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Feeling Divine Love

electric heart

We can’t access a direct connection to DIVINE LOVE from within what we term, “the lower mind’ but instead from that place where we allow ourselves to raise higher. This is a special teaching meditation journey that assists one to understand and experience the actual vibration and state of being that can be felt. We share this audio normally only part of our members teachings as a gift to everyone. Clock the link to listen to this deep level of Divine Light Language Healing. (approx. 1.5 hrs).

NEW EARTH CONSCIOUSNESS ~ CIRCLE OF LIGHT ~ “Feeling Divine Love” – This is a unique experience, feeling Divine Love, as it requires one to allow the surrendering to the Higher Essence. Lord Adama talks about how it is the Higher Self that is the mechanism of that doorway. We visit the Golden City of the 6th Ray, Inner Devotion and learn from Elohim Masters Peace & Aloha about using the Ruby Red & Gold with the Pink Orange and the Magenta to then feel the full force of Divine Love, a love that is the essence of Peace within.

(Anyone can join us as a guest for these teachings as the normal exchange is just $22).

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Master Kuthumi ~ The Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom

golden white lightLove and Wisdom ~ What does that truly mean?

Master Kuthumi shared a special meditation within the Clarion Temple of Oneness.  The following is his explanation of the Golden Ray and what it means to humanity.

If we look at it in Earth terms, it can become quite confusing.  But in the truth no matter, what it brings forth to each of us through these essences of the Golden Yellow flame of the cosmic energies is coming into the focus of Mastery.

Stepping into a world that allows the alignment of many frequencies of Light to become one is the true essence of Love.   Understanding that the source of Light that you are is the source of all our Light but yet you are a small fragmentation of this Light to be manifested within your physical existence.  If you allow your lower mind to think about how this is achieved, then it becomes overwhelming and then the lower ego can come into place; but if you  really feel it from this highest essence as you breathe deeply and feel the magnificent beautiful energies that are within this Temple, that is your true wisdom.  That is how you acknowledge what it is you already know.

This is not from all the life times of Lemuria and Atlantis and all of those in-between but your truest wisdom form the source of Light that you are which encompasses the I AM Presence.  So that brings in all the 144th soul personalities which are those different aspects that you are part of and that are part of other beings.

Breathe deeply and now feel the essence of the Golden Yellow flame to permeate into your lower mind.  The illumination comes from your Higher Mind to fully perceive the events you are trying to ascertain and put them into the higher perspective, not the lower source coming from your ego.

We stand by with this essence to assist each of you to go deeper into your consciousness as that is our Divine Right in Oneness.

I AM Master Kuthumi, at your service.

Channel:  Rev. Meleriessee, Clarion Temple of Oneness, January 13th, 2014, MP3 is available for download purchase by clicking this link.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Mastery Thought of the Day

pink flameI call upon the Pink Ray of Active Intelligence to permeate every part of my four-body system to repair any holes, leaks, or feelings of dis-ease in any part of my body.

I breathe deeply within the Pink Ray feeling compassion and love.

I feel the beautiful essence of Master Paul the Venetian with Archangels Chamuel and Charity and Elohim Masters Heros and Amoro as they embrace me with their beautiful love, adoration, and gratitiude of accepting their essence in my world.

I chant the sound of “HE” as the Pink Flame permeates within my Heart Center.

I AM that I AM that I AM


©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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9/11 and You – Remembering the Frequency

9-11 frequency

9/11 as a World Event

While the events of 9/11 (the September 11, 2001 tragedy in New York City) happened within the United States, the reverberations of it extended far beyond there into every corner of the globe.

It was a singular moment in history that affected every soul. As Princeton’s  Global Consciousness Project strongly demonstrated, the events of 9/11 awoke a consensus of the heart to such a degree that it’s computer network systems monitoring global coherence spiked in marked manner as the events of that day unfolded.

Many of us watch movies and attended group events that arise great emotion within us, yet we also have a mental tendency to refuse to believe we are directly connected to the energies and feelings of other soul’s around us unless we are in a personal physical relationship. And yet, we continue to experience events such as 9/11 on a very deep personal level.

