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Initiating the Peace of God – Mahatma Gandhi

pyramidAnalogy of a Pyramid

Allow yourself to intend to travel to the highest point of your personal pyramid to receive the essence of peace so that you can bring that frequency of light within your pyramid of existence. Those that are allowing themselves to receive the highest frequency, then must take that peace that they are and send it to the structure of the Earth.


Sometimes individuals take too much of their energies and puts it out into too many places which causes the imbalance to occur in the physical structure. If you take the essence of peacefulness from God’s Heart into the Will of your creation, you will allow your body to come into balance.

What brings you peace within your Heart?

What brings you the availability to take the parts of yourself that are in conflict and allow them to be in the state of serenity?

Some times that is a tall order so if you think of your body, your Soul Star at the top of the pyramid and your Earth Star s the bottom of the pyramid, then you can take that frequency of Light that you feel, while bringing that all the way into the structure of the base.

You see the structure of the base of your existence is your Earth Star; that is what grounds you to this Earth. It is associated with your feet, it is associated then with your limbs and then moving up the body into your organs and the heart center representing the core essence of your beingness.

The rest will fall into place if you take these moments of allowing serenity and stillness to be fully within the acceptance of your structure.  It will flow through each of your limbs, into your organs, into all muscles and tendons, and the cellular structure, but you must allow yourself to just sit and breathe the Peace of God.

Take the next moment, and breathe the Peacefulness you received into your Earth Star unto the core of GAIA.  She will receive this essence and expand it into her fields of creation.

Mahatma Gandhi

Clarion Temple of Oneness, January 2013

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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New Earth Frequency Update ~ October 21st, 2014

New Earth Frequency Update

The New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse of Oct 23, 2014 represents a period of REGENERATION


Greetings and Blessings to All,

We are the Unified Whole Command within the 144th dimension of Oneness as the Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein along with the many Christed Beings of Light.

The energetic exchange of the Universal Consciousness is being felt in many levels of existence.  We are sure you have been experiencing it within your feelings, thoughts, dream-states while walking upon the Earth.  Since the Autumn Equinox there have been extensive light energies that have ensued upon the planet with the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon moving towards the partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon.

The portals of light that have been actualized within GAIA are here to help every individual to receive more of their higher essence within the avenues of their physicality.  In the midst of these elements it is causing more debris to be removed from the Etheric level of the Earth along with each human being.  So as a result, it causes a feeling of uncertainty within each individual unless they fully understand that those thoughts and feelings do not belong to them any longer.

Some may say, “What do you mean they don’t belong to me?  I live upon this earth; I have emotions and I am affected by what is happening within the world.”  This is so very true but since the earth is going through her acceleration, the light infractions coming into the core of Gaia’s being are affecting more Light to be acknowledged than the Darkness.  But in order for the Light to be realized, the Darkness must be removed.  So what happens is a period of regeneration, the old leaves in order for the new to be realized.

Now this all starts first within each Soul upon the Earth and within themselves.  So every individual upon the Earth are going to be stepping into a deep healing process.  Some of these souls may not understand what they are experiencing as that is their divine choice.  But the ones that are acknowledging the parts of themselves as a Divine Being will be able to feel the changes occurring within them.  This causes the highs and lows to occur.

Now we know that this has always been part of life; sometimes a soul feels good about themselves and other times, not so good.  The difference now is that the higher levels of joy, compassion, and acceptance within stay with each person for a longer period of time.  As the earth is purging, so are each of you.

To get back to the Light formations of this month and why the intensity is so strong, we refer to the fact that all is aligning into Oneness.  This means the Universal consciousness of all planes of existence into the planet so that each individual may be able to look at themselves at a deeper level than they have before.  As the planet is spinning on her axis, each of you is doing the same.  So each spin that you make is coming closer to the true reality of your Higher Self.  Within that process the road to achieving that end can be intermingled with great intensity of change that needs to occur.  This is when you would say you are in a “low” period.  But yet, when you know how to handle those low periods within your life, then you achieve a higher perspective ~ one that you would not have had previously without the alignment of all elements coming into place.

This is the process that you are experiencing presently.  Not only are you feeling it within yourself, but you feel it on the ground when you walk.  Changes are happening in many environments to not only assist each of you, but to help you to see that it is all part of the Divine Plan of Creation.

Isn’t it true that when you understand why something is occurring in your world, that you can have acceptance? 

Isn’t it also true that you are able to walk through the doorway of change when you are able to see how and why it is occurring for you presently?

So that is when you have your AHHH-OH moment.  You say to yourself, “So now I can fully see my creative process; I am ready to now accept.”

But the other important part of this is for you to realize that these moments of recognition do not always come beforehand.  In fact it is usually the opposite.  You go through the doorway of change and when you get to the other side, you understand the process.

What we wish for each of you to realize fully is that you cannot always have the assurance of knowing how and why you are experiencing your present circumstance. So what happens is that you must have FAITH.  We all know that Faith is not a learned experience; it is a true test of your spiritual self guiding the physical self into a world where you have no idea what the outcome is going to be.

Isn’t it true that when you allow FAITH to be your guide, that you truly see how synchronous events are occurring for you?  Some may say the Universe is working with me in this moment.

Why do you think it happens this way?

As a human being, you have been programmed to think that you should know every outcome in your life.  When you step into your spirituality, you then learn that it does not come from your lower self, but your Higher Self guiding you in each moment.  Sometimes this is a hard lesson to learn but as an initiate upon the pathway of Mastery, it is necessary.

