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The China Stock Collapse versus Your Angelic Self


Archangel Lord Metatron, through our transmissions this past month informed everyone that this summer was a very powerful OPPORTUNITY to become more integrated with your true self through the Mastery Path of using the energies of the SOLAR ANGEL. The SPIRITUAL FORCES OF LIGHT know that the earth plane will be going through some very challenging moments this summer.

The recent shock to the GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM was just such a challenge. How did you react? As these opportunities occur, the energy that comes into the planet from the Cosmic Great Central Sun at the center of our Universe, bathes every soul on earth, regardless of each individual’s personal level of awareness of those higher frequencies.

But are you aware that being presented with this opportunity is not the same as accepting it? This crucial difference was a real eye-opener for us when we were in our early initiations of the first four.

To accept what Lord Metatron is speaking about one has to consciously ACTIVATE the energies WITHIN the mind body system. Advancing your Soul’s Pathway of Light does not just happen because the opportunities are given by the God Force.

So in this message we are taking the time to offer a deeper understanding to humanity at large but specifically to those who enjoy benefiting from New Earth teachings such as those we provide.

These are concepts that we did not know about ourselves until we realized them through our work in learning to move through the Initiations. Rev. J.Michael Hayden (Aranathanara) was very much into learning intellectually about many topics, including the ones involving the E.T.s and 3D mass consciousness, but at those early stages, he was not aware that he had been missing out on many spiritual doorways of opportunity.


Let’s first take a wider perspective of what the New Earth is going to be and how it is intricately intertwined with DISCLOSURE and the INNER EARTH inhabitants.

Did you ever deeply contemplate what DISCLOSURE is really about? Have you ever thoughtfully considered the implications within INNER EARTH revelation writings like those of ADMIRAL BYRD’s on his personal experiences (and those of many others)? Have you been one who follows DR. GREER’s work?

Why do you think, while there is ample evidence in our modern world of these “MYTHS” being quite real, that DISCLOSURE has not happened yet? Do you think that it is just a question of allowing the TRUTH to be released to the public? Do you think that SECRET GOVERNMENT players and their cohorts have an agenda to withhold such truths from the public?

This is what most people who feel there is more to their physical existence than they are “led” to believe, think. They never consider that the story may be much more complex.

THE 3rd, 4th, AND 5th DIMENSIONS

So let’s also take an overview look at what the NEW EARTH of the FIFTH DIMENSION actually consists of in terms of energy frequencies. The information we will share is actually quite obvious once you are able to connect the dots.

The initial definition we need to share is “Fifth Dimension”. To understand fully we must first take a step back: the Third Dimension is that level of reality where there are rules to live by which are handed down to us from our governments, schools and other various authorities such as our religions, our cultures and our families, both the patriarchy and matriarchy throughout the generations. These rules are important for the protection and sustainability of the populace. Within this level of reality, everything that exists is in terms of either normal behavior or unacceptable behavior. It is a world of forced uniformity where one must conform to the majority thought form in any given matter.

Next is the Fourth Dimension. This is the level of reality, where the veil of mass delusion that is the Third Dimension, is seen for just what it is: falsehoods and fictions created by the few to control the many into behaving ‘properly’. But this realization comes at a price. It means giving up all notions of the idea of a fixed reality. It means embracing the notion that whatever one has been told by the various types of Third Dimensional authorities on what is to be considered ‘not true’, is probably actually true or at the least, something worth looking into with a new understanding.

The Fourth Dimension is also that place where a ‘truer’ version of reality exists. It is one where duality is seen as just that. The delusions and falsehoods that were perpetuated are exposed. Along with this awakening of consciousness also comes the awareness that many things once considered ‘scary’ are actually real. And those things, once understood and seen with the eyes of new comprehension, are no longer scary. This may require new levels of respect for what was formerly unknown but overall, in this dimensional reality there are no secrets that can be kept hidden. This is the reality that many early indigenous peoples lived in as they could “see” much that our modern world would pretend does not exist. They lived in a reality where ghosts and fairies were very real everyday understandings.

Finally, we have the FIFTH DIMENSION. It is that level of reality where, yes there are no secrets, but also where there are no competing agendas; as without secrets all have come to understand that having care and compassion for ALL beings, without any separating energies is where all can be truly happy and in a love based communal brother-sisterhood of existence.


Then we look at the definition of the New Earth, which is that GOLDEN AGE that has been written and spoken about for many millennia. What are the characteristics of a Golden Age? We all know this; it is indeed the energy of love, joy, and compassion. It is the actual sharing of a heart to heart connection with ALL other souls, and ALL kingdoms of this earth. It is the ultimate RESPECT of this earth and of EACH sentient being who walks upon her. A true GOLDEN AGE requires the ‘higher consciousness’ of a FIFTH DIMENSION awareness.

Now if we look at our current earthly planetary life in the here and now, what level do you think we are currently in?

We would say that we are experiencing both the THIRD and FOURTH at the same time depending on a given individuals perspectives and belief systems. One may be very much aware that there are secret agendas in politics, but at the same time may hold dear to their own version of what is proper and acceptable in their version of what is correct family behavior.

