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The Transition of Gaia ~ New Earth Frequency Update June 2016


new earth

Greetings and Love,

We are Master Thoth, the Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein representing the Unified Whole Command of the 144th Dimensional Frequency of Light.

We would like to share with you the dynamics of the energies that are presently occurring within the Earth and how you may be affected during this time as great accelerations are occurring for everyone, within and around the Earth.

2016 truly has been a powerful year but yet all the years leading up to this time have created the availability for each of you to experience more frequency of light than the previous years. The changes that are occurring presently are beyond the scope of understanding within the human mind but yet so many individuals are looking to information that will assist them to UNDERSTAND from their mental body. Sometimes as a human you just have to let go of the chatter to really find the true answer. It is an element that has to occur from your Divine Mind, your Higher Self, into the focus of your physical existence.

So how does One go from the Physical Mind into the Higher Mind?

Well, that is exactly what each of you is experiencing presently whether you are intentionally working upon it or it is happening through your higher states of awareness. The process of life changing upon the Earth is occurring right before your eyes, within your consciousness, and through your physical experiences. This is what is called the Ascension Process, and it is going to continue for quite some time.

But what stage of growth are you experiencing presently?

As the influctuation of the light energy is increased around the planet, it allows for seepage of these light elements to come into the existence of humanity. But since the Awakened individuals are still at a low percentage level, then the experience of this light is going to be increased within each person. This means that each of you that are aware of the elevated energies is going to be effected at a higher rate than the general population of the Earth. The more aware you become, the more that you accept to receive these energies within your system.

As the planet is changing through this process, it is imperative that each soul receives these increased energies so that it can be held within the core of Gaia. This means that each of you must be very diligent to realize that you will change in the re-patterning of the earth. In fact, you have asked to take on this role so that this earth can arise into her higher creations of light. You are the beacon of light to take on these responsibilities so that others can do the same.

But how do you go about allowing this to happen without feeling overload?

This is a very good question as within the context of your physical mind, there cannot be any answers. There is only the continued thoughts of how and why you can continue through this process.

Change is inevitable within each of you, but it depends upon how you relate to those changes that are occurring. We also know you want the global change to happen but it cannot occur immediately. But the important element to consider is how are you being affected within your consciousness and your life to what is happening upon the Earth.

Each of you is a Torch Bearer to bring forth this energy to be held within Gaia. But yet, a Torch Bearer also has the responsibility of knowing within themselves how the changes are affecting them and how to continue to be that Torch Bearer. We believe that some individuals think that the Earth is within the 5th dimensional frequency but we beg to differ with that statement. We think it is a matter of understanding the consciousness that is occurring and not what is happening within the Earth.

There are great changes at this time. The preparation that each of you are going through is tremendous as there are more light infractions appearing within the Earth to be grounded to assist the planet to align with the 5th dimensional level, but it is up to each of you to hold it within your own consciousness. All you have to do is look at the world around you to see the battles that are occurring within countries, within leaders, and within the people. This represents the fourth dimensional level of consciousness. This earth has shifted from the third dimension because there is an awareness that was not present previously. Living within the third level represents being asleep so it is important to look around you at individuals, “are they still asleep”. Unfortunately, many still are.

But yet, the planet is still transitioning to the level that you desire to have in existence at this time. Hope is not a bad thing; in fact it is very important to see that there is a chance for the Earth to move into the higher realms of light. But please know that there still needs to be so much work in order for that pathway to be grounded within Gaia and each of you.

That is exactly what you are going through presently. It is important through each change of light that is occurring to know what is happening within you as great movements of acceleration will happen to change your four-body system into a heightened level of awareness, but there is so much more that is involved within that process. If you are not already participating in the teachings of mastery in your own life, it is imperative that you do so as they will help you to realize what is changing within your system, and to realize it is all part of the process of ascension – De-Ascending your Highest Consciousness into your Full Body System. Each of you must heal deeply in order to hold the 5th dimensional light body. It will not come into you just because the planet is transitioning into a higher level. You have to allow the healing to create more healing into the depth of your soul’s history.

So the effects of the God Force are bringing forth the light infractions to assist each of you to go through this process. Your physical bodies are not used to these elements that are increasing through each month and change of the seasons. The planet is accelerating but you must realize that there is a long way to travel until Gaia can fully accept her role as a 5th dimensional planet and then beyond.

The Solstice in June is another event that is going to catapult these energies into a higher frequency of light for each of you. The understanding of what is occurring is not our role to share as Lord Metatron wants to bring forth that information, but we can tell you that each of you are preparing to hold more light energy within your physical form. There is a great deal of internal work that needs to be done in order for it to be held within you. Changes have to result within your psychological self as it represents your multi-dimensional personality, your soul body of light (the Etheric Body), and how that integration occurs within your entire structure.

So yes, many of you are being challenged. It is affecting your sleep, your times of being awake, your chakras being realigned, your intuitive self is becoming stronger, and more light quotient being grounded within your physical self. All of these elements create havoc within the physical body especially when the individual going through that process does not understand that they have to remove the elements that have been lodged within their soul’s psychological self for eons of time. You must understand that you cannot rise to the higher frequencies without taking care of these elements. You may still feel the elevation of the light, and you will probably feel extreme pain during these times, but you won’t be able to hold it.

Some individuals may feel that this is wrong, to go into the past as it is finished. But unfortunately, your Etheric body holds it all and this part of you is your Feeling Body. It allows the other bodies of the Emotional and Mental to work through you. It cannot be ignored in any shape or form. If you don’t take care of these elements now, then you will have to do so at some time either in or out of body.

So when we look at the earth and what is happening presently, we can understand why you want to go into the “love and light” syndrome. This is not a bad thing, but realizations must come to the forefront as each of you hold this light but also hold your own darkness even if you don’t go into that space. It is ignited through your field of light and can be causing more debris to be centered upon the earth.

We know that this is not easy to hear for some of you, and others you may feel that you are starting to understand why the world is the way it is.

Yes, there are increased Light Quotients being realized in every single person at this time. And, there will be more. The important element for each of you is to be able to hold it as much as possible. Yes, these light infractions will create change for you, but it is up to each of you to realize what is happening, go into the energy, and look for yourself within the Emotional and Mental Bodies so that it can be transformed. Otherwise, we are going to be experiencing these energies upon the Earth for a very long time.

Now there may be others that are feeling the increase rate of acceleration in a different way. Their psychic abilities may be so strong that they feel as if they are moving into a different time and space. There are many opportunities at this time. The veil between the worlds is very thin and many things can happen through this process during the Solstice. This way of existing is not recommended, as it will take you into a different dimensional universe that is not aligned with the Light of God or the Source of Light. But many may decide this is the route they want to take because of the challenges they are feeling physically and emotionally. You have to remember that you have a contract with Gaia to uphold these energies even though the transition can be difficult, almost feeling as if you cannot go onward. The history within your soul is healing deeply through each transition to allow the four-body system to come into alignment as it should be. There are many timelines within your Etheric Body that ignite every time there is an increased amount of energy within the planet. It is essential that every person be able to transform their physical body into the light body, but these timelines need to be rectified, purified, and put into wholeness so that the full body system can be centered within the Earth.

The important element we want to convey is that Grounding is essential for each of you at this time. Bringing forth the accelerated energy into your full body system, allow the changes to occur for you, heal all parts of yourself through the process, and feel the new You become very grounded within your thoughts, your emotions, and everything that is important to existing upon this Earth. We need you to stay, not to leave and go into other worlds. We know it is not easy at all, but call upon your Higher Essence to help you realize the contract that you have taken on.

It is a critical time for Gaia and for each of you. Holding as much of these light frequencies within you to be grounded to her essence is imperative. Others need to feel this especially the Ones that are still asleep; we need each of you to become better within yourself to hold this essence you are becoming. Work through your physical elements, call upon each of the Brothers and Sisters of the White Brotherhood to assist you, become the Master you desire to be.

As you do so, you will heal your body, your emotions, and your thoughts. You will become the Divine Mind as is deemed appropriate through the Ascended Master State of Consciousness.

Step into the energy of the Solstice and this coming season with a renewed sense of who you are becoming. Allow yourself to change in the process, be happy with your transition even when it feels not so joyful. Each of you has this power within you to be One with your Higher Self or Divine Mind and this is the process you need to realize for yourself.

We want to extend our loving assistance to help you through the transition of the New Earth. Realize within yourself that you can be in the 5th dimensional consciousness, within your thoughts and your emotions, and the more you feel this, the more it will become concrete within Gaia’s core. But always be honest with yourself of what you are feeling, the emotions and thoughts that come into your consciousness as they need to be changed.

You will thank yourself for acknowledging all elements of who you are becoming. And most of all, Gaia thanks you for taking on an enormous role of responsibility to assist her so that other souls will be able to come to the 5th dimensional earth of Terra Christa. It is a beautiful time of great acceleration. We have deep compassion and love for each of you.

Blessings on our journey together,

We are the Unified Whole Command of

Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein

Walking Terra Christa will be holding a Solstice/Full Moon Ceremony on Monday, June 20th, 2016 at 4:30 PM Pacific.  For details on how to join this OPEN TELECALL, please click the link and then select the registration image.

Walking Terra Christa held a 2-hour class with Master Thoth and The Great Divine Director: REVEALING LOST PUZZLE PIECES: THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT.  You may utilize this class in your personal time as it represents Changing and Accepting Timelines from the soul’s perspective to assist with grounding the Solstice Frequencies of Light.