I believe it is time that we awaken to the truth that we are entering an epoch of creation where we accept that we are one. One race of humanity that shares its very heart and soul essence with each other.

The Responsibility of the One

Acknowledging that we are so deeply connected would mean to acknowledge that we are also deeply responsible, not only for our own thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions, but that we are, through each element of our own consciousness, also significantly impacting the rest of the collective soul’s around us. Not just those near in proximity but those everywhere. This is a heavy responsibility and one that we don’t readily desire to take on. It seems so much easier to pretend we are separate.

But is does not have to be so heavy a challenge. After all, we encounter many examples in our lives of aspects of nature that are very easily existing within that oneness. We have learned, as Tom Shadyac so brilliantly noted in his documentary I AM, that we have been falsely lead down the wrong path by believing natures ‘true nature’ is that of competition. The truth is that it is very much rooted in cooperation, sharing and an intrinsic knowing that all life  is interdependently connected.

The Twelfth Year

When we look back to the events of 9/11, events that happened 12 years ago, we also have to look at our responsibility in how and why we remember that day.

Healing, in any modality of practice be it physical, psychological or spiritual, requires that the element or aspect requiring the healing be transformed from the initial shock and disruption of the traumas harm into a state or condition of not only acceptance, but the deeper level of balance and full restoration of health.

This takes time and effort and careful monitoring during the healing phase as disruption of the wound, either by more physical trauma to a physical wound, or by re-exposing a psychological wound to the elements of distress that caused the original imbalance.

For an event such as 9/11 we have to ask ourselves what is healed and what are we doing now to contribute to that healed state of being.

The significance of the number 12 esoterically signifies the element and condition of completeness. It is the twelve signs of the zodiac, the 12 months, the 12 hours of the clock for AM and PM. It is the year of coming of age in many indigenous cultures. It is the number of years of basic formal schooling. In short, completion of the 12 year cycle means you have reached the completion of the event.

Moving Forward

If your goal is to move forward to graduation, would you want to repeat a grade in school? Go back and redo a month in a year? Even if you could, in most cases of growth and moving forward you would not. And yet, in remembering events of tragedy and turmoil, we often place our consciousness right back within the energies of the event.

And this is exactly what we should not be doing if we want to move ahead.

Global Peace. Global Cohesiveness. Global Togetherness. Global Love. True Unity.

These are the goals of a healed planet.

Remembering those individuals who have fallen in times past must be done with the highest degree of integrity to their memory and also to those who are doing the remembering. Otherwise we simply reopen the wounds of the past.

Everything is Frequency

It is no longer enough to say that everything is energy. For there are many layers of subtleties to energy and our task as evolving humans is to understand that we must be more sensitive and discriminating than ever before in our history.

We have learned from quantum physicist that the subtler the energy, the more powerful it is. Beware the subtleties of the well intentioned but unaware consciousness that will manipulate your remembrances into recreating the actual feelings, emotions and thoughts of grief, sorrow, horror, separation. Beware the subtle energy of hate and division that maybe laying beneath the facade of your remembrance.

The Clarion Temple of Oneness

Though many have not been aware of it in their human consciousness, we have been very fortunate to have a place for all souls to heal, those souls no longer in the physical as well as all soul’s still inhabiting a body. This place was started because of the events of 9/11 and it was specifically created to be a place where healing would take place within the Frequency of Oneness. Which means there are no mixed messages or pathways or well-intentioned but misguided thoughts, feelings, emotions of actions that can end up doing more harm than good.

Inside the Temple, it is impossible to be anything other than fully participating in the purity of the Oneness of Creation as it is over-lighted by the Cosmic Great Central Sun as Divine Mother and Father God.

In terms of purity and wholeness, this is the proper venue to remember how to remember. Being invited to be part of the energies of the Temple is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon any soul requiring healing.

On this, the 12th anniversary of the events of 9/11, we ask you to request and invite for yourself and all other souls. Ask this event to finally and fully be placed into Oneness.