Just within the last month, the United States Judicial system declared that all couples, regardless of sexual orientation, are permitted to marry and receive all the benefits associated, in society, with that union. This is not only a FOURTH DIMENSIONAL but also FIFTH DIMENSIONAL awareness.

Many new age sources say that we are IN the FIFTH DIMENSION already, and site examples of such types of declarative united compassionate activity. But can you ALSO see much activity on our planet that is still THIRD or FOURTH dimensional?

We do. For example, many are not pleased with the High Court’s ruling in that case, including 4 of the 9 Supreme Court judges on that very court, let alone many citizens of the populace. Look at the China Stock crash this week. Did it cause fear and anxiety?

If there is a lack of acceptance and an energy within soul’s, either as individuals but especially in groups, that still desires to stay in some form of ‘fear’, ‘other’ or ‘separation’, clearly, from this perspective, we are NOT IN the FIFTH DIMENSION (5D).

This is because dimensional frequencies are founded upon the collective consciousness of all humans (on the upper earth) in entirety, which again means there can be no FIFTH DIMENSIONAL reality until the fear-separation is removed.


Moving on to our deeper understanding: let’s call this concept of a NEW EARTH, (which by definition is the whole of human consciousness being in a FIFTH DIMENSIONAL awareness) our first ‘dot’.

This was a major revelation for Rev. Aranathanara because he was very impressed with both Dr. Greer and David Wilcock’s information and he felt, like many individuals, that it was not about him personally, but about the various factions within our earth leaders. They were the ones who needed to change.

A NEW EARTH is not, as has been written and seen in some popular examples, just about being able to raise one’s consciousness through meditation or via charitable giving activities. It is not just a question of feeling the love of those you find acceptable or sharing your light with others who you feel are less fortunate than yourself.

Moving into the 5D structure upon a NEW EARTH requires that all elements within each soul that are of the OLD EARTH (of the 3D/4D structure) must first be purged and removed from that soul, and then by the extension, purged from all humans upon the earth who make up a significant enough number to create a ‘mass consciousness’, thereby creating a new paradigm of collective consciousness (collective meaning ALL SOUL’S).

Now let’s get back to the topics of DISCLOSURE and INNER EARTH BEINGS. These beings are actually of a HIGHER DIMENSIONAL FREQUENCY by default. They live in societies that are not just a few hundred years old, (as is the United States of America), or a few thousand as some other cultures on the planet are, but tens or hundreds of thousands or years of advanced civilizations. They could not sustain that unless they were indeed more spiritually advanced than we are of the upper earth.

When we connect this ‘dot’ of the definition of the NEW EARTH to the ‘dot’ of DISCLOSURE, (which is our reconnection with our star brothers and sisters whom we know as the GALACTIC FEDERATION, commanded in our solar system by the ASHTAR COMMAND under LORD ASHTAR), and to the other ‘dot’ of our earth ancestors who went into the INNER EARTH to protect themselves from harmful elements (which is our reconnection with the AGARTHA CITIES or which TELOS, located beneath MOUNT SHASTA, is the capitol city), it becomes quite clear that the beings who make up such a FEDERATION OF LIGHT in our solar system and within our earth might not actually desire to directly interact with beings who still possess energies within them of fear and separation.

If we take time to consider what a frequency vibration mismatch really is, we can easily see that the MAIN REASON any official public FIRST CONTACT has not been forthcoming is that there still remains upon the (upper) earth too much THIRD and FOURTH dimensional energies.

This then is the deeper story within DISCLOSURE: the beings of LIGHT that would get ‘exposed’ are not fully ready to be exposed… to us. It is not OUR leaders but THEIRS who are not yet in a hurry to mingle our frequencies.

Which finally brings us right back to ARCHANGEL LORD METATRON who desires to TEACH us using the higher frequencies of LIGHT on HOW we can raise our consciousness AND physicality into actually BECOMING that HIGHER FREQUENCY of LIGHT so that we can return to ONENESS with the CHRISTED INTERGALACTICS and INNER EARTH BEINGS.

‘CHRISTED’ is the key understanding here. After all, these are the only beings that an earth person desires to get “exposed”. No one wants the dark E.T. races to become our earthly partners on the upper earth (believe us). And a CHRISTED being is indeed one that has perfected the ability to live in a life of joy, compassion, oneness with respect and enthusiasm for all endeavors that are within the frequency of CHRISTED energy.

As this Angelic Spiritual Master has said, the summer of 2015 is an OPPORTUNITY to raise ones awareness. What awareness? The awareness is that each of us as members of humanity can become a CHRISTED individual.

As we all know, when opportunity knocks, we have to actually open the door. Many will not, especially those that are ‘mostly content’ with a 3D/4D way of life even if they desire things to get better; (‘mostly content’ means one has a routine in life that is preferred to remain stable over disrupting it. It is one who likes their current lifestyle even if it is not pleasant. Sure there are aspects that should be changed in their eyes, but that is only if those changes occur outside themselves: in their governments, in their businesses, in their communities. It is not about the change that demands going within to find the ‘thoughts and emotions of lower elements’ and correct them.

