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Mel and Mike on Healing Conversations

Acoustic Health Mel and MikeINTERVIEW. One of the best explanations on being a Fifth Dimensional human upon Gaia. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden (Mel and Mike) of speak about the ‘real deal’ behind Fifth Dimensional Mastery, the Hollow Earth and what Ascension upon Terra Christa is all about. Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos the Lemurian capitol city gives a simple message through Meleriessee about how we must act now to create Ascension of our 3D energies.

Listen in as Lauren Galey of Healing Conversations on continues her groundbreaking interviews of prominent New Earth thought leaders who encourage each of us to consciously co-create our world. Past leaders include Bruce Lipton, Dan Millman, Dr. Emoto, Dr. Norm Shealy, Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, Drs. JJ and Desiree Hurtak, James Tyberonn, Jim Self and Lynn McTaggert among many others.

CLICK HERE to listen now to the 1 hour plus interview

Feeling the Power of Oneness with Lord Sananda


On April 15th the world will have experienced the Festival of the Christ energies within a powerful full moon and lunar eclipse.  This event is spoken about to be the most intensified frequency of light to come into the planet this year.  Many individuals are sharing information about this frequency of light that will be occurring.  In fact, we are already in the midst of these energies and are experiencing great changes through our full body system.

Walking Terra Christa held a special open call for this event on April 14th with Lord Sananda as the guest speaker along with Lord Maitreya and Master Kuthumi.  The specifics of the Festival of the Christ represent Love, Resurrection, and Contact with others.  Lord Sananda share such an eloquent message of love with powerful Light Codes through Rev. Meleriessee.  We gathered together in the Temple of Oneness within the Ballroom of Crystalline Light to walk through another doorway of beauty unto a deeper part of ourselves.  Master Kuthumi is now working more fully with Lord Maitreya in the office of the Christ and shared his essence of experience to help lightworkers move through these next phases of ascension.  Each of these magnificent beings shared their hearts unto each of our hearts to help us through our initiations that will require great strength and courage.

In addition, this full moon represents the sign of Aries with Libra which is a perfect relationship between our physical self (Aries) and our spiritual self (Libra).  This moon will assist in the connection between both essences to become one.  The Lunar Eclipse also represents relationships of changing circumstances by accessing our “inner wisdom”.  This is a perfect time for each individual to fully access their higher self within the physical body for the Divine Union of the Self.

The blessing of this ceremony is that Lord Sananda exhibited his heart unto every soul of this pathway.  His powerful essence is shown through Meleriessee’s voice and the energy is beyond what any of us can imagine.  Take a moment and allow Lord Sananda to be within your heart.  He shall never leave and walk with you every step of your journey.

To listen to this ceremony and/or download please click this link:




 Let us know what you think about this special ceremony of Light

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Embody the Essence of Love and Wisdom 


Grounded Within the Earth Plane.

 | WHEN: MAY 14 – 18, 2014 (WEDNESDAY to SUNDAY MID-DAY) |




This year our Spiritual Awakening Journey Retreat will start with the WESAK ceremony in which Love and Wisdom (the 2nd Ray of God of the Golden Yellow) is our focus for attaining our Christed Essence to be embodied within our physical pathway. Masters Kuthumi and Djwhal Kuhl are the Ray Chohans of this golden Yellow flame.

Our Journey Retreat this year will entail working with some different energies to help embody these rays of light for our physical existence. Throughout the Journey we will work with the Ascended Beings that are represented by each Ray including the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace that will embody the Ray within us. Via Rev. Meleriessee’s exceptional ability, we are also taught by the Elohim Masters, the Archangels (Michael, Faith and more) and the Ray Chohan Masters. We will journey to the vortex areas around the mountain to reflect and imbue each of the ray qualities on a physical level.

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos (Lemuria), is our guide for each of our Journeys. He will communicate with us each morning and evening to get an overview of each day’s activities and the energies that we will be experiencing. Saint Germain, being the Mahachohan for each of the rays, will also be offering his assistance throughout the four and a half day event.


WESAK of 2014 – Our Next Grand Opportunity

Mt. Shasta by Siskiyou Lake
Mt. Shasta by Siskiyou Lake


Please Join Us for This Important
Spiritual Awakening Journey Retreat



Ashtar Command – Life Station Earth Light Group Gathering ~ March 8, 2014



It is I, Lord Ashtar with the Ashtar Command.

Thank you so much for gathering with us today.  It helps us to get a feel of where you are.  Even though we can tell by your magnetics, specific locations are better.  We would like to see more individuals around the world come onto this call so that we can build this grid of Light that we are working for together.

Let us just explain a little bit about what is happening presently.  As you know, the energies have been very intense.  The weather patterns have been extreme in some areas.  Some areas are having droughts, others are having too much precipitation.  Some areas are having volcanoes erupting, tornadoes and much more.  All those extreme weather patterns we would call Mother Nature doing her part.  Truly this is not exactly what is happening.  The elements may already be in place, but they are being increased to cause more problems.

What we would like to assist you with is understanding how each of you are experiencing this within yourselves.  It is not that the weather patterns cause havoc within Gaia.  That is not truly their goal.