For those interested in an active participation in these frequencies we at Walking Terra Christa hold a special group tele-call on Wednesday 9/11, 2013 to commemorate the creation of the Clarion Temple (originally called the Clarion Temple of 9/11) and the healing of all souls.

To listen to the MP3 audio recording simply join our newsletter list, confirm your subscription and then receive the file via email. We’d love to have you be part of this work directly with us.

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©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery, Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Archangel Uriel Brings Forth the Peace of God

AA UrielArchangel Uriel was our guest speaker for the Abundance of Light ~ Creating Prosperity together on August 10th, 2013.  His energies invoked great peace within each of us.

Archangel Uriel represents Peace as he brings it to all of humanity.  He is just as important as Archangel Michael, and Archangel Metatron.  Whenever the word of God is spoken his essence is called to that soul to assist in their Acceptance of Peace within them.

Archangel Uriel’s pathway represents administering to bring forth this peace.  He wears the colors of Ruby Red and Gold and brings with him an entourage of Healing Angels to assist.  He also wants to remind us that each of us have an Administrating Angel that works through Uriel.  This angel whom we sometimes call Guardian Angels help to create the healing that we need and guide us through all levels of consciousness especially during our sleep state.  He also wants to remind us to connect with our  Guardian Angel.  This Ministering Angel also works through him to bring forth this peace that we need within our entire structure.

Uriel believes Peace is a conductor of healing for when an individual is in a state of turmoil his aura will repel the healing that he or she desires meaning.  So Uriel brings forth this healing Ray into the person as we need to have peace within us.  We cannot create anything that we desire without it.  He also states “As a master in training to become conscious of our circumstances and regulate any set of circumstances by the flame within our Heart.”  Uriel shares that there is no greater personal freedom than acquiring this essence.  He assists us with these commands within ourselves as we become conscious for all that we are and do.  He brings forth healing love, blessings, benediction, faith and the power of the Divine Mother and Father God within each of us.

So we these thoughts in mind, let’s bring forth the energies within us as we call upon Uriel to assist us today.  We must be able to create our desires and remove any blockages that do not allow the healing process to be within us twenty four hours a day, seven days a week continuously in all states of consciousness.

Breathe in deeply we call upon our Higher Self and our I AM Presence to guide us.  Feel your Earth Star and Soul Star to spin simultaneously so that a beam of Light comes down through our Axiatonal Alignment.  This is our Antakarana Bridge that is coming from our Monad into our Soul through the Soul Star into our entire structure to align ourselves with our energies of our highest presence within.  Allow the energy to go down into your Earth Star so you ground it so it goes into all parts moving into the etheric body, the emotional body, and the mental body so we are working through all systems. Since Uriel mentions our Guardian Angel, call upon that energy now.  If you have any other masters or teachers that you work with you (we have Gatekeepers that work with us), we call upon those energies and feel the flame of the Ruby Red-Gold within your Heart Center and your Solar Plexus.  This Ray of Inner Devotion integrates within the Solar Plexus.

It is my divine pleasure to be here with each of you today.  I am Archangel Uriel; my beloved Aurora stands by.  Thank you for bringing us into this beautiful garden in our separate essences so each of you can get a chance to really experience our essence into each of your essences as we combine these energies together.

If you are in a state of turmoil and you cannot find the aspect of peace to come within you, that is why I am here.  I am here to assist you to relax the Mental Mind and allowing those energies that you are part of to come full creation as you travel within your dream time.  You do all these things but yet there are elements occurring within your four-body system that are necessary for you to remember and they cloud that vision that you are.

Let us reflect in this moment that the Angel that you are.  If you think it in that way, I believe that you will be able to understand the peacefulness that you are.  So I call upon the frequency of Light from the 50th dimensional level to the 100th . Feel yourself with your wings, feeling them to come into your existence now within this beautiful garden. Let us have that remembrance of Peace of Love and blessing others as you have been anointed from the divine Mother Father God to bring in these frequencies within your Angelic light body.  Now let us experience this through the physical existence.  It is quite a challenge to have the remembrance of being in a Angelic Presence, but yet, not feeling that Angelic Self that you are because that is the exact core of how we bring forth Peace.

