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Full Realization of the Self

5th-dimens-bodywtcThis is the written transmission of the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Father God was shared Live in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on October 20th, 2014.  It includes information about the planetary changes in October 2014, but contains very pertinent tools for accepting changes within the four-body system.


I AM that I AM, I AM that I AM

I Am the Divine Mother – Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun at your service.

Many blessings to each of you as we bring forth the energetic exchange this evening that will assist you in bringing more elements into the focus of your existence within your consciousness, within your thoughts, within your emotions, and what you are experiencing in the physical body by allowing your Higher Self, your Monad, your I AM Presence to be in direct communication with your physical self.

The last month has been very transitional for each of you. The planet is going through a lot of changes since the Equinox, the Full Moon with a Lunar Eclipse and now a Solar Eclipse. These energies that are coming into the planet are going into each of you deeply. The one part of you that would assist in this process is to UNDERSTAND.

We have conversed before how individuals have a tendency to put everything into one basket and saying, “this is my transformation” without looking at the little details they acquired during the transition. In order for that transition to occur within you, you had to go through some preliminary steps, and that is the part that each of you do not realize; what they are when you are going through them. Sometimes that is because if you knew what was happening on a deeper level that you would not allow yourself to feel those emotions or thoughts that are occurring within you. This is because it is part of the existence of being in a human body, that you stop that process. The lower self or lower mind can stop you. It does not matter what level of existence within your mastery initiations you are presently on; this process can still be an integral part of whom you are. It takes great courage; it takes great initiative to walk through these steps. That initiative is not given to you on a physical level; it is not your lower, your lower mind, or your dysfunctional self. It is your Higher Essence; it is part of you.

As each of you come onto these classes to learn more how to connect within yourself, but yet how many of you think about it when you are going through a challenge. The most important element with this is, “it is time you do think about it”.

This is because when you acknowledge it within yourself that you are going through a process of elimination and integration, as it is coming from a higher part of yourself, your physical body can accept this. The increments of light that are coming into your physical existence, through that parts that process is coming into your cellular memory, your physical structure, and all aspects of your physicality. But yet, when you are experience it, you don’t say, “This is coming into my cellular thoughts, or whom I was before.” You just know that it comes.

This is a question that I pose to you, How many of you allow yourself to stop and reflect when something like this is happening to say, “There is a better place for me to be; I need to go into a higher place, I need another aspect of my Divine Mind, my Divine Heart to come fully into me so it will help me through this process.”

So we ask you to look at the past three weeks and what you have experienced; we know that each of you have been challenged and you have changed. But are you holding onto those changes?

Are you allowing them to be within yourself more fully?

This is the most important aspect. If you cannot hold onto the new essence that has arrived, then there are still more elements that need to be purged that are holding the old frequency within you.

This is true with every little thought that you have or every little aspect of your personality that you thought that was you. You will find that your personality will change greatly through this process. That is the beauty of it. You are no longer the dysfunctional self within, questioning yourself and everything that you do while having those lower thoughts either about yourself or others. You start to allow those higher essences to shift within you. Like anything else that occurs, it takes time. It takes time for them to be integrated.

Have you ever cooked or baked something and you have to let it sit for awhile to allow the ingredients to soak in before you bake, roast, grill it, or even eat it. It takes awhile for those ingredients to blend within to create what you are making. This is what is happening to each of you each time.

We bring this up tonight as we are at a very opportune time before the New Moon and Solar Eclipse that represents Self Mastery and the particles of yourself that no longer fit. It represents the next step you will be taking into your world. Not everyone is going to be taking the same step. Not everyone is at the same level of initiation, and it is important not to push this. Otherwise, you get into trouble. You fully cannot accept the new parts of yourself until the new parts have been fully removed. Otherwise, that becomes more of a dysfunctional mix within you. That is when confusion sets in. It happens when you don’t know what you are doing because the new particles are trying to find their way into the space where the old aspects were removed.

In the last week we have been in an adjustment period. This is exactly what has been happening because you were challenged with these other energies especially with the Lunar Eclipse. Now, as we move into the New Moon, you can fully ground what you desire within yourself to allow your totality that is ready to be incorporated within you at a deeper level. And many of you will try to grasp at many different straws.
We want you to pick one element that you need to fully ground within you. You may be surprised that one element will be the grounding force you have been searching for and will allow the transition of other elements to fall into place. Many times we are unable as humans to bring forth the new essence, the new thought, the new project into the self, because there are too many of them happening at the same time. There is always one piece that is much larger than the other. Within that piece that fits into your structure, there are additional pieces that will come quickly right afterwards.

Did you ever notice that when you are in a moment of synchronicity that other synchronistic events occur for you, things just fall into place?

