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New Earth Frequency Update ~ Transition, Transform, and Accept the Doorway of Opportunities

New Earth Frequency UpdatePlanetary ~ Shared by Meleriessee

We are now standing at a juncture of time that will take us into the next level of our own creation.  The power of the energies within the next week cannot be measured by any of the other transitionary moments we have received this year.  That’s a tall order since we already have been affected by the changes within Gaia, within each of us, and within the World around us.  Hold your ground steady as each of us is about to walk into a new world of existence.

Let’s start by sharing about the Full Moon energies on the 19th of September that occur at 7:31 AM Eastern, 4:31 AM Pacific, and 11:31 GMT which is within the Sun Sign of Virgo with Pisces.  The energies of this moon represent our spiritual aspirations (Pisces) and learning how to ground it within our physical world (Virgo).  The aspects of this moon include our highest visions and spiritual health.  Many individuals may have their “ascension symptoms” become more astute.  This is when we fully need to utilize the healing energy that is being sent to us and breathe into the essence.  Utilizing the Blue-Green Ray representing attraction to the Light Body is very beneficial in helping the physical body to receive the crystalline energies.

Included within the full moon energies is a Diamond structure that started its descent at the end of last week.  The diamond is creating all the dissimilar elements that we have been dealing with to come into a point of creation.  So if you have been feeling out of sorts through your emotional or mental bodies, this could be a major cause of it occurring. (

That is why this full moon is so very powerful as it is preparing us to step into our new creation of the Equinox on September 22nd, 2013.  This equinox is ruled by Mercury so again it is taking the energies that have not been aligned within us to be purged in order for the healing to begin.  This is why the world is in such turmoil and the threat of more war occurring which is more on a silent mode than in the outer forms.

If we take this analyzation into account for our own discordant energies that are arising, it means that the silence of our hearts must be acknowledged and birthed into the new energy arising.  This moon is also the Harvest moon so it is the most powerful time with all the other elements in place to rectify what has been lost previously.  Our light is becoming stronger but within that integration we must accept the darkness that has stopped us from the full realization of whom we are becoming.

Another aspect that was shown through is that we are under yet another Star of David on September 21st right before the Fall Equinox.  Taking this into account the work that we are doing internally will set off the most powerful light frequency upon the planet.  The intensity of the energies presently must be moved through each of us, not to be held within, but to be expanded.  As we purge and release, we are doing so for humanity and the live of GAIA for the New Earth.

In return the Cosmic Forces are working with us as we expand and become more multidimensional than we have ever experienced previously.  The power of these activations will assist us greatly as long as we are consistent with our own evolution within the physical structure.  If we do not, then we will fall lower than we have ever felt before.  It will take us into the depths of the darkness that is within our Etheric Body and keep us in turmoil and pain.

If we understand that every individual is going through this process, then we can accept the change that needs to be made.  We are not only doing it for our-selves but for every soul upon the planet.  Not only that, we are being assisted by the Beings of Light that are in Oneness.  The ones that are not within the Unified Whole will try and stop us from creating more light structure within us.  That is the goal of the matrix, but now is the time to fully step into our power with the Light of God within us.

We are excited about these energies at Walking Terra Christa as we are holding a very powerful retreat with Saint Germain and Lord Adama to help create the Alchemy of the Soul.  If you would like to be included spiritually, please send us your name and location by Wednesday, September 21st at

Cosmic ~ Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Blessings and Love to each of you!

We are the Unified Whole Command with the Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein at your service.

It is a very powerful time of another accelerated phase upon the Earth.  It is not without its intensity which can cause elements to occur that may seem as if they are devastating and harsh to the human spirit.  That is why it is essentially important for each of you to stand within your own power to assist in the evolution of humanity and upon this planet.

As Meleriessee as shared some of the planetary elements that are occurring, we put it into the spiritual perspective that is within your Mind’s Eye of your Higher Mind and not the lower self.  It is no mistake that each of you have been challenged every moment of this year to prepare you for more.  Some would say that this time of creation is very much like the events in December of last year.  But it is so much more than that.

Tragedies are happening everywhere; individuals are being challenged in many different ways.  We know what they are:  Syria and the effects of war, weather conditions in areas where these elements have never occurred before, fires in areas that we may think are completely safe.  But none of these events just happen by circumstance and bad-luck, so to speak.

Everything is energy; we are energy, you are energy, the planet is energy and everything in the environment is energy.  Some of these resultant events are caused by individuals not being in their highest sense, some are caused by negative thought forms or lower elementals still in place, some just happen because the environment needs to change, and then, there is the way it has been for eons of time with dark forces trying to interfere.  Souls arrive in bodies for a certain reason; it is a tragedy to loose so many so quickly and very painful to the heart.  But we can all help and that is why we are here at this time.

Your personal evolvement as a multi-dimensional being is the most important aspect that needs to be considered in the evolution of this planet.  Each of you come into this space of creation with a certain amount of higher energy from your soul’s evolution and then you FORGET because you are held within a physical body.  Then you AWAKEN so you can remember it all.  But it is not just the good parts of your-self but all parts that must be acknowledged.

Purging is the most important aspect at this time.  And it can happen in a moment’s reflection which needs to be addressed immediately.  If you do not take care of what does not align with your higher essence, then it will grow like a seed within your physical structure.  This seed will cause deep reactions within your lower self that will seem like it is who you are supposed to be but THIS IS NOT SO.  Reflect upon your energies after you mediate – that is the real you, not all the other garbage that you have been dealing with from the third dimensional construct.  That reality is changing drastically.

