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Divine Union of the Soul


WHAT – FIVE PART TEACHING SERIES: Learning to Create Blessed Divine Soul Unions
LIGHT BEINGS: Lady Mary Magdalene with Lady Isis
(and other Lady Masters)
ENROLLMENT*: (See below – sliding scale discount)

In Order to Create, Attract and Sustain a Divine Masculine Feminine Union Individuals Require the Deeper Understanding and Vibrational Meaning that Signifies the Ultimate Divine Union: that of the Soul Itself.

Within the energies of the New Earth, each person must intimately realize the Union of their Own Self to be embodied if they are to have a healthy loving sustainable relationship.

In order for each of us to have a loving partner within our life, we need to know who we are first and foremost. Within the dysfunctions of the modern world, what is considered a Twin Soul or Twin Flame relationship is not truly that of a Divine Union Relationship. Many individuals get caught up with the sexual energy that results in meeting a person that they feel magnetized towards on a physical basis. Mary calls this “Misrepresentation of Divine Love”.

Lady Master Mary Magdalene, along with Lady Isis (and possible some other Lady Masters), are the transmitted Light Being teachers for this in-depth five (5) part course series being given throughout the months of February and March. These Lady Masters, representing the full embodiment of the Goddess Self, take us on the journey of Self Love, learning to embody our Divine Essence through a process of both teachings and vibrational meditations to access our Soul’s Highest Aspect in order to experience the Love of the Self. They will also teach us how we can change behaviors within ourselves that do not reflect the Divinity of the Soul as this is the mistake most of humanity makes when attracting the right partner for the wrong reasons or the wrong partner for the right reasons.

We gain an overview of all the types of Soul Relationships that each of us encounters. This brings us a deeper understanding of where we are presently and how to change the behavior of our feelings and emotions that we think are commonplace in Divine Unions such as a Twin Flame. These most knowledgeable Divine Union experts explain how we attract these relationships to heal the aspects of our soul but due to the physiological issues involved we tend to only think in terms of sexuality and the struggle for intimacy instead of the Inter-relationship of Divine Love.

This teaching journey is not just for individuals that want to attract a twin flame partner; it is a Journey of the Soul to embody the love that is desired within from the Source of Light, our I AM Presence, and the Light of God to fully be within us. It is about finding the balance of the Masculine and Feminine Divine, understanding where the weaknesses may be while accessing the strengths so that a balance occurs within the Heart Center. Lady Master Magdalene calls this “The Alchemy of the Divine Soul Embodied” within the context of the Divine Soul with the Divine Self coming together as One.

When we embody the essence of our own love, then we can embrace that Love that is mirrored to us from another.


Now offered as MP3 Audio Recordings.

Use the exchange button below to enroll for the full series of 5 teachings. A discount is given when ordering the full series. We will send you the download link information for listening to the class audio files.

Please join us for this essential mastery course and step into discovering the true meaning of “Divine Love“.

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Entering the Temple of Initiation ~ Journey

This is a visit into the Golden Etheric City of Shashwam with Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea that took place on January 14th, 2015.  The Temple of Initiation is a global temple within the city in which all the masters share their teachings.

Feel your Merkabah Vehicle spin in multi directions with colors upon colors that you are in your beautiful Vehicle of Light. We move from the 3rd Dimensional Earth into the 5th Dimensional Earth.

The wonderful Energies of Shashwam are represented within your Mind of the Crystalline Flame. You feel a magnetic pull of going toward that city in the middle of the United States over Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and Oklahoma. The beautiful magnetic pull takes us right into the 5th Dimensional Golden Etheric City. As you enter the city, you see yourself walking along a beautiful hillside. You look around and everything is sparkling. There are many hills flowing from the mountains and going down into the valley. We take this pathway along a hilly area.

It is a pathway made out of beautiful Crystalline steps. As we step unto them, we feel the frequency of the Crystalline Ray coming up from the soles of our feet through our Earth Star. We see there are beautiful movements of the steps, almost like an escalator. We are taken down deep into the valley. Within this valley, you can feel the essence of the old frequencies of Native energies and how they truly loved the Earth and the Sky. We step onto the grass that is there with the beautiful meadow. There are wildflowers growing everywhere and a beautiful pure green grassy pathway. Feel the Essence of the Green coming up through your feet into your lower limbs, in through your Root Chakra. It is the beginning essence of this Ray to be intertwined within you. We see around us many temples.

This city is very large encompassing thousands of miles. It brings forth this frequency of Light that is very serene and tranquil. A little breeze brushes your face. Take a deep breath. Feel the beginning stages of finding serenity within yourself. We walk down the Pathway further and we see in front of us the beauty Beings, Elohim Purity and Astrea. They are wearing beautiful robes. Astrea has a beautiful gown that brings forth the Blue Essence with the Crystalline Frequency. Purity has an amazing essence about him. As we come closer, they join our circle. Take a moment and feel their magnificent Essences.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Welcome, my dearest ones,

It is I, Purity with Astrea.

Thank you so much for being with us. Let us continue our walk.

As we walk through this garden of Light, take a moment with your breath to feel the purification of these essences that are here. The Crystalline Flame is everywhere within this city. It goes for miles and miles; as you can see the sparkly lights within all the trees, on the grass and in the flowers. Crystals grow here everywhere. We do not have rock gardens. We have Crystal Gardens. Observe them as we walk through the windy pathway that takes us through a beautiful garden area. You can hear the waterfall in the distance. Allow yourself to expand deeply within those Essences. We are taking you to the Temple of Initiation tonight to assist you in bringing forth the frequency of the Crystalline Flame and help you merge your four-body system, so that you can start the resurrection process.

Resurrection is not just one large element you go through and then find yourself in a completed stage of Rebirth. You can resurrect each moment you have an issue. What we want to try and assist you with is to understand that you can get through these issues by just utilizing the Crystalline Flame. What happens within the Crystalline Flame is that the energy is initiated within you as you call upon those frequencies. Sometimes you may call upon it to bring harmonization within you, but other times when you utilize it, it can just open up the elements. You open up the doorway and all of a sudden there is the issue you need to look at. When we say Temple of Initiation, it is truly the space where we will invite individuals to come to in order to fully understand what it means to initiate this Ray within themselves. Let us continue the walk.

We see the waterfall at our right side. Beautiful Blue-Green essences and Crystalline Flames with crystal formations come out of the wall by the waterfall. We walk into an amazing mountain and the waterfall is part of the mountain. As we step into this beautiful area, we feel the essence of the crystals everywhere. If you have ever experienced going into a crystal cave upon your own Earth, this is very much the same.

As we enter this beautiful Temple of Light, the walls are adorned with many types of crystal formations in many colors. Take a moment and walk around the room. Feel the energetic surging occurring from the crystalline formations. The top of the ceiling is open, almost like what you would call a skylight. Yet is a natural skylight. The Sun is shining down deeply into the core of the temple room. This is the core of our temple. Take a moment to feel the purification that is beginning to blend within you.

What is it that you need the most presently?

How would you like this Ray to assist you?

We have to remember that we cannot jump steps in any of the movements of Initiating, Activating and Actualizing.

It is a step-by-step process that needs to continue in each moment of our creation. In this moment, we want to bring forth the first sacred ceremony of Initiating this ray within yourself. You will see where the Sun is coming down, from the very high open space above. That Light reflects on all the crystals and there is a beautiful flame in the middle, which is the Crystalline Ray. When you walk in this Temple of Initiation, your feet are settled right within the ground. See the Green essence of grass, of growth, and of plants. This is a very natural setting to allow these essences to fully be within you to accept yourself in a completely different manner and to be so connected to the Earth’s energies.

As the flame now ignites further, it expands out in a horizontal manner so that there are frequencies of Light coming diagonally, vertically, and horizontally to bring in this Flame at a very high rate. You may call this flame the Firelight of all the Flames, because it ignites not just the Crystalline color, but many colors. That is why we of Purity and Astrea work so well within this flame. We bring in that Blue Essence to transform and change what does not work.

As we stand around the altar, you will see that the altar is now opening up. Sides are coming down. The flame is more directed into each of you and through this room. Take a moment and find a seat around the altar. There are soft, cushioned chairs and lounges. Find your seat and just feel the Initiation of this flame coming within you.

As Dearest Reverend Ara has shared about the four-body systems, we know that each of those four bodies need to be repaired and regenerated to assist in the process of full healing of the full-body system, in order to be able to incorporate the essence of all these Rays of God within your Actualization of the Physical Body. It is a necessary component to go through these elements. We are here to assist you through that process.

Allow us to be your mirrors. Allow us to help you transform whatever is not working within your world. As the world changes, each of you is changing even more than the Earth. It is important for you to hold that higher frequency, so that Gaia can keep it grounded within herself. You have come here at this time to make these changes within yourself, so that you can fully accept your new way of existence.

The Old Self has to die within that process. We ask you about the Emotional Body.

Are your Emotions open? Do you allow them to flow? Or are they closed off?

We ask you about the Mental Body.

Are you constantly working within the Lower Self of your mental framework and your subconscious mind?

Due to the work you are doing, some of it may not be as strict as other elements because of the changes you are going through. If your Mental Faculties are always in place trying to analyze the process of your healing, you cannot receive any Intuitive thoughts from your Higher Self or I AM Presence. You will be constantly blocked. Your Lower Mind will be giving the messages and those messages could be wrong.

