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Lord Alura & Lady Aluri, Elders 1 & 2 From the Throne of Grace Share their Blue Essence of Light

Each of the Rays of God are emanated from the Light of the God Force. For the first 12 rays they are sent to each of the Ray Chohans from the 24 Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace. We will be sharing their essence for the first 12 Rays of God. Each of these essences is a component of many energies of formlessness, angelic, inter-galactic, and human so there are many aspects within the Elders that represent all of these frequencies. This is the first time they are sharing their Light with each of us in this manner.

Ray 1 is represented by Lord Alura & Lady Aluri who are considered Elders No. 1 and 2. Their energies bring forth the elements of Humility, Patience, and Strength.



It is our pleasure to full allow our Essence to be shown to you through this channel of Light. We house ourselves within the Throne of Grace which truly represents the Divine Mother and Father God in its purest and rawest form. We are a mixture of many energies that have been housed since the Creation of Divine Mother and Father God and represent all elements within the multi-universes in our creation.

On this day we would like to express to you the essence of the Blue Flame and how important it is for the Divine Purpose and Will within your structure of the human existence. There is great reflection of the rays of God and as we impart these essences onto the Ray Chohans it is their job to fully command it through them into each of you. They represent the teachers of the Earth in human form; the Archangels represent your angelic presence; and the Elohim represent both aspects. So when we express our energies in this manner, it is all in the completeness of Oneness. We felt it was important to share that element to each of you in helping you to understand exactly how the Spectrums of Light work through the essence of Divine Mother and Father.

We as Lord Alura and Lady Aluri embrace the essences of the Divine Will and Power in its highest forms. When you intend to use just the Ray color, then you are accessing our energies. That is why it is important to understand how powerful the rays can be from this level of expression. That is also why we have Ray Chohans, Archangels, and Elohim overlighting each of the rays of God. They are a filtering of that light frequency so that it can get to each individual person in the way that is most suitable through their higher self to the physical creation that you are.

We, of the Blue Flame, want each of you to realize that embodying these essences within you are a very important facet of information. That is why the spectrum of light shifted to come into the planetary level so that the frequency was not of the highest but still very strong. What happened in this process is that the flame of the planetary, Red, became encased in the depthness and not the purity of this ray. It has caused great affliction upon the Earth in many individuals as they were not ready to receive the higher aspect of God’s love within them. They wanted to but could not integrate it within the physical body.

So we give to you the ability to assimilate the Blue Flame within as to create the balance that is necessary within the body. You already have walked the pathway many times and tried to create what you know is right but have been unable to do so. Working within this ray of light will assist you in fully accessing your own Divine Will and Power. The most important element to remember is that it must come in its own time. Too much of anything will throw you away from your true purpose. Work within the Blue Flame of Light is fully accepting that you have a role to play within your life to share with others but first must embody it within. This is where it has become very confusing in some areas of reflection of the planetary level.

So we give to you today the ability to fully access the Blue Flame from your own highest Essence. Allow this frequency to come to you very slowly but deliberately and you will be able to acquire great patience with the strength that is needed.

Do you see that at times you forged ahead too quickly without really knowing what you were doing and thought you had everything in place and then to find there was confusion? This is part of not allowing to sit back and infuse the frequency within until ALL ASPECTS of your Being are ready to receive the courage to move forward. Internally you must allow this ray to embody within your Throat. It already has been in place within your crown so let’s just take a breath and relax into the frequency of the Blue Ray.

We embody this to you now. Feel the spiraling lights moving into your Throat and just relaxing the pressure within your body. We give to you the ability to feel differently with the Universal ray of Humility, Patience and to know you are a leader in your own world. But you must first start within first to feel it before you can share it with others. Otherwise, the lower ego and mind takes over and you don’t fully embrace the entirety of the aspect of God’s Will and Power within you. Allow it now to be within all parts of your being and accept your challenges as a learning process of accepting your vulnerability. This accesses your humility of the self to see beyond the problem into the solution of your world. Embracing this light will fully allow you to go slower and with intent that is focused from your Highest Essence into the Divine Being that You Are.

