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Welcome to the Tides of March ~ New Earth Frequency Update

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We are the Unified Whole Command of The Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein to bring forth our Divine Guidance to each of you in hopes to assist you in the planetary changes that are currently happening.

Welcome to the Tides of March.

Are you going to ride with the current and allow the changes to come or will you fight against the energies that are presently being presented to the Earth?

These are very important questions to ponder as this month is going to be bringing much upheaval and change within the world as you know it presently.

In the present moment the New Moon has arrived with a Solar Eclipse, then the Vernal Equinox occurs, with the onset of the Full Moon of Libra within Aires with a Lunar Eclipse. With the Full Moon energies we of the Spiritual Hierarchy and many of you upon the earth celebrate the Festival of the Christ, the first ascension festival to be acknowledged in the coming months.

Those events on their own are quite powerful but the propulsion of these energies in the combined forces is going to set a new precedence of light to be entered within Gaia’s Core Essence. Each of these elements of Light Forces will bring about change in a new and different way. The planet still being in duality is coming into a phase of what feels right, what thoughts bring about the change, and how do we move into the next step of our evolution.

Each soul upon the Earth has a divine moment to make magnificent changes within their own reality. The choice is up to each person individually, but the hope is that more will join forces of the Light. As more light infractions come surging into Gaia, each of you holding your own frequency is going to be effected in various ways.

The Solar Eclipse with the New Moon energies will allow for each person’s Higher Essence to become more apparent within the dream state, first and foremost.

This awareness can come into the physical body if each individual is ready to accept the potentiality of what is occurring. Our hope is that many will arise to the occasion but it depends on the free will of the physical self. Each person has the capability to receive more and be more within their own consciousness but it takes great responsibility to step into this world of unity.

We all know that a new moon represents the time of great beginnings. What, if in fact, that beginning is so large that the consciousness of the world will increase in proportions that are beyond our wildest imaginations?

The truth of the matter is that this world is changing but not in leaps and bounds as we would like to hope. There is still great duality within many individuals and upon the planet. The darkness has been so great that it is a challenge just to understand the enormity of what could be occurring within the existence of this Earth.

Many times during these planetary shifts so many individuals are able to feel the potential of change within them, but are not able to hold it within their full body structure. This is due to all of the debris that still lives within the planet. The only way that this old energy can be transformed is by the pure essence of Light to be expanded within and around the core.

The energy exchanges that are going to be occurring this month is momentous in the fact that the intensity of the light will be exponentially in greater proportions than it ever has been before. And, it does not stop there ~ each month it will become increasingly more powerful in various ways.

That is why each of you are so very important as you bring to the Earth what every soul desires to have in their possession ~ our Divine Light embodied within the physical vehicle. You will be tested through this process, as it is important to hold this intensity of frequency within your physical vehicle. All that you have been doing in the past is now going to be your guidepost of how you can handle the higher energies that are increasing towards Gaia. Otherwise, it cannot be held within her Consciousness or Auric Field.

You are the Ones that need to fully ground as much of the higher light frequencies coming in as possible. It does not matter where you exist in the chain of ascension mastery; each of you will be going through many levels of awareness that you will need to address within your Emotional and Mental bodies. You are becoming so much more than you ever thought you could be as it has never been achieved in any other timeline of this planet.

Starting with the energies of the Solar Eclipse and New Moon there will be great opportunity to manifest your dreams into your reality as the doorway is being opened through the Great Central Sun for these essences to be ignited into your lifeline upon the Earth. It is important to pay close attention to your dreams as they may be telling you more than you realize.

It is a time in which you can right your karma immediately, but you must pay close attention in how you go about doing so. Forgiveness is a key element and learning to have a focus of your dreams is an important quality at this time.

Floundering and thinking that these energies are going to just take care of you is the wrong thought process to be sending out into the Universe.

Taking time to understand what you desire deeply from your Higher Essence, not the physical self will then allow the energy of the Water and the Wind to carry you there. This takes great trust within your Heart to realize that you, as the physical being you are, may not have full command of your actions in the way that you are used to doing so.

It is imperative to have complete command of your Higher Self. The incoming energies demand it to be. The New Moon is just a beginning as there is an ending of what has occurred previously. You may take with you some elements of the old that could still be working for you, but the majority of those elements will be dissipated through deep reverence of what you are experiencing. It is a time of Grace to flow within your heart as you see the changes enfolding within your life.

As we move through the month, you will take what you have acquired and apply it in a different manner. You will be able to ground more of what you have desired into the ability to see more opportunities of your growth enfolding within your world.

The Vernal Equinox will be a time of great celebration as you look back on the previous cycle of the season to be ignited with joy and understanding of what you have endured. Have gratitude for the challenges that you have faced as they have helped you to become who you are presently. These changes are absolutely imperative at this time.

Around the world the energies will be different. The Northern Hemisphere will experience new growth appearing and the Southern Hemisphere will see the fruit of their labors to be birthed. It is a beautiful time in which change will appear and you will be able to feel the difference from the previous period.

The Full Moon of March 23rd with a Lunar Eclipse is when a true process of grounding takes effect. The energy from the beginning of the month will continue its progression to allow the seeds that have been planted to start to come to its fruition. As long as each individual stays true to their Higher Heart from the Source of Oneness that they are, then the tides of true Peace will start to be felt.

This is when the true testing is actually going to take place as it will be up to each of you to hold within your heart the strength and courage to continue on the journey of the Light. The world still needs deep acceptance of this Light and many individuals will test this time. Your beacon of light is extremely important and it must come through yourself, first and foremost.

It is a time to truly go deeper within your own core essence in order to hold the same frequency that Gaia needs to sustain herself. Everything that has occurred at this time needs to be grounded unto the Earth. It will be up to each of you to hold up your end of the bargain.

This means that you will go through an internal cleansing program through your four-body system. Luckily, you have a lot of help at this time, which is not just from the planetary changes, but it is the Festival of the Christ. This ascension festival occurs in Divine Timing as it represents the resurrection of the old energies to be completely removed in order for each Initiate, Student, and Master of Ascension to clear away the elements that cannot be held within the system for the phases of Wesak which occur in the following month.

The Festival of the Christ represents the Blue Flame of Will and Courage. It is a time to uphold all of the powers of the Light to step forward into the unknown and accept your destiny.

This moon can truly represents peace, which is something everyone wants to experience upon this planet, but the other forces from the light truly want the opposite. So it is a great testing ground for each of you at this time. The work that you do within yourself will make or break this element to be infused within Gaia’s essence.

We knew that this year would represent the Universal Laws and they are starting to come into place. Every one of you is very important to the status of the earth and each of you is important to us. It is a time of great power and strength to be able to uphold these energies deeply and with reverence. We are in a very important battle of Light. The difference with this battle is to allow the energies to assist you to get to your next destination. It is a time to ride the waves of the Light and feel the blessing of the Wind taking you there. The only weapons that you need to have is your own Light, of your I AM Presence and Higher Self to be your guide.

When you state that you are part of the Ascended Master State of Consciousness, you then become an Integrated Being of Light from the Source of Oneness. There is nothing that can interfere or impede your progress. That power alone has the most magnificence.

We see great things that are possible. So many events that could change the course of this world are contingent on the present energies that you will be experiencing. Please remember this when you are feeling the frequencies of light to come within you and it feels uncomfortable or unsure. Utilize your tools with the Rays of God to assist you in creating a balance, find out what is coming up for you, use your Physical Mind with your Divine Mind to change those thoughts into a positive affirmation and you will see great change within yourself.

It is our time together as we come into Unity upon this planet. There are so many Beings of Light that are assisting you so please know that you are not alone, not at all. Reach out to others and join hands of the most powerful frequencies of light coming into the planet. 2016 will truly bring about great change.

Thank you for being part of the change.

In blessings and love,

We are the Unified Whole Command of The Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein at your service of the 144th dimensional frequency of Light.

So Mote It Be; Let It Be So

Integrated Channel:   Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

If you would like to receive assistance with incorporating the energies of March, Walking Terra Christa is hosting their Law of Universe series.  Our present teachings include the Law Of Action with Master Thoth and Master Paul the Venetian, the Chohan for the 3rd Ray of the Pink Flame.  Details are provided in the link above.

Walking Terra Christa will be facilitating the Festival of the Christ ceremony on Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016 at 4:30 PM Pacific with Master Djwhal Khul as our guide.  More information is available via  Please note this is an Public Global Teleconference Teaching which is provided as a service through your donations. Please use the link below to assist.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:



Be Like the Dancing Planets ~ Embrace your Rebirth


The Unified Whole Command brings forth their essence to share that the alignment of the Dancing Planets that occurred on January 20, 2016 represent our own alignment within the Physical through the Spiritual Self.

This alignment continues for 30 days and it brings a perfect opportunity to incorporate the changes that we desire.

Greetings My Dearest Comrades of the Light,

Welcome to 2016! How does it feel? The frequencies of light are ever changing in each day, hour, and minute. That is what you will be experiencing during this cycle of acceleration.

We are honored to communicate with each of you. We represent the Unified Whole Command of the 144th dimensional energies with Master Thoth, Master Einstein, and the Great Divine Director. Our role is to assist each of you in understanding the dynamics of the earth changes and how you may help yourself through the process of GREAT CHANGE.

We are so divinely excited to be able to walk with each of you through these changes and want to reiterate to you that we represent the Source of Light that each of you reside from – your True Beginning. So we ask you to take a breath and feel our energies as we expand our essence through the writings of our communication.

As the month of January as represented a new beginning within a new year, it can hold elements of anticipation as the energy starts to enfold. As we speak at this time, of the third quarter of the month, we see that there is great confusion but yet also an alignment of energy that is helping many of you to understand that it is all in Divine Order. If you can come to that realization, then you are on the right track. The Universal Laws will become more commonplace in your consciousness as the teachings of the old ways are becoming your Way of Being. That is truly what is starting to occur within this year, but with it comes great turbulence as some of the energies are going to fight against those teachings that truly come from the truth of the eternal self.

Let us take a look of what is happening energetically within the planetary system. On the 20th of this month there has been alignment between five of the planets within your solar system which will last for 30 days.   This is a testimony of what can be to occur but within the understanding of the planets in alignment there comes a period of re-growth.

As these planets are all working within the symmetry of the Earth, they are exhibiting a forceful bond between one another. Each of their essences brings forth a special understanding but the focus within the Solar System is to show that these elements are starting to come into alignment. What happens when this occurs is that whatever does not fit that connection of light, there will be conflicting energies that will result.

