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Tips for Celebrating Wesak – April 29, 2018

Wesak Festival with Walking Terra Christa

This year the Wesak Festival of Light of the Full Moon in Taurus occurs on April 29, 2018. In the Ascended Master Teachings it is considered the most auspicious day of the year.


Wesak is a time of celebration for many eastern traditions that follow the religious tenets of Buddhism in its many forms so they cannot only honor Buddha’s teachings but also remember to embody them in life.

Within Ascension Mastery studies, however, it is not simply a festival to mark and celebrate the day centuries ago when the man Siddhattha Gotama achieved enlightenment at the age of 80.

The Ascended Masters are considered the ones who are also Enlightened as they have traveled an earthly path of raising consciousness similar to Buddha within their own lifetime of study to attain a Higher Consciousness. So they, too, gather together to honor and celebrate the process of becoming enlightened within a physical body. Buddha holds the honorary position as being the first person who did this within the written historical records of humanity.

On the day of Wesak (Vesak), in the Wesak Valley of the Hollow/Inner Earth Etheric City of Shamballa, (which is etherically in the same location as Shamballa in the Himalayan Valley), these Masters gather by the hundreds and thousands to not just honor Buddha. Most importantly they honor all those humans who are striving now in their lives to attained the status of Enlightenment regardless of the particular format of Christed Consciousness teachings they undertake.

It is a single day in the year that all Ascended Beings of Light come together to celebrate that Blessing: as the pathway of just One Soul seeking Enlightenment is such a rare and magnificent gift to creation itself. Upon the earth, it is a tremendous gift to Gaia herself which can then be reflected upon all of Humanity.

Most importantly, for each of as seekers of the Highest Spiritual Truth, the community of the entire Hierarchy of the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of White Light of all Masters within the Unified Whole of Ascended Beings, are here to give those Blessings to each of us on this day as we also then bless ourselves by participating.


To best position your own pathway energetically, we have put together a list of the best ways to celebrate Wesak to honor Gaia, Humanity, the Ascended Masters, and yourself.

1. Make it a Sacred Day – If there ever was a day to take time to separate your consciousness from the daily distractions and influences of your secular life, this is that moment in time so that you can blend your consciousness more directly with the spiritual energies and higher frequencies of the entire community of Ascended Masters. Other than private secluded peaceful moments in nature, it is best to postpone and reschedule outside chores or meetings.

2. Set up a Sacred Space – Create a retreat like atmosphere in your own living space. It is suggested to use some or all of the following items:

– Fresh cut flowers or blooming plants
– Candles (preferably white)
– Incense (frankincense or similar)
– Ceremonial table coverings (golds, pinks, blues)
– Crystals (rose quartz, clear quartz, citrine, etc.)
– High frequency essential oils like Frankincense, Hyssop, Myrrh, Sandalwood, etc.
– Higher vibrational yet serene meditative music can also assists like sacred chanting and/orAum/Om music. (We always recommend the Thaddeus music foundat to set the right tone. Using some forms of classical music may be too mentally stimulating and certainly using pop music would be distracting and bring in conflicting energies.)
– Ringing bowls, bells, crystal bowls etc.
– Create an altar area that has images of Ascended Masters, Lord Buddha, Angels, etc. Place some of your items on the altar area also to represent offerings of blessings.
– We also encourage you to place a bowl of water on the Altar to be blessed energetically. If you are participating in a sacred ceremonial event for the Wesak Festival of Light, everyone may then drink this water at the end of the celebration as it is infused with the direct Blessings of the event itself and what is brought forward to each participant.

3. Be with Soul-Family – Gathering with like-minded individuals for a group meditative time together is most appropriate. The idea is to create an atmosphere that is special and unique for the day and the evening of Wesak. Preparing special healthy food and drink items ahead of time may also be helpful in creating a special event feeling. Everyone can contribute. As each person arrives in the ceremonial space you have created, it may be helpful to use sage or similar cleansing on their auric field and clothing.

This is exactly what we do at Walking Terra Christa even though we also engage in conducting a 3 hour Wesak Ceremonial Festival for others. Our own Sacred Space becomes charged with the Highest Frequencies of Light. In our event we bring in the invocations, prayers and Ascended Master channeled messages for everyone to receive. (Registration is required with a small donation of support for our annual event. You may download the audio to use in your own space if attending live is not possible).

We hope these suggestions assist. As an additional method of bringing in higher frequencies of light to set up your space, for those who also resonate with the energies of the Galactic Federation of Light with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sanada, setting up Ascension Column Pillars of Light is highly encouraged. Information and free instructions to do so can be found at Ascend.Earth.



Online 2018 Global Ascended Master Wesak Festival April 29 by Walking Terra Christa

~ The Highest Ascended Master Frequencies of the Year ~

“The Wesak Energies from this Festival of Light will assist in your Spiritual Connection throughout the year and through to next Wesak!
– Listening is Highly Recommended for all who can do so.”

Where: GLOBAL ACCESS – Download the Audio
Admission: REQUESTED DONATION – $22 and up.
Optional Workshop: 2-DAY In Depth Ascension Mastery Training



Humanity is indeed awakening. Individuals are certainly becoming more and more aware of themselves as Spiritual beings having a Physical experience. This awareness changes everything. It is the beginning ~ an opening of a doorway that enabled the birthing of a New Earth to get underway.


WESAK is a time for all of Humanity to Gain Advancement in their Spiritual Development as a Soul. Officially occurring on the Full Moon of Taurus each year, WESAK (or Vesak) is not limited to being a popular celebrated religious holiday (mostly in Buddhism), but is actually recognized by the Ascended Masters as the opportunity for all Initiates (Awakened Humans) to take on a significant personal boost in self-enlightenment for themselves.

While it may appear similar, THE WESAK FESTIVAL within the Mastery Teachings of the Ascended Masters holds forth a departure from the buddhist religious holiday as a time to celebrate through remembering and reflecting upon the life of Siddhattha Gotama and his future attainment of enlightenment at age 80 into becoming a Buddha. Instead, the Ascended Masters and Spiritual Hierarchy of the Sisterhood/Brotherhood of the Great White Light view this time of year as when all human souls participating in the actions of Ascension Mastery can gain more progress than at any other time of the year, in other words, it is truly more about one’s own pathway toward Enlightenment.

As most of our earth has seen, Activating the Spiritual Self at the HIGHEST and TRUEST levels possible is now the world’s greatest endeavor if we are to advance as a conscious species above our current dimensional bonds. Going DEEPER WITHIN due to the REALIZATION that we can do more in ways we never thought we needed to do is exactly what defines the Awakening stage of Spiritual Awareness as it makes the step into a Oneness Consciousness a New Way of Being.