We share this because each person needs to be reflecting their highest sense within them.  Presently with the planetary activations each person is being assisted to receive more of their Higher Self and I AM Presence within them.  As each activation occurs, more is received.  The most important element though is to continue to ground the essence.  Just because activation occurs does not mean that it is completely within you.  Just as the energies of 12-21-12 were through a three-day occurrence and connecting with it was imperative, the same is true presently.

So work must be done each day to fully reflect within your higher self and then your I AM Presence can assist.  This moon of the Harvest represents the most powerful energy to allow each individual to receive their personal alchemy in recreating their lives to be what they truly have been asking for.  But do you know exactly how to go about doing so?  Be like the glass of water and continually drink its essence within your four-body system.  Allow the highest level of energy to be within you at all times.  It will blend with who you are now and allow the remembrance of the old to be purged out of your existence.  This is an important process for the next few days.

As the next Star of David is aligned within your Being, it represents your Soul igniting the remembrances into your Higher Mind to be reflected within your Lower Mind.  They physical self is blending but only if you allow it to be.  The ones that sit back and just let the energies to come within them will find it will come at a rate they cannot handle.  It will cause the ascension symptoms to become more aggravated and the lower mind will not be able to make the transition.  Aggression can result along with painful thoughts and a depressed attitude towards life.  That is your Old Self being ignited.

When you sit and reflect on the desired outcome, then the continual energy can come within you.  Breathe it in, work with it, allow it to remove all the old aspects, and then it can fully settle within your Being.  Allow the Star of David, the Diamond Essence, the Full Moon, and then the Equinox to be your guide to go deeper within yourself.

Allowing yourself to experience this period of time will open up new doorways for you that were previously only a possibility.  Walk through those doorways, be creative within yourself, experience your life in the higher sense and let go of the old ways that have served you for eons of time.

It does not matter if you are a star seed, an indigo, a crystalline being, or a master in training.  All of this is important for every type of soul that has arrived on earth.  No one gets away with just BEING all the time unless you are sitting in a monastery or on a top of a mountain and have no interaction with other individuals upon the earth.  Everyone is affected right now and the only way that we can assist you is for you to assist yourself in the process.  Then you will be assisting the planet, the effects of Syria, the land masses that are disrupting and especially the peoples that are hurting in all corners of the land.

This Fall Equinox represents our coming together in unison but it must come from within.  You must release the negative elements, the soul attachments, the lower extra-terrestrials, and not interact with them.  Purge them from your thoughts, from your environment, from your world as that is no longer you.  This is ascension in its purest form.  To acknowledge what is happening within the world but not be part of it.  You are of this Earth but not part of this earth.  It may seem harsh but this is the only way in which we are going to heal all levels of souls.

Purity and Joy is your guide during this next phase.  It is important to step into that world so that others can see it.  Let us help all of the leaders of this earth to reflect the same light that we do in this moment. That is our creative process.

Use your intentions during this time to help accelerate yourself.  They are very powerful and will guide you into your next phase of your destiny awaiting your arrival.  We look forward to connecting to each and every one of you during the next phase of our acceleration together.

We are the Unified Whole of Many Beings of Light

Inner Earth Being, Galactic, Spiritual Hierarchy, The God Force, Angelic Realms, and all Elements of the Universe Holding you Deeply in Oneness.


Join us for our two ceremonial OPEN Calls for the Full Moon on September 19th and the Equinox on September 22nd.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee is a Divine Messenger of the God Force; check out our special sessions to receive a powerful intuitive and channeled reading; Sessions.


©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  Permission is granted to share this material as long as the author and copyright information is included.


The Time Has Now Arrived ~ All Species of Light Gathering for the Lion’s Gate



We are now inviting Lord of the Great Bear back to the Clarion Temple of Oneness by special request of Saint Germain on Monday, July 29th, 2013.  The energetics of the Lion’s Gate is another stargate opening up the frequencies of light through the Galactics but being fully guided by the Unified Whole.  Lord of the Great Bear is the representative for the Christed Intergalactics within the Unified Whole.  We are excited about this special meeting with not only him but his colleagues.

Saint Germain shares this message about Lord of the Great Bear:  “Lord of the Great Bear is the overseeing agent of all Christed Galactics including the Ashtar Command.  In fact he started that agency to have the overseeing energies from his essence into all frequencies of the Light Command.  His transmission will be to talk about the Lion’s Gate from a perspective of the Intergalactics as they are the overseeing energies to create the Star Gate to allow the Elohim and the Elders to interact with these frequencies along with the angelic principalities, and all light frequencies from the Unified Whole that are being activated within the Earth.”

The Lord of the Great Bear will discuss the Command Center for the Christed Beings of Light to interact with the Earth Beings; he is the overseeing energy of all Light Frequencies in alignment with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light focusing upon the Unified Whole Creation.  Lion’s Gate is the access to allow these frequencies to be housed within the human conditioning.

He will speak along with representatives of each of the major planetary systems along with Lord Sananda and Ashtar Command.  Then the Arcturians, Andromedeans, Pleideans, Sirians B along with Mikos, representing the Hollow Earth who is the representative of the Intergalactics within the Inner Earth.

