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Accepting Balance within Your World ~ Lord Adama



It is I, Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light from the Command Center in Mt. Shasta.  I ask of you to relax within your energies presently as this is a very powerful week of adjusting from the energies of last week into the physical being that you are.

Sometimes when we go through accelerations we are so used to feeling the higher energies that when we are integrating the essences, it can seem as if there is nothing occurring.  I want to assure everyone that we are coming into a very powerful cycle and this week is to fully relax into who you have become.

Do you know who you are presently and what state of consciousness your are inhabiting?  This is a question that I pose to everyone as it is always important to take some moments of reflection of where you are standing in the midst of your initiations and acceleration of the Self.  Balance is essentially important and until an individual fully knows the tides within themselves, it can cause more confliction by just worrying of where you may be.  This is a reflection of the lower self, lower ego, and the old way of thinking.  It will try to come back into your consciousness so it is very important to fully know who you are in each moment.

I ask of you this also, “What are you doing for yourself presently”.  Do you have balance in your life?  Let’s take an example:  when you are working, do you take time to stop and smell the air outside?  Or do you continue working through your day without stopping?  This is not a good sign and it is important that you understand the process that you are going through.  Just as you have been working with the changes within you consciously about your attitude, you must work within the physical structure.  Understanding the 5th dimensional experience is to take the time during the day, at least 10 times to stop and allow your higher essence to enfold within your body.  Just because you take time to meditate, does not mean that energy stays with you.  It is quite the contrary due to environments you are living and working within.  The 3rd dimensional arena is still around you.  You may have the consciousness of pure love in your heart, but how well do you expand upon this within your daily life?

This is why in Telos we do not sleep for more than six hours at a time and most do not spend that much time in the dreamtime.  We take long duration of naps and in between that is when we work or go about our business in our world.  This is what each of you is going to have to adjust to as we move into the 5th dimensional arena.  There is so much more to the essence of balance than you may realize.

We know that these changes cause quite a stir within your thoughts and feelings.  They cannot all happen at once so you must be reminded.  Allow me to help you and this is your reminder, “YOU ARE IMPORTANT AND MUST STOP TO REFLECT YOUR TRUE ESSENCE IN MANY MOMENTS OF YOUR DAY.”

It will take some time to accomplish but begin now so you will be ready to fully accept your fifth dimensional way of living.

It is my pleasure to communicate to you in these moments of transformation.

I Am Lord Adama at your service within the Light of Oneness.

To read more and get the 1 hour teaching by Lord Adama on Balance and Daily Energy Tracking including options for a mini-session.

To enroll in the next live session and possibly have your own situation addressed.

©2013 ~ Walking Terra Christa; Channeled through Rev. Christine Meleriessee; All Rights Reserved.

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