Their true goal is to create havoc within humanity. 

When the extreme weather patterns occur, it creates frustration, anguish, anger, not being able to go through your days as you would like to do.  In some cases it can cause problems with electricity, problems with heat, with not being able to survive upon the land as we usually do at this point.

Concentrate very deeply on where you are presently, so we can assist in this process.  We are not just connecting together through each of us of the Intergalactic Federation of Light, but connecting in your specific area.  If there is anything that is very extreme for you, share it with us through your consciousness and how you would like those weather patterns to be rectified at your location.

Let us take a moment of silence and allow that to happen.

As we receive the energy patterns that are occurring for you through the vibrational essences, it helps us with assisting more deeply.  This means that we can send out energy grids from each of our smaller ships to readjust the energies in your areas.  When you have a sensation that something is changing and it does not feel quite right, try to notice it before it happens as that would be very helpful.   Take the thoughts that I am going to bring to you, and center yourself by calling upon the Unified Whole.  Go up to the 144th dimension; state your location and what you are feeling.

For instance, Meleriessee always feels the extreme weather patterns though headaches, usually at least 24 hours ahead of time.  We are able to help where they are by simply tapping into that energy.  It does not mean that the weather pattern will be disappearing immediately, but the vibrational electromagnetic frequency that is being increased will be decreased.  So we are assisting in this process.  The work that we have been doing since we have gathered together a couple of months ago may be helping, but we need more assistance especially with the Eastern United States and with other areas around the world.  This is not only about weather patterns, it is about our work together.  It is about you as humans and each of us as the Intergalactics of the Christ Consciousness being able to connect with one another and create a network together.  This way we can assist each other through the process.

As we take a deep breath of Light, feel your own multidimensional self and what that means for you.  Each of you has the power within yourselves to create these forms of protection as well.  It is only a matter of knowingness through your Higher Mind and Higher Self that you can do this; and working with the Lower Self to make it happen.  We must all believe that we have the power to do so.  Before we do the activation for today, let me talk a little about what is happening presently.

As this has been somewhat discussed in previous sessions with Walking Terra Christa, the Spring Equinox is very, very powerful.  It is another cosmic event similar to what 2012 represented in December.  Yet we are now another year beyond that.  There has been so much transformation and changes of energies that have occurred, so that now the energies are coming to a crucial point in order to bring forth more of those calming, blessing frequencies of Light.  The Equinox will be very powerful.

Presently, we are dealing with a lot of war efforts in the planetary systems; the solar systems beyond the Earth.  There are those of us who are of the Christ Energies, and those who are not of the Christ Energies are fighting against each other.  So we are working with each of you human Lightworkers to assist in this process.  There are others who are working with the ones that do not want to assist, and thus there is a confliction occurring within the planetary structure of Gaia and each of you.  This is why the energy system may be very tremendous right now.

If you go out into the public, you may feel frequencies you are combated with, because those wars are going on.  What we need to be doing with each other is to continue the process of our divine enlightenment in order to allow those energies to move to a higher level of existence.  That way you will no longer be afflicted with what is happening.  Right now, we are at a fifty percent ratio against each other.  So it is very important in the next couple of weeks until the 21st, to fully bring forth the frequencies within ourselves to help.

I thank you for being with us today.  Being on the live call is much more crucial for this work that we are doing with each other, because we are allowing the creative shield to be activated and centered entirely around and within Gaia’s Merkabah in this moment.  What happens with these crucial wars that are occurring is that they can cause conflictions within the individuals that are not allowing themselves to be in a Christed state of their consciousness.  I am not saying that every individual person as a Lightworker is fully capable of being in that state a hundred percent of the time, as we know this is not true.  But it is what you are striving towards.

It is important to take time within your meditations to have the realization of who you are.  This is going to bring in your power and the ability to feel more transformed within each moment; especially the ones that are difficult for you.  We also would like to say we thank you deeply for standing in the front, because it is an energetic battle zone.  However, this battle zone is moving into space it has never been in previously.  It means that we are winning.  We may be at fifty percent on the planetary levels of the solar system, but that does not mean that the Earth is made up of fifty percent of the Light and the Dark.

Share your Light with others.  This, you can do through your energetics.  Allow the frequencies you are going to be experiencing today to come through your body and go into Gaia.  Allow them to be outside of your field, so that wherever you go others will also feel it.  This is going to assist you tremendously.  Your physical minds cannot understand that, as you are trying to think of elements to make it better for yourself.  You only need to allow your Higher Essence and the activation energies we will be bringing forth to come fully into you through your breath in each moment.

When I told you earlier to notice the change of energies, you go to the Unified Whole and bring in your Higher Essence for that.

All you have to say is “I now call upon Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command, the Intergalatic Federation of Light of the Christed Beings to assist with the shield that has been placed in my location.  Please assist with the frequencies of Light that are coming into the planet and with the removal of the elements of Darkness.” 

If you visualize the energy within a hundred mile circumference around where you are, we will meet that energy you want to diffuse with the frequency of Light.  That is all you have to do through your breath.