Click here to read Lord Metatron and Ascended Master Saint Germain’s message about the SOLSTICE of JUNE 2016.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

THE EYES OPEN FULL MOON ~ April 2016 Festival of Lights

Ascension Festivals of Light


We are now in a very powerful full moon of Taurus* with Scorpio on April 21st, 2016 at 10:24 PM Pacific, April 22nd at 1:24 AM Eastern, and 05:24 GMT. (*We incorrectly stated previously this was the Aries sun sign).

This moon is termed a “Pink Moon” by the Farmer’s Almanac representing the Spring essence of sprouting beautiful flowers. It is a time of re-creation and allowing the seeds to be planted of what we desire to experience in the months ahead.

This also represents the spiritual work that we have been undergoing to prepare for the new essence of our Self to be initiated within our lives. The previous moon cycle took us through a journey of “resurrecting the old self in order to prepare for the new.”

The moon being in Scorpio gives us the energy of being the “Spiritual Warrior” and can cause conflicting energies to result within our consciousness. As we are preparing for the New Earth, the archetype of the Warrior needs to be addressed in a different way than in previous timelines. Yes, we have been preparing ourselves to experience life in a new and different way, and part of that represents the warriorship attitude. It must come from the inner essence and not the outer or else this moon can have us fighting in ways that we have done before.

As Lightworkers upon this earth, it is our responsibility to fully command who we are and that changes through each moment. It is not easy to throw down the swords and not fight for what you believe in; but it is about using that energy in a completely different way than it has been done in our existence.

This is why this moon is so very important. The fact that it is also the Wesak Moon is very appropriate but it also represents the energy that is occurring on the planet presently. People are within the warrior attitude of wanting to fight for what they believe in. Change is happening everywhere we look but yet there is the old element of still being persecuted for not adhering to the ways that society has put upon us for centuries. These type of people are finally waking up.

Can you recall a time when you first realized there was more that could be part of this life experience?

You probably wanted to fight society in a certain way to show your view and let others know what it meant. It is all part of the duality of life – individuals waking up into a society that has been oppressed.

This moon cycle brings these energies into focus so that it is in our face. It can disrupt our lives as the world around us is very angry. I believe that this moon is teaching us a lesson. Which path do you want to take? The high road or the low road, as stepping into the anger of the consciousness will only bring more of the same thus repeating the old cycles.

Being on the Mastery Pathway brings all the elements into focus, but then there has to come a time when deep self-revelation occurs and the true reality is shown within our focus. This all represents the initiations and the Ascended Mastery Pathway. This moon represents these energies as it brings elements to the forefront that need to be addressed, and we have to make a decision in how we are going to achieve the most positive results for humanity.

This is why the Ascended Beings of Light are expressing in all of our teachings that this Wesak Moon is very important for this planet. We are coming into a time of change and how we change is going to be very important.

The only way that we can address the issues is to look within ourselves and see where we need to change. Do we want these energies to take us into more of a warrior-ship attitude as we have done in past incarnations, or are you ready to stand as an Initiate of Ascension Mastery and take responsibility for your actions?

These are all very important considerations during this full moon cycle because elements are going to arise in each of us that need to be healed so that we don’t follow the crowd but stand tall among each other to command our Light to be the way of the creation for the New Earth.

The Spiritual Hierarchy of Master Djwhal Khul, Chohan for the Ray of Love and Wisdom, says this about the Wesak Festival of Light:

“We are at a crossroads within this planet.buddha_800_500 Elements must change. The initiates of student mastery understand the process much easier than the unawakened souls. So there is a deep responsibility within the souls of the planet that want to uphold the light within them. Allow the Violet-Purple Flame (which is being infused into the Earth during this Wesak Moon) to bring forth the transformation within your foundation so you can realize the potential that is inside of you.

The Light must win this battle, and it is with your initiative and concentration of your desires that you shall be challenged to uphold your end of responsibility. It must come from within yourself first and foremost. All that you have been in all the timelines must be healed to hold the Light within you. It is the same for humanity.

Changes will come but it is how you incorporate those changes that will be the cornerstone of your reality.”


This means that when you deeply go within and look at all that You Are, then you are able to see your Truth which is the good and not so good that you have been. Your eyes are open to all that you have ever been, and you become the Light.

These truths will bring forth the Transformation of this Earth but only with the help of humanity to do so. I hope you will join us in bringing forth your own truth of the self so that others can do the same.

So how do we prepare for this moon experience?

The most important element is to use your Spiritual Tools to go deeper within yourself to remove the elements that may be impeding your progress of ascension. We must remember that the dark side wants people to fight with each other as it will keep this planet in duality. So as students of Ascension Mastery it is our responsibility to uphold the light deeper and stronger than we ever have before. We are the pioneers of light to extend the Divine Essence of the Christ Consciousness to be instrumental in healing this planet and all of humanity.

Take time for the Wesak moon to commune with the energies, join with others if you can as Wesak represents the Spirit of Cooperation.

The most important purpose of Wesak is to stimulate the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood and Goodwill within each soul to bring forth a responsive and integrative whole along with walking as One with all the Spiritual Masters of Full Consciousness within the Unified Whole energies of the 144th dimension representing that Oneness.

Wesak has several functions:

◊  To Substantiate the Christ Consciousness to become grounded within this Earth.
◊  To Physically Prove Solidarity of All Races to come together in Unison.
◊  To Form a Rallying Point or meeting place for all souls to come together annually in the cooperation to represent Universal Consciousness to become focused within all souls of the Earth.
◊  To Demonstrate the Nature of the Christ Consciousness within each soul upon this earth, so that we work cohesively in Oneness accepting all viewpoints and thoughts of creation which will originate from the Creative Source of Light, the 144th Dimension, or the Unified Whole Command.

At this Wesak Moon, the planet will be infused with the 7th Ray of Ceremonial Magic and Structure that comes from the cosmic level within the colors of the Violet infused with Deep Purple. This is going to assist humanity in going through a complete transformation and help to ground the higher energies within the planet. But its success is only possible with all of our assistance that understand these frequencies of Light.

This is why this Wesak is so very important for Gaia and for Humanity. It is considered to be a gateway into the higher realms to be realized within the planet, as the order of what has been will go through a huge transmutation. It is a moment in time in which the Violet Fire is going to wipe away the elements that do not belong within that transformative energy surge so that the Feminine Divine of the Deeper Purple can be fully realized. It is the best of the best to have full realizations of this light formation to assist in the foundation of this planet.

This is a huge new beginning to allow our foundations to be transformed from our Etheric Self that has held the energies from so many lifetimes, good and bad just as Gaia is going through her healing process.

To learn more about what this Full Moon represents, please see our website, Wesak Events page. We are transmitting our annul Global Teleconference Gathering of Light on April 23rd at 9:00 AM PDT to celebrate the Wesak Moon event experience with the Ascended Beings of Light. In addition we are providing a full day worldwide distance learning Wesak Workshop on Friday, April 22nd to experience the highest level of acceptance of Light for Wesak.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK:  WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!

February Full Moon Update ~ Festival of Lights of Pisces with Virgo

Ascension Festivals of Light


This full moon represents the pathway of “Redemption” in which we, as souls, start to realize that our third dimensional mind and heart are not in control, but our Higher Essence of the Source of Light is the commander of our ship. The energies of Pisces allows this pathway to be fully opened into our conscious self so that we begin a new way of understanding life and applying it in our experiences upon the Earth.

This full moon is within Virgo that represents our physical self, our day-to-day tasks that help us to understand who we are within the role of being human. But what can happen within that concept is that the spiritual self can be lost, because we are a species of human conditioning and programming. These tasks are very important for our lives, but we must also accept that we are a Spiritual Being Learning the Experience of Being Human. Many times it takes quite a bit of effort for a soul inhabited within a body to get the realization that they are so much more than their physical life and how what kind of reaction occurs within that life.

So the Sun of Pisces helps us to realize our God-given potential as a spiritual being to be fully realized within the physical self through the Mind, Body, and Spirit. We come to a space of reckoning with this moon to realize what we have been doing, thinking, and acting previously needs to be rectified or healed. So we are redeeming ourselves from our previous way of interacting within our world. Our Higher Self becomes more involved within the physical self.

During this phase we can go through a period of spiritual “illumination” in which we truly see our lives or particles of our life to be addressed in a completely different manner. This can be a true wake-up call for any of us to truly see that we need to address the way that we have been walking through our world. It is a very emotional and raw energy to find the truth within ourselves that we did not see previously.

Some may call this BRINGING ORDER TO CHAOS.

It is a time in which the truth needs to be revealed from the sense of the Higher Mind and Heart into the Physical Mind and Heart. It can create emotional upheaval to look at the issue that may be appearing in our lives, but it is a necessary element in order to fully command the True Essence that we are from the Source of Light, our beginning existence.

The mantra from Master Djwhal Khul this month represents the journey of the self as we allow the acceptance of our Higher Essence to be our guide; we then see that the way we have been thinking and acting no longer serves our purpose. As we step into the healing of the issues that are arising, we are helping humanity to do the same.

As we come into the existence of Oneness, what does not flow within each of us will be activated through the Law of Vibration into the Universe, and then returned to us. In retrospect the same is happening when we step into the role of deep healing. That vibration that we are sending outwards will be felt by others within the full consciousness of the Light That We Are Together.

So at this time Grandmother Moon is truly helping each of us to see our true “illuminated” self to be revealed. This is when we have to go into the essence of “redemption” as we learn the way we have been living may not be serving our Higher Purpose.

It truly is a time of deep reflection and movement into being better, more attuned with the Universe, and giving back what we desire to have within us. Many individuals will feel the power of this moon, as it can be a very deep journey of great change. When each of us does, it then affects the Greater Whole. It is the way of the Universe.

So how do we get through this period of time with ease and grace?

