ONENESS to come within this Temple in this moment to BRING FORTH this acceptance into your heart.

I ASK you, that whatever you are feeling within your OWN heart, it does NOT have to be associated with GEORGE and what is happening upon the earth.  I KNOW that each of you are HURTING in different WAYS within YOUR heart essence.  LET US HEAL this together as we COME together in the State of Oneness.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Blessed BE!  ALLOW the Divine Light Energies that WE ARE ALL A PART OF to COME INTO OUR HEARTS, TO TRANSCEND, TO TRANSFORM, to RE-CREATE what has been in society upon the earth for WAY, WAY too LONG!  To come into the HEARTS of the MANY SOULS of ALL the RACES upon this earth and the BLESSING of ALL THAT IS, and ALL THAT CAN BE to bring forth an ACCEPTANCE of DIVINITY in your OWN heart.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]


ALLOW that FLAME to BURN so DEEPLY within YOUR HEART that there is NOTHING that can PENETRATE it!  It is the STATE OF LOVE!  It is the STATE OF PEACE!  It is the STATE of UNITY!  BE UNIFIED within yourself and BE UNIFIED in ALL that CAN BE outside yourself!

I, as Master Altebetahn, the Higher Self of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., BRING forth this INVOCATION unto YOU and ALL the SOULS upon the earth.  As we send it DOWN through the DIMENSIONAL frequencies to ALL of the areas of the WORLD:

“ALLOW the UNREST to subside, BRING FORTH a sense of PEACE within everyone’s HEART, to take a MOMENT and REALIZE WITHIN themselves that VIOLENCE is NOT the ANSWER, to ALLOW the COMPASSION to RULE their consciousness, to WALK with STEADINESS and GRACE with EACH movement that EVERY SOUL makes UPON the earth.”

I, as Master Altebetahn, am deeply honored with Divine Mother and Father God to extend MY services unto each of YOU and the MANY SOULS of HUMANITY upon the earth!

Blessed be My Dearest Ones.  Blessed be.

Let us arise out of this destructive energy.  It is a climactic energy.  It is a CLIMAX that is coming to its HEIGHT.  NOW let it HEAL from that and CHANGE what needs to occur.

PRAY for the ONES that are violent, PRAY for the ONES that are creating affliction, PRAY for the ONES that don’t UNDERSTAND!  As we unify together, this is our STRENGTH.

All my deepest gratitude for each of you being here in these moments.

I am Master Altebetahn, Higher Self of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]


We are the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun.

We thank Master Altebetahn for his beautiful sermon within this glorious Temple allowing us to bring forth the focal point to humanity and to each of YOUR hearts.

Every Soul that is going through this transition in these moments, and some of you may not have been so aware of it, but you’re going through your OWN transition.

The WORLD is on FIRE and that FIRE is BURNING in many different places.  It is creating forces of unrest to ARISE out of the flames to become a sense of NOT ALIGNING within the earth’s energies anymore.

Then it must be SHOWN.  You’re in a WAR zone. 

You HAVE been in a war zone with the pandemic and now you’re in a war zone with this RACIAL unrest which is UNHEARD of.  But what has happened down through the ages through SO many lifetimes of SO many people are that HEALING has to occur or else the earth cannot survive.

Our role with each of you in these moments is to help you to ASPIRE to the HIGHEST aspect as Master Altebetahn has so ELOQUENTLY shared to bring forth the Divine energies of the Office of the Christ and ALL of the Great Central Suns, to bring forth the Rainbow Arcs of Light of all the COLORS.

Let us take a moment and FEEL those vibrational FLAMES circling within this Temple in this moment.  Those Flames all represent all the aspects of PURITY and BEAUTY and PEACEFULNESS and COURAGE and FEARLESSNESS.  You are learning to REMOVE the angers, learning to REMOVE the lower elements.

We, in this moment, is that will be what we bring forth through the Divine Language Network Light Encoding to re-create the energies that are ERUPTING at this very moment, that may be ERUPTING within you personally.

CHANGE is happening.  We are in the month of the Festival of Humanity and we want to bring forth as much humane COMPASSIONATE LOVE onto the earth as POSSIBLE.  THAT is the service that needs to be done for each of you in these moments.

GIVE service to yourself by FEELING that you ARE the Divine consciousness of the Christed energies.  You ARE a daughter or a son of OUR essences, that you HOLD this frequency within you, and ALLOW the COMPASSION, and the PEACE, and the SERENITY to come into your HEARTS to help YOU, and then ALL will be assisted by this frequency of Light.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

ALLOW all the FLAMES that are here within the ENTIRE altar and around the ENTIRE Temple, the vibratory rate of ALL the 330 Rays of God, FEELING those VIBRATORY energies running through and around you, and being PART of your reality.

BREATHE THAT IN!  BREATHE the PEACE, BREATHE the EXPRESSION, and let us send this NOW down unto the earth.  LET us send it into the core of Gaia for HER to ERUPT it out of her energies around the WORLD.  Let us dissipate the FIRES, let us dissipate the VIOLENCE!

Let’s bring in more COMPASSIONATE LOVE, Let’s bring forth the PUREST essence that you DESIRE to HOLD within yourself and BE THAT ESSENCE!

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Imagine the embers of all the Flames going around the world circling in all the cities, through ALL the Souls, bringing the sense of PEACE, bringing forth a the sense of HOPE that ALL can be rectified by ALLOWING it to dissipate.  ALLOWING those energies to move OUT of the conflicted areas, ALLOW it to be out of the conflicted hearts, ALLOW it to MOVE NOW.

Now, come back into the Temple.  All the energies vibrate at the higher frequency of Light, swirling colors upon colors that represent ALL different aspects of LIFE, of BEING an initiate, of being in MASTERY, of bringing in that sense of PEACE into and around yourself.

FEEL this vibratory energy swirling within and around you.  BREATHE it in!  ALLOW it to dissipate, ALLOW it to dissipate the PAIN, the SORROW.  ALLOW it to dissipate the INCREASED ANGUISH of what is HAPPENING around the world.  YOU are going to be experiencing it.  So, protect yourself with this frequency of Light as we place a Shield of Protection around each of you, a VIBRATORY protection for YOU to BE in your OWN SPACE of vibratory energies.

BREATHE that in!  It BECOMES very translucent as the many colors of Light, the BLUES, and GREENS, and YELLOWS, and PURPLES, and VIOLETS, and GOLDS, and LIGHTER GREENS, and ORANGES, and CRYSTALLINE colors, and MIXTURES of the most BEAUTIFUL CRYSTALS you can think of.

You are BECOMING that frequency of Light.  ALLOW it to come FULLY within your ENTIRE being from you Soul Star down to your Earth Star.  GROUND IT!  It comes up again and it swirls around us.  BREATHE DEEPLY as we extend these light forms unto the earth as we asked Lord Ashtar for the assistance within ALL the Ascension Columns around the earth to bring forth THIS frequency of Light.

Now BREATHE DEEPLY and FEEL the presence of PEACE. 

Whatever you are experiencing personally ALLOW it to be dissipated.  Because, in this moment, there is NO WORRY of anything around you.  You MUST regenerate and allow this frequency of Light to SPIN THROUGH your ENTIRE central canal, through your bodily system, through your MIND, through your HEART, through your EMOTIONS, and your Etheric Self dissipates ALL that is connected to any past memories that YOU have experienced in TRAUMA or uneasiness.  FEEL that NOW come into your HEART and it GROWS.  FEEL that vibratory energy within your heart as your HEART is very connected to each of us.

We extend OUR HEART, the GLORIOUS COSMIC HEART of the Great Central Sun of the Cosmic level to be VIBRATING within your heart of all these FLAMES we have spoken about.

Let it just RUN through your ENTIRE essence FEELING the BEAUTY of this LOVE.  It is YOURS to HOLD.  REMIND yourself of this.  You may want to HOLD it with your fingertips and FEEL that vibration come into your heart to assist you at any time that you need to do so.

Remind yourself that you are an initiate and you are the one that needs to HOLD this frequency because there are so many others on the planet that do NOT understand it or that will ACCEPT it.

We ARE Divine Mother and Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Hyos Ha Kodiesh, Hyos Ha Kodiesh,

Holy, Holy, Holy, HOLY LIFE of ALL.

Holy, Holy, Holy Light of All.

We are the Divine Mother and Divine Father of the Cosmic Great Central Sun.

We WALK with you in each moment.

©Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden, Integrative Channel 1, 2020; Clarion Temple of Oneness;
(Transcription Services: Carol M.)

[ORDER THE FULL AUDIO OF THIS TRANSMISSION ($22 normal means)] The Cosmic Oneness occurs on the 1st Monday of each month within The Clarion Temple of Oneness Teaching (click the link to order the recording for this transcription and receive the full vibrational energies and attunements available).

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves. A great way to start is by using targeted meditations that go beyond what is typically used. Our SPIRITUAL HEALING meditation or the SEVEN FREE CLASSES to help during these challenging times will assist. (visit to access or order).

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Sincere Dedication to Self Truth


Ascension Mastery Message from the Cosmic Great Central Sun of Divine Mother Father God received in the Clarion Temple of Oneness, March 9, 2020.

Yamteleus, The Spokesbeing for the Temple

Greetings my Dearest Ones! I am Yamteleus.  Thank you so much for being here and bringing forth the healing that is absolutely essential at this time.  We’ve had an increased number of souls coming into the Temple with the challenges of the Corona virus that has occurred, along with other tragedies upon the Earth.  We welcome them to see and to experience these Divine energies.

We thank each of you for arriving, for having the ability within your Heart Center to see that this is the place you should be.  Without further ado let us bring forward the energies.  I am Yamteleus at your service.

[Divine Language Network Light EncodingSM]

Angels of all Principalities

We are the Angels of all Principalities giving our blessing to each of you within this Temple and to all the souls that have arrived.  We wrap our wings around you to give you comfort, to give you love and compassion through the transition of becoming more than what you were in the previous moment.

Our Wings of Light flow through the Temple dropping the feathers of many different colors.  Embrace our energies as they shall help you to feel more contented within your own Divine Self.  All our blessings to each of you.

[Divine Language Network Light EncodingSM]

Divine Mother Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun

I Am that I Am!  I Am that I Am!  I Am the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun.

We thank each of you for joining us within the Clarion Temple of Oneness this evening, and we hope that you continue to do so.

There are always transitions that occur for every soul no matter whether you are within the body, or out of the body, or just moving from the physical existence into the spiritual existence.  There are always moments of change that need to occur bringing a sense of renewal.  Within each of your hearts it’s very important to realize within yourself to have that dedication to be this essence of your Higher Consciousness, of the spark of light, and embryonic state that you were eons and eons ago.  You have grown from place to place, from incarnation to incarnation, traveling to many worlds, traveling to many areas, bringing forth your Divine Essence.  Bringing forth your ability to fully allow the exchange of the flowing of the energies that were before and what is now.

For each of you here, as an Initiate, as a student that are existing in your own physical soul-self, this process that you are experiencing is a continual movement of allowing your Divine Self to become more of the God Essence in your physical existence.  It takes great dedication to do so.

In the moment that you realize within yourself that what you have been before, the awareness of being an Initiate, being a student of Mastery within your physical self, that it takes great dedication and concentration to keep telling yourself that this is the right Pathway for you.  Because your lower ego is going to try to tell you otherwise.  It’s very important to realize that these energies that you are experiencing upon the Earth presently are to assist you to become more of that God Source of Light within your own creation.

I think there is a statement that is said in your society, “That you need to get out of your own way.” 

This is so very true because it’s not just you as the person, it’s your physical consciousness.  That physical consciousness has to get out of the way in order for you to fully accept the spiritual consciousness.  You will go through many ups and downs through changes that don’t ALLOW you to experience the full dynamics that can occur by surrendering to the energies and not worrying about what is to be in the next moment.

It is important for each of you that come from the physical existence to realize within yourself that you have CHOSEN to open yourself up into a new space.

That space can be uncomfortable, it can be scary, and it can also be very beautiful.  Because once you allow yourself to fully embrace and enfold the energies that are surrounding you, you will allow them to come into your chakra system, open up the doorway for them to be part of your consciousness, to CHANGE the aspects within your subconscious mind that have held you in bondage from lifetime to lifetime.

But in between lifetimes, hopefully you have traveled to ashrams, you have done a lot of healing work, you’ve worked with each of us in the Office of the Christ so that the next time you embody you are more certain within yourself of what you want to do.  For some of you it becomes VERY uncertain within this reality.  You WANT it.  You awaken to higher energies but at times it may seem uncomfortable, it may seem too challenging because the other elements are so ingrained within your consciousness that it takes you quite some time to be able to push through and find the open doorway.  But that open doorway is always there.

It’s the part of you that doesn’t ALLOW you to SEE that open doorway because all you feel is a blockage.

It’s imperative for each of you to GRASP within your own consciousness what this may mean for you presently.  What element within yourself is the stronghold that stops you from breaking down that wall?  What is it within you that doesn’t ALLOW your higher consciousness to help you and to be STRONG and to be the WARRIOR of your own Divine Self?

These are aspects that need to be acknowledged by each of you.  The part of you that is not letting you become the higher integrated self and the part of that is trying to help you are in battle with one another.  By stepping into this Divine Energy is how you will be able to find a sense of purpose within your pathway to RENEW what has been lost.  It’s not GONE!  It just has been forgotten for some time.  It’s LOCKED away in your consciousness.

When you are ready to fully accept the challenge of pushing through those walls, then you realize within yourself the EMPOWERMENT that you have gained.  That’s truly what this cycle represents for each of you.  Finding the empowerment to say unto yourself, “I deserve this, I deserve to feel better, I deserve to HONOR my Spiritual self, I DESERVE to EMPOWER myself so that the pure reflection will be IN my outside world.” 

But it takes some getting used to through this process.  Because many times your lower self will not want to work as hard as you know you need to, will NOT be diligent, will NOT be respectful, will NOT be patient, will NOT have reverence for what you are experiencing.  That is truly the blessing of this Pathway.

In the beginning you have no idea what you’re doing.  Sometimes you don’t have any idea even when you’re going through these processes.  But what the difference is that in the beginning you’re afraid to understand it.  But as you move through the challenges you accept that you are learning from that process.  It’s freeing you UP from the elements that have stayed in place within your personality.  Because your personality is very similar to what it was before.  It transitions from lifetime to lifetime.

The whole process of that is to allow that personality to get better.  ALLOW that personality to be the God Source, to be MORE in tune with the Higher Light Body, the more in tune with everything that you are learning, the vibrancy of the Rays and what that means for you individually.  That is the true key to your healing individual awareness.

