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Faith is the Structure to Create the Will to DO, Archangels Michael & Faith of the Blue Flame

Archangels Michael & Faith: Archangel Michael, as most of us know him well, is the Archangel of Faith and Protection.  He is the Director of the Angelic Kingdom and representative of the First Ray.  He works with assisting souls to find the right balance whether in or out of body helping anyone in distress who desires his help.  Archangel Faith  embodies the God quality of faith, which resides within every human heart.  Faith in God should be the constant state of One’s Being, every second of eternity.  Faith is the substance of all things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.  Together they share how important it is the embody Faith first and the Will to Do will follow.

We love to be honored by the frequency of the Blue Ray as our work is not only inherent within the Rays but to assist souls in and out of body to bring these essences to all of humanity.  Some may think that this ray of the Will and Power is something out of the scope of understanding within the common man or woman.  Possibly that is because there is a lack of understanding within the will of their own essence being able to tap into the Higher Mind.  That is a misconception.

We, as Archangel Michael & Faith, come to each of you in this moment to assist you in the process of your own divinity of understanding the depthness of the Will for your own lightwork and pathway whether it is personal or professional.  Our role is not any different for either.  Our main goal is to assist you to understand the Power of your own force within the Will of your creation.

Let us say as a rule that I as Archangel Michael assists anyone that truly needs help in receiving their own courage and ability to find their Will.  I work with many Beings of Light to help them understand their own thought process is the one that truly makes their destiny.  Within that aspect I share the ability to have courage.  This is not an outside circumstance but truly an inner truth; but then as I as Archangel Faith bring to each individual the same experience by accessing their knowledge of the faith within their experience.  If a person cannot have faith in their endeavor then there is no accessibility of courage.  They go hand-in-hand.

Many say that angels protect and guide humanity which is very true.  When it comes down to the pathway of Mastery, then that is when we divide the work we have been doing separately and become the union of Will and Power.  We bring to each of you to acknowledge your own essence of your Will to Do.  It is about learning what is truly going on within your world to ‘walk your talk’ and share with others the experience.  When you are hit with a moment of despair, how do you work through it?  Do you call upon one of us or do you call upon your-self?

This is a very important aspect to ponder because walking in mastery means that you must find the pathway that works best for you while at the same time of initiating your worth of knowledge.  We are here to assist with these elements.

It is not to say that we are not your protectors but once an aspirant walks upon the pathway of mastery then that is when we truly step in to teach and honor each of you.  You have been an angel but you forgot that fact along with many other timelines that are important.  At this moment in time, it is very important to bring forth these elements to assist every one of you.

We want to make sure that each of you understands that we walk with you side-by-side.  We as a team, do this, not separately but our components together bring forth a great teaching for each of you to acknowledge your own self-worth.  You have just forgotten and now that the ‘Veil of Forgetfulness’ has now been broken, you have the Universe at your command.

Think of something you feel very strongly about; it could be a conviction that you truly want to share with the world.  But yet, in the physical existence, the element you want to share is not something that others may understand or appreciate it.  This brings forth your Faith.  When you have a deep desire to share with others, you must bring forth your faith to express it deeply.  If you do not have the faith in yourself, then how can you have faith in sharing it with another?  We must start at the basis of any creation and that is to deeply say “I have faith in this program, or this project, or this subject, and I want to share it”.  This then creates the WILL to DO.  When individuals are still insecure within themselves, they have lost faith within.

This also creates the element of Courage.  Some have courage on the lower aspect but that is arrogance which can create great conflict.  People know when you are truthful and if you are sharing something that comes deep within your Heart and Soul, then there is nothing that can stop you from creating it.

This is the ability to have great initiative and strength to move forward to teach others what you know.  Do you think you have this?  Are you arrogant about it?  Or do you sit back and wait for others to do it for you?  These are some of the aspects that are very important within the Blue Flame of Will and Power.  Having a properly balanced Mind, Body and Spirit will allow you to fully incorporate the Blue Flame within you as you share it with others.

As we speak in these terms, think about your angelic presence and what he/she would want to be acknowledged within you.  This is the important factor that needs to be addressed within our level of creation.  We work with all of you to embody these qualities; to remember that you offer the essence of God within you to share it with others.  Take a moment to see where these elements are coming from:  humility of your spirit with the power of your essence and not from the desire to control others with obstinacy and anger.

Take a moment and allow the Blue Flame to embody within you and spread your wings far and wide.  You will see your essence change from the lower aspects into the higher realms of your mind.  You are a great Being of Light that embodies faith in each moment to protect all of humanity.