Those words of Ease and Grace are exactly what we need to do at this time. We have to think about what it feels like when we come out of a meditation. We can become serene, balanced, having a sense of peace within our heart. This is how we need to live our lives presently. We no longer have a choice. As the planetary energies rise into a higher state of conditioning, we are required to move along with it.

This may be your time to truly look at yourself more deeply to see where you may need improvement in your life.

What are your thoughts and actions in each moment of your life? Are you able to flow from one element to the other even if it is a challenging one to face?

The Moon of Virgo with the Sun of Pisces is bringing forth that moment of connection, of divine remembrance to allow each of us to flow more gracefully from one focus unto another. It is pushing us to be better, think better, and then act better.

This process can be very challenging as the emotional body is the part of us that is being healed within layers and layers of old elements that come from our Etheric Self. The Feminine Divine is again the focus with these energies so that it takes us into the pure existence of synchronistic movements in our life not matter what the consequences may be.

Those that find this process challenging and difficult will be filled with distraught emotions that have been plaguing you for some time. They are coming up to the surface to be revealed. It can cause the body to be affected with emotional issues that cause infections to arise, one can feel very tired and not being able to move, energy levels can go in varying degrees of being on a high then being on a low. It will be like being on a merry-go-round that you cannot get off and will cause a lot of despair.

So I say, it is time to get off the merry-go-round and be grounded with the feet planted within Gaia’s core. Utilize this time to go deeper, use your breath and your voice by chanting. Allow the vibration essence of your voice to take you into a journey you have never experienced before. Become one with the healing process as you are able to remove the old wounds of the past. Let the Universe help you and the Divine Masters to walk with you through this process. Call upon the Archangels and find your own inner angel, your Solar Angel of Light to assist you. Become One with All that you have ever hoped to be.

It is a moon of great change, great power, and wonderful realizations by allowing the Illuminating Light to Shine Down Upon Us.

Walking Terra Christa held a full moon ceremony on Monday, February 22nd. The MP3 file is available via our website, .Free MP3 Audio Library. Master Djwhal Khul is our guide; we journeyed to the Sphinx, the Great Pyramid which is the Throat chakra of the Earth to extend these healing energies to that area.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can become a Student by participating in the LIVE teachings and be part of our mentoring program OR participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:



Riding the Wave Into 2016

Riding the Wave into 2016

This month of December in 2015 is taking each of us into a whole new way of existence. What has not worked for us is being revealed, and the elements that are being accepted bring us into a new experience of our personal alchemy.

In fact this year started with the integration of the Crystalline Flame to become grounded into the Earth. This ray represents Harmony and Balance through Conflict. This means that the intensity of the light is so strong that it breaks apart anything that is not reflected within that frequency. It is a powerful ray to work with personally but on a global level, I believe it has assisted this earth during this amazing year.

2015 was classified by the Unified Whole as: Incorporating Harmony Within to Send Love Without.

In order for us to expand our love quotient to others, we must first feel it within ourselves. It makes me wonder if every person on the planet has achieved this. I don’t think so.

The accelerations this year has been phenomenal. The Equinox of March heralded in the energies for the Wesak to be received by the planet through Lord Buddha. At that time, there was great celebration for the rays that had been grounded since 2013. First it was, the Ruby Flame of Inner Devotion represent peace and harmony amongst the planet. Then we were gifted with the Will and Power of the Blue Flame that brings forth the essence of the Masculine Divine within the Heart of God representing Love, Compassion, and Patience. The Crystalline Flame followed in the beginning of this year.

Having each of these flames fully grounded within Gaia’s core has assisted each of us to experience life in a different way of being. It does not mean it has been easy but there is progress for us to realize in each act and way of living upon this earth.

The Solstice in June brought forth the Solar Angels to become m ore involved within each soul upon the planet whether they realized it or not. It is a time in which we can fully access our Solar Angel, an aspect of our Angelic Presence. It is the pathway to receive more into the Golden Solar Angel that occurs in the higher dimensions of light with Lord Metatron.

In August we experienced the 8-8-8 of the Lion’s Gate where more increased energies were brought forth into the heavens. It was a powerful time of great love and light to be accepted by all of us.

The Equinox of September brought many activations; some which were very challenging for many as our foundations are being shaken up to allow the depth of healing to be within our physical self. The Eclipses that occurred also assisted in the acceptance of morel ight infractions.

November came with the 11-11 energies to prepare us to move through the new doorway of our reality to be accepted fully in the physical lives we are living.

Then we moved into the December accelerations. It is a powerful month and an even more powerful year that we have experienced. The Solstice on the 22nd at 4:48 UTC (12-21 8:48 Pacific, 11:48 Eastern) is going to prove that in the moment of no time when all elements come into alignment each of us bring forth that moment in which we become our I Am Presence, fully in the physical creation. It is a time in which we are to allow our breath to take us into the essence that we are from the 144th dimension into the reality that we now exist upon.

As we stand within the darkness of the night within the Northern Hemisphere, it allows us to go into the void. This is the period of knowing ourselves so deeply without the physical existence of light but an inner knowing of our own light. In the Southern Hemisphere those souls will experience more light within their physical world but the process will be the same.

Why do we need to experience the void?

Within the Void is a space continuum of “no time”. It allows us to feel that moment when the silence of the soul is ignited within the power of the physical being. It relates to the joy of knowing oneself so deeply that the process of allowing those energies to be accepted within the totality of the physical life brings on a deeper meaning. This process will allow each soul to come from a space of surrender into the physical self. A remembrance of light will occur giving each person the opportunity to hold more of the Christ Consciousness within them.

It does not stop there as the Full Moon on the 25th is represented by Cancer in the Sun Sign of Capricorn. This moon will bring forth the Christ Consciousness to be fully activated within Gaia’s core at 11:11 UTC, 3:11 Pacific, 6:11 Eastern. This moon represents the Heart Essence to become fully activated.   At this time, there is a planetary alignment occurring for 11 days in which several planets will be traveling in sync with others. This will allow for the entryway of the Christ Consciousness to become more grounded within our physical existence and upon the Earth.  It is a time of powerful manifestations to be realized within our lives.

How appropriate are those energies for us?

It will represent the Heart Essence and expansion of our Divine Minds to be expressed in a completely different way than before. This expansion will be absolutely magnificent. So prepare yourself for great heart reflections.

December 31st is always a very powerful time to sit in silence in preparation for the New Year to be revealed. It is suggested that deep reflection takes place in order to advance into the year of 2016.

2016 Represents “Greater Cycles to Emerge Through Diligence of the Self”

The Unified Whole energies that comprise the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Ascended Master Consicousness have stated that the preparations we are going through presently will truly make a difference for each of us in 2016.

Reflecting on the numerology of 2016 shows that it represents the number “9” when the digits are all added together. This number reflects the energy of Completion – in preparation for the ‘new’ to arrive, but it also reflects more than just an ending. It is a number of Universal and Spiritual Laws to be fully put into place. It is a time in which this earth will be able to reflect the teachings that the Brotherhood of White Light put into hiding before the fall of Lemuria. It is a time of spiritual awakening and enlightenment within humanity. It is when true altruism will occur as individuals will come to the aid of others through service and dedication to bring forth Divine Wisdom. In other words there it will be a time of SPIRITUAL AWAKENING for many upon this planet.

Per the Mayan Oracle, Nine is termed as GREATER CYCLES, “Thread of grand design in the tapestry of light, on the loom of the great cycles weave your pattern.” In other words it represents completion and expansion. This energy asks us to BE rather than TRY TO BE. It is about embodying the wisdom of the larger cycles, “Become the one who shines the light for others as you are the humanitarians whose Being unfolds the larger pattern of the new world.”

2012 also represented the gateway of entry into the Golden Era upon Earth. Even though it did not mean that the Golden Era had arrived fully, energetically it could be seen as signifying “year 1”, the beginning. As we now depart 2015, it represents the end of “year 3” moving into the creation of the fourth year of entryway within the creation of the Golden Era.

Four represents the energy which is representative of practicality, discipline, foundation, stability and mastery. It is the time to focus on the realization of high service through building solid foundations with systematic determination, honesty, integrity, justice and practicality. It is the time of laying the groundwork necessary to experience renewal.

When we break up 2016 into separate digits, it represents more of the same type of energies. With the digit, “2”, the vibratory essence of service and duty for the Divine Light to become manifested within the Earth essence becomes part of the process. It reflects the energy to have great faith with many difficulties that can arise. The number “0” brings forth the flow of life within the Alpha and Omega of the never-ending cycle of the Source of Light to be One within us. One (1) brings forth new beginnings, new beginnings, moving forward and creating unique ideas to become manifested. It represents the essence of being independent with love and inspiration; by yet the masculine energies holds true to achievement and success of strength and reliance to the organization. It is the accomplishment of experiencing Unity with Self as it blends with the Source, representing All That Is within the framework of the Universal Laws. The number “6” is the essence of unconditional love to others especially soul relationships. The focus brings forth compassion and humanitarian efforts creating peace which is the foundation and is always considered the most important element. It is a time to Bring forth together peoples of many nations.

The number “16” reflects the combination of “1” and “6” which creates a focus that “Your Thoughts Create Your Reality”. Trusting in the Divine Consciousness of the Universe that all your needs will be met through the tests of time.

Keywords for 2016 will be reflected in the statement, “Overcoming Obstacles in order to Receive Your Divine Will to be Manifested” as the Laws of the Universe will be guiding all efforts of attainment within the Heart and Will of God.

It looks like the upcoming year will present many opportunities for growth as it will be the time for many others to join the mastery pathway.   We will be accessing the Divine Laws that Master Thoth stands for so deeply and allowing those laws to be part of our existence. This will help to mold the New Earth.

