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Mastery Thought of the Day

light waterNever forget that your worth comes from the Source of Light that You Are. 


You are a child of this Source and of Divine Mother and Father God. 




You are worthy as you are God’s Light and the Eternal Self. 


The negative ego will tell you that you have to do something to have worth.  This is not true at all and should not be a belief that you embrace. 



©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 



The Other Side ~ Part 3 ~ Telosian Way of Being

TWOB Other Side

Now let us look at the male side, the analytical side.  The first aspect that we would like to look at with the thought processes is within the male energy:

  • Are you able to have your own power?
  • Can you speak up for yourself?
  • Do you allow yourself to do this in your physical world?
  • Or are you afraid to speak and show who you are?

Many individuals that are highly emotionally balanced have a tendency to only speak up until the time is very crucial and then what comes out, is only emotion.  So that can cause a problem.

  • How are you analytically?
  • Do you think about things too much?
  • Do you worry consistently?
  • Do you worry about everyone else?
  • Do you think that no one likes you?
  • Do you think, think, think too much.

There needs to be a balance within these aspects.  The male side has this tendency because he is the one that has ideas but what happens is that these ideas have a tendency to stay within that male energy.  The other thing is that you over analyze everything that you do.  It is important to think about and go back and say, “I did this at this time, I did this at that time, did I put it in perfect order.” This creates a pattern of going back criticizing themselves.  Criticism is a very strong facet for the male energy.

So as we move from the physical self we want to move into more of a personality.  What is your personality in your mental?  You can have a good mental level and be strong in your work.  Say that you’re an accountant by profession or you’re good at tasking.  A lot of administrative people are good in their mental level, because they can organize and put things in perfect order but does this go the other way.  Are you too overly fastidious about putting everything in order, not allowing things to flow because within this we want a fluidness to occur too.  So what happens within this is, as we get into the spiritual aspect of the mental level, of the Masculine Divine, those energies and those thought processes come in but then they are handed to the Feminine side to create it.  What happens most of the time is that side of the body does not receive those messages because the male part wants control.

Another aspect is, a person that is overly critical and overly in control of themselves will be very critical to others.  So what you’re feeling inside of yourselves is going to react outside of yourself.  These are the aspects we want to bring.  We totally want to bring forth, the parts of ourselves of the male and the female to be in balance, because we cannot bring them together without knowing the aspects that need to be realigned.  So let’s look at some other parts that can occur.

Let’s say that you’re in a work situation and you’ve tried to do your best but things do not go as well as you would have liked to, your mind was on something else, and you just couldn’t concentrate, maybe you were too tired, maybe you were too stressed out and your boss or your co-worker criticizes you.  What happens in that criticism for you personally is that an individual that is an emotionally-based person would totally take it all on and would say it was completely his fault.  The mentally-based person would be over analytical and go back and look at all little details that occurred to see what the problem is, would still blame himself.  We want is to have a balance within those elements by reflection on them, and say, “Well this is what occurred, I was going through stressful times, I was not balanced within myself” and instead of becoming angry you give it to the feminine side, the emotional side of the body and allow a release to occur.

So the best way for the release to occur is to not hold on to this element that happened in your life and not worry about that consistently.  You do something for yourself that will release it.  An emotional person would cry about it.  Another problem would be addiction, you would drink, you would use some drugs, would go shopping, or you would eat food; whatever that addiction is in your personality, which would represent acting out an overly critical personality trait.  A balanced personality would do something nurturing for themselves.  Maybe it’s just to relax, have a glass of wine, some candles, have a bath, maybe talk it out with a friend or take a walk or go running as long as it is not something in excess.  Do some exercise which will help you to start to feel the balance.  This is what we want each of you to understand.

I’m going to use Christine as an example again because I’m right in her head so these thoughts are coming up.  Her last position as an Administrative Coordinator, she was working on a proposal and she was the proposal coordinator putting the proposals together and there were two proposals being done in 24 hours, a massive job for all the people that were involved but very, very critical for her because she was the end result of those proposals getting in the right format.  There were a couple of mistakes that were made.  She was criticized very deeply for that and in the process what occurred is that she had a car accident the month before and was totally not in the state she had been previously as she went through a transformation in that car accident.  Her spiritual body was becoming more active in her physical body, so it created these elements to happen eventually for her to no longer to be at that job but in the process of this, she was no longer considered the perfect employee that she was previously.  Her mental levels were not fully focused; so what did she do for herself? ~ This helped to create the balance within her life.  Previously in many years before if this might have happened to her, she probably might have cried, probably would have been upset, probably would have wanted to have a confrontation with the higher-ups and talk about how sorry she was but no discussion was ever made.  They just criticized her and talked about her behind her back which she knew, so what did she do?  She let it go and said, “I’m transforming.  I can’t do anything about it.  And it’s going to open up other doorways for me to no longer be at this shop because this is truly what I wanted to be.” This is a balanced self.  What she did was she slept, she took a bath, and she relaxed and when she went back to work, she only stayed for a couple of hours and when she had interaction with her supervisor, it was not of a detriment.  She allowed herself to be Ok.  When communication needed to be done, she spoke about what had happened to her and they didn’t receive it very well.  She was fine with the way that it happened.  This shows a balanced personality of the Masculine and the Feminine.  Previously she would not have had that reaction, so this shows the transformation she had gone through.

I’ve just used this as an example, and I am sure each of you have your own examples where in previous circumstances, you would have reacted completely different than you’re reacting now.  This is the process we want.  The main thing about this course is Awareness.  We fully want each of you to be aware of how you are acting in certain situations and that you’re not taking on something that is not yours.  This is what happens a lot of times also that we take on too much energy.  The individuals are all part of something that occurs between them.  On the Upper Earth this is very difficult because your inner workings and your living in your community is so much different than what we experience.  This would never have happened on our level because there is open communication continually; we look at each other as Divine Beings and we don’t criticize others.  We all fully understand each other.  Each of you have a more difficult task because where there is an interaction, there is a great misunderstanding because individuals are at so many different levels in consciousness and awareness.

Each of you on this series and on this pathway is stepping ahead, and we are giving you tools to assist others.  They are going to come behind you and you’re going to need to work with them.  Many of you are working with the inner earth cities, so this is going to be very important because you are the first people that these individuals are going to see.  We have to live by example; if we can’t live by example, then we can’t live together at all, because individuals may come and see that you are not living by their rules and standards.  How can they understand to do it for themselves?  They will try to weave in and out through deceit, dishonesty, not being trustworthy, and this creates the dysfunction that you’re all dealing with now.  So we’re trying to right many eons and eons when these traits have occurred.