We are Lord Alura and Aluri at your service

Imbuing the Blue Ray of Will and Power to you from the Essence of God

Join us for the 22 RAY Challenge and receive a Decree & Attunement for all of the Rays of God via your email.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed.  Excerpted from the upcoming book.

Introducing Unified Whole Weekly New Earth Frequency Updates

Weekly we will provide the energies of what is occurring within the Cosmic Forces into the Planetary Level as we are affected by all levels of vibration in and around us.  The Planetary level is based on the planets and what the resulting energies we are experiencing.  The Cosmic level is a channeled message brought forth by the Team of Light* of Ascended Masters, Intergalactics, Inner Earth Beings, and Cosmic Frequencies.  The messages will come forth this group consciousness known as UNIFIED WHOLE COMMAND IN THE LIGHT OF ONENESS.

Week of September 16th, 2012

Planetary Level:

We are in the midst of a New Moon which this time is a double intensity.  It is within the Sun Sign of Virgo along with the Moon Sign.  It represents nurturing in parenting relationships, of child to parent so our Inner Child is really asking for additional assistance.  Other aspects relate to changing your diet into a healthier way of eating, taking care of yourself, understanding when relationships do not work they do not serve your highest purpose, learning compassion and deep love for the self.  The solar flares are low presently which helps us to keep the balance with the New Moon activities.

Cosmic Level:

This week promises to create change in a very subtle level for each individual.  The New Moon is always a time of re-creation and makes the necessary changes to adjust to each of the resulting energies that do not allow for a complete flow and balance.  With the onset of this moon you may find that you want to make changes in your life that you have been thinking about for quite some time.  It is how you go about it that is very important.

This is essentially important as the energies may be subtle but they are very distinct for each individual.  Everyone is changing greatly at this time and it is important to realize that the changes will occur quickly and then you will need to readjust the frequencies within you.  What you ask for, you will receive.  So be very particular in your prayers of being gentle to yourself.

Addictions play an important role at this time.  What you do not work on, will work harder against you.  This is in relation to food, drink, drugs, relationships, and self-care.  Nothing must be in excess at this time and if it is, then it will pull you down further.  So it is time to do some self-cleaning in and around your self and environment.

The frequencies of light expanding upon the planet will be very slow this week.  There are not going to be any major surges because it is time to fully clean out your closets and reaffirm what you desire in your life.  So gentleness is the word we want to share with you.  This represents each of you own SELF and everyone else that is in your life.  Compassion is deeply needed to be rooted within your Being to assist you in the process of the changes that are going to result within your lives.

The Fall Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere will have the same effect electrically with individuals.  So this week is in preparation for that phase from the seasons.  Clean up the old, get ready for the new as it is a time of complete renewal and rebirth.

Look to your skies for answers of the light that is coming into the planet.  Allow yourself to have a dialogue with individuals of the Sky Nations as they are looking for your assistance.  This assistance is only coming presently in the form of Light Frequencies to assist you in this process of healing that you are going through.  Notice when you see the lights blinking at you they are acknowledging your process of continuance.  There is a reason why they are beckoning you.  It is your remembrance of being with them in all aspects of your Being.

Prepare yourself for the next phase of the Harvest Moon.  In order to fully remove old elements you must reflect deeply, nurture your process and have no regrets on your future.  You are commanding the elements to occur as they will so allow yourself to be bathed in the Light of Pure Divine that you are.

Step into the energies of the Equinox of the flow and grace that You Are.  It is a time of complete renewal of who YOU ARE.  Each day is awakening of these frequencies.  Celebrate your birthing process within the land, on the water, and within the sky elements that You Are.

We, of the Unified Whole Command in Light of Oneness

Align with the Essence of Oneness.  Join us and breathe the light that We Are.

