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Feeling the Love? (or perhaps not so much…)

by Rev. J. Michael Hayden

Post Valentine’s Day Sale to Assist Creating True Love

The hype and hope that is Valentine’s Day may bring with it the opposite feelings of what the day is supposed to be all about, especially for individuals not in a relationship as a couple.

For those couples already in relationship it can be a day that does not end up meeting the expectations.

In Western cultures becoming a couple through marriage is something that about 90% of individuals do.  The long term success of being in a relationship that stands the test of time is 50% to 60% of those couples. Which is a statistic that is basically just a bit better than flipping a coin.

Key Traits of a Coin Flip Lover

Enmeshed/Boundary Issues – Someone who is not able to have clear and healthy boundaries between their own “stories” and those of another. If could be their birth family of origin, or family through association. Parental figures or siblings could present as needy or controlling, and the person who is enmeshed does not know how to “just say no” in a respectful and loving manner. This “foundation” then is what forms the basis with a lover as it is the only way of being one knows. This trait can also manifest as hiding or running away from the other emotionally or even physically through making sure to be too busy to connect with the other person. The fear of “losing the self” is the driving theme of the relationship. Another way this manifests is to be the controller so that you do not get controlled.

Lack of Sense of Self – Similar to the above but more focused on the internal relationship one has with herself/himself. If an individual is not strong enough to know who they are within their own mental, emotional, and spiritual self, they can not experience where their own health life concerns begin or where they end. Like the above, this can show up as someone who seems easily influenced, over to the other extreme of someone who has the need to be in charge or they fear they will lose everything.

Little Ability to Self Nurture – This trait is that of the person who must have another person in their life to give them what they can’t provide without that person. This trait also shows up as being overly needy as in “If you loved me you would know to do this for me”.  This is also a form of control of the other person done through emotional manipulation.

The reality of most relationships, and why it can end up being a coin toss as to if it will stand the test of time, is that most humans have insufficient awareness of who they are being as a person. More specifically in terms of spirituality, who the are as a Soul within these areas of “beingness”.

One tends to look at their life and especially their childhood upbringing and experiences to see how they were “shaped” by outside forces to become who they are as an adult. Very few understand the Soul dynamic of arriving upon Earth to deal with a Soul issue to which they need to restore balance. In other words, for example, having parents who were divorced may have a lot to do with your own Soul requiring you to learn how to heal through that process and have little to do with your parents own issues.

Bringing Balance 

Our personality is not just the combination of all the factors we experience, it is very much about who we are as a person and how we interpret those experiences. Traditional theologians may claim we are a blank slate at birth endowed with certain universal human abilities. We then may become shaped by our external environment either positively or negatively based on the degree we are able to be reinforced to support those inherent abilities.

But from the point of view of Ascension Mastery, it is much more complex. We are also born “hardwired” with issues or biases that are unique to our own makeup that are not within the original purity of our Soul. They are issue that we have “picked up along the way” of being a Soul that lives many lifetimes.

This is why you will see children say very profound things about specific topics that other children have no interest in at all.

So our task as Ascending Souls, is to discover these biases or traits that we came in with, see how they influenced our life and choose if they are issue we desire to bring into a more balanced state or not.

The Divine Masculine and Feminine

That state of being more balances is when our feminine side brings forth that nurturing in most areas of our life so that we feel safe and taken care of even when alone. This requires a balanced masculine side to bring forth the personal strength of will and power of that self so that one is confident and secure in the way they express themselves and conduct themselves to and with others.

Using the Wisdom of Ascended Master Lady Mary Magdalene and her own spiritual mentor Ascended Master Lady Isis, we created an 8-hour seminar series course so that each individual can begin to understand the dynamics of how they as a Soul can regain the Divinity that is the Masculine and Feminine Divine restored to full Union.

There is no better way to be in a balanced relationship with another person than to create that balance within the self first. This is imperative so that the seeming randomness of the “coin toss 50/50 chance” gets removed from your own relationships.

This spiritually channeled Ascension Mastery seminar course will not instantly make you into a perfect partner for your soul mate or twin flame connection as the concepts and energies given require you to continue to allow the deeper understandings to unfold, But we feel they will greatly assist each participant in having the understandings required to make some progress, and to get the support from the higher vibrational spiritual energies within the process.

If you are interested in reading more details or to take advantage of the sale price of this 5-part series, please click below. (Couples in relationship included for one price. Now more than $50 in savings.)