So even though we perceive that many will not open this LIGHT door of opportunity, it is our hope that many others will.


How do you open such a door? Obviously we have a biased answer. We would say you need to do exactly what we wrote earlier. OPENING the door means accepting that you understand not much can change on this earth until each soul (you) takes action to remove one’s personal 3D/4D views, biases, angers, fears, frustrations, judgments from within the subconscious and consciousness.

Basically this means once the door is open, you have to then WALK through it to the other side. You must take ACTION in a very concrete manner. Such action means exposing yourself, intentionally, to energies that you normally don’t experience in a daily life within the 3D/4D, that is, to seek out and find HIGHER DIMENSIONAL ENERGIES that can give you a NEW perspective and understanding. Even though the 3D/4D mind is incapable of understanding these energies, this is absolutely required because any consciousness cannot change (raise) it’s level of awareness without coming into contact with a source of HIGHER AWARENESS. (Another way to think about it: if we did not have to do anything to make the NEW EARTH a reality, it would already be here.)

Essentially we must be taught. Step by step, inch by inch. How long does it take to learn to SHIFT everything you know about yourself and your life from one level of awareness to another? We don’t yet know for the public at large but individuals can attain such enlightened understanding almost instantly, and then through the correct application of diligent exposure and persistent study go on to see real long term progress in as little a few years’ time. We have seen it in our students.

Archangel Lord Metatron is the Master Teacher for these particular FREQUENCIES OF LIGHT that are now open to us from the SUMMER SOLSTICE. Now that doorway begins its journey toward closing. For those who take advantage of it now, they can then build upon these frequencies and be ready to accept the NEXT OPPORTUNITY as these energies are always DIVINE stepping stones; building blocks of Light that, if used correctly, can accelerate one up in awareness step by step.


As a child you enjoyed Tinker Bell. She pleaded with all those who doubted Fairies existed to believe in her or else she would, literally, die. Was it a mythical magical tale?

The Fifth Dimension is one of magic. It is the magic of the HEART. And in that space many wondrous things occur, things that mere mortals of the 3D/4D can only dream about.

All opportunities come and they go. The question to ask yourself is this: how long can humanity go on before the opportunity to co-create the New Earth is missed? Again, our biased recommendation is that the time is indeed NOW as ignoring such an opportunity is taken on at the peril of our collective soul’s advancement as a race.

Are you going to be one who OPENS the door and then WALKS through it?

If you are such a ONE, as the originators of these messages and transmissions of LIGHT from the HIGHEST SOURCE OF ONENESS through the UNIFIED WHOLE, we are offering ARCHANGEL LORD METATRON’S TEACHINGS in a special package. We are doing this so that everyone can access the HIGHEST FREQUENCY teachings and utilize them during this OPPORTUNITY OF LIGHT to work specifically with his SOLAR ANGELS in getting a boost through the first Four Mastery Initiations, (along with our previous teaching about the Metatronic Seals and Golden Solar Angel). Reaching the 4th level of Initiation is neither quick nor easy, but this kind of assistance does not come along every day from the SPIRITUAL FORCES. Biased as we are, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND these teachings.

In the package material there are a total of FIVE teachings (approx. 12 hours of specific high vibrational teachings and attunements). With this summer offer each hour+ class is as inexpensive as just $14 or less for those of Normal and Modest Means (we have a sliding scale depending on your level of financial means).

As another GATEWAY OF LIGHT is quickly approaching, this offer is subject to change. Please go to if you are interested in accepting this opportunity with Archangel Lord Metatron and the Angels. (Naturally from our perspective as Spiritual Teachers, we hope you do.)

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it | Make sure to connect with us in these ways:
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Metatronic Package of Teachings: Angelic Boost for the Four Initiations

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“The Solar Angel class from Lord Metatron is very powerful…I feel different…my imagination is more expansive and I trust my intuition more. Amazing! Thank you,” ~ Alysen

I, come forward as Lord Metatron at this time to assist any individual that would like assistance with their initiations of Mastery. I bring to you the availability of the Golden Solar Angels of Light and all angelic presences during this phase of teaching.It has always been my desire to come forward at a time that would be beneficial to the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Order of Melchizedek, and Initiates on the earth-plane that would be able to accelerate and yet balance their energies through the first Four Levels of the Initiations.As we have just experienced a beautiful teaching with one another within the Embody Your Solar Angel I want to continue this work of the Metatronic Seals but directing it in the manner of the angelic essence. We are all angels together. Each of you has come to Earth in that angelic form to assist Gaia and humanity in the transition towards Oneness. Within that process comes the journey of the Self that must be addressed within each soul. It can be long and arduous, but each of you that are ready at this time, can go through the process in a gentler way of acceptance.

This course series will entail working with your Solar Angel through the Initiations. We will, again, connect with your angelic self so that she/he can be your guide through those four levels that are the most important for a strong foundation. It will entail a step-by-step process to assist each of you to understand more about yourself while going through the acceleration phases.

