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Walking As An Angel ~ Lord Michael

Find Your Wings WTC Holiday

by Walking Terra Christa.

Note: Walking Terra Christa’s ANNUAL HOLIDAY SALE focusing on assisting you to bring forth more of your ANGELIC SELF is now in progress. For those who are looking to receive discounts from 30% to 70% please view our FIND YOUR WINGS sale here

A transmission from Archangel LORD MICHAEL through Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden.

As the transition of Gaia continues, it is important to realize our potential as Angels upon this Earth. I give to you in these moments the gift of your Remembrance.

I AM Lord Michael standing amongst each of you at these times of great change. As the influctuation of energies occur within the land of Gaia, the transition is not just of the Earth but each of you that inhabit the space of light which is being guided by your Angelic Self to become more of what you ever thought you could be.

As the changes have occurred within each of you, it is increasingly apparent that there is still so much work that needs to be done. We are only at the beginning stages of re-growth within the Earth. It almost feels like the rebirthing effect is more of a birth that has never occurred previously. There are new energies that are being sent into each of you that may seem uncertain; there are experiences to be felt that can be compelling within your consciousness to try and satisfy your mental minds of what it may be. There is an awakening within the planet that is being felt by many different levels of creation.

Yet, within yourself, the creative process can be misconstrued as something that only You are experiencing.

This is so very untrue in many ways. You have been here before. That is why so many of you want to exit the planet, move into the New Earth, and be taken away to another existence that does not hold so much negativity.

Each individual soul is going to perceive this time differently depending upon their circumstances in their lives and how they go about receiving the Divine Love that is being offered to them through the Source of Light, the Creation of All That Is.

Some individuals are going to be lost through this process as the lower forms of energy are arising into this light, but yet cannot be perceived as a healing process. Many souls will choose to experience death through this cycle as they are not ready to delve deeper within themselves.

These are all of the trials of being an Angelic Being in Human form upon this earth. The trials can be overwhelming. It can cause some souls to give up and wanting to perceive life in only their way of existence.

Change is inevitable at this time. Every individual soul is going to be experiencing it in different ways. It is what you do with what you are being given that makes the difference. Every individual person is evolving in a completely different way until they realize that their way may not be the way of Oneness or Wholeness of the Self. Until a person realizes the potential that they hold within themselves, then they are going to be lost by all of the changes that are occurring presently.

It is only when a soul wakes up to their Inner Light and sees that they are all part of a greater plan upon this earth that this soul will access the full potential of their greater form. It is not until an individual sees themselves as their own savior, their own angel of light, that the true awakening occurs within their physical essence.

This is exactly what each of you are going through presently. You are learning more about yourself every day and within each moment. You are realizing that what is beyond your comprehension is truly only an illusion and that the real truth must be revealed within yourself. It is an awakening of the Self that goes much deeper than Awakening the Physical Body to the Light. It is when you realize within yourself that you don’t know as much as you thought you did, but yet, there is something inside of yourself that tells you there is great wisdom by tapping into your inner knowledge within.

This year has brought forth this awareness into each of you whether you realize it or not. The doorways that you have stepped through are allowing you to know more about the TRUE YOU ~ The Spiritual You ~ not the Physical You. You are awakening unto your Angelic Self, the one that has broken down many barriers for others. It is a time for you to fully accept the Angel that you are becoming and listen deeply within yourself what needs to be addressed and acknowledged. There is great knowledge that is being revealed within you, right now.

Do you realize this is truly happening to you? Maybe you do not but hopefully you do.

11:11 represented an opportunity to walk through a doorway of time in which there is no time. Within this earth at this time, great changes are occurring inside the planet and within each of you. There are more occurrences than you realize. It is in preparation for the future and each of you stand at the threshold of your own awareness – realizing your potential as not only an Angelic Being but a Divine Being of Light.

Are you ready to step out of your own way?

This is extremely important to have the wisdom within yourself to know that ‘You Don’t Know Everything.’ It is a time to stand within your own four-body system and say unto yourself that you realize there is “more to experience, to understand, to comprehend and accept within the life that you have chosen.

Now that is a huge order to accept within your physical existence. It is always important to understand that there is more to learn, more growth experiences to endure, and more joy to be received.

