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Allowing Your Physical Self to Accept the Incorporation of Light~ Lord Adama Discourses

Lightworker1Greetings My Fellow Comrades!

I AM Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light.  We are happy to be with you once again.

Let us all take some deep breaths together so that our Hearts can merge within each other as we, in Telos, are so very happy to be able to connect with you in this manner.

We are in the midst in this time of the cycles of change representing this Full Moon and the Festival of the Christ which is allowing every individual to go to a deeper part of themselves that they have not experienced previously.  So it is important that each of you understand what it is that you are experiencing.  But believe me, there is so much more involved than you can ever realize.

The fluctuation of the energies that are increasing at this time are affecting each of you in many different ways.  Some of you may be affected physically, emotionally, mentally, are just trying to find the balance in your world.  The reflection that is occurring presently from this group consciousness that I am feeling that everyone is going through something within themselves that increasingly takes them into a new space, a thought process.

If you are feeling elements physically, it means that there is something within your bodily structure that needs to be removed in order for you to have the higher frequency that your Higher Self wants you to attain.  Now this can occur on many different levels.  It does not mean that everyone is on the same level of experiencing these types of symptoms.  Notice where the affliction may be occurring within your body and how you can best get through it.  It may be issues from this lifetime or it may be other issues.  It may be more of a higher level of your Core Essence that you have never tapped into before that you are experiencing.


So it can result in confliction and for each of you that can happen in illnesses or painful parts of yourself that are erupting.  I urge you to continually reflect that these energies are not just a physical symptom; therefore, to look at other ways to get through the process.

You’re on this Mastery Pathway.  You are becoming an enlightened being and the bodily function cannot handle any 3rd dimensional way of healing itself.  So these are elements that you must consider as you are going through these processes.  Otherwise it will keep you stuck into the lower forms of vibration.  What actually is occurring for you is your body is catching up to your consciousness.  For some of you, this may be quite intense because if your consciousness is at quite a higher level.  That means that you really have to work doubly hard within your higher levels of intuition to heal it in that way; without the use of the old way of third-dimensional healing that may not work for you any more.  (NOTE: This is in reference to non-medical condition symptoms, sensations and feelings that will respond to using natural herbs, oil and energy. WTC does not offer medical advice or assistance. Always seek licensed medical care providers for any required medical help.)

Those of you that are feeling things emotionally or mentally are just as challenged; maybe even more so, because the symptoms on those levels may not be as acute for you to handle.  So it’s like this, if you have something painful within your body, you probably already know what you need to do within yourself; that you need to put in some vitamins or maybe increase your ability within your immune system to fight something.  You may already have the ability to tap into healing modalities to assist you whether it be herbal, whether it be homeopathic, or whether it be energetic.  But when you are dealing with things in an emotional or mental level it takes more diligent effort because the pain may not be as acute.   So the reflection that is occurring within you in these moments is to purge it.  That is why it is happening, no matter what level you may be receiving it within yourself.  (Note:  WTC does not offer medical advice or assistance. Always seek licensed medical care providers for any required medical help.)

It is important to understand that when these elements occur within your life to go into a deeper part of yourself.  Take the knowledges that you have acquired what you have learned through your tools and go to a deeper level to assist your physical body to accept the transparence of Light that is occurring for you.  This is really, really important.

The other aspect that is essentially critical is that you realize that you would not be experiencing these symptoms within yourself if you were not ready to move forward into a higher level of existence.  So in a sense, it is a gift.  It may not feel like a gift in these moments, but truly it is as you are going through the purging process in many different levels.  I believe each of you are experiencing something that is causing you some distress or some element, not to think or feel the way that you have previously.  This is all part of the process of you becoming your multi-dimensional self.

So in these moments, it is important for each of us to understand one another.  The only way that we are going to do that is to communicate what you are experiencing to others so that you can receive the support system that you need from the right individuals.  But also, because it is important to reflect where you are coming from and where you are going.

As you know I always like to bring forth these guideposts to assist everyone to understand that the process that they are undergoing presently may not be at the level that they think it is.  So it is all part of the Divinity of Light incorporating within you.  As we stand in the middle of these energies presently, I ask of you to continually raise your vibration into a higher level; to not allow your thought forms or your feelings to get in the way; to continually work with the frequency within yourself and change it so that you can have easier moments of transition.

Please know that these energies are going to be very powerful for quite some time as they take us into Wesak.  This all means what is occurring for you in your personal experience presently, is helping you to accept more for the Wesak energies which are going to be quite powerful.  We know that the power of this Moon is beyond our understanding; but yet, there is a part of us that does understand because we are receiving it and we are feeling it.

The other aspect to remember is not to hold onto it.  This is so very important because when you hold onto elements too much then they become an overwhelming feeling.  Then you can get entrenched in that moment of grief, that moment of pain, that moment of exhilaration.  Everything needs to be put into balance.  Remember you cannot understand what tranquility is until you fully allow your physical body to receive it.  At times, the physical part of you will not be willing to accept it due to the emotions and the thoughts that are occurring within your consciousness.  So everything is evolving just as it should; to allow these energies to come into full creation; to allow this frequency of Light That We Are to become One because without it we cannot do it.  It is imperative to continually understand what these processes mean within our personal existence so that we can understand what it creates in our outside existence.

The transition of our Light together is beyond our capability to understand.  All that we can do within ourselves is to walk each step as clearly as possible.  Feel the energies that take you into that step and allow those frequencies of Light to fully exist in a completely different way than they have previously.  This is an important aspect that we have within your Beingness.  It will help you create the balance that you are searching for.  It will help you to understand what it is that you are fully incorporating within your world.

As you awake every day, your Higher Self has been guiding you through the night to accept more of what you could not do the previous day.  But yet, in those circumstances you may feel agitated; you may feel frustrated; you may feel sad about some parts of yourself that don’t fit within yourself; or that don’t fit within others.  This is all part of the Divine purpose of your Higher Self to be more fully activated within you.  He/She is fully pushing you into a different paradigm of understanding to fully allow your physical body to receive the Essences that the Higher Self desires to incorporate.

The more that you do, the more that you will be able to accept your energies and the frequency of Light in your pathway and within this physical Earth.  The transitions are happening as they are on a slow-by-slow basis because this is what is truly important for you to accept each moment as it comes.  Understand what is yours and what is not yours and to really see the reflection within your Heart Center.

Is it coming from another?

Or are you sending it out?

Is it be reflected back to you?

So these are the most important elements that I want to share on this day of this high accelerated phase we have stepped into together.  Yes, we are here together.  The Telosians and ourselves fully commanding these energies so that each of you can feel it in a completely different manner than you have previously.

It is my divine pleasure to share with you my knowledge, my expertise, but most of all my Love to each of your Hearts.

I AM Lord Adama at your service.

Many Blessings in Love, Light, and Joy.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

This is an excerpt of our weekly class on April 16th, 2014, “New Earth Consciousness – Golden Etheric Cities” in which Lord Adama is our host to guide us into one of the Etheric Golden Cities of the 5th dimension.  Lord Adama always gives a lecture on the present energies.  If you are interested in participating in this LIVE telecall on Wednesday evenings, please see the details,

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Infusion of Light is Now Upon Us – Lord Adama Discourses

pathway of lightIt is I, Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light.  I am very, very happy to be with each of you this evening.  Thank you for joining us those of you that have not been with us previously.

Breathe in deeply.  Allow your Pure Essences to enfold within your being.

We are coming upon a very powerful time.  It is always very powerful – The Festival of the Christ and the first of the three Ascension Festivals.  But this year is different because the increased energy patterns coming into the planet are being directed from the God Force to assist Earth on a much deeper manner than she has been assisted previously.

I do not want to take away anything that Lord Sananda will be sharing today.  So I just want to say some elements from each of us from the Telosian Community.  Please know that each of you have chosen to be here at this time to go through these processes even though they may be very, very difficult and very, very challenging for you.  It is important to continually reflect onto your Higher Self and allow those frequencies of Light to fully come within you to assist you through this process.

This Full Moon on the 15th of April will be infused with so much Light infractions it is going to really make a difference with every human being upon the planet, not just each of you that are awakened and going through this pathway.  It is very important for you to have the realization within yourself of what it is that you are choosing to experience, what it is that you need to work through, and how you want to get there.  The highest easiest way to do so is through your Higher Essence because this energy is coming onto everyone within the planet.  There are those that are going to be deeply affected in many different ways.  So we want to make sure that each of you has the best experience possible to bring in the highest energies within your body so that they can be accepted within yourself.

It is going to be a time to actually know what it is you are experiencing.  Each day may be different towards the upcoming energies.  It is important to have reflection in yourself and what it is you are experiencing, what it is you are feeling, what you thought processes are and how is your consciousness changing?  The whole possible integration that is occurring is allowing the Higher Mind to be blended with the Lower Mind, allowing the Super-conscious to blend with the Sub-conscious and the Consciousness.  This is a tall order for some of you, especially if you have not been on the pathway very long and are not used to going through the purging cycles.  It is also very important that you understand that is all for the highest good of your being.  It is important that you stand upon this time on the planet as those Lightbearers to assist in the creation of the New Earth.

You may think of it as the same scenario as being part of the First Root Race that Archangel Michael was; coming down unto a planet that really needed to be reformed.  Although at that time, the planet did not have any other humans.  It is important for you to have these realizations as you are going through the changes because others that are not awakened, that are not within this pathway may be having a very difficult time of it and won’t show it.  There may be elements that occur on a much deeper level.  People are going to be going through physical symptoms that they may think they are very ill, but yet there are elements arising out of them.