We know not all lightworkers consider themselves on the Pathway of Mastery although they may term it as such.  In retrospect, it means to allow the guidance of the Higher Self with the incorporation of the I AM Presence to fully assist the physical self in their endeavors upon the Earth.  It also means that the lower ego must be removed in order for the higher ego to be acknowledged.  This process is not an easy one but very, very necessary.

Let us get back to the present energies and why you are experiencing such turmoil and/or change within your life.  You see there is a contract with GAIA and the Universal Structures that all Beings upon the planet of GAIA shall go through the same process that she is receiving.  In fact, each soul upon the earth has a part in GAIA’s renewal or what you would call ascension.  So what happens through this process of two Eclipses within one month is Great Assistance from the Universal Structure.

The power of the present energies is only as positive as each individual makes them to be. 

Every soul is responsible for their own Divine Creation or reality of life.  The deeper your wounds are, the more intense is your reality.  The ability to step into a Mastery Pathway means that you are ready to know that there is more to your life than the physical self.  As you do this, you see changes that occur within you and around you that are beyond the understanding of your lower mind.  So you accept FAITH in your world that you are being taken care of.

Every individual that is aware of their Light has stepped into the Mastery Pathway; but not all individuals will become initiates.  It has to do with their own awareness and willingness to go deeper into their psyche which is held within the Etheric Body to heal, heal, and heal over again.  The New Earth will not hold any soul that has not stepped into this pathway.  This is essential for the creation of the 5th dimension.  It is the basis of the ability to love so deeply that nothing else matters, and the dysfunction of the 3rd and 4th dimension will never be held in that environment.  It means that the Etheric Body has to be totally cleansed of all timelines that do not fit the 5th dimensional construct along with the Subconscious Mind to be totally clear of all lower and negative thought forms and archetypes of the past.  All of this works directly through the Etheric body, but is fully felt within the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

As of the Fall Equinox, more light infractions were incorporated within the planet.  It continued with the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse.  It has pushed every person to their limits of the physical mind so that there was nothing else left but to surrender to their Higher Self.  In between the Full Moon and the New Moon there has been a time of regeneration or balancing what has been purged, removed, and no longer accepted within the confines of your lower self.

This has created energies within the planet and every individual to be more cohesive with the Light infractions.  The changes within each soul is personal due to their own thought processes, feelings, and timelines of the past.  Every individual is learning about themselves through the process.  The Ones that are not aware of this consciously are doing it in their sleep state.

So change is inevitable for everyone at this time.

The difference in each soul is how they are affected by the changes they incur.  It is molding the energies of 2015 and how this earth is going to continually move forward through her shifts of reality.


As the planet moves towards the partial Solar Eclipse and the New Moon it reflects a time of REGENERATION.  It is important to look back within the last month to truly see how you have changed, how you handled it, and what you have done to rebalance yourself through the process.  It is an imperative stage for GAIA that each of you does your part in the reflection of your Highest Self.

This moon and eclipse represents the ability to look at the old elements, purge them, and prepare yourself in a new role upon Mastery within your life.  The power of these energies will result in the changes you are asking to be ignited within you.  You must work with them and be the New Beginning that you are trying to achieve.  The Universe will not support you unless you do your part of being Responsible for yourself.  It is part of your contractual agreement with GAIA.  You promised that you would work hard at your own self awareness, be all that your Higher Self desired, so that it would prepare the way for others to follow you.

We know this is not easy; we know that the energies of this month have probably put you in places that you did not know existed.  But that is also part of the awareness process that you are able to have great Faith in all that you do, feel, and think within your physical self to change it into your highest ideals.

The power of the New Moon will help ground all that you have been feeling this month.  Take those thoughts of Love, Wisdom and Power and make them manifest within your world.  It is your Divine Right as a Conscious Being of Light to do so.

We bless you for your journey, thank you, and acknowledge all that you are, all that you do, and all that you will continue to do.  We walk together in silence in these moments with hopes of the future to be rejoicing together upon the New Earth.

Blessings and Love in the Name of All That We Are Together,

We are the Unified Whole Command of Oneness,

Many Masters, Beings of Light, and Angelic Hosts in Harmony of the All

Note:  New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse occurs on October 23rd, 2014, 22:57 GMT, 2:57 Pacific, 5:57 Eastern.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Bounty of Our Gifts ~ Lord Adama

harvest-webBlessings and Love.  It is I, Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light.

I want to share today on the exchange of energies from each of us unto each of you.  We, in Telos, are very connected to each of you on the Upper Earth and want to extend our sincere thoughts of love and blessings since the Autumn Equinox.

The Harvest is now here and it is our time to celebrate all that we have experienced up to this point.  Is this something that you have thought about within you?

Isn’t it true that each of you desires to have your manifestations to come into your reality?

What is it that you have done up to this point that allows those creations to become you?

These are the questions that I want to pose to you since now is the most fruitful season of the year.  Those of you that live across the hemisphere that are experiencing the essence of Spring truly are going through the same level of creation within your lives as you plant your seeds for your future.

So it is important to fully reflect within yourself how to embrace the walk that you have been taking in the past months.  It will help you come to the fruition of your new essence expanding within you.

You see we don’t just create elements to occur without first having to understand the process that we have gone under to make them appear in our lives.  We must first learn the lessons that our Higher Self is giving to us in order to fully receive the gifts of our labor.

So as we just moved through a New Moon and experienced the most powerful equinox on the planet; it is time for each of you to embrace all that you have achieved.  As the more that you realize within yourself these achievements, the deeper will be your Harvest of the Self.

