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Taming the Lion Within

LionOn February 3rd, 2014, 3:10 PM Pacific, 6:10 PM Eastern (23:10 GMT) we experience the Full Moon in February which brings for the essence of Leo within the sun sign of Aquarius.

This full moon brings us the essence of an upsurge of an energetic push which represents the Lion within us.  The lion can represent our lower egos, wanting control of our lives, being aggressive, and seeing things from the way we have done them in our past.  2015 represents the year to access the Divine Love within us, and this moon helps us to go deeper into that reflection.  It is bringing in this push from the ruler of the Lion which is usually very fierce pushing through many doorways that others would not be able to achieve.  This energy is softer but still so very powerful.

As each of us strives to live a better life within the 5th dimension, this moon is going to assist tremendously in removing the aspects of the lower ego that have a tendency to get in the way.  As we connect more fully with the essence of this moon, our Higher Self has an open doorway to achieve the same results of the Lion but with compassion, love, and within a synchronistic wave of light.

This does not mean that it is going to be easy; in fact, this essence will still push us to go deeper, purge into our lower ego self, so that we can fully accept our Divinity of Love and Light within our physical existence.

As we work with the higher essences of this moon of Leo it allows us to become personally involved in our pathway so that we may extend those characteristics into our outside world.  It allows us to give service to the planet while assist our personal pathway of mastery just by doing the work within ourselves.

It is important to fully reflect within our core essence to look deeper within the way that we interact, the way we feel, and think about whom we are.  The Lion is coming to us to access the higher part of our consciousness to be fully grounded within our physical conditioning.  it is about becoming inclusive within ourselves for our own healing and then being able to share it with others.

It is imperative for each of us to reflect these particles of light and darkness within ourselves during this full moon.  Otherwise, the resultant energies can be very intense and cause great emotional and mental pain.  The more that we are ready to receive this new essence of this month, the more we will be able to accept our Higher Mind within the Lower Mind which will result in changing the status of the ego from the lower frequency into the higher element.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a  Sacred Full Moon Ceremony on February 2nd, 2014, at 4:30 PM, Pacific (MP3 file is available within 24 hours) which will infuse the ability to connect with all of these energies to help ground them into each of us and within Gaia’s essence.

We are now  fully working with Master Djwhal Khul to infuse each of the full moon ceremonies from a perspective of the Spiritual Hierarchy and his work.  This month brings forth these characteristics we spoke about along with the Rays of Love and Wisdom, Harmony and Beauty, along with Ceremonial Structure and Magic to help ground these frequencies within each of us and within the earth.

Many blessings for a beautiful full moon experience.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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In-Depth Journey of the Crystalline Ray

forest sun white green-1This is a visit to the Golden City of Shashwam (also known as Klehma) which resides in the 5th dimensional New Earth over Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska in the USA.  Master Serpais Bey is the Ray Chohan for the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance which is represented within this amazing Crystalline City of Light.  He is our guide along with the Elders Lord Esteela & Lady Esteelo, Elohim Masters Purity & Astrea, along with the Archangels Gabriel & Hope.

Feeling the colors upon colors within our Merkabah Vehicle spin in multi-directions of the frequency of Light; we move into the 5th Dimensional Earth centering ourselves within the middle of the United States, North America. We are now magnetized with the Crystalline Flame of the 5th Dimensional Earth of Shashwam as it pulls us closer and closer into this beautiful City of Light.

We feel ourselves being pulled into a magnetic stream of light into a beautiful forest. Everything glistens within the trees as it is of the Crystalline essence although the ground is green, the base of the trees are many different colors with flowers budding on the leaves. It is almost like the trees would be filled with Christmas lights; it is glistening and sparkling everywhere.

It is a very sparse forest, with open trees, not thick, with a wide span of energies that go up high beyond what your eyes can see. We walk through the forest as there is not an exact pathway with green grass; we walk in our bare feet. We feel the growth of the green from our soles of our feet; our Earth Star is glistening with the frequencies of Light. As we walk further, we feel all the beautiful essences that we have brought within ourselves.

We are met by Master Serapis Bey and he is partnering with Master Paul the Venetian as they are working together within this ray to fully ground it into Gaia’s core, the Earth, and for all inhabitants, Master Serapis Bey brings these beautiful essences. He works very diligently with all initiates to help them through this process. While Paul the Venetian brings forth his beautiful gifts of Love from the 3rd Ray of Creative Actualization. But, yet, both of them have been Chohans of this Ray so they bring forth that essence together.

Behind them we see a parade of all the Beings of Light: Lord Esteela and Lady Esteelo, Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea open up their arms towards us along with Archangels Gabriel and Hope. We feel their beautiful essence of Light coming to us. As we gather together, in this beautiful forest, there are many places for us to sit with beautiful benches, some are wooden, some are golden, some are silver. We find ourselves finding a place as each of the beautiful Beings circle within us.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Welcome! It is I, Master Serapis Bey. It is my pleasure to be with each of you. I look forward to our excursions here in the beautiful City of Shashwam. It is so wonderful to have you in our forest.

This meeting tonight is an introductory phase, as we are going to be doing extensive work with each other to assist each of you to bring forth these Essences of the Crystalline Flame, but also the Emerald Green Flame. Feel these Frequencies come up into your Root Chakra, from your lower limbs, from the soles of your feet as the sparkles of Light are all around us. You can put your hands out and basically almost touch what is here.

We have with us many assistants. We have children. We have fairies. We have angels. We have all kinds of Beings of Light that welcome you in this moment. It is our pleasure to be here together to assist you in understanding what you are experiencing on a level beyond your comprehension consciously within your Physical Self. You can go into the depth of whom you are through the Purity of your Breath and this Crystalline Flame.

Paul the Venetian and I have worked very closely with one another for eons and eons of time. When it was time for this Ray to be inducted into the Earth’s atmosphere more fully, we both thought it would be important for us to work with each other. There was going to be a lot of work that needs to be done within the planet. Yet that is not our only work. We still work in other phases of the Mastery Pathway for each of you and others that are opening themselves up.

Tonight, we have brought the Frequencies of the Elders, the Elohim and the Archangels all in Unison, because we wanted to come together. What we are hoping to do in the next few weeks is to have each of you work with each of us individually. We will go into an in-depth journey of this Ray and what it truly means besides understanding Resurrection, Rebirth, Purity and Harmony.

What does that really mean?

In the concept of your Mind, it is what you desire to have. Yet if you go deep into that Root Chakra and the more you bring in your Etheric Body into that existence, it brings in more debris than if you cleared out everything in your Root Chakra. This is why it becomes so very intense.

The understanding this occurs is that you may be repeating the same lessons over and over again. It may seem like it, but that is not always true. Sometimes it does happen that way. What our involvement with each of you is in this moment, represents assisting you on a much deeper level to clear out this chakra. As your Etheric Body becomes more involved within you as you go through the Higher Initiations, you will be able to purge these Elements much easier. You see, it takes practice to do anything. It is important to have these realizations so that when you get to those Higher Initiations, you do not think you are falling back down into the second or third again.