The Lord also known as the Logos of the Great Bear Star System is the higher aspect – the cosmic level of the Lord of Sirius and the Great White Lodge, who is the higher aspect of the Solar Logos, Helios.  This also includes the star systems under the Great Bear Constellations of Arcturus, Sirius, Pleidius, and Andromeda.  He also aligns his energies within the dimensional frequencies from the 20th through the 36th level which represent the Christed-Extraterrestrial Beings of Light.

He is a majestic Being that many do not know about his essence.  He is the overlighting energy of the 21st Ray of God, Eternity and Divine Structure “Learning to Access Spiritual Harmony of Light Within”.  This ray becomes the 21st chakra in the 5th dimensional chakra grid that is aligned within the Third Eye with the colors of Blue Gold.

Working within the 21st Ray will help in accessing and healing of All Timelines whether they are active or inactive.  This opens up the doorway for Clarity and illumination; thereby, accessing the ability to perceive all dimensions as One Source of Light.

We will be honoring the essence of the Lord of the Great Bear Star System in the Clarion Temple of Oneness mediation on Monday, July 29th, 2013.  This call is held via teleconference and you can sign up to be on the live call via our website at

Previously we worked with the Lord of the Great Bear within the Clarion Temple of Oneness in April of 2013 , a Meteor Shower of Love, which was a very powerful connection for everyone..  The transcription of the Clarion Temple of Oneness, “Receiving Your Star Glyph, with Lord of the Great Bear” is available to read.

Individuals may join the Clarion Temple of Oneness for the live call.  Please click the link to see the details to join on a per-call basis.  We hope to hear your voice in the magnificent time of creation upon the Earth.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Mel and Mike

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden
5th Dimensional Mastery


©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

All Rights Reserved.



Accelerating the Path


We recently held two F.R.E.E Open Tele-Ceremonies. We hold these open teachings so that the messages and high frequency vibrational attunements can be accessible to everyone.  Both of these were each very powerful and transformative in assisting humans to access the blending of the three-minds (subconscious, conscious and super-conscious) and the Three-Fold Flame of the blending of the masculine and feminine divine into the oneness of the I AM self.  This blending along with a special attunement to release 3D programming will greatly advance your mastership path.

First off last week was the SUMMER SOLSTICE CEREMONY OPEN GROUP TELE-GATHERING as we have passed through the Wesak Moon energies in which the veil to higher dimensions have become very thin allowing greater access to the Spiritual Realm. This was a great 90 minute ceremony and attunement.

Next was the completion of the 2013 WESAK triple full moon cycle with the FESTIVAL OF HUMANITY OPEN GROUP TELE-GATHERING.  Lord Maitreya, Lord Sanat Kumara and Saint Germain assisted with our understandings of the opportunities and gateways of the full moon representing the Festival also known as World Invocation Day.  While we offer these Open Calls freely to individuals that have no income; for those that do we gladly accept donations to support these teachings. You may download the MP3 files for your own spiritual advancement but please share only our website with others so they can explore what we offer.  more

New Earth Frequency Update ~ A Moment In Time

New Earth Frequency UpdatePlanetary Level ~ Meleriessee

It’s been awhile since we have put out an update.  My personal role within the Planetary level is going to change.  I am being guided to share a small portion to create a foundation from the Unified Whole, and will be writing other material to speak about the shifting of consciousness that is occurring.  This is a direct result of the increased energies since we experienced Wesak in late May as there are always new directions to follow.

The Wesak energies for the planet and the entire spiritual hierarchy is bringing us closer together.  Wesak is always a powerful time as we arise to a new level of consciousness as we are working through the initiations.  This year it is happening on a global and cosmic level beyond proportions that may be challenging to understand within the physical mind.  We are still in the integration of the energies as we move towards the Festival of Humanity on the full moon occurring June 23rd, 2013.  We are learning to ground the energies of the Wesak which represented the Three-Fold Flame being activated within GAIA.  The Festival of Humanity is a celebration of our light together as we now take what we have learned and share it with others.  (If you would like to join us for a powerful ceremony on June 24th, please see our website,  This call is open to all individuals and should be very powerful.)

But the next most important date we are going to experience is the Solstice which is celebrated for summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere).  There is a very special doorway opening to allow the energies of the Three-Fold Flame to be grounded more fully.  The Great Divine Director shared in our Monday evening meditation, “The Clarion Light Beings of Oneness,” about the new accessibility of the Three Minds of the Conscious, Sub-conscious, and Super-Conscious to now blend together within each individual and within humanity along with the entire God Force.  This is the first creation of Oneness to be felt that is coming from the Source of Oneness.  (Note, you may access the recordings of the Clarion Temple by registering on our website on a call-by-call basis or within our Membership Program,  We will also be having a special Solstice ceremony on Wednesday, June 19th in preparation for the event.  This can also be accessed via the link shown above, Tele-calls.  It is open for everyone to attend.)

I will write more about the details of how this is occurring but it is very exciting for everyone.  This is a doorway that will not close, and we now have the accessibility to be in full creation with the Source upon the planet as she changes her frequency into the higher levels of existence.  The Solstice of June will truly be a powerful celebration of this occurrence.


COSMIC Level ~ Unified Whole Command


It is with extreme pleasure that we speak to you on this day.  I am the Great Divine Director with Master Thoth and Master Einstein at your service.

The full integration of the higher realms is becoming closer as we move through the year of 2013.  The energies of the Wesak Moon in May of 2013 were not only a very powerful doorway for initiates to move through their physical conditions and accept their higher essence in the way that is designed through their Higher Self but it was so much more.