When you ALLOW yourself to have that individual awareness, you become more than you’ve ever been and could be.  That SHIFTS the deeper you to go through this process.  It’s important for each of you to realize within yourself that this process is not easy for ANY Initiate or Master, but it is necessary.  Because you’ve lost it, you’ve lost it from the beginnings of your Angelic presence.  That’s why it’s so important to connect to your Solar Angel.  

We bring forth that essence presently through the Temple, FEELING all the 22 Rays of God that represent moving into our essences of the God Source.  You think about it, the very 1st Ray is the Blue Flame to give you Fearlessness, to give you Strength and Courage and the last Flame is the Platinum to allow that Source of Light to become more integrated within your physical self than you’ve ever experienced before.

It’s a JOURNEY for the Initiate, that soul, to go through each of those Rays and to EMBODY those energies.  It is not just about bringing forth those Ray energies into your chakras and expanding those chakras, but it is to ALLOW your personality to experience a part of that aspect that is represented by those Rays.

Let’s call upon the Crystalline Flame.  The Crystalline Flame represents Resurrection.  What happens in the Resurrection?  Well, then you start to have hope, you start to bring forth a balance in being MORE harmonious.  It’s important for each of you to ACKNOWLEDGE the untruths within you.

I ask you to concentrate upon that right now with your breath as we go deeper and deeper.  We bring forth those Rays of God, the 22 Rays that we spoke about to bring forth that sense of purpose.  CONCENTRATE upon the ability to have more Strength and Courage to FACE that untruth, to LOOK at it, to BREAK DOWN that WALL.

We call upon the Crystalline Flame to break it down, to feel that Divine Energy being resurrected right within you without you having to do anything.  You just surrender to this Light Energy and it shall come to you.

The Flame that we have here within the Temple represents that Blue and that Crystalline Light.  FEEL that Blue and that Crystalline Light coming to you NOW circling within your entire structure.  It becomes part of you, it becomes part of your emotions, it becomes part of your thoughts and SWIRLS right within your Heart and your Solar Plexus and the Root chakra holding that damaging energy.  Let it GO!  Let the Blue and the Crystalline WORK within each other to help you become FREE of the damaging energy that has stopped you.

[Divine Language Network Light EncodingSM]

Now FEEL that Blue Flame coming into your ENTIRE Central Canal.  FEEL it in your Heart becoming the Strength that you desire to HOLD within you.  That the affliction of that lower energy is now being dissipated because the Crystalline Flame is BREAKING it apart.  It’s breaking it apart and it’s being dissipated through your ENTIRE structure.  FEEL this movement of the Blue and the Crystalline helping you.  BREATHE into that.  Let it GO and allow yourself to REALLY express within you the BEAUTY, the BEAUTY of this movement.  That is the most exquisite movement that you can CONCENTRATE on and not concentrate on removing and feeling the pain of that, but feeling the release of more balance to come into you.  As you BREATHE into that, feel the Resurrection within you.  Feel that STRENGTH.  You are becoming your own personal alchemist.

We bring forth the Violet and the Purple to soothe all aspects within yourself.  As you go deeper and deeper into the energies, now you feel the Pink.  Allow the Pink to just embrace you, allowing you to feel the act of COMPASSION of what you are doing.  You’re releasing those energies.  Feel the depth of the energies swirling within you and around you, EXPECTING MORE PEACE, surrendering with the Ruby Red and ALLOWING the flow of the energy that you concentrate and consecrate of the Green Golden White Light merging together.  It brings more of that into balance and ALLOWS your Higher Mind, it allows YOUR Divine Mind to come more fully into the creative process as now you become the illumination of your Higher Mind with the Golden Yellow.

All these flames swirl within you and the thoughts dissipate.  The emotion that’s associated with this is being released.  Feel the presence of your own Divine Self as the Seafoam Green comes in.  Bringing that Seafoam Green into ALL its aspects.  Now you have more CLARITY allowing yourself to SEE within you HOW you were thinking before and how DAMAGING it was to your ENTIRE personality.  FEEL that change occurring within you as we ALLOW the Blue Green the JOY and the HOPE and the movement of those energies.

The Pearlescent Flame of ALLOWING the Masculine and Feminine to work together so that your Emotional and Mental Body can heal. Allow them to MERGE within you as you accept the Pink Orange.  Bring that Pink Orange because now you’re moving.  Take that element that was a blockage and now see the doorway.  There’s a massive doorway that you’re walking through and it’s filled with the Light as the Gold, the Christ Consciousness, envelops you.  You NOW accept that you are a Christed Being of Light.  FEEL this energy within you.  FEEL it swirling and twisting in all directions.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Now you allow the Higher Light energies of the Violet, Pink, and the Deep Blue Violet, and the Golden White, and the Light Violet White.  You start to move into accepting your own truth of beingness of the Multi-White Light, of the Pink Gold, the 5th Dimensional Divine intent.  FEEL those intentions of the 5th Dimensional level coming back into your consciousness.  You’re filling it up from your Higher Mind into your Physical Mind.  You’re accepting it, as now MORE and MORE occurs as the Magenta of Divine Inner Power and Divine Love comes in. FEEL this flowing within you.  FEEL it moving, not just in your Heart and Solar Plexus and Thymus, but your entire structure.  Let it GO to the Root, let it GO to the Crown, let it GO to all aspects of your beingness as you BECOME NOW that aspect you desire to hold.  FEEL this within you.  It’s a vibrational essence.

[Divine Language Network Light EncodingSM]

As we go DEEPER and DEEPER into the Violet Gold, we get into those Higher Frequencies.  And the Blue Gold and the Platinum, you now become ONE within your Masculine and Feminine within you, the God Source.  You are that Spark of Light that we talked about earlier.  It’s a remembrance.  Allow that to be in your Heart.  FEEL this energy DEEPER and DEEPER and DEEPER within your consciousness.

Now, as we send all these Energies of this FULL integration of the 22 Flames down to Gaia through all the dimensions for Her to HOLD this.  We HOLD this energy within Her core as She extends it outward, everywhere around the world to all sentient beings, to all lifeforms, to all energies; to bring forth this Divine Light unto the ENTIRE planetary system.

[Divine Language Network Light EncodingSM]

Now FEEL those energies coming back into your Central Core.  Feeling your Heart, your Solar Plexus and all your chakras becoming One.  Your Full-Body system is One.

As we have gathered together in this magnificent Temple of Light, every soul that is here in this moment is connecting to that Source of Oneness, the Source of what WE represent as Divine Mother Father God, as the Creative Source of Oneness is Our Creator also.  That vibrancy energy from the 144th Dimension of ALL your souls and all your Monads coming together in the creative process of Oneness of all of your Light Bodies and all that you have BEEN and all that you WILL be comes into this Creative Source, this Light Frequency, this Love Frequency, this ability to be ALL that the Rays represent.  Bring that Divine Energy into your Heart essence.

[Divine Language Network Light EncodingSM]

Come back into your Heart Center with your breath and FEEL the beautiful integration that has occurred for each of you within your own consciousness.  Concentrate on that beautiful aspect you desire to be and feel the freedom of creating that balance within you.

We, of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun, are deeply honored to extend this Light Frequency to each of you in these moments.

We Are, that We Are!
We Are, that We Are!
I Am, that I Am, that I Am,
As the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God of the Christed Self.

So Mote it be!  Let it be done!  Let it be done, Dearest Ones.

Lady Mahlariessee 

Take a deep breath, as now we arise from our seats.  Allow these Light Frequencies to fully be within you as we walk up the steps, we follow Yamteleus.  We bid farewell, but you MAY return at any time.  Call upon your Higher Self to assist you within the Unified Whole Command to return to the Temple during your sleep state.

As we leave the Temple, we bid farewell to Archangel Michael’s Warriors.  As we step onto the garden pathway feeling the POWER that you have become within yourself, as a sense of purpose.

As we walk across the Rainbow Bridge, we gather together to create our group Merkabah, the Rainbow Colors of Light and we leave the 36th Dimensional frequency coming down into the 24th, coming down into the 11th and the 10th and then coming down into planetary creation as each of us now arrives into own Light Bodies into our physical location.  Grounding yourself deeply.

[Thank you to Carol M. for dedicating her transcription services to Walking Terra Christa.]

[ORDER THE FULL AUDIO OF THIS TRANSMISSION ($22 normal means)] The Cosmic Oneness occurs on the 1st Monday of each month within The Clarion Temple of Oneness Teaching (click the link to order the recording for this transcription and receive the full vibrational energies and attunements available, please let us know the date of the class in the comments section).  Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.

All Transmissions of the Cosmic Great Central Sun, Divine Mother Father God can be accessed via the link shown here.

Due to the worldwide trauma of the current earth situation, we are releasing to the public our latest SEVEN classes/events for your own use. This INCLUDES this New Earth Consciousness class from which this talk by Lord Adama was given. Listening to the recording brings in his energies to connect with you more profoundly than just reading his words above. These frequencies will help in keeping you in love and out of fear. CLICK THIS LINK:

NEWEST MEDITATION: We created a NEW SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation that is 40 minutes long for very deep cleansing and protection. Unlike the recordings of the classes and events, we have added background music by Thaddeus ( to assist and enhance the meditative energies to occur more deeply. CLICK HERE TO read more about the topic or to order.


ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2020 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!


This is the written transmission of the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God that was shared Live in the Clarion Temple of Oneness class on December 10th, 2018 for Ascension Mastery Teaching. The Cosmic Great Central Sun shares a message on how we as Lightworkers can assist those souls that are hurting to receive healing through the energetic vibrations of Light.

I AM THAT I AM THAT I AM THE DIVINE MOTHER AND DIVINE FATHER OF THE COSMIC GREAT CENTRAL SUN opening up our energies into each of you this moment. As we stand here in the presence of this glorious temple, we bring forth the flames of all the flames, of all the beauty, the joy, the courage, the Will, the Purity, the Power to come into the pure existence in this moment of our creation together.

This year has been quite powerful and some of you have gone through unbelievable transformations time and time again. Some of the occurrences you may not even remember; but we want you to acknowledge within yourself the beauty and the power you are bringing into your physical consciousness. Please remind yourself that you are not your physical self, that you are a multi-dimensional being that is starting to remember. You are starting to realize the potentiality that you have within yourself, to grow and to become more than you ever thought you could be.

As this is our last transmission of the year, we want to acknowledge all that you have done and to prepare you for the following year, to have your footing to what you have brought into your existence, to bring forth the acceptance that your physical self has allowed to occur. We think many times that this is not always so that the blessing that is occurring brings forth a substantial amount of change and acceleration. The little memories can get lost and forgotten until something happens that there is a moment of recall.

We ask you today to realize within yourself, to recall all that you have done since the beginning of the year. The process that is occurring with the exchange of energies for this month represents holding onto that Rebirthed Being that you have become to remind yourself what you are going through and to realize within yourself that your physical consciousness should not have the last word, that it all stems from your higher consciousness and to allow that higher consciousness to come into your pure existence each moment.



Master Altebetahn, the Higher Self of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., shares his essence on the anniversary of his birth upon the Earth with Words of Wisdom to bring forth Love, Peace, and Compassion within the Clarion Temple of Oneness for Ascension Mastery Training.

Yamteleus Spokes-Being for the Clarion Temple of Oneness

It is I, Yamteleus. Greetings my friends of all dimensions, of all Frequencies of Light. It is my Divine Blessing to receive your energies here in the Temple this evening along with Dearest Altebetahn, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We have with us many Souls. It is a very special occasion. Without further ado, I bring forth the energies of this evening as there is nothing that I can say that cannot be shared by our beautiful Master and the beautiful Angels. I am deeply honored to have each of you with us this evening and THIS year. We step onto a new threshold of experiences together. I am Master Yamteleus.

Angels of All Principalities

[Divine Language Light Encodement]

We are the Angels of the many Principalities walking with each of you, blessing you and thanking you for being here with us in these moments. We are deeply honored to open the energies for the Clarion Temple for 2018 to bring forth these AMAZING interactions of Divine Light to become a process of understanding through the Higher Consciousness that we ALL are together.

We bless each of you and wrap our Divine Angel Wings around you to assist you in the process of your journey upon the Earth. We send you Angel Blessings of Light.

Master Altebetahn

Greetings my Dearest Friends of all walks of life. I am Master Altebetahn and it is my pleasure to be with each of you once again.

I always look forward to this time when you HONOR me as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on THIS momentous day within the United States of America and within the ENTIRE world. It’s a very humbling experience even as a Master, as an Enlightened Being, to see the reflection of what you, as the person upon the Earth, created.

It is a time of GREAT concern. That concern should not be one of FEAR, but one of diligence, one of being WHOLE within yourself to fully embrace the Divine qualities that your physical self can hold on to. Whatever you can do for yourself in this process is very ESSENTIAL to your own well-being.

As I speak in this SPACE of Higher Consciousness, it is so much easier to bring forth the understanding that I have always desired as a Soul of MANY embodiments. That should be the truest reflection of ANY Soul in ANY FORM of life to be able to bring forth the highest qualities of their consciousness into the physical self. But we KNOW that most of humanity, (and I say, most, because each of you ARE a minority,) that are arriving into this state of consciousness are not at the level that each of you are bringing forth in these moments, but an AWAKENING within themselves. That awakening can take many years for them to realize what they are bringing forth into their life circumstance. But I speak to each of you that TOTALLY understand what you have experienced in your Pathway.

It is an important TIME in the history of this Earth as people LEARN to awaken to their Higher Desires from a Soul level. It can take a toll on the physical self. It can bring forth an exchange of energies that a particular individual may not be able to understand. I know each of YOU have been in similar circumstances yourself, because as you awaken to each NEW aspect within yourself, there is a moment of pure JOY. But within that pure joy, your physical mind wants to understand the process that you are going through.

My message today is one of HOPE.
HOPE that each of you on the Higher Realms of Understanding bring forth patience for all those that do not.

This is an imperative element to bring forth for EVERY living Soul upon this planet, that without their patience they cannot have Love. Isn’t that what every Soul DESIRES within themselves?  To FEEL Love, whether that Love is coming from their own internal Beingness or whether it is coming from a Higher Source.

If people would realize that looking at a beautiful scene standing on the beach and seeing a sunset or a sunrise, looking up at a mountain and seeing its glorious PEAKS shining within the sparkling crystals of the snow, or watching a lake with the wind whistling across the top creating waves of movement with the Sun shining down with sparkling COLORS of Light Energies, is truly a reflection of Love that is within each soul of this earth.