Let’s take a look at them:

Mercury of Communication and Understanding

Venus of Beauty and Harmony

Mars of Energy and Intuitiveness

Jupiter of Expansion and Belief of the Cosmos

Saturn of Being Fixated towards a Cause, a Reason for existence and in-depth study of the situation

Each of these planets represent a higher order of understanding as they bring forth the ability to look at life in a very positive experience. Saturn is the planet that is holding the energies for the rest of the planets. The cause brings a New Order of Life. Mercury brings forth the ability to communicate more clearly, Mars shares its essence of an energetic exchange through being very insightful; Jupiter shares its essence of expanding the concept and belief that there is more than is being shown presently as Venus is the harmonization of love and peace of all the elements coming together in Oneness.

If you take this explanation of what is happening around the earth and bring it forth into your own experience, we are sure that you would see that a new consciousness is being created.   Aren’t you changing in each moment of your creation? Each of these elements can be understood on a personal level and how to adjust how you are dealing with your life into accepting the New You.

The cause of your existence is changing; you are learning that the foundation you have had is now being reinforced with a sense of your higher self.

Just as Gaia is expanding through her consciousness all of humanity is doing the same. The difference is that part of humanity accepts the new way of understanding that life is changing for them. The other part is still cloaked in their darkness and cannot see the Light that they truly are – their source of existence.   The difference between the two is that one part of humanity is becoming enlightened of what they have not known and the other part is not awakened to the possibilities that are being presented.

As this alignment has occurred, it will create great change in the frequency of the Earth. There will be extreme conditions in the bodily functions. Remember, it is about experiencing the alignment but also to incorporate the changes in your four-body system. So there can be great revelations of what is occurring for you.

Those of you that are working through the first seven levels of your Planetary Ascension (which represents most all awakened beings) will find that your emotions can become very raw.   As the energy is changing, it is working through the Emotional and Mental bodies for them to become aligned within each other. Deep meditations or utilizing special healing tools will assist in the process. Your subconscious is being worked upon with issues you have been having. You may find that you are anxious in one moment and then very calm in another.   This is allowing you to move into the state of Divine Oneness. Utilize spiritual tools to help you become more focused with your Higher Self energies.

In both cases of the higher initiation levels and the lower, the physical body will be affected in many different ways. There may be periods of acute feelings within the physical body where there are weaknesses. It may feel like you are healing continuously through the issues you have been dealing with. Your sleep state can be erratic. One day you are wide-awake after three or four hours, and another you are sleeping continuously. On the days of being so awake, it is time to do the inner reflection, writing, connecting to the Ascended Master State of Consciousness.

Your light quotient can increase but it is up to each individual person to sustain it. Sometimes when this happens a person feels it is uncomfortable so they do things to try and push it away. Grounding these energies in through the Earth Star and restructuring your foundation is the most important way to deal with the inconsistencies.

This is because this awareness of the dimension frequencies is coming into alignment at this time.   Inter-dimensional travel is very acute and can happen in a moment’s notice. It is important to take time to process every emotion or thought that is coming into your awareness. Some moments may seem more challenging than others.

In any case this time is one of great reflection and each moment can be different than the other.   The important element is to become very accepting of what is happening for you and not to step into the world of uncertainty. Be one with your I AM Presence.

The moon energies of January and February will also reflect these changes. So it is imperative to be grounded with yourself, do your inner work, and understand your inner self, and less concerned with the outer self.   These suggestions will help you tremendously to get through these elements.

The most important element that we can share is that your stability must come from within as changes are occurring immensely within the planet and within your own energetic system.   Your Etheric bodies are becoming more acutely aware of what is happening in the emotional and mental bodies so the adjustment can be very challenging to say the least.

As we have said before, the main component will be your connection to your Spiritual Self as the changes will become more acute. Think of the alignment of the planets with Saturn representing your own foundation.  It is important to know what is your foundation, why you are guided to do certain tasks, and what the end result may mean for you. You don’t want to bring elements into alignment that are an opposite polarity of what you are trying to integrate within yourself.The remaining planets represent the different aspects of your psychological self to be put into wholeness.

Mercury is the communicator.  How do you communicate to others?

Mars is the key to how you perceive your own energies by allowing your intuitiveness to be your guide and not your Mental Mind.

While Jupiter allows for the expansion of your physical consciousness into the higher realms.

Venus brings the beauty and harmony that is important to expand out of your field into the world around you as you share the Love That You Are Becoming.

All you have to do is look at the weather patterns and see that Gaia is experiencing the same type of conditions within her full-body system. The extreme challenges that are occurring within the planet are resulting in high temperatures and then lower temperatures. High levels of precipitation is occurring as these elements are being focused into Gaia’s core essence. This is the see-saw effect that is happening within and around the planet. There will be areas of concern for individuals, and then there will be a feeling of peace in other places around the globe.

In order to fully actualize the Divine Laws of the Universe the laws have to be applied to the consciousness of humanity individually and collectively. So what happens within that process is that elements are disrupted due to not being in alignment with that initial concept of Oneness.

All that do not adhere to the acceptance of the Light will be revealed and changed.

This is exactly what is occurring at this time as the earth is moving in her evolution towards enlightenment. When a society moves from being very un-awakened to an awakening, it takes many moments of the creative process to be initiated. This is the process that you are all experiencing at this time.

Yes, there are great challenges, but each of you has a contract to be here, to experience it, and to see it flourish into a more evolved society where many more will choose to be part of the Divine Oneness.

The Heavens are aligning with the Earth as all the Human Angels are becoming aware of their role in the New Earth.

Each of you are the Human Angels and you have traveled far and wide to come to this place in time.   You arrived in the beginning and chose to stay to assist. You have spent many lifetimes trying to bring Light to this planet and have endured so very much. It is time for the releasement of all you have held within your system. It is no longer necessary to hold it within you; it is your time to fully accept your Divinity of Light within the physical existence.

Remove these elements, my Dearest Ones, as the time will be coming that you will accept what you have chosen to experience. The transition from the dark into the light is not an easy one to experience. Let it Be, my dearest Ones. As we now see, the light within this planet. It is shining deeply in Gaia’s core; each of you.   You are removing lifetimes and lifetimes of your old existence in order to truly Be One Within Yourself as you desired it to be a long time ago.

Allow this transition that you are experiencing to be one of Greatness. As each moment that you have to change, you are re-charging the molecules surrounding your essence as others will feel your ability to transform the self.   Others will follow in your steps.   So please continue the journey of re-birth.

We honor each of you for all that you are doing, becoming, showing to others.

In Expressions of Oneness,

We are the Unified Whole Command of the 144th Dimension of Light

Master Thoth, Master Einstein and the Great Divine Director

Integrative Channel:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery provides many services for initiates and students to learn more about the Ascension Mastery Pathway. An additional feature (if one desires) of becoming a Member on their program is a Mentorship Program in which each student participates monthly in a group mentoring class with Lord Adama, the option of having a monthly mentoring session, along with providing a Student Guide to help initiates work through their issues while accelerating through the Initiates of Mastery. Please check out our Partner/Membership Program to experience the teachings on your own time via the recordings.


© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:


Emergence of Change is Upon Us ~ New Earth Frequency Update ~ Dec 2015


Greetings Dearest Beloveds,

We come to you as the Unified Whole Command of the energies of Master Thoth, Master Einstein, and the Great Divine Director representing the 144th dimension of Oneness. We want to share with you about the energetics of the Earth that each of you are experiencing presently.

As we come to an end of a very majestic year, it helps to understand the process of events that have occurred. There is more light within the planet than has ever been received. Since the Solstice in June there are infractions of the angelic essences being more grounded within each human upon Gaia. Many are unaware of this but it is the pathway of the events unfolding within your world.

This makes perfect sense as each of you and all of us within the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light were part of a Divine Plan to bring forth the angelic essences into body upon the Earth during the 1st Root Race. Since that was eons ago then each of you have had to go through a process of remembering these stages within your growth. This is what all of humanity is experiencing presently.

Those of you that are remembering your true essence will stand in front of so many others to help them understand what they are experiencing. Now many of these souls will choose not to remember but the ones that do will have the benefit of so many stepping into this journey of Awakening before them.

The flow of the planetary energies since June of this year is bringing forth the Divine Essence that has never been lost but truly forgotten. As the adjustments are occurring within the Moon cycles, the Eclipses and the Equinox, there has been great turmoil. But amidst the turmoil is truly a depth of peace that is occurring within the planet. The changes that are happening currently represent what needs to arise in order for GAIA to exist in a completely new way of Beingness. She is healing in so many ways and so is each of you.

December is always a powerhouse of energies but this year represents so much more. Do you not remember 2012 when you thought that change would occur more rapidly? I am sure you do and so do we. It has taken us four years to get to the point that more of humanity would start to see that the world would change and this includes everyone upon it. Change is happening as we speak.

As we move into 2016, we have to realize that the four years it has taken for the planet to accept the light infractions, has given every individual more of a stable foundation. Four years ago this was not possible so the changes that have occurred needed to be in Divine Order, and not the order of what many had thought previously. It was seen that so many individuals did not have the capacity to accept the light energies within themselves. The Spiritual Hierarchy within the Unified Whole has taken all that has occurred and put it into wholeness.


Otherwise, Gaia would still be in a process of circling her energies in the same way that has occurred for eons of time. That cycle is now being stopped due to the activations of light within the planet. What occurs presently is that the re-birth is occurring.

Within the process of the re-birthing cycle old elements would need to be revised, purged, and taken out of the existence within Gaia’s pathway in order for the new essences to be integrated within the entire circumference of the Earth.

This is the process that each of you is experiencing presently. Your karma is within your four-body system. Instead of reliving that karma through your outside experiences, it is occurring internally within your Masculine and Feminine Divine. What you have experienced in other timelines that have been out of balance may still be out of alignment within your four-body system. It is part of the Divine Order of Creation to allow all elements to be in balance. In addition, what you have done correctly within your past lives, it being accepted within your four-body system.

The same is true for Gaia. She is healing in the same way as each of you.

This is why there are so many elements that are occurring presently. Tragedies are happening and then healing coming out of those tragedies, or there are events that can almost occur, but then there might be many ‘knight in shinning armour’s’ to show up so to speak. The light is arising within the midst of darkness that has occurred on this planet.

But there is still so much that needs to be done.

