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STEP 1-WILLING TO SURRENDER TO LOVE ~ Lord Saint Germain with Lady Nada

Lord Saint Germain is the Mahachohan of the Seven Rays of God. He brings forth an understanding of how to Surrender to the Emotions that are a necessary prerequisite to healing within the 2nd Initiation of Ascension Mastery.

It is my pleasure as Lord Saint Germain to assist each of you in understanding the lessons you are learning within the Initiate Pathway. The important elements to realize is that it not only applies to your Higher Self becoming integrated but how your Lower Self (of the Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental Bodies) relate to the experience of your Spiritual Body becoming more focalized within your consciousness.

The first level of your initiation represents your awakening of your physical senses to another world that is beyond your reach. You realize that there is more to living than being in the third dimensional construct, “Nothing is truly as you thought it was.”

It opens up doorways into your psyche to help you understand that as a human being you are more than the physical consciousness. It is at this level that you can have the revelation that not only can you have spiritual gifts but you can change the drama you have been living within your physical world.

Not all initiates can have this realization within themselves as it takes much effort to get to a point of seeing that the world around you is working in myriad ways of perception, some good but not always.

At the first level, an initiate realizes that their physical way of doing things is no longer working; an individual can become health consciousness while having the desire to take care of themselves realizing that their body is a temple that must be healed and acknowledged. It is also at this stage that the Etheric Body becomes activated within an individual. Remembrances can occur from past timelines and if you are more attuned, you will realize your Angelic Presence within you.

Stepping into the 2nd level of initiation brings for the ability to learn more about the emotional body. It is a time to allow the Act of Surrender to become commonplace within the consciousness so that the way a person is feeling needs to be more understood. We call this process leaving the Hall of Ignorance and stepping into the Hall of Knowledge by learning more about who you are as a person from the standpoint of the Emotional Body. This is the process of learning how to access of the first step ~ Willing to Surrender to Love.

Many of the individuals that accept this initiation as part of their physical existence realize that their emotional body is construed with lower elements of shame, guilt, unworthiness, abandonment issues, being compulsive, having a lack of emotional intimacy, and wanting to be in control of all situations and people in their life.

This is where the lower self is in control and needs to be healed. Some individuals call this Recovering the Essence of the Inner Child which truly represents the Emotional Body needing to be healed from past traumas and events. Now this part of the emotional layers can not only stem for your present lifetime but many other lifetimes in which your soul experienced periods of great challenge and neglect. It has arisen in this timeline for every soul to address the energies so that true healing can be acknowledged and accepted.

The initiates that ignore this part of their history will find that their lifepath will be strewn with great challenges and emotional turmoil. The process of accepting your soul’s history is allowing all remembrances come to the surface to be healed. You have to remember that you are becoming a multi-dimensional being of light and all timelines will be revealed no matter the level of intensity that they bring forth.

In order to fully step into the Hall of Knowledge an initiate must learn what feels right within their psyche and what does not fit. Pushing it away with higher accelerations will assist in the moment but the truth of the matter is that it needs to be fully rectified; otherwise the issues will reappear in different situation throughout your pathway.

As masters, each of us have grown through similar processes to help our own emotional bodies to be healed; the difference at this time is that the energies within Gaia are so very intensified that the elements you are dealing with are being magnified in a much larger percentage than it was hundreds of years ago.

So as an Initiate moving into the 2nd Initiation of the Emotional Body it is essential to truly Surrender to all that does not fit who you think you are within the emotional level. It takes some deep soul searching to look into these layers so that you can see the changes you are making as they need to be fully grounded into your full existence. Emotions are the cornerstone of the four-body system; it is how you will relate your energies and how your mental body will react to your emotional self. This is how you will achieve the balance of the Masculine and Feminine Divine.

When you reach this stage of your development it is important to realize the potential you must create healing within your Emotional Body, it is the step that will assist you to accept a healthy Mental Body as both work within each other to assist you to become more fully balanced.

It is when an initiate starts to learn the lessons and apply the knowledge that has been gained that they step into the Hall of Wisdom. This is truly a great gift for any initiate to realize the potential they have accepted within their emotional and mental bodies by correlating all experiences through the Etheric Self.

As the Mahachohan of all the Rays, I want to reiterate how important it is to work with the first Seven Rays of God. You could look at the emotional issues and see that you might want to have the strength to walk into the emotional imbalance that you are dealing with. But ideally, we want to bring forth a sense of Serenity and Peace.

Think about this for a moment. When you allow the essence of Tranquility to come into your Emotional Center, what happens? You relax and then the process of what you need to do will be adjusted within you. You are actually able to SURRENDER to all the other emotions you are dealing with. This allows you to be in the Hall of Knowledge to gain the Wisdom that is required to understand what is occurring for you from the Emotional Body, the 2nd Initiation. Without going through this process, you cannot advance into the higher initiations with ease and grace. It will become just the opposite effect. Each initiate must realize that the ray assists in the healing process, but the work through the subconscious mind must be done. Otherwise, the issues will resurface to be worked upon.

I ask you to call upon Lady Nada of the Ray of Inner Devotion of the Ruby Red-Gold Flame. It brings forth a sense of peace and calmness when you allow yourself to connect with the flame itself but even more of a stabilization with Lady Nada as your guide. She is the twin ray of Lord Sananda and has taken over the role of Ray Chohan. I will let her help you through this process herself:

Greetings My Dearest Initiates,

It is my pleasure to exhibit my essence unto each of you in this moment. I understand the pitfalls of being on the mastery pathway and how challenging it can be to step into the world of pure honesty of the self.

This process is absolutely essential in order for you to achieve lasting results. It is imperative to walk through the periods of darkness that can befall upon you so that you can find the power of your emotional self to be fully in alignment with what your Higher Self tells you to be.

That can be a challenging concept – to listen to your Higher Self, feel that essence that is you which can be so beautiful and soothing, but then to integrate those energies within your emotional body so that it can be healed.

There is no other way to get through this step of your acceleration. You cannot bypass it; you cannot think that achieving a higher consciousness is going to wipe away what is lying within your subconscious. It will help to break it apart, but you being the physical self within the higher self must take that initiative to change your past, heal it, accept it for what it was and see who you have become in the current state of your evolvement.

I am here to assist you to realize that the tranquility and love I give to you can be yours to hold within your heart so that it is not me making the change but truly You creating the movement of that transformation.