The veil between the spiritual dimensions and the earth dimensions are becoming very thin.  This has given is a very powerful opportunity to move through the creations of Light to work with each of you more personally.  It is also an opportunity for our essences to come together in unity not just as the Spiritual Hierarchy but as each of our essences come into wholeness so are yours.  This becomes a very powerful moment in history as it has never occurred before.

The realms of light came fully into wholeness during the December activations in 2012.  This has allowed us to speak to you from the frequency of the 144th dimension but also access all timelines that have kept us separated.  We arrived closer during the Spring Equinox when the phase of resurrection was very powerful to remove old aspects that did not fit our highest purpose.  Many of you have been challenged during this process in order to understand more from your Higher Self and Higher Mind.

It is also a time of great inter-galactic wars as the energies that are coming closer to you have caused the warriors of the darkness to be separating from your existence.  So there have been many battles ensuing around the planetary structure to try and keep you in bondage.  You may have noticed within yourself of having to be very diligent in your practices of higher frequency to maintain the equilibrium that you have experienced previously.  There is an active energy that is working doubly hard to stop you from fully experiencing the joy and light that is part of your heritage from the old worlds.  We share this knowledge not to create fear but to help you understand that there may be moments when you have had to fully utilize all of your tools to maintain your equilibrium.  We have been standing with you to help you through these processes as the time is coming when their attacks will become less and less.

The Solstice occurring on June 21st, 2013 is going to be such an event as we are coming more into Oneness with each of you.  This means that the individuals upon the Earthplane that are awakened will be asked to step forward and accept their role in the history of this planet of becoming more involved in light energies to occur.  We need each of you to find your place of happiness within your heart and hold onto it with a clear perception as there is a doorway that is being ignited on this date starting at sunrise, your local time zone and continuing through sunset.  This means that each of you will be able to accept your role in the history of this planet to be accelerated into more light particles.  As you become a conductor of this light frequency, the doorway will be expanded beyond your own fields of light to other fields around you.  It is like a domino effect that will be occurring.  As you are a conductor of the light incorporating within you, you can expand this frequency around you within the planetary system of the lands, waters, environmental structures that house the people, animals, minerals, and all living organisms of GAIA.  You don’t have to do anything but JUST BE.

We are calling this juncture of time as A Moment in Time.  This means that during this entryway the NO TIME ZONE is going to exist for every living being upon the Earth.  It is the reflection of the Higher Self to be acknowledged in all existence being ONE.  During this phase another doorway is being opened as the THREE MINDS will blend as ONE.  This means that the Super-Consciousness of the Higher Self will blend with the Sub-Consciousness to create the higher thoughts into the Conscious Mind.  The three circles will become one Unity of Light.  Now this entryway into the Three-Minds of Integration will be open continuously and will not close.  It is a window of opportunity to allow Oneness to merge within all three minds of creation.

This means that those that have not been working on their subconscious thoughts will have moments of reflection of their own light but it may cause some energies to arise.  There may be feelings of disbelieve and the old aspects can erupt during the process.  The individuals that hold a higher Light Quotient will be able to accept the merging of these essences much easier.  It will be a process for each individual to accept in their own pathway and life circumstance.

It is imperative at this time on the Solstice to be in a very high state of conditioning.  Utilize your meditative tools, high vibrational work, and if possible, gather together in groups to assist each other in the process while helping GAIA to accept these energies.  It is a day in which individuals can arise to their highest purpose but it will be felt within the physical body.  Just thinking about the beauty, joy, and bliss will not make it so.  This energy is going to assist individuals to heal their ill thoughts, dis-ease within the body, and to accept their role within their personal existence.

Those that are within their third dimensional self and very unaware will have the most challenging moments.  This energy is going to assist everyone to move into a higher state of existence so the ones that are following glamour in their lives, using individuals for their own gain, think only of monetary gain or self-gain in relation to others will be deeply challenged.  It is time for every individual to accept their role upon this Earth.  Every person has accepted this contract before entering the Earth but many have forgotten.

This event is going to be magnificent and it will continue through the summer months but at a lesser degree depending upon your intent to work or not work with it.  It will help to create the manifestation laws to become more existent and the Universal Laws to be fully actualized as Supreme Beings that you are.  It is a grand opportunity for many individuals to step into their desired awareness that will assist the process of their enfoldment that has been occurring.  Those that have been struggling can move their essence through this doorway as they will see that changes will result in a very positive manner.  Again, we stress, that you must work with the frequency of light as going against it will be a detriment to your reality.

Every person is being asked to step up and claim their Divine Right as Sovereign Beings to accept their role presently.  But it comes with great responsibility which first is within the Self.  The power of this energy will help you to move mountains in your life, find your love that has been lost, and help you to accept your present circumstances that need to be changed.  We must find wholeness within ourselves first and foremost.  This, then, creates Oneness within each other.

We honor every one of you for accepting this role.  This is a phase that we are happy to share with you.  Many times it is difficult expressing the changes that each of you are going to be experiencing.  This moment we can say “What you ask for, you will receive.”  It is time to accept the Golden Ring of opportunity that will take you on a journey of self discovery.  We have a long way until the Earth changes into this essence, but we are finally able to say, “Our journey together has begun.”

It is our pleasure to connect with each of you in Oneness as we fully accept our Light upon each other in the Source of Creation.