The power of the activations in December is preparing the planet and each of you to be ready for more. It is important to realize that your Soul Body of Light – your Etheric Body is holding all of these elements, the light and the dark. And it is being emanated into your Physical Body to be healed and released. The problem may be that many people will not think of their healing in this way and will blame outside circumstances for the challenges they are experiencing within their lives like their health, their physical well-being, their living situations, and the jobs that support all of these elements.


It is important to take this time through the following activations of the Solstice in December to allow the stillness within your heart to permeate through your entire being. On December 25th the Christ Consciousness will be activated through the Full Moon Energies opening up the hearts of many. December 31st will bring forth a day of preparation of going into 2016.

What is occurring for you in 2016?

2016 represents Greater Cycles to Emerge Through Diligence of the Self

The planet is expanding into greater cycles of reality. It represents a year of completion in the sense that the old paradigm of elements upon this Earth will no longer be able to exist. Great changes will result from these elements, but there is a grand design that is at work. It comes from the Divine Essence of Light that each of you come from. It represents the accessibility of more light infractions to be placed within Gaia’s Core; but it also brings forth many challenges of instability to order for the grand cycle of time and space to be realized.

This means it is a time to fully “roll up your sleeves” so to speak and dig down deeper into which you are as a human, as an angel, as a Light Being. It is a time to fully realize the potentiality of what mastery will mean for you and that the old way of doing things can no longer work for you. There will be realizations to allow more of whom you truly are as a Divine Being to be realized and less of what you have been as a human mold the vision that you hold within yourself.

As this month has enfolded, it is giving you the grand opportunity to be more and accept more of the Divine Essence that you are. Your soul is engaging within you in a completely and different way than it ever has done before. Realizations will come to the forefront of your reality to allow the expansion to be part of your present reality.

The Universal Laws will become more important to the world. This possibly may not be in a concrete way, but you will see those elements becoming more apparent within the enfoldment of a society that seems to be crumbling but yet is arising into a new sense of Divine Creation. Each soul within the Earth will need to learn from their mistakes and right themselves in this newly grounded process of light. Those that cannot will cease to be upon Gaia’s essence as that will be their choosing from their soul’s perspective.

Change is happening, My Dearest Ones and you are the Ones that will have to step up your game.

It is a time to know yourself inside and out – through all of your reflections, as the energetic exchanges will no longer allow you to hide within. All will be revealed within yourself. You will learn that you will have to travel deeper into the hidden core of the abyss within you to find your true destiny.

The world of being in love with everything and all around you will need to be realized within your own consciousness and deeper into your Soul’s Essence. Soul Psychology will be the buzz word because all of the lifetimes you have lived will be erupting out of your soul to be healed and accepted as the Divine Being that you are.

All of this is so very beautiful to watch as it is finally being realized within the Hearts and Minds of every soul upon this planet. It is a new doorway, a new essence to be revealed. The way of Ascension Mastery will be the way to exist upon the planet. Individuals will want to know more about who they are, as the search will go deeper than it ever has been before.

The knowledges of the past that have been kept in secret will start to be revealed only in the highest integrity of all individuals. Those that use abuse as they main goal in life will be revealed. The way of walking with the Masters will be realized but only with hard work and diligence.

You see, the New Earth, cannot be realized until all is open into the Light. Every person upon the planet will need to see more of themselves. And the ones that have been following these ways of living will show many others. They, too, will go deeper than ever before as the role of Ascension Mastery will be realized in a completely and different way.

There will be strict rules that will need to be adhered to through the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light. The Spiritual Hierarchy within the Unified Whole will be more realized within the Earth as it was in the beginning but more focused on the end result of fulfillment of the Divine Plane.

So take this time in the rest of December to honor yourself; see whom you are, what needs to be changed, and embrace what you have achieved this year. We are at a huge beginning together. These realizations of what we have desired for eons of time are now coming into the Light. Our Journey is just beginning and what a beginning it is.

Change will happen within each of you through this process. The Solstice is almost upon the Earth and will bring about new realizations of the self as the light infractions of the Great Central Suns come into existence within the planet. These elements represent Divine Mother and Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun, through Lord Melchizedek, through Melchoir and then unto Helios and Vesta of the Great Central Sun.

On a personal and physical level some may feel these changes more directly than others depending upon the soul psychology work that you have been doing.  The body is holding all the other energies and in order for the Feminine Divine to come into balance, all the other bodies need to come into alignment.

Teachings will be coming to the forefront that have been lost but only in wholeness of the Unified Whole. Otherwise, there will be dark moments that will be revealed and will fall upon those timelines when those teachings existed for the wrong reasons. Right and Wrong will be the focal point so the element of balance is absolutely necessary. Many Light Beings are here to assist in the process but the important element is that YOU ARE BECOMING THE MASTER, and you must adhere to the rules of mastery by learning the tools and techniques and acting upon them yourself. We are here to help you but you are the Ones that are embodied upon the earth so there is much more that you can do.

When elements around the world come more into balance, that is when we will be able to step forward to walk with you. We, then, will be with you side-by-side as you will have learned the lessons of mastery within a physical existence. We so look forward to this time together in physical form. Until that time we are here to assist you in a multitude of many ways.

Now that as we move into 2016 it is an age that has never before been realized fully. The Christ Consciousness is becoming One within Each of You.

We thank you deeply for the work that you are doing and continue to strive to be more than your Heart has ever known.

The Unified Whole Command within the 144th Dimension of Reality with Master Thoth, Master Einstein, and the Great Director with all of the Beings of Light within the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.


Note: Click here to listen to LORD ADAMA and LORD SAINT GERMAIN talking about visiting the ROYAL TETON RETREAT (audio excerpted from the Guided Teaching Meditation Journey Walking Terra Christa provided to the WTC ACADEMY STUDENTS this week). We also offer the option to use our Guided Meditation Journey to assist you in your visitations to the RETREAT at this time.

© 2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:



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Note: Walking Terra Christa is providing an 11:11 GLOBAL TELECONFERENCE WORKSHOP to walk into this GATEWAY with deeper understanding of our own Mental, Emotional. Etheric/Physical, and Spiritual Self. Workshop Series begins on Sunday Nov. 8 and continues through the evening of Tuesday Nov. 10. We then gather together for a GLOBAL CELEBRATION on the 11:11 (which everyone can join even if not participating in the workshop). Click here to read more about joining one or both events. 

The New Earth Frequency Update is a channeled message of the Unified Whole Command within the 144th Dimension of Light through Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden.Frequency-update_800_500-001

Blessings and Joy is arising in the hemispheres of the Earth at this time. We are happy to come forward and share an inspirational message from the Unified Whole Command, within the 144th dimension of Light of Oneness with Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein.

As the energies are increasing towards the 11:11 frequency of Light there are more changes happening within and around the earth. Each of you stand as the Beacons of Light existing upon the lands of GAIA holding this vibrational essence within yourself. Your transformation to walk through this doorway is immense and you should truly be extremely proud of what you are achieving.

So much work still needs to be done as the frequencies that are coming into the planet need to be fully grounded.  It is important for us to look at the energies of 11:11:11 moving into 2012 through 2013, into 2014 and the present year of 2015. So much knowledge has been incurred since that time within your consciousness for you to accept within your physical bodies. We must not forget about all of planetary changes that have happened during these years as it has assisted the present energies to be fully accepted within you through humanity and within Gaia.

You are truly showing yourself as the Awakened Ones from the Fallen Angels of this Earth into the Enlightened Consciousness of Humanity.

We ask you to look at yourself, within your challenges, and your successes during this time to truly see what you have achieved. We are not talking about physical movements but truly how has your emotional and mental bodies been adjusted to receive the healing and higher light formulations to accept the Divinity of Consciousness to be felt by everyone on this planet.

People are changing in many different ways and no two individuals will walk this pathway in the same way. Some will never awaken to the fact that a shift of consciousness is occurring within the planet and change their thought processes. But everyone is being affected through their bodies, their minds, and their hearts.   The eruption of the energies cannot be matched by anything else that has occurred in the history of this planet. All elements are coming into place to allow the alignment of the higher realms of light to exist within each of you.

You are the Ones that are standing in front. You acknowledge your deepest feelings and thoughts; you see that they need to be changed so that is what you achieve. It may not be easy but it is necessary, as each of you know. And, this is going to continue from this point forward. The one element that is very important is that it is happening.


It is up to each of you, each soul upon this earth, to hold this frequency within your heart, let it expand through all of your chakras, let your higher chakras become One with you, allowing the healing to take place, the darkness to leave, the old timelines of the past no longer matter as they have served their purpose in your evolution of light within the physical existence.

Let us take you on a journey of how far you have come. You are the Angels of Light that came to this Earth to heal and build a new planet.  

What happened to each of you that were part of this creation is that you held so much more than the purity within your hearts. You held the darkness of others that you assisted. It was painful and the only choice you had was to stay, but not in angelic form. You chose to be human.

So the transition of being an angel into a human has been very intense, powerful, sad, devastating, and sometimes a beautiful experience to your soul. But through every life change upon returning to the heavens, you traveled into many schools with many masters that had achieved exactly what you are doing presently. You returned to the earth many times over to right what had gone wrong. As you were learning to become Whole Once Again, the trials still continued in various ways. But, yet you still return.

We would call some of you the First Wavers that have assisted the planet since the 1980’s to become more than was realized previously. You are the Ones that have stayed true to your purpose as you traveled through many dimensions of time and space; you stopped to live on many planets to help gain the knowledge of this planet, Earth, when it was time.

But yet, these remembrances can be lost until one finds themselves once again.


Many First Wavers have since left the planet. They became tired of the game and truly were not able to uphold the condition that is necessary on this pathway. They lost their Trust and Faith so it was time for each of them to continue their journey in the heavens. These First Wavers still watch over each of you especially to help the ones that have stayed to create the necessary changes.

This first wave of angelic essence allowed for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th levels of souls to become implanted within the earth. The energy was already created by the First Wavers and then the next wave of souls had to learn how to continue the pilgrimage into Oneness.   So the transition was a bit easier, so we thought it would be. This other groups of souls have been coming to the Earth since the 1980’s to the present.   Once they awaken they have the ability to obtain great knowledge of their star essence. But yet, many do not know how to exist in a physical body.

So the work has to continue. It cannot just happen like so many newer souls coming to Earth thought it would be. The density of the planet has been extreme. Initiating the Feminine Divine into the existence of Gaia has taken much longer due to many souls on this planet not believing in their own God Essence. So change has had to occur within this process.