Energies in the lands are going to change.  It is all part of the purging process.  So it is important for each of us being on this pathway together that we hold our Light in the deepest process that we can and to allow these energies to assist each of us deeply.  That is only going to make the strength of this planet stronger to allow the frequencies of Light to shift and to create a new way of living.

So yes, these upcoming Festivals, the Christ, the Wesak, and Humanity are going to be very, very powerful this year.  They will be infused within each individual.  Although the ones that are not aware of it will not understand what they are going through.  The Power of the Christed energies are so very strong.  You are allowing yourself to fully incorporate them within your being.  You may have moments where you may not understand yourself.  You may feel energies from a Higher Source of Light, but yet within your body it feels very low.

It will be important for you to continually heal yourself through this process; cleansing yourself, purify yourself, utilizing all the elements of the Earth that are to your availability – incense, sage, oils, herbs, whatever you need to utilize, please do so.

Allow yourself to be the Being of Light – think of yourself as a candle burning.  The top of your flame is your Soul Star and the rest of you as the base holding strong that Light with whatever is occurring.  If you look at a candle doesn’t it fall apart sometimes as it is burning down?  This is exactly what you are going to be experiencing.  Yet, there is a strength within the Flame that is so strong and deep that it will take you to many places beyond your imagination.  It will take you beyond a foot you are in this present circumstance.  So the essence of resurrection is the ability to take whom you are now and remove the particles of Light to resurrect yourself into a new space of Beingness.

So be very aware of what you are experiencing because you will become a new Being.  You will shift into a different consciousness than you did before but it all depends on how much you are willing to look at everything; to look at the mirrors around you; to look at the Light that is within you; and allow the mirrors to crack of the Illumination of Light That Is You.  This is truly what we are going through.

The exchanges are going to be pretty heavily of what the Earth is trying to ground herself with, what each of us is trying to ground ourselves with to allow the frequency of Light That We Are to come together because as your multi-dimensional personality is becoming more manifest within you every day you will experience new phases.  Some of those phases you will not like.  That is because they are the lower aspects that your Soul still has a remembrance of in your Etheric Body.  Those are the particles that just need to be cleansed, and need to be purified.  With the vibrational work that each of you are experiencing you can do so.

I truly am looking forward to walking with each of you during this exciting adventure together as we open ourselves up to a new way of existence; a particle of Light coming fully within your Physical Essence that has not been there before.

It is my deepest pleasure to be with each of you.

I AM Lord Adama, your Brother in Telos.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.


This is an excerpted transcription from the New Earth Golden Cities of Light – weekly class with Lord Adama as our guide as we visit the 22 cities of the Etheric Earth.  You may participate in April for only $11 for the month,

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Embody the Essence of Love and Wisdom 


Grounded Within the Earth Plane.

 | WHEN: MAY 14 – 18, 2014 (WEDNESDAY to SUNDAY MID-DAY) |




This year our Spiritual Awakening Journey Retreat will start with the WESAK ceremony in which Love and Wisdom (the 2nd Ray of God of the Golden Yellow) is our focus for attaining our Christed Essence to be embodied within our physical pathway. Masters Kuthumi and Djwhal Kuhl are the Ray Chohans of this golden Yellow flame.

Our Journey Retreat this year will entail working with some different energies to help embody these rays of light for our physical existence. Throughout the Journey we will work with the Ascended Beings that are represented by each Ray including the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace that will embody the Ray within us. Via Rev. Meleriessee’s exceptional ability, we are also taught by the Elohim Masters, the Archangels (Michael, Faith and more) and the Ray Chohan Masters. We will journey to the vortex areas around the mountain to reflect and imbue each of the ray qualities on a physical level.

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos (Lemuria), is our guide for each of our Journeys. He will communicate with us each morning and evening to get an overview of each day’s activities and the energies that we will be experiencing. Saint Germain, being the Mahachohan for each of the rays, will also be offering his assistance throughout the four and a half day event.


WESAK of 2014 – Our Next Grand Opportunity

Mt. Shasta by Siskiyou Lake
Mt. Shasta by Siskiyou Lake


Please Join Us for This Important
Spiritual Awakening Journey Retreat



Docking the Higher Self into the Physical Body ~ Lord Adama




It is I, Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light.

Hello, Hello,  Hello everyone.  Welcome.  I should say… you’re welcoming me instead of me welcoming you.

Let’s just take a breath.  Feel the energies of this day and what it represents for us to fully understand the integration that is happening to each of you, to each of us, within this planet; and how we assimilate the movement of the energies within our physical conditioning.

Each of you are striving to bring forth your Higher Consciousness into your Physical Consciousness.  Through this process you must purge through the Etheric Body and allow that Etheric Body to heal in multi-faceted ways.  You’re also working within your Emotional Body and your Mental Body so that you can be fully healed in all aspects of your Soul’s existence; all lifetimes, all experiences, all moments within and without a body.  That’s a pretty big tall order to allow this energy to become fully integrated and grounded upon this Earth as the Earth is changing.  This is what each of you is trying to do.

Whether you think about it or not, this is truly what your Higher Self (your Soul’s Essence) is working within you to help you understand the process; to accept the changes, and to walk through the challenges in order to receive the highest frequency and acceptability within your physical body that you can hold.  When we put it in those terms and have that understanding within our physical minds, it seems like a big advancement into a society that does not accept this level of understanding, which is very true.  I share it in that context to help you truly grasp within your physical mind what it is you are going through.

We talk about the words Ascension, De-ascending, Enlightenment, and Spiritual Advancement.  In truth, all these words represent one journey of allowing the part of you that was created in the very beginning to be remembered through your physical existence.  Let’s face it, as we leave the body we exit the body, and we move into those Higher Realms.  We have that Soul Body of Light, but yet the existence that you had in the physical body – you have remembrances of that but it is not like being in the physical body and trying to remember the Soul’s existence.  It is quite a journey to take.

It is important for each of you to have the conceptual understanding that each moment is going to change.  As your Higher Essence is trying to come more fully in the physical body, you have to make those necessary adjustments; otherwise it cannot happen.  This is what you are experiencing.  You are experiencing your physical body going through tremendous changes.

This is a powerful journey to begin with but then you add the frequency of GAIA shifting and her energies changing; that now you are personally feeling those frequencies of Light from the Sun, the Moon, and the planet shifting their alignment into the planet.  What you have known previously no longer holds to be true; but your foundation is being cracked.  It is part of your personal journey, your pathway for this to happen because otherwise you would not be in this space of knowing about the both worlds or all worlds coming together into Oneness, but it does not make it any easier.  What I want to assist you with this evening before we go into this beautiful City is for you to reflect deeply within your Heart.

What is your truth in this moment?

You connect within your Higher Self.  We all know that you are awakened.  Everyone is on a different level of that awakening.

What is your awakening telling you in this moment?

What is it that you need to embrace to assist you to go further into this pathway?

What you have done is stepped consciously into a world that you have been training for unconsciously for your Soul’s Essence.  Within that Soul’s Essence it’s an unconscious movement without a body; but within the consciousness that you hold within the development of your Light Body (your Merkabah) your frequency of Light without a Body – you have full consciousness of that moment.  When you come into the body, that changes.

The Physical Body is not meant, at this present time, to accept everything that the Soul Body is supposed to bring forth; so they have to come together.  There has to be a merging.  It is not just like a spaceship docking into the space station.  It is not a movement where it just happens and then it is altogether.  You have to try, and try, and try again.  All parts of the shuttle that you are commanding need to be in place.  They cannot all be in place until the totality of what you are experiencing is coming together.

So the first element that you are working through is your physical body accepting a new energy to come into it.  When you awaken and you decide that you want to meditate, that you want to relax, that you want to get into a higher state of consciousness, that is just the beginning.  Those are the trial periods of allowing that energy to come more fully into the physical existence.  Then when you come out of those meditations; you go back into that physical creation.

The more that you do the intentional meditation of those energies through your chakras and with the Rays of God, then that energy is going to surface into the physical body.

You get closer at allowing the docking element to become tighter.  It takes many, many, many times for this event to occur.  This is exactly what you are experiencing presently.  You are trying to dock with your Higher Self within the physical existence.  Your consciousness of your meditative state is a bridge between the Higher Self and the Physical Self to allow that to happen.  The most important element is to allow that consciousness to be fully within you.  It takes a lot of practice in order to do it consciously; we need physically, every day, every moment of your day.  This is why we urge you continually to allow these changes to occur.

So then what is happening to the physical body at this time?

The physical body has to heal in order to receive the higher frequencies of the Soul Body of Light.  It has to remove itself out of the 3rd dimensional construct, move into the higher levels of frequency so the Soul Body of Light can fully integrate within the Physical Body.  Then the Etheric Body that you are bringing forth into your Physical Body is housing many different elements, many timelines, many thought processes, many emotions that are from all the other lifetimes.  The ones that become more active are the ones that are very important.  You are trying to clear those elements at the same time which is a direct reflection in your Emotional Body and your Mental Body.  Those bodies have to be able to surrender onto the fact that they are going to integrate and not be separate entities any longer within your physical existence.

As you step upon the Mastery Pathway and walk through the initiations, these are the experiences that become very real.  I am putting it in very simple terms to help each of you understand this process that you are undergoing.  It is not an easy process and it is a continual one.  Every time you go through one initiation or a step of an initiation, you plateau for a while as the body accepts the Soul Body of Light.  Then you feel really peaceful and you feel the serenity.  You’re able to do things more easily.  It depends upon your Higher Self and what they want on the next step of that initiation phase.