This is the Opportunity that WESAK brings to everyone who is fortunate enough to participate in a High Frequency Ascended Master Spiritual Wesak Festival.

At Walking Terra Christa we take great precautions to insure the Highest Frequencies attainable upon earth are brought in through our Blessings and Transmission from the Ascended Master Realm of Light. We therefore have been told that our WESAK EVENT is ideally suited and everyone attending knows they receive the highest caliber of Christed Energies only.  

Those attending will receive the attunements and blessings from the Spiritual Masters and Ascended Light Beings who can assist us in co-creating these new vibrational frequencies within ourselves. WESAK is the time of year when all Spiritual Initiates gain specialize momentum to move through their spiritual training more quickly as a Soul.

This is the most powerful ceremonial gathering we do all year and it is one not to be missed by anyone desiring to create a NEW EARTH of ONENESS within the Spiritual Authority of the CREATIVE SOURCE OF ONENESS.

Wesak is a highly charged window of opportunity taking place during the period of the TAURUS FULL MOON to specially receive Divine Light of the Christed Ascended Masters.

Integrative Channeled messages will come from LORD BUDDHA, THE COSMIC GREAT CENTRAL SUN, LORD MAITREYA, LORD KUTHUMI, LORD MELCHIZEDEK, LORD SANAT KUMARA, LORD SANANDA, with the energies and blessings of many others including LORD SAINT GERMAIN (Mahachohan of the Seven Flames/Rays), and other MASTERS within the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood/Sisterhood of Light. 


ALL THAT IS: The Trinity of Love ◊ Wisdom ◊ Power Equates Your Fixed Design

WESAK 2018  ~ April 29, 2018

This year Wesak is once again going to prove to Lightworkers and Initiates around the globe how very important it is to continue the journey of being the Torchbearers of Light for this Earth within their Highest Spiritual ability.

What does this actually mean for us in the Year of Mastery?

Numerologically the “2-0-1-8” is an eleven year. Eleven is representative of “stepping into Mastery” or “being in Mastery”. In the teachings of Walking Terra Christa, we have been discussing and bringing forth the attunements of the Rainbow Arcs of Light that were ignited during the Equinox of March. This energy as we have shared represents all of the Great Central Suns of the Solar – Galactic – Universal – Multi-Universal – Cosmic Frequencies to bring forth their united essence of the 330 Spectrums of Light – that is, the Rays of God in One Source of Light.

As the Great Central Suns are uniting as One, the presentation of light for Wesak is also doing the same for humanity. As the I Am Presence of the God Force represents the Creative Source of Oneness, it is bringing forth the continuity of the light frequencies to work together in Oneness for Mastery.

This year the 5th Ray of the Science of God is joining the other six rays to be initiated into the core of Gaia. Never before has this happened upon the Earth which will help to open up the doorway unto every soul of this earth to be initiated with their own I Am Presence especially as they consciously act for it to occur. It will even assist those who are not aware.

This ray is classified as probably the most power and intensive flames of light as it brings forth the Love, Will, and Power of God’s Essence meaning Divine Mother and Father God as One unity of Light. It is reflective of the Higher Mind to be infused into the Physical Mind through the Third Eye representing Concentration and Consecration allowing the Harmony of the Spheres accessing all light forms to flow in and out of pure consciousness.

As the light of pure consciousness, an initiate is unable to access this ray in the physical human mind due to the fact that it represents the pathway of least resistance. What happens in the ascension process is that the opening consciousness of the physical self has such a strong hold on the reality of the personality that these light infractions do not penetrate on that level. A soul stepping unto this pathway does not have the life experience of a true master (as a true master of higher light does not require an earth body). That is why they are called Initiates. So accessing this higher light frequency from the God Source is about the physical personality self allowing for the potential to transform into something much grandeur. It is a process.

For this Wesak we are stepping into a whole new way of existing within the physical body as it goes through ascension. Learning to access the Divine Mind is being presented by the Rainbow Arcs of Light as this occurrence from the Great Central Sun is putting each soul into the perspective of “All That Is” representing the Creative Source of Oneness to become potentially much more significantly present in their spiritual awareness.

The power of these energies cannot be examined or critiqued from the third dimensional construct. In fact it cannot be acquired in the 5th dimensional construct but only from the 144th dimensional light forms. It is in a sense an energy exchange, not a physical reality.

The only way that we can explain it is to realize within yourself that you have stepped into a space of nothingness. There is no past, nor any future. It is in that moment of reality that you come into a new state of existence – one that you have never experienced before.

Fixed Design represents the contract that was created between you, as a Soul, and your Creator of what this lifetime would represent. Divine Mother Father God is a representative of the Creator and you as an incarnated soul represent the Office of the Christ directed through all space and time. Your role as an Initiate is challenged to help you acknowledge the pathway that you have chosen, which by the way you do not understand in your physical consciousness. It is only represented through the Divine Mind.

So the accessibility of the Ray of the Science of God is that open doorway for your consciousness to be opened to realize the potential you have as an Initiate into Mastery. The experiences you have, called lessons, through your ascension process is to help you realize that you do have a Divine Plan directed through your I AM Presence. Your Monad overlights these energies so that your Higher Self can be the intermediary or bridge from your I Am Presence which holds your Fixed Design directed from the Source of Light unto your Physical Consciousness. Thus, the ability to blend the Three Minds of the Superconscious into the Subconscious which allows the Physical Consciousness to be the blending element to be created.

The Soul and Monadic Mantra represents the Three Fold Flame, of the Love, Will, and Power. Fixed Design signifies this flame to be infused within the consciousness of each Initiate and to open up the possibilities of more light infractions to be received by humanity.

The Soul and Monadic Mantra

I am the Soul and the Monad,

I am the Light Divine,

I am Love,

I am Will,

I am Fixed Design.

As an initiate, your Fixed Design is very important. It is not something to understand from the physical mind, but it is very important to command through your Higher Self to fully embrace the possibility and finally the probability that you will understand your Fixed Design as a Master. The challenges that you experience with the many doorways on the physical plane is a direct reaction of that Fixed Design working through you via the energetics and light forms.

This Wesak is very special because through the Rainbow Arcs of Light the process of accepting one’s Fixed Design is the power to accept the reality of uncertainty through truth.