Surrender to what you don’t like, let it be put into the light so that it can be forever more healed and never return into the same state of awareness that it showed itself to you. Let those moments of your past be a distant fleeting thought so that it no longer bothers you.

I give you the Ruby Red-Gold Flame into your Solar Plexus to help you realize the potential that you are. Look at the particles that do not fit that essence and allow it to be revealed. Then work upon it within your subconscious mind.

Be the Change you Desire To Be.

It is my Pleasure to Exhibit my Light unto you in this moment, I Am Lady Nada.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Interested in fully understanding how the energies of SURRENDER apply to the Initiations within  your Ascension and getting the higher energetic transmissions to assist you to do so? A very powerful class given by Lord Metatron and Lord Saint Germain with Lady Nada begins today. 

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© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Personal use and providing a link to this article for informational or educational purpose (articles, websites or blogs) is welcomed and encouraged except any use related to or associated with profit making activities (including individual, business or organizational websites, publications, blogs, etc.) Reprinting or reposting this material for publications, websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services (as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Rights are only granted to repost this material (in full and unedited with working url links) electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this complete copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. The information contained herein does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or the provision of treatment or treatment recommendations. It is not to be considered or inferred as medical or psychological advice. Use of the website and its originating content constitutes agreement of terms as provided under Website Terms and Disclaimer (click here).




Master Thoth shares an analogy of how to move through life in any given situation, learning the lesson within the experience, thereby gaining the balance of a spiritually-centered self.
~ Transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden ~ Integrative Channel

Within the Universal Laws there are components that are necessary to understand how they are reflected within each soul’s life. It is when an individual does not hear the music that they are dancing to that they can become lost as there is not a consistent effort to move with the ebb and flow of their existence. The Universal Law of Rhythm is a defining rule of how to move through life.

“This Universal Law states that everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God’s Universe. Masters know how to rise above the negative parts of a cycle by never getting too excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness.”

This law is truly a testing ground of how well you know your Inner Self – the part of you that represents your emotional and mental balance. It is imperative that you learn as an Initiate that you will be affected by outside energies that are beyond your control. It is at this stage of your role as a soul to realize the potential you have within yourself to understand through your higher mind the way that you are experiencing life in all of your situations.

If you can think of yourself in the physical body asking your Higher Self to dance with you then you will not have any problems in learning how to move through the cycles of your life within whom you have become.

Now that is a very important statement: WHO YOU HAVE BECOME!

Do you truly know who you are as an Initiate, preparing to be in Mastery?

It is imperative to understand how you as the enlightened soul coming into the physical body of how to work within the confines of the planetary existence.

It can be very easy when you are within a deep meditation or trance-like state. You are experiencing that moment which may be very exhilarating and healing for your soul to feel the effects of that inner journey you have stepped upon.

What happens when you return to full reality?

Do you take what you learned in your meditative state and then apply it within your physical world?

Do you ground your energies?

Do you become that essence that you felt within your trance-like state?

It is at this stage that it is imperative to see progress within your life as an Initiate of Mastery. If you do not take heed of the tools that you are learning within your physical world, then you will never be able to achieve what you are desiring to be. You will be in a dream-like state, almost in a fog, while not being able to fully ground your Higher Essence within your physical conditioning.

It is at this stage that many initiates falter as the progress that they thought they were achieving do not become manifest. This is because the mind is thinking magical thoughts of how it should be done and not applying the principles within the physical walk. And, sometimes there can be moments of forgetting what they were supposed to be creating in the physical life.

As an initiate, you cannot go from the process of feeling what needs to be done and then it becomes a reality. There must be steps that each individual must take for it to become a full reality within their life. It is just the way that it is.

In the higher realms it can seem so simple. You have a thought process, you create the variables, and then it becomes you. Right? Not quite on the planetary level.

Within the Law of Rhythm each Initiate has to understand that it is a “tried and true” method. Every thought process must be created by an action. Sometimes that step can be very challenging to manifest or it can take time for it to become the reality that individual desires to have within their life.

I like to call this the “Dance of Your Life” because it represents you, as the Physical Being asking to collaborate with your Higher Self. It is truly the only way that each initiate can go through the process of testing out the waters. We know that it cannot be achieved on its own; each soul has a Higher Self that will guide them into the correct position of the dance that will benefit their lessons that need to be learned. Many times you will not like the lesson, but acknowledging it is much more important to your continued progress within Mastery.

If you are dancing with your Higher Self, you will feel the higher energies of joy, maybe happiness, allowing peace to permeate within your heart. Your Higher Self wants you to feel these elements so that you can know what it feels like to experience the opposite energy. So you dance together from the highest level into the lowest level. It is at this stage with your Higher Self intact that you will be able to tackle to most challenging thoughts and emotions that can plague you. In fact, you cannot do it without your Higher Self walking with you.

So as you are experiencing the lower essence, you realize that is not truly who you are. You and your higher self will be able to change positions and dance through the darkness to find the reason why you needed to experience those lower energies. You then find yourself in a balanced state of conditioning. You have the memory of the higher vibration and also the lower one. You realize that the dance has shown you that in order to find the truth within your heart that you needed to experience both sides of the equation.

When you as an initiate learn to balance the highs and lows, you will find the learning process you had to go through. This, in turn, will help you to see that the experience is the knowledge that you have been searching for in your journey. But, you cannot understand what that is until you dance through the elements to help you gain the wisdom of the situation.

As an Initiate you will dance many dances with your Higher Self. Learning how to move through the cycles of life will assist you in stepping into many difficult routines with ease and grace. The more knowledge that you gain, the more assistance you can be to yourself in all situations that arise within your life.

As the Law of Rhythm teaches the Initiate that until they dance with their Higher Essence, then they cannot understand how to move from one direction unto the other. Once that wisdom is gained, it is priceless as you will understand how to maneuver your life in many different situations to find the Balance of your Spiritual Self within you.

I Am Master Thoth,

Representing the Laws of the Universe in Oneness

The Higher Dance of your life is a teaching provided by Master Thoth and Lord Buddha assisting individuals to incorporate a Balanced Spiritual Self.
~ Enrollment now open (click here).

© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 

Knowing The New Reality of Divinity


Understanding How the Physical Self Accepts the New Reality of Divinity

I come to you today as Lord Sananda to bring forth the process of understanding the Physical Mind within the Higher Mind, to help each of you to allow your Higher Essence to become One within you, and to know the difference when it is just a thought occurrence or a full integration of the movement.