That is not the way we want it to be. Yet we all know how much diligence it takes, and how strong you have to be within yourself to consistently look at your own mirrors, look at your own thoughts, look at your own teelings, and to move those essences in a completely different manner. What we would like for you right now is to have arrived into the New Year with this Frequency of Light to experience this Light.

What does it mean to allow the integration of the Crystalline Flame to be within your Being?

I think many have had a difficult time with this Flame, because they do not want to go there. They do not want to go into that dark place and pull out those Energies, because they seem just fine the way they are. Yet in truth, look at how you feel during your days. Look at how you react to people with whom you are personal, and how you are affected within yourself and hurt when things happen a certain way.

It is not the way it should be, and this is what I am here to assist you with. The power you ignite within yourself can only be as powerful as you are. If you have ailments that are arising, the power ceases to exist, as you feel powerless. You feel as if you are not important. You feel as if you do not care, or you feel as if you are not quite sure of whom you are. That is a moment of confliction.

We ask each of you in this moment to go deep into your Root Area. Allow the Crystalline Flame from your feet to center into your Root Chakra; bring up all kinds of debris that you do not like. You may not even know what it is. If it is coming from your Etheric Body of other timelines, you do not always have to know what it is. Bring in those Essences unto yourself. Allow the Crystalline Flame to come in, with Emerald Green if it makes you feel better, and almost like a washing machine within your Root Chakra let it blend with your Root itself, which is Red.

What does that Root look like? Can you see colors?

If you cannot see any colors, just sense how it feels like.

What does it feel like?

The Crystalline Flame stirs things up, but then creates the harmonization you are looking for. We will do that now.

Feel the Energies underneath of you. Where everyone is sitting, there is a wind whipping up with the Crystalline Flame. As it whips up around us, it goes right into that Root Area. Feel yourself as if you were in a vibrating chair. Yet you are not in a vibrating chair, as it is vibrating within yourself. As it goes into the Root Chakra, it is going to pull out debris. It will be like a funnel. That funnel will come into your Root and stir it up. Feel that stirring up occur now.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Now allow the Crystalline Flame to go all the way up your Chakra System. It goes up and down, and up and down. Feel that Crystalline Energy move through you and then dissipating.

What it does is to take it and crystallize it, so that the darkness within there becomes the Crystalline frequency. Now feel a softer effect, almost like you are sitting in the Sun.

You feel the warmth of the Sun and what that feels like for you. There is a calmness that occurs. It comes in through you and around you, and it goes into all parts of you. Bring this Essence within.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel the Elohim, the Archangels and myself centering around you, dancing around you, spinning this Frequency of Light within you. Take a moment to feel what it is within your Breath.

What is happening within your Consciousness? What is it that you are now fully accepting within yourself?

The Yin and the Yang are now becoming integrated within You. If you are visual and can see the Crystalline Flame into every part of your being, you have now become the Crystalline Flame. It is now time to arise from where you are sitting. Visualize your arms upwards, just like the trees that are here. Take your fingertips and twinkle them with the Lights. You become the Crystalline Flame now. You become the Purity. You become the Light that you desire and that you are. You become that Harmony and Balance. You had the conflict. Now you feel the purest state of Beingness.

Take a moment and sit down once again, as we share a few words.

In order to stay in this state of conditioning, you must have a realization within yourself of what it is you were purging. It does not have to be a timeline or picture. All it has to be is a word.

Was it Regret?

Was it Uncertainty?

Was it Emotional Imbalance?

Have that reflection within you. Now look at that feeling. Is that feeling still within you? I would say probably not. Yet if it is, then there is still more work left that needs to be done.

I ask you to go deep into the Core of your Heart and Solar Plexus and write about it. Not in this moment, but afterwards when you come out of this journey. If you cannot do it at this journey, come back and re-listen. Bring up that essence.

One difficult aspect is that if you do not understand what you are experiencing, then it will return again. It is how the Mental Mind works. Many of you have issues with your Masculine energies trying to control the situation.

What happens with this Crystalline Essence is that you are tapping into your Feminine Divine and allowing it to dissipate it. You do not have to go any further with it. You do not have to sit and do affirmations. Although if you want to, you may. It is helpful if it is a continual thought that is nagging within you. Yet then you take that Crystalline Flame and put it through the words you have written. Some may say, “How do I do that?”

You imagine yourself in this moment as this Rree of Light. You look at the words, you take the Crystalline Essence and make it the Light. Make it the frequency.

Part of the problem with the Emerald Green is that it will bring up the issue for you, which is why we told you to use specks of it. The Emerald Green is such an Earth Energy at the 3rd dimensional Level, that that energy has to be changed into a Crystalline structure. That is what is presently occurring within the Earth. Yet sometimes you need the Emerald Green to see the acknowledgment within you. It is a softer Color. The Crystalline Frequency changes things immediately if you have not already noticed. Sometimes, the bodily structure needs to experience it from a completely different level. It may be from a 3rd dimensional Level in order to get to the 5th dimensional Level and higher. There is nothing wrong with that. It allows that energy to move at a smaller rate. You take the Green Flame and put it into the aspect that came to you and was not of harmony or balance. You move the Green Flame into that essence.

You can visualize yourself going into the Crystalline Light and changing the lower energy. It is like an initiate who is having a truly hard time in the level they are experiencing. If they try to bring in too much Light frequency within themselves to make the necessary changes, one can burn out. We call it Kundalini Burnout.

The Kundalini takes on too much higher frequency when the physical body is not ready to experience that higher frequency. This happens to individuals that are pushing themselves too hard. It is important to have the realization that you must go at the pace that is necessary for you, as your bodily structure may not be able to handle it. This where a lot of the Ascension Symptoms come in, as there is too much Light coming into the body and no time for stabilization. The body cannot adjust to the higher frequency and then receives another higher frequency.

If you ever have moments in which your body is overloaded, it needs to sleep continuously, it is thirsty, it is inactive – and I am speaking of days upon days, this is when you are in a burnout stage. What happens is if you bring in the Emerald Green Flame into your essence is that it is a softer color. Not every human body and every Spirit is able to accelerate at the same pace and level.

My point is stabilize yourself. Allow these Frequencies of Light to assist you. If you feel more comfortable intuiting the Green Essence within the Crystalline, please do so. You will see your progress moving on much smoother and much swifter than trying to push too much energy at once. That will only cause overload.

I ask you now, what is it that you are feeling? How do you feel about the status of your existence through this process?

These are important realizations. We bring forth the Essences of the Elders through this energy, as they are the ones igniting the frequency in this beautiful city.

Let us take a little walk. As we walk through this forest, we see that there is a pathway opening up. We are now standing on a hillside. We look down upon the city. See the magnificence of this city and all the sparkly Lights. There are several temples in the distance, because we are at a higher elevation from where we can see all these elements. Think about your own journey.

Let this city represent that vision for you. If you think about each moment you go through a period of Resurrection, there is always of Hope in what is ahead of you. This city represents that Hope. Allow the vision we see now of all the beautiful temples, the housing, the community that is down there, to be your Hope.

Whatever your Hope is within your own future, coming into this Forest is an initiation to allow more to occur. That is why we call it the Flame of Resurrection. It resurrects the old for the new to be received.