Take time to truly reflect the bounty of your life within you; then more can appear.  Until you say thank you for the beautiful gifts you are receiving, then you cannot receive more.  It is a proven fact.

The beauty of your life is not measured by your hardships, but how you walk through those challenging doorways to find the blissfulness of your essence to enfold within your Being.

I applaud each of you for what you are experiencing and processing in your lives.  Let the old essence be thrown away that does not serve you.  Put it into wholeness so that you never have to experience it again.  Be the bliss that you desire as it is truly ready to be received.  All you have to do is reach your arms out and feel all those gifts of joy, peace, and be the manifestor of your own destiny.  Don’t hesitate to realize how far you have gone; then you gone continue the journey with less baggage and more excitement of who you have become.  This is fully realizing the Bounty of Your Gifts being sent from your Higher Self unto your Physical Creation.

All my love from my Heart to Yours,

I AM Lord Adama, of the Telosian Council of Light

September 29th, 2014

Integrative Channel, Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Vibrational Shifting

spiritual-1Understanding What A Vibrational Shift Means

Have you ever had a moment in which you were doing something, and then you felt something completely different occurring for you in that moment?  That is allowing yourself to have a vibrational shift.

This truly is how it occurs.

Your Higher Self is working through you.  You are doing the work through whichever vibrational tool you have, such as meditation for example.  And that way you begin to bring forth a new essence of understanding within you.  However, it is not an understanding that comes from your lower mind.

So in this moment you are not tapped into your lower mind.  If you are, you are not going to feel it as deeply.

What occurs through this process is that you are moving from one vibrational occurrence into the next vibrational occurrence.  You receive that frequency within you.

When there are moments of dizziness, when there are moments of energy exchange, when there are moments of not knowing where and whence you came from, but yet you feel different within the next moment; it is then that you are allowing your vibrational shift to be fully activated within your Physical Body.

First you initiate the energies.  When you do so, the energies begin their work on you.  You do the meditation, the breath work, the writings, you do whatever tool initiates it.

You then activate it by allowing yourself to be part of the process. 

At that point, your Higher Self and physical self are working together to allow that to happen and to actualize it fully.

This is the process that creates the Vibrational Shift within your full body system.

 ~ Great Divine Director, Clarion Temple of Oneness, March 10th, 2014


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J.Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Art of Learning Balance ~ Lord Adama

waterfalls3-webGreetings I AM Lord Adama.

I AM here speaking from the Telosian Command Center and with the Telosian Council over lighting everyone’s energy in this moment.   I want to talk a little bit about how everything is accelerating in our world.  As we sit in our consciousness, allowing the moments to be within the present time period, I ask each of you right now to take a deep breath and feel that moment.

When you allow this stillness of the mind to fully incorporate within your present experiences, you will start to see how fluidness occurs within your pathway.  Without this stillness you will find that the challenges will become almost insurmountable because you are not fully allowing your mental mind to surrender and that is what so much this evening is about, of visiting this amazing, amazing city that is of a frequency that brings in that 4th Dimensional Level for your bodily functions, which I believe each of you may be challenged by.

Because you are here on the Earth, you are here in that 3rd Dimensional denseness.  It takes a lot of work to keep vibrating the energies to a level that your consciousness is bringing in to assimilate within your body.  And then in retrospect with that is the body has to get used to those elements of consciousness that you are bringing in.  So you are at a bridge right now.  You are walking across the bridge.  You are allowing the old part of you to be removed and you’re walking into the new part of you, and that’s a transition.

We look at this bridge as illuminated with an amazing Light and frequency that is available, but also allow yourself to be grounded within the physical body.  So the highs and lows occur for a reason so that you can start to accept the bodily functions and for you to integrate the higher consciousness.  If it happened all at one time, you would choose not to continue, which is what many do (and) many will be doing.

If you were to come to Telos in this moment, you would feel that balance.  That is why it is essentially important to take time for yourself out of your usual environment.

If you work in the home, it is important for you to get outside.  If you work in an office, it is time for you to walk outside.  Allow yourself to reflect the elements of nature and how the wind flows and how a fire grows, how the water moves, how the essences all bring in that completeness.

All these elements of the Water, the Fire, the Air and the Earth are not separate entities; it is an integration of many frequencies.  So those frequencies of Light that are separate entities come together as that water is flowing over the rock, as the wind is rustling through the trees, as the fire grows from the deepest part of the bottom to the highest part of the flame, as the Earth has many aspects; I bring this as an example to each of you.

An example is you are many aspects within the One.  What is occurring for each of you in these moments is that you are integrating many timelines, many parts of yourself that have been lost.  You are removing many parts of yourself that need to be gone, and you don’t always flow like the river, fly like the wind, or extend your energy upwards like the fire or be in balance as the Earth.

It is a process.  It is a deep process, so it is important that each of you understand that the elements that are occurring presently which put you in a deeper state of awareness.

These deeper states of awareness are aspects of yourself coming within your physical body.  You are housing all of this within a physical vehicle while experiencing the fluctuations of the Earth energies, as she is not together ~ as the Fire can get out of control, as the Wind can sweep by and create problems, and the Water can flood many areas.

It is a special occasion for me to be able to express to each of you what the vibrations, and what the activations from the planetary systems have created within the Earth.  Each of you is embodying these elements at your best of your ability.

So I say to you, “Nurture yourself, allow yourself to come into balance.”

This will truly assist you because you have been the Fire.  You have been the Water.  You have been Wind, and you have been the Earth.  You are bringing all these elements into composition.