Do you stay in that space for a while or do you move forward again?  And everything else in the environmental conditioning of the planet and others around you also represent the focus of how this is done, how quickly you do it, or how slowly you do it.

So my focus through this discussion in this moment is to allow each of you to understand more deeply within yourself what you are experiencing.

How is the docking going?

What is happening to you through the process?

What physical symptoms are resulting?

What emotional feelings and mental thoughts are occurring?

Do you feel closer to the process?

What needs to be looked at?

Do you need to go deeper into your childhood and release some past traumas or feelings that you are still holding on to?

Look at your relationships.  How do you interact with other people?

Do you allow the mirrors that you see in front of you to be cracked so that you can heal more deeply or do you continue your pathway the way that you always have been?

These are all very important thoughts to bring into your consciousness.  I bring these to the forefront this evening.

The choices that you make – what is it that you are feeling?

Is there a synchronous flow that is occurring within your world, or is it a very bumpy ride and you keep hitting blockages along the way?

It also represents the ability to allow your Higher Essence (your Higher Self) to be more of your Guide Post.  Your physical self can no longer walk the pathway as it had previously in an unawakened condition.  In an awakened condition, you are no longer just your physical self; you are so much more.  You are a part of us – that internalization of life; becoming that Multi-dimensional Being allowing those Essences to come into focus.  So you may be feeling a lot of different energies from many different levels in order for you to incorporate.

What it is that you need and what you don’t need?

I want to take you into a deeper part of yourself.

What is it that is in your core Essence in this moment?

Let’s do that now by taking a deep breath.

What are the first feelings or the thoughts that come up to you?

Allow your Higher Self to guide you not your physical mind because your physical mind may want to detour you away from the full capacity of this integration that you are experiencing.  As you breathe deeply into your Heart Essence, allow yourself to know that you are the truth from your Higher Essence.  You understand what that truth is but you cannot fully accept it until you are ready to receive it.  The physical mind has to be ready.  Let us allow the Physical Mind to accept the Higher Mind in this moment.  Let that flow within you.

You may already know what you need presently and what it is that you may need from another or from the depth of your soul.  This is a very important part of your acceleration of understanding your inner truth.  As we go forward, your inner truth will change.  The depth of your knowledge will come fully within you that will create the wisdom to be shared.

It’s a powerful time and we are in the power of these Essences that are occurring presently.  Every soul upon the planet will question what they are doing; when they do so, that is Illumination.  The Light is fully focused within the experience that is occurring.

My truth to each of you in this moment is the fact that I deeply want you to acknowledge a more in-depth part of yourself to be accepted.

It’s not coming from whom you know yourself as a physical person, not the person that you are related to physically within this physical body; it is your truth and your knowledge from your Higher existence.  Just allow those Essences That You Are to filter down through your Antakarana into your Heart Center.  Even if it’s just a small little portion of what you need to acknowledge, now is the time.

Doing this will assist you in finding more balance.  It is when you don’t take moments like this, that you will be hit by the bulldozer as some may say – the hand of God.  In truth, it’s the hand of your Higher Self saying,

When are you going to wake up?”  When are you going to realize that these truths are our truths together?

Step into it my friend and allow yourself to fully embrace all the changes That You Are to become the One That We Are.

Breathe in deeply and allow this Essence to flow within you.  It is my divine pleasure to be here with you as Lord Adama, your Brother from Telos.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Invoking the Full Power of Rebirth ~ Lord Sanat Kumara with Lord Metatron

upward pathwayCHANNELED EXCERPT. Walking Terra Christa hosted a tele-call with Lord Sanat Kumara and Metatron for the SPRING EQUINOX on March 20th, 2014.  RA the Sun God and Helios and Vesta of the Great Central Sun offered their blessings for this magnificent doorway of light into GAIA and each of us.

The following is a small transcript of our meditation with each of these magnificent beings.  You may listen to the MP3 file via our free library,  We offer free teleconferences on the full moon and powerful energetic times of acceleration.  Please join us live for the next full moon call which also represents the Festival of the Christ, the first of the three ascension gateways for 2014,



We are Helios and Vesta with RA the Sun God.  We are here to allow the frequency of the 10th dimension to come fully within your being and help you be acclimated to this frequency of Light.  Feel our essences embodying the entire temple, every one of you experiencing this power within yourself.  Allow it to flow within you.  It is a very powerful time and we understand what you are experiencing.  Not in the way that you understand, but from our level of existence.  Let us all be One for the next few moments within this beautiful temple, so that we can assist you in holding this frequency on a much deeper level than you ever thought you could.

The power of the energies in the present moment is to allow the frequency of Light of this Equinox to fully come onto the planet as best as we can.  We know that each of you understands that you are the Torchbearers.  You are the holders of this frequency.

Yet, within that process, the intensity of this Light can be so strong that it may deter you into different directions.  That is not what we choose it to be.  So at this moment we will hold this frequency for you within this temple.  We will hold it from the base of your Earth Star, as the Crystalline structure underneath you will infiltrate up through your entire field and move up to your Soul Star.  Allow it to spin within you in all different directions and to be within you as best as you can.

Be completely comfortable through this process.  Only receive what is ready to be accepted within the internalization of your entire existence in the Now, as it is changing in each moment.  During this fluctuation of the Light upon the planet, the ability for more electromagnetic energies to be balanced within all the electrons of Gaia is increased.  This essence is coming into the frequency to allow each of you to hold it as deeply as you can; but only at the bare minimum of acceptance.

We know that you are overloaded.  We know that you have been challenged.  Let us have some moments of exultation for this Light.  Let us embrace the ability to dance in the sunlight, to dance in the moonlight, and come into complete balance during this creative space.  This creative space is occurring presently.  We know that the full acceleration of the Equinox is not completely taking place until tomorrow.  Yet it is happening everywhere around the world.  As you can see it is already happening somewhere around the world within your present timeframe in little pieces of Light.

So what is it in this moment that allows you to accept a different part of yourself, that you had not fully realized previously?

It is the power of the opening doorways.  It is the power you being able to remove those essences that are no longer part of your creative process.  In fact, they are not creation at all.  They are actually the embodiment of dysfunction, the embodiment of trauma, the embodiment of lack of understanding.  It cannot be felt on the level that you are experiencing presently, so we want each of you to filter this Light frequency slowly into your essence.  Feel all forms of Light slowly coming into your entire Light Body.  If you bring it forth into your Light Body and allow it to come into the etheric essence and the physicality that you are, you start accepting it.  It is when you try to do it too quickly and all at one time that it becomes a problem.

Experiencing this Light in the frequency that You Are, allows you to be in the full composition of all that you are bringing forth; with a breath, with a thought, with an emotion.  You are all these experiences in this moment.  The Divine Light will be infused upon you at this time, to assist you with your next level of creation.  Breathe deeply and allow our essence to be embodied within you and help with the electromagnetic structures of your Feminine and Masculine Divine, for the balance of those frequencies of Light to come within you.  Not just one or the other, but allow them to be fully balanced.

You see, you cannot receive them separately.  They must come into balance through this structure we are embodying onto you in these moments.  Breathe deeply and allow these essences to fully come into your existence.

{Divine Light Language Voice Transmission}


It is my pleasure to be here with you as Lord Sanat Kumara.  I am deeply honored to be within your essences at this time.

Bless yourself for arriving in this state of Beingness.  Bless yourself for your challenges.  Bless yourself for your accomplishments.  Bless yourself for everything.  It is my divine pleasure as the Father of the Brotherhood of White Light to see the existence of each of you and so many more who are not with us at this time, to come into alignment and to be that being of Light that you have been asking yourself to be.

I know, I know, I know it has been so very difficult!  And in the process of your divinity having challenges will continue.  However, let us think about what occurs for you when you go through a challenge.  You gain more wisdom.  It is ironic, is it not?  It seems that you cannot gain your wisdom without having to go through many doorways of fear, of not understanding.  But yet, when you break down barriers, what occurs for you?  That is your wisdom.  Your knowledge is already there.  It is the wisdom that comes with it.  It is within your knowledge that you are aware of what you need to do.  And then you break down those doorways, those electronic doors that have kept you from the full totality of your Beingness in a physical structure.

Then you begin to understand; that is your true wisdom. 

I truly know what each of you is going through in this present time.  I know what some of you are experiencing.  And I know that some of you may not even understand what you are experiencing.  Yet you continue along the pathway of the enlightened ones.

Is that not truly who you are?

You are bringing forth the frequency of Light to be more upon this planet than it ever has been previously.  We can talk about Lemuria.  We can talk about Atlantis.  But let us not go there.  That is behind us now.  That has formed our foundation of what we knew we did not want to do.  Yet, some of you still strive to be in that old space.  It is very important you bring forth that knowledge of the past for the New Earth, but your wisdom allows you to understand so much more in the frequency of Light that you are.

Presently, this Equinox is a very powerful element.  Many do not realize that.  There was so much hoopla put out about December 2012 and theories of what could have happened.  So now individuals go about their lives just as they always did, thinking that things are simply going to be status quo.  Well, each of you and I know that that is not true.  What you are experiencing is so very true to your Heart.  In the envelopment of the full totality of the existence of a higher plane of living upon the Earth, the Earth has to shift into that frequency as each of you are learning to do.

Your lives are changing greatly through this process.  This spring brings forth the ability to refresh your-self anew.  Yes, it is another rebirth.