There is no question within the Higher Mind that this is the intention but to allow the Harmony of the Spheres bring forth the intention of Divine Truth to be acknowledged within the Physical Consciousness. This is how it enfolds within the Three Fold Personality.

The Fixed Design becomes the Power of the Three-Fold Flame to be acknowledged.

Without Power of the Trinity of Love and Wisdom the Fixed Design cannot be achieved.

So in this Wesak of 2018 the Office of the Christ through Lord Buddha is bringing forth the movement of light to be expressed through each individual initiate to realize the potential they have within themselves to fully accept without reservation or question that their Fixed Design is being put in place within their Three Fold Personality to allow the Super Consciousness to blend within the Subconscious into the Physical Consciousness so they all become intertwined and work within each other.

Due to the Spiritual significance (and magnificence ) of the 2018 energies, we invite everyone to participate in our Wesak Ceremonial Event which uniquely brings forth the Highest Light Frequencies of the Year of the Christ Consciousness to be within each of us individual. it is a moment in time of great potential to all who are able to do participate.

We can honestly share with you that our specific training within the process of Ascension, for ourselves, is what has enabled and brought us into alignment with these energies like no other form of teachings or trainings currently upon earth are able to do. If there was ever a time you were personally wondering or thinking about these higher energies, this is the one event of the year that gives you the highest potential to embrace them yourself. Attending live is encourage even if you are up in the middle of the night from across the world as many of our family of light chose to do that. However please know, the audio we provide does not lessen the intensity of light frequencies you recieve if that is your only means to participate.

For individuals that are deeply invested in their Spiritual Ascension process, we have a 2-day Interactive Audio Conference Workshop (available in English worldwide) with the Ascended Masters. Click here for more detailed information.


Mount Shasta image copyright
Wesak 2017 Embraces Mount Shasta California with the PINK FLAME © Image copyright

You may be missing out on tapping into Sacred Spiritual Energies.

This happens all the time. Without knowing it, individual’s miss out on connecting to the true Higher Vibrational Spiritual energies that occur upon GAIA.

by Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden

REASON NUMBER 1 – You Rely Way Too Much On Only Exploring What Looks And Feels Good To You.

Have you ever heard the adage “If it doesn’t feel right for you, it isn’t”? I see this all the time with social media postings about spirituality. This good advice began when parents advised their children that going into a social situation that could get them into trouble with drugs, sexual abuse, or criminal behavior might be a potential bad outcome. The advice is to use your “street sense” when being more aware could save you from getting into trouble and instead leave those situations. This goes along with “take what you want and leave the rest” or “everyone resonates only with what is in their highest good”.

The thing is, it is generic advice intended for the physical world. Following it when facing potential spiritual experiences can stop you from going into greater levels of your spiritual advancement.

But there is a catch: so called “spiritual energies” can be just as dangerous as physical ones, and from the perspective of the purity of your Soul, much more dangerous if they are not carefully chosen.

So this can be a catch 22. It gets even more complicated as what feels and looks good to you may not actually be good for you at all.

As an example, many “New Age” individuals upon earth feel that opening the pineal gland is the key to becoming more spiritual. The use of legal (or illegal) marijuana, DMT, salvia, ayahuasca and many substances like LSD or other psychotropics is popular with both counterculture and mainstream youth, and of course it is still going strong with the older hippie or “free thought” culture that admires the “mind expansion” wisdom of modern day gurus like Timothy Leary and Alan Watts.

But despite many belief systems and many “spiritual” sources of advice, there is not one single teaching from the Spiritual Hierarchy that advises taking such a path to expanding the mind into higher levels of spirituality. Not one.


REASON NUMBER 2 – You Are Not Making Informed Educated Choices. 

We have all heard the expression about “making informed choices or educated choices“, so the truth is that we do have the ability to wise up when it comes to acting in a manner that is not only in our highest good, but also in the good of having the best outcome for us.

Making “free will” choices is not to be confused with “the pathway that creates your “best and highest good” as the most direct outcome.

The reality of earth is that anyone is indeed free to choose whatever form of spirituality they want, and since earth is the place of experimenting with “freewill”, the end result is that the choices you make are also “in accordance with your highest good”.

Any choice you make, is your choice, so even if it is an experience that results in a severe life lesson, it still is in your (specific to you) highest good to make that choice because you did not make another choice. In other words, you chose the experience so naturally it is something you had to go through in order to learn about wrong choices.

Choosing any form of Spirituality does not mean it is a pathway that will be most accurate in bringing you what you desire because you must be clear about what drives your choices. 

I have seen many individuals attracted to our work teaching Ascension Mastery because they were looking for a quick fix to all the troubles and disappointments they experienced in their lives. A lot of them are not satisfied with the idea of having to work 9 to 5 at a job, pay bills, and be in the ‘matrix’. So they look to our work from a perspective of “save me” from all that. After all, they think, “you are teaching about the Fifth Dimension, right?”

These individual are indeed seeking “spirituality” but only as an escape from the responsibilities of a mature adult life on earth. The idea of “Ascension Mastery” for them is about “side stepping disciplined action” because as individuals, they could not yet see that, in life, and especially in mastering any aspect of it, it is not always about “feeling good”. They will eventually find our teachings very unfulfilling unless and until they are able to face the truth of why they seek Ascension spirituality. Does training to be an expert in any area of earth life, like an athlete, business person or musician, always “feel good”? No, of course not.

And that same criterion, or truth, for “creating success on earth” applies to creating the highest form of spirituality on earth, which is why it is called “Mastery”.

When it comes to higher spirituality, as it is so intertwined with personal responsibility, one has to make educated choices, for how to actively engaging in them.

Educated choice requires taking much more time to evaluate your experience using your full body system. Learning how to not be so mental in turn requires a steep learning curve as for the most part humanity has never done it before. Immediate attraction and looking for the instant fix is not always ideal. This is why we recommend staying with our Ascension teachings for a whole year. True Higher Spirituality experience requires surrendering the “lower rigid mindset” of the mental mind’s expectations and familiarity.

Instead one must go into consciously allowing the vibrational energies in a pure* Ascension teaching to actually begin to raise your awareness. You can’t get that from just reading websites  (even ours) or listening to TEDx or similar inspirational informative videos.


REASON NUMBER 3 – You Are Being Misinformed or Misguided. 

The truth about higher vibrational teachings, (that is, those that are actually higher vibrational), is that they do not fit within what the human mental mind judges as spiritual. Humanity primarily relies on its intellectual life understandings and experiences as the main source to determine what is acceptable.