The other element we look at is how is the Etheric Body doing?

How is the part of yourself that represents the timelines? Is the Etheric Body as clear as it could be?

These are all thoughts to ponder upon for yourself. We are not here to judge.

These three bodies will affect your Physical Body. Even the Process of your Physical Body not being in an accepting mode because of what you have endured in this lifetime. I hope you have gone through those changes previous to these moments. If not, you will be combating these elements during this lifetime along with other elements you are processing. We all know that emotionally and mentally, you are going to be affected physically. If you are unaware of what you are going through in any of the three bodies, your Physical Body will be affected. If you have stress you are not looking at or you do not even realize you have, then your body can be affected.

You can be feel the debris within your Solar Plexus, your Heart Area, irritations in your System, neck pain, shoulder pain, or back pain. These are all signs that there is something more going on within you. I am sure each of you understands this, but not comprehending how you are affected within your own personal pathway is the most important thing. It must be comprehended on all levels of consciousness to bring it into your full consciousness.

This evening we want to assist you with not worrying about any of those things I have been sharing. I share them to be a remembrance for you and something that you can say to yourself “Oh my heavens, yes, I understand what has occurred”. What we bring forth is the essence of the Blue Lightning Frequency to transform all those dark thoughts and elements, to help you move into the Resurrection Stage, to open up a doorway of some particles within you that you may not even realize are a problem.

Yet they truly are a problem. Your Awareness just has not gotten you to that point yet, and that is fine. Let us do the work for you. Let us assist you in transforming these energies within yourself. The whole process within the flame we will be bringing in is that it will burn away those particles of debris. Then we will teach you how to use the Crystalline Flame to balance them out. To initiate these Energies within you is our role this evening. You may find issues that arise. You may have tears. You may have anger. You may have thoughts. It is then within that moment that you take the tools of learning about the Crystalline Ray and you change them. Yet, you must embrace them first. We will open up the doorway together for you to do so.

You cannot just utilize any ray and say that it is going to take it away for you. You have to understand what it is you are feeling. Even, if in the beginning you do not understand. This is what this ray assists with.

In this moment, we call in Master Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian and the Archangels to assist us. This Temple is not only our temple. It belongs to all of us.

“We are pleasured to be able to speak with you through our own essences this evening (group consciousness of Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, and Archangels Uriel and Aurora) and to help you through this process. In this moment, there is a screen across the top of the ceiling where the sunlight was coming in. We are now moving into the darkness, yet it is truly not dark. All crystalline frequencies are now opened up by candles of Light within all the walls. The vibrancy of the flame is being opened up. The doorway is at the base of the Flame’s structure within the altar. We are going to bring forth that beautiful Essence unto each of you. Purity and Astrea will now bring in the Blue Lightning Flame to ignite within you all that is not working in this present time. Remember, there may be other Elements you need to work upon, but if they are not ready to come up, you will not even know what they are. Let us continue with this Essence now.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

As Purity and Astrea, we call upon the Blue Lightning Essence to come fully within this beautiful Temple of Initiation unto each individual through their Soul Star, going through the entire structure of the Physical, the Etheric, the Mental and the Emotional Bodies to change, purify, open up, and allow the doorway of Resurrection to be started.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel the Blue Flame Lightning come fully within you, sparkling colors of light are firing mixed with the White, coming in from the Highest Point within this Temple into your pure Beingness, opening and cracking all that does not belong in your Consciousness, your Awareness, in your Physical Essence in this moment.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

The doorway of the Essence of Purity is now open. Allow it to come fully into your Hearts. Feel that Purity of Light come into you now. The rawness within your entire structure will appear. It may be more apparent than anything else. Allow it to be peeled away as you see the cracking occur around you. The shell is gone. It is now time for you to arise. As you arise, the flame of the Crystalline Light comes more fully within you. You feel the warmth of the flame around the altar. You put your hands and palms toward the flame. You put arms high and allow yourself to be in the purified state of this Crystalline Ray within you. Allow it to move into your physical conditioning to transform all parts into the Crystalline Light that you can hold. From the top of your Crown all the way into your head, your neck, your shoulders, your spinal column, your chest, your Heart, your Solar Plexus, your stomach, your middle back, your lower back, into your Sacral, into your Creativity and Sexual Organs, allowing yourself to feel all the Essences, into your Root, as the base structure that you are is being transformed.

Allow it to go down into your limbs, into all parts of yourself. Now state exactly what Healing you need physically.

Allow the Energies to go within the area and state out loud or in your head,

“I, ________ (your name), bring forth the Crystalline Flame into AREA _____ (stating the area of healing)”.

We now bring in the Crystalline Flame into the Etheric Body. Allow the Etheric Body to be completely purified of any misconstrued thoughts, any elements that are trying to surface from other timelines.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

What needs to be opened up in this moment through the Crystalline Flame?

We initiate these Energies within. I, _________(state your name and call upon any feelings you are having) to be put into the purest Light. Good or bad. Good feelings can be put into the Crystalline Light to make them feel more purified.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Now call upon your Emotional Body to be blended with your Etheric and your Physical, as now we move on to the Mental. Call upon your Mental Faculties, your Concrete Mind, to be opened up to the Higher Mind.

Allow yourself to say “I, (state your name), ask for the Transformation of these Thoughts”.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel the mental thoughts now activating your Higher Mind through your Higher Self. The Concrete Mind of your subconscious is accepting. What will occur within this is that your subconscious mind will bring up thought processes that do not work within the Higher Mind. Then you can fully work on the elements within yourself.

Feel the change, as the blending of the mind, the heart, and the bodies all come together. Feel yourself as one full bodily essence. Now the flame within this room no longer is the Central Flame, but it is a flame of swirling Crystalline Lights within the entire Temple. Feel the energetic exchange that is occurring within you now.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Hold this frequency within your Heart. You are now in the stage of Resurrection.

Allow the Healing to occur, as you are now activating the Crystalline Flame within you. You are activating the elements. If you still have issues with whatever is coming up, work with affirmations to change them, after you listen each time. Allow us to purge it all in these moments. Allow us to purge it into this beautiful Temple of Light.

As we all stand within this room, we become the Crystalline Flame. We become that essence within. Allow it now to be Actualized within you. Allow it to come within your Full Body System. They are not separate. In this Consciousness you are feeling, bring these Energies onto yourself. What is it that comes to mind through your Higher Mind and Higher Heart? Allow that thought process of any words such as Serenity, Temperance, Relaxation, or Understanding assist you.

Right now you are not understanding from your Lower Self. You are understanding from your Higher Self. It does not matter what the understanding is. Just feel it. Allow it to be within you.

This is why we bring forth of the Purification of Light. This is the Temple of Initiation.

It is now time for us to leave the room through the way we came in. You may walk around the room a little bit to embrace the purified Essences of the Light that is blending within you. As we walk out the gateway of the temple, we see this beautiful rainbow of Light within the gateway around us. We walk underneath this Rainbow of many color spectrums, many levels of frequency.
In this moment, you feel the ability to accept them into your essence, through your breath. Know that your Higher Self is guiding you into what you should receive and what you shall not receive. Do not worry about it. We see the waterfall to our left, so we take the pathway to the waterfall. Within the water, crystals reflect their essence back to us. It looks like a Rainbow of Light inside the water. Bend down and put the palms of your hands into the water. Splash it to your face. Sip the waters, and feel the Purification of the Light that you are.

Allow yourself to fully feel the acceptance of who you are in this moment. In this moment, you allow the change to occur within you.

We take the pathway across the waterfall, around the other side, around the grove of trees, and we smell beautiful flowers of many different scents: Roses, Honeysuckle, Lavender, and so many more. As we walk through the grove of trees up to the pathway, it is now time for us to leave. We send you back into your full consciousness.

We, as Purity and Astrea, wrap our arms around you. Let us encircle our essences within each other right now. Know that your journey is not alone. Know that we are here with you to assist you in this process. Know that we are glad that we can communicate in this manner. In the blessings that we are together, we are deeply honored to be your mentors, to be your friends, as we walk into the New Earth.

So Mote It Be In The Light That We Are Together,

We are Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea.

We now continue up the pathway over the hillside and we see the frequency of Light of the Crystalline Flame. Turn around and take one last look at what you have experienced in this beautiful City. There are many temples on the outside, beyond the one Temple of Light, beyond the Inner City of the community here.

We step up through the beautiful Essences, activating our Merkabah Vehicles of Light. Feel ourselves being lifted off this beautiful City, coming back down to your home location. Your physical body is the sensor for you to return. Feel the beautiful essences you have incorporated within yourself.

Take time to re-listen to this recording. As elements arise for you in issues, work on them. You must always embrace them first. You must embrace the pain in order to understand the pain. Then you can use the ray to diffuse it and put it into the Crystalline Flame for it to be gone forever. If you need to work with some affirmations, do so. Journal about all that you are experiencing, because it will assist you on a much deeper level.

Many Blessings of Love and Light. Thank you for joining us.

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light class meets each Wednesday. Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos is the host with a beginning lecture on the current energies. Walking Terra Christa is glad to provide these classes in our Membership Program or purchasing the MP3 files individually. Details are provided in the “Teachings of the Golden Etheric Cities” and can be accessed by clicking the link.
©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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This is the audio recording of Divine Mother Father God with Lord Sananda (of the Galactic Federation of Light) and the Angelic Realms acting in service to GAIA at our Clarion Temple teaching tonight. In listening you are also assisting GAIA to inhabit the Calming Frequencies to reduce the impact of the storm. PLEASE ASSIST GAIA and the individuals in the affected areas.