The time that is occurring presently actually stated in 2012. The long awaited anticipation when things would start to change is now feasible in small steps. We have had to wait until this time, as we would not have been prepared within our individual self to hold the higher frequency. It still can be a challenge, but the tools that are available are much beyond what we had four years ago when we moved into the 2012 energies.

We are now coming into the time when it is absolutely necessary to allow the 5th Dimensional State of Consciousness to be our guide in every thought and emotion that we will experience.  The more that we allow our I AM Presence through our Higher Self to guide us through each moment, the easier the transition will be to hold the higher frequencies.  This is a necessary component to hold within our full consciousness so that our physical body will accept the necessary changes to move into the transition of higher thought forms.

It will not be easy, but I believe that there will be many others that will see the significance of what many of us have been striving for on this Earth. We are coming to realize that we are Divine Beings of Light and have the opportunity to work hard and show our success by allowing others to experience it also.

Blessings to each of you for a miraculous movement into 2016.

In Creations of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

© 2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Festival of Lights – September Super Moon 2015

Ascension Festivals of Light

Master Djwhal Khul with Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden share highlights of the Libra Full Moon in Aries.

Walking Terra Christa is hosting their monthly Free Open FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS Celebration with Master Djwhal Khul and the Native Elders to embrace this powerful moon with a guided meditation and high vibrational energies ~ Today Saturday, September 26th, 10 AM Pacific.  Please join us ~ New Earth Sacred Ceremonies. [And following this Celebration, see below about a special ASCENSION CLINIC on How to Transcend Energy with Intergalactic Healer and Master, Dr. Lorphan at 12:30 PM Pacific.]

We have arrived at the next Super Moon on the 27th/28th of September. The actual alignment occurs on September 27th 7:52 PM Pacific, 10:52 PM Eastern, and September 28th 02:52 UTC.

I believe this moon is going to give us what has been shared by many schools of thought. We are experiencing a very powerful exchange of energies and we, on Earth, are at the center of it all.

As the Equinox has just passed this week, it brought us into a new alignment for each of us personally, and collectively, on a global level. It truly is a doorway of great opportunity for every person upon the planet to look within themselves on a much deeper level than previously.

This ignites the power of our emotions to become very raw but so beautiful. It truly brings forth the Feminine Divine within our experiences on a more physical level. Each new stage that we go through brings us closer to our own Heart Essence.

Now there is more excitement with this moon because it not only is a Super Moon, but is considered a Blood Moon with a Full Lunar Eclipse occurring on September 27th at 6:07 PM Pacific, 9:07 PM Eastern, and 02:52 UTC on the 28th. We have experienced four blood moons in the last two years which is considered to be a phenomenal occurrence. Not only that, the Lunar Eclipse is close to the Equinox so it compounds the energies.

So now you are starting to understand why you are experiencing the most powerful surge of Light coming into the Planet, correct?

This year has proven to each of us that we would be pushed and prodded to move more into our Divine Essence each step of the way. But, yet, through this process it is the greatest gift that have ever been received upon this Earth, and we are all major players within this play.

Every story or play always has within it times of great growth, which may entail emotional pain and mental anguish. I think that we can all agree that each of us has gone through these periods and not just within this year, but our entire lives and existence as souls upon this Earth.

In order for us to get to the Divine Love that we are, we must go through the many doorways of darkness that do not represent that beautiful essence that we are as a soul. We have learned to break down the doorways that do not represent the peace and serenity that is exemplified as Divine Love; as that is not who we truly are, disgruntled, dysfunctional human beings. It is what we have become because of what we have had to deal with.

We are now at a time in which we can make a huge choice by accepting the Doorway of Divine Love  begets the Doorway of Divine Will and Power from the Source of Light that We Are.

This is truly what is happening at this time. All that we have held dear within our hearts can be realized as this Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon is helping us to do so. Just as this moon (Super) is closer to the earth, we are closer to our True Self. But it is up to our Free Will to step through that doorway of uncertainty with faith within our hearts that all will be taken care of.

The Lunar Eclipse represents our emotional bodies becoming more active ~ the Feminine Divine is being actualized on a deeper level within the physical body. This allows the entryway of deep passion to be ignited as we learn to blaze through the trails of uncertainty that previously would have stopped us.

It is now that we stand at the doorway of All or Nothing.

It is a time in which we will be able to access the Higher Self more readily than we have before.

Some schools of thought say that Jeshua (Jesus) is returning to the Earth during this cycle of a Blood Moon. In truth what it represents is the Christ Consciousness that Jeshua embodied is coming to this Earth so that humanity can finally wake up and see that we are so much more than what we thought as we become what he was. We are now receiving the Light of the Source of Oneness within. It is our time to do so as Gaia receives what we have given unto her.

This occurrence will bring forth times of great change; some individuals will not be able to accept these higher energies of light within themselves so there could be great confliction in many areas.

Our roles, as an individual receiving these light infractions, will be to hold it within ourselves, and be grateful that we as a human, can finally allow these energies to flow through us and into the Earth.

The important part of these changes is that the Sun Sign of Libra brings to us the elements of Peace, Balance and Harmony while the Moon in Aries reveals the essence of being Independent, and Fearless.

The important doorway through these essences is to be in the middle of the integration of both sides, and not be too one sided. That is when conflict will result.


Master Djwhal Khul shares more on this subject:

It is important to understand that each of you is at a crossroads. The planet is in the same space. It must be decided from the Higher Essence of Light that,

“Do we exist on this planet as we have been doing so, or do we move forward?”

The reason that these energies are bringing such force within the planet is that it is Time.

Gaia cannot exist as she has been doing and each of you is going through the same process so there comes a time when all must change. Sometimes these new revelations will cause more elements to come into balance and at other times, it will create havoc amongst those areas that do not allow the energies to heal them.

It is a time of great change for everyone on this planet. This moon with all its splendor is giving humanity exactly what is needed.


As Libra stands as the moderator of the Light, it brings forth to each of you the depth of understanding that you can allow yourself to grow and be in harmonious moments. As the fire of Aries brings forth her sword unto the planet at this time, it allows what does not support the essence of  the continuation of the Light to be removed out of the picture. What comes instead is the support of the strength and courage that any adversity that is experienced is in itself an opportunity of growth.

Standing in the middle ground of allowing the Christed Being you are to be accepted within your physicality is the biggest give you can give to yourself.

With the Eclipse, the Super Moon, the Blood Moon, and the Equinox as the doorway, this time brings forth great movement into the power of the light that you are, we are, as we will be victorious in our goal of allowing Gaia to ascend.

The process of these energies presently is immensely goal-oriented to assist each of you to know more of yourself than you have done previously. It is a time of great reflection and renewal, of great change, but a time of remembrance of your Soul being united within a physical condition that allows for the forward movement to just continue from this point.

The world is going to change, each of you will be affected, and my goal is to assist you within this process. Forward movement is essential at this time.

Please take the necessary steps and allow these energies to fully be integrated within you. Feel the power of your independence and fearlessness by walking through the doorway of adversity as Libra is waiting for you to arrive with open arms of deep peace within knowing you have made the right choice to step unto the great destiny of our soul’s existence.

We are walking through these doorways together; you are not alone, and we, within the Spiritual Hierarchy are deeply grateful for your continued support of Your-Self. It is your time to ignite the Power of Love and the Will to Continue To Do So.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service in the Light of the All


Prepare yourself  during these powerful accelerations by joining Walking Terra Christa for a first time event – An ASCENSION CLINIC – Saturday, September 26th, 12:30 PM Pacific – to help you in TRANSCENDING these energies with Dr. Lorphan of the Great White Lodge of Sirius. 

Walking Terra Christa is also facilitating a very special Journey Retreat in Mount Shasta for the 11:11 called the SHASTA BLAST including a Distance Learning Option for those who cannot be there physically. Lord Saint Germain and Lord Adama will be our hosts along with many other Masters as we experience the energies of this amazing vortex of light to assist us to be the Energy Transcender for the New Earth. Click the link above to receive more information about this powerful ascension journey.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it in these ways:
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Stepping Into the Balance

full_moon1wtcOn December 6th, 2014 we will be experiencing the last full moon of this year.  It is within the Sun Sign of Sagittarius within the Moon of Gemini and will reflect how well we align our minds within our Higher Self or Lower Self (Concrete Mind).  The alignment occurs at 12:26 GMT time, 4:26 AM Pacific, and 7:26 AM Eastern.

We all know that the full moon is full of intense emotion as Grandmother Moon helps us to realign our energies in preparation for the new energies that come into our awareness.  The reflection this month is to fully take action within our Higher Self to allow the Higher Mind to take precedence over the Lower Mind.  This is a huge challenge for every soul upon this planet.

We have been taught through the many timelines that we have experienced that control occurs in our every waking moment within the third dimensional reality.  That is why it can be so difficult to step out of the mold of who we were into what we desire to be.

As individuals awaken within themselves that there is a higher purpose to their lives, they are then stepping into the unseen world of accepting their intuition and higher knowledge to be their guide.  They have acquired the wisdom within themselves through the many experiences that have formed their existence.

At least this is what we all desire to see happen within this planet.

As has been shared through the New Earth Frequency Update for December, the Ascended Beings say that the month of December is pivotal for creating balance in our lives to prepare for 2015.  We are going to be inundated with higher frequencies each week of this amazing month.  It is our time to fully understand what we are experiencing, allow it to be grounded within us, and prepare for our next moments of creation.

This full moon is a divine opportunity to allow the balance to come more fully within us.  The sign of Gemini represents the Lower Mind of wanting to keep doing things the same way as always.  The sign of Sagittarius represents the adventurous spirit of constantly wanting to try new ways of living representing the Higher Mind.  Now both of these aspects are very important for each of us, but we have to come to a state of understanding the balance between the Lower Mind and Higher Mind.