It does not matter where you are presently sitting within the initiation as sometimes as an initiate, we have to go back to the lower levels to clear some elements that were not ready to appear until we get to the higher phases.

My role is not to teach you about each initiation but to attune you to the energetic exchange that represents each initiation while helping you to access your Solar Angel in the process. We will work through the Metatronic Seals in a different way than I have taught previously. I take on my essence as the Archangel and the Lord to guide each of you through Rev. Meleriessee through the process.

Each level of the initiations along with specific Metatronic Seals to assist in the process of full activation will be accessed in the succession of the classes.

Each of the specific Metatronic Seals that will be initiated and activated. Activation depends upon where each individual can hold the energies within their body, where they stand within their Planetary Ascension.

◊ Class No. 1 – Initiation 1
Inspiration – Representing the Etheric Body
Remembrance of the Angelic Presence and Grounding Process which will entail accessing Etheric Body so that the Physical Body can hold the energies.

◊ Class No. 2 – Initiation 2
Illumination – Representing the Emotional Body
Female Essence which will include accessing the feminine aspects within each individual so that there is more of a flow of those energies within.

◊ Class No. 3 – Initiation 3
Intuition – Representing the Mental Body
Male Essence – initiating the energies to help the Mental Body to understand the process of power and structure of the initiate.

◊ Class No. 4 – Initiation 4
Liberation from Wheel of Rebirth ~ Embodying the Higher Self
Integration of Masculine & Feminine Divine; Accessing the Higher Self – both of these seals work together as when the Higher Self is fully actualized at this stage, then the Masculine and Feminine work cohesively together.

This series of classes will help each initiate to go through the challenging periods with more ease and grace as it will connect them to their Solar Angel through the process. Many individuals do not realize that they are really angelic so the process of the initiations can be very challenging and almost life threatening to them.

I believe working with the Metatronic Seals and the Solar Angel will assist each initiate to walk through the necessary doorways and find the solutions they are searching for within their pathway.

This program will entail quite a bit of attunement elements so that they can be initiated within a person, then activated, and finally the actualization will occur when they have walked completely through the full Initiation Process. In previous timelines this work could take many lifetimes to achieve these results.

Each of the attunements can be utilized many times as elements will arise that that attunement will assist to allow the individual to find a stage of actualization within their four-body system.

In addition the energies that are being activated within the planet at this time are going to assist in fully accepting these energies within each individual. It is not a quick fix but it is accessing an assistant within your life to help you walk through the challenging moments of each initiation phase (which includes seven (7) sublevels of each initiation).

I hope you will join me with Walking Terra Christa in bringing this amazing class to each of you.

I am Lord Metatron
In service to all Initiates and Angels of this Earth

A Four-Part Series with Lord Metatron to assist individuals within the first FOUR INITIATIONS of Mastery. We have the unique opportunity with the use of the SOLAR ANGELS assistance to receive guidance and specific frequencies to make our progress through the early crucial stages of the Mastery Initiations be realized with more ease and grace. Each class is between 90 to 120 minutes in duration.


WE NOW HAVE A PACKAGED TEACHING OFFER to assist in receiving these timely FREQUENCIES OF LIGHT with the DIVINE LIGHT LANGUAGE ENCODING via Rev. Meleriessee.

1. Our two-part GOLDEN SOLAR ANGEL TEACHING (two-part series approx. 3 hours $88 value);
2. Our SOLAR ANGEL EMBODIMENT TEACHING (approx. 90 minutes $33 value);
3. Our CLARION TEMPLE TEACHING “ANGELS RETURN” (approx. 1 hour $22 value – read the transcript here);
4. And our CLARION TEMPLE TEACHING “GUARDIANS OF METATRONIC LIGHT” (approx. 1 hour $22 value – read the transcript here).

As a packaged offer this entire program of teachings from AA LORD METATRON and his ANGELIC FORCES ~ valued at $163 ~ now ON SALE representing significant savings:



Please make your selection:


For those who order the SOLAR ANGEL PACKAGE we offer the discounted individual METATRONIC SEAL SESSIONS to determine the frequencies to be accessed within the specific Metatronic Seals (Keys). 

If you haven’t done this yet, I highly recommend it. I had the [session] last week and have listened to the recording of the session diligently ever since. Each time I listen, I hear a new detail or understand a deeper layer then previously. It has been like someone helping me climb up a difficult mountain, a light shining on something I couldn’t see clearly – I am so grateful for the insight, clarity and advancement it has provided. Do it as soon as you can.” – K.H. (United Kingdom)

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. If you like this article please do the creation of the New Earth a favor and SHARE it | Make sure to connect with us in these ways:
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Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

Why Now?

Are You Ready?
Why Now?

Why now? Why is it important to learn how to “Walk on Terra Christa” now? Is there really going to be a shift as we move into 2013?

If you have even been remotely following the prophecy’s of the Mayan calendar and other esoteric teachings…that is, the real material and not the media hype, then you know that the world’s level of humanity and evolution is shifting at this very moment.  The world is not ending but shifting.  The question is: are you ready for that shift?