So let’s move on with the program.  This gives you the basics of what you need to look at and how each of your aspects of the Masculine and the Feminine can blame each other.  They may not come out and say, “I blame you”, inside of yourself or probably you may have said,” I am too emotional or I am too analytical”.  So that is the blaming that occurs.  You are taking on that criticism.  It’s an inner criticism that is occurring within you, which causes the other side to feel deflated.  If you can think of your male and female actually being separate personalities within yourself, they can create this.  Many of you have conversations between both and you have gone back and forth and battered between them.  This is also a sign of imbalance because what we want to do is we want to stop that process.  We want to stop those lower energies, that criticism, that doubt, and the insecurities; because what happens is that the emotional body takes on the other one.  So if your emotional body isn’t in the spiritual level, what happens is that it will be infiltrated within the physical part of your body.  It’s going to be internalized.  If you cannot access it through the emotional body then that part of yourself, the feminine aspect shuts down and says, “Well, I don’t want to listen.”

The same thing can happen with the masculine energy when the mental body doesn’t want to listen.  When the mental level wants all that chatter and does not want to stop, continually, continually, continually, continually, continually, then there’s a shutting down that occurs.  This is when it goes in the cellular structure and different parts of your body.

So I also want you to think about where you may have physical pain and how it manifests within you.  I also want you to be very aware when these elements occur for you, if you receive physical pain immediately because that is representative of the thought process, the action that happened or the reaction or the interaction with someone else and then you immediately internalize it within yourself.  We totally want to have a full body system that is very healed and we fully need to understand these thought processes and these emotional feelings that occur and not allow them to be like falling into quicksand.  Think of your body as quicksand and these elements occurring as they just seep right into the physical structure.  It seems like it takes a very long time for them to become unstuck which is true.  This is the process that each of you is going through.  So this now concludes our discussion part.  We will now assist you with this process with the attunements.

The Telosian Way is a 10-week course hosted by Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos and available for MP3 download,.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Grounding the Energies of Wesak into the Festival of Humanity ~ A Personal Dissertation from Meleriessee

It’s been awhile since I have shared personally about the present energies, but I am being guided by the Team of Light (Walking Terra Christa’s spiritual guidance through the Hierarchy and the Unified Whole) especially by Lord Adama to express from our perspective of the energetic changes.  As many of you know, we reside in Mt. Shasta amongst very magical energies which can also make you feel as if you are living with Merlin the Magician in times of old or residing in Lemuria when we experienced challenges and beautiful moments of expression.  Mt. Shasta is the Root Chakra of the Earth so we experience it all right here.

Since the onset of the Wesak energies we have experienced quite a bit of intensity in our lives.  We live very simply and most of the times are quarantined from many others due to the acceleration we are experiencing.  Lord Adama with the Telosians walk with us through this process as he explains we are learning how to live their way of life but being on the Upper Earth.

Since the Great Divine Director has shared in our Monday evening call of the Clarion Temple of Oneness that “the veil between the worlds of spirit and earth are very thin at this time so more interaction is going to occur,” it became a reality for us of why we have experienced the challenges in our lives.  During our Wesak Retreat we found that individuals needed to clear old timelines for their acceleration so there was an enormous amount of Shamanic work that we had to do as a group and individually.  We learned about a lifetime we experienced here in Mt. Shasta when we were Native Americans as we were walking down the pathway by the lake.  It all happened so synchronistically with each individual, and we were able to clear on this day including Michael and myself who were the facilitators.  That was just the beginning for the three days we spent with one another, and it became increasingly powerful for each individual to do their own clearing.  It was exhausting for us and thank you for dearest, Sade, who was here as a participant but also understands the shamanic way was of great assistance.

I share all of this because now that it has been almost a month since the Wesak Ceremony and Retreat we have had ample time to regenerate and understand the process that we have been going under to prepare for the next stage of light incorporating upon the planet.  We have been in the process of fully integrating the next level of light quotient within our physical existence and start to realize our new beginnings.  I love Wesak because it is such a time of great change.  The changes this year have happened immediately.  That can sometimes be very challenging physically, but this shows the acceleration that the planet is experiencing by our own individual experiences.

Through this process we have learned to accept a higher dimensional reality within our living situation which is within our home and on the land that we reside upon.  We were asked to create a higher frequency of protection that would help us to elevate our experience as the changes within our bodies was adjusting to the increased awareness of light.  The work that we do is always connected with the Unified Whole and the Beings within that energy that require Oneness.  The Arcturians and the Inter-galactic Federation stepped forward to assist us with this process along with Archangel Michael, Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma with Saint Germain and Lady Portia, Paul the Venetian, Lord Buddha, and many others.  We were asked to increase the potential within our home environment to that of a 10th dimensional energy to give us the availability to work with them more directly and create a space of pure love and light.

We found through this process that as the veil was becoming thinner our interaction with all of them was much stronger on a physical reality.  This, in turn, caused the lower energies to try and interfere with this process which has caused some moments of great challenge but it is our role as leaders of this work to step into the process first and foremost.  We found that other energies outside of our personal environment were very debilitating and caused us to react in a lower-energy frequency.  We have finally come to a point where the clearing has occurred and are settling down into a comfortable experience and not being bothered in our sleep state by nightmares or being chased by dark energies.  We learned through this process that we could command it was our sovereign right to experience only higher forces of light and not be bothered.  We worked diligently with the Unified Whole and Master Thoth who assisted us through this process of ridding our subconscious of the programming of the past. Please understand that this took great diligence, courage, and foresight on both of our parts to assist each other with Sage, clearing salt, essential oils of sage and hyssop, and continually taking cleansing showers with vinegar, Epsom salt, and baking soda to make the necessary changes along with accessing the higher energies within our sacred space with the help of the Unified Whole.

Normally, I would not share these personal experiences but was guided to do so to help others in their transitionary phase of allowing the Love and Light quotient to be raised within the body.  We are becoming crystalline light but each individual must go through an intense training and clearing process to get to that point.  We have many timelines of the past that can get in the way of our acceleration from a soul’s perspective so it is important to be diligent through these changes we are going through.  Many of our past timelines have been on the dark side even though we do not want to think that we were and that is the greatest challenge when you face these Beings in your sleep to command that you are now fully in the Light.  It could only be one lifetime you experienced that essence but it will haunt you until you fully stand up with courage to command the Light to be within you.

