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Igniting the 15th Ray to Assist in Grounding the Wesak Energies

doorwayRay 15 ~ Accessing the Doorways of Light into My Physical Creation



It is in the color spectrum of Light Golden White and is the last ray to be infused on the 4th dimensional chakra grid within the Crown Chakra.

The Beings that overlight this Ray are the Elohim Councils of God and the 24 Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace Representing the first 12 Rays of God.

The Golden Etheric City of  Bytheezeusian that represents our entryway towards our I AM Presence is located over Saudi Arabia.  Now some may say, why that city?

It represents all levels of energies, the light with the dark and allowing them to merge into Oneness.  On May 28th our New Each Consciousness class visited the City of Bytheezeusian over Saudi Arabia.  We were guided by the Elohim Councils of God into the Temple of the Enlightened Ones.  Below is the decree of this city which represents these beautiful energies as we visited the Magical Forest to walk to the Temple.


The journey of the Golden Cities represents a change within my Being,

I have walked through many different cities to learn about the eternal Being that I AM,

Today I have arrived in a very special place,

It is the City of Bytheezeusian which is overlighted over Saudia Arabia.

I have learned to transmute, love, express, remove parts of myself that do not fit whom I AM

That is always the question I present within myself,


I am light,

I AM Joy,

I AM Magic,

I AM Creative,

I AM Pure in my Heart,

And so many more elements.

I must remember that my Physical Mind does not hold these thoughts,

But yet my Higher Heart and Higher Mind blend together into the Oneness that I AM,

Sometimes I fall and forget,

It is not because what I have learned and fear of moving forward,

But remembering all parts of myself.

I arrive in the Temple of the Enlightened Ones,

I am embraced by the Elohim Councils of God,

They share with me the expression of all that I AM

Is right within my Highest Essence.

I see all that they represent,

Will & Power, Love & Wisdom, Creative Intelligence, Harmony and Balance;

Scientific Knowledge and Music of the Spheres;

Devotion to the Self;

And the Essence of Magic.

I feel their embracement and the joy that is within me,

I AM all of these and more;

As I stand with each of these Beings in the Oneness that We Are,

I am embraced by my inner self, my outer self, and all parts that have been lost.

I now have been found through the Journey of the Eternal Self.

I AM that I AM that I AM.

Working with this decree and the energies of this ray will assist us, as an initiate on the mastery pathway, to accept the challenges we have been facing presently, help us to surrender to the process, and ground the new essence that we have become to be our next foundation.

(Please note when reading decrees it helps to bring in your higher self through your breath; feel the energies and not just read them from your physical mind.)  The MP3 file for this call is available for download for a small fee, Teachings of the Golden Cities, (scroll to bottom of page to see the listing for the MP3 files).


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Mastery Tool of the Day

universal energy

“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” — The Kybalion

Embodies the truth that motion is manifest in everything in the Universe.  Nothing is at rest; everything moves, vibrates, and circles. Just as a musical note may be reproduced by causing an instrument to vibrate at a certain rate, so can mental states be reproduced at will. The Principle of Vibration underlies the wonderful phenomena and power manifested by masters and adepts who set aside natural laws. In reality, they are simply using one law against another to accomplish the results. They have learned to change the vibrations of material objects and other forms of energy and perform “miracles.”

We refer to one of the great laws of the Kybalion that represents the Vibrational Energies within the Universe.  We are all energy and everything that we do in each day is constantly moving.  If we take this law and apply it to our own personal transformation, we will see that we never stay in the same consciousness of reality.

As the moment of transformation occurs, we move from one space of lower energetic patterns within our emotional and mental body to a higher state of existence.  If we take time to tap into the energies within and around us, we will see that staying in one space of mental thought only keeps us in the lower density of existence.  When we use the tools guided by the ascended teachings, then we take the present energies and move them out of where we were existing into a different space of feeling and mental attitude.  This is allowing this law of Vibration to work within us and through us.

It is when we do not utilize the higher frequencies that we feel “stuck” and those energies can no longer exist within our reality of a 5th dimensional world.

Utilizing our breath to bring in our higher self or essence within the physical mindset and feelings will allow the higher state of existence to be created.  When we change our vibration into another form of energy, we create the “miracle of rejuvenation” within us.  We no longer have to feel the old part of ourselves but yet feel a new existence of light within our physical creation.

During these times of acceleration setting up time during your day is essential in order to allow the new YOU to become within your body.  Just thinking it is going to happen just because it is SO will not occur.

Walking Terra Christa suggests utilizing the Rays of God to fully incorporate the higher energies through your breath of  just asking them to be within you.  That is all you have to do.  They will help to align within your chakras to make the necessary vibrational changes you desire to feel within your full body system.










©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Bridge of a New Essence ~ Lord Metatron Speaks on the Spring Equinox

bridge-fbCHANNELED MESSAGE. As we stand on the bridge of the new essence arriving into Gaia, we bring you this message of love and joy about the Spring Equinox of 2014.  It is my divine pleasure to speak to you at this time.  I Am Lord Metatron calling upon the forces of Light to be ever present in your existence as we become One Being of Creation.