December 2012 was truly an experiment of allowing the first wave of Oneness to come into the planet. But since the Earth is so dense the energies that came into the atmosphere was absorbed very quickly by souls and then dissipated just as quickly. The power of the energies was intensified to see how much Gaia and her inhabitants could hold.

We did find, however, that what these energies did for each of you is to help you delve deeper into yourself. You took on what you could within your four-body system and then the rest was dissipated into the ethers of the Earth for Gaia to receive great assistance. It was not lost but held within her auric field when it would be time to ignite the frequencies once again.

The time has now come on November 11th in 2015.

This is because of the transformation that the planet has gone through, each of you in your personal accelerations, and what has transpired through many souls upon this planet. People are waking up to taking care of themselves, looking at physical healing in many different ways, and learning that the past does need to be healed.

The Feminine Divine has always been part of this Earth. It is just that she has been waiting for the right time to bring forth her essence unto the planet. Sitting back and just watching when the energies within Gaia would allow her essence to become more involved. Through the evolution of the earth she became lost so she retreated into silence. That silence is now being broken in a completely new and powerful way.

This is the process that has been occurring for many centuries. Changes have happened but the alignment of the energies was not possible for the achievement of the Feminine Divine to be united with the Masculine Divine. Their union could not occur due to many variables of energies that were still very apparent in the consciousness of the world, within the people, and how they interact with one another.

It has been like every relationship that is born. It takes nurturing and time to allow both parties to surrender and become used to one another. The Emotional and Mental bodies of Gaia have been healing separately just like each of you have been experiencing.

Gaia has been waiting for humanity to be able to h old this frequency of light. It is getting easier as more individuals are awakening to the power of themselves through the Light of God within their own consciousness.   They may not know how it is being done, but every individual self is being assisted in this process.

So those of you that are waiting for the big boom of light acceleration to come into this planet, please be patient with yourselves. It must come within increments so that more individuals can hold the frequency within themselves. Otherwise, the planet will not be able to exist.

Each of you is the Grounding Cord to hold this frequency. That is why your challenges are so great, and why you desire to have more for yourselves than what you are receiving now. The vision you hold is so very strong and that vision will come.   But, please be patient with yourselves through this process.

We have to realize that in order for Gaia to hold a 5th dimensional energy and beyond she needs her grounding element within her. Just as each of you has to hold the Frequency of Light within you through your Earth Star, she has to do the same.


A planet is not really a great planet unless there are individuals within that existence that are holding the higher frequency. Otherwise, you have a planet of density. This is what Earth has been.

So on the day of 11:11 each of you will walk through a new doorway of light.

What does that doorway represent to you as a human being?

It means that you must uphold your contract to hold as much light frequency within yourself. If you cannot accept the higher ray chakras to be within you, then you will have a beautiful experience, but will need to do more work. But what happens if you do the inner work now, before the event? It means that less debris will be held within your body, and you will be able to accept your new-found self on a much deeper level.

So the igniting energies of December 2012 will be released once again. They have not been lost. In addition there is more coming from our essence of Oneness, to bring all souls into that essence. This means that timelines, lifetimes, and all remembrances will be put into this existence. But it also means that memories will surface, deep healing will need to be done as it is the goal of this planet to move forward.

More individuals will awaken by these energies and that is because your job is to hold what you can. This will then expand out of you into others around you.

Your angelic self becomes much more involved than you have ever allowed it to be before. You become the Solar Angel as the energetic exchange will blend within you to become more of what you ever thought you could be. The bliss of these moments will be miraculous and amazing.

This is because you are becoming your Multi-Dimensional Self on this day. You become all that you desire to be. Your role will be to hold it as much as possible. Breathe it, live it, experience it.

Your Feminine-Masculine Self comes into alignment and allows you to see what is possible.

You become the Angel and all elements that it entails for you, but yet, you are the human fully embodied with all of these essences.

You will get a glimpse into your future. You will see what is possible upon this Earth in the moments of 11:11.

Then, you will see what you need to do for your-self. The healing will come and take you into a deeper level of yourself. It is a true beginning for Gaia and each of you. We know there are many souls that will be able to hold it deeper so that it will assist others. You and Gaia are now ready for the transition into experiencing Oneness within the Self.

This is a grand opportunity for the Earth. 2012 represented a different doorway to see what Gaia could hold. It was a grand experiment as it has allowed more souls to awaken to so many possibilities.

So our suggestion is preparation. Go deeper into your Emotional and Mental Bodies. See what needs to be addressed so all bodies can blend together as One. Do the inner work so that you will receive what you are able to hold within yourself. Become One with all of these essences.

The power of this occurrence cannot be measured at this time. It will be up to each of you individually to see how you are able to integrate the energies, hold it within yourself, and become more than you have before.


We are ecstatic about the likelihood of what is about to occur. It is the first time since the beginning of Lemuria and Atlantis was in the purification of light that there is Hope that we can achieve this transformation.

We thank each of you for stepping forward, bringing your energies into the equation, and allowing your transformation to make this all possible.

We look forward to walking with each of you through the Doorway of 11:11.

We are the Beings of the Unified Whole Command of Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein.

So Mote It Be in the Light of Oneness and Creation.

Note: Walking Terra Christa is providing an 11:11 GLOBAL TELECONFERENCE WORKSHOP to walk into this GATEWAY with deeper understanding of our own Mental, Emotional. Etheric/Physical, and Spiritual Self. Workshop Series begins on Sunday Nov. 8 and continues through the evening of Tuesday Nov. 10. We then gather together for a GLOBAL CELEBRATION on the 11:11 (which everyone can join even if not participating in the workshop). Click here to read more about joining one or both events. 

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Transcending into Light ~ The New Earth Frequency Update for September


The New Earth Frequency Update is a channeled message from the 144th dimension of Light representing the Creative Source of Oneness.  The Unified Whole Command represents a triple flame consciousness of Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein.  They are the overseeing the energies of Oneness as all souls, Light Beings, of all dimensions step into the Oneness that we all reside within.

Blessings to each of you on this fine moment of our creation together. We are the Unified Whole Command of Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein.

The creative process that is occurring presently is to allow the increased elements that have been lost through the eons of time within this planet to be fully accepted by all of humanity.

What happens through this process is that there is great change to be felt, experienced, and seen through the eyes of the many. As each individual self makes up the whole essence of human consciousness, each of those souls has a major part in the transitions within the Earth. It is important that everyone has a purpose and a reason of why they react as they do, what they do with those reactions, and how it is interpreted within their human and spiritual consciousness.

Each of you must understand that every person within the planet plays this role, as they seem fit to do so by their previous ways of doing things. It is not until a person “wakes up” so to speak that they see the way they have been feeling and acting is truly not part of their Divine Purpose.

Or is it?

This is a question that is happening at this time as the light infractions within the earth are changing greatly and if an individual does not adhere to those light elements within their life in a positive manner, than catastrophe will result. Great changes are coming and it is up to each individual soul how they are going to incorporate the incoming energies.

The planet is moving quickly into its transition of light. It has been doing so for quite some time. The foundation was set in the early 1900’s with information being revealed through many texts of work. Those souls that brought that information forward truly are the pioneers of this planet for awakening.

You see each of us were together during the Lemurian and Atlantean times. Those knowledges were lost with the sinking of those continents so the planet had to be regenerated in a new and different way than it had been existing previously. You would say that in those aftershock moments Gaia went into the existence of raw energy. Everything had to be restarted and learned in a completely different way.

Many lifetimes ensued with great traumatic events as souls were fighting for what they believed in. The entrance-way of the non-christed beings from Atlantis and Lemuria caused the prior belief systems of the earth to be sacrificed while these alternate understandings became very commonplace in the renewal of the earth. So the lifetimes upon lifetimes with war encasing the planet, all were part of the fighting of souls against each other. It has continued for many eons of time as cities around the world were destroyed with greed and lack of faith from the Source of Oneness.

It has continued for such a long time but within the changes that have been felt since 2012 more light infractions have been placed within the earth. This means that more souls in the human form are looking at life quite differently than they did before. A remembrance is happening within human consciousness to assist Gaia to continue her transition. She is moving out of darkness and into the light in a very slow process.

2015 has brought this light more fully into the planetary structure. Her foundation is still very fragile and cracked in way too many spaces, but she sees that there is progress even if it is minuet. There is hope where before the faith had been diminished.

More individuals are awakening to feeling these energies in a new and balanced manner. But, yet, there is still great skepticism and lack of faith that it can survive. Many think that there is no change and then others are so hopeful that they hold it within their hearts very deeply. Change is inevitable and this month brings more of what has already been experienced but within the power that is greatly magnetized in various ways.

It was decided through the many Universal structures that Earth should be a mirror for other planets to follow suit. It was believed from the Source of Light that the inhabitants of the planet would be able to walk through many trials of darkness in order to find their highest hopes to be realized. So the pressure was put upon Gaia and each of you to uphold the highest level of integrity to move through the process of the Rebirth.

Gaia is now coming very slowly out of the darkness but many areas of her existence are still encased within the old paradigms that need to be regenerated.

The energetic exchanges throughout this year have been a step-by-step process of allowing the light to be infracted in many different ways.

It started out with regenerating the energies and very slowly went deeper into the dark places to allow the light to shine even brighter. The change of the seasons brought more of the same into the planet and each of you. The Solstice in June proved to be a stepping ground to allow the angelic essence to become more of a reality within the planetary existence as had been in previous times. It was just a very small remembrance of the Lemurian and Atlantean way of life. It has continued through the months to allow the infractions of the angelic self to be felt more within each human field.

The point being is that not all humans feel this change. It is still a very small minority of individuals that can access the higher part of their existence. The planet is still in deep duality and holding unto the 4th dimensional relationship that pertains to the movement of dark timelines that are continually being ignited. The sad part is that when the energetic exchange is so strong individuals that cannot get past their own involvement of the self is when they are challenged the most. So this causes the planetary system to feel these reactions through all of the thought-forms and lower vibrations.

What happens through this evolving energy is that the power of the light infractions are very intensified in order to assist each individual upon the planet to open up their energies unto a higher presence within themselves. Sometimes if feels like a loosing battle as many individuals do not see the picture that is in front of them and all they have to do is to receive it; that is when we step in to assist.

We are at a juncture of time in which the accelerations that are occurring are deepening within the core of Gaia to assist all of humanity.

The reason we share this information is to help each of you understand why you may be feeling the intensity of the energies much deeper than you realize. As each planetary transition occurs, it brings those elements that have been out of balance to start to move in a forward movement of Divine Love and Divine Power. The elements that do not fall into that category then must go through a renewal process in which the old vibrations must go into the light. Now that is not easy, as most of you realize, because it causes the elements that have molded the old self to be ripped apart in many different ways. Then, the regeneration process has to begin.