If every person could envision this is whom THEY are, then the POWER of themselves would be FULLY accepted. It would be fully integrated within the Self, within the consciousness of the physical self, within the HEART, within the thought process that occurs every moment of their day and every moment of their sleep, realizing that they, themselves, are the same as the beautiful sunset or the beautiful sunrise or the sparkles of light on a mountain, or on a lake.

This BEAUTY can sometimes be very difficult to FIND in one’s self. The outer form of Light dictates so much of the consciousness within the three minds, that it is imperative to understand within yourself how you’re thinking, what you’re thinking, and what you’re going to do with those thoughts. What is the reactive process that occurs within yourself?  If you could put yourself in a movie and LOOK at yourself on how you ARE projecting that energy onto your physical self, you would take many moments to realize the potential that you HAVE within yourself to CHANGE, to TRANSFORM those thought processes into the HIGHER existence that you are.

Sometimes, when I look at the Earth, I SEE that we have come a long way. Then there are times that I see that things have NOT changed that much. But they truly HAVE from the time that I was alive. Even though there are GREAT conflictions upon the Earth (there are still people still arguing with one another), there truly is this understanding compassion that is occurring within the hearts and the minds of MANY Souls upon this Earth. This gives me HOPE. This is what I want to extend to each of you today.

I want you to realize the capacity that you HAVE to assist this Earth by ALLOWING your physical self, your lower mind, your physical mind to accept that, as a situation occurs, because of the other elements that you’re dealing with, that you’re probably not even aware of.

I look at the times of my life, as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and I remember the marches, I remember the lectures, and being at the podium, and bringing forth the Highest Word of GOD to the people. I know that my ROLE at the time was very important because it is not forgotten. I realized this during this anniversary of my birth and my death upon this Earth that so many are TRULY bringing forth the Word of God within themselves.

You may think things have not changed, especially those of you that did NOT experience those years, but, in truth, it HAS. There are more people that have COMPASSION in this world than you realize. There are more people that think to themselves inside that they DESIRE to have ONENESS, that they desire to have UNITY amongst all Souls. That is what is occurring presently. There’s a wave of Compassion and Love.

I’m not saying ALL Souls are like this, but I DO believe there is a higher majority of people that feel this way. They may not talk about it, they may not SHARE about it, but underneath all those CHALLENGES and blockages that are within them, they are compassionate to others less fortunate than themselves. This is a true beginning.

This year represents the ability to step into Mastery. What is Mastery? 

Mastery is different for every individual person. As each of you KNOW Mastery, being upon this Ascension Pathway, it’s quite different than what your neighbor may think about Mastery. That person next door to you may see Mastery as just being able to get up and go to work and do the best that they can do in their world. That is also Mastery. It’s not Higher Consciousness Mastery, but it is a 3rd-dimensional CONSTRUCT of Mastery and what that means for that individual Soul.

So, I urge each of you to LOOK at this year quite differently than you ever have previously. If the world has stepped into MASTERY because of the numerology of the YEAR, that means UNIVERSALLY, COSMICALLY, that energy is being extended through the many Realms of Light of Dimensions into the physical Earth. And how each individual Soul receives THAT statement of Mastery is going to be up to them and what they are able to relinquish in their life. What are they able to surrender to so that MORE elements of Mastery can come to them to help them to have MORE Compassion, more Love?  The truth of this is to ACTUALLY feel it DEEPLY within yourself about your life. I know many of the Masters talk about this, that what we do internally will externally help others.

The Age that we are experiencing IS to have self-compassion, is to have self-love is to have self-preservation. Many concepts of THOUGHT, from many other individuals, may say self-preservation is fighting for what you believe in. But I think of it just the opposite.

Self-preservation is allowing the internalization of YOUR Higher Consciousness, meaning the Spirit, the Soul that you ARE to intertwine into your physical self. And that is what I would like to PROJECT this evening.

The more that every individual Soul ALLOWS themselves to feel their OWN Divine Beingness, a Spark of Light from the Higher Realms into the physical CONSCIOUSNESS, that will ALLOW them to FULLY accept their Pathway presently. Because this means that each of these Souls are being GUIDED, each of these Souls are being PROTECTED, each of these Souls are being LOVED!

It is like when you look at a video or a photograph of an ANIMAL or many animals coming together in LOVE, what is the FEELING that you get by looking at that photo?  You probably feel LOVE, because you see that the animals are projecting that onto each other.

The animals of this world are very good teachers for the humans. They don’t HAVE the degree of illusion that humans have. They have their self-preservation, but within that self-preservation sometimes it can mean fighting against others to survive.

The only way that each of YOU can take a lesson from this is realize within yourself that when YOU allow the Higher Consciousness that you ARE to be become ONE within you, THAT is your self-preservation. There is NOTHING else that is more important at this time.

The more Souls that we HAVE to bring forth THIS degree of understanding and acting upon it by ALLOWING the Higher Realms of Light that they ARE, the Spark of Light, the Spark of Encoding to come fully within their existence of their Etheric Self through the chakra system, then that physical self is going to react accordingly.

I always was DEEPLY enthralled by Mahatma Gandhi and what he did in his life and how he went about it. The way that I experienced things as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was quite different from Dearest Gandhi. But I DID try to absorb his IDEALS in my physical walk. When you have a civilization that is so full of anger, it is hard not to be part of that anger. But I also LEARNED that projecting myself through the Word of God, through the Light of God ALLOWED people to see that Light themselves as it was a VERY tormentous to live upon the Earth, and to BE in that limelight.

So I ask each of YOU to reflect within YOURSELF what is it that you would like to project into your world that will assist you in finding the depth of your OWN experience, to go deeper INTO that energetic exchange, to UNDERSTAND within yourself that you ARE deeply honored by your Higher Self to be in this physical life, in this physical body, and to WALK the Earth being FULLY enamored by the PROSPECT of the PUREST Light that you could EVER experience?

Not projecting it onto others so much, because as I said previously, first and foremost, is the idealization of your I Am Presence into your physical self, into your physical MIND, into your physical HEART. That is what is TRULY going to assist you to BE in Mastery.

As I said before, Mastery is different for every individual Soul. It is up to YOU to decide where THAT Pathway is taking you. What that MEANS for you in your physical world.

So, it is, with all these words that I convey unto each of you, is the depth of my Soul, of compassion. Take TIME to devote your purest essence unto your physical self. This part of you is needing this very badly as you may already know. To ALLOW yourself just to stop with the thoughts, to STOP with the ‘whys and the wherefores’, to ALLOW yourself to just BE in the process of the essence of the Divine Mother Father God.

I bring you my COMPASSION, and in turn, I would like YOU to receive your OWN compassion.

What happens to you when you receive this compassionate essence of LOVE?  Where is it going to take you?  We don’t KNOW. You don’t know. No one knows. All you can do is to BE this Love, be PATIENT with yourself, be PATIENT with what you are experiencing, be PATIENT with what you are GOING to DO in your world. Allow the stillness of your Higher Mind to take you into a deeper part of your existence. It is a DOORWAY you’ve never walked through before. It’s in the CORE of your Beingness. Everyone has it, everyone HAS this ability to go SO DEEP into their Soul’s essence that it’s a place that MANY have never been before. It brings you the STILLNESS, it brings you the LOVE, it brings you all aspects that you DESIRE to have in your outside world. But there it is right within you.

I ask you to take a few deep breaths as I BRING forth this extension of COMPASSION and LOVE unto your heart, unto your Soul to allow your physical self to be STILL and to ACCEPT this PURIFICATION of Light. What it DOES for you is a surprise. Be the CHILD and be happy to receive this gift.

As I extend this gift unto you, ALLOW it to come into your ENTIRE Beingness, ALLOW it to come into the Source of Light that you ARE!  And HOLD it DEEPLY within your Solar Plexus. ALLOW your Solar Plexus to feel the most Divine Qualities of Love and Compassion that you could EVER think about as you just sit back and receive.

I extend to you as Master Altebetahn the Pathway of Peace. It’s not something that just occurs. I extend to you Compassion. Let’s break down Compassion. It’s ALLOWING yourself to be OPEN, it’s allowing yourself to be STILL, it’s allowing yourself to be PEACEFUL, feeling in alignment with the Divine Essence of God. Allowing the PURE sense of LOVE to be YOU. FEEL the Compassion essence that is coming DOWN from your Higher Self into the physical self right now. Your Higher Self extends to you this Compassion of what you are doing. Even if you think you’re not doing enough, your Higher Self doesn’t think so. You are receiving the most Divine Qualities that you have ever experienced in this moment in time. Allow yourself to just receive the serenity and the grace that you ARE.

[Divine Language Light Encodement]

Being CALM, being OPEN, being in the moment, be peaceful, be in alignment with your Higher Self of SERENITY and the essence of your I Am and the essence of openness, allowing yourself to FULLY be in this space, never ending. Feeling the essence of Compassion.

[Divine Language Light Encodement]

Allow your physical self to now just relax and absorb the definitive qualities that I BRING unto you in this present moment, that I bring unto YOUR existence to assist you to TRANSFORM, to be at peace with whom you are in this moment, to not allow the thoughts to stop you. Just to feel the energies coming in through your body. Take a deep breath and feeling the PURE exquisite moments of Compassion to the Self, flowing light energies.

In order for you to achieve what you DESIRE in these moments, you must allow the compassionate nature to come into ALL aspects of your Beingness, into your cellular structure, into the physical forms in which you hold within yourself, to not allow the STRESS, of trying to figure things OUT. to stop you from receiving this PUREST Divine quality of purification to be ONE within you.

If every individual Soul upon this Earth took time every day to bring in the state of compassion into their full-body system, through their feelings, and through their thoughts, into the Etheric Self, breathing into the chakras, the body would relax. It is when your STRIVE too hard that you’re stressing because of what needs to be done or what you may need to think about; it causes the entire process to stop.

Right now, we’re in the flow of the Universe, of the Multi-Universes, of the Cosmic energies of the MANY Dimensions, because nothing stops in the Higher Realms of Light. So why is it that you, as a Soul upon the Earth, wants to control the process, instead of allowing it to be?

We now take this energy unto the Earth, we take it to Gaia, we take it into the core of Her being through the multi-dimensions of Light, from the 36th dimensional frequency, going DOWNWARDS through each dimension. This FLOW of energy that we have created become ONE to be accepted, ONE to be HONORED. It is through this acceptance that the purification truly occurs without worrying about what that purification should be. As this energy now comes into the core of Gaia, She also relaxes. She brings forth the most Divine elements of Love, the Divine elements of Acceptance and Grace, of MOVEMENT. Feeling this energy NOW coming back up to us through the lower dimensions and to the Higher Dimensions. Feeling the peace that is occurring for YOU in this moment.

Every Soul upon this Earth will feel a FRAGMENT of THIS Higher Frequency of Light. It’s FLOWING, it moves with the trees, it centers upon the flowers and the plants, it moves with the animals, it almost makes you feel like you’re in slow motion, yet you’re not. You’re just in the flow of the Earth, you’re in the flow of the Sun, of the Moon, of the Stars and the Sky, the FLOW of the Higher Dimensions of Light, the FLOW of ALL the Great Central Suns, the FLOW of the MOVEMENT of the Cosmic Energies. As it moves within you, it goes around you.

Take a deep breath and allow this essence to be fully GROUNDED within your being. Become ONE within it. You may feel uncomfortable at first, but just ALLOW it to flow through you. You will see a CHANGE in your consciousness. You will see a change in the way that you react in the next moment but NOTICE the subtle difference that is occurring for you as you bring forth Compassion into your OWN purification.

The emotions settle down, the MIND relaxes, and you become ONE with that PUREST essence that you ARE of the Divine qualities of your MINDS coming together, of your HEART becoming more balanced with the extension of ALL that you ARE. If you take TIME with this energy every day, if you can, you will see a change that occurs within you and around you. This is truly what the world needs because, as I said, every Soul has Compassion in their nature. Even if they’re not showing it, it is there, but it’s hidden. The only way that we can assist this Earth is to tap into this frequency OURSELVES and become that which Divine Mother and Father God INTENDS.

Take a moment to just respond energetically to what you have created within yourself in alliance with all the dimensions, with all the planes of existence. It will assist you tremendously in the Divine qualities of Love, of Life, and Pursuit of Happiness.

I am Master Altebetahn at your service. I am deeply honored to walk with each of you. If you need more assistance in bringing forth compassion, please call upon me. Because I know each of you are going through your OWN CHALLENGES in your Full-Body System. So, ALLOW this essence to come to you and to be part of whom you are becoming.

In the Blessings of the LIGHT, in the blessings of the LOVE, in the blessings ALL that we ARE together I, as Master Altebetahnam deeply honored to be able to be here with each of you and to BRING forth this Divine Light, this Frequency of Compassion, of Love, to be extended unto each of you in this moment and ALL the moments forward.

So Mote It Be!  It Is Done!

In the Light of the Christ We Are.

Lady Meleriessee

As we arise from our seats, we FEEL this flowing light of energy that Master Altebetahn has extended unto us. As we walk up the steps with Yamteleus, we bid our farewell to HIM and to Archangel Michael’s Warriors as we walk down the steps to the garden pathway. FEEL a NEW spring to your step. FEEL the BLESSING of serenity and movement as we across the Rainbow Bridge. We gather together in our group Merkabah, and we leave the 36th-Dimensional frequency, moving down into the 24th. Breathing deeply, feeling as if you just stepped out of an airplane, and you’re just coming DOWN with your parachute into the 11th, and then the 10th and moving DOWN into planetary awareness, feeling your feet upon the ground, pushing your energies downward to be grounded. This is a very HIGH intensity flowing Light Energy, so you may not even be in your body at this time. Feel yourself going down into the core of the Earth and bring that energy back UP. Breathing deeply.

Integrative Channel ~ Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

© 15, 2018, Clarion Temple of Oneness.

The Clarion Temple of Oneness is a weekly class in which we experience healing and high vibrational energies in the 36th dimensional frequency. We have a Master that hosts each week usually pertaining to our teachings for the month.  The Cosmic Great Central Sun (Divine Mother/Father God) speaks in the temple occurring monthly.  The transcript for the Cosmic Oneness is available via  to read. You can also purchase any of the MP3 downloads separately for the the classes to receive the highest vibrational energies available. When ordering, please make sure you make a notation of the date of the class you desire to purchase.

