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Due to the lateness of this update this week, we are changing our venue for the Frequency Update.  We apologize for not providing it in a timely manner but due to energies shifting, bodies healing, and allowing the new frequency to be fully in place, Meleriessee has been unable to put out the information.  On this update we will talk about the 11th Gateway and what it means for each of us along with a special message from the Unified Whole Command on the subject.

On November 22nd, 2012 we are entering into another portal of Light to take us into deeper levels of ourselves.  This month has more activations that are readying each of us to go into the depths of our soul to be more fully ready within the physical realm to hold onto the Light Frequencies that are going to occur within the planet.  It will depend upon your physical creation within your spiritual essence in what occurs for you individually, but in truth, what this means is that the deeper your awareness the more in-depth frequency you will receive.  So what happens when your body is hit with lower vibrational energies?  You experience it through your four-body system until it can become One Body of light.  And usually, you need to experience it in all four bodies.  The order that this happens depends upon which ones are the strongest and the weakest.  The stronger body of the Physical, Etheric, Emotional and Mental levels will deal with it first.  It usually happens in this way.  Then the one on the end of the chain will be hit the hardest.  If you have been doing this work for many years, then you probably have strengthened all of these bodies which mean that it is now time to fully accept the physical body as One Body of Light.

Through these activations of this month many individuals will be challenged very physically within their structures.  It is a time when the timelines are coming together to create the total existence of your reality and the physical essence will house all the other bodies, it needs to shift and change into that new reality, and fully accept the Light Body as One Body of Light.

All of the bodies are coming into One Unified Field of Reality to fully accept the next wave of frequency which happens to be the last wave of the 11:11 cycles.  This Gateway of 11;11 occurring on November 22nd is going to be a massive change within each person upon the planet.  So whatever you are experiencing presently, step into it further.  Utilize the higher vibrations to assist the bodily functions and know that when you are feeling physically ill, not to use the word “sick”.  It will make you feel worse.  We are being challenged presently through the physical essence and when that happens all your timelines are coming together to be fully released.

So, we are being challenged to be better, to be more whole, to accept our highest divinity within us.  The body is going to ache, it is going to hurt in places you thought you had healed, but it all must be released.  We know, because this happened to Meleriessee in the past week as she walked into a public place that had some lower viral energies and her body was challenged.  What she realized through the process that this attack actually was a gift because the parts that were weak physically are now becoming stronger with the work she is doing on the higher vibrational levels.  She has not had to feel this type of energy for several years as she thought she had moved beyond getting “sick”.

Per Dr. Lorphan, the InterGalactic Healer of the Great White Lodge of Sirius, “You must not allow yourself to go down the pathway of feeling badly of what you have attracted.  You are a strong being of light and the parts of your cellular memory within the body that needed to rise above with the rest of you are now being released.  Utilize your skills of high vibratory communication through visualization of the Rays of God to assist you in raising the physical essence to meet your spiritual enlightenment.  The challenge is great but the rewards are even greater because the upcoming activations will take you into more depth than you could ever image.  Utilize only natural remedies as anything else will cause more holes to occur within your cellular structure.  Be strong through this process and you will see a different being appear within you.” 

Thank you, Dr. Lorphan

If you are not being challenged physically, then your structure is very strong and you probably are releasing through your emotional and/or mental levels.  Utilize the same philosophy of the Rays of God, spectrums of light, and higher vibrational energies to assist the removal of the old elements.

This is our preparatory stage of development as we are about to walk through another entryway of Light that is beyond anything that we can imagine.  The more we can do through this process within ourselves, the more we can hold it on December 21st.   This doorway represents our mastery in its highest frequency so what does not fit your pathway of Mastery needs to be removed no matter how deep the challenge must be.

Step into your New Reality; be True to Yourself so the doorway can now be opened for others to see your True Reflection.



We come to you in the consciousness of the Great Divine Director, Master Toth, and Albert Einstein.  We thank you for listening at this time to your own hearts and Divine Creation that is accelerating within your Being of Light.

We know that some of the challenges each of you are facing seem insurmountable but in truth, they are just a small hill to climb in the process of mounting the highest aspect of your Divinity.  The process is great but the rewards are even greater as each of us comes together in our full aspects aligned into One Being of Light.

The cellular structure is being broken apart like a huge volcanoe.  As this occurs, an individual needs to know what is needed and what needs to be forgotten.  The Solar Eclipse of this month has created these elements to break apart into a new reality and sometimes an individual feels as if they are re-living some of the old aspects.  This is no longer true.  The parts that need to be removed will be done through accessing the highest parts of your divinity by allowing the lower parts to be removed.

So in Meleriessee’s case, she is removing old aspects in many timelines in which she did not survive.  It is part of the cellular structure and in order for her to move into the next phase of her existence, it must be done.  It comes into play with the mental mind of surrender from these timelines.  As she has worked with the higher energies, she has allowed the healing to occur.  It does not mean that she is not physically feeling it because parts of those timelines need to be fully accepted by her newest divinity of light that she has integrated within her.  We use Meleriessee as an example to help others to understand that it does not matter what level of consciousness you are incorporating, these elements will be happening to everyone on the planet.

We all know that everything happens for a reason so take a look at what you are experiencing.  Go beyond the feeling of the pain, whatever it may be, and accept the transition that is occurring.  Every lightworker at this time that is intending to go further into the development of their Light Body is feeling at a loss and not sure what to do.  The transition needs to happen in order for the New Reality to be fully accepted.  Without the acceptance then we cannot step into the doorway without the old elements in place.  That is when catastrophe can result within the structure of the individual.  The energies are becoming increasingly more powerful and you as a Being of Light have asked to be one of the Light Workers to work with this light into the earth and others.  You are the first wave of beings that are being challenged into deeper levels of your consciousness within your physical existence.

If you are going into these depths, congratulations.  You are among the first and will show others how it is being done.  You are one step in front and allowing this frequency to be fully embodied within you.

Those that are not feeling it as much need to go at a slower pace.  We understand that this process is anything but easy.  It is very difficult and can be so challenging.  Each individual must feel it as they should and allow these frequencies to flow into a new existence of your reality.

So this is the preparation stage.  The 11:11 Doorway of Mastery will allow each individual to step into a higher level of their initiation phase.  As we have explained, the process to get to this point will determine where you are going as an Initiate.  Some may have just left the Hall of Ignorance, some may be just walking into their awareness, and then there are those that are further along.  There will be increased light frequencies within each individual and upon the planet.  This is one activation when the Love and Light vibration will be increased deeply so it is time to fully accept your Divinity in a new way of Existence.