When an initiate starts the process of understanding that they have a Higher Self, they immediate think that just asking for this part of themselves to be with them is a full acknowledgement. This idea is so much further than the truth.

The Higher Self’s role is to help the Physical Self to understand when a thought process happens that it is coming from the subconsciousness or the super consciousness.

But how does an initiate within the lower levels truly understand the difference?

What happens through this process of integrating the Higher Self within the physical self that it becomes very much trial and error within the lower mind. You see, the Lower Mind is still very active within you. It has to be as it is part of your experiences upon the physical life that you lead. The main element is how often are you ready to listen to your Higher Self’s perception within the physical mind. You see the Divine Mind and the Higher Self are the same element. It is coming from the highest part of your existence to allow you to become more than you ever thought possible.

So at the beginning of the 4th initiation the initiate is starting to feel these elements coming into your physical conditioning. Hopefully, the initiate has been practicing to be with the higher self energies within their meditations so that there can be a connection on an easier basis. What occurs with this though is that the Lower Ego of the body can still try to be in control so the decisions an initiate can make at this stage will cause them more lessons. But that is why they are presented, so the aspirant of mastery can learn that nothing is a mistake, it is just a choice. The more this occurs within the initiate’s consciousness, the easier will be for the transition.

This is exactly what happens within the Law of Polarity.

We have to understand that the process of accepting your reality from the physical self is quite different than the higher self, but it has to be a journey of correlating the information, how it relates to your personal life, and how it affects your spiritual self.

Are the two becoming more involved with each other?

This is a very key element in understand how to work within the process of accelerating your physical self with the help of your spiritual essence. Believe me, I understand that it can be a challenge but it is one that must be accepted.

So what occurs within the journey of Polarity is that you, as the initiate, will start to realize the choices you have made are being done from the old self, the one that does not have your higher self intact within your consciousness. It is from the old relationship, the exact one that you are desiring to change.

When you go through an experience it is important to always realize the potential you have within yourself to understand the situation from a higher perspective. This is part of the learning process of working within the Universal Laws.

When those Laws become your mantra in your personal experiences, then you will make the right choices at the right time. That is true Mastery.

It is important to realize within yourself that the journey you have stepped upon is not only concerning your awareness of other opportunities of the light to be within you, but to truly Be that Light. In order to accomplish this, you must always look at every thought, every opportunity, every experience in a different realization than you have ever done before.

This allows you to have the recognition that you are becoming your Spiritual Self.

At this stage, you consistently make a check within your consciousness of what decision you are making, why it is occurring, and how to fully embrace what you are accomplishing. If you are only doing it within your Lower Mind, then you are acting within the confines of the subconscious thoughts that are not aligned with the Divine Mind.

This happens frequently as an initiate goes through these processes because it becomes an automatic reaction. It takes great foresight to look within your consciousness and see what you are creating. You are the manifestor of your reality. So you must always look at the opposite energies that will tell you to think and act differently based on the rules of the Universal Laws. It will become an automatic process.

Now within this change, the initiate can go through feelings of doubt especially when there is uncertainty involved in the situation. Go to your higher place to find the right decision and then you will only be working within the confines of your Higher Self, your Higher Mind, your Divine Self.

The Law of Polarity teaches each initiate, each master that there is always a higher purpose and meaning to every situation, every thought, every feeling that is occurring within the individual. This takes great courage to think differently than before, but it is the only way that you will see your way through understanding how to incorporate the Higher Mind into your Physical Mind. Then, and only then will they become united as one.

This process will take patience and love but you will always be rewarded in many various ways to accept your New Self become who you desire to be.

It is my pleasure to share with you these moments of re-creation.

I Am Lord Sananda at your service.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden ~ Integrative Channel

In order to assist individuals to know more about the process of being within the Higher Self instead of the lower self, Walking Terrra Christa is hosting Lord Sananda and Master Thoth in a channeled teaching and attunement meditation seminar available as an MP3 recording. Read the teaching information here.

© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 

Still Relearning The Same Life Lessons?



Most of us are conditioned to accept that life has its ups and downs.

Some days we wake up and feel exhilarated only to realize that later in the day we are in a bit of a doldrum mood and wonder what happened to that feeling from earlier.

We meet someone and feel an almost instant connection only to find later on that they were not who we thought they were.

Searching for months or years for a new job finally results in a big change when an interview hits paydirt. Less than a year goes by and we feel we may have made the wrong choice.

Life is made up of such things.

It is not an empowered life however. It is not a life lived by a person who has discovered the inner ability to access the Higher Mind whenever they make life choices.

The road to becoming the Master of your experiences is not something you will learn in one seminar but you will certainly begin to gain wisdom and tools to use on the dynamics of how to shift your perspective from that of the lower mental mind’s outlook to the Higher Mental mind’s.

Master Thoth and Lord Sananda bring forth high frequency energetic attunements to assist participants to begin to gain a deeper insight into their own mind. Lord Sananda’s ability to share his Divine Heart in Oneness opens our own heart to the compassion we require to shift our perspectives, while Master Thoth, having been the grand architect of mental patterns within humanity, guides us to see how we can break the cycles.


© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 

Decree ~Learning How to Walk Through the Fire to Find Peace Within Me


The Golden Etheric City of Astleranschiamm which resides over Columbia, South America represents the 20th Ray of Divine Beingness.

Walking Terra Christa is working through the Universal Law of Relativity; Lord of Sirius who is the Overlighting Being of this city brought forth a powerful journey of change to allow an initiate to fully feel the element of success through the lessons they are learning.

This city represents great diversity so it seems fitting that we journey to Astleranschiamm – reflecting the Law of Relativity. There are many temples as the city covers the entire area of Columbia and its diverse backgrounds that have occurred within the 3rd dimensional earth.

The land masses include the Andes Mountain Range, with the Pacific Coastal ranges bordering on Panama and Ecuador, the Caribbean along the borders of Venezuela and Panama.  It also is on the line of the Amazon Rain Forest so there are many different types of species that inhabit this land.

On this visit we experience one of the most powerful volcanoes that is part of the Ring of Fire along with traveling into the desert to fully embrace the element of peace with Lord and Lady of Sirius.

Ray 20 ~I Vibrate with the Oneness of the Light I AM

Definition ~ Beingness

Color:  Violet Gold

Chakras:  Throat

Overlighting Being:  Lord of Sirius (Technology of Light Codes, Assisting us from the 24th Dimensional Realm between Galactic & Universal)

  • One Being of Light.
  • Enlightenment or the Consciousness of Being All Things in Unity.