Welcoming 2015 Into Creation ~ Lord Adama

new earthHappy 2015! Hello everyone.

It is I, Lord Adama, with the Telosian Council of Light. It is a pleasure to be with each of you again within the beautiful Essences we have experienced of this New Year, with the Crystalline Flame coming fully into the Earth. Each of you is feeling these Energies within yourself.

Let us all breathe together and connect from our Hearts. All the Telosians are connecting their Hearts at this time. We merge within our Hearts together. We embrace one another for this journey we are taking with each other.

I was sharing with Meleriessee and Michael about my journey today. Michael had some questions about how long I have been in Telos, whether I have been on other levels and above of this Earth. Yes, of course I have. I spent a lot of time with Sanat Kumara. All of you have done so, as well, in order to transform ourselves to come back to Telosian Energy after having been on the Upper Earth.
Like each of you, I wanted to assist this Earth deeply. I was in many of the timelines each of you experienced. Those were very important to the history of this Earth. I was disillusioned, as each of you is going through this process yourself.

Sanat Kumara spent much time with me for many years; a couple of hundred. I am sure I met many of you at that time also. I was told I needed to come back into the Inner Earth, as I had now experienced the Upper Earth and I would be able to understand when it was time for the Upper Earth humans that would call themselves the Light Workers to assist the planet. You see, my journey has taken me into many levels. Some of them were dark. Others of them were Light. I was told by Sanat Kumara that I would be a very important figure from the Inner Earth Cities to reach out to those on the Upper Earth.

I would have Compassion, Consideration, Love and Understanding for what the humans were experiencing. Not within the exact same timelines, but yet having the ability to grasp the Energetic Exchange the Light Workers would be experiencing.

At this moment I am sharing this message because it is time. I believe it is time I share with you that I do have deep Compassion for each of you. I want to see each of you attain the level of creation that I have achieved. I am here as a mentor. I am here as a teacher to bring forth these messages of Love and Understanding. Yet know that sometimes in the Physical Self, we must be pushed into doorways we do not want to walk through. We are at a time upon this Earth with the Crystalline Flame being ignited when such doorways are being opened.

I know each and every one of you has your own story. It is important to have that remembrance within yourself. I ask you at this time of our first meeting in this year to reflect. Reflect within yourself upon the trials you have had to go through to get to this point of understanding yourself. We all understand that each of us still has a long way to go, but yet we know that we have each other. We have Understanding, just as I have received from the Venusian Beings.

I impart that to each of you. I also impart what I have received from Sanat Kumara; a strict way of Understanding. Sometimes it is not easy to have your mentor speak to you and having that mentor show you a different way of thinking and feeling. With everything in your gut you want to push yourself away. Yet there is another part of you that says, “This is the right way”.

Each of you has stepped into a new juncture in time. It occurs every year. Within this year, you will have many moments that are going to change you. It is part of the process of Self-Mastery to bring forth these Elements from a Higher Perspective and allowing them to fully be within yourself to ground them. That is the important element to remember.

You can stay within your Higher Consciousness; you can stay in your Upper Chakras. If you do not bring them down to your Full Body System and walk with them, they cannot stay.

I ask you once again of your reflection. Who are you now? Do you know whom you are?

I am sure that many of you do not have any answer to that. That is the answer I desire to receive. That is true Mastery. When we do not know whom we are and we do not know where we are going, but we just allow the Energies to assist us, we allow the Faith and the Trust of our I AM Presence to fully be within us, that Faith will take you to many avenues of great acceleration.

It is when you stop and mistrust within yourself, you constantly check yourself whether it is right or wrong that mistakes will be made.

Allow these Essences to come forth into each of your Beings to help you acknowledge not just your lessons of this past year, but what are your achievements?

Your achievements are so very important, as they show you how far you have come, where you were before and the new doorways you walk through. These moments of understanding yourself and accepting the achievement is only the first step. It is when we try to push it aside and say “That’s okay, I did it” when you do not acknowledge your true worth.

In this moment in the New Year, if you have not already done so, sit down and make a list of what you have gone through in the past year or past years.

Where are you now?

How do you feel about your Consciousness?

How do you feel about your Emotions, your Thoughts?

What is the Core Belief going on within you about you?

No one else, nothing outside of yourself, just you. Create a mission statement for this year.

Put a personal mission of what you want to achieve based on what you have gone through previously. Believe me, the challenges will become more intense. The acceleration of the achievements will be more exciting. The Power and Love you have within your entire Beingness will be felt. You must feel it on all levels. The Essence of the Crystalline Ray coming into the Planet represents all of this. It represents the energies that you do not like to surface. It represents the ability to change them into the purest form. Some call this Death and Rebirth, Resurrection, and Movement into the Future. If you have been feeling intense changes happening within you, know that you are doing the right thing. It is when you stay stuck within that Energy that it does not serve your purpose. Everything is a lesson, even the moments you do not like. They are the deepest lessons of all.

The more you fall into the depths of your own despair, it will encase you deeper. The ability to access this Ray now on a more physical basis is our blessing. It is our blessing as it will wake up individuals, shake them up, allowing them to feel the vibration and change within them to move to the other side of the doorway if they are willing to do so. Each of us, each of you, take on an important role through this process. The more you allow yourself to be resurrected, to be healed, to find the Balance and Equilibrium within your life and your system, the more others will be able to do so.

It is like a Domino Effect. One does it, another does it. The Energy just keeps going and going. If no one does it, it stagnates. It does not go anywhere. Only because this Ray has been integrated within Gaia’s Core, it does not mean she is truly feeling it the way she needs to feel it.

Individuals around the world must call upon this Energy to assist their Divinity upon this Earth. It truly represents the ability to access the I AM Presence, the Source of Light that we are into the Physical Creation. This is what will assist her. Otherwise, destruction can result in many areas.

This is where Lord Ashtar comes in. We thank each of you who are continuing the work with him and with Walking Terra Christa. It is making a difference. We made changes during the retreat in Mount Shasta last year. Mount Shasta was doomed to have the worst storm in almost a decade. There was lots of wind and rain, but there was no snow. It did not stop the festivities of the retreat.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for working within these Energies. It is creating change. If we do not share it in this manner, others will not know that it can be done. So it is important to realize. Notice what happens in your own environment.

What happens in your own life as you work through these Energies?

It does not mean that every day is going to be perfect. It does not mean that you will not be tired or that you will not have the so called Ascension Symptoms. These levels of Frequency are arising within each and every one of us. What it does mean is that we are making progress.

Without Ascension Symptoms, there would be no progression. The Earth would be stagnant and falling apart, literally landmasses by landmasses. Yet that is not occurring as what was deemed to happen at this time. We would all not be here.
At this first meeting of our gathering, from our Hearts to Hearts of all Inner Earth Beings and all Upper Earth Beings, we connect with one another. We are making progress. I want each of you to realize this. Even though your challenges are great, look at the small achievements.

When you wake up one morning hearing the birds singing and you feel Lightness within your Heart, it is an achievement from where you may have been the day before. My greatest achievement is to see the progress that is being made within each of you individually and collectively. You are making a difference. We will create the New Earth the way it is supposed to be. Until that time, we have to utilize as many tools as possible to share them and expand upon them. Do not let the talks that are out there stop you from your true potential. I look forward to enjoying these Energies with each of you tonight.

My Blessings and Love are with each of you from my Heart to yours, from each of the Telosians and all the Inner Earth Cities. We are very joyful at this moment.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

I Am Lord Adama, Your Brother in Telos

Channeled Excerpt, New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light, Jan 5, 2015

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Mastery Tool of the Day

forest lights pyramidHow to Find Balance While Receiving Light Accelerations




Channeled Excerpt from “The Clarion Temple of Oneness, The Cosmic Great Central Sun (of Divine Mother and Father God), Oct 2013

As you are learning to adjust physically to the higher frequencies of light, it can be very challenging to find the balance.  The physical body is having these ailments whether they are from this time-frame or from the Etheric body healing.

Working with Higher Light Beings is almost an essential component to get through these processes in an easier way than doing it in any other methodology that you know about. But within that context we want you to be prepared for what you may be receiving and to always use the words GENTLENESS, FLOWING, and not be constricted in any way through this process.

It is important to have the realization that when you go through these processes of asking the Light Beings to assist you that your Light Quotient is going to be raised through that experience and then your physical body has to be able to handle it.

What you can’t handle will be ejected as it is not time for you to process that energy. Sometimes until  you are in beyond the 4th Dimensional consciousness, the reaction of the energies may not be realized, and how you are going to know how you are going to react to it. So it is very, very important just like anything else that you let the Light Beings know what was your reactive process.

How did you feel?

Did you find that the affliction or the ailment or the problem would heal more deeply or was it a problem for you?

Was there more intense pain in that process?

Communication is an important factor to your guidance of what is occurring as we want the easiest process that you can have within your consciousness,and your physical existence as you are going through these changes.

So allow the Light Beings (Masters, Angels, Guides) to assist you through the transition.  They are the ones that can tone down the energies so that you are not being so afflicted within the physical body.  Work with Master Vywamus and ask him to change the increased effect of your Light Quotient until you are ready to handle the higher frequency.

