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Finding Your Inner Wisdom of God with Lord Sa Ananda, Holy Kumara

yellow-fbLord Sa Ananda and the Yellow flame will allow an individual’s wisdom to shine within their Being.   He helps us to understand our history on all levels of our soul, and how we have come into this moment of time and space to be awakened.

So when we energetically work with Lord Sa Ananda he gives us our memory to remember the darkness part of our soul’s history to reflect and illuminate the Being that we are now fully accepting that essence within our world. Because timelines of the darkness that we have worked through as the warriors that have fought for this Earth have really molded our power and intuition to come in, he also comes from that arena.  He was a warrior in Atlantis, Egypt and other Star systems and he is a reformed Kumara in the sense that he was not fully trained for this position until Sanat Kumara took him under his command in Lemuria.

So he calls himself a convert so to speak as he understands what the warrior attitude represents and he reforms himself through the process. This is what it is like to experience the warrior-type attitude, and he is the one to work with.  He will assist you and he has a very sensitive and beautiful energy.  Some of the aspects we are working with activates our ability to have serenity within our temper, clear intelligence, of course with the wisdom, earnest spiritual study which is representing of the ascended masters, expansion, intuition, love of truth and endurance.

So lets take a deep breath.

Greetings! It is my pleasure to be here with you.  I am Lord Sa Ananda; hello, hello, hello; it is so very exciting to be with each of you in this beautiful garden within the Temple.

Let us take a deep breath and allow the energies of purification to run through your being. We start with the Crown and allow those energies to run through all the way into your Earth Star and into your feet.  Let it go into your physical body, let it go into all the aspects that Meleriessee has talked about and bring in the composition of Oneness that you are and just relax into it.

Meleriessee talked about the serenity of your tempers; we have a warrior like attitude, which is very, predominate with light workers. We want to consider that through our words and energetic exchange.  It is very important to allow the Yellow Flame to assist you with that, because you will find great knowledge coming from the ability to allow your Masculine energy to calm down to assist yourself in the process.

Today this is what I really want to impart unto you because in order for you to create your desires the Lower Body must be completely in a state of surrender unto the higher essences of the Wisdom of God.  What is the Wisdom of God?  It truly is the ability to tap into your higher wisdom and that means your soul’s history.  I am not talking about Divine Mother/Father God standing atop of you and saying this is your wisdom and I give it to you.

You give it to yourself by your highest essence of your remembrance of your creative source when we were all created at the same time.  Then you traveled through many levels of experiences.  This is your wisdom because it is going to mold you in how you present the ability to move through your changes, to move through what you need to create.  Within the Yellow Flame, it settles that energy.

If you can remember what it was like for you as a warrior, for special event or project, or something that you believed that it had to be done, you can come across with the aggression, you can come across with “This is my truth and you must understand.”  Now with the Yellow Flame it settles everything down to allow it to settle within.

I want you to just feel the Yellow Flame spinning within you and going around into all parts of your Heart, all parts of your Solar Plexus, your inner power, your lower energies and then your emotional and mental bodies ~ allow them to be one. Nothing wants to be left out so let us just take the timelines which you are still fighting energetically and allow them to go into the full body system.  They will get to the Etheric body so feel the essence of the Etheric body spinning within this beautiful garden.  As it swirls around and around feel the plants, the flowers and everything is just spinning with this beautiful light.  It comes into each of you; feel it into the core, to your Heart and Solar Plexus.  Feel those essences of your power and your Heart igniting within you.

This allows you to expand your belief systems.  It goes outside of you now and has the ability to bring more intuition.  When you learn that the old timelines of warrior ship, kingship, or commanding energies, those lower aspects are completely blended within this so that you can really tap into your own knowledge and your wisdom at that lifetime.  So this is what you need in your pathway at this present time. In order for us to create we have to calm down; we have to find our own God essence and that God essence means the creation that we were all together when we were created by the Divine Mother/Father God.  That is God’s wisdom and then you took that with you in all those lifetimes and all those experiences as an Angel, as an element of planetary system, and then brought it into humanity, into galactic form but there were particles that were lost.  This is because we forgot as a species that we were God-created; we allowed our lower energies to take over.

Now you are learning within this aspect of this world now that this is your truth.  So you can’t let go of those truths; you must bring them into your creation because that is going to give you your power, that is going to give you the ability to move mountains, and to be able to get through the challenges that you are faced.  So we bring forth the energies to assist you with the love of truth, the love of your own truth not God’s truth, not a higher power, your truth because your part of that higher power, that higher power is within you.  So feel this now in your Heart center, feel that power coming within you as we do some affirmations to assist.

