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9/11 and You – Remembering the Frequency

9-11 frequency

9/11 as a World Event

While the events of 9/11 (the September 11, 2001 tragedy in New York City) happened within the United States, the reverberations of it extended far beyond there into every corner of the globe.

It was a singular moment in history that affected every soul. As Princeton’s  Global Consciousness Project strongly demonstrated, the events of 9/11 awoke a consensus of the heart to such a degree that it’s computer network systems monitoring global coherence spiked in marked manner as the events of that day unfolded.

Many of us watch movies and attended group events that arise great emotion within us, yet we also have a mental tendency to refuse to believe we are directly connected to the energies and feelings of other soul’s around us unless we are in a personal physical relationship. And yet, we continue to experience events such as 9/11 on a very deep personal level.

I believe it is time that we awaken to the truth that we are entering an epoch of creation where we accept that we are one. One race of humanity that shares its very heart and soul essence with each other.

The Responsibility of the One

Acknowledging that we are so deeply connected would mean to acknowledge that we are also deeply responsible, not only for our own thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions, but that we are, through each element of our own consciousness, also significantly impacting the rest of the collective soul’s around us. Not just those near in proximity but those everywhere. This is a heavy responsibility and one that we don’t readily desire to take on. It seems so much easier to pretend we are separate.

But is does not have to be so heavy a challenge. After all, we encounter many examples in our lives of aspects of nature that are very easily existing within that oneness. We have learned, as Tom Shadyac so brilliantly noted in his documentary I AM, that we have been falsely lead down the wrong path by believing natures ‘true nature’ is that of competition. The truth is that it is very much rooted in cooperation, sharing and an intrinsic knowing that all life  is interdependently connected.

The Twelfth Year

When we look back to the events of 9/11, events that happened 12 years ago, we also have to look at our responsibility in how and why we remember that day.

Healing, in any modality of practice be it physical, psychological or spiritual, requires that the element or aspect requiring the healing be transformed from the initial shock and disruption of the traumas harm into a state or condition of not only acceptance, but the deeper level of balance and full restoration of health.

This takes time and effort and careful monitoring during the healing phase as disruption of the wound, either by more physical trauma to a physical wound, or by re-exposing a psychological wound to the elements of distress that caused the original imbalance.

For an event such as 9/11 we have to ask ourselves what is healed and what are we doing now to contribute to that healed state of being.

The significance of the number 12 esoterically signifies the element and condition of completeness. It is the twelve signs of the zodiac, the 12 months, the 12 hours of the clock for AM and PM. It is the year of coming of age in many indigenous cultures. It is the number of years of basic formal schooling. In short, completion of the 12 year cycle means you have reached the completion of the event.

Moving Forward

If your goal is to move forward to graduation, would you want to repeat a grade in school? Go back and redo a month in a year? Even if you could, in most cases of growth and moving forward you would not. And yet, in remembering events of tragedy and turmoil, we often place our consciousness right back within the energies of the event.

And this is exactly what we should not be doing if we want to move ahead.

Global Peace. Global Cohesiveness. Global Togetherness. Global Love. True Unity.

These are the goals of a healed planet.

Remembering those individuals who have fallen in times past must be done with the highest degree of integrity to their memory and also to those who are doing the remembering. Otherwise we simply reopen the wounds of the past.

Everything is Frequency

It is no longer enough to say that everything is energy. For there are many layers of subtleties to energy and our task as evolving humans is to understand that we must be more sensitive and discriminating than ever before in our history.

We have learned from quantum physicist that the subtler the energy, the more powerful it is. Beware the subtleties of the well intentioned but unaware consciousness that will manipulate your remembrances into recreating the actual feelings, emotions and thoughts of grief, sorrow, horror, separation. Beware the subtle energy of hate and division that maybe laying beneath the facade of your remembrance.

The Clarion Temple of Oneness

Though many have not been aware of it in their human consciousness, we have been very fortunate to have a place for all souls to heal, those souls no longer in the physical as well as all soul’s still inhabiting a body. This place was started because of the events of 9/11 and it was specifically created to be a place where healing would take place within the Frequency of Oneness. Which means there are no mixed messages or pathways or well-intentioned but misguided thoughts, feelings, emotions of actions that can end up doing more harm than good.

Inside the Temple, it is impossible to be anything other than fully participating in the purity of the Oneness of Creation as it is over-lighted by the Cosmic Great Central Sun as Divine Mother and Father God.

In terms of purity and wholeness, this is the proper venue to remember how to remember. Being invited to be part of the energies of the Temple is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon any soul requiring healing.

On this, the 12th anniversary of the events of 9/11, we ask you to request and invite for yourself and all other souls. Ask this event to finally and fully be placed into Oneness.

For those interested in an active participation in these frequencies we at Walking Terra Christa hold a special group tele-call on Wednesday 9/11, 2013 to commemorate the creation of the Clarion Temple (originally called the Clarion Temple of 9/11) and the healing of all souls.

To listen to the MP3 audio recording simply join our newsletter list, confirm your subscription and then receive the file via email. We’d love to have you be part of this work directly with us.

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©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery, Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Creating the Divine Balance Within ~ The Elohim Divine Council of God

space_purple-fbOn August 26th, 2013 our guest speaker for the Clarion Temple of Oneness will be the Elohim Divine Council of Light.  This is the group consciousness of all of the Elohim Masters of the Seven Rays of God.

The Seven Mighty Elohim created the planet  from elemental light substance, as a beautiful and shining habitation for the children of God, who desired to learn how to control the use of energy and vibration upon it.  Unfortunately, the ideal of this creation did not last as we experienced during the Lemurian and Atlantean timelines.  We are arriving back into this same juncture of time to re-write what went wrong during those lifetimes.