But since humanity has no actual experience with higher Ascension vibrations,


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Did you find this post educational for your higher understanding? Not able to enroll? Instead please consider supporting our work with a $3 donation for this article. Everyone reading this can help make a difference. We require public support to bring forth these important Ascension Mastery transmissions.

Original Material © Copyright 2017 by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael (Ara) Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS ARTICLE FREELY IN THE ORIGINAL FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS AND THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

When Masters Meet in Shamballa ~ the Spiritual Wesak Festival for Humanity

There is a place called Shamballa (Shambhala) in the Himalayas. Deep in the wilderness near western Tibet there is a massive pyramid shape that has a valley at its feet, a serene expanse called the Wesak Valley. Not all that far from the pass that lies far below the peak of the mountain, (Mount Kailash or “Kangrinpoche” in Tibetan), is a lake. Pilgrims seeking out the sacred mountain during the special festival of Wesak first will cleanse themselves in the pristine waters of Lake Manasarowar.

For them it is an extremely sacred event not to be missed or taken lightly. The vast majority of these pilgrims are Buddhist. But this is a Festival of Light that extends far beyond the devout practices of any religious doctrine or practice.

It is a time when the veil between dimensions becomes the thinnest of any time of the year. For seekers of spiritual truth that desire to attain the best and highest good for themselves and the entire human race, there is no other ceremony that compares.

“Below” the viewable Wesak Valley, there is also an Inner Earth, Fifth Dimensional Realm of Shamballa, and this is where once a year the Masters themselves meet to receive these sacred energies as well as upon the upper earth.

Initiates and Ascended Masters on the inner and outer plane celebrate this powerful time.  Lord Buddha represents the expression of the Wisdom of God, the embodiment of light and divine purpose.

To participate directly in these sacred blessings and spiritual gifts is a rare opportunity for anyone. With modern internet technology it is now easier than ever, as the pure sacred energies can be transmitted directly to every participant. Walking Terra Christa’s spiritual leaders have been designated by Ascended Master Djwhal Khul as his official spokesbeings upon earth. He foretold of making such a selection in the Alice Bailey material.

The purpose of Wesak is:

1. The releasing of certain transmissions of energy to humanity that will stimulate the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood, and Goodwill.

2. The fusion of all men and women of goodwill into a responsive, integrated whole.

3. The invocation and response from certain cosmic beings if prior goals are achieved

Wesak is a time of great renewal and celebration.  It represents the “force of enlightenment”.  These energies are affected within our educational movements, values, literature, publishing, writers, and speakers on the entire planet.  The power of these energies is so great that large groups of people gather around the world to participate in these energies.

Every individual upon the planet is affected by the Wesak energies; it assists initiates of all levels to move to another level of their initiation process so there can be times of great challenges that push each of us into a new aspect of our soul’s essence.  It is a time to connect with others, share your gifts, love, and generosity of spirit.

For those that take part actively in the ceremony, it is the direct receiving of the higher frequencies of light vibrations that brings forth a profound state of being. The energies allow for the possibility for the initiate to gain special dispensation and advancements within their individual Ascension process.

In the words of Dr. Joshua David Stone (now Ascended Master Joshua) who held this Festival to be the most advantageous of all,



Sharing this information on Social Media sites is requested as a service to support our work. Please help others connect with us:

Did you find this post educational for your higher understanding? Not able to enroll? Instead please consider supporting our work with a $3 donation for this article. Everyone reading this can help make a difference. We require public support to bring forth these important Ascension Mastery transmissions.

Original Material © Copyright 2017 by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael (Ara) Hayden. All rights reserved. 

Usage terms > We encourage everyone to electronically share and repost our blog writings according to the following terms: Permission given to only repost the above content AS IS in its entirety with all links and images shown above (including the continue reading link, social media links and donation request). No rights are granted to change or alter this original content. Specifically you may not post this material with any alternate or substitute images. Rights are NOT GRANTED to post the complete article located via the continue reading link. MANY BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU.


A special WESAK (Full Moon of May 10, 2017) transmission from Lord Buddha in his role as the Planetary Logos within the Spiritual Hierarchy. Integrated Channel Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden.

Namaste My Dearest Beloveds,

I am Lord Buddha here to give a few words of encouragement about the upcoming energies we will all be experiencing, known as the Festival of Wesak.

We know that every year there is more acceleration that occurs within the planet during Wesak, the full moon of Taurus, in which all of us as masters and initiates arise to a new part of existence within our energetic bodies. Each of you that are embodying these energies within your physical self are challenged in many more ways than you could ever imagine. You have been preparing for these moments within your soul’s history for a very long time.

The time is now arriving in which the Heart of Divine Consciousness is going to be felt more fully than ever before. This is due to the fact the that Flame of Creative and Active Intelligence is the next flame that is being grounded into Gaia’s core. This will occur during this full moon on May 10, 2017.

As the Planetary Logos, the Father of Spirituality for Gaia, I am very honored to be the bringer of good news to each of you about this powerful light force. We, in the Spiritual Hierarchy, have been waiting for quite some time to allow this flame to be fully accept by Gaia’s Core Essence. Through the last few years, actually since 2012, there have been great changes within the circumference of the planet so that specific Rays of God could be fully grounded into the crystalline structure of the planet. There has been no reason why the order of the flames has arrived; the only element that has been in control of this movement is how humanity will receive the flames and what will they do with it.

The Pink Flame is not the last ray that needs to be put into place on Earth as the Science of God (the 5th Ray of Gold, Green, White) is not ready to be received by humanity and probably will not be available for quite some time.

Let me explain to you what I mean when I say “Grounded into the Core Essence of Gaia.”

Grounding means that the crystalline structure of the planet is receiving this flame so that it will be felt in all waves in and around the planet. As the other Rays of God have gone through this process, it has created great changes in the way people think and act, the movement of awareness and accessibility of realizing the potential that Gaia needs to feel in order for her to move forward in her acceleration.

Gaia is no different than any of you. She must feel the energies, get a sense of what is occurring, and accept or deny the frequency that she feels happening within her subtle bodies. So this process can take quite a while for it to become fully accepted by all levels within and around the planet. In fact the other five rays of the Blue, Golden Yellow, Crystalline, Ruby Red/Gold, and Violet/Purple are not fully grounded in all levels of the planet. As the earth shifts in its orbit, there are other elements that come into play for the flames to be fully felt by all of humanity.

This represents the consciousness of humanity. If I was to share with you what this consciousness represents, you would see that we have a very long journey ahead of us as most souls within this consciousness do not accept that these elements can come into place. Humanity is still very ingrained with the dogma and society of the third dimension which you call the Matrix.