Learning How to Walk through the Fire to Find Peace Within Me

As I continue working within the Law of Relativity,

I am learning to see elements in my life differently than previously;

I know that the lessons I am learning,

Bring a different perspective into my consciousness.

This helps me tremendously,

But I want to understand more.

I have chosen to work with Lord of Sirius,

Within the Golden Etheric City of Astleranschiamm,

Which resides in Columbia, South America.

It represents the 20th Ray of Violet Gold,

As it brings forth the ability to step into Unity of Beingness of the I AM Presence.

As I arrive in the city,

I am met by Lord of Sirius,

His magnificence is amazing; he is accompanied by Lady of Sirius.

We walk together along a cliff that overlooks many parts of the city.

He shares with me that in order to understand what Beingness means for me,

I first need to fully accept what that may mean in my physical self.

He shares: you know what you have experienced,

But do you know why?

Do you accept your challenges and look at the outcome you have achieved?

As we continue our walk,

We are now at the cliff’s edge;

Below is what is called the Ring of Fire,

Which is the name of the many volcanoes on the edge of the sea;

Each volcano represents a different aspect of the Initiate’s Pathway.

Today they are guiding me to a special mountain,

That will assist me in removing any additional negative elements,

So that I can fully accept the success of my present lesson.

Both Lady and Lord Sirius take my hands,

We now walk down from the cliff almost like we are gliding through the heavens,

They have shown me how to move my body in a different way than I ever imagined.

I look around me,

As I see all the volcanoes in their amazing glory.

As we walk together,

I realize there is more that I must learn about what I am experiencing,

Within all of my bodies and not just the physical.

We walk around the edge of the volcanoes,

I realize that each of the mountains represent a different part of me that needs to heal.

They take me to a particular mountain that stands out from the others,

They tell me that this volcano is the prime energy for what I need to experience.

As we walk together, I feel the energies swirling within me,

Lord and Lady of Sirius command the vibrations of what is past,

To be gone.

There is a beautiful fireworks display in hues of Red, Orange and Gold,

Coming down around me to purify the remnants I am holding.

I feel sensations like never before,

It is like all that I desired is coming to the surface,

As I release the past,

I understand it,

I accept it fully.

I look forward to finding the peace of light that is me,

To be revealed in all I do.

I am now ready to see the success of my journey,

My present lesson has presented me with the opportunity,

Of embracing all parts within me.

I AM that I AM that I AM.

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase the MP3 download on any of the classes.

© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 


Master Thoth shares his viewpoint on how the Universal Law of Relativity reflects the lessons that an Initiate must face within the Mastery Pathway.

In this message, part 2 of 2, Master Thoth’s perspective is given. Master Thoth is the head of the Office of the Unified Whole Command bringing all timelines and pantheons of individual and group agendas back into Wholeness. All are invited to call upon the Unified Whole of Oneness for their own timelines to be returned to the Oneness of Source.
~ Transmitted by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Integrative Channel

Blessings to each of you in the present moment,

I Am Master Thoth here to speak about the relationship that you have between your Divine Self and the Physical Self. Some individuals may not understand the correlation to the Spiritual Being they are becoming as it can be experienced in a way of non-complacency within the Emotional Self.

This is because when you allow the full integration of your Higher Mind to be within your Physical Mind, it becomes a moment of “This Is Just Who I Am”.

So then the Emotional Body is not triggered with any specific emotion. It becomes a moment of recognition from the Higher Mind almost like it has been in that state of conditioning for quite some time. There is no emotional response to the relationship. This is due to the fact that the Emotional Body and Mental Body have become One, there is no specific trigger in either the Mind or the Heart.


This is the true state of being an Ascended Master, but how do you handle your feelings and emotions before you reach this realization within yourself?

Lessons occur to allow the initiate to understand within themselves what they are not comprehending within their physical life. They are moments in time that will assist the emotional and mental responses to occur within the physical consciousness. This happens because you, as the Initiate, the Physical Self, is not ready to comprehend what the lesson may be, what acknowledgement needs to occur and how it affects your physical existence.

I can tell you that, as an Initiate, you will have many tests that you will need to go through in order to see who you need to become. These tests or lessons occur, because as the physical self, you are not ready to accept the challenge of being a Spiritual Initiate within the physical world.

Thinking what you want to be is quite different than experiencing the pathway.

These lessons are given to you through your Higher Presence, your Higher Self, to see how well you are putting into practice what you are learning as an Initiate on the Mastery Pathway. Your Higher Self becomes the Mirror Image that you want to become in your physical life, but, there is no easy pathway to get to that point. You cannot run up the mountain without incurring roadblocks along the way. It is imperative to fully understand what you are experiencing so then you can remember who you are becoming.

This is truly the ability to understand the Wisdom of your Higher Essence to become part of your reality within the physical existence. Your Higher Self has all that you need, but it is not something that just happens automatically and poof – you become your Higher Essence immediately in the physical form. That is why there are lessons to be learned so that your Physical Mind can relate to the understanding of what is occurring, remove the debilitating thoughts and emotions that hold that old energy, and become more of your Higher Self.

The important element to understand is allowing the lesson to be part of your physical existence, in all of your bodies so that it is fully acknowledged within your feelings, your thoughts, and how you walk through the world with a new sense of accomplishment.

Lessons are an opportunity to allow the higher Light Frequency to become grounded within your physical existence. It is how you become the Master you desire to be by fully descending the higher part of whom you are into your present lifeform.

When you fully acknowledge a challenge that you have been faced, look at the adversity and how you walked through that element that was previously stopping you from allowing your Spiritual Self to be one with you, that is when you truly accept a higher Light Quotient to be accepted within your full body system. Understanding the lesson through your Emotional and Mental Body is essential, but the important element is to allow your physical body to accept the lesson. Then and only then, can you step into a better part of yourself ~ become closer to your Higher Self.

This is why the Law of Relativity is so important. It is at this stage that a soul can take full inventory of the psychological elements within themselves that cause the lesson to be created.

This Universal Law states that each person will receive a series of problems (Tests of Initiation) for the purpose of strengthening the Light within. We must consider each of these tests to be a challenge and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems.

Every process of the problem becomes relative to each other, not one element stands alone. There is an interconnection between all variables that create the challenge that needs to be overcome.