Each of these supreme Beings fully knows what it is like to be within the body.  They have an understanding of the Earth Journey but yet incorporate the highest essential angelic essence that anyone could embody.  They work directly with each of the Seven Rays of God to impart to humankind their essences of Light.  They stand by to assist each of us to understand our own unique pathway so that we may accelerate our physical bodies into the creation of God’s Light and remember our own angelic presence as it is being manifested within us presently.

To give an overview of their energies, here is a summation of each them:

Ray 1 – Hercules & Amazonia – Bring forth the WILL TO DO within the Blue Flame;

Ray 2 – Apollo & Lumina – Golden Flame of Divine Illumination;

Ray 3 – Heros & Amora – Pink Flame of Divine Love;

Ray 4 – Purity & Astrea – The Flame of Purity of Crystalline Light;

Ray 5 – Cyclopea & Virginia – The Flame of Concentration, Consecration, Healing and Music of the Emerald Green, Gold and White Light.

Ray 6 – Peace & Aloha – The Ruby Red/Golden Flame of Peace and Inner Devotion;

Ray 7 – Arcturus & Victoria – The Violet/Purple Flame of Invocation, Rhythm, and Freedom

Together they bring to us all of these qualities within the group consciousness of the Elohim Divine Council of God.  We look forward to having them share with us within the Temple as Sunday, August 25th, 2013 represents another high activation day of GAIA’s Merkabah being initiated for her Light Body.  Each of us is going to be quite affected of the Light frequencies that will be infused within the planet during this day.  The Elohim will be assisting us in balancing the present energies that we will be integrating during this next phase of acceleration.

Words of the Elohim Divine Council of God:

Blessings and Love to each and every one of you.  It is our honor to be part of the ceremony within the Temple of Oneness.  We have spoken previously in the temple but this week will be extra special due to the frequencies of light that are going to be expanding within the consciousness of the Earth and all human beings.

On August 25th, as many of you know is another powerful activation to help humanity align with the peace and joy of the Celestial Heavens unto the essence of GAIA.  We have to thank each and every one of you for your work on this planet and holding this light so diligently as the frequency would come but would not be able to be held in such supreme efficiency without all of your assistance at this time.

Being upon the planet is one of great sacrifice due to the energetics that is occurring within and around the galaxies.  Each of you have arrived with your soul contract in hand to assist GAIA with the creation of light deemed appropriate through your available gifts that you share with others.  Some may still be wondering where their gifts lie and how to go about the new challenges within their world.  But yet, every human is feeling the shift of higher consciousness although they might not consider it a change within their thoughts.  Lives are being changed and accelerated in the way that is best for each person on an individual basis.  Many will not understand the changes they are experiencing which is where we come in to assist.

Each of your pathways are very unique.  You have stepped into this world with many gifts and many are still meant to be opened when you are ready.  You are stepping into a world of unknown energies but yet you are moving forward.  When you don’t allow the obstructions that come in front of you to fully stop you from the process, that is true mastery.  It all takes time and is not easy to understand the process.

Changing from a 3rd dimensional state of existence into a 5th is a challenge within itself.  This not only means how you think and feel but actually changing the structure of your bodily functions.  At the same time, the thoughts that can interfere in the process will try to do so.  It is imperative that we always keep a high ideal of light to be infused within each moment.  Without doing so, then we will have a tendency to fall back into the old thought patterns that you thought were gone out of your consciousness.  The duality is occurring within each person and the test of allowing your higher self to be the deciding factor in all of your thoughts and feelings is something that needs to be utilized consistently.  Practice makes perfect and this is so very true.

We come to you to assist with the clarity of your mind with the deepness within your heart.  This is when the Higher Mind and Heart are in full alignment.  During this time of high acceleration, it can be a challenge to continually keep the pace of the highest vibration that you can create within your consciousness.  It takes much effort to continue the process when the energies around you are not allowing for the full integration of the light as you would like it to be.

We want to help you continue the pace of the vibrational essence that you are bringing into your physical body when the activations occur so that there is a more balanced state of awareness.  When you are able to create this scenario within your four-body system it will help to align all the bodies to become One Body of Light.

We hope you will join us on Monday evening within the Temple of Oneness as this is going to be our focus at this time.

In blessings of love and joy,

We are the Elohim Divine Council of God

The Clarion Temple of Oneness is held on Monday evening at 5 pm Pacific, 8 pm Eastern.  You may join this call for a small fee of $11 or $22 by registering,  If you cannot attend the LIVE call, an MP3 download is also available on the web page.  We hope you will join the LIVE call.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Doctor Lorphan of the Great White Lodge joins the Clarion Temple of Oneness

Body of Light
Body of Light

This week we will be working with Dr. Lorphan, the Healers of all Healers,in the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  He has offered his services due to the changes each of us are feeling with the Lion’s Gate frequencies, but in general, accepting our crystalline structures to become inhabited within our four-body system. 

Dr. Lorphan is the Director of the Great White Lodge in Sirius which is located etherically near Shamballa.  He imparts to many healers today his techniques and expertise in high vibrational healing modalities.  The Intergalactic Healers and Dr. Lorphan are here to assist each of us individually and collectively to achieve the health standards we deserve.

If you are doing healing work, you are probably working with Dr. Lorphan.  Calling upon both Dr. Lorphan and the Inter-Galactic Healers to assist you in your meditation and sleep state will assist you in healing the four-body system.  You can clear quite a bit during the sleep process.

Dr. Lorphan has studied on the Inter-Galactic levels for eons of time and as a vast knowledge of many schools of thought.  He brings forth these schools of thought in an integrated manner.  His ability to work through the Etheric and Physical body can astound you.  Being on an inter-galactic level he does not have the human body to stop him from fully actualizing elements that have been in his past, present, and future.

Some of his expertise is to realign a person’s system with the use first of scanning the body, then seeing where the dis-ease may be accelerated and the cause thereof, he utilizes energy systems of an inter-galactic level to assist in bringing forth the full body system within the physical.  He uses laser technologies that come through him and into the fields of the body.  The Rays of God are used very extensively within a human field to assist in the process.