We are the Unified Whole Command at your service.

In the Name of Oneness, Unity is our expression of Light.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 


Master Serapis Bey ~ The Lord of Love

Serapis Bey1

On Monday, June 10th, 2013, Master Serapis Bey will be the spokes-being for the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  Serapis Bey is the Chohan of the 4th Ray of Harmony, Beauty, and Balance in the color of Crystalline Light representing the cosmic level.  He will be giving discourse of how to create harmony within our lives presently as we are within the midst of the Wesak energies as we move toward the Festival of Humanity on June 23rd, 2013.

Serapis Bey was an embodied Seraphim, who came to Earth as a guardian spirit to assist the people of Earth.  He was a priest in the Ascension Temple on Posedonis, a remnant of Atlantis.  He established a temple for the Ascension Flame in Luxor, Egypt after he traveled with other members of the Brotherhood of White light right before the sinking of the continent of Atlantis.

Master Serapis is a Lord of Love and his One Purpose in Life is to free every individual from the recoil of impure causes and cores of limitations and disease which can cause distress on the mind, body, and spirit.  He has been the Chohan of the Fourth Ray since 400 B.C.  He also works very closely with Master Paul the Venetian, the Ray Chohan for the Third Ray of Active & Creative Intelligence.  They both have shared the energies of these beautiful rays and work hand-in-hand with each other.

Master Serapis Bey works with every initiate who chooses to be on the Ascension Pathway.  He assists in cleansing the aura of the individual within their Etheric Body and lovingly prepares those initiations which will help each candidate to transmute his lower nature.  If the candidate is willing to move further into their ascension process with deep earnest and study, he will assign a brother or sister from retreat in Luxor that will provide the candidate Opportunities so that they can achieve their Ascension in the Light as long as they can PERSEVERE through the process.  The experience for the initiate will enhance their ascension process so that they are not being punished or put into major lessons, but to fully expand their essence in the Light.  Opportunities create growth.

A Message from Serapis Bey:

Greeting My Fellow Comrades of the Light,

It is my pleasure to be able to work with each of you through the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  I have some exciting news that I want to share in that venue so I hope you will take the time to join us.

I am also very excited to speak to you in this moment.  We are at a very crucial time of elevation of the Light within the planet and it is important that each of us come together to understand that process.  If you spend too much time on the consciousnesses of your physical mind, then you will never be able to comprehend the changes and accelerations that you are experiencing as it will be filtered through the mind and not through your intuition.

Presently within the earth’s evolution there are so many energies that are being filtered within the planet so it may be a challenge to discern what is right and wrong in any given thought process.  It is imperative to work with the frequencies of Harmony and Balance of the Crystalline Ray to assist in the Divinity within your Soul’s Essence.  The true goal at hand is to fully express joy in all moments of being, but until an individual can fully access their full body system, and then it becomes convoluted in the process.  This is where the confusion sets in and then all of a sudden a person may not know what the truth is as the energy becomes intertwined not only within the Divine level but within the physical.  This is where Harmony and Balance needs to be utilized.

You will find that as a candidate for the ascension process you will go through many stages of growth and questioning the process of your own experience.  It cannot be measured by anyone else or compared to another individual, as you are unique and your experiences will be very different.  The power of your divinity lies within the truth of your soul’s essence.  Until you learn to tap into that aspect of yourself, then you are just being fooled by other energies you have encountered in previous lifetimes and timelines.  It take great diligence to continue to work through this process and I AM here to assist.

I enjoy so much in helping each initiate understand what they are experiencing deeply.   When this happens, this is when Divine Order sets in from your Higher Self and I AM Presence.  It make take quite some time to get to that perfect understanding but we in Luxor are here to help.

We also have a beautiful Golden Etheric City that is being built in the fifth dimensional NEW EARTH.  It is called Shashwam and resides in the Central United States within Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska and now will move into Oklahoma.  So if you want to visit, please intend to come into the city and we will be happy to receive you to help you find balance and harmony within your life.

My main message at this time is to help you to remember and reflect on the Beauty that You Are.  It is important to remember these aspects of yourself to get through the trials and lessons of walking into mastership.  Please acknowledge your worth and your ability to be more than you are now or ever have been.

All my Light to each of you,

I AM Master Serapis Bey

If you would like to join us Monday evening with Master Serapis Bey, please register on our website,  Previously our calls were part of our Membership program only, but they are now available on a call-by-call basis.

Additionally, we will be traveling to the CITY OF SHASHWAM on Wednesday evening, June 12th, 2013.  We travel to the Golden Etheric Cities with Lord Adama as our guide each week.  This week it so happens that we will be re-visiting the City of Shaswam, previously called Klehma.  You may also join this individual call by registering on the website,  Click the link for more information is available about the City of Klehma from our first visit in July 2011.

Additional Material Excerpted from Ascended Masters & Their Retreats, W. Schroeder

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.


Re-Visiting the Golden Etheric Cities of the New Earth

Sacred Heart FlameWe have just recently finished the journey of each of the 22 Golden Etheric Cities which represents the 22 rays of God and exist within the 5th Dimensional Earth of the Etheric Realm.  We have traveled extensively around the world to each of these wonderful cities for the past two years with Lord Adama as our host which are overlighted by the Ascended Beings of Light representing each of the rays.

