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We have now entered the New Moon phase of Pisces with a Solar Eclipse. This combination brings forth the element of movement, change, new beginnings, with our hopes and desires to be realized. Lord Ashtar brings forth a divine message on how we are affected by the planetary alignments within our full body system.

Greetings My Dearest Comrades of the Light,

I am Lord Ashtar here to talk about the present energies while trying to assist each of you to understand what you may be experiencing in your personal consciousness.

I always like to reiterate my energies through the connection of the InterGalacitic Federation of Light with Lord Sananda so that every individual that is reading this message will get a feeling of being embraced by our essences. I ask you to take a deep breath to fully feel a change in your heart, and bodily structure, as you relax the physical level of your consciousness. Pretend that we are floating through space together having a meeting of our higher minds coming into the purest existence that you have ever felt.

This is exactly what occurs for you during these powerful times of acceleration. At the end of this month, there has been a transition of energies to be felt by humanity so that they can experience within themselves a deeper revelation within their own consciousness. This is how a soul becomes fully realized within their pure existence.

It is what I like to call “The Floating of Light Emanations” to be realized within the physical world.

As this day of February 26th 2017 brings forth a New Moon and Solar Eclipse it brings into Gaia’s pure existence the availability of these light emanations to be fully accepted not only by her presence by within the existence of humanity. During this week previous to this moment in time, there have been portals of light to be acknowledged through the atmosphere into the existence of Gaia’s hemispheric existence. Within your skies there have been solar flares that have opened up portals throughout the world so that humans can start to realize the potential they have within themselves as the person they are becoming.

This is an important element to realize – WHO YOU ARE BECOMING.

Do you know what that means for yourself?

At this time of the earth, there have been great changes that need to be aligned within your consciousness so that the realization that you have been steps across a bridge to a new reality of who you truly are. This is the Bridge Of Becoming That Aspect Of Yourself that has been forgotten.

Many write about how this eclipse and new moon brings forth a gift of dreams to be realized, having the potential that there is more that can occur by just stepping into this new alignment. Some may even believe that these elevations in consciousness are occurring to help humanity while each person just has to sit back and let it happen.

But I want to remind each of you to look back upon the previous month or the start of this year and what you may have experienced to get to this point of your reality.

There has been a death and re-birth cycle occurring within the planet hoping that each soul would awaken to their own reality of what is dying within them so they can walk across that bridge that beckons them into a new part of their reality that is awaiting to be awakened within themselves.

Each soul will react differently to the present energies, but the most important element is that change is happening within each person’s consciousness and if they wake up to those changes, then they will realize the potential that they have within themselves.

As the planets were in alignment in January through February it was a window of opportunity for each person to realize the potential that you could have in your world. It was a fleeting moment of excitement to see within yourself the beauty and the gracious soul that you truly are.

I ask of you, “How many of you were able to see this transition within yourself” and “How Many Have Stepped Across a Threshold of a New Awakening”?

I am here today to share this message as I think it is important for people to realize within their consciousness who they are becoming and what needs to be realized in order for global change to happen. Change occurs within a soul when they realize that they can no longer exist in the old essence that they were. They look within themselves and see that the attributes their soul is showing has changed and they want to transition into a new way of existence whether it be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.

I ask you again the reflect on the past few weeks. What have you been experiencing, thinking, or feeling in your life? Were you finding that your world was feeling very challenging and hard to deal with? What did you do to help yourself through this change?

Some examples may be that you felt ill physically, your emotional body was raw, or that your thoughts were not clear and defined. Each of these elements are important because they will help you to see how you are walking into a new door of awakening with the current planetary changes.

Many times the body can be tired, feel ill in certain ways so that it can rest; toxins can be removed so that the true healing can take effect of allowing the full body system to readjust itself through the changes. In other ways the heart center can be healing in a way that you have never experienced before; or your mental mind needs to be put into a different way of thinking.

You may not know how these changes are occurring but they are. All of this is a result of the current movements since the onset of 2017. There is a huge adjustment that is occurring within the consciousness of Gaia so each of you are going to be affected by them in your four-body system. It is a time of great healing so the elements of debris that you are holding in any of your fields will automatically come into a new awakening.

It does not matter what level of consciousness you are holding, where you are in your initiations, or the light quotient you are currently existing within, all must change in order for the New Earth to be born.

The portals of the previous week are taking you in a new direction of consciousness.

As you have been going through the healing process previous to this moment, it is important to reflect within yourself that something is changing within you. It may be as simple as changing the way you go about your day, maybe your schedule will adjust, or possibly you will think differently about a task you are doing. You possibly have done this many times before but within your own consciousness you realize that there is a “shift” in the way you are feeling and thinking.

We have arrived into the Eclipse and the New Moon of Pisces.  Both of these alignments represents New Beginnings but it is important to be able to reflect on “what is your Beginning”. There always has to be an Ending but in many levels of thought you may not consider what has just died out of you.