So if you think about your mental aspects, anger can make the Water flow too fluidly and cause flooding.  The Fire can burn out of control because of anger and fear.  The Wind can cause storms, as in hurricanes, as in tornadoes, and the Earth can fall apart.

If these elements are not fully all coming together into Oneness, then this is the destruction that happens.  This year is so important, and I know that many are experiencing the challenges.  Every individual upon this Planet along with the interplanetary~intergalactic are being affected by the solar flares, are being affected by the planetary frequencies, because everyone is being shaken up.  It’s like you’re rattling and everything around you is rattling.  Debris is flying everywhere and frequencies of Light of all levels are swirling around the atmosphere.

Each of you as an important Being, being here upon this planet to fully infiltrate these elements, are having an important role and that important role is to ground these elements within yourself; to help ground everything else, to help create the highest frequency of Light but within the balance, within the aspects of the Earth, within the frequencies that are necessary to fully come into acceptance.  This is going to change with each oncoming month, each new Moon, each full Moon, each activation that is fully being accepted within your Being, because the more that you strive to be in balance, more and more elements will come to assist in that process.  So I embrace each of you for being upon this pathway as always, but I want you to know that you are assisting yourself greatly in this Planet and each of us in the Golden Etheric Cities.

We applaud you deeply because we see the changes that are being made, allowing yourself to accept a new process within your Being to let go of the old forms, to let go of the thoughts, and to let go of the way of living that you have done for eons of time.

We know.  We know deeply that that is a great challenge ~ letting go of commercialism, letting go of all the elements that hold the old paradigm together because it is breaking apart.  But within that is a nucleus of Love, within that is a nucleus of acceptance to allow the essence of your being to fully be activated in whom you are ~ the highest frequency.

This is the beauty of each of you.  What you are bringing forth in these moments is a completeness that is occurring.  Those that choose not to move forward with challenges that are brought to their consciousness will find that the lessons will be more difficult for them, and I’m talking about every age bracket.  I’m not talking about the ones that are teachers.  I AM talking about everyone.  There is many awakened individuals coming and opening their awareness unto this Planet.

It is time for change.  As Mahatma Gandhi has said, “The change must be within to create the change outside of ourselves.”  So I thank you for walking with us.  You are becoming the Dimensional Beings.

We, of the Telosian Council of Light and the Telosian Community along with all Inner Earth Beings, applaud each of you for this transition that you are making.  So let us take a deep breath and feel these essences, feel these essences within you because of what you are creating.  Allow yourself to come into complete acceptance ~ complete acceptance of your extended essences coming into full capacity.

Blessings to each of you,

Lord Adama, High Priest in Telos

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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What You Were Before, Is Now Again

LordMelchizeek-WTC-1231The is an excerpt of the 2nd class of the Lord Melchizedek Summer Ascension Primer.  Lord Melchizedek took all students to the Universal Core where his essence is held deeply.  We were greeted by many Light Beings to help each individual to realize their full potential from the 144th dimension through the Planetary Levels.

Creative Source of Oneness  of the 144th Dimensional Light

It is my divine pleasure to be in this moment with each of you to allow Our Frequencies to come into the Creation That We Have Always Been.

I ask you to allow your breath to be the multitude of colors of the 330 Rays of God, but Spectrums of Light.  Before the creation of the Rays, there were the Spectrums, the Frequencies.  You may see it coming down into this beautiful space as fluids of Light, streaks of energy and they become you.  They become you and you feel that Purification of Essence.  As you came in as a separate Soul, you then gravitated towards your Monad, and then the Monads all come together to gravitate into the I AM That You Are.  Then all the other I AM’s come together as I represent That Creative Energy around you.  “I AM Your Coat”, “I AM Your Embrace” in this moment of Creation.

Breathe and feel.  Breathe and feel the Purification of your Essence.  You must remember there is no thought of experiences with a body.  You are just energy.  We are energy together.  We are a Vibratory Frequency of Light.  If you want to define it within a concept of a communication through words, you would say there is electrifying.  There is movement.  There is flowing.  There is purification.  There is communion within one another.  There is no separateness between Us because We Are within That Creative Energy Within Ourselves.

I ask you to feel it, deeply.  Feel that connection That You Are.  Allow it to go through your full body.  Allow it to go through your Purest Essence because as you are in this space, you are also in your physical body.  This has never occurred for anyone to be able to create this.  As has been shared, this Lesson is about “What Was, Is Now”.  We want each of you to fully embrace What You Have Been before.  It is you, but that remembrance has not been there.  So let us remember together.

{{{ Divine Light Language Codes Voice Attunement }}} 

Feel the Purification of our Essences, colors within colors, because that is All That We Were in the Purification of the of Light beyond the many Universes, beyond the Solar Systems, and beyond what you can imagine in this moment.  There is only our fluidness, our existence within each other.

Let us all take a deep breath, as I now step aside for a moment.


Lord Melchizedek Shares an Understanding of the I AM Presence

Now feel yourself separating from the Embryo of Light That We All Have Been together.  We are all interconnected.  But we moved into what you would call families, “Pods” of 12 Souls each.  Now think about your own individual Creation because we did not all do this at the same time.  Those of us that are part of the Spiritual Hierarchy of course did it earlier than each of you, or the process that you went under, you stayed in a different place, while some of us were transcending ourselves into planetary form.  I want you to think about your individual sense.  So as we separate from this Embryo, from the Soul Family, it is just like your own families.  When the children grow up, they go their separate ways.  This is truly what each of us has done.  We have gone our separate ways to what we were guided through the Creative Source to be acknowledged.  So if you think about this, I want you to feel your separation.  There is not a lot, because we are all interconnected.  This is the most important element to consider within your own Essence.  Feel that, feel that now within you.