It is important to realize why the lesson has occurred, what it means to you as an Initiate and as a physical person, and then being honest with yourself of how to move through the doorway that is being opened up for you within the lesson itself. The psychological elements and the previous laws must be considered. Just because you read a Universal Law does not mean that you understand it. You must fully absorb what the law may represent for you, what elements do not fit the higher energies, and embrace the part of yourself that is holding you back from accepting your Higher Self within you.

There is no other way to get around this process. The Law of Relativity is the 9th Universal Law, but when a lack of understanding occurs within an individual, they must go back through the other laws to reflect on what may have been missed. Otherwise, the lesson would not have occurred.

So your Higher Self is teaching you to look at every part of yourself that is not alignment with the higher light element within your Heart Center so that you can fully acknowledge all parts of yourself by allowing the Dark to be revealed by the Light. This, then creates the higher light vibration to be accepted within your Physical Self. Without this process, your lessons will be continuously repeated again until you fully acknowledge all parts to come into Wholeness.

It is important to realize that the mirror the Higher Self portrays unto each Physical Self is to help them step into the Full Heart Essence to be revealed. It is a process to allow the Love and the Wisdom of God that is you to be revealed within your full Heart Essence. This is how you acquire your Power, the Golden Rod of Initiation.

My advice is to always look at the challenges that you face within your Higher Self. Don’t take things at face value as that is a very small part of whom you are. When the physical mind is activated, it can create more elements that represent the imbalanced self that is lodged within the psychological mind. It is important to allow the Mirror of your Higher Self guide you through each initiation, each sub-level, and each lesson that you learn. Accept them to be part of your understanding; see that you are not alone and that your Higher Self is guiding you every step of the way.

This will allow you to ground the Light Quotient within your physical being, instead of just feeling it within your higher chakras. You then become that which you strive to be and hold it deeply in all parts of your system.

Utilize the Law of Relativity by seeing the lessons are truly gifts to be realized from your Divine Self.

I Am Master Thoth, walking with you every step of the way.



© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 




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A Divine Light Language message from Master Thoth on using our connection to Self for mastering the daily energies we encounter. Transmitted by Integrative Channel Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden. Audio Teaching linked below.

“The Universal Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy states that all persons have within them the power to change the conditions in their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change.”

In the world today the element of going through changes is a constant experience for all souls. No one can go through life without the effect of movement which can either be in a backwards downward spiral effect or an upwards increase of vibrational energies.

Change is constant and will never stagnate unless an individual allows that non-movement to occur within their consciousness. One example of this may be someone who truly does not desire to experience any elements outside of their current conditions which causes one to stagnate in their personal existence. This is when the element of change can be very challenging and almost debilitating to that individual.

Within the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energies each initiate is given the opportunity to grow deeper within their own standard of existence. The choice is up to them ~ they can either downward spiral or choose to go in the opposite direction of their Divine Purpose.

As is always the case, the later laws still fall upon the elements of the previous laws. This is especially true with the Law of Vibration with Perpetual Transmutation of Energies. We have to think of the term, “As Above, So Below; As Below, So Above.”

In any given moment an individual can move from either of those polar opposites to grow into Oneness. One cannot be defined without the other. It is the same truth of the Dark shadows the Light and the Light illuminates the dark. So within this law we truly learn how to experience life in a continual movement of increased awareness to allow the energies to come into the focus of Oneness, which again relates to the first Universal Law.

This is especially true with the mastery pathway when an initiate chooses to become the focus within their life – to make the necessary changes not from the tried and true method of the physical world, but within the absolute energies of the higher realms of light in which they are a part of in all aspects of their higher awareness. Without this understanding within their consciousness, they cannot achieve their highest desires as they will be constantly re-working their karma in a completely and different direction than the soul essence truly wants them to experience.

When an initiate becomes aware of the Universal Laws, then those laws work through them. It does not matter if they are consciously aware of them or not. Each of the initiations are elements represented by the Universal Laws. When a person truly abides by these rules, then they are fully stepping into mastery. That is why the initiations are set up as they are. It is a true statement of how an initiate is going to work through their issues to understand how to accept the change that they need to go through in the Mastery Pathway. It has always been a tried and true method of soul advancement.

The key element is for an initiate to truly see who they are in a variety of situations.

This is where the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energies works – it allows an individual to see the highs and lows of their vibrational consciousness. The key is to realize when it is a high and when it is a low to allow them to come into Oneness.

Without the ability to fully realize the potential within their experience, the lesson will be lost. And this is when the experience is felt again, and again, until that individual can stop the see-saw effect to see that the true cause of their pain is truly within their own consciousness, their karmic contracts, and how the Emotional and Mental bodies will react in those specific cases.

This is why this law can be very challenging for many initiates as they have not done the inner work on the ground level.

The Emotional and Mental Bodies (2nd and 3rd Initiations) must be addressed when an individual is standing within those levels of awareness and lessons of mastery. What happens when an initiate does not go to the inner depths in those beginning levels, they then will have a very difficult time when they reach the 4th initiation. And sometimes, a person will fall back in the lower initiations only because the physical self cannot handle the lesson that is given to them. The Higher Self may have thought they were ready but when the true test is experienced by the soul, then there may be elements of fear, insecurity, or just not being honest with them-self through the process.

In actuality when this does happen the initiate is in a better position to know how to circumvent the problem when it arises again.

You see, each individual must be prepared for the higher realms. It depends upon the lower self or the physical mind and heart on how it is going to be acknowledged within that person.

Sometimes the backwards movement can just be a sub-level within an initiation. It does not mean that person will drop into the lower initiation. We have to remember that there are seven sublevels within each initiation where the lessons are experienced.

The reason I share this background information is to let you know that the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy is just the movement through the initiations which comprise the tests and lessons to be acknowledged.

If an initiate does not have the ability to see their truth, the moments of when they are put in situations that are challenging and not able to move through those difficult times, then they cannot acknowledge within themselves who they are becoming. It becomes a mirror effect of feeling as if your mind is clouded from the true view of what is occurring.

This is why many initiates become irate and angry when they are challenged with mentors, teachers, others that challenge them, or just allow their lower ego to run their full existence. Realizing within yourself that you need to change, you need to be honest, and to look at the truth inside, is the most humbling act that an initiate can bring unto themselves.