Be Gentle and Kind to yourself during this process of transformation

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Being a Pilgrim of Light ~ Lord Adama Discourses

Lightworker1Greetings, My Dearest Beloveds,


It is I, Lord Adama, with the Telosian Council of Light. It is very wonderful to be with each of you once again.


Let us open our Hearts onto each other. Allow me to feel your Essences in this present moment. There are many transitions occurring presently with many Light Formations, many Portals, many Energy Exchanges that are going within the Planet, which you will be affected by tremendously through this process. It is imperative for each of us to have this connection within our Hearts and within our Higher Selves so that we can assist each other through this process we are going through.

Each of you stands together as a Pilgrim of Light for the New Earth.

This why you are being challenged so greatly to become better, to go deeper, to understand yourself. Not in your Concrete Mind, but through your Emotions and feelings, understand what it is you are expressing within yourself, which is assisting or de-assisting you. These are very important times.

Moving toward the Full Moon and Solstice, there will be more Light Infractions coming into the Planet to assist. Those of you who are already awakened, those of you who are already walking a pathway of Light of understanding the Purification of your Essences coming into your Physical Body, will be asked to go deeper. It does not matter where you are on your pathway or how long you have been on the pathway. Each of you is being challenged greatly by these Light Infractions. They can always affect you Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Etherically.

Your Etheric Body is the one that is becoming highly attuned and allowing the changes to occur within your Physical Structure. At this time, I extend my assistance on a deeper level to help each of you to understand within yourself what you are going through without going to the depths of your Mental Faculties. It is a key point that occurs at this time.

When we are challenged, we have a fine line that we walk.


The fine line is, do we utilize our Intuitive Selves or do we actualize our Physical Selves?


(Note:  Utilize means that we use the energies for our benefit; Actualize means that we fully become the energy within our physical self.)

I think each of you knows the answer to that. Yet when you go through that process, it can be a very difficult experience. Sometimes, you will falter. You will fall back into the Old Self. I am here with the Telosians and the Spiritual Hierarchy to assist each of you to not fall back into the Old Self. You may have moments in which you do. Yet when you also have realizations within yourself about what it is that is occurring for you, then you will be able to move yourself out of that space and not go there any longer.

It takes great effort. It takes a support system. It takes the ability to be vulnerable within yourself, even to yourself. Vulnerability is not only to others. It is the ability to allow yourself to feel and to accept the trauma of your Emotions to enfold within you so that you can heal and get through that doorway of Darkness. I share all this at this time, as with the Light Infractions coming into the Planet through the moment, you will have these moments. They are meant to bring more Frequencies of Light to be grounded within Gaia. Each of you are representatives of the Spiritual Hierarchy in human form. You must hold these Essences within yourself so that you can be stronger. Some would say “Well, we have already been going through this”, and you have. This whole year has been about that.

We titled this year “Grounding Unity”. What does that mean?


It means that you are bringing forth within your Physical Essence all aspects of your spiritual development to come into your Physical Body. Each of you is going through this process differently. That is the way it should be. The way you do it must be defined by you and your Higher Self, but we are here to assist. Walking Terra Christa is here to assist.

We provide these teachings to help you dive into a deeper part of yourself. Through the developmental stages, it will help you understand what you experiencing. Changes will be occurring. Your Energies will move into a different direction if you allow them to if you stay strict within yourself; if you stay stubborn and do not allow those Energies to move, you will be compounded with more Light Infractions making it more difficult for you. That is part of Universal Law.

Presently, this month is being aligned by the Hierarchy as what you desired in 2012. More individuals are now ready. More Grounding has occurred. Through Walking Terra Christa, we have provided so many teachings this year to assist you in this process. Go back to those teachings. Help yourself get through these doorways. You do not have to struggle. It is not necessary anymore. It is not all bad elements that are happening.

What is occurring presently is preparing you to be so much more grounded, so much more evolved than you have been previously. The reason being is that 2015 will be a year of extending your Sensitivity to others ~ maybe not in the physical sense, but in a general sense. There are so many others that are going to be awakened on deeper levels and needing the work you have been doing. The Strength comes in numbers. The Power of what is occurring presently is to allow you to hold the Frequency that you can, and not to go beyond that.

There will be more upcoming for each you.

Right now, what is the depth you can go to?

It is only measured by the fractals of Darkness that have been within you. When you begin to remove those, more Light Frequencies can come within your Physical Structure and you can hold them more deeply. As we know, that process is very transitionary and very challenging. I want it to be the best experience. So if you choose to, and not already doing so, call upon my Essence. Call upon the Telosian Energies and come to Telos in your sleep state to receive more assistance. If there is any other Masters you want to work with, ask them to be there. The City of Telos holds so many Masters of Light.

We are here to assist you to become the New Earth. We desire it as deeply as you do. We desire the ability to come up on the Upper Earth. I speak for all of the Inner Earth Cities around the world. Our time is coming. Each of you is being prepared in depth.

At this time, reflect upon what it is you need to do so that you can prepare yourself on a deeper level. Understand that you can only receive what you are able to contain within your Physical Essence. The Frequencies of Light that are occurring within this month, especially toward the end of the month, will be integrated with Multidimensional Frequencies of Light. You will be thankful for the work you have already been doing. It will prepare you to be more and to accept more.

I say to you, if you are already being challenged, this is why. This is what I am feeling from any of you. It is our Blessing to give to you the Peace, the exquisite Joy, the embodiment of Love that you are. You have chosen to be on the Upper Earth, but each of us walks with you. We are so excited for what you are creating. It has been longer than any of us had hoped. Yet we hope that this month will bring forth the Energetics within the Planet to assist so many more individuals; to assist governments, to assist cities, to assist corporations, to assist those Energies that have kept this Planet at bay. You are the ones that are truly doing it. I thank you from the bottom of my Heart.

Reflect upon this year and what it has meant for you. Go deeper within yourself. Hold it in a way you have never held it before. You are ready.

It is my Divine Pleasure to walk with you.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

This transmission is excerpted from the New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light Teaching, December 3rd, 2014.  To access these calls and MP3 downloads please see our website for details, Becoming a Student.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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Project Gaia to Terra Christa ~ Ashtar Command

Galaxy-3928Blessings and greetings everyone,

It is I, Lord Ashtar, with the Ashtar Command. Thank you for being with us once again.

Let us all breathe deeply to bring the connection in more fully. As you extend your frequencies of light around you and beyond your Merkabah, feel the spinning of your Chakras with all the Ray colors intertwining within you. You are the double helix of light, as we connect to each of you in these moments.

What we would like to share with each of you today is to allow the intercommunication between each other to be within a closer frequency.

How do we do that?

As we have shared on the call before we began this transmission, some individuals are unsure of it, some do not believe it, some do not want to take responsibility. They think of us as the defining light and source here to assist each of you. While this may be so, it is all based on a partnership.

This is what we have been trying to convey through Meleriessee and Walking Terra Christa for quite some time in order to awaken people to the fact that we cannot assist until they assist themselves. Yet we are here. We are here in your skies. We are here watching over you. We are here working with each of you.

As your multidimensional, galactic selves become more active, you are the Galactic Humans. You have chosen to be here upon the Earth. It is not only the starseeds who may believe themselves to be the only ones that came here from planetary systems. Their elements are more directly aligned with those planetary systems and not so much with the Earth energies. Thus, they too have to learn how to communicate, as each of you is in a human body.

How are you affected by these transmissions?

What do you do with them afterwards?

Do you listen again?

Do you reflect on how to bring forth more energetic exchanges within the Earth?

Do you create some of the tools we offer to allow our essences to help each and every one of you, and therefore, help the planetary systems?

We know that this takes time. It takes moments of stepping out of your physical self, out of your mental mind,to have the realization that you are a direct line of focus to allow the light upon this Earth to come in more fully.

What we bring to you today within this month of November is the ability to know that you are very important to each of us.

We cannot do this without you. You cannot do it without us. If you go deeper into the essence of your soul to feel that galactic part of you, that part of your essence that believes in the other planetary systems, you will bring that focus into your consciousness for you to receive more.

It is truly what occurs in this process. It is the defining light. Each of us was created at the same time. We just came into different states of Beingness, awareness and physicality.

I, as Lord Ashtar with the Ashtar Command on this day, extend our essence onto each of you. It is not only about the weather patterns. Those are our beginning stages.

It is about all that is occurring upon the Earth. Let us think about that for a moment. If you think about the Federation of Light of the Intergalactics, of the Christed Beings of Light, are you not part of this? Yes, of course. Some of you may have other alternated selves that are within this consciousness. At the moment, this may seem incomprehensable to you. The role that you are playing is so much larger than you realize. This is true about every human being upon the Earth. Awakening themselves to a better state of Beingness is what we want to assist with. That is why Lord Sananda is intertwined so much with the Federation now.

The frequency of light that he has been has moved from the Earth energies into Universal Consciousness and into Galactic Consciousness to allow all races to receive this light. We work very hard and diligently to allow this to be. Each of you in this moment sits here and allows that essence to fully come within you. Know that you are a major part of our work, of your work. As you are receiving this transmission presently, you are not only receiving it through words, but through light formations. You are allowing it to come through you with your breath and expand it out of you. Right then it allows us to create portals of light to bring in more light frequency guided by Lord Sananda, myself, and the entire Federation of Light to fully be incorporated within the Earth. The Earth has been under such tyranny for eons of time. Each of you is a major part of that tyranny changing and coming more into awareness, more into a focus on light. It cannot be done by force. That is why we come through in this manner and why we want to assist as deeply as possible.

