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Accepting the Force of Acceleration

 fast trainA Dissertation from Rev. Meleriessee with Master Djwhal Khul

We are within a powerful week of “resurrection” which represents many elements within our existence upon Gaia. We are coming upon the “Festival of the Christ”; the first of the three Festivals of Light for our ascension. This event always occurs on the full moon in Aries, but this year we have a Lunar Eclipse at the same moment compounding the energies.

Having all of these accelerations come together at the same time is like a train coming towards us.

Are we going to get on the train and allow the energies to push us into the next destination?

Or are we going to see the train go by and miss all opportunities for the next stage of our acceleration?

The funny part of this analogy is that we cannot just sit by and allow the train to go by. We will be hit with tremendous force if we are not prepared within our four body system to accept the next stage. What does not move forward, must be removed.

This includes everything on and upon the earth is being rattled by the Force of Acceleration.

What this means is that every human upon this planet is being affected by these energies no matter where they may be in their awareness, within the soul’s psychological and physical self, or biological functions within the body.

When we recall how intense the energies were from the Trinity of Light (New Moon, Solar Eclipse, and the Equinox) just two weeks ago, they only prepared us for the upcoming energies we are experiencing.

The important element is how did you prepare yourself and are you ready for the next step in your acceleration?

This full moon is reflected by the Sun Sign of Aires with the Moon of Libra. Aires represents the Self, is very courageous, stepping forward while being a leader. Libra represents “Others” with the act of compromising and negotiating efforts to create a harmonious balance in life.

If we can think of this in terms of the Self representing the physical body and Others reflected by the Higher Self, we can learn how this full moon is assisting our ascension process. We are in a state of de-accelerating our highest self into our lower self. The Higher Self will not integrate within the physical vehicle until the emotional and mental bodies are in alignment (Feminine and Masculine Divine). This means they need to be interactive with one another to help the balance of the Inner Power and Divine Love to be fully initiated. In addition the soul psychology work must be done by reflecting upon the mental thoughts and emotions that are ignited within the physical self through interactions with others. This includes judgments of the self representing judgment toward others.

What we do to ourselves, we do to others.

What occurs during the moon transitions is that the energy pushes us to go further into our subconscious thoughts so that the Super Conscious (Higher Self) can integrate within the three minds. None of this occurs just be accepting the Light and working with high attunements. It must be acquired through the mental work of affirmations, journaling, and processing the old elements to be removed.  Then, and only then, can the attunements do their magic.

What happens if the work is not done first is that the physical body receives it, and discards what it does not want.  It makes a person feel in the higher elements or the astral plane very easily but it is a mixture of both good and bad energies.  The attunement or download does not change the bodily composition until the subconscious mind is cleared and rectified.  This is why is may take quite some time to feel the affects of these higher frequencies of light.

Otherwise, what does happen is that the Lower Ego becomes very active within the four body system and the accessibility of one’s Higher Essence cannot be acknowledged within full consciousness. It becomes fake, unreal, and makes the person feel as if they are better than they truly are. As they go through the accelerations, great changes can occur within the body that are very uncomfortable due to the lack of work that has not been done.

So this moon takes us into a deeper part of our subconscious that needs to be cleared and rectified. But it does take diligence to get there through accepting the role as an initiate to learn and accept that maybe you don’t have the answer to the question because your lower self gives you the same reply time and time again. It is going to push you to go deeper into the lower self with the higher self so that the transition can be a positive quality to experience.

In addition we are experiencing a Lunar Eclipse during the other phases of resurrection with the full moon energies. This eclipse is represented by the Raven who is magical and fearful, but it comes with great challenges because it represents deep purging, releasing to illuminate any issues that need to be revealed. The essence of the magic comes after one goes deeper into their darkness as the light can then be shown.

This process is very intense – it is a re-birthing experience but it does have ramifications.

Again, if an initiate has not prepared themselves through their lessons, by going into their subconscious thoughts and feelings, it can feel like an eruption, almost having the sensation of a volcano bursting out of your field.

On the other hand, for those initiates that have been working their pathway each day and each moment will feel that the rebirthing experience is walking into a beautiful garden with all of their favorite thoughts and feelings appearing within their pathway. The Raven then turns to pure white light expressing the beautiful magic that is within each soul.

Both of these accelerations are assisting with the FESTIVAL OF THE CHRIST as it represents “Resurrection” and “Restoration”. It helps individuals to understand their limitations so that they can be changed and rebirthed to prepare for the next phase of their ascension process.

This Festival of Light is guided by the Will and Power of God (the 1st Flame of the Blue) which brings forth the power to fully bring in God’s Will to make the necessary changes of Inner Power, Strength, Courage, and the Will To Do. It is complemented by the essence of the Creative Actualization (the 3rd Flame of the Deep Pink) to restore all that was not in balance to come into harmony of Love, Gratitude, Charity, and Reverence of the Self of what it has endured to arrive into this juncture of time.

There is no doubt that this festival is considered one of the most difficult to endure. It is the first of the three festivals but it brings forth an alliance of the Higher Essence unto the Physical Self. It allows the physical self to accept the limitations that have kept them in bondage for a long time while there is a time for renewal and growth.

In addition to these elements 2015 is proving to each of us that we are being assisted and challenged at the same time. We have to remember that we never receive anything we cannot handle. Each of our I AM Presence’s is guiding us in each moment to be the beautiful Being of Light that we are in the highest dimension to be accepted by the physical body that we have inhabited.

What happens during this phase?

We are being hit with timelines upon timelines to be purged and accepted. We cannot accept our multi-dimensional selves without the elements that have stopped us previously from this alignment to occur. All parts of our existence are being challenged especially the physical body that needs to change into the crystalline structure when it truly is not used to these energies.

It is at this stage that we now have Contact with the Spiritual Hierarchy through the Unified Whole Energies. All must come from the Source of Light of the 144th dimension and when we acquire this element in our lives, then we see the change that is occurring within us. We are healing in many different ways.

Please know that what has appeared within your subconscious, within your four-body system is for a reason: to go through the steps of Resurrection, Restoration, and Contact in a more physical and linear way than you did before. It takes you deeper into levels that have not been acknowledged for centuries.

Working with the Spiritual Hierarchy especially  Master Djwhal Khul, and Lord Sananda will assist all initiates through this transitionary phase as we are preparing for the Wesak energies. Lord Kuthumi and Lord Maitreya, representing the Office of the Christ, helps each initiate to be able to reach this level of the Christ Consciousness within themselves.  2015 represents the year to embrace Harmony and Balance to extend Love to others.

As initiates of the Mastery Pathway, it is our responsibility to take care of ourselves so that Gaia and all her inhabitants will be able to do the same.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee
~ With Master Djwhal Khul

We have written a special decree “Accepting the Steps of Resurrection, Restoration, and Contact To Be My Guide” which is available via the link.

Walking Terra Christa is holding an Open Tele-Call for the Festival of the Christ, Full Moon, and Lunar Eclipse on Saturday, April 4th, 2015 at 10 AM Pacific. Please click the link for call information.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).

Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Decree ~ The Festival of the Christ

pink blue flamesAccepting the Steps of Resurrection, Restoration, and Contact To Be My Guide

I am learning that I have walked this earth many times,
Some in joy, others in sadness;
I am at a time in my awareness,
That all these thoughts and emotions are affecting me in my life;
I then, remember,
That I am,
Walking the Pathway of Ascension,
As an Initiate of Ascended Mastery.

The year is 2015,
The energies are beyond intense within my world;
Each moon cycle I go deeper into myself,
I feel myself changing,
And at times it is the most challenging experience of my existence presently.

I am grateful for my connection to the Higher Beings of Light,
As they have walked this pathway before me,
And show me the way every moment.

It is now the Full Moon of Aries within the Sun Sign of Libra,
I feel my lower self wanting control,
But yet my higher self is acknowledging my truth;

It is also a time of the Lunar Eclipse,
I know that I must accept my past lessons,
So that my future is paved with the Light of My Truth.

It is the Festival of the Christ,
I feel the resurrection energies running through my veins,
I call upon the Flame of the Blue representing the Will of God,
It helps me to feel my power of my Masculine Divine;
I have courage and strength to go into my darkness,
It brings forth great stability within my world,
As the debris is being ignited out of me.

