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The Art of Self Responsibility ~ Lord Adama’s Discourse

heartrainbowGreetings it is my pleasure to be here with you again.  I am Lord Adama with the Telosian Council.

Hello, Hello; Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

I want to start this evening with a little prayer.  I ask everyone to take a deep breath as each of the Telosian’s are also connecting at this time.  As we become one, we connect our energies; were just going to turn up the switch a little bit on the OM Wave Crystal.  As it comes up through Meleriessee and Mike’s sacred space, we are going to send it out to each of you through Meleriessee and Mike’s energies and also Rochelle that is sitting here.  Just very softly you may feel a little bit of a hum going through you; just tune into that feeling it in all parts of yourself to tune your energies to a little bit higher octave presently.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

We come together to meet as One with the Telosian Community with the Upper Earth through Walking Terra Christa, Mel and Mike with Rochelle as their guest.  As each of us expands our energies unto each of you, we breathe deeply for you to feel our love, our joy, our community of Spirit of Oneness as we connect deeply with one another through our heart essences.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

There that feels as if there is more connectiveness.  So this evening I want to share about several elements representing the energies of 2014 as we are now through three quarters of January.

I think each of you have gotten an idea of what is happening for you personally in your own pathway. I ask everyone in this moment just to take a deep breath and put forward any intentions so that I can receive them.  This is our circle together; it is just not me speaking and for each of you listening.  I want it to be more than that as if we are all gathered together in Telos which we will do so in a little while.

I know each of you love Telos and love me but what I want to feel is what you are going through presently which is the good and the bad of it all.  The first element I want to talk about is vulnerability.  If we understand that the process of Mastery represents the ability to be vulnerable in all moments and allow for that free flowing form of energy that is part of your spirit, that is part of your soul, to fully be blended within you, it is when we fall back into the old constructs that don’t allow us to accept the higher essence to fully be part of us.

So vulnerability is an important stage.  It is also probably the most difficult to acquire because it can create a lot of fear.  In the understanding of what 2014 is going to represent, I am going to jump around the circle here and bring forth some different aspects because they are all going to represent the ability to be Responsible for Ourselves.

When I say those words, it is not about your physical existence or your finances.  It is about taking care of yourself on the earthly plane.  It represents your spiritually of allowing your higher essence to be fully within you and to accept what changes are going to occur for you in that pathway. We all know it is not easy but it is an essential component in order to raise our frequency that we desire.  This is very, very important and I know each of you are working diligently within your own understanding of what that may mean for you.

So I am going to ask you to take a moment with a breath and allow yourself to just experience the vibrations that are coming through in this session and not think about anything at all, not worrying, not concerned, and not concentrating on what you have done today, what you are not doing, or what you are going through.

Think of yourself as a complete open vessel and allowing the higher energies to come into your vessel as you need to propel it forward into the pathway.  Because what happens to each of us is that we forget sometimes as we get so caught up in tasks that need to be done, in issues that need to be addressed, in trying to eat properly and be part of a community with others.  It is a lot to really concentrate on so in these moments of our gathering, I want each of you to just be free of anything constraints that you are.  The only element that is important in this moment is the ability to assist you and catapult you into a new level of your existence.

It is very important that we do this because within the construct that is happening on the Upper Earth, we have a tendency to be bombarded with thoughts, information from many different levels, and it is important to take a moment to reflect within yourself on what it is you are experiencing.

In this moment what do you feel?

Are you allowing the energetic exchange to come to you?

Do you feel the essence of the OM wave?

Do you feel the stillness of your Heart beating and your breath in and out allowing the flow of energy to be you in this moment?

This is the first step of Self Responsibility.

2014 is going to take us into another level of experience as each of you probably already realizing in your own personal experiences.  How do we continue on this pathway when there are so many challenges that occur so that the Divinity of your Light cannot be assessed?  This is because of so many variables being shot at each of you through your mental thoughts, through your emotions, through your timelines, and through everything that you are experiencing?