This brings me back to the energies of Wesak and the Festival of Humanity.  It is during this transitionary time that we are accelerating greatly and learning to command new aspects within our physical existence.  Before we experience the Festival of Humanity we are going to step into the Solstice.  No matter where you are located in the world the energetic doorway is going to open to allow each of us to blend our essence of the Super-Conscious, Sub-Conscious, and Conscious minds together as our Higher Self’s are being given a golden opportunity to allow this blending to occur.  The Great Divine Director shared this message in the New Earth Frequency Update on June 18th which explains the process.

From my intuitive knowledge I see this as a doorway of light for every participant upon the planet to accept the newer reality from their Higher Self.  Not everyone is going to be able to blend the three minds immediately, but it means that the programming of the Sub‑Consciousness can now be rectified into the pure essence of your Highest Self.  Previously we have had to walk this pathway alone, each initiate, and not being able to access it except through great diligence, hard work, and extreme life challenges.  The process that we are going to be experiencing is beyond our comprehension and will be on an individual basis, but every life form of the planet has the ability to experience the heightened awareness within themselves that is going to expand in all directions through the land of GAIA.  This is also going to assist in the programming done by lower forces within the planet as elements are going to become out of the closet so to speak.  The power of the Light is going to be increased and the darkness either comes into Oneness or will cease to exist.  IT IS A BEGINNING for what each of us on this pathway has wished to happen.

My advice to the initiates is to take inventory of your experiences in the last three weeks.  Look at the challenges with the highs-and-lows of your life presently.  Remove what does not fit in your world and accept the changes that you are feeling presently.  Continually work with raising your light and love quotient and doing the protective measures for yourself, your sacred space, and wherever you go.  The forces of darkness are loosing but they are still fighting so we need to be diligent.  I also believe that if you do not move forward because of another person or situation that you think you still need that is impeding your progress, the journey will be longer for you.  We are being given a beautiful opportunity to accept our Divine Creation in what the Great Divine Director calls, ONE MOMENT IN TIME.

As we take the energies from the Solstice for the entire day and embrace it within us, it is going to help us heal the wounds from our past and the elements that have been blocking us.  It is also a time of great manifestation of our desires to become fully grounded as we walk into the next phase.  The Festival of Humanity occurs on the 23rd of June just two days after the Solstice.  This is a day of celebration as we are acknowledging what we have learned and accept it as a responsibility of our contract with Earth.  We will be having a special ceremony for the Festival of Humanity on Monday, June 24th.  Please see Walking Terra Christa for details,
.  We are also doing a call for the Solstice on June 19th, 2013.  A recording will be available under the same link listed above.

Usually it takes three months for the energies of Wesak to become manifested within our world, and we understand as initiates exactly what we have learned through the experience.  This year is quite different, and it is due to the energetic changes within the planet but more importantly, it is the fact that WE ARE READY TO RECEIVE IT.

The Spiritual Hierarchy is so very excited to be more present in our world, but we must work within ourselves to receive their love within us.  Many individuals may think that because you are interested in an ascended master that they should appear to you to help you on the pathway.  Now this has happened for many individuals.  We have read about them through the years, but it is usually when an individual is in dire need of assistance and that assistance can not be received in any other way, or that initiate has a special gift to share with others and they are not stepping into it on their own (perfect example, Guy Ballad with Saint Germain).  Those of us that are very intuitive, psychic, and have strong visionary skills have a tendency to already be working with the ascended beings and they do not necessary need to appear to us for teaching; this usually happens when they want to thank us for the work that we have been doing.  I have met many along the way of my pathway but most of the time, they do not speak, but acknowledge me for my work.  It has been a moment in time for me as I realized after the fact of who they were.

So now the Moment in Time is going to happen on a global basis when we will be walking with each of the beautiful beings of Light in Spirit and they with us to walk into the New Earth.  It is a very exciting time but not without its challenges in many ways.  Please commend yourself for stepping into this world of the unknown so that we can make it known for everyone to experience.

In Expressions of Oneness,

I AM Meleriessee

Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery

New Earth Frequency Update ~ A Moment In Time

New Earth Frequency UpdatePlanetary Level ~ Meleriessee

It’s been awhile since we have put out an update.  My personal role within the Planetary level is going to change.  I am being guided to share a small portion to create a foundation from the Unified Whole, and will be writing other material to speak about the shifting of consciousness that is occurring.  This is a direct result of the increased energies since we experienced Wesak in late May as there are always new directions to follow.

The Wesak energies for the planet and the entire spiritual hierarchy is bringing us closer together.  Wesak is always a powerful time as we arise to a new level of consciousness as we are working through the initiations.  This year it is happening on a global and cosmic level beyond proportions that may be challenging to understand within the physical mind.  We are still in the integration of the energies as we move towards the Festival of Humanity on the full moon occurring June 23rd, 2013.  We are learning to ground the energies of the Wesak which represented the Three-Fold Flame being activated within GAIA.  The Festival of Humanity is a celebration of our light together as we now take what we have learned and share it with others.  (If you would like to join us for a powerful ceremony on June 24th, please see our website,  This call is open to all individuals and should be very powerful.)

But the next most important date we are going to experience is the Solstice which is celebrated for summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere).  There is a very special doorway opening to allow the energies of the Three-Fold Flame to be grounded more fully.  The Great Divine Director shared in our Monday evening meditation, “The Clarion Light Beings of Oneness,” about the new accessibility of the Three Minds of the Conscious, Sub-conscious, and Super-Conscious to now blend together within each individual and within humanity along with the entire God Force.  This is the first creation of Oneness to be felt that is coming from the Source of Oneness.  (Note, you may access the recordings of the Clarion Temple by registering on our website on a call-by-call basis or within our Membership Program,  We will also be having a special Solstice ceremony on Wednesday, June 19th in preparation for the event.  This can also be accessed via the link shown above, Tele-calls.  It is open for everyone to attend.)

I will write more about the details of how this is occurring but it is very exciting for everyone.  This is a doorway that will not close, and we now have the accessibility to be in full creation with the Source upon the planet as she changes her frequency into the higher levels of existence.  The Solstice of June will truly be a powerful celebration of this occurrence.


COSMIC Level ~ Unified Whole Command


It is with extreme pleasure that we speak to you on this day.  I am the Great Divine Director with Master Thoth and Master Einstein at your service.