The peace does not come from you physical mind, the peace does not come from your physical emotions; it comes from the higher part that you are, that Divine Lineage of your Angelic self through the Divine Mother and Father God.  So I bring to you my entourage of Angels as you become the Angel that you are. See now your wings as you feel that flourishing light within you; breathe deeply and feel the Ruby Red spinning within you, spinning within you and allowing the Divine Essence that you are to fully be the Power of Light which is the exquisite form you bring into existence.

It is like a rebirth that is occurring in this moment, and as you bring in the essence of peace that I extend unto you, feel, feel your beauty, feel your selflessness coming into your own self.  Let it blend into your Heart, let it blend into your Solar Plexus into that core of your power.  Allow your power to be the Divine Angel that you are as you flourish with this essences all around us in this beautiful garden.

There are many butterflies that represent the Angels.  See their colors flowing within you, swirling around as the Ruby Red and the Gold now bring forth that essence in the garden within the vapors of Light.  Breathe them in deeply; breathe them in to allow the clarity that you have been asking for.  The clarity does not come from your lower self; it comes from your Higher Mind as you fully feel your Higher Self embodying within you. Now see her or him smiling at you; feel their essence blending within you because this is the deepest healing you shall receive.

I as Archangel Uriel bring forth the blessing of Peace in all thoughts and all emotions to be embodied within your physical creation.  Feel the Divine Angel that you are; feel that essence coming down within you as you breathe and say these words unto yourself:

I am a Divine Angel of Light embodied within the physical creation as (and say your name).  I call upon my Divine being of Light to allow the essence of Peace to heal all that does not flow.

Feel now the flow of the Ruby Red and the Gold integrating within you.  Feel the Inner Devotion of your Divine Self to come fully within your Being as all the other particles are now being removed through your four-body system.  it is just like dust leaving the garden and the vapors of the Ruby Red and Gold will envelope you in this creation that you are now; now feel faith and the power of the Divine God Essence manifested within your Being.

I AM a Divine Being of Light.

I AM the creation of my Angelic Self.

I AM the creation of my physical self and I blend these essences together to become All That I Am.

I feel the healing and the love.

I, as Archangel Uriel, now bless each of you with this creative energy.  As you are creating it, you have become the Multi-Dimensional self.

Accept it, accept the power that you have within you. I ask of you now to envision what it is now that you desire.  Is it something physical, is it something tangible or intangible or is it something you need in your healing state to have more of a balance of this powerful time we are experiencing.

I see now in front of you what it is now that you desire. You see a picture; hold it to your Heart, and now allow it to flow into the Ruby Red and Gold that is in your auric field, in your Heart, in your Solar Plexus and allow that essence to blend within you as you become the vision, you become the manifestation of the desire that you, that you would like to bring forth into your life at this present time.

I, as Archangel Uriel, bring forth this benediction for all Beings of the Christed Self that you are to create all that you are envisioning at this time. As the Archangels of many Archangels, call upon them to assist in the Faith, Power and Love.  You are now anointed with this healing and creation of All That You Are.

This is my blessings unto each of you in this moment.  You are the creator, you are the Divine Being of Light, you are the child of Divine Mother and Father God as each of us are.  Feel it being created within your physical existence through your Earth Star; feel the power that you have within you that brings forth that Great Faith.

Breathe this essence now.  Allow yourself to feel your Solar Plexus of your Inner Power. You are completely devoted to your existence, to your light; you have the power within you to create the manifestation and the vision that you are.

It is my divine pleasure as Archangel Uriel to bring forth this blessing unto each of you in this moment.  Allow your wings to always carry you to your desired outcome.

