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January 12th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “11”

Unity Number for TodayToday is January 12th, 2014 and the Unity Number is “11”. 


The number 11 is a higher vibration of “2” which represents a Master number.  It is on this day that doorways can open to allow for the higher pathway to be ignited within our journey.  It is a day to allow your creative manifestation to be grounded within your world.  Keywords are:  intuition, mastery, universal consciousness, tolerant, accepting, and being steadfast.

On this day of the 12th of January in 2014 it represents the Portal of Light from 1-11-14 to continue within each soul’s essence to become more manifest.  “11” represents the ability to walk like a mastery which is a powerful number in itself.  11 = 1 + 1 so it is a double expression number of Oneness.

Take the opportunity today to understand the energetics of the Portal of Light from 1-1-1 that was ignited into GAIA, but most importantly within your.  Take time to reflect what mastery means to you in this moment.  We have a lot of esoteric teachings that represent mastery but it is time to look within your own self-journey and how to master the energies within yourself more deeply.

It is another powerful day to allow your Higher Self to guide you on a much deeper level than before.  The surge of light that you experienced yesterday should now flicker within your consciousness.  These times of light exchange from the Creative Source are but a mere doorway for you to look deeper within yourself.  Check to see how you start your day, what spiritual tools are you using, and does it align with your Higher Self.  Call upon him/her to help you though the process. Stop the inner chatter of the lower mind but just asking your Higher Self to be with you.  Take time to tap into your Inner Wisdom by accessing your Higher Mind to help you through the process.  Speak to him or her as if they are standing right next to you.  You might be surprised what you experience.

It is a beautiful day and each of you has changed in some way even if you are unaware of it.  Allow the reflection of your world to be a mirror of what you are experiencing.  Step into your power of Light with the Universe supporting you.  Whatever you change today will mold your journey into the next step of your acceleration.  Take time to make the necessary changes within your higher mind and then let them to be manifest within your physical world.  It is a very powerful day to to allow the magic to flow within your creative self to shine in its highest light and creation from the Light Being You Are.

Blessings for a wonderful “11” experience.

The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Portal of Light ~ 1-1-1 ~ Lord Metatron

1-1-1Today represents the first Portal of Light of 2014 representing Oneness within our full consciousness.  This year we are stating that it reflects Grounding Unity within our physical creation.  Today is the first of many accelerations representing this new wave of energy to be felt by humanity.

Our worlds are coming together with the higher levels of existence as each of us as a Lightworker or Torch Bearer is feeling the accelerated energies within our physical existence.  This is all by design so that we will fully accept the Divinity of Light that we are in our creative process upon GAIA.

Today it is time to accept your role within the world of higher consciousness.  There are still many unawakened individuals upon the planet which need assistance.  We also have numerous people that have stepped into the self-help pathway but need to go further.  As a highly seasoned professional in this realm, I am being guided to share that it is our utmost duty to accept the process of our wisdom, knowledge, heart connectedness of our Love, Will and Power to be fully manifest within us to help others.  It is with this that I bring forth a special message and love to each of you.

Blessings and Love in all ways,




It is my Divine Pleasure to share my essence as a spokes-being of the many creative processes within the Unified Whole.  I Am Lord Metatron; please know I speak in the totality of who I AM but for the Greater Whole of Creation.

It is a day to truly rejoice in the essence of prosperity and abundance of the self.  We are coming into a new wave of frequency on this day of creation, January 11, 2014.  It is the first of many activations that will occur upon the planet during 2014 but is a momentous occasion.  It has been 22 years since the first of the 11:11 activations.  We thank Solara for bringing forth those essences into the hearts of many.  We also reflect upon the energies of the Harmonic Convergence in 1987.  The culmination of those energies were fully actualized in 2012.

So it is with great pride and joy that I share that each of you are grounding these essences within GAIA through the acceptance of your Divinity of Love and Light.  When an individual becomes aware of themselves in a higher light, it can take some time to fully see the reality of what truly is occurring.  The blending of the Higher Consciousness into the Human Consciousness is something that takes great patience, time, and diligence.  We are now at a new venture of time upon this Earth.  It is with great exaltation and joy that I share this message.

Each day of this year will bring you new changes within your consciousness.  As this changes, you are changing the consciousness of the world.  All the previous work has been done to set the energies into motion.  GAIA is able to receive more than we ever thought that she would.  It is due to what you are doing in your own personal transformative process that is allowing for the acceptance of Light that is truly the guidepost of future times.  It could not have been done without the many awakened beings of the 1960’s through this time period.  We acknowledge each of them for their time upon this Earth and what they tried to achieve.  Many felt that they had failed but yet what they did was create the Bridge of Awareness to be ignited within the planet so each of you at this time could walk easily into your higher state of existence.

So on this day of the 11th of January representing 1-1-1 we see a higher existence of light being infused within the planet and each of you.  It is important to take time on this day to fully accept your own Divinity.  This is not a global event but more of a personal one.  Reflect within yourself your own purpose of light.  What is it that you can do to be a better lightworker?  How can you accept the challenges more easily so that your full body system can be acknowledged?

These are some of the questions we pose only for you to go deep within yourself.  Presently there are great changes in the weather patterns which means that there is a war happening between what we desire and what we are experiencing.  The electro-magnetic fields are being stepped up by the dark energies to create more fear and anxiety within the hearts of each human upon the planet.

On this day it is time to go into your highest essence and prepare for an acceptance of light energy to be experienced in all parts of your existence.  This means to take time for yourself within the forces of Light that you are, through your Higher Self, Monad, and I AM Presence to be more fully grounded within your physical being.  It is a time to reflect about the forces of Light as the forces of darkness around you are trying to deter you from your true purpose.  It is a time to truly be within your Beingness whether it be in meditation, silence, or connecting with like-minded individuals.  Stay away from the media, arguing with others, and any element that does not align with your Higher Heart and Higher Mind.  Be One with whom you are and allow the Portal of Light that is being accelerated on this day to become One with your physical being.

The acceleration of the energies will only be felt as deeply as the power of your higher essence.  If your lower mind comes into place within these energies, then you will not receive the full potential frequencies that are available.  These essences are being sent from the 144th dimension of Love, Will, and Power as we are all in Oneness together.  Travel up to this frequency and Just Be in the space of Oneness.  Let it travel back down to your physical existence.  Spin the energies within your chakras, your Soul Star and Earth Star as you become the Light Being that you are.  Then share it with GAIA, expand it out of your internalization into the externalization of your essence.

