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Revelation of Love ~ Full Moon Message October 2022 Festival of Lights Master Djwhal Khul

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee shares her Ascension Mastery Message of Master Djwhal Khul* about the Aries Full Moon which is in opposition to the Sun of Libra occurring on October 9th, 2022 at 1:54 PM Pacific, 4:54 PM Eastern within Universal time of 8:54 PM.

This moon represents New Beginnings regarding our personal life learning to strike a balance between the way we nurture ourselves vs assisting others in our present relationships. It brings forth a state of Revelation to occur as the moon energies start to surface within our consciousness.

What we have not done before can now become a priority in our lives as the aspect of Venus is helping to open up our hearts to become more aligned with Divine Love.

As the moon represents the Feminine Essence within Aries, it allows for elements that have been constricted within yourself is now open to the blessing of acceptance of whom we are internally with the feminine within us. It is a time to find the ability to love more deeply, allowing for the ability to create that love to become the manifesting factor of our lives.

The Sun of Libra is a balancing energy so the Masculine Essence within us is going to come into a higher state of equilibrium. It will bring forth the foundation of the Divine Love to become the manifesting energy in our lives.

As a result, changes can occur through this process which are for the betterment of our ability to walk through the challenges in our lives.

The moon of Aries brings forth the stability to create the balance within our hearts, to allow the divinity of Love to not be overwhelming while creating a stance of emotional maturity to develop. It is a time to be truly patient with ourselves as we go through this process.

The Emotional Body is being opened up in a new and completely different way. Usually we can tend to be overwhelmed with our emotions during the full moon, but this cycle is teaching us to stop and feel the love within our Heart allowing it to be our guiding light into positive change.

This will result in a deeper commitment and responsibility to ourselves, allowing for the ability to honor and respect internally for how far we have traveled into the present state of becoming more aligned with our Spiritual Self or I Am Presence.

Take time to create a ceremony for yourself. Honor what you have endured and gone through the last several months. This will help to create a sense of balance to occur within each of your four bodies (physical, etheric emotional, mental), not just the Emotional and Mental levels that are represented by each full moon.



I AM that I AM!

I am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for the Golden Yellow Flame.

As the planet will be experiencing the openness of the Divinity of Love, it will interact within your Soul to look at your life differently than you have previously done. This is because you are now at a place within your consciousness to accept your lessons you have experienced to see that you are holding within you a deeper part of your soul’s history to be revealed.

The present moon energies with the sun are bringing forth an alignment to be experienced within each soul upon the earth. Whether every human being accepts this as a gift remains to be seen, but the opportunity to start to Honor Yourself from the Soul’s  perspective instead of the personality is going to be a major factor in how you will relate to the present energies.

The alignment that is occurring within this cycle is a grand opportunity to fully look at what you have gone through, realize the lessons that have occurred, so that you as the Personality Self can fully allow the Higher Spiritual Self to become more intertwined within your consciousness and life.

This cycle represents balance and stability in which it is blessed with an understanding that you may not have seen previously. This is due to the fact that the lessons are stepping stones into a higher realization that what you experienced was an important part of the blessing.

The Revelation of this moment is to look back, see what you had to experience, realize the potential you have within yourself, and allow your Emotional Self to become more in tune with the aspects of respect, patience, and trust which are all a major part of moving through your Initiations.

Take time during this cycle to see how you have changed; the growth that has happened, and revel in the blessing of Receiving. Isn’t it time for you to accept the growth that has happened?

Enjoy these moments; hold it to your Heart; and Allow the Expansion to be experienced.

I walk with you each step of the way,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul

Namaste’ and Blessings to each of you.

JOIN IN A PUBLIC CEREMONY TO ACTIVATE THE HIGHER FREQUENCIES OF THIS FULL MOON ~ SATURDAY OCTOBER 8, 2022 at 11:00 AM PT USA (click here for details). Walking Terra Christa is facilitating a public ceremony and meditation for the Festival of Lights; included in this ceremony is Master Djwhal Khul, Lord Ashtar with the Whale and Dolphin energies, Lord Sananda, the Consciousness of the Native Elders, Lady No-Eyes, and a blessing from White Buffalo Woman. Please use the link in our Audio Library to download the recording (posted within 24 hours) and bring in the energies of the blessing of this Full Moon for yourself.