Now it’s time for you to experience a different way of being.  So your Higher Self (your Oversoul) now decides to move into Formlessness.  What this means is that you have taken on the role and responsibility to create Solar Systems, Universes, Planets, the Creative Life Force.  At the same time, Divine Mother and Father God were created.  But their Creation was for the planetary structures.  At this point, each of us moved into those Powers.  This is where you get your Power from.  I want you to think about what happens to you.  Each of you have special gifts even if you don’t realize that in your physical body.  You probably had a special gift when you were young and maybe have forgotten about them.

Sometimes you can perceive Light formations,  see out of the corner of your eye, or to perceive other energies around you.  Many of you are empaths.  Many of you have that sensibility.  So in this moment, I want each of you to share within yourself through your Higher Self and any Master Guides that you feel in this moment to come to you from your I AM Presence – “What was the next step?”  Because the next step, we moved from the 144th Dimension into the 143rd, so whatever abilities that the Creative Source gave to you, or you were able to access, you took that with you.

You have to think about your Power Structure in this moment.  I give Meleriessee as an example, because I can do that very easily.  Her ability is to perceive energy.  She has always been able to do that, even when she first started on her pathway.  She could actually see electricity going through the air at times.  So she had the realization that she was part of the “Thunder Beings” many years ago.  So this is what her role was.  Her role was to create action; to create changes with her Thunder Being Energy.  Of course, that has manifested in her pathway as a teacher.  She helps to make changes in people.

Each of you has something also.  Some of you may have Sun Energy.  Michael has “Sun Energy”.  So he worked with RA, the Sun God.  He brought forth Sun Energies to planets.

There may be others that actually helped to create a planet.  That’s a powerful gift to have within yourself.  There may be some that are Stars that just shine their bright light anywhere – flickering light in the sky.  There are some that are Lightning that can bring forth frequency of Light  They are usually the quiet ones.  These are all part of the elements within the Multi-Universes.  Then, there are other elements; elements of Water, elements of the Wind, or the Air, elements of Planetary form – Earth energies, rocks, trees.  These are all part of the Formlessness.

You come into form.  You create that form but your Frequency is from that Creative Force That You Are.  Each of you has a Creative Force.  So what we want to do now is bring back the Creative Source of Oneness with an Attunement to help you access that.  It may take some time.  Stay out of your Lower Mind at this point.  If you are in that Lower Mind, let’s just take another breath.  Take some deep breaths and bring in those 330 Rays of God.  Call upon Your I AM Presence to be the Overlighting energy within you.  You are part of that Creative Source.  That is your Creation.  You bring that forth onto you now and to just get a sense of where your energy went.

It doesn’t specifically mean a location, but just what was the form that you took at this moment?

This helps you to ignite your power, to bring in that Essence.  So let’s do that now.

{{{ Divine Light Language Codes Voice Attunement }}} 

See yourself.  See yourself walking through a doorway of Light.  Now You Are this Powerful Source of Energy.  Whatever form that it is.  As you separated from your I AM Presence, all your cords are attached.  You see that you are not disconnected.  This is why you meet people that you are connected to.  So there are Vibratory Cords of Light.

These Vibratory Cords of Light that we are all connected as I am connected to each of you.  You walk through the Heavens.  You may want to visualize yourself to this Golden Door.  You walk through the Golden Door and then you are just guided to be where you are supposed to be.  The ones that have done it before you are there to help you.  They are there with their Igniting Energy of Welcoming Compassion, and Love.  Feel that within your Heart Center.  You go to that space where you are supposed to be.

  • Are you part of a Star System?
  • Are you part of the Heavens?
  • Are you dark as the Sky?
  • Are your bright as the Sun?
  • Are you part of Planets?

Allow yourself to just focus within that as now we are going to have Meleriessee count from the 143rd to the 100th Level.  Allow yourself to access the Frequency.  There will be some Attunements in between.

143, 142, 141, 140 –

{{{ Divine Light Language Codes Voice Attunement }}} 

139, 138, 137, 136, 135, 134, 133 –

{{{ Divine Light Language Codes Voice Attunement }}} 

♫ Home is where I’m going.

{{{ Divine Light Language Codes Voice Attunement }}} 

132, 131, 130, 129, 128, 127 –

I feel the Essence of my energies being projected to where I should be.

{{{ Divine Light Language Codes Voice Attunement }}} 

128, 127, 126, 125, 124, 123, 122, 121, 120 –

{{{ Divine Light Language Codes Voice Attunement }}} 

♫ Stars, Creation of Light, everywhere.

♫ Planets, and Suns and Moons, all the beautiful Essences.

122, 121, 120, 119, 118, 117, 116, 115, 114, 113, 112, 111, 110 –

{{{ Divine Light Language Codes Voice Attunement }}} 

109, 108, 107, 106, 105, 104, 103, 102, 101, 100 –

You fully accessed your Formlessness.  Now you maybe several different forms, because you may have been in a place for many, many, many eons of time and you were guided to go to another place under deep training to create those energies.  Many of you helped to create Earth.  Many of you helped to create other beautiful planets.  Just feel that Power within you.

  • Do you have Sun Essence within you?
  • Do you have Moon Essence within you?
  • Do you have Star Essence?
  • Can you evolve Change?
  • Do you create Structure?