I ask each of you, what is it you want to bring forth into your world within the next 30 days?

Let us bring forth that Essence with the Flame in this moment. As we walk along the hillside, we see that there is a beautiful entryway into a cave. Yet the cave is not dark. It is filled with Crystalline Flame. Again, the ground is Green. Feel that green essence within you.

As we step into this cave, feel your purest form fully materialize in your highest consciousness. It has not materialized physically for you, but it is a vision. It is a Purity of Light.

The Archangels and Elohim are embracing you in this moment with their waves of Light. Purity and the Pure Essence Astrea, Gabriel and Hope represent changing what you are in what you want to be. Feel this cave of Light. It is opening up to the Heavens above. You see a sky filled with bright Lights. This is your Evolvement. This is your Light.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Embrace what you are receiving. You are receiving your Future. You are receiving the Divinity of your Light to fully be integrated within your Full Body System when you are ready. It is now time to leave the cave, but you can return at any time you would like.

The Cave of Eternal Light is yours.

We walk back through the forest and you see that you are part of it, not separate. You are fully integrated with this forest. Return at any time you have an issue or an element you would like to work with. Sitting here by yourself within this forest, we will all assist. It is now time for us to leave.

We walk with you through the entrance-way you came in. As you exit out from the top of the hill, you feel the Portal of Light.

I, as Serapis Bey with Paul the Venetian and all these beautiful Beings of Light of the Elohim, the Elders, the Archangels and with all of our little guests assisting you in these moments. We look forward to working with each of you individually in our next visits.

Blessings and Love to each of you. Thank you for being here.

We feel the chamber of light that is around us as it pulls up away from the city. Directing your Merkabah Vehicle of Light back to your present location. Allow it to spin and come within you.

Sometimes when we go through these journeys, we tend to open up our eyes too quickly and we are not fully within our body. You can touch the top of your head a little bit, and bring those energies down into your physical essence.

Thank you for participating in our journey to Shashwam.

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light class meets each Wednesday. Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos is the host with a beginning lecture on the current energies. Lord Adama’s lectures may be read on Walking Terra Christa, Lord Adama Discourses.  Walking Terra Christa is glad to provide these classes in our Membership Program or purchasing the MP3 files individually. Details are provided in the “Teachings of the Golden Etheric Cities” and can be accessed by clicking the link.
©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Journey Into the Golden City of Shashwam

On January 7th, Walking Terra Christa started their classes with information on the Crystalline Flame within the Golden City of Shashwam (also known as Klehma).  This city resides in the 5th dimensional Earth over Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and Oklahoma in the United States.

As of January 1st 2015 the Earth is now integrated with this ray of light. We are working with the Crystalline energies in the next few weeks to help understand what this ray represents to each of us. This class was an introductory lesson for the Crystalline Flame as it is now being grounded within the core essence of GAIA’s crystalline structure.  We were guided by Master Serapis Bey along with the Elders, the Elohim Masters, and Archangels for an amazing visit.

The overlighting energies of this city represent Balance, Harmony, and Peace for Mother Earth and humanity.  Serapis Bey is the overseeing ascended master representing the Ray of Balance and Harmony through Conflict.  We can see that the higher frequency of this ray is being shown in this beautiful 5th dimensional city as it no longer represents the conflict but Peace for each of us and within the New Earth.

The aspects that are emphasized within the city are Purity, Equilibrium, Compassion, Physical Courage, Generosity, Artistic Development, Unselfishness, Mental and Moral Balance, along with Confidence and Serenity.

The Cosmic Ray of this City is reflected in the Pure Crystalline frequencies and will reflect through the entire city.  Resurrection along with Hope of a better tomorrow is reflected within all elements.  This will be the city for artists and musicians along with cooperation within cultures.  It is a city of many races even more so than the others because it is perfect place to arrive when one needs to interact with many levels of Beings, many cultures of inter-planetary lives.  It truly is a City of Courage.

Ray No. 4 ~ Experiencing Pure Joy in Each Moment

Definition ~Harmony & Balance Through Conflict

Color: Crystalline

Chakra: Root

Elders from the Throne of Grace: Lord Esteela & Lady Esteelo

Chohan: Master Serapis Bey

Elohim Masters: Purity & Astrea

Archangels: Gabriel & Hope

Toning Sound: “LAM, OH”

We utilized a decree that is written for one of our programs, 22 Rays of God.

Flowing with the Harmony of the Light I AM

It is now time for me to imbue the Crystalline Light,
Of Harmony & Beauty of the 4th Ray;
The Essence of this Ray is very powerful,
As it comes within my Root Chakra representing the Resurrection of My Being.

I call upon the energies of the Crystalline Light,
To full embrace me deeply;
It helps to remove all parts that do not fit with my new Reality,
That will be represented upon the New Earth of Terra Christa.

I see before me the beautiful Elders of Lord Esteela & Lady Esteelo,
Representing the Elders from the Throne of Grace;
With a breath from their essence,
I feel their Crystalline White Lights coming towards me,
I stop and allow their essence to blend within mine;
My Child, please do not stop,
Flow with the energies as that is what they represent;
Breathe in the pure white light,
Breath out,
The aspects of Disharmony,
Worry about Your-Self,
Lack of Inner Respect;
While you feel the fluidness of Light,
Blend within and around you,
As it molds you into the Divine Being You Are.

I feel the parts of myself fully intertwined with the higher frequencies,
As I allow my I AM to fully be my guide;
I know this is just the beginning.

I continue further and see Master Serapis Bey,
Hold out his hands unto mine;
I feel his ecstatic personality shining deeply in my Heart,
And permeating through every aspect of my physical existence;
He now scans my body as he prepares me for my next initiation,
I feel the impurity of my existence now being removed;
As he extends to me his deep compassion,
For stepping into the world of Beauty and Harmony;
He says to me,
You are now ready for the next step;
This phase is your present Resurrection,
Of What has been;
Is now gone,
To prepare you for the Moment of your Rebirth.

Swirling colors of lights in crystalline forms
Are now blending within my Root area;
The old me is being readjusted,
To prepare for the next phase of my journey.

I then see the Elohim Masters of Purity & Astrea,
Standing before me;
With outstretched Arms of Light.
I feel their essence of the Cosmic Blue Lightning of Divine Love,
Now shatter all that I have been unable to accomplish on my own;
It is taking all my discomfort in all levels,
To be replaced by the Purity and Light That They Are.

They say unto me,
Just stand and hold onto the parts of your-Self that you know are true,
Blend within the frequency of perfection that You Are.

I feel this essence now become my essence,
Of the Purity and Divine Love;
As it flows within me,
In Waves of Beauty that I AM.

I am deeply honored to feel these beautiful Beings assist me in my physical creation,
It is flowing through me as I allow the changes to occur;
I cannot stop it,
It is now continuing and spinning me in many directions.

Then at this point,
When I think I have received it all;
I see the Archangels of Gabriel and Hope,
Embracing me with their Wings of Pure Light;
It seems as if Gabriel knows exactly what I need,
I feel my emotions changing deeply;
What was confusing before,
Now becomes totally clear;
He shows me the greatest Joy that I could ever imagine.