We always look forward to the Spring Equinox each year as it brings more light into the planet on a deeper level.  This year is the same but so very different.  I first want to talk about what you have been experiencing within the planet and why the challenges have been so very intensified.

When you chose to be here on Earth and help by being the Light Bearers to hold the frequency, we knew that it would not be easy to create.  But yet, I don’t think any of us on this side of the Inner Plane ever realized how deep the creation would take us and the journey we would experience together.  In fact, we were not even sure that this project would come to its fruition.  There were times we thought it would have to be aborted in order to create a New Earth in another dimensional frequency.  But each of you have proved us very wrong and continue to do so.

The power of the energies within this year has been supported by 2013 and how each of you handled yourself through the transitions of light and dark within the planet.  We know that was not easy at all and here, we stand together, ready to receive more Light infractions that need to be held and nurtured.

This past trimester from January through March has been very extreme as each of you know very well.  The forces of darkness that make up the Galactic race not in alignment with the Brotherhood of Light are trying their very best to stop this light infraction from occurring.  The work that has been done behind the scenes is way beyond the capacity of your understanding and represents both sides of the Light and Dark.

Is it any wonder of why you have been experiencing such moments of intensity with the weather patterns?  If that wasn’t enough, the frequency that hits your fields to stop you from being strong in your pathway is way beyond your means of understanding.  All you know is what you feel and it has not been great, this we know very well.

The power of your light is strong; we see you aspiring to more within yourself and know that it is occurring in each individual person in the way that they see it molding their world.  It is the ones that we see who think that no work needs to be done and is expecting the other forces of light to take care of them are truly an obstacle for this light to fully become manifest in Gaia’s world.  You did not arrive here to expect others to help you.

So what has happened to some of you along the way?

Why have you fallen off the path of continued success with your higher essence guiding you through the muck and mire?

Have you stopped to think why you prefer to be taken care of by others?

Have you lost your Will, your Power, your Love of the Highest Truth?

I pose these questions not to criticize but to help everyone wake up unto themselves and the damage that may be created from expecting too much from others without giving themselves deeply.  The mastery pathway is the only way for your ascension and until you realize that you are not stuck, need to be saved by the ascended masters, and that you have the power through your divine essence of humility within yourself, then you will still be an obstacle to the New Earth being created.

We have a problem upon this Earth.  We are still not quite ready as a full consciousness to accept a 5th dimensional way of living, but we are moving forward very slowly.  I see so many individuals that need to understand that they are not the savior of this planet but part of a collective consciousness with many lightworkers coming together in Unison.  The debris you have brought with you is from many timelines of all levels of living, not just on earth but within many inter-galactic forms.

The question is, “Are you taking care of this debris?”

Are you understanding that you must look deep within yourself and accept your challenges as your greatest gift to healing?

Each individual that awakens has a responsibility to go deeper within themselves to find their inner truth.  Some souls are not ready to be on the mastery pathway and that is all okay.  Others are working so diligently that they are healing for so many others.

It is important to understand which group you place yourself.  If you are a Love and Lighter, please know that this is good but there must be more to the whole equation.  That entryway into the light is only a golden opportunity to see and be so much more than you were before.  It is designed that way to keep you moving further into your destiny upon this Earth.

I share all of these statements for one reason only.  Do I have your attention?

I hope so because this is why you may be experiencing very bad moments within your emotional and mental bodies.  The light infractions upon the planet are so powerful that it will create havoc in each individual.  If you are not aware of whom you are and what you want to do, then it can be very disastrous to your Beingness.

Let us look at it this way:  If you are awakened and step into the Self Help category also known as the Coaching Pathway, then your energies will still stay in a 3rd dimensional existence.  It is meant to help you feel better within your physical and emotional body but does not allow for the entryway of higher accelerations to be within your existence.  This is fine as long as you are happy with that element within your life.

When you go further into your existence, work with your chakras, start to open up the energies, then it becomes a whole new world of experiences from this lifetime into many lifetimes that will ignite within you.  You may find healing modalities that work for you and you stay strong within a specific pathway.  It takes you into a higher dimensional consciousness but if you don’t work at it, the lower ego stays in tact with the emotions and thoughts very strong within each other.

Then, if you decide you want more within your life and truly want to give service, you step into the mastery pathway.  This is usually a very conscious decision on your part so your Higher Self is working diligently with your physical self.  Your awakening becomes more electrified and creates light infractions to come within your body.  Changes start to happen that are completely different to your physical reality.

Without even talking about the unawakened beings on this planet, think about all the thought forms and feelings that are running through the airwaves from you and to you consistently.  This can create havoc as it is but then we bring in another aspect that is very important ~ controlled energies from the forces other than the Brotherhood of Light.  They are working within every person to make them think adversely about themselves and create more lower energies to be activated.

Their role is to stop you, every one of you from accelerating into a mastery pathway as those that walk as a master are being mentored to be the leaders for the New Earth.  So they also work with the powers to be of this planet to create more problems so that, as the lightworkers, you will be affected.  It is coming in from the media, from TV shows, movies, weather conditions, and anything that you can think of on a third dimensional arena.