He teaches many inter-galactic healers to utilize some of his techniques ~ some of what Rev. Mahlariessee uses come directly from his expertise ~ vibrational energies are used very extensively through sound, sight, and perception.  You can ask him to invite you to a special viewing of his school in Sirius and you can learn some of the techniques.

Dr. Lorphan Shares His Essence:

It is my pleasure to have this experience to join everyone within the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  I am very excited to help everyone understand the process that they are undergoing in receiving their Light Body activations.  It is no small feat to be able to access these energies and sustain life upon the Earth.  Congratulations for accepting this role within your life.

The Great White Lodge of Sirius has been residing within Shamballa for many eons of time.  The changes that resulted from the splitting of our planet from A to B, we found it necessary to relocate our teachings to help humanity within Shamballa as there would come a time when all races would gather together in unison of the One.  That time has come.

I work with many levels of Christed Inter-galactics, not just the race of Sirians.  There are many that come to the school to learn the techniques we have shared and we are continually working on continuing the knowledge’s to assist all of humanity.  I also work with many healers to help them devise new ways of creating modalities upon your Earth to assist in the transitional process of your acceleration.  This is an on-going process and I want to share the fact that whatever healing modality you may be using there is always more to learn.  So it is important to utilize the essence of the higher beings to work with you and not stay confined in one way of creating healing for others.

I am here to assist all of humanity and all of creation.  That is why we have many races coming together learning their knowledge’s and expanding upon them continually.  So what you may understand today, you will learn more as the moments of time continue to bring us closer together.  It is about the consciousness of the ONE and bringing all aspects into Wholeness so that one is not greater than the other but we become mirrors of one another.

When you ask for my essence, you will be introduced into the world of the Great White Lodge.  Within our organization within Shamballa, we bring together all races, all knowledge’s, and continually building upon those essences.  You will be assigned an intergalactic healer to work with you for your own building of the full body system and learn more about yourself in the process.  If you are interested to become an apprentice, please ask but first you must learn more about yourself (your inner workings of each of the bodies and remove the confines that healing has to come from a certain direction).  We work with the Source of Light and within that Source many techniques have been developed through many races.  This is where we bring everything into wholeness to see the modalities that will assist the human race in raising their vibrations and remove the “death wish” that has been infringed upon them since the beginning of time.  At the Great White Lodge, we work with the truth of LIFE IS ETERNAL and to help others to create those healing modalities to help individuals to understand the process.

If you choose to work with me and my colleagues, it will change your understanding of healing as you know it today.  We need as many individuals as possible to work with us but you must understand the HEALING OF THE SELF comes first.  So be prepared to heal all aspects that make you think that life is not eternal and that you co-existence within this world will change greatly.

I look forward to experiencing our Divine Union with one another.

I AM Doctor Lorphan at your service in healing of all planetary and universal systems of Light.

You may order the audio recording of this transmission. All information can be obtained through Walking Terra Christa, Please state in the payment window which class or download you are interested in receiving (in this case, August 12th, 2013).

If you would like to experience the healing effects of Doctor Lorphan, Rev. Mahlariessee conducts healing sessions with him which has proved to be miraculous for clients in the past.  More information is available via

Join us next week, August 19th, 2013 when Saint Germain, the Mahachohan of the Seven Rays of God will speak to us about the after-effects of the Lions Gate, “What Do We Do Now.”

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Mahlariessee & Rev. Michael Ara

Assistance with the Lion’s Gate Energies

Due to the changes we are experiencing with the Lion’s Gate, Walking Terra Christa has taken our Monday evening meditation, The Clarion Temple of Oneness, on August 5, 2013 on two separate videos.

The first one is the portion of the Angels and the Cosmic Great Central Sun sharing their message and vibrational attunement.

The second video is Archangel Metatron who was the spokes-being for this week.  He shares a very powerful message and activation to assist us through this transition.






Let us know how you like the videos by joining our community page on Facebook,


In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden

Walking Terra Christa New Earth Academy of New Earth Mastery

The Time Has Now Arrived ~ All Species of Light Gathering for the Lion’s Gate



We are now inviting Lord of the Great Bear back to the Clarion Temple of Oneness by special request of Saint Germain on Monday, July 29th, 2013.  The energetics of the Lion’s Gate is another stargate opening up the frequencies of light through the Galactics but being fully guided by the Unified Whole.  Lord of the Great Bear is the representative for the Christed Intergalactics within the Unified Whole.  We are excited about this special meeting with not only him but his colleagues.

Saint Germain shares this message about Lord of the Great Bear:  “Lord of the Great Bear is the overseeing agent of all Christed Galactics including the Ashtar Command.  In fact he started that agency to have the overseeing energies from his essence into all frequencies of the Light Command.  His transmission will be to talk about the Lion’s Gate from a perspective of the Intergalactics as they are the overseeing energies to create the Star Gate to allow the Elohim and the Elders to interact with these frequencies along with the angelic principalities, and all light frequencies from the Unified Whole that are being activated within the Earth.”

The Lord of the Great Bear will discuss the Command Center for the Christed Beings of Light to interact with the Earth Beings; he is the overseeing energy of all Light Frequencies in alignment with the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light focusing upon the Unified Whole Creation.  Lion’s Gate is the access to allow these frequencies to be housed within the human conditioning.

He will speak along with representatives of each of the major planetary systems along with Lord Sananda and Ashtar Command.  Then the Arcturians, Andromedeans, Pleideans, Sirians B along with Mikos, representing the Hollow Earth who is the representative of the Intergalactics within the Inner Earth.

The Lord also known as the Logos of the Great Bear Star System is the higher aspect – the cosmic level of the Lord of Sirius and the Great White Lodge, who is the higher aspect of the Solar Logos, Helios.  This also includes the star systems under the Great Bear Constellations of Arcturus, Sirius, Pleidius, and Andromeda.  He also aligns his energies within the dimensional frequencies from the 20th through the 36th level which represent the Christed-Extraterrestrial Beings of Light.