To explain further; the weather patterns cause an electromagnetic frequency to come into the human fields and into part of the Earth.  You are going to feel these frequencies spinning within you.  What happens is that when the elements are increased due to the other forces that are against full awareness of planetary essences to be completely in the frequency of Light, it takes moments to allow these energies to fully come into focus.  Thus, it affects your fields.  It affects your energy patterns.

Yes, the weather is going to affect you and if it is infiltrated with these electromagnetic patterns coming from a machine and not a natural source, your fields will be reacting to that.  You are electromagnetic yourself.  And within that electromagnetic frequency, you are being infused with energies that are not of a natural source.  You are not bringing in those frequencies that are what we would call a conduit of Mother Nature.  You are receiving a frequency that is of a lower energy causing constriction within your own field.  It causes the weaknesses you may have within your body to react.  It can cause your body to go into a shock mode.

When the body goes into the element of not being able to work through your day as you have previously, it can cause weaknesses in your joints, you could be sleepy, you could be depressed or anxious.  It causes an electromagnetic field to come into you that does not align with what you have already been working with.  Sometimes Meleriessee feels it as a vibration through her joints and knees.  That is a sign for it coming from the outside, almost like an attack.  It is a frequency coming into your body.

So this is what is happening with the weather patterns.  Something extreme is occurring.  Intense winds, a lot of rain, and extreme amounts of snow.  Anything that seems very out of the ordinary; your sky looking very greenish and black when a storm comes means it has been manipulated by these beings that are trying to change things.  We do not put a name on these Beings, as there are many different levels, and thus it is important to be detached.  They are just the energies fighting us presently.

Within this battle on an interplanetary level, we are at a moment of standing still.  That means we have moments of silence and moments of reactiveness, depending on what is happening within the human conditioning upon the planet.  Understand that each of you as a Lightworker has a role in this also.  It is not only about us coming, taking you, and helping you.  What we are trying to assist you with is for you to acknowledge your multidimensional selves.  Within that multidimensional self, you have had galactic lives.  And within those galactic lives, you have been a warrior.  You have been on both sides of the fence.  But you have great power within you.  You have the ability to tune into these energies.  The problem is, your mental mind gets in the way and keeps you from that.

It is what we are here to help you with.  Let us know when there is something wrong where you are.  This also could include locations you travel to and are not usually in.  It is okay to do so wherever you are located at that moment.

Simply tune in by saying “Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command of Intergalatic Federation of Light, I call upon your essences to assist with the weather pattern that is presently occurring.”  Feel yourself pushing the energy up above a hundred miles. 

And that is where we take over.  That is when we can assist in the process.  This monthly meeting is for us to gather more and more people around the world and make this grid even stronger.  We are doing a lot of work to assist in the process, but we cannot do it all.

The energetic exchanges that occur within each human create a field that does not allow us to work with it.  If there is aggression, if there are lower energies of anxiety and frustration, then we have to combat it even more strongly.  So each of you, in your individual locations can assist through your allowance of letting it to be.  If you would like to connect with us daily, you can in your meditation by saying “Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command, please assist me in receiving the perfect balance of the quotient for the weather patterns for today.”

We would like to continue this monthly gathering so that we can connect together in this way to assist the process.  In the next ten days or so it is going to be very intense, and there may be more weather conditions occurring in different parts of the world.  Let us do our best with each other to make sure that the individuals upon this planet who have no idea about what I am speaking of with all these energies, will start having some peace and feel that things are conflicting.  That way we can stop the anguish that is going on, as those thought forms are also causing the energies to be more on that side of the fence.

So when the other side of these energies see that there are complaints, they are very happy with that, which means they will pump it up more often.  It can go either way.  When something bad is happening and it gets worse, they can pump up the energies to make it worse.   Or, if something good is happening, they can pump up the energies.  We are truly at a crucial point in this year in order to assist with this.  This is going to assist with creating the New Earth.

I, from the deepest bottom of my heart, am so enamored to say that each of you are connecting with us today.  We hope that you will continue to do so on a monthly basis, as it is only going to allow this shield we are assisting with to become stronger within your lives.

If you have any problems, if you are having any constrictions or restrictions occurring for you in your physical field, please do call upon us for that also.  The Arcturians are very, very helpful in creating shields for you that hold those powers of energy around your structure, so that you won’t be hit with those lower frequencies.  It is a matter of building up our strength.  You are building your strength through electromagnetic energies.  You have been building your strength through your body, mind and heart.  So now we work through the Light Body to make it stronger than it has ever been before.

Let us all connect with each other in this moment through our Heart essence.  I thank you for taking the time and listening.  Each month we will give an explanation of what we feel is happening with the energies.  It is not just a gathering for connecting and doing the work together, it is also about understanding what has been happening.  Call upon your multidimensional self.  Call upon the essence of your Higher Self and I AM Presence, and the power you carry within yourself from all of your timelines.  Accept the divinity of your power and Light within yourself.

Expand your Light from your Heart Center all the way through your Earth Star and your Soul Star.  Expand it outward to create this force field of Light and all colors you want to bring forth.  We call upon the 330 Rays of God, the 352 levels of the Mahatma, and the 144 Dimensions of Oneness.  We call upon all your positive timelines to be ignited presently.  We call upon the timelines of your galactic lives, the timelines of your angelic lives, and the timelines of your formlessness when you protected the planetary systems, the star systems and the energetic exchanges.  We are coming into Oneness with your I AM Presence of the 144 souls that you are.  And together all of our I AM Presences come into Oneness. 