We are Archangels Michael and Faith

Embodying Our Wings of Light to Merge with Yours

©2012 Walking Terra Christa ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed.  Excerpted from the upcoming book.

Join the 22 RAY Challenge ~ Receive a decree & attunement two times a week for each of the 22 RAYS.

Learning to Accept Your Will To DO ~ Elohim Masters Hercules & Amazonia of the Blue Flame

Elohim Masters Hercules & Amazonia, of the Blue Flame of Will & Power, represent the power and essence of strength and walking a pathway of inner balance to fully reflect God’s Will through each of us in Action.

We can fully bring forth these elements within our lower aspects of this Ray but to embody it on the Higher level is truly our TRUTH and vulnerability as God-given Beings of Light.  Both of these beautiful masters show us how to bring in these essences so that it comes from pureness of our Hearts and I AM Presence.  The Elohim walked this Earth during Lemuria so you may even feel very much akin to some of these great Beings we will be sharing with you.


It is our Divine Pleasure to come through each of you on this day of your reading and feeling our essences.  The first element we ask you to do is breathe deeply and allow the Blue Flame representing strength, courage, and the power of your Will to fully come into your physical creation.  Feel your Mental thoughts just being blurred within you as they merge within your Emotional feelings.  Allow the Masculine and Feminine to fully blend into the Oneness that You ARE.

We give you this visualization to help you realize your Divine Essence in the purest of your Heart.  You cannot utilize the Blue Ray of Will and Power until you see the vulnerability that is within you.  This is truly a gift and some may think that it is a detriment.  The Heart must heal through this process in order for you to see the Will of YOU within You.  It is very simple actually. 

Understand this process in this manner.  You are going through a challenge with another person or situation.  The first thing you want to do is to tell them, lash out at them in anger or frustration and this is so very wrong.  The first element you need to realize is that it is occurring because of lower thoughts, situations, or feelings within you.  It is not the other person; they are just assisting you to fully change it and bring it into the Light.

Working with the Blue Flame of Will and Power is a very strong force.  This is why it is imperative at this time to actualize this flame from the highest frequency and not the lowest.  If you are struggling with relationships or feeling powerlessness, we guarantee you that you are still emanating from the Red Flame on the planetary level.  We must help you to arise to the Blue but sometimes it needs to be a steady pace and not a jump from one to the other.

So how do you do this?  Well, you attune yourself with your own Higher Self and ask for a dimensional shift to occur for you.  We understand the process of physicality as we have walked your walk on the Earth.  It takes great diligence and foresight to continue the journey but you do have the power to do so.  It is all a matter of relevance and what you feel you deserve in your life.

So let’s feel those essences from the Red, to the higher Pink, into a Lavender, and feeling light Blues, and then the deepest Blue you can imagine.  This is where you want to be.  As you feel those spiraling lights coming with you, feel the change of your feelings and thoughts being fully transformed.  Now you are allowing your I AM Presence to bring to you your Will which is God’s Will of light and love.

Within this essence now feel great strength within you.  Now this strength does not come from your lower mind and what you have to do physically; it comes through your essence as it is flowing within you.  This is where you want to be ~ accepting the deepest part of your Higher Essence into your Lower Body.  You will start to see a transformation take place.

Now you embody the ability to have the POWER TO DO.  It will move through you because you are coming from a balanced Heart and Mind; one that is from the higher levels and not your physicality.  This takes practice but it can be done.

We are here to assist you in this process.  Feel the beauty that You Are by embracing your WILL first in your own essence, change those elements that do not feel well, and allow them to be empowered by YOUR WILL TO DO.

It is our pleasure to work with each of you personally through this amazing journey.

We are Hercules and Amazonia at your side.

If you want to learn about all the 22 Rays of God – why not take our 22 Rays Challenge and get a Decree and an Audio MP3 Attunement for each of the 22 Rays?

©2012 Walking Terra Christa ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed.  Excerpted from the upcoming book.


Ray Chohan of the Blue Flame ~ Master El Morya ~ Walking the Bridge to Freedom

Master El Morya is the Ray Chohan for the Blue Flame of the Ray of Will & Power. This flame is associated with our Throat Chakra in the Universal Level.  Working with Master El Morya can be a very life changing experience as from the qualities of this ray an individual may think that his energy would be intense and very strict.  He is very powerful but within that power he brings forth a calmness of his Spirit that is so wonderful to experience within your Being.  As many of you could relate in reference to teachers we have had in our studies, they do not always share their pure heart.