I am Lord Sa Ananda.  I imbue into each of you the quality of the Yellow Flame of Wisdom of the Venusian Rays.  It is my divine pleasure of the flame holder to stand with you right now with my flame to fully intuit into your essence the ability to expand your consciousness on all levels to assist you in the Creative Force that you are, and allow that creation to be molded into your world presently.  As we take this essence of the fifth dimension and bring it into your own creative process in this moment, feel the expansion with your breath and think of these thoughts and bring them into you.

I am a Divine Being of Light.  I now intuit the Yellow Flame of the Wisdom of God of the Venusian Rays from Lord Sa Ananda.

I am the Yellow Flame.

I now have clarity.

I now can look at the picture that I need to create, because my Wisdom from my old self of the travels I experienced, is now being activated within me.

I take on all the highest aspects and expand; expand my thought process as this is my truth and I allow this to blend within me with the Will of God that has been put into my creation from the Venusian Rays.

I expand it through all my full body system; it blends into all the elements, as I become One Body of Light.

I now see the endurance that I have been given to come to this moment of time.

I see in front of me now my desire.

Picture it, picture your desire now, picture your intention of what you would like to create in your world in this moment and take the Yellow Flame with a breath; bring it in and then blast it through that creative energy that you are looking to be manifested on the physical plane.  See this as your truth. See the wisdom that you have as it now can be created as you are coming from your highest sense to make it manifest.


Holy God of Light, I now feel my serenity, I now feel my power; and I understand, I understand, I understand.


So take this essence and allow it to be a part of your consciousness.  Blend it within you now as the manifestation that you want to create outside of you must come from within first.  You must feel it; you must feel the expansion.  This gives you the ability to understand on a much clearer level and you feel very calm.  This is serenity, this is your expansion of all the other elements that you held within yourself no longer serve this purpose; but the higher aspects of those times that you learned so deeply that worked in the past is now within you.  You no longer have the Lower Self, you have the Higher Self to fully create it.

It is my pleasure as Lord Sa Ananda to be with you in this moment and always as the Yellow Flame Holder of the Wisdom of God.

May peace, and Light and Love and constantly learning about yourself assist you in the process of your divinity.

Excerpted from Abundance of Light-Creating Prosperity Together, with Lord Sa Ananda, Yellow Flame Holder of the Wisdom of God.  You may join this free weekly prosperity circle by registering on Walking Terra Christa,

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Mastery Tool of the Day

lightning-gallery-18Preparing the Nervous System for Ascension

Per Dr. Joshua David Stone:  One of the most important preparations an individual should make to achieve complete ascension is to prepare your nervous system to receive the higher voltages of energy necessary to take the higher initiations.  His recommendation is to call upon VYWAMUS, the higher aspect of SANAT KUMARA (I AM Presence), in our daily meditations to prepare our nervous systems for ascension.  This process is like running a current of energy through our Etheric Body and Etheric Nerves on a daily basis to facilitate this work.

We all know that we are being inundated with powerful accelerations as GAIA is receiving her higher energies.  But are we integrating them fully within our Etheric and Physical bodies is the question we want to consider.  If each of us as individuals is not personally allowing these energies to assist our Etheric Body, then we will not have the most powerful experience or result within the ascension process.  We, at Walking Terra Christa, wanted to receive more information on this information, so Vywamus is helping us to understand the concept in our present timeline of planetary acceleration.


It is my pleasure to share some thoughts to help you understand this concept of the Etheric Body accepting the increased vibrational changes for the Physical Body to receive and transform the structures from the 3rd/4th dimensional reality to go into the 5th and beyond.  At this time of the acceleration within Gaia, each of you is being challenged to receive more than you would have done on your own time.  You see, many individuals that have stepped into Ascension are very content with wanting to receive the higher levels of frequency but not taking responsibility for the changes that are to occur.

Each of you is in a very powerful time and you have chosen to be here.  When the energetic exchange occurs and you feel exhilarated by its arrival, it comes into your Etheric body.  Depending upon where you are presently in your pathway of Mastery (or if that is part of your reality) depends upon all the variables that you have been experiencing.  Not all individuals will decide this pathway as that is not their soul’s purpose, to experience this light transformation within the physical existence.  For those that have already arrived in the time and space of Mastery, it is just helping them to move further.  The individuals that are new within this existence are still trying to decide if they like the glamour of ascension or are ready to do the internal work that is necessary.