Then Archangel Hope shows me deeply the essence that I AM,
I Am radiating with the Deep Love of my Eternal Light that I AM;
She shares with me,
Every time you have a moment,
When it is not the true reflection of YOU;
Stop and expand within the Crystalline frequencies of God coming to you,
You must remember you are a Child of God,
In this amazing omnipresent Universe;
Expand this Light through you and around you,
Which will not only to balance your own life circumstances,
But all the parts that have made you in this form.

In this moment,
Feel your Creation;
Flowing with the Artistic rhythms of the Universe;
In the waves of the ocean,
In the movement of the wind,
In the warmth of the sun,
And upon the strength of the Earth.

I feel all of these elements within me,
I AM One and not separate as it may seem;
I feel the serenity flowing within me,
My mind stops and allows the fluids of all of this beauty,
To completely blend within me.

I stand with the sound of “OH” running through my head,
I allow it to come through to my voice;
As the purity of the Light of God,
Within the Crystalline Rays flow in and out of me,

I deeply sing;
I feel the equilibrium,
Between My Heart and My Mind;
Are now fully accepting,
God’s Purity Within Me.

I AM that I AM that I AM.

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light class meets each Wednesday. Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos is the host with a beginning lecture on the current energies. Walking Terra Christa is glad to provide these classes in our Membership Program or purchasing the MP3 files individually. Details are provided in the “Teachings of the Golden Etheric Cities” and can be accessed by clicking the link.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Imbuing the One Source of Light ~ Elohim Council of God

ascensionsmbr1ro2-1The Elohim Council of God was the guest speaker for the Abundance of Light~Creating Prosperity Together on January 17, 2015.

Greetings, My Dearest Ones,

It is our pleasure to be here with you in our group consciousness of the Elohim Councils of God.

We represent all the aspects Meleriessee has shared representing the Seven Rays of God. Today, let us think of those Essences coming together in the Oneness That We Are.

Allow the full composition of each of these beautiful Rays and of each of us to come forth in a group consistency. Call upon your I AM Presence, which is your group consistency, to be within you and assist you. The God
Source that you are comes fully within you.

The first element we desire is for you to breathe deeply into your Heart Center and to feel the beautiful essence that you are. Allow the higher essence of this 144th Dimension to assist you in the other areas that are feeling insecure, out of alignment and not flowing with the totality that you are. As we think of these beautiful Rays representing those essences within us, feel the colors of Blue, Pink, Golden Yellow, Crystalline, Green Golden White, Ruby Red Gold and then the Violet and Purple. Allow them to blend within you through your breath and through each of your Chakras. Allow them to become you.

In this moment, it is important that we connect with all of them, as if they come from the same element of creation, which they truly do. Yet separately we always try to understand them. Let us pretend today that you are fully and completely within your Oneness and allow these energies to assist each other. Our role today is to help you gain this understanding. Even though each of us separately has our gifts that we give onto each of you and onto the many planetary systems, together we are a force to behold just as you are a force to behold. Think of those elements within yourself in this moment.

We truly like to come in this manner, because when we do, there is no separation between us. There are no personalities of what we have been. There is only this beautiful completion of Light, of God’s Source that we are. Bring that onto yourself now.

Breathe the beautiful colors within you as they blend together. They blend within this beautiful Garden of Light. We stand before you as our group consciousness within all these colors. In this moment, we are not separate entities. We are one Source of Light. Just as you are that 0source of Light. Bring that into yourself and allow all other thoughts to dissipate. Feelings you have had about yourself in the past upon awakening, upon going to sleep, upon the frustrations that are occurring within you, bring them into that Oneness and become the flower of all the Seven Rays in the beautiful essence that you.

Breathe onto these energies. What will assist you is to find the definition of your existence, remembering your highest essence, your Higher Mind and your Higher Heart to fully come within the Physical Body to allow it to become that higher essence.

We stand before you to show you this essence that you. We mirror it unto you in this moment. Breathe deeply and feel the group consciousness that you are. You are all so very beautiful.

You are so powerful. You are full of love. You know how to create. You know how to balance yourself. You step into your own Truth. You feel the existence of your Purity and your Light. To have all of these elements in One place is your Freedom. Think of these words:


















{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Breathe and feel this Light that you are. Breathe and feel all that you have been. It molds you now. Allow the strength. Allow the doorways to open.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Breathe deeply.

Command all these essences that you are to fully be within your concrete mind to change your Subconscious into your Super-Conscious. Allow that to mold your Light every moment of every day.

We are the Elohim Councils of God, embracing you through the transition of seeing yourself as we do.

In love, in joy, in purity, compassion in the existence that we are. We walk with you.

So Mote It Be. The Light Is Ours Together.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Comrades In The Light Forging Towards New Earth

earthhandsThis is the transcription of the LIVE call within the Clarion Temple of Oneness with Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos and the Telosian Council of Light, January 12, 2015.

Greetings, my dearest ones. It is my pleasure to be with you once again. It is I, Yamteleus, your Guide within the Clarion Temple of Oneness.

It seems like such a journey since we have been apart. It is now your year 2015, which seems miraculous to me. You will find that we will be experiencing in the next few weeks is going to be very life changing. All the Beings that will be coming through from the Board of Directors of Walking Terra Christa you all know very well. They will be talking about some other Elements of how we can work through the Energies and assist ourselves in Planetary Transformation whilst accessing the Multidimensional Selves. Tonight we are being honored by Lord Adama, who is the Academy Chancellor. He will also bring forth the Energies of the Telosian Council of Light. For those of you who do not know, Walking Terra Christa is guided by these beautiful Beings, everything that they do and everything they bring forth.

The Energetic Exchange that comes through Meleriessee and Aranathanara to assist each of you, they are experiencing those also in their own Dimensional Frequencies as each of you is doing the same. I believe it will be a very exciting time. This is a beautiful gift to have for our first Ceremony within our Temple for this year, as we have been bringing in many new Souls who have been on the Inner Plane and have just passed away. We are assisting so many individuals on a Soul Level within this beautiful Temple. Please do remember that you can return at any time you choose. If you feel that the teachings are something you would like to continue on your own within your meditations, we assist. I look forward to seeing you here.

Many Blessings My Dearest Ones.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Greetings, My Dearest Beloveds.

It is I, Lord Adama. I have with me the Telosian Council of Light. They are very much part of Walking Terra Christa.

I am not here to talk about Walking Terra Christa. I am here to share about what we are coming into and what we are growing toward together as the Inner Earth Beings, especially the Telosians. The other Inner Earth Beings will converse later in the month. Each of you knows me very well. Not as Lord Adama, but as the Being of Light that I AM and have been and have been in previous incarnations. You and I are one and the same. Only I am in a completely different environment than you are experiencing. I am here to assist you with this process. That is my role with Rev. Ara and Rev. Meleriessee to assist Humanity to understand what we are all experiencing together.

The role of creating the New Earth is not an easy one for anybody. We have been trying to do it for eons of time, as you have been also. Now our timelines are becoming One. That is the Blessing of the meeting this evening.