He is a majestic Being that many do not know about his essence.  He is the overlighting energy of the 21st Ray of God, Eternity and Divine Structure “Learning to Access Spiritual Harmony of Light Within”.  This ray becomes the 21st chakra in the 5th dimensional chakra grid that is aligned within the Third Eye with the colors of Blue Gold.

Working within the 21st Ray will help in accessing and healing of All Timelines whether they are active or inactive.  This opens up the doorway for Clarity and illumination; thereby, accessing the ability to perceive all dimensions as One Source of Light.

We will be honoring the essence of the Lord of the Great Bear Star System in the Clarion Temple of Oneness mediation on Monday, July 29th, 2013.  This call is held via teleconference and you can sign up to be on the live call via our website at

Previously we worked with the Lord of the Great Bear within the Clarion Temple of Oneness in April of 2013 , a Meteor Shower of Love, which was a very powerful connection for everyone..  The transcription of the Clarion Temple of Oneness, “Receiving Your Star Glyph, with Lord of the Great Bear” is available to read.

Individuals may join the Clarion Temple of Oneness for the live call.  Please click the link to see the details to join on a per-call basis.  We hope to hear your voice in the magnificent time of creation upon the Earth.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Mel and Mike

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden
5th Dimensional Mastery


©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

All Rights Reserved.



Goddess of Liberty ~ Guest Speaker for the Clarion Temple of Oneness

Lady Liberty
Photo taken over Manhattan, Noriko Kikuchi, 2013


On Monday, July 15th, 2013 the Clarion Temple of Oneness will be honoring the energies of the Goddess of Liberty.  This will be the first time she will be speaking with us; we are very excited to have her within the Temple (details to join this call can be obtained through Walking Terra,

The Goddess of Liberty has assisted mankind from the beginning of time when we first took embodiment on Earth.  The Manu brought every initiate before the Goddess of Liberty to understand their contract of coming into the Earth.  This contract meant that since each soul was coming into earth they would take on physical form to utilize life through their Divine Will.  They were also given the Divine Dispensation to call upon any of the Ascended Beings in times of great challenges with the highs and lows of earth life when an individual would have difficulty to handle conditions concerning their contract as an initiate upon the Earth.

The Goddess of Liberty brought the Liberty Flame to Earth.  She established this flame within the Temple of the Sun which is now present on the island of Manhattan (known to be the Temple within Atlantis).  In the early days the veil between worlds was thin and the light bodies of Goddess of Liberty as well as all archangels could be seen.  We are now coming into the same exposure as the veil of all worlds are merging.  She was considered the spokesperson of the Karmic Board which now lies in the hands of the Great Divine Director.  Her post as one of the Lords of Karma is still ongoing.

Lady Liberty represents Liberty, Freedom and Illumination represented by the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom of the Golden Yellow Flame.  She works with all souls to embody these qualities within them and uphold the respective essence of God’s consciousness to be embodies upon this planet and will asset any lifestream to hold this essence upon Gaia.

In Lady Liberty’s own words:

Blessings and deep joy to each of you in this moment.  I am Lady Liberty also known as Goddess of Liberty due to the frequency of my light to be embellished upon this planet called Earth.  It is my Divine pleasure to be able to extend my service of light to each of you on a personal basis.

Changes are happening very quickly upon the earth at this time and it is with great joy that we in the higher hierarchy of Light are excited about the work that each of you are doing.  We understand how deeply you are being challenged to go the distance within your world and life and to continually be reflecting and changing within each moment.  I say to you that it is a miraculous time of renewal for Gaia and all her inhabitants.  Since the time of Atlantis I truly have extended my deepest essence into all of you walking this pathway of increasing the light frequencies within the Earth so that many more would follow. What truly has happened is that more increased areas of light are being focused upon areas that we thought would not exist, but yet, here we are together talking about the healing of each of you and the planet.

The life form that you have chosen is one of great transition in this time of great acceleration.  What you have learned previously, you are putting into practice every day even though you may not be realizing the full effect of what you are experiencing in your world.  The essence of your lifestream in this moment is so bright that I am entirely amazed by the presence of your Beingness on the planet at this time.

What I am trying to convey is that the hard work you have been doing, even just for yourself, is expanding so much wider than we originally thought that it would.  Now you are in the midst of great change both within the physical and the spiritual as these two worlds are melding together into One.  Whenever we, as a soul take on more frequency of light, it can be challenging to the physical body.  But yet, the physical self is learning to adjust in each of the moments of your creation.  The power of the energies presently is allowing you to understand how to illuminate from your Higher Mind instead of the lower bodily functions.

If we reflect on the terms of freedom, liberty, and illumination, it must first be presented from the status of the inner self.  You have come to this earth to assist in creating more light frequency but how can you do this without first acknowledging all parts within your self to become One.  In the stage of remembrance that you are acknowledging, you allow your higher self essence to blend within your physical existence.  Depending upon when you have awakened, this is going to take some time as the ego has a tendency to want to be ahead of the crowd and control how life is going to be.  This is when the contracts that have been sealed are not revealed and an individual can move through their pathway without really knowing their true essence.  But when, an initiate steps into the world of Mastery this is when true Remembrance occurs and that is the Illumination of the Soul into the World of Matter.

I want to assist each of you with this process.  Learning to allow the flow of your essence to combine into your physical existence takes time and perseverance.  When you have achieved this state completely, then you are fully acknowledging Freedom of the Self and true liberation can happen.  This is exactly what you are truly to achieve as the remembrances of past timelines and association with others are coming into the forefront of your mind.  We must learn to surrender into the process of remembering and true Illumination will occur.