All of that being said, I am here to help.  As the accelerations continue within Gaia, each of you is receiving them but not all are internalizing them.  It may be a fleeting moment for some and then it goes away.  The individuals that are truly changed by them are stepping into Mastery and learning to assimilate the frequency but yet may still be unsure as their mental mind wants to figure it all out.  The souls that have already been doing the work and internalizing the energies are going to be feeling it the most.  This is where I come in to assist.

Contact my energies and state to my essence that you need my help with your Etheric Body accepting the higher vibrations so that your physical body can change.  We can adjust the frequency so that it is easier to command within the four body system.  At the time of Dr. Stone’s writing of this information, each of you as a species needed to command more light frequency.  Now we are at the stage where we have to balance it out.  Step it up when necessary and then tone it down for balance.  Too much overload can burn up your Etheric Body and will cause the ascension symptoms to vacillate when the rest of the four body system is not ready to handle it.

BALANCE IS OUR PATHWAY PRESENTLY.  So we need to prepare each of you to receive more but it is more on a person-by-person basis.  The increased accelerated rates of the planet are affecting everyone so we need to do an assessment for each individual so that the balance within the Etheric Body is accepted and not causing burn-out to occur.

We have lost many beautiful souls due to the increased energies of the planet at this time.  Some of them have been Star Seeds and some of them have been seasoned Beings of Light.  We want to assist as much as possible to create the balance necessary because more will be coming in existence within our world together.

It is my pleasure to assist each of you; I AM VYWAMUS at your service in Oneness and Love.”

(click this link to see how to sign up:

Master Vywamus is the Being in charge of LIGHT QUOTIENT accessibility within realms. He is the Monadic Being of Sanat Kumara and therefore considered his Higher Self (though Sanat Kumara has chosen not to merge as his role within the realms is also extremely important at this time). Master Vywamus is very pleased to assist you to understand how you are accessing your Light Quotient within the New Earth energies of the Golden Age. Most Initiates/Lightworkers do not have a personal understanding of the activations and accelerations they are taking on and may be actually experiencing the burning up of their Etheric Body. (For an in depth teaching with Vywamus on this subject see our free MP3 Library).

This 20 minute consultation will include:

  1. Your Level of Awareness of your Initiation within the Mastery Pathway.  A brief understanding of where you are currently in relation to the acceleration of Light you are experiencing.
  2. The Dynamic of Your Top 5 Ascension Symptoms (you must have these prepared before the session). Master Vywamus will look at them in your Four Body System of the Mental, Emotional, Physical & Etheric and pinpoint how past timelines are interacting within these symptoms.
  3. Imbalance/Balance of Your Four Body System. The overall ratio of imbalance/balance that you are experiencing so that you can bring yourself into balance.
  4. Your Personal Percentage of Active Timeline Presences. Each of us has lived many timelines within both the Light and the Dark realms of existence. Incarnating on a 3rd Dimensional Planet (Earth) has been our choice in order to consciously understand and recover our percentage of Light timelines. Master Vywamus will look at your etheric body and see your current progress in how you are activating your Light (positive) timelines and deactivating your Dark (lower) timelines. Each ‘side’ has its own active percentage scale to be looked upon. Most normal/average Lightworkers upon Earth have lower timelines presence that are between 50% and 75% active. The norm for the positive timelines is 5% to 15% active and the goal is to move this to the higher percentages and move the other to the lesser percentages. Master Vywamus will tell you exactly where you are on both scales.

TESTIMONIAL: “This class and my following private session was so helpful and important for me. This have helped me to understand the Ascension process better and what I have to do to support myself. I have been very challenge with a lot of strong Ascension symtoms, and I still have them even if they change in nature and location when the frequency is getting higher:). I hope Vywamus and WTC will have more classes in the subject. With Love and Gratitude!” – G.C., Sweden

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Mastery Thought of the Day

Masters1Cultivate an absolutely burning desire to achieve ascension and liberation through the Mastery Pathway utilizing the Rays of God so you can be of greater service to all Sentinent Beings.

There are many awakened Beings upon this planet but very few choose the pathway of Mastery as it is the most challenging but rewarding as you experience your multi-dimensional self to become fully active within your four-body system becoming the FULL BODY SYSTEM or LIGHT BODY.

It takes diligence, courage, and deep love for this pathway to be YOUR AWAKENING.

The lower ego will be dissolved by actualizing the Higher Ego but not without stepping into the world of initiations and sub-initiations with the gift of humble beginnings of many levels to walk amongst the Spiritual Hierarchy into the New Earth.  The Spiritual Hierarchy is awaiting our arrival into this juncture of time.