Many times when going through this type of process the Lower Mind wants to refuse the efforts of the Higher Mind, but yet, it is important to allow the Higher Mind to intertwine within the physical self with some ease and grace.  Jumping into the Higher Self can create a shock to the system especially if an individual has not practiced the energy to occur.  That is why it is important to reflect continuously on what we are experiencing, looking at the past, and see the changes we have made within ourselves.  It is imperative to allow the flow of life to fully be within us, because these accelerations and changes we are experiencing can be very life changing.  It can cause an individual to go into a state of lower ego, thinking that they have it all together, but yet, it is just the opposite.

We have been challenged greatly throughout this year.  2014 has represented the essence of GROUNDING UNITY.  This means that every awakened individual is working within themselves to ground their Higher Essence or Higher Self within the physical body.  If the soul psychological work has not been done, then there will be a huge overload within the system which will cause the lower ego to stay intact.  It is a proven fact that when one reaches the higher initiations and they have not taken care of their subconscious thoughts, that they cannot continue within their ascension process.  We cannot have it both ways; purely within the old self with the higher self intact.  It will not happen as the Higher Self steps away from the physical body during this process.

The pathway of acceleration includes all of these aspects; this is exactly what we have been experiencing this year of 2014 which is the ability to ground our Higher Essence within the Physical Body 24 hours a day continuously.

So how are you progressing with this process?

That is a good question for each of us and no one can give us the answer but ourselves.

The power of who we are becoming is right within us.  We can ask for advice, guidance, and coaching on the pathway, but in truth, each of us is responsible for ourselves.  That is why there are tools to assist an individual on this pathway of ascension so that stepping into our higher essence becomes very easy.

I know, it is not that way for many individuals.  We have to deal with the fourth dimensional reality of this earth.  We are in a state of great transition with individuals trying to show their opinions are the right way, but yet we know, we cannot exist in that type of energy any longer.  This is exactly what we are experiencing.

We are awakened every day, and we change through the process so that the awakening state goes to a much deeper level than it did previously.  That is truly what ascension represents as we De-Ascend our highest essence into the physical body.

This moon is the first of light infractions that we are receiving for December.  It is giving us all that I have shared and allowing each individual to look at themselves from a different angle.  It is a time of preparation as the month continues; we will be receiving more frequencies of light within the planet and each of us.

I believe that this full moon is truly a gift from the Universe.  It is a time to stand between the Higher Self and Lower Self to allow the mind to be fully illuminated by the Light that We Are.  Within that process it can be overwhelming and challenging as events enfold within our lives to make us see how we are doing.  We are continually being tested on this pathway, and rightly so.  If we are to be the Ascended Masters for the New Earth, we are going through many trials of fire  to help us to acknowledge the depth of our wisdom along with how to apply what we know into our present circumstances.

Take some time in the next few days to connect fully with your Lower Mind by noticing your thoughts and how they create your reality. 

Then take some deep breaths and bring in your Higher Self.  Ask him or her to help you go deeper within yourself.  Allow yourself to be One with Yourself in the moment and your breath.  Feel how your thoughts start to shift as you feel the change come over you.  Then, afterwards, write about the experience before and after.  You may take some time to recall an event in your life that was upsetting emotionally and mentally.

How did you deal with it then?

Go back to that moment and use the exercise with your breath.  Bring in the Violet Flame to transmute it, then the Pink Flame to recreate your circumstances.

Has your memory of that situation changed? 

Notice the differences you may now feel.  What is also important is to not hold these negative vibrations within your physical body which is what we do all the time.  Take the same energies and blend them within your breath; completely surrender into the moment of resurrection as you change the thought processes within you.  Then journal about it; date it and reflect on it at a later time.

As you practice this within your life, you will be able to start to feel your Higher Mind more often than you did before.  But it takes quite a bit of practice, reflecting, and allowing the silence of your Higher Essence to fully be within you.

This is what will bring you the balance between the Lower and Higher Mind.  You will be able to try new ways of living in your life by accepting your intuition is your guide, but yet have a strong foundation that has already been acquired.  When we talk about the Higher Mind integrating within the Lower Mind, you must remind yourself that the Lower Mind is not disappearing.  It is transitioning into a higher state of Beingness as the structure you have created is important.  But the control mechanisms within your concrete mind are no longer needed.

I would say that this is a very powerful month and it is helping us to go deeper than before as we prepare for the upcoming energies throughout the month.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a Full Moon Ceremony via tele-call on Saturday, December 6th at 10 AM Pacific.  This is an open call for every person; we hope that you will join us (please check the link for the details).  The MP3 recording will be available via our website within 24 hours.

Wishing you a blessed Full Moon Experience.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Accepting Changes Within ~ Help to Create the New Earth

We are now within the summer months with the Solstice fully behind us, it is time to take what we have learned and fully ground it into our present pathway. This can be quite challenging when we have so many festivals and planetary activations happening to us.

It has been way too long since I have written about my own experiences of my ascension process. I feel that when I share honestly about who I am and how I am changing, that it helps others to understand more about themselves.

The energies presently are going to become very commonplace in our world even if it is a challenge for each of us to understand what we are experiencing as the changes within us affect our lives directly. Isn’t this what we all desire ~ to move towards the New Earth?

But how, do we keep the stability within ourselves as we connect to our Higher Essence in a deeper level than we did in a previous moment. It is no mistake that what we are experiencing as Lightworkers, Initiates, and walking into ascended mastery on this plane of existence is beyond what we could ever imagine. But each of us has chosen it. We came to this earth with a contract to fully experience life through our multi-dimensional self. What we did not want to admit on the Innerplane level is that it would be much more challenging than our angelic self wanted to accept.

This is exactly what we are experiencing within these present moments. We meditate, we work with the higher energies, we ask for activation upon activation to assist us to become our Higher Self and more, but yet the physical body can react very adversely as the changes occur within us. How do we handle this process within the reality of our mind and emotions?

These are all important considerations as the reality that we once knew is changing quickly. The planetary activations of each New Moon and Full Moon can affect us in many different ways. We just passed through three amazing festivals, the Christ, Wesak, and Humanity or Goodwill. Then we come upon the Summer Solstice when the light frequencies are coming in more intensely through the Great Central Suns to GAIA. We are the conduits of this light, but yet how do we sustain ourselves so that we can accept the totality of our essence within our physical vehicle so the lands of GAIA can arise to the occasion?

The answer to all of these questions is understanding who we are in each moment. As we change with each new level of vibration that comes within us, we must accept the fact that we are not ‘who we were before.’ We have to learn how to retrain ourselves from our thoughts and emotions into a higher existence ~ our Higher Mind and Heart through the Higher Self. Our lives will never be the same and isn’t this what we have all asked to happen? We desire to be in a world of complete Divine Love and Oneness but first we must accept it within ourselves.

The effects of the Festivals of Light with Wesak are not truly understood for three months thereafter. That takes us through the months of June, July, and August. This is the time of our true grounding of our higher essence that was brought into our reality during Wesak. So we have to take advantage of this time and fully understand the process that we have been experiencing.

So how do we go about knowing who we are? Being in silence; stepping into ourselves with our breath and feeling our entire Beingness. What does this feel like? Do you feel the bliss, the joy, serenity, and just happy to be with yourself? Or does it feel very uncomfortable, starting to express frustration or agitation? These are the different realities of the Light and the Dark within us.

It is important for each of us to understand ourselves completely in each moment. It is how we are working through our soul contract of helping Mother Earth find her divine self, of Terra Christ. Each of us has this responsibility within ourselves to achieve this essence. When we don’t, then we are only hurting the planet and everyone around us.

At the present time, we are being challenged to continually understand who we are in each moment. It is our responsibility as a soul to fully allow our higher essence to be our guide, but it takes great practice and diligence to do so. Each individual must learn to ground it and this means taking the higher energy You Are and bringing it down through all your chakras, into your feet, connecting with your Earth Star. This process will help you to heal yourself, command the energies that are your Divine Right and fully be in Oneness with your Higher Self, and I Am Presence.

Each of us has changed in the last couple of months. It is part of the process with the Wesak energies so that we can be more to our physical self and to others. It is how we give service but first and foremost, it must be acquired within. This is a big challenge to continually look within our inner heart and see what needs to be changed in order to receive what we truly deserve upon this Earth.

My life as being a mentor and teacher has been challenged greatly in the past couple of months, especially the last few weeks. I have learned through this process of the Festivals that my role to others is to show to myself who I have become. This is a huge moment to accept the fact that you are the Voice of the Spiritual Hierarchy and to share with others about this. It has always been my role to share the messages of Spirit but not talk about how I arrived in this space or the challenges I had to go through to own who I am. All of that has changed.

This past week in our Clarion Temple of Oneness class we decided to bring for the Cosmic Great Central Sun energies in celebration of the Summer Solstice. This consciousness comes from combined essence Divine Mother and Father God. They also called upon all of the Great Central Suns from the Multi-Universal Level through the Universal, Galactic, and Solar Levels combined essences to help humanity to receive the attunements of their light for the balance of the light infractions that we received for the Solstice. There was also a lot that they did not share, but the true fact was that I am their Voice. I was attuned since 2005 physically to accept their energies within me so I could do this work. I now have a wonderful partner that helps me to ground it within me and through others so that each individual that listens to these attunements can become closer with their essence as I have been able to do.