The energies on this day is the first Grounding Cord that GAIA is going to be experiencing.  It is to be felt by each of you but also to help GAIA accept the new essences that are coming to her.  It is about Grounding Unity through you, within you and outside of you as it is the first step of realization for the acceptance of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Standing by with these accelerations on this day are all communities of light within Oneness.  I speak for the God Force with the Angelic Realm, Galactic Forces, and the Inner Earth Community.  It is our time to come together.

You may haven noticed the skies showing star ships in certain areas.  This is an acknowledgement that the Universes are coming closer together and this will be commonplace in your world.  There is more to be shown.  Some areas are also seeing powerful energies around the moon and the sun.  This is representative of the frequency of light that is occurring at this time.  The skies are shifting into alignment to help prepare GAIA for her acceleration.  Each of you stands in this moment as a Divine Being to accept your responsibility through the transition of light from darkness within the planet.  This is our first acceleration to be fully accepted in a different format than previously has been experience upon this planet.

It is a moment in time to rejoice the power of light that is occurring within with of us, Spirit and Physical Existence to come together in One Time of Space and Creation.

Take time to reflect what 1-1-1 may mean for you in your personal existence.  It is a new day to be felt and embraced as it is setting the stage for more to evolve within all of us.

It is my Divine Pleasure to extend these energies unto you.

I Am Lord Metatron, Spokes-Being for the Unified Whole of the 144th Dimension

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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January 10, 2014 ~ Unity Number “9”

Unity Number 9Today is January 10th, 2014 which signifies the number “9” in the science of numerology.

 It represents being the teacher as it stands to reflect completion of what you have experienced in the present cycle.  It is a sympathetic vibration and is a perfect time to do a ceremony to embrace what you have removed and released to prepare for the next stage of your growth.  Keywords are:  completion, endings, humanitarian, sympathetic, helpful, tolerant, active and determined.  It is a phase of taking what you have learned through the lessons and understanding what they represent in our present awareness.

Today will be a day in which individuals shall see the fruit of their labors.  It has been 10 days into the New Year which has presented the opportunities to be experienced in the essence of “Yes, I have arrived-I may not be where I desire fully but I do see the fruits of my labors.”  Take time to rejoice within yourself during this day of what you have accomplished.

The New Year is always an intense time due to the fact that there is so much talk about resolutions and what you want to create within your world.  We say, do this daily and there shall not shall be great expectations that you cannot achieve.  When you put out there with others that you want to change a certain element in your life, you sometimes can set yourself up for failure due to the peer pressure.  Remember that you are the maker of your destiny and what another thinks about your journey does not matter.  But in the third dimensional world it will affect you.

As you reflected from yesterday’s energy of your success, take this a step further and see the depth of your completion within your own essence.  Breathe deeply; feel the power of what you are feeling and see the changes that you have made.  Then it is time to share with others about your accomplishment of this moment.  Take time to understand the process that you are experiencing and adjust it accordingly to what you are experiencing in this day of endings.  Yes, the old self from yesterday is being rewarded for their ability to move through the challenges of the moment.  That is the energy that you want to embody on this day.

Blessings in the Joy of Oneness,

The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Lady Kapila, Venusian Flame Holder of the Science of God

Lady KapilaLady Kapila is the flame holder representing the Science of God of the Venusian Rays, which is the Green essence and is very close to an Emerald Green color.

Lady Kapila spent many years as a Tibetan monk and among many religious organizations so it took her some time to understand what the world meant for her. She said that it defrayed her from her full potentiality if she was to be human once again.  So she was given a chance to work with the Kumaras to help her with all these essences and has been in this position for quite some time. She represents to us these elements of understanding our beginning and this is what the Science of the ray represents in bringing these energies within.

As each of us as an individual can understand our humble beginnings from the source, it helps us to understand our pathway presently and the twist and turns that we have experienced in that pathway. So today as we connect with the Green flame.  It also represents the idea of money that represents growth, it’s about balancing all those aspects within us allowing the manifestation of God’s Light within our pathway so it can be projected to others; our inner truth remembering our beginnings; devotion to the self as a devotion to God’s essence.  Accessing spiritual psychology in this ray will assist in understanding the soul’s development to be fully manifested in our world.   We are God’s Light bringing that Godliness through our essence.

This ray really represents our truths, our beginnings, and our dedication to ourselves to allow these essences to be fully within us. It is also helping us to understand that whatever we desire and want to manifest has to come from the highest source

Take a deep breath as we bring in the essence of Lady Kapila.

Blessings and Greetings! I am Lady Kapila of the Green flame of the Venusian Rays.

I am very, very excited to be with each of you in this beautiful, beautiful garden as we connect with each other in the presence of these energies.  I want you to totally reflect within your own Heart Essence because it is the doorway to the soul’s history to helps us understand why we create certain things, and why we find obstructions in our way to open up the pathways to our desired outcome.

As we breathe deeply within that Heart, we fully reflect with the Masculine and Feminine Divine together.  This is really an important aspect which is something that I had to learn in my own studies since most of my lifetimes had been in a male-oriented role.

It was really important for me to fully embrace my Feminine Divine when I found myself incarnated upon Venus.  Some of you maybe able to relate to the same situation, because it is very, very important to understand what the male and the female aspects bring to us.  When they work separately it creates separation only allowing particles of manifestation to be created; together, when they come together in balance, we can fully allow our manifestation to be created in our world.

I just ask you to breathe within your Heart center and feel the Masculine self and the feminine self as they spin within each other.  Feel their beautiful energies coming together of the Blue of the Masculine and the Pink of the Feminine as they are fluid frequencies blending together as you stir them.  Feel the integration of both of them as you caress them and allow them to be fully within you.

This also takes you in to another part of your creation because when these particles of Light of the Masculine and Feminine are completely in balance it creates a direct line to the source of your Soul’s remembrance allowing that energy to go completely upwards to who you are now into that source of the 144th dimensional frequency through your Higher Self and I AM Presence. I ask you now to reflect upon that within your own consciousness as we open up the doorways for each of you to reflect upon this essence as it blends within you, through you, and then it becomes you.  You become that source, you become that I AM Presence, you become that Higher Self all manifested within the physical creation.

This also allows the Lower Self of the physical body to relax as these essences blend fully within you, because it is your divine right to have the direct connection to God’s Light, that is you.

So as we sit here in this beautiful garden and feel the Green flame assisting us with this creation; feel it blending in all parts of your body, all parts of your mind, and all parts of your emotions.  Your Heart allows the body to relax; if there is any constriction anywhere, use the Green flame as it is spinning around this beautiful garden and allowing us to feel it in a completely different manner then we have ever experienced before.  This allows us to have a complete pathway, a clear pathway to the Source of Light that we are.  This is how you fully accept your devotion with deep healing of love within this essence.  Feel the empowerment that you bring forth and not the physical being that you are from the source the Source of Light That You Are.