*Team of Light consists of Ascended Masters (St. Germain, El Moyra, Serapis Bey, Djwhal Khul, Master Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya, Master Hilarion, Lord Sananda, Paul the Venetian, Lord Buddha, and more), Lady Masters (Mother Mary, Lady Isis, Lakshmi, Pallas Athena, Quan Yin and more), Inner Earth Beings (Lord Adama, The Telosian Council of Light, Mikos), Intergalactics (Ashtar Command, Arcturians, Pleidians, Sirians, Andromedians, Lord of the Great Bear Star System, and all Christed Intergalactics),  Angelic Realms (Archangels and all principalities), Divine Mother and Father God, Master Thoth the overseeing spokesbeing of the Unified Whole, Krishna, Ganesh, and all dieties in the Spiritual Hierarchy, Native Elders that walked the Earth before, along with all the Elementals, Fairies and Spirits of the Light including Dolphins and Whales.


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Clarion Temple of Oneness ~ Healing All Universal Souls in Body and Beyond

Hearts Within Hearts for Oneness

The Clarion Temple of Oneness

September 11th, 2012 marks the anniversary of the most controversial tragedy that rocked our world and was the catalyzer that would start the most powerful temple in the history of the cosmic universe.  The Clarion Temple of Oneness was started shortly after the Twin Tower tragedy to assist souls in and out of body to heal their emotional and mental wounds.  The original name was the Clarion Temple of 911.  It started out to help the souls of 911 but then escalated to heal every soul that chose to walk through the doorways of love, and compassion that would create the most powerful light within one’s Being and feel the oneness of being with many other souls of light.

Since the temple started with the special beings from 9-1-1 we want to take an opportunity this week to honor the souls that first joined with us in a small gathering to assist all souls healing of many levels.  On Monday evening, September 10th, our weekly gathering of THE CLARION TEMPLE OF ONENESS will have a very special ceremony commemorating the healing that has taken place within the temple for the last decade since March 2002.  THIS WILL BE AN OPEN CALL AVAILABLE TO ALL INDIVIDUALS THAT CHOOSE TO JOIN US LIVE.

In addition we will be honoring a special guest this week, MICHAEL CLARKE DUNCAN, who transitioned into the light on September 3, 2012.  Michael was a beautiful soul and actor who played in the movie, The Green Mile.  We have had a very personal experience with Michael’s essence in the last week and he is ecstatic about joining the temple on Monday evening.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden are the torch bearers to hold steady the light for the temple upon the Earthplane.  Meleriessee was instrumental in starting the weekly meditation group on the advice of Archangel Michael.  Our spokes-being, Fred, a fire chief battalion has recently ascended into his higher self, Yamatleus, who now greets everyone coming into the temple instead of introducing the guest speaker of each week.  The temple resides within the Multi-Universal level and all souls are invited to join in not only weekly but every moment as it houses many Beings on all levels of creation.  There is one prerequisite before entering:  no one is allowed to have any lower vibrations of anger, frustration, greed, jealousy, or doubt.  What is required is an open heart as we all blend within the Hearts of all Hearts.

Join us at 5 PM Pacific, 8 PM Eastern for a very powerful hour.  This call also includes the energies of Divine Mother and Father God with an attunement frequency.  Heart to Heart donations are always welcome for those that are not part of our monthly subscribers.

TELECONFERENCE NUMBER:  530.881-1400, CODE 148525#

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SKYPE USERS:  YOU MAY USE THE CONFERENCE LINE TO CALL IN FROM YOUR DIAL PAD ON SKYPE.  For special instructions please see our link on Walking Terra Christa, under  Scroll down to the middle of the page to see the guidelines for SKYPE TO SKYPE CALLS.

We hope you will join us for this amazing call.

In expressions of Oneness,

Mel and Mike

Seminar: Archangel Michael’s Angelic Transparency ~ The Art of Accessing your Divine Self

Archangel Michael Seminar


WHAT: MP3 Download of the 2 hour seminar

COST: $33  (Click here to buy “G.R.A.C.E” now)

SEMINAR DETAILS: Archangel Michael: Angelic Transparency ~ The Art of Accessing your Divine Self

Each of us came into form from the essence of the Source of Oneness.  It was decided that from the Group Consciousness of the Source that we needed to be in separate forms in order to express our Divinity unto Others.  At first in this formlessness, we became elements of inter-planetary energies, star systems, frequencies of the Sun, Moon, and Universes in order to expand ourselves.  It was then decided that being in this formlessness was very good but not good enough.

