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With Master Djwhal Khul, Divine Mother Father God, the Native Elders.

This is the excerpt of the transmissions from Rev. Christine Meleriessee during the Ceremony we held. It is a very special event that assists each participant to receive their own gifts fully from WESAK* so they can share their gifts with Humanity through ONENESS thereby contributing to the greater good holistically and not from a desire to force change from a lower frequency.

Listen to the full teaching (an additional 20 minutes of introduction and elevation of the energies) to understand the Festival and how the Wesak energies are about the three festivals in sequence. This audio is listed in our free Audio mp3 library.

Spiritual Mastery ~ Be Careful What You Ask For

white lillyPersonal Experiences of the Healing Energies of the Festival of the Christ by Rev. Christine Meleriessee

Part of being a mentor for the New Earth and a highly seasoned person on the Mastery Pathway is to share your own story.  I believe (and so do my teachers in Spirit) that when I share my challenges, others can understand the process that we are all going through no matter what level of initiation you hold or how long you have been on the pathway of Mastery.

I have been straying away from these writings; not because I don’t want to do them but time is not always on my side.  As a teacher with my partner, Rev. Michael Aranathanara we live and breath the teachings of mastery both professionally and personally.  We are challenged consistently by the way we think, live, and exist, but it is the only way of life I would choose.

I think this is an important point to reflect upon – Choice.

Each of us have chosen to be where we are in our consciousness and our lives.  It has been guided from the Source of Light That We Are from our Soul’s existence into the physical being that we are presently.  I think this is an important point to remember.

As humans, we have the tendency to complain about what we are experiencing or unhappy because we are not in a better state of emotions or thoughts.  That is our physical self and has nothing to do with the Higher Self.  When we acknowledge the Higher Self within us, then that is when we have the ability to feel the peace, joy, acceptance, and all the beautiful adjectives that reflect the type of living that we want to experience.  Until we actively work within these areas, then we are going to feel the lower aspects within our subconscious thoughts.  We have to change them and this process is one that is probably the most difficult for all individuals that step onto this pathway.

I want to share that every person that has self awareness is an Initiate of the Mastery Pathway.  It’s just that they probably do not know it in their conscious mind.  Working with coaches, teachers, and trying to find a better life within oneself is the first initiation.

It’s when you step into the next initiation of fully working within the emotional body and then the third of the mental body that person is fully accepting their role of being an initiate.  For some souls it takes many lifetimes to get to this point, but in our presently time-frame of energetic exchanges upon the earth, more initiates are going further within their pathway with deep diligence of their work.

This is truly what makes this process a fulfilling experience as the soul is working within the body to remember, reflect, and remove the elements that have impeded their progress previously.

It is at this time an initiate, a person, must delve deeper than they did previously to get to the root of their lessons that have not been learned and acknowledged previously.  It happens to be a moment of pure reflection in the process of the pathway and needs to be acknowledged on all levels of acceptance.

I have been on this pathway of mastery since 1992; I awakened fully in the 1980’s.  I had the ability to have many great gifts but not without the challenges.  I studied hard, healed deeply the wounds of my past so that I could continue the journey within myself.

It is at this stage of my life that is most miraculous.  There have been times in the past decade that I almost chose to leave the planet but my Higher Self and I Am Presence had other plans for this person known as Christine.  I have grown to accept that I Am Lady Meleriessee although it times it seemed very surreal to me within the physical body.  I have been able to be both physical and spiritual at the same time.  For many years I held jobs within the corporate world and continued my spiritual teachings after hours.  I worked hard to continue my pathway of mastery and was able to achieve the higher initiations through the depth of the work.

When I arrived in Mt. Shasta, it was a wake-up call for many reasons.  I could no longer exist in the 3rd dimensional world of the East Coast.  I was still living on a 3rd dimension within the planet in Mt. Shasta, but the higher dimensions here were easier to attain with the help of the Telosians and Lord Adama along with the beautiful essence of the mountain.  it is my home now.

I was able to create a beautiful relationship with Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  We worked hard together to both achieve a status of a divine partnership but it has not been without its lessons and achievements.  I sometimes reflect to see if this is all real as it is hard to believe that I still exist in a 3rd dimensional world.  Geographically, I do, energetically, we do not.  We live in a higher dimensional level incorporating the teachings of Lord Adama, Lord Sananda, Ashtar Command, and many Beings of Light assisting us.  Our house is set in a 10th dimensional frequency.

So, when we go outside, we utilize the Unified Whole energies to assist us to stay in that frequency of light.  It is just like the Telosians when they leave their sacred space; precautions need to be taken and clearing of energies afterwards.