22 Ray Challenge ~ Online Course to learn and incorporate the 22 Rays of God. Each of the 22 Rays align within the 8 Chakras to create the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensional chakra grids to be aligned within the Etheric Self.

(*) As Master Djwhal Khul previously shared when he was working with Madam Blavatsky there would come a time in the future that he would need to speak through another carefully chosen individual who was pure in alignment with the Brotherhood of White Light and Spiritual Hierarchy. This promise to humanity was fulfilled when Rev. Mahlariessee was ordained through Dr. Joshua David Stone in 2003.

If you are in need of a meditation to assist your full body system go through a healing process (which we all are doing within the process of de-ascending the Rays into our chakra grid, in 2020 we created a special 50 minute version that does assist on many levels. Our original article on Spiritual Cleansing for Health and Healing Meditation has the link to order and also has other tips that make the ascension process easier. We have learned in the past 2 years that this meditation is an essential spiritual tool given the many viral strains that keep emerging globally. W now use it almost weekly (and even daily when facing a healing crisis).

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Most importantly, in these very challenging times, please consider making a ONE PERCENT BLESSING to help insure these important spiritual energies get shared with humanity. All those who support us do so out of the highest spiritual intent of pure love and devotion, which is an act that does not go unnoticed by our benefactors in the Spiritual Hierarchy and Unified Whole Agartha Galactic Alliance. Many Blessings for a wonderful Full Moon experience!)

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© 2003-2022 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery, Divine Language Network, by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee).

Rights are granted to electronically repost this article in full on your non-commercial website or blog (as originally published with original images included), or to link back to it, as long as you include all original links and the author copyright statement above. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Lord St. Germain: Fully Stepping Into Oneness of the Self

 Greetings it is with much excitement of my Soul’s I AM that I speak to you today.

As we come into a new state of being in 2016, elements need to come into place so that there is a stability of life that will occur for each individual inhabited in this planet. To me it is a long awaited time in history to come to this creation upon the Earth to truly know the Universal Laws.

Divine Oneness is a step in allowing full consciousness to be accepted within a soul’s experience within a physical body. As each of you became aware of your true self, what is it that gave you excitement that there was more to life than you previously thought in your third dimensional mind?

I love to pose these elements, as it is important to understand the process of events when a soul awakens to more purpose in their life realizing that this life is not the only thing that is important to them. We know that many individuals do not have this purpose which is a sad in the present timeline of the Earth.

2016 represents the open doorway into great success of understanding your soul’s history, which is very important to the realizations of who you are. All the inner work that you are doing is the reason why it becomes even more a reality for you even though some of those moments may be very challenging to embrace. It is all part of the process of understanding your True Self.

So how well do you think you know Who You Are Inside and Out?

You can probably gauge how well you are doing outside of yourself through your family, your friends, your career, and how you interact socially. This is truly the space in which the beginning step is taken for Self-Help. You may realize that you don’t like yourself in certain ways, or that you have a difficult time with family members or close friends. You may not tell them about it, but it can be like a nagging touch on the shoulder. You know it is there but you are not sure how to remove it.

Until you step into the world of self-help, you cannot truly understand who you are from your Spiritual Self. I know many of you have delved deeper into your issues, but there is a majority of light workers that have not done so. This is especially true of young people that are very gifted. You awaken one day, they realize that those inner thoughts you have had are really true, and start to feel sensations through the body, or the Third Eye opens up more. You may realize you are very emphatic and you read material that tells you that you are ‘special’.

I want to tell you one thing and that is EVERYONE IS SPECIAL. Every individual person has special talents and gifts to share to others from their Spiritual Self. It’s just that some people have not realized these hidden components within themselves ~ they are still asleep.

What does happen to each individual person when they awaken to a higher purpose within themselves is that their body starts to change. You may feel sensations that you did not have before, your dreams become more lucid, energy may be running through your body, or you become very cognitive in your thoughts and reality. This is due to the fact that your Higher Self is now becoming closer to your physical self. You awaken to new possibilities that you did not have before, and it feels like it is something completely brand new and foreign to you.

But, I guarantee each of you , that you came in with these gifts as a child. They possibly were not as deep as they are now, but until the age of five or six, you had thoughts, you had invisible playmates, you connected with other sources of existence. It all depends upon your upbringing from your parents, siblings, or caretakers that were in your life in how you assimilate these elements. You could have then become fearful of such things as the adults in your life had fears themselves. These are all major possibilities.