Walking Terra Christa is offering their program for 2018 – Light Quotient Embodiment Training which is a year-long teaching series to assist in upgrading your Light Quotient while healing the lower elements from the Etheric Self. To read our latest publication on this training, please click this link:  “Is There an Ultimate Path of Spiritual Study”.


Lord Buddha, Planetary Logos, shares his essence of the Christ Consciousness for healing of Gaia and humanity in these times of great unrest within the Clarion Temple of Oneness for Ascension Mastery Training.

Yamteleus – Spokes-Being for the Clarion Temple of Oneness 

Greetings my Dearest Ones,

It is I, Yamteleus.

I am so happy to be able to communicate with each of you once again.  Thank you so much, both Reverend Ara and Reverend Meleriessee, for the introduction of the energies and explaining what is occurring within the Temple this evening along with what you are experiencing within the teachings of this month.

It really helps all the souls to hear this information.   Because I can share it, but I am not living it like each of you.  And thank you, Meleriessee, for bringing some deep explanations and understandings for all of us.  Because I think in the Higher Realms of Light where we are without a physical body, we tend to forget how challenging it can be to heal these parts of ourselves to become whole, to bring forth the Divine Light frequency within our consciousness. As we see each of you doing it physically, it becomes more of a reality for each of us.   So, thank you very much.

Let us now get on with the energies.  I’m very excited to experience Lord Buddha and the Office of the Christ this evening.

Many blessings to each of you and Namaste’.


{Divine Light Language Encodement}

Love to each of you. Love in your heart.  Love, Holy Love.

{Divine Light Language Encodement}

We spread our wings completely around your hearts, around your body, around your soul as we bless each of you in these moments of Grace.


Dearest Blessings, My Dear Children, I am Lord Buddha. 

I’m so eternally grateful to be here with you within the Temple once again.  I don’t get much of a chance to communicate to each of you in this manner unless we are preparing for a special Christed ceremony But today it is some of the same, because I want you to bring forth that understanding within yourself of the Christed Being that you are.

I was very excited to hear that my presence was requested at this time for what you are bringing forth into your world of study of Higher Consciousness of Understanding. I desire to assist each of you to understand what I intend to share with you in these moments.

The first element I would like you to bring forth is to remember to remind yourself of allowing the Breath of Life to come fully within your full consciousness, no matter what your experience is like within your physical self.  Allow yourself to continually affirm to yourself, that the most important element for you to experience, is the Higher Consciousness through your breath.

I bring unto you the Christed energies of the Golden Flame.  But I also want to bring forth all the energies of the Rays that represent the journey of that Golden Flame of the 12th Flame.  I want to bring in all the Flames in this moment.  So, I ask all of the Ray Chohans to be with us.  I ask all the Elohim in their perspective energies, and I ask all the Archangels.

I call upon the energies of the Blue Flame, the Pink Flame, the Golden Yellow Flame, the Crystalline Flame, the Green Golden White, the Ruby Redthe Violet and the Purple, of the Sea-Foam Green, of the Blue Green, the Pearlescent, the Pink Orange, and the Golden Flame.   If we visualize that Golden Flame, spinning around you and within you, it represents all these other Flames of Light. It represents the journey to be the Christ Consciousness to bring forth those immense qualities of Divine Beingness to occur within your own state of Bliss, that I call consciousness. It’s your consciousness, it is how you think, how you feel.

What is it that you are expressing in this moment about yourself?

As we call upon all these flames in these beautiful Beings of Light to assist in this process, we gather together in Oneness upon this Temple to allow the Altar of Light to represent all these Flames.

Because the Journey of Mastery represents the Christ Consciousness in body, it exemplifies that ability to fully ground the higher frequency of Light into the Physical Self to become One with the Christed Beingness into the physical creation.  What happens through that process is that it changes the mental thoughts so that the emotional feelings become more centered in Oneness to bring forth that essence into a cycle.

If you can think of your Heart as the center of that cycle, each of these Rays represent different chakras that are incorporating within your Being.  The 12th Ray represents the 4th dimensional Being of Light. Within that level of vibration, awareness is key to all things.  It brings forth that ability to KNOW and DISCERN what is right or wrong within One’s consciousness.

If we allow the Office of the Christ, those beautiful energies that we are all a part of, that YOU are all a part of, to become more of the focal point within your thoughts and your feelings, then you start to become those thoughts and feelings.  It happens automatically. 

But what happens in your consciousness is that you’re still struggling of being within the body, of holding onto the memories which is your past consciousness lodged in your subconscious from the many lifetimes that you have experienced.  This is just the opposite of the Christ Consciousness.  So, within your Divine self you may have a tendency to think that you don’t deserve to receive these energies. Which is TOTALLY untrue.

Because, as an Initiate, if you take the time with your breath and move those energies into the higher dimensions of Light, your process through this, of course, is calling upon the Unified Whole Command of counting up those energies, then your body starts to FEEL those energies.

It becomes more of an integrated movement.  It becomes more of allowing the higher frequency of Light that you ARE, to become part of your pure existence in organic matter that you are as this physical person. 

But this process of integrating these energies takes time, because the body is not used to feeling the Higher Consciousness of Light.   As a newborn child that each of you were birthed into these bodies, you had that remembrance, you had that feeling.  But what happens is the parents, most parents, do not have that capability to hold the Christ Consciousness within their physical consciousness.  So, you must go through a series of trials, errors, lessons, and what happens upon this planet is all is forgotten.  That is the state of affairs the Earth is existing in, presently.

The consciousness of the revival of Remembrance is coming back into creation

But it is not going to happen all at once.   It must happen within each of you FIRST.  So, you MUST go through these moments.  You must go through these doorways to help you to remember more of who you truly are as the Soul of Light.  As the Embryo of Light of your I Am Presence separating into a soul and then taking that soul to the birthing of a physical body.  Now, you’ve done this several times, unfortunately.

It takes quite a while for the consciousness of the soul to become very predominant within the consciousness of the physical self. 

This is the experience that each of you are having presently. What happens through that process is you forget that you need to be patient. You forget that you need to be blessed and you need to thank yourself for this process.   You immediately go into your subconscious of your Etheric Self of the dark person that you have been.   That dark person can just be one of agitation, arrogance, or loneliness.   It doesn’t mean that you did any dark acts, but all have acquired within those timelines and you’re healing that part of yourself.

So, I pose a question to each of you.

“What if you just allowed yourself to feel the Divine Creation of the Christ Consciousness of all these colors of Light that as truly within this room, at this time, within this amphitheater being projected onto each of you?”

It’s being projected to each of your aspects of your soul into all your bodily systems.   It’s being projected into all of your chakras.  It’s being projected into your consciousness, your subconscious and allowing the superconscious to become One within these essences.

THAT is the journey you want to be upon.  You want to sit in this movement of Light and it will help to dissipate those lower thoughts.   But the problem is the physical self’s Mental Mind wants so much control because it’s used to having that control. If that is who you have been, many lifetimes that becomes a burden, when you step into this energetic exchange.  But it doesn’t HAVE to be.

Don’t ALLOW it to be a burden.  You have arrived into this amazing Temple of Light to REALLY receive the Divine energies of the Christ Consciousness.  

As I have with me all the Beings to bring forth the Christ Consciousness; each of these Masters have traveled the same road that you have.   They understand the consequences that you have to deal with.  So, in these moments, we give you compassion, we give you Divine Love, and we give you the ability for you to nurture yourself, by allowing this frequency of the Light of this plane to come unto you.

If you think about it with each of these Rays, in order to achieve Christ Consciousness, you have to go through the steps.

You have to strengthen your reserve. You have to allow the illumination of your Higher Mind.  You have to allow yourself to be loved and adored. You have to transmute and go through the rebirthing experience of the Crystalline Flame.  You have to allow your Higher Mind to be in your Lower Mind to allow the Harmony of the Spheres to be your Guide.  You have to allow yourself to give Peace and Nurturance for the Devotion that you are giving unto your Physical Self.  You have to allow the Violet -Purple Flame to REALLY Transmute and Transform, to become a new Source of Light within you.

Then you allow the Seafoam Green of your Higher Self to become more acclimated within your Physical Self. You allow the Body of Light of the Blue-Green to bring into you, more infractions of light, more frequencies.  Then you allow the Pearlescent Flameto assist you to bring forth that Divine Energy of the Masculine and Feminine.

It is the first step of allowing those energies to become more within your Chakra System within your Sacral.   Then you bring in the Pink Orange Flame; this is very, very important because you allow yourself to move from the Old Self into the New Self to receive the Christed Energies of the Golden Flame.

I ask you now to feel this Golden Flame as you understand more about what the other Flames represent.  You can hold this frequency of Light.  Don’t you deserve it?  Isn’t it time for you to be more of this energetic exchange within you instead of the lower thoughts, instead of those lower feelings?   Allow the Golden Flame that I bring unto you right now, the Christ Consciousness as each of us represents within the Christ consciousness.

Each of us has had our dark days.  Each of us has had moments of regret.   Each of us has had loneliness.   But what I bring unto you, in this moment, as the Planetary Logos, is the Divine Love of the Christ Consciousness centered in all aspects of your being.

I want you to bring it into your Hearts.  Because, remember, the Heart is the Mecca Center of all the chakras; of all that you are as a soul, as a Body of Light.   We extend this light frequency unto you in this moment, for you to feel this Body of Light that you have always been.  But now, YOU can fully generate it within all parts of your consciousness, within all parts of your ability to feel, to think, to be.  I, with all of my Divine Beings, here, assist you to be that energy.

Let us exchange the energies of the Golden Christ Flame that brings forth Knowingness, that brings forth Nurturance, that brings forth Peacefulness, that brings forth Grace, Stability, and Understanding. As you breathe deeper, allow this Golden Flame to come deeper into the core of your being as you become One with all that I extend unto you, in these moments.

{Divine Light Language Encodement}


Allow the grace and the blessing that you are receiving in this moment to go to all your cells, to go to all aspects within your physical existence, Within your emotional feelings, ALLOW the emotions to represent a blissfulness, a moment of silence, a moment of creation.

Allowing the Mental Body to relax as there are no thoughts except pure acceptance, pure bliss. Allow this exchange to flow into your entire system.

Take the palms of your hands and touch your Heart Center.  ALLOW your Heart Center to vibrate. FEEL the vibration going upwards and downwards as you become One with the Christed Flame of the Golden Light.

I send unto each of you, each of the Masters and the Teachers of each of these Rays to assist you to bring more of this Essence into your Beingness.

I, as Lord Buddha, now invoke this wisdom into your Higher Mind.

We call upon the Divine Beings of the 12 Rays of God, of the 12 of the Elohim representing the Masculine and Feminine, the 24 Elders that surround the Throne of Grace, of the Archangels that represent the Divine Beingness of Angelic principalities into physicality.

I ask each of these Divine Beings to work with each of you throughout the month to assist you in this process.  To assist you to feel the Christ Consciousness that you are from your highest consciousness.   To allow this energy to flow into your four-body system through your sleep state, through your remembering state and allow any elements that do not fit it, to assist you with the process of your Divinity.

You must remember that when elements come up that are not of a positive nature, they are arising for you to change them.  They are not there to hurt you.   They are not there to aggravate you.  They are there to make you aware that you no longer need them.  That is when you take all of these energies that you have received today in this moment.  I’m placing them into wholeness to take a moment to reflect upon them and what that means for you.

Take those energies and say,


The reason it keeps coming back into your consciousness is because a part of you has not healed all of it.  But you think you still need it!  But you don’t.

When you allow yourself to step into the purification of the purest light form of the Christ Consciousness, all will change.   But it will take you some time, because you will constantly go back to the Lower Self.

Let us bless this Invocation in this moment to allow the process, the building of the bridge, to start in this moment to allow you to remember your Divine Consciousness to love the Christ of Being that you are from the Higher Source of Light. Bring that unto your physical existence to change everything that you are experiencing, so that you can become One with the Christed Self.

This is how we shall heal the Earth.  This is a VERY important part of the healing of Gaia, of the healing of humanity, of the healing of all Gaia’s kingdoms.  We must be blessed from the Higher Source of Light.   Please know these WILL create challenges for you.  Affirm within yourself:


Take these energies and feel them fully in your full consciousness.

In this moment, you’re probably feeling higher frequency energies to assist you in this process to NOT think about what is supposed to happen, to not go to a place where you need to purge something.  ALLOW the energies to help you.  I ask you not to think about ANYTHING that needs to purged for at least 24 hours.  Allow yourself to be in this state.   When you are not in this state, I want you to call upon MY essence, the Office of the Christ to assist you.


Feel this energetic exchange fully within your body.  You may feel light energies through any of your cells, or your vibrations, within your bloodstream.   Let it be, let it come within you.  It is part of receiving your Light Quotient and your bodily system.   It is a blessing to your physical self, although it may not feel like a blessing.  Allow yourself to rock with the energies.  Allow yourself to feel blessed by my arms around you as you fully breathe deeply, and bring more of the Christ that you are, into your full consciousness.

it is now time for us to extend this energy unto Gaia.  So, all we do is to take a breath and we allow this energetic exchange that you have been feeling to go deeply through the breath.  So, you bring that in-breath and then on the out-breath you are extending the Christ Consciousness all the way through your Earth Star.

We all do it together which makes it even more powerful from this amazing Temple of Light that goes through all the dimensional frequencies into the core of Gaia.   Allow Her essence to feel the Golden Flame of the Christ Consciousness of the Office of the Christ. We ask it to go to all her lands and all her waters.   Allow it to go to the elements of the Earth, and most of all unto Humanity.

Within that breath you bring that energy right back into your Heart Center.   Feel the blessing. When you take time to receive, that is when you can share with others.  Now the vibration that you may be feeling is just a small sensation and pulsing energy running through you.

Every soul upon this Temple is receiving this light form.   It shall assist everyone in their journey to bring forth an understanding that this is the source that we ALL need to achieve.  This is where true feeling will occur.   Not in the arguments, not in the discussions, not in feeling how bad the energies are; will move through that cloud of thought-forms that is encased around the Earth in these moments of so many people’s fighting, hurting, and going through immense tragedies.

This is truly where the healing will occur.   Bring that back into your heart center now.   Hold your hands close to your heart and allow the vibrations to be within you. 

I am Lord Buddha, deeply honored to work with each of you. I extend my services throughout this month and beyond.  To assist you to become this energy that I have extended unto you. It is the source of your growth.  It is the source of your journey. It is the source of your entire Beingness.