The Blue Flame helps me to go deeper into myself,
It is no longer my lower ego, but my higher ego;
I feel the illumination of my Higher Mind,
Blending within my physical mind;
The lower thoughts that I was,
Is now removed through the essence of the Blue Flame.

I now ask for the ignition energy of Restoration to come to me,
It appears in waves and waves of the Pink Flame,
Which represents Creative Actualization;
I feel the essence of Love to fill my heart completely,
I experience compassion of my self deeply,
As I ignite the ability to understand my pathway;
I feel deep graciousness of what I have endured,
It is replaced with Reverence of Light from the Soul that I AM.

I now call upon the beautiful essences of
Lord Kuthumi with Lord Maitreya,
They represent the Office of the Christ.

They tell me that now I am ready to embody the Three Fold Flame,
Of the Wisdom I have received,
With the Love that I Am,
Allows my Higher Power to be ignited within me.

I feel their essence deeply,
As I now walk with beauty and grace,
Lord Sananda extends his heart unto mine,
I feel the wholeness that I am,
As I begin a new journey with who I have become.

I also want to thank Master Djwhal Khul,
For his wisdom and knowledge of the
Festival of the Christ;
He helped me to arrive in this beautiful space.

I now understand why I have walked as I have,
As an initiate of Ascended Mastery,
My wisdom has just increased,
Ten-Fold within Me.

I AM that I AM that I AM

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).

Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Upcoming Festivals of Light

Festivals of Light

We are now coming into the next three-month period of deep acceleration with the Festivals of the Christ, Wesak, and Humanity through the months of April, May, and June. These energies help to set the stage for all initiates to fully step into the next phase of their initiation process.

The Festival of the Christ falls on April 4th, 2015 during the Full Moon in Sun Sign of Aires.

This festival represents the movement of “resurrection” for each individual. It is a time for each of us to go deeper within ourselves and remove the aspects that no longer serve our purpose as we move into the Wesak Festival.

There are three keynotes that represent this festival. The first is the keynote of “love”, the second is “Resurrection”, and the third is Contact with the Spiritual Hierarchy. It is an opening of a doorway to work more directly with the Office of the Christ. Previously the Office of the Christ was represented only by Lord Maitreya, but now he has joined forces with Lord Kuthumi. This is due to the increased responsibility of bringing the Christ Consciousness to humanity on an individual basis within the planet.

The Forces Of Restoration are very predominant during this festival as it will help individuals to think and act through the spiritual level while helping others to do the same. This essence comes directly from the Will of God and is connected to the principle of Active Intelligence (Pink Flame). It will assist in changing the consciousness of the planetary structure and the way that we live with one another.

The Festival of Wesak occurs on the Full Moon of Taurus,                   May 3, 2015

It is at this time that the planet receives the highest frequency of Light. It is a living event based on current astrological cycles. It is the Festival of the Buddha, celebrating the anniversary of his birth, his attainment of Buddahood, and his ascension. He represents the embodiment of Light and Divine Purpose.

The purpose of Wesak is:

  •  The releasing of certain transmissions of energy to humanity that will stimulate the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood, and Goodwill.
  • The fusion of all men and women of goodwill into a responsive, integrated whole.
  • The invocation and response from certain cosmic beings if prior goals are achieved.

Wesak is a time of great renewal and celebration. It represents the “force of enlightenment”. These energies are affected within our educational movements, values, literature, publishing, writers, and speakers on the entire planet. The power of these energies is so great that large groups of people gather around the world to participate in these energies.

Every individual upon the planet is affected by the Wesak energies; it assists initiates of all levels to move to another level of their initiation process so there can be times of great challenges that push each of us into a new aspect of our soul’s essence. It is a time to connect with others, share your gifts, love, and generosity of spirit.

All of the Ascended Masters and Beings of Light travel to Shamballa to celebrate Lord Buddha and the entire God Force during this powerful time of light. It is important to fully take time to allow the energies to enfold within each person’s full body system as it is an opportunity that should not be missed.

The Festival of Humanity occurs on the Full Moon in Gemini on     June 2, 2015.

The Festival of the Spirit of Humanity aspires towards divinity, attunement to God’s Will and right human relationships. This is when we take the energies we have received from Wesak and put them into practice. It represents the effects in human consciousness of the work of all Masters but especially with Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Lord Kuthumi, and Master Jeshua/Lord Sananda. It is also recognized as World Invocation Day.

The Force of Reconstruction is very prevalent during this festival. It represents the Blue Flame of Will and Power, the Will aspect of Divinity, that is directly connected with Shamballa. This depicts the qualities of the three forces of Restoration, Enlightenment, and Reconstruction which expresses the Light, Love, and Knowledge of God.

This is when we put to use what we have learned from the previous two festivals. Wesak pushes us into a new dimensional reality which needs to be grounded. Within the full moon of Gemini is when we start to put into practice what we have learned and share with the world.

Walking Terra Christa will be holding tele-calls for all three of these festivals. We will provide more detailed blogs on each of the festivals prior to the actual date with information on how to join us.  Our first festival will be held on Saturday, April 4th at 10 AM Pacific.  Please see the details on how to join this call via Open Tele-Calls Registration.

Master Djwhal Khul shares a message on the upcoming energies:

The power of the Wesak Festivals is beyond what we can imagine and hope for within the planet. It is due to the changes that have occurred within the Earth so that more frequencies of light can be grounded into GAIA.

There are more individuals awakening every day but so many initiates need guidance to understand what it is they are feeling. The Mastery Pathway is not easy within a physical body, as each of you knows. Each initiate must go into the depth of their core essence within the Etheric Body to balance the old elements and ills that they have experienced in the many lifetimes upon all planetary life whether it is on Earth or another planet. The purging that needs to be done is beyond what any mind can fathom.

It is for this reason that the frequencies of light coming into the planet in 2015 are going to be substantially increased to assist humanity to wake up even deeper. The upcoming festivals are going to be quite powerful due to the moon activations and the alignment of the planets within the Universe so there can be increased activity within each individual to assist Gaia through this process.

I believe that we are hitting a climax within the festivals that is taking each initiate, ascended master, and light being into a new existence. This means there has to be more preparation to be ready for the exchange of light. The challenges are tremendous but the rewards are even greater.

Know who you are in each moment, utilizing your tools of perception within yourself to look deeply at what you are experiencing within the four body system and be aware when something needs to be rectified. If every person were able to achieve this process within his or her lives, we would move much quicker into the 5th dimensional Earth. But, it is going to take us some time.

I share with you, take advantage of the most powerful festivals of the year as you will be rewarded greatly for your efforts.

I look forward to working with each of you through this process of enlightenment upon Gaia.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul
Master of the Festivals of the Earth

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).

Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Entering the Temple of Initiation ~ Journey

This is a visit into the Golden Etheric City of Shashwam with Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea that took place on January 14th, 2015.  The Temple of Initiation is a global temple within the city in which all the masters share their teachings.

Feel your Merkabah Vehicle spin in multi directions with colors upon colors that you are in your beautiful Vehicle of Light. We move from the 3rd Dimensional Earth into the 5th Dimensional Earth.

The wonderful Energies of Shashwam are represented within your Mind of the Crystalline Flame. You feel a magnetic pull of going toward that city in the middle of the United States over Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and Oklahoma. The beautiful magnetic pull takes us right into the 5th Dimensional Golden Etheric City. As you enter the city, you see yourself walking along a beautiful hillside. You look around and everything is sparkling. There are many hills flowing from the mountains and going down into the valley. We take this pathway along a hilly area.

It is a pathway made out of beautiful Crystalline steps. As we step unto them, we feel the frequency of the Crystalline Ray coming up from the soles of our feet through our Earth Star. We see there are beautiful movements of the steps, almost like an escalator. We are taken down deep into the valley. Within this valley, you can feel the essence of the old frequencies of Native energies and how they truly loved the Earth and the Sky. We step onto the grass that is there with the beautiful meadow. There are wildflowers growing everywhere and a beautiful pure green grassy pathway. Feel the Essence of the Green coming up through your feet into your lower limbs, in through your Root Chakra. It is the beginning essence of this Ray to be intertwined within you. We see around us many temples.

