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Knowing The New Reality of Divinity


Understanding How the Physical Self Accepts the New Reality of Divinity

I come to you today as Lord Sananda to bring forth the process of understanding the Physical Mind within the Higher Mind, to help each of you to allow your Higher Essence to become One within you, and to know the difference when it is just a thought occurrence or a full integration of the movement.

When an initiate starts the process of understanding that they have a Higher Self, they immediate think that just asking for this part of themselves to be with them is a full acknowledgement. This idea is so much further than the truth.

The Higher Self’s role is to help the Physical Self to understand when a thought process happens that it is coming from the subconsciousness or the super consciousness.

But how does an initiate within the lower levels truly understand the difference?

What happens through this process of integrating the Higher Self within the physical self that it becomes very much trial and error within the lower mind. You see, the Lower Mind is still very active within you. It has to be as it is part of your experiences upon the physical life that you lead. The main element is how often are you ready to listen to your Higher Self’s perception within the physical mind. You see the Divine Mind and the Higher Self are the same element. It is coming from the highest part of your existence to allow you to become more than you ever thought possible.

So at the beginning of the 4th initiation the initiate is starting to feel these elements coming into your physical conditioning. Hopefully, the initiate has been practicing to be with the higher self energies within their meditations so that there can be a connection on an easier basis. What occurs with this though is that the Lower Ego of the body can still try to be in control so the decisions an initiate can make at this stage will cause them more lessons. But that is why they are presented, so the aspirant of mastery can learn that nothing is a mistake, it is just a choice. The more this occurs within the initiate’s consciousness, the easier will be for the transition.

This is exactly what happens within the Law of Polarity.

We have to understand that the process of accepting your reality from the physical self is quite different than the higher self, but it has to be a journey of correlating the information, how it relates to your personal life, and how it affects your spiritual self.

Are the two becoming more involved with each other?

This is a very key element in understand how to work within the process of accelerating your physical self with the help of your spiritual essence. Believe me, I understand that it can be a challenge but it is one that must be accepted.

So what occurs within the journey of Polarity is that you, as the initiate, will start to realize the choices you have made are being done from the old self, the one that does not have your higher self intact within your consciousness. It is from the old relationship, the exact one that you are desiring to change.

When you go through an experience it is important to always realize the potential you have within yourself to understand the situation from a higher perspective. This is part of the learning process of working within the Universal Laws.

When those Laws become your mantra in your personal experiences, then you will make the right choices at the right time. That is true Mastery.

It is important to realize within yourself that the journey you have stepped upon is not only concerning your awareness of other opportunities of the light to be within you, but to truly Be that Light. In order to accomplish this, you must always look at every thought, every opportunity, every experience in a different realization than you have ever done before.

This allows you to have the recognition that you are becoming your Spiritual Self.

At this stage, you consistently make a check within your consciousness of what decision you are making, why it is occurring, and how to fully embrace what you are accomplishing. If you are only doing it within your Lower Mind, then you are acting within the confines of the subconscious thoughts that are not aligned with the Divine Mind.

This happens frequently as an initiate goes through these processes because it becomes an automatic reaction. It takes great foresight to look within your consciousness and see what you are creating. You are the manifestor of your reality. So you must always look at the opposite energies that will tell you to think and act differently based on the rules of the Universal Laws. It will become an automatic process.

Now within this change, the initiate can go through feelings of doubt especially when there is uncertainty involved in the situation. Go to your higher place to find the right decision and then you will only be working within the confines of your Higher Self, your Higher Mind, your Divine Self.

The Law of Polarity teaches each initiate, each master that there is always a higher purpose and meaning to every situation, every thought, every feeling that is occurring within the individual. This takes great courage to think differently than before, but it is the only way that you will see your way through understanding how to incorporate the Higher Mind into your Physical Mind. Then, and only then will they become united as one.

This process will take patience and love but you will always be rewarded in many various ways to accept your New Self become who you desire to be.

It is my pleasure to share with you these moments of re-creation.

I Am Lord Sananda at your service.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden ~ Integrative Channel

In order to assist individuals to know more about the process of being within the Higher Self instead of the lower self, Walking Terrra Christa is hosting Lord Sananda and Master Thoth in a channeled teaching and attunement meditation seminar available as an MP3 recording. Read the teaching information here.

© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 

Still Relearning The Same Life Lessons?



Most of us are conditioned to accept that life has its ups and downs.

Some days we wake up and feel exhilarated only to realize that later in the day we are in a bit of a doldrum mood and wonder what happened to that feeling from earlier.

We meet someone and feel an almost instant connection only to find later on that they were not who we thought they were.

Searching for months or years for a new job finally results in a big change when an interview hits paydirt. Less than a year goes by and we feel we may have made the wrong choice.

Life is made up of such things.

It is not an empowered life however. It is not a life lived by a person who has discovered the inner ability to access the Higher Mind whenever they make life choices.

The road to becoming the Master of your experiences is not something you will learn in one seminar but you will certainly begin to gain wisdom and tools to use on the dynamics of how to shift your perspective from that of the lower mental mind’s outlook to the Higher Mental mind’s.

Master Thoth and Lord Sananda bring forth high frequency energetic attunements to assist participants to begin to gain a deeper insight into their own mind. Lord Sananda’s ability to share his Divine Heart in Oneness opens our own heart to the compassion we require to shift our perspectives, while Master Thoth, having been the grand architect of mental patterns within humanity, guides us to see how we can break the cycles.


© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 


Ascension Festivals of Light

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden with Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan of the 2nd Flame of Love and Wisdom brings forth an explanation of what the current Moon cycle represents within Aires and Libra.

~ Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Integrative Channel

On October 16th, 2016 at 04:23 GMT, 9:23 PM Pacific, and 12:3 AM Eastern (Oct 17th) we will be experiencing the next full moon cycle. It is considered a Super Moon as it is closest to the Earth’s atmosphere and brings with it quite a powerful new surge of energy through Aires as it aligns with the Sun of Libra.