I thank all of my colleagues and all the Beings of Light that have helped this energy deeply especially Lord Maitreya, Lord Kuthimi, and the Office of the Christ as we are One in this moment.

Namaste’ my friends.

Integrative Channel ~ Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

© 9, 2017, Clarion Temple of Oneness.

The Clarion Temple of Oneness is a weekly class in which we experience healing and high vibrational energies in the 36th dimensional frequency. We have a Master that hosts each week usually pertaining to our teachings for the month.  The Cosmic Great Central Sun (Divine Mother/Father God) speaks in the temple occurring on the first Monday of each month.  The transcript for the Cosmic Oneness is available via  to read.You can participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase any of the MP3 downloads separately for the the classes to receive the highest vibrational energies available. When ordering, please make sure you make a notation of the date of the class you desire to purchase.

Walking Terra Christa is offering their monthly classes in 2017 “Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul” which is facilitated through Lord Saint Germain, the Ray Chohan of the Month, and Lord Metatron. Each month we work with Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron for the Metatronic Seals. Included are the Ray Chohans for the specific rays we are working on as they provide information and Divine Language Light Encodements to assist in accessing the energies within the physical body.  Please use the link to learn more about this series.

Ignite the Flame of Divine Light ~ Master Altebetahn

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on the anniversary of his birthday, comes to us within his Higher Self as Master Altebetahn to give a very inspiring and powerful message to the Clarion Temple of Oneness, January 18th, 2016.

Yamteleus – Spokes-Being for the Clarion Temple of Oneness

Greetings, My Dearest Beloveds,

I Am Yamteleus. Welcome to the Temple this evening. I am really excited to have Master Altebetahn work with us that will really represent what each of us need to embody and understand within a physical existence of what occurs ~ bringing peace and harmony to a planet in the midst of great change. This is exactly what each of you is experiencing. The changes are different than they were before but they are not of a lesser degree.

I thank dearest Dr. Martin Luther King as Master Altebetahn to fully be with us and bring forth his essence unto each of us.

Many blessings to each of you; thank you for being here.


Angelic Hosts

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

We are the Angels of the many principalities of Light, and we gather here this evening with each of you in union and communion of whom we all are in the Source of light, in the creative energy. It does not matter that we are angels or whether we are represented by some other embodiment or just the Source of Light that we are; it does not matter. What is important is that each of our Hearts is connected within each other and that is what we desire for each of you this evening. We thank you deeply for coming forward to be with us, to experience this beautiful time together.


Master Altebetahn

Dearest Ones,

It is my blessing to be with each of you. I am Master Altebetahn; as all of you know me as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. of the earth . Of course, my role upon the earth was so very important for the people, and I see that there is still great change that needs to be done in order for us to come together in a peaceful resolution of what you call the New Earth.

When I hear those words, The New Earth, it rings true in my heart as my cause upon the earth was so very important, but there are many other causes that are just a crucial to the changes that humanity must exhibit within their hearts. I am honored to be here with you once again. It is truly a blessing to my heart that I am gifted to be able to speak to the many through this beautiful lady and that I can reach my essence into each of your hearts ~ as our dear hearts become one heart beating in the core essence of God, of all that we have ever desired to be.

My role tonight is to honor each of you for the work that you are doing in your own way. As each individual that steps into the power of God within themselves, truly has a gift to give unto the planet, and we all know that this must start first within oneself allowing it to change all of humanity little by little. This is occurring, believe it my Dear Ones. Little by little people are awakening and achieving all that they desire and all they could ever think to be. It is my pleasure to see it from this perspective.

The planet still has a very long way to go but each of you that are part of the newly awakened energies of the last 15 years or so, are planting these energies within the earth. We do see it. We do see it happening. This year is going to represent so much change but within the change, there is a beautiful essence of the extension of life being honored in a completely different way than it has been. The Great Ones that we have always honored; Jeshua, Buddha, Mohammed, Dearest Gandhi, Indian Masters, Monks, Teachers, in monasteries that will come out to meet the people. It truly will occur and each of you are the pioneers stepping forward to change yourself and the earth are bringing forth the greatest gift that I can see. You see, as you are healing yourself, you are teaching others to do so. This is being given to dearest Gaia, the Mother of our Earth. As the people will change through this process, the Great Ones will come to meet each of you.

It is at this time that you must hold true to what peace represents for you. Because if you allow yourself to fully inhabit the Divine Essence of Peace, of God’s heart, which is your heart into your physical heart, then anything that you experience within the earth will not seem as traumatic as it could be. It will be more beautiful, it will be more magical, it will be more lovely, but it is within the depth of your existence of trying to hold onto an ideal that must be changed is when individuals will truly have more difficulty in acknowledging the process.

So each of you are here as those Divine Beings of Light. You may not understand what you are going through specifically in each moment, but you will be able to comprehend that there is a greater purpose within yourself that is being acknowledged. There is a depth – there is a truth that is within your soul to be accepted into the Divine Hearts of many. Everyone’s truth will be different but it truly is the same as it represents Divine Love, Divine Power, and Divine Acceptance. If we take ourselves back to that realm of individuality, of the light, of the source that we have been previously in the beginning, we didn’t have all these elements stopping us from that Purity of Acceptance.

Tonight I would like to assist in bringing forth that Divinity of Light. I have learned much from my trials in the heavens. I have learned to honor the depth of change that occurs, and I have also learned that not all can be changed in a moment’s notice. My role with each of you is to help you to find that Divinity of Light within yourself, the spark that helps you during those difficult moments. Without that spark, you will fall into the depths of despair; you will grieve in a way that is so unpleasant as you have done in many other lifetimes.

I believe this is the time that you are the Ones that are bringing forth these essences, these changes within the soul to not only help yourself but to help the masses. It is all about embodying the Purity of Light, the Love of expression, and the understanding that everything has its purpose in each moment of your existence. When you step into the power of that light, you will be able to acknowledge it in a completely different way than you ever have before. And within that moment, is your True Purpose. It will appear to you in the darkest moments, the weakest times of expression.

If you see yourself as a flickering candle, that flame never dies. It is the heat and the power of that flame that is your continual movement of yourself. That flame never dies when you leave the planet. In actuality it helps you to learn how to help yourself to make it stronger.

This is what I have learned in the last 50-60 years of my heavenly existence:


When you have a struggle you become immersed with its power. It becomes you but within that struggle is the Power Of Your Ability to move through it. This is what I mean about you being the FLAME.

As I look around this beautiful amphitheater in this moment, I see all these beautiful flames of light. I see small flames, I see brighter flames, I see weaker flames, and that is only because you have not been shown the power of your Divinity, of True Oneness. Being One with God’s essence, being one with the Creative Source of Light that has been given to each of us.

It is very interesting how life enfolds upon the Earth. When we have our deepest struggles, and then we are faced with those struggles, we then allow that power of the light and love that we are to shine so brightly so it will burn away what is bothering us.

It is the one thing that I learned of being a black man in a white world in an environment and time that it was not accepted. I knew that power of my light could change things and maybe not in that moment, but it would change those souls that when you stand up to adversity within the known power of your existence, those souls that you are dealing with, they might still try to hurt you, but they can never take away your Light. They can never take away your flame of existence.

I see so many people upon the earth awakening to this fact. Some are lost within that power, some of them are overly empowered by it, and some learn that it is the true balance of life and the pursuit of happiness by allowing the Flame of the Divine Light that they are to be fully embodied within their pure existence, within their breath, within their feeling stages, and within their hearts.

I ask each of you now to see this FLAME that we have within this temple tonight. It looks like a large candle. It is a Flame of Light that represents all the hues of Christ Consciousness but beyond of Divine Oneness. Allow this Flame to reflect unto you, your own flame, as it ignites deeply from your Earth Star and allow it to come up into your entire existence, feel it within you, to give you confidence, to give you acceptance, to give you truth and the courage to look at what you have not been able to see before.

This is the power of this flame. You can call it God’s Flame; you can call it the Flame of Infinity of Light, but each of you, each of us has this flame within us.

I want to ignite that flame this evening. That is my role with each of you today – to give you the courage and the ability to look at the darkest parts and to be able to ignite that flame. This is truly how we are going to help others. I look forward to the New Earth. I look forward when all can come together in unison; that the world does not revolve around one specific one person, but yet the world revolves around all persons, all light infractions, of the depth and the purity that is within.

Each of you has courage; you would not be here today if not, and you would not be doing what you are doing. It does not matter how you are doing it, if is on small scale or a larger scale. It means you have ignited that Flame of Divinity of Love and Light to be ignited within you. Sometimes it may not be strong but other times it will be powerful.

So let us ignite this flame tonight. Let us feel that flame of strength, courage, power, love, compassion, and acceptance to fully be within each of us.

So I am no different than you on a soul level. If you had seen me in some of my lifetimes, you were probably greater than I was. All of that does matter; what does matter is lighting the flame. The Divinity of Love ~ the Divinity of Power ~ the Divinity of Wisdom ~ is fully ignited within each of you.

I ask you to look at this Flame in this beautiful temple as it is within the middle of our staging area. It goes upwards into the 144th dimension; it goes downwards to the core of Gaia. It ignites all the planes of God. It is very beautiful. Let this flame to come to you now in a deeper part; deeper into your heart and deeper into your Solar Plexus feeling the power and love that you are; feeling the acceptance that you bring forth into your existence within your breath. Allow it to be, Dearest Ones. There is no other way to be. You cannot be weak-willed. You cannot fall upon the aspects that don’t allow you to have the courage and the strength to move through any adversity or any success. This is truly what brings success. It is the power of your compassion, the power of your ability to understanding, and the power to make the necessary changes within yourself.

Your flame is igniting right now through the entire spectrum of your system from the soles of your feet in the Earth Star to the highest part of your Soul Star and expanding it above beyond the many dimensions of frequency through your Antakarana Bridge connecting to your I AM Presence.

Feel that power coming within you now as you ignite these energies unto yourself within your Heart. Feel the vibration and the warmth, the Golden Yellow Light, the White Light, the Lavender Light, the Purple, the Greens and the Blues, all frequencies, the Pink with Golden Hues, Pearlescent Hues, and Silver Hues as you become the Flame.

Now you are the flame my Dearest Ones. Feel the essence that is occurring within you as your body blends within the flame.

There is no body in this moment; there is only the flame in what you are. Feel the extension of that Divinity of Love, that Divinity of Light that represents all of these elements I speak a bout. Allow yourself to be compassionate with what you are experiencing. Allow yourself to feel the love that is igniting within you, the power of it is so great. And it truly is because you are so great of the extensions of your I Am Presence. Feeling that I AM Presence within the Monad and Your Higher Self as one entity of light within this Flame. It becomes you as you hold it deeply within your Heart. You feel the power of this energy. You feel the extension of all that you have desired to be, it is right within you.


{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Think and allow these thoughts to come fully within you from your Higher Mind into your Physical Mind:




Feel this Dearest Ones, feel these beautiful essences of the Divinity of the Source of Light be you as each of you are the Source OF Light. We are the Source of Light together.

Let us expand upon that and blend it deeply through our Earth Star as we are igniting this energy through the many dimensional levels below us into the core of Gaia. As Gaia receives IT, her flame burns bright. It burns brighter and it is warm and in a pure existence of vibrancy.

It wakes up all that is asleep as energies are now shifting and moving through the entire circumference of the world, the earth. Around the earth and inside the earth and every living inhabitant receives their own essence as we extend this beautiful movement of our own Divine Oneness of the Source that we are. It goes to everyone else and returns back to us.

Now feel that frequency of light coming into you. It surfaces within your core and moves around you like a blanket of warmth. It is the deepest love that you have ever felt. You are wrapped tightly within it and around you. You feel those elements I have spoken of, you feel the ability to be pure in your thoughts, you feel the ability to be calm, to be One with God’s essence with the entire frequency as you are part of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.

You become this White Light within your physical essence.

Hold onto this my Dearest Ones, hold onto this frequency as this is what is going to assist you in your days ahead. As the challenges occur, you must always be sure what is within you but it must not come from your physical mind. It must come from your Higher Mind, your Higher Heart, the essence of God’s love but beyond God of the Creative Source of Light extending unto you.

What a gift to be awakened at this time.

And I ask of you to hold onto that. Let it be your thought.



Breathe deeper into it. Hold it within your Heart. Hold it within your Solar Plexus. This will give you your Higher Power and your Higher Heart to be ignited at all times of your life.

I am deeply grateful to be able to bring forth this message, this essence, this acceleration of what it is to be fully conscious and know whom you as a physical being and know who you are a Higher Being of Light.

I look forward to the time I return when I can experience this also. I thank you dearest Meleriessee, Dearest Ara, and Walking Terra Christa for allowing me to extend these energies unto each of you.

I am here to assist if you desire to receive that acceptance of pushing you into the darkest places helping you to understand that when you are Light, it may seem dark but it is an illusion of your lower mind and you have the power to walk through it. Then it all changes.

My deepest love and gratitude,

I Am Master Altebetahn at your service.

Individuals may purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls via The Cosmic Great Central Sun (Divine Mother/Father God) now speaks monthly in the temple occurring on the first Monday of each month.  The transcript for the Cosmic Oneness is available via  to read. If you would like to be part of these energies LIVE or listen privately, please check out our Student Program or our Partnership/Member Program in which we offer several ways to be part of these energies at a cost that you can afford.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


Being the Purity of your Light ~ Cosmic Great Central Sun


This is our first Channeled Message/Teaching for 2016 within the Clarion Temple of Oneness. We bring forth the Cosmic Great Central Sun who represents Divine Mother and Father God as they express their essence of light.

Introduction by Rev. Ara – J. Michael Hayden:

Welcome everyone to the Clarion Temple of Oneness as we resume with our new semester.

It is going to be an exciting year as we move through 2016. We had already been informed that it is not just going to be a year of completion moving into preparing for new beginnings but also with the teachings of Ascension Mastery.

The year of 2012 was the demarcation when the energies of the new frequencies upon the earth would start to take effect in a deeper way of shifting consciousness, the Kali Yuga, the big shift of the ages. Even though those energies were not fully incorporated at that time, it still marked the entranceway of the Golden Age to begin upon the Earth even though it is not being seen within the consciousness of humanity at this time.

The energies have been hitting us with all the solar events, all the CME’s and the cosmic energies moving through toward the planet as well as all the seasonal changes and the alignments within our Solar System along with our Universe to make this consciousness shift be more readily available. In fact, to the extent in which humanity will have to grasp it within themselves or they will be required to continue their third dimensional existence in some other format because GAIA has expressed her interest into moving into a 5th dimensional consciousness.