We are now starting a new journey in which we are traveling to the cities again depending upon the energies we are experiencing within the Earth.  Each of the cities are guided by the overlighting Beings of Light.  The first seven represent the Ray Chohans with the Archangels and Elohim Masters.  We will not repeat a city in succession of order unless the energies that we are incorporating presently warrant another visit so quickly.  We will meet with one or several of the beautiful beings as they take us into the realms of exquisite beauty as we embody the qualities of each of the cities.

Lord Adama offers a lecture on the present energies we are experiencing before our journey begins.  He then guides us to the city in which we will visit with the Ray Chohan, Archangels, Elohim Masters, or the Ascended Beings that are the guest speakers of their city.  This class can be accessed on a call-by-call basis, Golden Cities,  or as part of our Membership Program.  We meet via tele-conference at 5 PM Pacific, Wednesday’s.   Please register before 12 Noon Pacific so that you may receive the phone number and code for the call in time to join us live.

For more information on this weekly call, please see the blog, New Earth Circle of Light.  The transcriptions of the later cities are being added each week so please check back often.

This week we journey to the Golden Etheric City of Saceleas which resides over Central Ontario.  Our guide this week, Wednesday June 5th, 5 PM Pacific, will be Master Paul the Venetian who is the Chohan for the Ray of Active Intelligence.

The City of Saceleas represents the Sacred Heart of the Deep Pink colors.  Paul the Venetian has been known to assist individuals in fully in their beauty through the 3rd Ray of Active Intelligence.  This is so represented in this City of Pure Creativity and Love assisting in the perfection of the Christ Self, and being manifest within and around one’s experiences of life.

We will embody the essence of the Pink Ray of Active Intelligence which represents the Pink Flame of Gratitude as truly one of the most practical ways to bring results into an individual’s world, especially when there seems to be an obstruction between individuals.  Paul’s demeanor so represents GRATITUDE FOR LIFE.  It is a stream of energy going forth from you with a BLESSING.

Attributes of the 3rd Ray of Active Intelligence:

Aspect:  Active Intelligence, Creative Intelligence, Physical Action

Virtues:  Power of Manifestation, Power to Evolve, Mental Illumination, Perseverance, Clear Mindedness, Power to Produce, and Understanding

Virtues to be Acquired:  Compassion, Toleration, Devotion, Accuracy, Energy and Common Sense

Higher Expression:  Means of communication or interaction verbally


We will be working with the energies of Saceleas by utilizing the Decree, Activating The Sacred Heart:

Activating the Sacred Heart

I AM on a pathway of illumination,

I ask for Paul the Venetian to help me understand,

He told me there is a wonderful City called Saceleas,

Which will give me all the tools I desire;

I walk into the city and see the pure essence of the Pink Flame embodied everywhere,

I feel my heart center shifting into pure acceptance and understanding;

I sit upon a hill and look to the horizon with the pink hues shining brightly,

It permeates through my entire being,

I feel clear headed,

full of love,

And ready to share to others;

The power of this activation is allowing me to walk my path with clear determination,

I have Love,

I have Compassion,

I have Devotion;

I am in Deep Gratitude of this moment of reflection.

I now feel the blessings of the Pink Ray flowing through me;

I AM a Manifestor

And Creator Upon this Earth;

I share with others the deep love I have within;

I am now ready for the Divine to fully guide me in my pathway to share, grow, and be with others;

I flow completely in the Essence that I AM;

The Physical Action I was searching is deeply embed within me;

I AM that I AM that I AM.


©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 

Lord of the Great Bear Star System – Guide for the Etheric Golden City over Spain


Today is Wednesday, May 15th, 2013, and we will be visiting a new Etheric Golden City on NEW EARTH CONSCIOUSNESS ~ CIRCLE OF LIGHT. We are being honored with Lord of the Great Bear Star System in the 21st city which resides in Spain.

The characteristics of this city represent the 21st Ray which is in the 5th dimensional chakra grid within the Third Eye of Blue Gold. Some of the attributes of this ray and city represent these elements:

Definition ~ Eternity & Divine Structure

Overlighting Being: Lord of the Great Bear Star Systems overlights all Universal Levels of the Galactic Dimensions from the 20th through the 36th comprising all Inter-galactic races that are within the Unified Whole.

Working within the 21st Ray will help in accessing and Healing of All Timelines Whether They Are Active or Inactive. This then opens up the doorway for Clarity and Illumination; thereby, accessing the ability to perceive all dimensions as One Source of Light. There is great Freedom when an initiate fully allows these elements to be activated within their full body system as now they have the Spiritual Harmony of Light within themselves which gives off a feeling of deep security allowing the Life-Force within to be free and flowing.

If you would like experience this journey with Lord Adama as our host and guide, please register on our website,

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly call in which we visit the Etheric Golden Cities of the New Earth. These calls are very powerful including attunements from each of the masters that work with the cities. Lord Adama gives a message on the current energies.


Lord Sanat Kumara ~ Preparing for Wesak 2013

Lord Sanat Kumara
Lord Sanat Kumara

Lord Sanat Kumara is an amazing gentle, wise, and powerful ascended master who many love and honor.  This week in the Clarion Temple of Oneness we honor him as he shares his thoughts of the upcoming Wesak energies.

Sanat Kumara is considered to hold many roles in our spiritual history.  He is known as the Lord of the World, Father of Spirituality or Humanity, and Founder of the Great White Light of Brotherhood.   Whatever title that he is given he is still the most genuine spirit that an individual can connect with for their spiritual pathway of mastery.