The more light formations we bring forth, the more it will grow. As it grows, the advantage of us being more physical in your world, will appear. Please know we need your assistance deeply.

If you have ways to share this information, please do so. It is going to assist. All a person has to do is listen to this transmission and the energy will be within them and through them. They do not even have to do anything about it. It is a domino effect. If we allow the frequencies of light from the galactic forces to come through each of you to grow out of you, then others are affected by what you have listened to. It expands out of your field into the many electrons within the Earth, in the environment, in the skies, everywhere you expand yourself. Expansion is our role today. We want to help each of you understand the particle of light that you are, and that you are allowing that to grow within yourself. It is like the effect of a cell that is not healthy in a body; quite the opposite. It grows and it grows and it grows. It expands that light through every element. If you allow yourself to be the beacon of light that I think each of you is, you bring this essence into yourself now as you are that focus.

As these messages become viral, it does not matter whether one does not believe. On a soul level, it is accepted. Thus, it filters down through the fields of the Earth. We expand this light into the Earth to clear out the debris, to clear out all the souls that are stuck on this planet. Those are souls that have passed away and think they are still living here. We do affect that change also.

Today, let us concentrate first on the energies of the weather, what is happening in different parts of the country and the world. As this year comes to a close, there is going to be more coming into your world. It is imperative that each of you understands the source of your own light and allows that to expand within and outside of you. Allow yourselves to be those beacons of light. I extend this Divine Light Language Encoding toward you now for it to become part of you.

You do not have to think about it. All you have to do is breathe, and it will expand out of you into the areas you walk upon, into the areas that you see around you to help all human beings upon the Earth to come together in Oneness. You see, our role is so much more from what you thought it was.

I wanted this to be a focal point today. You are important. Each of you has your own responsibility. It is not a large responsibility. You are in this moment to listen, to hear and to be. You are saying “I AM part of this project. I want to be one of the Galactic Light to help the Earth”.

We say to you in this moment, just allow your breath to take you into another space of light. Feel the frequencies of the galactic forces coming down in sparkles of light. As we all stand on a beautiful hillside, we allow these frequencies of us to come together in Oneness. This hillside is in that higher Earth that you are intending so much of wanting to be in. Within that higher Earth, there is love. There is companionship. There is compassion. There is serenity. There is a growth process within each individual. Everyone is growing at the same time in different ways. Every being has something to give. Feel this essence coming to you now, as we extend our Christed light through Lord Sananda and myself, to fully embody this within you. Feel the sparkles of light coming down the star systems and the frequencies of a higher level, which the Earth needs so desperately. Feel that coming within you now.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel your Galactic Essence. Feel our Galactic Essence, spinning in colors and vibrancies completely around you as if you were within the circle of electrons swirling on the outside of your field and slowly moving inside your field. We now all connect to each other. We connect to all the planetary systems with the beautiful beings of light as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and all those extraterrestrials that make up the Federation of Light that we are.

Above us, we see our Mothership which represents the frequency of light that you have just received. We fully command the Mothership to be One within each of us. Feel the vibrancy of the Mothership that represents these frequencies of light, these colors of extension to assist the planet.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

The mothership opens up her doors. Many Galactic Beings come out to join us. Christed Extraterrestrials that are within the Federation of Light all circle within one another, hands within hands, circles of circles of spiraling light. I as Lord Ashtar, I as Lord Sananda, stand in the middle of the circle. Each of you intertwines within these beautiful beings of light. We have a job to do with one another. Open up your Hearts and feel the purification of everyone’s essences.

Collectively, we are one Federation of Light.

Yet individually we represent many planetary forms. Each of you represents the Earth. Each of you has a lineage from other planetary systems. That is why you are here. You are accepting so many elements to come into your world. Feel the force field we have around each other. You could call this our contract with each other. Yet truly it is a project.

It is Project Earth, Project Gaia to Terra Christa, to allow the embodiment of Gaia and Terra Christa to blend as one. Each of you individually is doing so within your own processes of your physical self and higher essence.

We all stand here together and conform our energies to spin around the Earth. It moves around the physical Earth, the globe of Gaia, into the core of her being. It moves into all the environments. It goes into the oceans, where we connect to the whales and dolphins so that they can send a message through their environments. They too are part of this project. We bring forth these energies in Oneness. Feel the beautiful essences that we are together. Feel the power that we are. Allow this frequency of light to now go into every human being, as they, too, are part of this project. Allow their minds to awaken to the beauty of all of us being in Oneness.

We now take this energy and lift off any debris that has been collected through our force field. It moves out into the heavens, to the God Source of the 144th dimension to go into Oneness. There is a spiraling of light occurring that trails upward into that 144th level of light. Everything begins to change. Breathe deeply within yourself. What changes are you feeling in this moment? We now call upon the weather patterns to feel the change we are bringing forth.

As the messages are being carried through the animal kingdom, through the whales and the dolphins, they receive the information that we all come into Oneness. Feel that Oneness. Feel your power to create this. Now let it expand outside of your field. Let it go outside of your homes. Let the change occur. Know that you are not alone. We are here with you. We walk with you. You bring forth this light into the Earth in order to assist. Believe me, we could not do it without you and you without us. Let us form a bond within each other. Let us form a bond, within which we take a breath and feel these energies at any time you like to do so.

You as a physical person do not have to do anything.

We say these words “I now call upon the Ashtar Command with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda to bring forth the frequency of light within me to allow the sparkles of the stars to come upon this Earth of where I am standing. Let it expand around me. It now completes its duty of purifying the land I sit upon.”

As you do so, it changes. It is that simple. Through this command, we will work with you in that moment. It will be a moment of reflection. Allow yourself to be open to any sounds that you hear, any frequency through your ears, a high pitched noise, as that is confirmation that we are with you. We all stand here within each other, and we bring our circle closer and closer together until all of our beings become One together. Breathe and feel the power that we are together. Feel the love, the compassion, the joy, the acceptance. We do the work. We are here as your warriors. You are not the warriors any longer. Let us help and assist you. Let us be with you.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

All the Great Central Suns shine their light upon you for you to feel this reflection within your soul, within your being, within your physical consciousness. Be the essence that you are. Thank you for coming forward. Thank you for addressing this element within your world. We walk together in silence. Our time will come when silence will be broken. The more we gather, the easier it will be.

Let us now command that all the weather patterns and all the energies coming upon the lands of Gaia be harmonious, be healing, be what needs to be. It is now time for us to leave our beautiful space. We separate from one another, yet we are not separate from each other. Feel the beautiful essence that we are as we walk up the hillside.

The Galactic Beings go back into the Mothership. Each of you now spin your Merkabah and come back into your physical vehicle as we move into our physical vehicle. My Heart is open within the essence Ashtar Command, Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda.

We are speaking within Oneness in this moment. Separately, we shall always be by your side. Together, we are One within you. In the Light of the Christ that we are together, may the blessings bestowed upon this Earth become the New Earth, as each of you exhibits the ability to bring that light, to be that torch and to hold that frequency. I am eternally grateful for this moment of connection with each of you.

I AM Lord Ashtar.
I AM Lord Sananda.
I AM the Ashtar Command.

Each 2nd Saturday of the month Walking Terra Christa holds an open tele-call with the energies from Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command.  The next meeting is December 13th, 2014 at 10:00 AM Pacific, LIFE STATION EARTH GROUP LIGHT GATHERINGS; we will be connecting with the Whale Community during the call.


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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Accessing Your Divinity of Light

colors_circle_light-webwtcThis is the written transmission of the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God that was shared Live in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on October 27th, 2014.


I Am that I Am, I AM that I AM, I AM that I AM

I AM the Divine Mother and Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun at your service.

Blessings, my children, Blessings,

Let us all take some deep breaths so that we can commune within each other of these frequencies of light that are within the Temple in this moment. The power of allowing your breath to show you exactly what your Divine Essence is bringing forth unto your physical existence is a major step in understanding more about yourself.

The process of learning about your own Divinity can be a very challenging one. It can be one that has many crossroads. Sometimes an individual can take a left or right turn when they should have gone straight only because of the expression of the physical mind, the physical conditioning that stops them from having their full potential. This is always true on every level of your acceleration. The truth lies within your own existence. It cannot come from a lower source within you, otherwise, you will make the wrong turns. They truly are not wrong turns; what they represent is a longer pathway to get where you want to be.

In these moments we want to assist you in having a smooth process into the next steps of your divinity within this physical existence. Without your physical body you can do so much more, but that is not your role which is to be fully intertwined in all levels of your existence. The process of ascension is allowing these elements to be fully integrated within you even though, at times, it is going to feel debilitating, challenging, exhilarating, or joyful. They are all parts of the existence of living upon this earth within the Pathway of Mastery.

We want to share a little bit of what this truly means from a higher perspective. It is allowing your physical existence to be the grounding cord of your higher essence, but what happens within that process, is that each of those essences of the physical and divine creation of your source of light thinks, feels, and expresses differently. It is important to allow the integration to occur at the levels you are doing so. Doing them too quickly is going to push you off into the unknown world of un-acceptance within yourself. If there are too many physical elements of the lower self, then you are not try accessing your higher essence. It is quite a challenge, isn’t it. This we know.