It is truly a moment of time in which full Realization is acknowledged within the initiate through the thoughts and the feelings of that an individual can go through. It is a freeing moment of allowing the lower forms of energy to move into the higher existence.

This is True Oneness – it is the ability to move through the Transmutation of Energies.

It is fully allowing the True Self of the Higher Self combined within the Physical Self to become One. The truth is revealed. The issue can be healed when you move through that doorway that was stopping you previously, you can then find the freedom you desire. You will become the Alchemist, the Healer, the Evolved Being of Light.

Please know that this process is a transition of understanding the higher essence that you are within the Physical Self to become and accept the transformation that needs to occur. Allow others to help you; understand that you will know the full truth when you accept that you don’t have all the answers. We all learn from each other in each moment. I learn from all of you every moment so that I can understand what it is like for each of you at this time upon the Earth. All I can do is assist you to know it from the Highest Source of Light and then you become that Light.

It is my pleasure to be with you in these moments.

I Am Master Thoth, of the Unified Whole Command of the 144th Dimension of Light


© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).
Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:



Greetings and Blessings,

I come to you as Master Thoth to bring forth an understanding of the Law of Cause and Effect which needs to be addressed about your own personal pathway; the way that you address the energies within your ascension process; and how it reflects your outer world.

“As an initiate on the Pathway of Mastery, it is always important to allow the present energies you are feeling to be the defining rule of who you are becoming.”

This is a very important statement that should be reflected within your consciousness every moment and every day of your existence. As a student of ascension, it can be very easy to take things for granted due to the influx of energies that you are experiencing. As you became an awakened individual, there are many elements that have occurred in your life to help you to realize what “Awakened” means in the context of being human. These are gifts that you realized are becoming part of your consciousness and has given you the ability to perceive other frequencies of light, dimensions, and understanding of whom you may have been before.

I use the word “gift” as it is an open doorway for the realization of life within a human body to be acknowledged in a complete and different way than it was before.

You probably had memories of your old life in the state of being asleep, not being able to realize the potential of your life in a completely different existence. You then are able to look at yourself with a knowingness that you did not have within yourself in the old way of thinking.

But, did you ever think about how you became an awakened individual?

This is a very important question, as it just does not happen. Otherwise, there would be many more people upon this earth that would understand what it means to be aware of their consciousness and surroundings.

There was a sequence of events that occurred in your previous experiences that helped you to come into a state of awakening, the period of existence that we say “All Things Come Into Oneness.” Sometimes it may be a series of events, or it may have been a traumatic occurrence, possibly a sickness, or a loss of a loved one. There are many variables in which this can happen. Each soul has their own way of understanding their truth.

As a master working within the Universal Laws, the sequence of events can make sense. This is due to the fact that the perception of a master involves all dimensions of existence to come into the one source of creation. But mastery does not just happen overnight, it represents a series of experiences that are part of the creative process within the human conditioning.

The Law of Cause and Effect is represented by what I am speaking about with you. It is a process of seeing how the consequence of our actions is intertwined with one another. It is a moment in which we feel the change occur within our-selves or the elements that have not been in alignment to come into our creation. It teaches you (the initiate) how you are experiencing life through your actions, your thoughts, your emotions and how it is re-created into your outside world.

So the previous four Universal Laws of Oneness, Vibration, Action, and Correspondence are all directly related to experiencing the Law of Cause and Effect in each moment that you will have a thought, an emotion, or experience. As a soul inhabited within the body, you will go through each of these experiences, as it will take you deeper into your soul’s essence to help you understand the process you have been going through.

As an individual that has become “awakened”, you take on the role of allowing all of your past deeds, thoughts, emotions, and actions to be realized once again. This is the role of stepping into your Etheric Self, it is what constitutes your Chakra System so that all elements can come into Oneness.

There are many individuals on the planet that are awakened but not all are on the Mastery Pathway. Awakening can be a state of healing for the physical body, it is actually the first step towards mastery, but again, the percentage of souls that are able to walk through the many doorways into mastery is not as high as we would like them to be.

It is a step into self awareness but cosmic awareness that allows a soul to realize the potential they have within themselves to be One with their Spirit and their Physical self.

As one experiences of the Law of Cause and Effect on a personal basis and makes it their mantra, so to speak, they can realize the potential that they have to change their life while making a positive impression upon society.

This is one of the hardest laws to fully integrate because it takes the diligence to look deeply within one’s psychological thoughts and elements that may have held them back in previous timelines. Being Honest within the self is the most important aspect to be put in place for all experiences, all thoughts, and all emotions. It will assist in re-creating the Etheric Body into a source of power and love so that the physical experience will be the highest possible reflection of the Soul’s Essence.

The difficulty is not in how to do it, but just allowing it to be. The main element that is administered within the Pathway of Mastery is the knowingness that the initiate may not know why or how, but they still push forward through the adversity. The Universe has a very special quality in that it supports a soul through the many doorways if that initiate can allow the soul to assist them in their journey. It truly is a gift when initiates allow this part of themselves to be aligned in the process without worrying what the next outcome will be.

So I pull upon my statement once again, “As an initiate on the pathway of mastery, it is always important to allow the present energies you are feeling to be the defining rule of who you are becoming.”

This should be your mantra as it will guide you into the places that you have not wanted to travel before as an un-awakened individual. Even if you do not know what the feelings represent, it allows you to continue the walk through the next doorway of who you are becoming. It is a continual journey.

The Cause is how you think and act, your vibration, and your movement; the Effect represents how it is received in your outside world.

Notice what happens to you, and then reflect on the why and how afterwards.

I Am Master Thoth at your service.

Join Walking Terra Christa on Saturday, June 4th, 2016 at 12:30 PM Pacific as we connect with Master Thoth and The Great Divine Director, REVEALING LOST PUZZLE PIECES: THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT.  You may join LIVE or receive the MP3 recording of the classes.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

THE EYES OPEN FULL MOON ~ April 2016 Festival of Lights

Ascension Festivals of Light


We are now in a very powerful full moon of Taurus* with Scorpio on April 21st, 2016 at 10:24 PM Pacific, April 22nd at 1:24 AM Eastern, and 05:24 GMT. (*We incorrectly stated previously this was the Aries sun sign).

This moon is termed a “Pink Moon” by the Farmer’s Almanac representing the Spring essence of sprouting beautiful flowers. It is a time of re-creation and allowing the seeds to be planted of what we desire to experience in the months ahead.