Whatever it is that is your special gift, you have it within you.  We now call upon the full Frequency of Light to be this activated.  Feel in your Solar Plexus the full activation to fully come within your entire Beingness as it becomes you.


{{{ Divine Light Language Codes Voice Attunement }}} 

Let It become you.  It is you.  Embrace It.  Fully Accept It.

So Mote It Be in the Light That We All Are.

I AM The Creative Source embracing you.

Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.

This is transcription is a small portion of the attunements we received in the 2nd class of  the Melchizedek Ascension Primer.  It also includes attements from the Archangels talking about our angelic heritage.  The full course is available for download with handouts which are very powerful and help a student of ascension to learn more about themselves.  Please click the link above to receive information on the course.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Is Earth A School ~ Lord Melchizedek

LordMelchizeek-WTC-1231Summer Ascension Series with Lord Melchizedek – Lesson 1

This is a partial transcription of our first class with Lord Melchizedek. 

When you are going through a deep healing process, you are purging.  You are moving things within the internalization of your Physical Body of what you have experienced on an Astral Level, an Etheric Level, a Mental Level (the Astral being the Emotional).  Those energies have a tendency of getting in a wheel of continual movement.  So you never get to see the particles that are necessary for you to stop, to fully stop and understand what it is that you need to look at.

I am giving you this material through Meleriessee today because I want you to acknowledge the particles of yourself; not to have you be overwhelmed by the information, but to take parts that you do understand and bring them into yourself and say “Okay this is helping me to create more of a basis of Who I AM.  It is allowing me to move further in my pathway; to accept myself in a completely different level than I have before.”

Understand this, as you have awakened and if you continue on the Mastery Pathway, and do the diligent work, then you are going to find that you are going to access new ideas.  You are going to access new parts of yourself every moment.  It is always going to be a continual process of learning.  This is what Earth is about.  It is a continual process of accepting new knowledges and information to come into a person’s psyche to help them understand more of themselves.  If an individual is not ready to move through that process, then they stay in that same space.  They are not allowing the treadmill to move forward.  They are not allowing themselves to learn more about themselves.  They are so afraid to look at whom they are, parts of themselves they are not going to like, or parts of themselves that they may like but not being able to access.  Then they stay stuck in that realm.  This is why we have unawakened individuals.

Every person upon this planet has the accessibility to be on this Mastery Pathway.  But the majority of those people are very small that will do so.  What we bring forth to you on this day, is to share with you what Lightworkers represent.  You represent bringing Light to the planet.  But as you are also bringing Light to the planet, it also represents your own internalization of healing that needs to be done.  You cannot bring in that Full Light if don’t have an accessibility to whom you were previously and all these timelines.  Many of you have had many hundreds of lifetimes.  That is why you are here now and awakening into Whom You Are and what you want to be.

The acceleration that is occurring within GAIA, within the planet, and the more Lightworkers that open up to that, then that acceleration is becoming closer.  The Ashtar Command and the Federation of Light are assisting in this process.  It is a surging of high electromagnetic energies that are coming into the planet to assist the planet to arise.  If an individual is not ready to accept that acceleration, they will cease to exist on this planet, or they will go to another place.

Just like Meleriessee was sharing earlier that Earth is a planet of “Free Will”.  Other planets do not have that “Free Will”.  Right now, the planet of Earth is “Free Will”, but that “Free Will” has to be of moving to a higher state of existence.  This means that many souls will choose not to exist on this level.

Due to the work that has been done by so many of you and many others in the process for the last 15 years, this planet is able to hold its’ own within that Acceleration.  Previously, 5 years ago, that would not have been possible.  We were moving to a separation stage as what happened with Sirius (Sirius A and B separated).  This is why Earth is looked at so diligently and so intensely.  This is the planet to be on for Mastery.  This is the planet to be on for Acceleration.  This is the planet to be on for Light.  But what happens within those phases, when those souls awaken into that space, they are so dead set on what they know and what they what to bring forth that the physical body takes over with the lower ego.  It is just part of that process.  The human conditioning that occurs, causes an injunction (a crossroads), where that lower ego has a tendency to take over.  When that does, that’s when the darker forces will step in.  So this is what has to occur.  You have to allow the green light; to look at yourself diligently every day; to allow yourself to know more of yourself deeply; to accept yourself even when you don’t like yourself.  Those are the most important aspects that I can bring forth in this moment for the foundation that we are looking at.

Each of you is probably either within the 2nd or 3rd Initiation at this point.  You haven’t moved further into those higher Initiations or you are striving to move higher into those higher initiations.  You can only tell by yourself.  I can tell you.  But having someone else tell you where you are at is just a Guideline as what I shared through Meleriessee.  This is very, very important for each of you to realize.  That each of you knows what you are going through.  Each of you understand what it is you are experiencing through your Mental level; trying to access the Higher Mind and having a difficult part of it.  Relax into it.  Surrender!  Surrender!  Surrender!  It is the only process.  The more that you fight it, the more difficult the struggle is going to become; because as you do that, the Mental Mind is struggling.  What we need to help you with is to try to balance out the energies so that they are the same and they are not different.

It is like looking at a person that you meet.  You look at that person and you really acknowledge that person.  You look and see some beautiful qualities within that person.  Then you look at yourself and you see some beautiful qualities within yourself.  Is there a competition that occurs?  It shouldn’t.

It is the same thing with your Masculine and Feminine Divine.  They need to work together.  It’s the same as having a Divine Love Complement come into your world as Meleriessee and Mike have done within themselves.  They both had to surrender to each other.  That is the process that has to happen.