Breathe deeply and allow these essences to blend within you as I bring forth these words of truth.

I, as Lady Kapila, bring forth this essence of the Green flame to fully allow all obstructions from the physical self all the way through the Higher Self and the I AM Presence to the Source of Light that you are to be fully removed.  The only essence that you feel in this moment is the Source of the Green flame flowing form the highest level of the 144th dimension coming down into your physical existence through your Antakarana bridge into your Chakra column, into your Heart and expanding it into all essences, expanding it into all parts of your physical structure allowing it to go into the Etheric body, allowing it to go into the Emotional body, and the Mental body so then they become One.

Now feel this essence within your Heart, as you become all of these within the depthness of the Lotus of your Heart as it is expanding with the Green flame as you start to feel your inner truth and say these words unto yourself:

I am a Divine Being of Light fully embracing the Green flame of the Venusians Ray of God.

I call upon Lady Kapila to fully assist me through this frequency of Light to enfold within me.

I now feel my growth.

I feel the healing Love that I am and I deeply see my inner truth from the beginning source that I am just filtering in particles of Light through all the levels of creation that I have been that now fully embraces my physical structure of this moment in time.

I accept the divinity of Light that I am to allow this flame to burn away anything else that does not fit this creative source.

I allow the Light of God to bring forth to me my truth, my inner wisdom, my ability to fully embrace my moment of creation through all the levels that I have experienced into this moment in time.

I diffuse all aspects that are my obstacles.

I allow the flow of energy to be within me like a beautiful plant that is growing within the Earth and it gets higher and hi9gher as it reaches the sun the sun representing the source of Light.

I am all these aspects and I feel it deeply within my heart of the balance that I am of the masculine and feminine self.

Take a moment now and allow yourself to envision your desire.  See it in front of you, hold it within your hands, and allow it to be part of you.

Feel the essence of your desired outcome to fully come within you and take that vision and feel it as if it is something very tangible.  Even if it is intangible, see it coming into your Heart, and feeling it with the balance that you are of your Masculine and Feminine Divine of your I AM Presence as you are One full body of Light.  So the Source of Light That You Are through the Science of God it is now your lineage of Light. There is nothing left that obstructs you; you become one with the source That You Are.

Breathe in deeply and allow the Green flame to infuse within you and say these words unto yourself:

I am now embodied with the Green Flame as Lady Kapila stands with me and allows this essence to assist me in all my endeavors.

I am balanced within my masculine and feminine.

I have all the aspects of my soul in complete harmony.

I create the healing love that I desire, and I understand the process that I must go under.

I learn in each moment as I incorporate the Green flame to create the manifestation of my desires as they become my world and nothing else matters except this essence of the Being That I Am.

Breathe in deeply, feel that, ground it through your Earth Star, ground it through your entire structure, ground it through all the bodies that you are and allow the bodies to receive this Light so that it can now fully relax as you have a beautiful moment of understanding of what you have gone through.

Now the pathway is illuminated with the Green flame of the Light that you are.

I am Lady Kapila at your service.  Please do call upon me; it has been my beautiful desirous moment to connect with each of you in the Light that we are together.

Please call upon me. So Mote it Be. We are One.

This is an excerpt from our weekly free call, “Abundance of Light-Creating Prosperity Together”.  We meet Saturday’s 10 AM Pacific to receive a special message from one of the many Light Beings in the Unified Whole along with stating abundance prayers as we work with each other in group consciousness.  You may  join us by registering on our site:

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Staying Focused in Each Moment ~ Lord Adama’s Discourse for 2014

water sereneHappy New Year to each of you.

2014 will truly represent to each of you the power of your consciousness and how to work within the framework of what you have been trying to achieve through 2013.

This is Lord Adama speaking from the Telosian Command Center.  I am deeply honored to connect with each of you on this fine day.  I want to share thoughts through this year that will help you to acknowledge what you have already been trying to achieve within your physical consciousness.  Focus is the name of the game for 2014, and it is important to continually understand what that may mean for each of you in different moments.

2013 represented a year of extreme highs and lows that would take every soul in a direction towards their own higher essence.  We experienced the beautiful effects of each of the powerful planetary events to help accelerate GAIA and each of you.  As you stand as the Torch Bearers to the New Earth, it is important for you to realize the importance of your own self-worth while learning to project it unto the world.  We all want to be within Oneness, but it must start within your own individual self’s.  This is an element that sometimes can be forgotten as you go through the experience of being human within the 4th dimensional world.

Yes, I say 4th dimension because the planet is still in the state of change to move into a higher consciousness.  You may be accessing a 5th dimensional body at certain times or stepping within your consciousness beyond that existence, but GAIA has not achieved these results so we must take each step as it comes within us and not jump too quickly.  This is exactly what happened in Atlantis and Lemuria as the prophecies became available individuals moved like lightning to create it.  They received the opposite effect which caused the destruction of these continents.

We must look to the consciousness of the world and how it is still very much in a sad state of affairs.  The Lightworker community is still at a minority so it is each of your job’s to stay focused within your own self reality.  When you meditate into the higher realms, you feel the blissfulness and beauty of your soul’s essence.  You want that to be your true self but it cannot happen automatically.  Some souls that are very gifted may have the opinion that they do not need to do any more work; they have just arrived on the planet to help others.  We must realize that if you have chosen to arrive on the upper earth at this time, that there are timelines that need to be healed.  They may not be of the earth’s timelines but they are from other planetary systems.

Through this process each of you are learning more about yourself so that you can help humanity to move into the 5th dimensional arena of light.  We have a lot of work to do and this year it is important to fully take inventory within yourself in a moment-by-moment basis.  This is why I concentrate on the word “Focus”.

We stepped into 2014 very excited about the prospects of the light frequency coming into the planet.  Many individuals are feeling the portals of light that are being accessed into GAIA presently.  This is to help these souls to feel more of their I AM Presence than they have before.  But it is also very important to sit back and reflect within the four-body system what this light is doing to you and for you.  The portals are being activated to help individuals to feel their true essence.  It needs to come within your four-body system to help heal parts that are still out of alignment.  As an initiate of Mastery, the levels of acceleration works through Initiation first, then the Activation stage is experienced (which was 2013), and then Actualization.  This process is for all elements that you are incorporating:  higher rays, higher chakras, initiations, light body acceleration, healing of the emotional and mental bodies, and many more areas.

We have to remember that just because we have arrived in 2014 does not mean that the Light is fully here.  We are in the next stage of the process and each individual will feel it differently depending upon their initiations and grounding the energies.  If you are living in your upper chakras, then you are only feeling a part of the frequencies.  They must be grounded into the lower chakras through the Earth Star.