Aires represents a fire sign that ignites our emotions from a new and different perspective. It will be a time where things will start to come to a culmination that can herald a new beginning. The important element of this moon is not to get caught up in the drama of the energies as it can bring up many thought forms to become manifest through its present energies. It allows our free will to be one that we are ready to acknowledge; it is time for great change.

Libra brings to us the balancing act which will bring forth the stabilization that each of us needs at this time. As the Masculine energies of Aires comes into more focus, it will help to create the change that we have been desiring to become manifest within our world. At the same time, the Feminine energies of Libra will help to create the adjustment needed by continuing the process through the Higher Mind and not the Physical Self.

It is a time to fully realize that we do have Free Will but only within the boundaries of accepting our Higher Self as the ruling energy. The rest will fall away as we know it if each person allows themselves to realize they have a higher potential to make the necessary changes.

What can happen in this cycle is the Masculine energies or the Mental Body can erupt through fits of frustration or anger.

This just means that this part of ourselves is now finding its place within the balance of the Yin and Yang. This moon is helping each of us to find the middle point of alignment that each of us needs. The most important element is not letting the Mental Mind to take over with rage or fits of anger, and the opposite energy would be not to suppress the issues that need to be shown in any given situation.

It definitely is a time to allow the balance to occur in every thought, feeling, and action that is occurring in our lives. It is important to not become overly emotional or mentally focused.

It truly is a time of alignment within the Feminine and Masculine Divine.

All of this will depend upon each person on the planet and how they react to the energies. It could be a time when things just open up completely and then we can be left with picking up the pieces. It all hinges on how it is handled through the feelings and the thoughts along with projecting it into the outside world.

This month is truly a balancing act but with Libra as our Sun at this time all the cards are in our hand to truly walk through a storm that could be very tormentuous. We have to remember the Grandmother Moon represents the Feminine Divine. She helps us to acknowledge our emotional challenges and feelings by allowing them to be expressed through her energies. Yes, the mental self is awakening as it is a time to fully speak our minds and allow others to see our viewpoints, but we must allow the Mental Body to accept the Emotional Self to bring those energies into wholeness.

That is when the Masculine meets the Feminine in complete balance and harmony.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Mantra for this Moon of Aires with Libra states exactly what we need to acknowledge within our consciousness at this time:


As I look at this statement, the two lines of force represent the Masculine of the Mental Body and the Feminine of the Emotional Body. We need to fully accept that we are both, not one or the other, and to allow those energies to help us become both in all ways. The only movement toward that end represents our Higher Self, the Higher Mind and the Higher Heart to become One within our physical existence. It is not an easy process but one that this moon is helping us to accomplish.

Master Djwhal Khul as a few words to share on this subject:

Greetings Dearest Ones,

It is my pleasure to bring forth some energies to reflect upon the upcoming moon cycle. All I can say first is BE PREPARED to receive the highest level of acceleration within your Mental body to allow the elements that have been lodged within oneself to be expressed outside of yourself. It all depends on how you will acknowledge these thoughts to bring them to the surface.

It could be a turbulent time or it could be one of reaching a destination that you have been waiting for. It all depends on how you will relate to the energies within your consciousness and four-body system.

As a teacher of the Ascension Pathway within the Psychological Soul essence, I would say that this moon is a perfect opportunity for many of you to acknowledge a new part of yourself that has been lodged deeply inside your psyche through your Etheric Self. The elements that are arising are not necessarily who you are presently in the physical creation, but your essence in your soul. They need to be addressed so that they can be healed and you can fully accept your pathway to begin again.

Yes, as an initiate you will see that your life does have many endings and new beginnings. This is one of those times in which the creative process being given to humanity will result in great changes. But it is all up to each of you individually in how you create those changes.

Remember, that thought forms grow around the earth, in the hemisphere and beyond. So whatever work you are doing with yourself will affect how others around you are experiencing life. It all depends upon each individual soul especially those that are initiates of Mastery. Many lightworkers may not even know that they are an initiate but in order to do the work that needs to be accomplished for this work, each soul should know who and what they are as it will make the process of discovery so much easier than if they do not understand what is occurring within them.

The Earth is in a very pivotal point of creation.

Each of you are extremely important within this creative process. It can make or break the planet. It is at this time that all must come into unity within themselves so that expression can be felt by others within and around the Earth.

The issues that arise within countries, within leaders of this earth are very challenging to deal with, because as an initiate you have a goal to live by. Sometimes the goal that you desire is not the same as the leaders of a particular movement. So that can cause great anger to occur.

This is what is happening presently around the world.

America is going through an upheaval that many do not understand. The election is creating their electrons of mental thoughts to be disruptive, to be in a lower frequency and it is occurring right in these moments. In order to find order amongst the lands each of you as initiates must take a stand for yourself, to uphold the highest frequency of light and allow that energy to become grounded within you.

Your role presently is to acknowledge what this moon brings to each of you in a complete and different way – through the elements of vibration.

As you raise yours, your mental thoughts will soften and your emotions will accept the thoughts more easily. It is a powerful time when the energies can go one way or the other.

Each soul must choose which way that they will go – and each of you are a very important part of this happening.

This moon of Aires brings forth an element of excitement of the fire raging within each soul to be acknowledged. And the Sun of Libra brings forth the balancing energies to ensue for each individual to accept within themselves. Libra gives to the planet the rod of initiation to find harmony by allowing the mental thoughts to be soothed by the sun. As they ignite through the element of Peace, it brings a calmness, a release that is necessary for the world to see.

If we could have every soul working toward this end, then things would be changing so much quicker than they are. There is a culminating energy occurring at this time. It is a movement of accepting the change or rejecting it. The ones that reject the balance will bring forth destructive moments, even if it is only through thoughts being shared. As we know, that can be as damaging as physical destruction.

So again, I ask each of you that are willing to go into your highest presence, call upon your Higher Self, breathe into the movement to allow your body to accept it. Then, and only then, will your Mental Body accept the Masculine Divine to find the peace and serenity that it is looking for. The Feminine will accept it by initiating the positive elements as both bodies come together in the most harmonious fashion.

Please do as I ask; it will assist the others that are fighting and staying within their lower bodies.

You, as the true Light Bearers must accept this responsibility within yourself. It will improve the quality of your life and that of Gaia, our Earth Mother.