With the incoming energies of the Solar Angels since the June Solstice, many individuals have not accepted that open doorway, so the Solar Angels do not have the capability to assist that particular soul within the physical arena. They help through the Higher Self and the Dream State, but it is not as focalized as having it within the physical self. So that causes those thought forms that do not reflect the angelic self to be put out into the full consciousness of the Earth and beyond. This means it makes it more challenging for those that are aware of this essence and want to bring it forward on a deeper level.

So this is why August may have been very challenging for you. The energies surrounding the planet can be very dualistic which meant that each of you had to work harder to find your core essence of love. You can do it, but the work becomes more challenging for each soul trying to access the angelic essence.

Now that September has arrived and you are in the midst of more challenges; first, with the partial Solar Eclipse of the New Moon and then the Equinox, followed by the Lunar Eclipse of the Full Moon.

We have to remember also that the Super Moon in August started these energies to be commanded in a very high degree of acceleration and will continue through the next Super Moon of September.

Just as all those unawakened individuals are challenged to stay in their duality and not accept their higher essence, each of you within the awakened level are struggling to stay within your Higher Essence to combat the lower dualities within your Etheric body. This process brings forth the element of tug and war within the self.

As the energies shift this month, the power of your struggles should be greatly minimized as long as you continue to adhere to the Higher Essence you have become. It is a time of great lessons and understanding how to combat the lower forces that have ensued within you as a soul from lifetime to lifetime.

The frequencies of these elements is beyond what the human mind can fathom as it has never been felt or done before. It has only been talked about”.

As the partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon brought the frequencies of more light infractions into each of you, it becomes a testing ground of what you can hold within your physical self.

It is important through these phases to realize that the power of your Soul’s Essence is beyond your comprehension and all you have to do is stay within your Higher Self’s energy as much as possible. It is the one process that is going to help you get through these hurdles.

If you can imagine being in space as a beautiful Being of Light; you are then bombarded by this ball of energy that is so amazing that your eyes cannot hold the picture.

The light is so bright.

You then hold out your arms and receive this Light Infraction that holds many colors upon colors. As you do this, you command through your I AM Presence to allow the existence of this light to change everything in your world that does not fit. This form of light will transform anything into its own power. You don’t have to do anything but just receive it.

“You feel elated from the experience and allow the energies to run through your entire field of light, you become the Light Infraction.”

Then, all of a sudden you felt little balls of darkness filled with negative thought forms circling around you. You expand the light you just experienced and hold it deeply within your Heart Center. It expands in and around you.

You may feel the lower energies but they don’t interact with you as their level is much lower than what you have just received. This is allowing the Light Infraction to fully be integrated within you as you become One with it. There is no separation so anything below this field of Light cannot penetrate within you.

This is exactly the process that each of you needs to bring forth during these times of great changes. The Equinox is the next acceleration which is a huge element. It occurs on the 23rd of September and brings with it Great Enlightenment of the Self. It represents facing your darkness and other elements around you, but being at peace with it. It is a step into the period of harvesting what you have learning and put it into practice.

If you have had difficulty with financial stability in the past couple of months, please know that you are not alone. Sometimes in order to find the silver lining you must surrender to the process of the old elements. This means the 3rd dimensional world and how you interact within that world. The Equinox brings forth a new and highly evolved energetic exchange.

Now some of you may say,

“Well, Mercury Retrograde is occurring right now and how can I be abundant when that energy is occurring”.

Let me tell you that if you learn to rise above the energies of the planetary systems around you, then you will not be affected adversely by their changes, but will actually benefit from those energies.

Remember, we shared that Earth is the poster child for 5th dimensional energies. Mercury represents the 3rd dimensional reflection. So increasing your consciousness beyond the 3rd and 4th dimension actually means you will not have the same experiences as others.

Then the Full Moon of the 27th/28th of September occurs with a Lunar Eclipse. This is the powerhouse of energy that is going to assist you to move out of your present circumstances into the full existence that you desire within you. It represents moving further into your higher essence yet again and opens up the doorway to be a Trailblazer of Light within you. It will be another powerful Super Moon.

Each of these activations is occurring to bring more light into the planet and each of you. It is up to you individually what you do with them. As they occur, more purging will happen within the emotions and thoughts but also through the physical body. It is a time when there will be more activation of the cellular structure in order to hold these light infractions on a physical basis.

Be strong in what you are experiencing; know that this is just a portion of your destiny. More is going to come in various ways. But each moment that you are able to stabilize the energy within you, gives you the ability to build a better foundation.

Take time in the silence to receive the energies, to allow them to blend within your full body system, to assist you in elements that need addressing, and then you can hold onto them within your full structure so much easier*.

Yes, changes will happen. Darkness will try to come but the more we work we do together, the less these traumatic events will occur. People will change, hopefully for the better. Some will choose to leave.

The transitions of light are extremely powerful and magnetic. It is a magical time and sometimes magic is not all about the light. All will be revealed within each of you so take time to reflect in the mirror that is in front of you. It is the purpose of each of us being in full Oneness that is the most important aspect.

In the presence of light and love,
We are the Unified Whole Command at your Service
Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein

P.S.: Prepare yourself  during these powerful accelerations by joining Walking Terra Christa for a first time event – An ASCENSION CLINIC to help you in TRANSCENDING these energies with Dr. Lorphan of the Great White Lodge of Sirius. 

Please also attend these free public ceremonies and teaching events (click the links to register):

The Equinox: Wednesday, September 23rd, at 4:30 PM Pacific (free open public teaching), 
The Sacred Festival of Lights Ceremony with Master Djwhal Khul for the Full Moon: Saturday, September 26th at 10 AM Pacific (free open public teaching). 

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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New Earth Frequency Update ~ July 23, 2015

New Earth Frequency Update

Our True Beginning

Blessings and Love from the Unified Whole Command of the 144th Dimension of Reality representing Oneness.

We are The Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein here to serve each of you in this moment.

The challenges and accelerations of 2015 have truly helped to make this year a movement towards Harmony upon GAIA. We stand in the middle of the year and would like to reflect back on the immense changes that have occurred through the vibrational levels. Each person is going to infuse it within them as best as they can depending upon where they reside within their own cosmic consciousness.

The beginning of the year was very challenging for many of you as the Crystalline Ray became more accessible within the planet as each of you had to hold this energy within you very deeply. We know it has been quite a ride for many of you.

Then the Equinox came along with the Wesak Festivals. These energies took each person into a deeper part of themselves even have they had not realized what was occurring. Debris has been flying out of so many souls so that the deep healing can truly be acquired. The shifting of those energies has accelerated GAIA’s essence with the work that each Initiate took upon themselves to do within their own essence.

Within those energies great change has resulted within each of you and humanity, as a whole. You may not see the overall effects of the movement, but it is happening on much deeper levels than you realize.

As we moved into the Solstice energies, the vibrational changes became softer with the entrance-way of the Solar Angels becoming grounded within the planet. We saw great changes through this process during the five-day period of accelerations occurring. This energy helped to be accessed by every human being upon this planet to feel the pure essence of Divine Light that they truly have been from the beginning of time. Many did not feel it consciously but it assisted them in their daily world, to make necessary changes with more ease and grace than they had done previously. It is not being seen with the physical eye, but perceived within the essence of each individual. It is like a cloud of pure light flowing within and around each individual to help them make better choices that are aligned with their higher purpose.

This energy is also assisting the lower frequencies in having such a hold on the planet as the Divine Essence that is being centered upon the earth is flowing in and out of every living organism, even as we speak. It continues to this day.

In order to really feel the full effects of these magnificent celestial changes physically each person must be responsible to allow these energies to enter their consciousness and be very aware of the changes they are going through. Even when the road seems rough and filled with uncertainty, the Solar Angels are assisting each of you to go deeper, know more about yourself on a spiritual level, and to find the balance of your own Divine Self to be fully manifested within your foundation upon this earth.

This is truly a great opportunity to walk through doorways of change that you may have not been able to see previously. The Celestial Energies are helping each person on the planet to become more softer, more loving, and more accepting of the challenges that they are going through presently. There is a sense of peace than can be revealed if you allow yourself to fully tap into this frequency.

Take time to sit and reflect on these energies especially in a beautiful place of nature. Notice the differences that are occurring within each of you with your thoughts and feelings of what you are experiencing. Allow the movement of the angels within the planet to be fully grounded with who you are.

You are the chosen ones that have decided to come back upon this earth and do it once again. Do not allow the old self to guide you in the opposite direction of the Self Love that your Solar Angel is asking you to receive. Be very receptive to the change that is occurring for you.

Within this process though there can be moments of non-believe, not understanding what you are experiencing, and wanting to just stop the whole process. You can become angry with yourself, and tired of looking within when you just want to fly away. We totally understand this reality. It is part of your programming coming upon this Planet. But as angels, you vowed to stand true to your beginning essence while not allowing the old self to control you, to keep you stuck, and to feel the pain of the past. This journey is not for the faint-hearted and that is why you have chosen to walk with others during this pathway of Light. Be strong within yourself and do not let anything deter away from your own essence of awakening.

This is a very deep process that is happening for each of you. You may not realize the magnificence of what is occurring within your own Being due to other elements that you are being faced with presently. It is a huge challenge and an even bigger awakening upon this planet.

Each of you are being asked to step forward, do the dirty cleanup work that is necessary so that you can fully accept the Divine Being that you truly are.

Aren’t you tired of making choices based on your physical mind and not your Higher Mind?


The more individuals that are able to grasp these energies, the easier your transition will be through the activation of the Solar Angel into the Higher Self, and then eventually activating your Golden Solar Angel. All of these gifts are awaiting for you.
Are you ready to accept them?


You must find time to create balance within your life so that you are not all one thing or the other. You must remove your addictive behavior from any particle that is not good for you. It does not have to be about drugs or alcohol; it is about freedom from one space to another, Flowing with Life throughout your day not allowing the restrictions of the 3rd dimensional mind to control you any longer.

So the planet is being infused with the Angelic Essence to help each of you remember your own essence. As that is occurring, it is helping all land masses upon the planet to accept this love. But, with this higher level of vibrational essence, comes with great changes. Land masses will change, environments need to readjust to the frequency just like each of you are doing.