So again, I speak about “Focus”.  Each moment will be different for each of you and it is imperative to understand what you are experiencing through the initiations, activating the portal of light, so that it can be fully grounded within you.  Your Higher Mind needs to be accessed within this process of Light.  If you are still dealing with lower frequencies, then your Higher Self is not the guiding energies.  You are being controlled by your Lower Self.

All of this is important because what happens during the accelerations is that we receive a heightened awareness within all the senses.  Sometimes we can be tricked to think that we are higher than we are due to the lower ego still being in control of the senses.  We constantly have to take moments of reflection and see where the feeling is coming from in order to fully access our I AM Presence through the process.  We cannot do so until the Higher Self is fully activated within the four body system.  Then we are able to access the higher bodies of Light.

My goal in sharing this information is to help you understand the process that we are all undergoing with the acceleration of GAIA in our existence.  Each step is important, and we must be fully aware of all the elements we are dealing with.  This is why it is important to understand your own energies from the perspective of your lower self and higher self.  Do not be fooled by something that is shown to you as it may not be your true reflection.  Delve deeply within your own essence each day to see where your focus should be in those particular moments.  Allow yourself to be within the silence.

As you understand what you are receiving, then expand it out of your awareness into GAIA.  Allow your field to expand way beyond of where it is now.  This is how we are going to make the necessary changes in the planetary fields for others to receive.  Each step of 2014 will take us into deeper levels so it is important not to get too far ahead of ourselves in the process.  This will only cause the energies around us to expand in a very dysfunctional way which is what the Earth has experienced since the sinking of Atlantis and Lemuria.

Breathe deeply, utilize the Rays of God to expand those essences within you, and then allow them to flow through you like a beautiful breeze on a mountaintop.  It is always important to understand your inner self and what you are projecting outwards to the world as there may be something that you are sending out that still needs healing within yourself.

Walking as a Telosian takes great diligence and foresight of whom we are within ourselves.  We share this knowledge to assist each of you as it is an important facet of creating the New Earth.

We walk with each of you in beauty and grace.

In Divine Essence, I AM Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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2014 ~ The Year of GROUNDING UNITY ~ New Earth Frequency Update

New Earth Frequency UpdatePlanetary ~ As Shared by Meleriessee

We are now standing within the threshold of 2014.  The year of 2013 represented great changes within each of us and on the planet in various ways.  We experienced high activations through each of the cycles through the months and now we have stepped into a new doorway to Unite our True Self’s with our Physical Reality.  It was the year of “Synchronization”.  Now we take that synchronization and blend into our present experience as we walk as renewed Beings of Light.

With the oncoming energies of 2014, the theme of this New Year represents Walking into Grounding Unity.  This is bringing in the energies of the Oneness Consciousness that we all have been accessing in our thought forms, down into our physical energies, and grounding them into GAIA which is important in the structure of this year in 2014.

It is important to take time to reflect on our recent past experiences to truly measure the power of walking into a new year at any given time.  This year of 2014 there is an alignment occurring for more individuals to understand themselves in a completely and different manner.

The number “14” represents our karmic rebirth.  This is the year in which we are “righting” all our past deeds and in doing so, we are receiving the Divine Dispensation from our Higher Essence to be manifested within our world.  The keywords for this year represent, “harmony, balance, temperance, and prudence”.  It is a year in which elements will come into alignment to allow for the true manifestation of our heart’s desire from our highest consciousness into a physical reality.

This does not mean that there will not be more challenges within our lives.  It depends upon how deep and far you travel within your Soul Body to ignite the darker timelines so that the lighter timelines can be ignited.  In order to receive we must purge the old elements to make room for the divine power that we are.  Walking into a mastery pathway is truly the only way in which you can understand the process of your journey as it continues in each moment.  The deeper we travel, the more we will receive.  This year is going to help us create these elements and then give it to GAIA and others around us.

You may be finding that souls will choose not to stay on the planet as the light is going to become so much stronger that it will be more of a challenge for souls that are not ready to continue this journey within the physical body.  We are creating the New Earth presently but we have a lot of work to do with ourselves and each other for it to become fully manifested within our world.  2014 represents a gift from the Source to help us achieve our next level of acceleration to help humanity.

It makes perfect sense that on January 1st we experienced the first New Moon of the year as we are experiencing the ability to express Oneness from our personal self.  It is a time of great reflection, making the necessary changes to what does not fit our consciousness for Unity within ourselves, and how we can achieve the highest results within our physical reality.

We walked across a bridge from 2013 to 2014 to fully embrace the expression of our essence as it was shown to us in 2013 to know that this New Year is a new beginning to allow for more changes within us helping us to acknowledge our multi-dimensional self to be fully manifest.

The Unified Whole Command message was given to us during our retreat in late December to prepare us for the New Year.  Due to time constraints we were unable to share the message until this moment.  We hope you enjoy as we continue the journey together in Oneness.

Cosmic ~ Unified Whole Command -Transmission of Light

2014 GROUNDING UNITYGreetings,

It is our pleasure to come into this venue for the New Earth Frequency Update.  This is Master Toth, the Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein; Commanders of the Unified Whole Command along with Light Beings that makes up the Unified Whole Energies of the 144th Dimension of Oneness.

Let us talk a little bit about 2013 first.  What a tremendously powerful year it has been for every individual upon the planet as the energies of each month that have occurred with the transitions are allowing each individual person to fully embrace who they are.  Changes have been made.  The lands of GAIA are being deeply affected and within the hearts and minds of all humankind, life is being altered.

Each of you, of the Lightworker Community, are learning that change is inevitable and the more that you work within yourself, the more results you will see within your life.

Some of you may be saying “Oh, is there more to come?  What is happening upon the Earth?  I thought the New Earth would be here.  I feel the New Earth.  I feel the new energies.  I feel Unity Consciousness.”

But, you need to fully Ground Unity within your personal existence through your physical body, incorporating the higher chakras, allowing the Etheric body to be repaired and healed so that the Feminine (of the Emotional body) and the Masculine (of the Mental Body) can be fully actualized through the activations of the Three-Fold Flame, of Love, Will, and Power.

Well, in essence, the Winter Solstice prepared the bridge – the Portal of Light of walking from 2013 into 2014.  Now some of you may have been deeply affected with some dramatic purging changes either physically, emotionally, or mentally because that is all part of the process.  Because you see, as we go into 2014, it is important to have the realization that the Divinity of our Light must come more fully, not just in the consciousness within the mind thoughts and the feelings but, fully within the physical existence.  So as an Initiate of the Mastery Pathway, you will be challenged to move through these Levels of the Initiation you are working through.