We talk to people everyday who believe in the shift, they can see for themselves it is happening.  They love humanity and they desire to spread love and light wherever they go.  They can’t wait for a world where there is no longer a controlled financial system, no longer a constraint on peace and prosperity for all, where they can work and live their passion and not have to do the grunt work for someone else in order to pay their bills.  They love the idea of enlightenment for all of humanity.

We do too.  But this particular huge immense and magnificent shift that is happening, is not going to deliver that way of existence to humanity…

What it is going to do is open the gateway for humanity to create that way of existence for themselves...because whether humanity is ready or not…that gateway is going to be fully open.  And with that opening comes a huge immense and magnificent shift in human consciousness.  And that global consciousness will stop supporting a controlled system of any kind. So as certain as the sun does rise, those types of systems will start to fall…

And can you imagine what that will be like?  Especially for those who are-not-prepared?  To give you a glimpse, imagine moving to a foreign country where no one speaks your language, where they do every thing different and you have to learn everything about how to live, interact and get along with them…

Starting to get the idea?

You can wait.  But why put yourself through something like that when you can be prepared.

The way-of-being of the Golden Era is indeed going to be different…but not at all what the media hype behind the date of 12/21/12 is all about…

It is going to be about consciousness initially, and then learning to live in that new consciousness.  And learning how to do that, is no small thing.

It is the expanded consciousness of what it really means to be human and walk upon Gaia.  What does it really mean?  Well, to start with… you are not just “human”. And it would serve you well to figure out just what and who you really are…to figure out the all of you that is not human.  It  would serve you well to expand your consciousness to include what you think you are not: Angelic, Intergalactic, Elemental…and so so much more, including all the former timelines of your being human.

That is why you should not wait. And we have some great seminars to assist you.  It is why we are doing this work ourselves – so we can all be prepared.

All the work we do assists you to step into the New Earth energies now.

We teach the 22 Rays of God.

We teach you about what it takes to live in a 5th Dimensional lifestyle.

We teach you how to protect yourself and your light.

We teach you how to remember your Angelic Self.

We teach you how to release and clear your timelines.

We give you countless activations, attunements and channeled energies in our weekly calls.

(And know this: – all this is our own very biased opinion…so always take your own wisdom and counsel to see what is right for you…)

But, know this too: we are confident our own very biased opinion is highly relevant to the New Earth.  (We realize our opinion is totally irrelevant to the 3D world of materialism and getting ahead financially and keeping up with the neighbors…so don’t look to us to assist you with all that…)

We suggest you check out these links below of our courses…and if you don’t sign up and start working with us…well, our strongest advisory would be – go sign up with someone!  Don’t wait.  As these energies of the shift are not going to go away, stay in another dimension, or wait for you.

Some of what we do:

The 22 Rays Challenge: receive an email course so you can learn the Rays of God on your own time.  You will get 2 Rays to work on per week for the next 90 days (for about a dollar a day) including a channeled audio MP3 and Decree for each Ray. This is an excellent start for those who are new and an excellent touch point for those already doing our courses. [Click here for more].

The Telosian Way of Being: Do you think the 5th Dimension is all about love and light, holding hands and singing songs? No so. Lord Adama, the High Priest of Telos and the Telosian Council of Light, along with the Ascended Masters and the Lady Masters want to assist you in really knowing what it takes to live as a 5th Dimensional human.  It is more than just love and light.  You have to change to get a ticket to ride this train.  Making that change in your active consciousness will greatly assist you.  Join us each week as we learn The Telosian Way of Being. [Click here for more].

Journey of the 22 Rays through Your Chakras: for those who have more time to spend (at least 90 minutes for each of 8 MP3 recordings), to learn how to incorporate the first 7 Rays of God within their own Physicality (for your 3rd, 4th and 5th Dimensional bodies), this is a great course for the one who wants to be accelerated. [Click here for more].

The Kumaric Teaching of Sanat Kumara and the Holy Kumaras: By audio MP3 or live class (live calls are date dependent and will expire), this special seminar/combo series is to remember your essence walking the 7th Dimensional frequency of your existence with the Kumaras.  (Not all have this recognition of themselves, but if you resonate with Sanat Kumara, this is why).  This unique seminar also includes a private session with each of the Kumaras. [Click here for more].

The Angelic Teachings: AA Michael and Lord Metatron both offer significant elements to assist us remembering our full consciousness as Angelic Beings.  AA Michael brings us a course in remembering our Angelic Transparency, and Lord Metatron, the Keeper of our Angelic Essence, reunites us with The Metatronic Golden Seals. [Click here and here for more].

The Science of Ascension: Do you know the extensive work of Dr. Joshua David Stone? He is now a being who has transitioned to the other side of the veil and he wants to continue with his work.  Meleriesee is ordained through his organization and together we bring you their knowledge but also the frequency to activate that knowledge within you. [Click here for more].