As you are becoming multi-dimensional, all those variables come into play; but it is important for you to really allow the energies to flow within you.  We know that the energies represent grounding for this year as Unity.  It doesn’t mean that you have to grasp the Ball of Oneness all at once. Because you desire it so deeply that you want it so much, you want to feel your connection.  What happens in that process of reaching out too much and not allowing yourself to regenerate within your own essences is the flow gets lost?

The synchronization will not occur because there will be too many obstacles in the way; the energetic exchanges will allow you to flow so then what happens.  It is like a snowball and that snowball just builds up and builds up with everything that you are doing and then all of sudden it burst opens and the energetic exchanges of the phases of the moon, the sun, the fires, and the eclipses that will be coming up create the changes that will put this planet into more of an accelerated phase are going to catapult you into a new existence.  You may not be ready to experience more of the intensified energies that will be coming forward.

I take this day to really stress to each of you what is it that you need to express within yourself.  Taking a few moments of No-Time when you are not going anywhere as we are all connecting with each other, you are feeling the vibrational energies and hearing the words.  I want you to just allow them to flow within you. It is when you allow that flow to happen that you are fully integrated, that you are allowing your higher essences to be within you, you are allowing your physical and mental bodies to relax and you have nothing to worry about except to feel this beautiful essence that you are.

This is essential.  Having a daily meditation is important, but having moments of this is very more important to stop and reflect and to be one with the Frequency of Light that is occurring presently.  It is when we stop and allow our Self to feel everything else that is going around us that we become one with it that we start to realize all the variables that are coming at us from many thought forms and energy exchanges that are happening in every part of the globe and within the Earth in which each of us resonates with vibrationally. Sometimes those vibrations can be very uneasy, because they will not align fully with whom you are.  So I go back to the statement of vulnerability.  This is the space where you allow yourself to be totality to whatever is coming to you in the universe and whatever you are sending out.

Allowing yourself to feel the in-and-the-out breath, to be in that space of continuum of Light in this moment. This is an important phase because without allowing ourselves to fully be vulnerable of all the energies that are around us, then we cannot understand what we are truly going through. It is everything else that puts these obstacles in front of us, because you are your best teacher whether you know it or not, you and your Higher Self and I AM Presence. When you stop and allow the pulsation of Light to come fully within you and be you, it becomes you; you are that essence that is pure vulnerability.  That’s the ability to become completely open to whatever energies, whatever circumstances are happening to you in that moment. And the reason that you can allow this to happen is the fact that you put yourself in a sacred space as we are doing now.  Allow whatever frequencies or energies that are coming to you allow yourself to feel the flow.  There is no mind control, there is no obsession to anything outside of yourself there is just allowing that flow to be within because in order for us to become the integrated being that you are trying to be of the higher essences trying to be more of your physical essence you have to allow moments like this to occur because everything else will get in the way.

It will totally stop you from having that purity and simple-ness that is part of your essences; it is not something from the Earth plane, it is not a timeline, it is not a previous lifetime, it is not karma, it is not any of those.  It is allowing those moments of stillness that you are a part of everything else in the multi-universes to feel that connection allows us to fully be at One. This is the raw beginning when you start to understand that this is the process that you need to be in to accept more to come to you.  Then you will be able to go about what is necessary.

I suggest that you take time like this on a weekly basis whether it is with others and you connect just as we are connecting whether you do it by yourself and allow that flow of energy to be within you. Because what happens is we become One within ourselves and One outside of our Self.

It allows the higher mind to really flow within you, and the higher heart to be part of you. There are no circumstances that stop the process; there no any other forms of thoughts and why’s and wherefores of how it is going to be done. It is just that moment that we all deserve to express.  We are all within this physical existence together even though I am within the Inner Earth, I am alive.  I feel all that you feel and you feel the same from others.  What happens in this process is that all the other elements that build upon whom you become get in the way. So we have to get out of the way, we have to fully step out of ourselves to allow it to flow within.  Otherwise, we are just looking at the outside circumstances or the inner circumstances and we don’t allow the flow of Oneness to be within our conditioning process.