You may think that a doorway is being closed but yet, the more that you work within yourself, you find that the doorway is now being opened.  You may not be quite ready to walk through it, but you see that there is a possibility to do so.  And this is exactly what happens to each occurrence of the Activations within the Earth.  The Moon Cycle, the Eclipses, the Equinoxes, the Solstices; all of these are so very important and how can we not mention Comet Ison; and the energies of Helios and Vesta of the Great Central Sun, as all the Great Central Suns are activating their energies within each other to assist GAIA.

We are merging into a New World where elements from other dimensional frequencies are becoming more active within humankind.  It is representative of the Light Ships in the skies that the Galactic Ships are showing everyone on Earth hat they know what they are going through and they are here for their assistance.

It is important to have the realization within your own consciousness of what feels right and what does not.  This is going to be an important element for 2014 as more pieces of the puzzle of GAIA’s Ascension are going to be coming into creation.  Each individual soul is going to be finding themselves researching and wanting to learn more about each different piece that they experience.  This is when humankind can get into trouble because then they keep moving forward to research and find more information but yet, what are they doing within themselves?

As we moved towards the energies on December 31st, it represented a Gateway of Life of going into the New Year.  The Sun was streaming its Rays on this day to fully connect with Helios and Vesta of the Great Central Sun and allowing those frequencies of Light to fully be within you and put out the ability to walk through this doorway with ease and grace.

So you may be finding that this time that you are purging, that you are removing elements within your Soul’s Essence, that He or She does not need because the Etheric Body is being cleansed in many different ways.  It may result as physical symptoms, but please know that they are not always the present life circumstance but in the Physical Body.  So there are elements of your timelines being ignited through this process.  It is important for us to have these realizations; otherwise the Mind may go to other places and try to research information of how to feel through this process.

The best healing capability will be through your Higher Essence, raising your vibration, allowing the energies to fully be within your body, because that is why you are purging.  So the more aspects of higher consciousness that you can bring into yourself through the cellular memories, the easier it will be for you to accept the Divinity of your Pathway that is unfolding.

Every occurrence that has happened from 2013 has molded you to be who you are presently.  So as you are reading this transmission, let us fully embrace your Soul’s Essence and what it is your Higher Self desires for you to experience as you go into 2014.

We are representing 2014 with the definition of Grounding Unity.  What does that truly mean?  It means everything that you have been experiencing up to this point is now going to be fully grounded into your Full-body system.  It is now time to fully access your body, not on an individual basis but on a completed level of understanding.  This means taking the Physical, the Etheric, the Emotional, the Mental, the Spiritual, and the Higher Spiritual Bodies to be One.  If we continually access them in separatist thinking, then they will stay in that Essence.  If you were being challenged by your Mental Body, or your Emotional feelings, please know that when you keep them separate, they will be independent and not allow themselves to merge into the completeness within your Heart Center of the Masculine and Feminine Divine coming into Wholeness within your creation.  The more that you access these energies within your physical existence, the easier the process will be in 2014.

Manifestation is going to be very powerful for 2014 but only as powerful as your Full-body system.  When you allowing your Highest Essence, and when we say Highest Essence, we don’t just mean your Higher Self, we mean your Monad and I AM Presence; that consciousness that you are, that we all are part of, that the Unified Whole comes from, the Source of Light and allowing that Source of Light to fully be in the Full-body creation.  This is going to help you more than anything else because as we move through this year there will be major changes that will occur within the World, within GAIA.  The more grounded you are and settled within your own consciousness, the more understanding you will acquire of what you are experiencing.

Please know that every individual soul upon this planet is going through this process in quite different ways.  This means that an individual that is not an awakened person is still going to be feeling these Essences and some of them may not be able to handle it.  They may choose to receive an illness and leave the planet.  They may find themselves in an accident that they need to heal themselves from, or they may feel lethargic and not sure what to do with themselves.

This is where each of you, as the Lightworkers, are going to assist because the more that you ground these frequencies within yourself, the more understanding you will have.  Stepping onto the Mastery Pathway is an essential component because the more understanding you have of what you are experiencing; the better you can extend it out into the World.  You see, you don’t have to share the knowledge with another Being, but what you need to know for yourself is what you are experiencing.

The process of Initiation is very deep and involved so it is important to look at it on a simpler basis; to have an understanding that you are working through your Physical Body, your Emotional Body, your Mental Body, and then moving into your Spiritual Body and that’s what all the tests and initiations are about.  But it is an important stage and it is the most important as you cannot move forward without having these elements put in place.  It will make your energy flow more easily.  It will help you in your healing.  It will allow you to accept your feelings and it will bring forth the thoughts from the higher frequency.  Then the body will be able to relax.  What you are going through presently is stressful, so it is important to allow the body to receive the higher frequencies of Light to allow the experience to be the most beautiful one you have ever envisioned.

What is your desire for 2014 as you step into this New Essence?  Know that you are being completely taken care of by your Highest Essence to do this work and to bring forth these energies onto the planet.

So it is imperative to take this time, the bridge of December 31st, and walk into the New Year as a new you, a transformed Being of Light with the Essence of the Great Central Sun all working together and all the levels of creation:  the Solar, the Galactic, the Universal, the Multi-Universal,  the Cosmic,  and then the Source of Oneness of the 144th Dimensional Frequency of Light.

We are all here with you, walking with you through this process of allowing your purest sense to come fully within your Being; to accept yourself in a completely different manner than you ever have before.  Everything else will fall away if you just allow it to be.  The more that you create the New Essence that you are to be fully transformed into the physical existence, the more GAIA will receive it and the World.

Let’s face it.  The leaders of this World need this Light but most of them cannot do it for themselves so each of you standing at the forefront are the ones bringing this forth and yes we know it is a great challenge and a great responsibility.  We, of the Unified Whole Command, are deeply honored that you are doing so and that you are stepping forward and allowing these light formations to be fully within you.

Just please know to only bring within yourself what you can.  Utilize the work through your Higher Self and allow the Physical Body to accept it in a step-by-step process because the more that you try to bring on, the more challenging the process will be.  Your body can burn up by bringing on too many energies.  So allow yourself to rejuvenate in between.  Balance yourself.  Learn to enjoy what you are experiencing and not be constantly in the forefront having to be the first one in line that’s going to win the race.  This is not a race.