The Telosian Council of Light is here with us. We have 12 individuals that make up this Telosian Council. I am the spokesperson for the Council. We have had the beautiful pleasure of assisting Christine and Michael for quite some time. It is our pleasure to come together in this way. Not only for the partnership we bring forth for Walking Terra Christa, but each of you and what it means for each of you. It is for you to understand more about yourself than you have previously, to acknowledge the gifts and the beautiful Essence that you have within yourselves, which has been forgotten over many lifetimes.

Those are the challenges you are dealing with at this present time. Finding within yourself that you can trust, finding within yourself that you are secure, finding within yourself that you are important – and each of you are. We are coming together to create the New Earth. I would like to share a little bit about what that means presently and where we are in the Evolution of the Old Earth into the New Earth.

Changes are happening everywhere. People are awakening. People are noticing more about themselves. Individuals are walking into the Mastery Pathway, even though most of them may not know it.

What does this mean for each of you?

What does Mastery represent?

It represents the ability to be the Alchemist, to be all Aspects of each of the first Seven Rays and to command that Energy within your Physical Body.

It also represents the ability to be a Leader and to share the Knowledge, Wisdom and Gifts with others. Through that process, what occurs is Awareness of the Individual Self. This is the most important phase of Mastery. We must understand what the mirrors are and go deeper within our Hearts to become better than we were a moment ago.

I say to you, are you not a better person each time you go deeper within your Meditations, joining us for one of these calls, converse with the Mentors, or share with another about what you have learned?

Change is inevitable. This year is going to be a powerful year of those changes. Those of you that know me dearly and closely know that we are pushing each of you to become better and more than you were before. You see, there is a majority of enlightened Beings such as Light Workers and Starseeds that are so very enmeshed within their Lower Self and Lower Egos that it could cause the Planet to take a disruptive turn.

This year we are on that edge where changes can be made in a beautiful manner because of each of you being here, each of you accepting your role, each of you wanting to be more and holding those Vibrations within yourself to allow it to be expanded into Gaia. We have a lot of work. The Planet, as you know, is taking some down-turns within society, within comrades, within the way others such as politics. for example. Thin what is important at this time is to hold within yourself the Power of your Light. That is how we are here to assist. We are not here just to share with you how beautiful Telos is and how wonderful our life is so that you will want to be with us. The truth of the matter is that we want you to know those things. We share through Channels what those beautiful experiences are about, so that you can manifest them within your World.

It is not for you to just come to us. It is not for you to just remember who you are. It is for you to manifest your Desires in this present time-frame. That is what our role is.

If we manifest those Desires within ourselves, what do we do with them?

If we do not understand about the past, we cannot accept the Future. This is so very true for all of us.

That is why I strive very intensely through Meleriessee to push individuals and to put out information that maybe others are not sharing. The only way I can do that is, because she has done it herself, as each of you is doing. My role is not frivolous. My role is serious, just as yours is. We are Comrades in the Light, achieving a new Planet together to bring the Essences of Telos, of Lemuria as we knew it to be. Believe me, Lemuria was not all which you think it was. Neither was Atlantis. Atlantis was not all bad and Lemuria was not all good.

That is why you are here once again. Each of you as Lemurians and Atlanteans have arrived once again with the Knowledge of the past and the Teachings of all the beautiful Ray Chohans who lived at that time. They created those beautiful Temples in the Etheric Realms to assist the Earth. Now we are coming into that time where it is occurring.

My role tonight is to give you Confidence, to give you Trust and to give you Faith to continue the Pathway you are walking upon, because it will become more diligent. It will become more challenging. The deeper you delve into your Soul’s Essence, the more your Strength is increased, but also the deeper is your Darkness as it has been ignored for such a long time. There are many that get to this point and choose to leave the Planet. They choose to ascend. Meleriessee had this choice. Yet we convinced her that her Essence was needed upon this Earth to assist many others to do the same.

Michael is experiencing the same conditioning. They have arrived in Mount Shasta to assist many. This is the place where they could do it. They could not do it in any other location within the World. Each of you is aspiring to do the same. I see many of you arriving in Mount Shasta in the years to come. Not only for a visit. This is truly what will happen, as Telos becomes more energetically involved with the base of Mount Shasta, the Root Chakra of the Earth. We are allowing that Healing Process to occur. You will find that your Energies will be supported when it is time. It may not be time for a decade or so for many of you or even more. Yet when it is time, you will be able to ground what you are doing presently into your pure existence.

Until that time and continuing further, I hope to be a Mentor for all of you, a Teacher, a Guide, a Friend and a Brother. My role tonight is to substantiate that relationship with each of you. No matter how deep your pain is, your pleasure is deeper.

This is truly what the Crystalline Ray represents within you.

I want to bring Encouragement.

I want to bring Love.

I want to bring Acceptance.

I want to bring Joy.

I want to bring Pleasure.

Yet, I know in order to get to those phases, you will have to go through many doorways which will seem as if you cannot do it. That is what your Old Self will tell you. The Old Aspects will want to reveal to you that you cannot achieve it, because you have tried before and you were not able to sustain it. This is no longer true. This is the year when we are going to work together more closely than we ever have before. This is the year where the Power of these Light Infractions will assist you on a much deeper level within your Physical Body than you can imagine.

I know it must be terribly challenging in the Lower Initiations. You are being combated with having to go through those low sublevels of the Physical, Emotional and Mental just to achieve to connect with your Higher Self more physically, let alone go through the process after that happens. To bring forth those Energies onto yourself but yet being hit with Light Infractions of every month or several days, Energy Exchanges of the Seasons and the changes that are occurring within the Planet.

We have sustained this Frequency from 2012 because you are doing it. You are doing it, and you are fully allowing yourself to accept it.

So do more, my children. Do more. Do as much as you can. Listen to what our dearest Divine Mother and Father God share with us about being gentle with yourself. You do not have to push through those doorways. You do not have to be running a marathon.

That is not the way to do things any longer. It is Gentleness. It is Acceptance. It is allowing yourself to be One with yourself. Do not worry. Your Higher Self is not going anywhere. Do not let the Physical Body collapse.

Even though I know it is challenging. We, in Telos, are also feeling these Energies. That is why I bring the Telosian Council of Light with me tonight. They are part of the Board of Directors within Walking Terra Christa.

What do you think that means?

It means that each of these beautiful Beings in the Council and myself decide what information we are going to bring forth to you. What teachings we are going to present, and how we can assist you deeper. Every one of you who comes to Telos for a Healing, for an issue, walks through that doorway with the Council of Light. It is not only me. It is not only Lady Galactia. It is each of us.
You are constricted in the 3rd Dimensional Realm until we can make sure you can come into the 5th Dimensional Realm. You are working on those issues within the Telosian Energy. We do it with Gentleness. We do it with Love. We do it with pushing. Yes, we push. We know what it is like because we have all been there.

What I want to assist you with tonight is to continue what Divine Mother and Father God have given us and to bring that form of Gentleness. Do not push so hard on yourself. Do not say to yourself “Why? Why can’t I? Why am I so bad? What is wrong with me?” Those Thoughts are the worst Thoughts you can have for yourself and they are your Old Thoughts. They are those Old Aspects that no longer matter.