This city is very large encompassing thousands of miles. It brings forth this frequency of Light that is very serene and tranquil. A little breeze brushes your face. Take a deep breath. Feel the beginning stages of finding serenity within yourself. We walk down the Pathway further and we see in front of us the beauty Beings, Elohim Purity and Astrea. They are wearing beautiful robes. Astrea has a beautiful gown that brings forth the Blue Essence with the Crystalline Frequency. Purity has an amazing essence about him. As we come closer, they join our circle. Take a moment and feel their magnificent Essences.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Welcome, my dearest ones,

It is I, Purity with Astrea.

Thank you so much for being with us. Let us continue our walk.

As we walk through this garden of Light, take a moment with your breath to feel the purification of these essences that are here. The Crystalline Flame is everywhere within this city. It goes for miles and miles; as you can see the sparkly lights within all the trees, on the grass and in the flowers. Crystals grow here everywhere. We do not have rock gardens. We have Crystal Gardens. Observe them as we walk through the windy pathway that takes us through a beautiful garden area. You can hear the waterfall in the distance. Allow yourself to expand deeply within those Essences. We are taking you to the Temple of Initiation tonight to assist you in bringing forth the frequency of the Crystalline Flame and help you merge your four-body system, so that you can start the resurrection process.

Resurrection is not just one large element you go through and then find yourself in a completed stage of Rebirth. You can resurrect each moment you have an issue. What we want to try and assist you with is to understand that you can get through these issues by just utilizing the Crystalline Flame. What happens within the Crystalline Flame is that the energy is initiated within you as you call upon those frequencies. Sometimes you may call upon it to bring harmonization within you, but other times when you utilize it, it can just open up the elements. You open up the doorway and all of a sudden there is the issue you need to look at. When we say Temple of Initiation, it is truly the space where we will invite individuals to come to in order to fully understand what it means to initiate this Ray within themselves. Let us continue the walk.

We see the waterfall at our right side. Beautiful Blue-Green essences and Crystalline Flames with crystal formations come out of the wall by the waterfall. We walk into an amazing mountain and the waterfall is part of the mountain. As we step into this beautiful area, we feel the essence of the crystals everywhere. If you have ever experienced going into a crystal cave upon your own Earth, this is very much the same.

As we enter this beautiful Temple of Light, the walls are adorned with many types of crystal formations in many colors. Take a moment and walk around the room. Feel the energetic surging occurring from the crystalline formations. The top of the ceiling is open, almost like what you would call a skylight. Yet is a natural skylight. The Sun is shining down deeply into the core of the temple room. This is the core of our temple. Take a moment to feel the purification that is beginning to blend within you.

What is it that you need the most presently?

How would you like this Ray to assist you?

We have to remember that we cannot jump steps in any of the movements of Initiating, Activating and Actualizing.

It is a step-by-step process that needs to continue in each moment of our creation. In this moment, we want to bring forth the first sacred ceremony of Initiating this ray within yourself. You will see where the Sun is coming down, from the very high open space above. That Light reflects on all the crystals and there is a beautiful flame in the middle, which is the Crystalline Ray. When you walk in this Temple of Initiation, your feet are settled right within the ground. See the Green essence of grass, of growth, and of plants. This is a very natural setting to allow these essences to fully be within you to accept yourself in a completely different manner and to be so connected to the Earth’s energies.

As the flame now ignites further, it expands out in a horizontal manner so that there are frequencies of Light coming diagonally, vertically, and horizontally to bring in this Flame at a very high rate. You may call this flame the Firelight of all the Flames, because it ignites not just the Crystalline color, but many colors. That is why we of Purity and Astrea work so well within this flame. We bring in that Blue Essence to transform and change what does not work.

As we stand around the altar, you will see that the altar is now opening up. Sides are coming down. The flame is more directed into each of you and through this room. Take a moment and find a seat around the altar. There are soft, cushioned chairs and lounges. Find your seat and just feel the Initiation of this flame coming within you.

As Dearest Reverend Ara has shared about the four-body systems, we know that each of those four bodies need to be repaired and regenerated to assist in the process of full healing of the full-body system, in order to be able to incorporate the essence of all these Rays of God within your Actualization of the Physical Body. It is a necessary component to go through these elements. We are here to assist you through that process.

Allow us to be your mirrors. Allow us to help you transform whatever is not working within your world. As the world changes, each of you is changing even more than the Earth. It is important for you to hold that higher frequency, so that Gaia can keep it grounded within herself. You have come here at this time to make these changes within yourself, so that you can fully accept your new way of existence.

The Old Self has to die within that process. We ask you about the Emotional Body.

Are your Emotions open? Do you allow them to flow? Or are they closed off?

We ask you about the Mental Body.

Are you constantly working within the Lower Self of your mental framework and your subconscious mind?

Due to the work you are doing, some of it may not be as strict as other elements because of the changes you are going through. If your Mental Faculties are always in place trying to analyze the process of your healing, you cannot receive any Intuitive thoughts from your Higher Self or I AM Presence. You will be constantly blocked. Your Lower Mind will be giving the messages and those messages could be wrong.

The other element we look at is how is the Etheric Body doing?

How is the part of yourself that represents the timelines? Is the Etheric Body as clear as it could be?

These are all thoughts to ponder upon for yourself. We are not here to judge.

These three bodies will affect your Physical Body. Even the Process of your Physical Body not being in an accepting mode because of what you have endured in this lifetime. I hope you have gone through those changes previous to these moments. If not, you will be combating these elements during this lifetime along with other elements you are processing. We all know that emotionally and mentally, you are going to be affected physically. If you are unaware of what you are going through in any of the three bodies, your Physical Body will be affected. If you have stress you are not looking at or you do not even realize you have, then your body can be affected.

You can be feel the debris within your Solar Plexus, your Heart Area, irritations in your System, neck pain, shoulder pain, or back pain. These are all signs that there is something more going on within you. I am sure each of you understands this, but not comprehending how you are affected within your own personal pathway is the most important thing. It must be comprehended on all levels of consciousness to bring it into your full consciousness.

This evening we want to assist you with not worrying about any of those things I have been sharing. I share them to be a remembrance for you and something that you can say to yourself “Oh my heavens, yes, I understand what has occurred”. What we bring forth is the essence of the Blue Lightning Frequency to transform all those dark thoughts and elements, to help you move into the Resurrection Stage, to open up a doorway of some particles within you that you may not even realize are a problem.

Yet they truly are a problem. Your Awareness just has not gotten you to that point yet, and that is fine. Let us do the work for you. Let us assist you in transforming these energies within yourself. The whole process within the flame we will be bringing in is that it will burn away those particles of debris. Then we will teach you how to use the Crystalline Flame to balance them out. To initiate these Energies within you is our role this evening. You may find issues that arise. You may have tears. You may have anger. You may have thoughts. It is then within that moment that you take the tools of learning about the Crystalline Ray and you change them. Yet, you must embrace them first. We will open up the doorway together for you to do so.

You cannot just utilize any ray and say that it is going to take it away for you. You have to understand what it is you are feeling. Even, if in the beginning you do not understand. This is what this ray assists with.

In this moment, we call in Master Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian and the Archangels to assist us. This Temple is not only our temple. It belongs to all of us.

“We are pleasured to be able to speak with you through our own essences this evening (group consciousness of Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, and Archangels Uriel and Aurora) and to help you through this process. In this moment, there is a screen across the top of the ceiling where the sunlight was coming in. We are now moving into the darkness, yet it is truly not dark. All crystalline frequencies are now opened up by candles of Light within all the walls. The vibrancy of the flame is being opened up. The doorway is at the base of the Flame’s structure within the altar. We are going to bring forth that beautiful Essence unto each of you. Purity and Astrea will now bring in the Blue Lightning Flame to ignite within you all that is not working in this present time. Remember, there may be other Elements you need to work upon, but if they are not ready to come up, you will not even know what they are. Let us continue with this Essence now.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

As Purity and Astrea, we call upon the Blue Lightning Essence to come fully within this beautiful Temple of Initiation unto each individual through their Soul Star, going through the entire structure of the Physical, the Etheric, the Mental and the Emotional Bodies to change, purify, open up, and allow the doorway of Resurrection to be started.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel the Blue Flame Lightning come fully within you, sparkling colors of light are firing mixed with the White, coming in from the Highest Point within this Temple into your pure Beingness, opening and cracking all that does not belong in your Consciousness, your Awareness, in your Physical Essence in this moment.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

The doorway of the Essence of Purity is now open. Allow it to come fully into your Hearts. Feel that Purity of Light come into you now. The rawness within your entire structure will appear. It may be more apparent than anything else. Allow it to be peeled away as you see the cracking occur around you. The shell is gone. It is now time for you to arise. As you arise, the flame of the Crystalline Light comes more fully within you. You feel the warmth of the flame around the altar. You put your hands and palms toward the flame. You put arms high and allow yourself to be in the purified state of this Crystalline Ray within you. Allow it to move into your physical conditioning to transform all parts into the Crystalline Light that you can hold. From the top of your Crown all the way into your head, your neck, your shoulders, your spinal column, your chest, your Heart, your Solar Plexus, your stomach, your middle back, your lower back, into your Sacral, into your Creativity and Sexual Organs, allowing yourself to feel all the Essences, into your Root, as the base structure that you are is being transformed.