We thank you deeply for allowing us to assist you in these moments of re-creation.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

Please check out our MP3 recordings on the Full Moon Ceremonies with Master Djwhal Khul, Free MP3 Library.

To better learn about how to incorporate these energy shifts, our monthly classes on the Universal Laws are available via MP3 recording. Please check out our last class on Wave-X and How to Master a Personal Responsibility to the Law of Relativity.

© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 


Master Thoth shares his viewpoint on how the Universal Law of Relativity reflects the lessons that an Initiate must face within the Mastery Pathway.

In this message, part 2 of 2, Master Thoth’s perspective is given. Master Thoth is the head of the Office of the Unified Whole Command bringing all timelines and pantheons of individual and group agendas back into Wholeness. All are invited to call upon the Unified Whole of Oneness for their own timelines to be returned to the Oneness of Source.
~ Transmitted by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Integrative Channel

Blessings to each of you in the present moment,

I Am Master Thoth here to speak about the relationship that you have between your Divine Self and the Physical Self. Some individuals may not understand the correlation to the Spiritual Being they are becoming as it can be experienced in a way of non-complacency within the Emotional Self.

This is because when you allow the full integration of your Higher Mind to be within your Physical Mind, it becomes a moment of “This Is Just Who I Am”.

So then the Emotional Body is not triggered with any specific emotion. It becomes a moment of recognition from the Higher Mind almost like it has been in that state of conditioning for quite some time. There is no emotional response to the relationship. This is due to the fact that the Emotional Body and Mental Body have become One, there is no specific trigger in either the Mind or the Heart.


This is the true state of being an Ascended Master, but how do you handle your feelings and emotions before you reach this realization within yourself?

Lessons occur to allow the initiate to understand within themselves what they are not comprehending within their physical life. They are moments in time that will assist the emotional and mental responses to occur within the physical consciousness. This happens because you, as the Initiate, the Physical Self, is not ready to comprehend what the lesson may be, what acknowledgement needs to occur and how it affects your physical existence.

I can tell you that, as an Initiate, you will have many tests that you will need to go through in order to see who you need to become. These tests or lessons occur, because as the physical self, you are not ready to accept the challenge of being a Spiritual Initiate within the physical world.

Thinking what you want to be is quite different than experiencing the pathway.

These lessons are given to you through your Higher Presence, your Higher Self, to see how well you are putting into practice what you are learning as an Initiate on the Mastery Pathway. Your Higher Self becomes the Mirror Image that you want to become in your physical life, but, there is no easy pathway to get to that point. You cannot run up the mountain without incurring roadblocks along the way. It is imperative to fully understand what you are experiencing so then you can remember who you are becoming.

This is truly the ability to understand the Wisdom of your Higher Essence to become part of your reality within the physical existence. Your Higher Self has all that you need, but it is not something that just happens automatically and poof – you become your Higher Essence immediately in the physical form. That is why there are lessons to be learned so that your Physical Mind can relate to the understanding of what is occurring, remove the debilitating thoughts and emotions that hold that old energy, and become more of your Higher Self.

The important element to understand is allowing the lesson to be part of your physical existence, in all of your bodies so that it is fully acknowledged within your feelings, your thoughts, and how you walk through the world with a new sense of accomplishment.

Lessons are an opportunity to allow the higher Light Frequency to become grounded within your physical existence. It is how you become the Master you desire to be by fully descending the higher part of whom you are into your present lifeform.

When you fully acknowledge a challenge that you have been faced, look at the adversity and how you walked through that element that was previously stopping you from allowing your Spiritual Self to be one with you, that is when you truly accept a higher Light Quotient to be accepted within your full body system. Understanding the lesson through your Emotional and Mental Body is essential, but the important element is to allow your physical body to accept the lesson. Then and only then, can you step into a better part of yourself ~ become closer to your Higher Self.

This is why the Law of Relativity is so important. It is at this stage that a soul can take full inventory of the psychological elements within themselves that cause the lesson to be created.

This Universal Law states that each person will receive a series of problems (Tests of Initiation) for the purpose of strengthening the Light within. We must consider each of these tests to be a challenge and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems.

Every process of the problem becomes relative to each other, not one element stands alone. There is an interconnection between all variables that create the challenge that needs to be overcome.

It is important to realize why the lesson has occurred, what it means to you as an Initiate and as a physical person, and then being honest with yourself of how to move through the doorway that is being opened up for you within the lesson itself. The psychological elements and the previous laws must be considered. Just because you read a Universal Law does not mean that you understand it. You must fully absorb what the law may represent for you, what elements do not fit the higher energies, and embrace the part of yourself that is holding you back from accepting your Higher Self within you.

There is no other way to get around this process. The Law of Relativity is the 9th Universal Law, but when a lack of understanding occurs within an individual, they must go back through the other laws to reflect on what may have been missed. Otherwise, the lesson would not have occurred.

So your Higher Self is teaching you to look at every part of yourself that is not alignment with the higher light element within your Heart Center so that you can fully acknowledge all parts of yourself by allowing the Dark to be revealed by the Light. This, then creates the higher light vibration to be accepted within your Physical Self. Without this process, your lessons will be continuously repeated again until you fully acknowledge all parts to come into Wholeness.

It is important to realize that the mirror the Higher Self portrays unto each Physical Self is to help them step into the Full Heart Essence to be revealed. It is a process to allow the Love and the Wisdom of God that is you to be revealed within your full Heart Essence. This is how you acquire your Power, the Golden Rod of Initiation.

My advice is to always look at the challenges that you face within your Higher Self. Don’t take things at face value as that is a very small part of whom you are. When the physical mind is activated, it can create more elements that represent the imbalanced self that is lodged within the psychological mind. It is important to allow the Mirror of your Higher Self guide you through each initiation, each sub-level, and each lesson that you learn. Accept them to be part of your understanding; see that you are not alone and that your Higher Self is guiding you every step of the way.

This will allow you to ground the Light Quotient within your physical being, instead of just feeling it within your higher chakras. You then become that which you strive to be and hold it deeply in all parts of your system.

