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Mastery Tool of the Day

light quotient

There are several techniques that can be used to increase and build your light quotient.  It is important to realize that there are seven sub-levels within each initiation which also includes our lessons as walking an ascended master.  These lessons are often referred to as tests but they do not represent a pass/fail.  If you walk through a ‘spiritual test’ and realize it, it usually means you have accelerated your pathway into a higher light quotient.

A light quotient can be dropped as well as rise due to the spiritual lessons that we encounter.  We can utilize different techniques with the Ascended Masters and visiting their retreats, working with Arcturians and higher Light Beings to raise our vibration, along with many other tools that can be utilized.

The method of Light Quotient building has to do with taking advantage of astrological configurations and holy days of the Spiritual Hierarchy.   The full moon, new moon, eclipses and other astrological events are very important to step into your higher essence.  The most important event that can help an initiate go to higher frequencies is the Wesak Festival which represents Buddha’s rise to his next ascension level.  Included within the Wesak are the Festival of the Christ for Resurrection which occurs one month previous to Wesak and the Festival of Humanity occurring one month after in June.  Other events include 11:11 and 12:12 actualizations which we just experienced recently.  In addition December 31st at noon Greenwich mean time represents World Peace so it is important to connect within that timeframe.

We are experiencing the effects of the Wesak energies presently as the Festival of the Christ occurred April 25th, and Wesak will be celebrated on May 24th.   This calendar is based upon Buddhic tradition and varies from year-to-year.  Some organizations have been celebrating Wesak as April 25th in 2013; it depends upon each individual focus during this time.

We, at Walking Terra Christa, will be holding a very powerful physical ceremony in Mt. Shasta, California on May 23rd.  We will present a two-hour Shamballa Journey as we meet with Lord Buddha and the Ascended Masters within Shamballa to celebrate our rise to the next initiation level.  We will also provide recordings for the meditation along with a journey to the 22nd Crystalline City of Havalanchee which resides in the Etheric Earth over Mt. Shasta.

Mt. Shasta is considered to be aligned with Shamballa representing ascension energies and Ascended Mastership.  So it is a perfect location to connect with these energies.  If you would like to learn more about this ceremony, please see, Wesak Ceremony,  We also will be conducting a three-day retreat following the ceremony and there is still time to book your reservation,

All of these events have great spiritual significance.  Meditate at these times and ask to receive the spiritual benefits of the occurrences.  Contact us, should you like to have your name put on the altar for the Wesak Ceremony event.

You can also ask Djwhal Khul to officially enroll you in the Light Quotient building program.  He will work with you to drip Light in your as an intravenous needle would drip meditation.  Most of this occurs during your sleep state.

Please note the four body system is stronger in some areas and weaker in others.  So you will not receive the same amount of Light within each of the physical, etheric, emotional, and mental levels.  The ideal is to integrate the four bodies on a daily basis at an even and balanced manner so as to keep them evolving together.

Due to the changes we are experiencing at this accelerated time, you can also ask the Ascended Masters to slow down the light quotient if it seems too strong for you.  This would include the ascension symptoms of lack or too much sleep, food habits changing, dizziness, not focusing, and unable to create a balanced lifestyle.  This is when there is too much light coming into the body at one time and the physical level is not quite ready to handle it.  Archangel Metatron is very helpful in toning down the frequency so that an initiate still receives the change in vibration but at the level that is more appropriate for them in that moment.

During this time changes will occur within the four-body system along with the thoughts and emotions.  It is also a very powerful time in which timelines from the old lifetimes can be erased to allow for new ones to be activated in preparation for the multi-dimensional self to be borne.

We thank the teachings of Dr. Joshua David Stone for providing a foundation for these teachings.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 


Elohim Masters Purity and Astrea Share Blessings of Prosperity

purity_astrea-fbOn Saturday, May 4th, the Abundance of Light~Sharing Prosperity Together circle was honored with the essence of the Elohim Purity and Astrea representing the 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance.

Elohim  Purity and Astrea release the Cosmic Blue Lightning of Divine Love, to shatter the accumulated, discordant substance deposited around the electrons of the inner bodies.  It can then be more readily transmuted.  The Blue Lightning explodes the center of destructive foci and vortices, resulting in perfection.  After the discord is shattered, St Germain is called upon for the Purple/Violet Flame of the Universal level to transmute it.

If the Mental body is not purified, it cannot receive the perfect design form the Higher Realms, nor can it manifest the strength to hold to the design, against the disintegrating forces of doubt, fear, ridicule and other negative qualities in the atmosphere of Earth.