When we share what you will be experiencing, please know that this is a personal experience.  What we want for everyone is to feel their essence in complete Oneness of their beginning, angelic self, galactic self, Mutli-dimensional self, and human self.  It is all coming into this creation.  That is why the challenges are great as all these elements are coming into play.  It is a very powerful time to allow the totality of your Beingness to be fully accepted into your physical reality.

So take time on this day to fully accept all these parts of yourself to come into your creation. Those of you that are being challenged will be feeling elements different throughout the course of the day.  It is a time to fully accept all parts of yourself to come into your True Essence.  You deserve it and it is time to do so.

So when you connect see yourself going through the Gateway as the frequency is spinning around you, brining all parts of yourself together, as you feel your True Essence expanding within your physical body.  See the Mental, Emotional, Etheric and the Physical Bodies all becoming One Body of Light as it was in the Beginning.

We walk with you through these immense changes and deeply honor you for being on the planet at this time of Awakening for all of us.

We are the Unified Whole in Oneness Reaching Our Essence Unto Yours



We are holding a ceremonial call Thursday, November 22nd.  All are welcome to join us as we connect with the energies of the 11th Gateway of Mastery; November 22nd at 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST / 1900 hrs PM UTC, CONFERENCE PHONE: 530.881-1400, CODE: 148525#.

Utilizing our 11:11 Activation Meditation will assist greatly in achieving optimal results for this energy.

Check out our new video, Unified Whole,

The Frequency Update is now available on video; Heliohah111 is the channel to check out the videos.  Sign up as a subscriber and you will receive notification immediately when we load a new video.



FREQUENCY UPDATE ~ November 12th through 18th, 2012


The Frequency Updates are brought to you to assist in balancing your four-body system with the energies that are occurring presently.  Walking within the Mastership Pathway can be challenging and it is important to work through your Soul’s Psychological Balance.  They are shared in a very easy and explicit way from the perspective of an Ascended Master and what he/she faces Walking Into the New Earth.


We have just passed through the gateway of 11:11 which represents “AWAKENING” for every living being upon this planet.  So this week is the beginning of an upsurge of energies to prepare us for the final entrance of the Christ Consciousness on December 21st.

First of all, I would like to report that last week I shared that Mercury Retrograde lasted through December 14th; the information I was guided to share about this date is incorrect.  It means that energy can be with us within a lesser degree until that date but it actually stops its backward cycle and turns direct on November 26th.  On November 13, 2012 we experience the New Moon energies with a Solar Eclipse at 22:09 GMT/UC.  This New Moon being in Scorpio represents working on our self-mastery skills along with learning how to be passionate, resourceful, focused, probing, deep, and perceptive in our personal lives.  This is going to take us to a deeper level once again to acknowledge the parts of ourselves that have been put into the background and allow these elements to shine through the window of our soul as it also allows for the elements we have not wanted to deal with to fully arise out of our reality as it truly does not serve the newer essence of Light that each of us is becoming.  In other words, this week can really have a balancing effect on us if we allow the truth and wisdom to shine together in one essence.

Just as the planets are being very active presently, the solar flares can change quickly.  At present, it seems as if we are not being affected by the Solar Flares but expect energetic changes with the Solar Eclipse on the 13th of November.


It is our pleasure to converse with each of you in this way especially at such a very important time of existence upon GAIA.  We come to you in the consciousness of the Unified Whole Command with Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, along with Albert Einstein who is helping to bring forth the existence of these energies within the Earth Plane.

We have a very exciting week that is upon us; when we say “we” it is in the collective consciousness in respect to the presence of the ALL.  As we are bringing forth the message, there is so much more activity that goes on behind the scenes ‘so to speak’.  Since the doorway of the 11:11 was activated on November 11th, the increased energy frequency upon the planet is being accepted by more individuals than we had previously hoped. We know that many souls are awakening but sometimes the word “awakening” can have some inner meanings that are not received in a generalized way.  We want to thank each of you that participated in any way on allowing these energies to be fully within their Being on the 11th as you truly assisted in allowing the Ones that have no idea what is happening to fully see within them on a deeper level than before.

So let us get on with the message at hand.  This first doorway in November is an active participation of each individual soul to feel these energies first-hand.  Now there are still going to be more that do not understand what is occurring, but it is important for each of you to accept the light frequency within you and expand it around you.  It is not yours to hold onto in anyway, but you are the conduits of the frequency just as we are sending the message to you in this moment.  It is a chain reaction that is occurring which requires great insight into yourself.  This is exactly what occurs within this Gateway as the preparations are going into a deeper level than they were previously and we are happy to be of great assistance.

You have not had much time to reflect on these changes that are happening within your cellular and physical construction.  We want you to realize that preparations have been made through your Higher Self to receive the highest and most balanced optimum frequency that will not overload your system.  So, at times this week, it may seem as if the frequencies are at a very intense rate; that is, when you communicate with your Higher Self to fully accept the level that is appropriate for your body.  Now your Higher Self has been trained to extend the frequencies to you in a most appropriate manner and as any new student must understand, they may not want to receive the highest performance.  It is like being an athlete and you are training for a big event.  Some days you just don’t want to do the work because it seems too intense and your body may not be able to handle it.  But then when you start slowly, then you realize that your body is fully accepting the challenge of your training.  Each of you is in training as this is exactly what you are experiencing.  Some days will be better than others.

On November 13th the Solar Eclipse occurs within the New Moon cycle which will represent the balance that is necessary.  You will find that these energies can assist you on a much deeper level as the emotions that you feel will be surfacing out of your emotional body.  Be kind to yourself when this occurs as it can be quite intense.  But what will happen through the process is that you will feel the compassion and focus that is necessary within your life.  The Feminine and Masculine Divine energies are coming together to allow the co-existence of both of these elements within your four-body system.  You must remember that you are going into depths that you never experienced before and within those levels are parts of yourself, old timelines, which have been lodged deeply within.  This Solar Eclipse is going to go within a deeper level of your shadow side in order to allow the lighter parts of your essence to shine. Together, they are just enclosed within each other as an individual cannot predict how the energy is going to effect themselves either positively or adversely.  This event is going to help change those parts within yourself on a much deeper level.  The result will be the truth of your existence blending with the wisdom to allow it to fully create your intended focus engineered by your Higher Self and I AM Presence.