I know what you are going through. I remember at the times of the beginning of this race when we came to the planet in hopes of creating a beautiful essence of love and communion with others in a physical body. But yet, the planet was already encased with programming hidden in its deepest parts that kept all of you here.

I always vowed that I would assist each of you on a deeper level of understanding than I could bring forth within those days. It has burdened me deeply to see your pain, and to dry your tears when there seemed to be no end to the turmoil you would endure.

The time is coming when you have the ability to step out of the painful arena and embrace your joy of your Spirit within yourself. It takes great courage to do so. We all know this to be very true.

The processes that you have to go through are very important; you must acknowledge that the 5th dimensional energies will not just come to you because of whom you are, that you believe in your light, and are ready to face the darkness. It is something that must be earned through the trials and errors of being human, but yet remembering your Angelic Essence.

This is the greatest gift you can give to yourself as the Earth is changing but everyone must change with it. You must go through the levels of lessons from your first awakening into the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th to receive the 5th dimensional energies within your consciousness. And, that my friends, is only your greatest beginning.

Some may be overwhelmed to hear this information but yet I have great news for you. The Angelic Energies are now grounded within the planet, within Gaia since June of this year. Your Solar Angel which is the beginning essence of your angelic presence is working with you to help you walk through those doorways that may seem very challenging to the human spirit. But, yet, with the help of your angelic self, you then have the power of your Solar Angel to assist you. The frustration of the past is now behind you; it is more about what you desire and then you are able to achieve it easier through the remembrance of whom you are.

It is a great time of jubilation as so many more souls will be able to awaken to their higher essence. As the Solar Angel assists in bringing forth the Higher Self which truly does not awaken fully in physical form until the 5th dimensional essence of light. You can work with your Higher Self, but to have this essence fully incorporated within your physical consciousness in every moment it takes quite a bit of work within the human conditioning.

This 11:11 has now arrived and has allowed these essences to become more of your existence. It is important to connect daily with your Solar Angel ~ allow them to show you the way. They understand the Angelic essence and you understand the physical essence. As you combine your energies together, you will start to become One. The challenges that you experience will go easier than before although the lessons will be the same.

The changes that are happening now are a result of all of these elements coming through the angelic realm into the physical existence. It is a time of great transition that will allow for expedient results by becoming all parts of your-self.

December is a time of culmination as it represents the entire year into the movement of the doorway into the next year. It is a time to rejoice but also to understand the challenges you have gone through to get to your present consciousness that you are learning to inhabit. Take time this month to reflect every day on the changes you are experiencing. Utilize your breath to get to your Solar Angel; do not ignore this essence, as it is a major part of your existence.

The Re-Birthing cycle can be very challenging as when we step from the old into the new we sometimes fumble around until we are used to the new energies. Allow this month to be your bridge from the Old to the New for 2016. Be the Angel that You Are within the Physical Essence you Embody. Allow your gifts of the old self to come forward while the elements that you no longer need are purged. Be grateful for who you have become and don’t ignore the signs of healing that needs to occur. They are your greatest teachers as they will give you the knowledge of your past in order to receive the wisdom you desire to attain.

I am excited about this time on the Earth with Gaia and each of you. We truly are becoming an awakening planet little by little. Show your gifts of warriorship but turning the sword inside yourself and see what needs to be accepted. Don’t attack others; but attack the lower aspects that stop you from achieving your goals of stepping into the 5th Dimensional State of Consciousness.

With deep love,

I Am Lord Michael at your service. (Integrative Channel:  Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden.)

Note: For most of 2015 the teachings in Ascension Mastery from Walking Terra Christa have been focused on understanding what it means to become more Angelic in our Essence, as within a human perspective we do not automatically know how to do this. We have been learning from Archangels Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and the other Beings of the Angelic Realms to assist us with this very important process. Walking Terra Christa’s ANNUAL HOLIDAY SALE focusing on assisting you to bring forth more of your ANGELIC SELF is now in progress. For those who are looking to receive discounts from 30% to 70% on these teachings please view our FIND YOUR WINGS sale here

© 2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Why Now?

Are You Ready?
Why Now?

Why now? Why is it important to learn how to “Walk on Terra Christa” now? Is there really going to be a shift as we move into 2013?

If you have even been remotely following the prophecy’s of the Mayan calendar and other esoteric teachings…that is, the real material and not the media hype, then you know that the world’s level of humanity and evolution is shifting at this very moment.  The world is not ending but shifting.  The question is: are you ready for that shift?