The full integration of the higher realms is becoming closer as we move through the year of 2013.  The energies of the Wesak Moon in May of 2013 were not only a very powerful doorway for initiates to move through their physical conditions and accept their higher essence in the way that is designed through their Higher Self but it was so much more.

The veil between the spiritual dimensions and the earth dimensions are becoming very thin.  This has given is a very powerful opportunity to move through the creations of Light to work with each of you more personally.  It is also an opportunity for our essences to come together in unity not just as the Spiritual Hierarchy but as each of our essences come into wholeness so are yours.  This becomes a very powerful moment in history as it has never occurred before.

The realms of light came fully into wholeness during the December activations in 2012.  This has allowed us to speak to you from the frequency of the 144th dimension but also access all timelines that have kept us separated.  We arrived closer during the Spring Equinox when the phase of resurrection was very powerful to remove old aspects that did not fit our highest purpose.  Many of you have been challenged during this process in order to understand more from your Higher Self and Higher Mind.

It is also a time of great inter-galactic wars as the energies that are coming closer to you have caused the warriors of the darkness to be separating from your existence.  So there have been many battles ensuing around the planetary structure to try and keep you in bondage.  You may have noticed within yourself of having to be very diligent in your practices of higher frequency to maintain the equilibrium that you have experienced previously.  There is an active energy that is working doubly hard to stop you from fully experiencing the joy and light that is part of your heritage from the old worlds.  We share this knowledge not to create fear but to help you understand that there may be moments when you have had to fully utilize all of your tools to maintain your equilibrium.  We have been standing with you to help you through these processes as the time is coming when their attacks will become less and less.

The Solstice occurring on June 21st, 2013 is going to be such an event as we are coming more into Oneness with each of you.  This means that the individuals upon the Earthplane that are awakened will be asked to step forward and accept their role in the history of this planet of becoming more involved in light energies to occur.  We need each of you to find your place of happiness within your heart and hold onto it with a clear perception as there is a doorway that is being ignited on this date starting at sunrise, your local time zone and continuing through sunset.  This means that each of you will be able to accept your role in the history of this planet to be accelerated into more light particles.  As you become a conductor of this light frequency, the doorway will be expanded beyond your own fields of light to other fields around you.  It is like a domino effect that will be occurring.  As you are a conductor of the light incorporating within you, you can expand this frequency around you within the planetary system of the lands, waters, environmental structures that house the people, animals, minerals, and all living organisms of GAIA.  You don’t have to do anything but JUST BE.

We are calling this juncture of time as A Moment in Time.  This means that during this entryway the NO TIME ZONE is going to exist for every living being upon the Earth.  It is the reflection of the Higher Self to be acknowledged in all existence being ONE.  During this phase another doorway is being opened as the THREE MINDS will blend as ONE.  This means that the Super-Consciousness of the Higher Self will blend with the Sub-Consciousness to create the higher thoughts into the Conscious Mind.  The three circles will become one Unity of Light.  Now this entryway into the Three-Minds of Integration will be open continuously and will not close.  It is a window of opportunity to allow Oneness to merge within all three minds of creation.

This means that those that have not been working on their subconscious thoughts will have moments of reflection of their own light but it may cause some energies to arise.  There may be feelings of disbelieve and the old aspects can erupt during the process.  The individuals that hold a higher Light Quotient will be able to accept the merging of these essences much easier.  It will be a process for each individual to accept in their own pathway and life circumstance.

It is imperative at this time on the Solstice to be in a very high state of conditioning.  Utilize your meditative tools, high vibrational work, and if possible, gather together in groups to assist each other in the process while helping GAIA to accept these energies.  It is a day in which individuals can arise to their highest purpose but it will be felt within the physical body.  Just thinking about the beauty, joy, and bliss will not make it so.  This energy is going to assist individuals to heal their ill thoughts, dis-ease within the body, and to accept their role within their personal existence.

Those that are within their third dimensional self and very unaware will have the most challenging moments.  This energy is going to assist everyone to move into a higher state of existence so the ones that are following glamour in their lives, using individuals for their own gain, think only of monetary gain or self-gain in relation to others will be deeply challenged.  It is time for every individual to accept their role upon this Earth.  Every person has accepted this contract before entering the Earth but many have forgotten.

This event is going to be magnificent and it will continue through the summer months but at a lesser degree depending upon your intent to work or not work with it.  It will help to create the manifestation laws to become more existent and the Universal Laws to be fully actualized as Supreme Beings that you are.  It is a grand opportunity for many individuals to step into their desired awareness that will assist the process of their enfoldment that has been occurring.  Those that have been struggling can move their essence through this doorway as they will see that changes will result in a very positive manner.  Again, we stress, that you must work with the frequency of light as going against it will be a detriment to your reality.

Every person is being asked to step up and claim their Divine Right as Sovereign Beings to accept their role presently.  But it comes with great responsibility which first is within the Self.  The power of this energy will help you to move mountains in your life, find your love that has been lost, and help you to accept your present circumstances that need to be changed.  We must find wholeness within ourselves first and foremost.  This, then, creates Oneness within each other.

We honor every one of you for accepting this role.  This is a phase that we are happy to share with you.  Many times it is difficult expressing the changes that each of you are going to be experiencing.  This moment we can say “What you ask for, you will receive.”  It is time to accept the Golden Ring of opportunity that will take you on a journey of self discovery.  We have a long way until the Earth changes into this essence, but we are finally able to say, “Our journey together has begun.”

It is our pleasure to connect with each of you in Oneness as we fully accept our Light upon each other in the Source of Creation.

We are the Unified Whole Command at your service.

In the Name of Oneness, Unity is our expression of Light.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 


Mastery Tool of the Day



Call forth Archangel Metatron and his Rod of Initiation and ask him to use his rod for Light Quotient building and ascension activation.

Please know that when you request this activation, it can speed up the process of your initiation steps. When that happens, the old has to die and may cause periods of death/rebirth experiences in order to receive the higher frequency of Light. We suggest you only do this when you feel you need assistance in what you are experiencing in your pathway. Balance is the key to all of the steps of initiation. Work with your Higher Self to make sure that he/she is in agreement of what you want to do in relation to your initiation process.