So you may ask, “How do I assist myself through this process?”  Learning to how to balance each of the masculine aspects along with the feminine will be the key to your evolution of the Self.  Sometimes an individual truly does not understand how to go about assisting themselves if there is no knowledge of where to start.  Take a look back within this 24 hour process and allow the timelines and events to enfold within you.  Were you having any reactions to anything that you were doing, seeing, observing and then acting upon it?  Sometimes we do not see the forest for the trees.  This week will give you the knowledge, expertise, and diligence to go on a much deeper level than you ever experienced before.   It will not be something that you have to search for; it will appear to you in a dream, a thought, a feeling, or within your meditation.  Notice how you previously have reacted to others.  Then see the difference of your actions.  This is the WEEK FOR THAT CHANGE.

The planets are aligning in such a way to assist with this process.  It is important to go deep within yourself especially if you are unsure of what you are supposed to be working with.  These are the ones that are fully being egotistical about their own pathway.  The lower mind blocks the higher mind from being accessed so work with it as best as you can.  Ask this week for the energies to show you these facets that are deep seated within your existence.  You will thank yourself for it immensely.

After the Solar Eclipse, this energy will continue but being within New Moon cycle will allow you to continue within the balancing act.  It will assist you in remembering to walk a straight line and not go to one side or the other.  This will throw you completely off of what you need to do.  Once you do slip, get back up, and do it again.  It will become easier to fully acquire this essence within you.

 It is our pleasure to be with you during this amazing time of change.

We honor you deeply for your pathway and walk with you hand in hand

Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director and Albert Einstein

Representing the Unified Whole Command

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page.


Frequency Update ~ November 5th through 12th, 2012

Planetary Level ~

This week brings us Mercury Retrograde on Tuesday and lasts through November 26th but it is supported with some very supportive and nurturing influences.  It is a time to look at our communication and how it fits into our present awareness; what needs to be addressed, removed, or accepted are the key points to this cycle.  We, at Walking Terra Christa, also feel that an individual should arise above some of these planetary influences as we are moving into a higher vibrational existence upon the Earth.  It will definitely make us more sensitive but in a very positive fashion by allowing us to see the parts that do not define our TRUE SELVES.  The other aspects involve being very nurturing and loving which means taking care of YOU.  Take time out to weed the old that happened from the Full Moon cycle to fully embrace the essence you have desired to achieve.

Presently there are no solar flares that are active.  There is a dark hole that has been detected within the Sun which is expected to hit the Earth by November 6th.  This causes the effect of Auroras within the Polar sky.

There are storm systems brewing on the Eastcoast once again.  It is imperative to try and hold the light frequencies as much as possible so others will feel it.  We must try and help others realize that fear or worry is not the answer and can make the storm systems create more havoc.


Cosmic Level ~


We have come to a new week that we feel is going to please each of you greatly.  Remember the challenges of last week and allowing the energies that you no longer needed to be removed from your four body system?  Well, this week it is more of the same. 

The process from this day of November 5th through the upcoming week is going to support the releasements and occurrences in your life to change.  Sometimes it can be an uphill battle of the frequencies changing within your physical reality but yet you still seem to push further beyond the confines of your reality.  Due to the influx of the energies presently, each individual will be able to assert themselves into a new way of Being by allowing themselves to fully accept the Divine Presence within their frequencies.

It is likened to being on a raft in very rough waters.  The raft moves across a huge rock and you are stuck there until you can find out the best way to get around the rock.  But that is the problem.  Getting around it does not make it go away; you may think so but it is not true.  You must learn to dissipate the energies of the rock so it is not sticking out of the water.  It is the same thing as seeing the Light Come On and then you are not in the darkness anymore.

You have traveled far and wide to arrive at your destination presently.  There should not be any blockages this week as long as you continue the same process from last week.  The energies are shifting into a softer and warmer essence to fully embrace you for the changes that you need to make.  This does not mean that there will not be challenges.  They are an extension of elements that you have been working with as you are giving additional time to experience the new part of your experience.

Let’s take a moment and try to understand the totality of this situation.  Each of the energies that are part of the Earth’s environment is assisting you to accept the “New You”.  This part of you is unfamiliar so there will be more challenges to help you get to the core of the matter.  Understanding and accepting your inner feelings and thoughts will allow you to move through the issues at hand.  Believe me, when we say that these are not something that you just conjured up in your mind.  They have been unsettling within your subconscious for quite some time.  With the effects of the last full moon, debris was thrown everywhere and now you are looking in many different places to pick up the pieces.

Don’t!  The pieces have fallen apart for many reasons.  The ones that are meant to be part of you once again will fall into your hands like raindrops from the sky.  If you have to go searching everywhere for an answer, then that answer will never come.  What you will receive is more questions.  The resulting effect of allowing the circumstances to change will mold you into the New Being you are trying to create.  He or she is already within you.  You have accepted them in another aspect and just need to allow that aspect to be part of your essence.

It is an on-going process, the renewal of your Essence.  It cannot be done in one split second, and no one has the answer for you.  A mentor may help to give you some tools or advice to go about finding it; but the true revelation is within you.

So take this week and keep moving through the process.  The pieces that you thought you lost will return to you if you are ready.  They represent the Ones that do not need to be forgotten but remembered fondly.  Embrace the New You and allow the essences of this week to assist you in the process of your continuation within the highest vibration that you allow yourself to receive.

As you embrace your own essence, find the balance that is necessary in your personal life, then others will be affected in a very positive manner.  Remember that GAIA is healing greatly and the energetics that are occurring presently can adversely affect how the Earth hands the energies.  It is very important to allow your Highest Essence to be your guide on a continual basis.  It is one way that service is being given presently.

We want to say that in reference of Mercury Retrograde – this all flows in the same way.  The energy is very nurturing at this time and do not allow the fear or worry of what this planet, Mercury, may mean in your life.  Rise above it and allow it to enfold within you as it is your destiny to fully accept your creation through the Creative Process of the Now.  Change it and allow it to change within you.  You will be eternally grateful for accepting the nuances of the present moment to enfold within your existence and creation.

We walk with you through the acceleration of the New Earth.

We are the Unified Whole Command,

The Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Albert Einstein at your service.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page.


Frequency Update ~ October 29th through November 4th, 2012

Planetary Level ~

On October 29th at 3:52 pm EDT the full moon occurs in Taurus.  This is a time to fully create the balance and structure that is needed for the next level of energies that will be arising on the Earth.  It affects us from the peace-loving energy of Taurus as we are in the energies of Scorpio which can be emotional and highly electrifying.  It can be a very passionate and exciting time but it also will teach us to be more careful in our dealings.  This is also preparing us for the upcoming energies within the month of November with a Solar Eclipse on November 13th-14th and a Lunar Eclipse on the next full moon of November 28th  visible in the southern hemisphere.

