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As an Initiate it is very important to be aware of all the Ascension Quotients as they are the most important part of your role for individual Mastery. Each of the first seven quotients: Love, Light, Transcendence of the Negative Ego, Christ Consciousness, Initiations, Service, Spiritual Leadership to the Self, are directly related to the most important quotient of all, the eighth of the Psychological Wisdom Quotient.

Every forward step you make through your consciousness into raising each quotient is directly related to your Subconscious Mind and how it acts or reacts through your Emotional, Mental, and Etheric Selves, all resulting in your advancement upward in consciousness.

Many spiritually awakened souls may not even consider the importance of these Ascension quotients, but they are entirely connected to the Initiate’s pathway as to how well that individual, as a soul living in a body, steps into the world of Mastery.

The quotients are a connection to the Divine Mind and the I Am Presence with a very special way of walking the Mastery Pathway in body. It is a process of Integrating the Higher Mind into the psychological self as it allows for the awareness of an Initiate to know more about themselves spiritually. Physically, as each quotient increases into the percentage range from 80% to 100%, the Psychological Wisdom Quotient then holds the role to anchor the new self.

Many lightworkers are not concerned with their Psychological Wisdom as the common focus is only the Love and Light quotients. While technically it is not necessary to increase the Psychological Wisdom quotient for the ascension process to occur, it is required to attain the frequency of consciousness in the physical vehicle that comes with being a living Ascended Master. One’s Psychological Wisdom is the quotient that will help you as a soul to transcend the many timeless and lifetimes in which you are holding the lower energies within your Subconscious Mind.

Doing so is how an Initiate walks through the many challenging doorways of the Initiations. It must be experienced within the totality of the four-body system (Physical-Etheric-Emotional-Mental), as without transcending the lower energies or thoughts, you as a soul will have to repeat the process of learning over again either in this lifetime or a future one.

In planetary percentages, the vast majority of souls today on earth who are aware of and pursuing ascension begin in the first initiation and many have moved into the second. Some rarer souls are in the third, yet on the whole very few have surpassed the fourth or fifth. As an Initiate, without increasing the Psychological Wisdom Quotient, one will not be able to ascend beyond the 7th Initiation. It’s an essential part of the role of Mastery, that of fully knowing yourself within a true awareness and facilitation within the energies of your four-body system.

This directly relates to the Etheric Self and the Chakra System which holds all of the timelines (moments in present or past lives) that have not been healed and put into wholeness. It is necessary to be able to fully hold the Seven Rays of God within each of the chakras as they specifically assist to help with transcending the lower energies; thereby allowing the higher thought process or emotion to be held within the four-body system such that the Subconscious Mind becomes more of the Super Conscious of the Higher Self Mind.

The other part of the equation within the Psychological Wisdom Quotient is to realize consciously the moments in time when you have released the lower issue or element, and then acquired the ability to access the more positive actions within you. This means you are allowing yourself to incorporate Self-Love which directly relates to your Love Quotient which thereby increases your Light Quotient.

Some examples of the energies of the typical human self personality of the Lower Self are loneliness, insecurity, depression, anxiety, jealousy, worry, arrogance, self-criticism, selfishness, manipulation, etc. To name just a few characterizations, the Higher Self or Centered Self represents confidence, unconditional love, self-worth, patience, discipline, faith, humbleness, humility, assertiveness, compassion, self-love and forgiveness.

All of these Lower Self elements are held within the Etheric Body which is the vehicle that has traveled with you from lifetime-to-lifetime. Once you incarnate again into a living vehicle, the Etheric Body (consisting of the energies of all your travels in the physical) reemerges with you. You do not start over as a new soul. Understanding this truth of our humanity is the main reason why it is imperative to work within your chakra system (as the chakras are in the etheric body not your physical body). The most effective method is using the Rays of God to assist in transmuting and transforming the lower elements to become more of the higher essence.

The last part of the equation for the Psychological Wisdom is to be aware when you heal the lower aspects into a more balanced state. This is the proverbial “moment of wisdom being gained”. It can be a moment of revelation within yourself that you are not acting in a certain way any longer; the feeling you have within yourself becomes more centered with a higher purpose. A very important element within the Psychological Wisdom is to realize the change you have made so the new reality of who you are becomes part of your Subconscious Mind. Understanding the process consciously is a very important quality to hold within you.