©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Mastery Tool of the Day


 The Matrix Removal Program is a Divine dispensation from the Creator that allows senior members of the Spiritual Hierarchy within Wholeness to actually pull out your core fear patterns right out of your subconscious mind and four-body system (physical, etheric, emotional, and mental).   Clairvoyantly these can be seen as black roots with many tentacles through the body being pulled out in the same way we use the Platinum Net for protection.  When the roots are pulled out and removed, as through a vacuum sucking them rough out of your crown chakra, they are completely removed from your soul records. (Dr. Joshua David Stone)

We, at Walking Terra Christa, suggest that you call upon Master Thoth of the Unified Whole to assist in this process.  Additionally, working with Master Djwhal Khul will assist in balancing the psychological issues associated with the removal of the core fear.  When you call upon these Masters to work with you, you are removing all aspects of your fear in your Soul’s history not just this lifetime.  So this is a very powerful tool to use.  You may utilize it at any time or before you go to sleep.  We also suggest that you call upon the Unified Whole by this request:


Count upwards to 10, then increments of 10 to 140, then 141-142-143-144.

You may feel the removal of the fear being removed as you are counting.  Call upon Master Thoth or Djwhal Khul to assist.  When you are finished, count back down to “5” for the 5th dimensional level and ground the energies into your Earth Star through your Root Chakra.  Say, 000-144-000, UNIFIED WHOLE OFFLINE.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Mastery Thought of the Day


Have implicit faith, trust, and patience in the

Source of Light, God and the Universal

Laws of Creation.



©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

New Earth Frequency Update ~ Embracing the Rebirth of the Self

New Earth Frequency Update


We are right within a very powerful conjunction of the planets and the moon phases so this week is going to take each of us into a new and powerful cycle of our lives.  Wesak is upon us which is always a very accelerating time but then we are gifted with a Lunar Eclipse with the Full Moon on May 25th at 9:25 AM Pacific US, 4:25 PM GMT.

The energies this week represent the balance between the lower mind and higher mind which is in alignment with Wesak.  This year’s theme of the Wesak energies is “The Three Fold Flame of GAIA” as she will be balancing her mental and feminine aspects of Will, Love, and Power.  This will mirror unto each of us to go deeper into our own soul’s essence to allow the energies to enfold within us.  It is time to fully command the Higher Essence of our Divine Self to become manifest into our physical realities.

We have been preparing for this energy since the beginning of this year as it represents Synchronization.  This is not an easy process as we have to get very real with our feelings and thoughts so that they are transmuted into the pure essence that We Are.  Many of us don’t understand what that can feel like as it has never occurred upon this Earth previously in such mass consciousness.  Every individual person is feeling something different about themselves in order for them to awaken to their Truest Self.  The individuals that do not do so will go deeper into their duality of the dark and light within as the Light cannot shine brightly without the essence of integrating into all parts of the Self.  The fourth dimension represents that duality and this is exactly what we have been experiencing in our lives and in our world.  It takes great courage and understanding to continue deeper into the self realization of Divine Light enfolding within the physical structure.

We will learn through the ensuring energies around us that we are thinking and acting differently.  We want to feel the serenity and joy we deserve with a greater capacity to accept an abundant life in all areas of our life.

This is exactly what we can accomplish at this time.  The power of Gemini versus Sagittarius will challenge us in the realms of being in the moment against wanting to forge ahead.  If we take these two energies and combine them in the same essence, then we can do both.  Action needs to preceded by meditative thoughts and not necessarily stepping ahead before all the elements have been put into place.  If we understand these energies from this perspective, then we are working through our Higher Mind being integrated into the Lower Mind.  No parts of the self will be lost as there will be a blending effect that occurs.  So take the time to acknowledge your Higher Self blending within the Lower Self and you will understand what it means to acknowledge your own Three-Fold Flame of Will, Love, and Power.

As the Wesak energies have been preparing us for these steps, our Higher Self comes into our full Beingness.  As trainees on the Mastery Pathway, we go through many levels of initiations that help us walk through new doorways of reality.  Wesak is the most powerful spiritual ceremony of the year as we follow Lord Buddha in his footsteps of accelerating our teachings of being an Ascended Master or Being upon the Earth.  We celebrate Lord Buddha’s ascension but that mirrors right back to us as we proclaim within ourselves the next step of our spiritual evolution within the physical existence.

So we will change through the process; even if you are not fully aware of your pathway of light upon this Earth.  This process is becoming stronger each month throughout each year.  We will move into the 5th dimensional physical reality but it takes hard work and diligence to not fall back into our old habits.  This is a perfect time to look at your traits and see what fits your reality now versus to what was for you before.  The power of this week cannot be put into words.  It can only be acknowledged through each person’s reality and what they are going to experience.  But believe me, whatever you intend the God Force will hear you because it is our destiny to walk as enlightened beings into the New Earth of Terra Christa.

GAIA will assist us and in turn, we will assist her in this process.  We are living in a spiritual revolution where individuals are finally turning to their highest essence for answers.  This is the power of our Light into our physical reality.  So take some time and understand what you are going through.  Then call upon your guidance, Higher Self, and I AM Presence to guide you in the right direction.



It is a beautiful week, and we are happy to convey this message to each of you.  The birth of a New You is about to begin, and we want to offer a celebratory message for you.

2013 has been the most crucial and challenging year upon the history of this planet.  There have been moments of great darkness and despair as well as experiencing the highest level of vibrational exchanges available upon the planet.  That is the beauty of this time as we all need to reflect deeply on our humble beginnings to find our humble expressions of a soul that has traveled many lifetimes through timelines that would only be reflected in a science fiction movie.  You have experienced many facets of your lives in a way that has been ordained from the essence of only the I AM Presence can give.  There is no reason or understanding of what you have endured but only that it is part of the journey.

Reflection has been a word that we have used consistently throughout this year and that is not going to change.  It is an important factor to remember when we are acknowledging our true self to become manifest.  We must compare what we are feeling to what we felt in the past.  It helps each of us to be molded into the present moment so that there are no repeats of the energy or situations in the future moments.  Each of us is molding our present from the experiences of our past to embrace our future.

We speak in these tones of the “we” at this time because this is not a lesson, but truly, a Circle of Oneness.  What each of you experience, we endure.  Wesak represents the time of community when like-minded souls come together to celebrate their challenges and accomplishments to prepare for more of the same.  As a master-in-training, you must realize that is what you are experiencing.  Life cannot be created within Oneness without first looking back and realizing what the previous moments have meant to a great master.  It is part of the training to understand the process of hurting, healing, and embracing the pathway.

This Wesak is especially important due to the year of 2013 but also with the powerful eclipses that the planet has experienced.  The Lunar Eclipse of this month will be a culmination of the energies just as Wesak represents each of us coming together in celebration.  It is a time of complete integration of the Masculine and Feminine Divine.  We know that we have shared about these energies before but it goes to a much deeper level as we experience each new vibrational change in the planetary structure.