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Journey of the Soul’s Heart

divine Union of the SoulWalking Terra Christa is facilitating a new series entitled “DIVINE UNION OF THE SOUL” which will be a journey of the self learning how to access the Love and Wisdom from the Soul’s perspective. Lady Mary Magdalene along with Lady Isis (and many other lady masters) will be bringing their energies into this amazing program.

This is a special seminar series as it is going to take each individual on a journey of their own self to find their True Essence to become manifested within their world. We, as humans, desire to have a union with a partner that represents this energetic exchange, but it cannot happen until we find our own true love essence within ourselves.

This program is going to provide the tools in order to achieve this love within our self and with others. It is a journey in which Lady Mary is going to guide us in learning how we have forgotten who we truly are from the perspective of our pure beginning when we were created as a Soul from the perspective of the I AM Presence through the Creative Source of Oneness.

Activating the Feminine Divine is an essential component to our living within the New Earth. This means that each individual whether they are female or male, must access this part of himself or herself completely and without reservation. Through the many lifetimes that we have experienced the veil of forgetfulness has been upon us, as we have had to experience great strife and darkness to understand who we are. People upon the planet at this time desire to know themselves more deeply and to receive love in a multitude of ways.

Lady Mary with Lady Isis, which is over-lighted by the Divine Mother, will take us into a journey of our Soul’s Essence so that we can remember the beautiful Being of Light that we have been. This will help to remove the blockages and doorways that have blocked us from our full potential as it is NOW TIME TO DO SO.

Tools will be given on how to get through the process of removing the constrictions that we have placed upon ourselves. Teachings will be shared on they whys and wherefores of the different types of relationships that we have with other souls along with learning how to forgive ourselves for staying stagnant when some of these relationships are just doorways to our future.

We believe that this is going to be a very magical journey with these beautiful Lady Masters as they show us the way unto our Truest Essence of Light. It is the beginning of fully embracing the Divine Being that we truly are and learning how to accept how the challenges are truly doorways of opportunity into the New Earth energies.

Mary Magdalene shares what she feels about this Program in her own words:

It is my Divine Pleasure to be able to host this amazing series of Love with each of you. I am looking forward to working with Lady Isis along with the host of Lady Masters and the Divine Mother igniting this energy.

I believe that the time is now for individuals to understand how and why they are feeling as they are. I want this series to help each individual to learn more about themselves while understanding why they attract the people in their lives to assist them to be more.

This world is very concerned with the role of Twin Flames and finding that One True Mate within their life that will assist them in their pathway upon the Earth. But what many do not realize is that the Divine Plan is for souls to find themselves within their Love Essence, to understand that a soul comes into their life to help them make these changes, and many times those relationships are not meant to last until that person is ready to receive their Divine Essence fully manifested within their physical existence.

The pathway of the Soul is very complicated and I believe, that many individuals want to simplify their lives so they attract people who do not meet all the qualifications of a Divine Partner. In fact, they can truly represent just the opposite of what they want to have within their life. It is a matter of remembrance, going deeper into the Soul’s Essence to heal the wounds that need closure, in order to find the true gift within their Hearts. THEIR OWN SOUL’S HEART ESSENCE.

We must understand that many individuals are searching so diligently for their Divine Partner that they have forgotten about whom they are as a person. The issuance of Love does not come from the sexual feelings that are ignited; they come from the Heart. When individuals step into a relationship and become immediately attracted by their physiological essence, then the true sense of Love becomes lost in the essence of Lust.

This does not mean that a sexual encounter cannot be Divine because it truly needs to be with the right partner. The timing must be in alignment with who you are and the meeting of such a person must be from a Heart-Centeredness and not a sexual attraction. This is what has gotten lost in your world.

Many twin flames are starting to meet with each other. That soul attraction should be based on the heart, by feeling a synchronous flow of ideas within each other. Many times it will be very platonic in the beginning and grow more deeply with each other. Relationships of this type will be commonplace in the New Earth. Since many are coming together now it is essential to have a sense of the self, understand one’s own Heart Essence, be able to feel the Love from the Self, and to find balance between the physical and spiritual essence.

I want to share with each of you how to achieve these elements. You first consideration should be your own Heart Essence and what you desire for yourself with no other interactions from a physical condition. It must come from the Divine Source that you are. That is the True Love of the Self. Then, the partnership can start to be formed.