We are in a state of evolution that has never occurred on this planet.  The best way that we can get through this process together is to be honest, truthful, compassionate, loving, considerate, and humble; and that creates power.  The process that is occurring presently is allowing your three minds of the super-conscious, the sub-conscious, and the conscious to be One Mind within your physical structure as you receive your Masculine and Feminine Divine to come into Love, Power, and your Will; all guided by God’s Light.  So the structures of the old Mental Mind will dissipate, and when they don’t, these energies of 2014 will cause more confliction.  So it is very, very important to be strong within yourself, to understand what is occurring for you, so that you can be all that you’ve ever desired to be.

We bless you with this amazing walk into 2014.

Your experiences will only be measured by your Highest Essence and that has unlimited potential bringing forth Harmony and Balance and the Divine Light that each of you are to be fully manifested within the physical creation that you are.

It is our Divine Pleasure of the Unified Whole Command of Master Toth, the Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein to be the spokes-beings for this amazing energy of Oneness upon the Earth.

So Mote It Be In The Light Of All That We Are Together.  We Are One.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically in its full entirety with no alteration on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and audio, printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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12:12 ~ A Portal of Divine Awakening

blue white lightTwelve represents a doorway of complex stability.  It is the foundation of the self with the incoming essence of union representing the mystical truth of polarity.  This means that the higher part of our consciousness is coming into full creation to allow for the wisdom, strength, and stability that each of us brings forth into the essence of Gaia through our polarity of Yin and Yang.

12:12 represents a Master number which means the intensity of this number is being reflected through our Divine Creation to be an opportunity to be more of ourselves than we were in the previous moment.  It represents the ability to step more into our physicality with the true divine essence that we are from the Creative Source.  In the state of Oneness we are both male and female essences which is an alignment of the Masculine and Feminine Divine.  This essence is available to each of us within our own creation at this opportune time of our existence.

12-12-12 was a powerful opening into a new way of existence upon the Earth.  Not everyone was able to experience this invitation into the cosmic reality due to the influx of darkness that still reigned within our planet.  So we took time to reflect, meditate, and allow the energies to enfold within each of us in preparation for the year 2013.  At that time, there was great disappointment amongst many individuals as the energetic exchange was not what we thought it would be.  What it did do for us is prepare us for the year of synchronization of 2013 so that more preparation could be done within each individual soul.  2013 has proved to be a very challenging, but amazing year of accelerations and continuation of the energies on multi-dimensional levels.

We have stepped into a world that has offered alignment into the Universal Movement of what each of us as a soul represents.  It has created an inter-dimensional shift in so many ways for humanity.  We started the journey Home to ourselves, our Higher Essence to be fully embodied within our physical existence.  This is something that many masters of the God Force did not foresee how it would occur.  We have stepped into a world that has taken each of us individually to see more of ourselves and the journey continues to this day.  In order to experience Oneness we must find that Oneness within ourselves.  So we are on a pathway to find our Multi- Dimensional selves; some of these remembrances have been challenging but they need to be in order to fine the Divine Essence within us.

We have now arrived once again into the 12:12 Portal of Light, but this year it represents something more complex within each of us.  Throughout this year the world has changed greatly; some of it in small ways and in other parts, it is still struggling.  The world is not ready for completely unification as yet so each of us as the light worker we are must strive to be in completely unity of the self.  But the steps cannot be skipped, they must be experienced one-by-one.  Each individual person is experiencing these elements in many different ways depending upon their physical consciousness, the depth of the soul psychological pathway they have stepped upon, and how it relates to their physicality.  There are so many variables that are occurring depending upon where our goals lie as a Being of Light and how to incorporate it within the physical existence.  2013 has proven to be a year of complete realignment within our self awareness, within Gaia, and the Universal structure.

12:12 represents a doorway but yet it includes a stabilization of what we have already experienced.  If we look back through each of the accelerations of this year, the doorways of opportunities have taken us deeper into the core of our true selves.  Isn’t that what Oneness represents?

We must remove the outer forms that have protected us from this harsh world so that we can see our inner strength.  We are the Torch Bearers and previously we were the Light Warriors.  We came into this plane of existence to fight for the freedom of the Light into Gaia but now that has changed.  We have learned through the process that fighting others is not truly in Oneness.  Creating arguments just to be ‘right’ is not right at all.  It is control and defiance.  That is truly not what the alignment of Oneness represents.  We must let go of all the old pantheons that have kept us as warriors and in bondage.  Now we find a new part of ourselves being borne.  This is truly what this year has represented to many individuals.  We keep going to deeper levels in order to find our highest truth to be revealed.  It does not come from the lower mind but the Higher Mind of our Higher Consciousness.

This time last year Master Thoth aligned himself with his higher essences of the Great Divine Director and Master Einstein.  Master Thoth has been on the Unified Whole Command for quite some time before this happened and much longer in the planning stages as the element of Oneness is an important aspect not only within Earth but within all the dimensional frequencies of the 144th level.  They now fully work within each other along with all the other Ascended Beings associated with the Unified Whole.  They have done this to help all of creation and this represents humanity of Gaia.

This year 12:12 represents more of the same frequencies but on much deeper levels.  It will be different for each individual depending upon their own awareness, their inner truth, the soul psychological work that has been done, and how they integrate those essences within their physicality.

As we have transformed into a new essence throughout this year, 12:12 is taking us to a new level of responsibility while creating a foundation through our multi-dimensional selves.  As we come more into balance aligning with our Cosmic Essence, they will take us into deeper levels of our Beingness.  The higher vibrational energies are being acknowledged by each of us in different ways.  We are becoming more inter-galactic and allowing those essences to merge within our physical consciousness.  This is creating a stable environment for the earth so that changes do not have to occur as so many think that they will.  It represents a power of light to be infused upon this earth and to remove the dark thought processes that go on in our every day life in corner pockets around the globe.  If each of us individually takes time to allow these energies to blend within us, take what we need, and then give it to Gaia, that is going to help to expand the consciousness of humanity.

On 12:12 it is a time of pure reflection to allow the portal of light to be fully accepted by each of us through our physicality and allowing the vehicle of our Higher Self to show us the way.  We have to understand that as the Earth consciousness accepts this new reality that is when the changes can occur.  Each person will experience it differently depending upon their spiritual progress as a master in training accepting the light frequencies within them.  Some may access more DNA, some may feel their Merkabah is being activated, but it won’t happen without the assistance of each Higher Self and having a conscious reality of the process.  It does not mean that every living person on this earth is ascending but they have the opportunity to do so.  What it does mean is that life is changing here on Earth.  The darkness is going to be hit once again with the influx of these energies and it is up to each of the Lightworkers to stand within their own power to receive what they can and then give it to others.  It is not ours to hold at all.