It is now time to reflect into whom we have become and what we are going to do with the changes that have resulted from the situations that we have encountered.  If we understand the fact that in order to move forward, we need to understand what we are experiencing presently, then it becomes a flowing movement.  There is no need to worry or be concerned with what is occurring.  We learn to move forward from each moment to the next.  It is the Ebb and Flow of Life.

When this comes from the perspective of the Mastery, there is no question in what you are experiencing.  It is all part of the process of living within these energies of fluidness.  It is beauty and reflection at its best creation.

We are all being borne once again in the ebb and flow.  As Lord Buddha releases his old aspects from the previous year, he moves to a new position within his power.  Each of you is doing the same, and We, of the ascended beings of Light, are also participating.  Wesak is not just about the physical form.  We, within the Unified Whole, have just walked into Oneness by removing our old Pantheons of our pasts.  We utilize the knowledge of those past creations, but we do not center upon them.  We are honored to walk with each of you at this time.

It is our Creation Upon this Earth together, and it is our Divine Pleasure to walk with each of you.  Be strong in your convictions and intentions; the power of the energy presently will allow you to grow deeper and create your lives to be in complete harmony with joy and compassion as your guideposts.  Experience this event as your re-birthing process into your new world of creation.  We re-create each Wesak and now is the time for you to join us in the manifestation of a New World with Love, Joy, Responsibility, and deep conviction for the Light that You and We Are.

Blessings and Joy for a beautiful Wesak experience.

We are One with each of you in this moment and all moments forward.

The Unified Whole Command representing the Oneness Consciousness of the All.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a special Wesak Ceremony in Mt. Shasta; individuals may request that their name and location be put on our altar for the celebration.  Please email us at MelandMike @ Walking Terra to be added to the group consciousness.  We are also providing an MP3 file for the recorded meditations both morning and afternoon; details are available on our event, (individuals in our Membership Program will have access to these recordings).

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 

KNOWING – Telosian Way of Being ~ Part 2

TWB Knowing

Let’s take a deep breath.  And as we take that deep breath, I want you to just breathe and feel your Merkabah vehicle spinning in a clockwise manner and feel yourself moving through all the essences, feeling through the frequencies of light as we are going to move out of the Earthplane into the Etheric Earth.  We are going to feel ourselves coming together like a magnet as we are going to see ourselves in Mount Shasta at the top of the summit.

Right now we’re going to practice a little of teleportation with just the frequency.  Take a deep breath and count 1,2,3 as we are all together now as we are going to find ourselves walking through the pathway in the forest towards the Lemurian Retreat House.  Feel that essence as we now are walking all together to see the Retreat House in front of us.  We walk down the stone steps.  As we walk into the open doorways, everyone is awaiting our arrival.  Let’s just take a moment and feel these frequencies.  We have just arrived.  Allow yourself to feel the essence of all Beings of light right here as we now walk down the spiral staircase very slowly.  They are descending down to the bottom floor.  See the waterfall in the middle.  It’ a beautiful atrium with plants and flowers.  This is a very special place.  And as we are on the ground floor, we see the open doorways into the room which is our setting for our retreat.  There are couches and chairs and all kinds of cushions, pillows, and beautiful tapestry.  Just find yourself a seat.  I’m going to step downwards into the lower floor.  It’s like three-to-four steps down.  Now just take a moment and feel the essence of this room.

As the essence within the room expands we are going to see all the Rays Of God in the frequencies of Crystalline Light, Deep Purple, Ruby Red, Deep Pink, Deep Blue, Green and Gold With White, Golden Yellow. All the lights are going up in the room, outside of the room.  The room is very large.  Sea-Foam Green, Blue-Green Pearlescent, Pink-Orange, Gold, Violet-Pink, Deep Blue- Violet, Light Golden-White, Light Violet-White, Multi-White Light, Pink-Gold, Magenta, Violet-Gold, Blue- Gold, Platinum and then more colors and more colors.  We’re just going to allow the frequencies of the 330 Rays of God to be within here.  So all the colors are going to blend together and sometimes you’ll see Crystalline colors, sometimes you’ll see Amethyst, some will see just pure White Light.  These are all going to blend together as the room is just vibrating in a soft luminescent light.  Just feel that frequency right now.

We are going to bring an essence here in the Lemurian Retreat House.  Here we always like to remember our Lemurian times.  This is for all in Telos.  We fully want to bring these frequencies of Lemuria.  Even if you felt that you were not part of Lemuria, you were in some part.  You may have been a visitor, you may have been an angel, you may have been from Atlantis coming in and visiting or you may have been from any of the other planets at the time before things started to come apart.  It’s Ok.  We all are in different places.  So I want you to just take a deep breath and feel that essence at that timeline because now we are going to shift the energy in the room.  As we shift the energy in the room, you’re going to see four columns of light here on this stage.  These four columns of light are a high frequency that are going to tune into that past lifetime of Lemuria, the whole continent of Mu, the Lemurian continent.  It doesn’t matter what it was, all we are going to do is just allow that essence to be remembered of the frequency that we are.

So you are changing and you are shifting right now as these colors within colors are floating within you.  You might actually want to look at your hands or your feet to see if you are a man or a woman at that time or maybe you were an inter-galactic or an angel.  Just feel your essence within this right now.  We want to feel this remembrance because it is very pertinent to what you are experiencing in this lifetime and why you are on this pathway of awakening to be ahead of many others.  So as we breathe deeply into that essence, we start to feel a breeze as if we are outside.  You may be walking the land, you may be assisting crops, you may be a fisherman, you may be a Goddess, you may be working with Sanat Kumara, with the teachings of Sanat Kumara, you may be a warrior, you may be a Queen or a King, or a Priestess or a Priest.

We bring forth Lord Melchizedek at this time, because he was very part of all this although he was not Lord at many of those times, later times he was.  In the beginning he was not.  He was just a High priest like myself.  Allow this essence to run through you and allow you to fully expand within your frequency.  Allow your Higher Self to be your Guardian Essence at this time.  In fact we have a very special gift this evening.  We want to bring all your Higher Selves here in the room.  We have been working with your Higher Selves, even the ones that are not on the program yet.  So within the stage you’re going to see your Higher Selves fully emerge from these columns of light.