What this energy also does is catapult our physical bodies.  We are accelerating so deeply that the physical body is being challenged immensely to receive the crystalline structure.  I believe it is most challenging here due to the level of energies that are being emitted to us.  But it has also allowed me, as the Voice of the Unified Whole, to go into higher states of acceleration to help our students to feel the vibrational changes that are necessary for walking towards the New Earth.

So, yes, I have physical challenges that I deal with every day.  The aches and pains that both Michael and I endure is not because of our ages, but due to the light frequencies we are trying to incorporate within the physical body.

So this week I went to yet another level within myself.  As I work with the higher frequencies of the teachings, Spirit is pushing me to ignite even higher voice transmissions that help attune others to the frequency they want them to receive.  My sinuses have not been clear enough on certain times to bring forth these energies.  So with the upcoming full moon and the Festival of the Christ of Resurrection, I have been asking for a clean and healthy body, “a new body so to speak”.

You must be careful of what you ask for.

Within a few days Walking Terra Christa was going on a Spring Break, I was to receive flooding of congestion coming out of my sinuses and throat along with my lungs.  It has been quite a ride.  I never had a fever but felt like I was going through a death experience, which I was.  In Lemuria I died in the waters and drowned so I have been dealing with extra fluid in my etheric body for centuries upon centuries.

During this transition I felt the death experience within me; not the timeline or the memory but the body dying but yet rejuvenating it at the same time with the help of homeopathy, herbs, teas, and healing energies.

It does not matter where you are in the stage of your initiations, your etheric body can still hold so much debris within you until you arrive at a point in time where those energies no longer support who you are.  This can be not only physically, but emotionally, and mentally.

The process of knowing yourself in all ways is the most important element.  And, that will change with time and movement through the initiations.

In the lower initiations an individual is working more with the soul psychology work as the Etheric body holds the subconscious thoughts from lifetime to lifetime.  As one moves into the higher initiations (beyond the 8th), it represents the Etheric Body through levels of the physical as you step into Cosmic Ascension.  A person can still have minor physical issues in the higher initiations.  But the truth is that as the frequency of light increases, those minor physical element need to be rectified in order to stay grounded on the earth.  That is the challenge we are dealing with presently by accepting the crystalline structure.

In order to move towards the New Earth these are the lessons that we need to learn.

My role has always been to have a direct communication that is very clear with the Spiritual Hierarchy.  The Unified Whole Command has helped put many timelines and pantheons into wholeness so that these elements can be achieved.  it is imperative that as we go through these challenges that we count upwards into the 144th dimension from 0 through 10, then increments of 10 to 140 through 144.  This will take those elements that are stopping you from progressing into the Source of Light never to be experienced again.  This also allows an individual to be responsible for themselves.  For many years we called upon many angels and masters to do the work for us.  That is no longer the case; as we become the Master, we must be responsible for our own healing.

I also have worked very extensively with Dr. Lorphan of the Great White Lodge of Sirius and his team of healers along with my own team of healers that work with me consistently.  I travel to Telos each night to meet with Dr. Lorphan so that I can be treated with their energies, their frequencies of light, to change my bodily composition.

All of these elements have made a tremendous difference.  I am still clearing out the energies from my bodily functions, but am now ready for a new change.  I have been off of dairy for 25 years.  I have been doing non-dairy, health-oriented products but that will be changing.  I usually make protein shakes with Almond Milk; I am leaning towards making my own due to the ingredients they use to make the milk to sell to the public.

I love my “fake” milk products, but my work and life is more important to me.  I need to have a clear voice, not to be affected by too much congestion in my body.  I want to do this so that I can be a clear channel of higher energies to help others.

But the main reason is so that I can enjoy being on the higher earth without impeding elements to stop my progress.  I plan to achieve what I set out to do many years ago.  To transform my body into the pure light substance, to walk with the masters, to help create the New Earth and to teach others to do the same.

In Summation, I want to say that whatever you are being challenged with presently, work with the Unified Whole Command along with the many masters and angels of light to assist you, but take responsibility of being the caretaker of your creation.  The Festival of the Christ represents the Resurrection along with the upcoming full moon and lunar eclipse.  Everyone is going to be challenged deeply including Gaia.  Her lands are going to be healed but there can be repercussions in the lands first.  We must not step into fear, anger, or victim-hood.  It is our role to be the Master no matter what the level of experience we are holding.

Be strong, call upon the Rays of God to assist, and remember you are not just the physical self or the emotional or mental self.  You are a spiritual being trying to be Who You are Supposed to Be.  We are all in a state of Remembrance.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).

Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Festival of Aquarius ~ Decree

AquariusWe will now be providing decrees each month representing the festivals per Master Djwhal Khul’s teachings.  These festivals are celebrated on the full moon, but the energies takes us into the New Moon so that we can extend our service unto GAIA and humanity to receive.