What is important is that within each moment that you understand from your higher perspective through the physical self which you are experiencing. You must fully accept the fact that your Higher Self, your Monad, your I AM Presence are completely different without a body. They have full reign to do whatever is necessary; there are no constrictions of a physical existence. There are rules and regulations that are within your higher essence. Yet within the physical creation, the physical body, you also have rules of free will to do whatever you like. You also have rules of living upon this earth that some may feel are constricted, and don’t give the accessibility for an integrated being of light to do what they would like.

So it is imperative to fully access these energies through what you are experiencing in each moment. You will get to the deeper part of your integration process where each of the parts of your lower mind and higher mind agree on everything that is occurring.

We know how difficult it may be for you, but we also know how beautiful it can be. That is why you are here upon this Earth to allow these energies to become One. So in the process, you have to surrender within your physical mind; your Higher Mind also has to surrender until the Lower Mind can accept what the Higher Mind wants to give it. Within that process, you will have moments of slippage; when you don’t fully accept the Higher Mind, or don’t fully accept the Lower Mind. It is a balancing act walking on a tightrope between both to allow the purification of these essences to intertwine within you and become One within them.

At the same time, you are learning to receive your multi-dimensional self, and sometimes the multi-dimensional self will have an agenda that is not part of the Higher Mind or the lower Mind. So what happens to you is that each of you is starting to learn more about yourself. You are learning how to interact with these energies, to bring them into yourself. You also need to have moments of an alarm going off within you when it doesn’t feel right. Within this process, some of the other aspects that you have been in other timelines that are not within this frequency want to assist or de-assist; however you want to look at it.

What it comes down to is truly understanding within your own consciousness of what feels right within each moment. Believe me, there will be mistakes because as your consciousness changes, you will have more reflection of your higher essence without the blockages of the multitude of many timelines getting in the way. Those other timelines are not You, they are a Part of You. But they don’t make the whole totality that is you.

At this time, upon the Earth each of you are bringing forth the full integration of all the particles of Light that you have ever been. Not a portion of them, all of them. But what also happens is there are portions of darkness from the many timelines that you have been. A continual awareness has to happen within each of you of what feels right and was does not feel right. Do not ignore the warning signs; the moments of reflection “Hmm, this does not feel so good”. Then you say, “Oh, it cannot be me; that’s not me.” Or the moments of greatness, and you say, “That’s not me.” Because what is happening is that the integration of these essences within you are still very new. It does take practice, and moments of reflection to understand your-self on a much deeper level. This takes a lot of work because within the physical body you are releasing so many elements of your subconscious thoughts of the many, many timelines that are appearing within your world. Then there are lessons to make you better, along with the great gifts you have brought with you of the Light Frequencies that you have been to come fully into your existence. Neither of these can be ignored. They must be accepted and transmuted so that you find the balance within yourself upon the Earth. That is the movement that occurs within the Mastery pathway.

Mastery represents the ability to fully intertwine your highest energies within your physical essence, and to change those particles within the physical essence that do not match what the Master has acquired on the Inner Plane Levels. At times, this can be very challenging because the Light of your abilities can be so much more powerful than the little timelines that you are dealing within your psychological self. It is, at this time, that these essences are intertwining more fully, and it is up to each of you to allow the balancing act to occur for you within your full existence. You have chosen to be on this pathway to take your higher energies and bring them into the physical; this allows the entryway to walk into what is called “ascension”. But basically, it is de-ascending your highest essence into your physical creation. If that physical creation is not ready to look at the dark pockets within that subconscious mind, then the light fragments cannot be held. This is where the destruction is occurring in many lightworkers and starseeds, because they do not know what to do with it. They would rather be on the higher level because it feels better. Of course, it does. But yet you have a contract to be here upon the Earth, and believe me, there are many lightworkers that are exiting the planet because of this process.

We want each of you to embody the highest light quotient you can, but we also want each of you to be balanced and to allow the doorways to open up for you to see what is occurring within your consciousness; to see what is occurring within your world and don’t shut those doorways. That is why you have to delve deeper and deeper as you have shut them previously in many other timelines and many other moments of being in the physical existence.

It is always easier when you start a project and you project ahead and say, “I can do this, I will do this, and I can do that.” Which is exactly what each of you have done previously to incarnating, but when you get into the body, it is a whole different experience. So you have to hold on to that ideal that you are, that essence that you are of the higher existence to continually be held within you. At times, it is difficult because the physical body has the free will; the physical body has the debris, the participles within that say, “This is not true, this cannot be, that I am not magic, I cannot just make things go away.” But in truth, you have the ability to do all of these things.

As the energies have brought forth great portals of light within the last few months, this is what you are delving into more deeply. As you move deeper, the elements will arise. But you can address them as quickly as they come if you allow them to be, if you allow them to blend fully within you. The power of what you are experiencing cannot be matched by any other timeline, because you are becoming all that you have ever been, all that you have ever desired to be, and actualizing that energy fully within you. It is important to fully accept the Divine Light that You Are and step carefully and understand whom you are in each moment.

The Divine Essence that we bring forth in these moments, is to allow each of you within yourself the depth of your creation. This is only the beginning, my dearest ones. It is only the initial stages of your growth process so you must accept the beautiful moments that are occurring for you no matter how small they may be; and to fully embrace them, because the more you do, that full integration is occurring. It will allow for more levels of existence to come into your physical being.

As you arise to the occasion of your Divine Essence, you become both elements. You will never, ever feel your purity of light as you do without a body, but you can feel most of it at the higher stages of your initiation process. That is the ability to fully command within yourself the purest form of light that you are to accept your divinity, to accept your role upon this earth and to be grounded with it. As you do, the frequencies of Light that are running through you are going into GAIA flowing into her core. You are the Creative Process for GAIA and it is imperative for you to take stock of yourself every so often, address what is occurring within you, allow yourself to feel the full totality that you are, and ground it deeper into your Being. Allow the particles to arise that do not reflect the new essence that you are receiving.

What happens to many individuals is that they are fooled into thinking that they are so much better than they truly are, only because of the Divinity of Light that they are bringing forth. Many times this happens in the dream state because you are without a body, not grounded to the Earth. You travel through many dimensional frequencies so much easier, but then what happens when you get into that body ~ you forget. That is not what we want for any of you. We don’t want you to forget; we want you to embrace it and allow that frequency of light that you are going through, to take hold of those pockets within you that don’t want to look at the light, or exist. You may just want to shut those doors and say ‘goodbye’.   You are not with me any longer. But remember as a multi-dimensional personality within your physical existence all realms of light exist within you just as all realms of darkness exist within you that you have ever been.

It is important to allow the integration to occur within your physical existence so that you can move through the challenges, move through the times you are struggling deeply within yourself, and you feel you cannot go on any longer. That is because you are working through your physical creation, and not your spiritual creation. So in this moment we want you to accept this frequency of light that is arriving right now. It may seem more grounded than it has ever been before. That is because we are toning it down a little bit just to allow the integration to occur within each of you.

So we ask you to take deep breaths, feel the colors upon colors within this beautiful temple to circle and blend within you to feel the purification of your essence combining with you, the next particle that is ready to be received by your physical creation. Breathe deeply and feel your physical self as the spiritual creation is going to blend within you at a higher octave than it did before only, because you are fully ready to allow it to happen. Allow it to go into any particles of darkness that are in any areas of your existence, whether it is in your physical body, etherically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually.

What is occurring within you?

If you don’t feel any of that happening, allow the energy to come in and it will find the deep, dark packets for them to be transmuted, for them to be healed.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Allow your diaphragm to be completely open and breathe in the purification of your essences within particles and particles of light.

Breathe and bring it down into your Soul Star ~ chanting

Feel the expansion within you. Feel the light particles going to those particles that are denser that you have within your existence. Allow them to blend out of you and through you. Expand into your full body system. Be the essence of your light and allow it to combine within you now. Allow the grounding of the physical body to accept it, but allow the grounding to go to thehigher chakras so you don’t feel so out-of-sync within your physical body. Allow it to be fully grounded within you and expand that deeply. Feel the purification of these essences assisting you deeply and all that you are as you have just received another step of light within your physical existence. Get comfortable with it, Bee It, and Let it expand through You.

It is our Divine Pleasure as Divine Mother and Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun to fully bring forth these essences unto your frequencies of Light.

So Mote It Be in the Light of the Christ that We Are

In the Light of Oneness that We are

We are you, as you are us and we embrace you deeply for the existence that You Are.

So Mote It Be

Cosmic Oneness is combined with our weekly call, “The Clarion Temple of Oneness,” which is held on Monday evenings. Individuals are encouraged to join the live call for a small fee at Walking Terra, due to the attunements that are given not only by the Cosmic Great Central Sun but a guest speaker each week from the Spiritual Hierarchy. You may also purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls.

You may join our monthly membership program.  Please see details via

The Clarion Temple of Oneness channeling can be accessed via which contains the portion from the The Golden Solar Angels, October 27, 2014.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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Guardians of Metatronic Light

geometric-webwtcThis is the transcription of the LIVE call within the Clarion Temple of Oneness with The Guardians of Metatronic Light on October 20th, 2014.


Blessings, blessings to each of you. It is our pleasure to be with you as the Guardians of the Metatronic Light. This is new for us to come in this manner, but we are very, very happy to do so.

We bring forth these essences unto you of our ability to hold the Metatronic Light. What does that mean for each of you in human form?