Allow it to go down into your limbs, into all parts of yourself. Now state exactly what Healing you need physically.

Allow the Energies to go within the area and state out loud or in your head,

“I, ________ (your name), bring forth the Crystalline Flame into AREA _____ (stating the area of healing)”.

We now bring in the Crystalline Flame into the Etheric Body. Allow the Etheric Body to be completely purified of any misconstrued thoughts, any elements that are trying to surface from other timelines.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

What needs to be opened up in this moment through the Crystalline Flame?

We initiate these Energies within. I, _________(state your name and call upon any feelings you are having) to be put into the purest Light. Good or bad. Good feelings can be put into the Crystalline Light to make them feel more purified.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Now call upon your Emotional Body to be blended with your Etheric and your Physical, as now we move on to the Mental. Call upon your Mental Faculties, your Concrete Mind, to be opened up to the Higher Mind.

Allow yourself to say “I, (state your name), ask for the Transformation of these Thoughts”.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel the mental thoughts now activating your Higher Mind through your Higher Self. The Concrete Mind of your subconscious is accepting. What will occur within this is that your subconscious mind will bring up thought processes that do not work within the Higher Mind. Then you can fully work on the elements within yourself.

Feel the change, as the blending of the mind, the heart, and the bodies all come together. Feel yourself as one full bodily essence. Now the flame within this room no longer is the Central Flame, but it is a flame of swirling Crystalline Lights within the entire Temple. Feel the energetic exchange that is occurring within you now.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Hold this frequency within your Heart. You are now in the stage of Resurrection.

Allow the Healing to occur, as you are now activating the Crystalline Flame within you. You are activating the elements. If you still have issues with whatever is coming up, work with affirmations to change them, after you listen each time. Allow us to purge it all in these moments. Allow us to purge it into this beautiful Temple of Light.

As we all stand within this room, we become the Crystalline Flame. We become that essence within. Allow it now to be Actualized within you. Allow it to come within your Full Body System. They are not separate. In this Consciousness you are feeling, bring these Energies onto yourself. What is it that comes to mind through your Higher Mind and Higher Heart? Allow that thought process of any words such as Serenity, Temperance, Relaxation, or Understanding assist you.

Right now you are not understanding from your Lower Self. You are understanding from your Higher Self. It does not matter what the understanding is. Just feel it. Allow it to be within you.

This is why we bring forth of the Purification of Light. This is the Temple of Initiation.

It is now time for us to leave the room through the way we came in. You may walk around the room a little bit to embrace the purified Essences of the Light that is blending within you. As we walk out the gateway of the temple, we see this beautiful rainbow of Light within the gateway around us. We walk underneath this Rainbow of many color spectrums, many levels of frequency.
In this moment, you feel the ability to accept them into your essence, through your breath. Know that your Higher Self is guiding you into what you should receive and what you shall not receive. Do not worry about it. We see the waterfall to our left, so we take the pathway to the waterfall. Within the water, crystals reflect their essence back to us. It looks like a Rainbow of Light inside the water. Bend down and put the palms of your hands into the water. Splash it to your face. Sip the waters, and feel the Purification of the Light that you are.

Allow yourself to fully feel the acceptance of who you are in this moment. In this moment, you allow the change to occur within you.

We take the pathway across the waterfall, around the other side, around the grove of trees, and we smell beautiful flowers of many different scents: Roses, Honeysuckle, Lavender, and so many more. As we walk through the grove of trees up to the pathway, it is now time for us to leave. We send you back into your full consciousness.

We, as Purity and Astrea, wrap our arms around you. Let us encircle our essences within each other right now. Know that your journey is not alone. Know that we are here with you to assist you in this process. Know that we are glad that we can communicate in this manner. In the blessings that we are together, we are deeply honored to be your mentors, to be your friends, as we walk into the New Earth.

So Mote It Be In The Light That We Are Together,

We are Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea.

We now continue up the pathway over the hillside and we see the frequency of Light of the Crystalline Flame. Turn around and take one last look at what you have experienced in this beautiful City. There are many temples on the outside, beyond the one Temple of Light, beyond the Inner City of the community here.

We step up through the beautiful Essences, activating our Merkabah Vehicles of Light. Feel ourselves being lifted off this beautiful City, coming back down to your home location. Your physical body is the sensor for you to return. Feel the beautiful essences you have incorporated within yourself.

Take time to re-listen to this recording. As elements arise for you in issues, work on them. You must always embrace them first. You must embrace the pain in order to understand the pain. Then you can use the ray to diffuse it and put it into the Crystalline Flame for it to be gone forever. If you need to work with some affirmations, do so. Journal about all that you are experiencing, because it will assist you on a much deeper level.

Many Blessings of Love and Light. Thank you for joining us.

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light class meets each Wednesday. Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos is the host with a beginning lecture on the current energies. Walking Terra Christa is glad to provide these classes in our Membership Program or purchasing the MP3 files individually. Details are provided in the “Teachings of the Golden Etheric Cities” and can be accessed by clicking the link.
©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Temple of Initiation ~ Decree

temple_of_love_by_Geistig-1On January 14, 2015 Walking Terra Christa hosted a journey into the Golden City of Shashwam in the Etheric New Earth which is located over the states of Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska.

We worked with the Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea as this city represents the Crystalline Ray of Harmony, Beauty, and Balance in the color of Crystalline Light.

The Elohim of Purity with his beloved, Astrea release the Cosmic Blue Lightning of Divine Love, at one’s command, to remove the accumulated debris and foci that collects within the auric field.   It then can be transmuted easier.  The Blue Lightning shatters the destructive energies so that the balance can be felt once again. This assists with the Crystalline Ray being able to come fully into one’s auric field, and especially, the Root Chakra area.

This is the decree for the visit to this amazing city of light.

The Temple of Initiation

I have arrived into the Golden City of Shashwam,
Which represents the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance;
I am walking a pathway to illuminate all that I AM,
Into the person that I have become.

I ask for the assistance of Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea,
With the Light of the Divine Love,
They embody within them.

I see Purity and Astrea in front of me,
Illuminating their essence of the purity that they are,
They embrace me deeply,
With the frequency of their Blue Love,
That intertwines within the Crystalline Ray.

As we walk together,
They share that the essence of the Green Flame,
It is very important,
As it represents the Ray of Harmony by grounding it into my Being.

You see, Dearest One, the Crystalline Light can be so very strong,
That it can bypass elements that need to be purified,
So that is why we are here.

I walk in a grassy meadow,
As I feel the Green Flame within me,
It goes into my Root Chakra,
Assisting me to understand what I have not seen.

We walk further,
In front of us is a beautiful illuminating Temple of Crystalline Light,
It is the Temple of Initiation,
To allow the first moments of the Crystalline Flame come within me.

Arm-in-Arm we walk together,
As I feel the changes occur within me,
I am now activating the Crystalline Ray,
In through my Root Chakra,
As it allows me to see the parts that have been lost.
I feel my Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Etheric bodies,
Going through a transition so that I may see more within me.

I feel as if I am resurrecting old parts of myself,
That have been lost.

As now Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea,
Stand before me,
With the Lighting Blue Essence,
To transform all my discordant feeling and thoughts.

It runs through my being,
I allow the Purification to be fully within me.

I thank Purity and Astrea,
For showing me the way into all that I AM,
My journey is just beginning,
But I know I am right where I am supposed to be.