I share all of this with you to help you realize what the Eclipse/New Moon may mean to you personally and that you cannot expect something to change if you don’t know what is changing. It all represents being present within your own life and learning how to act accordingly.

As a Multi-Dimensional Self, it is sometimes challenging to realize what is changing within you but it is imperative to allow the shifting of the tides to take you to a new reality that you desire to have in your life. If you do not use your full body system to help you through the process, then these activations and alignments will be for naught on a personal level.

You see as the planetary movements are shifting Gaia, each of you must shift with her. This means that what you did not know can be revealed to you. You may learn about a new way of understanding the Laws of the Universe and how to apply them in your physical life. The process of learning new ways is always continuing through each moment in time.

As each person learns more about their soul’s history and the growth process they are acquiring, then it will change the dynamics of what is happening on the Earth. The development of the changes presently are up to you and only you. As souls gather together moving into a higher direction of light, then Gaia will respond in kind to you. It is not just about thinking you are light, you must feel it every moment of your day.

These accelerations can have a tendency to change the evolvement of planetary life when there is an imbalance occurring within the system between humanity and planetary. This is exactly what is happening at this time. The reason there is so much strive and fighting is because those souls are fighting against the light, they don’t know how to do it any other way.

Each of you that are listening are the reason that these accelerations are so very important. As you change, Gaia will accept your energies of the higher frequency and the Earth can move out of duality by walking across the bridge to a New Beginning.

Take time to realize how you are changing, what it means for you, and celebrate it for yourself. Hold unto it, ground it, and become the Galactic Human that you are.

Do a ceremony to connect more to your Divine Self; remove the elements that no longer serve you or you think need to be changed. Call upon each of us within the InterGalactic Forces to help you through this change of light. Allow yourself to become who you desire – walk across that Bridge of Awakenings into the New You.

I, as Lord Ashtar with the Galactic Federation of Light and Lord Sananda guide you every step of the way.

In Peace and Love,

We are One with each of you.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa is offering their Monthly Mastery Classes for 2017 “Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul” which is facilitated through Lord Saint Germain along with the Ray Chohan of the Month, and Lord Metatron. Our first class was guided by Lady Nada along with Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron in the Sacred Heart Temple of Oneness (144th dimension) and the Temple of Illumination with Lord Metatron (49th dimension). Please use the link to learn more about this series.

Walking Terra Christa facilitates a Lord Ashtar Connection Circle monthly on Saturday mornings 10 AM Pacific. Our next meeting will be March 4th, 2017 (Teleconference Info)

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© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 

Lord Adama ~ Stand-off as the Light and Dark Become One ~ A Deeper Understanding

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Aluna, Aluna, Aluna

It is my pleasure to be with each of you in this moment. I Am Lord Adama with the Telosian and Agarthian Councils of Light.

There are many variables of energies that are happening presently. One of them being the full moon of Capricorn in Cancer that we are actually in the midst of in these moments. The emotions can be very sensitive, open, and disruptive. That is what is happening within and around the earth plane presently.

What I want to talk about is how each of you can assist yourself to not get into those stages of turmoil, but to find emotional balance.

We just finished last week with the Pink Flame which represents Compassion and Love. Working within that ray will also assist in this process. Today we work with the Violet/Purple Flame of bringing in the Ceremonial Structure. How do you do so as an initiate? Are you able to go from the place of extreme turmoil into the place of complete balance?

We know that this is a transition and is a bridge that each of us has to walk as a soul many times over. Master Djwhal Khul called this moon “The Emotional Rebirthing Cycle” and it truly represents that energy due to the purification and cleansing within the planet at this time and within each of you.

I want each of you center upon what is occurring within you, within your breath, and to help yourself to acknowledge your own internal feelings.

It makes so much difference as an individual to understand your own feelings and what you are experiencing so that you can either accept it or deny it, change it, or transform it. These are all vibrational air waves that go between everyone – into the center of Gaia, into the core of the Source of Light, and back again through all the planetary and higher living examples within the entire system. None of us are isolated in these energies.

As a person, you are continually feeling those frequencies of light and becoming what is outside of you and inside of you. That is why we have a responsibility as initiates and ascended masters to uphold our end of the bargain. It is our role and that is what each of you are stepping into.

You are learning more about your own self and changing your personality through that process. So as we, as individuals, acquire the knowledge within ourselves to be who we are as we learn to know that we are not within that perfect space, that we need to change. That is why in the lower initiations it can be a very challenging process.

This moon is bringing to us, the inhabitants of earth, a transfer of energy to make the necessary changes to occur. If you don’t have a strong base within yourself of what you desire to occur, that is going to create havoc and bring up many different elements that are ready to be released from the Etheric Body. That is exactly what is happening on the planet within the 3rd dimensional construct. It is breaking apart and as this is occurring, it is transferring these energies into everyone else.

You have to look at what kind of emotions you are having presently.