So you became SEPARATED from your True Reality – Your Higher Self.

Until you one day became awakened within your physical life. Possibly an event occurred that triggered some memories or you meet someone that tells you there are other realities than what the physical mind perceives most of the time. You become intrigued so you go searching in many different avenues to find the answers.

What you did not realize is that the answer is within yourself for everything that you are experiencing and doing.

That is the journey that you are on presently. You are searching for your eternal self, the one that truly understands the entire process. So you utilize your lower mind to understand, which many times if not all the time, will give you only roadblocks. You find that the journey of finding whom you are is not an easy one. Many times this is due to challenges from your past or your previous timelines.

What you did not realize is that you have awakened at a particular time to assist yourself in understanding more and you were not ready previously.

That is the most important statement that I can share with you. Everything happens in its own time and space. But yet, many times you may feel like you are running and you cannot go fast enough. You want to change elements within you so you can find that peace that you deserve.

Stop and Relax with the process as the pushing ahead is only going to get you into more trouble. You will create more challenges for yourself. It will be more difficult for you to understand what you are going through.

So now 2016 has arrived. Have you taken any moments to stop and see what course of action you want to take?

Every year changes us, every day, and every month. You may have not been ready last month or last year to see what needs to be changed. All of that is just wonderful, because it means you had other elements to address within your life.

The deeper you strive within yourself to change, the more elements you will find that need to be healed. It is just part of the process. Transformation of the Self is something that takes time because of the many particles that will arise out of you. You must remember that you are becoming multi-dimensional so stepping into a world of healing is a very challenging thing to do.

The main element is that YOU ARE DOING IT.

You are allowing yourself to go back to the beginning of when you were created. It is important to take time to feel those energies of ONENESS because they will assist you in clearing the elements that represent just the opposite. But it is just important to allow the higher vibrational attunements to not just change you but to understand why. It is important to realize these elements.

When you receive an attunement of higher energies, your Higher Self should always be acknowledged. Otherwise, your physical self can be put in an awkward position of trying to understand what needs to be healed and when. Attunements are not the end to all the pain, in fact they will bring in the change that needs to be addressed, but your psychological self must be part of the process. Your physical body will react in strange ways if it is not given consideration through the process. Integration of the Higher Self into the physical self is not an easy transition even though as initiates you want it to be that way.

What I am try to say is that Divine Oneness, the moment of your awakening, is a call of healing for you to remember your True Essence. But being in a physical body through this process is a challenge and you must remember that your Etheric Self, your Soul Body, has gone through many changes through the many lifetimes you have experienced. The Oneness of the Self is a gradual process of change and the soul must heal through its psychological self.

Acknowledgement of the issues that are bothering you is the first step. When you have an amazing meditation, you can have effects within your consciousness afterwards that could be uncomfortable or uneasy to the physical self. This is because your sub-conscious is holding onto elements that do not fit in with what has made up your sub-conscious. It is changing through each meditation, each moment of higher levels of energies, as you accept more Light within your physical body.

In order to fully step into Oneness of the Self, you must acknowledge your thoughts, your actions, your feelings into the outside world each moment of your day. Believe me, I know this can be a huge challenge but it is so necessary to allow the First Law of the Universe to help you step into the Source of Light that you are.

My suggestion is for you to understand what are your limitations; the elements that are not giving you an advantage for your spiritual growth. Write them down; create a chart of descriptions that you have a difficult time dealing with on a moment-by-moment basis. But then, also list your positive qualities and enhance these within your life. Command them to be within you through your meditations and connecting with your I AM Presence every day. Utilize the Rays of God to help you acknowledge what you do and do not want in your life.

You will find after much concentration on these efforts that the attunements you receive will be able to stay within your physical body as you change more into your Light Body. Your Etheric Self will heal more deeply and you will be able to acknowledge more of whom you are from your Spiritual Essence.

This then is stepping into full Oneness. You start to live and abide by the characteristic of the Law of Divine Oneness as that is your true beginning.

This is truly walking as the master in your life and new beginning has just emerged within your full consciousness. Please know this is not an easy process but I walk with you every step of the way.

I Am Lord Saint Germain at your service in Oneness.