Utilize the Law of Relativity by seeing the lessons are truly gifts to be realized from your Divine Self.

I Am Master Thoth, walking with you every step of the way.



© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 




Lord Metatron Shares a Message about the Equinox of September 2016 

~ Integrative Channel Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Dearest Comrades of the Light,

I Am Lord Metatron, here to speak about the Equinox of September 2016.

As I speak in this moment, the Equinox has fully arrived around the world. It does not matter which hemisphere we are speaking about, it represents the entire earth and all her inhabitants.

As we stand at a very important precipice of time upon this planet, changes will create a new reality to be birthed unto your world. It is a time of standing at the edge, ready to go forward into the next creation of your life or to stay within your present conditioning as the world crumbles around you.

Since 2012 the world has been in a state of turmoil. Each of you are part of that creation with every thought, every feeling, and every action that you have experienced. Every soul upon this planet is going through some kind of upheaval within their four body system. The sad part of it is that many individuals do not realize the potential they have to make necessary changes within their world.

Each of you stands at the center of the earth, you are fully learning to see things differently as everything changes around you. Some of this movement is in a positive direction and for others it may seem it is not going as well as they had hoped. It all depends upon the individual consciousness of every living being at this time.

The Equinox of September is that cliff – the movement of stepping off into the unknown and allowing faith to be your guide. It is happening everywhere around the earth. Many people are waking up to the control, to the darkness, to the elements that have held this Earth in bondage. It is now time to allow the awakening to happen in various degrees to all souls.

Each of you has chosen to be here at this time, but yet there are so many thoughts that come into the consciousness of the all that truly do not understand how it is occurring right here and now. But yet each soul is responsible for the changes that are experienced. The collective energies that are felt is a mixture of both the dark and the light. But yet, many of you, the awakened ones are tired of the same energy occurring over and over again. You look to the Spiritual Hierarchy, to the Inter-Galactics, and to the Inner Earth Beings of Agartha and Telos to give you the answers.


And the answer is not within your Lower Mind, it is not within your experiences of the duality of this earth; it is within your Higher Consciousness, it is within the Divine Beingness that each of you are a part of.

Presently, what is occurring is that your prayers are being answered. What have your intentions represented in the last quarter since the June Solstice? That is your answer.

As now within this period of the Equinox, you stand upon the mountain. You are ready to move forward or are you? That is a very important question that can only be answered by you.

You see, the energy that is occurring presently is allowing everything that you have been working upon, within your lower and higher consciousness to become your reality. What you have asked for, what you have been releasing, what you desire to manifest is right in the next step of your pathway. All you have to do is take one step forward away from the reality that has bound you for eons of time to fully embrace the next movement of your desired awakening.

Now this advancement into the New You can come in varying degrees depending upon where you are within your mastery pathway.

It can be part of your four-body system, the Physical, the Etheric, the Emotional, or the Mental body. It is an area in which you truly need the most healing that will take you into a different part of yourself than you experienced previously.

It could be a study of mastery that you have been delving upon within your life and taking those principles into a deeper part of yourself.

It can also be the desired effect of your intentions to allow them to become your physical reality.

It all depends upon who you are as an Initiate and the level of experience that you are bringing forth into your physical life. It is a time when the desired effect of your consciousness become your true reality.

This movement is allowing the Earth to receive these energies so that she can also do her part. Every cell and particle within Gaia and each of you is being challenged to be more than the previous cycle. This is allowing every soul an opportunity that has not been acknowledged previously, mainly because the time was not right.

Many individuals feel that this means the New Earth has arrived; I am sorry to share with you that we still have a very long way to go; but this Equinox is allowing the energies to move in a direction that has never been experienced before.

If you will recall, during the June Solstice we stated that the 22nd Ray of the Golden Etheric City of Havalanchiee was emitting particles of light into Mount Shasta, California (it resides above this area). This was bringing forth the Feminine and Masculine Divine energies more physically into Mount Shasta so that it could be emitted through all of the Majestic Mountains around the Earth.

I am happy to share with you that this energy started it first journey around the Earth to assist each area to be infused with these light frequencies but more importantly, for each soul to start to experience change within their creation. The activations that took place during the months of June, July, and August has allowed more infractions to be put into place within Gaia and each of you.

Now what has occurred is an opportunity for more to happen. This is what this Equinox represents – it is a parting of the energies so to speak as the Feminine and Masculine Divine comes into balance it helps each soul to go more deeply within themselves to see what needs to be changed.

It is a moment in time when each soul has the ability to be more to themselves (the physical essence) than they have been previously. It is the splitting of the dark energies from the light and jumping into the abyss of unknowingness but having full Faith and Trust that you are in the Right Time, the Right Space.

We have been awaiting this time to occur and each of you have done the same. It is a time of letting go of the past in order to see the future and it is all based on your previous intentions from the Higher Self, from the I Am Presence, and from the Source of Light.


The entire planet is going through an upload of more light within her system. Each soul upon the earth is going through the same upheaval; for some it may represent their present consciousness they have been dealing with or it can mean COMPLETE REVIVAL OF THE LIGHT THAT YOU ARE.

It is truly a moment in which each soul must decide –

“Will I move forward with what I have acquired or will I stay in the same energy I have been dealing with?”

The element of Free Will now comes into a new perspective than ever before as it is becoming a Physical Reality and not just a statement of the souls of humanity. It becomes a conscious effort of every person upon this planet.

Now this is just a raw beginning but it is a movement that needs to be experienced in order for this Earth to accelerate into the level of a higher dimensional frequency. It represents looking at the 4th dimensional self of duality and saying to yourself, “I no longer desire this experience so I will step over the cliff and allow my Free Will to take me into another paradigm of light that I desire to create.”

This portal of light is open right now and will continue through the entire season until the December Solstice. It will be an open-ended condition of allowing the continuance of light to come into each soul – it is a time of great reflection, of seeing the inner self from the perspective of the dark and the light, and then choosing to be that light.

This period of time will be powerful for each of you; it will allow you to step into the processes you have been trying to create for some time as long as you allow yourself to have faith. When your lower mind comes into play, then that will stop the movement and you will fall back into your duality.