Are they your emotions or are they emotions of others that you feel considerate of, wanting to be compassionate? But how understanding do you need to be.

You have to understand that you cannot take those energies and bring them into yourself, as you fill them up into your consciousness, because you will become those energies. You will feel the anger, sadness, and that love. It is important to have the realizations within yourself of whom you are in each moment.

I know I have talked about this many times, but with this moon it is very, very apparent.

The throws of the darkness with the light are at a crucial standpoint. It is exactly what is occurring within the presidential election in the United States of America. That is exactly what is happening.

The more that we as an individual, as a soul, an initiate, and an ascended master take hold that frequency of light within ourselves that we know that we can be is going to change everything around us.

It is going to change everything within the psyche, within the spiritual body, within the physical body and that is going to emit out whether you share any words or not.

I refer to Lord Ashtar’s work with the web of the frequency of light around the planet. The more that we increase these light frequencies within ourselves and to pull upon that source of light to be, then that is what is going to come out through us and into the outside world.

So in actuality, this cycle of this moon at this time, is at a very important stand-off of the light and the dark.

Do they blend to become one or do they stand off of each other?

Does the light assist the dark and to bring reflection and illumination to those elements that are within darkness.

Or does the darkness illuminate the lower elements to become more apparent within the light and pull that light back downwards in that depth which represents lack of understanding and isolation.

The choice is yours.

But within these cycles of the moon and sun with the feminine and masculine coming together, it is an important time to allow the integration of those energies to become One within your heart, to become one within all aspects of yourself, within the conditions of your psychological work you are doing so that you can start to understand it.

I think many times individuals look at a lower aspect, a characterization, and become insecure about it, saying “Oh I have this fear and I don’t want to look at it.” That is allowing the darkness of that energy to be the stronger frequency instead of the light saying, “I want to look at this and change it.” This is allowing those two elements coming together instead of one.

We go back to the Law of Oneness for this process. In order to attract what we desire we must uphold our spiritual consciousness that we can bring unto ourselves into any given moment. So the energetics that are happening presently are very powerful for allowing this to happen. Within our planetary formations that are occurring presently, it brings that light frequency to make these changes.

If you are feeling sensitive about the energies in a completely different way than you have before, please know that you are changing through that process. It is transformation which is truly what each of us wants for ourselves, and not just everyone as the whole.

We want to transform who we have been previously. It is a very deep integration of the sun and moon which is occurring presently to allow that grounding of that spiritual essence, to be of that intuitive mind, to be of the feminine divine to come more fully into the masculine divine. There is truly a cosmic union that is happening if everyone allows it to happen for themselves and does not push it away.

Allow those moments of the integration to be one within the self, within the physical mind so it becomes the spiritual mind allowing those essences to blend completely.

So it is a very powerful moon cycle to allow the elements of purging, elements of transformation, to bring forth the divine qualities of magic into one’s life and the more we delve into that depth, as a person, the easier the transformation will be.

What I ask for you through this process is to be more flowing, to let the energy to flow and allow the senses to be very acute, to be a spiritual being within the physical body and not be afraid of it even if the particles that may appear they do not fit.

Allow them to flow within you and through you and become the Alchemist.

So I thank the energies presently in allowing us to come into this space of Cancer, of the heart, of the moon and let the flowing energy to occur more fully. Learning to accept the grounding to occur and to bring forth that moment of understanding within oneself.

Allow these moments of a higher nature and not the lower become your guiding light as so many others are experiencing.

You will be the example of what everyone desires in this world just by Being It.

Many blessings of love,

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna

NOTE: Using the energies of this full moon to bring to you what your soul desires for you is using the LAW OF ATTRACTION from the full body perspective of Mastery. All Lightworkers benefit tremendously from gaining such knowledge. Please join Walking Terra Christa on Saturday, July 23, 2016 (at 12:30 PM Pacific | 3:30 PM Eastern) for our teaching class with Master Thoth and Lady Lakshmi giving the Ascension Mastery understanding on the Law of Attraction along with Divine Light Language Code attunement activations. Please click here for details on attending live or via mp3 audio access.

ALSO: for those interesting in being a PLANETARY HEALER within the ASCENSION MASTERY PATH, our August Retreat discount expires today July 23. Please click here to read about this special event.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).
Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:



WHEN: TUESDAY to SUNDAY – AUGUST 16 to 21, 2016
COST: $645*

Mount Shasta Earth Ascension Alchemy retreat Walking Terra Christa-FB

Learn The Healthy High Vibrational Way of Healing Earth.

Learning to become a true caretaker of planet Earth is a profound step to take as a human. Many individuals have a distinct knowing within themselves that they are here on Mother Earth to bring in the Higher Frequencies of Light that heal and elevate her (and humanity) to a level of Global Spiritual Oneness that is without separation or exclusion in any and all aspects.

earth-inhandsThis understanding is exactly what Mother Earth now needs. She is doing all she can and it is now time to for more individuals to acquire the skills to assist her. Walking Terra Christa announces a special week long Journey Retreat event to give participants the understanding and training they need to assist GAIA to Heal.