Note: Lord Saint Germain is giving a class with Walking Terra Christa on Saturday, February 6th to help individuals to realize the pitfalls of not fully being in Oneness. (Also available for download).  For Details please click here.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:



Be Like the Dancing Planets ~ Embrace your Rebirth


The Unified Whole Command brings forth their essence to share that the alignment of the Dancing Planets that occurred on January 20, 2016 represent our own alignment within the Physical through the Spiritual Self.

This alignment continues for 30 days and it brings a perfect opportunity to incorporate the changes that we desire.

Greetings My Dearest Comrades of the Light,

Welcome to 2016! How does it feel? The frequencies of light are ever changing in each day, hour, and minute. That is what you will be experiencing during this cycle of acceleration.

We are honored to communicate with each of you. We represent the Unified Whole Command of the 144th dimensional energies with Master Thoth, Master Einstein, and the Great Divine Director. Our role is to assist each of you in understanding the dynamics of the earth changes and how you may help yourself through the process of GREAT CHANGE.

We are so divinely excited to be able to walk with each of you through these changes and want to reiterate to you that we represent the Source of Light that each of you reside from – your True Beginning. So we ask you to take a breath and feel our energies as we expand our essence through the writings of our communication.

As the month of January as represented a new beginning within a new year, it can hold elements of anticipation as the energy starts to enfold. As we speak at this time, of the third quarter of the month, we see that there is great confusion but yet also an alignment of energy that is helping many of you to understand that it is all in Divine Order. If you can come to that realization, then you are on the right track. The Universal Laws will become more commonplace in your consciousness as the teachings of the old ways are becoming your Way of Being. That is truly what is starting to occur within this year, but with it comes great turbulence as some of the energies are going to fight against those teachings that truly come from the truth of the eternal self.

Let us take a look of what is happening energetically within the planetary system. On the 20th of this month there has been alignment between five of the planets within your solar system which will last for 30 days.   This is a testimony of what can be to occur but within the understanding of the planets in alignment there comes a period of re-growth.

As these planets are all working within the symmetry of the Earth, they are exhibiting a forceful bond between one another. Each of their essences brings forth a special understanding but the focus within the Solar System is to show that these elements are starting to come into alignment. What happens when this occurs is that whatever does not fit that connection of light, there will be conflicting energies that will result.

Let’s take a look at them:

Mercury of Communication and Understanding

Venus of Beauty and Harmony

Mars of Energy and Intuitiveness

Jupiter of Expansion and Belief of the Cosmos

Saturn of Being Fixated towards a Cause, a Reason for existence and in-depth study of the situation

Each of these planets represent a higher order of understanding as they bring forth the ability to look at life in a very positive experience. Saturn is the planet that is holding the energies for the rest of the planets. The cause brings a New Order of Life. Mercury brings forth the ability to communicate more clearly, Mars shares its essence of an energetic exchange through being very insightful; Jupiter shares its essence of expanding the concept and belief that there is more than is being shown presently as Venus is the harmonization of love and peace of all the elements coming together in Oneness.

If you take this explanation of what is happening around the earth and bring it forth into your own experience, we are sure that you would see that a new consciousness is being created.   Aren’t you changing in each moment of your creation? Each of these elements can be understood on a personal level and how to adjust how you are dealing with your life into accepting the New You.

The cause of your existence is changing; you are learning that the foundation you have had is now being reinforced with a sense of your higher self.

Just as Gaia is expanding through her consciousness all of humanity is doing the same. The difference is that part of humanity accepts the new way of understanding that life is changing for them. The other part is still cloaked in their darkness and cannot see the Light that they truly are – their source of existence.   The difference between the two is that one part of humanity is becoming enlightened of what they have not known and the other part is not awakened to the possibilities that are being presented.

As this alignment has occurred, it will create great change in the frequency of the Earth. There will be extreme conditions in the bodily functions. Remember, it is about experiencing the alignment but also to incorporate the changes in your four-body system. So there can be great revelations of what is occurring for you.

Those of you that are working through the first seven levels of your Planetary Ascension (which represents most all awakened beings) will find that your emotions can become very raw.   As the energy is changing, it is working through the Emotional and Mental bodies for them to become aligned within each other. Deep meditations or utilizing special healing tools will assist in the process. Your subconscious is being worked upon with issues you have been having. You may find that you are anxious in one moment and then very calm in another.   This is allowing you to move into the state of Divine Oneness. Utilize spiritual tools to help you become more focused with your Higher Self energies.