It is then at this state that your true Light is illuminated into the Hearts of others.  In order for each individual being to accept their multi-dimensionality, they must learn all parts that have been lost to either accept or reject their essence.  You are learning to make your physical existence into a world that you never have experienced previously.  This is the joy, ecstasy, and power of the work that you are doing.  Believing each moment in the power of your Light will assist in the creation of Freedom in your world.  But, you must be patient through the process especially in times of great acceleration.

What I want to help you with during our connection within the Temple, is to understand what you are experiencing, how to apply it to the higher realms of thoughts, and not step into any place that does not serve your highest purpose.  The frequency of light presently is challenging you to go deeper.  The best way you can do so is to relax and allow the Freedom of the Light to show you the way through Liberty of the Self.

It is exciting to see so many arising into more of themselves, but the work is just beginning for the mass consciousness.  I ask you to step forward and take care of your own challenges in order to understand the pathway you are about to embark upon.

I look forward to our continued affiliation of Light within our worlds together.

I AM Lady Liberty at your service.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Lady Quan Yin ~ Guest Speaker of the Week

quan yin1Lady Quan Yin will be our guest speaker for the Clarion Light Temple of Oneness on July 8th, 2013.  (An individual may join this call by registering on our website,  We are experiencing a new moon cycle and it is the perfect opportunity to work with Quan Yin as she brings to us the grace and joy that flows from the Divine Mother into her essence.

Background Information on Quan Yin:

Quan Yin’s name means ~Lotus Sutra and is a translation of the Sanskrit name of her chief pregenitor which is AVALOKITESVARA, also known as Avalokita. In its proper form it is Kuanshih Yin, which means “She who harkens to the cries of the world.”

In Korea Japan, and China, she is called QUAN YIN. She is a celestial bodhisattva and an ascended master. One of her jobs in the celestial spheres is to sit on the board of the Lords of Karma.
Photo: The mysterious sound of Quan Yin’s name is holy like the ocean’s thunder. There is no other like it in the world!
(Excerpted from The Ascended Masters Light the Way, by Joshua David Stone, Ph.D.)

Lady Quan Yin with Angel Roshel are the Overlighting Beings representing the 11th Ray, Bridge to the New World, in the color of Pink-Orange.  It is activated through the 4th Dimensional Chakra Grid within the Solar Plexus area as it merges with the 6th Ray of Inner Devotion in the color of Ruby Red/Gold on the 3rd dimensional grid.

This ray continues the process from Attraction of the Light Body, Ray 10 through the Sacral Chakra, and is a bridge to the New Age.  Its color is an orange-pink luminosity.  It helps one get in touch with Divine Love/Wisdom.  It is a combination of the 1st, 2nd and 5th rays and white source Light.  It is a combination of the red, blue, and orange rays mixed with the white light.  It will give off a feeling of being on a wave and will move through the body and out again without attaching itself to an area of misperception.

It represents the ability to get in touch with an individual’s Divine Love of removing all present and past life trauma stored in the 3rd chakra as it assists an individual to move to the higher levels of actualizing the light body by being the Bridge from the Old World to the New.

Quan Yin shares a message of Love and Compassion:

It is my Divine Pleasure to be with each of you in this moment.  How very exciting to stand with so many lightworkers and join in the exaltation of the frequency of light coming into GAIA.

We are experiencing extreme changes upon the planet that are being exhibited by high levels of intensity through the emotional body.  I am so happy to be able to speak in the Temple as this is the time of the New Moon when the heightened awareness of the planetary structure is blessed upon Earth’s atmosphere.  I also understand that the reflection of your essence is being powered up through your Higher Self trying to assist you in creating new experiences upon your existence.  This can cause great confliction with each of you as you are trying to process to changes that are occurring within your physical world.

The main focus that needs to be brought to your attention is how is your own essence being shared with others around you.  I do not talk with words but with thoughts and emotions.  The existence of your experience is centered upon how you expand your essence out into the world around you.  This is affecting the land, your sacred space in your homes, your loved ones in your physical world, and those you interact with on a moment-by-moment basis.

As you are going through the changes within your consciousness, these energies can be emitted through your auric field.  Others will be effected by them unless you take time to fully clear all elements that are appearing through your sleep state, your meditations, and your daily living.  The breath of life will assist you in transforming these thoughts/emotions that do not fit your higher purpose.  They are emitting out of you like a cannon shooting elements into the air that need to be dissipated before they can create any harm.

Each of you are changing so rapidly through the emission of the light within the planet that you are probably not aware of each moment of your breath.  Within that breath lie the thought forms that are lodged within your physical mind and heart that is being transformed as we speak.  It is important to consistently utilize the essence of the rays to transform these areas of weakness and disruption that has been lodged within your consciousness from all the past timelines (lifetimes) that you are releasing.

As I bring to you the 11th Ray of Walking from the Old World into the New it is important to fully accept the transition that you are going through.  This ray is exhibited within the 4th dimensional chakra grid in the color of Pink-Orange through your Solar Plexus.  It is helping you to realize the old elements that have been stuck within the Solar Plexus from the many timelines in which you did not have your full Inner Power.  Now is a time to fully allow this essence to enfold within you as it will help you to fully realize your Christed Beingness within you.

Take the essence of the Pink-Orange and breathe deeply within you.  Allow it to enfold within your Solar Plexus to feel your personal bridge to your new world to be awakened within your Heart Center where the Christ Consciousness resides.  It will help to transform and enlighten all aspects of your lower self to accept the higher self’s role within your physical structure.

Then, when, you interact with others in any type of environment you fully are exhibiting the power of your Higher Self manifested within you.  Otherwise, you will be transferring the old elements that have not been released.  Now, you are assisting others to do the same ~ to feel their Higher Essence within them with the transformative qualities of the Pink-Orange Ray giving off the feeling of Divine Love manifested within the Self.