If the Emotional body is not purified, the idea and pattern will be so tinged with selfishness and personal ambition that the beautiful design loses much of its perfection and efficacy.

If the Etheric body is not purified the failures of the past will often neutralize and completely destroy the desired form.

The Law of Forgiveness must be instituted for the balance of harmony to be put into place.

Purity is the Guardian of the Immaculate Concept for the planet and the entire universe which means he is also the immaculate Concept for our individualized divinity, which is fashioned from white fire substance.  This is the pattern of perfection, created by the God Force which is PERFECTION.  Both Purity and Astrea are the Flame of the Cosmic Christ of Purity.

They shared these affirmations with us:









If you would like to join us for these amazing circles, please sign up,, at no cost to you.  The call is free, you can listen on the playback recording during the week and if you want to receive the MP3 download, there is a donation required.  We hope you will join us.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.


Lord Adama speaks on Balance & Daily Energy Tracking

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A brief audio excerpt of Lord Adama via Meleriessee speaking on this:

In the first meeting of the Lord Adama Discourses we hear a teaching about examining our day to see how well we are consciously aware of the energy we are holding within ourselves. Lord Adama explains how to tap into the particles inside us that we may awake with, or experience during the work day. The particles can be in the subconscious or the conscious mind and that is where we need to focus in order to change how we are with it, especially if we feel out of sorts or unbalanced in a dysfunctional state.

Lord Adama shared this after the live call:

I ask of you this also, ‘What are you doing for yourself presently’. Do you have balance in your life? Let’s take an example: when you are working, do you take time to stop and smell the air outside? Or do you continue working through your day without stopping? This is not a good sign and it is important that you understand the process that you are going through. Just as you have been working with the changes within you consciously about your attitude, you must work within the physical structure. Understanding the 5th dimensional experience is to take the time during the day, at least 10 times to stop and allow your higher essence to enfold within your body. Just because you take time to meditate, does not mean that energy stays with you. It is quite the contrary due to environments you are living and working within. The 3rd dimensional arena is still around you. You may have the consciousness of pure love in your heart, but how well do you expand upon this within your daily life?”
[Read more on what Lord Adama shared.]

To order the MP3 audio download of this teaching with a special attunement by Lord Adama please use this exchange button. Page down if you just wish to enroll in the next live seminar.

Choose an option:

What We Do on the Tele-Teaching:

As always, we will call upon the Unified Whole to remove any elements that need to be put into wholeness while activating our Higher Self and I AM Presence. Lord Adama wants us to experience the beauty of Telos so we will travel in a journey to receive the lesson of the month. We may meet in the Garden, at the Telosian Retreat House, or a number of other places within Telos. Lord Adama will give an introductory talk about the topic we will be discussing. So it is a good time to have pen and paper handy for any of the exercises that he may give to us. He may also invite any of the Ray Chohans to assist in the activation of the lesson plan.

There will also be an attunement to assist in the lesson plan so that we can actualize the energies not just through our physical self but allow the four-body system to assimilate it through the energetics. We will work with the 22 Rays of God; he may choose to pinpoint certain rays for each of the classes.

Lord Adama has asked us to put this together as he truly wants to work with everyone on a more personal basis to get a chance to address some of the individual concerns attendees may be experiencing. An MP3 file will be available after the class for your personal use.

The live class will be held on Thursday’s, towards the end of the month.Depiction of Lord Adama High Priest of Telos-Lemuria's Capitol City by artist Glenda Green

Next session: May 16th
then hold the date of June 27th

These dates are subject to change depending upon scheduling.


Lord Adama Discourses Per Class

We will send you the telephone number and code to dial into the call on or just before the class date. It may be accessed via telephone (or SKYPE by adding the phone number as a contact, see here for SKYPE  instructions).

Spring Into Action ~ Lord Adama’s Discourses


Today I want to share with each of you about the seasons and what we are experiencing presently, the Spring.  Ahh, yes, this is Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light within Telos.  I present this subject because the beautiful energies are changing within Mt. Shasta to reflect the Spring which comes later for Northern Californians.

I don’t want to talk about the weather per se but what spring would represent for each of you individually.  We feel different when Spring occurs in the environment.  The birds are chirping, flowers are coming out of the ground with beautiful colors, and the air is fresh with the warmth of the sun.  Outside influences can mean so very much to our well being and that is why I shared about Balance a few days ago.

But let’s concentrate on how this affects you physically and how you can change the reflection of your experience not only within your environment, but your physical self.  Rebirth must occur continually and especially within this time frame.  We are preparing for the Wesak energies in another three weeks.  We cannot experience the highest energies for Wesak unless we take care of elements that are within the four-body system.