In this moment we are not intergalactic.  We are the same as you.  We are an embryo of Light under the direction of the Creative Source of Oneness of the Christed beings; to become this Christed being within the body.  Feel the power that you are.  Expand that to your entire full Body of Light.  No matter how far you have gotten with that, expand it out of you.  As it spins within you, it goes out of you, it is part of you.

I, Lord Ashtar, bring forth the divinity of Light of our reception together to be in communion.

{Divine Light Language Code Attunement}

Feel our communion together through all of our Heart Centers, and all the different beings that represent the Galactic Federation of Light; all the Beings of the spiritual hierarchy, all humans, and all Lightworkers for creating the New Earth, as this is our goal.  We call upon each of your locations to assist us now to bring forth the shield of Light within your area.

As you sit in your location, feel yourself commanding the energies by saying “I now command that I bring forth the non-alignment energies upon the Earth in my location to go up a hundred miles above, where Lord Ashtar and the Federation of Intergalatics will assist.”

What happens with this is that we take our shield, and we pull away those energies you are experiencing.  It may take more time, but it is only a small fragment of electromagnetic frequencies that are not in alignment with a 5th dimensional Earth.

{Divine Light Language Code Attunement}

Allow any release you need in your field or any areas around you to completely to go up to that hundred mile radius.  Take a breath.

What we do is to reprocess the energies and we move them out of Gaia’s field.  Through our ships, we transmute these frequencies of electro-magnetics that are causing dysfunction for the Earth to make her stay in the 3rd dimensional, and we help her move into the 5th dimension.  As we speak, we are taking those energies and we are transmuting them.

{Divine Light Language Code Attunement}

Feel the change within you now.  We connect with you from our ships.  Through your Mind’s Eye you may even be able to see our ships above your location.  We are now reinstating the correct frequencies upon the Earth.  Let us all travel together beyond the Earth plane up into the 10th dimension, into the 11th.  Those are the energies we reside in, from the 11th through the 23rd.  Feel our energies coming together.  We now take the frequencies we have reformulated and send it around the globe.  Visualize our ships circling around the Earth’s atmosphere as you can be part of this frequency and be with us in this moment.

We are going to center the energy into all the areas around the world.  It completely circles around the globe, around Gaia.  North America seems to be hit the hardest this winter, so let us bring forth the energies into there to normalize those weather patterns and temperatures.  It will allow spring to come.  However, let us not forget about the other parts of the world.  So now the shield comes down deep into the core of Gaia and her Crystalline structure.  Take a deep breath.  Feel that essence through your structure into your Earth Star.  Bring that energy down into the core of Gaia, feeling the roots grow from your Earth Star down into the Crystalline structure, where each of you are residing.

We now ask for the energy systems and weather patterns to be in balance.  We ask for the Sun to assist.  We ask for the cloud formations and the elements of the water, the wind, the fire and the earth to assist Gaia with her acceleration in full balance and within a hundred percent ratio.

Let us take another deep breath.  You see, we cannot do this without you.  You are implanting the frequency.  We can assist as we are presently, but as you can see we are not doing a very good job as we are at war with the other energies.  Each of you are a structure of Light enabling this frequency to come within you.  You are the beacon.  You are the holder of that frequency.

What this is going to do for you is that it will assist the location you are at presently, and yourself.  We know each of you are being combated with these energies through your systems.  So let us bring everything into balance together, because as we know it is part of the Wholeness, the Oneness.  If one thing is out of balance, all becomes out of balance.  We, of the Ashtar Command are deeply grateful for your continuous support and our alliance together in this timeframe, this timeline.  We will work together and we will be able to be together.  This Earth will become the New Earth, and we are here to assist you.  We thank you deeply for your love and support.

{Divine Light Language Code Attunement}

We are One.

We are one Divine Being of Light together.

We are one in the frequency of the Masculine and Feminine Divine in Wholeness.


This is a transcript of Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command Gathering with Walking Terra Christa for our March gathering.  We meet each month with Ashtar Command and the Christed Intergalactics to help Gaia and all her lands heal from the extreme weather patterns.  Please join us as this is an open call to all individuals.  Details are available on LORD ASHTAR WEATHER ASSISTANCE.  Please check the same link to listen to this call via MP3 recording.


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Invoking the Full Power of Rebirth



A Special Ceremony with Lords Sanat Kumara and Metatron

This equinox is being equated to the energies of December’s Solstice 2012 which means that we have been going through many moments of purging in order to hold the next accelerate phase of light for GAIA.

This ceremony includes channeling from Masters Lord Sanat Kumara and Lord Metatron along with Divine Language Light Codes through Meleriessee to help in accepting the next phase of our accelerated self to be grounded within us. Helios and Vesta along with RA the Sun God will be holding the sun’s frequency to allow each of us to accepted our next initiation phase within us.