I know that some schools of thought say that the earth will ascend and everyone on this pathway is going with it.  What will be left is the 3rd dimensional energies of darkness.  Believe it or not, five years ago I felt the same, but that has all changed due to December 2012 and into the present time frame.  We are healing this earth and the souls that do not want to go on this pathway will cease to exist.  The planet is changing into a higher frequency but it seems so very slow because many of us are tired.  That is when the light needs to become brighter than it ever has been before and illuminate the entire planet.  Souls are perishing as they are ready to go to another dimension and do their own work that is placed upon them.  Each of the activations that we receive in the planetary system is assisting humanity on a deeper level.  But as initiates of the mastery pathway, we have chosen to be here just as the others have done before us.  We have returned from Atlantis and Lemuria to make the necessary adjustments and not experience another tragedy on this Earth.

12:12 represents another opportunity to allow the cosmic energies to enfold within our being to create polarization of light within us.  As this occurs, we accept the next part of our cosmic energy to be physically put in place depending on your growth and awareness.  Walk through this doorway with the excitement of a child but yet with great courage and strength.  We are being acknowledged from all levels of existence through the Inner Earth Beings, Christed Inter-Galactics, the Spiritual Hierarchy of Mastery, Great Central Suns of all frequencies, the Angelic Realm, and all essences within the Unified Whole as we become more unified within ourselves.

It is important for each of us to be balanced as we can be thrown off easily by the lower energies still trying to create havoc, but through each acceleration, we are learning more about our courage and strength from all of our multi-dimensional selves being acknowledged presently.  The energies we are experiencing now are going to assist us to be stronger for 2014.

Blessings for the integration of our personal oneness within,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

Meleriessee wrote this article with the assistance of the higher beings of light.  She is a divine communicator of the Unified Whole who has traveled the pathway of mastery for over 20 years.  She is fully integrated with her Higher Self and I AM Presence.  This writing is a collaboration of the Cosmic Energies working with her.  For a pure channeling message on 12:12 please see “Expect the Unexpected”.

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Expect the Unexpected ~ 12:12 Energies

planet_sky-fbA Special Edition of New Earth Frequency Update ~ Unified Whole Command of Oneness reflects on the energies of 12:12 ~


Due to the changes that we are experiencing in December 2012, we would like to share some vibrational energies to help create an understanding within the physical mind.  We are the Unified Whole representing the Source of Creation from the 144th dimension.

We come today as a group consciousness so to speak as we want each of you to sit and breathe deeply by allowing your Higher Essence to come into your physical being.  Do not read the words without perceiving the energies.  We do this for one reason:  12:12 is not about understanding the process but going through the doorway without an expectations.

Due to the advancement of your world there is so much information available for each individual soul.  It is for this reason that we want you to feel our essence which in truth is your essence as We are One.  If you can have that experience, then the resulting moment will be acceptance, because you will not receive all of this information we share.  You will bring into yourself the aspects of your Self that are awaiting to be acknowledged.

This is exactly what 12:12 represents to each individual soul.  As you progress upon your spiritual pathway, there are times in many moments when reflection is needed in order to receive more.  On a cosmic level the energies are shifting dramatically and Earth is the focal point of these creative energies to be infused within her existence.  Within the creation of Earth there is each of you.  The human beings that have chosen to arrive to assist the planet.  Bur first, the assistance, must come to each of you in your physical self as you are like the child relearning everything that you already know.  We know it can be frustrating but we are here to assist.

Physicality is an element of existence that is perceived as the ultimate challenge of acceleration.  Humans have the ability to be many things, but yet they can persist to resist what they truly know to be true.  Each of you as lightworkers have stepped away from that arena and are standing at the forefront of a new world.  But yet some of you still perceive life from a cosmic experience without the infraction of the physical body.  Some expect to be taken care of and when an acceleration occurs, you may think that the frequencies of light will whisk away all that is not good in your reality.  Remember, one thing:  you chose to be on this Earth to give service and in return you would receive the highest elevation of light that your body could hold.  But you would have to ground it into a foundation and it may take quite a long time due to the past timelines in all levels of dimensions you have experienced.  The energy would be given to you but you must be RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SELF.

We mention these words because it is important to realize that there are so many elements still inflicting upon your planet and this is why these changes happen for acceleration.  As you are accelerated, you will accelerate others.  It is part of the process.  As each of us stepped into Unity Consciousness, others followed including Planet Earth.  But yet, when you step into that consciousness, it is not immediately rectified.  Steps then need to be taken to rid the previously lower energies out of the consciousness.  Each of us experienced this element and each of you are experiencing it also.  In order to be in wholeness we first must look at the separate parts.

So now that brings us to the element of acceleration and 12:12:13.  Yes, this year has proved to be tremendously life changing to each of you.  You have stepped into the world of removing elements that do not fit your purpose in order to receive more.  We are so happy to see so many experiencing the effects of the planetary accelerations.  It makes us look at the entire process from the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 until now to see how powerful and wonderful the experience has been for so many.  Gaia is learning to heal just as each of you are so it brings us great joy to see how well it is going for so many.  For some, it is much more difficult and they will be unable to accept the changes that need to occur; but yet, each of you as an initiate are the pride and joy of all ascended masters.  There is hope for a new world to evolve which still will take some time.

12:12 represents another doorway of light.  You have created a new foundation every time you experienced an acceleration.  It is important to stabilize the energies presently as this month of December at the end of the year is magnificent and will be a vision within you to see the depth of your soul.  Many will feel high energies within them through the process and many will accept more of their Light Body.  We caution you though that you must ground everything that is occurring for you and not to hold onto any of the energies as that is not for you as an individual but to share it with Gaia and others around you.

Experiences are happening everywhere within the planet.  Many of them you are not hearing about; sometimes you only see the ones that are devastating.  All of this is in balance and part of the transformative process that is necessary.

During this phase it is important to have the realization of No Expectations.  It is when you try to perceive what is about to happen that you dislodge any future accelerations that will occur not to happen.  That is when you put your physical mind, the lower mind in place and then the expectation cannot be accepted due to the lack of integration of your Higher Self.  Many of you are still struggling with the essence of your higher self to be fully integrated.  Please do not worry about this element.  Remember you probably have 500 or more timelines that you are healing through and each acceleration is helping you to do so.

What we want for you at this time is full acceptance of the energies.  Balance yourself by feeling the foundation that you have created.  This is the best advice we can give.  Anything less than that will cause the foundation to crack and possibly put you back a few notches.  When you have a strong base to stand upon, nothing can upset you.  That is when you can receive more.

These energies that are coming in are to help humanity be more to each other.  So let’s start with the Self first and fully embrace the light and love that your higher consciousness is giving to you.  It will help you through the end of the year and into 2014.

It is our desire to always walk with each of you within this frequency.

