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New Earth Frequency Update ~ July 23, 2015

New Earth Frequency Update

Our True Beginning

Blessings and Love from the Unified Whole Command of the 144th Dimension of Reality representing Oneness.

We are The Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein here to serve each of you in this moment.

The challenges and accelerations of 2015 have truly helped to make this year a movement towards Harmony upon GAIA. We stand in the middle of the year and would like to reflect back on the immense changes that have occurred through the vibrational levels. Each person is going to infuse it within them as best as they can depending upon where they reside within their own cosmic consciousness.

The beginning of the year was very challenging for many of you as the Crystalline Ray became more accessible within the planet as each of you had to hold this energy within you very deeply. We know it has been quite a ride for many of you.

Then the Equinox came along with the Wesak Festivals. These energies took each person into a deeper part of themselves even have they had not realized what was occurring. Debris has been flying out of so many souls so that the deep healing can truly be acquired. The shifting of those energies has accelerated GAIA’s essence with the work that each Initiate took upon themselves to do within their own essence.

Within those energies great change has resulted within each of you and humanity, as a whole. You may not see the overall effects of the movement, but it is happening on much deeper levels than you realize.

As we moved into the Solstice energies, the vibrational changes became softer with the entrance-way of the Solar Angels becoming grounded within the planet. We saw great changes through this process during the five-day period of accelerations occurring. This energy helped to be accessed by every human being upon this planet to feel the pure essence of Divine Light that they truly have been from the beginning of time. Many did not feel it consciously but it assisted them in their daily world, to make necessary changes with more ease and grace than they had done previously. It is not being seen with the physical eye, but perceived within the essence of each individual. It is like a cloud of pure light flowing within and around each individual to help them make better choices that are aligned with their higher purpose.

This energy is also assisting the lower frequencies in having such a hold on the planet as the Divine Essence that is being centered upon the earth is flowing in and out of every living organism, even as we speak. It continues to this day.

In order to really feel the full effects of these magnificent celestial changes physically each person must be responsible to allow these energies to enter their consciousness and be very aware of the changes they are going through. Even when the road seems rough and filled with uncertainty, the Solar Angels are assisting each of you to go deeper, know more about yourself on a spiritual level, and to find the balance of your own Divine Self to be fully manifested within your foundation upon this earth.

This is truly a great opportunity to walk through doorways of change that you may have not been able to see previously. The Celestial Energies are helping each person on the planet to become more softer, more loving, and more accepting of the challenges that they are going through presently. There is a sense of peace than can be revealed if you allow yourself to fully tap into this frequency.

Take time to sit and reflect on these energies especially in a beautiful place of nature. Notice the differences that are occurring within each of you with your thoughts and feelings of what you are experiencing. Allow the movement of the angels within the planet to be fully grounded with who you are.

You are the chosen ones that have decided to come back upon this earth and do it once again. Do not allow the old self to guide you in the opposite direction of the Self Love that your Solar Angel is asking you to receive. Be very receptive to the change that is occurring for you.

Within this process though there can be moments of non-believe, not understanding what you are experiencing, and wanting to just stop the whole process. You can become angry with yourself, and tired of looking within when you just want to fly away. We totally understand this reality. It is part of your programming coming upon this Planet. But as angels, you vowed to stand true to your beginning essence while not allowing the old self to control you, to keep you stuck, and to feel the pain of the past. This journey is not for the faint-hearted and that is why you have chosen to walk with others during this pathway of Light. Be strong within yourself and do not let anything deter away from your own essence of awakening.

This is a very deep process that is happening for each of you. You may not realize the magnificence of what is occurring within your own Being due to other elements that you are being faced with presently. It is a huge challenge and an even bigger awakening upon this planet.

Each of you are being asked to step forward, do the dirty cleanup work that is necessary so that you can fully accept the Divine Being that you truly are.

Aren’t you tired of making choices based on your physical mind and not your Higher Mind?


The more individuals that are able to grasp these energies, the easier your transition will be through the activation of the Solar Angel into the Higher Self, and then eventually activating your Golden Solar Angel. All of these gifts are awaiting for you.
Are you ready to accept them?


You must find time to create balance within your life so that you are not all one thing or the other. You must remove your addictive behavior from any particle that is not good for you. It does not have to be about drugs or alcohol; it is about freedom from one space to another, Flowing with Life throughout your day not allowing the restrictions of the 3rd dimensional mind to control you any longer.

So the planet is being infused with the Angelic Essence to help each of you remember your own essence. As that is occurring, it is helping all land masses upon the planet to accept this love. But, with this higher level of vibrational essence, comes with great changes. Land masses will change, environments need to readjust to the frequency just like each of you are doing.

The most important element through this process is to fully connect to your Angelic Mind/Divine Mind and not to get caught up in the debris that is happening around you. You, as the first angels that are now awakening once again, have a commitment to uphold these energies within yourself.