Well, Master El Morya is very strict but within that strictness he shows how to work through the process of ascension and acceleration.  Allow him to come to you as you read his words.  Take a deep breath and allow him to stand before you to fully feel Who He Truly Is and you will see Yourself reflected within very deeply.

Thank you, Dearest One, for your kind words.  I believe that many initiates that I have worked with would not have been so kind but I have helped them to move mountains in their own endeavors.  They have proved to be the best students as the ones we do not like necessarily affect us the most.

It all depends upon the student as they work with the Master.  I represent probably one of the most intense frequencies of ray energy available and it turns out to be the first one individuals turn towards.  It is the type of individual that is ready to work through their own processes to make the necessary changes that is truly the best relationship for Master and Student.  It is the ones that rebel and think they are right when a lesson comes to the surface that causes great discord within the Master.  But it happens and later that student, if they are humble enough to do so, should return and thank the Master for that lesson.  It has gone both ways for me, by the way.

Representing Will and Power is not an easy job but one that I am very diligent in my own pathway.  There is nothing more important to me than sharing with individuals how to find their own Freedom and once this is done, it assists the planet immensely.  If everyone was obstinate and sure of themselves when they truly had not done the proper homework, then I would not be doing my job.  It is a huge position to assist individuals to fully understand that they are part of a greater whole and not all that THEY are doing, is of the utmost importance.

We are a team, each of the Ascended Masters, and that means each of you that have acquired this position of standing.  It is important for every individual to embody Will and Power from the God Essence and not their emotional or mental bodies.  This is where the world gets into trouble and has been for centuries.

We are at a place in history when more individuals are awakening upon the planet to assist in making this planet, Earth, that we call GAIA a balanced energy that expresses the essence of God into their Hearts and Minds.  So how can we embody Will and Power if the four-body system is still separated from the Essence of God.  Some do not think so but it is true.  My job is to assist you, as the student to fully understand the process of Will and Power which will create deep understanding, from a perspective of great tolerance and patience.  Each of you have something very strong to give to this world; otherwise, you would not be here at this time.  But you cannot jump into the cart before the horse is ready to move.  Patience, my children, is your friend as it will give you great tolerance in what you are learning.

You have a will within you that is great but it cannot be shown to another until you can express it within yourself.  Where is this Will coming from ~ your physical mind?  If it is, then you are in trouble.  If it is coming from your Highest Essence, then you are on the right track but it is a huge learning process as there are many lessons within the initiations and sublevels of trial and error.

So we need to start from the beginning of your Creation and allow the Blue Fame to fully embody your essence.  Bring it down through your Antakarana Bridge from the Higher Realms like your Higher Self is on a huge sliding board and allow it to slide into your physical body.  What does that feel like for you in the physical realm?  I bet it feels very powerful but yet flowing.  As you express the deepest part of your being into the physical realm it will change elements that you have been trying to combat within yourself.  You see, there should not be any arguments happening with you.  There is only one way and that way is to fully see yourself as a God Realized Being.  This is where your power lies; not in trying to control your situations or people around you.  You must take responsibility for yourself completely.

Once the Blue Flame embodies within you and sits within your Throat, you are now able to speak from the highest part of your Being.  It is when you speak from your physical mind that it gets you into trouble.  The mental body is trying to find a way within your world and he thinks he knows best but truly he does not.  He must blend with the emotional body and remember there are emotions attached to each of these experiences.  When you allow the Blue Flame to be embodied within you, it is like a light bulb that is turned on.  It is an AH HAH moment.  Yes, now I remember what I am supposed to be doing.

Then, at this stage, you start to reflect on your next movement.  It comes from the space of your God Essence within and allows the power that is within you to be very diligent but yet with great humility of the journey you have traveled to be where you are.  This is where the true Will comes into your awareness.  These are the highest aspects of your Being.  When you do it any other way, you are definitely allowing the lower mind to take over which creates obstinacy, anger, and arrogance.

Allow the Blue Flame of Will and Power to embody within you God’s Essence that is YOU.  It is not anyone else, but truly your ability to fully see yourself in the Light and walk from the Old to the New.  Create the bridge of your reality into the BEING that you have become.

Ask for me and I shall help you walk on this bridge and see that what was before was okay but now it is beautiful and flowing within your existence.

I AM Master El Morya

Chohan for the Blue Flame of Will and Power

©2012 Walking Terra Christa ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed.  Excerpted from the upcoming book.