He is the leader of the Venusian Flames and the Flame Holder for the Violet Flame.  His is originally from Venus and worked as the Planetary Logos for several thousands of years.  He was the Silent Watcher of the Goddesses from Lemuria which was when he started the Brotherhood of White Light so as to keep the secrets of the Goddesses from being revealed.  This was when Lemuria was at war with Atlantis which eventually was the downfall of both continents.

His post as the Planetary Logos was taken over by Lord Buddha in the 1950’s, but he played a very active role within the humanity of Gaia and all her inhabitants until the New Millennium.  It was at this time that he went back to Venus to prepare for the New Earth.  He is now very active to assist lightworkers on the pathway of Mastery in preparation for leadership roles that will be activated on the 5th dimensional frequency known as Terra Christa.  (If you would like to learn more about the Venusian Rays of God, please see our special online program, “Venus Meets Gaia for Terra Christa”.)  His work with the Goddesses is unprecedented and is available to every initiate to fully accept their role upon the New Earth.

His role during the Wesak energies is to hold the light as Lord Buddha descends into Shamballa to receive his next initiation.  He holds this frequency with Lord Maitreya (Office of the Christ) along with the entire Spiritual Hierarchy, and God Force.

A special message from Sanat Kumara:

Greetings, My Lovely Beings of Light,

It is my pleasure to connect with each of you for this energy transmission.  Whew, we have come a long way together.  Centuries of blood-fearing energies being dissipated at the same time to allow for the entrance of light that is way beyond what you have ever experienced from Lemuria and Atlantis.  Thank you, God, for those times to be gone out of our consciousness.

I just ask you one question.  Do you feel you have removed all elements from these timelines to find your true purpose?  This is very important as the Wesak energies in 2013 are going to surpass any others that we have experienced.  We cannot measure the depths of the frequency or the changes that you will be able to feel just by explaining it to you in words.  It has to be felt by each of you individually to fully allow the consciousness of your Higher Self and I AM Presence to be felt through the entire experience.  Otherwise, you will not be fully prepared to have the most exquisite moments of your soul’s life to be shown to you in the physical creation.

Some individuals may think that Wesak is just another spiritual holiday and in a sense, it is.  But it is quite different if you fully allow your consciousness to participate in the energies.  Preparations are being made presently to allow all souls in humanity to understand the depth of their own origin and to receive the highest form  of acceleration within their physical world.  Each of us within the Spiritual Hierarchy work especially hard to allow this moment to occur for humanity but it is up to each of you individually to full integrate its essence.

It is important to take your personal inventory of the last year.  What have you been doing, feeling, and experiencing within your pathway?  This is of a personal and professional nature.  Those of you that are in the healing, coaching, counseling, and sharing with others your knowledge need to listen intently.  You will change if you allow it to be.  But you must not think it is going to happen automatically just be asking it to be.  What work have you done for yourself and have you seen improvements throughout the year?  Have you fallen behind once or twice?  This is imperative because you need to understand the lesson in each movement either forwards or backwards so that you don’t allow the pitfalls of the experience to affect you again.  These are all part of the learning experiences and will help you to mold your future. 

Take a look to see what you have accomplished, if it has been to your highest desire, and what could you have done to make it a better experience for yourself.  These are all important aspects to consider when stepping into another level of your initiations.  The more you accept about who you have been, the more you will aspire to deeper levels within yourself.

So as you can see Wesak represents the ability to look within, be truthful and honor who you are even in times of not liking what you experienced.  They, in truth, are the most powerful moments in your pathway.  They will help you to mold a new essence that is trying to emerge from the depths of your soul. But you must be honest within and know when something does not feel right as the transition occurs.  You see, your Higher Self is expanding within you deeper within each moment and it allows you to not only understand the process of your transformation but to accept it within all parts of your existence as you become fully integrated of the Light and Power that you are.

You can expect major growth changes within you as long as you look in the mirror in front of you, remove what does not fit the new essence, and accept the existence of your world changing from your soul’s perspective and not the physical mind.  This is what Wesak is going to do for each of us by allowing us to go deeper into our experience with the Higher Self and I AM Presence.  We are all excited to be part of the ceremonies with each of you.  It is our time to fully come together and co-create all aspects of the self within the embodiment that You Are.

I deeply honor each of you and so many ways.

I Am Lord Sanat Kumara at your service.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a public ceremony in Mt. Shasta for the Wesak energies.  We are also recording the morning and afternoon meditation.  You may order these MP3 downloads on our website,  Additionally, if you cannot attend, and want to be part of the energies, please submit your name and location to MelandMike@WalkingTerraChrista . com to have your name put on our Altar.

Lord Sanat Kumara will be our guest speaker in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on May 13th, 2013 at 5 PM Pacific, 12 Midnight GMT.  If you would like to join this live call, you may do so on a call-by-call basis without joining the Membership Program.  For details,

Channeled Through Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 


Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea Share Blessings of Prosperity

purity_astrea-fbOn Saturday, May 4th, the Abundance of Light~Sharing Prosperity Together circle was honored with the essence of the Elohim Purity and Astrea representing the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance.

Elohim  Purity and Astrea release the Cosmic Blue Lightning of Divine Love, to shatter the accumulated, discordant substance deposited around the electrons of the inner bodies.  It can then be more readily transmuted.  The Blue Lightning explodes the center of destructive foci and vortices, resulting in perfection.  After the discord is shattered, St Germain is called upon for the Purple/Violet Flame of the Universal level to transmute it.