In both cases of the higher initiation levels and the lower, the physical body will be affected in many different ways. There may be periods of acute feelings within the physical body where there are weaknesses. It may feel like you are healing continuously through the issues you have been dealing with. Your sleep state can be erratic. One day you are wide-awake after three or four hours, and another you are sleeping continuously. On the days of being so awake, it is time to do the inner reflection, writing, connecting to the Ascended Master State of Consciousness.

Your light quotient can increase but it is up to each individual person to sustain it. Sometimes when this happens a person feels it is uncomfortable so they do things to try and push it away. Grounding these energies in through the Earth Star and restructuring your foundation is the most important way to deal with the inconsistencies.

This is because this awareness of the dimension frequencies is coming into alignment at this time.   Inter-dimensional travel is very acute and can happen in a moment’s notice. It is important to take time to process every emotion or thought that is coming into your awareness. Some moments may seem more challenging than others.

In any case this time is one of great reflection and each moment can be different than the other.   The important element is to become very accepting of what is happening for you and not to step into the world of uncertainty. Be one with your I AM Presence.

The moon energies of January and February will also reflect these changes. So it is imperative to be grounded with yourself, do your inner work, and understand your inner self, and less concerned with the outer self.   These suggestions will help you tremendously to get through these elements.

The most important element that we can share is that your stability must come from within as changes are occurring immensely within the planet and within your own energetic system.   Your Etheric bodies are becoming more acutely aware of what is happening in the emotional and mental bodies so the adjustment can be very challenging to say the least.

As we have said before, the main component will be your connection to your Spiritual Self as the changes will become more acute. Think of the alignment of the planets with Saturn representing your own foundation.  It is important to know what is your foundation, why you are guided to do certain tasks, and what the end result may mean for you. You don’t want to bring elements into alignment that are an opposite polarity of what you are trying to integrate within yourself.The remaining planets represent the different aspects of your psychological self to be put into wholeness.

Mercury is the communicator.  How do you communicate to others?

Mars is the key to how you perceive your own energies by allowing your intuitiveness to be your guide and not your Mental Mind.

While Jupiter allows for the expansion of your physical consciousness into the higher realms.

Venus brings the beauty and harmony that is important to expand out of your field into the world around you as you share the Love That You Are Becoming.

All you have to do is look at the weather patterns and see that Gaia is experiencing the same type of conditions within her full-body system. The extreme challenges that are occurring within the planet are resulting in high temperatures and then lower temperatures. High levels of precipitation is occurring as these elements are being focused into Gaia’s core essence. This is the see-saw effect that is happening within and around the planet. There will be areas of concern for individuals, and then there will be a feeling of peace in other places around the globe.

In order to fully actualize the Divine Laws of the Universe the laws have to be applied to the consciousness of humanity individually and collectively. So what happens within that process is that elements are disrupted due to not being in alignment with that initial concept of Oneness.

All that do not adhere to the acceptance of the Light will be revealed and changed.

This is exactly what is occurring at this time as the earth is moving in her evolution towards enlightenment. When a society moves from being very un-awakened to an awakening, it takes many moments of the creative process to be initiated. This is the process that you are all experiencing at this time.

Yes, there are great challenges, but each of you has a contract to be here, to experience it, and to see it flourish into a more evolved society where many more will choose to be part of the Divine Oneness.

The Heavens are aligning with the Earth as all the Human Angels are becoming aware of their role in the New Earth.

Each of you are the Human Angels and you have traveled far and wide to come to this place in time.   You arrived in the beginning and chose to stay to assist. You have spent many lifetimes trying to bring Light to this planet and have endured so very much. It is time for the releasement of all you have held within your system. It is no longer necessary to hold it within you; it is your time to fully accept your Divinity of Light within the physical existence.

Remove these elements, my Dearest Ones, as the time will be coming that you will accept what you have chosen to experience. The transition from the dark into the light is not an easy one to experience. Let it Be, my dearest Ones. As we now see, the light within this planet. It is shining deeply in Gaia’s core; each of you.   You are removing lifetimes and lifetimes of your old existence in order to truly Be One Within Yourself as you desired it to be a long time ago.

Allow this transition that you are experiencing to be one of Greatness. As each moment that you have to change, you are re-charging the molecules surrounding your essence as others will feel your ability to transform the self.   Others will follow in your steps.   So please continue the journey of re-birth.

We honor each of you for all that you are doing, becoming, showing to others.