The Protection Class: Do you know what the 4th Dimension is really all about?  Many talk about the 4th and the 5th as if they are the same, and the interchangeability of them both as being the next level of humanity.  They are not.  The 4th is not the 5th.  The 4th is a dimension of constructional architectural dimensionality that supports the very existence of the 3rd dimension.  In other words, the 3rd dimension can not exist as a construct without the 4th dimension.  And what is the 4th? The 4th is the dimension of where the veil of the 3rd gets lifted and you get to see what is “under the hood”.  That is, all the contrast and duality right in your face… Are you or were you ever afraid of the dark?  Do you know that our mythical stories and fairy tales like little red riding hood walking through the dark and foreboding forest to Grandma’s house…are not so mythical in their hidden truths? That is the 4th Dimension…and you have to go through it to get to the 5th.  This class has wonderful stories from our own pathway and offers many tools to assist you to do just that and protect your light while you do.  [Click here for more].

Our Weekly Tele-Teachings and Membership:  Perhaps one of our easiest tools to keep yourself learning and advancing along the path.  Each week we normally do 2 calls (Mondays and Wednesdays) for our members.  Each call assist in bringing you insights and re-connections to all this work, including many channeled messages, activations, attunements and guided meditations. What makes these calls unique? We don’t just bring you the elements of knowledge you are seeking to make a shift, we bring the high vibrational frequencies that make a shift in your full body system of the mental, emotional, physical and etheric bodies. (Of course, your Higher Self, and you, need to allow that to happen…as freewill governs all things on planet earth.)  Currently our members are getting The Telosian Way seminar series as part of their membership.  In 2013 we will resume learning about the Etheric Golden Cities with Lord Adama the High Priest of Telos. (The Golden Cities, by the way, all use the Rays of God in their teachings for humanity.) [Click here for more].

These are just some of the ways we are here to get you ready.  And everything we do gets us ready too, as we are all on this pathway together.  And if all that was not enough… we do personal sessions for you as well.  (Which may not be something we will always be able to offer, but for now, we still can do so.)

What are the personal sessions?  Mostly one-on-one sessions with the Ascended Masters, Lady Masters and Beings who want to impart all these esoteric teachings about Ascension and Soul Psychology to humanity.  You already know the names of many of the beings we offer sessions through, but click here to see more on how we can assist you.

July Fourth ~ Freedom Within ~ MASTER KUTHUMI

Accessing Freedom Within ~ July 4th, 2012 ~ MASTER KUTHUMI
Our Latest Newsletter:

Walking Terra Christa ~ Divine Language Network
Rev Christine Meleriessee Heliohah and Mike Hayden
Vibratory Ascension Masters & Mentors for the New Earth ~ Terra Christa

Fourth of July

Freedom for Gaia


All Her Inhabitants

Fourth of July is the celebration of the United States when it was freed into its own liberation by the Founding Fathers.  During this time people around the country celebrate by having parades, fireworks, gatherings for a summer day in expression of life and the pursuit of happiness.

We believe that this freedom should not just be celebrated by the United States of America but every living being upon this planet around the world.  We are in the year of 2012 which represents a new way of existence for many of us; others that are not feeling this essence are still struggling within their lives both personally and globally.  As we are within a golden pathway, it is a perfect opportunity to celebrate our existence of our souls fully expressing our Divine Right as human beings to live in freedom from tyranny of any kind.  What the unawakened ones do not realize is that they are the maker of their own destiny.  Those that have arisen to new heights within themselves, feel the beauty of these moments of awakening.

We celebrate with each of you that have been on this pathway with us by sharing our hearts, love, and divine pleasure to experience life as it should be, in the Oneness that We Are.  We are all changing greatly in each moment and within these transitions it can be a challenge.  Without each of you supporting and connecting with us, Mel and Mike, we would not be able to do the work so deeply.

So our teachings will be getting deeper and deeper as we are being asked by the Masters to be the Masters that we have been trained to be.  The forefathers were walking in Mastery and today most of them walk with us which is very exciting.  So we are celebrating Independence Day for each of us, awakened upon the pathway of Light, within our own Beings.  Then the true Independence of All will occur.

We have some special sessions lined up for the summer which include continuing the Metatron Seals which help an individual to understand their chosen pathways and open up their “Missing Puzzle Pieces” into wholeness.  If you had your first session, we suggest that you continue with Sessions 2 and 3; and if you have not tried it, please do so as it will change the way you are existing and working within your world.  Sanat Kumara is also offering a six-month program in which individuals will learn about their roles in Venus and how to activate the teachings into which they are Now by learning about the Kumaras and the Rays of God that they utilized.  It is an extension of what we already know.  We will also be sharing information of how to access your Angelic Self through a process called GRACE with Archangel Michael as it is now to fully remember our Angelic Self.

In addition we are hosting a wonderful retreat for the Torch Bearers that want to fully move into their power.  In addition, Lord Adama is asking lightworkers to step up and be initiated as Telosian/New Earth Ambassadors in which each person will be assigned to work in a certain geographic area and be in training to be a Leader of the New Earth, Terra Christa.  PLEASE CONTACT US TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE IN THIS AMAZING WEEKEND OF ACCELERATION IN AUGUST.