It means the power of Divinity of Existence that each of you are experiencing is being brought forth in so many ways. For us to be able to comprehend whom we are and what we bring forth, is that we are the defining light that comes from Lord Metatron himself, but to each of you, each of the angelic forms to create that pure Beingness to be accepted through the many levels of dimensional frequencies and understanding. We represent the Solar Angels and the Golden Solar Angels. We are the defining line between Metatron and the Golden Solar Angels.

So what we bring unto you on this day is to help you accept yourself in the physical essence that you are.
You are learning more about the Solar Angels, you are learning more about the Metatronic Seals, but what causes an individual to tap into that frequency? Many are doing sacred geometry are bringing forth the divinity of our vibrational rays through the geometric shapes. I am sure many of you have seen these designs that very gifted individuals are doing. Remember, they are a communicator, and within that communication they are allowing that frequency of light that they are tapping into to come into form unto the Earthplane, to come into an existence of the physical world.

What we bring to you today is to help you not understand sacred geometry, but to help you to receive the understanding of the Metatronic Seals and what they represent. In your world you were given definitions of what they represent, but in truth, it goes beyond a deeper level of understanding. It doesn’t take your physical mind to do it; it doesn’t take your Higher Mind to do it.

It takes your I AM Presence to receive it ~ to just Receive It.

We bring forth these vibrational essences unto you today to assist you, to help you to understand more of what you are receiving, and allow it to come fully into you. As your awareness is opening up to more levels of deep understanding, of the many Universes and the frequencies of Light that exist so that you will receive these frequencies of light, it will assist you in understanding more about being a Golden Solar Angel. We are not here to command that energy to make you become the Golden Solar Angel. It is only you that can do so.

What we are here is to assist you with is to understand each of the seals and to bring forth remembrance into your full-body system. So to all the souls that are here in the Temple without a body, it is helping them to acknowledge their Golden Solar Self and to be more aligned with the teachings and rules of Lord Metatron as he is bringing forth the words of God and we are that defining energy to assist you in the transition. (The Clarion Temple of Oneness represents all souls whether in or out of body who come to the Temple to heal their past wounds. Archangel Michael holds the gateway for souls to enter. We invite many souls that are just passing to the Other Side to join the Temple each week.)

We are here to help you accept more of what you need to be and that is why we say that it is not something we have done previously as it was not time for us to fully coexist with each of you. In this moment, in this beautiful temple of light, we bring forth these frequencies of the Metatron Light that exemplifies the Tree of Life, which represents all aspects of Beingness of Truth, Sincerity, Harmony, Balance, Purity, Love, Dedication, Respect, and Understanding.

Those are the words that assist you. With us, we have no words; we just have the transmission of energy.

Let’s get started with that essence to help you to receive more of whom you are to assist you in becoming All That You Are.

Now you must remember that you will only receive what is necessary through your Higher Self. Each time that you listen to this recording it will help you to ground more of it. But at this time, Lord Metatron has asked to come forward to assist each of you and humanity to ground more of the Metatronic essence that he so embodies. As we do this, we bring forth these essences unto you.

So we bring this essence through each of your Solar Angels and Golden Solar Angels into your Higher Self from the I AM presence to receive what is necessary to ground the next phase of your existence upon the energies that are occurring within the earth. It will help you to be more stable and accept elements in a deeper level. Please allow these transmissions to assist you, and what does not assist you, your Higher Self will not allow it to be integrated within you although you may feel it first. So it will be like it is passing through you. Let us allow this continuance of Light to occur now.

Breathe deeply and feel all the frequencies of all the colors within this temple as we also represent these spectrums of light.

{Divine Language Light Encoding}

Feel the colors within colors almost like neon lights in the beautiful temple as we recreate Sacred Geometry. It represents movements that we make within each other as there are over 1,000 Guardians of Light creating the Metatronic Seals. We move with the frequency in and out, in and out allowing those elements to always stay in motion.

Feel these frequencies of light within yourself now as they circle within the height of the temple, all the way up to the 144th level to the Temple of Illumination of Lord Metatron that we represent through that frequency unto this Temple of the 36th dimension.

We now take this frequency of light; we are going to blend it into the Core of GAIA to assist humanity, to receive their divinity of the Metatronic Light that will help them to understand and open up doorways of remembrance for every individual upon the planet. We bring these essences now from the 36th dimension down through the 24th, and colors upon colors intertwining with each other. It is like a fireworks display but more of the geometric shapes. There is more defining energy as it goes down through the Galactic Level, and then into the Solar Level, it goes deeper and deeper into the core of the Earth.

See it on the outside of the Earth as we blend GAIA’s Merkabah with the Guardian that We Are and blend our energies into the core of GAIA; we allow every individual soul upon the planet including animals, plants, and kingdoms of so many forms to receive this frequency of light to allow this energy that we embody of the 144th level to beam down into the core of GAIA, to allow her essence to expand and open up doorways to allow people to receive; the more frequencies of light that they are, and to be embodied with the qualities of their Divine Purpose.
We now bring these energies back up into our Heart Center within the Temple, because as of right now, what we have created is a beautiful Sacred Grid of Light from the Illuminating Temple of the Metatronic Seals down through all the dimensions through this temple, and into GAIA. As now, we are more interconnected than we ever have been before. In the frequency of Light that we are, allow it to come into you.

Open yourself up to feel the frequency that your Higher Self, your Monad, and your I AM Presence is guiding you to have and allow it to expand within you. Take it to any places within you that have been hurting through this last phase of Divine Light coming into the planet, and allow it to be healed.

Our energy has a very special quality to heal elements, to purge elements, but also to accept elements.

Bring forth these frequencies of Light into your Heart Center and Solar Plexus and to all those aspects in our full Beingness to be let go through the Earth Star and the Soul Star. As your Merkabah now has a completely different effect than it did before. It will open up avenues for you to receive more strands of DNA; it will help you to receive all essences, but it must be done through your Higher Self, your Monad, and your I AM Presence. All that we are is a guiding light.

We are the Guardians to allow this light to come to you; but each of you with your free will allows it to grow and be whatever it should be. Breathe deeply now as our essences are in complete alignment with each of you. If you want to connect with our energies, you must do so through the 144th dimension of the Illuminating Temple of Light as nothing must come in between us. It must be in the purest form and that is why we have never come forward previously as it was not time. The time is Now for us to be more aligned with each of you, and we hold that frequency to allow it to be. And we extend it outwards into the many levels of creation that are ready to receive it.

We thank Lord Metatron for allowing us to be here this evening. We thank the Light of God; we thank Divine Mother Father God; we thank the Creative Source of Oneness that we are all as now our expansion is possible.

In blessings in love and light we are together, We Are One.

Blessings, Joy, Beauty, and Harmony

So Mote It Be

In Great Gratitude for allowing this transmission to occur, we are the Guardians of the Metatronic Light.

Individuals are encouraged to join the live call of The Clarion Temple of Oneness for a small fee at Walking Terra, due to the attunements that are given not only by the Cosmic Great Central Sun but it includes a guest speaker each week from the Spiritual Hierarchy.  You may also purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls.  You may also read the transcript for the Cosmic Great Central Sun via  You may also apply to our Student Membership Program by paying a monthly fee to join all teachings on Monday and Wednesday evenings.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Going Below the Surface of the Self with Lord Adama

magical_garden-fbGood Evening Everyone or Good Morning, wherever you may be. Thank you for being with us.

I AM Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light, fully incorporating the energies through Rev. Meleriessee. Take some deep breaths. I want to feel your energies.

What I am presently doing is to get a feel of where each of you is, so that I can individualize this program to each person. Even though we will hopefully have more people join us in the later sessions, I truly want to get a feel from your consciousness of what is occurring for you. First I will lay some things out on the table. You must remember that we are not in a room all together. The interaction with each other is quite different from how it usually is. The other thing we must also remember within ourselves and what each of you need to do as students is that whatever you get out of this program is up to your own abilities to center yourself within it. Doing the journey and listening to this tape will help, but the true work has to be within you.

One of the main reasons why we wanted to bring this forth again is to go deeper. We were told by some of the students that they wanted to go deeper than previously received. I will say a few words that are not only directed at you. They are directed at all the students of Walking Terra Christa and also all Lightworkers that may decide to be part of this program at a later time.

Time is not on our side. The energies are changing so quickly and time becomes so limited of what we need to be doing in our lives.


It is imperative to truly find a balance with everything you need to achieve. Each of you is a student within the initiations of the pathway of mastery. You have to work harder. The energy is assisting you, but it can also do the opposite if you are not careful.

Do not let anything get by you. If something feels uncomfortable, do not let it sit for a week or two. Let it come to you. Utilize the tools we will be giving you to help you. Most of all, connect fully with your Lower Self and your Higher Self to make the necessary changes. I know each of you worked hard on the programs we did this summer with Lord Melchizedek. They were very intense. They were given specifically to learn more about your psychological path. It is in order to know where your soul is within this body.  Not your Higher Self, not your spirit, but your soul and what it has dealt with on many different timelines. I share this and remind you as some of the other masters will, but it is imperative after this class to not just say “Well, this was a great class, ” but to ponder, “What did that class do for you?”

This class tonight will probably be more of an introduction, although we will also go into some depth, so that I can pass into each of you through Meleriessee and understand what you need to be working on. Ideally what I would like within this session is to talk to you before and talk to you after to assist you in this process. This is why it is a paid program. We are not only sitting here and receiving information from a master or from Telos. It is about me tuning into each of you and learning more about what you are experiencing in order to help you and guide you. I want to assist you. I want you to fully accept the fact that you need to do more work. I know each of you knows this, but sometimes you have to be reminded.