It was at this time that the angelic principalities were created.  Many of us have traveled far and wide within these frequencies for eons of time.  We were grouped into separate sections within the Angelic community of the Cherubim, Ophanium, Seraphim, and Elohim principalities.  The Archangels as our Divine Mothers and Fathers gifted us certain elements in order to achieve the greatest accomplishments in the Heavens.   Some individuals are considered more aligned with their angelic presence than planetary existence and vice versa.  This is due to their extensive work within these organizations and working with the archangels.

We then were given an opportunity to doing more extensive healing work on an inter-planetary level so were given the choice to come in planetary form either to Earth or other aligning planets in many universes.   Thus, at this time the angelic hosts gave their blessing unto each of these souls, that are us.

Divine Mother and Father God were created from this massive outpouring of love from the Creative Source of Oneness.  There were groups of souls gathered together known today as our soul family which include 144 soul personalities within our existence.  Within this group consciousness 12 smaller groups of 12 were formed due to the amount of knowledge and healing that needed to be imparted which is called our Monad.  This group of 144 soul personalities is called our I AM Presence.  Thus, we were born into personalities of the Soul’s existence.

The original plan was to fully take our Angelic essence within the Soul personality and merge them together within the physical but that was lost in the process.  Thus, we were encased with the veil of forgetfulness, because we truly could not understand the human functions if we fully remembered our angelic self along with the beauty and joy that we fully encased within our essence.  We were given certain aspects that would be opened up through our human existence that would awaken unto these higher essences, and thus, start to remember.

Well, many of you know the rest of the story; the light and the dark and experiencing both sides of the fence.  We have had to learn lessons in a very challenging manner to come to this moment in time to fully embrace our remembrance of our Light.

Archangel Michael is coming forward at this time to take each us deeper into our full presence of Light.  In order to come into Oneness we must understand the process of our divinity and what it means in the total picture.  This is one phase that is going to assist us to move further into our Divine Aspect of our True Beingness.

We will work with the essence of GRACE which is a five-step process of Grounding~Releasement~Alignment~Connection~Excitement.

 Archangel Michael is guiding us to go deeper than we ever have previously.  Many have connected with their angelic self but how many have gone into the depths of their soul’s essence to remember those moments of joy, bliss, and expression of love.  These are the parts of ourselves that are missing within our physical essence.  Many tap into it from time to time, but very few really understand the whole process.

Angelic Transparency means that all is going to be revealed through this process of mirroring our angelic self within the soul personality incarnated into our present awareness.  We will work with the energies of the 144th dimensional frequency to bring into our creation the aspects of our formlessness into the angelic essence and then the embodiment into human form.  All will be removed through this process that does not allow us to fully accept our entire Oneness within our Beings.

Join us for an informative and powerful seminar as Archangel Michael will share with us a story of renewal and joy while bring forth a vibrational field that we have not experienced since our true beginnings.


Activate the Metatronic Seals of the Golden Illumination Within (new sessions)

Metatron by Artist Tony Pinfold.
Metatron by Artist Tony Pinfold. (click image to buy)

Are you aware that new energies are now available to Humanity from the Spiritual Hierarchy?  There are three main reasons for this:

  • The Universe that Earth resides within is now physically moving back into alignment with The Divine Will of The Creator.
  • Due to the Work that many Humans are doing in seeking out and holding the Light, the Spiritual Hierarchy has petitioned The Divine Creator to allow the Angelic Realms (and others) to Assist Humanity even more than before.
  • Individual Humans who have been Diligent and Honorable on the Path now hold enough Higher Frequency Light to be able to transmit the Frequencies within Humanity on the Physical Level, thus accelerating all these elements dramatically into Divine Wholeness.

Lord Metatron, with our assistance, now offers specialized personal sessions that are unique to each individual’s Life Path Timelines to Activate the Metatronic Seals for the Diligent and Dedicated Bearer of Light Within. This will assist the anchoring of the Golden Era upon the  Earth and your own Acceleration toward Becoming Your Divine Self. Click here to read more about this exclusive session and how it can benefit you.

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