If the Mental body is not purified, it cannot receive the perfect design form the Higher Realms, nor can it manifest the strength to hold to the design, against the disintegrating forces of doubt, fear, ridicule and other negative qualities in the atmosphere of Earth.

If the Emotional body is not purified, the idea and pattern will be so tinged with selfishness and personal ambition that the beautiful design loses much of its perfection and efficacy.

If the Etheric body is not purified the failures of the past will often neutralize and completely destroy the desired form.

The Law of Forgiveness must be instituted for the balance of harmony to be put into place.

Purity is the Guardian of the Immaculate Concept for the planet and the entire universe which means he is also the immaculate Concept for our individualized divinity, which is fashioned from white fire substance.  This is the pattern of perfection, created by the God Force which is PERFECTION.  Both Purity and Astrea are the Flame of the Cosmic Christ of Purity.

They shared these affirmations with us:









If you would like to join us for these amazing circles, please sign up,, at no cost to you.  The call is free, you can listen on the playback recording during the week and if you want to receive the MP3 download, there is a donation required.  We hope you will join us.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.


Knowing ~ Telosian Way of Being, Part 3

TWB KnowingDuring this session of the Telosian Way of Being, Lord Adama introduced NO EYES who is a gifted shaman also known as Lady of the Night.  She shares a powerful message about the VOID and the 4th dimensional energies.

Greetings, My Fellow Comrades,

I am Lady Of The Light but I like so much to share with you my essences of the No Eyes and to bring forward to you a little instructional moment.  What took you so long and I know these are the questions that are in your mind.  They are deeply in your mind.  If you look around this room, at all these beautiful Telosian Beings, I bet you want to be one of them instead of where you are.  That is the beauty of the human mind.  Is it not? Always wanting to be somewhere else than where you truly are but yet our Higher Selves always guides us to the space that we need to be.  It is when that we are unawakened and unaware of what we are doing that causes us the problems.  But that is not true with each of you.  Is it not? Truly it isn’t.

As I look at each of you personally, I can feel your essences coming to me in this moment.  As you stand in this moment of time of removing the old and going into the new, it is a beautiful space to be in.  Because you can look at the parts of yourself that were fully not being accessed in other timelines, you now access them.  Look how much you have learn from this process of continuation and look who you are upon this earth, of walking into this pathway and realizing what it is that you are doing and how you are doing it.  And sometimes you don’t know how you are doing it and that is the best advice that I can give.

As we come into the void which is the void of moving from third dimensional reality to the fifth.  Within the fourth, there is the void, there is the nothingness.  This is the pure essence that you must realize is a necessary component to bring in that void within you because it teaches you how beautiful life can be in the higher essence of the fifth dimensional reality.  Within the void there can be other avenues that want to stop you from being in that pure space of Beingness.  These are the lessons you are learning at this time to fully access the continuation of your life in a higher sense of purpose and a better quality than you have ever experienced in any other timeline.

I say to you right now, “darkness needs to be your friend”.  That is the void.  This is where you truly learn about the deepest parts of yourself that need to be illuminated and brought into the light, because without the darkest parts of ourselves we cannot move into that higher frequency.  So as we stand in that fourth dimensional reality, how is it that we can adjust ourselves into the timelines of creation? These timelines of creation are necessary for us to have the full potential that our Higher Self deems appropriate to be.  The question is “Are you going to question it”? That my children, can be the deepest question that you ever pose to yourself.

To know that the questions must not be asked or answered, they may be asked but they should not be answered because there is no question to that.  Because if you question yourself, then you are going deeper into the darkness as right now you are standing in between both worlds.  You are light and you are dark and as you are in that void, you fully are not allowing yourself to change what has happened previously.  You need to do it differently.  You need to accelerate yourself from a state of continuance.  To say, “I am in the void and how do I get out of the void,” well the void right now is necessary for you to heal deeply the wounds of the past.  So you no longer struggle with them.  How do you do that?

You bring in the availability of your light and You bring in the accessibility of your learning that you are divinely guided because in the void there is none.  There is no darkness, there is no light.  There just is.  So if you take these moments of creation to allow yourself to fully increase your frequency into what you do not want to experience any longer, this is the process of your continuation.  So I say to you right now, “What are you thinking?” because I know you are thinking.  What are you feeling and I know some of you are feeling.  You may be feeling it in your physical body, you may be feeling it in your emotional body, you may have moments of desperation that you do not know what to do, that is your darkness.  Move into the void and allow yourself to be in between both worlds.  When you are in between both worlds, you are allowing yourself to move through the process.  It is when you don’t walk continually, that you stop and you stay stuck in the quick sand and then it envelopes you, and you go deeper and deeper into the abyss of nothingness.

My children, you are so much more than nothingness, you are beyond the availability, beyond the acceptance of allowing yourself to fully be in your frequency of light.  But yet those parts of your past do not allow you to let it move through your essences, so let us take a moment through the dearest one here to assist you in that process.


I have just given you a native chant that will fully assist in removing any timelines, any frequencies of any degree of darkness that have kept you in bondage.  These elements will fully assist you in the creation of your light.  It will assist you in embodying and moving through these processes.

This is our final posting for the class on KNOWING.  The rest of the transcription includes the downloaded activations.  If you would like to utilize this powerful seminar series, you can purchase it by each class or the entire series,  We know that you will not be disappointed.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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