Are you ready?  Be still and breathe deeply into your heart as opportunities will present themselves as Gifts from the Heavens to know ourselves more deeply and receive the gifts of Spirit that are ours to hold.


©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Ray of Will and Power is Now Grounded Within GAIA

GAIA blue flameWe have just received news from Saint Germain, Sanat Kumara, and Lord Melchizedek through our channeled teachings that on the day of the Fall Equinox we were blessed upon this earth of the Blue Flame of Will and Power to be fully grounded within the Earth.

This is a miraculous event as when we work with the Rays of God we are imbued with their qualities on a personal level and send it through the grids into GAIA.  Now the planet can accept Will and Power to be her guide and each of her inhabitants.  Understanding the background information of this Ray will assist each individual to fully comprehend the turn of events in our history at the present time.

The following is a brief description of the ray and the overlighting beings within the ray essence.  The Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace actually impart the ray energies to each of the Beings that work within this ray from the Cosmic Level of the 49th dimension.  Each ray also is integrated within the first seven chakras to make up the higher essence within our chakra system and preparing us for the fifth dimensional body to be activated.

Ray No. 1 ~ Learning that Strength & Power is Allowing Tolerance & Patience to Be Within

Definition ~ Will & Power

Color:  Deep Blue

Chakra:  Throat

Elders from the Throne of Grace:  Alura & Aluri

Chohan:  Master El Morya

Elohim Masters:  Hercules & Amazonia

Archangels:  Michael & Faith

Toning Sound:  “I”

Now that this ray is grounded within GAIA it means that these beautiful Beings of Light are assisting each of us on the planet in a more direct manner.  The qualities of this ray include strength, will, power, truthfulness, understanding with compassion, fearlessness with an ability to flow through any challenge with the Light of God integrated within our expression, and the ability to handle large groups of people.

As you can see the power of this ray is now within us, and it is time for us to step into our world with the acceptance of compassion, love, tolerance, protection, and faith.  What we have been experiencing is the lower aspect of this ray which includes arrogance, control, obstinacy, anger, and working within the lower ego to get what we have needed.

This is truly a step towards the New Earth, but we have much work that we still need to do within ourselves and with each other.  As we raise our vibrational frequency to the 5th dimension, we need to acknowledge where we have come from and show compassion for others doing the same.  This is where our true essence will be our guide as we walk together as the Pioneers of the New Earth.

So you might say, “How do I activate this ray within me?”

There are several ways to do so.  You can call upon any of the overlighting Beings to assist you with this process and the ray frequency will come to you, breathe in the Blue Flame into your physical essence, or utilize the chant “I” to actualize it through you.

This is going to help each individual to go deeper within themselves and feel their Will and Power from the God essence and not the physical or lower self.  Many individuals are still acting within their lower ego which is the physical self.  They have not learned to integrate their Higher Mind through the Higher Self.  Working with this ray is going to assist tremendously as it will be ignited through a vibrational frequency.  Since it is already in place upon the Earth, this process is only going to allow it to be manifested more deeply within all individuals upon the planet.

This is our first step in accelerating the Earth into Terra Christa, the New Earth.  As new energies come forward and we do the necessary work, then the other rays will follow in succession.  But until that time, we need to be balanced within the ray, allow it to work through each of us individually and make our necessary changes so that others can do the same.

It is a wondrous time and this event has never happened on any planetary system.  Thanks need to go to each of the Lightworkers for doing their part in this acceleration process that we are all a part of in each moment.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Accessing the Blue Flame through Lord Sanatka, Holy Kumara

blue_venusian_ray-fb-1Our featured guests for the Abundance of Light ~ Creating Prosperity Together call for the next seven weeks will be the Holy Kumaras as the Seven Flame Holders of the Venusian Rays.  We started our first connection with Lord Sanatka who is the Flame Holder of the Will of God within the Blue Flame.


It is my pleasure as Lord Sanatka to be here with you, oh!  We are all so excited to be included in this prosperity circle that you are participating in each week.

Thank you very much for including the Holy Kumaras as I speak for every one.

As we bring forth the Will of God today, allow the energies of the Blue Flame to be fully within you.   Some of the aspects that we are going to be addressing is to understand that we have the Will within us which is not the physical self, not the mental self, not the emotional self but the true essence of our Higher Self and I AM Presence within that frequency of Light.  You cannot do anything else without having the Will of God within you; you may try on a physical level but that is when you usually when you falter, when you will forget to do things, and when you get frustrated that things are not happening for you.

We start with the Will of God to make the changes necessary for this creates the structure of our world.  We, in Venus, bring forth the energies of the flame holders and they must be a step-by-step process because unlike your planetary Rays you are already incorporating those Rays of God in your physical structure, within your chakras.