That is what she is striving for along with the Awakened Ones of humanity. So now everyone has this opportunity to move into these frequencies.

One of the things that will become very apparent within these energies is returning in full force, not just in name or in understanding of what it means to live in the Universal Consciousness of Oneness which essentially means that all the Universal Laws need to be put into effect within the family of humanity so that we all operate within that Oneness, Wholeness, Cohesiveness, that single-minded connection of love and brotherhood and sisterhood to become very apparent upon the earth as we progress. We do not know how long this is going to take, but clearly these energies will make themselves more known in individuals that do awake and within those that do not awake or within those that are desiring to return to that Oneness there will be increasing amounts of that contrasts. Even more so than what we have seen within the last ten years. The United States as been at war and in many ways has not left that environment.

As many people are understanding this consciousness and awareness to be realized that a fifth dimensional Golden Age cannot be with us until those energies are resolved and brought back into that one family of light. This is what we will be working with this year within the teachings with a extreme and full effort towards working with the Universal Laws and bring those teachings down from the Ascended Masters so that we can understand what it means to access them within our multi-dimensionality, no t just simply our personality consciousness of our ego.

So we are very pleased you are with us for these teachings as they are very powerful and can bring about these changes if we are persistent to having that fortitude of self-will and power to bring these changes within ourselves before they can extend outside of us to effect, to help and to assist any others upon the planet.

This is also another deep teaching element that will have to come forth this year; as it is the year of “rolling up your sleeves spiritually” in terms of that personal responsibility to bring it down within yourself so that you can act upon to have it actually create that higher vibrational frequency within the planet.

One of the illusions of the old teachings and acceptances of the planet and its systems is that you could stand up in front of a group and talk about all these things without actually inhabiting them within you. You could strive just as anyone could strive, but if you had not attained mastery, it did not mean you were not a master of the subject. This is one of big things that will change upon the planet. This means that every one who is simply a master in title and not in action, will become revealed as being such. Not that it is a bad thing it just means that they need to actually do the work themselves internally just as they are teaching every one else to do.

Thank you for walking this pathway with us.

This is the first Clarion Temple of Oneness and that is the teaching we reserve for Divine Mother and Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun.

Yamteleus – Spokes-Being for the Clarion Temple of Oneness

Greetings, My Dearest Beloveds,

It is I Yamteleus (Spokes-Being for the temple); it is my pleasure to be with all of you once again. It is so wonderful to connect through this venue as I feel all your hearts and the beautiful experience of each of us connecting in this way. I also feel your excitement as it has been a couple of weeks, earth time, that we have connected together and how very perfect that Divine Mother and Father God will be our teachers this evening. I am not quite sure what they have to say so I am just going to allow the energies to continue. I thank you from my heart for continuing this journey with all of us.

I AM Yamteleus, your friend and guide of the Clarion Temple of Oneness


Angelic Hosts

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

We are the angels of all the principalities and it is our divine pleasure to be with each of you this evening, to bring forth this energetic exchange, and to bring forth the Divine Mother and Father God within the Clarion Temple of Oneness.

It is our pleasure to walk with you, to share with you, as our hearts are always connected in so many ways. Let us know bring forth the energetic exchange you are waiting for.

In Wings of Light, we connect with each of you.


Cosmic Great Central Sun ~ Divine Mother Father God

I Am that I Am, I Am

I Am that I Am, I Am

The Divine Mother and Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun

Glory Be, My Dearest Ones,

It is our pleasure to be with you as it has been quite some time. Let us connect with our hearts; let us connect with the Divine Beingness that we are.

As we ignite our energies within this beautiful temple this evening, we bring forth the Divine Rays of God that you have incorporated within yourself of the fifth dimensional frequency but let us go further by allowing all 330 Rays of God to be within this temple. Colors and colors of beauty all through each of you shining immersing illuminating, allowing these frequencies of light to be you and to go deep into your Heart into the Inner Core of your Being where there are so many energies that may not correlate with this higher frequency of light.

Just breathe it into yourself and allow your physical being to release, to surrender, to be embraced by our Divine Essence. That is our role this evening.

You are in the midst of a New Year, you are in the midst of acceleration, but within that higher vibrational essence, there must come a sense of responsibility within your physical being and through your higher being. As your Spiritual Self becomes more part of you in small moments of every day and every night, it can cause great change to occur through any of the bodily systems. There is so much that you are not accustomed to in your consciousness. Some may think that it is just a moment in time and that you really understand as you come from this higher space.

Your soul has evolved into higher levels of acceleration but all of those timelines were meant to be so you could bring it into this physical body, this creation that you have upon the earth in this lifetime. The timeline that we want to bring to you is in this moment is to embrace the Purity of Light That You Are.

Allow us to have this timeline that you can call upon at any other time of your worldly existence. Isn’t it helpful to have something you can refer to that gives you acceleration, excitement, and support in what you are experiencing? It is when you don’t have those moments to go to that causes you to become very conflicted, that the subconscious thoughts become so centered within the power of less than instead of great than which causes you to experience life in a completely different direction than you desire it to be.

The changes that are going to be occurring within the Earth will take you into deeper parts of yourself if you allow yourself to go there. Otherwise, you will be on a roller coaster and you will not be able to embody what you are desiring to do because of those closed doorways within your Etheric Self that are not being opened. It takes great courage and tenacity to open up those doorways and that is why man cannot do it. This is why Mastery is so very important for the New Earth.

It brings forth this understanding.

Think about how it would be to walk into the New Earth with who you are now. What would happen to that New Earth. Would it stay in a 5th dimensional frequency and beyond? I say, that it would not.

That is why it has not occurred, although many think that it has. There is still too much confliction within the world; there is too much duality. You definitely are living in a 4th dimensional frequency of light presently.

It is not a bad frequency of light, but it has its ups and downs. It has its darkness and it has it power of light. This is what each of you is experiencing. You see, each of you have chosen to be here at this certain time and the depth of your work, of your inner self, is so very important.

At the beginning of this month, which is now, the moon has just started its course, which you call a New Moon. This moon cycle is bringing to humanity the ability to understand what needs to be addressed and what needs to be embraced, but sometimes the conflict can be in the wholeness of that essence. So it is important to separate what you have experienced and understand why you experience it. Each moment of every day you are going to change. The frequency of light of this moon is bringing forth great revelations. It is bringing great healing. It is bring forth the ability of light intensity to come into each soul that is ready to accept it.

Now it is going to come into each individual upon the planet; that is part of the process as it is a cleansing period. But it is also one that needs to be addressed in the consciousness of that human field. If an individual is not awakened enough, they will address it through their sleep state or alternate realities, but they will not address it in their physicality. This is where it gets lost.

But each of you are quite different. There are many others out there that do not understand what they are going through. Oh, they know there is change, and know there is transformation occurring, but do they realize that transition from the Old Self of Being into the New Self of Being is a necessary component. This is what this moon brings to the earth.

Dearest Grandmother Moon is bringing her frequency of light very much like the Crystalline Flame. She brings this essence into each of you to purge and allow the rebirthing to occur.

Isn’t that what this year represents?

It shows us the ability to look at one self, to make the necessary changes, and to allow the continuance of their life with those changes more fully integrated.

So I say to you, as the Cosmic Great Central Sun, do not be afraid of what you feel. Allow yourself to surrender into the process of acceptance. Allow yourself to know there is more to what you are experiencing than you can understand, and when you realize there is no understanding, that takes you into the doorway of Acceptance.

I ask each of you now to bring forth this Acceptance no matter what the consequences can be. Can you do that for yourself?

That is the true aspect of really being in mastery – to open a doorway and you are not sure where that doorway is going to take you, but you know, through the Purity of the Light that you are feeling, that it is the right space for you. Your physical self may not always agree, but your Higher Self guides you to that place. The physical self has the vehicle, has the movement that is necessary to move into that doorway.

So I ask you now as we bring forth these essences of the combined Rays of God to open up the doorway to your Heart, to open up that next elevation that needs to be accepted no matter what you are going to feel when you are going to walk through that doorway. That does not matter; you may think that it does. But the true essence of this frequency is to allow your physical self to move forward. Once you start to do that, the old will dissipate, as you no longer are holding onto the control of needing those old elements even though you may think that you needed them. You no longer need them; you are n w a Pure Freedom of Light. Now you have your Wings of Light; your have your Wisdom and your Knowledge. You have your Love and this will create the Power for you to feel this immersing energy.

We expand this light through the temple right now in the misty frequencies of the palest colors that you can envision. Feel this mist coming over you as it will open up your Heart into a new doorway of experience allowing yourself to fully accept the next stage of your journey. This is going to assist you so much.

When you have trust, when you have faith in the power of the unknown, it guides you into the knowingness. But you must relax with your breath. You must allow this Frequency of Light to come fully within your entire being which will ground it through your entire essence. This brings forth the ability to take the next step of your journey.

Breathe deeply my Dearest Ones. Breathe deeply and feel these essences coming within you as we extend them to you in a frontal mode through your body.

As we expand them to the top of your Crown, as we extend them behind you and all around you. You become a Master of Acceptance. You accept yourself to move through this next stage of your development. This is the discipline you need to have within yourself. Be strong, but you have faith. Be strong that you are secure. Be strong and you will have courage.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel the power of your transition now. You are completely encased with these colors of light around you. If you have any feelings of insecurity, breathe deeper into the process and allow yourself to know that you are safe. You call upon your Solar Angel, you call upon your Higher Self, you call upon your Gate Keeper, your Guardian Angel; you call upon all the ones that assist. You feel yourself being pushed very slightly into the next momentum into Time and Space. As it comes fully within you, you will start to feel the transition from the old into the new.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel the power of our Love, feel the acceptance of Divine Mother as she blesses you with her feminine essence. Feel the essence of the Will of God representing Divine Father; as we are both part of these essences. We bring you the courage, but we bring you the nurturing that is necessary. Hold it deeply, my Dearest Ones and feel the change as it emits out of you representing the old issues, the old aspects that are holding you back as you move into this new stage of nurturing your Divine Self, nurturing your physical self. Allow the momentum to take you into a new direction that you have not received previously. Feel it deeply with all aspects of your Being. You Etheric Body is adjusting; it softens. Your Emotional Body is feeling the courage and the strength with the blessing of the nurturing that is happening. The Masculine Body of the Mental is relaxing and merging with the Feminine, as now the power that you have not been able to acquire in certain circumstances now becomes you. Your heart is warm and you feel the warmth curdling through your veins; you feel the power that you are becoming, but within that essence there is the deep Love that shows you what needs to occur.

This is the healing process of this moon to move these essences into the Divine Being that you are. Know within yourself that in order to have these aspects fully intact, you must discipline your mind, you must discipline your emotions, you must discipline your physical self, your Lower Ego in understanding the higher aspects of All That You Are. Embrace it deeply, my children.

As everyone in the temple has moved in their consciousness, there is a moment of an adjustment. It could be very subtle or it could be very strong; it does not matter what it is. But allow this Frequency of Light to combine within your four-body system so that you can start to feel the changes that are occurring within you. Take these moments and not worry about your outside forces. Think about the inside of your Divine Beingness, your I Am Presence, your Godliness. You are a Child of God; feel the eruption of those energies moving through you and around you. Be them as it will assist you tremendously. Breathing deeply.

We are going to extend this energy from the temple to the core of Gaia and allow her to take it as she will, as she may, to whatever areas, to whatever aspects that are needed.

We must consider that as we bring forth the essence of Spiritual Laws, Universal Laws – what you feel today in this moment you are feeling and exhibiting outside of yourself. It is no longer the outside coming to the inside. It is the Purity of your Light, it is the Courage, it is the Love, it is the acceptance. You want to share this with others.

So just let it seep out of your aura, out of your field as you cannot hold all of this. It will go into all the other places as now the Earth is being centered with these beautiful light streams of frequency in a mist that is very soft because it is calming. It is a soft energy that is assisting in the process of knowing thyself in a much deeper level. Feel that now come back as the entire consciousness of the Multi-Universe, the Universal, the Galactic, the Solar and the Planetary are now all One combination of light. Breathe deeply my dearest ones and accept it to be.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

In Waves of Light, you have allowed your physical consciousness to receive your Super Consciousness, your Higher Self, your Higher Mind, the light frequency of the Ascended Master State of Consciousness with our extension of Divine Mother Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun. Feel the warmth that we bring unto you in these moments, as it is our pleasure to see you accept the Light That You Are.

It is our pleasure to be with each of you through these energies and at the onset of this beautiful year. We will see great change; we will see great growth amidst the turmoil and the challenges. But the Purity of Light shall be fully within you within your physical self.

Namaste and the Light of the Christ That We Are Together.

So Mote It Be ~ We are One Dearest Ones.

I AM that I AM

I AM that I AM

I AM the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God.

Blessed Be; Blessed Be.

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© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:



The Doorway of Our Power

Hands within hands_800_543

This is the transcription of the LIVE call within the Clarion Temple of Oneness with Lord Kuthumi, representing the Office of the Christ on October 12, 2015.


[Crystal Bowl Ringing]

It is my divine Pleasure to be with each of you. I am Lord Kuthumi.

I was very, very excited to have the energies open up between myself and Meleriessee just a short time ago. I think operating in this manner will assist us to become more physical with the energies and allow the frequencies of light, the attunements, to occur as we move into the Temple as it will allow each of us as Master to attune ourselves to each of you in the physicality.  [Our format for the class has changed so that the teacher speaks first, then guides us to the Clarion Temple of Oneness for the attunements.]

So please do continue your breathwork in this process. What I want to feel is the energetic exchange of your higher consciousness into your physical self.

As we breathe together and open up our heart centers, let us talk about the Three-Fold Flame as I am coming in representing the Office of the Christ. We bring forth the Love of the Pink, the Will of the Blue, accessing your Wisdom within that essence also which helps to create your Power.

I ask you this, “How do you feel about each of those three aspects?” What happens with the essence of Power is that it is accentuated through the other two elements.

So we start with the essence of LOVE.

Now as I tune into each of your consciousness at this moment, I know all of you want to accept love within yourself continuously. You have love for many other individuals, for many other elements of this earth, certain animals, love of nature, and allowing those essences of what you see around you to bring forth love.

But, what I want to speak about is Love of yourself ;Love of your Divine Nature within yourself to fully embrace that part of you.