This also represents the spiritual work that we have been undergoing to prepare for the new essence of our Self to be initiated within our lives. The previous moon cycle took us through a journey of “resurrecting the old self in order to prepare for the new.”

The moon being in Scorpio gives us the energy of being the “Spiritual Warrior” and can cause conflicting energies to result within our consciousness. As we are preparing for the New Earth, the archetype of the Warrior needs to be addressed in a different way than in previous timelines. Yes, we have been preparing ourselves to experience life in a new and different way, and part of that represents the warriorship attitude. It must come from the inner essence and not the outer or else this moon can have us fighting in ways that we have done before.

As Lightworkers upon this earth, it is our responsibility to fully command who we are and that changes through each moment. It is not easy to throw down the swords and not fight for what you believe in; but it is about using that energy in a completely different way than it has been done in our existence.

This is why this moon is so very important. The fact that it is also the Wesak Moon is very appropriate but it also represents the energy that is occurring on the planet presently. People are within the warrior attitude of wanting to fight for what they believe in. Change is happening everywhere we look but yet there is the old element of still being persecuted for not adhering to the ways that society has put upon us for centuries. These type of people are finally waking up.

Can you recall a time when you first realized there was more that could be part of this life experience?

You probably wanted to fight society in a certain way to show your view and let others know what it meant. It is all part of the duality of life – individuals waking up into a society that has been oppressed.

This moon cycle brings these energies into focus so that it is in our face. It can disrupt our lives as the world around us is very angry. I believe that this moon is teaching us a lesson. Which path do you want to take? The high road or the low road, as stepping into the anger of the consciousness will only bring more of the same thus repeating the old cycles.

Being on the Mastery Pathway brings all the elements into focus, but then there has to come a time when deep self-revelation occurs and the true reality is shown within our focus. This all represents the initiations and the Ascended Mastery Pathway. This moon represents these energies as it brings elements to the forefront that need to be addressed, and we have to make a decision in how we are going to achieve the most positive results for humanity.

This is why the Ascended Beings of Light are expressing in all of our teachings that this Wesak Moon is very important for this planet. We are coming into a time of change and how we change is going to be very important.

The only way that we can address the issues is to look within ourselves and see where we need to change. Do we want these energies to take us into more of a warrior-ship attitude as we have done in past incarnations, or are you ready to stand as an Initiate of Ascension Mastery and take responsibility for your actions?

These are all very important considerations during this full moon cycle because elements are going to arise in each of us that need to be healed so that we don’t follow the crowd but stand tall among each other to command our Light to be the way of the creation for the New Earth.

The Spiritual Hierarchy of Master Djwhal Khul, Chohan for the Ray of Love and Wisdom, says this about the Wesak Festival of Light:

“We are at a crossroads within this planet.buddha_800_500 Elements must change. The initiates of student mastery understand the process much easier than the unawakened souls. So there is a deep responsibility within the souls of the planet that want to uphold the light within them. Allow the Violet-Purple Flame (which is being infused into the Earth during this Wesak Moon) to bring forth the transformation within your foundation so you can realize the potential that is inside of you.

The Light must win this battle, and it is with your initiative and concentration of your desires that you shall be challenged to uphold your end of responsibility. It must come from within yourself first and foremost. All that you have been in all the timelines must be healed to hold the Light within you. It is the same for humanity.

Changes will come but it is how you incorporate those changes that will be the cornerstone of your reality.”


This means that when you deeply go within and look at all that You Are, then you are able to see your Truth which is the good and not so good that you have been. Your eyes are open to all that you have ever been, and you become the Light.

These truths will bring forth the Transformation of this Earth but only with the help of humanity to do so. I hope you will join us in bringing forth your own truth of the self so that others can do the same.

So how do we prepare for this moon experience?

The most important element is to use your Spiritual Tools to go deeper within yourself to remove the elements that may be impeding your progress of ascension. We must remember that the dark side wants people to fight with each other as it will keep this planet in duality. So as students of Ascension Mastery it is our responsibility to uphold the light deeper and stronger than we ever have before. We are the pioneers of light to extend the Divine Essence of the Christ Consciousness to be instrumental in healing this planet and all of humanity.

Take time for the Wesak moon to commune with the energies, join with others if you can as Wesak represents the Spirit of Cooperation.

The most important purpose of Wesak is to stimulate the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood and Goodwill within each soul to bring forth a responsive and integrative whole along with walking as One with all the Spiritual Masters of Full Consciousness within the Unified Whole energies of the 144th dimension representing that Oneness.

Wesak has several functions:

◊  To Substantiate the Christ Consciousness to become grounded within this Earth.
◊  To Physically Prove Solidarity of All Races to come together in Unison.
◊  To Form a Rallying Point or meeting place for all souls to come together annually in the cooperation to represent Universal Consciousness to become focused within all souls of the Earth.
◊  To Demonstrate the Nature of the Christ Consciousness within each soul upon this earth, so that we work cohesively in Oneness accepting all viewpoints and thoughts of creation which will originate from the Creative Source of Light, the 144th Dimension, or the Unified Whole Command.

At this Wesak Moon, the planet will be infused with the 7th Ray of Ceremonial Magic and Structure that comes from the cosmic level within the colors of the Violet infused with Deep Purple. This is going to assist humanity in going through a complete transformation and help to ground the higher energies within the planet. But its success is only possible with all of our assistance that understand these frequencies of Light.

This is why this Wesak is so very important for Gaia and for Humanity. It is considered to be a gateway into the higher realms to be realized within the planet, as the order of what has been will go through a huge transmutation. It is a moment in time in which the Violet Fire is going to wipe away the elements that do not belong within that transformative energy surge so that the Feminine Divine of the Deeper Purple can be fully realized. It is the best of the best to have full realizations of this light formation to assist in the foundation of this planet.

This is a huge new beginning to allow our foundations to be transformed from our Etheric Self that has held the energies from so many lifetimes, good and bad just as Gaia is going through her healing process.

To learn more about what this Full Moon represents, please see our website, Wesak Events page. We are transmitting our annul Global Teleconference Gathering of Light on April 23rd at 9:00 AM PDT to celebrate the Wesak Moon event experience with the Ascended Beings of Light. In addition we are providing a full day worldwide distance learning Wesak Workshop on Friday, April 22nd to experience the highest level of acceptance of Light for Wesak.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK:  WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!

Full Moon Cycle January 2016 ~ Festival of Lights of Aquarius

Ascension Festivals of Light

This article is a compilation of information guided through Master Djwhal Khul with Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden.