We know that this is not an easy task for any one of you, and we totally commend you for this pathway of awakening that you have chosen. You are strong souls or else you would not be making this commitment at this time; you are ready to stand fully in your power with the deepest love that you can hold within yourselves.

As the moon cycles are very important, the next phase on the 31st of July represents a very futuristic approach of what we have been sharing. It is time to fully take the opportunity of fellowship and creating new things within your lives.

This energy is to bring the Feminine and Masculine Divine into more creation as the angels represents the balance of both genders. In August this alignment is going to be felt very strongly and will represent the ability to be both within your physical existence.

We ask you to work with us through this process. Allow us to help you to understand your Balanced State of Emotions and Thoughts. Bring forth the Three-Fold Flame more strongly within your Heart Center. It will help ignite the Angelic Presence that you are combined with the Divine Human Essence you are learning to incorporate within your Being.

It is a great time to rejoice with these energies, as it is the True Beginning of what we have all desired to occur within humanity. Each of you stand at the forefront to lay down your weapons of battle, to be the igniting frequency of light within your Being, holding your Highest Essence within you as your Solar Angels are here to help.

Let us all fly together as we did in the beginning of this Earth. Creating the purest essence of sparkling light from mountaintops flowing into the oceans and around the lands of GAIA as we experience more harmonious moments of creation.

This is our True Beginning Together.

The work must be done in order for it to be fully grounded, but the energies through the next two months is going to assist in creating the balance within each of you. It is also a very powerful time to fly through your initiations if you listen to the signs around you. Be very cognizant of your old thoughts versus your new thoughts and allow your Divine Mind blend within your Physical Mind.

As we move towards the Equinox in September, true abundance can be created on this earth.

Let us work together as we are all here to assist within the Unified Whole Command, with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light, with Divine Mother and Father God. Each of us can be present in your lives if you allow it to be.

We look forward to our energetic exchanges with each of you.

In the Light of the Christ That We Are Together, We Are One,

The Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein
At Your Service in the Light of the All

If you would like to know more about accessing your Solar Angel, Walking Terra Christa has facilitated a special program series with Lord Metatron, “Angelic Boost”. Included are teachings from Lord Metatron on the Solar Angels, journey to his Golden Temple of Illumination with activations for the Solar Angel along with infusing the first five Metatronic Seals that are associated with the first four initiations of Mastery. Please click the link above to receive how to order this powerful angelic series.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).

Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Angels Return

angels-wtcThis is the transcription of the LIVE call within the Clarion Temple of Oneness with The Golden Solar Angels of Lord Metatron on October 27, 2014.


We are the Golden Solar Angels of Metatron. We come into this beautiful temple this evening and there are many of us.

Allow our essence to filter within you as you so represent the beauty of what we are; the purification of your Light that you received from the Cosmic Great Central Sun in the previous moments is the reflection of all that you have ever been; of the Angelic Presence, of the Light, of the Teachers of the Angelic Realm that are now within the earth and our role this evening through Lord Metatron is to assist each and every one of you to have that remembrance of your Solar angelic Body and beyond; of the ones you have been of the many principalities that have traveled far and wide to fully receive and to give unto this Earth the blessings that you so personify within your existence.

But do you realize this?

Do you realize the blessing of yourself, of the other parts of yourself that have been forgotten?
You see, you pray to the angels; you pray to the many masters to assist you in the Divinity of your Light, to assist you in the balance, in the completion to help you understand more of whom you are but yet, we, here so much of that within you.

We are here to help you, to remind you of all of this. You see through the many timelines that you have experienced, you have forgotten. Some of you are luckier than others as you have more of a remembrance than others. But it is not just a remembrance that we want to share about; it is the ability to understand within yourself that this is You.

You, as the Fallen Angels upon this Earth have the hardest job of anyone.

We, of the angelic realm, the masters of the mastery realm, and the light beings of the Light Being Realm all have their definitive role to assist humanity, but yet you are humanity.

You are the ones that are assisting humanity. You are the human beings upon this earth, and there are sparks of light within you that have awakened for the allowance of remembering more of yourself. But there is still a very long journey for you to travel.

There is so much more for you to experience, to embrace; then you can teach and be that teacher by personifying this frequency of light within yourself. We know it must be difficult to understand within yourself when you look in the mirror that you are not just human, but yet you are. You have within you so many more elements. We, who represent the Metatronic Light of the Solar Golden Angels have this remembrance because we chose to be where we are. Our role was different, and we are here this evening to assist you in your role to help you know more of your internalizations, to help you know more of your multi-dimensional self.

As you see, not all the angels could come to Earth. If all the angels came to Earth, then there would not be any angels in the heavens. So we all had to share this role. Our role presently of the Golden Solar Light is to bring that unto each of you in these moments. For the reflection that You Are to be presented to you in a way that allows you to feel it.