Weather conditions this week are causing disruption around the globe especially in the U.S. East Coast where the hurricane, Sandy, hit the coastline in New Jersey and New York on the 29th.  This not only causes physical disruptions but energy patterns with the winds and rain continually for many hours.  There have also been disruptions in the earth with an earthquake in Canada which caused some havoc in Hawaii but it was not as bad as anticipated.  In reference to Solar Flares there was a huge CME on October 28th but its target was hurled into space.

Cosmic Level ~

This week it is very imperative for individuals to find their own inner balance.  As has been discussed about the Full Moon energies, there are conflicting energies that are going to be hurled right at everyone’s core essence.  So it is essentially important to take full advantage of this full moon to completely release old elements that are cropping up in your awareness whether it be with relationships of a personal nature, family members, friends, or your neighbors.  It does not matter who it is going to be as it will appear within your awareness this week.

This is not a bad element to have happen as it is only preparing you for more acceleration that is deeply needed for the transitions in December.  We know we have discussed previously about the December 12th and 21st activations, but we will not know more until the time grows closer due to how people are interacting within their personal agendas.

This is something that is essentially important to realize as we personally cannot move through the changes until the agenda’s of one’s self but be fully open to the public so to speak.  In reference to the word “public” we mean that it is necessary to be fully open in all avenues of your existence and this means in all your dealings with others.  The old facades need to be broken down so that you can find the TRUE YOU.

This is also representative of the weather patterns this week.  Each time there is a huge current of frequency that can cause destruction upon this Earth, it is representative of the energies that are housed within that geographic area.  The lesser the degree of frequency, the more balanced the outcome will be, and the more intense of the situation and how people react to it, the more destruction that will result.  Remember these patterns within the weather are being activated in more ways than one and it is up to each individual to fully accept their Divine Responsibility within their divinity to integrate the challenges with the best of their knowledge.

So that brings us back to the present discussion of the SELF.  What is happening in your life and how are you handling it?  Are you taking care of the issues by taking care of elements within your Being.  Remember you are the creation of your reality, and these energies are mirrors for each of you.

This week is an opportune time to fully acknowledge the parts of your Being that need to be recognized.  Are you taking time to accept your gifts and what you are doing within the world?  This is where the energy needs to start.  Then you can look at what needs to be removed.  There are many more elements that you are going to attract in your life when you realize the potential that you have within yourself, but you must start with the best parts of what you know works for you.  Sometimes, individuals learn to release what does not serve them, but they really do not accept their true potential.  In learning the structure of what works within your circumstance, then you can weed out the parts that are not in full alignment with the basis of the matter.  Once you learn to do this with everything you are encountering within your life, you will see a huge change in your reality.

We have given you Steps 1, of accepting what you know, 2, letting go of the elements that do not fit into alignment with the first step, and now, 3, moving into a new aspect of your-self.  First, when you acquire the first two elements, there is a clearing and a focus than can happen.  You may feel renewed and rejuvenated.  Allow that feeling to flow within you.  Then, it is time to take some steps into a new way of doing or creating.  You may feel an inspiration within you that it is time to fully accept your new power.  And, you will sense a Beingness within you to fully accept your life is going to change.

It is important to realize that as humans you tend to forget the process.  You can get stuck in the reality of the emotions or the thoughts.  It is imperative to move ahead by realizing you are a Divine Being of Light ready to charge ahead.  You must also remember that the frequencies are going to either assist or de-assist you in this process.  The only element that is going to allow the new beginning to be manifest is your Divine Presence.  We cannot stress enough how important it is to connect with the Source of Being that you are and remember that your body, your mind, or your emotions do not mold who you are, but your Spirit and your Soul’s Essence does.

This week it is very imperative to start a daily practice of connecting to your Source of Light if you already do not do so.  It can be done through breathwork, visualization, chanting, or singing.  Yes, singing.  It is very important to bring music into your life.  It lifts the spirit, but also allows your essence to shine brightly.  It creates the light within you by working with the Harmony of the Spheres.  Movement is very important every day and should not be forgotten.  When an individual becomes stuck in their present reality, it is because the fluidness has not entered their consciousness.  Always moving is very important through breathing and experience of light frequencies.  Without it, it becomes lost in the moment, and then that is when the issues arise.

So remember, when the energy becomes inactive, it means that you as a person are not accessing your Divine Presence within the physical body.  This is how atrophy sets in and the human condition becomes just that, human and nothing else.  An individual forgets that they entered humanness with the express frequency of their Soul’s Essence.  Tune into her or him and you shall see a completely different world arise at your midst.

We walk with you through the process of Divine Intervention within your Physical Essence.  It is our pleasure to see you arise to each occasion of beauty, joy, purity, and light that You Are.

I AM the Great Divine Director with Master Thoth

For the Unified Whole Command

Frequency Update ~ October 21st through 28th, 2012

Planetary Level ~

This week we are transitioning the Sun Signs from Libra to Scorpio.  Within Libra there is balance or at least we try to create balance in our relationships, environments both personal and work related, and all interactions with others.  Moving into Scorpio is the essence of “I Want” which means that we are no longer ready to sit back and accept things for the sake of balance and harmony.  This also creates individuals to look more deeply within and get to the ‘heart’ of matters.  This can be a very intense time as we switch energies.  Let’s look at it as we take the balance of Libra and blend it with the intensity of Scorpio to be the peace-maker but yet not allowing ourselves to be taken advantage of in any situation.

We are also preparing for the Full Moon energies on October 29th which is right at the end of this cycle we are speaking about which will be in the sign of Taurus representing “taking care of ourselves”.  Take time this week in preparation for this moon cycle as we always have a tendency to feel the energies before each cycle begins.  We will be facilitating a Full Moon Ceremony on Walking Terra Christa on Monday evening, 5 PM Pacific.

Solar Flare Alert ~ The Earth is being hit with an X-Flare starting on October 23rd which is expected to be felt in Asia and Australia although it may be the result of more solar flares coming which has been the norm in the past few days.  So if you are feeling tired, dizzy, irritable, and not just YOU, then you know you are changing through this process of renewal.  Take time to rest, take cleansing baths and showers, meditate, and connect with your Highest Presence to assist in the process.