We have arrived at the first full moon cycle in 2016 which takes place on January 23rd, 2016 at 5:46 PM Pacific, 8:46 PM Eastern, and January 24th 01:46 Universal (GMT). The moon is in Leo representing our Shadow Side with the Sun in Aquarius reflecting our Deepest Truths to be revealed.

This should prove to be a very luminous cycle for humanity as it is the first of many moons of this year which should guide us into the lessons of bringing humanity into an more aware state of conditioning. 2016 has been named by the Spiritual Hierarchy as a time in which Greater Cycles to Emerge Through Diligence of the Self. This first month is showing us that these elements have been put into place so that change can occur.

Within the moon’s essence of Leo some of the elements that we will be looking at are our Self Expression, Breaking Away from Traditional Thinking, and looking at our personal goals.   If the energy tells us that it represents our Shadow Side, then those elements that have been held in the closet for so long are coming out to be revealed and put into the light. Leo shows us how to be ahead of the pact instead of being part of the circle of life.

The activities within Aquarius represents our Independence and Objectivity as we work with others in Oneness. It represents being part of a team for the greater whole but can be very impersonal.

So as these two planets are coming together for this full moon, it can mean that an individual can come to standstill. It is a time to look deeply of how we have thought within ourselves.

Are we for the One or are we for the All?

Are we ready to look at our past mistakes and find the reason why they did not work out? Well, there are no mistakes, only lessons. We come across them every day of our lives but possibly we do not realize that is what they are called. I think one of the reasons being is that we get caught up in whom we think we are and who we truly are.

This first cycle of the moon is a big lesson in knowing what our “inner truth” represents. It takes us into the personal state of affairs to move into the impersonal, but not to take sides. It allows us to stand in the middle ground and realize that it is time for us to take care of ourselves, but it is also a moment in time to see that our deepest wish is to have peace and joy with others upon this Earth.

The point being is how do we get there?

We are now at a crossroads upon this life. It is time for every person upon the planet to look within themselves and see what changes need to be made. The time for separativeness is leaving the planet. That energy creates a no-win situation. We are coming into an era which is just beginning – to allow what we know and acknowledge within ourselves to be shared with others.   This is a step towards unification upon this earth, but it must be acquired through each of us individually.

This moon is going to give us the opportunity to know more of whom we are on a higher scale through our Higher Essence. It is no surprise that we are becoming multi-dimensional, but what does that mean.   We are learning more from our past timelines of who we truly have been and allowing those essences to become part of our full consciousness. In the mean time the parts that are not of the highest light have to be put into wholeness and removed from our subconscious thoughts which represents our Shadow Side.

It truly is a very intense moon but also a very beautiful time to allow the new self to be born into the physical existence. It is a time of renewal and growth.

So how do we accomplish these things to happen for us?

Well, as we move into this full moon experience, the availability of the “Other Side” is ready to receive our requests. It is a time to walk with the masters as they are teaching us to be the same as them.   We are not alone in this process but the physical work must be done in order to achieve the changes that are necessary upon our world.

The Festival of Lights of Aquarius brings forth the energetic exchange within the Hearts of every Student of Mastery to achieve the balance they are searching for within themselves. It is a time in which growth will occur through the diligence of being honest with one-self, of learning the lessons that are presented in an initiate’s pathway, and to reap the rewards that will be given in true honesty and love.   This cycle represents to the Lightworkers to hold fast to their own pathway of re-birth in order to come together with others in Love, in Harmony to bring forth the greatest gift that this planet deserves to receive – the Harmonization of Love to All.

This means that it is not given freely but it is a responsibility for each Divine Being to make the necessary steps towards Unity of the Spirit for humanity. It can only happen within the inventory of the personal self to see what needs to be removed in order for the light to shine within them fully.   It is then that they receive the love that they deserve and have failed to see previously due to the infractions of darkness that has been put upon them. It is then, that each individual has the gift to share with others, is this love. This is when true harmonization occurs.

It is a synchronistic flow of activity between honoring the self through forgiveness and understanding in order to comprehend what others may also be experiencing.

As each student works through these elements, it is then that the Ascended Master State of Consciousness reacts with love and forgiving grace to help the initiate to become stronger, and more peaceful within their subconscious thoughts.

The Festival of Lights of Aquarius brings to humanity what humanity has not been able to see for itself.   The light is available but only when the darkness is no longer prevalent in the minds and hearts of men and women everywhere.

As this moon is represented by the personal self with the sun reflecting Oneness, then there is an occurrence of great change to occur within each individual self. It is a time of great movement into the Spirit of Cooperation.  It must be achieved individually first, and then it will filter to others.

As this is the first moon of the year, it sets up the rest of the months to follow suit. This is truly a wonderful beginning of light within Gaia’s core and every human upon the earth.

All of this is possible through the beauty of the Rays of God as they are represented through Love and Wisdom (2nd Ray) which brings illumination to any situation and allows the Higher Mind to be the controlling energy through its essence of the Golden Yellow Flame. The Ray of Harmony and Balance through Conflict (4th Ray) brings to the situation a great re-birth of Crystalline Light. It allows for the energies to shift into the purest light of all as it represents resurrection and re-birth. The Violet/Purple Flame of Transmutation and Ceremonial Magic (7th Ray) transforms the old forms of thinking into a new foundation of love to create the new structure.

Each of these rays work together to allow the new form to take place within the individual and humanity.   It allows for all elements to be One, to be of the life and force to create wholeness among people gathering everywhere.  Utilizing them during your meditations within your breath will allow the changes to happen in a much more cohesive manner and each individual will find that their foundation is being restructured with the positive qualities of their Soul’s Essence.

This moon is one of great rejoicing for all of humanity as it allows each person to go deeper, to know thyself in a completely different manner, and to accept the Light of the Soul to be charged within the bodily structure. It truly is an amazing moment in time and better yet, to have it occur in the first month of the year.



In Blessings of Love and Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee with Master Djwhal Khul

AUDIO RECORDING: January 23, 2016 – Festivities of Light of Aquarius with Master Djwhal Khul and Native Energies, NO-EYES, WHITE BUFFALO CALF WOMAN – Sacred Earth Ceremony to celebrate the energies of the Festivities of Light of Aquarius in a guided journey; this month we go etherically to TOR TOWER in Glastonbury as it represents the Heart Chakra of the Earth.

© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

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