Is there special information that you would like to learn more about?  Please let us know as the list is very long and we would love to hear your opinion.  Send us an email with your comments at Mel and Mike @ Walking Terra Christa dot com.

We are very excited about the upcoming energies and they are going to increase each moment.

This week is also a Full Moon on July 3rd at 2:52 PM EDT, 19:52 UTC in the sign of Capricorn which is also being called The Thunder Moon.  It represents the Sun of Cancer and the Moon of Capricorn at the same time which for each of us mean there needs to be a balance between home and profession.  Emotions can run high as they do within the sign of Cancer but it is when elements are totally going to break apart representing the Thunder Moon.  This is when the Thunderbeings will be working through us more directly than ever before to align us into our full potential.  We are conducting a full moon ceremony during our Clarion Temple of Oneness call which will be available for MP3 download on

We wish everyone to feel the freedom in their hearts and minds as we celebrate our connection to the ONE that We Are.


Blessings in Love & Light,

I AM Meleriessee at your serivce

and I AM Mike at your service,





Dearest Ones,

This week is going to be very powerful to assist even further with the Divine Union of Your Spirit within your Soul’s Essence.  I Am Master Kuthumi at your service.

I bring forth to everyone the Ray of Love of Wisdom of the Golden Yellow as it surfaces deeply within your Crown area to fully help you remember the essence that you Are.  Each of you have been activating and attuning yourselves to the essence of your physical existence.  The planetary alignments of the Eclipses, the Venus Transit and the Solstice are beyond what any of us could hope that would align the planet and her inhabitants in a completely different way than ever imagined.  But here it is…

I come to you on this day before the full moon to help you acknowledge that there is still more to come.  Some may believe that they have hit the highest of the highest and their energies cannot go any higher because the frequencies within the body are vibrating like a strong volcano that just erupted.  Well, that is the size of it and it is going to erupt further and further.  It depends on your stability within the body and the actions that you take to assist yourself.

Each of you that is reading this message is on the pathway of Mastery but it is only the beginning of your discovery of whom you truly are.  There is so much more for you, for me, and all of us within the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.  You are awakening to these aspects within you to help you focus even further on the goal at hand.  Yes, it will get stronger and deeper with each spin of the cosmic wheel of fortune.  I do say fortune.  Don’t you feel fortunate to be able to bring forth these elements within your physical existence and when you have those feelings, that is when miracles will truly happen. But it is all in the Divine Plane to fully embody within you, to go through the challenges and frustrations, and then have the moments of happiness and joy.  The cycle continues and continues as you are fully allowing yourself to be that multi-dimensional self.  This is why your body is reacting, lack of sleep, too much sleep, wanting to eat, not exercising, or exercising too much.  The flow of frequencies that are coming into the planet right now are those spins of the hurricane within you.  When you fully get to the eye of the storm and hold that essence, then you will start to balance yourself out.  But watch out, it is coming again and again and again.

Each of you chose this time of awakening to be here to hold the Light first within you and then assisting others.  Many have left because they have been unable to fully accept it within their vehicle but yet others have done so.  Now what happens with these energies is that it is going to affect you in your four body system individually.  Healing through the Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental so that the spiritual body can be fully infused within you, and it is a process which takes diligence on your part.  Just thinking you are at a certain level does not mean that it is so as the mind can play tricks on you.

The power that is being infused within the earth at this time is beyond any of our ability to comprehend what is occurring.  But the one thing that each of us must do is take a moment and be real to yourself.  There are many that are living in a dream world of expression and that their reality is everyone’s reality.  Not so…this causes the lower ego to stay intact and you may have blended the physical ego with the higher ego or so you thought.  As you clear into each timeline of your creation, your multi-dimensional self, those elements must be acknowledged and cleared in order to be fully integrated.

Mastery upon this Earth is not like it was before.  You could acquire the 5th level of initiation and have a clear ego, leave the planet and then continue with your work.  You can also have a falsehood of information coming to you that you are clearer than you truly are.  It takes great diligence and training on an everyday basis within the physical realm to fully be clear of the ego.  Then there are those that truly do not acknowledge their higher ego because it has gotten away from them previously.  But in truth that was not higher ego, it was lower ego acting highly.

So how do we stay within the balance that is necessary; by constantly working within through your tools on a daily basis and not always with others?  If you do not take time for yourself, whether it be five minutes or 50 minutes, then you are slipping into a passageway of allowing the lower ego to enter within you.  Once you attain these factors within your daily life, the lower ego cannot stay intact.  You will find those that are boasting about their accomplishments, talking about their initiations, is only a reflection of the ego wanting to compete with others.  This is a personal experience and if one talks too much in this way of thinking, then it causes energies to result either from the self or outside the self to continue upon this passageway.  There are many lightworkers that are still doing this and causing problems for others because it is creating energy of warriorship, not lightship.  It is a very deep problem that needs to be rectified by each individual.