You may ask then, “Why are the flames being grounded, if they are not being experienced by most souls of the planet.” That is a very good

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Did you find this post educational for your higher understanding? Not able to enroll? Instead please consider supporting our work with a $3 donation for this article. Everyone reading this can help make a difference. We require public support to bring forth these important Ascension Mastery transmissions.

Original Material © Copyright 2017 by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael (Ara) Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS ARTICLE FREELY IN THE ORIGINAL FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS AND THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

The Annual SPIRITUAL WESAK FESTIVAL Event – May 10, 2017

Poster image Mount Shasta and the Ascended Masters for Wesak 2017 © Walking Terra Christa

The world will soon be experience the GROUNDING of the PINK FLAME of CREATIVE ACTIVE INTELLIGENCE…

WESAK 2017 will be like no other…

An EVENT that IS changing the WORLD…

Prepare to join us….


Anyone who Registers for the WESAK event will also receive a personal invitation to order our special event attuned Walking Terra Christa Divine Light Language Code charged Rose Quartz Crystals and/or Pink Flame Infusion Sacred Space Spray at a 15% Discount. 


Humanity is indeed awakening. Individuals are certainly becoming more and more aware of themselves as Spiritual beings having a Physical experience. This awareness changes everything. It is the beginning, an opening of a doorway that enabled the birthing of a New Earth to get underway.


WESAK is a time for all of Humanity to Gain Advancement in their Spiritual Development as a Soul. Officially occurring on the Full Moon of Taurus each year, WESAK (or Vesak) is not limited to being a popular celebrated religious holiday (mostly in Buddhism), but it is actually recognized by the Ascended Masters as the opportunity for all Initiates to take on a significant personal boost in self-enlightenment for themselves.

While it may appear similar, WESAK within the Mastery Teachings Path of the Ascended Masters (with not only a focus on Lord Buddha), holds forth a departure from the buddhist religious holiday as a time to celebrate through remembering and reflecting upon the life of Siddhattha Gotama and his future attainment of enlightenment at age 80 into becoming a Buddha. Instead, the Ascended Masters and Spiritual Hierarchy of the Sisterhood/Brotherhood of the Great White Light view this time of year as when all human souls participating in the actions of Ascension Mastery can gain more progress than at any other time of the year, in other words, it is truly more about one’s own pathway toward Enlightenment.

This year is all about taking on that Personal Responsiveness to creating ONENESS in a very real active manner. 

It is no longer okay to watch from the sidelines when it comes to Activating the Spiritual Self. For thousands of years most of humanity has been “sitting in the pews” and passively accepting spirituality. Many others have left those seats to try out a more personalized version of spirituality through meditation, being positive, acting of service, and giving to others. That is exactly what defines the Awakening stage of Spiritual Awareness as it makes the step into a Oneness Consciousness way of being.

The actual creation of a NEW EARTH of ONENESS requires going beyond Awareness into the state of FULL BEINGNESS in ONENESS. This can only be attained by learning how to GROUND the Higher Dimensional Reality of Creative Active Intelligence from the SOURCE OF LIGHT into our Physical Self so that we BECOME that Spiritual Power Within.

Walking Terra Christa will be having a very special Global Conference (via internet, VOIP or phone) WESAK CEREMONY on May 10 at 10 AM PACIFIC time. (Donation Ticket Registration $22 and up).

We will receive the attunements and blessings from the Spiritual Masters and Ascended Light Beings who can assist us in co-creating these new vibrational frequencies within ourselves. WESAK is the time of year when all Spiritual Initiates gain specialize momentum to move through their spiritual training more quickly as a Soul.

This is the most powerful ceremonial gathering we do all year and it is one not to be missed by anyone desiring to create a NEW EARTH of ONENESS within the Spiritual Authority of the CREATIVE SOURCE OF ONENESS.

In a highly charged window of opportunity taking place during the period of the TAURUS FULL MOON to specially receive Divine Light.

Integrative Channeled messages will come from THE COSMIC GREAT CENTRAL SUN, LORD MAITREYA, LORD KUTHUMI, LORD MELCHIZEDEK, LORD SANAT KUMARA, LORD SANANDA, with the energies and blessings of many others including LORD SAINT GERMAIN (Mahachohan of the Seven Flames/Rays), and MASTER 

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Original Material © Copyright 2017 by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael (Ara) Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS ARTICLE FREELY IN THE ORIGINAL FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS AND THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Learning How to Receive the Chalice of Divine Love ~ Wesak 2017

The Festival of Wesak arrives on May 10th, 2017 which means this two-week period before the full moon is essential for each of us as Initiates on the Mastery Pathway to prepare for these energies. Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden shares some tips on how to prepare for the upcoming energies.

It is important to realize that if you are aware of what you are experiencing in your pathway, like your emotional feelings and mental thoughts and how they affect your daily life, then you will be able to have a more powerful experience for the Wesak Moon.

This year we are being blessed with the Ray of Creative and Active Intelligence representing the Pink Flame to become grounded into the core of Gaia.

This means that that Spiritual Hierarchy has decided it was time for the Earth to fully be able to incorporate this flame within the structures of the planet, the outer and inner dimensions of the Earth so that all kingdoms would be able to receive this light frequency. To read more about how the Pink Flame is the focal point of Wesak 2017, please see our blog: About Wesak and the Pink Flame.

As Wesak represents the infusion of the highest light arriving into the planet, it makes perfect sense of why the Pink Ray will be the focus of this magnificent event. We also want to make sure the other rays are grounded within the earth also. We cannot forget about how important these elements are for humanity to actually realize the potential they have to hold these frequencies within themselves and within Gaia.

This is the most magnificent Festival of Lights that Earth has experienced. Preparation is necessary so that this flame can be held within the consciousness of all Lightworkers, Aspirants, Initiates, and World Servers.

So it is at this time it is important for each of us to truly reflect on our inner self, who we think we are and who we want to become. Having a concrete knowledge of the rays is essential and also understanding where you may be holding your energy within the initiation levels.

A 2nd degree Initiate is working within their Emotional Body – this is where the core work occurs of understanding who you thought you were is not you any more; it is about understanding your childhood fears or elements that may keep you stuck from moving forward. The emotional body needs to be open so that the Feminine Divine can flow more freely within as it connects to the Mental Body.