We know what the humans are like; they want to know with proof, and we know that each of you in this moment do not have the need for proof. You know you are part of the angelic realm, of the purification of your essences to allow them to be intertwined within yourself. We want to continue what the Cosmic Great Central Sun has shared with you, and to bring into your essence the ability to feel more that you have been by allowing the totality of all the seals of Metatron to be initiated within you that allows to fully accept your gifts, your wisdom, your knowledge, your ability to ground all of this within your physical existence. That is truly the beauty of whom you are of accepting all these realms of light within you and to know that it was you while being able to tap into those gifts and wisdom but yet still be physical.

We say to you “do not be sad that you are in this physical body as so many are,” because they find it so difficult. Yes, you have chosen the hardest pathway within the Universe. You have chosen to come into physicality into a planet that represents love but represents so much more. Then what happens is you are required to remember all those Selves you have been previously that you have wanted to forget. So you have to bring those elements into existence to find your way back home.

But you don’t go back home; you stay.

You stay unto the planet and bring all those essences unto yourself. Think about all the individuals upon the planet, if they could know this, how much easier it would be for them. How much easier it would be when they go into their churches they actually connect to their own angelic source, and allow Lord Metatron to be part of their journey instead of looking to him as an ‘icon’ that cannot be touched. As a statue that cannot be revealed to the source of light that he is.

We all know that is not true and this is why we have been asked to come here in these moments to help you to feel it, accept it, to allow it to come deeper into your existence so that when you awaken from this dream you will not say to yourself,

“Why cannot, I remember.”

You will say to yourself, “I know it is happening, I receive it, I am patient to allow it to be.”

This is the most important element to realize within the potentiality that you are, to allow these essences to fully be you, because it is your Divine Right to understand about the angelic self, about the solar angel, and then the Golden Solar Angel. It is for you to receive all these essences.

When you do, you will see; you will come together by the 100’s, and you will say unto each other how grateful you are for the journey you have taken, because then the Earth will change. The Earth will rise into that 5th dimensional essence and you will be able to walk the lands, as a human, as a master, as a light being, as a starseed, as an angel. You will be all of these things but yet the journey is not easy. That destination will not be known for quite awhile, but each person within themselves must acknowledge exactly the essences that they are bringing forth so they can assist their own physical being to be whole.

What happens when you leave the body at this stage?

You do not come back to the angelic form; you go to the form where you have your lessons, to look at them, and see what you have learned, and the lessons that you will go forward from that point, and return to planetary form. Because each of you is so very special you chose this journey to come unto this planet, to be upon this planet, and many other planets.

The most important element that we can share with you is that the journey continues no matter where you are. But the most beautiful essence is to fully embody it in this moment in time, in this physical assistance upon this beautiful planet of GAIA. It will flourish but every one needs to do their part.

So we send you this light to assist you in your own divinity of your own Golden Solar Angelic Essence. That beauty of light having all those fields fully embodied within you.

When you think you can achieve, that is when you shall walk that journey and to receive what it is you desire in the many levels of creation.

It may not all come at one time and it may not all come in the way you would like, but It Is Arriving. Allow yourself to know this – the beauty of these essences in these moments.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Allow the purification of your essences to fully intertwine within you as the Waves of Light of the beautiful colors of our essences are blending within this beautiful temple at this moment.

Allow them to flow through you and around you and be you, and feel the totality that you are as the Angelic presence is more active within you than it ever has been before.

Let it come, Let it Be, Let it expand within you.

Feel the purification of all that you have ever been to come into complete harmony. Feel that purification of light, and feel the beautiful harmonization of all your existences coming together in peace, serenity, joy, beauty.

Feel, feel these essences.

Now we blend them fully through the temple into the many dimensional frequencies below into the planet of GAIA. Allow the earth to feel the beautiful Angelic Bodies of the Metatron of the Solar Angelic Realm to come fully within, to come fully into the existence of GAIA’s core, and into all her peoples upon the lands to accept their divinity of all that they are in the multi-levels of creation to arise within them, within their hearts, within their solar plexus, to feel the Divine Love and Divine Beingness that they truly are.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Breathe, now feel the beautiful sparkles of creation that you are from your Angelic Self and the Solar Body of Light to fully come within you to exist through every moment, to exist in your thoughts and your emotions and to see that totality of your angelic essence to be with you in all parts of yourself. This is your Divine Right to never, ever forget the creation that you have been previously to allow the intermingling of these energies to blend fully within you, to ground them deeply as you walk upon the Earth, the angels return once again.

We walk with you as the Golden Solar Angels of Metatron to fully reflect your Divinity of Light and our Divinity of Light as we come together in a new and eliciting way.

We are One. The Angels are all One Together.

With our highest blessing bestowed upon each of you, allow our existence to always be remembered, always, in Love and Joy and Peace and Serenity,

We Are One; We Are One.

You may purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls via The transcript for the Cosmic Great Central Sun via is available to read.. You may also apply to our Student Membership Program by paying a monthly fee to join all teachings on Monday and Wednesday evenings.
©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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