Blessed Be,
I AM Ready
For the Resurrection to Begin

I AM that I AM that I AM

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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In-Depth Journey of the Crystalline Ray

forest sun white green-1This is a visit to the Golden City of Shashwam (also known as Klehma) which resides in the 5th dimensional New Earth over Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska in the USA.  Master Serpais Bey is the Ray Chohan for the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance which is represented within this amazing Crystalline City of Light.  He is our guide along with the Elders Lord Esteela & Lady Esteelo, Elohim Masters Purity & Astrea, along with the Archangels Gabriel & Hope.

Feeling the colors upon colors within our Merkabah Vehicle spin in multi-directions of the frequency of Light; we move into the 5th Dimensional Earth centering ourselves within the middle of the United States, North America. We are now magnetized with the Crystalline Flame of the 5th Dimensional Earth of Shashwam as it pulls us closer and closer into this beautiful City of Light.

We feel ourselves being pulled into a magnetic stream of light into a beautiful forest. Everything glistens within the trees as it is of the Crystalline essence although the ground is green, the base of the trees are many different colors with flowers budding on the leaves. It is almost like the trees would be filled with Christmas lights; it is glistening and sparkling everywhere.

It is a very sparse forest, with open trees, not thick, with a wide span of energies that go up high beyond what your eyes can see. We walk through the forest as there is not an exact pathway with green grass; we walk in our bare feet. We feel the growth of the green from our soles of our feet; our Earth Star is glistening with the frequencies of Light. As we walk further, we feel all the beautiful essences that we have brought within ourselves.

We are met by Master Serapis Bey and he is partnering with Master Paul the Venetian as they are working together within this ray to fully ground it into Gaia’s core, the Earth, and for all inhabitants, Master Serapis Bey brings these beautiful essences. He works very diligently with all initiates to help them through this process. While Paul the Venetian brings forth his beautiful gifts of Love from the 3rd Ray of Creative Actualization. But, yet, both of them have been Chohans of this Ray so they bring forth that essence together.

Behind them we see a parade of all the Beings of Light: Lord Esteela and Lady Esteelo, Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea open up their arms towards us along with Archangels Gabriel and Hope. We feel their beautiful essence of Light coming to us. As we gather together, in this beautiful forest, there are many places for us to sit with beautiful benches, some are wooden, some are golden, some are silver. We find ourselves finding a place as each of the beautiful Beings circle within us.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Welcome! It is I, Master Serapis Bey. It is my pleasure to be with each of you. I look forward to our excursions here in the beautiful City of Shashwam. It is so wonderful to have you in our forest.

This meeting tonight is an introductory phase, as we are going to be doing extensive work with each other to assist each of you to bring forth these Essences of the Crystalline Flame, but also the Emerald Green Flame. Feel these Frequencies come up into your Root Chakra, from your lower limbs, from the soles of your feet as the sparkles of Light are all around us. You can put your hands out and basically almost touch what is here.

We have with us many assistants. We have children. We have fairies. We have angels. We have all kinds of Beings of Light that welcome you in this moment. It is our pleasure to be here together to assist you in understanding what you are experiencing on a level beyond your comprehension consciously within your Physical Self. You can go into the depth of whom you are through the Purity of your Breath and this Crystalline Flame.

Paul the Venetian and I have worked very closely with one another for eons and eons of time. When it was time for this Ray to be inducted into the Earth’s atmosphere more fully, we both thought it would be important for us to work with each other. There was going to be a lot of work that needs to be done within the planet. Yet that is not our only work. We still work in other phases of the Mastery Pathway for each of you and others that are opening themselves up.

Tonight, we have brought the Frequencies of the Elders, the Elohim and the Archangels all in Unison, because we wanted to come together. What we are hoping to do in the next few weeks is to have each of you work with each of us individually. We will go into an in-depth journey of this Ray and what it truly means besides understanding Resurrection, Rebirth, Purity and Harmony.

What does that really mean?

In the concept of your Mind, it is what you desire to have. Yet if you go deep into that Root Chakra and the more you bring in your Etheric Body into that existence, it brings in more debris than if you cleared out everything in your Root Chakra. This is why it becomes so very intense.

The understanding this occurs is that you may be repeating the same lessons over and over again. It may seem like it, but that is not always true. Sometimes it does happen that way. What our involvement with each of you is in this moment, represents assisting you on a much deeper level to clear out this chakra. As your Etheric Body becomes more involved within you as you go through the Higher Initiations, you will be able to purge these Elements much easier. You see, it takes practice to do anything. It is important to have these realizations so that when you get to those Higher Initiations, you do not think you are falling back down into the second or third again.

That is not the way we want it to be. Yet we all know how much diligence it takes, and how strong you have to be within yourself to consistently look at your own mirrors, look at your own thoughts, look at your own teelings, and to move those essences in a completely different manner. What we would like for you right now is to have arrived into the New Year with this Frequency of Light to experience this Light.

What does it mean to allow the integration of the Crystalline Flame to be within your Being?

I think many have had a difficult time with this Flame, because they do not want to go there. They do not want to go into that dark place and pull out those Energies, because they seem just fine the way they are. Yet in truth, look at how you feel during your days. Look at how you react to people with whom you are personal, and how you are affected within yourself and hurt when things happen a certain way.

It is not the way it should be, and this is what I am here to assist you with. The power you ignite within yourself can only be as powerful as you are. If you have ailments that are arising, the power ceases to exist, as you feel powerless. You feel as if you are not important. You feel as if you do not care, or you feel as if you are not quite sure of whom you are. That is a moment of confliction.

We ask each of you in this moment to go deep into your Root Area. Allow the Crystalline Flame from your feet to center into your Root Chakra; bring up all kinds of debris that you do not like. You may not even know what it is. If it is coming from your Etheric Body of other timelines, you do not always have to know what it is. Bring in those Essences unto yourself. Allow the Crystalline Flame to come in, with Emerald Green if it makes you feel better, and almost like a washing machine within your Root Chakra let it blend with your Root itself, which is Red.

What does that Root look like? Can you see colors?

If you cannot see any colors, just sense how it feels like.

What does it feel like?

The Crystalline Flame stirs things up, but then creates the harmonization you are looking for. We will do that now.

Feel the Energies underneath of you. Where everyone is sitting, there is a wind whipping up with the Crystalline Flame. As it whips up around us, it goes right into that Root Area. Feel yourself as if you were in a vibrating chair. Yet you are not in a vibrating chair, as it is vibrating within yourself. As it goes into the Root Chakra, it is going to pull out debris. It will be like a funnel. That funnel will come into your Root and stir it up. Feel that stirring up occur now.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Now allow the Crystalline Flame to go all the way up your Chakra System. It goes up and down, and up and down. Feel that Crystalline Energy move through you and then dissipating.

What it does is to take it and crystallize it, so that the darkness within there becomes the Crystalline frequency. Now feel a softer effect, almost like you are sitting in the Sun.

You feel the warmth of the Sun and what that feels like for you. There is a calmness that occurs. It comes in through you and around you, and it goes into all parts of you. Bring this Essence within.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel the Elohim, the Archangels and myself centering around you, dancing around you, spinning this Frequency of Light within you. Take a moment to feel what it is within your Breath.

What is happening within your Consciousness? What is it that you are now fully accepting within yourself?

The Yin and the Yang are now becoming integrated within You. If you are visual and can see the Crystalline Flame into every part of your being, you have now become the Crystalline Flame. It is now time to arise from where you are sitting. Visualize your arms upwards, just like the trees that are here. Take your fingertips and twinkle them with the Lights. You become the Crystalline Flame now. You become the Purity. You become the Light that you desire and that you are. You become that Harmony and Balance. You had the conflict. Now you feel the purest state of Beingness.

Take a moment and sit down once again, as we share a few words.

In order to stay in this state of conditioning, you must have a realization within yourself of what it is you were purging. It does not have to be a timeline or picture. All it has to be is a word.

Was it Regret?

Was it Uncertainty?

Was it Emotional Imbalance?

Have that reflection within you. Now look at that feeling. Is that feeling still within you? I would say probably not. Yet if it is, then there is still more work left that needs to be done.

I ask you to go deep into the Core of your Heart and Solar Plexus and write about it. Not in this moment, but afterwards when you come out of this journey. If you cannot do it at this journey, come back and re-listen. Bring up that essence.

