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Accepting Your True Being-Ness

deep pink flowerThis is an excerpt of a transcript with the Cosmic Great Central Sun on how to utilize the Pink Flame of Creative Actualization to assist in acknowledging our Higher Mind and Heart within the Physical Body.

We want to assist you with the Pink Flame to allow your higher consciousness of the cosmic frequencies that you are to come to the totality of your physical existence. Allow yourself to relax through the process. You are not going to do it by telling your mental boy through your Masculine self to stop. You are not going to do it by telling your Feminine self to stop crying.

They have to do it on their own, because those parts of yourself have worked separately for such a long time that they do not know how to work together. We have to help the process by bringing in the higher essences into your physical creation.

This is what we mean when we say Creative and Active Intelligence of the Third Ray.  It represents the ability to allow the creative process of the Pink Flame to flow within you in order for the action to occur. You are that higher intelligence. The higher intelligence is active as long as we accept it in the physical conditioning. However, the other important parts that are acting separately, stop the process. Because of the fear, along with not knowing what is happening. If you allow yourself to be in a sole state of Beingness, this Ray will flow into you to help you balance everything out.

You do not have to do anything other than Receiving.

The flow of your mental actualization will come from your Higher Mind. It is when you dive back into worrying that you start to look at what is happening to you. You begin projecting to the future, even if it is only a week away, two weeks away, you can have a tendency to fall back into that. It has been your conditioning process.

We want to help you tonight in allowing these essences to blend within you. Simply be open to receive the balance. When you allow that essence to come in now, things will become so much easier.

We stand within this Temple of the Pink Flame. Allow the frequency of Light to flow in as various waves of Pink hues, coming fully into each of us in this beautiful Temple of Light. We call upon the essences of Lord Seelia and Lady Seelio of the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace from the Pink Flame as they bring that frequency forward into the flowing energy that they are.

Take a deep breath. Let it flow through all your Chakras. Let it flow into your Earth Star, as you allow yourself to become that one Being of Light. Intend within yourself to be a newborn essence in this moment.

Breathe and feel.

Allow the breath to become what it is. Allow yourself to just exist in this space of Divine Love that you are. Divine Compassion, Divine Gratitude of all that you are receiving.

It is our divine pleasure as the Divine Mother and Divine Father God, along with Lord Seelia and Lady Seelio, the Elders of the Pink Flame, to bring in these essences and that you accept compassion and love into every part of your being.

Receive the higher essence physically, emotionally, mentally and etherically.

This is a window of opportunity to accept more of what you truly are.

We are One with each of you.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Journey of the Soul’s Heart

divine Union of the SoulWalking Terra Christa is facilitating a new series entitled “DIVINE UNION OF THE SOUL” which will be a journey of the self learning how to access the Love and Wisdom from the Soul’s perspective. Lady Mary Magdalene along with Lady Isis (and many other lady masters) will be bringing their energies into this amazing program.

This is a special seminar series as it is going to take each individual on a journey of their own self to find their True Essence to become manifested within their world. We, as humans, desire to have a union with a partner that represents this energetic exchange, but it cannot happen until we find our own true love essence within ourselves.

This program is going to provide the tools in order to achieve this love within our self and with others. It is a journey in which Lady Mary is going to guide us in learning how we have forgotten who we truly are from the perspective of our pure beginning when we were created as a Soul from the perspective of the I AM Presence through the Creative Source of Oneness.

Activating the Feminine Divine is an essential component to our living within the New Earth. This means that each individual whether they are female or male, must access this part of himself or herself completely and without reservation. Through the many lifetimes that we have experienced the veil of forgetfulness has been upon us, as we have had to experience great strife and darkness to understand who we are. People upon the planet at this time desire to know themselves more deeply and to receive love in a multitude of ways.

Lady Mary with Lady Isis, which is over-lighted by the Divine Mother, will take us into a journey of our Soul’s Essence so that we can remember the beautiful Being of Light that we have been. This will help to remove the blockages and doorways that have blocked us from our full potential as it is NOW TIME TO DO SO.

Tools will be given on how to get through the process of removing the constrictions that we have placed upon ourselves. Teachings will be shared on they whys and wherefores of the different types of relationships that we have with other souls along with learning how to forgive ourselves for staying stagnant when some of these relationships are just doorways to our future.