It will not be easy for some individuals; for others that have walked the pathway of master for a longer time, it is the moment that they have been asking for, working towards by allowing themselves to step into a higher level of consciousness.

This cycle is going to help the planet immensely. There needs to be an internalization of every soul upon the planet to go through this doorway. It is not being given, it is to be earned. It is not a quick fix for the Earth, it is an opportunity to be and do more for humanity, for Gaia, and for your eternal self.

Many will be feeling ill effects within the physical body or the emotional and mental levels. It will come in waves and for different types of individuals. Those that have been upon the pathway for several years will find that more of their crystalline energies are being accepted. The physical body will feel the effects. Others may need more psychological balancing within their subconscious minds to find the balance they need. One thing is sure is that each of the four bodies must be in full alignment so if there are elements that you are dealing with in any of those bodies, they need to be healed and changed. So there will be challenges physically, emotionally and mentally as your Etheric Body catches up with the other three.

Take time to reflect upon what I have shared. It is not an easy time but the results will be tremendous. Be diligent with yourself; reflect upon your past mistakes so that they do not occur again. Then, and only then is when you will know that you have the Faith to move forward in your journey. Without this element in place, you will not be able to achieve the results you desire as all needs to be released unto the Light.


The Light Infractions of the Fifth Dimension cannot be held within the body until all four bodies are in alignment within each other. This means that in order to raise your light quotient continually you must work through these issues that you are experiencing. Many times the physical body will e the last one to go through this process so physical ailments can result within the system. Many times they are not acute just elements from the Etheric Self that are arising so they can be healed. This time period will be a huge forward movement for the acceleration of healing to occur especially for the ones that are beyond the Planetary Ascension and well within the Cosmic Level. But these souls are a very small minority; very few on the planet have reached this level of ascension and been able to ground themselves to stay within the body.

That is now changing with the higher energies coming into the planet. The bodies can become Crystalline in the higher initiations within the Cosmic Levels. This process is absolutely necessary in order to be fully grounded. Otherwise, the New Earth will not be able to occur.

It is a Doorway of Light with Great Opportunity That is Now Upon this Earth and Each of You.

I walk with you as all of us doing within the Spiritual Hierarchy of the 144th dimensional state of reality.

I Am Lord Metatron, at your service.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Walking Terra Christa provides several opportunities to be a part of these important New Earth vibrational teachings while learning more about your own pathway. We also offer a free New Earth Frequency Divine Light Language Mastery Code Transmission(sm) of the EQUINOX INITIATION by LORD METATRON and LORD SANAT KUMARA.

© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 



full-moon_800_599Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan of the 2nd Flame of Love and Wisdom brings forth his essence on the present Moon cycle of Pisces in the Sun Sign of Virgo with a Lunar Eclipse.

Integrative Divine Light Language Codes(sm)
by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden. 

This cycle represents great beginnings that allows for the old energies to be released to make room for the new essence that we are becoming to be within ONENESS.

Specifically, it is time for more of the Spiritual Self (Higher Essence) to become more involved in the Physical Self (Lower Mind). As Pisces brings forth the water sign of movement it is a flowing energy that can come within us with grace and gentleness to allow the Physical Mind to accept the changes that have been brewing within the subconscious to occur. Sounds easy, right?

Well, as each of you know, it can be a huge challenge especially if the Lower Ego wants to stay intact and not move with the tides of change that are being shown with this cycle of the moon.

First of all, we have to consider the Lunar Eclipse which represents relationships changing. When you couple that energy within Mercury Retrograde, it is a very intense period of adjustment. Looking at how you are trying to change the way you do things as the Earth is changing within these elements you can be in a state of not knowing how to get through the process. You want change to happen but yet it can be a block that occurs within your subconscious mind.

This is where the energy presently is assisting so greatly, because the Piscean energies bring forth the ecstatic movement of light with love like feeling a cool breeze on a hot summer’s day. It is a movement that allows an individual to move into a new part of themselves. So the only element that is important is to fully step within that flow, allow the change to happen, and trust that you will arrive at the destination you desire.

Your lower ego is not your friend; it will give you the parts that you don’t like, it will make you dysfunctional, it will give you pleasure but only of the Physical Self and not the Spiritual Self. This part of you is dying during this cycle. You can go through it kicking and screaming, but that will deter you from your truest purpose.

As the Piscean energy becomes more powerful, it allows the Lower Ego to drop the control so that the true Self can fully be revealed.

Through this cycle the Feminine Divine of your Emotional Body is being ignited. There will be a charge of electrons running through your Heart Center as you become more involved within your own feelings than anything else. This is really important to play close attention to what is occurring for you. As the Feminine Self becomes more involved in the process, she goes through stages of wanting to show her true essence. Your intuition will become more acute, nature will speak to you as you become more aware of your senses and allowing your energies to flow instead of being stuck in having to know each moment what you are supposed to be thinking or doing in your life.

The Lunar Eclipse is allowing the Feminine essence to become more involved in the process as it represents the relationship you have had with yourself.

The most important element I can share is that the connection you have within your four body system represents your map of how to navigate through the changes upon the earth.

When you become healthy within your physical – etheric – emotional- and mental bodies then you will relate differently in your existence upon the earth. The reason you are affected by certain elements coming into your life is that one of your body parts is rejecting the essence of Love that is you.

This is a perfect time to accept that allowance of all parts of yourself to become One but it has to start first and foremost with in the Emotional Body. Every person must feel the energies to become part of the process. The Masculine essence has been too much a part of this earth; it causes other elements to take control and then the Feminine is lost in the process.

Now it is time to allow your Feminine Essence, your Emotional Body to ignite the power of love. She is the INITIATOR within you – are you going to take heed and allow this part of you to be in the driver’s seat. She then asks the Masculine Divine to ground all the energies that she is initiating.

This is when the true growth occurs.

So then the Lower Mental Mind becomes an integration of the Higher Mind. The challenges that you will experience will be different as then your full body system is working in conjunction with all the others.

The Feminine Self is now ready to assist all parts of yourself, but you have to surrender to the process. You must allow your Emotional Body to heal from the deepest part of your Etheric Self igniting all the past elements that have held you in bondage.