We talk to people everyday who believe in the shift, they can see for themselves it is happening.  They love humanity and they desire to spread love and light wherever they go.  They can’t wait for a world where there is no longer a controlled financial system, no longer a constraint on peace and prosperity for all, where they can work and live their passion and not have to do the grunt work for someone else in order to pay their bills.  They love the idea of enlightenment for all of humanity.

We do too.  But this particular huge immense and magnificent shift that is happening, is not going to deliver that way of existence to humanity…

What it is going to do is open the gateway for humanity to create that way of existence for themselves...because whether humanity is ready or not…that gateway is going to be fully open.  And with that opening comes a huge immense and magnificent shift in human consciousness.  And that global consciousness will stop supporting a controlled system of any kind. So as certain as the sun does rise, those types of systems will start to fall…

And can you imagine what that will be like?  Especially for those who are-not-prepared?  To give you a glimpse, imagine moving to a foreign country where no one speaks your language, where they do every thing different and you have to learn everything about how to live, interact and get along with them…

Starting to get the idea?

You can wait.  But why put yourself through something like that when you can be prepared.

The way-of-being of the Golden Era is indeed going to be different…but not at all what the media hype behind the date of 12/21/12 is all about…

It is going to be about consciousness initially, and then learning to live in that new consciousness.  And learning how to do that, is no small thing.

It is the expanded consciousness of what it really means to be human and walk upon Gaia.  What does it really mean?  Well, to start with… you are not just “human”. And it would serve you well to figure out just what and who you really are…to figure out the all of you that is not human.  It  would serve you well to expand your consciousness to include what you think you are not: Angelic, Intergalactic, Elemental…and so so much more, including all the former timelines of your being human.

That is why you should not wait. And we have some great seminars to assist you.  It is why we are doing this work ourselves – so we can all be prepared.

All the work we do assists you to step into the New Earth energies now.

We teach the 22 Rays of God.

We teach you about what it takes to live in a 5th Dimensional lifestyle.

We teach you how to protect yourself and your light.

We teach you how to remember your Angelic Self.

We teach you how to release and clear your timelines.

We give you countless activations, attunements and channeled energies in our weekly calls.

(And know this: – all this is our own very biased opinion…so always take your own wisdom and counsel to see what is right for you…)

But, know this too: we are confident our own very biased opinion is highly relevant to the New Earth.  (We realize our opinion is totally irrelevant to the 3D world of materialism and getting ahead financially and keeping up with the neighbors…so don’t look to us to assist you with all that…)

We suggest you check out these links below of our courses…and if you don’t sign up and start working with us…well, our strongest advisory would be – go sign up with someone!  Don’t wait.  As these energies of the shift are not going to go away, stay in another dimension, or wait for you.

Some of what we do:

The 22 Rays Challenge: receive an email course so you can learn the Rays of God on your own time.  You will get 2 Rays to work on per week for the next 90 days (for about a dollar a day) including a channeled audio MP3 and Decree for each Ray. This is an excellent start for those who are new and an excellent touch point for those already doing our courses. [Click here for more].

The Telosian Way of Being: Do you think the 5th Dimension is all about love and light, holding hands and singing songs? No so. Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos and the Telosian Council of Light, along with the Ascended Masters and the Lady Masters want to assist you in really knowing what it takes to live as a 5th Dimensional human.  It is more than just love and light.  You have to change to get a ticket to ride this train.  Making that change in your active consciousness will greatly assist you.  Join us each week as we learn The Telosian Way of Being. [Click here for more].

Journey of the 22 Rays through Your Chakras: for those who have more time to spend (at least 90 minutes for each of 8 MP3 recordings), to learn how to incorporate the first 7 Rays of God within their own Physicality (for your 3rd, 4th and 5th Dimensional bodies), this is a great course for the one who wants to be accelerated. [Click here for more].

The Kumaric Teaching of Sanat Kumara and the Holy Kumaras: By audio MP3 or live class (live calls are date dependent and will expire), this special seminar/combo series is to remember your essence walking the 7th Dimensional frequency of your existence with the Kumaras.  (Not all have this recognition of themselves, but if you resonate with Sanat Kumara, this is why).  This unique seminar also includes a private session with each of the Kumaras. [Click here for more].