This is the space that each of you are going through. This New Moon is such a pivotal time of allowing your Will, your Power, your Structure, and your commanding energy of manifestation to be able to be grounded within you. But you must look deeply within the other particles that are arising; the mirrors that are shining at you, the thoughts or feelings that come up to you during the day. Write them down; look at them; transform them into light and if they are deeper levels of those characteristics plaguing you, go into those deeper levels. Take this opportunity at this time to fully allow yourself to be in alignment of whom you are supposed to be in this moment.

You must remember: everything happens at the right time, everything is in Divine Order, and you can’t push yourself to be in a higher initiation until you are ready to accept where you are as there are lessons to be learned in between.
So what have the lessons been for you presently?

This is what we ask you to look at, within your Heart, into the structure of your Beingness to allow them to be fully purged out of you, if it is time. You may not have anything that needs to be purged. You may be in complete alignment allowing all aspects to come into the creation that you are standing upon.

So as you breathe deeply within yourself, what is the first thought that comes to your mind that is the biggest project that is needed for you at this time to allow everything else to come into place?

It may be aspects of your old self, prosperity consciousness, aspects to create a new life for your-self, a new relationship, a new journey, or a new walk. Each of you is going through something completely brand new in this moment.

Let us fully breathe into that essence presently. Allow the purity of light that you are to fully intertwine within you, within this beautiful Temple of Light as we bring forth these essences to come into your Heart. As it does so, activate it within your Divine Mind and your Divine Heart as the Masculine and Feminine that you are. Allow it to all come together to accept the missing puzzle piece that you need to bring forth in your existence presently so that everything else will come together.

{Divine Language Light Encoding}

We, as the Divine Mother and Father God of the Great Central Sun, command the frequency of Light of every individual participating in this moment to receive their Divining Essence of Light to assist them in the grounding of their Light Within the existence that They Are.

{Divine Language Light Encoding}

We, of the Cosmic Great Central Sun, brings forth the light of all the Great Central Suns into the purity and existence within this Clarion Temple of Light.

Feel the Frequency That You Are coming into you Now.

What does it feel like?

What occurring with you?

Expansion, Expansion of the next aspect of your life to be fully within you.

Feel it blending into all the particles of light within you, blending into all the aspects. As it merges within you, it will bring up of any elements that do not fit this basis that you need on this day, in this moment. Feel it coming all the way through your bodily system; feel it going into all chakras, into your Earth Star and all aspects beyond the physical, into your Etheric Body, the Emotional and Mental Body accessing your Soul Star.

We now command that every individual person be able to look at all elements within themselves that do not fit their next highest aspect. Be in this space that you are Now and Feel It.

Feel it blending and merging and purging; Be the Divine Light the You Are.

Be the Acceptance that You Are and pick one creation, only one, that you desire to be manifested upon this earth within this New Moon that represents your Self Mastery, your ability to step into the process of your Divinity of Light, your Higher Self that you are trying to acknowledge in all other elements.

Be it ~ Allow it to come ~

Allow it to come as the Light of the 330 Rays of God that are within this temple and circling within you. You cannot fail, because each of these rays represents a different aspect of your Being.

What is it that you need ~ Will and Power; Love and Wisdom, Heart Centeredness, Creation of Light, Harmony and Balance, do you need to understand the Science of the Rays. Do you need to devote these essences to yourself in order for you to accept your freedom to feel that creation, your basis that is underneath your Earth Star so that you can command it to be within this Earth and allow it to go deeply into GAIA.

When you ground it fully into GAIA, then it cannot go anywhere else. It goes into her essence because you are part of her. Breathe and allow this transformation to occur within you. As we initiate each of you, through this frequency of light, through your Higher Self and your Higher Essence to command within yourself whatever you desire deeply.

{Divine Language Light Encoding}

Breathe and receive the Divinity of Light that You Are to fully come into you, and the rest will occur through your existence. Surrender to the process, surrender to what you are receiving and allow it to be fully within you.

So Mote It Be in the Light of the Christ That We Are. We Are One.
Adonai, Adonai, Adonai, Tzebayoth
Holy, Holy, Holy the Lord God of Hosts

Allow the Gods and Goddesses that you are to be fully embodied within you with all existences.

We of the Divine Mother and Father God of the Cosmic Great Central Sun fully acknowledge all that you are and wrap our arms around you in Love, in Peace, and Unity of our Hearts Together.

Cosmic Oneness is combined with our weekly call, “The Clarion Temple of Oneness,” which is held on Monday evenings. Individuals are encouraged to join the live call for a small fee at Walking Terra, due to the attunements that are given not only by the Cosmic Great Central Sun but a guest speaker each week from the Spiritual Hierarchy. You may also purchase the MP3 download of any of our calls.

You may join our monthly membership program.  Please see details via

The Clarion Temple of Oneness channeling can be accessed via which contains the portion from the Guardians of Metatronic Light, October 20th, 2014.


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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