So many within your planet want to find that partner due to lower thought forms such as feeling alone, wanting to be nurtured, or thinking that a sexual encounter will give you the love that you need. Yet, the main point is to understand why you need these elements in your life. Your partner should be the icing on your cake, not of the cake itself within you. This is why people get into trouble within their relationships.

So this journey that we will take with one another will help you to look at yourself deeply, going into your core values of yourself, looking at the old relationships that have not worked while healing them deeply so that you can find your Divine Partner. But most of all, we want to share with you the essence of the Feminine Divine and how you can bring that level of understanding through your physical existence.

This is a Journey of the Soul’s Heart to be remembered, cherished, and loved deeply.

I look forward to working with each of you that will be joining us.

In Blessings and Love of the Eternal Heart,
I Am Lady Mary Magdelene

To register and learn more about the DIVINE UNION OF THE SOUL with Lady Mary Magdelene and Lady Isis, please use the link above. Our first class starts on Wednesday, February 11th, 2015. This series will entail five (5) classes throughout February and March.  MP3 recordings are available for those individuals that cannot attend the LIVE class(es).

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Magical Pathway of Mastery

I have been meaning to write for the past couple of weeks as I have been guided by Spirit that I need to share my experiences.  Time has gotten away and here it is at the end of January.  It has gone so fast.

I have been doing this work for about 30 years and still it continues every day.  I have been in the corporate world and left many jobs due to the ascended beings I work with urging me to be more within myself.  I have been almost penniless at times, lived in dark places with others, fought the lower energies in many different types of environments, but yet continued my inner journey to step into mastery no matter what the diversions might have been.  My present challenges are more about my role with others ~ helping them to learn more about themselves.  In the process I learn more about myself and my ascension process.

I moved to Mt. Shasta in the summer of 2011 not knowing what my life would be like.  When I think about on my journey from the east to the west of the United States, I don’t know how I achieved it.  I was on a mission to arrive in Mt. Shasta and nothing was going to stop me although many energies truly tried to do so.  I lost my bank card and had to have money wired to me through a friend.  I went to places where I felt energetically it was unsafe but I stayed within my power of my higher essence with the greatest protection of all.  I was dealing with an infection in my right leg in the vein which I created due to stress but it did not stop me.  I continued onward like the pioneer I have been taught to be.  I utilized the Golden Flame to assist areas as I drove.  I had to drink coffee to stay grounded and oh, I had to deal with a beautiful cat that truly was not happy with the journey.

I have reflected many times and felt the fear I did not exhibit at that time.  I learned to put it into wholeness as that reality is now gone.  I arrived safe and sound although problems resulted with my tires afterwards.  I realized how protected I am and have worked hard to continually stay within that higher level of consciousness.  It has given me the most beautiful gifts that I could ever experience in my life.

My energy was so high at that time that it was hard for me to stay in my body.  As I arrived in Shasta, that all changed for me.  I arrived “home”.  Lord Adama assisted me to create more and I would be more than “okay”.  That was then and now I reflect upon those moments.

In our teachings Lord Adama is always talking about how important it is to reflect on your past moments to see the achievements you have created within your pathway.  If you had told me 20 years ago that I would be able to take this journey alone and not knowing what I would find, I would not have believed you as the strength and courage was not within me at that time.

The pathway of Mastery has shown me how to create and evolve into the ascended master I have become.  I still have a hard time utilizing those words but I am being guided that it is very important to accept my challenges that have molded my present circumstances.  I had accelerated within my initiations that I thought I could go no further.  I needed assistance.  I truly needed grounding and had been asking for this to occur in the form of a partner.  By the time I left for Mt. Shasta I was not expecting anything to happen for me. I was stepping off a cliff and into the unknown.

I was to receive a gift beyond all gifts in Mt. Shasta.  My friend, Mike, arrived to experience Mt. Shasta.  We had had a brief friendship in New Jersey.  Lord Adama kept telling me to ask him to come but yet I was unsure why I should do so.  Our time together was flowing and very empowering for me.  Lady Isis helped me tremendously to show my feminine divine without any constrictions or worries of “what was to be”.  Mike decided he wanted to partner with me in my work and would return as business associates.

What we found together was not planned and could only have happened in Mt. Shasta.  We worked hard with the Lady Masters to clear and balance our past relationships.  They sent us to the portals of Mt. Shasta to receive the healing and acceleration that was needed to stand together as partners.  Mike’s heart opened up deeply in a way that Meleriessee could never imagine.  I had a challenging time it was actually happening, but it did and still continues to this day.