The most important element through this process is to fully connect to your Angelic Mind/Divine Mind and not to get caught up in the debris that is happening around you. You, as the first angels that are now awakening once again, have a commitment to uphold these energies within yourself.

We know that this is not an easy task for any one of you, and we totally commend you for this pathway of awakening that you have chosen. You are strong souls or else you would not be making this commitment at this time; you are ready to stand fully in your power with the deepest love that you can hold within yourselves.

As the moon cycles are very important, the next phase on the 31st of July represents a very futuristic approach of what we have been sharing. It is time to fully take the opportunity of fellowship and creating new things within your lives.

This energy is to bring the Feminine and Masculine Divine into more creation as the angels represents the balance of both genders. In August this alignment is going to be felt very strongly and will represent the ability to be both within your physical existence.

We ask you to work with us through this process. Allow us to help you to understand your Balanced State of Emotions and Thoughts. Bring forth the Three-Fold Flame more strongly within your Heart Center. It will help ignite the Angelic Presence that you are combined with the Divine Human Essence you are learning to incorporate within your Being.

It is a great time to rejoice with these energies, as it is the True Beginning of what we have all desired to occur within humanity. Each of you stand at the forefront to lay down your weapons of battle, to be the igniting frequency of light within your Being, holding your Highest Essence within you as your Solar Angels are here to help.

Let us all fly together as we did in the beginning of this Earth. Creating the purest essence of sparkling light from mountaintops flowing into the oceans and around the lands of GAIA as we experience more harmonious moments of creation.

This is our True Beginning Together.

The work must be done in order for it to be fully grounded, but the energies through the next two months is going to assist in creating the balance within each of you. It is also a very powerful time to fly through your initiations if you listen to the signs around you. Be very cognizant of your old thoughts versus your new thoughts and allow your Divine Mind blend within your Physical Mind.

As we move towards the Equinox in September, true abundance can be created on this earth.

Let us work together as we are all here to assist within the Unified Whole Command, with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light, with Divine Mother and Father God. Each of us can be present in your lives if you allow it to be.

We look forward to our energetic exchanges with each of you.

In the Light of the Christ That We Are Together, We Are One,

The Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein
At Your Service in the Light of the All

If you would like to know more about accessing your Solar Angel, Walking Terra Christa has facilitated a special program series with Lord Metatron, “Angelic Boost”. Included are teachings from Lord Metatron on the Solar Angels, journey to his Golden Temple of Illumination with activations for the Solar Angel along with infusing the first five Metatronic Seals that are associated with the first four initiations of Mastery. Please click the link above to receive how to order this powerful angelic series.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).

Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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A Message of Love for 2015 ~ New Earth Frequency Update

New Earth Frequency UpdateGreetings My Divine Beloveds,

We are the Unified Whole Command comprised of all ascended beings of the Spiritual Hierarchy in Oneness of the 144th dimension. Stepping forward is the essence of the Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein in our combined energies of Oneness.

2015 is almost here. What an amazing year it has been for all of us. Yes, we do believe that the work that has been done this year is going to set the stage for more growth within the planet in the next year.

Please do check out the blog Meleriesse just shared “Looking Back into 2014”. We believe that it will help each of you to understand the complexities of what is occurring instead of just saying, “It is going to be another powerful year”.

December has taken each of you into a new part of yourself; if it has not, then there is much more work that needs to be done. We are here to assist you with all of it; including the moments of darkness and despair.

We don’t want to rehash the old energies as they are now past us, but what has occurred is the Solstice of the 21st of December brings us forth into a new paradigm of existence. We had stated that the energies represented a higher version of 2014; we believe that the pure essence that is occurring is allowing more light infractions to happen within each of you on a deeper and purer level than has ever occurred previously.

This means that more is being done to assist each of your souls with the contracts that you accepted before coming into this earth. The depth of your essence cannot be revealed into you allow yourself to go deeper into the higher part of your existence. This means that all you are feeling and being is part of the evolvement that is necessary within the physical body. You cannot go deeper if you don’t allow yourself to look at all aspects within yourself. Feeling the beauty of the love and joy within you is only a very small window of opportunity; there is so much more that needs to be revealed through this process.

On December 31st at 12 Midnight the power of the Crystalline Ray of Harmony and Balance is going to be ignited within the planet. This is being given as a special dispensation for the hard work that has already been done by many of you within the planet as the Solstice energies were able to go deeper into the core of GAIA than was anticipated.

We, of the Unified Whole Energies, are very happy to see the occurrence of more elements being birthed within your world. It represents an egg opening up for the first time; the internal essence of the egg has been protected by an outer shell. That shell is now going to be cracked for all to be revealed within your society in all parts of the world. For some, the cracking of this egg will cause great turmoil within their present body as they will not be ready to receive so much light infractions within them. It will cause portions of their bodily function to react in certain ways. For others, it will be like a breath of fresh air as the higher energies help them to evolve and heal parts of themselves that have been lost for a very long time.

Within this dispensation the ascended beings associated with the Ray of Harmony and Balance are making themselves available to all of humanity. This is not usually done in this manner but due to the changes that this earth will be going through, Mahachohan Saint Germain, has asked to bring forth this great dispensation. Included within those energies will be the other rays that have been grounded into GAIA’s field of the Blue Flame of Will and Power, and the Ruby Red/Gold Flame of Inner Devotion, which were integrated within the earth in 2013.

This is the first time since 2013 that another ray is being invoked within the essence of GAIA. The Blue Flame and Ruby Flame have brought forth those essences within humanity as the events that have occurred within this earth are representative of these essences to be embodied not only by GAIA but by humanity. This would not be happening without the true essence of change being felt by the entire planet as it represents how it is being received by each person, aware and un-aware.

It is a very powerful time and we have to thank each of you for doing your part; but more is required. As each of you stand within the power of mastery by allowing your physical self to fully receive the responsibility of your pathway, you learn more about whom you are, what you are projecting, and how it is affecting your personal life. The role of mastery represents all aspects of your life, how you learn the lessons, having the faith and trust that you can walk through many doorways, and how you project that to tohers. This is very important in your world has your society is very much entrenched in the 4th dimensional reality of duality. It allows for enlightenement to come but truly does not ground it fully within each person. Each of you has your “physical free will”; it is important to have the realization that you must access your “spiritual free will” and allow both of them to ointegrate within yourself.

What can occur is elements that you have not taken care of previously either from this timeline or your previous lifetimes that keep stepping in front of your face. It is important that you acknowledge you are the master of your destiny and that what happens to you is because of what is inside of you. This molds your pathway. Once you step into mastery in the conscious state, there is no going back so the lessons can be very powerful and challenging to the physical “you”.

We believe that the essence of Grounding Unity in 2014 did occur. It represented the ability to look within the self to make the necessary changes and understand what “Unity” represents on a personal basis. Debris has arisen; changes have occurred. This is truly where your Inner Truth is revealed in everything that you do, think, and create.

2015 brings forth the essence of finding the balance of harmonization within your full-body self of the physical, etheric (soul body), emotional, and mental bodies to accept the spiritual body of light. We bring forth the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance with Masters Serapis Bey and Paul the Venetian to help you resurrect the old essence so that you can find the Love within you, to allow it to be expanded, and to send it outside of your field. You then become equalized with the Light within as the changes occur.

Masters Serapis Bey and Paul the Venetian work very closely together and have decided to partner with each of you. Even though Paul the Venetian is the Ray Chohan for the 3rd Ray of Creative Actualization he was previously  the Chohan for Harmony and Balance; the same goes for Serapis Bey (being the Ray Chohan of the 3rd Ray) so they want to partner their energies together to assist humanity in finding their true essence to be fully revealed.

Working within these energies will assist each of you greatly as the 3rd Flame of the Deep Pink of Creative Actualization represents the ability to infuse the Love, Compassion, and Tenderness of the Divine Self to be fully created within the full body system. This then will open up the doorway to manifestations of light to be created within your life. Without utilizing the Crystalline Flame it becomes more difficult.

This is a very powerful combination to have in place for the Earth at this time. Another reason why this dispensation is being granted to GAIA and all her inhabitants is that others will need your essence of Harmony to be infused with them. Many people are going to awaken, be very curious about what is happening, and wanting to learn more. It is important that each of you have a strong foundation; if you do not already have one, this is the time for it to be created.

This is message is especially centered upon the many Lightworkers and Starseeds that think they do not have to do the work by creating a foundation and look at their past deeds that need to be rectified. It does not matter if you are on the Earth for the first time or the 1,000th time, each of you need to clear up all your past timelines no matter what planet you have inhabited. We are seeing many beautiful gifted people leaving the planet because of the intensity of the energies and not wanting to do the work. Clearing out the debris, removing the illusions, and finding your true worth are at the head of the list. If you want to be part of the New Earth, this ground work must be done.

The best part of this is that WE ARE HERE TO HELP.

Our energies are even more powerful than they ever have been before and it is because people believe that they can attain the powerful light within themselves physically.

We know this time on the Earth is the most challenging that it has ever been. There is more to come for each of you as your transition and ascension process never stops. It is a continual movement no matter if you are in the body or upon the Innerplane level as we are. We are all striving to achieve what each of you is creating; you just chose the body instead of the Light Essence that you are.

So upon this New Year’s Eve, bring forth this beautiful ray of light within your being. Allow it to help you become more balanced as the resurrecting energies will change the composition of all that you are experiencing. We all stand by to assist you especially the beautiful beings of the Crystalline Ray of Harmony and Balance:

The Elders from the Throne of Grace Igniting the Ray: Lord Esstela & Lady Esstelo
Ray Chohan:  Masters Serapis Bey and Paul the Venetian
Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea
Archangels Gabriel and Hope

You may chant “LAM, OH” which will ignite the frequency within the Root Chakra.

Many blessings for a powerful 2015. We look forward to our journey together.

So Mote It Be; Within the State of Oneness of the 144th Dimension of Light,
The Unified Whole Command of the Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, with Master Einstein

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The December Leap of Light

New Earth Frequency UpdateBlessings and love to each of you within humanity of Gaia.

We are the Unified Whole Command of the 144th dimensional frequency of Light with Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein at your service in this present moment.



Now that the month has moved into the last part of the year it represents so many octaves of light that have occurred within the planet during 2014.  The changes within each of you are key to the next phase of Gaia’s evolution into 2015.

This month of December will prove to bring forth frequencies of light into each of your hearts and minds to prepare you for the upcoming year.  It will represent your ability to take what you have learned and apply it within your role upon this Earth.   The act of understanding and sensitivity towards others will be essential as humanity will be experiencing great shifts of awakening within their journey upon Gaia.