A 3rd degree Initiate is working within their Mental Body – this is when an initiate realizes the potential that their thoughts have within their life and desires to change them. It is also when a person comes to realize how

Wesak Festival of Light 2017 occurs on Wednesday, May 10th, 10 AM Pacific. To be part of these amazing energies please click the link.

Our current blog on the 22 Rays of God is now available to read: ACCELERATE YOUR FOUR-BODY SYSTEM BY ACCESSING THE 22 RAYS OF GOD.

© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Personal use and providing a link to this article for informational or educational purpose (articles, websites or blogs) is welcomed and encouraged except any use related to or associated with profit making activities (including individual, business or organizational websites, publications, blogs, etc.) Reprinting or reposting this material for publications, websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services (as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Rights are only granted to repost this material (in full and unedited with working url links) electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this complete copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. The information contained herein does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or the provision of treatment or treatment recommendations. It is not to be considered or inferred as medical or psychological advice. Use of the website and its originating content constitutes agreement of terms as provided under Website Terms and Disclaimer (click here).


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Wesak happens only once per year. Many Lightworkers and Initiates who work with the Spiritual Hierarchy will miss the timely connection to Wesak due to the civil holiday calendars in many countries stating it is in May*.



For this Blessed Day (which is considered the most important gateway for Ascension Mastery each year), at 9:00 AM Pacific (12 Noon Eastern) on Saturday April 23, Walking Terra Christa is holding a SACRED WESAK EVENT CEREMONY with transmissions from MASTER DJWHAL KHUL, LORD BUDDHA, LORD MAITREYA, LORD KUTHUMI, LORD SAINT GERMAIN, LORD SANANDA, LORD SANAT KUMARA, and DIVINE MOTHER FATHER GOD.
See the event page for more details and to register

*There are many societal/cultural events that celebrate Wesak/Vesak in May as an official holiday to fit conventional schedules. The spiritually accurate time of this event is calculated by using the FESTIVALS OF LIGHTS (the sun sign during the full moon cycle) per MASTER DJWHAL KHUL. This is why Walking Terra Christa uses the date of April 22 and not May 21. (The Full Moon occurs 5:25AM GMT on 4/22/2016 in the sun sign of Taurus).

Lady Portia is the Ray Chohan for the 7th Ray of Ceremonial Structure and Magic which represents transmutation through the Violet Fire but brings forth an essence of Grounding within the Feminine Divine with the Deep Purple. She teaches initiates SPIRITUAL GROUNDING in our classes for WESAK this year.

It is my Divine Pleasure to be here in this moment with each of you. I am Lady Portia and I represent the 7th Ray of Ceremonial Structure and Magic within the Cosmic Frequency of the Violet with Deep Purple. I am here to assist in the present oncoming energies that are presently being experienced within the Earth.

In order to allow the Magical Essence to be grounded within your full body system you must go through a process of Initiation through many levels of healing that is occurring in all parts of yourself. This is why transformation is so very important. It can be an ongoing experience within the physical body to fully receive the Feminine Divine as an important element of arising your consciousness into the awareness that your I AM Presence holds within yourself.

The same is true for Gaia and what she is experiencing within her core essence. The planetary systems are aligning themselves in many variables to assist in the re-creation of this Earth into Terra Christa. At this time, the transition that is occurring is allowing each individual soul to arise to a new level within their own consciousness. The bodily system has to prepare itself in a variety of ways to accept these higher frequencies of light to be fully grounded within your lives.

You may call this Ascension Symptoms but how do you deal with the resulting energy within your four-body system?

Are you taking time to know how your thoughts are communicated through these times of high level accelerations?

Are you prepared to balance your emotions through each moment that you receive a higher light quotient?

Are you looking at how your Etheric Body is communicating to you through these moments of change, as it will represent timelines becoming very apparent within your experiences?

And how are you nurturing your physical self through the transition? Are you taking time to raise your vibration through your thoughts and emotions so that the body can handle the energies in an easier fashion?

These are all important elements to consider as this is a time of great change. It is essential to change your sub-conscious thoughts as they dictate how you react to any elevation of light within you along with the decreasing energy within the physical. Your subconscious is reacting to the energies that you are feeling emotionally and mentally. Many of those aspects of your personality need to be addressed so they can change as you go through the process physically.

All of the four bodies interact within each other. The end result should be the process of allowing balance to occur within your system.   As the higher frequency is brought into the Earth, you as a soul will feel this within any of your bodies.   This all depends upon how you can interact with the energies at the higher frequency. If you are still walking within your world within a third dimensional thought process, then that is how you are going to be affected within the full system. It is imperative to understand how you are feeling, what are the elements that are being affected, and how you can change them to become more balanced within all parts of yourself.

This energy is going to become more powerful within the Earth as it has been deemed appropriate at this time that it is time for more change within the planet, and that there are enough awakened souls that will be able to hold these energies within themselves.   Each of you is the PILLAR OF LIGHT to hold these frequencies within you to support Gaia. But many of you are not ready to truly maintain the higher levels within yourself, because the healing process is just beginning.

So what happens through this process is that you can become frustrated and sometimes agitated that you have to go through the steps of learning how to accelerate your physical body into the crystalline structure. You feel that you came here to help but yet why isn’t it easier?

You, as a soul, in the Innerplane levels is very prepared. But remember when you came into body, all that you were was erased with the Veil of Forgetfulness. That has now been lifted within the planetary essence, but you have to go through the movement of allowing the higher energies to help your full body system.   The changes you are going through can be extreme and very difficult to manage in your every day life. But you cannot do it from your physical mind.   You must learn to REMEMBER who you are.

Your body houses your Etheric Self, the part of you that does remember. It is your Soul’s Light Body but I bet it does not always feel that way. You have brought with you into this time zone of the planet all aspects that you have ever been in any lifetime whether it is here or in another planetary system. Some of those remembrances can be painful so you push them away and say “I can rid myself of this lower thought process by just accelerating my body with the higher energies.”

What happens in this process is that when you are not able to change your four-body system through the Emotional and Mental levels it is affecting the physical body. It can happen in waves of light and some days you feel better than other days. You may be learning many tools to assist you in this process of healing but if you forget to use them, then the pain starts all over again.

So why is the time frame so more powerful than some others that you have experienced?

Earth is changing with the inflections of light coming into the planet. At this time, the Ray of the Violet-Purple is starting to be infused within the aura of Gaia. On the full moon it will be fully actualized within her core essence. Some of you may know that this ray originally was just the Violet Flame with my beloved, Lord Saint Germain. That has changed in the last year.