The official date and time of the Spring Equinox is Thursday, March 20, 2014 at 16:57 UTC; 9:57 AM Pacific; 12:57 PM Eastern.

Walking Terra Christa is sharing a ceremony we performed on Wednesday, March 19th to help align the frequency of light that is being planted within GAIA where we travel to the Golden Etheric City of Havalanchee which represents the 22nd Ray of Divine Completion (all 22 Rays of God).  It resides in the Etheric Earth (Terra Christa) over the physical geographic area of Mt. Shasta, CA.

Divine Mother Father God open the event. After Lords Sanat Kumar and Metatron give us a better understanding of the rebirth we are undergoing, Lord Adama of Telos gives a short message of gratitude. A very important teaching and Light Language Attunement.





To read the message from Lord Metatron mentioned in the teaching, go to Meleriessee’s recent blog article.

The Bridge of a New Essence ~ Lord Metatron Speaks on the Spring Equinox

bridge-fbCHANNELED MESSAGE. As we stand on the bridge of the new essence arriving into Gaia, we bring you this message of love and joy about the Spring Equinox of 2014.  It is my divine pleasure to speak to you at this time.  I Am Lord Metatron calling upon the forces of Light to be ever present in your existence as we become One Being of Creation.

We always look forward to the Spring Equinox each year as it brings more light into the planet on a deeper level.  This year is the same but so very different.  I first want to talk about what you have been experiencing within the planet and why the challenges have been so very intensified.

When you chose to be here on Earth and help by being the Light Bearers to hold the frequency, we knew that it would not be easy to create.  But yet, I don’t think any of us on this side of the Inner Plane ever realized how deep the creation would take us and the journey we would experience together.  In fact, we were not even sure that this project would come to its fruition.  There were times we thought it would have to be aborted in order to create a New Earth in another dimensional frequency.  But each of you have proved us very wrong and continue to do so.

The power of the energies within this year has been supported by 2013 and how each of you handled yourself through the transitions of light and dark within the planet.  We know that was not easy at all and here, we stand together, ready to receive more Light infractions that need to be held and nurtured.

This past trimester from January through March has been very extreme as each of you know very well.  The forces of darkness that make up the Galactic race not in alignment with the Brotherhood of Light are trying their very best to stop this light infraction from occurring.  The work that has been done behind the scenes is way beyond the capacity of your understanding and represents both sides of the Light and Dark.

Is it any wonder of why you have been experiencing such moments of intensity with the weather patterns?  If that wasn’t enough, the frequency that hits your fields to stop you from being strong in your pathway is way beyond your means of understanding.  All you know is what you feel and it has not been great, this we know very well.

The power of your light is strong; we see you aspiring to more within yourself and know that it is occurring in each individual person in the way that they see it molding their world.  It is the ones that we see who think that no work needs to be done and is expecting the other forces of light to take care of them are truly an obstacle for this light to fully become manifest in Gaia’s world.  You did not arrive here to expect others to help you.

So what has happened to some of you along the way?

Why have you fallen off the path of continued success with your higher essence guiding you through the muck and mire?

Have you stopped to think why you prefer to be taken care of by others?

Have you lost your Will, your Power, your Love of the Highest Truth?

I pose these questions not to criticize but to help everyone wake up unto themselves and the damage that may be created from expecting too much from others without giving themselves deeply.  The mastery pathway is the only way for your ascension and until you realize that you are not stuck, need to be saved by the ascended masters, and that you have the power through your divine essence of humility within yourself, then you will still be an obstacle to the New Earth being created.

We have a problem upon this Earth.  We are still not quite ready as a full consciousness to accept a 5th dimensional way of living, but we are moving forward very slowly.  I see so many individuals that need to understand that they are not the savior of this planet but part of a collective consciousness with many lightworkers coming together in Unison.  The debris you have brought with you is from many timelines of all levels of living, not just on earth but within many inter-galactic forms.

The question is, “Are you taking care of this debris?”

Are you understanding that you must look deep within yourself and accept your challenges as your greatest gift to healing?

Each individual that awakens has a responsibility to go deeper within themselves to find their inner truth.  Some souls are not ready to be on the mastery pathway and that is all okay.  Others are working so diligently that they are healing for so many others.

It is important to understand which group you place yourself.  If you are a Love and Lighter, please know that this is good but there must be more to the whole equation.  That entryway into the light is only a golden opportunity to see and be so much more than you were before.  It is designed that way to keep you moving further into your destiny upon this Earth.

I share all of these statements for one reason only.  Do I have your attention?

I hope so because this is why you may be experiencing very bad moments within your emotional and mental bodies.  The light infractions upon the planet are so powerful that it will create havoc in each individual.  If you are not aware of whom you are and what you want to do, then it can be very disastrous to your Beingness.

Let us look at it this way:  If you are awakened and step into the Self Help category also known as the Coaching Pathway, then your energies will still stay in a 3rd dimensional existence.  It is meant to help you feel better within your physical and emotional body but does not allow for the entryway of higher accelerations to be within your existence.  This is fine as long as you are happy with that element within your life.