If you want to learn about all the 22 Rays of God – why not take our 22 Rays Challenge and get a Decree and an Audio MP3 Attunement for each of the 22 Rays?


Lord Alura & Lady Aluri, Elders 1 & 2 From the Throne of Grace Share their Blue Essence of Light

Each of the Rays of God are emanated from the Light of the God Force. For the first 12 rays they are sent to each of the Ray Chohans from the 24 Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace. We will be sharing their essence for the first 12 Rays of God. Each of these essences is a component of many energies of formlessness, angelic, inter-galactic, and human so there are many aspects within the Elders that represent all of these frequencies. This is the first time they are sharing their Light with each of us in this manner.

Ray 1 is represented by Lord Alura & Lady Aluri who are considered Elders No. 1 and 2. Their energies bring forth the elements of Humility, Patience, and Strength.



It is our pleasure to full allow our Essence to be shown to you through this channel of Light. We house ourselves within the Throne of Grace which truly represents the Divine Mother and Father God in its purest and rawest form. We are a mixture of many energies that have been housed since the Creation of Divine Mother and Father God and represent all elements within the multi-universes in our creation.

On this day we would like to express to you the essence of the Blue Flame and how important it is for the Divine Purpose and Will within your structure of the human existence. There is great reflection of the rays of God and as we impart these essences onto the Ray Chohans it is their job to fully command it through them into each of you. They represent the teachers of the Earth in human form; the Archangels represent your angelic presence; and the Elohim represent both aspects. So when we express our energies in this manner, it is all in the completeness of Oneness. We felt it was important to share that element to each of you in helping you to understand exactly how the Spectrums of Light work through the essence of Divine Mother and Father.

We as Lord Alura and Lady Aluri embrace the essences of the Divine Will and Power in its highest forms. When you intend to use just the Ray color, then you are accessing our energies. That is why it is important to understand how powerful the rays can be from this level of expression. That is also why we have Ray Chohans, Archangels, and Elohim overlighting each of the rays of God. They are a filtering of that light frequency so that it can get to each individual person in the way that is most suitable through their higher self to the physical creation that you are.

We, of the Blue Flame, want each of you to realize that embodying these essences within you are a very important facet of information. That is why the spectrum of light shifted to come into the planetary level so that the frequency was not of the highest but still very strong. What happened in this process is that the flame of the planetary, Red, became encased in the depthness and not the purity of this ray. It has caused great affliction upon the Earth in many individuals as they were not ready to receive the higher aspect of God’s love within them. They wanted to but could not integrate it within the physical body.

So we give to you the ability to assimilate the Blue Flame within as to create the balance that is necessary within the body. You already have walked the pathway many times and tried to create what you know is right but have been unable to do so. Working within this ray of light will assist you in fully accessing your own Divine Will and Power. The most important element to remember is that it must come in its own time. Too much of anything will throw you away from your true purpose. Work within the Blue Flame of Light is fully accepting that you have a role to play within your life to share with others but first must embody it within. This is where it has become very confusing in some areas of reflection of the planetary level.

So we give to you today the ability to fully access the Blue Flame from your own highest Essence. Allow this frequency to come to you very slowly but deliberately and you will be able to acquire great patience with the strength that is needed.

Do you see that at times you forged ahead too quickly without really knowing what you were doing and thought you had everything in place and then to find there was confusion? This is part of not allowing to sit back and infuse the frequency within until ALL ASPECTS of your Being are ready to receive the courage to move forward. Internally you must allow this ray to embody within your Throat. It already has been in place within your crown so let’s just take a breath and relax into the frequency of the Blue Ray.

We embody this to you now. Feel the spiraling lights moving into your Throat and just relaxing the pressure within your body. We give to you the ability to feel differently with the Universal ray of Humility, Patience and to know you are a leader in your own world. But you must first start within first to feel it before you can share it with others. Otherwise, the lower ego and mind takes over and you don’t fully embrace the entirety of the aspect of God’s Will and Power within you. Allow it now to be within all parts of your being and accept your challenges as a learning process of accepting your vulnerability. This accesses your humility of the self to see beyond the problem into the solution of your world. Embracing this light will fully allow you to go slower and with intent that is focused from your Highest Essence into the Divine Being that You Are.

We are Lord Alura and Aluri at your service

Imbuing the Blue Ray of Will and Power to you from the Essence of God

Join us for the 22 RAY Challenge and receive a Decree & Attunement for all of the Rays of God via your email.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed.  Excerpted from the upcoming book.

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