Let’s talk about what Wesak means for each individual initiate.  It is a time when each of us, all Ascended Beings, rise to a new level of awareness as Lord Buddha celebrates his Rebirth.  We cannot move into the next stage of this development unless we take care of the present out-molded ways of thinking and being.  Rebirth is a continual process which you are already experiencing even if you do not call it by that name.

As you awaken each day, where are your thoughts and feelings?  As I have shared before, it is about the renewal stage of each day from the sleep state and taking what you have learned from the Innerplane levels into your present reality.  So it will mold how you feel about your day and the inward journey that you are presently embarking upon.  It will also set you up for your day and if you don’t take care of the elements that need to be processed, then it will set you up for mishaps in your day.

It is important to take inventory of yourself and this is where the element of Spring comes into the focus.  Spring represents new growth.  I ask you to stop each day and look at your own growth.  Have you allowed the seeds of yesterday to be planted and feel their fruition within your life.  What you experienced the day before can mold who you are the next day.  They are building blocks upon creation to help you acknowledge all aspects of your Beingness.  As more elements are removed, it gives the new essence a chance to be integrated within you.  Otherwise, it becomes a duality-based consciousness.  Isn’t this something that you are trying to remove from your life?

It is important to take the time each day to see the new growth so that you are not dealing with many issues all at once and then it become insurmountable to achieve optimal results in creating a healthy psychological full body system.  As we go through the weeks until Wesak, you will thank yourself immensely of purging almost daily either physically, emotionally or mentally as the energies of this Wesak in particular are going to take us to new levels of existence within this Earthplane.  Never before have we had the amount of initiates stepping forward.  This means there is going to be more duality to deal with as the newer initiates may not understand the power of the energies presently in their existing world. Elements will change and you will feel the higher essence of these changes.  So if you do not purge daily, then you will be bombarded when the time comes at the end of May.

So Spring into action and allow the essence of your Soul’s desired destination to be fully embodied within you.  As you do you will thank yourself for understanding the process before it actually happens.  Preparedness is essential in your growth.

Blessings of Love in Oneness

I AM Your Brother from Telos, Lord Adama

Channeled Through Rev. Christine Meleriessee, May 2nd, 2013

To read more and get the 1 hour teaching by Lord Adama on Balance and Daily Energy Tracking including options for a mini-session.

To enroll in the next live session and possibly have your own situation addressed.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Knowing ~ Telosian Way of Being, Part 3

TWB KnowingDuring this session of the Telosian Way of Being, Lord Adama introduced NO EYES who is a gifted shaman also known as Lady of the Night.  She shares a powerful message about the VOID and the 4th dimensional energies.

Greetings, My Fellow Comrades,

I am Lady Of The Light but I like so much to share with you my essences of the No Eyes and to bring forward to you a little instructional moment.  What took you so long and I know these are the questions that are in your mind.  They are deeply in your mind.  If you look around this room, at all these beautiful Telosian Beings, I bet you want to be one of them instead of where you are.  That is the beauty of the human mind.  Is it not? Always wanting to be somewhere else than where you truly are but yet our Higher Selves always guides us to the space that we need to be.  It is when that we are unawakened and unaware of what we are doing that causes us the problems.  But that is not true with each of you.  Is it not? Truly it isn’t.

As I look at each of you personally, I can feel your essences coming to me in this moment.  As you stand in this moment of time of removing the old and going into the new, it is a beautiful space to be in.  Because you can look at the parts of yourself that were fully not being accessed in other timelines, you now access them.  Look how much you have learn from this process of continuation and look who you are upon this earth, of walking into this pathway and realizing what it is that you are doing and how you are doing it.  And sometimes you don’t know how you are doing it and that is the best advice that I can give.

As we come into the void which is the void of moving from third dimensional reality to the fifth.  Within the fourth, there is the void, there is the nothingness.  This is the pure essence that you must realize is a necessary component to bring in that void within you because it teaches you how beautiful life can be in the higher essence of the fifth dimensional reality.  Within the void there can be other avenues that want to stop you from being in that pure space of Beingness.  These are the lessons you are learning at this time to fully access the continuation of your life in a higher sense of purpose and a better quality than you have ever experienced in any other timeline.

I say to you right now, “darkness needs to be your friend”.  That is the void.  This is where you truly learn about the deepest parts of yourself that need to be illuminated and brought into the light, because without the darkest parts of ourselves we cannot move into that higher frequency.  So as we stand in that fourth dimensional reality, how is it that we can adjust ourselves into the timelines of creation? These timelines of creation are necessary for us to have the full potential that our Higher Self deems appropriate to be.  The question is “Are you going to question it”? That my children, can be the deepest question that you ever pose to yourself.