One difficult aspect is that if you do not understand what you are experiencing, then it will return again. It is how the Mental Mind works. Many of you have issues with your Masculine energies trying to control the situation.

What happens with this Crystalline Essence is that you are tapping into your Feminine Divine and allowing it to dissipate it. You do not have to go any further with it. You do not have to sit and do affirmations. Although if you want to, you may. It is helpful if it is a continual thought that is nagging within you. Yet then you take that Crystalline Flame and put it through the words you have written. Some may say, “How do I do that?”

You imagine yourself in this moment as this Rree of Light. You look at the words, you take the Crystalline Essence and make it the Light. Make it the frequency.

Part of the problem with the Emerald Green is that it will bring up the issue for you, which is why we told you to use specks of it. The Emerald Green is such an Earth Energy at the 3rd dimensional Level, that that energy has to be changed into a Crystalline structure. That is what is presently occurring within the Earth. Yet sometimes you need the Emerald Green to see the acknowledgment within you. It is a softer Color. The Crystalline Frequency changes things immediately if you have not already noticed. Sometimes, the bodily structure needs to experience it from a completely different level. It may be from a 3rd dimensional Level in order to get to the 5th dimensional Level and higher. There is nothing wrong with that. It allows that energy to move at a smaller rate. You take the Green Flame and put it into the aspect that came to you and was not of harmony or balance. You move the Green Flame into that essence.

You can visualize yourself going into the Crystalline Light and changing the lower energy. It is like an initiate who is having a truly hard time in the level they are experiencing. If they try to bring in too much Light frequency within themselves to make the necessary changes, one can burn out. We call it Kundalini Burnout.

The Kundalini takes on too much higher frequency when the physical body is not ready to experience that higher frequency. This happens to individuals that are pushing themselves too hard. It is important to have the realization that you must go at the pace that is necessary for you, as your bodily structure may not be able to handle it. This where a lot of the Ascension Symptoms come in, as there is too much Light coming into the body and no time for stabilization. The body cannot adjust to the higher frequency and then receives another higher frequency.

If you ever have moments in which your body is overloaded, it needs to sleep continuously, it is thirsty, it is inactive – and I am speaking of days upon days, this is when you are in a burnout stage. What happens is if you bring in the Emerald Green Flame into your essence is that it is a softer color. Not every human body and every Spirit is able to accelerate at the same pace and level.

My point is stabilize yourself. Allow these Frequencies of Light to assist you. If you feel more comfortable intuiting the Green Essence within the Crystalline, please do so. You will see your progress moving on much smoother and much swifter than trying to push too much energy at once. That will only cause overload.

I ask you now, what is it that you are feeling? How do you feel about the status of your existence through this process?

These are important realizations. We bring forth the Essences of the Elders through this energy, as they are the ones igniting the frequency in this beautiful city.

Let us take a little walk. As we walk through this forest, we see that there is a pathway opening up. We are now standing on a hillside. We look down upon the city. See the magnificence of this city and all the sparkly Lights. There are several temples in the distance, because we are at a higher elevation from where we can see all these elements. Think about your own journey.

Let this city represent that vision for you. If you think about each moment you go through a period of Resurrection, there is always of Hope in what is ahead of you. This city represents that Hope. Allow the vision we see now of all the beautiful temples, the housing, the community that is down there, to be your Hope.

Whatever your Hope is within your own future, coming into this Forest is an initiation to allow more to occur. That is why we call it the Flame of Resurrection. It resurrects the old for the new to be received.

I ask each of you, what is it you want to bring forth into your world within the next 30 days?

Let us bring forth that Essence with the Flame in this moment. As we walk along the hillside, we see that there is a beautiful entryway into a cave. Yet the cave is not dark. It is filled with Crystalline Flame. Again, the ground is Green. Feel that green essence within you.

As we step into this cave, feel your purest form fully materialize in your highest consciousness. It has not materialized physically for you, but it is a vision. It is a Purity of Light.

The Archangels and Elohim are embracing you in this moment with their waves of Light. Purity and the Pure Essence Astrea, Gabriel and Hope represent changing what you are in what you want to be. Feel this cave of Light. It is opening up to the Heavens above. You see a sky filled with bright Lights. This is your Evolvement. This is your Light.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Embrace what you are receiving. You are receiving your Future. You are receiving the Divinity of your Light to fully be integrated within your Full Body System when you are ready. It is now time to leave the cave, but you can return at any time you would like.

The Cave of Eternal Light is yours.

We walk back through the forest and you see that you are part of it, not separate. You are fully integrated with this forest. Return at any time you have an issue or an element you would like to work with. Sitting here by yourself within this forest, we will all assist. It is now time for us to leave.

We walk with you through the entrance-way you came in. As you exit out from the top of the hill, you feel the Portal of Light.

I, as Serapis Bey with Paul the Venetian and all these beautiful Beings of Light of the Elohim, the Elders, the Archangels and with all of our little guests assisting you in these moments. We look forward to working with each of you individually in our next visits.

Blessings and Love to each of you. Thank you for being here.

We feel the chamber of light that is around us as it pulls up away from the city. Directing your Merkabah Vehicle of Light back to your present location. Allow it to spin and come within you.

Sometimes when we go through these journeys, we tend to open up our eyes too quickly and we are not fully within our body. You can touch the top of your head a little bit, and bring those energies down into your physical essence.

Thank you for participating in our journey to Shashwam.

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light class meets each Wednesday. Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos is the host with a beginning lecture on the current energies. Lord Adama’s lectures may be read on Walking Terra Christa, Lord Adama Discourses.  Walking Terra Christa is glad to provide these classes in our Membership Program or purchasing the MP3 files individually. Details are provided in the “Teachings of the Golden Etheric Cities” and can be accessed by clicking the link.
©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Crystalline Ray of Harmony and Balance

snow white lightWe are being giving a great gift this New Year’s with the infusion of the Crystalline Ray to come fully into GAIA’s core of Light on December 31st at midnight.

What does this mean?

This is the ray to use when you are going through major upheavals and conflicts.  Master Serapis Bey is partnering with Master Paul the Venetian to help all beings of this planet to feel their essence in preparation for the New Earth.  This light infraction will assist each individual to fully embrace the Harmony and Love that they desire.  2015 is being called “Embracing Harmony to send Love”.  It is ideal for each of us that this ray is now infused within the Earth.

Below is some descriptive information excerpted from our 22 Ray Challenge Program with a special decree.  Our suggestion is to read this decree aloud at the stroke of midnight to assist in grounding this wonderful Ray of Light.

Master Serapis is a Lord of Love and his One Purpose in Life is to free every individual from the recoil of impure causes and cores of limitations and disease which can cause distress on the mind, body, and spirit.  He has been the Chohan of the Fourth Ray since 400 B.C.  He also works very closely with Master Paul the Venetian, the Ray Chohan for the Third Ray of Active & Creative Intelligence.  They both have shared the energies of these beautiful rays and work hand-in-hand with each other.

Master Serapis Bey works with every initiate who chooses to be on the Ascension Pathway.  He assists in cleansing the aura of the individual within their Etheric Body and lovingly prepares those initiations which will help each candidate to transmute his lower nature.  If the candidate is willing to move further into their ascension process with deep earnest and study, he will assign a brother or sister from retreat in Luxor that will provide the candidate Opportunities so that they can achieve their Ascension in the Light as long as they can PERSEVERE through the process.  The experience for the initiate will enhance their ascension process so that they are not being punished or put into major lessons, but to fully expand their essence in the Light.  Opportunities create growth.

A Message from Serapis Bey:

Greeting My Fellow Comrades of the Light,

I am  very excited to speak to you in this moment.  We are at a very crucial time of elevation of the Light within the planet and it is important that each of us come together to understand that process.  If you spend too much time on the consciousnesses of your physical mind, then you will never be able to comprehend the changes and accelerations that you are experiencing as it will be filtered through the mind and not through your intuition.

Presently within the earth’s evolution there are so many energies that are being filtered within the planet so it may be a challenge to discern what is right and wrong in any given thought process.  It is imperative to work with the frequencies of Harmony and Balance of the Crystalline Ray to assist in the Divinity within your Soul’s Essence.  The true goal at hand is to fully express joy in all moments of being, but until an individual can fully access their full body system, and then it becomes convoluted in the process.  This is where the confusion sets in and then all of a sudden a person may not know what the truth is as the energy becomes intertwined not only within the Divine level but within the physical.  This is where Harmony and Balance needs to be utilized.