As your Higher Self steps out of this frequency of light, you arise to meet your Higher Self and your Higher Self is giving you the representation of what you looked like during that lifetime.  Lemuria was a very long time ago, so it does not matter what time and year it was, your remembrance of that frequency within you now allows your Higher Self to fully blend within you to feel that essence deeply.  As you breathe deeply into essence, I would like you to concentrate on the energy of not who you are now but concentrate on that energy that You Are.  What does it feel like for you? What does it feel like, what are you thinking about? What are you feeling in this moment? We are going to want to take a moment and allow that to come through.

(((Crystal bowl rings)))

Allow those essences to come up for you.  Now allow this Being that is you to stand in front of you.  There are two parts of you and allow the illumination to come to you.  Were you more in your Higher Self then or are you more in your Higher Self now? We want to take the parts that are good and the parts that aren’t good to be fully released.  So we want you to look at your Higher Self of that form that they are showing you.  Is it uncomfortable, first we’ll look at the uncomfortable-ness.  Does it feel painful because I guarantee you that any of these emotions you’re bringing forth in your present state of circumstances because all lifetimes are coming together in this lifetime.  Look at the heart of your Higher Self.  Does it feel beautiful or does it feel painful?  Is it fearful because no matter how long you lived in Lemuria, these are the essences that are coming to you now.

So as we do that we are going to remove the essences that are uncomfortable because this room has a special frequency to do so.  This represents the Rays of God all the way around the room.  I want each of you to see yourself coming up onto the stage and you’re going to stand in the middle of the stage and feel the frequency of the light from all the 320 rays of God that are within this room.  Circling & spiralling, colors & colors, lights & lights of violets & blues, green & yellow and orange, white light, streaks of Gold, Streaks of Platinum, Streaks of silver, everything blending altogether.  Allow it to come into your being now to feel that illumination.  Fully feel the illuminated parts of yourself.  I ask of you to have a remembrance, open up the remembrance, the veil for forgetfulness is now removed, you now remember what it felt like to be in this body.

I guarantee you not all experiences from Lemuria were beautiful but there were wonderful moments of Lemuria.  So you are going to embrace them now.  So you and your Higher Self are going to go to the column in front of you.  This column represents your fear, your anger, all the parts of yourself that you don’t want, the lower ego; you walk into the column together.  Allow the energies now to be infused within you, of releasing these aspects of the lower energies, lower thought forms.  This is not who you are.  It is not who you are whether it’s this lifetime or that lifetime, all the other lifetimes in between blends with your Higher self now and feel the essences removed as it goes through you, spinning and spinning and spinning inside the column of light.  There are many colors upon colors, violets & lavenders & blues & bright yellows & essences beyond the comprehension of your minds.  It blends within you and it flows through you.  You now step out of the column.  You now feel the void and within the void you feel the essence where you do not know who you are because you have released the lower aspects of yourself.

You now walk into the next column of light with your Higher Self.  With this you are going to infuse the best qualities of Lemuria, the best qualities of Atlantis, the best qualities of all your timelines to come fully within you.  Feel these essences now spinning in bright lights, in beauty, in joy and compassion and humility and all the beautiful essences you want to embody within you.


Stepping out of the column of light, let’s take a moment and we’re going to just feel the frequency of who you are now, of the difference to the lower energies to the higher energies.  We are now going to go back to our seats.  We’ll continue with the other two columns in another few moments.  Just take rest and breathe and allow these frequencies to come fully within you.

The Telosian Way of Being is an excerpt of the entire 10 week course. We are providing you a brief overview of the classes without the attunements. You may purchase the MP3 download on our website,

©2013 Walking Terra Christa,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page, Knowing-TWOB-Part 2.

KNOWING ~ Telosian Way of Being, Part 1

TWB Knowing

We had a discussion portion in the beginning of the call and Mike Hayden shares some thoughts to consider while going through this process with Lord Adama:

So basically, we are looking at what we know, what we don’t know, that actually refers to what we can know as our Higher Self’s and what we know in our lower mental mind. Most of this course actually involves Soul Psychology as well, so we’re going to be looking at questions tonight:

Who do you think you are? We all think we’re a certain person.

Is this coming from your Higher Self or your Lower Self?

Looking at that person that we think we are, what kind of reactions do we receive from other people, for that person & that personality?

In this current past lifetime that we are living, how have you changed, what you thought was your personality and who you are. Would you have done it any different?

How about your Past Lives? Did you learn from them or are you still struggling with them?

Have you ever felt your ability to access the Divine Knowledge?

If you have, was it a fleeting moment, or did it stay for a day or a week, a month or longer? If you did feel your Divine Knowledge, did you know how you did it. Where were you, what were you doing? What were the circumstances?

So these are the questions, meditate on those.

We are going to Telos. We’ll meet everyone in the Lemurian Retreat House. So, here is Lady Melereissee.

Thanks so much. If anyone wants to make any notes about this information, I think it would be helpful. We feel that this is probably going to be an interactive type of working group. The attunements will probably come at the end. So you may be in a more aware state than you think you are. Lord Adama has asked that we bring him in first. He’s going to discuss with us what exactly we can expect and what is going to be happening this evening; he’s going to guide us into the Lemurian Retreat House and we are going to work with a couple of different Masters. Then we’ll be receiving an attunement to assist in this process. So it is important to tap into your Higher Self through this process. Also, if you can feel the difference between your Lower Self and your Higher Self that will affect the change that you need to make. This is what we truly want to acknowledge in these moments to allow the Higher Self to be the guiding role but also to learn from our Lower Self from our previous timelines and what has happened to us.

Let’s all take a deep breath. Feel that Merkabah vehicle spinning, bringing in that frequency of light. Just allow yourself to sit back. You may want to take notes at this moment of anything that he’s saying or anything that registers for you. This is a working group and something that everyone should be working within the following week, until we have the next class.
We open up the energies with the angelic essences.


Breathe deeply and allow your light to be your guide.


This is Lord Adama here with the Telosian Council of Light. I was going to say Telosian Crew because there is definitely more than the Telosian Council and each of us. I want to say “Thank you” to each of you for allowing yourselves to fully be in this space to go through this process. This process may be different for each of you. But within this series that we’re putting forth, we do believe that with the different guest speakers that we are going to be bringing in, the energies are going to be something quite different. In fact there are many Telosians that are very excited in participating within this series for themselves, because each of us always can go on deeper levels.