In Peace and Love,

I AM Lady Quan Yin at your service.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 


Accelerating the Path


We recently held two F.R.E.E Open Tele-Ceremonies. We hold these open teachings so that the messages and high frequency vibrational attunements can be accessible to everyone.  Both of these were each very powerful and transformative in assisting humans to access the blending of the three-minds (subconscious, conscious and super-conscious) and the Three-Fold Flame of the blending of the masculine and feminine divine into the oneness of the I AM self.  This blending along with a special attunement to release 3D programming will greatly advance your mastership path.

First off last week was the SUMMER SOLSTICE CEREMONY OPEN GROUP TELE-GATHERING as we have passed through the Wesak Moon energies in which the veil to higher dimensions have become very thin allowing greater access to the Spiritual Realm. This was a great 90 minute ceremony and attunement.

Next was the completion of the 2013 WESAK triple full moon cycle with the FESTIVAL OF HUMANITY OPEN GROUP TELE-GATHERING.  Lord Maitreya, Lord Sanat Kumara and Saint Germain assisted with our understandings of the opportunities and gateways of the full moon representing the Festival also known as World Invocation Day.  While we offer these Open Calls freely to individuals that have no income; for those that do we gladly accept donations to support these teachings. You may download the MP3 files for your own spiritual advancement but please share only our website with others so they can explore what we offer.  more

Grounding the Energies of Wesak into the Festival of Humanity ~ A Personal Dissertation from Meleriessee

It’s been awhile since I have shared personally about the present energies, but I am being guided by the Team of Light (Walking Terra Christa’s spiritual guidance through the Hierarchy and the Unified Whole) especially by Lord Adama to express from our perspective of the energetic changes.  As many of you know, we reside in Mt. Shasta amongst very magical energies which can also make you feel as if you are living with Merlin the Magician in times of old or residing in Lemuria when we experienced challenges and beautiful moments of expression.  Mt. Shasta is the Root Chakra of the Earth so we experience it all right here.

Since the onset of the Wesak energies we have experienced quite a bit of intensity in our lives.  We live very simply and most of the times are quarantined from many others due to the acceleration we are experiencing.  Lord Adama with the Telosians walk with us through this process as he explains we are learning how to live their way of life but being on the Upper Earth.

Since the Great Divine Director has shared in our Monday evening call of the Clarion Temple of Oneness that “the veil between the worlds of spirit and earth are very thin at this time so more interaction is going to occur,” it became a reality for us of why we have experienced the challenges in our lives.  During our Wesak Retreat we found that individuals needed to clear old timelines for their acceleration so there was an enormous amount of Shamanic work that we had to do as a group and individually.  We learned about a lifetime we experienced here in Mt. Shasta when we were Native Americans as we were walking down the pathway by the lake.  It all happened so synchronistically with each individual, and we were able to clear on this day including Michael and myself who were the facilitators.  That was just the beginning for the three days we spent with one another, and it became increasingly powerful for each individual to do their own clearing.  It was exhausting for us and thank you for dearest, Sade, who was here as a participant but also understands the shamanic way was of great assistance.

I share all of this because now that it has been almost a month since the Wesak Ceremony and Retreat we have had ample time to regenerate and understand the process that we have been going under to prepare for the next stage of light incorporating upon the planet.  We have been in the process of fully integrating the next level of light quotient within our physical existence and start to realize our new beginnings.  I love Wesak because it is such a time of great change.  The changes this year have happened immediately.  That can sometimes be very challenging physically, but this shows the acceleration that the planet is experiencing by our own individual experiences.

Through this process we have learned to accept a higher dimensional reality within our living situation which is within our home and on the land that we reside upon.  We were asked to create a higher frequency of protection that would help us to elevate our experience as the changes within our bodies was adjusting to the increased awareness of light.  The work that we do is always connected with the Unified Whole and the Beings within that energy that require Oneness.  The Arcturians and the Inter-galactic Federation stepped forward to assist us with this process along with Archangel Michael, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma with Saint Germain and Lady Portia, Paul the Venetian, Lord Buddha, and many others.  We were asked to increase the potential within our home environment to that of a 10th dimensional energy to give us the availability to work with them more directly and create a space of pure love and light.

We found through this process that as the veil was becoming thinner our interaction with all of them was much stronger on a physical reality.  This, in turn, caused the lower energies to try and interfere with this process which has caused some moments of great challenge but it is our role as leaders of this work to step into the process first and foremost.  We found that other energies outside of our personal environment were very debilitating and caused us to react in a lower-energy frequency.  We have finally come to a point where the clearing has occurred and are settling down into a comfortable experience and not being bothered in our sleep state by nightmares or being chased by dark energies.  We learned through this process that we could command it was our sovereign right to experience only higher forces of light and not be bothered.  We worked diligently with the Unified Whole and Master Thoth who assisted us through this process of ridding our subconscious of the programming of the past. Please understand that this took great diligence, courage, and foresight on both of our parts to assist each other with Sage, clearing salt, essential oils of sage and hyssop, and continually taking cleansing showers with vinegar, Epsom salt, and baking soda to make the necessary changes along with accessing the higher energies within our sacred space with the help of the Unified Whole.

Normally, I would not share these personal experiences but was guided to do so to help others in their transitionary phase of allowing the Love and Light quotient to be raised within the body.  We are becoming crystalline light but each individual must go through an intense training and clearing process to get to that point.  We have many timelines of the past that can get in the way of our acceleration from a soul’s perspective so it is important to be diligent through these changes we are going through.  Many of our past timelines have been on the dark side even though we do not want to think that we were and that is the greatest challenge when you face these Beings in your sleep to command that you are now fully in the Light.  It could only be one lifetime you experienced that essence but it will haunt you until you fully stand up with courage to command the Light to be within you.

This brings me back to the energies of Wesak and the Festival of Humanity.  It is during this transitionary time that we are accelerating greatly and learning to command new aspects within our physical existence.  Before we experience the Festival of Humanity we are going to step into the Solstice.  No matter where you are located in the world the energetic doorway is going to open to allow each of us to blend our essence of the Super-Conscious, Sub-Conscious, and Conscious minds together as our Higher Self’s are being given a golden opportunity to allow this blending to occur.  The Great Divine Director shared this message in the New Earth Frequency Update on June 18th which explains the process.