The power of your divinity lies within the truth of your soul’s essence.  Until you learn to tap into that aspect of yourself, then you are just being fooled by other energies you have encountered in previous lifetimes and timelines.  It take great diligence to continue to work through this process and I AM here to assist.

I enjoy so much in helping each initiate understand what they are experiencing deeply.   When this happens, this is when Divine Order sets in from your Higher Self and I AM Presence.  It make take quite some time to get to that perfect understanding but we in Luxor are here to help.

We also have a beautiful Golden Etheric City that is being built in the fifth dimensional NEW EARTH.  It is called Shashwam and resides in the Central United States within Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska and now will move into Oklahoma.  So if you want to visit, please intend to come into the city and we will be happy to receive you to help you find balance and harmony within your life.

My main message at this time is to help you to remember and reflect on the Beauty that You Are.  It is important to remember these aspects of yourself to get through the trials and lessons of walking into mastership.  Please acknowledge your worth and your ability to be more than you are now or ever have been.

All my Light to each of you,

I AM Master Serapis Bey

Master Paul the Venetian has previously held the post of the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance through Conflict.  He is stepping forward to partner with Serapis Bey as they work very closely with each other.

Paul is quite a perfectionist but very tolerant and sympathetic to each initate.  All he requires to have him work with you is sincere motivation that you want to achieve the desired results of walking into Mastery.  He brings forth the gift of gratitude very deeply.  He expresses the virtues of tolerance and selflessness.   He works within the Temple of Liberty where he achieved his ascension when it was established after the Fall of Atlantis.

His role with Master Serapis Bey is to bring forth the gift of gratitude through the challenges of resurrecting the old feelings and thoughts that are lodged within the earth’s atmosphere and within each individual.

Aspects of this Ray:

Ray No. 4 ~ Experiencing Pure Joy in Each Moment

Definition ~Harmony & Balance Through Conflict

Color: Crystalline

Chakra: Root

Elders from the Throne of Grace: Lord Esteela & Lady Esteelo

Chohan: Master Serapis Bey

Elohim Masters: Purity & Astrea

Archangels: Gabriel & Hope

Toning Sound: “LAM, OH”

Working with the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance is essential to every individual that walks unto the pathway of Mastery. This ray will assist in the process of “Resurrecting” the old into the new which is an essential component of Ascension.

On the Planetary level the ray represents the color of Green and can be very helpful in grounding while allowing the old parts of the Self to be removed and replaced with the essence of Purity. On the Universal level of the Crystalline color an individual is accessing the highest frequency of the light to be infused within the Root Chakra. It will allow the expansion of a person’s I AM to be fully revealed as the lower aspects are removed completely.

Since this ray is integrated within the Root Chakra whether it is on the Planetary or Universal level it truly aligns with the lower frequencies that can be held within the Root area such as fears, anger, frustration, jealousy, and all those lower energies that we do not like to think we hold within us. Working with this ray will totally assist an individual in fully changing these parts of the Self that can be lodged deeply within the Etheric Body, or Cellular Structure.

Lord Esteela & Lady Esteelo truly bring forth this perfected grace as they embody the creative essence of God’s Divinity allowing it to be imbued upon each individual that accesses this frequency of light. The power of the Crystalline energies is a force that cannot be matched by any of the other rays. Whatever a person is dealing with in their life that seems insurmountable will be fully transformed when utilizing this ray of Harmony and Beauty.
The Higher Expression represents planning based on the blueprints of the Ascended Masters as in working with the New Earth Golden Cities and the Lower Expression would indicate working with the planning of the present Earth energies. A person that embodies this ray on a physical level would be very artistic in their pathway.

Characteristics: The ability to have an artistic development with creative ideas flowing; represents balance and equilibrium within an individual’s pathway while expressing Divinity and Growth; a deep compassionate nature that is very generous but yet is able to have the power to reveal the true path imbued with great physical courage.

Virtues To Be Aspired To: The pathway of resurrection, changing elements within Oneself for the Greater Whole, thereby allowing God’s purity of light to be fully within one’s thoughts and emotions, having a balanced four-body system to create One Body of Light; has the optimal ability to always have Hope no matter what the circumstances may be; great artistic development which can present itself in many areas of interest (painting, singing, and creating projects in various ways) along with flowing with the harmony of life. In turn these attributes allow an individual to be serene, mentally and morally balanced which helps them to gain self confidence and control..

Aspects to Avoid: Feelings of worry, lack of moral courage, being self-centered which creates an individual feel inadequate when dealing with others. This tends to create disharmony and discord.

Decree: Flowing with the Harmony of the Light I AM, © WTC 2014

It is now time for me to imbue the Crystalline Light,
Of Harmony & Beauty of the 4th Ray;
The Essence of this Ray is very powerful,
As it comes within my Root Chakra representing the Resurrection of My Being.

I call upon the energies of the Crystalline Light,
To full embrace me deeply;
It helps to remove all parts that do not fit with my new Reality,
That will be represented upon the New Earth of Terra Christa.

I see before me the beautiful Elders of Lord Esteela & Lady Esteelo,
Representing the Elders from the Throne of Grace;
With a breath from their essence,
I feel their Crystalline White Lights coming towards me,
I stop and allow their essence to blend within mine;
My Child, please do not stop,
Flow with the energies as that is what they represent;
Breathe in the pure white light,
Breath out,
The aspects of Disharmony,
Worry about Your-Self,
Lack of Inner Respect;
While you feel the fluidness of Light,
Blend within and around you,
As it molds you into the Divine Being You Are.

I feel the parts of myself fully intertwined with the higher frequencies,
As I allow my I AM to fully be my guide;
I know this is just the beginning.

I continue further and see Master Serapis Bey,
Hold out his hands unto mine;
I feel his ecstatic personality shining deeply in my Heart,
And permeating through every aspect of my physical existence;
He now scans my body as he prepares me for my next initiation,
I feel the impurity of my existence now being removed;
As he extends to me his deep compassion,
For stepping into the world of Beauty and Harmony;
He says to me,
You are now ready for the next step;
This phase is your present Resurrection,
Of What has been;
Is now gone,
To prepare you for the Moment of your Rebirth.

Swirling colors of lights in crystalline forms
Are now blending within my Root area;
The old me is being readjusted,
To prepare for the next phase of my journey.

I then see the Elohim Masters of Purity & Astrea,
Standing before me;
With outstretched Arms of Light.
I feel their essence of the Cosmic Blue Lightning of Divine Love,
Now shatter all that I have been unable to accomplish on my own;
It is taking all my discomfort in all levels,
To be replaced by the Purity and Light That They Are.

They say unto me,
Just stand and hold onto the parts of your-Self that you know are true,
Blend within the frequency of perfection that You Are.

I feel this essence now become my essence,
Of the Purity and Divine Love;
As it flows within me,
In Waves of Beauty that I AM.

I am deeply honored to feel these beautiful Beings assist me in my physical creation,
It is flowing through me as I allow the changes to occur;
I cannot stop it,
It is now continuing and spinning me in many directions.

Then at this point,
When I think I have received it all;
I see the Archangels of Gabriel and Hope,
Embracing me with their Wings of Pure Light;
It seems as if Gabriel knows exactly what I need,
I feel my emotions changing deeply;
What was confusing before,
Now becomes totally clear;
He shows me the greatest Joy that I could ever imagine.

Then Archangel Hope shows me deeply the essence that I AM,
I Am radiating with the Deep Love of my Eternal Light that I AM;
She shares with me,
Every time you have a moment,
When it is not the true reflection of YOU;
Stop and expand within the Crystalline frequencies of God coming to you,
You must remember you are a Child of God,
In this amazing omnipresent Universe;
Expand this Light through you and around you,
Which will not only to balance your own life circumstances,
But all the parts that have made you in this form.

In this moment,
Feel your Creation;
Flowing with the Artistic rhythms of the Universe;
In the waves of the ocean,
In the movement of the wind,
In the warmth of the sun,
And upon the strength of the Earth.

I feel all of these elements within me,
I AM One and not separate as it may seem;
I feel the serenity flowing within me,
My mind stops and allows the fluids of all of this beauty,
To completely blend within me.