In Expressions of Oneness,

We are the Unified Whole Command of the 144th Dimension of Light

Master Thoth, Master Einstein and the Great Divine Director

Integrative Channel:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery provides many services for initiates and students to learn more about the Ascension Mastery Pathway. An additional feature (if one desires) of becoming a Member on their program is a Mentorship Program in which each student participates monthly in a group mentoring class with Lord Adama, the option of having a monthly mentoring session, along with providing a Student Guide to help initiates work through their issues while accelerating through the Initiates of Mastery. Please check out our Partner/Membership Program to experience the teachings on your own time via the recordings.


© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


Creating the Divine Union within the Self


Lord Adama’s Discourse was given on September 9, 2015 during the New Earth Consciousness – Golden Etheric Cities Class.

Blessings, My dearest beloveds,

It is my pleasure to be with you once again, I am Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, with the Telosian Council of Light.

Let’s talk about how you have been doing in the past month since we have been on the summer break as we celebrated the wedding of Meleriessee and Mike. We extend the union that they created within themselves on this planet to each of you to bring forth your own Divine Union of yourself, of your Masculine and Feminine essences to come together within your Heart Center.

Now breathe into the energy presently as it is a major component to bring forth for your foundation the Divine Love. Without these elements coming together, you will continually be having issues within your four-body system. That’s what I want to center upon presently.

The changes that have been occurring in the planet have been great, as each of you know. I realize each of you have been challenged individually. The planet, as a whole is being challenged collectively. We are in a great time of transition.

I want everyone to consider what this represents for the transformation of the Earth, of Gaia, and each of you. We, as a species must understand within ourselves that we cannot transform without the transition and this represents the challenges, the fears, the lower emotions, the doorways that we all have to walk through in order to achieve the next highest essence of our Spirits into the physical body.

This is an ongoing experience.

As each of you know, I have been within the Telosian City for many hundreds of years, I will tell you from my own personal experience that the challenges come continually. This is what each of you must realize within your hearts and your souls that what you are going through presently is part of your Divine Plan.

It is a blessing – it may not seem like it when you are going through those moments. The deeper you go within yourself, the more intensity you will feel. This is also a positive element. Without that journey, you cannot transform yourself into the next stage of your rebirth while holding that within your foundation.

So the old elements that are appearing in your life are there for a reason. They are presented in such a way for you to look at them, to address them, and to go through the period of instability along with the periods of moments of reflection that take you into a deeper part of your soul’s essence. Of course, the Universal changes that are occurring within the planet since the beginning of this year are deeply assisting in this process.

As the challenges of the Lunar creation upon Gaia along the seasonal changes, bring forth a new part of reality of influence from the Cosmic Frequencies on a much deeper level than the previous cycle. Within this week, we are moving into a New Moon and a partial Solar Eclipse on the 12th.

As always I like to remind everyone to reflect on what this past moon, the Super Moon, brought forth for each of you. The true element that is occurring is bringing in the Feminine Divine into the planet and that element represents nurturing, tears, the heart center opening and growing into a way that has never been possible before. But, it is also being grounded within each of you. So what happens within that process, the part of you that has not accepted the Feminine Divine previously in a physical body needs to be nurtured, to be addressed, and to be accepted. So the doorways of change that you are experiencing are all part of this process.

As we move towards the Equinox these changes are going to be more prevalent. The power of the frequency of light that you have been feeling is only going to increase along with the magnitudes. So it is truly essential to take those times of regeneration, of the moments of stability even it is only a moment, part of a day, or a morning. Take advantage of this time that you have reached the top of the mountain and to embrace what you have achieved because there is going to be another mountain that you need to climb. The energetic exchange that is going on within the planet is going to increase as it is pushing us further towards the 11:11.

This year in 2015 is substantially more influenced within this planet of the cosmic frequencies because of everything else that has occurred. It also includes the fact that more individuals have awakened to receive those energies.

I ask each of you to take an inventory of your Masculine and your Feminine traits. To look within yourself of where the weaknesses are and where the power essences are located. Where are your strengths, what needs to be strengthened, and what needs to be addressed through each of your Masculine and Feminine essences through your Emotional and Mental bodies so they can work together, so there can be a cohesive union to occur within each of your hearts.