You are no longer an individual self as your Physical Body is no longer an individual self.  It has to come forth within the Emotional Body, within the Mental Body, to allow that Spiritual Body to be accessed; to allow the Higher Self.  That is the goal.  That is just the beginning.  Once you allow your Higher Self to come in, then you work to access your Monad.  Your Higher Self moves into the Monad which then allows you to access your Soul’s Essence within the physical vehicle.  Then eventually, through the many Initiations through the process, you start to access your I AM Presence.  These are the processes that happen for you.

It is important for you to checklist yourself every week.

Checklist yourself and ask ~

  • How am I doing this week?
  • How do I need to assist myself?
  • It doesn’t mean you have to work harder.  It’s like having a staff meeting.
  • Let’s have a staff meeting with the Masculine and the Feminine –
  • How are we doing today?
  • Is my Higher Self coming in as much as I would like?
  • If it’s not, what tools work best for you?

Truly use the ones that work best.  Add some little specifics that you learned from other meditations; maybe things that Meleriessee brings through, different things that she does.  Everything time, she does it a little bit differently.

That’s how you build.  You are building a foundation.  You have awakened.  You are past that 1st Initiation.  You have already gone through the Hall of Ignorance.  You have gone through all those Halls that say you are no longer that 3rd dimensional person.  You don’t want to be that 3rd dimensional person.

So you move into the next phase.  If you could see it as a stage, each level comes up higher.  As you go up higher, you could see your ascension.  If I was to describe it, it would be like an octagonal platform which is the 1st Initiation.  Then when you get to the top, that platform is set.  Then you are standing on the next Initiation.

The 2nd Initiation is working within your Emotional Body to allow your Feminine Divine to come fully within you, whether you are male or female.  Gender has nothing to do with this.  It is not a projection outside your body.  It is how you feel about yourself, how you bring forth that actualization of that Emotional Body within you.

Then the next level, the 3rd initiation, would be the Mental Body; to allow the Mental Body to relax so your Higher Mind, the Concrete Mind, not who you thought you were; and all the elements that are associated with all those lifetimes will come up.  But first, you have to work on this lifetime.  You have to work on your Inner-Child.  You have to allow that Child to be Whom You Are now.  You have to remove the debris.  You have to remove the parts of yourself that don’t work.  Then you have to work on your Etheric Body.  This all comes naturally.  It is not like you can say “Now I am going to work on my Etheric Body.”  It just comes up.  It just allows those energies.  Believe me through this process, you will still be working through many elements.

You want your foundation to be strong.  You don’t want it to crash.  If it is not strong enough, you know what happens, there’s a hole.  Then you fall down to the next level.

Remember there are 7 Sub-levels within each Initiation.  So every time you feel that you have walked through a doorway, that’s one of your 7 Sub-levels.  You walked through that level.  This is how you can start to acknowledge within yourself what you are doing.  Just connect with your Higher Presence through the process.   Allow yourself to be that being.  That’s going to assist you more than anything, and of course, the tools that Mel and Mike provide along with the De-Ascension Meditation, utilizing that continually – any of these meditations like we have been doing, these activations.  You can listen to the Wesak Activation again to help you through that process even though the Wesak energies have already been experienced.  It doesn’t matter.  These activations will assist you through that process.  Make a list of what tools really work for you and what tools don’t.  The tools that don’t assist you, discard them.  Allow them to be part of your past just as you would do anything else.  Assist yourself on a much deeper level.   Go into your Core.  Allow yourself to breathe into your Heart.

Lord Melchizedek At Your Service

The Lord Melchizedek Ascension Series Primer is available for you to study on your own.  This is a very powerful course which includes deep meditations with Divine Light Language Code Attunements, and will take you deeper into the pathway of Soul Psychology.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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portal light




Join us for a special communication with Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command of the Galactic Federation of Light on the discussion of our weather patterns within the Earth.

We will be working with the Ashtar Command to assist in the weather patterns with each of our locations. We all know that we are being affected by the weather adversely and working with our Star Brothers and Sisters in the Light will assist each of us.

We hope you will join us. Being part of the live call is very important ♥


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©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

Master Kuthumi ~ The Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom

golden white lightLove and Wisdom ~ What does that truly mean?

Master Kuthumi shared a special meditation within the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  The following is his explanation of the Golden Ray and what it means to humanity.

If we look at it in Earth terms, it can become quite confusing.  But in the truth no matter, what it brings forth to each of us through these essences of the Golden Yellow flame of the cosmic energies is coming into the focus of Mastery.

Stepping into a world that allows the alignment of many frequencies of Light to become one is the true essence of Love.   Understanding that the source of Light that you are is the source of all our Light but yet you are a small fragmentation of this Light to be manifested within your physical existence.  If you allow your lower mind to think about how this is achieved, then it becomes overwhelming and then the lower ego can come into place; but if you  really feel it from this highest essence as you breathe deeply and feel the magnificent beautiful energies that are within this Temple, that is your true wisdom.  That is how you acknowledge what it is you already know.

This is not from all the life times of Lemuria and Atlantis and all of those in-between but your truest wisdom form the source of Light that you are which encompasses the I AM Presence.  So that brings in all the 144th soul personalities which are those different aspects that you are part of and that are part of other beings.

Breathe deeply and now feel the essence of the Golden Yellow flame to permeate into your lower mind.  The illumination comes from your Higher Mind to fully perceive the events you are trying to ascertain and put them into the higher perspective, not the lower source coming from your ego.

We stand by with this essence to assist each of you to go deeper into your consciousness as that is our Divine Right in Oneness.