Cosmic Level ~

The energies this week encompass all that has been written and so much more.  Each passing week gives each initiate a perspective of a deeper reality that is currently being presented to them, and we ask you to look at your thoughts and feelings this week.  It will serve you on a higher purpose to acknowledge what needs to be looked at to clear and what elements need to be embraced for your higher pathways about to enfold.

Each passing moment of this year that is remaining is truly that statement “passing moments”.  They are moving quickly with the pace of the clock ticking in the background as each of you are preparing through your Higher Self’s and your physical bodies to be in full alignment.  Each moment is crucial to these elements that will occur within your reality.

We say these words with great conviction because we want each of you to understand the process of continuance that you are going through to support these moments of change.  It is no mistake that you are having fears arise or feelings that you did not think you still had.  They are a pure reflection of your energies shifting into the higher essence that you are incorporating within your full body system.  We urge you to take these moments and go deeper with each reflection.  If something comes up that makes your feel uneasy within yourself, then that is a reflection that you must take time to understand.  It is arising for a reason within your consciousness to prepare you for the next step of your evolution.

Please know that everything you say and do, how you act, what you are feeling, and experiencing within your life are the mere reflections of what needs to be accepted or removed.  You, the maker of your destiny, must make these decisions within yourself in preparation for the next phases that are occurring.

In essence this is exactly what you are going through with changes, fluctuations, and energy shifts either through your own inner work or with the assistance of the activations that are occurring within the Earth.  Many new individuals are awakening unto these energies which are going to make them feel very uncomfortable within their physical bodies.  This past week with 10-21-12 was an Activation Day to assist individuals who need to be awakened more to the reflections within themselves.  Many senior members of initiation are beyond these frequencies as they are holding the Light to pass through them unto the Ones that need to accelerate themselves in a new and different way so each of these smaller activations are assisting in the Planetary Awareness of seeing the world in a new and different way.

This week shall be another preparatory stage for the Full Moon energies as these activations occur to remove the inner layers within the Cellular Memory to fully accept their I AM Presence more actively within their physical existence, but it cannot be done without seeing the Inner Reflection.  This is the dichotomy of the present state of awareness.  In the first stage an individual feels different, full of love energies, and allowing that essence to flow through them.  Then, in the next stage the love energies intertwine within the lower essence to fully reflect within the individual.  So at first, there is a surge like being in Love with Oneself; and then, that loves grows into the areas that need assistance.  So the old energies can arise out of the system to be purified within the four-bodies of Physical, Etheric Emotional, and Mental so the Full Body system can be acquired.

This process is important and should not be ignored.  Trying to mask the lower feelings with the higher feelings will only allow them to be hidden deeper into the cellular structure until one day it will burst open into flames of anger, hurt, and deep depression.  We share this information as this is what is happening to many individuals upon the planet.  We must not mask the feelings, but allow them to surface and be purified into the Oneness of Creation that You Are.

This is the week to prepare for this stage as with the onset of the next full moon on October 29th, 2012 the frequencies of this purging will go to deeper levels than ever felt before.  Each week the vibrational level of the Earth is shifting into a new paradigm of frequency and it cannot be measured in terms of how to deal with it until it arrives.

This is the week to fully acknowledge the depth of what you are NOT and change it into WHO YOU ARE.  It is not an easy process; this we know.  But in so doing, you will be preparing yourself for more acceleration upon the event of 12-21-12.

It is our time to walk with each other and you have chosen to be the Way shower upon this Planet.  The process of initiation and acceleration is not easy to handle, but you would not be reading these words if you were not ready.

We walk by your side each moment of your rebirth unto the New Earth.

We are the Unified Whole Command,

I AM the Great Divine Director at your Service

So Mote It Be, We Are One!

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page.

Frequency Update ~ October 15th through 22nd, 2012

Planetary Level:

We start the week off, Monday, with a New Moon in Libra, 8:03 AM EDT which will represent balance in our relationships.  It is also a very good time for creating new projects as the energies are presenting this facet in our earth energies.  The buzz words are to create the NEW but within the Balance of the Self.  This not only represents our relationships but our environment while allowing our new creative Self to be born.  This week will truly help us to embrace the elements that have been purging in the past frequencies recently.  So take time to fully understand what is in balance and what is not aligned in your True Self.

In reference to Solar Flares it looks like this week is also going to be in balance.  There was an ignition of Auroras from a G-1 magnetic storm this past weekend that lasted 15 hours which caused some pretty amazing graphics, see

Cosmic Level:

The frequency of Light this week is going to be one that will assist you as long as you keep the elements in perspective.  Remember that we are preparing for a very important time within two months with the energies of 12-12 and 12-21, 2012.  Each of you is being prepared in ways that your Higher Self is deeming it appropriate for your present circumstances.

You can no longer accept your life in the way that has always been done.  The world is changing into the higher frequencies.  Some are living in the 3rd, some in the 4th, and very few in the 5th.  But each of us aspires to that point of creation within the 5th dimensional frequency.  So each of you must be prepared to step into this doorway of your awakening.

We are not talking about new awakenings as in asleep consciousness-minded individuals which there are many of on this planet. We are talking about YOU ~ the one that is reading this text because your life is going to change dramatically in ways behind your conscious reality.  This is what we are preparing for in each week and different stages of growth.

You may already understand the transition that you are going through but you cannot know, until it arrives, how deeply it will change you.  We explain these parts so that you can fully understand the process of each moment you are living within your experiences.

This week will help in creating new definitions of the Self within you to fully accept the potentiality that YOU ARE.  As we draw closer to these important events, then the understanding will go deeper within you.  So this week will help you to realize more of yourself.

It is time to fully acknowledge the parts within you that do not fit and allow them to be removed which is not part of the higher aspect of your reality.  If you continue to allow yourself to be in the old spaces of existence, then this transition will become ever increasingly difficult for you to handle.  It is when you fully allow your physical body to accept the higher frequency that is also YOU, to be within your Being, then you accept the full potential that you are.  And that potential will change with each increasing moment of acceptance.

Take some moments this week to reflect fully on the inner parts of yourself that need to be adjusted and this may include family and friends that have been dear to your Heart.  As you get closer to the inner reality that is you, then you see the perspective changes that need to be made.  This is not easy at all but this New Moon represents Balance in all aspects of living and Being.  You must be very TRUE to YOURSELF, and in order to do so, you must understand what does not fit your present purpose of existence.