When you go further into your existence, work with your chakras, start to open up the energies, then it becomes a whole new world of experiences from this lifetime into many lifetimes that will ignite within you.  You may find healing modalities that work for you and you stay strong within a specific pathway.  It takes you into a higher dimensional consciousness but if you don’t work at it, the lower ego stays in tact with the emotions and thoughts very strong within each other.

Then, if you decide you want more within your life and truly want to give service, you step into the mastery pathway.  This is usually a very conscious decision on your part so your Higher Self is working diligently with your physical self.  Your awakening becomes more electrified and creates light infractions to come within your body.  Changes start to happen that are completely different to your physical reality.

Without even talking about the unawakened beings on this planet, think about all the thought forms and feelings that are running through the airwaves from you and to you consistently.  This can create havoc as it is but then we bring in another aspect that is very important ~ controlled energies from the forces other than the Brotherhood of Light.  They are working within every person to make them think adversely about themselves and create more lower energies to be activated.

Their role is to stop you, every one of you from accelerating into a mastery pathway as those that walk as a master are being mentored to be the leaders for the New Earth.  So they also work with the powers to be of this planet to create more problems so that, as the lightworkers, you will be affected.  It is coming in from the media, from TV shows, movies, weather conditions, and anything that you can think of on a third dimensional arena.

So I ask you now, “How have you been feeling the past three months and what have you done about it?”

This is the key question because if you are working diligently every day to do the clearing that is needed and trying to find your higher essence to become more of the YOU, then you will still be affected.  It is just the way that it has been at this time.

2014 is the year of Unity Consciousness.  Do you understand what that means?  It does not mean now that everyone is healed and can live in Light and Love.  It actually represents the ability to heal deeply because as all elements come into alignment; there are other elements that need to be removed.  It is just the way it is.  It is part of Universal Law.

So the challenges that everyone is experiencing in every part of the world are all part of Unity Consciousness.  So when a tragedy occurs in any shape or form, those thought forms are ignited through the airwaves.  The dark energies have a way of capturing them and sending them back into Gaia’s core of existence. This means that every human living being upon this earth is going to feel it.  It is every person’s responsibility to change their thoughts and emotions or else they become part of the problem.

Presently the percentage of those that are adding to this issue is way much larger than the ones that are assisting in changing the energies.

The Christed Intergalactics are working diligently in the heavens beyond your Universe to assist in these darker forces from coming into the planet.  They have been working day and night to assist in the process of this planet’s Divinity of Light and to assist each of you.  (Christed Intergalactics are beings of light on the mastery pathway and part of the Brotherhood of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy with the Unified Whole Command.)

The intensity of these energies has been felt since the Winter Solstice but we are in great excitement for these frequencies to subside drastically.  We thank each of you that have been working diligently on a constant basis.  It is very imperative for the future of Gaia to ascend into Terra Christa.

The changes will occur on the Spring Equinox but we still need your assistance.  This will always be on a continual basis as it is part of your contract as the forerunners of the New Earth.  You have taken an oath to be on this planet during its transformation and do your best, with the knowledge and expertise you have gained each moment of your existence.  This will continue through each cycle and into the future years of Terra Christa.

We know your challenges.  We see them every moment and are assisting you greatly for the ones that are asking us to do so.  We must tell you that not all individuals that are promoting the light are doing it in the full essence of the Unified Whole.  There are still many aspects of each of us, as the ascended beings, that are the pantheons of the past and many lightworkers are channeling this level of understanding.  They are not aware of it; in fact, they think it is pure because that is where their consciousness lies presently.

What we want is for each of you to continue your acceleration.  Don’t let it stop and when something feels “not quite right” when you see it, read it, or experience it, put it aside and readjust your energies.  This is all part of the Divine Plan also.  Some are here to help others to a certain point and some are here for the long haul.  We want to be assured that you are of the latter part and not the first.

All of this information is very important as we walk into the Spring Equinox; it will reflect the energies of light to come into this planet more fully.  In December 2012 we experienced the same type of energy exchange.  It did not go as well as previously thought due to many individuals not ready to receive the frequency and move forward.  We cannot wait any longer so are asking for your assistance.

Know yourself very deeply in each moment. When something is not in alignment with your physical energies, emotions, or thoughts, change it quickly.  Utilize the Rays of God as they are being infused within Gaia, you will also receive.  Be your Higher Self; accept your role as a Divine Being of Light and a Torch Bearer.  Know that you do not know all the answers; that only comes from your lower ego and not your Higher Ego or Higher Self.  When you are wrong, accept that you are.  Find the truth within you and it will set you free.

All of these elements are important for this Spring Equinox as it will mold the planet into what she can hold.  Since each of you are a Torch Bearer and are here to learn more, accept the intensity of the Light within you.  Give it to Gaia and prepare for an acceleration beyond your wildest dreams.

The Light upon Gaia on this day in March will help accelerate everyone at this time.  Be strong, receive it, and share it through your own essence.  Look to the skies for confirmation in your daylight or nighttime.  It does not matter; many are waiting for your acknowledgement as we are working together.  We are here to walk with you but you must show your acceptance of our truth within each other.

Changes are happening with you, within Gaia, and every living being.  Others will need your strength as the transformation is occurring presently.  The more you hold within yourselves at this time, the more that Gaia can accept in her essence.  That will then filter out into the world, through the areas and the souls that need it the most.