This is the first step of having responsibility for ourselves.  Isn’t this what we all desire? Every one of you.  Isn’t that what you want? To feel better about yourself, to accept more elements within yourself, and to feel that Oneness. We have to start individually because it is not going to happen upon the Earth.  This year is going to prove to each of us that we have the power to do more with whom we are by allowing the accessibility of the higher frequency of Light to be fully grounded within us.  But we can’t ground those energies just by saying “Oh, I am going to ground these energies and they’re going to be fully within me”. That is the lower mind or “I feel very emotional today and I need to help heal the Earth”. That is using your lower heart; allow the flow to be within you.

It is a very important process that we are stepping into because of each of the cycles that will be occurring this year will take us deeper into our multi-dimensional selves.  This means those aspects that we desire to receive are going to come within us, but you can’t go to planet Arcturus and go find it, it has to come to you when you are ready depending on where your timelines were that are being ignited through the process.

Most of you are purging old elements; your body is trying to accept these energies that are Crystalline. They are Crystalline because we are moving into that higher frequency on the planet and within that it causes a lot of pain and frustration.  So the essence of your energy is going to try to push it in a completely different direction. You don’t intend for that to happen but with the process of your mind and trying to understand and figure out elements that are occurring within in your life, challenges you greatly.. You are pushing that synchronicity from coming into you, because you are coming from the programming of your physical self.

Believe me, each of you have been programmed quite deeply upon the Upper Earth.  It is why you are here now to stop that programming, to make the necessary changes, and open up new doorways for you to walk through.

I embrace each of you deeply because you have the courage to do so. You may not feel like you have great courage and strength, but believe me to step into this process, to step into this awareness, this pathway of mastery, it allows you to go deeper within yourself. So you are finding many trials, many tests that you are coming encountering, but they are only being given to you to become better.  So if you take moments like this and allow the energy to flow within you, those tests and trials will seem like nothing.  You won’t have a opinion about it, you won’t push it away because you are afraid or you are not sure, you will have the courage to step into it with the flow of Light that you are.

This is what is occurring presently of allowing yourself to be completely open, and allowing your whole body to receive what it needs.  It is not by questing what it needs, just allowing the flow of the universe to come to you.  So I want each of you to experience.

We are going to take a little journey and go into Telos so you can really feel the beautiful essence that you are and expand that deeply as those energies start to flow within you. I want you to feel the pleasure of your Light.  I want you to expand within that, because that is just going to assist you on a much deeper level than if I sit here and tell you exactly what needs to be changed. I could do this, but tonight I want you to really reflect within yourself what needs to be changed.  I want you to feel it not by saying, “I can’t contact my Higher Self, I can’t do that, I’m not there yet.”

I want you to feel the flow of energy so that you can experience so that it is more evolving for you.  This will help you fully step into the next part of your power because this is where Self Responsibility lies.  It is the foundation of allowing the higher essences to fully come within you without assessing these moments of “no time” you cannot do it, because the accelerated phase of the frequency of Light that is happening within the planet is beyond the concept of your physical mind.

You cannot figure it out because it whizzes by you so quickly that you missed it, it is like if you are an unawakened person and you had no clue that there is more to life than what you are experiencing as you are missing so much.  So we take you into these aspects of learning what is your responsibility.  It is not responsibility to others at this point, it is the responsibility to your own self-awareness, your own self-healing, your own self-growing, because this is truly what is happening to you.  You are expanding out of the physical existence into the higher existence that you are and those aspects are just waiting to be with you.

Blessings in Love and Joy,

I AM Lord Adama,

Your Brother in Telos

Lord Adama’s Discourse is a monthly meeting; the recording of this class includes a visualization in Telos which is available for purchase on our site,

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Lord Adama’s Discourse – Creation of Light within the Pink Flame

pink heartGreetings!  It is I, Lord Adama, with the Telosian Council of Light.  I welcome each of you into my Heart in this moment.  Thank you so much.  Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

Let us take the energies of this week and the Pink Flame, to now fully bring forth that essence into all parts of our body.

We talk about the Pink in relation to the Feminine Divine, but how much of it do you incorporate fully into all areas to relax the body, and to let the energies move you into alignment?