Global Teleconference: Phone & any VOIP device or SKYPE

Dial:(605) 562-3140 in USA (International numbers are below for this event).
Access Code: 405260#

Click here to see phone numbers and access code

*Donations encouraged and appreciated!

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With the 12:12 Gate Portal of Light entering Earth’s field, we join with the Intergalactic Federation of Light in a special meditation journey with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda to etherically board one of the fleets large communication lightships to feel the energies of this portal directly. A very magical experience to embrace the Divine Will and the Divine Love of the 12:12 energies. (Divine Light Languagesm encoding and Ascension Mastery Wisdomsm messages transmitted by Rev. Christine Meleriesee Hayden.)


These messages are designed to assist the listener and GAIA deeply. If you are interested in more audio attunement meditation journeys please see our LORD ASHTAR EARTH ASSISTANCE page where you can also find information on joining the live gatherings for free.

© 2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:



Lord Ashtar-Ashtar Command

Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command of the Galactic Federation of Light.


~ Please Share These Free Teachings in Service to All ~ __________________________

October 10, 2015 ~ LORD ASHTAR EARTH ASSISTANCE – BE THE STAR ~ The Galactic Federation of Light with Lords Ashtar and Sananda bring forth an energy frequency to assist with creating a higher vibration in the Root chakra of Mother Earth (GAIA) to cleanse the debris and raise the frequency. As humans, we are the first root race of the planetary consciousness, so we first must anchor these frequencies using our awakened consciousness in our own physical vehicles so that they can be effective in anchoring within GAIA. The Divine Light Language Transmission from Lord Sananda and Lord Ashtar (via Rev. Christine Meleriesse and grounded by Rev. Ara) activates the higher octave within us. The energy is then targeted to be geographically at Mount Shasta in the northwest of the United States. The Whales and Dolphins also assist in the transference of energies.

If you are interested in downloading this or prior messages, please see our Ashtar Messages page linked here.


About these messages: 

On December 31st, 2014 the Spiritual Hierarchy gifted Mother Earth’s atmosphere with the 4th Ray of God in the elements of Harmony and Balance through the Crystalline Ray’s Frequency. We gather together to blend in the Crystalline Ray with Lord Ashtar, the WHALES and the DOLPHINS to assist anchoring the new energies within GAIA as these frequencies of the Cosmic level are now being gifted to be grounded into GAIA. This brings the trinity of grounding upon the lands through us, in the waters through our marine mammal brothers and sisters, and in the sky’s using the Galactic Federation of Light. The Whales and Dolphins are on earth as representatives of the Christed Intergalactic frequencies. Please assist by your active participation in these energies. (for more detail on the new earth grounding see )

2014 was the year of Grounding Unity where all soul’s desiring the creation of the Fifth Dimensional New Earth work diligently to bring the Higher Christed Energies down into the body through the Rays of God within the chakra system and consciously grounded into the planet. 2015 now brings the opportunity to EXPAND what has been grounded. Our first step is to use the Crystalline Ray of Harmony and Balance to insure we our expanding the highest elements of our higher octave frequency grounding.

It is also at this time that those who oppose the grounding of the Higher Frequencies of Light are working extra hard to make sure they keep the global energy at a lower vibration. Weather modification (HARRP) technology is one of the more advanced methods being used to cause fear and disharmony.

To Assist the Earth Energies in the most powerful way possible, we will be experiencing Divine Light Language Coding teachings from Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda as they join with us to effect vibrational changes. These group light gatherings will once occur every month on the second Saturday of the month to clear the planet of lower frequencies and raise the collective vibration.

To join us live during these important events:

WHEN: Second Saturday of the Month 10:00 AM Pacific time / 1:00 PM Eastern
WHERE: From Your Location anywhere on Earth via SKYPE or phone

Project Gaia to Terra Christa ~ Ashtar Command

Galaxy-3928Blessings and greetings everyone,

It is I, Lord Ashtar, with the Ashtar Command. Thank you for being with us once again.

Let us all breathe deeply to bring the connection in more fully. As you extend your frequencies of light around you and beyond your Merkabah, feel the spinning of your Chakras with all the Ray colors intertwining within you. You are the double helix of light, as we connect to each of you in these moments.

What we would like to share with each of you today is to allow the intercommunication between each other to be within a closer frequency.

How do we do that?

As we have shared on the call before we began this transmission, some individuals are unsure of it, some do not believe it, some do not want to take responsibility. They think of us as the defining light and source here to assist each of you. While this may be so, it is all based on a partnership.

This is what we have been trying to convey through Meleriessee and Walking Terra Christa for quite some time in order to awaken people to the fact that we cannot assist until they assist themselves. Yet we are here. We are here in your skies. We are here watching over you. We are here working with each of you.