The most important quotients that help in increasing your Psychological Wisdom Quotient are Love and Light.

When you are able to increase the amount of Divine Love within your consciousness on a daily 24-hour basis, it is then that you will increase your Psychological Wisdom. Your Light Body is directly affected with the quotient representing your Light Body.

We have to remember that most individuals coming into this planet have a Love and/or Light Quotient of less than 5%. It has nothing to do with how you feel about others; many individuals that are more aligned with helping others, usually are not very good about helping themselves. It is part of the dysfunction that we live in on Earth. That is why Inner Child work can be very challenging as sometimes it is easier to care for others than ourselves.

The Psychological Wisdom Quotient comes into play with every dysfunction that you may have felt in your life. Until you are able to fully accept that you can change within your subconsciousness, then the issues will still be there.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a Mastery Class on “How to Increase your Psychological Wisdom Quotient” on Saturday, September 28th, at 10 AM Pacific. The class can be enrolled in to attend live by audio conferencing (online/by phone) or to receive as an audio recording (mp3 format).

Lord Melchizedek, the Father of Ascension Mastery and Initiations will be sharing his wisdom on how important it is to work through your Psychological Wisdom Quotient and how it directly relates to the other Quotients.

Lord Saint Germain speaks on “How to Utilize the Rays of God” representing the first seven (there are 22 Rays to the 5th dimensional chakra grid) to assist in transforming the lower self. They are: Will and Power (Deep Blue), Love and Wisdom (Golden Yellow), Creative Actualization (Deep Pink), Harmony and Balance Removing Conflict (Crystalline), Science of the Divine Mind of God (Green-Golden/White), Inner Devotion (Ruby Red/Golden Light), and Ceremonial Structure and Magic (Violet/Purple). The Ascended Master Lord Saint Germain, who is the Mahachohan of the Seven Flames, also provides a Q and A session for those in live attendance.

Special Guest: Master Godfre’ Ray King (known as Guy Ballard of the I AM Foundation) will be assisting us in learning how to access the Divinity of the I AM along with sharing his story of being an Initiate walking into Mastery.

Included: Beginning Meditation of the Seven Rays of God into the 3rd Dimensional Chakras; an Ending Journey of Remembrance with Master Godfre.

Class is open to anyone. Duration is approximately 2.5 hours but may run longer due to the specific energies being transmitted. Using the www.Ascend.Earth materials prior to the day of the class will assist greatly. Class is audio only to assist in participants focusing on the higher frequencies being transmitted.

For ENROLLMENT we use the 100% secure PayPal payment system which is free for you to join. Credit and Debit cards are accepted. Please use a desktop computer to enroll so that you can be redirected to the private class access instructions and handout after making your exchange. (Redirection after enrollment does not work well for mobile phones). Please make sure your email is up to date and correct in PayPal. After the class, the event audio recording is usually posted to the link in the instructions within a few hours, but may take up to 2 business days if editing is required.




(If you enjoyed this article and are not enrolling, please consider offering a donation to support these energies and higher understandings of the process of true Ascension Mastery. Public gifts and ongoing donations are essential for this work to reach more individuals. Using the donate links does not enroll you in the class.)

Discovering the Psychology of the Soul

Walking Terra Christa Soul Psychology Primer

In this Teaching Series we step into the Shadow Self of the Lower Mental Mind and Worldly Emotional Self to reveal the parts that no longer serve the Creation of a New Earth. It all must begin from deep within Our Psyche of the Psychological Self.

Igniting from Within

How can we know what we do not already know?

Where does enlightenment of the self come from?

If we could change who we are from the place we are already, then there would be no need for teachers and wisdom keepers. There would be no need to discover How to create the New Earth as Terra Christa would already be here. The world would be that Divine Expression of the Collective Love that is the 5th Dimension. Instead of seeking the knowledge of Ascended Masters, we would Be the Ascended Masters.

What many do not notice is that in a 3rd/4th Dimensional creation, their can be very little true understanding of the self. The very construct of that dimensional frequency requires a firmly established foundation in both illusions and falsehoods such that most issues, problems and conflicts must be due to some cause outside the self.

The Master is the One who sees All Things as first being found Within.

