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Focus ~ Learning to Master Your Thoughts and Feelings, Part 1


Greetings, it is I Lord Adama once again with the Telosian Way of Being and thank you all for being here.  Let’s just reiterate a few thoughts.  We would like to go deeper within the essences for you to have a trigger within it for you to fully acknowledge what you are going through.

I know there are a lot of things going on environmentally, planet wise, cosmically with the energies but each of you is creating these parts of yourselves to be reopened.  You are allowing them to fully come into full balance within yourself and it’s almost like you’re at a play and the curtain is now opened and you’re in your raw form.  There is nothing else that you can do, your costume is not what you thought it was going to be when you looked in the mirror in your dressing room and now you’re on the stage and you find everyone is looking at you quite differently.  So this is what we are going to be focusing on.

I want you to have these realizations that you are changing deeper and that your relationships are going to change.  Some of you may have had old relationships that seem to come into balance but then they become imbalanced.  As the stripping-away layer-by-layer is occurring, these exact elements are going to be happening for you.  So what we worked on last week is going much deeper than you realized, than what we worked on the previous weeks.  This is because there were just layers upon layers within each other as we get deeper to the core essence that we are.

This is a very accelerated program.  If you were to come to Telos for six months to a year, you would go through these programs.  We are giving you an accelerated phase within the 10 weeks.  And if like Meleriessee, a part of you came to Telos for a while, then those parts were worked on in that process.  This is something that she experienced in one of her visits here, although at that time, she did not realize what was happening until probably a year later when things were shifting for her and that essence part of her came back.  So there were aspects within her that needed to be fully worked upon.  Her soul agreed to allow them to happen in that manner.

Some of these elements may be happening to each of you.  You may feel that there is a part of you that is coming into Telos but the other part is staying in your 3D world because that’s where you need to be because of your family or the structure of your life situation.  So know that what we are giving you is just opening up the consciousness on a surface level.  On a much deeper level, you’re going through these processes and allowing these essences to come fully within.


We’re going to talk a little bit about how to be true to ourselves and what does that mean.  In order for you to be true to others, you have to know who you are within yourself.  That is going to shift and change with each of these classes that we’re doing.  So the next element we’re going to work with is allowing that frequency of light to come within us.

Take a deep breath.  Spin your Merkabah vehicle in a clockwise direction.  Feel the spinning lights of all the Rays, the Pinks and Yellow, Green and Gold and White, Blue and flecks of Green, Ruby Red and Golden, Purple, all flowing within each other; Seafoam Green, feel those essences.  Then we’re going to focus on the Higher Rays~ Blue Green, just feel these colors swirling within you~ Pearlescent, Pink Orange, Golden, Violet Pink, deep Blue Violet, light Golden White, light Violet White, feel them spinning and spinning and spinning within you~ Pink Gold, Magenta, Violet Gold, Blue Gold, then the Platinum.  These colors are now swirling within each other.  You’re going so fast, so fast, so fast, and then you just feel yourself moving out of the space that you are in physically.  You’re going to take that other part of you and just travel through the hemisphere moving towards Mt. Shasta.  I want you to just feel the essence, feel yourself just coming into the creation of Telos, feel that energy.

As you walk on the Telosian lands, as you step into the garden and in the forest, you walk down the pathway through the forest.  There may be individuals that you have seen before.  They acknowledge you, there may be an embrace, shaking of the hands, nod of the eyes, as you walk down the golden pathway; it swirls through the forest, you see the Lemurian Retreat House, and we’re going to walk down the steps and go into the doorway.  As you go through the door, you’re going to smell the fragrance of Frankincense and Myrrh.  As we bring in those essences and walk down the spiraling staircase to the bottom floor feeling the essences of song movement.


As we enter the Retreat Room, we walk in and find the seat amongst the living quarters here.  As I will now walk down the stage, we have with us here tonight all the Ray Chohans, Master Kuthumi, Dhjwal Khul, Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Master Joshua, Master Hilarion, Master Serapis Bey, Master Paul the Venetian, Lord Sananda, Lady Nada, Saint Germain, Lady Portia, and Master El Morya.  As they all circle around us on the stage and they take their seats.  I am going to sit tonight and I have with me Lady Galactica, my beloved.  Let’s all just sit for a moment.  I want everyone to feel the frequency & the essence that is here this evening.


Breathing deeply.  You should all now be feeling more of your Higher Essence coming completely within your being as you acknowledge all aspects of yourself, allowing these frequencies of light that you’re feeling to be accepted fully within you.  I now stand before you.  As I do stand and I take my hand across the room as I ask each of you to feel your own essences in this moment.  What you’re feeling in this creation, in this moment of time are the aspects of your Soul’s Essence in complete balance, allowing those essences to fully be within you.

Let us talk about the parts of yourself that don’t fit into who you are.  We are going to reflect for awhile.  It’s important to take moments of time and to experience remembrances of what you have been before and allow your own remembrance to come into you for you to see how different you are now from then.  This shows progress and within this progress, you start to see there is an unfolding frequency of light.  That light was not there before and why do you think it was not there?  Because you were not ready to see it.  There were other parts of yourself that did not allow you to go deep into that essence because possibly you fully were not ready to accept it.

We’re going to get a little bit into the nitty-gritty this evening about what you don’t want to see.  Those parts of yourself that have attracted elements in your life situations, people that you thought were in the moment had very good ideas and all of a sudden, you come to a realization that that person or group of people, or even a work situation does not fit you anymore.  I know those of you who have changed jobs will understand this process.

All of a sudden you start to feel uncomfortable in a job, not happy, maybe you were happy previously whether it was a year, five years or whatever the time frame, you become non-complacent.  You don’t want to do the work that you did before.  What does this really mean when these elements happen in our lives especially in your 3D world?  Because there is no growth, you get to a point and you start stagnating, your intelligence is being thwarted.  We must always grow and learn from each other.  This is the process of life whether that life is within a physical life or whether it is in a spiritual life.  It doesn’t matter if you are in a body or out of body.  Stagnation can occur and that is our deepest, darkest part that can envelope us.

Some individuals that are not awakened, love their stagnation.  They love being boring, they love not reading books or learning from others.  They love watching their TV, they love watching their football games and sports and allowing their energies to move into something else that is not part of them.  It’s entertainment.  What is entertainment?  Entertainment is a fact, an element that takes us away from really knowing who we truly are and it doesn’t mean that entertainment has to be taken away from us, it’s just how much entertainment you bring into your life.  How much do you need to hide away from what you really are feeling, doing or going through?  We say a very minimum part of your existence because in truth entertainment to us is individuals laughing with each other and understanding one another.  That’s truly entertainment but that’s not the kind of entertainment I’m speaking about.  I’m speaking about the way that society on the 3D and 4D level pull people in and they loose themselves.  They are lost souls.  They think they’re doing fine because that is what the media teaches them, that is what the commercials teach them, and that is what the others within the matrix teach them.  The most important facet to understand is that you are not within that matrix or you’re trying to get out of it.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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