We ask you to reflect upon your own changes that have occurred within your life in 2014.  We hope that you can see how deep you have had to travel to find moments of clarity and joy within your world.  This is because each soul upon this Earth is being asked to travel into their psyche to understand who they are becoming.  The accelerations within the Earth are just that essence – a vibrational change that comes into the planetary existence.  It is what you do with those moments of higher dimensional frequencies coming within you that matters as they can come into you, through you, and not affect you in a grounding manner.  But yet, if you are completely aware of each time an acceleration comes into your consciousness by allowing it to integrate within you, then accessing the emotional and mental responses it may have upon you, and change what is not working, then you are allowing the essence of Unity of Love and Light to be your guide.

If you are an individual that has traveled through these moments of creation and are still unsure of what has happened to you, then it is time to go into deeper reflection of the old self, the current self, and allow the New Self to be borne.  Humanity is going to be experiencing many changes within the next month and it is due to what needs to be accepted by every individual soul within the planetary structure.  It is a pre-requisite journey of what is to be in 2015.

The world needs to change and this change must come from each of you.  If you have taken on the journey of being an awakened human, then you have a responsibility to be part of that contract within your physical existence.  It is not just about “thinking of love and sending it to others”.  It represents the ability to embody your Truest Essence and allow it to enfold within you.

In order for the New Earth energies to be fully embodied by Gaia, major changes have to occur first in each individual soul.  Now there are many that do not have a contract to awaken, or they just have not come to the right moment in their creation to allow it to be.  Those are not the ones we are speaking to in this moment.  We want to address this transmission of light to each of you that are an awakened human, a star seed, a galactic being, an angel, or a initiate of mastery upon the pathway of enlightenment.  Each of you has a role within the New Earth which is not even known at this time.  It cannot be; until you fully accept the fact that you have a responsibility to be part of the most magnificent pilgrimage of light any planet has ever seen.

This December you have a Divine Opportunity to allow your purest essence to merge within you so that you can see for yourself whom you truly are.  The portals of light that will be arriving in this month will allow each awakened individual to go into a deeper part of themselves.  They will be occurring all month but specific dates to watch for are the Full Moon of the 6th; the conjunction of the planets of Uranus/Pluto on the 15th; the Solstice on the 21st; the New Moon on the 22nd; and the culmination of energies on the 31st.  Each of these dates are important but the irony of these activations is the fact that one is not higher in frequency than the other.  They bring forth a journey of light within the planet as each transition occurs; it represents an increased movement of energy building at the beginning into the end for the climax of allowing the energies to be fully grounded within the planet and each of you.  It is important to realize that this is part of the Divine Plan of allowing awakened souls to see them-selves in a completely different way than they have before.  It is also an imperative element that needs to occur for the New Earth.


Whatever you experience this December depends upon your own creative process that is occurring within you.  This means that your four-body system is going to access these frequencies to help you go deeper into your subconscious mind, pull out the debris that is necessary, and become more aware of the Light that you are.  You see, many of you are not doing this.  You are allowing the energetic exchanges that are occurring to come within you as you idly sit by and allow it to happen.

These moments of high acceleration are being given to assist the planet but every individual soul must do their part.  It is imperative that each of you go within yourself, see the energies that are coming up within you, make the necessary changes by the tools you have learned, and start to become a multi-dimensional being in human form.  Just thinking that it is going to happen does not make it so.  The internal work needs to be done by each of you for your own individualized self.


First of all, it is Universal Law that these moments of creation come into a planet and must be acknowledged by those that are embodied within the planet.  Or else, the creative process cannot stay.  It creates a movement of light to come in and go through the planet, but it is not held.  Each of you are the ones that hold this essence within your humanly form.  It is part of your contract.

Then, what occurs that each soul that receives these light infractions within their physicality have to process within their four-body system of the physical, etheric, emotional, and mental faculties in order to receive the Spiritual Body or Higher Self essence.  You see, you all hold the memories of all the other timelines in which you could not do this work.  So feelings of not being good enough, fear of the unknown, and uncertainty can plague your consciousness and life path.  It is important that individuals not allow those energies to be the ruling factor as they are very strong within the planetary structure.

This is why you have been so deeply challenged this year with the high accelerations coming into your Beingness.  We hope that you have taken the time to remove the elements that do not fit the higher essence that you are receiving as it is an imperative process to be doing.  In fact, you cannot continue the way you have been going if you do not allow your higher essence (Higher Self and I Am Presence) to be your guide.  But the lower ego, the lower self can get in the way of this progress.  Change is inevitable at this time so these elements are very important.

December will be another huge surge of light coming into the planet.  So it is within this moment that we share this information to help you through the process.  Each of these accelerations will allow the illuminating light that you are to be your guide into the month.  The work up to the Solstice will prepare each of you to bring forth great light infractions into your Being and within GAIA. The more ceremonial work that you perform, the easier will be the transition.  As December 31st approaches, these light infractions will be more grounded within Gaia which means each of you are being given an opportunity to understand more about yourself.

2015 will be more of the same energies; it will affect all humans upon the Earth in one way or another.  Change needs to occur but we need each of you to understand your own process at this time.  The New Earth cannot occur without the grounding force each of you beautiful angels provide.  You are the ones standing in the forefront holding these frequencies; sometimes they are overwhelming to your physical bodies and can cause you to over react to circumstances and changes you are experiencing.  The more individuals that hold these frequencies within them, fully grounded, the easier it will be in 2015.

It is a divine opportunity to be more within yourself, to understand your thoughts and emotions, to take time to connect with your Higher Self, and purge what does not work for you.  Do not question any thoughts that arise out of your consciousness that says you are not experiencing these elements, that it is just a sign of depression or sadness.  Remove those old habits as they do not serve you any longer.

Stand in the face of adversity, start to understand what it takes to be a Master of Light in Truth and Honesty.  Be that initiate and walk through your doorways that have been closed before.  Bring in the Rays of God representing the Will and Power, the Love and Wisdom, the Creative Actualizations, the Harmony and Balance, the Truth of your Wisdom in the Science of God, accessing your Inner Devotion to the Self, and feeling the Freedom of the Magic to enfold within your life.

The power of these energies is unmatched by anything you have received previously.  We had hopes that it would occur within 2012, but the time is right for this Earth to inhabit more Love and Light than ever before.  You are the Torch Bearers, you are standing in front holding these frequencies of Love more deeply than ever before.

Hold deeply and you will be able to ground the frequency for the New Earth as many others will be needing your assistance.  If the grounding does not occur as we think it should, then we will be experiencing a different 2015 than we previously envisioned.

It is up to each of you, the aspirants of this Earth, to hold true to your divine contract with each of us in the Force of Light of the 144th Dimension.

We look forward to standing with you, helping you physically through this process, as you become the Initiates for the New Earth.

With love and deep devotion,

We are the Unified Whole of the 144th dimension of all Masters and Ascended Beings within the Christ Consciousness.

So Mote It Be~ We Are One

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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New Earth Frequency Update ~ October 21st, 2014

New Earth Frequency Update

The New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse of Oct 23, 2014 represents a period of REGENERATION


Greetings and Blessings to All,

We are the Unified Whole Command within the 144th dimension of Oneness as the Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein along with the many Christed Beings of Light.

The energetic exchange of the Universal Consciousness is being felt in many levels of existence.  We are sure you have been experiencing it within your feelings, thoughts, dream-states while walking upon the Earth.  Since the Autumn Equinox there have been extensive light energies that have ensued upon the planet with the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon moving towards the partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon.

The portals of light that have been actualized within GAIA are here to help every individual to receive more of their higher essence within the avenues of their physicality.  In the midst of these elements it is causing more debris to be removed from the Etheric level of the Earth along with each human being.  So as a result, it causes a feeling of uncertainty within each individual unless they fully understand that those thoughts and feelings do not belong to them any longer.

Some may say, “What do you mean they don’t belong to me?  I live upon this earth; I have emotions and I am affected by what is happening within the world.”  This is so very true but since the earth is going through her acceleration, the light infractions coming into the core of Gaia’s being are affecting more Light to be acknowledged than the Darkness.  But in order for the Light to be realized, the Darkness must be removed.  So what happens is a period of regeneration, the old leaves in order for the new to be realized.

Now this all starts first within each Soul upon the Earth and within themselves.  So every individual upon the Earth are going to be stepping into a deep healing process.  Some of these souls may not understand what they are experiencing as that is their divine choice.  But the ones that are acknowledging the parts of themselves as a Divine Being will be able to feel the changes occurring within them.  This causes the highs and lows to occur.

Now we know that this has always been part of life; sometimes a soul feels good about themselves and other times, not so good.  The difference now is that the higher levels of joy, compassion, and acceptance within stay with each person for a longer period of time.  As the earth is purging, so are each of you.

To get back to the Light formations of this month and why the intensity is so strong, we refer to the fact that all is aligning into Oneness.  This means the Universal consciousness of all planes of existence into the planet so that each individual may be able to look at themselves at a deeper level than they have before.  As the planet is spinning on her axis, each of you is doing the same.  So each spin that you make is coming closer to the true reality of your Higher Self.  Within that process the road to achieving that end can be intermingled with great intensity of change that needs to occur.  This is when you would say you are in a “low” period.  But yet, when you know how to handle those low periods within your life, then you achieve a higher perspective ~ one that you would not have had previously without the alignment of all elements coming into place.

This is the process that you are experiencing presently.  Not only are you feeling it within yourself, but you feel it on the ground when you walk.  Changes are happening in many environments to not only assist each of you, but to help you to see that it is all part of the Divine Plan of Creation.

Isn’t it true that when you understand why something is occurring in your world, that you can have acceptance? 

Isn’t it also true that you are able to walk through the doorway of change when you are able to see how and why it is occurring for you presently?

So that is when you have your AHHH-OH moment.  You say to yourself, “So now I can fully see my creative process; I am ready to now accept.”

But the other important part of this is for you to realize that these moments of recognition do not always come beforehand.  In fact it is usually the opposite.  You go through the doorway of change and when you get to the other side, you understand the process.

What we wish for each of you to realize fully is that you cannot always have the assurance of knowing how and why you are experiencing your present circumstance. So what happens is that you must have FAITH.  We all know that Faith is not a learned experience; it is a true test of your spiritual self guiding the physical self into a world where you have no idea what the outcome is going to be.