To know that the questions must not be asked or answered, they may be asked but they should not be answered because there is no question to that.  Because if you question yourself, then you are going deeper into the darkness as right now you are standing in between both worlds.  You are light and you are dark and as you are in that void, you fully are not allowing yourself to change what has happened previously.  You need to do it differently.  You need to accelerate yourself from a state of continuance.  To say, “I am in the void and how do I get out of the void,” well the void right now is necessary for you to heal deeply the wounds of the past.  So you no longer struggle with them.  How do you do that?

You bring in the availability of your light and You bring in the accessibility of your learning that you are divinely guided because in the void there is none.  There is no darkness, there is no light.  There just is.  So if you take these moments of creation to allow yourself to fully increase your frequency into what you do not want to experience any longer, this is the process of your continuation.  So I say to you right now, “What are you thinking?” because I know you are thinking.  What are you feeling and I know some of you are feeling.  You may be feeling it in your physical body, you may be feeling it in your emotional body, you may have moments of desperation that you do not know what to do, that is your darkness.  Move into the void and allow yourself to be in between both worlds.  When you are in between both worlds, you are allowing yourself to move through the process.  It is when you don’t walk continually, that you stop and you stay stuck in the quick sand and then it envelopes you, and you go deeper and deeper into the abyss of nothingness.

My children, you are so much more than nothingness, you are beyond the availability, beyond the acceptance of allowing yourself to fully be in your frequency of light.  But yet those parts of your past do not allow you to let it move through your essences, so let us take a moment through the dearest one here to assist you in that process.


I have just given you a native chant that will fully assist in removing any timelines, any frequencies of any degree of darkness that have kept you in bondage.  These elements will fully assist you in the creation of your light.  It will assist you in embodying and moving through these processes.

This is our final posting for the class on KNOWING.  The rest of the transcription includes the downloaded activations.  If you would like to utilize this powerful seminar series, you can purchase it by each class or the entire series,  We know that you will not be disappointed.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.



Seek to balance your karma by building only good karma in your every thought, word, and deed.








©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.


ascension resurrect flame

Call forth the Ascension and Resurrection Flame from the Ascension Templates on the inner plane and from your own Mighty I Am Presence.  Request that it pour forth through your crown chakra into your four-body system.

Visualize the flame coming into your Soul Star through our Antakarana Bridge (from your Monad).  Breathe deeply into all your chakras starting with the Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Thymus, Heart, Solar Plexus, and the Root.  Expand it through your Earth Star.  Request that it purify your physical vehicle by feeling its essence starting at your head, through your eyes, ears, and into your neck activating the Spinal Column, adjusting all parts of your physical body into pure reflection of your I AM Presence.  Extend it into all inter-workings of your physical body through the muscles, tendons, ligaments, liters and all organs.  Ask them to work in perfect order with one another.  Specifically ask for any healing to any areas that are weaker than others.  Feel it moving into your Root, your limbs, and then into your feet and into your Earth Star. 

Now feel it expand into your Etheric Body outside of the physical about 6”-10″.  Ask for a total clearing of any elements from your Etheric level to be purified into the Ascension and Resurrection Flame allowing for all timelines to be cleared and activated into the pure light of God. 

Then expand it further another 6”-10″ into the Emotional Body feeling your emotions becoming balanced and purified.  Again, move it into the Mental Body by expanding it another 6″-10″ that will assist with any thought forms that may be activated within you.

Now feel all of your spiritual bodies becoming the One Body of Light.  Continue with any purification through all your chakras on all dimensional grids and the minor chakras located in all your joints to spin towards the Heart Center.

You may expand this energy into the 22 Rays of God by calling upon these colors:

1.     Deep Blue

2.     Golden Yellow

3.     Deep Pink

4.     Crystalline Light

5.     Green, With Flecks Of Gold & White

6.     Ruby Red

7.     Deep Purple

8.     Sea Foam Green

9.     Blue Green

10.  Pearlescent

11.  Pink Orange

12.  Gold

13.  Violet Pink

14.  Deep Blue Violet

15.  Light Golden White

16.  Light Violet White

17.  Multi White Light

18.  Pink Gold

19.  Magenta

20.  Violet Gold

21.  Blue Gold

22.  Platinum

You have now called upon your energies to rise into the higher vibrational level of the Christed Self that you are.

Use this technique in times of needed healing and balancing within your full body system.  You may also connect with this energy before you start your daily meditation.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden,  All Rights Reserved.

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