As your multidimensional, galactic selves become more active, you are the Galactic Humans. You have chosen to be here upon the Earth. It is not only the starseeds who may believe themselves to be the only ones that came here from planetary systems. Their elements are more directly aligned with those planetary systems and not so much with the Earth energies. Thus, they too have to learn how to communicate, as each of you is in a human body.

How are you affected by these transmissions?

What do you do with them afterwards?

Do you listen again?

Do you reflect on how to bring forth more energetic exchanges within the Earth?

Do you create some of the tools we offer to allow our essences to help each and every one of you, and therefore, help the planetary systems?

We know that this takes time. It takes moments of stepping out of your physical self, out of your mental mind,to have the realization that you are a direct line of focus to allow the light upon this Earth to come in more fully.

What we bring to you today within this month of November is the ability to know that you are very important to each of us.

We cannot do this without you. You cannot do it without us. If you go deeper into the essence of your soul to feel that galactic part of you, that part of your essence that believes in the other planetary systems, you will bring that focus into your consciousness for you to receive more.

It is truly what occurs in this process. It is the defining light. Each of us was created at the same time. We just came into different states of Beingness, awareness and physicality.

I, as Lord Ashtar with the Ashtar Command on this day, extend our essence onto each of you. It is not only about the weather patterns. Those are our beginning stages.

It is about all that is occurring upon the Earth. Let us think about that for a moment. If you think about the Federation of Light of the Intergalactics, of the Christed Beings of Light, are you not part of this? Yes, of course. Some of you may have other alternated selves that are within this consciousness. At the moment, this may seem incomprehensable to you. The role that you are playing is so much larger than you realize. This is true about every human being upon the Earth. Awakening themselves to a better state of Beingness is what we want to assist with. That is why Lord Sananda is intertwined so much with the Federation now.

The frequency of light that he has been has moved from the Earth energies into Universal Consciousness and into Galactic Consciousness to allow all races to receive this light. We work very hard and diligently to allow this to be. Each of you in this moment sits here and allows that essence to fully come within you. Know that you are a major part of our work, of your work. As you are receiving this transmission presently, you are not only receiving it through words, but through light formations. You are allowing it to come through you with your breath and expand it out of you. Right then it allows us to create portals of light to bring in more light frequency guided by Lord Sananda, myself, and the entire Federation of Light to fully be incorporated within the Earth. The Earth has been under such tyranny for eons of time. Each of you is a major part of that tyranny changing and coming more into awareness, more into a focus on light. It cannot be done by force. That is why we come through in this manner and why we want to assist as deeply as possible.

The more light formations we bring forth, the more it will grow. As it grows, the advantage of us being more physical in your world, will appear. Please know we need your assistance deeply.

If you have ways to share this information, please do so. It is going to assist. All a person has to do is listen to this transmission and the energy will be within them and through them. They do not even have to do anything about it. It is a domino effect. If we allow the frequencies of light from the galactic forces to come through each of you to grow out of you, then others are affected by what you have listened to. It expands out of your field into the many electrons within the Earth, in the environment, in the skies, everywhere you expand yourself. Expansion is our role today. We want to help each of you understand the particle of light that you are, and that you are allowing that to grow within yourself. It is like the effect of a cell that is not healthy in a body; quite the opposite. It grows and it grows and it grows. It expands that light through every element. If you allow yourself to be the beacon of light that I think each of you is, you bring this essence into yourself now as you are that focus.

As these messages become viral, it does not matter whether one does not believe. On a soul level, it is accepted. Thus, it filters down through the fields of the Earth. We expand this light into the Earth to clear out the debris, to clear out all the souls that are stuck on this planet. Those are souls that have passed away and think they are still living here. We do affect that change also.

Today, let us concentrate first on the energies of the weather, what is happening in different parts of the country and the world. As this year comes to a close, there is going to be more coming into your world. It is imperative that each of you understands the source of your own light and allows that to expand within and outside of you. Allow yourselves to be those beacons of light. I extend this Divine Light Language Encoding toward you now for it to become part of you.

You do not have to think about it. All you have to do is breathe, and it will expand out of you into the areas you walk upon, into the areas that you see around you to help all human beings upon the Earth to come together in Oneness. You see, our role is so much more from what you thought it was.

I wanted this to be a focal point today. You are important. Each of you has your own responsibility. It is not a large responsibility. You are in this moment to listen, to hear and to be. You are saying “I AM part of this project. I want to be one of the Galactic Light to help the Earth”.