We did not say this was easy at all; but each of you that are reading this material, are aligned with a higher consciousness.  It depends upon what you do with it and how you allow it to blend within yourself.  Please know that awakening of the Soul within the Physical existence is not an easy process as you have been asleep a very long time.  You must also know that very careful steps must be taken in order not to perceive yourself as something you are not.  This is the paradigm of the New World that will take effect upon everyone’s existence within them and around their environment.  It is an essential part of allowing the elements to fully grow within you, adjust the changes that are necessary, and full align with the NEW YOU.

So take your time this week in allowing these energies of the New Moon to support your in your own endeavors of creation.  It is a very powerful time, and we must not resist what needs to change, walk into new doorways of Light, and accept that you will be supported, loved, and accepted in so many ways.

It is our Divine Pleasure to walk with you during this phase and moving into the New Earth of Unified Consciousness.

We are the Unified Whole Command,

Walking in Oneness with you,

So Mote It Be In that Light That We ARE

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  Permission granted to share information as long as copyright information is included.

Frequency Update ~ October 7th through 13th, 2012

Planetary Level:

This week the planets are settling down so it is a time of Reflection.  Look back unto the previous New Moon of Virgo and the Full Moon of Aries to assist in fully moving through your journey of the Self.  The past two phases have been very instrumental in assisting us in learning who we truly are even though they are causing intense moments of pain, sadness, and shifting into our new realities.  The inner and outer self has truly looked at each other to make the necessary adjustments.  You may still have remnants of these activations to fully work through so it is a perfect time to do so.  Not a time of relaxation, but truly moments of adapting to our new essence.

On the other hand, we are being hit with the Solar Flares this week.  So in one way we are allowing the new changes to occur and then being feeling the frequencies on an inter-planetary level.  The solar flares will occur approximately from October 8th-9th resulting in geo-magnetic storms.  This can cause us the usual changes within the physical structure.  We have to remember that these solar flares are assisting us to incorporate the higher frequencies within the physical structure so it is a time to truly utilize your tools for grounding and shifting into your new reality.  Those of us on the Northern Hemisphere are going to be feeling the energies of DRACO the Dragon Meteor Shower from Sunday evening through Monday morning (


Cosmic Level:

The energies this week are truly going to assist each individual but it is up to you, the individual, to fully realize that again, what you do not take care will be arising out of the surface.  The last two weeks have been monumental for individuals to fully realize the potential of their inner selves and this week you will be able to put that into practice.

What do we mean by this?  Well, the month of September has represented to the Awakened Beings of this Earth to know that the onion is not completely peeled, and truly, it will never be.  You may have felt the bottom of your life dropping away as you have known it.  September was a very powerful month indeed, and October is going to present its interesting twists and turns for each of you.

Do not think that if you are an accelerated Being of Light, in your own words, that you are not being challenged.  In fact you are the Ones that will be challenged more deeply, because you make a lasting impression upon many who touch your lives in your words or thoughts in whatever way you are sharing your Essence.  This is a time of great testing ground to see how far you can go.  It will get deeper and deeper, and the true challenge is how are you going to handle it?

This is what the Solar Flares represent in your physicality.  You have come to a point of time in the conditioning of your awareness through your physical body by allowing the higher realms to fully infiltrate within you.  Or, Are YOU?  This is the question we pose to you for this week.

Take this time to get deeper into yourself and see what you are sharing with the world around you.  Does it really reflect your true Essence or are you just sharing because you want to have a voice?  This is a big question and will come up with many Lightworkers in the next few weeks.

You have now reached a point of resting with the full moon energies.  Then the solar flares will be arriving into the Earth’s atmosphere which truly represents the Great Central Sun(s)…Yes, all of them through the Cosmic Levels.  So what does this mean for you?  You may have thought you are in a good place of balance but there is still more to understand.  You may have arrived into the pathway of sharing Light Frequencies to the masses and feel this is your destiny.  But my Dearest Ones, this is just the beginning.  For those that are just awakening and learning ways to find your Higher Self or I AM Presence, TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF THIS TIME.

What we are trying to convey in these moments is that this week is a PERFECT OPPORTUNITY to understand yourself more.  You have arrived with changes in your reality and the Universe is now going to shift more frequencies within you.  It is important for you to look at your BALANCE and how you react or don’t react to given situations.  Each of you is being prepared for the most optimal opportunity in your lives and everyone’s lives (meaning all soul families of Light).

REFLECTION of the Self is going to be very important at this time.  It is showing you how to look at the inner you and the outer you, how they relate to one another, and then to the world around you.  Learning how to fully accept your views, how you interconnect with other sentinent beings of light, and what is the difference between a good soul relationship and a bad one. 

Why, you ask?  Because there is going to come to a time very soon when you are going to have to choose what your life represents.  This week is a perfect opportunity for each living soul upon the Earth to fully look at themselves, their life and what it means to them, and the course of action that they want to take to create a better life.  Now we are not talking about material aspects, but the quality of your relationships and how you share with others.

Let’s face it ~ everyone wants to walk with their Higher Selves fully intact 24 hours a day.  This is what we mean.  This means that those old ways of doing, sharing, expressing, and being will not work.  No more judgments whether they are You, or Them; no more sarcastic remarks about individuals that are different from yourself, and no more feelings that You are not good enough.

It’s all about Oneness, right?  This is what everyone wants in their lives and we have to remove old ideas, thoughts, and timelines ~ yes, the most important element from the past lives to be fully removed.  Because all that you do and think, is not ALL YOU.  You may think it is, but it is not.  You are so much more beautiful, loving, joyful, and you deserve to have all of that right now.

This is the Harvest Time and it is not just about receiving what you desire but showing others Who You Truly Are.  This week may be rough on you depending on where you are in your development but believe me, it is going to assist you greatly for the next three months.  It will prepare you deeply for the changes that are occurring upon this Earth and you will stand ahead ready to help others to do the same.

We do not mean to be harsh, just loving thoughts of what you truly desire for yourself.  We know that this time is the most powerful but challenging moments in history.  All you have to do is say to yourself, “Am I Ready” and if you are not, then get deeper within yourself to be Ready.  Otherwise, these next few months are going to be very tumultuous for you.

This week is a sampling of more to come.  Those of you that are in balance we pose this comment.  Are you ready to receive more frequency within you?  Are you preparing yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually?  All you have to do is PREPARE.  Just one step deeper into your exquisite Light.  Not a big step but allow this week to assist you for the journey of your life.

We just also want to share that these do not have to be big steps this week.  Just one foot in front of the other and continue the walk of the Light within this Earth.

We are deeply honored that you are doing this walk and know you are the most courageous souls that could have stepped into this experience we call Earth.