It does not matter that I have accelerated myself through many initiations to be able to handle this energy. It is a physical experience for me in these present moments. When any of the Spiritual Hierarchy comes to me, we are intertwined. They have full control of my voice, but I am part of the experience. They utilize my gifts of shamanism, intuitiveness, utilizing my sight, hearing, and the acquisition of all that I have acquired through the years. The chanting that I do comes from the highest level of frequencies within the 144 dimensions of light. Sometimes it can be very challenging for me physically before a call and definitely afterwards.   We now call my work “Fully Integrated Transmitter” as I am no longer just a channel. I am One with all of these Beings within the Unified Whole Command. I know that each person is affected with each of these classes; and I know all individuals will not accept it within themselves. This is why this is a planet of Free Will.

This is quite a statement for me to convey to the world, but it is time to do so. This is my acceleration of Wesak 2014 and the Solstice has helped me to acknowledge it deeply within my Being. It is also a challenge because any other energies that come to me from others, thought forms, or dark energies effect me tremendously. During the transmission I am in a power space, but returning from these transmissions can truly debilitate my energies if there are lower forms of projected towards me. This is part of the 4th dimension that we are living within presently. I accept that process; I was a Shaman first so I am able to ascertain what does not feel right. I then cleanse, purify and allow my consciousness to come back to where I have achieved it ~ a sense of pure love and joy.

This also means that I cannot read other channelings anymore. I have to be careful where I search for things on the internet as the lower forces effect me immediately. This also means that after every session I do, I have to do a cleansing shower and remove any debris that has occurred in my outside field. Going into the 3rd dimensional world is a big challenge. I have learned to accept these rituals until this earth becomes the New Earth and every living being upon the planet will be within a 5th dimensional body.

My role today in sharing this information is that we are in a world of great duality still. Many lightworkers share amazing messages and thoughts of love for this planet. This is so very important to do so. Every individual needs to assess themselves each moment. It is how we are going to heal this Earth into the New Earth. The vibrational frequency is more important presently than the words that we can share.

This means that we at Walking Terra Christa are being guided by the Unified Whole and Spiritual Hierarchy to bring the highest teachings to individuals to help them through this process. We talk about the challenges of being on the mastery pathway. We live it everyday. That is why we are in Mt. Shasta. We could not exist anywhere else presently as our dimensional frequency could not handle a lower density.

During the next three months each of us will change through the process. In order for us to affect Gaia’s progression it is important for each individual to understand what they are going through emotionally, mentally, and physically. In order to blend the three minds (Super Conscious, to Subconscious into the Consciousness) and accept the four body system as one fully body of light, we continually need to work at it in each moment.

My suggestion is to take each day within your breath, feel what is happening for you, and allow your Higher Self to help you change the negative thoughts and programming that is still trying to stay within your physical body. Utilize the Rays of God in the spectrums of light to fully be infused within your being, break up the dis-ease that may still be lurking, and change it into the pure essence of light that you are. Also take some moments to see how much you have changed from May of this year until now. I guarantee you that there are some elements that have changed greatly within you. Allow your achievements to be known. You deserve to share it within our higher mind and heart. We can move to the 5th dimensional earth but everyone that wants to be on this pathway must be diligent in their studies and application to the Self.

The one element that I have learned through this process is that the more that I accept my achievements, the deeper the healing within my physical body. Sharing my role through my writing is a huge event for me and even bigger for my Higher Ego. She is finally able to settle within me as I have been trying to allow this transition to occur for many years. I did not know that just by sharing who I am presently would change the composition that I hold within my physical vehicle. I have been trying to change it in a third dimensional way, and it was not fully being accepted within me. I now know that positive change is inevitable in all ways.

In expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Ashtar Command – Life Station Earth Light Group Gathering ~ March 8, 2014



It is I, Lord Ashtar with the Ashtar Command.

Thank you so much for gathering with us today.  It helps us to get a feel of where you are.  Even though we can tell by your magnetics, specific locations are better.  We would like to see more individuals around the world come onto this call so that we can build this grid of Light that we are working for together.

Let us just explain a little bit about what is happening presently.  As you know, the energies have been very intense.  The weather patterns have been extreme in some areas.  Some areas are having droughts, others are having too much precipitation.  Some areas are having volcanoes erupting, tornadoes and much more.  All those extreme weather patterns we would call Mother Nature doing her part.  Truly this is not exactly what is happening.  The elements may already be in place, but they are being increased to cause more problems.

What we would like to assist you with is understanding how each of you are experiencing this within yourselves.  It is not that the weather patterns cause havoc within Gaia.  That is not truly their goal.

Their true goal is to create havoc within humanity. 

When the extreme weather patterns occur, it creates frustration, anguish, anger, not being able to go through your days as you would like to do.  In some cases it can cause problems with electricity, problems with heat, with not being able to survive upon the land as we usually do at this point.

Concentrate very deeply on where you are presently, so we can assist in this process.  We are not just connecting together through each of us of the Intergalactic Federation of Light, but connecting in your specific area.  If there is anything that is very extreme for you, share it with us through your consciousness and how you would like those weather patterns to be rectified at your location.

Let us take a moment of silence and allow that to happen.

As we receive the energy patterns that are occurring for you through the vibrational essences, it helps us with assisting more deeply.  This means that we can send out energy grids from each of our smaller ships to readjust the energies in your areas.  When you have a sensation that something is changing and it does not feel quite right, try to notice it before it happens as that would be very helpful.   Take the thoughts that I am going to bring to you, and center yourself by calling upon the Unified Whole.  Go up to the 144th dimension; state your location and what you are feeling.

For instance, Meleriessee always feels the extreme weather patterns though headaches, usually at least 24 hours ahead of time.  We are able to help where they are by simply tapping into that energy.  It does not mean that the weather pattern will be disappearing immediately, but the vibrational electromagnetic frequency that is being increased will be decreased.  So we are assisting in this process.  The work that we have been doing since we have gathered together a couple of months ago may be helping, but we need more assistance especially with the Eastern United States and with other areas around the world.  This is not only about weather patterns, it is about our work together.  It is about you as humans and each of us as the Intergalactics of the Christ Consciousness being able to connect with one another and create a network together.  This way we can assist each other through the process.

As we take a deep breath of Light, feel your own multidimensional self and what that means for you.  Each of you has the power within yourselves to create these forms of protection as well.  It is only a matter of knowingness through your Higher Mind and Higher Self that you can do this; and working with the Lower Self to make it happen.  We must all believe that we have the power to do so.  Before we do the activation for today, let me talk a little about what is happening presently.

As this has been somewhat discussed in previous sessions with Walking Terra Christa, the Spring Equinox is very, very powerful.  It is another cosmic event similar to what 2012 represented in December.  Yet we are now another year beyond that.  There has been so much transformation and changes of energies that have occurred, so that now the energies are coming to a crucial point in order to bring forth more of those calming, blessing frequencies of Light.  The Equinox will be very powerful.

Presently, we are dealing with a lot of war efforts in the planetary systems; the solar systems beyond the Earth.  There are those of us who are of the Christ Energies, and those who are not of the Christ Energies are fighting against each other.  So we are working with each of you human Lightworkers to assist in this process.  There are others who are working with the ones that do not want to assist, and thus there is a confliction occurring within the planetary structure of Gaia and each of you.  This is why the energy system may be very tremendous right now.

If you go out into the public, you may feel frequencies you are combated with, because those wars are going on.  What we need to be doing with each other is to continue the process of our divine enlightenment in order to allow those energies to move to a higher level of existence.  That way you will no longer be afflicted with what is happening.  Right now, we are at a fifty percent ratio against each other.  So it is very important in the next couple of weeks until the 21st, to fully bring forth the frequencies within ourselves to help.

I thank you for being with us today.  Being on the live call is much more crucial for this work that we are doing with each other, because we are allowing the creative shield to be activated and centered entirely around and within Gaia’s Merkabah in this moment.  What happens with these crucial wars that are occurring is that they can cause conflictions within the individuals that are not allowing themselves to be in a Christed state of their consciousness.  I am not saying that every individual person as a Lightworker is fully capable of being in that state a hundred percent of the time, as we know this is not true.  But it is what you are striving towards.

It is important to take time within your meditations to have the realization of who you are.  This is going to bring in your power and the ability to feel more transformed within each moment; especially the ones that are difficult for you.  We also would like to say we thank you deeply for standing in the front, because it is an energetic battle zone.  However, this battle zone is moving into space it has never been in previously.  It means that we are winning.  We may be at fifty percent on the planetary levels of the solar system, but that does not mean that the Earth is made up of fifty percent of the Light and the Dark.

Share your Light with others.  This, you can do through your energetics.  Allow the frequencies you are going to be experiencing today to come through your body and go into Gaia.  Allow them to be outside of your field, so that wherever you go others will also feel it.  This is going to assist you tremendously.  Your physical minds cannot understand that, as you are trying to think of elements to make it better for yourself.  You only need to allow your Higher Essence and the activation energies we will be bringing forth to come fully into you through your breath in each moment.

When I told you earlier to notice the change of energies, you go to the Unified Whole and bring in your Higher Essence for that.

All you have to say is “I now call upon Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command, the Intergalatic Federation of Light of the Christed Beings to assist with the shield that has been placed in my location.  Please assist with the frequencies of Light that are coming into the planet and with the removal of the elements of Darkness.” 

If you visualize the energy within a hundred mile circumference around where you are, we will meet that energy you want to diffuse with the frequency of Light.  That is all you have to do through your breath.

To explain further; the weather patterns cause an electromagnetic frequency to come into the human fields and into part of the Earth.  You are going to feel these frequencies spinning within you.  What happens is that when the elements are increased due to the other forces that are against full awareness of planetary essences to be completely in the frequency of Light, it takes moments to allow these energies to fully come into focus.  Thus, it affects your fields.  It affects your energy patterns.