We believe that this is going to be a very magical journey with these beautiful Lady Masters as they show us the way unto our Truest Essence of Light. It is the beginning of fully embracing the Divine Being that we truly are and learning how to accept how the challenges are truly doorways of opportunity into the New Earth energies.

Mary Magdalene shares what she feels about this Program in her own words:

It is my Divine Pleasure to be able to host this amazing series of Love with each of you. I am looking forward to working with Lady Isis along with the host of Lady Masters and the Divine Mother igniting this energy.

I believe that the time is now for individuals to understand how and why they are feeling as they are. I want this series to help each individual to learn more about themselves while understanding why they attract the people in their lives to assist them to be more.

This world is very concerned with the role of Twin Flames and finding that One True Mate within their life that will assist them in their pathway upon the Earth. But what many do not realize is that the Divine Plan is for souls to find themselves within their Love Essence, to understand that a soul comes into their life to help them make these changes, and many times those relationships are not meant to last until that person is ready to receive their Divine Essence fully manifested within their physical existence.

The pathway of the Soul is very complicated and I believe, that many individuals want to simplify their lives so they attract people who do not meet all the qualifications of a Divine Partner. In fact, they can truly represent just the opposite of what they want to have within their life. It is a matter of remembrance, going deeper into the Soul’s Essence to heal the wounds that need closure, in order to find the true gift within their Hearts. THEIR OWN SOUL’S HEART ESSENCE.

We must understand that many individuals are searching so diligently for their Divine Partner that they have forgotten about whom they are as a person. The issuance of Love does not come from the sexual feelings that are ignited; they come from the Heart. When individuals step into a relationship and become immediately attracted by their physiological essence, then the true sense of Love becomes lost in the essence of Lust.

This does not mean that a sexual encounter cannot be Divine because it truly needs to be with the right partner. The timing must be in alignment with who you are and the meeting of such a person must be from a Heart-Centeredness and not a sexual attraction. This is what has gotten lost in your world.

Many twin flames are starting to meet with each other. That soul attraction should be based on the heart, by feeling a synchronous flow of ideas within each other. Many times it will be very platonic in the beginning and grow more deeply with each other. Relationships of this type will be commonplace in the New Earth. Since many are coming together now it is essential to have a sense of the self, understand one’s own Heart Essence, be able to feel the Love from the Self, and to find balance between the physical and spiritual essence.

I want to share with each of you how to achieve these elements. You first consideration should be your own Heart Essence and what you desire for yourself with no other interactions from a physical condition. It must come from the Divine Source that you are. That is the True Love of the Self. Then, the partnership can start to be formed.

So many within your planet want to find that partner due to lower thought forms such as feeling alone, wanting to be nurtured, or thinking that a sexual encounter will give you the love that you need. Yet, the main point is to understand why you need these elements in your life. Your partner should be the icing on your cake, not of the cake itself within you. This is why people get into trouble within their relationships.

So this journey that we will take with one another will help you to look at yourself deeply, going into your core values of yourself, looking at the old relationships that have not worked while healing them deeply so that you can find your Divine Partner. But most of all, we want to share with you the essence of the Feminine Divine and how you can bring that level of understanding through your physical existence.

This is a Journey of the Soul’s Heart to be remembered, cherished, and loved deeply.

I look forward to working with each of you that will be joining us.

In Blessings and Love of the Eternal Heart,
I Am Lady Mary Magdelene

To register and learn more about the DIVINE UNION OF THE SOUL with Lady Mary Magdelene and Lady Isis, please use the link above. Our first class starts on Wednesday, February 11th, 2015. This series will entail five (5) classes throughout February and March.  MP3 recordings are available for those individuals that cannot attend the LIVE class(es).

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Balancing the Feminine Divine, Full Moon of November

full_moon1-webThe Full Moon of November 6th, 2014 promises to help each of us go into a deeper level of our emotions as we access the Feminine Divine of Scorpio with the moon aspects within Taurus representing the Earth Energies and grounding.

The energies of October were very powerful. I would not call them intense but yet being on the pathway of an awakened soul, it pushes you in every direction. Usually it is the unchartered areas that we are asked to acknowledge within us. That, in itself, is where the challenge lies within each of us. It does not matter how far along the path that you are; our souls are healing deeply with each step we take towards the integration of more light infractions to occur within the physical body.