Let us take a deep breath and connect with that chakra system that you are incorporating no matter how may Rays or how many extra chakras you are fully incorporating within you.  Let’s just intend for them to be fully active now and take a deep breath in to that moment.  So your chakra system is completely balanced to receive the higher realm of the Venusian Ray of the Will of God for this is an all encompassing ray which is very similar to your Will of God on the planetary level.  So it is quite different because we don’t separate the ray through the chakras; we don’t look at the different divisions of the ray; we look at the complete total-ness or Oneness of each flame.  So if you think about how we are coming in from a tenth dimensional level, allowing those energies to fully be within us, then there is nothing that can falter because everything is in place.

As we sit here in this beautiful garden and feel this flame flowing through the entire garden and let it go through your chakra system and breathe through it.  Think of your chakra system that you are as one body of Light with your Physical body, your Emotional, Mental body, your Etheric body all one body of light so then you bring in these flame of the Blue.  What this will do is it will help you to see if there are changes that need to be made in that structure.  Feel that essence now fully being within you because we can be the ones that push forward but we can also have the compassion of Love.  This is what working with the Venusian Rays represents of allowing these energies to be in complete wholeness of all that is.

I stand here with each of you as the flame holder, but I am not any different then each of you.  We have traveled far and wide on different paths, and I stand here with you to assist you with this.  We are greatly excited to be able to share our essence because it is going to be part of the New Earth energies.  So why not allow this frequency of Light to fully come within you to intend to become that tenth dimensional person.

In this moment we call upon the energies of RA the Sun God and Helios and Vesta who represent the Solar Logos of the tenth dimensional frequency to come into each of your bodies.  Then feel the Blue Flame.  Feel the deep Blue as it swirls within you and around you because first before we do any commands or wishes for desires, we must be strong within ourselves to hold that desire.  This is where this Ray comes in first and foremost.  It is our Will to bring in these essences to create a beautiful life for ourselves in compassion, in love, in acceptance, in joy but also with the Power of God’s Will to move forward and surge ahead allowing these essences to fully be within us in this moment.

I, as Lord Sanatka, bring forth these energies of the Blue Flame to fully come within each of you.  I stand here with my Blue Flame over top of you individually to allow it to swirl around you and within you as you become the Blue Flame.  As you become the Blue Flame, you feel your Will; feel your Divine Essence to fully be accepted in your four body system even though it is not a separate function, it is one.  As the feelings (Emotional body) work with the thoughts (Mental body) they become one.  Just think right now what it is that is out of balance for you in your structure.  What is that is stronger than the other and allow the Blue Flame to bring it into balance; think of these thoughts now.

I am a Divine Being of Light. 

I have the Will of God within me as I fully intuit the Blue Flame of the Venusian Rays.

I allow the Will of God to be my guide as I connect fully with the Divine Mother Father God that have created me.  That essence has now opened up fully within my Solar Plexus, within my Heart, within all aspects of my being as I become it as I truly have always been.

I call upon the Blue Flame to make the changes that are necessary so that I may manifest my desires in my world.

Now see the Blue Flame swirling within you almost like a small tornado; it will move and flow within you to create those essences that align with this frequency of Light.



I Am the Blue Flame.

I Am the Will.

I now know my Will, and I fully allow it to create the structure of my world.

Feel it moving into your Earth Star; feel it being part of your entire structure.  Now see in front of you your desire in this moment.

What is your desire? Allow it to come into the Blue Flame so it is part of that desire.

As you bring forth the Will of God within you, it is always within balance of service to God’s Will so anything that is out of alignment with that energy will not blend within you.  So we ask now to correlate all the frequencies of Light that you are to come into the wholeness that you are.  Now you are able to move through structures, through obstacles, and through changes; you would say that you are able to move mountains to find the pathway that you desire within yourself.

I am now a creator of the Blue Flame.

I allow the essence of Lord Sanatka to be fully within my Being as he guides me in each moment and is guided from the Venusian Rays of God of Peace, Love, Joy Acceptance, Compassion and Love.

I Am all of these and more.

Now see your vision and fill it with the Blue Flame of the Will of God; let us take a moment to do that.



Now feel the peacefulness of the acceptance.  Allow it to fully enfold within you and be your guide in all aspects of your Being.

I am Lord Sanatka at your service.  Blessings and Love from the Holy Kumaras as we work together more closely with you.  


The Abundance of Light ~ Creating Prosperity Together is a free weekly connection.  If you would like to join us, please register via

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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