Remember we go through these periods of rebirth, so that we do not take with us into the new cycle what we had before that no longer works.  We must always readjust ourselves to the new frequency of Light and move into the purest essences.  This is what I am here to assist you with, and help you with these beautiful Rays of Light; to bring in the essences of the Holy Kumaras of Venus, as Venus and the Earth will be intertwining their energies on such deep level that has never occurred before.  Each of you has traveled to Venus.  Each of you has been in that space.  Otherwise, you would not be prepared to be here in this moment and to be listening, to be feeling this energetic exchange.

I bring to you the essence of Venus that is on the higher dimensional frequency, to assist you in having the essence of your purity, your love, your ability to connect to the essence of God in a different format, to be able to flow with your energies, to be able to ground them deeply, to have you wisdom, to have your power, to have your will and to have your freedom.

That is truly what my essence represents for the Brotherhood of White Light.  We created the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light to keep everything in its prospective form.  Each of you is acknowledging that essence within yourselves presently.  It is the power of allowing this knowledge that you have to come fully into your entire Beingness.  We stand on the threshold of a new world in the next 24 hours.  The purity of your Light cannot be matched by anything else, or else we would not be arriving here in this juncture of time.  We would not be feeling these essences as we have.  We would not be challenged as we have.  You would be going along your day as if nothing ever occurred for you.  Yet we all know that is not true.  Each of you has awakened to a new part of yourself, and it is a continuous process of this rebirth experience.  Each of you is being prepared for the most amazing Wesak.  And this is the beginning for Earth, to allow her essence to expand into her Light Body.  Each of you are an important participant in this event, and many events upon events.

If you feel disillusioned at this time, allow my essence to help you with that.  If you feel excited, share it with others through your electrical exchanges.  If you are feeling unsure of elements, let us change that.  At this present time, as we are moving into Equinox energies, the changes that are occurring on the other planetary systems are all in alignment with Gaia.  You are being protected.  You are being guided.  You are being assisted in so many ways.  Fully allow yourself to be the Ascended Master you want to become.  Allow that responsibility to be fully within you as we step upon a new world.  It is the beginning of allowing these essences to fully come within you and assist the planet.

What we see is that each of you impart these essences onto yourself, and then they go down into the Earth.  It is much like a movie; you see the twinkling of lights that move down into the roots of the Earth and flow into other areas.  This is exactly what is occurring for you.  The blessing of these essences is about to be acknowledged by so many others.  Not so many humans, but everything else that matters.  All that you connect with; the elements, animals, the frequencies of the trees, the clouds, the sun, the sun and the sky.  All these essences matter, because at first in order for the Earth to shift into this higher frequency, it has to be filled with these light formations which is just as you are experiencing it.

Let us equate it to each of your personal experiences.  As you bring the Light frequencies into your Physical Body, you allow your Light Quotient to change and shift.  Do you not feel it on a physical level?  You feel it in your vibration, you feel it in your sensitivity, you feel it in what is occurring for you, and allow those essences to be grounded.  Well, this is exactly what Gaia is experiencing.  It is going to all of her communities, all her land masses, all her frequencies of Light to allow those energies to shift and change.  Eventually the people will accept these energies.  This is what we truly want.  And this is where each of you comes in with your responsibility.

You chose to awaken at an early age, so that you could bring forth these energies onto the Earth.  Without each of you, this could not be done.  We could not to it this way.  The planet would not exist in the way that it is now.  We ask each of you to take whatever it is that you no longer need, and allow each of us to help you remove it.

We are here as the Hierarchy for the New Earth.

Each of you stands in the forefront for the training that you are undergoing.  You have all been here many times.  We have all been together.  You have all been to planetary systems.  And now you have come to Gaia to be this creative force.

What is happening on the outside ethers is not your problem.  It is the problem of the Intergalactics.  They are the ones stepping forward to move through the battles.  Each of you is to incorporate this Light onto yourself, fully in all areas of existence.  Feel the essence of Helios, Vesta and RA the Sun God as they infiltrate these frequencies of Light.  Feel the essence of these beautiful Rays.  The Rays are being sent for you to receive your 5th dimensional body.  It is taking time, as the Earth has not shifted enough for you to truly accept that 5th dimensional body unless you live in higher places of sacredness.  This is very important.  Even in those higher places of sacredness, individuals cannot exist as much as they would like to, but we are all here to exist together within that consciousness.  And there is a movement of change that is happening within the next 24 hours.  Allow yourself now to see this beautiful essence that is occurring.

As you look in front of you, the space that was the altar has now changed.  There is a beautiful Rainbow Bridge.  This Rainbow Bridge will take into that new role of existence.  It is not taking you to another planet.  It not taking you to the Upper Earth yet.  But it is taking you into your own world; the space that you need to create within yourself.  As Meleriessee would say, it is a shift in consciousness to allow that energy to move from the space we are in now.  I call upon Lord Metatron in this moment.  The two of us will escort each of you across this bride.  Let us hear from his essence presently.  I thank you deeply for walking with us through this process.


{Divine Light Language Voice Transmission}

I AM that I AM!  I AM Lord Metatron at your service.

I am here to assist you in the divinity of your Light, and allowing the balance that you so desperately ask for to come fully within your physical existence.  I know, my children, I know.  I know how difficult it has been for you each of you.  We honor you deeply for continuing the journey, for being in this space in this moment, for each of us to commune together, to be together to feel the frequency of Light that we are, as we all shall be physically in our future times.  Let us breathe deeply into the Heart Center, and allow what it is you are experiencing in this moment with all these beautiful Rays of Light coming down through the entire Temple.  Ways of energy are flowing down into your essence, you feel a breeze of the frequency.  You can see colors.  You may see these red, large pieces of fabric blowing around and against you, allowing yourself to feel the balance.

Let us all arise from where we are sitting and stand on top of this beautiful Crystalline structure.  It is multicolored with all the different hues of the Rays.  The Rays are now merging.  When you first walked in, they were all those different frequencies.  Now allow these frequencies to blend fully within you.  You blend with the lower Rays, with the middle Rays and the higher Rays.  Understand the transition you have been going through.  Feel these beautiful essences flowing within you as I speak a little bit more.

The depth of your healing has been a very important pathway which is not only for you, but upon this Earth.  You see, this Earth has been riddled with so much darkness for so many years, eons and eons of time.  You are here as a healer.  You are here to remove these essences within you and upon the Earth.  The more that you traveled in lifetimes to come to this Earth, the more difficult the travel has been for you.  The amount of times you have spent on other planetary systems assisted you to be here at this time.  However, sometimes that can be a detriment for some of you.  You may expect things to happen much easier than they have.  You have forgotten what you experienced in the previous timelines.  And that is okay.

Right now we want all timelines that have been coming up for each of you to be fully removed through the essences of this amazing temple of Light.  As we stand here now, the base structure of the temple is now going to spin very slowly in a clockwise manner.  We are like a kaleidoscope of Light energies and frequency, allowing the full body system to accept the codes of Light that are associated with your DNA.  Allow yourself to be activated in a completely different way.  It is up to you and your Higher Self what it is that you need to bring forth within you at this time.  Allow the experience to come fully within you.

{Divine Light Language Voice Transmission}

Allow yourselves to now ground what you have experienced.  This process of coding we are bringing forth helps you to be purged of anything that is necessary.  Some of it you may not know, and that is okay.  We ask for the purity of Light and the Love that you desire in this moment, so that you can be a full channel of Light, a vortex of Light, coming from Helios and Vesta for the Spring Equinox.

Allow that energy to fully come within you now.  You are ready.  You are fully ready.  I stand here with Lord Sanat Kumara and myself.  Sanat Kumara will come to the right side of your body, and I will come to the left.  We will escort each of you across this beautiful Rainbow Bridge.

As we start to walk across the bridge, feel your essence starting to change.  There may be some resistance, because you are coming into a new existence.  This new existence will help you, yet your Lower Self may want to hinder you a bit.  We step one step at a time, feeling the essences of the steps.

Continue as we are at the middle of the bridge.  How does it feel?  Turn around and look back.  See the old self now dissipating.  Dissipating into Wholeness, dissipating what you no longer need, as now you step further into this beautiful doorway.

The beautiful doorway consists of many colors of Light.  It is the part of you that has been waiting to fully come within you since what you have been experiencing these past few months.  You are now ready to be the conduit of Light, to receive this frequency, to assist Gaia and everyone else.  Each of you will do it in your own manner.  It does not matter where you are within your pathway or what you are bringing forth.  Your responsibility at this time is through your Higher Self.  Whatever that is, it is not an earthly thing.  It is a vibratory energy.

We now expand as we walk through this magnificent doorway that has just opened up from side-to-side.  We feel the frequency of Light of all the many colors streaming forth into our beings.  It is blowing away!  We feel it across our face, blowing our hair, blowing our clothes.  It is a beautiful essence as we now walk into the divinity of Light that we truly desire.  There is greenery, there are flowers, there are beautiful essences.  We have walked into this beautiful experience of spring.

What is it that you see?

Are there streams flowing through?

Is there a pond of water? 

Are there flowers growing in the most beautiful gardens? 

It is not restricted.  There is no garden with any walls.  It goes on for miles and miles and miles.