It is a time of great releasement as there is an opportunity to have a deeper healing process within yourself, but you have to be ready to look at all aspects that is impeding your psychological process to be a Divine Being of Light.

My Mantra For This Month Is:


This statement represents that you are a child of God, your raw beginnings come from the essence of Divine/Mother Father God. You have come into the body to reflect this essence. So now the adult human you have become must pull upon that energy of Love that comes from the Heart of God to be ignited into your four-body system to allow it to heal in so many ways.

This then brings forth the Love that you are into Humanity just by being in your own presence.

It is as simple as that.

Endings are happening as they are part of the process of Re-Birth; your body will adjust as your emotions heal from the pain. This will then bring forth the Divine Love that You Are.

The Piscean Moon with the Virgo Sun is assisting in this transition that is occurring. The Lunar Eclipse is helping you to heal all parts of your relationships to the self and then, in turn, allows you to see your truth. The outer relationships then are adjusting to this element.

We also have to pull upon the Solar Eclipse of the New Moon which represents the Rebirth Experience. Please remember these cycles last for six months.

I know you have been coupled with a lot of change through August and now September, but isn’t it time that you fully accept your new self to be born?

It is a process and can only occur in small increments. This does not mean that you will be completely healed but you are on your way to the next stage in your journey. Embrace it as it is a beautiful time to fully become more than you were yesterday.

My blessings and love to each of you,

I AM Master Djwhal Khul


To better learn about how to incorporate these energy shifts, our monthly classes on the Universal Laws are available via MP3 recording. Please check out our last class on The Art of Perpetual Transmutation – with Master Thoth and Lord Saint Germain.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).
Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:




Greetings My Fellow Light Beings,

It is a pleasure to connect with each of you at this powerful time of acceleration. I am Lord Metatron at your service.

I want to converse with you about the energetic exchanges that are occurring presently upon the planet. The Lion’s Gate has been receiving great attention by many individuals as it is always a very powerful moment within the year.

This year is especially interesting as the open of the gateway of energies is truly a continuation of light that occurred in 2015. You see, that the energies of last year were so very powerful that the movement of the frequency has been continuing into 2016. We have arrived at that juncture in which the gate’s opening doorway allows for more grounding energies to occur within the planet.

It brings forth the ability for more to occur by allowing your soul’s essence to acknowledge the presence of these light formations.

The exchange of light that occurs through Sirius is very special as their planetary movements are very similar to what you are experiencing, but yet it comes in a different way of understanding. Sirius B is the planet that is emitting these frequencies; in fact, Lord and Lady of Sirius with the Councils of Sirus are very prevalent within the exchange that is occurring. We are all very present for these emanations of light to bring forth more possibilities within the physical realm of Gaia.

There are so many more elements that need to be acquired before the assistance of Sirius B can be acknowledged within a physical state of conditioning. But the process of allowing the potential of Seventh Dimensional energies to be experienced, not by the physical self, but by the higher consciousness of the Earth to be expanded within the state of consciousness of humanity.

In other words, the Earth is not becoming seventh dimensional at all, but the access of the Vortex is seventh dimensional.

This means that the transference of energies are not a grounding essence but yet it passes through the earth and then beyond the earth for the potential of acceleration to occur.

If you can understand your own consciousness and what that may mean for you in any given moment, then you can grasp the potential of more to be realized within your world. It is like standing on the edge of a precipice not knowing what the outcome will be but knowing that there is more to be realized. This is exactly what is occurring presently through this Lion’s Gate.

The energy of this vortex of light represents a spiritual grounding force that needs to be applied within the four-body system. It is an entryway to allow the inclusive energies to be received in order to assist the three minds of the conscious – sub-conscious –   super-conscious. It is the potential of all elements to come into place to allow for the entryway of more to be realized.

It is also the process of going back through the Etheric Body to allow the healing to occur. This means that the many moments that are still stuck in pockets of despair within the Etheric Level need to be released.

The Lion’s Gate is a very powerful surge of light energy that is creating all souls to awaken to another part of their reality – the reality that they know nothing about.

Not only are all souls upon the earth moving through their Etheric Self, Gaia is going through the same. This means that timelines are being healed and erupted as we speak. Events that are occurring can be elements of the past to be put into wholeness so that there are no pantheons of existence upon the earth. The pantheon energies are everywhere around the earth.

This will take some time for this clearing process to occur as it will not be an easy transition.

This, in turn, allows for the blending of all energies to come into balance. It is the highest experience of knowingness that can occur for a soul inhabited within the body upon a planet that is going through the same process. But the most important element is to allow the process to happen.

This energetic exchange can cause many energies to shift.

It is a time of great transformation in which elements will arise, healing will take place, and has the potential of allowing the physical self to step further into their destined awareness of Spirit and Matter becoming One.

You must remember that it can cause great destruction and change to occur. Be prepared for a sequence of events to change within the Earth.

Of course, this wave of light has already started on July 26, 2016. It is building up to the 8th of August and then will waver off about the 12th of August. This is when it is imperative to get to know what is happening within you.

This is not just about allowing the energies to come within you, and change; it is being part of the process.

I want everyone to be encouraged that this is a time of great growth. Each individual soul will be affected by these energies; it is imperative to realize that each of you that are fully aware of these energies have a responsibility to yourself. As you fully integrate the changes, then you are doing Gaia a great service.

Every soul upon this Earth holds their own frequencies and if those levels of light are within a low percentage, then Gaia cannot move forward. Of course, each awakened soul needs to know that they are accelerating, but it is important to fully ground the energies.

If you do not allow the change to become all parts of you, then it cannot be achieved.

The body will feel the changes so it is important for you to have tools in place that assist you in going through the process. It is about being aware of who you are becoming in each moment.

Don’t allow the third dimensional construct that you have been part of to stop you in this process.

The mirrors must be broken in order for the full effect to be realized in all of your parts: through the Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental Bodies. This energetic exchange is about Alignment of the Self.

What I suggest is that after the 8th of August it should have come to a moment of culmination. It is a good time to do a ceremony for yourself especially in the outdoors.