From my intuitive knowledge I see this as a doorway of light for every participant upon the planet to accept the newer reality from their Higher Self.  Not everyone is going to be able to blend the three minds immediately, but it means that the programming of the Sub‑Consciousness can now be rectified into the pure essence of your Highest Self.  Previously we have had to walk this pathway alone, each initiate, and not being able to access it except through great diligence, hard work, and extreme life challenges.  The process that we are going to be experiencing is beyond our comprehension and will be on an individual basis, but every life form of the planet has the ability to experience the heightened awareness within themselves that is going to expand in all directions through the land of GAIA.  This is also going to assist in the programming done by lower forces within the planet as elements are going to become out of the closet so to speak.  The power of the Light is going to be increased and the darkness either comes into Oneness or will cease to exist.  IT IS A BEGINNING for what each of us on this pathway has wished to happen.

My advice to the initiates is to take inventory of your experiences in the last three weeks.  Look at the challenges with the highs-and-lows of your life presently.  Remove what does not fit in your world and accept the changes that you are feeling presently.  Continually work with raising your light and love quotient and doing the protective measures for yourself, your sacred space, and wherever you go.  The forces of darkness are loosing but they are still fighting so we need to be diligent.  I also believe that if you do not move forward because of another person or situation that you think you still need that is impeding your progress, the journey will be longer for you.  We are being given a beautiful opportunity to accept our Divine Creation in what the Great Divine Director calls, ONE MOMENT IN TIME.

As we take the energies from the Solstice for the entire day and embrace it within us, it is going to help us heal the wounds from our past and the elements that have been blocking us.  It is also a time of great manifestation of our desires to become fully grounded as we walk into the next phase.  The Festival of Humanity occurs on the 23rd of June just two days after the Solstice.  This is a day of celebration as we are acknowledging what we have learned and accept it as a responsibility of our contract with Earth.  We will be having a special ceremony for the Festival of Humanity on Monday, June 24th.  Please see Walking Terra Christa for details,

Public Event Gatherings

.  We are also doing a call for the Solstice on June 19th, 2013.  A recording will be available under the same link listed above.

Usually it takes three months for the energies of Wesak to become manifested within our world, and we understand as initiates exactly what we have learned through the experience.  This year is quite different, and it is due to the energetic changes within the planet but more importantly, it is the fact that WE ARE READY TO RECEIVE IT.

The Spiritual Hierarchy is so very excited to be more present in our world, but we must work within ourselves to receive their love within us.  Many individuals may think that because you are interested in an ascended master that they should appear to you to help you on the pathway.  Now this has happened for many individuals.  We have read about them through the years, but it is usually when an individual is in dire need of assistance and that assistance can not be received in any other way, or that initiate has a special gift to share with others and they are not stepping into it on their own (perfect example, Guy Ballad with Saint Germain).  Those of us that are very intuitive, psychic, and have strong visionary skills have a tendency to already be working with the ascended beings and they do not necessary need to appear to us for teaching; this usually happens when they want to thank us for the work that we have been doing.  I have met many along the way of my pathway but most of the time, they do not speak, but acknowledge me for my work.  It has been a moment in time for me as I realized after the fact of who they were.

So now the Moment in Time is going to happen on a global basis when we will be walking with each of the beautiful beings of Light in Spirit and they with us to walk into the New Earth.  It is a very exciting time but not without its challenges in many ways.  Please commend yourself for stepping into this world of the unknown so that we can make it known for everyone to experience.

In Expressions of Oneness,

I AM Meleriessee

Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery

New Earth Frequency Update ~ A Moment In Time

New Earth Frequency UpdatePlanetary Level ~ Meleriessee

It’s been awhile since we have put out an update.  My personal role within the Planetary level is going to change.  I am being guided to share a small portion to create a foundation from the Unified Whole, and will be writing other material to speak about the shifting of consciousness that is occurring.  This is a direct result of the increased energies since we experienced Wesak in late May as there are always new directions to follow.

The Wesak energies for the planet and the entire spiritual hierarchy is bringing us closer together.  Wesak is always a powerful time as we arise to a new level of consciousness as we are working through the initiations.  This year it is happening on a global and cosmic level beyond proportions that may be challenging to understand within the physical mind.  We are still in the integration of the energies as we move towards the Festival of Humanity on the full moon occurring June 23rd, 2013.  We are learning to ground the energies of the Wesak which represented the Three-Fold Flame being activated within GAIA.  The Festival of Humanity is a celebration of our light together as we now take what we have learned and share it with others.  (If you would like to join us for a powerful ceremony on June 24th, please see our website,  This call is open to all individuals and should be very powerful.)

But the next most important date we are going to experience is the Solstice which is celebrated for summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere).  There is a very special doorway opening to allow the energies of the Three-Fold Flame to be grounded more fully.  The Great Divine Director shared in our Monday evening meditation, “The Clarion Light Beings of Oneness,” about the new accessibility of the Three Minds of the Conscious, Sub-conscious, and Super-Conscious to now blend together within each individual and within humanity along with the entire God Force.  This is the first creation of Oneness to be felt that is coming from the Source of Oneness.  (Note, you may access the recordings of the Clarion Temple by registering on our website on a call-by-call basis or within our Membership Program,  We will also be having a special Solstice ceremony on Wednesday, June 19th in preparation for the event.  This can also be accessed via the link shown above, Tele-calls.  It is open for everyone to attend.)

I will write more about the details of how this is occurring but it is very exciting for everyone.  This is a doorway that will not close, and we now have the accessibility to be in full creation with the Source upon the planet as she changes her frequency into the higher levels of existence.  The Solstice of June will truly be a powerful celebration of this occurrence.