As we step into this spring oasis, you see the elementals.  They are dancing all around you, so very happy.  There are rocks that want to talk to you.  There are trees that blowing in the wind.  Everyone is feeling the exultation of the most beautiful experience with Light frequency upon this Earth.  Please walk around this beautiful space, this beautiful land, meadows, hills and mountains on the distance.  We feel this beautiful enjoyment of the spring coming onto Gaia.  We now expand ourselves deeply as we feel our feet go into the Earth.  Feel the extension of this Light coming through each of us and onto Gaia.

{Divine Light Language Voice Transmission}

We feel our energies.  This is the pure existence of Light upon the planet.  Feel it in your Heart.  Feel it in the extension that you are, as now you have changed.  You have walked into spring.  What seeds do you need to plant?

Think about this now for the next event of Wesak.

Allow the energies to come fully within.  Please know that this is a period of adjustment, allowing the balance to occur for a three-day process.  Allow that to come within you and within the following week, you may begin to feel the change that you have created.  It may cause more elements to come into adjustment, and sometimes that takes change.  Sometimes that takes energies to shift.  But let us enjoy this exultation in this moment, allowing these frequencies you are embodying to be part of the planet’s existence.

I, myself as Lord Metatron, with Sanat Kumara, embrace you deeply.  We embrace you so deeply for the responsibility that you have taken on.  Those of you that have read my material through Meleriessee will know that I have put forth the word of this work taking great diligence.  And this is your blessing from us.  We are completely honored and enamored by the work that you are doing and continue to do.  We know each of you is on a different level, and that is okay.  This is all part of the process.  But please know that you are needed so much in order for others to understand in times to come.  This is the celebration of your Spring Essence fully manifesting within your physical being.  Allow the blessings to come to you in the next few days.  Hold your hands out and allow yourself to receive.

Know that you will receive in many different ways.  It is our divine pleasure to be fully with you.  We will now let Meleriessee guide you back to your home essence.  You may return any time you would like, and we will be here waiting for you and assist you.

All our Love, in so many forms of Light and enjoyment.

We are One with each of you.

Lord Metatron and Sanat Kumara


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Invoking the Full Power of Rebirth



A Special Ceremony with Lords Sanat Kumara and Metatron

This equinox is being equated to the energies of December’s Solstice 2012 which means that we have been going through many moments of purging in order to hold the next accelerate phase of light for GAIA.

This ceremony includes channeling from Masters Lord Sanat Kumara and Lord Metatron along with Divine Language Light Codes through Meleriessee to help in accepting the next phase of our accelerated self to be grounded within us. Helios and Vesta along with RA the Sun God will be holding the sun’s frequency to allow each of us to accepted our next initiation phase within us.

The official date and time of the Spring Equinox is Thursday, March 20, 2014 at 16:57 UTC; 9:57 AM Pacific; 12:57 PM Eastern.

Walking Terra Christa is sharing a ceremony we performed on Wednesday, March 19th to help align the frequency of light that is being planted within GAIA where we travel to the Golden Etheric City of Havalanchee which represents the 22nd Ray of Divine Completion (all 22 Rays of God).  It resides in the Etheric Earth (Terra Christa) over the physical geographic area of Mt. Shasta, CA.

Divine Mother Father God open the event. After Lords Sanat Kumar and Metatron give us a better understanding of the rebirth we are undergoing, Lord Adama of Telos gives a short message of gratitude. A very important teaching and Light Language Attunement.





To read the message from Lord Metatron mentioned in the teaching, go to Meleriessee’s recent blog article.

Re-Alignment of the Self ~ Lord Adama Discourse

realignment Self 2-27-14Greetings!

Hello Everyone.   It is I, Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light.

Let’s just connect with everyone through our Heart center.  Everyone from the community of Telos is also connecting at this very time so that we can all feel our essences within one another.

I ask you to spin your Heart Chakra clockwise.  Allow the lotus heart to be completely open within your own purification that is occurring.

I chose this subject matter this evening because of the transitional energy that has been occurring at the beginning of the year. I know that we have talked about this month representing harmony of energies coming into the planet, but that does not mean that each of you are going to be feeling very harmonious and balanced. It may mean the opposite because in order to get to the next stage of harmony you must remove the elements that are occurring within your present state of consciousness and what you are very aware of.

You have to be remember that these stages of healing are continual.  Some may say that once you purge something that you should feel absolutely beautiful and able to step into your fifth dimensional body and completely full of Love and Light.  As we all know, it does not occur that way.  It is a process; it’s a process of levels.  It’s almost like you are walking on a staircase and at each level you feel a different energy exchange.  Well, this is exactly what you are experiencing.  I want each of you to have an understanding within yourself that what you are going through is not something you should put down upon within your energies but totally feel the accomplishment that you are going through.

This process of mastery is one that is very intense and it brings forth elements in front of your face that you previously knew about but did not want to look at.  If you are interacting with other individuals in your living situations or work situations, then you are going to be faced with more dilemmas; but those challenges represent growth opportunities as you will remember the lessons.  Then the next time you experience something like that you will deal with it differently then you did before.

I want to reflect back on the Telosian Way Program that we did back eighteen months ago on how we put each of you through those different stages of growth and understanding your own self-reflection, understanding what you are bringing forth within your Masculine and Feminine Divine along with all those elements that will assist you in bringing forth the combination of understanding yourself on a much deeper then you did before.

Well, this is exactly what you are going through; and if any of you are working within that program, I do suggest that you go back to some of the subject matter to help you through the process.  Because, again you will go through cycles and each cycle you may have similar attributes then a previous cycle so you need to refresh your energies of what is being presented for you. It is very, very important.  The reason that we are talking about the realignment is exactly this:  because the challenges that each of you are experiencing are taking you into new levels of your consciousness as that occurs your body has to readjust.

Remember you are trying to become a Crystalline Light body.  You are trying to create a fifth dimensional body of Light.  Now I dare say this is quite an achievement and previously maybe thirty years ago this was going to be on the turbo level of staying within this Earth and changing yourself through that process, but yet still being a part of the conditioning upon Gaia and within the Earth.  This takes us to a whole new scenario than if the Earth had moved into another existence and you were ready to take on that existence.  It does not mean that you would have been ready like so many people think. Now we are all walking along this pathway and this is for all of us even us in Telos.  Yes, we are in that fifth dimensional frequency as we have the availability of living a completely different life style than you.

This does not mean we are not preparing for the New Earth.  Which in truth, we are within the deepest preparation as we are making ourselves available to each of you so that you can understand the processes that you are undergoing.  Remember that you have had many timelines, many lifetimes on this planet and other planets since the times of Lemuria and Atlantis and you have arrived at this juncture of time to understand that you have the availability to experience the blessing of those times once again even more so.  Some of those times were not great blessings, as we know; it was a lot of exchange of other energy that occurred which is what you are experiencing presently on the planet.  You already are reliving what you experienced in Atlantis and Lemuria on the Upper Earth preparing yourself for the New Earth. It takes time to readjust your energies and allow the essences that you are bringing forth into your world to go into a deeper level.

Your Higher Self has been knocking at your door and asking you to join you, but yet the physical part of you has all these stipulations; your emotional body is full of uncertainty, anxiety, fear, not sure how your life is going to change, because you don’t want to change your life if that is the stage that you are in. Then there is the mental body; it will totality tell you it is a farce, this is very untrue and that you better stand up to it and tell this Higher Self that you no longer want to be in contact with him or her. Then you have the ones that are more aware; that is more open to receive the Higher Self but yet there are still aspects within the other bodies that are not fully ready to accept what the Higher Self has to give to you. So it has to come in a slower space of allowing the essences to fully come within you.  What happens through that process, is that you start to feel that merge with the Higher Self.

The Higher Self has now come in the house and is sitting with you, connecting with you and you start to feel little bit more peaceful with some of the feelings that you are having are going away.  Then the Higher Self says, “It has been very nice talking to you, but now I have to leave.” Then what do you do?

The fear comes back, the anxiety returns, and all the lower energies that you had before ask, “Is this really true, did this really happen to me, well I am not sure that it did.”  So these are the different phases that you go through.  I give you this scenario so that you can relate to it.  On a physical basis this is exactly what is happening.  Your Higher Self is knocking at your door and saying “Hi, my name is Meleriessee” and Christine says, “Hmm, Meleriessee that’s kind of a strange name.  Where did you get that name?”  So the mental mind starts to question where that name from.  I am sure this is very close to what each of you may have been thinking when you first get connected with your Higher Self. Then there is a stage where that is all you want, “I want my Higher Self I want it, I want it” but then your mental mind gets in the way and your Higher Self will not be in that space so you are within your physical mind only.

What you have to learn to do is to calm your energies down in order to receive your Higher Self energy. Then there is the other aspect that some of you may think about is that your Higher Self has all the answers for everything in the universe, in the world and for yourself.  What does my Higher Self want for me? The truth is it is a blending that occurs within your consciousness of your Higher Self coming into your physical creation.

The physical self is always considered because your physical consciousness represents your existence in this body.  So now the Higher Self comes in and he or she is willing to show you some of your old timelines, some of the things that have occurred before because this Higher Self has that knowledge and history.  This brings forth your etheric body and it starts to become more active than it was before.  It has always been there; it is that feeling stage before the etheric body comes into the physical but now it seems more real as your Higher Self is generating some energy for you to have the realization within you.

What happens then is that sometimes you spend so much time trying to release timelines, figuring out what is a timeline and that everything will be rectified; unfortunately that is not the way that it is.  Some things can be rectified from some levels.  If you brought them in from your other lifetimes (and a timeline can be one minute from a lifetime), you could have experienced something very glorious or very devastating in one moment.  This is when you are going to have an infliction within your etheric body.  Of course, it can be a longer time.  It can be hours, days, or it could be even months or a year but it is not the whole lifetime.  This is what you have to realize.