In the Creation of Oneness,

We are the Unified Whole Command in the Light of the One

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibratory Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  Permission granted to share information as long as copyright information is included.

Frequency Update ~ September 30th through October 6th, 2012

Planetary Level:

We are in the midst of the Full Moon energies which is bittersweet as it represents the Harvest Moon but also a time of working through our inner securities.  The Moon is in Aries which tells us about the fire energy outside of ourselves, but with the conjunction of the other planets, it is also a time of inner reflection.  It can cause great strive within our emotions and thought processes because we want it NOW.  It represents the energy of the lizard, Uranus Square Pluto, which is taking away our outer layers.  Lizard represents our dream-time and making those dreams manifest.  That brings us the ability to look fully within our inner self that wants to come out of the closet.  This Harvest Moon is being shared that it is the most powerful full moon of this year as it is time to REAP our Rewards, all our hard work that has been in place this year.  But if we do not allow the clearing process to occur, then we are allowing our lower energies of the self to be illuminated out around us.  This creates the Harvest to be the elements that still need to be cleared and processed.  So it is a great time of inner reflection of allowing your pathway to be exactly what you choose it to be, ILLUMINATION of your Light.  This is not easy because we are being challenged greatly by these events in the planetary level.  Note:  We held a Harvest Moon Ceremony on October 1st; check for the MP3 download.

Solar flares hit the Earth September 30th which were considered very strong..   You might have felt these effects on the 30th and the 1st of October which causes tiredness, dizziness, and out-of-body experiences.  There were reports of Aurora lights being seen in the southern part of United States (


Cosmic Level:

This week is a blessing in disguise for those of you who have been working through elements of change within your lives.  The frequencies of the Cosmic energies are truly walking with each of you as you merge into the PERFECT You. 

Some may not see themselves as being Perfect, but that is within the eye of the beholder.  What is it that you are seeing for yourself in these moments?  Are you having difficulty with adjusting to a new way of Being when you are unsure what that is going to be?  Are you finding time to realign your energies in a new and balanced way?  These are elements for each of you to ponder within your reality.

Why are these so important?  Well, each of you are resisting and assisting at the same time.  What you resist will persist and if there are aspects within you that are not aligning into your personae of the person you think you should be, then there is resistance.  We never like to hear this but it is so true. 

THIS IS THE MOST POWERFUL FULL MOON that each of you will encounter in your lives.  It is pushing and prodding you into a new perspective and that element is not happening in your conscious-aware state.  It is coming from the super-consciousness, higher self, guided self or whatever you choose to call this part of yourself.  If you have been working on yourself diligently and feel like you are getting nowhere, in fact everything is a standstill, and then you are in perfect alignment.  Hah, you did not think we would share that, did you?

It is so very true; you don’t know what you are releasing, you are doing all the work, but yet there is still no movement.  Well, then you fully need to surrender to that process.  This is the energy of the Lizard as Meleriessee has shared but truly we like to think of it in the snake energy.  Snake energy moves along the base of the earth, going up and down wherever it chooses.  Then one day there is a blockage.  The snake cannot go up, or down, it is stuck.  What does it do?  Does it cry and lash out onto someone else?  Well, if it was a human stopping him, maybe so but that is not the gist of our story…The blockage was created for him to stop, go within, maybe take a nap, and fully allow the old skin to be removed.

This brings us to the thought that the rawness occurs to the surface when the skin is removed.  This is when you need to fully get within yourself and find the spark of light that you are.  Your physical body does not have the answer nor the thoughts of fear and feelings of emotional loss, but you must go throw  away all those elements to fully find YOU….

So let’s get back to what this moon represents.  It has been preparing you for THIS…the Harvest.  You cannot reap what you have done if you still have gar-bage to clean up…Then your illumination is just more of that gar-bage…So this week is your time to fully reflect what you want in your life and not to worry about the process of getting there.  Your Higher Self has it all planned out for you, believe me.  It is a time of JUST TO BE.  Feel the pain or the joy because that is complete surrender of your Essence fully coming within the physical existence.

Now you are fully ready to HARVEST all that you are.  You will have the answer that you need if you allow it TO BE.  Within yourself there is a special gift and that gift is to understand your process of BEINGNESS.  It cannot come from outside of your-self, from another person, or even a spiritual guide.  This is a time of true HARVEST.  That harvest means your Higher Essence is designating your pathway.

The ones that do not understand how to do this will suffer more.  The energies will become more intense and what you do not work with, will work on you.  So try to find a way to fully accept your destiny.  Make the necessary changes.  Planning stages are in process for this to happen.  So the HARVEST is within you and to create it in your outer world you must find the Balance.  Change your old way of doing things as they probably are no longer working for you.

The blessing of this week is knowing this process and understanding how to get to the next phase of your growth.  We know that you are not clueless and that the growing pains are still continuing to help you move through your Divine Essence within your body.  It is not easy and if you do not work through what is happening with you, then you shall be challenged greatly. 

We name this week CHANGE because it is happening whether you want it to or not.

The other element is that it is beautiful because the pain of growing up into your Divine Essence, your spark of creation, your I AM Presence, is the beauty of knowing you are continuing to walk further into the Essence That You Are.  This is truly the Harvest season as you deserve to fully accept the gifts within you that will assist you in the process of being an Enlightened Being upon this Earth.  Believe me, towards the end of the week, you will thank yourself for taking care of the Old as you Move into the NEW.

We also walk with you in this Creation of Light.

We are the Unified Whole Command In the Creation of Light of Oneness.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa ~  All Rights Reserved.  Sharing Approved with Copyright information Only.

Frequency Update ~ September 23rd through 29th, 2012

Planetary Level:

This week should be a mixture of the new from the New Moon on September 15 and moving into the Full Moon on September 30th, at 12:19 AM GMT.  In between these two phases we experienced the Equinox which truly was a doorway of moving from the old into the new.  This week we should be feeling the effects of the New Moon as we allow the walk to continue within the newer energies.  The Full Moon can be a time of romance, fertilization, and relationships which mean the emotional parts of the self will be very reflective.  It can be a bit combative as the Moon is in Aries representing the ‘self’ and the Sun is in Libra representing the ‘other’.  It is a time of illumination of expressing ourselves and moving out of the normal way of doing things.  This can also mean that we may want to change the old way of doing things, with others and in our lives, into a new existence as we allow these energies to be our guide.

In reference to Solar Flares, there is a slight chance this week.  There was an active region on September 23rd which is being recorded as an expanding cloud but is not being considered a threat to the Earth’s atmosphere.  The Northern lights have been active during and since this Equinox although the wind velocity is very low at this time.  That does not mean it will not speed up in the Artic winds.