We say to you in this moment, just allow your breath to take you into another space of light. Feel the frequencies of the galactic forces coming down in sparkles of light. As we all stand on a beautiful hillside, we allow these frequencies of us to come together in Oneness. This hillside is in that higher Earth that you are intending so much of wanting to be in. Within that higher Earth, there is love. There is companionship. There is compassion. There is serenity. There is a growth process within each individual. Everyone is growing at the same time in different ways. Every being has something to give. Feel this essence coming to you now, as we extend our Christed light through Lord Sananda and myself, to fully embody this within you. Feel the sparkles of light coming down the star systems and the frequencies of a higher level, which the Earth needs so desperately. Feel that coming within you now.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel your Galactic Essence. Feel our Galactic Essence, spinning in colors and vibrancies completely around you as if you were within the circle of electrons swirling on the outside of your field and slowly moving inside your field. We now all connect to each other. We connect to all the planetary systems with the beautiful beings of light as the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and all those extraterrestrials that make up the Federation of Light that we are.

Above us, we see our Mothership which represents the frequency of light that you have just received. We fully command the Mothership to be One within each of us. Feel the vibrancy of the Mothership that represents these frequencies of light, these colors of extension to assist the planet.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

The mothership opens up her doors. Many Galactic Beings come out to join us. Christed Extraterrestrials that are within the Federation of Light all circle within one another, hands within hands, circles of circles of spiraling light. I as Lord Ashtar, I as Lord Sananda, stand in the middle of the circle. Each of you intertwines within these beautiful beings of light. We have a job to do with one another. Open up your Hearts and feel the purification of everyone’s essences.

Collectively, we are one Federation of Light.

Yet individually we represent many planetary forms. Each of you represents the Earth. Each of you has a lineage from other planetary systems. That is why you are here. You are accepting so many elements to come into your world. Feel the force field we have around each other. You could call this our contract with each other. Yet truly it is a project.

It is Project Earth, Project Gaia to Terra Christa, to allow the embodiment of Gaia and Terra Christa to blend as one. Each of you individually is doing so within your own processes of your physical self and higher essence.

We all stand here together and conform our energies to spin around the Earth. It moves around the physical Earth, the globe of Gaia, into the core of her being. It moves into all the environments. It goes into the oceans, where we connect to the whales and dolphins so that they can send a message through their environments. They too are part of this project. We bring forth these energies in Oneness. Feel the beautiful essences that we are together. Feel the power that we are. Allow this frequency of light to now go into every human being, as they, too, are part of this project. Allow their minds to awaken to the beauty of all of us being in Oneness.

We now take this energy and lift off any debris that has been collected through our force field. It moves out into the heavens, to the God Source of the 144th dimension to go into Oneness. There is a spiraling of light occurring that trails upward into that 144th level of light. Everything begins to change. Breathe deeply within yourself. What changes are you feeling in this moment? We now call upon the weather patterns to feel the change we are bringing forth.

As the messages are being carried through the animal kingdom, through the whales and the dolphins, they receive the information that we all come into Oneness. Feel that Oneness. Feel your power to create this. Now let it expand outside of your field. Let it go outside of your homes. Let the change occur. Know that you are not alone. We are here with you. We walk with you. You bring forth this light into the Earth in order to assist. Believe me, we could not do it without you and you without us. Let us form a bond within each other. Let us form a bond, within which we take a breath and feel these energies at any time you like to do so.

You as a physical person do not have to do anything.

We say these words “I now call upon the Ashtar Command with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda to bring forth the frequency of light within me to allow the sparkles of the stars to come upon this Earth of where I am standing. Let it expand around me. It now completes its duty of purifying the land I sit upon.”

As you do so, it changes. It is that simple. Through this command, we will work with you in that moment. It will be a moment of reflection. Allow yourself to be open to any sounds that you hear, any frequency through your ears, a high pitched noise, as that is confirmation that we are with you. We all stand here within each other, and we bring our circle closer and closer together until all of our beings become One together. Breathe and feel the power that we are together. Feel the love, the compassion, the joy, the acceptance. We do the work. We are here as your warriors. You are not the warriors any longer. Let us help and assist you. Let us be with you.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

All the Great Central Suns shine their light upon you for you to feel this reflection within your soul, within your being, within your physical consciousness. Be the essence that you are. Thank you for coming forward. Thank you for addressing this element within your world. We walk together in silence. Our time will come when silence will be broken. The more we gather, the easier it will be.

Let us now command that all the weather patterns and all the energies coming upon the lands of Gaia be harmonious, be healing, be what needs to be. It is now time for us to leave our beautiful space. We separate from one another, yet we are not separate from each other. Feel the beautiful essence that we are as we walk up the hillside.

The Galactic Beings go back into the Mothership. Each of you now spin your Merkabah and come back into your physical vehicle as we move into our physical vehicle. My Heart is open within the essence Ashtar Command, Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda.

We are speaking within Oneness in this moment. Separately, we shall always be by your side. Together, we are One within you. In the Light of the Christ that we are together, may the blessings bestowed upon this Earth become the New Earth, as each of you exhibits the ability to bring that light, to be that torch and to hold that frequency. I am eternally grateful for this moment of connection with each of you.

I AM Lord Ashtar.
I AM Lord Sananda.
I AM the Ashtar Command.