The Angelic Teachings: AA Michael and Lord Metatron both offer significant elements to assist us remembering our full consciousness as Angelic Beings.  AA Michael brings us a course in remembering our Angelic Transparency, and Lord Metatron, the Keeper of our Angelic Essence, reunites us with The Metatronic Golden Seals. [Click here and here for more].

The Science of Ascension: Do you know the extensive work of Dr. Joshua David Stone? He is now a being who has transitioned to the other side of the veil and he wants to continue with his work.  Meleriesee is ordained through his organization and together we bring you their knowledge but also the frequency to activate that knowledge within you. [Click here for more].

The Protection Class: Do you know what the 4th Dimension is really all about?  Many talk about the 4th and the 5th as if they are the same, and the interchangeability of them both as being the next level of humanity.  They are not.  The 4th is not the 5th.  The 4th is a dimension of constructional architectural dimensionality that supports the very existence of the 3rd dimension.  In other words, the 3rd dimension can not exist as a construct without the 4th dimension.  And what is the 4th? The 4th is the dimension of where the veil of the 3rd gets lifted and you get to see what is “under the hood”.  That is, all the contrast and duality right in your face… Are you or were you ever afraid of the dark?  Do you know that our mythical stories and fairy tales like little red riding hood walking through the dark and foreboding forest to Grandma’s house…are not so mythical in their hidden truths? That is the 4th Dimension…and you have to go through it to get to the 5th.  This class has wonderful stories from our own pathway and offers many tools to assist you to do just that and protect your light while you do.  [Click here for more].

Our Weekly Tele-Teachings and Membership:  Perhaps one of our easiest tools to keep yourself learning and advancing along the path.  Each week we normally do 2 calls (Mondays and Wednesdays) for our members.  Each call assist in bringing you insights and re-connections to all this work, including many channeled messages, activations, attunements and guided meditations. What makes these calls unique? We don’t just bring you the elements of knowledge you are seeking to make a shift, we bring the high vibrational frequencies that make a shift in your full body system of the mental, emotional, physical and etheric bodies. (Of course, your Higher Self, and you, need to allow that to happen…as freewill governs all things on planet earth.)  Currently our members are getting The Telosian Way seminar series as part of their membership.  In 2013 we will resume learning about the Etheric Golden Cities with Lord Adama the High Priest of Telos. (The Golden Cities, by the way, all use the Rays of God in their teachings for humanity.) [Click here for more].

These are just some of the ways we are here to get you ready.  And everything we do gets us ready too, as we are all on this pathway together.  And if all that was not enough… we do personal sessions for you as well.  (Which may not be something we will always be able to offer, but for now, we still can do so.)

What are the personal sessions?  Mostly one-on-one sessions with the Ascended Masters, Lady Masters and Beings who want to impart all these esoteric teachings about Ascension and Soul Psychology to humanity.  You already know the names of many of the beings we offer sessions through, but click here to see more on how we can assist you.

Walk The Pathway To Mastery: Science of Ascension Series with Master Joshua (Dr. Joshua David Stone)

Science of Asension Mastery Class Series by Walking Terra Christa
Science of Asension Mastery Class Series by Walking Terra Christa



The next phase of our Mastery Class Series is going to entail tools, techniques, and guidelines along with understanding truly what ascension means in the human consciousness.  Many are on the ascension pathway but may not fully understand what that means except to move into higher levels by feeling increased energies within their physical body along with many changes that are occurring.

This series is going to help an individual to have a broader understanding of exactly what the process entails on “Walking upon the Mastery Pathway”.  (Click here to read more…)


Note that starting this week we are going to be having SOME SPECIAL MASTERY CLASS SEMINARS:The Kumaric Seven Rays of God with Sanat Kumara and the Holy Kumaras

  • Thursday July 12 at 11:30 AM PDT – A SPECIAL MASTERY CLASS WITH SANAT KUMARA This call will bring an attunement and an introduction to a our very timely 6-month Seminar Series where the Seven Holy Kumaras will guide us through the Venutian School of the First Seven Rays. prior to the 12-12-12.  Not to be missed!
  • Thursday July 26th at 11:30 AM PDT ~ “G.R.A.C.E” – ACCESSING YOUR ANGELIC SELF WITH ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.  This class will attune you to your Angelic Presence in a way that has never before been able to be accessed upon Gaia. Click here to sign up.
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