I stand with the sound of “OH” running through my head,
I allow it to come through to my voice;
As the purity of the Light of God,
Within the Crystalline Rays flow in and out of me,

I deeply sing;
I feel the equilibrium,
Between My Heart and My Mind;
Are now fully accepting,
God’s Purity Within Me.

I AM that I AM that I AM.

Blessings for an amazing year in 2015 EMBRACING HARMONY TO SEND LOVE.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Feeling the Power of Oneness with Lord Sananda


On April 15th the world will have experienced the Festival of the Christ energies within a powerful full moon and lunar eclipse.  This event is spoken about to be the most intensified frequency of light to come into the planet this year.  Many individuals are sharing information about this frequency of light that will be occurring.  In fact, we are already in the midst of these energies and are experiencing great changes through our full body system.

Walking Terra Christa held a special open call for this event on April 14th with Lord Sananda as the guest speaker along with Lord Maitreya and Master Kuthumi.  The specifics of the Festival of the Christ represent Love, Resurrection, and Contact with others.  Lord Sananda share such an eloquent message of love with powerful Light Codes through Rev. Meleriessee.  We gathered together in the Temple of Oneness within the Ballroom of Crystalline Light to walk through another doorway of beauty unto a deeper part of ourselves.  Master Kuthumi is now working more fully with Lord Maitreya in the office of the Christ and shared his essence of experience to help lightworkers move through these next phases of ascension.  Each of these magnificent beings shared their hearts unto each of our hearts to help us through our initiations that will require great strength and courage.

In addition, this full moon represents the sign of Aries with Libra which is a perfect relationship between our physical self (Aries) and our spiritual self (Libra).  This moon will assist in the connection between both essences to become one.  The Lunar Eclipse also represents relationships of changing circumstances by accessing our “inner wisdom”.  This is a perfect time for each individual to fully access their higher self within the physical body for the Divine Union of the Self.

The blessing of this ceremony is that Lord Sananda exhibited his heart unto every soul of this pathway.  His powerful essence is shown through Meleriessee’s voice and the energy is beyond what any of us can imagine.  Take a moment and allow Lord Sananda to be within your heart.  He shall never leave and walk with you every step of your journey.

To listen to this ceremony and/or download please click this link:




 Let us know what you think about this special ceremony of Light

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Three Upcoming Ascension Festivals

clouds_sky-fbMESSAGE. We are at that time of year once again when we will be experiencing the three Festivals of Light that represent our role with the Spiritual Hierarchy to advance ourselves into a higher existence within our mastery pathway.

Each of these festivals falls upon the full moon cycles within Aries, Taurus, and Gemini.  Each of them is a stepping ground into one another.  This means that each festival represents our Divine Purpose on this earth and how we can assist ourselves on deeper levels to become more of what we were previously.  The festivals also help with the transformation of every sentient being upon this Earth whether an individual participates consciously or not.  It is a time of high acceleration and understanding more about them helps a soul to fully accept the challenges and achievements that they will encounter through this three month cycle.

The Festival of the Christ ~ April 15th, 2014 ~ is the first of the three events that we celebrate within the mastery pathway.

This festival occurs during the full moon in Aries .  It represents the living and incorporating the Christ Consciousness Within.  It is the first of the three festivals connected to planetary and cosmic ascension. The second being Wesak, and the third, Humanity.  Each of these festivals are stepping stones for each initiate to move further up the ladder of their initiation phase as they walk on the Mastery Pathway.

The keynote of the festival is love in the highest form with resurrection being the 2nd element and contact, being the third keynote.  This represents a closer relationship to your I AM Presence, and Lord Maitreya, as he is considered to be the Planetary Christ, Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and teacher to all the ascended masters along with being a Galactic Avatar.  Presently Master Kuthumi is assisting Lord Maitreya in this role.  He has been the Ray Chohan for Love and Wisdom for quite some time and has moved into this new role recently..  Master Djwhal Khul is now taking over this role as Ray Chohan although Master Kuthumi is still assisting Djwhal in his duties.

The focus of the festival this year in 2014 is to understand what challenges have occurred for us in order to put all elements in order.  2014 represents Grounding Unity and reflects within us the particles of light that we have been in all life forms of our evolution.  Our multi-dimensional self(s) are becoming activated which means that our Etheric Body is being healed and regenerated within us.

The Festival of the Christ is helping each of us to fully surrender into our I AM Presence or Over Soul to full create the Divinity within our physical walk upon this Earth.  It cannot be done without each of us allowing the Etheric Body or Cellular Memory to be healed of the past elements that have kept us in bondage.  This ceremony is a doorway for our soul to become more actively associated in the physical existence with our highest capability of Light.

Participating actively with your Higher Self will assist in the forces of restoration as this is one of the major components of this festival.  We are all starting to focus within the Oneness but to actively participate through our physical bodies is going to restore the essence upon this Earth along with every inhabitant, thereof.  It is a time when it makes people think, plan and take action on spiritual lines and will eventually lead to a reorganization of planetary life which we are experiencing presently.

The Festival of the Christ occurs on April 15th, 2014 at 7:43 GMT.  It just so happens that during this full moon we will also be experiencing a Lunar Eclipse which will make the energies even more powerful for GAIA and each of us.  Walking Terra Christa held a special ceremony to celebrate these energies.  This was an open event and everyone was invited to participate; to join any of our free events please register at You may partake of these energies via the audio mp3 recording found in our MP3 FREE LIBRARY.

Festival of Wesak ~ May 14th, 2014

The energies of Wesak for 2014 will go beyond what we experienced last year, although those energies were quite powerful.  We have been gifted in 2013 to receive two of the Rays of God to be implanted within Gaia which are the Blue Flame of Will and Power and the Ruby Red/Gold Flame of Inner Devotion.

During Wesak we will be experiencing the implantation of the Golden Yellow Flame of Love and Wisdom.  This allows every living being upon tis earth to come into a new space of forgiveness and acceptance of their own Divine Love to be infused within their physical body.  It is quite exciting.

Wesak represents the anniversary of Lord Buddha’s birth, his attainment of Buddhahood and his ascension.  Initiates and Ascended Masters on the inner and outer plane celebrate this powerful time.  Lord Buddha represents the expression of the Wisdom of God, the embodiment of light and divine purpose.

The purpose of Wesak is:

  1. The releasing of certain transmissions of energy to humanity that will stimulate the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood, and Goodwill.
  2. The fusion of all men and women of goodwill into a responsive, integrated whole.
  3. The invocation and response from certain cosmic beings if prior goals are achieved

Wesak is a time of great renewal and celebration.  It represents the “force of enlightenment”.  These energies are affected within our educational movements, values, literature, publishing, writers, and speakers on the entire planet.  The power of these energies is so great that large groups of people gather around the world to participate in these energies.

Every individual upon the planet is affected by the Wesak energies; it assists initiates of all levels to move to another level of their initiation process so there can be times of great challenges that push each of us into a new aspect of our soul’s essence.  It is a time to connect with others, share your gifts, love, and generosity of spirit.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a special ceremony on May 14th in Mt. Shasta which also includes our annual Wesak Retreat.  We are offering a special tele-gathering for individuals to participate from their own location (and also asking those who can to host guests for this special 2 hour event.  Details on how to register for this event are available on our website,

Festival of Humanity ~ June 13th, 2014

The Festival of the Spirit of Human aspires towards divinity, attunement to God’s will and right human relationships.  This is when we take the energies we have received from Wesak and put them into practice.  It represents the effects in human consciousness of the work of all Masters but especially with Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya, and Master Jeshua/Lord Sananda.  It is also recognized as World Invocation Day.

This is when we put to use what we have learned from the previous two festivals.  Wesak pushes us into a new dimensional reality which needs to be grounded.  Within the full moon of Gemini is when we start to put into practice what we have learned and share with the world.

Due to the intense energies of this year, we will have more information about the Festivals of Wesak and Humanity closer to the events which will include a channeled message on the energies that are transpiring.

Walking Terra Christa will be holding a special ceremony for the Festival of Humanity on June 11th, 2014, 5 PM Pacific.  Individuals may register via our Open Telecalls page,

We hope you will join us during this time to celebrate our spirit of Love and Light with one another.  We thank you for supporting our work as it helps to bring these energies to each of you.


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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