In the last two weeks I felt the energies to be more flat-lined. What I mean by this statement is that the accelerations were so great that it was time to fully integrate what we have experienced. As this happens, our physical body is probably the one area that is challenged the most.

As individuals knowing that they want to have more, most of us talk to the Universe to help us become the person that we are trying to acknowledge. I know that this is an important phase within my healing process. Living in Mount Shasta I continually talk to the mountain and since this mountain holds many magnificent energies; I know that I am heard. I speak about what I want to accomplish and transform within myself and in my world. The Universe always hears us, but sometimes we don’t receive exactly what we think it will be.

This is because we have to take the time in between of asking and receiving to transition ourselves to be the recipient of the special gifts that we desire. We forget many times that this has to happen.

Did you ever go to sleep at night calling upon your guidance to help you through some elements you are trying to change? Then, upon awakening, you feel emotional, or upset with yourself?

This means that the Universe is listening to you and giving you what you desire. But until you can fully accept the new essence, you have to remove elements within you that have been stopping you to receive this special gift you are asking to occur.

The New Moon of October represented those energies to fully come within us. Then, during the two-week period until the Full Moon we are readjusting ourselves to the upgraded version within us. This past two weeks has been a time where we have been unable to do anything but go through the process. This may not be felt in the physical body but in any of the other areas of emotions (Feminine Divine) and mental thoughts (Masculine Divine). It is all part of the Divine Creation for each of us to bring these elements into balance. Each of these cycles we are experiencing is helping us to do so.

This full moon is giving us that opportunity to go deeper within ourselves as the Feminine Divine is represented by the emotional body and within the sign of Scorpio the emotional issues can be hidden behind the scenes. The moon is in Taurus so it reflects the earth energies of wanting to feel peaceful and loving energies within the physical body. As Scorpio and Taurus interact with one another it will take each of us into a deeper part of ourselves.

What is to be revealed is the hidden aspect within our Being that needs to be acknowledged without judgment of any kind. This judgment can be right within our own subconscious as those elements need to be purged out of us in order for the Super-conscious or the High Mind to be acknowledged. It is a perfect opportunity to allow the true self to emerge into a new a deeper way of acceptance.

The important part is not to allow yourself to go into hiding with these emotions. These energies are igniting at this time to help us become more within our physical essence, to call upon our Higher Self within the breath to allow the integration of these elements to become One within us. Take time to feel them physically even if they are uncomfortable. In order to walk through the doorways of the Soul we have to acknowledge all parts of ourselves, especially the ones that we do not particularly want to deal with. That is when we find our deepest challenge and continue the walk so that the purification that We Are can be fully embodied within our full body system.

Allow the Feminine Divine of your emotional feelings come into your full perspective of the physical existence within you. Then take time to nurture yourself with the Earth utilizing various ways to do so. Taking a walk in nature, connecting to the essences of the trees, the land you walk upon as the seasons are changing. Make some herbal tea as you sip it feel the plants from the earth healing your emotions and start to feel the peace within you.

We are preparing for the end of the year as we go into 2015. Spirit has said that this year is what we imagined we would be experiencing in 2012. Take time to reflect on the changes you have made through this process and honor Grandmother Moon for her beautiful essence into our lives and within GAIA.

Many blessings for a beautiful Full Moon experience.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

The Full Moon in November takes place at 22:22 GMT, 2:22 PM Pacific, 5:22 Eastern.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a Full Moon Ceremony via tel-conference which can be accessed by Skype on Wednesday, November 5th, 2014, 4:30 PM Pacific.  To register and be part of these energies, please click on the link above.
©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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Mastery Tool of the Day

goddess swirling largeAccelerating the Integration of your Feminine and Masculine Divine

Utilize these syllables in your own chant:


Speaking the sound of WHOA expands the frequencies within you and the AH frequencies fully allows it to be accepted.

It is a WHOA and then an Ah\H, ~  WHOA AH.

Now feel the completion that is occurring within you.  Breathe in deeply all the way through your core, all the way through your chakras through your Earth Star and expand it outward.  Feel the emitting energy go up through the Earth Star to the Soul Star and then it encircles around you.

Try this exercise on your own and you shall see a definite difference in you sustaining your acceleration as your Feminine and Masculine Divine fully want to work within each other.

This information was excerpted from the Clarion Temple of Oneness, Cosmic Great Central Sun energies in June 2013.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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