On 11:11:11 Meleriessee and Mike performed ceremonies around the Mt. Shasta area and Mike became the Initiator of preparing the ceremonies while Mel brought in the energies.  It was their beginning together of walking side-by-side to help heal the Old Earth into the New Earth.  This was not easy for me as I had to surrender the work I had created and share it with Mike.  But yet, in my heart, it was time to hand the power over to the male energy that had arrived within my world.  Our partnership immediately grew into a deep love for one another that each of us was blocking within our present consciousness.  We walked into a Twin Flame Union from a Twin Soul Relationship.

The pathway we both stepped upon was prepared by each of our higher self’s to occur.  I as, Meleriessee, had a deep knowledge of the ascension pathway and mastery through Dr. Stone’s work and had been ordained in 2003 through Dr. Stone.  I was very dedicated to teaching others the way of mastery upon this earth.  Mike had a strong background which was similar but no knowledge of the Brotherhood of White Light and the many masters that work within the mastery levels.  He was open to receiving the accelerations and accepted that this was now his world.

There have been many challenges for both of us through this process.  When we walked into Mt. Shasta, we stepped into learning how to live 5th dimensionally.  This meant that our interactions with one another would change along with others we would work with.  In order to teach the way of the Telosians of the Inner Earth we needed to experience it first-hand.  This took a lot of responsibility on our parts and great sacrifice especially for Mike who had two children back East that would have a hard time understanding the life that he had chosen.

Adama shared with them “In order to teach others this way of living, you must live it yourself just as we do every day.  The only difference is that you are still on the upper earth and will encounter many blockages that may want to stop you.  We walk with you and will help you as much as we can so that you can show others the way.”

We also came to the realization that our life within Lemuria included these energies but we lost the battle at that time.  So we have arrived here in Mt. Shasta to cleanse and purify as much as we can standing for the pioneers for the New Earth with Lord Adama as our guide.

This past Christmas Mike surprised me by wanting to order rings for both of us for a special ceremony.  We always knew that we were existing in the 5th dimension and a 3rd dimensional wedding did not fit our lifestyle or consciousness any longer.  We always laughed that it would happen when we were fully able to be in Telos with our soul brothers and sisters.

So we picked out the amethyst rings in sterling silver.  We decided we would have a ceremony during the holidays. Two special friends, Noriko and Rochelle were with us for our retreat and the holidays.  On January 1st, we drove up to the mountain to our sacred spot not far from Ascension Rock where we had done the 11:11 ceremony.  Mike took care of everything.  He provided the ceremony.  It was all done in the moment.  We were not sure which day we would do the ceremony but the 1st felt appropriate along with the New Moon energies of the New Year.

A dear friend and client had sent us some lovely garments from India so Mike wore this special ceremonial outfit which looked very Telosian.  I had on a white skirt with many layers of clothing as we wanted not to wear coats.  We were gifted with the weather being cold but not so cold that we could go without our jackets.  I had a beautiful shawl that our friend sent me from India so I used that as a covering around my shoulders and head.

ceremony1-fbThis special ring ceremony represents our Divine Union of coming into Twin Flames into a Twin Ray.  This is very unusual at this time but will be commonplace for the New Earth.  We work within the Pink-Violet Ray of Vibrational Communication which really describes our work on the planet.   We stood amongst a beautiful altar with our scarves of Violet and Pink around our feet.  We shared our hearts with one another in the union of each other.

I thought that this was magical and it truly set up my year for 2014.  This was just the beginning of my journey with my beloved, Michael Aranathanara.  On January 15th Mike announced to me that Lord Melchizedek shared that it was time for me to ordinate Mike in the Melchizedek Priesthood within the planetary level.  I had the ability to do so since I was ordinated under Melchizedek Synthesis Academy/Universal Life Church.  It was our first ordination for Walking Terra Christa.

We stood in our healing room in front of our Violet Ray Wall Banner as Lord Melchizedek stood with us in his higher dimensional body.  I gave a beautiful ordination that Mike Aranathana was now inducted within the Priesthood for the New Earth.

We now walk with one another hand-in-hand celebrating our union and our spiritual partnership for the New Earth.  It is an honor and pleasure to have Mike by my side in all of my endeavors within my life.  I am deeply grateful for the most powerful times in my life that have helped me mold this new beginning in my life.  Without all of the intense challenges I have endured, I would never have been able to survive upon this Earth in such a beautiful and magical journey.

In expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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