I AM Master Kuthumi, at your service.

Channel:  Rev. Meleriessee, Clarion Temple of Oneness, January 13th, 2014, MP3 is available for download purchase by clicking this link.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Staying Focused in Each Moment ~ Lord Adama’s Discourse for 2014

water sereneHappy New Year to each of you.

2014 will truly represent to each of you the power of your consciousness and how to work within the framework of what you have been trying to achieve through 2013.

This is Lord Adama speaking from the Telosian Command Center.  I am deeply honored to connect with each of you on this fine day.  I want to share thoughts through this year that will help you to acknowledge what you have already been trying to achieve within your physical consciousness.  Focus is the name of the game for 2014, and it is important to continually understand what that may mean for each of you in different moments.

2013 represented a year of extreme highs and lows that would take every soul in a direction towards their own higher essence.  We experienced the beautiful effects of each of the powerful planetary events to help accelerate GAIA and each of you.  As you stand as the Torch Bearers to the New Earth, it is important for you to realize the importance of your own self-worth while learning to project it unto the world.  We all want to be within Oneness, but it must start within your own individual self’s.  This is an element that sometimes can be forgotten as you go through the experience of being human within the 4th dimensional world.

Yes, I say 4th dimension because the planet is still in the state of change to move into a higher consciousness.  You may be accessing a 5th dimensional body at certain times or stepping within your consciousness beyond that existence, but GAIA has not achieved these results so we must take each step as it comes within us and not jump too quickly.  This is exactly what happened in Atlantis and Lemuria as the prophecies became available individuals moved like lightning to create it.  They received the opposite effect which caused the destruction of these continents.

We must look to the consciousness of the world and how it is still very much in a sad state of affairs.  The Lightworker community is still at a minority so it is each of your job’s to stay focused within your own self reality.  When you meditate into the higher realms, you feel the blissfulness and beauty of your soul’s essence.  You want that to be your true self but it cannot happen automatically.  Some souls that are very gifted may have the opinion that they do not need to do any more work; they have just arrived on the planet to help others.  We must realize that if you have chosen to arrive on the upper earth at this time, that there are timelines that need to be healed.  They may not be of the earth’s timelines but they are from other planetary systems.

Through this process each of you are learning more about yourself so that you can help humanity to move into the 5th dimensional arena of light.  We have a lot of work to do and this year it is important to fully take inventory within yourself in a moment-by-moment basis.  This is why I concentrate on the word “Focus”.

We stepped into 2014 very excited about the prospects of the light frequency coming into the planet.  Many individuals are feeling the portals of light that are being accessed into GAIA presently.  This is to help these souls to feel more of their I AM Presence than they have before.  But it is also very important to sit back and reflect within the four-body system what this light is doing to you and for you.  The portals are being activated to help individuals to feel their true essence.  It needs to come within your four-body system to help heal parts that are still out of alignment.  As an initiate of Mastery, the levels of acceleration works through Initiation first, then the Activation stage is experienced (which was 2013), and then Actualization.  This process is for all elements that you are incorporating:  higher rays, higher chakras, initiations, light body acceleration, healing of the emotional and mental bodies, and many more areas.

We have to remember that just because we have arrived in 2014 does not mean that the Light is fully here.  We are in the next stage of the process and each individual will feel it differently depending upon their initiations and grounding the energies.  If you are living in your upper chakras, then you are only feeling a part of the frequencies.  They must be grounded into the lower chakras through the Earth Star.

So again, I speak about “Focus”.  Each moment will be different for each of you and it is imperative to understand what you are experiencing through the initiations, activating the portal of light, so that it can be fully grounded within you.  Your Higher Mind needs to be accessed within this process of Light.  If you are still dealing with lower frequencies, then your Higher Self is not the guiding energies.  You are being controlled by your Lower Self.

All of this is important because what happens during the accelerations is that we receive a heightened awareness within all the senses.  Sometimes we can be tricked to think that we are higher than we are due to the lower ego still being in control of the senses.  We constantly have to take moments of reflection and see where the feeling is coming from in order to fully access our I AM Presence through the process.  We cannot do so until the Higher Self is fully activated within the four body system.  Then we are able to access the higher bodies of Light.

My goal in sharing this information is to help you understand the process that we are all undergoing with the acceleration of GAIA in our existence.  Each step is important, and we must be fully aware of all the elements we are dealing with.  This is why it is important to understand your own energies from the perspective of your lower self and higher self.  Do not be fooled by something that is shown to you as it may not be your true reflection.  Delve deeply within your own essence each day to see where your focus should be in those particular moments.  Allow yourself to be within the silence.

As you understand what you are receiving, then expand it out of your awareness into GAIA.  Allow your field to expand way beyond of where it is now.  This is how we are going to make the necessary changes in the planetary fields for others to receive.  Each step of 2014 will take us into deeper levels so it is important not to get too far ahead of ourselves in the process.  This will only cause the energies around us to expand in a very dysfunctional way which is what the Earth has experienced since the sinking of Atlantis and Lemuria.

Breathe deeply, utilize the Rays of God to expand those essences within you, and then allow them to flow through you like a beautiful breeze on a mountaintop.  It is always important to understand your inner self and what you are projecting outwards to the world as there may be something that you are sending out that still needs healing within yourself.

Walking as a Telosian takes great diligence and foresight of whom we are within ourselves.  We share this knowledge to assist each of you as it is an important facet of creating the New Earth.

We walk with each of you in beauty and grace.

In Divine Essence, I AM Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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