This Flame represents Creative and Active Intelligence.  What that truly means is the creation of the Light within the Pink Flame allows the movement of action to occur within your physical existence.  It allows you to see things from your Higher Heart instead of your physical Heart, so you can merge and blend together in order to help the mental mind to be fully illuminated through the Higher Mind.  That is the creative action that occurs through this process.  Of course, it gives us the blending of Compassion, Joy, Love, and Surrender that helps us to move into a higher state of existence instead of the physical existence that can be so predominant upon this Earth.

As you breathe deeply into that essence, what is it that you feel inside yourself presently?

Let it empower you.  Let it shine deeply within you so that you can accept yourself in a completely different consciousness than you have previously.  Feel the relaxation that occurs within your physical body as you continually breathe in this essence and accept more of your Divine Being than you did a moment ago.

We like to utilize the Pink Flame in Telos to assist us when we become argumentative with each other.  Yes, we do have arguments.  Not heated arguments, but we help to control the energies by allowing this Flame to be within us.  So when we have intense meetings, we turn on the Pink Light.  We allow that Essence to be fully within us, so that we will not come from a lower state of existence.  You know what happens when people argue.  They find all kinds of things that can be wrong and thus, the focus of the argument is deterred away from the main element.  All kinds of assumptions can be made in that state.  So it is important to have the realization that you can fully surrender to what it is that you may be arguing about, so that it truly does not matter in the higher consciousness.  What matters is the end result of it, the focus of the argument, what you want to create and why you started the argument.  That way all parties can come together and meet within Oneness.

This is exactly what is happening on the Earth Plane presently.  There are so many different variables.  These variables come in the form of intelligence, feelings and thoughts.  Individuals have opinions, and within that 4th dimensional construct, the 3rd dimensional body that is encased within the Upper Earth erupts into chaos through the process.  Presently, this is what you are experiencing on the Upper Earth.  There are many different ways of thinking and doing things, so the Lower Mind gets in the way of allowing the Higher Mind to fully ascertain the moment and what it truly means to an individual in their experience.  Let us face it, when you experience an element from the 4th dimensional construct or your 3rd dimensional mind, wherever you may be, it becomes limiting.  There is no expansion occurring.

So let us utilize the Pink Flame to bring in that element of Peace and Love.  That is what we are going to be experiencing tonight with Heros and Amora.  It allows the frequency of Light to calm you down.  That is when the Mental Illumination happens, as the physical mental level is no longer in command.  We will be accessing this plane through the Divine Beings of Light; the Elders from the Throne of Grace, overseen by the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God of the 49th dimensional frequency.  It all filters from that level into the level you are accessing.

This is imperative, because as we are seeing upon the Upper Earth, changes are happening quickly.  More people are awakening.

It is a true fact, but people are in need of assistance.  They have awoken, and they see that there is more to themselves than what they thought, but where do they go for guidance?  How can they help themselves?

Some of the constructive coaching that is done presently is very limited.  It does not bring in these Higher Essences.  I know individuals are not going to be ready to fully understand what a Ray may mean to them, but they know what a color means.  So we have to assist as much as we can by incorporating these energies within ourselves.  This will eventually help having cohesive exchanges with others.  And is that not what each of you wants – To be able to communicate and be free with your communications?  But sometimes the energies you are experiencing may have more precedence than the true element that needs to be spoken about.

So we bring forth the Pink Flame to assist us with balance and the empowerment of the Feminine Essence, as she starts to feel the ability to speak better.  Feel her coming out of her shell as the masculine energy can now do his job in order to assist, not to take over.  This is the process that needs to be done presently.  We need to flow more upon the Upper Earth, and that is why I am very dedicated to sharing this knowledge through Walking Terra Christa via Meleriessee.

If we start to understand from the higher perspective, it will filter into the physical body eventually.  However, you must allow it to be.  And that is how we help others through this process.  At this time, during this week, there are no intense movements I want to share about, because we are on a level of maintaining presently from the Full Moon.  Maintaining represents the ability to step into your power with your Masculine and Feminine Divine at the same level; not one higher than the other, not one lower than the other, but understanding one another.  This is what I wanted to share.  An understanding does not necessarily have to come from your mental mind.