Embrace who you are becoming.

Then, the next phase will be for you to ground it through all of your chakra centers allow your energy to become more than it was the moment before.

Another tool is to write everyday about what you are feeling, what you have done, and how you feel you have been affected for the day. Do this through the entire phase of the Lion’s Gate. This will assist you to become more of what is happening; to increase your energetic exchange within your physical cells, organs, muscles, and joints. Walk with the energy; become it completely, as it will truly help you acknowledge the change within you.

This process is allowing the change to occur within Gaia. What you are experiencing on the earth presently is exactly what Sirius went through and that is why they separated into another planet.

Each of the beings of Sirius along with myself, Archangel Michael, and many others are working with each of you to help in this process of sustaining these energies upon the earth.

Expect changes to happen. I know you are being challenged with everything that is occurring within and around the earth, but your role is to stay above that increased duality. Don’t buy into it and remember your tools for the changes you are about to experience.

This is the year in which the true grounding needs to occur in order to allow the actualization of the new light to come into existence. Remember that this is the year of endings and new beginnings. This is something to truly be excited about.

Allow the energies to become you, Do the Work, and then See the Results to appear within You.

I Am Lord Metatron at your service.

So Mote It Be ~ It is Done

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee

For those interested in being a PLANETARY HEALER within the ASCENSION MASTERY PATH, our August Retreat starts on August 16th. It is a retreat of personal transformation for the Self and Gaia.  Please click here to read about this special event.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).
Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Lord Kuthumi: The Opportunities of World Invocation Day


A channeled message from LORD KUTHUMI,
by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Rare Opportunity for Acceleration ~ Festival of Humanity/Goodwill

Greetings, My fellow Initiates of the Ascended Mastery Pathway,

I come to you as Lord Kuthumi on this day to express some thoughts on the upcoming energies of World Invocation Day otherwise known as the Festival of Humanity or Goodwill. This event will be occurring within the Full Moon of Gemini on May 21st, 2016. We, of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and especially of the Office of the Christ are very excited for the ensuing energies that we will all be experiencing.

This year is very special as the cusp of the way the moon is falling within the sign of Taurus and moving into Gemini means that there are more increased energies that everyone will be experiencing. Many spiritual groups around the world are celebrating this event as Wesak due to Taurus moving into Gemini at the exact time that the full moon is occurring.

This means that the energetic exchange of Wesak continues through this moon and is being merged with the World Invocation Day.

On a cosmic level this is exponentially a rare opportunity in which the two elements of acceleration move into Oneness upon the planet. It also means that the doorways of Wesak are still very much open but yet there is a grounding element that is occurring within the process. The Festival of Humanity represents taking the energy through Wesak and allowing the initiation changes that a student may experience to become a more physical experience. Now this can be very accelerated and cause an individual to not understand what they are feeling through the process. The energy of Wesak pushes each student into the elements that need to be addressed in order to allow for the next higher level of acceleration to be part of one’s reality and existence.

I know that each of you have probably gone through immense changes this year and the last month has resulted in the upheaval of your belief systems in a new and completely different manner than you ever thought you could imagine.

The energetic exchange presently is so filled with many variables of understanding through the Higher Self that it is sometimes impossible to grasp any idea of what is truly happening within your consciousness. This is due to the elements of change being necessary within the earth in order to adjust the consciousness of Gaia’s essence unto the state of humanity.

Change needs to happen and the Festivals of Light during these cycles help to allow those movements of acceleration to come into existence of the planet.

It is a powerful time but within that journey into the higher essence, it can also be very, very challenging. If you are not ready to deal with some of the elements that are arising, it can seem as if you are overwhelmed in all areas of your life. It will manifest itself in your physical self as very confusing and emotionally confusing. This is because you are being re-wired in a new and completely different way.

As Gaia is changing her own subtle bodies, humanity most do the same. There is a shifting of the light within each of the elements that make up the spiritual self. So as Gaia is going through this process each of you individually are doing the same so you can uphold the highest level of initiation and frequency that is available to you through your Higher Self and Physical Body.

There is an overall of all conditions being revamped in a completely and different way.

Those of you that have been used to the accelerations will be asked to do more as you cannot exist in the same way you have done so before. It is literally impossible to walk through the new doorways of the New Earth without the re-wiring effect occurring within each soul. The world is changing in various ways through this accelerated phase of light quotient within Gaia. It is like taking yourself into a battle of the dark and light. You realize that you must address the Light only so you allow the light infractions from that arena of the Light to help disperse the darkness within you.

As you go through this phase, the most important element is to hold unto that Light as that is unchangeable within you. The velocity of the energy does not waiver in any direction. It allows you to hold steady even though it may feel as it is doing just the opposite. It is actually assisting you to change into the higher part of your four-body system. This just means you have to work harder through the process in order to be able to access the fruits of your labor.

So through that shift of consciousness within your feelings and thoughts, the lower forms you have held within you will arise to be purified. The most important element is not to let the lower energy that you were to pull you back into that old existence. It can be debilitating and very uncertain if that happens. It is your responsibility, as the initiate to call upon the energies that you know will help you through this process.

This is what this last month of Wesak has created within your consciousness. You may not be fully aware of all the variables depending on how well you allow your Higher Self to work with you. It may seem as if you are swirling within a circle of energy that seems very familiar but very unpleasant. You just want to step out of it.

You have the power to move out of the old essence, but you must be true to what you believe in within your higher consciousness and the tools that you have learned: working with each of the masters, with the Rays of God, the angels that protect you are just a few of the elements that need to be adhered to.

As we move into the Festival of Humanity/Goodwill, these energies can either be very confusing and overpowering, or you can allow them to be grounded within your physical self. It is your choice in how you want to perceive how you are healing through this process of the Festivals of Light. They are in place to assist you as an Initiate to become the Master and only you can step forward by moving through the changes that need to be acquired.

As we stand together on this festival, we invoke the qualities of the Will of God to become manifested within the physical world. This is done through each of the seven Rays of God within each initiate so that they can become more focused with the desires of their Higher Self unto the Physical Self. You learn to stand as a human fully embodied with the light infractions that have been accepted into your world.