Cosmic Level:

The energies that each of you are going to be feeling this week could be a mixture from the old and the new.  Possibly more of the old as you may not know what you need to be doing to walk into your new pathways unless you have been intending for quite some time to fully access these frequencies of light.  As the information above relates to the New Moon, Equinox, and Full Moon, it can create a mixture of energies that may confuse the lower mind to try and understand the entire process.

We suggest to you for this week to be in preparation for the Full Moon energies and totally understand WHO YOU ARE.  This means in all aspects of your Being, not just thinking about it.  How are you doing with conversations with others, interactions, and allowing your true Spirit to be the guiding force within your world?  As each new day brings on a different frequency of Light unto the Earth, each of you are going to be challenged deeply to fully understand the process that you are undergoing.  If you do not know how to do so, just ASK.  It is that simple.  You will see a special moment occur for you if you do so.

Not only is the time period in the last week of September crucial for your emotional balance, it is time for you to understand the mirrors that you are sending out to others; because it will be reflected back into your SELF.  We cannot assist another until we assist ourselves, and this is the week to do so.  Find time, even if it is a moment of self-reflection, to take care of your own insecurities, energies that are not serving your higher purpose, because they will illuminate out to others.  As a direct result, don’t you want to feel the same from others?  Isn’t that why you protect yourself with psychic energies so that you don’t have to interact with the ones that do not align with your truest purpose or thought of the moment?

Let us all take a breather this week and start to fully accept that you are a Divine Being of Light and allow that to reflect in all of your words, thoughts, feelings, and emotions.  As you do this, it will all come into a synchronous moment of creation.  Let us blend the Planetary with the Cosmic and bring it into balance into the ONE that matters, YOU.  As you do so, you will see this week be the most synchronistic moments in your life.  As each full moon becomes closer with 12-21-12, you will see a change in Who You Are.

In Love, Joy, and Exhilaration of Our Light Together,

The Unified Whole Command in the Light of Oneness

Introducing Unified Whole Weekly New Earth Frequency Updates

Weekly we will provide the energies of what is occurring within the Cosmic Forces into the Planetary Level as we are affected by all levels of vibration in and around us.  The Planetary level is based on the planets and what the resulting energies we are experiencing.  The Cosmic level is a channeled message brought forth by the Team of Light* of Ascended Masters, Intergalactics, Inner Earth Beings, and Cosmic Frequencies.  The messages will come forth this group consciousness known as UNIFIED WHOLE COMMAND IN THE LIGHT OF ONENESS.

Week of September 16th, 2012

Planetary Level:

We are in the midst of a New Moon which this time is a double intensity.  It is within the Sun Sign of Virgo along with the Moon Sign.  It represents nurturing in parenting relationships, of child to parent so our Inner Child is really asking for additional assistance.  Other aspects relate to changing your diet into a healthier way of eating, taking care of yourself, understanding when relationships do not work they do not serve your highest purpose, learning compassion and deep love for the self.  The solar flares are low presently which helps us to keep the balance with the New Moon activities.

Cosmic Level:

This week promises to create change in a very subtle level for each individual.  The New Moon is always a time of re-creation and makes the necessary changes to adjust to each of the resulting energies that do not allow for a complete flow and balance.  With the onset of this moon you may find that you want to make changes in your life that you have been thinking about for quite some time.  It is how you go about it that is very important.

This is essentially important as the energies may be subtle but they are very distinct for each individual.  Everyone is changing greatly at this time and it is important to realize that the changes will occur quickly and then you will need to readjust the frequencies within you.  What you ask for, you will receive.  So be very particular in your prayers of being gentle to yourself.

Addictions play an important role at this time.  What you do not work on, will work harder against you.  This is in relation to food, drink, drugs, relationships, and self-care.  Nothing must be in excess at this time and if it is, then it will pull you down further.  So it is time to do some self-cleaning in and around your self and environment.

The frequencies of light expanding upon the planet will be very slow this week.  There are not going to be any major surges because it is time to fully clean out your closets and reaffirm what you desire in your life.  So gentleness is the word we want to share with you.  This represents each of you own SELF and everyone else that is in your life.  Compassion is deeply needed to be rooted within your Being to assist you in the process of the changes that are going to result within your lives.

The Fall Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere will have the same effect electrically with individuals.  So this week is in preparation for that phase from the seasons.  Clean up the old, get ready for the new as it is a time of complete renewal and rebirth.

Look to your skies for answers of the light that is coming into the planet.  Allow yourself to have a dialogue with individuals of the Sky Nations as they are looking for your assistance.  This assistance is only coming presently in the form of Light Frequencies to assist you in this process of healing that you are going through.  Notice when you see the lights blinking at you they are acknowledging your process of continuance.  There is a reason why they are beckoning you.  It is your remembrance of being with them in all aspects of your Being.

Prepare yourself for the next phase of the Harvest Moon.  In order to fully remove old elements you must reflect deeply, nurture your process and have no regrets on your future.  You are commanding the elements to occur as they will so allow yourself to be bathed in the Light of Pure Divine that you are.

Step into the energies of the Equinox of the flow and grace that You Are.  It is a time of complete renewal of who YOU ARE.  Each day is awakening of these frequencies.  Celebrate your birthing process within the land, on the water, and within the sky elements that You Are.

We, of the Unified Whole Command in Light of Oneness

Align with the Essence of Oneness.  Join us and breathe the light that We Are.

*Team of Light consists of Ascended Masters (St. Germain, El Moyra, Serapis Bey, Djwhal Khul, Master Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya, Master Hilarion, Lord Sananda, Paul the Venetian, Lord Buddha, and more), Lady Masters (Mother Mary, Lady Isis, Lakshmi, Pallas Athena, Quan Yin and more), Inner Earth Beings (Lord Adama, The Telosian Council of Light, Mikos), Intergalactics (Ashtar Command, Arcturians, Pleidians, Sirians, Andromedians, Lord of the Great Bear Star System, and all Christed Intergalactics),  Angelic Realms (Archangels and all principalities), Divine Mother and Father God, Master Thoth the overseeing spokesbeing of the Unified Whole, Krishna, Ganesh, and all dieties in the Spiritual Hierarchy, Native Elders that walked the Earth before, along with all the Elementals, Fairies and Spirits of the Light including Dolphins and Whales.


These frequency updates are brought to you by Mel & Mike of

You may re-post these alerts as long as you include the entire  update and the  reference to our website.



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