If I reflect this energy unto each of you through Meleriessee, letting the Pink Flame flowing within you, do you feel understanding?

You may not be able to analyze it, because on this level there is no analysis.  There can only be acceptance.  And that is what this flame does for each of us.  It allows us to fully understand through the receptivity of the Feminine Divine and her extending the energy onto the Masculine Divine so that he can fully relax.  That is mental illumination.  We are going to experience it this evening.  The power of these energies is beyond what I can share presently.  Each of you is experiencing it.  Each of you is going through your changes, your initiations, and your tests, but everyone is experiencing it on the level that they are presently standing in.

It takes great diligence to continually allow your Higher Essence to be fully within you.  I embrace you deeply for your consistent movement, but allow this Pink Flame to assist you in the process.  Remember you cannot do it all on your own by just waking up and saying this is what I am going to do; I am going to work with the Rays in this moment.  Feel it instead.  Feel it from your Higher Essence.

What is he or she telling you?

Surrender must fully take place.  Say to yourself “I am no longer in full command, I am working through my Higher Self”.  Do not give the Higher Self all energy – they do not want that.  Your Higher Self wants to become One with you, and that Oneness must occur through the integration and merging with your physical existence.

It is the beauty of allowing the Pink Flame to flow within you and extend it out of you.  We can assist more individuals by working through these processes than we can by picking up the phone and telling someone that they need to do a meditation or they need to do an affirmation.  Expand it out of you through your energetic exchange because your auras are changing as your chakras are becoming more intensified through the higher energies.

We bless you deeply for allowing us to share this information with each of you as it is our divine pleasure to fully come into Oneness with the Upper Earth.

I AM Lord Adama at your service.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Other Side ~ Part 2 ~ The Telosian Way of Being

TWOB Other SideWe are now going to infiltrate the Pink Ray through the entire room.  We want everyone to feel very, very harmonious, balanced and loving.  Feel that frequency coming into you as the room is emanating the Pink Ray deeply.  Take a deep breath, many deep breaths.

First we’re going to talk a little bit about the traits of the mental and the emotional levels so that you can feel exactly what needs to be done for yourself through this process.  How do you tell if you’re emotionally or mentally based, because everyone has one that is stronger than the other?  Those of you that become overly emotional at weddings, movies, TV shows, allow your emotional balances to fully be within you.  How do you work through those feelings in your own experiences when you go through a release?

  • Do you cry easily to allow yourself to fully feel it internally?
  • Do you feel that your characteristics are very intuitive?
  • Do you receive messages?
  • What are your dreams like?
  • Do you dream a lot, receive messages in your dreams?
  • Do you feel energies around you, outside energies that are unseen?
  • Are you a medium, or you have psychic abilities?
  • What are the frequencies that you fully bring forth?

There are different phases in each of these levels, each of the aspects.  The first thing I’ll say is, if you cry at weddings, at movies, or when things happen to family members, your emotional side is at the beginning stages to be open.  So we go to the next step concerning yourself, do you cry easily when you bring up your issues to allow yourself to feel them through all parts of your body.

  • Do you have a tendency to hold things in your Solar Plexus?
  • Do you have a tendency to hold things in your Heart Center?
  • Do your shoulder blades ache?
  • Does your back ache around the Heart area and the Solar Plexus area?

This means you’re not allowing yourself to release enough, you’re internalizing it.  So the person that is well into the next stage of openness will be very flowing with this.

The next stage would be:

  • Are you able to perceive other energies?
  • Do you feel spiritual entities, good or bad?
  • Do you see the elementals?

All these factors come when you become more in tune within your feminine aspect.  We move into that aspect when we connect with the spiritually-based essences.  We first feel move into the physically-based, then we move into the personality-based and then we move into the spiritually-based.  What do we want?

We want to be spiritually-based but we want to be balanced.  There is also going to be an imbalance that has occurred within the feminine level, when within the emotional level is off center which can result in a tendency that you cry too much.    What would happen is that the emotions would take over so heavily that she would be incapacitated if something emotional happened to her.  This can occur when a relationship ended or she was hurt by someone as sometimes those hurts go so deep on multi-levels of past lives that the timelines can be opened up.