It is time that everyone fully looks in the mirror that they are illuminating to the world.  Do you want to run by example of lightship or do you want to charge ahead by shouting loudly in proclamation of what you have achieved.  Great men have achieved great things; warriors fall down in battle because that is what they do, fight to the very end.  Would you like to stand amongst the many in the light?  This is the choice every individual needs to make at this time because many are falling, many are shouting, and many are living by example.

Each of you is being tested at this time to fully be in this power of Mastery.  It is part of the mastery program to always be looking within, testing yourself to see if who you are is what you want to be.  I state these words because it is a very powerful year and many will not make it.  It is essential to constantly have stability within your pathway.  You cannot achieve what you need on the physical realm to do so.  Everyone is being tested because only the ones that can walk as a Master in truth, beauty, wisdom, love, and expression of all of these will be accepted into the leadership roles on the New Earth.  2012 is your testing ground and the way to test is to fully look within as you will mirror it around you 10-fold.  This is part of the process that each of you is going through on a moment-by-moment basis.

So as we walk into this full moon representing the Thunder Beings, allow them to assist you.  Look at your faculties within you, what you do during your day to assist yourself, raising your vibration, eating the food that will assist you in the process, moving the body and fully exercising your right to walk as a Master unto the New Earth.  Those that are not fully awakened will not be the Masters but will learn from each of you.  We are fully activating the New Earth Golden Cities to help in this process which are still within the Etheric Earth and will be for quite some time.  It does not mean you cannot access them.  They are ready for you to do so.

Mastery is the representation of learning the lessons of discernment, trust, faith, love, and expressing your Divine Will unto others.  It is not about screaming what needs to be changed, but make the change within and it will move to others.

I AM Master Kuthumi and wish to acknowledge each of you that are awakened unto this pathway of Leadership.  It is important as a master that we take a moment and fully see what is within us because we can be swayed very easily one way or the other.  Many have done so before you; it is your time to shine and fully be in your Power of Wisdom and sometimes it is in silence, sometimes it is in strength, and sometimes it is expressing this wisdom through massive words of love and power.  Once you look within you will see what I mean.  I see each of you in this moment and know that you are capable of all of these things and more.

It is a pleasure to walk and experience the beauty of an awakened leader.

I AM Master Kuthumi at your service.



Walking Terra Christa Logo
Have you visted the new website yet?  Lots going on there as we post blogs entries a few times a week sometimes!  We are the premier website for your 5D Body teachings, meditations attunments and more to assist in your accelerateion.

~ JOIN US! ~
  • FUN and JOY and MAGIC!!
We have extended the Early Bird Drawing through
July 7th!


Need extra time planning for the trip?  Reserve your spot without any obligation until you are ready to commit.  We would like to get an idea of how many are attending.  We look forward to meeting you.

An extended part of the retreat will be the availability to enter into a Telosian/Lemurian Ambassador Program.

Lord Adama has asked us to present this program to individuals who are interested to be considered for this 5-level certification program.  Level 1 will be presented on Sunday evening after the retreat.  You do need to attend the retreat to enter the program.  This is a volunteer program and you are not required to take the Initiation if you feel it is not right for you.  To find out the details, please see our website page, TELOSIAN AMBASSADOR CERTIFICATION.


  • The Clarion Temple of Oneness Call ~ July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
  • New Earth Consciousness ~ Circle of Light with Lord Adama, Guide to the New Earth Golden Cities ~ Wed, July 11, 18, 25
  • Thurs, July 12th ~ Sanat Kumara Shares the Venusian Teachings, Working with the 7 Kuarmas, and Accessing Individual Teachings-Pre-requisite to the Kumara Teachings of Light
  • Thurs, July 26th ~ Accessing Your Angelic Self from the 144th Dimensional Reality~ Learning the GRACE Process with Archangel Michael

Please note that the two classes we are offering will be up on the website this week.  Check out Ascension Classes.

The next full moon will be on Wednesday, August 1st in place of the New Earth Consciousness call.

We are still in the process of updating the blog pages for Cosmic Oneness,  The Clarion Temple of Oneness, and the New Earth Consciousness ~ Circle of Light.  Thank you for your patience.

Please note that the Cosmic Oneness site will continue to have written transcriptions as soon as we have updated all the previous transcripts.

If you are unable to pay for the addtional classes or calls, we do need assistance in administrative tasks.  Please contact us for additional information.


Special Ascension Mastery Class Seminar Series

Now in MP3 format:

A 9-Week Online Ascension Seminar now available for download.  In this course learn to expand each of the chakras accessing the lost elements and integrating the 22 Rays of God associated with the specific chakra on each of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensional levels.



and the Metatronic Seals

Lord Metatron is assisting all those who feel the pull of the Metatronic Angelic Hosts that they once were. These seals represent our Golden Solar Angelic Bodies.  Specialized personal sessions that are unique to each individual are now available. This will assist the anchoring of the Golden Era upon the Earth and your own Acceleration toward Becoming Your Divine Self.  These sesssions are done in segments of three or more so it is imperative to continue receiving the higher Seals. Click here to read more.



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Walking Terra Christa

404 Mt. Shasta Blvd. #339

Mt. Shasta, CA 96067

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