Just as an example, if we say that your etheric body is filled with all these timelines that lasted for a hundred years, that is a lot of memories to deal with; most of the timelines that you bring up in the etheric body are ones that need to be recognized. So they are either particles of yourself when you experienced negative moments, you created negative moments, you experienced divine intervention, you experienced magic, you experienced miraculous moments, or beautiful experiences with a certain person or terrible times with a certain person, that is the definition of “timelines”.

The reason that I am bringing up all of these thoughts is because each of you are readjusting your energies through the elements as your Higher Self is knocking at your door; your timelines are opening up; you may be having some memories especially in your dream state.  Then you are dealing with your emotions.  Some of you are delving deep into your inner child issues which represent those emotions that are stuck within this body which can be from this lifetime or it can be from other lifetimes.  If they were something that you brought forth from another lifetime for you to address in this timeline.

Then, you have your thought processes of what has molded you up to this stage that you are accessing your energies.  These are all part of the process now; that does not even go beyond what Gaia is experiencing so now you are not only experiencing things in your personal transformation of your soul’s history, you are now experiencing things from other planetary lives. You are experiencing the effects from all the planets and the solar systems and what is coming into Gaia; you are experiencing weather patterns, you are experiencing life formations that you may not even known about previously, because you have opened up yourself to a whole new doorway.  It is like walking through a whole new doorway. You open up the door and it takes you into the hemispheres, it takes you into the star systems, into all those elements that brings forth the energetic exchange.

Now you are not just a physical body but you are so much more than that realization.  You are multi-dimensional.  This is why you are experiencing so many variables within your life circumstance at this point.

Then we come upon this year of 2014; we thought that 2012 was going to be much more intense than it was, but 2013 was a transition year.  It helped us become more than ourselves; it brought up issues that needed to be addressed; it helped us move into a synchronized way of being.

Whether you were synchronistic in that year or not, it would push you to feel that the flow of energies was available for the transformation to occur within your system, experiences, and life.  So now we step into this year.  It is representing more Unification of Oneness. So what does that mean?

It means that your multi-dimensional self is activating very deeply through the processes and those of you that are newly awakened to this path will find it more difficult.  Because you step into this world and all these elements are coming to you.  It is shifting you into many different ways and some moments in your day, you are not sure of whom you are and what is happening to you.  Those of you that are further along the path will still feel the fluctuations, but you will be able to readjust easier; and then the ones that have been here for a whole lot longer doing this pathway accelerate themselves to hold that energy for everyone else.  It may seem that it is easier for them but it is not always that way.

I share all this information to help you to understand that you are in a process of an evolving being and, this evolvement entails many different variables that you are experiencing. This month we stepped into these energies and said “Oh, it’s going to be more harmonious.”  Well, let us look at this month and you will see that the harmonious energies weren’t within each of you.  it is part of the circumference of the planet from what she is experiencing from the outer aspects.  It is to help you become in harmony within yourself because this year represents Oneness and that oneness is the ability to tap into the multi-dimensional self to access all avenues of transference of your Light energy for the creation of your pathway.

So I ask each of you to look at this month and to see how you have changed through the experiences that have been brought to you through the process. This is why I share this subject matter of the Realignment of the Self as the energies are shifting so quickly sometimes it is very hard to be able to stand within your power, to stand within your physical self and say to yourself, “This is whom I am in this moment, because in the next moment it can completely change.”

You are taken into a whole new scenario very quickly.  The energies are ever changing presently and the frequencies of Light that are occurring within this format can cause you to feel as if you are not changing at all. The energetic exchange that is happening within you is so quick that it is not like the old ways of doing things where you say “Oh, my re-adjustment has occurred in this moment.”

So what happens to you on a molecular structure when this is occurring?

The molecules and the elements of frequency of the electro-magnetics of your physical structure are re-aligning themselves each moment that you transform when you are transitioning from one space to another; please know that your physical body is doing the same. It has to be this way as you are all part of the same essence so that the totality of those energies are re-aligning themselves within your physical structure and at most times we are not aware of this on a consciousness level.  It is not like we sit there and say “Well, my body is re-aligning its molecular structure in this moment so I must take some time for myself.”  No, what does happen is that your energy shifts; you start to feel dizzy, you start to feel tired or possibly vibrant feeling as if electricity is running through you.  This is the re-adjustment that is occurring within your physical body.

Some may call this ascension symptoms which are true, but the other truth of this information is the fact that these energies, at this time of the planet is changing so rapidly that every human form is also experiencing this same type of structure. Let us take the person that is purely un-awakened and they probably feel anger, agitation, or are frustrated about something that has happened.  They create a scenario for things to happen so that the adjustment of the energies do not occur because it happens when an individual is in stillness, in quite mode, sleep mode, or meditation mode.  All these elements help with the re-adjustment of the molecular system to occur within the physical body. Your consciousness will immediately catch up which is part of the process.

There is no other way to experience it but how do we allow the readjustment to happen in the physical body?

How do we experience it on an overall capability without really centering upon any specific reason on why it is occurring?

I know that each of you think of those reasons you think of them; because of the transitions that you are going through; because of the thought process of your emotional feelings; and through the physical body not reacting in the way you would like it to react.

These are all part of the scenarios that brings forth these changes within your structure, but it is important for you to remember that every part of yourself that is making the movement into the higher space of conditioning is readjusting at the same time.

So know when your day seems to be filled with much transformational energy and that you are changing so quickly that it is definitely readjusting within yourself.

What do you do in times like this?

You try and stop; I know this goes against the grain of the human conditioning of the society of the Upper Earth because it is important to take moments to allow the readjustment to occur. As the vibrational changes occur within your physical existence, you start to feel the fluctuations now.  Some may find that they are in quiet mode and more vibrations come into them. When that happens there is an readjustment going on within the light quotient, and as long as it is not so devastating to the physical body and to the energy that an individual is feeling, then it is okay. If it becomes too much then you need to find your grounding energy; you need to be able to use stones like Selenite, Obsidian, or Tourmaline.  Those stones will ground you to the Earth more deeply and clear out any lower energies that are trying to interfere with the process of your light body being activated.

The readjustment that occurs to the physical body can be devastating if it is on overload.  So it is very important that you understand what it is that you are going through and not the particular transformation but the energy that you are feeling.

What does it feel like?

Does it feel more peaceful to you?

Does it feel more like you need to adjust?

Now some of you may be unaware of what you are experiencing; that is just your way of not being able to see things clearly on a physic level or spiritual level.  Eventually you will understand it.  You start to look at the confines that occur for you because each person is going to be different. Now I ask of you, “What it is that you are experiencing now at the end of the month from the end of last month?”

What is the adjustment that you feel your physical body is going through, your emotional, or mental body?

What is it that you need to assist yourself with to find that balance and harmony?

Because this is what is going to help you realign even further when you take a moment in time by taking a bath, relaxing, being in your own space, allowing yourself to shift and sometimes it is even watching a movie that soothes your soul to allow the energies to come more fully interspersed within you.

It will help you to readjust the energies that may seem out of alignment.  This is an imperative stage.  It is necessary for you to understand the process; not the details, not any of the mental thoughts, but just readjust yourself in a moment’s notice.

The other element that I of course have to bring forth is the Rays of God utilizing the Crystalline Ray of Harmony and Balance, or the Pink Ray of Compassion and Love to calm you down to bring in those energies.  You can also use the Emerald Green part of the Crystalline energy for the balance.  Sometimes you just need the grounding and all you do is ask for it to be with you and breathe it in.

It is important not to work your mental mind or your emotional feelings at this time.  Just to be and allow the transition to occur.  Now it can be like one moment or it will be several moments.  It will take you into an hour or so if you take the time to adjust yourself.  You will see a change that occurs within because what is happening is that there is realignment of your physical self occurring because the planetary structure, the transformation that you are going through, the transition of what you are purging and what you are accepting are all occurring at the same time.  There is a Realignment of the Self that is occurring in these moments.

This month has been full of these moments, whether you realize it or not, and that is what I want to assist you with.  I want to help you to understand what it is you are experiencing through this entire process. So let’s take some deep breath so that we can connect with each other and travel to Telos.

I Am Lord Adama,

Your Brother in Telos

The Lord Adama Discourse is a monthly class in which Lord Adama lectures on the subject matter, gives advice to the participants, and takes us on a journey into Telos.  The MP3 recording includes a journey to Telos is available to purchase on the link shown below.  The next class is scheduled for March 27th – Subject: Staging Your Initialization – Planting AspectsPlease register to join us for another amazing interaction with Lord Adama.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Mike Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Art of Self Responsibility ~ Lord Adama’s Discourse

heartrainbowGreetings it is my pleasure to be here with you again.  I am Lord Adama with the Telosian Council.

Hello, Hello; Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

I want to start this evening with a little prayer.  I ask everyone to take a deep breath as each of the Telosian’s are also connecting at this time.  As we become one, we connect our energies; were just going to turn up the switch a little bit on the OM Wave Crystal.  As it comes up through Meleriessee and Mike’s sacred space, we are going to send it out to each of you through Meleriessee and Mike’s energies and also Rochelle that is sitting here.  Just very softly you may feel a little bit of a hum going through you; just tune into that feeling it in all parts of yourself to tune your energies to a little bit higher octave presently.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

We come together to meet as One with the Telosian Community with the Upper Earth through Walking Terra Christa, Mel and Mike with Rochelle as their guest.  As each of us expands our energies unto each of you, we breathe deeply for you to feel our love, our joy, our community of Spirit of Oneness as we connect deeply with one another through our heart essences.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

There that feels as if there is more connectiveness.  So this evening I want to share about several elements representing the energies of 2014 as we are now through three quarters of January.