Please know that we are here to assist you, be friends with you, as we remember our heritage of times gone by.  Isn’t it time that we get to know one another from a physical essence instead of the spiritual connection that we have.

IT IS OUR TIME TOGETHER.  Let us Unite in Harmony of the Light and Love that we are.

Blessings and Joy for an amazing connection of Light,

I Am Archangel Metatron, reaching out for your hand of acceptance.



Join Walking Terra Christa on Wednesday, March 19th at 5 PM Pacific for a powerful ceremony to celebrate the Spring Equinox with Lord Metatron and Sanat Kumara as our hosts.  Please register on our site under Free Teachings.  Even though this is a free event, donations are always appreciated.


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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New Earth Frequency Update ~ March 14th, 2014

New Earth Frequency UpdateThe TIME IS NOW!

Greetings to all Divine Beings of Light,

It is our pleasure to connect with each of you at this time.  We are the Unified Whole Command of the 144th Dimension of Light with Master Thoth, Master Einstein, and The Great Divine Director at your service.

We know that each of you is feeling the intensified energies coming into the planet at this time.  We also know that you want to know when it is going to change so that GAIA and all her inhabitants can be more restful with peace within their hearts.

Please know that this transition you are experiencing presently is probably at the height of what you have experienced within the planet.  The density that you are experiencing is due to the fact that each of you are assisting greatly with the re-structuring of the planetary system even though it feels like everything could fall down at any moment.  Please know that this is not entirely true but it may be the feeling that comes into your essence at times.

The Galactic wars are ongoing presently as the past three months since the onset of this year has been tremendous.  We know each of you is experiencing it in your own lives, your dreams, your thoughts, and your emotions along with the environmental changes that have been occurring.  The Christed Galactics are working very diligently through Ashtar Command to assist in holding the darker energies from ensuing within the planet.  Some of these energies will filter down into the planet’s surface causing great disruption in the minds and hearts of every individual at this time.  It is a very difficult situation that we have all been facing.

At this time there is barely one week until Spring Equinox in which the planet will be infused with the great light infractions it has ever received and will go beyond what we experienced in December 2012.  So until that time occurs, the density that you are feeling is representative of the war that is being fought outside the hemisphere of the earth.

Each of you stand as a Light Worker to fully hold as much light as you can and we thank you deeply.  But there is more to this event than can be told presently as every thought and emotion that is ignited within each person presently is being magnified through the waves of electro-magnetic currents within and around Gaia.  Haven’t you noticed how intense your thoughts can become in a moment’s notice?  And, when you take care of that disruption, then the peace does come into creation.  This is exactly what is occurring.

The light thoughts are being magnified just as much as the dark thoughts.  This is due to the war raging outside the planet.  What is being felt around the structure of the planet is being felt inside the planet.  This is all due to the aspect of coming into Oneness.  The reverberations of each of the thoughts forms is being felt and bounced off of every living species around the globe.  This will continue until the 20th of March at 16:57 UTC when the light infractions of the Spring Equinox will then be implanted within Gaia.  It is at that time that whatever the percentage of light and dark that is being encountered through global awareness will be felt on the base of the planet.

This means that every person is responsible to extend their energies into a higher existence so that others will feel the same.  We want everyone to understand the urgency of this occurrence.  Whatever the global consciousness is experiencing at this specific time of the equinox will determine how much light or dark is infused within the planet.

We do not want to alarm you, but prepare you to be the Light Worker that you are.  It is imperative that you stand in the highest level of acceleration that you can acquire during the next week.  You are the Torch Bearers and hold the light for many; you have decided to arrive on this planet at this time for this reason.  It is imperative that you understand completely what your role represents.

Each of you has arrived with your baggage intact; some of you have healed a lot of this debris, but yet there is still a very long way to go together.  Think about how much healing you have gone through and then reflect on the planet as a whole.  We have a lot of work to do together.  Your role presently is to take your energies into a higher existence, release what does not work for you any longer, be diligent with your studies, and understand yourself more clearly than ever before.  Take this time in the next few days to prepare for the Light Frequency of 2014 to be infused within the planet.

Your role presently is just standing in your own power.  Learn more about who you are and remove the parts that do not exist any longer.  Be strong and healthy in all ways of your Divinity.  Stand up to the darkest parts of your soul and command the Light to be within them.  Utilize the Rays of God and each of us to help you.  You are not alone in this quest but you stand in the forefront to be more to yourself than you ever thought possible.


We are standing at the break of a new dawn upon this planet and this is just our raw beginning together.  But without your diligence within yourself, it cannot be done.  The power of these energies is being shown in the weather patterns and how people are being affected which are mainly the unawakened ones.  Work with us so we can help Gaia ascend just as you want to do.  The New Earth is still a long way off, but this year represents the doorway of Light coming unto the planet and into the core of her Being.

Let it come into the Core of Your Being.  Be strong as the energies are intense.  You are going to be feeling moments of dizziness as the energy comes within you.  Your masculine and feminine bodies are being prepared to receive more.  So it is imperative that you work with the issues that may be in both.  Unity is our way of Being presently and it starts within the physical body for each of you.  Alignment of the Self is important as what is not in balance will be reflected within your world and then upon the Earth.