The process must be ignited from the Higher Mind and Heart, and then used to illuminate the shadow self so that issues, events and circumstances can be seen for what they are, as not originating from the programmed consciousness of the personality self, and transformed into the Unified Wholeness of the Cosmic Source of Oneness that we are. By doing so, each of us can then learn to do the same within our very physicality upon the earth opening the doorways to co-create Terra Christa, the New Earth.

Join us as we receive unique teachings, with Lord Adama & Lady Galactcia hosting classes in the Lemurian Retreat House of Telos, as taught by Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, Master Djwal Khul, Master Joshua (Dr. Joshua David Stone) and other members of the Walking Terra Christa Spiritual Board of Directors to truly assist us to Uncover what we do not know by using the tools of the Higher Heart and Higher Mind, to uncover the pathway of discover for the Enlightened Self.

Deserving Clarity

Each soul upon Gaia deserves Divine Clarity. However, attainment is not given to the seeker by a wave of the magic wand. Each soul must earnestly seek the tools that uncover the steps, as if climbing a mountainous stairway one by one. If Enlightenment of the Self did not require personal diligence and earnest conditioning, all would already have attained it. Yet just because the 3d/4d culture does not teach the tools, it does not mean they do not exists.

Now is the time to stop seeking outside the self in the 3rd/4th dimension for Divine Guidance. We teach you how to Begin the Journey Within so that you can find your own guidance. It all starts with discovering you are not who you think you are.

These transformational classes are being given in service to each participant and to Gaia. The information and energies provided are equal to receiving several in depth accelerated counseling sessions, instead they are provided here in a much more economically affordable format. Please take advantage of the power of these teachings and share the opportunity to enroll with your like minded friends.

Course handouts are included.

PART 1. (Now Available for Download in MP3 Audio format)

The One Tool to Use: Integration of the Spiritual Body to Transform the Psychological Self within the Physical Body – This is the first lesson in learning to actualize within the DeAscension process. After Rev. Meleriessee and Rev. Aranathanara give the lecture section, we have an introduction from Lord Adama as we enjoy the Lemurian Retreat House energies. Lord Melchizedek and Master Djwal Khul give us a practical tool to use for any/all moments of lower negative thoughts, emotions or fear based conditioning. Practicing this one tool, if you do not use any other tool, will assist each person greatly. (approx. 90 to 120 minutes)

Owning Our Personal Power” – With Lord Adama & Lady Galactcia hosting this class in the Lemurian Retreat House, we hear from Lord Melchizedek and Master Joshua (Dr. Stone) in an in depth study of the elements of understanding the three minds and how they relate to holding onto or giving away our personal power. The spokesbeings for the Blue Ray including Master El Morya, Hercules & Amazonia, AA Michael & Faith and the Elders jointly assist the teachings.
(approx. 90 to 120 minutes)



Please join us live in person for the PART 2 classes whenever you can make it a priority:

July 30 – Wednesday @ 5 PM Pacific / 8 PM Eastern

August 6 – Wednesday @ 4:30 PM / 7:30 PM Eastern

August 13 – Wednesday @ 4:30 PM / 7:30 PM Eastern


Chose Your Financial Means Level

*Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery Students Enrolled as of June 1st, 2014 receive this Series as part of the Academy teachings at no additional exchange.

Introduction to Inner Child Enlightenment – Free Audio Mastery Class

child adult hands 299x263

Introduction Class Audio MP3

Right Click to Download the Audio MP3 file

In the Introduction Class we discuss the elements of the teaching series and begin with an introduction to the Archetypes (or roles) that we can take on as a child into adulthood to protect ourselves emotionally and mentally. These roles directly shape the present condition of our physicality via those imbalanced or incomplete Emotional and Mental Bodies. Includes a visualization to connect with your inner child to find out their age presently. One must begin to start a dialogue with him or her which is the first stage of opening up the doorway to a healthy psychological self.

Master Djwhal Khul is joining us along with Master Joshua (David Stone) to assist individuals to understand the process of accepting the Inner Child to create emotional balance within the four-body system.

*We are suggesting a donation of Any Amount be offered as a demonstration of your appreciation for this Introductory Teaching Meditation Journey.
Paypal Donate________________________________________________________







In a unique and mind-body-spirit expanding 10-session event now available for Mp3 Audio Download, we experience a teaching forum where we etherically travel to the 5th Dimension itself. In the Lemurian Retreat House which is in the City of Telos, we gather with the Team of Light and Lord Adama. This exceptional course is ever poignant in what it teaches as no upper earth being fully understands what they need to acquire to Walk as a 5th Dimensional Human.