It’s what you do with them that is important.  How do you take care of yourself?  If you allow yourself to be in that state for days on end then you’ve a problem.  If you allow yourself to go through a healing process, do something nurturing.

Nurturing is another aspect.

  • So are you nurturing to yourself?
  • Do you take care of yourself?
  • Do you do things for yourself like take a hot bath?
  • Do you meditate when you think you need to do something else?
  • Do you take a walk or do you call a friend?  Calling a friend is a co-dependency trait because you’re moving outside of yourself.

It’s important for you to realize that there is an imbalance and overbalance within each of these aspects.  This is what we want each of you to look at within yourself.  So take time next week to go over this material as you make a checklist for yourself of your emotional body, the traits that you have within yourself and how you’ve changed through your healing process, through the rites of passage ~ especially those of you who have been on this path with Meleriessee for several years and now with Mike, or what you have done with other healing tools to assist you.

I want you to look back to five years ago.  How were your emotions at that time, because we want to see a progression of the next two to three months.  This is going to be very fast and quick.  We’re going to see great changes happening through this process.

So that’s the emotional side because what we really want is the Feminine Divine to be active and what does that mean?  The Feminine Divine is completely balanced.  The Feminine Divine within you is your nurturing person, it’s that part of yourself you take care of; if you’re sensitive for yourself and for others, you’ve learned to create balance through these aspects.  If you don’t have a fully balanced emotional side, you cannot create, you cannot manifest.  You may manifest periodically but you couldn’t have the full amount of manifestation abilities, because it just comes in portions.

The Telosian Way of Being is a 10-part series available on MP3 download.  The attunements are included in the recordings and not within the text.  To learn more about this special program, please click the link,

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 


Knowing ~ Telosian Way of Being, Part 3

TWB KnowingDuring this session of the Telosian Way of Being, Lord Adama introduced NO EYES who is a gifted shaman also known as Lady of the Night.  She shares a powerful message about the VOID and the 4th dimensional energies.

Greetings, My Fellow Comrades,

I am Lady Of The Light but I like so much to share with you my essences of the No Eyes and to bring forward to you a little instructional moment.  What took you so long and I know these are the questions that are in your mind.  They are deeply in your mind.  If you look around this room, at all these beautiful Telosian Beings, I bet you want to be one of them instead of where you are.  That is the beauty of the human mind.  Is it not? Always wanting to be somewhere else than where you truly are but yet our Higher Selves always guides us to the space that we need to be.  It is when that we are unawakened and unaware of what we are doing that causes us the problems.  But that is not true with each of you.  Is it not? Truly it isn’t.

As I look at each of you personally, I can feel your essences coming to me in this moment.  As you stand in this moment of time of removing the old and going into the new, it is a beautiful space to be in.  Because you can look at the parts of yourself that were fully not being accessed in other timelines, you now access them.  Look how much you have learn from this process of continuation and look who you are upon this earth, of walking into this pathway and realizing what it is that you are doing and how you are doing it.  And sometimes you don’t know how you are doing it and that is the best advice that I can give.

As we come into the void which is the void of moving from third dimensional reality to the fifth.  Within the fourth, there is the void, there is the nothingness.  This is the pure essence that you must realize is a necessary component to bring in that void within you because it teaches you how beautiful life can be in the higher essence of the fifth dimensional reality.  Within the void there can be other avenues that want to stop you from being in that pure space of Beingness.  These are the lessons you are learning at this time to fully access the continuation of your life in a higher sense of purpose and a better quality than you have ever experienced in any other timeline.

I say to you right now, “darkness needs to be your friend”.  That is the void.  This is where you truly learn about the deepest parts of yourself that need to be illuminated and brought into the light, because without the darkest parts of ourselves we cannot move into that higher frequency.  So as we stand in that fourth dimensional reality, how is it that we can adjust ourselves into the timelines of creation? These timelines of creation are necessary for us to have the full potential that our Higher Self deems appropriate to be.  The question is “Are you going to question it”? That my children, can be the deepest question that you ever pose to yourself.