What matters in this moment is that each of us is coming together in the Creation of the New Earth. We reach out our hands. We reach out our Wisdom. We reach out our Knowledge. We reach out our Gentleness and Love.

I ask you to look within yourself and to see the Beauty that you are. That Beauty is shining through all that you are achieving within your world. I ask of you to be gentle and to be Love and to be in Balance, even if you do not know what that means. Allow the Essence we bring onto you tonight, so that we of the Telosian Energies can come forward on the Upper Earth to create the New Earth. You cannot do it alone. We cannot do it alone. The Hierarchy cannot do it alone.

Be this Essence. Be whom you truly are. Take those moments of Silence and bring forth the Gentleness that you are. Therein lies your true Courage.

It is not the banging on the doors or getting the axe and ripping things away. This is the Power of our moments. This is what is going to assist in creating more to come and more to be. When you have a dream of Telos, bring that forth into your Physical Essence. Feel it into the location where you are. Let it expand into your Physical Body.

Be that Essence. Bring it back onto yourself. I hear people saying so many times “I just didn’t want to come back”.

Well, bring it back with you. You have the Power to do so.

In the Light that we are together, this is truly what we need from each of you to help with what you are experiencing.

Let us breathe deeply.

Each of us here within the Council and myself bring forth this Essence of beautiful flowers, beautiful sunshine, 24 hours a day. Breathe that into your Hearts. Feel the Purification of the Essences that we are from the Telosian Community to come into your Heart for you to remember your humble beginnings in Atlantis or Lemuria. Allow that Beauty to expand within you. Do not worry about who you are, what your gifts are, what you do for a living, or what you do for service.

In this moment, you are that Eternal Being of Light circling within you, being that Essence. We bring forth Galactia with her Energetic Voice.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel the Beauty that you are and the remembrance of times gone by. Bring that into your Awareness. Bring that into your Heart. Allow it to expand out of you through your Physical Essence. Everything that you experience is Beauty of Energy.

Let us now send this Frequency of Light through the Dimensional Realms onto the Earth Plane and into the Core of Gaia, so that she can remember also. She can remember and it can flourish onto everyone else, circling around the globe.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Feel the Beauty within Gaia’s Core, within the Crystalline as it is functioning through all the geographic areas within all the animals, within all the lands, within all the waters, within all the people. This is our future of the New Earth.

Bring that back into your Consciousness now. This is you. This is you because of whom you are, what you are experiencing and allowing yourself to be. Every moment you do not feel this and you are going through a huge doorway, remember what you have experienced this evening of the fluidness, of the feathers, of the snowflakes and feeling yourself flowering in a much deeper state. Remember the true Essence that you are. Know within yourself that it will be once again.

Do not say “I wish”. Say, “I know”. It will be for our future.


It is magical and it is beautiful. I see it coming for all of us. I see it in each of you.

I am deeply honored to not only be a Chancellor for Walking Terra Christa, but to be in this Temple on this night.

Many Blessings and Love.

You may purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls via The Cosmic Great Central Sun (Divine Mother/Father God) speaks each week in the temple before our guest speaker.  The transcript for the Cosmic Oneness is available via  to read. You may also apply to our Student/ Membership Program by paying a monthly fee to join all teachings on Monday and Wednesday evenings.
©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.

Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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Acceptance of the Crystalline Spectrum of Light ~ Channeling

This is the written transmission of the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God that was shared Live in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on January 12, 2015.

We are the Angels of all Principalities, honoring each of you and hoping that you feel your own wings within your Being. Command it to be outside of yourself to be in the beautiful Essence that you are. Expand and expand your Heart Essence as the beautiful Angels you already are. Access that Frequency of Light within your Physical Existence. We are deeply honored to be able to share our communication and our Vibrational Essence within each of you to help you remember whom you are.

Take a moment with your Breath and your Heart. Allow it to vibrate through your entire Beingness. Allow your wings to fully be open in these moments of Transformation. It is our pleasure to walk with you. It is now time for us to be here with you in the Temple once again. It is our pleasure to introduce the energies of the Cosmic Great Central Sun.

I AM that I AM that I AM. I AM the Divine Mother and the Divine Father of the Cosmic Great Central Sun.
We are here together in Unison of the Light in Oneness that we are.

Oh, blessed children, it is a pleasure to be with each of you once again. I hope that your journey through the past month has been amazingly beautiful and magical for your existence. Now you say “Oh well, here we go again. We are in a whole new year, a whole new experience within the beautiful Temple of Oneness, the Clarion Essence of many Souls coming together”. Yes, we are.

We are experiencing these Elements to come into full existence.

How are you feeling about it?

How are you feeling in these moments about allowing your Three Minds to come together into the Creation of the One Mind? The One Mind of your God Consciousness to be accepted into your Physicality. That is truly what we are doing to assist each of you to have that remembrance.

I know there are many challenges, trials, and lessons to be learned. In this moment it is our Reflection that we desire in order to help you understand within yourself what it means to have the remembrance of your Purified Essence to come within you through your Breath.

We are so deeply appreciate of all that you are experiencing and all that you are holding onto. As the beautiful Flame of Harmony and Balance is now being embodied within Gaia, it is important for each of you to reflect on what that means for you.

What does it mean to have the Purification of this Light which is not only within the Planet. It cannot be felt so much until you fully accept it within your Beingness. In essence, what we truly wish is for individuals upon individuals to hold this Frequency, so that the rest of Creation can fully accept it as well as Gaia.

It is difficult for her also. It is a challenge. You must understand that all of you have had many timelines, but think about Gaia and how long she has had these timelines.

We have to be gentle and allow these Frequencies of Light to come into existence at the rate that is possible for each individual Soul. We do not want any disturbances to stop this beautiful Purification of Light to come within the Planet, so that she and all of you can physically allow the Ascension Process to enfold within you. It is an important aspect to ponder upon that it is not always true that the faster you receive something the better the outcome.

What happens when you receive too much of this Frequency of Light, it becomes painful. Have any of you ever had a Healing from someone in a very painful area?

If that Healer does not understand about the different Rays or Color Spectrums, they will bring in the Crystalline Ray as it is automatic to tap into that Frequency of Light. Say you have a toothache and you bring forth that Healing or you use a Crystal, and that Crystal is very strong within that Healing circumference that it becomes so bad that it is overwhelming. The pain becomes so great that you cannot handle it, and you have to pull away from that Essence. The gentler way to incorporate the Crystalline Flame is to allow it to come in very slowly.

Allow it to be part of you. Utilizing the Emerald Green mixed in with it, allows for the Grounding to occur on a deeper level. This Ray represents Grounding on a Planetary Level. On a higher Cosmic Level, the Essence we are bringing in can be an overload. The one area in which you do not want to have overload occurring is in your Root Chakra.

It can create great dysfunction. It can create great change. If an individual is not ready to accept that change, destruction will occur. It is important to realize that the Essence of this Ray becoming more embodied within the Earth needs to be received in a much gentler manner than you may perceive it to be. It is like snowflakes coming down. You reach your hand out to feel those snowflakes. That is gentleness. When it is a blizzard and the wind is whipping around you, it hurts your face, it hurts your Body. You cannot truly receive the pure Essence of the Ray unless it becomes a Lighter Form. It is so very true that about the other Rays which have been grounded within the Earth, the Blue Flame and the Ruby Flame, that we are still processing them. Not every person is incorporating them.