Yes, the weather is going to affect you and if it is infiltrated with these electromagnetic patterns coming from a machine and not a natural source, your fields will be reacting to that.  You are electromagnetic yourself.  And within that electromagnetic frequency, you are being infused with energies that are not of a natural source.  You are not bringing in those frequencies that are what we would call a conduit of Mother Nature.  You are receiving a frequency that is of a lower energy causing constriction within your own field.  It causes the weaknesses you may have within your body to react.  It can cause your body to go into a shock mode.

When the body goes into the element of not being able to work through your day as you have previously, it can cause weaknesses in your joints, you could be sleepy, you could be depressed or anxious.  It causes an electromagnetic field to come into you that does not align with what you have already been working with.  Sometimes Meleriessee feels it as a vibration through her joints and knees.  That is a sign for it coming from the outside, almost like an attack.  It is a frequency coming into your body.

So this is what is happening with the weather patterns.  Something extreme is occurring.  Intense winds, a lot of rain, and extreme amounts of snow.  Anything that seems very out of the ordinary; your sky looking very greenish and black when a storm comes means it has been manipulated by these beings that are trying to change things.  We do not put a name on these Beings, as there are many different levels, and thus it is important to be detached.  They are just the energies fighting us presently.

Within this battle on an interplanetary level, we are at a moment of standing still.  That means we have moments of silence and moments of reactiveness, depending on what is happening within the human conditioning upon the planet.  Understand that each of you as a Lightworker has a role in this also.  It is not only about us coming, taking you, and helping you.  What we are trying to assist you with is for you to acknowledge your multidimensional selves.  Within that multidimensional self, you have had galactic lives.  And within those galactic lives, you have been a warrior.  You have been on both sides of the fence.  But you have great power within you.  You have the ability to tune into these energies.  The problem is, your mental mind gets in the way and keeps you from that.

It is what we are here to help you with.  Let us know when there is something wrong where you are.  This also could include locations you travel to and are not usually in.  It is okay to do so wherever you are located at that moment.

Simply tune in by saying “Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command of Intergalatic Federation of Light, I call upon your essences to assist with the weather pattern that is presently occurring.”  Feel yourself pushing the energy up above a hundred miles. 

And that is where we take over.  That is when we can assist in the process.  This monthly meeting is for us to gather more and more people around the world and make this grid even stronger.  We are doing a lot of work to assist in the process, but we cannot do it all.

The energetic exchanges that occur within each human create a field that does not allow us to work with it.  If there is aggression, if there are lower energies of anxiety and frustration, then we have to combat it even more strongly.  So each of you, in your individual locations can assist through your allowance of letting it to be.  If you would like to connect with us daily, you can in your meditation by saying “Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command, please assist me in receiving the perfect balance of the quotient for the weather patterns for today.”

We would like to continue this monthly gathering so that we can connect together in this way to assist the process.  In the next ten days or so it is going to be very intense, and there may be more weather conditions occurring in different parts of the world.  Let us do our best with each other to make sure that the individuals upon this planet who have no idea about what I am speaking of with all these energies, will start having some peace and feel that things are conflicting.  That way we can stop the anguish that is going on, as those thought forms are also causing the energies to be more on that side of the fence.

So when the other side of these energies see that there are complaints, they are very happy with that, which means they will pump it up more often.  It can go either way.  When something bad is happening and it gets worse, they can pump up the energies to make it worse.   Or, if something good is happening, they can pump up the energies.  We are truly at a crucial point in this year in order to assist with this.  This is going to assist with creating the New Earth.

I, from the deepest bottom of my heart, am so enamored to say that each of you are connecting with us today.  We hope that you will continue to do so on a monthly basis, as it is only going to allow this shield we are assisting with to become stronger within your lives.

If you have any problems, if you are having any constrictions or restrictions occurring for you in your physical field, please do call upon us for that also.  The Arcturians are very, very helpful in creating shields for you that hold those powers of energy around your structure, so that you won’t be hit with those lower frequencies.  It is a matter of building up our strength.  You are building your strength through electromagnetic energies.  You have been building your strength through your body, mind and heart.  So now we work through the Light Body to make it stronger than it has ever been before.

Let us all connect with each other in this moment through our Heart essence.  I thank you for taking the time and listening.  Each month we will give an explanation of what we feel is happening with the energies.  It is not just a gathering for connecting and doing the work together, it is also about understanding what has been happening.  Call upon your multidimensional self.  Call upon the essence of your Higher Self and I AM Presence, and the power you carry within yourself from all of your timelines.  Accept the divinity of your power and Light within yourself.

Expand your Light from your Heart Center all the way through your Earth Star and your Soul Star.  Expand it outward to create this force field of Light and all colors you want to bring forth.  We call upon the 330 Rays of God, the 352 levels of the Mahatma, and the 144 Dimensions of Oneness.  We call upon all your positive timelines to be ignited presently.  We call upon the timelines of your galactic lives, the timelines of your angelic lives, and the timelines of your formlessness when you protected the planetary systems, the star systems and the energetic exchanges.  We are coming into Oneness with your I AM Presence of the 144 souls that you are.  And together all of our I AM Presences come into Oneness. 

In this moment we are not intergalactic.  We are the same as you.  We are an embryo of Light under the direction of the Creative Source of Oneness of the Christed beings; to become this Christed being within the body.  Feel the power that you are.  Expand that to your entire full Body of Light.  No matter how far you have gotten with that, expand it out of you.  As it spins within you, it goes out of you, it is part of you.

I, Lord Ashtar, bring forth the divinity of Light of our reception together to be in communion.

{Divine Light Language Code Attunement}

Feel our communion together through all of our Heart Centers, and all the different beings that represent the Galactic Federation of Light; all the Beings of the spiritual hierarchy, all humans, and all Lightworkers for creating the New Earth, as this is our goal.  We call upon each of your locations to assist us now to bring forth the shield of Light within your area.

As you sit in your location, feel yourself commanding the energies by saying “I now command that I bring forth the non-alignment energies upon the Earth in my location to go up a hundred miles above, where Lord Ashtar and the Federation of Intergalatics will assist.”

What happens with this is that we take our shield, and we pull away those energies you are experiencing.  It may take more time, but it is only a small fragment of electromagnetic frequencies that are not in alignment with a 5th dimensional Earth.

{Divine Light Language Code Attunement}

Allow any release you need in your field or any areas around you to completely to go up to that hundred mile radius.  Take a breath.

What we do is to reprocess the energies and we move them out of Gaia’s field.  Through our ships, we transmute these frequencies of electro-magnetics that are causing dysfunction for the Earth to make her stay in the 3rd dimensional, and we help her move into the 5th dimension.  As we speak, we are taking those energies and we are transmuting them.

{Divine Light Language Code Attunement}

Feel the change within you now.  We connect with you from our ships.  Through your Mind’s Eye you may even be able to see our ships above your location.  We are now reinstating the correct frequencies upon the Earth.  Let us all travel together beyond the Earth plane up into the 10th dimension, into the 11th.  Those are the energies we reside in, from the 11th through the 23rd.  Feel our energies coming together.  We now take the frequencies we have reformulated and send it around the globe.  Visualize our ships circling around the Earth’s atmosphere as you can be part of this frequency and be with us in this moment.

We are going to center the energy into all the areas around the world.  It completely circles around the globe, around Gaia.  North America seems to be hit the hardest this winter, so let us bring forth the energies into there to normalize those weather patterns and temperatures.  It will allow spring to come.  However, let us not forget about the other parts of the world.  So now the shield comes down deep into the core of Gaia and her Crystalline structure.  Take a deep breath.  Feel that essence through your structure into your Earth Star.  Bring that energy down into the core of Gaia, feeling the roots grow from your Earth Star down into the Crystalline structure, where each of you are residing.

We now ask for the energy systems and weather patterns to be in balance.  We ask for the Sun to assist.  We ask for the cloud formations and the elements of the water, the wind, the fire and the earth to assist Gaia with her acceleration in full balance and within a hundred percent ratio.

Let us take another deep breath.  You see, we cannot do this without you.  You are implanting the frequency.  We can assist as we are presently, but as you can see we are not doing a very good job as we are at war with the other energies.  Each of you are a structure of Light enabling this frequency to come within you.  You are the beacon.  You are the holder of that frequency.

What this is going to do for you is that it will assist the location you are at presently, and yourself.  We know each of you are being combated with these energies through your systems.  So let us bring everything into balance together, because as we know it is part of the Wholeness, the Oneness.  If one thing is out of balance, all becomes out of balance.  We, of the Ashtar Command are deeply grateful for your continuous support and our alliance together in this timeframe, this timeline.  We will work together and we will be able to be together.  This Earth will become the New Earth, and we are here to assist you.  We thank you deeply for your love and support.

{Divine Light Language Code Attunement}

We are One.

We are one Divine Being of Light together.

We are one in the frequency of the Masculine and Feminine Divine in Wholeness.


This is a transcript of Lord Ashtar and the Ashtar Command Gathering with Walking Terra Christa for our March gathering.  We meet each month with Ashtar Command and the Christed Intergalactics to help Gaia and all her lands heal from the extreme weather patterns.  Please join us as this is an open call to all individuals.  Details are available on LORD ASHTAR WEATHER ASSISTANCE.  Please check the same link to listen to this call via MP3 recording.


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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New Earth Frequency Update ~ Planning in Action


This month is going to set a huge opening of many events to change upon the world.  Many are writing about it and I share it from the information that as been provided through our teachings from the Ascended Masters.

Wesak in May truly set the stage as the enfoldment of the Three-fold flame of the Will, Love and Power was actualized within the essence of Gaia.  We then experienced an amazing Solstice in which a doorway opened for every human on earth to blend their three minds of the Consciousness, Sub-consciousness, into the Super-consciousness of our Higher Self.  This is a pretty tall acceleration which will continue through eons of time.