Now deep down within your consciousness, you may feel this love continually. But we need it to come higher into the existence of the physicality. Sometimes, when we feel love, there are great emotions that are represented by that love. There should be an element of warmth, of blessedness within you, and I ask you to go deep within this through your breath, go into your Heart Center, go into the Feminine aspect that is within you. Or, it is trying to be with-out of you.

How do you allow that energy to go outside of yourself?

This is very, very important, because many individuals upon this planet feel this love and they want to express that love, but how well do they do so?

I would say that the percentage is about 50% within humanity. So I ask you to look at yourself in your own Inner Truth and even the parts of you that you don’t like.

Where is the percentage level for you to express your true worth?

Now, that can contain many elements. It can be how you feel about another individual and what that individual does to you within your Heart. Because love can also create negative emotions, as we know. But I want to ignite within you this evening is the power to bring forth the deepest essence of love; not from a physical standpoint, but from the spiritual of your highest essence. But how am I going to do that? That is what I am going to show you within the Temple tonight-to ignite those energies within you.

In order for us to express our Will, we must have that essence of Love.

Standing on its own, we know what the masculine energies can do. It does not ignite any of the elements of Love, it ignites the elements of control and aggressiveness of power within its raw form, which can be very damaging. These essences can tear an individual apart. But, in truth, everyone has the ability to feel the depth of his or her higher love. Some would say this is God’s love.

But in truth, I want you to go beyond that essence and to feel the truth of God is the truth of yourself.

What particle that is within yourself that you are not fully acknowledging from the God Source, from the Source of Light that You Are?

It is what you have experienced, not this lifetime but all the other lifetimes that creates your approval system within yourself. What needs to be done is those energies need to be defragmented and pulled apart so that the true work can be revealed. Without going through this process, then you are fooling yourself of what you truly know about yourself.

We have to allow the depth to go deeper into the Heart Essence and to bring forth the totality that each of you truly are, not what you think you are. This, then, is going to be able to allow you to move more freely within the Masculine Divine. What has happened upon this planet is that the Masculine Self has been doing all the work and the Feminine Self gets lost in that process. As that is not her energetic exchange, the idea of love comes from a completely different experience than if the Feminine Divine is activated first.

This, in truth, is what occurs within each of you.

The Masculine Self will try to argue with the Feminine Self that she does not know what she is talking about. But, in truth, the feminine essence is the feeling frequency. Many schools of thought will teach that it is the Masculine Self that has the idea first and then the Feminine Self initiates it, which is true.

I want you to go a little deeper with that element.

Let’s take this process of Meleriessee of trying to make the decision of which teacher would be coming into the Temple this evening. Her first thought was to go searching for the list of the masters to get a feeling of the energies. That is coming from the Masculine Self. But then she re-grouped within herself and said, “No, that is not the way I need to be doing this.”

So then, she goes deeper in her Divine Mind, her Intuitive Mind and gets a feeling that she felt my essence. She does not know why Lord Kuthumi is coming through for the teaching tonight. In her conscious mind she may say, “I need to understand.” But, the one element that we are teaching her is not to understand, to go by her intuitive self which she has done most of her life. But, in situations like this sometimes she has a tendency to fall back into the old self and say, “I must research this myself.” She still is actualizing her Divine Mind at that point, but she was still looking for other avenues. On this day she did not let that happen.

This is what I want everyone to understand. Your Will may push you to go and do something, but what is the feeling behind that thought. That is the Feminine Self. You must get a sense within yourself if you have the ability to get a vision, or have a feeling, or a visual, Her visual was my energy and she knows what my essence feels like to her. So then, she commands, it to the Masculine Self and at this moment within her, it is one embryo of light. She knew immediately that this is who should be in the temple tonight. She would understand later why it occurred this way.

When I give this example, I reflect and say that the ‘feeling level’ was the first element that she realized within herself. Originally, she was going by ‘acting and doing’ so that was more of the masculine energy, but then she went back to the feeling level. It was at that time that she knew that the action would be to have my energy within the teaching this evening. Once she did that, she felt peace. That is the power of the moment.

This is what I want each of you to understand that the total consciousness of everything you do must go into this feeling stage. It does not have to be massive but just a little flicker within your Heart Center, within your breath, or within your energy field. It feels like a warmth, it feels like an okay signal. You are the only one that can tell within yourself what that symbol should be. Give yourself some symbolism to help you through this process until you can fully intuitive like Meleriessee did.

When you go through that feeling stage, then you activate the Will. That is the Masculine Self being part of the process. Then what occurs is the feminine is fully initiated. So she at first gets that feeling level that she ignites it unto the masculine and the masculine gives its okay. Then it expands more. So the feminine initiates that energy.

That is the power of the Masculine and Feminine working together.

You may say, so, why is this discussion so important? We understand about the masculine and feminine. Well, you are coming upon a New Moon and more accelerations, which will be activating these energies in this way.

Understanding the process in the simple form of what the Masculine and Feminine Essences are doing within your full consciousness will assist you to go deeper and create the changes that are necessary.

What does this New Moon represent?   BALANCE – it represents balance and the perfect aspect of that element is allowing the feminine to have more input into the masculine energies. Not waiting for the masculine to make the decision and waiting for the feminine to act upon it.

So the planet is moving more into a feeling state. That is the Feminine Divine. It does not mean that the masculine gets lost, it means the masculine is fully comprehending his role within the feminine divine. That is the true power.

I would say that this moon represents Power. It represents both sides of the equation to come into balance. If you step on either side too far, then the opposite side is going up to high or you move down to the opposite side to the masculine, then the feminine is too high. Where are they? They are not in placement of each other. There cannot be any God’s power within that equation. There is an imbalance that occurs and this is what happens for each of you. When you are trying so hard to initiate a change within your life, the flow between both sides is not coming to meet in the middle. So the power cannot be ignited whatever that power represents. It could be power of manifestation, power of growth, power of regeneration. Whatever that moment is for you, whatever is the conclusion that you come to, they come into full alignment when they work together. This is the process of allowing the feeling level of the Feminine Essence , the understanding, the intuitive part to move to the Masculine Essence. Usually the masculine on its own without the feminine has no intuitive sense. It goes by actions and reactions, tried solutions. That part of the equation cannot work any longer upon this planet. So as each of you are becoming into more alignment with your Higher Essence, allowing your physical self to understand these processes will assist you in the whole pathway of regeneration that you are going through.

So I put it into these simple terms of allowing these energies of this moon to assist you in the next stage that will be occurring next month.

When you accept the equation as such, that is when your true power comes together. That is when the synchronicity of every moment that you are experiencing goes into the next moment. It is when you question, when you don’t allow the Intuitive Self to work with the Analytical Self that it gets you into trouble. Those problems, then, cannot be ignored. They must be looked at. So this is where your challenges are fully coming in. This is when you are not working as a Divine Being of the Christ Consciousness.

Let’s truly experience this together of allowing the energetic of the Feminine and the Masculine to really come into wholeness within yourself and understand it.

Let’s all breathe deeply

Igniting the energies that have already been started, allow them to come into you to create your Merkabah Vehicle as we call upon a Group Merkabah. We will move out of the existence of the Planetary Level, going up into the higher realms like a balloon going up into the sky. We are one huge balloon passing the Solar Level, going into the Galactic Level, into the Star Systems into the Universal Level and then the Multi-Universal Level. All of a sudden we just find ourselves slowly, slowly coming down unto the existence of the beautiful meadow that is part of the Clarion Temple of Oneness.

We are approaching the Rainbow Bridge. Now I want you to feel that existence with the vibrational energies that I have been sharing with you. As we walk across the water, notice the colors that are emanating from the stones and the sides of the stream. As we step unto the other side we feel Oneness with all of these beautiful Beings that are part of this temple. We follow the Garden Pathway and walk upwards as we are met by Archangel Michael’s Warriors and we acknowledge one another as we step into the Temple. Yamteleus is waiting for us – we acknowledge him, he acknowledges us, and all the souls within this beautiful temple all arise as they had been receiving this vibrational message through each of you.

We walk down unto the first row and I extend my energies unto the middle of the arena, known as a stage. Each of you find your positions within each of your seats. The Temple, this evening is filled with the God Force of Light of the Golden colors reflecting all the other colors that blend within each other. I bring to you that essence; but I do want Yamteleus to give a message. I now step aside as he gives forth his energetic exchange.


Welcome, Welcome; It is I, Yamteleus. I am very excited to have each of you here.

I want to share what we have experienced through the message that Lord Kuthumi has given to each of you in the manner that has been done this evening. The vibrational exchange has been very grounding for us even though we are not in a physical body. Being without a body, we sometimes don’t always understand the process that each of you is going through. All of these beautiful souls that are here within the temple are having remembrances of their physical lives, of possibly where they did not understand intuition and the opposite effect of thoughts and action along with reflection upon those situations that were not in balance and what occurred,

I think it is very beautiful in what we have experienced through this process as it is helping so many souls presently in such a way. I am very excited to have this experience in this manner; and I see how the repetitive movements that can always be the same can cause mediocrity and a process of getting used to things. But yet, when things change as what we have experienced this evening, there is a particle of excitement to see how it is going to effect each of us and each of you.

I am very pleased to feel these energies in this manner and to have the existence of Lord Kuthumi in a completely different way than we have experienced before.

I want to thank you for allowing this exchange to occur; in a way, you had no control in how the class is being presented, but yet, you do, by accepting that change. I see such acceptance and love ~ thank you.


It is I, Lord Kuthumi, once again.

Let us take a moment with our breath.

First, I want to thank Yamteleus for the understanding from his perspective and from all the souls that are healing through this Temple that they are affected by everything every one else does, especially within this Temple as it brings such deep healing for so many souls on so many levels. That is why I love this experience within the Temple as it is a place where each of us comes together. It does not matter who we are; even though you look at me as the teacher and an Ascended Being of Light, I understand where you are coming from. This is because I have been there. That is the blessing we give to you this evening, Understanding; understanding of what you endure and have to experience because each of us has had similar experiences. That makes us soul brothers and sisters, which helps us to bring that Oneness together of Acceptance of Who We Are.

So the other element I want to share before we move forward with the attunement of the Masculine and Feminine Divine into the Power element is the Reflection of what is occurring for you presently.

We all know that changes are happening within you and within the planet, which is assisting greatly to make the changes more accessible to others. It definitely is a domino-effect as each of you feel these frequencies of light, it sends those frequencies out to another, and another, and another, and another. That chain finally does go down to the unaware people. They feel it differently than you do but there is an awareness that happens to them within their own consciousness. So we are all effected by one another. You are affected by me; I am affected by each of you. We hope that in the process that it is a good experience.

What I want to pinpoint in these elements is to reflect upon “What is it that you are experiencing, what is it, what are the reflections, what are the changes you are going through?”

You must realize within yourself that an acceleration comes into your Being, it changes who you are, and then you must go into the depths of your soul to see what the change does to you physically. Otherwise, that work is for naught.

The reflection of the conscious mind must accept the Super-Conscious, the higher levels of consciousness and to make residual effects to occur as you walk upon this planet. That is why you are here with the ascension process to make those necessary changes in your life. They will be small, at first. They may be just one way you have done something: like the way you meditate, the time you get up, or the way you go to bed. Then, it moves out of that element: they way that you perform a task, the way that you interact with another person, the way you do a job, the way you communicate to a person. Then it goes deeper within that.

Is there a change that you have needed to create within your life?

All these elements are a domino effect in your own existence, because it will help you to walk through those doorways that are necessary for your changes. Maybe it is a new house, maybe it is a new location, maybe it is a new job, maybe its being an entrepreneur instead of a job, maybe it is being a teaching, maybe it is being a student, or something that you have never experienced before. These are all the residual effects of what you are doing within your world.

So we go back to that position of the see-saw, of the balance, of being in the middle of your power. The masculine and the feminine are now working together to create those doorways to occur. Now within that process, of course, you are going to remove the elements that do not fit that doorway. But you cannot let those challenges stop you from going forward. You can’t allow yourself to ever be isolated, frozen, or keep yourself in a time and space that does not include working through those doorways. So the energetic exchange that is happening presently with this New Moon is allowing that frequency to give you the change you are looking for. This is because of the domino effect that you have gone through previously is allowing you to move into a new stance whether it is an idea, thought, experience, or whatever it is, it is something new you are feeling. This is the time to balance it; this is the time to allow the accessibility of your Divine Mind coming together with your Analytical Mind to bring forth your power.

What is happening is that the Masculine Mind helps the Feminine Mind to feel more powerful. The Feminine Mind helps the Masculine Mind to be more soft and flowing. That ignites the power within you to create any desires, an outcome that you are looking to occur.

So let’s center upon that energy now in this beautiful temple of light as we look above there are beautiful streams of spectrums of light coming down, and bringing forth that energetic exchange you need to help you move further from the old space, to bring forth the balance within yourself.

Let’s us first think about the feminine. What is the feeling you are experiencing right now. What is happening to you, do you have any adjectives occurring for you through your thought process? Is it exhilarating for you? Is it moving, tingling, is it soft or warm and allows you to feel like you are under a heavy blanket like you are nurturing yourself. Allow that essence to come in first.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel the warmth and the healing that is occurring for you. Now allow that to move into your Masculine Side, allow your Masculine Side to feel the energetic exchange. Now feel his essence accepting this frequency.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel now, the two of them flowing within you. Feeling within your heart, feeling the power that you are; feeling the balance that you have been striving to achieve. Allow it to go down into your Earth Star; become this balance within you. You are the balance now, feel the power in this moment as these two essences come together. Breathe and extend your higher consciousness into your physical consciousness and be this essence. Be the power that you are as this is igniting your DNA, it is allowing the flow of what you know in your wisdom to be creating in this moment.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}









Now take these affirming thoughts and allow the energy to flow within you. Flow with it; do you see colors, feel it, do you see shapes. Can you see the geometric shapes that you became that is part of your DNA structure, it is part of your heritage that is being accessed at this time.

Work with it, Be it, connect with it. It is yours to hold and hold it deeply. Let it be in your lower limbs, let it be in all parts of you, not just the upper part of you.

Walk with it, expand it, as this is your Regenerative Period of Light within your physical self.

It is my pleasure as Lord Kuthumi to walk with you and extend these energies unto the Earth. It is assisting humanity greatly. All my blessings of light from the Office of the Christ, we watch over you and know and understand the challenges you receive.   Please know that we are here in all our Light and Glory, thank you dearest one for accepting my energies.

I Am Master Kuthumi

Closing Energies:

Take some deep breaths, allow yourself to stand up as we walk up the steps within the temple. We bid farewell to everyone. We thank Lord Kuthumi for this amazing teaching today and understanding of the Christ Consciousness within our physical self. We bid farewell to Yamteleus and Archangel Michael’s Warriors.