It is all so very simple.  This is the Year of Unity; it is not just a consciousness.  It represents all elements coming into alignment of one another.  It must start with your emotional body and mental body and represents the 2nd and 3rd initiations of ascension.  Ask yourself if you are ready to make the necessary changes within yourself.  If you are not, then you are still part of the third dimensional programming that needs to be readjusted.

We are here to assist in the formulation of Light within each of you and upon Gaia.  You are here to ascend in your physical bodies and hold the frequency of the electromagnetic currencies within you.  Be strong and remove the old as you prepare for the New.

We honor you and cherish all that you endure each moment in your lives.

We are the Unified Whole Command at your Service,

Master Toth, Master Einstein, and The Great Divine Director as Spokes-Beings of the Source of Oneness.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Feeling Divine Love

electric heart

We can’t access a direct connection to DIVINE LOVE from within what we term, “the lower mind’ but instead from that place where we allow ourselves to raise higher. This is a special teaching meditation journey that assists one to understand and experience the actual vibration and state of being that can be felt. We share this audio normally only part of our members teachings as a gift to everyone. Clock the link to listen to this deep level of Divine Light Language Healing. (approx. 1.5 hrs).

NEW EARTH CONSCIOUSNESS ~ CIRCLE OF LIGHT ~ “Feeling Divine Love” – This is a unique experience, feeling Divine Love, as it requires one to allow the surrendering to the Higher Essence. Lord Adama talks about how it is the Higher Self that is the mechanism of that doorway. We visit the Golden City of the 6th Ray, Inner Devotion and learn from Elohim Masters Peace & Aloha about using the Ruby Red & Gold with the Pink Orange and the Magenta to then feel the full force of Divine Love, a love that is the essence of Peace within.

(Anyone can join us as a guest for these teachings as the normal exchange is just $22).

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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February 13th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “4”

Unity Number4In the Science of Numerology, the number “4” represents organization, creating order, and managing your affairs to create a solid foundation.


Keywords are:  practicality and responsibility, illumination and initiation, stability and ability, determination and endurance, hard work and progress, organization, and purging what we no longer need.

Today’s number is derived from the sum of 67 = 13 = 4 which represents the ability to love and be loved from our higher self.  It then takes us into the journey of 13 representing synchronization in Oneness while allowing your hard work to be blessed with celebration of the Self.  All of these combinations take us into the essence of “4” of creating a strong pathway and foundation of what you have experienced previously.   As you can see each of the numbers assist each other by building upon each other.

Building Blocks is the keyword for today’s essence.  Look to your inner self of what you have been working on to take you into a deeper level of your inner core.  Creation is the key to success but without the strong foundation it is built upon, it will not last.

Today’s number reflects the ability to keep moving through adversity as those challenges help you to mold your present circumstances within the light of your highest essence and allowing Divine Love to be your guidepost in all your affairs.

Take time to see within you if you have missed anything that needs to be cleared and processed as the energies of this day will truly assist you to do more than you ever realized you could achieve.

Take time to connect with your Higher Self in your breath of life.  As you breath deeper into your physical existence, your Higher Self has more capability to be fully within you.  This essence is what you need to achieve your highest ideals within your physical creation.  Do more to connect and then more will come to you.

In Blessings of Oneness,

We Are The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

Note:The definitions of science of numerology with the keywords are excerpted from  The remainder of this post is channeled material from the Unified Whole Command through Rev. Christine Meleriesse.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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February 6th, 2014 ~ Unity Number “6”

Unity Number 6In the Science of Numerology the number “6” is represented by our soul connection to others.

This is considered the “mother” number as it symbolizes responsibility and service through divine nurturing love.  Keywords are:  reconciliation, intellectual creativity, discrimination, imagination, union, love, perfection, ability to use the imagination and the intellect combined, relatedness, and taking responsibility for choices.

The sum of today’s number is derived from 87 = 15 = 6 which represents the ability to fully step into your higher power to achieve the desired results.

On this day of the 6th of February take time to fully take inventory of what you have learned in your spiritual pathway and put it into practice in your physical life.  As we experience challenges in our life, they represent lessons for more growth.  When we take time to look back in the previous cycle of how we have changed, it helps us to acknowledge more about who we are in our lives and with others.

It is the essence of today’s number that represents the ability to understand more about yourself.  Learning how to deeply reflect your past experiences help to mold your future moments.  Today take time to receive the nurturing love of the Universal Consciousness.  Stop and take time for your connection to your spiritual guidance for how they have helped you to acknowledge more of yourself.  Be at peace with who you are so that others can see it within you.  Sometimes when we look outside of ourselves for appreciation, we do not receive it.  But it is when we truly accept our own pathway of challenge to create accomplishment then that is when others truly see something different about ourselves.

Today Gaia wants to thank you for helping her to heal by healing yourself.  Take time to smell the fresh air in the breeze and see the changes you have made for yourself as She knows you are healing her while you transform into the beauty of Light that You Are.

Love and Blessings in Oneness,

We Are The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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