We come to you with the Commanding energies of the Unified Whole, Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein, Archangel Metatron and Michael, Lord Melchizedek and the entire God Force.

Channel:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Initiation No. 2 ~ Mastery over the Emotional Body

lotusawakeningThis initiation has to do with sacrifice and death of desire.  It is considered to be one of the hardest initiations for individuals to pass as it can take many lifetimes to achieve liberation over the Emotional body.

It is at this stage that an initiate starts to understand their emotional imbalances and wanting to do something about them.  It could entail issues of addictions in any form.  It is also the level that people start to want to work through their family issues, like Inner Child healing.

A person can find that their emotions start to flow more within them.  The three keynotes are dedication, glamour, and devotion.  First an initiate becomes dedicated to the pathway of healing the emotional self which results in glamour.  Many people may stay in this space as the lower ego is represented at this level.  But through great diligence the energy of the emotional body is motivated through devotion to continue through the pathway.  The emotions are brought under control and an individual starts to have self realization.

The most important element of this initiation is to continue through great devotion to the Higher Self.  Meditation becomes an important part of an initiate’s reality; thus, the higher self becomes more of the deciding factor.  All of these elements then result in freedom as there is an inner control that results as selfish tendencies of the lower self is attained.  It may be at this stage where an initiate starts to work with the chakras of the body especially with colors which brings in the Science of the Rays of God.  The rays represent the spectrum of light from the Elders Surrounding the Throne of Grace (from the Cosmic Level).  Working with the rays and the chakras will help an individual process the emotional trauma that may have occurred in their lives.  It is also important to realize that the Etheric body comes into play with the emotional body (also with the mental in the next initiation) as the blockages of the emotional body can be activated through physical conditions.  They need to be healed on both levels and not just within the physical.

This is a stage where addictions come into play to be fully healed.  An individual may find themselves in a situation where they must look at their addictive reactions in their life; sometimes the Universe assists for this awareness to come into full creation.  When an initiate is not ready to look at their problem, they can fall back into the 1st Initiation as it is not uncommon at all for this to occur.  The real work needs to be done on this level which may include working with decrees, affirmations, and learning how to meditate to connect with the Higher Self.  This is an imperative stage as the lower self cannot do the work on their own; so the Higher Self becomes more readily accessible to assist especially when it sees an improvement in the initiates desire to make the necessary changes.

Inner Child work can become a very important element and is an essential component to fully accessing the Higher Essence.  Many of the lower thought forms within the childhood issues result in the Lower Ego staying intact.  The Higher Ego must be accessed in the 7th initiation but preferably on the lower levels.  Many lightworkers do not realize the importance of this work and planetary ascension cannot be achieved without it.

When an individual achieves the completion of the 2nd Initiation, they attain a sense of balance within the emotional body; thus, when situations arise they work through their inner power to create balance and harmony within their emotions.  This is an important phase for individuals that are very sensitive as the emotional body can be in an imbalanced state.  It is when an individual can learn to utilize psychic protection to enhance the emotional level so as not to be completely affected by other’s energies.  We have to remember when we have an issue with someone it is usually due to elements that are blocked within ourselves and acts as a trigger to allow the healing to happen.  As the emotional body is healed, then an individual can learn what their issue is and what belongs to someone else.  This is when the true freedom occurs.

We have added a special visualization on Inner Child Enlightenment which will help to start a dialogue with an individual’s Inner Child.  We hope you enjoy.  We are also starting a program on INNER CHILD ENLIGHTENMENT 12-10-13.  For information on this 6-class program, please see our information page,


©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Initiation No. 1 ~ Represents the Physical Body

bodyMichalangeofigureInitiation No. 1 – Represents the Physical Body.

It is at this stage that the initiate starts to realize that there is more to his or herself than the physical existence.  This is just the raw beginning of ascension and ascended mastery.

Please note that going through each initiation is a step-by-step process.  There are seven sub-levels of challenges or tests within each initiation.  An individual may know when they are experiencing a challenge or possibly not.  Knowledge usually comes after the challenge has occurred.  Each individual’s Higher Self is continually helping the initiate to go through the process.  None of the initiations are acquired without the help of an individual’s Higher Self and spiritual guides that help them to become more aware of who they are during the process.

An individual may have issues with food and starts to plan a course of action for his diet, but also how his thoughts and feelings come into play.  This is the stage where addicts realize they need assistance in their habits and what it is doing to their body.  Individuals may find themselves very attracted to the health field of using herbs and healthier food choices to assist them in their daily living.  Sometimes a person can attract a disease that makes them think differently about themselves.

They may have a lifestyle that is very dysfunctional for the body so they step into an exercise program.  They find that only does the program assist their body it starts to heal the mental and emotional stress that they have been holding onto.  The main element though is not allowing any new program to take a person into their addiction journey.  We all have addictions of some sort or another.

An example would be of a person that has no idea about nutrition whether they are heavy or skinny.  Stepping into this pathway allows them to see that what they have been eating is hurting them.  Then they start to feel better and search more about themselves.  They may find themselves going to a chiropractor or nutritional counselor when before they would never even wanted to do so.  As the body heals, it will allow other elements to come to the surface that need attention.

At the end of the seven sub-levels, an individual starts to have mastery over their physical body along with its appetites, requirements, sexual urges, sleep habits, etc in service to the soul’s essence or higher self.  They may not be consciously aware of the higher essence working through them but they realize what they have done previously no longer fits their pathway.  They are starting to realize that taking care of the Temple of the Body is allowing the Soul to be their guidepost.

Sometimes a person will attract a disease such as cancer to help them heal on a deeper level.  There are some cases in which a person would not do it on their own but needs a stimulus to occur for the healing to go deep within the cellular structure of the body.  In other cases a person may get the disease because of a past timeline that has ignited from the Etheric body which is how we travel through lifetimes.  Whatever the case maybe, the entire structure of the four-body system of the physical, etheric, emotional, and mental need to be healed and issues can arise in the physical from the emotional and mental bodies that are not in alignment with the Soul’s purpose.

This is a very important step in the acceleration process as starting to understand the physical body will allow the other initiations to go more smoothly.  It is not about perfection but understanding that the body is very important in the healing process, looking at the issues as they arise, and utilizing more natural ways of healing through herbs, vitamins, plants, naturalistic remedies, etc. instead of using products that put chemicals into the body.  It will start to become a way-of-being on the pathway of healing.

This is just the beginning of the process.  It takes great courage to get through each of the steps required for ascended mastery and if you have stepped into this world, it is because it is time for you to acknowledge your worth unto this Earth.

The next blog is entitled, “Initiation 2 – Mastery over the Emotional Body.

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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