So now we are in adjustment phases of allowing all of these energies to blend into our physical existence.   In addition the veil between the worlds of Spirit and Matter are now closer than they ever have been before.  This means that the availability of connecting with the Light Beings is so close within our consciousness.  It also means that the gap of the opposing forces is getting smaller but not without trying to create challenges for each of us.

The New Moon occurs on July 8th, 07:14 GMT, 12:14 AM PDT, 3:14 AM EDT which is in Cancer.  It is a time of inner reflection of truly understanding what is occurring for your pathway by tapping into the old timelines, igniting the ones you felt you want to remember, and allowing the unity of the Self to be blended within you, The One that is Transforming.  Take time for a special ceremony while setting your intentions towards the upcoming full moon on the 22nd.

It is also a time of Mercury Retrograde but we don’t want to center upon those energies as it is a third dimensional reality.  As we are learning to vibrate our physical beings into the fifth dimensional level, we take this time period as a lesson and removing the old aspects that no longer fit our purpose in any form.   Staying stuck on what Mercury Retrograde can do to us physically, emotionally, or mentally must be a gift from the Universe.  So keep intending to raise your vibration through your voice, utilizing the Rays of God, and affirming your Higher Self is your deciding guide in all moments; then, you shall glide through this period with Ease and Grace.




We are the Unified Whole Command of the Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein at your service.  It is a pleasure to connect with each of you again.

Our message today is one of great concern.  There are going to be tremendous changes and upheavals around the world so it is imperative that each of you understand the process that you are going through to create a balanced Body, Mind, and Spirit.

We don’t want to share what is going to occur because that may change.  Our role is to assist each of you in the process that you are undergoing.  With the upsurge of energies that have occurred on a spiritual and vibrational level it is important that each individual understands their own role at the present time.  Sometimes this may be difficult to comprehend due to the acceleration and change that each of you is undergoing presently.  You see, you are not any different than GAIA.  Everyone is changing all at the same time including each of us within the Hierarchy and the Unified Whole.  More and more light beings are realizing their role in the earth’s changes and are putting themselves into the Unity of the One.

This is exactly what is happening within the Earth and we call upon each of you for assistance.  The more diligence you make to create the unified Being of Light you want to be, the more it is going to assist GAIA.  Areas of the world that will be greatly affected will be the ones that need this light more than others.   This is not to mean that you have to sit and send out energies to certain areas continually.  We are talking about the pathway that each of you are walking upon right now.

What is your focus in your spiritual life?  Do you think about this continually or is it a plan that you have within your foundation?  We like to think of it has “planning in action”.  This means that on a 30-day basis to make an overview of what you would like to accomplish within your own four-body system, what elements need to be healed, and how would you like to acquire these elements within your life?  It is just a simple plan in which you reflect at the beginning of each month of what you have experienced and what you would like to create.  Then within that monthly period you will see elements arise that either assist you or de-assist. This is when you take the ones you do not want and purge them into Wholeness.  The ones that you desire, you thank them for coming to you, and celebrate yourself.

We suggest this tool to help you understand what is happening within your existence through your physical, etheric, emotional, and mental bodies.  The changes are going to happen to you as you raise your vibration; it is all part of the Divine Planning.  You stepped into a world that you assist you with these elements.

We share this because it is going to help you stay grounded and focused when other changes are taking place around the Earth.  These are very challenging times but the more grounding that is created within each of you, the more we can assist.  The energies that you will be exhibiting will help others around the world to receive the Light and Love of God within their hearts.

We all know that the Mind of the Self is now becoming the Super-Conscious.  As this occurs, the old elements will arise.  If you have not worked on them previously, then you will have to do so.  If it is something you already have healed, then it is just a remembrance.  Breathe into it and now that your Higher Self is the deciding factor of it all coming into balance.  You will know the difference.

This is exactly what is occurring within Gaia.  Everyone is experiencing it at the same moment in time.  Each of you, being the Lightworkers, are the grounding force for GAIA so it is your responsibility to stand within your power each moment.  We all know this may be a challenge because the elements will bring up what you have not cleared so it could be a rough ride for some of you.  Learning to hold within the space of your Higher Self will be the deciding factor in how this all occurs for each of you.

We are at the beginning of this phase.  Weather patterns are going haywire due to elements of control.  But it is not your job to complain about it.  It is your job to accept the challenge and change your energies by chanting, meditating, breathing your I AM presence deeply into your essence.  The media is very strong and will want to bring more fear into the design of these changes.  We ask each of you to hold your ground, know who you are, and expand that essence.

This is the pathway of mastery and it is the most challenging times no matter where you may be on that journey.  Each initiate is being asked to step into their Love, Will, and Power to create a joyful and miraculous journey for all individuals on this planet.  Do not let another to set you astray as the powers of this energy are determined.  With all of our assistance, each of us, we can become the Oneness that each of us desires.  But great challenges will ensue.  Take what you have learned and apply with the Light and Love of God.

We stand with you always within the Unified Whole Command.

May the Light always be our Guide in Unity of Light.

Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein at your service

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Frequency Update ~ November 5th through 12th, 2012

Planetary Level ~

This week brings us Mercury Retrograde on Tuesday and lasts through November 26th but it is supported with some very supportive and nurturing influences.  It is a time to look at our communication and how it fits into our present awareness; what needs to be addressed, removed, or accepted are the key points to this cycle.  We, at Walking Terra Christa, also feel that an individual should arise above some of these planetary influences as we are moving into a higher vibrational existence upon the Earth.  It will definitely make us more sensitive but in a very positive fashion by allowing us to see the parts that do not define our TRUE SELVES.  The other aspects involve being very nurturing and loving which means taking care of YOU.  Take time out to weed the old that happened from the Full Moon cycle to fully embrace the essence you have desired to achieve.

Presently there are no solar flares that are active.  There is a dark hole that has been detected within the Sun which is expected to hit the Earth by November 6th.  This causes the effect of Auroras within the Polar sky.

There are storm systems brewing on the Eastcoast once again.  It is imperative to try and hold the light frequencies as much as possible so others will feel it.  We must try and help others realize that fear or worry is not the answer and can make the storm systems create more havoc.


Cosmic Level ~


We have come to a new week that we feel is going to please each of you greatly.  Remember the challenges of last week and allowing the energies that you no longer needed to be removed from your four body system?  Well, this week it is more of the same. 

The process from this day of November 5th through the upcoming week is going to support the releasements and occurrences in your life to change.  Sometimes it can be an uphill battle of the frequencies changing within your physical reality but yet you still seem to push further beyond the confines of your reality.  Due to the influx of the energies presently, each individual will be able to assert themselves into a new way of Being by allowing themselves to fully accept the Divine Presence within their frequencies.

It is likened to being on a raft in very rough waters.  The raft moves across a huge rock and you are stuck there until you can find out the best way to get around the rock.  But that is the problem.  Getting around it does not make it go away; you may think so but it is not true.  You must learn to dissipate the energies of the rock so it is not sticking out of the water.  It is the same thing as seeing the Light Come On and then you are not in the darkness anymore.

You have traveled far and wide to arrive at your destination presently.  There should not be any blockages this week as long as you continue the same process from last week.  The energies are shifting into a softer and warmer essence to fully embrace you for the changes that you need to make.  This does not mean that there will not be challenges.  They are an extension of elements that you have been working with as you are giving additional time to experience the new part of your experience.

Let’s take a moment and try to understand the totality of this situation.  Each of the energies that are part of the Earth’s environment is assisting you to accept the “New You”.  This part of you is unfamiliar so there will be more challenges to help you get to the core of the matter.  Understanding and accepting your inner feelings and thoughts will allow you to move through the issues at hand.  Believe me, when we say that these are not something that you just conjured up in your mind.  They have been unsettling within your subconscious for quite some time.  With the effects of the last full moon, debris was thrown everywhere and now you are looking in many different places to pick up the pieces.

Don’t!  The pieces have fallen apart for many reasons.  The ones that are meant to be part of you once again will fall into your hands like raindrops from the sky.  If you have to go searching everywhere for an answer, then that answer will never come.  What you will receive is more questions.  The resulting effect of allowing the circumstances to change will mold you into the New Being you are trying to create.  He or she is already within you.  You have accepted them in another aspect and just need to allow that aspect to be part of your essence.

It is an on-going process, the renewal of your Essence.  It cannot be done in one split second, and no one has the answer for you.  A mentor may help to give you some tools or advice to go about finding it; but the true revelation is within you.

So take this week and keep moving through the process.  The pieces that you thought you lost will return to you if you are ready.  They represent the Ones that do not need to be forgotten but remembered fondly.  Embrace the New You and allow the essences of this week to assist you in the process of your continuation within the highest vibration that you allow yourself to receive.

As you embrace your own essence, find the balance that is necessary in your personal life, then others will be affected in a very positive manner.  Remember that GAIA is healing greatly and the energetics that are occurring presently can adversely affect how the Earth hands the energies.  It is very important to allow your Highest Essence to be your guide on a continual basis.  It is one way that service is being given presently.

We want to say that in reference of Mercury Retrograde – this all flows in the same way.  The energy is very nurturing at this time and do not allow the fear or worry of what this planet, Mercury, may mean in your life.  Rise above it and allow it to enfold within you as it is your destiny to fully accept your creation through the Creative Process of the Now.  Change it and allow it to change within you.  You will be eternally grateful for accepting the nuances of the present moment to enfold within your existence and creation.

We walk with you through the acceleration of the New Earth.

We are the Unified Whole Command,

The Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Albert Einstein at your service.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page.


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