COSMIC Level ~ Unified Whole Command


It is with extreme pleasure that we speak to you on this day.  I am the Great Divine Director with Master Thoth and Master Einstein at your service.

The full integration of the higher realms is becoming closer as we move through the year of 2013.  The energies of the Wesak Moon in May of 2013 were not only a very powerful doorway for initiates to move through their physical conditions and accept their higher essence in the way that is designed through their Higher Self but it was so much more.

The veil between the spiritual dimensions and the earth dimensions are becoming very thin.  This has given is a very powerful opportunity to move through the creations of Light to work with each of you more personally.  It is also an opportunity for our essences to come together in unity not just as the Spiritual Hierarchy but as each of our essences come into wholeness so are yours.  This becomes a very powerful moment in history as it has never occurred before.

The realms of light came fully into wholeness during the December activations in 2012.  This has allowed us to speak to you from the frequency of the 144th dimension but also access all timelines that have kept us separated.  We arrived closer during the Spring Equinox when the phase of resurrection was very powerful to remove old aspects that did not fit our highest purpose.  Many of you have been challenged during this process in order to understand more from your Higher Self and Higher Mind.

It is also a time of great inter-galactic wars as the energies that are coming closer to you have caused the warriors of the darkness to be separating from your existence.  So there have been many battles ensuing around the planetary structure to try and keep you in bondage.  You may have noticed within yourself of having to be very diligent in your practices of higher frequency to maintain the equilibrium that you have experienced previously.  There is an active energy that is working doubly hard to stop you from fully experiencing the joy and light that is part of your heritage from the old worlds.  We share this knowledge not to create fear but to help you understand that there may be moments when you have had to fully utilize all of your tools to maintain your equilibrium.  We have been standing with you to help you through these processes as the time is coming when their attacks will become less and less.

The Solstice occurring on June 21st, 2013 is going to be such an event as we are coming more into Oneness with each of you.  This means that the individuals upon the Earthplane that are awakened will be asked to step forward and accept their role in the history of this planet of becoming more involved in light energies to occur.  We need each of you to find your place of happiness within your heart and hold onto it with a clear perception as there is a doorway that is being ignited on this date starting at sunrise, your local time zone and continuing through sunset.  This means that each of you will be able to accept your role in the history of this planet to be accelerated into more light particles.  As you become a conductor of this light frequency, the doorway will be expanded beyond your own fields of light to other fields around you.  It is like a domino effect that will be occurring.  As you are a conductor of the light incorporating within you, you can expand this frequency around you within the planetary system of the lands, waters, environmental structures that house the people, animals, minerals, and all living organisms of GAIA.  You don’t have to do anything but JUST BE.

We are calling this juncture of time as A Moment in Time.  This means that during this entryway the NO TIME ZONE is going to exist for every living being upon the Earth.  It is the reflection of the Higher Self to be acknowledged in all existence being ONE.  During this phase another doorway is being opened as the THREE MINDS will blend as ONE.  This means that the Super-Consciousness of the Higher Self will blend with the Sub-Consciousness to create the higher thoughts into the Conscious Mind.  The three circles will become one Unity of Light.  Now this entryway into the Three-Minds of Integration will be open continuously and will not close.  It is a window of opportunity to allow Oneness to merge within all three minds of creation.

This means that those that have not been working on their subconscious thoughts will have moments of reflection of their own light but it may cause some energies to arise.  There may be feelings of disbelieve and the old aspects can erupt during the process.  The individuals that hold a higher Light Quotient will be able to accept the merging of these essences much easier.  It will be a process for each individual to accept in their own pathway and life circumstance.

It is imperative at this time on the Solstice to be in a very high state of conditioning.  Utilize your meditative tools, high vibrational work, and if possible, gather together in groups to assist each other in the process while helping GAIA to accept these energies.  It is a day in which individuals can arise to their highest purpose but it will be felt within the physical body.  Just thinking about the beauty, joy, and bliss will not make it so.  This energy is going to assist individuals to heal their ill thoughts, dis-ease within the body, and to accept their role within their personal existence.

Those that are within their third dimensional self and very unaware will have the most challenging moments.  This energy is going to assist everyone to move into a higher state of existence so the ones that are following glamour in their lives, using individuals for their own gain, think only of monetary gain or self-gain in relation to others will be deeply challenged.  It is time for every individual to accept their role upon this Earth.  Every person has accepted this contract before entering the Earth but many have forgotten.

This event is going to be magnificent and it will continue through the summer months but at a lesser degree depending upon your intent to work or not work with it.  It will help to create the manifestation laws to become more existent and the Universal Laws to be fully actualized as Supreme Beings that you are.  It is a grand opportunity for many individuals to step into their desired awareness that will assist the process of their enfoldment that has been occurring.  Those that have been struggling can move their essence through this doorway as they will see that changes will result in a very positive manner.  Again, we stress, that you must work with the frequency of light as going against it will be a detriment to your reality.

Every person is being asked to step up and claim their Divine Right as Sovereign Beings to accept their role presently.  But it comes with great responsibility which first is within the Self.  The power of this energy will help you to move mountains in your life, find your love that has been lost, and help you to accept your present circumstances that need to be changed.  We must find wholeness within ourselves first and foremost.  This, then, creates Oneness within each other.

We honor every one of you for accepting this role.  This is a phase that we are happy to share with you.  Many times it is difficult expressing the changes that each of you are going to be experiencing.  This moment we can say “What you ask for, you will receive.”  It is time to accept the Golden Ring of opportunity that will take you on a journey of self discovery.  We have a long way until the Earth changes into this essence, but we are finally able to say, “Our journey together has begun.”

It is our pleasure to connect with each of you in Oneness as we fully accept our Light upon each other in the Source of Creation.

We are the Unified Whole Command at your service.

In the Name of Oneness, Unity is our expression of Light.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 


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