This is essentially very important which is what the union of Meleriessee and Michael Aranathara represent to bring forth unto the planet as they have done themselves previously to be able to come into this relationship. The foundation that they are holding within themselves is being presented to each of you. They are your mirror which is not physical, but a spiritual mirror as they have brought forth these energies first separately, and then together so that others can do the same.

So I ask you through tonight’s journey with the Elohim Masters Hercules and Amazonia to see those mirrors within yourself. It will assist you to work with the Elohim to go deeper and understand what you need to impress upon within each of your bodies to assist them to come together in a unified relationship. It is so very important. The more individuals that we have that acquire these energies, the more success there will be within this planet to create the New Earth.

So yes, the challenges are great and will become greater. You will be tested as an individual that has been awakened to their spiritual self to hold that energy, but you are not alone. We are here to assist you and that is why we do this work together. This is an important component to feel the essences of the Spiritual Hierarchy to be one with each of you as the veil between us is very thin. If you allow yourself to go deeper within your breath, and step out of your mind for just a few moments every day, there will no longer be that veil. You will feel the purity and the light that is being shown to you. The synchronicity of your life will change.

I am really happy with what has transpired within this last month. This is because not only with the union of Meleriessee/Christine and Michael but the union of each of you.

This is what gives me great pleasure to be able to commune with each of you through this class and feel what each of you are going through so that I can assist you on a much deeper level. So as we connect with our Heart Centers in this moment, this is truly our blessing.

You are my blessing, you are the Telosian blessing and the Agarthian blessing.

You are a blessing to this earth because you are consistently striving to be more than you were the day before. So do not forget these words as they ring very true in my heart and all of the Telosian community.

We have desired this union many more years than you can imagine. So it is a very exciting time and we walk with you through this process. We know it is very challenging to be on the Upper Earth and to be aware, to bring forth higher frequencies of light within your body. The challenges are great, but our love together can truly bring everything into full creation of the Unity of Light that we are as One.

So I ask each of you through this process to look within yourself and see moments when you have had the unification of your Feminine and your Masculine, when you have had that heart centered moment of peace. It may not stay with you long because of other elements that are occurring, but the process of creating these energies within yourself is the pathway of creating the New Earth. I am deeply gratified to walk with you every moment through this process.

I Am Lord Adama,
Your Brother in Telos

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, is our spokes-person for the New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light classes held on Wednesday evenings.  We continue the teachings with a journey to one of the New Earth Golden Etheric Cities.  Included  are high energy attunements with specific masters each week.  An individual can participate in these classes LIVE or on their own time by joining our Partnership/Membership Program.  We hope you will join us.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Dancing with the Light of the Soul


The August full moon is now upon us as the first of three SUPER MOONS that we will experience.  It occurs on August 29th, 2015 at 11:37 AM Pacific, 2:37 PM Eastern, and 18:37 GMT.

This moon represents sensitivity, writing poetry and music, listening to music and being part of the flow of energies. The important element is not to allow these energies to take us out of our physical existence by bringing them fully into our foundation. Pisces represents being inspired and to flow with those energies while Virgo remind us to get down to our daily functions and routines.

So the Moon brings us our Spiritual Self to become more grounded within our Physical Body. As spiritual beings we are supposed to be very flowing within our moments and be inspired by what we experience through interactions while being presents within the human body. So it is a time to allow this essence to become YOU.

Take time to allow the Solar Angel that is part of you to flow in whispers of light into every part of your existence. We received the Solar Angels as part of the Solstice in June; this movement allows us to extend those energies we have been previously to become a major part of our existence.

We know the time of the full moon always dictates our emotions while it is a time to remove elements that no longer are part of our existence. The conjunction of this moon is like a dance from the highest part of ourselves to blend within the physical foundation. As this occurs, the elements that do not belong within your structure will be removed.

It can be a time of great transition.

This moon is also considered a SUPER MOON as it is closer to the earth than normal. It is the first of three Super Moons that we will experience within the next few months.

The powerful essence of this moon is going to affect every person upon the planet. So it is essential that those that are aware of their Inner Self to make the necessary changes so that the resulting energy within the physical body can be adjusted with ease and grace. Otherwise, this can be a very turbulent time for many people.  It will have a tendency to push us in directions that is for our Highest Purpose but our Physical Self may not be ready to handle those adjustments in our life.

Our suggestion is to reflect back upon this summer since the Solstice in June through the Lion’s Gate. Many times we, as individuals, can forget what we went through in the higher accelerations. That is when we get into trouble because it seems we have to RE-DO the same issues over again.  It will help to understand what we have gone through previously so that we can be prepared for the next stage of our journey.