I am now the Ray Chohan inviting the Feminine Divine within the Ray being infused with the Deep Purple.   This allows this transforming light energy to become more fully grounded within the planet and gives it a nurturing and feminine quality to the essence of the flame.

Through this process every soul and every inhabitant of this Earth will be going through a transformation to allow this light frequency to be held within Gaia more deeply. The Wesak moon on the 22nd/23rd of April is bringing this essence into the planet, but more importantly due to the alignment of the planets and stars, it is disrupting every element within and around the earth. It is igniting change to occur and when one is fighting that change, then the resultant energy is not very pleasant. In fact, it is downright uncomfortable. Some souls may go kicking and screaming through this phase of the Earth as it can be very unpleasant for individuals that need to be in the dysfunctional space of complaining while not realizing that their reality is formed by their consciousness.

That is why this year has been so very important within all the relations of all individuals.

Each of you that are awakened must take responsibility for your own healing. Yes, the planet is arising but it will not happen without your assistance. It is important for every living soul who is awakened to realize that they are Initiates on the Mastery Pathway. You cannot awaken without being put on this pathway of transformation. It is part of the process.

That is why there are seven initiations and seven sub-levels of each one through Planetary Ascension.   Many souls will choose to stay within a certain level and not be able to walk through the many doorways that can be presented within their lives. There is no judgment in those choices from any of us. We are just here to help you realize these elements within your lives, through your thoughts and emotions so you can achieve planetary ascension, if that is your choosing.

I go back to the beginning statement I made that each of you, as a soul realized, that this would be your pathway, your calling of your life at this time. What I desire for each of you to know within yourself that you can get through these moments of frustration and allow the opportunity of true growth to be realized from your Soul’s perspective into your Physical Reality.

I wish in my heart that each of you is able to find your own True Essence being acknowledged through the transformation that you are going through. Please allow patience to be your guide, and you will be rewarded in many ways by your own I AM Presence as this part of your existence needs to be realized in all parts of your consciousness.

I, as Lady Portia, walk with you through the many challenges of incorporating these light fractions into a crystalline structure. The more you realize your potential and allow that to be grounded, the more revelations you will have about the parts that need to be removed in order to accept your Spiritual Grounding within yourself.

In Blessings and Light for a magnificent journey within yourself.

So Mote It Be, Let Us Be One Together

As we prepare for the Wesak energies, Walking Terra Christa is holding a special global distance-learning* Wesak Workshop on Friday, April 22nd, 2016. (Workshop registration includes the WESAK CELEBRATION with the ASCENDED MASTERS). Lady Portia will be one of the Masters that will be assisting us in bringing the highest potential of energies for this Wesak.  Please note that AUDIO RECORDINGS are being made available as the Wesak energies continue for a period of 30-90 days. Participating LIVE is always encouraged but using the audio recording is highly encouraged for those that are unable. This teaching is being provided to assist each of us through this cycle of transformation as the THREE FESTIVALS OF LIGHT around WESAK are considered the most important of the year.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK:  WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!

THE EYES OPEN FULL MOON ~ April 2016 Festival of Lights

Ascension Festivals of Light


We are now in a very powerful full moon of Taurus* with Scorpio on April 21st, 2016 at 10:24 PM Pacific, April 22nd at 1:24 AM Eastern, and 05:24 GMT. (*We incorrectly stated previously this was the Aries sun sign).

This moon is termed a “Pink Moon” by the Farmer’s Almanac representing the Spring essence of sprouting beautiful flowers. It is a time of re-creation and allowing the seeds to be planted of what we desire to experience in the months ahead.

This also represents the spiritual work that we have been undergoing to prepare for the new essence of our Self to be initiated within our lives. The previous moon cycle took us through a journey of “resurrecting the old self in order to prepare for the new.”

The moon being in Scorpio gives us the energy of being the “Spiritual Warrior” and can cause conflicting energies to result within our consciousness. As we are preparing for the New Earth, the archetype of the Warrior needs to be addressed in a different way than in previous timelines. Yes, we have been preparing ourselves to experience life in a new and different way, and part of that represents the warriorship attitude. It must come from the inner essence and not the outer or else this moon can have us fighting in ways that we have done before.

As Lightworkers upon this earth, it is our responsibility to fully command who we are and that changes through each moment. It is not easy to throw down the swords and not fight for what you believe in; but it is about using that energy in a completely different way than it has been done in our existence.

This is why this moon is so very important. The fact that it is also the Wesak Moon is very appropriate but it also represents the energy that is occurring on the planet presently. People are within the warrior attitude of wanting to fight for what they believe in. Change is happening everywhere we look but yet there is the old element of still being persecuted for not adhering to the ways that society has put upon us for centuries. These type of people are finally waking up.

Can you recall a time when you first realized there was more that could be part of this life experience?

You probably wanted to fight society in a certain way to show your view and let others know what it meant. It is all part of the duality of life – individuals waking up into a society that has been oppressed.

This moon cycle brings these energies into focus so that it is in our face. It can disrupt our lives as the world around us is very angry. I believe that this moon is teaching us a lesson. Which path do you want to take? The high road or the low road, as stepping into the anger of the consciousness will only bring more of the same thus repeating the old cycles.

Being on the Mastery Pathway brings all the elements into focus, but then there has to come a time when deep self-revelation occurs and the true reality is shown within our focus. This all represents the initiations and the Ascended Mastery Pathway. This moon represents these energies as it brings elements to the forefront that need to be addressed, and we have to make a decision in how we are going to achieve the most positive results for humanity.

This is why the Ascended Beings of Light are expressing in all of our teachings that this Wesak Moon is very important for this planet. We are coming into a time of change and how we change is going to be very important.

The only way that we can address the issues is to look within ourselves and see where we need to change. Do we want these energies to take us into more of a warrior-ship attitude as we have done in past incarnations, or are you ready to stand as an Initiate of Ascension Mastery and take responsibility for your actions?

These are all very important considerations during this full moon cycle because elements are going to arise in each of us that need to be healed so that we don’t follow the crowd but stand tall among each other to command our Light to be the way of the creation for the New Earth.

The Spiritual Hierarchy of Master Djwhal Khul, Chohan for the Ray of Love and Wisdom, says this about the Wesak Festival of Light:

“We are at a crossroads within this planet.buddha_800_500 Elements must change. The initiates of student mastery understand the process much easier than the unawakened souls. So there is a deep responsibility within the souls of the planet that want to uphold the light within them. Allow the Violet-Purple Flame (which is being infused into the Earth during this Wesak Moon) to bring forth the transformation within your foundation so you can realize the potential that is inside of you.