Each 2nd Saturday of the month Walking Terra Christa holds an open tele-call with the energies from Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command.  The next meeting is December 13th, 2014 at 10:00 AM Pacific, LIFE STATION EARTH GROUP LIGHT GATHERINGS; we will be connecting with the Whale Community during the call.


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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The Celestial Energy Triad Gate

The Solar Eclipse New Moon of October 23, 2014 Closes This Opportune Triad Gateway

The zenith of these pivotal celestial energies creating the Portal of Light Opportunity for Humanity now approaches. This Solar Eclipse New Moon follows the Fall Equinox and Lunar Eclipse Full Moon bringing the Triad of Celestial Energies to a closing of this important gateway of regeneration (see the New Earth Frequency Update for specifics).

Lord Ashtar’s latest message, with an important blessing from Lord Sananda are given to assist the grounding of the full frequency of the highest vibration, the Christed Consciousness, here upon GAIA.  As Lord Ashtar explains, the only way the earth can raise in her vibration purposefully is for individuals to feel this level of frequency and then ground it within themselves.

Please make the time to take an active part in sharing this audio / video attunement so as many individuals as possible can take an active part in co-creating the New Earth by active conscious concentration of the vibrations prior to the next Full Moon.


DESCRIPTION: We join with both Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda of the Ashtar Command Galactic Federation of Light to experience the highest level of meditative energy exchange by becoming the Christed Self in our hearts and minds. This is the most important energy we can consciously create and participate in as human beings who are ambassadors to planet earth from other star systems. Please use this energy meditation exchange regularly in your life and share it with anyone who desires to co-create the New Earth fo the Fifth Dimensional frequency in Wholeness of the Oneness we are together. This specific format removes all lower ego agendas of the corrupted programming that is so prevalent among well intended (but often uninformed) individuals who desire to share Love and Light upon earth at this crucial time.



©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Aranathanara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it | Make sure to connect with us in these ways:
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portal light




Join us for a special communication with Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command of the Galactic Federation of Light on the discussion of our weather patterns within the Earth.

We will be working with the Ashtar Command to assist in the weather patterns with each of our locations. We all know that we are being affected by the weather adversely and working with our Star Brothers and Sisters in the Light will assist each of us.

We hope you will join us. Being part of the live call is very important ♥


This is an open call but donations are graciously accepted. The donation button is shown on the registration page,

For Skype calls, these are the instructions:

 ~  Please Share This Announcement Widely ~

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.




Gaia’s weather patterns are intentionally more extreme because it keeps the human consciousness in the lower energy frequencies of fear, survival, worry, anxiety and overly concerned about physical beingness. 

These conditions are not random. They are not being generated naturally by Mother Earth.

In this Walking Terra Christa Audio Teaching Lord Ashtar shares a special visualization and exercise to connect with the energies of the Galactic forces of Light to assist the weather conditions that we are all experiencing presently. His talk includes our partnership together and how we are assisting GAIA to ascend.

We all know that we are being assisted by our Star Brothers and Sisters in the Light; this call is a deeper connection between each of them and us. They need our assistance as much as we need them.

Many Blessings this New Year. May 2014 usher in the New Energies of Oneness with true abundance and understanding as it is the Year of Grounding Unity.
-Mel and Mike

P.S. Please assist by sharing this page [ ] everywhere you can. Your active participation is greatly requested.




©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically in its full entirety with no alteration on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and audio, printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Answering the Call from Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command

andromeda_gendler_big-fbFor many years Meleriessee has worked with the Ashtar Command along with channeling Lord Ashtar periodically in the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  Most of her work has been on a personal basis especially during her sleep-state to work with them.  She would awaken with a flash and see that the clock did not change that much and look outside the window.  Their ship was shining brightly and went off the distance when she physically acknowledged them.

The work that Mel and Mike do is so connected with the Inter-galactics that they assist them with protection and helping to clear their land from lower frequencies coming into their space.  Most of the work is through the Arcutrians, Sirian-B, Pleaidians, and Andromedeans but especially with the Lord of the Great Bear Star System who is the overlighting energies of all Christed Inter-Galactics.  He resides in the higher realms watching over all of us in the 20th through the 36 dimensions of reality.  He also oversees the 21st Ray of Divine Structure.

The connection with all of the Inter-galactics is very important at this time.  So when there is a moment in time in which they connect with Meleriessee on the physical level her senses of awareness become very acute.  She has the ability to be in several places at once so even if she is doing a physical task her awareness is always in a higher consciousness.  This is exactly what occurred this past weekend.

As Mel was sitting at the computer preparing to share information as she usually does, she received a very distinct buzz in her left ear.  She knew this buzzing very well as it was part of her life several years ago; it comes sharply and then stops quickly.  She knew it was some kind of message from higher Beings.