GAIA is not receiving them in every place. It is up to each of you individually, as that is who you are. You came here to assist in this process. The assistance had to be in Physical Form. You could not do it as an Angel. You could not do it as a Light Being. You had to do it this way as that is what GAIA needs. All the rest will come into place. This is what you are experiencing presently. I caution you with what you are experiencing. Allow the gentleness of the Crystalline Ray to come to you in waves of Green and Crystalline together. Allow the Purification of those Essences. You may not be quite ready to receive the Cosmic Frequency. Again, as I say, it will be overload, which is what we do not want.

We want you to experience the beautiful Essence of this Ray that it represents with putting everything into Balance and being in a synchronistic way of existence so that you flow from one space to the other very easily and effortlessly.

We are dealing with the Root Chakra. which holds so much debris from all your Multidimensional Selves that it will take a while. You may even find at some point that you still need to process Elements that arise in that area.

Tonight within this beautiful Temple of Light, we want to settle the Energies more clearly so that the Frequency you are receiving is much more fluid, much more moving. We call upon the Crystalline Ray with specks of Green.

It is almost like you see little feathers, sparks of Light, coming down into the middle of the Temple. You begin to receive in your entire Structure. Breathe into it. Allow yourself to be open. Allow your palms to be open. Allow all aspects of your Being to accept this Essence within you. The smoother it comes in, the easier the transition.

Allow the blending of the Frequency to be at a much deeper level than when you try too hard to bring forth the Frequency of Light of the Highest Level.

Feel this Essence flowing within you. There is a Light Breeze circling around you and you just accept the Crystalline Ray within your entire structure. Do not think about where anything needs to go. Just let it flow where it should flow. Your Higher Self, and your I AM Presence, is guiding you in this moment. So take a step back from the Physical Form.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Receive the Light Forms very gently coming into your Full Beingness. What is it you need Balance with? Allow that Thought Process to go into the Energetic Exchange. Then feel the difference occurring within you.

{Divine Light Language Encoding}

Now feel your Angelic Wings, just allowing the flapping to bring in the Essence deeper into your Physical Body. Feel it in your Heart and allow it to blend within you to create more of a flow than you have been receiving before. Allow whatever is purging to go out through your feet.

Let it come into the middle of this beautiful Circle of Light. It shall be transformed immediately. That is the Beauty of this Ray. Transformation takes place on its immediate interaction.

Breathe deeply now into your Solar Plexus, into your Heart.

What is it that you feel in this moment?

See the change happening within you and accept it. Accept it as you have allowed yourself to go through the process of Surrender. It is our Divine Pleasure, as the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God to share this Essence with you for the Vibrational Change to occur within your world.

In the Light of the Christ That We Are, We Are One.

We bless each of you, our children.

Cosmic Oneness is combined with our weekly call, “The Clarion Temple of Oneness,” which is held on Monday evenings. Individuals are encouraged to purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls which includes the attunements of the current energies.

You may join our monthly program as a student or member.  Please see details via

The Clarion Temple of Oneness channeling can be accessed via which contains the portion from Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, January 12, 2015.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Mastery Thought of the Day

Comet Ison“Whenever we hear an opinion and believe it, we make an agreement, and it becomes part of our belief system.” – Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements

This is how we create the programming within our subconscious minds.  We have to be very cognizant of what we belief within our consciousness, as it becomes a truth within our lives.  Having the positive opinions and the ones that align with our true purpose are the only thoughts that we should be accepting within our three minds – conscious, sub-conscious, and super-conscious.

These are the thoughts and opinions that we want to be part of whom we are – Creating Our Belief System.

Be careful when you read or listen to others as just hearing the words can create that agreement within your sub-conscious mind.  If you do not agree with the thought, then it must be removed out of the consciousness by thinking “That is not true in the way that I feel.”  Put it into wholeness of the 144th dimension so that it can be released out of your subconscious forever.  Ask the Unified Whole Command to release it for you, never to be part of whom you are again.


©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Welcoming 2015 Into Creation ~ Lord Adama

new earthHappy 2015! Hello everyone.

It is I, Lord Adama, with the Telosian Council of Light. It is a pleasure to be with each of you again within the beautiful Essences we have experienced of this New Year, with the Crystalline Flame coming fully into the Earth. Each of you is feeling these Energies within yourself.

Let us all breathe together and connect from our Hearts. All the Telosians are connecting their Hearts at this time. We merge within our Hearts together. We embrace one another for this journey we are taking with each other.

I was sharing with Meleriessee and Michael about my journey today. Michael had some questions about how long I have been in Telos, whether I have been on other levels and above of this Earth. Yes, of course I have. I spent a lot of time with Sanat Kumara. All of you have done so, as well, in order to transform ourselves to come back to Telosian Energy after having been on the Upper Earth.
Like each of you, I wanted to assist this Earth deeply. I was in many of the timelines each of you experienced. Those were very important to the history of this Earth. I was disillusioned, as each of you is going through this process yourself.

Sanat Kumara spent much time with me for many years; a couple of hundred. I am sure I met many of you at that time also. I was told I needed to come back into the Inner Earth, as I had now experienced the Upper Earth and I would be able to understand when it was time for the Upper Earth humans that would call themselves the Light Workers to assist the planet. You see, my journey has taken me into many levels. Some of them were dark. Others of them were Light. I was told by Sanat Kumara that I would be a very important figure from the Inner Earth Cities to reach out to those on the Upper Earth.

I would have Compassion, Consideration, Love and Understanding for what the humans were experiencing. Not within the exact same timelines, but yet having the ability to grasp the Energetic Exchange the Light Workers would be experiencing.

At this moment I am sharing this message because it is time. I believe it is time I share with you that I do have deep Compassion for each of you. I want to see each of you attain the level of creation that I have achieved. I am here as a mentor. I am here as a teacher to bring forth these messages of Love and Understanding. Yet know that sometimes in the Physical Self, we must be pushed into doorways we do not want to walk through. We are at a time upon this Earth with the Crystalline Flame being ignited when such doorways are being opened.

I know each and every one of you has your own story. It is important to have that remembrance within yourself. I ask you at this time of our first meeting in this year to reflect. Reflect within yourself upon the trials you have had to go through to get to this point of understanding yourself. We all understand that each of us still has a long way to go, but yet we know that we have each other. We have Understanding, just as I have received from the Venusian Beings.

I impart that to each of you. I also impart what I have received from Sanat Kumara; a strict way of Understanding. Sometimes it is not easy to have your mentor speak to you and having that mentor show you a different way of thinking and feeling. With everything in your gut you want to push yourself away. Yet there is another part of you that says, “This is the right way”.

Each of you has stepped into a new juncture in time. It occurs every year. Within this year, you will have many moments that are going to change you. It is part of the process of Self-Mastery to bring forth these Elements from a Higher Perspective and allowing them to fully be within yourself to ground them. That is the important element to remember.