We step down unto the garden pathway; notice that it feels differently than other times. As we walk across the Rainbow Bridge, we create the Group Merkabah Vehicle. We descend from the 36th dimension going downwards, into the 24th, and then into the 11th, through the 10th, as we split apart into our separate vehicles as we come down into your present location. Feeling your body, breathing body, down your lower limbs, into your feet and your Earth Star.

Individuals may purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls via The Cosmic Great Central Sun (Divine Mother/Father God) now speaks monthly in the temple occurring on the first Monday of each month.  The transcript for the Cosmic Oneness is available via  to read. If you would like to be part of these energies LIVE or listen privately, please check out our new Partnership/Member Program in which we offer several ways to be part of these energies at a cost that you can afford.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. Michael Hayden (Aranathanara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Understanding the Art of “Preferencing” ~ Master Einstein

Albert Einstein

This is the transcription of the LIVE call within the Clarion Temple of Oneness with Master Einstein on  September 21st, 2015.


Greetings, Greetings, Greetings,

I is I, Yamteleus at your service. Thank you for being with us this evening.

Tonight with the changes that we are going through within the temple, we totally want to reflect of the Cosmic Great Central Sun energies for a moment. Divine Mother Father God are still with us even though they will not be speaking.

If we take a few breaths and allow ourselves to be of the beautiful frequency of light that Divine Mother Father God is encasing within us presently with these energies. We call upon the Angels to assist in raising the vibration in their energetic exchange.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Let’s take a moment and totally feel your heart center with all the colors and beautiful essences that you are of the Masculine and Feminine Divine energy as One; as you were as an angel. Feel the amazing beauty that you are in all levels of exchange through your breath from breath to breath in each moment as the existence of these energies blend as One within each other.

We go deeper into the core of your Heart to feel this exchange occurring for you. It is our pleasure to assist in these moments as we are the angels of all principalities, and we wrap our wings around each of you as we experience all the changes together.

We Are the Angels of the Light Expressing our Joy and Love to each of you.


Good Evening,

My fellow Souls of the Light,

I Am Master Einstein and it is my pleasure to be with each of you. I come tonight as a Messenger of Love to assist every one of you to understand the energetic exchange that occurs through your Higher Mind into your Physical Mind.

I have been asked to step forward at this time as many are experiencing the transitions even it is only a few moments in your day or upon awakening from your sleep. The clarification that you are looking for is right within yourself.

But how do you express that through your physical mind? Allow it to be and it shall come.

Those words may seem easier than the act itself.

How does one truly bring forth the highly intellectual states of the Divine Mind into the physical self when the Physical Mind, which can be very highly intellectual within itself, come together?

I say to you “They just do,” but that does not assist you to understand the process; because, you are truly programmed to receive clarification from your physical mind to interpret everything that is occurring within your world, within the atmosphere, within others, and within humanity.

Let us take for example of the upcoming energies of the Equinox ~ now intuitively each of you knows this is a very momentous occasion going from one season to another. That is a physical existence so that would be within your physical mind, but yet intuitively you know that it is a time of great change, of moving from one conceptual thought into another. What happens through this process is that the increased movement from one season unto another is like stepping from one cliff unto another cliff. This is when the ability to have trust and faith is very important.

As you move from one stage unto another stage, you are going to be able to experience life in the way that it is being presented to you, but if you allow yourself to be in fear, wanting control of your circumstances and not willing to surrender to what your Higher Self desires for you to have within the physical world, then the transition from one to the other can be very tremendous in a not very positive manner. I would say that this probably pertains to the majority of this world.

If you, as the person upon this planet, can grasp the conceptual element of “PREFERENCING” which means that you allow yourself to move from one space unto another without questioning what is happening, then you will achieve great results through this process.

This happens through every activation that occurs. There has been much talk amongst your colleagues and peers about the energetic exchange that is occurring presently. Some call this “Wave-X”. I am not quite sure why they call it that, but it is a form of energetic exchange that is coming into the planet as we shared in our blog for the New Earth Frequency Update.

We talked about a ball of energy and you receive that Sphere Of Light. If you allow yourself to surrender to that ball of light, that vibrational change to come into you, you are allowing your Divine Mind to take control of the wheel. You surrender from the physical mind and allow yourself to just flow into the next phase of your development.

roller coaster_800_533It is like being on a Roller Coaster. If you have ever experienced that event of sitting in a seat and someone else having control of the train on the track, what happens to you physically when you are very slowly going up that hill as you are feeling the anticipation of what the next move is going to be; when you get to the top, that is the climatic moment from moving up that mountain top and then all of a sudden your cart goes all the way day through this big hill and the momentous movement of the train is carried with you. You become one with all those elements as you are experiencing on that ride.

This is exactly what is occurring at this time.

So if I say to you, “How is your anticipation at this time a couple of days before the Equinox is to occur.” Are you allowing yourself to step into a fear mode, are you allowing yourself to just move through the process that you need to acquire in order to have the most optimal experience when you get to the top. The top is that day of the Equinox.

It is an exciting time; it is a powerful time., and it is a marvelous time. But, it is also a time of great surrender of what has been behind you. This is where the intellect of the physical mind gets in the way of the intuitive mind to come fully into the Self. Those thoughts are going to stop you, they can kill you in a certain way. You won’t be dead but you won’t be able to move forward as much as you could.

If you allow yourself to just feel the freedom of what is occurring presently. It does not matter what others may be seeing of “what could be.” All that you can do is allow your Divine Mind to be your guide and it is the only way you are going to do that is feel the exhilaration and the challenges you have endured that you have experienced previously. It is taking you another “click higher”, another “click higher” another “click higher” up to the top of mountain. This is the position in which each of you are experiencing at this time on this planet. Every person is in this place, but the majority of humanity is in the fear mode of uncertainty, “What is going to happen next, is there going to be another earthquake, is there going to be another volcano that erupts, is there is going to be some disaster that will happen?”

If we think about this new wave of energy coming towards the planet, it is the gift from the Source of Light. Within that energetic exchange it creates multitudes of light forms to come into each of you for you to experience the exhilaration. Don’t worry about the consequences, just allow yourself to experience it with ease and grace. Think of yourself on that Roller Coaster ride. Open up your arms wide and allow your Heart to expand as you go deeper through the process. This is exactly what is occurring at this time.

So I ask each of you in this moment to breath deeply into your Divine Mind.

You may ask, “How do I do that?”

I ask you now, to let go, fully let go. Feel yourself on that Roller Coaster. Feel the wind brushing your face, feel the laughter and joy in your heart as the exhilaration of that ride as your protected by the cart. Just as you are protected by your Merkabah.

Your Merkabah Vehicle does so much more than you can ever realize. It takes you into a deeper part of yourself and allows the spinning essences that are part of you to become more physical part of you. It restructures your cellular memory and allows your crystalline structure to come in closer to your heart, not just in your Etheric Body; it allows the frequency of light to come more fully within you. Have great gratitude that you understand what a Merkabah is and not so much about the details of how it works. Allow the infraction of light that is occurring for you presently to spin within you and go around you and be you as it becomes You.

So your Merkabah Vehicle is the vehicle of the roller coaster. Your I Am Presence is directing that energy to come within you.

Where are you? Are you going to accept it, are you going to accept some of it, or are you going to put it aside?

I know each of you today, I know your answer, but I also know you will have questions as that is what humans do. They question every movement that is occurring for them. So I ask you to put that aside and be that passenger on the Roller Coaster. Allow your I Am Presence to guide you through this process of feeling the higher essences with in you.

So let us move into to next phase of surrender. It is good when you take moments within your day such as I will share with you to surrender into the silence, to surrender into the joy, to surrender in the existence of All That Is. You take those energies from the Source of Light that you are and bring them into yourself. Let the Mental Mind no longer be in control. In fact, the Mental Mind will be so silent that it existence within you will change greatly.

As each of you are climbing this huge, huge mountain, sometimes it feels like you are almost going to fall. But, yet, something happens that you do not fall, because you allow your Intuitive Self, your Divine Mind to fully come within you so that you can accept things in a completely different manner than you ever have before. Let us allow this to occur as you feel yourself moving, going upwards, take a breath.

[Crystal Bowl Ringing}

The deeper you breathe, the higher your energy becomes.

Deeper, deeper, and deeper; and higher, higher, higher, and higher. Now the exhilaration is coming within you. Everything that you have been experiencing – the challenges, the questions, the comments, they all dissipate. You have the complete silence of the wind around you. Feel that mountain you have been climbing, be grateful for the mountain as it is helping you to go deeper within yourself.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Command Now, your Divine Mind to be fully the only consciousness you have within you.

Breathe it deeply, Allow your Higher Essence beyond the Higher Self into the I AM Presence to fully come within you so the experience is brought by All That You Are, all that you incorporate. You feel the beauty of moving with the flow; feeling the vibrational change within you as now you exist within the source of the Universe and you find yourself going higher, higher, and higher, and higher and say to yourself,

“I Am my Divine Mind, my Intuitive Mind allows me to feel the power that I Am, and I am excited by the union that I bring forth unto myself on this day.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

I Am the Divine Mind of all the Consciousness that I AM

 I Am All that I Am

 And I now allow it to flow within my body, I breathe it deeply into all structures to come within me. I feel my Merkabah spinning in many different directions and many different colors.

 I feel the expectation of arising to the top of the mountain. It is in this moment that I receive more than I ever thought that I could. It is not my physical self, it is my Higher Self, it is my Higher Mind, it is my Intuitive Self as I start to vibrate with the Light that is coming towards me.

 I now stand at the top of the mountain and I receive the gift of the Light that I Am. It is coming deeper than I have ever felt before as I have prepared deeply for this moment in time.

Allow yourself now to experience the exquisite beauty of this Light.

Can’t you feel it deeply in all of your muscles and cells with the tingling that is occurring within your full body system?

Anything you cannot handle will be dissipate. So we take a moment at the top of this mountain and ground it into the mountain. We ground it into the essence of this mountain and it expands down the mountain into the earth, into the peaks and valleys, into the waters, into everything that exists upon the land.

As we extend this energy unto ourselves in this moment, allow your breath to bring forth your Divine Mind fully within your consciousness. Feel the difference. Feel the message that is not part of your lower mind, it is not part of your lower body, it is part of your Higher Body, it is the Divine Existence of All that You Are and you are allowing it to grow deeply within you.

As this occurs, this energy expands into the world, into the core of Gaia, into all her wonders and all her lands. This frequency of light that is called Wave-X by some individuals. It is truly just a frequency that is allowing Gaia to receive, and it is a beautiful moment that each of you has this experience within yourself. Let it go into your core; do not be afraid of any reaction that you feel within yourself. Let it expand out of you with your breath and command it through your I AM Presence that what you cannot hold goes to the Earth. It goes into all places and all lands. It goes into the purity that you are and that we are all together.

So I ask you now as that energy returns back, you balance yourself, feeling your feet planted very strongly within the Earth and allow your Merkabah to take you down the mountain.

Feel the exhilaration as you move down the mountain, just like the Roller Coaster ride, and you feel the wind, you feel the sun, you see the clouds, you see everything different than you ever did before as now you are allowing your Divine Mind to be your control.

Go deeply into your core, Solar Plexus, into your Heart, and allow the expansion that you feel to be part of your reality as this is truly what each of you will be experiencing if you allow it to be. Do not just look as the Equinox as another season. Look at it of what you have achieved, what you have endured, to get you to the next mountain top, and then be free and allow it to flow within you as you extend it out to others.

As we sit here in this beautiful temple this evening, I very enamored by all of you. I feel blessed to be able to be in the position that I am to be part of the Unified Whole Command, but on this day I come to you as my highest essence within that Oneness but within the ability to educate you in a different way than you have previously.

Hold what is within your Heart deeply. Feel the bliss; feel the enjoyment of this moment now after you have climbed that mountain. There will be many more mountains to climb, but for this Equinox allow yourself to go into a new phase, into a new existence, into a new presence that you have never allowed yourself to experience before.

Be that change you want to be by just allowing it To Be.

It is my pleasure as Master Einstein to assist you with this transition. If you can imagine your Divine Mind just holding itself above your Crown, and allowing it to come into your brain activity just by letting all the thoughts go along with the questions, and just Be that Essence, that is the beginning stage of activating your Divine Mind.

It is my Divine Pleasure to walk with you as I do not get the chance very often so I want to thank Walking Terra Christa for allowing me to be here in this moment to bring forth these essences into each of you. You have the answers, I know you do, I see them in each of you, just allow them to manifest in a way that they are supposed to be through your Divine Mind.

All my blessings in Light of Love of this beautiful temple, this is my honor to be with each of you.

I Am Master Einstein

Individuals may purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls via The Cosmic Great Central Sun (Divine Mother/Father God) now speaks monthly in the temple occurring on the first Monday of each month.  The transcript for the Cosmic Oneness is available via  to read. If you would like to be part of these energies LIVE or listen privately, please check out our new Partnership/Member Program in which we offer several ways to be part of these energies at a cost that you can afford.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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Healing for California Wildfires


For tonight we open up the Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery CLARION TEMPLE OF ONENESS meditation healing teaching transmission from the COSMIC SOURCE OF ONENESS of DIVINE MOTHER FATHER GOD for all souls involved in the devastation caused by the California Wildfires to receive Healing and Blessings of support, strength, courage, and compassion. Joining our energies together for relief emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually for the care and compassion of these individuals and the plant and animal kingdoms is especially needed at this time. The energies of the Angelic Realms, Spiritual Hierarchy, Elohim, Ascended Masters and all Beings of Light of many, many souls will be in attendance and felt by all.

Please join us on our conference line at 4:30 PM PDT California time (charges may apply depending on your phone plan). A replay is available immediately following the channeled transmission, and we will also post a link for downloading or streaming. 

Dial: (605) 562-3140

Access Code: 405260#

Dial: (605) 562-3149
Access Code: 405260#

The AUDIO RECORDING WILL BE POSTED HERE in our free MP3 library for you to share with others.

You can make an important donation to support the spiritual work and messages we provide to humanity to assist Gaia. Please use this link.

The Clarion Temple of Oneness is a guided journey and meditation with teachings from the Ascended Beings of Light; it is held on Monday evenings. You can receive the meditations via download through our new program, Walking Terra Christa Partner Members. To receive more information, please click on the link. For details about the Clarion Temple please click here.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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