It is like we are in a classroom together. This is why we go to the Lemurian Retreat House. It is serious. It is not just to connect on a different level. It is to help you really understand yourself and what you are going through. The reason why I want to do this through Meleriessee is that she does it naturally. She has always done it naturally. She has the ability to tap into each of us and has for many reason. It was accelerated her and helped her in the processes she was going through. We never interfered, but she was assisted by many. Until each of you is ready to do so on your own; that is what we are here for. That is what I am here for and that is what Walking Terra Christa is here for. As Michael holds these energies, he also receives guidance from Meleriessee.

As you heard from Saint Germain yesterday; about 80 percent of Lightworkers being more mentally active than emotionally active.   This means that a lot of deep work has to be done to remove those pantheons and those elements each person holds within them. I give you these energies, these words, from my Heart to yours. Yet I need to be a little bit strict. At times, we feel that since Meleriessee has been dealing with it for such a long time, it is not just about sitting and receiving the attunement. It is about what it does for you, and what it does not do for you. Where does it go? What needs to come up? What needs to be processed? These elements are very important. I want to make sure each of you gets the best experience you can. That way you will be able to move further along on your pathway. You do not have to feel as if you were stuck.

Today, in this moment, take a deep breath. Bring forth these beautiful Rays of God you received yesterday.

Why did I choose this title?

When we as individuals in the human body think about who we are, that is just a surface energy. It is within our lower mind. If I was to look at each of you presently and look at what your life is, I could say that you would be someone of what you are doing on the physical plane. Maybe you are working somewhere in an outside field.

What defines who you are?
Is it what you see in the mirror?
Is it what you feel about yourself?
Is it who you interact with, who your friends are? It represents a false surface; the face you show to the outside world.

We need to go below this surface. If you meet people on the street, how do they perceive you by what you say to them, by what you do? Usually, the first questions on this plane of existence on the Upper Earth would be “What do you do for a living? Are you married? Do you have children?” Truly, that is not who we are.

It is not our defining energy. We must go below the surface of the self to allow those other parts of ourselves to be ignited out of us, so that when we converse with another person, we converse from our Heart Center and from our Higher Self. This is the journey I want to take everybody on in order to know more about yourself. Inside of yourself, you probably think differently from what you can share with another person. We will be doing a little bit of exercise with that. This is what I would like each of you to understand.

I want to take those particles of yourself and bring them up into your consciousness to allow them to fully be acknowledged.

I ask each of you, what are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?

Breathe deeply within yourself. Fully correlate all those Rays.

Where do your strengths lie?
Is it your Will and Power?
Is it your creative actualization, the love of yourself?
Is it the science of your mind, tapping into your higher essence?
Is it your devotion and taking care of yourself?
Is it finding Harmony and Balance?
Is it your Love and Wisdom, illuminating your lower mind with your higher mind, which brings us to the freedom we are looking for.

I know each of you knows about the Rays of God and what they represent in your life. What aspects within yourself do you need to acknowledge and what aspects do you fully have? I am not just referring to a meditative state. On a daily basis, are you able to access those energies? We all know that things will happen and you will not be able to access your higher mind, higher thoughts and higher emotions 24 hours a day. However, what I refer to is the majority that rules within yourself, feelings about yourself. How are you affected?

These are all elements that are important to think about as it will help you gage within yourself how you are doing within this pathway.  Otherwise, it can become confusing and very overwhelming.

We will now take a journey into Telos together:

Let us all take a deep breath. Feel the energies of all those Rays. Your Soul Star and your Earth Star are spinning in a clockwise manner. Feel your Merkabah now being activated.

I would like each of you to join me in the garden within Telos. We walk upon a pathway of green grass and flowers everywhere. As we walk around, there are many children and many others within here to greet you. We center ourselves in the garden today. We are not going to the retreat house. Feel the blessings of this energy. The waterfall is a few hundred feet away. You can hear it in the distance. You may also feel sprays of the water across your face. As we all sit here together, feel the beautiful essences that are here within Telos.

What is your Heart’s desire? Have you thought about that?

Each of you work diligently on being part of these teachings and doing your other work afterwards.

What is it doing to you physically, emotionally, mentally?

How does your body feel?

Are you able to readjust yourself?

The important process of learning more about yourself as we have just gone through, is not an easy process. This I know. It is not easy to have me sit there and tell you exactly what you may not be doing or what you can be doing. It is to help you go into a deeper level, into the core of your Being. Yet, each of you allows this to happen.

That shows your tenacity of wanting to change. It shows your ability to understand yourself more. At first, it may feel very uncomfortable to look at the mirrors that I share with each of you. Yet when you deeply go into those aspects within yourself, everything shifts. It shifts because your consciousness shifts. You learn to accept what you are hearing and then process it within yourself. What I heard from each of you today is that you are willing to learn more about yourself. You are willing to see that there is a better way for you to exist, to flow, to allow yourself to understand more about your power and what that means for you.

We all know power is not aggression. To be fully empowered means that you have love, that you have balance, that you are devoted to that part of yourself while you learn that you can tap into your higher wisdom and access the purity of your Light.

Purity is the pure essence of Crystalline energy. Pure. There is no dysfunction. There is no lower energy. There are no lower aspects. It is just those essences within of the purest energy that can be brought forth, like Divine Mother and Father God, like the Source of Light. Feel that purity within you now. Feel the pure white light from the God Source.

Let us go to the Creative Source of the 144th dimension. It comes down into this beautiful garden right now. It goes deeply into the core of your being. Let it go through all your Chakras. Deeply let it go into your Heart Center. Think about your Lotus Heart. Allow it to open up. Open up fully into the core of your soul’s essence of your Higher Self and your physical self. Bring these two aspects together.

This is what is going to assist you to understand more about who you are. Bring forth those essences within you. Remember the Source of Light we all were in the beginning. I bring that essence onto each of you now. Feel yourself just lying down on the grass. You hear singing of the children in the distance. You feel content. You feel serene and peaceful.

Allow your I AM Presence to fully come within you. That aspect of your Beingness is on the level of the 144th. The other soul aspects that traveled, just as you are traveling, are not pure. We bring them into the Purity of the Light.

Feel the adoration of yourself. Feel your devotion. Feel your strength and courage. Feel the inner truth that you are of your higher essence.
Allow it to flow through your entire body, all the way down to the soles of your feet and into Earth Star.

Let us visualize the Physical Body connecting to the Earth Star and Soul Star. Let us connect to all the Chakras, the soles of the feet, the ankles, the knees, the hips, the Root, the Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Thymus, Throat, Third Eye, Crown, shoulders, elbows, wrists, palms of the hands, all vibrating. It is vibrating energy that occurs on the outside of your field as it pulsates with the purity of light that you are.

{Divine Language Light Encodment}

Take a moment to sit up. Feel the blessing that you are to your physical self. Feel the entourage of beautiful energies that are arriving within your existence in these moments. Let it fill up the holes from the lower thoughts we just shared. Let it intertwine within you. Let it be you. Feel the power that you are within yourself.

All the thoughts you have shared with me, that were not positive, bless them now. Bless them in the existence that you are. Bless them in the purity of your light. Allow the reflection you see now to help change you and help you through the parts of yourself you cannot acknowledge. Bring forth acceptance of yourself. You are now aware. You have acknowledged these thoughts. Now feel the acceptance that you are. It does not mean you are a bad person. It means that these thoughts are just showing up for you to fully acknowledge them now. Embrace them. Become them. Feel them. Allow them to be all parts of your field; your Physical, Emotional, Mental and Etheric.  Allow the Spiritual Body to take it away. Allow the spiritual part of you, your Higher Self, to transmute these elements within yourself.

See your Higher Self in front of you. Allow your Higher Self to blend within you through your hands, eyes and your feet. You sit across from each other and you become One with each other. This is who you are, not the other things. Embrace them fully within you. Be them. Your Higher Self now blends fully within your body. You arise. We all arise from the ground.

The children have a basket of flowers. You pick some flowers for yourself. Notice the color of the flowers. You put them to your Heart. You become that flower. You become that essence. This is purity. This is grace. This is mercy. This is compassion of all that you are. Feel the essence of our beautiful sun. It is quite different from your sun. It embraces you deeply and who you are. Breathe and feel it be you, as I see it in you.

It is now time for us to leave. This is a place you can come to any time to allow the purity of your light to fully be within you. We are one. Take a moment. Activate your Merkabah Vehicle. Let the colors spin within you, as now there are more colors. As you activated your I AM Presence more fully within you, you accepted all Rays of God to be you.

Feel yourself walking very slowly. As you do, you lift and feel yourself through the hemispheres, coming back to your present location, settling yourself within your Heart, Solar Plexus and the base Chakras. Feel that activation occurring.

Take some time to reflect on what your experiences are presently. Ground these energies.

I thank you for all you are doing and for being here with us. Great changes will happen will happen within each of you.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna
I AM your brother in Telos, Lord Adama

This is a written transcript of a portion of Lord Adama’s Discourses, Telosian Way Part II, September 2014.  The Telosian Way Part II is a personalized class with Lord Adama so that students can have a personal interaction with the master himself and also participate in a very powerful program.  To see more information and register for this monthly class, please click the link above.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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