To know that the questions must not be asked or answered, they may be asked but they should not be answered because there is no question to that.  Because if you question yourself, then you are going deeper into the darkness as right now you are standing in between both worlds.  You are light and you are dark and as you are in that void, you fully are not allowing yourself to change what has happened previously.  You need to do it differently.  You need to accelerate yourself from a state of continuance.  To say, “I am in the void and how do I get out of the void,” well the void right now is necessary for you to heal deeply the wounds of the past.  So you no longer struggle with them.  How do you do that?

You bring in the availability of your light and You bring in the accessibility of your learning that you are divinely guided because in the void there is none.  There is no darkness, there is no light.  There just is.  So if you take these moments of creation to allow yourself to fully increase your frequency into what you do not want to experience any longer, this is the process of your continuation.  So I say to you right now, “What are you thinking?” because I know you are thinking.  What are you feeling and I know some of you are feeling.  You may be feeling it in your physical body, you may be feeling it in your emotional body, you may have moments of desperation that you do not know what to do, that is your darkness.  Move into the void and allow yourself to be in between both worlds.  When you are in between both worlds, you are allowing yourself to move through the process.  It is when you don’t walk continually, that you stop and you stay stuck in the quick sand and then it envelopes you, and you go deeper and deeper into the abyss of nothingness.

My children, you are so much more than nothingness, you are beyond the availability, beyond the acceptance of allowing yourself to fully be in your frequency of light.  But yet those parts of your past do not allow you to let it move through your essences, so let us take a moment through the dearest one here to assist you in that process.


I have just given you a native chant that will fully assist in removing any timelines, any frequencies of any degree of darkness that have kept you in bondage.  These elements will fully assist you in the creation of your light.  It will assist you in embodying and moving through these processes.

This is our final posting for the class on KNOWING.  The rest of the transcription includes the downloaded activations.  If you would like to utilize this powerful seminar series, you can purchase it by each class or the entire series,  We know that you will not be disappointed.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Tales of the 5D – Truthery

Tales of the 5D ~ Truthery“When the Truth of the Many is not the Truth of the One There Can Be no Truth”~Tales of the 5D

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” -Arthur Schopenhauer

What is true? Nothing. At least not until we all agree upon it. Is the Fifth Dimension True? No. Not until we all agree upon it.

Can something be real without us knowing if it is true or not? Yes. Before scientist make a discovery of a thing, the thing still exists.  Before we knew there was a molecule of oxygen that we could not see, we still breathed air.

The Fifth Dimension is real but it is not yet true. To make it become a Truth, you will need to first learn about it, then you will need to understand it, and finally you will need to accept it.

© 2013 Tales of the 5D – Walking Terra Christa,, All Rights Reserved.

Lord Adama on the 12-21-12

Depiction of Lord Adama High Priest of Telos-Lemuria's Capitol City by artist Glenda GreenAs many of our faithful subscribers and followers know…the two of us did not create and build this business alone. The Team of Light is truly our Board of Advisers. And we know that is a strange assertion. But it is true. All the Ascended Masters (Lady Masters too…) and the Spiritual Hierarchy… all those who represent the Christ Consciousness, want us to assist you. So they assist us.

But it is just as strange for us sometimes as it is for you. Lord Adama the High Priest of Telos, the Capital City of the Inner-Earth Agartha Network of the former Lemurian and Atlantean civilizations, is an Ascended Master who has dedicated his life to assisting the upper earth beings. The upper earth beings are his brethren, his family in Light. And he works very diligently and passionately along with the Telosian Council of Light, his beloved partner Galactica, the King and Queen of Telos, and everyone else of the Christed Realm, to teach, educate, and remind the upper earth population of who they really are. It is why he asked us to bring forth the seminar series he called “The Telosian Way of Being”. It is a very important course because it delves deep, just as any spiritual program or personal development program attempts, into what you are required to do to get past the illusions of who and what we as humans on the upper earth often feel is our reality. Yet, as an Ascended Master working with the other Ascended Beings to teach this course, his approach is much better at teaching you how to be you.