THE TELOSIAN WAY OF BEING is the one course that instructs you on the intricacies of releasing what you have learned in the 3rd Dimension so that you can discover exactly what you need to Master to get to the 5th.


What Will 2013 Hold For Us?

2012 was called the end of the cycle.  What will the new cycle hold for us? It will be very different – but only if you are seeking it to be so.  For those who do not seek it…it will still be different but not in the way they expect.


Manual Override is the watchword for 2013

“If you knew the places you will go and the things you will see” to paraphrase Theodor Geisel who wrote under the name “Dr. Suess” to generations of children who could all have become Lightworkers had they remained tuned into his messages, 2013 would by any accounts be the year for which you would want to reserve that phrase.

The thing is though, you won’t automatically get to participate in the events and energies that can be accessed until you fully understand that they can be accessed. It is kind of a chicken or egg scenario…which comes first?

Oh yes, I know everyone is talking about the grand waves of light that are now birthed upon our planet. I am well aware of the frequency shift and the changing of the old into the new. For as certain as you are reading these words such events are true. 12-21-2012 was indeed a real occurrence…your world did change.

Personally my life, as I have indicated in my prior writings, is very different that it was only a year ago, let alone two years ago. Metaphorically speaking I have traveled a great distance in a very short amount of time. And I can assure you, what can occur for you is going to be nothing less than miraculous.

And allow me to just as confidently assure you…if you do not step up to the plate as confidently as you are able…you will miss out on some wonderful potentialities that will indeed pass you by.

Why? Because it is not enough to just “BE” who you were if you want to fully embrace who you can now be. In fact, it is essential that you take a very active role in recreating yourself.

The good news is that your role in that recreation is really just to surrender to letting go of the aspects of your very own personality that no longer fit the resonance of those new frequencies of Light that are now flooding down upon you.  You do not have to do the “filling up” of that Light, you only have to release and create the space.

What does this mean exactly?

It means that every time you now encounter a situation, be it a conversation with someone else, an interaction with an individual or group, a feeling or a thought you have within yourself…you now must pay attention to that encounter.  You must not allow the habits of your own mind, your own personality to simple engage within the frame of that encounter just as it always did.  It is now time to re-think, re-feel, re-experience that singular moment of time that you find yourself within.

Are you simply reacting to age old patterns within the record groves of magnetic data storages of your brain? Are you just playing out one of the well worn roles that you have so carefully perfected such that you can simply run on auto-pilot?

It is truly now the moment of your life when you need to disconnect the autopilot function completely and start operating on manual override.

For it is within the act of being fully present, manually operating your own feelings, thoughts and emotions that you will be able to stop, look, and listen to the signals and signs around you that will lead you to experiencing the first year of the Golden Era as a level that brings you the highest experience of Joy, Balance and Peace in a very real manner, not just as phrases, but as a deep vibrational awareness in your own body.

Yet in order to do this you must rid yourself of all the rote programmings, mental and emotional habits that you have so carefully relied upon to get you through each day. You have diligently used these tools to keep you balanced and secure in a very unbalanced and unsecure world.

But it is now 2013, and that old world of un-security, of un-balance, of “un” everything…is gone. And you now need to allow it to go…gracefully…because if you hold on to it, it will seem as if it never left.

That is how powerful you are. You can make the illusion stick around just as if nothing ever happened.

And that is why you just might miss out on what can happen to you this year.

It really is a whole new game….but only if you are playing a whole new game.

In Light,


P.S. For a “higher” perspective on how this all works from a soul psychology perspective, read this weeks “Frequency Update“.
Mike Hayden now works and lives in Mt. Shasta, CA with his beloved, a pure channel of the Spiritual Hierarchy, Rev. Christine Meleriessee. They are co-founders of Walking Terra Christa, the premier Ascension Science and Soul Psychology site for 5D Body Healing and Attunement integrating and expanding upon the work of Dr. Joshua David Stone, offering advanced teachings and courses regarding mastering the light of the 22 Rays of God just as the Masters did so that you can become a true Master upon Gaia.  Included in their services are weekly group tele-calls and personal sessions with the Ascended Masters, Lady Masters and the Hierarchy, including specialized coaching for the serious initiate. Visit them at or on Facebook to say hello:

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