You can stay within your Higher Consciousness; you can stay in your Upper Chakras. If you do not bring them down to your Full Body System and walk with them, they cannot stay.

I ask you once again of your reflection. Who are you now? Do you know whom you are?

I am sure that many of you do not have any answer to that. That is the answer I desire to receive. That is true Mastery. When we do not know whom we are and we do not know where we are going, but we just allow the Energies to assist us, we allow the Faith and the Trust of our I AM Presence to fully be within us, that Faith will take you to many avenues of great acceleration.

It is when you stop and mistrust within yourself, you constantly check yourself whether it is right or wrong that mistakes will be made.

Allow these Essences to come forth into each of your Beings to help you acknowledge not just your lessons of this past year, but what are your achievements?

Your achievements are so very important, as they show you how far you have come, where you were before and the new doorways you walk through. These moments of understanding yourself and accepting the achievement is only the first step. It is when we try to push it aside and say “That’s okay, I did it” when you do not acknowledge your true worth.

In this moment in the New Year, if you have not already done so, sit down and make a list of what you have gone through in the past year or past years.

Where are you now?

How do you feel about your Consciousness?

How do you feel about your Emotions, your Thoughts?

What is the Core Belief going on within you about you?

No one else, nothing outside of yourself, just you. Create a mission statement for this year.

Put a personal mission of what you want to achieve based on what you have gone through previously. Believe me, the challenges will become more intense. The acceleration of the achievements will be more exciting. The Power and Love you have within your entire Beingness will be felt. You must feel it on all levels. The Essence of the Crystalline Ray coming into the Planet represents all of this. It represents the energies that you do not like to surface. It represents the ability to change them into the purest form. Some call this Death and Rebirth, Resurrection, and Movement into the Future. If you have been feeling intense changes happening within you, know that you are doing the right thing. It is when you stay stuck within that Energy that it does not serve your purpose. Everything is a lesson, even the moments you do not like. They are the deepest lessons of all.

The more you fall into the depths of your own despair, it will encase you deeper. The ability to access this Ray now on a more physical basis is our blessing. It is our blessing as it will wake up individuals, shake them up, allowing them to feel the vibration and change within them to move to the other side of the doorway if they are willing to do so. Each of us, each of you, take on an important role through this process. The more you allow yourself to be resurrected, to be healed, to find the Balance and Equilibrium within your life and your system, the more others will be able to do so.

It is like a Domino Effect. One does it, another does it. The Energy just keeps going and going. If no one does it, it stagnates. It does not go anywhere. Only because this Ray has been integrated within Gaia’s Core, it does not mean she is truly feeling it the way she needs to feel it.

Individuals around the world must call upon this Energy to assist their Divinity upon this Earth. It truly represents the ability to access the I AM Presence, the Source of Light that we are into the Physical Creation. This is what will assist her. Otherwise, destruction can result in many areas.

This is where Lord Ashtar comes in. We thank each of you who are continuing the work with him and with Walking Terra Christa. It is making a difference. We made changes during the retreat in Mount Shasta last year. Mount Shasta was doomed to have the worst storm in almost a decade. There was lots of wind and rain, but there was no snow. It did not stop the festivities of the retreat.

I would like to thank each and every one of you for working within these Energies. It is creating change. If we do not share it in this manner, others will not know that it can be done. So it is important to realize. Notice what happens in your own environment.

What happens in your own life as you work through these Energies?

It does not mean that every day is going to be perfect. It does not mean that you will not be tired or that you will not have the so called Ascension Symptoms. These levels of Frequency are arising within each and every one of us. What it does mean is that we are making progress.

Without Ascension Symptoms, there would be no progression. The Earth would be stagnant and falling apart, literally landmasses by landmasses. Yet that is not occurring as what was deemed to happen at this time. We would all not be here.
At this first meeting of our gathering, from our Hearts to Hearts of all Inner Earth Beings and all Upper Earth Beings, we connect with one another. We are making progress. I want each of you to realize this. Even though your challenges are great, look at the small achievements.

When you wake up one morning hearing the birds singing and you feel Lightness within your Heart, it is an achievement from where you may have been the day before. My greatest achievement is to see the progress that is being made within each of you individually and collectively. You are making a difference. We will create the New Earth the way it is supposed to be. Until that time, we have to utilize as many tools as possible to share them and expand upon them. Do not let the talks that are out there stop you from your true potential. I look forward to enjoying these Energies with each of you tonight.

My Blessings and Love are with each of you from my Heart to yours, from each of the Telosians and all the Inner Earth Cities. We are very joyful at this moment.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

I Am Lord Adama, Your Brother in Telos

Channeled Excerpt, New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light, Jan 5, 2015

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Mastery Tool of the Day

forest lights pyramidHow to Find Balance While Receiving Light Accelerations




Channeled Excerpt from “The Clarion Temple of Oneness, The Cosmic Great Central Sun (of Divine Mother and Father God), Oct 2013

As you are learning to adjust physically to the higher frequencies of light, it can be very challenging to find the balance.  The physical body is having these ailments whether they are from this time-frame or from the Etheric body healing.

Working with Higher Light Beings is almost an essential component to get through these processes in an easier way than doing it in any other methodology that you know about. But within that context we want you to be prepared for what you may be receiving and to always use the words GENTLENESS, FLOWING, and not be constricted in any way through this process.

It is important to have the realization that when you go through these processes of asking the Light Beings to assist you that your Light Quotient is going to be raised through that experience and then your physical body has to be able to handle it.

What you can’t handle will be ejected as it is not time for you to process that energy. Sometimes until  you are in beyond the 4th Dimensional consciousness, the reaction of the energies may not be realized, and how you are going to know how you are going to react to it. So it is very, very important just like anything else that you let the Light Beings know what was your reactive process.

How did you feel?

Did you find that the affliction or the ailment or the problem would heal more deeply or was it a problem for you?

Was there more intense pain in that process?

Communication is an important factor to your guidance of what is occurring as we want the easiest process that you can have within your consciousness,and your physical existence as you are going through these changes.

So allow the Light Beings (Masters, Angels, Guides) to assist you through the transition.  They are the ones that can tone down the energies so that you are not being so afflicted within the physical body.  Work with Master Vywamus and ask him to change the increased effect of your Light Quotient until you are ready to handle the higher frequency.

Be Gentle and Kind to yourself during this process of transformation

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Mastery Thought of the Day

"The key to life is a life of balance."“Being Impeccable With Your Word “

Don Miguel Ruiz brought forth the Four Agreements which is the foundation of self mastery.  We share some of his quotes within the Mastery Thought of the Day to allow others to reflect upon his words and what they represent within their present challenges of Mastery for the New Earth.

“Being impeccable with your word is the correct use of your energy; it means to use your energy in the direction of truth and love for yourself. If you make an agreement with yourself to be impeccable with your word, just with that intention, the truth will manifest through you and clean all the emotional poison that exists within you. But making this agreement is difficult, because we have learned to do precisely the opposite. We have learned to lie as a habit of our communication with others and more importantly with ourselves. We are not impeccable with the word”

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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