Isn’t it true that when you allow FAITH to be your guide, that you truly see how synchronous events are occurring for you?  Some may say the Universe is working with me in this moment.

Why do you think it happens this way?

As a human being, you have been programmed to think that you should know every outcome in your life.  When you step into your spirituality, you then learn that it does not come from your lower self, but your Higher Self guiding you in each moment.  Sometimes this is a hard lesson to learn but as an initiate upon the pathway of Mastery, it is necessary.

We know not all lightworkers consider themselves on the Pathway of Mastery although they may term it as such.  In retrospect, it means to allow the guidance of the Higher Self with the incorporation of the I AM Presence to fully assist the physical self in their endeavors upon the Earth.  It also means that the lower ego must be removed in order for the higher ego to be acknowledged.  This process is not an easy one but very, very necessary.

Let us get back to the present energies and why you are experiencing such turmoil and/or change within your life.  You see there is a contract with GAIA and the Universal Structures that all Beings upon the planet of GAIA shall go through the same process that she is receiving.  In fact, each soul upon the earth has a part in GAIA’s renewal or what you would call ascension.  So what happens through this process of two Eclipses within one month is Great Assistance from the Universal Structure.

The power of the present energies is only as positive as each individual makes them to be. 

Every soul is responsible for their own Divine Creation or reality of life.  The deeper your wounds are, the more intense is your reality.  The ability to step into a Mastery Pathway means that you are ready to know that there is more to your life than the physical self.  As you do this, you see changes that occur within you and around you that are beyond the understanding of your lower mind.  So you accept FAITH in your world that you are being taken care of.

Every individual that is aware of their Light has stepped into the Mastery Pathway; but not all individuals will become initiates.  It has to do with their own awareness and willingness to go deeper into their psyche which is held within the Etheric Body to heal, heal, and heal over again.  The New Earth will not hold any soul that has not stepped into this pathway.  This is essential for the creation of the 5th dimension.  It is the basis of the ability to love so deeply that nothing else matters, and the dysfunction of the 3rd and 4th dimension will never be held in that environment.  It means that the Etheric Body has to be totally cleansed of all timelines that do not fit the 5th dimensional construct along with the Subconscious Mind to be totally clear of all lower and negative thought forms and archetypes of the past.  All of this works directly through the Etheric body, but is fully felt within the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

As of the Fall Equinox, more light infractions were incorporated within the planet.  It continued with the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse.  It has pushed every person to their limits of the physical mind so that there was nothing else left but to surrender to their Higher Self.  In between the Full Moon and the New Moon there has been a time of regeneration or balancing what has been purged, removed, and no longer accepted within the confines of your lower self.

This has created energies within the planet and every individual to be more cohesive with the Light infractions.  The changes within each soul is personal due to their own thought processes, feelings, and timelines of the past.  Every individual is learning about themselves through the process.  The Ones that are not aware of this consciously are doing it in their sleep state.

So change is inevitable for everyone at this time.

The difference in each soul is how they are affected by the changes they incur.  It is molding the energies of 2015 and how this earth is going to continually move forward through her shifts of reality.


As the planet moves towards the partial Solar Eclipse and the New Moon it reflects a time of REGENERATION.  It is important to look back within the last month to truly see how you have changed, how you handled it, and what you have done to rebalance yourself through the process.  It is an imperative stage for GAIA that each of you does your part in the reflection of your Highest Self.

This moon and eclipse represents the ability to look at the old elements, purge them, and prepare yourself in a new role upon Mastery within your life.  The power of these energies will result in the changes you are asking to be ignited within you.  You must work with them and be the New Beginning that you are trying to achieve.  The Universe will not support you unless you do your part of being Responsible for yourself.  It is part of your contractual agreement with GAIA.  You promised that you would work hard at your own self awareness, be all that your Higher Self desired, so that it would prepare the way for others to follow you.

We know this is not easy; we know that the energies of this month have probably put you in places that you did not know existed.  But that is also part of the awareness process that you are able to have great Faith in all that you do, feel, and think within your physical self to change it into your highest ideals.

The power of the New Moon will help ground all that you have been feeling this month.  Take those thoughts of Love, Wisdom and Power and make them manifest within your world.  It is your Divine Right as a Conscious Being of Light to do so.

We bless you for your journey, thank you, and acknowledge all that you are, all that you do, and all that you will continue to do.  We walk together in silence in these moments with hopes of the future to be rejoicing together upon the New Earth.

Blessings and Love in the Name of All That We Are Together,

We are the Unified Whole Command of Oneness,

Many Masters, Beings of Light, and Angelic Hosts in Harmony of the All

Note:  New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse occurs on October 23rd, 2014, 22:57 GMT, 2:57 Pacific, 5:57 Eastern.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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New Earth Frequency Update ~ The Super Moons of Acceleration

New Earth Frequency UpdateGreetings, My Dearest Comrades of the Light,

It is our pleasure to be here with you as the Unified Whole Command with our energies of the Great Divine Director, Master Einstein, and Master Thoth at your service.

It is quite an amazing time of acceleration once again.  Sometimes you may think that the frequencies of Light are just a continual effort within Gaia and each of you, but this is not always so.  There are waves of frequencies that are being brought forth from the planetary and Galactic Forces to create more elements of change within the planet.

We want to share what exactly is occurring with the phenomenon of the Super Moons during this summer.  2014 is the year of Unity within the planet so there will be many activations that will occur to help the human race to look within themselves of what needs to be changed to create that essence in their lives.  We want more individuals to wake up to their higher purpose; meaning, that they start to understand within themselves that there is more than their physical self and they can make the necessary changes but just connecting to their Higher Self.  We know that we are still had a very slow rate of allowing this phenomenon to happen within the Earth, but let us look at it this way.

During a Super Moon the alignment of the Earth – Moon – Sun all come together so that each represents one another in the process.  Doesn’t this feel like Unity to you or Oneness?  Now each of these systems represent their own individual essence but when they come into this movement together their essences allow for the frequency of light that they are together to be fully felt at an increased rate than being experienced alone.  This allows for the alignment to be represented by a flow of energies into the Earth, also the Sun, and the Moon.  All three become interactive within each other.

On July 12th you had one such occurrence with the Full Moon.  This means that the increased rate of vibratory energies coming into the planet are felt by all aspects in Unison.  But before that time the New Moon that occurred on June 27th would help each particle of living organism, including the human race, to be prepared for the full acceleration.  It might be helpful if you look back one month before and see what occurred for you whether it be physically, emotionally, or mentally.  Each of you was being readied to experience the Super Moon in July.

So it is here again as the New Moon of July 26th was a preparation for each individual to experience their lives differently than they did two weeks earlier.  Each of these cycles is considered building blocks to your future existence.  In order to go deeper within yourself you must acknowledge what you have experienced, what fits into that experience, and what needs to be removed.  It is the cycle of rebirth and of life continuing on this planet.

What is occurring with each of these cycles is more is coming into the planet to prepare every living element to experience life differently than they did in the previous cycle.  It is when an individual does not understand what they are experiencing that it results in elements getting muddled into one thought process.  You cannot understand the depth of your understanding for the confusion that is occurring within your life.  So we say, stop and take a look at yourself during this time.  The frequencies of light are coming in quicker and faster than anyone can truly acknowledge.  It is taking each of you into a deeper part of yourself.  If you can understand how you are feeling by stopping and breathing into the experience, then you will be able to continue the journey at a pace that is more concrete in your physical world.

At this time, the preparation is to take inventory from the New Moon in July to fully embrace the new essence that you have experienced.  Go deep within it through your breath, feel the new you truly to blend with the old you.  As we move to this next cycle of the Full Moon on August 10th, you will be able to ascertain what fits your foundation and what needs to no longer be part of your existence.

We know we make it sound very simple as we want each of you to believe in this process.  The more that you struggle with everything you are experience, the deeper the pain will be within yourself.  Allow the process of rebirth to continually be within you.

These changes are bringing forth new elements within Gaia and each of you.  There can be great movements of healing not only within the earth but for each of you.  Are you ready to just be idle within yourself and let the energies take you over while the world is passing you by?  We do not think so; we want more individuals to understand themselves on a much deeper level than they have before so that the end result is not leaving the planet.  There will be many that will not step into their own personal role of transformation, but there are just as many that will on all levels of consciousness.

As we move through these cycles of rebirth, the changes are going to assist the planet to be so much more than it has been before.  It is helping to remove the old thought forms, energetic pockets of darkness that want to stop this process as the Earth is moving and changing.  The 5th dimensional earth is still not actualized but it is being initiated through these processes.  Eventually, then it will be in an active stage, but until that time, we are asking each of you to go deeper within yourself as the more that you accept and expand, the more the Earth will receive it.

GAIA is holding back her essence so that there can be a percentage of individuals that will be able to access the New Earth.  This process is much longer than originally thought.  Each human on this planet must reflect within themselves and make the necessary changes.  There will be many that will not be able to do so.  This means that deaths will continue to rise and dramatic events around the world will still be occurring.  But all of these are at a lower percentage point than they were previously occurring.  This does not represent a huge decrease, but it is occurring.

These activations that each of you will be receiving are beyond what you can understand.  Preparedness is the key to balancing all aspects within your Being.  Not doing enough inner work will be a huge mountain to climb into each of the Super Moon energies.  The energies will be very intense but it depends on each person and how deep they are willing to delve into their own reality within themselves.

Awakening of the Self is a huge process.  Every individual has the ability to step into their own mastery but it must not come from the physical self.  It must be achieved through the psychological self and until these elements are healed than we will still have great darkness upon this planet.  Working with your Higher Self will assist but the depth of the work must be done within the physical essence.  This is why the Coaching element is important and it is helping the planet.  But it does not stop there.  Then each individual must access within themselves that power that they are from the Highest Perspective.  That is just the raw beginning.

So at this time, the Summer of the Super Moon is a gift to this planet and to each of you.  Take full advantage of this process.  Accept your Divine Right to know who you are and when you don’t make the necessary changes.  Each of these cycles will assist you greatly, and we can start to achieve more Unity within the planet.  Are you ready to step forward and look at your own mirrors?  Let them crack and what you will see is a powerful essence blending within you that is beyond your wildest imagination.

The effect of these cycles will take us into the Fall Equinox which will prove to be another powerful surge of acceleration for each of you.  The manifestation of your light can be expanded within on a much deeper level.  Please take the best advantage to these energies as each of us are standing by to assist you and walk with you into the New Earth.

Blessings from the 144th Dimension of the Unified Whole Command

So Mote It Be ~ We are One

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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