Have you ever heard the term “Makyo”? It is a term from the practitioners of Zen Buddhism who desire to learn to meditate but do not wish to get lost in the illusions and vivid dreams that one can experience while meditating. Those experiences can draw one into a sense that the reality of the meditative world is more attractive than the material living world.

This is exactly why Lord Adama wants you to know and understand the difference. Many wish to escape the reality of the 3D world, especially those who are here incarnated as Starseeds, Lightworkers, Wayshowers, because the 3D world often seems very harsh to them. They often feel pulled to seek an easier path that does not involve dealing with the confines and control of our current societal culture. So they reach out to “Makyo” either within their own dreams or in their daily living, as if the 3D world was not really something they should be concerned with and deal with, or by outright drug/alcohol use and escapism or through joblessness and/or being a wanderer or transient, with no daily foundation in a 3D setting. After all, the 3D world requires responsibilities and commitments within a system, but a system that is unfair and biased, not at all in oneness.

Lord Adama wishes this were not so. He fervently wishes that these gifted and magnificent beings of light were instead able to anchor themselves and their light more fully upon the earth, the material earth, the real reality, so they could both transcend and transform that reality into one that nurtures and energizes them to be in community and global unity. And he knows that most do not feel this is possible; that most are resigned to the “fact” that there simply is not a “way” to do so.

He has a “way”. It is the Telosian Way. The Telosian society makes the material world work for them. They make community work for them, they make being in union, in unity, in oneness with your neighbor work for them. And he knows it is real and can be done. And done very well.

So he channeled a message to speak about how important this Way of Being really is for humanity. And in this channeled message he plainly states his frustration and he plainly offers a suggestion that you join him in the seminar series.

And that is why we, just like you, are sometimes uncomfortable with the whole aspect of doing this type of ethereal work and having Ascended Masters on “our Board’. In his message, it sure sounds like a sales pitch for the course to us. And we are the ones here on the upper earth, in the 3D world offering the course. So it makes us very uncomfortable. But at the same time, we have to admit, he is so right about what he is saying about 12-21-12, the work of being more aware of how to “ascend” is very important.

So he asked us to do this course, “The Telosian Way of Being”, to deliver that “way’. In this course you will be forced to face your illusions, forced to become aware of a greater reality that is beyond your eyes and ears but often encountered within your dreams. Not your escapism dreams, but your concrete dreams of a better world, a more peaceful and compassionate and inclusive world.

We want that kind of a world. So we are allowing the sales pitch. It is that important.

Here is the video of Lord Adama’s message on the energies of 12-21-12. Check it out.

Lord Adama of Telos to speak live on Walking Terra Christa Radio

Depiction of Lord Adama High Priest of Telos-Lemuria's Capitol City by artist Glenda Green
Depiction of Lord Adama (High Priest of Telos) by artist Glenda Green and the author Aurelia Louise Jones

This week (Friday April 27, 2012) on Walking Terra Christa Radio a very special guest.  Meleriessee will channel live Lord Adama High Priest of Telos the capital city of the inner earth Lemurian community.  There is information that must be shared at this time for all of those living on planet earth.  So many who are aware of the inner earth realms do not fully understand the true essence of what Lemuria is really about.

The Lemurian Essence: Return to Oneness

Mt. Shasta the home of the Inner Earth Lemurian Capital City Telos
Sacred Mt. Shasta, CA. Inner Earth Realm of Lemuria's capital city, Telos.

For most of the past decade Meleriessee has traveled to Mt. Shasta to assist in opening the energies of the New Earth and healing the lands through her shamanic and spiritual abilities.  In the year 2001 she was chosen to be the sole recipient of a carefully orchestrated meeting.

While at the WESAK festival, an exceptionally tall handsome gentleman, dressed in elaborate finery, including an off white mandarin jacket, approached her to say hello.  This meeting proved to be a turning point.

She had met Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos in person.  Less than a year later Mike, having no knowledge of that momentous meeting, found a website by Aurelia Louis Jones where he signed up to take etheric classes with Lord Adama while he slept.  Tune in this week to learn more about what the true essence of Lemuria is all about and hear from Lord Adama himself on live radio.

Join us Friday at 2 p.m. pacific / 5 p.m. eastern for an episode not to be missed.


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