It is your choice in how you want to walk through this next doorway. It is time to become the Beacon of Light and not just by saying it or thinking it. It is about Being the Pillar of Light through all of the four body systems within the physical, the Etheric, the emotional, and the mental. It is time to take responsibility for the challenges you have endured and allow them to become your achievements.

Take time to realize how to invoke your highest essence within your physical essence. Allow these energies to help you know that there is more that needs to be addressed within your full body system. Look at the conflicting energies you are feeling. Don’t let them get the best of you; you get the best of them by commanding your Higher Self and I Am Presence to assist you in creating the next level of light within you through this process.


I now Invoke the Will of Power, with Love, to Create Right Action, within Balance of My Truth, being Devoted to my Spiritual Ideals, to be able to Organize and Build a Strong Foundation for the next step of my journey.

World Invocation Day is the time to allow your experiences to become the manifestation that you desire.

I walk with you for this ceremony of light.

I AM Master Kuthumi at your service.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a special workshop to prepare for the World Invocation Day Festival of Humanity Ceremony. The 2-day Distance Learning Workshop is on Friday, May 20th and Saturday, May 21st with Lord Kuthumi, Lord Saint Germain, Master Djwhal Khul and the Lady Masters Portia and Nada as well as others. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS.

We are holding THE WORLD INVOCATION DAY FESTIVAL OF HUMANITY/GOODWILL Ceremony on Sunday, May 22nd at 10:00 AM Pacific to connect with the Spiritual Hierarchy for a special celebration to ignite the energies of Goodwill. This is a free open event where we request donations from those who are able. If you cannot also attend the Workshop, we hope you will join us on Sunday for the Ceremony.
Sunday 5/22: 10am PDT – Dial (605) 562-3140, Use Access Code: 405260#. 

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK: WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!




Note: The annual WESAK GATHERING registration is now open. Walking Terra Christa celebrates the WESAK FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS on Saturday April 23, 2016. There will also be a full day Ascended Master Workshop distance learning training with more personal teachings being held on Friday April 22. Please see the READ MORE link below for details about the important earth energies within this WESAK and for registration details.

Wesak is considered the most important of all of the Festival of Lights that occur each full moon, as it is when humanity receives the highest frequency of light from the Company of the Heavens. 

In the words of Master Djwhal Khul, Festival of Lights Master of Ceremonies:

As I have stated previously, this Wesak represents the foundation that we have been building upon through the Spiritual Hierarchy, but now it starts to become grounded within the planet. It is no longer just within the consciousness of the Earth, but it will bring a feeling of completeness to a process that has been ongoing for many years. Now this grounding effect needs to be enhanced by all Initiates upon the Planet along with our assistance.

If we take the energies of the Ray of Ceremonial Structure into a personal existence, it represents the core values of a soul inhabited within the body. Then, allowing the Soul Essence, the Spirit, the Higher Self takes a higher commanding role within that body.

The same is occurring for the Earth. There is a foundation within this earth, which I think many individuals would agree with, and that is, Peace, Liberation, Freedom. Within those characteristics of living there needs to be responsibility. And that is where the Universal Laws overlight the energies of this year. Without them, we cannot have the accessibility or hope of grounding the laws. Right now they are a consciousness, and we as the masters much teach others how to incorporate the laws within their life.

The 7th Ray brings forth the element of Lady Portia being the Ray Chohan as more of the Feminine Divine is being activated through the ray. This will assist Gaia to receive what she needs by bringing forth the elements of gentleness, love, and tolerance of the changes that need to occur for right order to be brought forth into the Earth.

As we take the energies of the Violet Purple Flame; it includes the Violet essence of invocation, but with the Purple, it creates a grounding energy while accessing the Feminine Divine. It is a deeper color. The Violet can come and go very easily but how does one stay grounded within that essence. It is impossible to stay centered with only the Violet Flame as it was meant to be a clearing energy – to whip through the darkness and clear up the elements that were stopping free flowing forms of light to be ignited within oneself. The Deep Purple flame brings forth the ability to ground the energies by allowing gentleness to bring forth compassion while centering the energies within the self; thereby, changing the foundation of the physical self into a spiritual foundation incorporated by the Higher Self or Divine Mind.

This ray represents both the Masculine and Feminine Divine qualities to be initiated, activated, and fully actualized.

We believe that this Wesak Moon will be more life changing on a physical level than it has ever been felt previously. The more Initiates that participate in the ceremony and truly allow their Inner Truth to be shown in their consciousness of thoughts and emotions, the easier the transition will be. Each soul has a responsibility to upholding their best intentions for themselves and for others.

Gaia needs you to be fully present within yourself and uphold the highest energy of expansion within you. It is a time when great mastery is being realized for the potential of life on this planet. We are at a crossroads ~ it is time to fully intuit all of the qualities that are essential for the transformation of this Earth.

Will you be ready to accept that you are a Divine Being of Light?

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK:  WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!

NEW TRAINING: Step Into Divine Oneness (A Universal Law Teaching Seminar Series)




CLASS 1 – SAT. JAN. 30 @ 12:30 PM PST | 3:30 PM EST
CLASS 2 – THUR. FEB. 4 @ 4:30 PM PST | 7:30 PM EST
CLASS 3 – SAT. FEB. 6 @ 12:30 PM PST | 3:30 PM EST

“The Law of Divine Oneness helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think, and believe affects others and the universe around us.” 

◊  Understand Spiritual Oneness versus Physical Oneness. 

◊  Gain Insight Into Why Your Human Mental Mind Has Failed To Create The True Vibration Of Oneness On Earth. 

◊  Discover How To Identify and Rectify The Traits You Have That Do Not Represent Oneness.  

◊  Learn How To Generate and Incorporate the Vibrational Frequency Necessary to Actualize Oneness within You. 

The Pathway of Mastery and Ascension is more than having the intellectual understanding of the Universal Laws, it is attaining the practice of putting those laws into a way of being in your life.

2016 ushers into Earth an even Higher Octave Frequency that will push Humanity into accepting that the Universal Laws must now be implemented within each soul’s existence…


© 2016 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

Follow Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery on