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Being a Pilgrim of Light ~ Lord Adama Discourses

Lightworker1Greetings, My Dearest Beloveds,


It is I, Lord Adama, with the Telosian Council of Light. It is very wonderful to be with each of you once again.


Let us open our Hearts onto each other. Allow me to feel your Essences in this present moment. There are many transitions occurring presently with many Light Formations, many Portals, many Energy Exchanges that are going within the Planet, which you will be affected by tremendously through this process. It is imperative for each of us to have this connection within our Hearts and within our Higher Selves so that we can assist each other through this process we are going through.

Each of you stands together as a Pilgrim of Light for the New Earth.

This why you are being challenged so greatly to become better, to go deeper, to understand yourself. Not in your Concrete Mind, but through your Emotions and feelings, understand what it is you are expressing within yourself, which is assisting or de-assisting you. These are very important times.

Moving toward the Full Moon and Solstice, there will be more Light Infractions coming into the Planet to assist. Those of you who are already awakened, those of you who are already walking a pathway of Light of understanding the Purification of your Essences coming into your Physical Body, will be asked to go deeper. It does not matter where you are on your pathway or how long you have been on the pathway. Each of you is being challenged greatly by these Light Infractions. They can always affect you Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, and Etherically.

Your Etheric Body is the one that is becoming highly attuned and allowing the changes to occur within your Physical Structure. At this time, I extend my assistance on a deeper level to help each of you to understand within yourself what you are going through without going to the depths of your Mental Faculties. It is a key point that occurs at this time.

When we are challenged, we have a fine line that we walk.


The fine line is, do we utilize our Intuitive Selves or do we actualize our Physical Selves?


(Note:  Utilize means that we use the energies for our benefit; Actualize means that we fully become the energy within our physical self.)

I think each of you knows the answer to that. Yet when you go through that process, it can be a very difficult experience. Sometimes, you will falter. You will fall back into the Old Self. I am here with the Telosians and the Spiritual Hierarchy to assist each of you to not fall back into the Old Self. You may have moments in which you do. Yet when you also have realizations within yourself about what it is that is occurring for you, then you will be able to move yourself out of that space and not go there any longer.

It takes great effort. It takes a support system. It takes the ability to be vulnerable within yourself, even to yourself. Vulnerability is not only to others. It is the ability to allow yourself to feel and to accept the trauma of your Emotions to enfold within you so that you can heal and get through that doorway of Darkness. I share all this at this time, as with the Light Infractions coming into the Planet through the moment, you will have these moments. They are meant to bring more Frequencies of Light to be grounded within Gaia. Each of you are representatives of the Spiritual Hierarchy in human form. You must hold these Essences within yourself so that you can be stronger. Some would say “Well, we have already been going through this”, and you have. This whole year has been about that.

We titled this year “Grounding Unity”. What does that mean?


It means that you are bringing forth within your Physical Essence all aspects of your spiritual development to come into your Physical Body. Each of you is going through this process differently. That is the way it should be. The way you do it must be defined by you and your Higher Self, but we are here to assist. Walking Terra Christa is here to assist.

We provide these teachings to help you dive into a deeper part of yourself. Through the developmental stages, it will help you understand what you experiencing. Changes will be occurring. Your Energies will move into a different direction if you allow them to if you stay strict within yourself; if you stay stubborn and do not allow those Energies to move, you will be compounded with more Light Infractions making it more difficult for you. That is part of Universal Law.

Presently, this month is being aligned by the Hierarchy as what you desired in 2012. More individuals are now ready. More Grounding has occurred. Through Walking Terra Christa, we have provided so many teachings this year to assist you in this process. Go back to those teachings. Help yourself get through these doorways. You do not have to struggle. It is not necessary anymore. It is not all bad elements that are happening.

What is occurring presently is preparing you to be so much more grounded, so much more evolved than you have been previously. The reason being is that 2015 will be a year of extending your Sensitivity to others ~ maybe not in the physical sense, but in a general sense. There are so many others that are going to be awakened on deeper levels and needing the work you have been doing. The Strength comes in numbers. The Power of what is occurring presently is to allow you to hold the Frequency that you can, and not to go beyond that.

There will be more upcoming for each you.

Right now, what is the depth you can go to?

It is only measured by the fractals of Darkness that have been within you. When you begin to remove those, more Light Frequencies can come within your Physical Structure and you can hold them more deeply. As we know, that process is very transitionary and very challenging. I want it to be the best experience. So if you choose to, and not already doing so, call upon my Essence. Call upon the Telosian Energies and come to Telos in your sleep state to receive more assistance. If there is any other Masters you want to work with, ask them to be there. The City of Telos holds so many Masters of Light.

We are here to assist you to become the New Earth. We desire it as deeply as you do. We desire the ability to come up on the Upper Earth. I speak for all of the Inner Earth Cities around the world. Our time is coming. Each of you is being prepared in depth.

At this time, reflect upon what it is you need to do so that you can prepare yourself on a deeper level. Understand that you can only receive what you are able to contain within your Physical Essence. The Frequencies of Light that are occurring within this month, especially toward the end of the month, will be integrated with Multidimensional Frequencies of Light. You will be thankful for the work you have already been doing. It will prepare you to be more and to accept more.

I say to you, if you are already being challenged, this is why. This is what I am feeling from any of you. It is our Blessing to give to you the Peace, the exquisite Joy, the embodiment of Love that you are. You have chosen to be on the Upper Earth, but each of us walks with you. We are so excited for what you are creating. It has been longer than any of us had hoped. Yet we hope that this month will bring forth the Energetics within the Planet to assist so many more individuals; to assist governments, to assist cities, to assist corporations, to assist those Energies that have kept this Planet at bay. You are the ones that are truly doing it. I thank you from the bottom of my Heart.

Reflect upon this year and what it has meant for you. Go deeper within yourself. Hold it in a way you have never held it before. You are ready.

It is my Divine Pleasure to walk with you.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna.

This transmission is excerpted from the New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light Teaching, December 3rd, 2014.  To access these calls and MP3 downloads please see our website for details, Becoming a Student.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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Docking the Higher Self into the Physical Body ~ Lord Adama




It is I, Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light.

Hello, Hello,  Hello everyone.  Welcome.  I should say… you’re welcoming me instead of me welcoming you.

Let’s just take a breath.  Feel the energies of this day and what it represents for us to fully understand the integration that is happening to each of you, to each of us, within this planet; and how we assimilate the movement of the energies within our physical conditioning.

Each of you are striving to bring forth your Higher Consciousness into your Physical Consciousness.  Through this process you must purge through the Etheric Body and allow that Etheric Body to heal in multi-faceted ways.  You’re also working within your Emotional Body and your Mental Body so that you can be fully healed in all aspects of your Soul’s existence; all lifetimes, all experiences, all moments within and without a body.  That’s a pretty big tall order to allow this energy to become fully integrated and grounded upon this Earth as the Earth is changing.  This is what each of you is trying to do.

Whether you think about it or not, this is truly what your Higher Self (your Soul’s Essence) is working within you to help you understand the process; to accept the changes, and to walk through the challenges in order to receive the highest frequency and acceptability within your physical body that you can hold.  When we put it in those terms and have that understanding within our physical minds, it seems like a big advancement into a society that does not accept this level of understanding, which is very true.  I share it in that context to help you truly grasp within your physical mind what it is you are going through.

We talk about the words Ascension, De-ascending, Enlightenment, and Spiritual Advancement.  In truth, all these words represent one journey of allowing the part of you that was created in the very beginning to be remembered through your physical existence.  Let’s face it, as we leave the body we exit the body, and we move into those Higher Realms.  We have that Soul Body of Light, but yet the existence that you had in the physical body – you have remembrances of that but it is not like being in the physical body and trying to remember the Soul’s existence.  It is quite a journey to take.

It is important for each of you to have the conceptual understanding that each moment is going to change.  As your Higher Essence is trying to come more fully in the physical body, you have to make those necessary adjustments; otherwise it cannot happen.  This is what you are experiencing.  You are experiencing your physical body going through tremendous changes.

This is a powerful journey to begin with but then you add the frequency of GAIA shifting and her energies changing; that now you are personally feeling those frequencies of Light from the Sun, the Moon, and the planet shifting their alignment into the planet.  What you have known previously no longer holds to be true; but your foundation is being cracked.  It is part of your personal journey, your pathway for this to happen because otherwise you would not be in this space of knowing about the both worlds or all worlds coming together into Oneness, but it does not make it any easier.  What I want to assist you with this evening before we go into this beautiful City is for you to reflect deeply within your Heart.

What is your truth in this moment?

You connect within your Higher Self.  We all know that you are awakened.  Everyone is on a different level of that awakening.

What is your awakening telling you in this moment?

What is it that you need to embrace to assist you to go further into this pathway?

What you have done is stepped consciously into a world that you have been training for unconsciously for your Soul’s Essence.  Within that Soul’s Essence it’s an unconscious movement without a body; but within the consciousness that you hold within the development of your Light Body (your Merkabah) your frequency of Light without a Body – you have full consciousness of that moment.  When you come into the body, that changes.

The Physical Body is not meant, at this present time, to accept everything that the Soul Body is supposed to bring forth; so they have to come together.  There has to be a merging.  It is not just like a spaceship docking into the space station.  It is not a movement where it just happens and then it is altogether.  You have to try, and try, and try again.  All parts of the shuttle that you are commanding need to be in place.  They cannot all be in place until the totality of what you are experiencing is coming together.

So the first element that you are working through is your physical body accepting a new energy to come into it.  When you awaken and you decide that you want to meditate, that you want to relax, that you want to get into a higher state of consciousness, that is just the beginning.  Those are the trial periods of allowing that energy to come more fully into the physical existence.  Then when you come out of those meditations; you go back into that physical creation.

The more that you do the intentional meditation of those energies through your chakras and with the Rays of God, then that energy is going to surface into the physical body.

You get closer at allowing the docking element to become tighter.  It takes many, many, many times for this event to occur.  This is exactly what you are experiencing presently.  You are trying to dock with your Higher Self within the physical existence.  Your consciousness of your meditative state is a bridge between the Higher Self and the Physical Self to allow that to happen.  The most important element is to allow that consciousness to be fully within you.  It takes a lot of practice in order to do it consciously; we need physically, every day, every moment of your day.  This is why we urge you continually to allow these changes to occur.

So then what is happening to the physical body at this time?

The physical body has to heal in order to receive the higher frequencies of the Soul Body of Light.  It has to remove itself out of the 3rd dimensional construct, move into the higher levels of frequency so the Soul Body of Light can fully integrate within the Physical Body.  Then the Etheric Body that you are bringing forth into your Physical Body is housing many different elements, many timelines, many thought processes, many emotions that are from all the other lifetimes.  The ones that become more active are the ones that are very important.  You are trying to clear those elements at the same time which is a direct reflection in your Emotional Body and your Mental Body.  Those bodies have to be able to surrender onto the fact that they are going to integrate and not be separate entities any longer within your physical existence.

As you step upon the Mastery Pathway and walk through the initiations, these are the experiences that become very real.  I am putting it in very simple terms to help each of you understand this process that you are undergoing.  It is not an easy process and it is a continual one.  Every time you go through one initiation or a step of an initiation, you plateau for a while as the body accepts the Soul Body of Light.  Then you feel really peaceful and you feel the serenity.  You’re able to do things more easily.  It depends upon your Higher Self and what they want on the next step of that initiation phase.

Do you stay in that space for a while or do you move forward again?  And everything else in the environmental conditioning of the planet and others around you also represent the focus of how this is done, how quickly you do it, or how slowly you do it.

So my focus through this discussion in this moment is to allow each of you to understand more deeply within yourself what you are experiencing.

How is the docking going?

What is happening to you through the process?

What physical symptoms are resulting?

What emotional feelings and mental thoughts are occurring?

Do you feel closer to the process?

What needs to be looked at?

Do you need to go deeper into your childhood and release some past traumas or feelings that you are still holding on to?

Look at your relationships.  How do you interact with other people?

Do you allow the mirrors that you see in front of you to be cracked so that you can heal more deeply or do you continue your pathway the way that you always have been?

These are all very important thoughts to bring into your consciousness.  I bring these to the forefront this evening.

The choices that you make – what is it that you are feeling?

Is there a synchronous flow that is occurring within your world, or is it a very bumpy ride and you keep hitting blockages along the way?

It also represents the ability to allow your Higher Essence (your Higher Self) to be more of your Guide Post.  Your physical self can no longer walk the pathway as it had previously in an unawakened condition.  In an awakened condition, you are no longer just your physical self; you are so much more.  You are a part of us – that internalization of life; becoming that Multi-dimensional Being allowing those Essences to come into focus.  So you may be feeling a lot of different energies from many different levels in order for you to incorporate.

What it is that you need and what you don’t need?

I want to take you into a deeper part of yourself.

What is it that is in your core Essence in this moment?

Let’s do that now by taking a deep breath.

What are the first feelings or the thoughts that come up to you?

Allow your Higher Self to guide you not your physical mind because your physical mind may want to detour you away from the full capacity of this integration that you are experiencing.  As you breathe deeply into your Heart Essence, allow yourself to know that you are the truth from your Higher Essence.  You understand what that truth is but you cannot fully accept it until you are ready to receive it.  The physical mind has to be ready.  Let us allow the Physical Mind to accept the Higher Mind in this moment.  Let that flow within you.

You may already know what you need presently and what it is that you may need from another or from the depth of your soul.  This is a very important part of your acceleration of understanding your inner truth.  As we go forward, your inner truth will change.  The depth of your knowledge will come fully within you that will create the wisdom to be shared.

It’s a powerful time and we are in the power of these Essences that are occurring presently.  Every soul upon the planet will question what they are doing; when they do so, that is Illumination.  The Light is fully focused within the experience that is occurring.

My truth to each of you in this moment is the fact that I deeply want you to acknowledge a more in-depth part of yourself to be accepted.

It’s not coming from whom you know yourself as a physical person, not the person that you are related to physically within this physical body; it is your truth and your knowledge from your Higher existence.  Just allow those Essences That You Are to filter down through your Antakarana into your Heart Center.  Even if it’s just a small little portion of what you need to acknowledge, now is the time.

Doing this will assist you in finding more balance.  It is when you don’t take moments like this, that you will be hit by the bulldozer as some may say – the hand of God.  In truth, it’s the hand of your Higher Self saying,

When are you going to wake up?”  When are you going to realize that these truths are our truths together?

Step into it my friend and allow yourself to fully embrace all the changes That You Are to become the One That We Are.

Breathe in deeply and allow this Essence to flow within you.  It is my divine pleasure to be here with you as Lord Adama, your Brother from Telos.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Initiation No. 2 ~ Mastery over the Emotional Body

lotusawakeningThis initiation has to do with sacrifice and death of desire.  It is considered to be one of the hardest initiations for individuals to pass as it can take many lifetimes to achieve liberation over the Emotional body.

It is at this stage that an initiate starts to understand their emotional imbalances and wanting to do something about them.  It could entail issues of addictions in any form.  It is also the level that people start to want to work through their family issues, like Inner Child healing.

A person can find that their emotions start to flow more within them.  The three keynotes are dedication, glamour, and devotion.  First an initiate becomes dedicated to the pathway of healing the emotional self which results in glamour.  Many people may stay in this space as the lower ego is represented at this level.  But through great diligence the energy of the emotional body is motivated through devotion to continue through the pathway.  The emotions are brought under control and an individual starts to have self realization.

The most important element of this initiation is to continue through great devotion to the Higher Self.  Meditation becomes an important part of an initiate’s reality; thus, the higher self becomes more of the deciding factor.  All of these elements then result in freedom as there is an inner control that results as selfish tendencies of the lower self is attained.  It may be at this stage where an initiate starts to work with the chakras of the body especially with colors which brings in the Science of the Rays of God.  The rays represent the spectrum of light from the Elders Surrounding the Throne of Grace (from the Cosmic Level).  Working with the rays and the chakras will help an individual process the emotional trauma that may have occurred in their lives.  It is also important to realize that the Etheric body comes into play with the emotional body (also with the mental in the next initiation) as the blockages of the emotional body can be activated through physical conditions.  They need to be healed on both levels and not just within the physical.

This is a stage where addictions come into play to be fully healed.  An individual may find themselves in a situation where they must look at their addictive reactions in their life; sometimes the Universe assists for this awareness to come into full creation.  When an initiate is not ready to look at their problem, they can fall back into the 1st Initiation as it is not uncommon at all for this to occur.  The real work needs to be done on this level which may include working with decrees, affirmations, and learning how to meditate to connect with the Higher Self.  This is an imperative stage as the lower self cannot do the work on their own; so the Higher Self becomes more readily accessible to assist especially when it sees an improvement in the initiates desire to make the necessary changes.

Inner Child work can become a very important element and is an essential component to fully accessing the Higher Essence.  Many of the lower thought forms within the childhood issues result in the Lower Ego staying intact.  The Higher Ego must be accessed in the 7th initiation but preferably on the lower levels.  Many lightworkers do not realize the importance of this work and planetary ascension cannot be achieved without it.

When an individual achieves the completion of the 2nd Initiation, they attain a sense of balance within the emotional body; thus, when situations arise they work through their inner power to create balance and harmony within their emotions.  This is an important phase for individuals that are very sensitive as the emotional body can be in an imbalanced state.  It is when an individual can learn to utilize psychic protection to enhance the emotional level so as not to be completely affected by other’s energies.  We have to remember when we have an issue with someone it is usually due to elements that are blocked within ourselves and acts as a trigger to allow the healing to happen.  As the emotional body is healed, then an individual can learn what their issue is and what belongs to someone else.  This is when the true freedom occurs.

We have added a special visualization on Inner Child Enlightenment which will help to start a dialogue with an individual’s Inner Child.  We hope you enjoy.  We are also starting a program on INNER CHILD ENLIGHTENMENT 12-10-13.  For information on this 6-class program, please see our information page,


©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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