I think each of you have gotten an idea of what is happening for you personally in your own pathway. I ask everyone in this moment just to take a deep breath and put forward any intentions so that I can receive them.  This is our circle together; it is just not me speaking and for each of you listening.  I want it to be more than that as if we are all gathered together in Telos which we will do so in a little while.

I know each of you love Telos and love me but what I want to feel is what you are going through presently which is the good and the bad of it all.  The first element I want to talk about is vulnerability.  If we understand that the process of Mastery represents the ability to be vulnerable in all moments and allow for that free flowing form of energy that is part of your spirit, that is part of your soul, to fully be blended within you, it is when we fall back into the old constructs that don’t allow us to accept the higher essence to fully be part of us.

So vulnerability is an important stage.  It is also probably the most difficult to acquire because it can create a lot of fear.  In the understanding of what 2014 is going to represent, I am going to jump around the circle here and bring forth some different aspects because they are all going to represent the ability to be Responsible for Ourselves.

When I say those words, it is not about your physical existence or your finances.  It is about taking care of yourself on the earthly plane.  It represents your spiritually of allowing your higher essence to be fully within you and to accept what changes are going to occur for you in that pathway. We all know it is not easy but it is an essential component in order to raise our frequency that we desire.  This is very, very important and I know each of you are working diligently within your own understanding of what that may mean for you.

So I am going to ask you to take a moment with a breath and allow yourself to just experience the vibrations that are coming through in this session and not think about anything at all, not worrying, not concerned, and not concentrating on what you have done today, what you are not doing, or what you are going through.

Think of yourself as a complete open vessel and allowing the higher energies to come into your vessel as you need to propel it forward into the pathway.  Because what happens to each of us is that we forget sometimes as we get so caught up in tasks that need to be done, in issues that need to be addressed, in trying to eat properly and be part of a community with others.  It is a lot to really concentrate on so in these moments of our gathering, I want each of you to just be free of anything constraints that you are.  The only element that is important in this moment is the ability to assist you and catapult you into a new level of your existence.

It is very important that we do this because within the construct that is happening on the Upper Earth, we have a tendency to be bombarded with thoughts, information from many different levels, and it is important to take a moment to reflect within yourself on what it is you are experiencing.

In this moment what do you feel?

Are you allowing the energetic exchange to come to you?

Do you feel the essence of the OM wave?

Do you feel the stillness of your Heart beating and your breath in and out allowing the flow of energy to be you in this moment?

This is the first step of Self Responsibility.

2014 is going to take us into another level of experience as each of you probably already realizing in your own personal experiences.  How do we continue on this pathway when there are so many challenges that occur so that the Divinity of your Light cannot be assessed?  This is because of so many variables being shot at each of you through your mental thoughts, through your emotions, through your timelines, and through everything that you are experiencing?

As you are becoming multi-dimensional, all those variables come into play; but it is important for you to really allow the energies to flow within you.  We know that the energies represent grounding for this year as Unity.  It doesn’t mean that you have to grasp the Ball of Oneness all at once. Because you desire it so deeply that you want it so much, you want to feel your connection.  What happens in that process of reaching out too much and not allowing yourself to regenerate within your own essences is the flow gets lost?

The synchronization will not occur because there will be too many obstacles in the way; the energetic exchanges will allow you to flow so then what happens.  It is like a snowball and that snowball just builds up and builds up with everything that you are doing and then all of sudden it burst opens and the energetic exchanges of the phases of the moon, the sun, the fires, and the eclipses that will be coming up create the changes that will put this planet into more of an accelerated phase are going to catapult you into a new existence.  You may not be ready to experience more of the intensified energies that will be coming forward.

I take this day to really stress to each of you what is it that you need to express within yourself.  Taking a few moments of No-Time when you are not going anywhere as we are all connecting with each other, you are feeling the vibrational energies and hearing the words.  I want you to just allow them to flow within you. It is when you allow that flow to happen that you are fully integrated, that you are allowing your higher essences to be within you, you are allowing your physical and mental bodies to relax and you have nothing to worry about except to feel this beautiful essence that you are.

This is essential.  Having a daily meditation is important, but having moments of this is very more important to stop and reflect and to be one with the Frequency of Light that is occurring presently.  It is when we stop and allow our Self to feel everything else that is going around us that we become one with it that we start to realize all the variables that are coming at us from many thought forms and energy exchanges that are happening in every part of the globe and within the Earth in which each of us resonates with vibrationally. Sometimes those vibrations can be very uneasy, because they will not align fully with whom you are.  So I go back to the statement of vulnerability.  This is the space where you allow yourself to be totality to whatever is coming to you in the universe and whatever you are sending out.

Allowing yourself to feel the in-and-the-out breath, to be in that space of continuum of Light in this moment. This is an important phase because without allowing ourselves to fully be vulnerable of all the energies that are around us, then we cannot understand what we are truly going through. It is everything else that puts these obstacles in front of us, because you are your best teacher whether you know it or not, you and your Higher Self and I AM Presence. When you stop and allow the pulsation of Light to come fully within you and be you, it becomes you; you are that essence that is pure vulnerability.  That’s the ability to become completely open to whatever energies, whatever circumstances are happening to you in that moment. And the reason that you can allow this to happen is the fact that you put yourself in a sacred space as we are doing now.  Allow whatever frequencies or energies that are coming to you allow yourself to feel the flow.  There is no mind control, there is no obsession to anything outside of yourself there is just allowing that flow to be within because in order for us to become the integrated being that you are trying to be of the higher essences trying to be more of your physical essence you have to allow moments like this to occur because everything else will get in the way.

It will totally stop you from having that purity and simple-ness that is part of your essences; it is not something from the Earth plane, it is not a timeline, it is not a previous lifetime, it is not karma, it is not any of those.  It is allowing those moments of stillness that you are a part of everything else in the multi-universes to feel that connection allows us to fully be at One. This is the raw beginning when you start to understand that this is the process that you need to be in to accept more to come to you.  Then you will be able to go about what is necessary.

I suggest that you take time like this on a weekly basis whether it is with others and you connect just as we are connecting whether you do it by yourself and allow that flow of energy to be within you. Because what happens is we become One within ourselves and One outside of our Self.

It allows the higher mind to really flow within you, and the higher heart to be part of you. There are no circumstances that stop the process; there no any other forms of thoughts and why’s and wherefores of how it is going to be done. It is just that moment that we all deserve to express.  We are all within this physical existence together even though I am within the Inner Earth, I am alive.  I feel all that you feel and you feel the same from others.  What happens in this process is that all the other elements that build upon whom you become get in the way. So we have to get out of the way, we have to fully step out of ourselves to allow it to flow within.  Otherwise, we are just looking at the outside circumstances or the inner circumstances and we don’t allow the flow of Oneness to be within our conditioning process.

This is the first step of having responsibility for ourselves.  Isn’t this what we all desire? Every one of you.  Isn’t that what you want? To feel better about yourself, to accept more elements within yourself, and to feel that Oneness. We have to start individually because it is not going to happen upon the Earth.  This year is going to prove to each of us that we have the power to do more with whom we are by allowing the accessibility of the higher frequency of Light to be fully grounded within us.  But we can’t ground those energies just by saying “Oh, I am going to ground these energies and they’re going to be fully within me”. That is the lower mind or “I feel very emotional today and I need to help heal the Earth”. That is using your lower heart; allow the flow to be within you.

It is a very important process that we are stepping into because of each of the cycles that will be occurring this year will take us deeper into our multi-dimensional selves.  This means those aspects that we desire to receive are going to come within us, but you can’t go to planet Arcturus and go find it, it has to come to you when you are ready depending on where your timelines were that are being ignited through the process.

Most of you are purging old elements; your body is trying to accept these energies that are Crystalline. They are Crystalline because we are moving into that higher frequency on the planet and within that it causes a lot of pain and frustration.  So the essence of your energy is going to try to push it in a completely different direction. You don’t intend for that to happen but with the process of your mind and trying to understand and figure out elements that are occurring within in your life, challenges you greatly.. You are pushing that synchronicity from coming into you, because you are coming from the programming of your physical self.

Believe me, each of you have been programmed quite deeply upon the Upper Earth.  It is why you are here now to stop that programming, to make the necessary changes, and open up new doorways for you to walk through.

I embrace each of you deeply because you have the courage to do so. You may not feel like you have great courage and strength, but believe me to step into this process, to step into this awareness, this pathway of mastery, it allows you to go deeper within yourself. So you are finding many trials, many tests that you are coming encountering, but they are only being given to you to become better.  So if you take moments like this and allow the energy to flow within you, those tests and trials will seem like nothing.  You won’t have a opinion about it, you won’t push it away because you are afraid or you are not sure, you will have the courage to step into it with the flow of Light that you are.

This is what is occurring presently of allowing yourself to be completely open, and allowing your whole body to receive what it needs.  It is not by questing what it needs, just allowing the flow of the universe to come to you.  So I want each of you to experience.

We are going to take a little journey and go into Telos so you can really feel the beautiful essence that you are and expand that deeply as those energies start to flow within you. I want you to feel the pleasure of your Light.  I want you to expand within that, because that is just going to assist you on a much deeper level than if I sit here and tell you exactly what needs to be changed. I could do this, but tonight I want you to really reflect within yourself what needs to be changed.  I want you to feel it not by saying, “I can’t contact my Higher Self, I can’t do that, I’m not there yet.”

I want you to feel the flow of energy so that you can experience so that it is more evolving for you.  This will help you fully step into the next part of your power because this is where Self Responsibility lies.  It is the foundation of allowing the higher essences to fully come within you without assessing these moments of “no time” you cannot do it, because the accelerated phase of the frequency of Light that is happening within the planet is beyond the concept of your physical mind.

You cannot figure it out because it whizzes by you so quickly that you missed it, it is like if you are an unawakened person and you had no clue that there is more to life than what you are experiencing as you are missing so much.  So we take you into these aspects of learning what is your responsibility.  It is not responsibility to others at this point, it is the responsibility to your own self-awareness, your own self-healing, your own self-growing, because this is truly what is happening to you.  You are expanding out of the physical existence into the higher existence that you are and those aspects are just waiting to be with you.

Blessings in Love and Joy,

I AM Lord Adama,

Your Brother in Telos

Lord Adama’s Discourse is a monthly meeting; the recording of this class includes a visualization in Telos which is available for purchase on our site,

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Lord Adama’s Discourse – Creation of Light within the Pink Flame

pink heartGreetings!  It is I, Lord Adama, with the Telosian Council of Light.  I welcome each of you into my Heart in this moment.  Thank you so much.  Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

Let us take the energies of this week and the Pink Flame, to now fully bring forth that essence into all parts of our body.

We talk about the Pink in relation to the Feminine Divine, but how much of it do you incorporate fully into all areas to relax the body, and to let the energies move you into alignment?

This Flame represents Creative and Active Intelligence.  What that truly means is the creation of the Light within the Pink Flame allows the movement of action to occur within your physical existence.  It allows you to see things from your Higher Heart instead of your physical Heart, so you can merge and blend together in order to help the mental mind to be fully illuminated through the Higher Mind.  That is the creative action that occurs through this process.  Of course, it gives us the blending of Compassion, Joy, Love, and Surrender that helps us to move into a higher state of existence instead of the physical existence that can be so predominant upon this Earth.

As you breathe deeply into that essence, what is it that you feel inside yourself presently?

Let it empower you.  Let it shine deeply within you so that you can accept yourself in a completely different consciousness than you have previously.  Feel the relaxation that occurs within your physical body as you continually breathe in this essence and accept more of your Divine Being than you did a moment ago.

We like to utilize the Pink Flame in Telos to assist us when we become argumentative with each other.  Yes, we do have arguments.  Not heated arguments, but we help to control the energies by allowing this Flame to be within us.  So when we have intense meetings, we turn on the Pink Light.  We allow that Essence to be fully within us, so that we will not come from a lower state of existence.  You know what happens when people argue.  They find all kinds of things that can be wrong and thus, the focus of the argument is deterred away from the main element.  All kinds of assumptions can be made in that state.  So it is important to have the realization that you can fully surrender to what it is that you may be arguing about, so that it truly does not matter in the higher consciousness.  What matters is the end result of it, the focus of the argument, what you want to create and why you started the argument.  That way all parties can come together and meet within Oneness.

This is exactly what is happening on the Earth Plane presently.  There are so many different variables.  These variables come in the form of intelligence, feelings and thoughts.  Individuals have opinions, and within that 4th dimensional construct, the 3rd dimensional body that is encased within the Upper Earth erupts into chaos through the process.  Presently, this is what you are experiencing on the Upper Earth.  There are many different ways of thinking and doing things, so the Lower Mind gets in the way of allowing the Higher Mind to fully ascertain the moment and what it truly means to an individual in their experience.  Let us face it, when you experience an element from the 4th dimensional construct or your 3rd dimensional mind, wherever you may be, it becomes limiting.  There is no expansion occurring.

So let us utilize the Pink Flame to bring in that element of Peace and Love.  That is what we are going to be experiencing tonight with Heros and Amora.  It allows the frequency of Light to calm you down.  That is when the Mental Illumination happens, as the physical mental level is no longer in command.  We will be accessing this plane through the Divine Beings of Light; the Elders from the Throne of Grace, overseen by the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God of the 49th dimensional frequency.  It all filters from that level into the level you are accessing.

This is imperative, because as we are seeing upon the Upper Earth, changes are happening quickly.  More people are awakening.

It is a true fact, but people are in need of assistance.  They have awoken, and they see that there is more to themselves than what they thought, but where do they go for guidance?  How can they help themselves?

Some of the constructive coaching that is done presently is very limited.  It does not bring in these Higher Essences.  I know individuals are not going to be ready to fully understand what a Ray may mean to them, but they know what a color means.  So we have to assist as much as we can by incorporating these energies within ourselves.  This will eventually help having cohesive exchanges with others.  And is that not what each of you wants – To be able to communicate and be free with your communications?  But sometimes the energies you are experiencing may have more precedence than the true element that needs to be spoken about.

So we bring forth the Pink Flame to assist us with balance and the empowerment of the Feminine Essence, as she starts to feel the ability to speak better.  Feel her coming out of her shell as the masculine energy can now do his job in order to assist, not to take over.  This is the process that needs to be done presently.  We need to flow more upon the Upper Earth, and that is why I am very dedicated to sharing this knowledge through Walking Terra Christa via Meleriessee.

If we start to understand from the higher perspective, it will filter into the physical body eventually.  However, you must allow it to be.  And that is how we help others through this process.  At this time, during this week, there are no intense movements I want to share about, because we are on a level of maintaining presently from the Full Moon.  Maintaining represents the ability to step into your power with your Masculine and Feminine Divine at the same level; not one higher than the other, not one lower than the other, but understanding one another.  This is what I wanted to share.  An understanding does not necessarily have to come from your mental mind.

If I reflect this energy unto each of you through Meleriessee, letting the Pink Flame flowing within you, do you feel understanding?

You may not be able to analyze it, because on this level there is no analysis.  There can only be acceptance.  And that is what this flame does for each of us.  It allows us to fully understand through the receptivity of the Feminine Divine and her extending the energy onto the Masculine Divine so that he can fully relax.  That is mental illumination.  We are going to experience it this evening.  The power of these energies is beyond what I can share presently.  Each of you is experiencing it.  Each of you is going through your changes, your initiations, and your tests, but everyone is experiencing it on the level that they are presently standing in.

It takes great diligence to continually allow your Higher Essence to be fully within you.  I embrace you deeply for your consistent movement, but allow this Pink Flame to assist you in the process.  Remember you cannot do it all on your own by just waking up and saying this is what I am going to do; I am going to work with the Rays in this moment.  Feel it instead.  Feel it from your Higher Essence.

What is he or she telling you?

Surrender must fully take place.  Say to yourself “I am no longer in full command, I am working through my Higher Self”.  Do not give the Higher Self all energy – they do not want that.  Your Higher Self wants to become One with you, and that Oneness must occur through the integration and merging with your physical existence.

It is the beauty of allowing the Pink Flame to flow within you and extend it out of you.  We can assist more individuals by working through these processes than we can by picking up the phone and telling someone that they need to do a meditation or they need to do an affirmation.  Expand it out of you through your energetic exchange because your auras are changing as your chakras are becoming more intensified through the higher energies.

We bless you deeply for allowing us to share this information with each of you as it is our divine pleasure to fully come into Oneness with the Upper Earth.

I AM Lord Adama at your service.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Learning the Process of the Re-Alignment of the Self – February 27th, 2014

purple_sea_rocks-fbOn Thursday, February 26th, 2014 we will be conducting Lord Adama’s monthly discourse program, “Learning the Process of the Re-Alignment of the Self”.  This month he is helping us to learn how to adjust our energies into who we are becoming within a higher consciousness.

Each of us is being realigned in various ways and degrees of acceleration within our physical existence. As we have been within the month of February, it has represented the essence of our Hearts becoming more intertwined within the physical.  Our Heart energy is the center of our existence; if we do not have the faculties within ourselves to see the changes that are occurring on all levels of our existence, then we may miss important aspects that need to be looked at more deeply.  2014 has proved to be a very powerful year in which elements are occurring on deeper levels within our four-body system.  The energies are more intense than they have ever been felt within this planet and each of us must align with our highest energies to help us get through the more challenging times.

In order for us to accept our multidimensional self, we need to learn what stands in the way of this transition.  Lord Adama, the High Priest of  Telos, works with each of us personally and within the group format to help us to understand more of what we are experiencing within the transformation that we are experiencing.  He has a way of tuning into each participant to perceive the energies that they are experiencing and help them understand it within their present consciousness.  Rev. Meleriessee and Lord Adama work hand-in-hand sharing the energies as he utilizes her gifts of sight and perception to pinpoint any areas that need to be addressed.  Mike Hayden holds the physical energies so this exchange can be done easily and with a depth that is unmatched by any other partnership on this planet.

Take some time to reflect how you have experienced changes within you through your Heart Essence and how you have grounded these elements within your body and pathway upon the Earth.  You may want to take some notes on what you have gone through recently and how to feel the balance within you.

The class includes a visitation into Telos to help regenerate our energies with the essence of the Divine Inner Earth Beings.  Depending upon the amount of individuals attending, Lord Adama would like to address each person and interact with their essence.

The course fee is $33 per person.

February 27th, 2014 – 5 PM Pacific

You may register on our site.

We look forward to having you join us for this powerful interaction with Lord Adama.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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