The Light must win this battle, and it is with your initiative and concentration of your desires that you shall be challenged to uphold your end of responsibility. It must come from within yourself first and foremost. All that you have been in all the timelines must be healed to hold the Light within you. It is the same for humanity.

Changes will come but it is how you incorporate those changes that will be the cornerstone of your reality.”


This means that when you deeply go within and look at all that You Are, then you are able to see your Truth which is the good and not so good that you have been. Your eyes are open to all that you have ever been, and you become the Light.

These truths will bring forth the Transformation of this Earth but only with the help of humanity to do so. I hope you will join us in bringing forth your own truth of the self so that others can do the same.

So how do we prepare for this moon experience?

The most important element is to use your Spiritual Tools to go deeper within yourself to remove the elements that may be impeding your progress of ascension. We must remember that the dark side wants people to fight with each other as it will keep this planet in duality. So as students of Ascension Mastery it is our responsibility to uphold the light deeper and stronger than we ever have before. We are the pioneers of light to extend the Divine Essence of the Christ Consciousness to be instrumental in healing this planet and all of humanity.

Take time for the Wesak moon to commune with the energies, join with others if you can as Wesak represents the Spirit of Cooperation.

The most important purpose of Wesak is to stimulate the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood and Goodwill within each soul to bring forth a responsive and integrative whole along with walking as One with all the Spiritual Masters of Full Consciousness within the Unified Whole energies of the 144th dimension representing that Oneness.

Wesak has several functions:

◊  To Substantiate the Christ Consciousness to become grounded within this Earth.
◊  To Physically Prove Solidarity of All Races to come together in Unison.
◊  To Form a Rallying Point or meeting place for all souls to come together annually in the cooperation to represent Universal Consciousness to become focused within all souls of the Earth.
◊  To Demonstrate the Nature of the Christ Consciousness within each soul upon this earth, so that we work cohesively in Oneness accepting all viewpoints and thoughts of creation which will originate from the Creative Source of Light, the 144th Dimension, or the Unified Whole Command.

At this Wesak Moon, the planet will be infused with the 7th Ray of Ceremonial Magic and Structure that comes from the cosmic level within the colors of the Violet infused with Deep Purple. This is going to assist humanity in going through a complete transformation and help to ground the higher energies within the planet. But its success is only possible with all of our assistance that understand these frequencies of Light.

This is why this Wesak is so very important for Gaia and for Humanity. It is considered to be a gateway into the higher realms to be realized within the planet, as the order of what has been will go through a huge transmutation. It is a moment in time in which the Violet Fire is going to wipe away the elements that do not belong within that transformative energy surge so that the Feminine Divine of the Deeper Purple can be fully realized. It is the best of the best to have full realizations of this light formation to assist in the foundation of this planet.

This is a huge new beginning to allow our foundations to be transformed from our Etheric Self that has held the energies from so many lifetimes, good and bad just as Gaia is going through her healing process.

To learn more about what this Full Moon represents, please see our website, Wesak Events page. We are transmitting our annul Global Teleconference Gathering of Light on April 23rd at 9:00 AM PDT to celebrate the Wesak Moon event experience with the Ascended Beings of Light. In addition we are providing a full day worldwide distance learning Wesak Workshop on Friday, April 22nd to experience the highest level of acceptance of Light for Wesak.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK:  WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!




Note: The annual WESAK GATHERING registration is now open. Walking Terra Christa celebrates the WESAK FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS on Saturday April 23, 2016. There will also be a full day Ascended Master Workshop distance learning training with more personal teachings being held on Friday April 22. Please see the READ MORE link below for details about the important earth energies within this WESAK and for registration details.

Wesak is considered the most important of all of the Festival of Lights that occur each full moon, as it is when humanity receives the highest frequency of light from the Company of the Heavens. 

In the words of Master Djwhal Khul, Festival of Lights Master of Ceremonies:

As I have stated previously, this Wesak represents the foundation that we have been building upon through the Spiritual Hierarchy, but now it starts to become grounded within the planet. It is no longer just within the consciousness of the Earth, but it will bring a feeling of completeness to a process that has been ongoing for many years. Now this grounding effect needs to be enhanced by all Initiates upon the Planet along with our assistance.

If we take the energies of the Ray of Ceremonial Structure into a personal existence, it represents the core values of a soul inhabited within the body. Then, allowing the Soul Essence, the Spirit, the Higher Self takes a higher commanding role within that body.

The same is occurring for the Earth. There is a foundation within this earth, which I think many individuals would agree with, and that is, Peace, Liberation, Freedom. Within those characteristics of living there needs to be responsibility. And that is where the Universal Laws overlight the energies of this year. Without them, we cannot have the accessibility or hope of grounding the laws. Right now they are a consciousness, and we as the masters much teach others how to incorporate the laws within their life.

The 7th Ray brings forth the element of Lady Portia being the Ray Chohan as more of the Feminine Divine is being activated through the ray. This will assist Gaia to receive what she needs by bringing forth the elements of gentleness, love, and tolerance of the changes that need to occur for right order to be brought forth into the Earth.

As we take the energies of the Violet Purple Flame; it includes the Violet essence of invocation, but with the Purple, it creates a grounding energy while accessing the Feminine Divine. It is a deeper color. The Violet can come and go very easily but how does one stay grounded within that essence. It is impossible to stay centered with only the Violet Flame as it was meant to be a clearing energy – to whip through the darkness and clear up the elements that were stopping free flowing forms of light to be ignited within oneself. The Deep Purple flame brings forth the ability to ground the energies by allowing gentleness to bring forth compassion while centering the energies within the self; thereby, changing the foundation of the physical self into a spiritual foundation incorporated by the Higher Self or Divine Mind.

This ray represents both the Masculine and Feminine Divine qualities to be initiated, activated, and fully actualized.

We believe that this Wesak Moon will be more life changing on a physical level than it has ever been felt previously. The more Initiates that participate in the ceremony and truly allow their Inner Truth to be shown in their consciousness of thoughts and emotions, the easier the transition will be. Each soul has a responsibility to upholding their best intentions for themselves and for others.

Gaia needs you to be fully present within yourself and uphold the highest energy of expansion within you. It is a time when great mastery is being realized for the potential of life on this planet. We are at a crossroads ~ it is time to fully intuit all of the qualities that are essential for the transformation of this Earth.

Will you be ready to accept that you are a Divine Being of Light?

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK:  WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!

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