The weekly Prosperity Circle is free to everyone; you may sign up via

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Responsibility ~ Accepting Your Role as A Divine Being ~ Part 3 ~ Telosian Way of Being

Telosian Way of Being
Telosian Way of Being

The Telosian Way of Being is a 10-week course that is available for MP3 download.  Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos shared some very powerful tools with the Spiritual Hierarchy assisting during this seminar.  The parts of the classes that include attunements can only be accessed via the MP3 files which can be purchased via,


Allow the essences we’re bringing forth right now just to flow within you.  Part of these essences is to take what you need and leave what you do not because in this present moment you may not need all that is coming in this room.  That is why we are trying to bring into you waves and waves of light so that when the waves pass through you, you embrace what you need but the intensity of it you may not be ready to accept.  It’s important as we look around the room we see these waves of light flowing within each other allowing the essences.  Now each of our own essences make this happen as we are within this group consciousness right now we bring forth whatever is needed within each of us including myself and Lady Galacticia, all the Ray Chohans and all the energies that are within this room.  Feel this essence just flowing within you.  We’re now going to bring the flame down in the middle of the presentation area, or staging area, so it’s now going to go down.  The mandalas are just going to move very slowly just to keep the energy moving.  We now want you to feel, “what does it feel like now that the flame has been brought down?” Are you feeling energies within your physical body?  Do you feel the intensity or are you little bit light-headed.  Take a moment and open your eyes and feel what it’s like to be in your present awareness and then close your eyes back again and feel the difference.  Feel the difference of your acceptance.  This is what we want you to fully comprehend within your consciousness so that you can change as your full Divinity is allowing it to be part of the physical creation that you are.  Take a deep breath and allow these essences to be fully within and ground them through your hips and your lower limbs.  Allow that energy; push your energy all the way down.  Feel yourself sinking into the cushions of where you’re sitting, allowing that essence as we now ground the frequency.  We ground it deeply.

I, as Lord Adama, am now going to step aside as we bring forth our guest speaker this evening.


I am Saint Germain.  I thank you.  I’m going to be short tonight because there is someone else we would like to speak to you.

I want each of you now to feel these essences that you’re incorporating.  I speak as the Mahachohan tonight, not just as the Chohan of the Violet Ray of the Transmutation.  I want you to acknowledge yourself in all the different elements that are occurring within you.

As you allow your divinity to be your guide, what does that mean in your mental consciousness of your physical reality?  Sometimes that’s kind of hard.  It’s an aspect that’s like, “Well, He’s a priest and He’s standing at the top of the pulpit and I can see how His Divinity is coming through Him but how do I bring it forth in my physical body; what does Divinity mean to me?  So let me help you with that a little bit.  I want to explain as you allow these processes to occur within you.  This is accepting your Divinity because with each wavelength of energy that you’re bringing forth in your physical creation, you’re opening up the windows of your soul.  The windows of your soul – meaning the aspects of your I Am Presence, the aspects of the 144th Dimension which represents the beginning-ness.

You’re allowing sparks of light from your beginning energies to flow within you.  This is not an easy process because if you’re closed, you keep that window closed and you’re not going to feel those aspects of Divinity.  This is where the Science of Soul Psychology separates the science of pure psychology because of pure psychology dealing only with the physical mind and those parts of our self.  In the Soul Psychology, we’re working with the aspects of the soul that have gone through the creative processes of many timelines and that soul can hold onto these emotional and mental blockages because of the interactions on a planetary level.  Now that could have happened on an inner planetary level, a galactic level, in other life forms also so they are manifested within our soul.  So this is a very interesting concept because once we allow our soul to open up those windows, to allow the light to come in, then it’s like flooding of the gates, the waters are flowing.  The energies come in and sometimes it does not feel very good.

So are you accessing your divinity at that point?  No, you’re not.  That is not your divinity.  That is going through the timelines of trying to remember it so that you can release it.  But you’re no longer in that process.  Luckily due to the changes upon the earth, the frequencies of light are going to be changing, so I want each of you to take a deep breath.  Let’s say to your soul, “You no longer have to remember everything that occurred with you.  It’s not a necessary part.”  The more that you try to remember, the more the flowing energy will cease from coming within you.  This is a very important aspect because it’s like putting up a dam, the beaver has made a dam and those energies cannot come fully within you.  So this is a very important element for you to remember.  Flow with what you are going through.  This is your divinity.  Fluidity is allowing the divinity of the aspects of your I Am Presence, which is God’s essence that we all are part of, to come fully within you.  It is your divine right to do so.  So that is your divinity, allowing that fluidness to come fully within.

So we bring to you the first Seven Rays. The Ray Chohan will assist you with this in different facets.  This is a very important aspect to remember because as a master you must be able to command each of the Seven Rays of God and now they must go further as we move into the higher realms.  We are now working through the 22 Rays of God which become the 22 chakras.

So this is your divinity.  You are already accessing your divinity.  What we want you to realize is as you accept that part of you, it does take responsibility within yourself; because if you keep blaming others for what elements are happening to you, you fully cannot actualize the process of continuance that is going on~ I know we have gone over this many times, over and over, and not just by myself but many teachers and beings that, “We create our own destiny.  We are the makers, we are the movers,” so we must take responsibility.  Tonight that responsibility is not about those aspects; tonight that responsibility is about accessing your I Am Presence, of going beyond your Higher Self.

Let’s have a scenario.  Your Higher Self is already activated within you.  You have reached that initiation level where he or she is fully activated and now you’re working through the processes of allowing the I Am Presence to fully come within you.  Are you ready for this?  Yes.  Is each of you acquiring it?  No, but you are going through the process to do so.  And that is the most beautiful acceptance of your responsibility.  You’re becoming a responsible human and not only a responsible human but you’re a very responsible initiate.  You’re becoming the ascended master to allow those frequencies of light to come forth within you, so then you can share it with others but first you must take care of yourself.  This is a very important aspect that we must remember.

So let us just take deep breath.  So each of you have now reached the stage of an acceptance.  You have an I AM Presence, you probably have called upon him or her, you have also accessed that energy for yourself and how often does that energy occur for you?  This is a very important aspect to remember.  We must acknowledge the I AM Presence continually, because this is the over lighting essence of your divinity.  Your Divine Essence comes from that source and it is an energy field.  It is not like your soul, your Higher Self that has gone through processes, has a way of coming into you and allowing those frequencies to change.  Your I AM Presence is an energy form.  It comes from the aspect of the Divine Mother & the Divine Father God that comes from the aspect of the Creative Source of Oneness.  So we’re tapping into those lines of frequency from where you are now all the way up to that 144th level if you want to think of it in numbers.  It brings forth these essences on to you for you to accept parts of yourself that fit and that do not fit.  So you’ll see this occurring as you take responsibility of allowing your I Am Presence to be your guide and this is truly what this is about.

Let’s take a deep breath and feel that divinity that is yours to be fully within you.

This is the final part of this segment, Responsibility.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

 Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 

Mastery Thought of the Day

crabpulsarYou are the Eternal Self

Do not believe the thoughts of your lower self as they will have you do something to show your worth.

Be your Higher Self continuously.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Mastery Tool of the Day

Masters1Ascension Lineage and Support System

Every person has a certain ascension lineage and ascended master support system.  For each person it is different depending upon your timelines and past life experiences.  It will evolve and change as each person evolves.  As each initiate moves into the higher levels of ascension, it will become more refined and focused.

Whatever ascended masters you feel aligned with, get to know them more.  Ask to work within their Etheric ashrams or temples, call upon them in your meditations, and start to understand your relationship with them.  If you have a challenging time to connect with their essence, write to us at Walking Terra Christa as Meleriessee is very adept in channeling all the masters.  It helps to get to know each of the masters you feel close with as they will help you through each stage of your ascension process.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

 Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Freedom Rings Within Our Souls

We, in the USA, celebrate the 4th of July remembering the transition that our country went through into freedom from tyranny over 200 years ago.  Today I want to honor this occasion, but in a completely different manner.

Let us reflect what freedom means within each of us personally.  We talk about Oneness on the spiritual path consistently now.  Many feel that this Oneness represents our communities, free from organizations or people controlling us, while allowing the Love essence we desire so completely to be our guiding post in our lives.  All of this is true but it needs to come from a much deeper level.

We look at the world as it is changing greatly.  We have now many more awakened souls than we ever thought could happen at the onset of this century.  Individuals are speaking about spirituality from their hearts while wanting to share with others their story, their teachings, and their understanding of what Oneness means to them.

We, then, have others that want to argue with every article and post that is being shared on the internet due to their own personal beliefs.  This can cause much dysfunction between souls that truly want to come together and honor one another.  This means we are interacting with the dark and light within us.

We are a society that is growing from the third dimensional arena of dysfunction and trying to find our place with others.  Some of us have been doing this longer.  The mass consciousness that is occurring today is unbelievable, and we have more souls acknowledging that meditation is the deciding factor of their day.  It is a beautiful time but it is also a challenging time.

We honor the individuals that have been fighting the wars; we feel sad when souls perish in terrible accidents or life threatening situations around the globe.  It is a very challenging time for each of us.  We watch videos, listen to the radio, watch the news media to get a glimpse of what is happening around the earth.  Is this because of curiosity or is it because we want to do something about it?  We have been tyrannized for thousands of years since the fall of Lemuria and Atlantis.  Individuals are waking up to all of these elements to see that there needs to be a better way to exist upon this planet.

So we are learning through our own ways to find a balance within our existence.  This is not always easy.  In order for each of us to experience Oneness within our communities, we must experience it within ourselves.  We must find the inner core that is deep underneath many layers of dysfunction, many lifetimes of not fully seeing unity upon the land.  It is underneath this inner core that the true realization of our existence lies within each of us.

As we look within our Soul’s Essence, we need to find the inner core that says to us “I AM FREE FROM ALL CONFINES THAT HAVE BEEN PLACED UPON ME FOR THE MANY TIMELINES I HAVE EXPERIENCED.”  If we don’t find the peace within us, how can we expect to experience it through others?

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, has shared in our teachings that in order to experience the 5th dimensional way of life, we must first expand it within ourselves.  We cannot just walk into the 5th dimension; we have to create it together.

On this 4th of July I suggest that each of us looks deeply within ourselves and see where we have created the drama in our lives to ensue lifetime after lifetime.  Do you feel you have purged all elements and there is nothing that can stand in your way?  The only way I know how to do so, and I live it in Mt. Shasta, is to look deeply within on every action and reaction that occurs with any person, situation, or experience.  Look to the self to understand why you are creating the experiences in your life and the interactions that you have with other individuals.  Do you feel happy every day when you awake?  What do you do if you do not?  Do you hold onto it, creating moments filled with emotional upsets?  Each moment we are creating our reality based on what is within us through the Etheric Body, Emotional and Mental levels.  The elements that are lodged in these areas are from the previous timelines that will ignite as we become Multi-Dimensional Beings.

We all have a choice. To live the way we have been living or to make a change within ourselves.  We cannot make anyone else do it.  But we can help others by doing it ourselves in each moment.  This takes great foresight and initiative to look within our psyche for everything we experience.  This is the FREEDOM of the SOUL being fully expressed within our being.  It is an amazing journey when we decide to move through it.

Then, as we each do this, more will understand and see it for themselves.  This is true ONENESS of SPIRIT.  We can talk about Oneness but do we experience it in every moment of our existence?  That is the question I am posing on this 4th of July.

Freedom rings within our Soul.  Our Higher Self is awaiting to be fully integrated within each of us, but it cannot happen until we fully realize our faults, deeds, and actions to ourselves and others.  This is true forgiveness of the Self.  Then, and only then, can we share it with others as they will receive it through our vibrational essence.  It is the way of our New World that is being birthed.

Those of you in the United States that are celebrating this holiday, take a moment of reflection and allow the Freedom of Your Spirit to shine within you.  When you are watching a parade, hearing a story about others, celebrating with your friends and family, or watching fireworks, be your own best hero.  Take a moment and breathe into your own essence.  Find the freedom within you to be who your Higher Self wants you to be.   It is a great celebration.  And those of you in other parts of the world, just be the beauty that you are and freedom shall ring within you also.

Happy 4th of July ~ it is a time of great celebration.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery

Mastery Thought of the Day

Practice loving kindness toward all sentient beings no matter what the circumstance dictates.  Live by the Golden Rule “Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto You”.


Put yourself in the place of always receiving; then you are always giving with the highest good of all concerned.


©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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