She stopped and reflected; at this same time, Mike was standing behind her in the kitchen.  It lasted only for 10 seconds but made her aware that there was a communication trying to enter her consciousness.  She shared with Mike and he said, “Well, I guess you better channel.”  She sat at the computer, opened up a new document, and they promptly asked that everyone be present for the transmission.  She knew it was the Ashtar Command so when they ask, both Mel and Mike stop what they are doing to connect with them.

So they gathered in the living room (our friend Gunilla is here from Sweden so she was part of the energies) as Ashtar Command in their group consciousness entered Meleriessee’s energies.  They asked it to be recorded.  The transmission is a video which is now public on You Tube, MEETING OF THE MINDS.


In addition to the message we shared from ASHTAR COMMAND, they asked if they could be the guest speaker for the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  So it is our pleasure to announce that on Monday evening, October 14th, 2013 Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command will be sharing their essence with us in the temple (to join this call, please register, you may also purchase an MP3 download of the call) .  In addition, they will be giving us a blessing along with Lord Sananda for our Open Telecall for the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday, October 16th, 2013 at 5 PM Pacific.

This is a FREE OPEN teaching for all individuals, you may join by registering via

Lord Ashtar is the speaker of the Ashtar Command which represents the Federation of Inter-Galactics that work under the direction of Lord Sananda for the Christed Extra-Terrestrials within the many universes.  Lord Ashtar works directly with Lord Sananda who oversee the activities of all Christed Beings of Light.  Their work is also in direct conjunction with Lord of the Great Bear representing many planetary systems that are in alignment of the commanding energies within the Unified Whole.  There are many others that are not part of this alignment for the creation of the New Earth.  So working with them will help to align and enforce the higher light frequencies to be in place for GAIA’s ascension process.

We are honored that the Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda will be joining us this week.  They have apprised us of other information in which we will be sharing to help this earth come into more alignment for the 5th dimensional energies.  We are sure they will have much to share in our connection with them this week.

In addition, they have added this addendum to this writing:

It is our Divine pleasure to be with each of you during this great time of acceleration.  We are the Ashtar Command with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda overlighting the frequency at this time. 

Since the Equinox that just passed, the increased availability of light with the Blue Flame of Will and Power being embodied within GAIA’s atmosphere is allowing us to come into more of your conscious awareness.  As each of you are allowing your Inter-Galactic self to be re-born into the existence of human form (and this means all humans no matter what the time frame has been since your Galactic lives) for our interconnection with each other.  You see, you have embodied at this time so that the mutli-dimensional self could be fully actualized as it is an important essence to be activated.

You have many gifts that need to be realized but you also have to create the essence of your awareness through your humanness.  It is all part of the plan of the Fifth Dimensional Earth.  Deep healing needs to be done within each soul upon the Earth in order to have the total perfection.  You have us at an advantage in some ways as you are learning the role of Mastery within the human construct but yet have the ability to be multi-dimensional within your structure of many dimensional lives being realized.  This is how the gifts are going to be ignited within you as you learn that you are neither human nor intergalactic but truly a fully-realized Being from many levels of creation.  It is important to realize that one is not more important than the other, but all of essences that you are create the entire structure of Spirit into Matter.

We are at another juncture of time in which your essences will blend with others to assist GAIA to ascend into her Higher Self as each of you are learning to do within your physical structure.  In order to create this avenue of ascension, each of you descending into your highest essence, and GAIA is ascending into hers, we need to work together co-creatively through this avenue of experience – allowing our consciousnesses to work within each other.  We are not at the point, yet, to fully be active in our physical essence no matter what life form we are; but yet, we need to cohesively join together our forces of light to help this planet in accelerating her physical structure.

Our mission, at this time, is to ask for your assistance in connecting with each of us through our energetics and frequency of light.  On this Lunar Eclipse we will be more active within your world without being in your world.  Our transmissions will be continual to assist each other in cohesively creating a bond of higher frequency within the Earth, to help with world Peace, within the Hearts and Minds of all of humanity.  But we must help everyone understand that it cannot happen within the 3rd or 4th dimension but will occur in the fifth.  Your consciousness is already there and beyond the 5th but the physicality is not.  So our connection with each of you is to help you remember your Inter-galactic essence just as we are remembering our Human essence so that we can be together in the Light That We Are.  It is our time to connect with one another just as we did in Lemuria and Atlantis.  We are re-writing our history to be in alignment with each other and not of Discordance.

This is just the beginning of our alliance but it must be within our consciousness and not of the physicality as yet.  That will come in time.  The acceleration of our Light together will help us to remember and ignite the gifts that have been lost in the ethers of yesterday.

We will be working very closely with Meleriessee and Mike as we feel they are the messengers that we desire in this moment.  Remember, we must come into alignment which means no lower frequencies, thoughts, emotions, and only in the highest sense.  Most of you are not yet there but you are working your way towards that end.

We look forward to our interaction from this point forward.  We are with you in so many ways and understand how you desire it to be NOW.

Blessings and Love,

Lord Sananda, Lord Ashtar, and the Ashtar Command of Light

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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