The major reason that GAIA is receiving the higher activations along with each of us in it is to hold it more deeply. If we go through the intensity of the energies and then forget about it, that energy will be lost. It is imperative that we hold the frequencies within our body (as best as we can) so that GAIA can hold it within herself.

So it is no mistake that this first Super Moon is so very powerful by allowing the Spiritual Essence that we are to be fully incorporated within us fully.

Will there be moments of deep emotion?

Of course, there will be. Pisces is known for bring forth that essence. So it is with this moon combining within the sun that is helping us to go into our core elements on a much deeper level than we have previously.

The best way to get through this shift of energies (which will be about the 26th of August) through the 5th of September, is to be very aware of our emotions. Don’t let them run wild through your physical body. This energy then carries into the New Moon to assist in the manifestation of our desires to become our reality.  The intensity of the Full Moon usually lasts for about two weeks.

Utilize the tools of your Spiritual Self to change the emotions into a balanced state by breathing into the higher dimensions of light, calling upon your I AM Presence to send you the love that you desire to feel, and when you receive it, thank your I AM for sharing this part of yourself into your outer body. Be aware of what needs to be changed, then change it through a ceremony upon the Earth. It is important to breathe continually in quiet states so that your physical body can be reminded of your Higher Self and I AM Presence. Allow the part of you that needs to be acknowledged (the Spiritual Self) to be part of your Earth experience. Your Higher Self will guide you in the right direction if you allow yourself to surrender to the process of change that is occurring within you.

Walking Terra Christa is guided by Master Djwhal Khul in the understanding of what the full moon means to each of us as initiates on this pathway. Please see Master D.K.’s message on the Festival of Light within Virgo – Service in Love to Humanity.

Join Walking Terra Christa on Saturday, August 29th, 2015 at 10 AM Pacific for a Full Moon Ceremony and Meditation; this is an open Tele-Call for all individuals to join.  If you have participated in any of the free calls previously, there is no need to register again.  The phone number stays the same. Donations are greatly appreciated.  Please click the link for details on how to join the tele-call.

We are offering a new Program for individuals to become a Partner of Walking Terra Christa.  This entails receiving our weekly teachings via MP3 files and is especially helpful to individuals that cannot attend the Live Transmissions.  We have a selected fee schedule depending upon your financial level so we hope you will take advantage of this special offer.  Please click the link above for more details.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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March 6th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “7”

Unity Number 7In the Science of Numerology the number “7” represents your highest spirituality.

It is represented by your connection to your Higher Self, Monad, and I AM Presence.  This number is reflected in the energies of being very “magical”.  Keywords are:  spiritual awakening, accepting and developing spiritual gifts and enlightenment, intuition and inner-knowing, introspection and understanding others, determination and persistence of purpose, good fortune and inner-wisdom

Today’s number is derived from the sums of 97 = 16 = 7.  “97” tells you that it is a day of completion from the physical mind while accessing your highest potential through your higher mind or spiritual self; “16” is very transformational as it can represent new beginnings while fully nurturing your inner self through Divine Love; this then brings us to “7” which is a powerful and magical essence to embody on any given day as it is about our Spiritual Self that is being accessing into the Physical Self; the combination of these numbers speak for themselves to bring in your highest potential from your soul’s remembrance.

Today’s numerology represents your goals being accessed within your Higher Self.  What is it that you desire to create?  Have you had dreams that seem so real but yet it has not become manifest within your reality?

This day represents the ability to take what you have been given in your meditations, through your intuitive self and allow them to become manifest within your world.  Sometimes we just need to start small.  Maybe you have had an idea you want to work on but have not been able to create it.  Have you received a message in your meditation?  Then today is the day to allow it to become more of a reality.

We, of the Cosmic Energies, are here to assist you.  Stop and allow our essence to become real within your world.  It is not just a thought within you that needs attention, but the details of that thought.  Put it down on paper; make it your reality to fully accept the fact that you are being guided to be more, do better, or create what you desire.

The time is now so call upon our essence to help you.

In the Creation of Oneness,

We Are The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

Note:The definitions of science of numerology with the keywords are excerpted from http://numerology- thenumber sand their  The remainder of this post is channeled material from the Unified Whole Command through Rev. Christine Meleriesse.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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