What exactly is this seminar going to help you with? The Telosian Way of Being is a standard of Living, that each of you need to expand within yourselves as it’s going to be an essential component. Those of you that decide to move forward with this entire series will see that you’re creating the basis for many to follow. We also know that this work can be very detrimental to the physical body. Each of you are receiving more crystalline energies everyday in the frequency and those of you were here in Mount Shasta, some are truly being challenged because of the frequencies that opened up for you and will continue to open up for you. It is a process of continuation and we want to assist you through this process not only for yourselves. I know each of you here are doing work to assist you in this process, but it is also going to help others. The fact that each of you here on the call are part of this membership program, we do believe that most of the individuals that come forward will probably be downloading the files more than being on the live call except possibly towards the end. So what does it say for yourself?

Well, it says for yourself that you have created this ability within your Higher Self to fully allow the deepness of your healing to continue because as we know it’s not just being about a light worker; it’s not just about being someone that wants to heal oneself and have a better life, it is about wanting to internalize it within all aspects. We are looking at the ability within New Earth energies to continue our lives in a much longer time frame than anyone on the Upper Earth could really fathom within themselves. And that will be a choice of your own individually, because this is not a prerequisite that you have to stay on the New Earth for a long period of time. I know Mel and Mike have already decided that they will do so and all of us in Telos are already in that pathway as it does not mean that you’re going to be a leader of masses of people but it does mean that this work is going to internalise within your being so deeply that you’re going to be able to accelerate your soul’s capability to travel between worlds. if you choose that this is your last life time, this work is going to assist you on a deeper level.

The ascension work as taught by Dr. Joshua David Stone and some others, which represent what Mel and Mike are bringing forth is one step in that process. This will take you a deeper step, because we’re helping to release timelines that you create new avenues for your gifts and acknowledge of yourself to fully come within your physical existence, in your consciousness. We’re known as an unconscious being and within that unconsciousness, we do not realize all the other timelines that we have been through which is part of the process of coming within the bodily structure. It is not necessary to always have to remember the other timelines, because parts of that would be too traumatic for the mental mind and the heart; but yet now we’re in the process of being able to release those elements as we have done in Telos.

Of course, we have not gone through the timelines that each of you has to an extent and we want to thank you for that also, you are assisting greatly. So this workshop series is about going to be a part of an acceleration phase to allow individuals to fully realise their potentiality as a Lemurian, as an Atlantean, and to bring everything into focus and to have a fulfilling life to be able to access all avenues and to remove those parts of themselves that truly do not fit this consciousness. Each of you is striving to do these things already, but assisting you with the continuation and understanding what happens as you walk into a Lemurian frequency is going to allow you to see the change in your present circumstances. So why not have the ability to change it now instead of waiting that you arrive into that frequency and then all of a sudden it is compounded upon you like a thunderstorm, with pallets of rain and dirt on top of you and then you get buried underneath.

So we truly want to assist because the energies at the end of the year will change everyone. Individuals do not realise that. So each of you are going to be way ahead than everyone else because you’re going to assist this process. Also what is occurring with this workshop series is that each one of you has an open gateway to be in Telos in the Lemurian Retreat House. You can intend to be there. We will be working on you on the inner plane levels after the class. So please know that the workshop energies will continue after we are finished with each of the sessions. I wanted to share this information and each week I’ll do it this way. We’ll share a little bit about what is going on.

Last week you were initiated into your Heart Essence in the frequency to receive the ability to return into Telos much easier than you have previously. And what is the goal? The goal for many individuals would be that the doors of Telos are going to open and everyone from the Upper earth is going to flood to Telos because that’s the place to be. Unfortunately, it is not going to appear as that but this will assist you in getting closer in being able to communicate with us deeper on a physical level and interactions of a physical existence will occur. This is what we are truly striving towards.

The other element I want to share with is that many souls have been coming to Telos in their sleep time to work with us and we are very disillusioned. We’re seeing individuals that are truly not even part of the way that each of you is. So I want to thank you. It’s a pleasure to work with each of you in this way, and I look forward to working with many more as this information is put out through the waves of communication that we have to assist others in being part of this process also. I’ll also say, anyone new that does come to any of these recordings, telling someone about this doesn’t mean that they are going to get the same benefits. The work needs to be done through this process of Mel and Mike, mainly, because of the frequencies that Mel brings through and the work that both of them are doing here in Mount Shasta has allowed these energies to come to you.

I previously wanted to do a series like this with Aurelia Louise Jones that we were planning to do so but it really never got to the fruition level. With the work both Mel & Mike have done, while living in Mount Shasta has accelerated them both. I know that they both are challenged for their physical bodies presently but that is in order to hold these frequencies for each of you, so I want to thank each of them for being challenged as they have been really pushing themselves beyond the limit of what we really thought that they’ll have to do. But they are showing themselves that they are willing to do whatsoever is necessary in their pathway to assist others and you’ll be finding that you’ll be going through similar experiences. They are just opening up the doorways for you to receive these energies, and in turn, you’re going to assist others to receive the same.

Through this process of the workshop series you may find that there are new thought processes that are coming to you in your intuition that what you need to be doing in your own work. This is true even if you’re not working fully with others, there are going to be doorways opening for you to do so, not necessarily in consulting but just communicating. Some of you will be, but others may not be. They think that they are not doing the work but in truth you truly are, by just being and expressing yourself. So this is going to assist everyone.
I really do believe that this is going to be a very amazing series that we are putting forth. So let’s get started tonight. We have a couple of very special guests that I will not announce at this point. Melereissee and Mike both know who they are and I think they are going to assist you greatly in these processes. So I want you to think about the questions that Mike shared because this is going to assist you in getting deeper into your essences,

“Who do you think you are right now in this moment, in this creation of what you have experienced, what you have gone through this year up to this point? How often this comes from your Higher Self and how often from your Lower self or have you integrated your Lower self enough that you are fully dealing with your Higher Self continually”.

So you look at all these elements and how would you do them any differently. What did you do in your past that you could have changed and now you’re to look at it to change. And are the reactions that you are feeling from your past life; possibly you have remembered or have you fully released them? Are they still in your cellular memory? Are they still in the part of your body that you haven’t acknowledged because remember that the four body system has to be one body of light. So the next thing we ask of you is what about the Divine Knowledge?

Our next excerpt will include the journey to Telos.

The Telosian Way of Being is an excerpt of the entire 10 week course. We are providing you a brief overview of the classes without the attunements. You may purchase the MP3 download on our website,


©2013 Walking Terra Christa,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page, Knowing-TWOB-Part 1.

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