The Festival of Aquarius is the first ceremony that we participated in with Master Djwhal on February 2, 2015.  We feel that these energies are important to share to help the transition into the New Moon energies which occurs on February 18, 2015.

The Festival of Aquarius

The Full Moon has arrived within the sign of Aquarius,

I feel the movements of openness,

I am able to move through my challenges of many levels,

As I connect with the beautiful essence of my Divine Beingness.

I first call upon the essence of Love and Wisdom,

Of the Golden Yellow Ray,

To come into my Lower Mind,

As my thoughts become illuminated,

With the integration of my Higher Mind.

I breathe deeply and feel the lower thoughts changing,

Into the essence I truly am,

I send them unto my Feminine Self,

So that her emotions will align with my Highest Truth.

I then ignite the Ray of Crystalline Light,

Representing Harmony and Balance,

As this ray comes into my emotional level,

I feel it purging the feelings that truly do not belong to me,

They represent my Old Self,

As I am now resurrecting my physical being,

Into the what I desire.

I feel the change within me,

The wind blows across my body,

I feel a freedom within me,

As now I am ready to restructure my foundation.

I now feel the essence of the Violet and Purple Flames,

Representing Ceremonial Structure and Magic;

The Violet flows through me,

It transmutes any other elements that do not fit my truest essence;

The Purple takes me into a new consciousness,

Of my Higher Self,

Fully intact within my Higher Mind and Higher Heart,

As the Divine Being I AM,

Is fully acknowledged within me.

My four-body system is shifting,

Into this new essence I have created,

I feel the balance within,

I allow my truest essence to expand,

As it moves through me and out of me.

The issues I felt with this moon are now helping me,

To move into the New Moon Frequencies,

Within the essence of Aquarius,

In a different and focused manner.

I truly am a transformed Being of Light,

Accepting my role,

As an Initiate upon this Earth,

Within my four-body system,

To expand this essence I have acquired,

Unto the World Around me,

Through my breath in each moment I breathe.

 I AM that I AM that I AM

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Vibrational Shifting

spiritual-1Understanding What A Vibrational Shift Means

Have you ever had a moment in which you were doing something, and then you felt something completely different occurring for you in that moment?  That is allowing yourself to have a vibrational shift.

This truly is how it occurs.

Your Higher Self is working through you.  You are doing the work through whichever vibrational tool you have, such as meditation for example.  And that way you begin to bring forth a new essence of understanding within you.  However, it is not an understanding that comes from your lower mind.

So in this moment you are not tapped into your lower mind.  If you are, you are not going to feel it as deeply.

What occurs through this process is that you are moving from one vibrational occurrence into the next vibrational occurrence.  You receive that frequency within you.

When there are moments of dizziness, when there are moments of energy exchange, when there are moments of not knowing where and whence you came from, but yet you feel different within the next moment; it is then that you are allowing your vibrational shift to be fully activated within your Physical Body.

First you initiate the energies.  When you do so, the energies begin their work on you.  You do the meditation, the breath work, the writings, you do whatever tool initiates it.

You then activate it by allowing yourself to be part of the process. 

At that point, your Higher Self and physical self are working together to allow that to happen and to actualize it fully.

This is the process that creates the Vibrational Shift within your full body system.

 ~ Great Divine Director, Clarion Temple of Oneness, March 10th, 2014


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J.Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Mastery Tool of the Day

journalKeeping A Spiritual Log

One of the most effective ascension acceleration tools that can assist an initiate is the keeping of a spiritual log.  This would include spiritual successes, spiritual insights, spiritual experiences, meditation experiences, channeling experiences, along with channeled information and meditations from other individuals.

It is helpful to create a notebook with separate divisions that you can write notes on your progress.  If an individual is going through Inner Child meditations this is where they would make notes about their feelings and even communicate with their Inner Child.  Another example would be affirmations, a chart of negative vs positive qualities, and make affirmations to change them.  We suggest recording your own affirmations and listening to them.  Additionally, you can have a section for your own personal journal of your present experiences.  You don’t have to write in each section every day but it is imperative to write in at least one area.  This will also help the mental mind to surrender to the Higher Mind until it becomes one unified existence.  These are all examples of “Esoteric Psychology,” the science of the Soul’s Essence.

We have to remember that we are bringing into our reality all aspects from our multi-dimensional self.  We are now working through those timelines so that they can be put into wholeness.  It is a period of time when we are accepting the aspects that are very powerful but have been lost, while rejecting the ones that do not fit our highest purpose or joy in this lifetime.

Utilizing this tool is very helpful especially for the individuals that are new on the mastery pathway.  It truly it assists in seeing your progress daily, weekly, and monthly.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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