So I ask you now, “How have you been feeling the past three months and what have you done about it?”

This is the key question because if you are working diligently every day to do the clearing that is needed and trying to find your higher essence to become more of the YOU, then you will still be affected.  It is just the way that it has been at this time.

2014 is the year of Unity Consciousness.  Do you understand what that means?  It does not mean now that everyone is healed and can live in Light and Love.  It actually represents the ability to heal deeply because as all elements come into alignment; there are other elements that need to be removed.  It is just the way it is.  It is part of Universal Law.

So the challenges that everyone is experiencing in every part of the world are all part of Unity Consciousness.  So when a tragedy occurs in any shape or form, those thought forms are ignited through the airwaves.  The dark energies have a way of capturing them and sending them back into Gaia’s core of existence. This means that every human living being upon this earth is going to feel it.  It is every person’s responsibility to change their thoughts and emotions or else they become part of the problem.

Presently the percentage of those that are adding to this issue is way much larger than the ones that are assisting in changing the energies.

The Christed Intergalactics are working diligently in the heavens beyond your Universe to assist in these darker forces from coming into the planet.  They have been working day and night to assist in the process of this planet’s Divinity of Light and to assist each of you.  (Christed Intergalactics are beings of light on the mastery pathway and part of the Brotherhood of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy with the Unified Whole Command.)

The intensity of these energies has been felt since the Winter Solstice but we are in great excitement for these frequencies to subside drastically.  We thank each of you that have been working diligently on a constant basis.  It is very imperative for the future of Gaia to ascend into Terra Christa.

The changes will occur on the Spring Equinox but we still need your assistance.  This will always be on a continual basis as it is part of your contract as the forerunners of the New Earth.  You have taken an oath to be on this planet during its transformation and do your best, with the knowledge and expertise you have gained each moment of your existence.  This will continue through each cycle and into the future years of Terra Christa.

We know your challenges.  We see them every moment and are assisting you greatly for the ones that are asking us to do so.  We must tell you that not all individuals that are promoting the light are doing it in the full essence of the Unified Whole.  There are still many aspects of each of us, as the ascended beings, that are the pantheons of the past and many lightworkers are channeling this level of understanding.  They are not aware of it; in fact, they think it is pure because that is where their consciousness lies presently.

What we want is for each of you to continue your acceleration.  Don’t let it stop and when something feels “not quite right” when you see it, read it, or experience it, put it aside and readjust your energies.  This is all part of the Divine Plan also.  Some are here to help others to a certain point and some are here for the long haul.  We want to be assured that you are of the latter part and not the first.

All of this information is very important as we walk into the Spring Equinox; it will reflect the energies of light to come into this planet more fully.  In December 2012 we experienced the same type of energy exchange.  It did not go as well as previously thought due to many individuals not ready to receive the frequency and move forward.  We cannot wait any longer so are asking for your assistance.

Know yourself very deeply in each moment. When something is not in alignment with your physical energies, emotions, or thoughts, change it quickly.  Utilize the Rays of God as they are being infused within Gaia, you will also receive.  Be your Higher Self; accept your role as a Divine Being of Light and a Torch Bearer.  Know that you do not know all the answers; that only comes from your lower ego and not your Higher Ego or Higher Self.  When you are wrong, accept that you are.  Find the truth within you and it will set you free.

All of these elements are important for this Spring Equinox as it will mold the planet into what she can hold.  Since each of you are a Torch Bearer and are here to learn more, accept the intensity of the Light within you.  Give it to Gaia and prepare for an acceleration beyond your wildest dreams.

The Light upon Gaia on this day in March will help accelerate everyone at this time.  Be strong, receive it, and share it through your own essence.  Look to the skies for confirmation in your daylight or nighttime.  It does not matter; many are waiting for your acknowledgement as we are working together.  We are here to walk with you but you must show your acceptance of our truth within each other.

Changes are happening with you, within Gaia, and every living being.  Others will need your strength as the transformation is occurring presently.  The more you hold within yourselves at this time, the more that Gaia can accept in her essence.  That will then filter out into the world, through the areas and the souls that need it the most.

Please know that we are here to assist you, be friends with you, as we remember our heritage of times gone by.  Isn’t it time that we get to know one another from a physical essence instead of the spiritual connection that we have.

IT IS OUR TIME TOGETHER.  Let us Unite in Harmony of the Light and Love that we are.

Blessings and Joy for an amazing connection of Light,

I Am Archangel Metatron, reaching out for your hand of acceptance.



Join Walking Terra Christa on Wednesday, March 19th at 5 PM Pacific for a powerful ceremony to celebrate the Spring Equinox with Lord Metatron and Sanat Kumara as our hosts.  Please register on our site under Free Teachings.  Even though this is a free event, donations are always appreciated.


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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February 2nd, 2014 ~ Unity Number “11”

Unity Number 11In the Science of Numerology the number “11” represents mastery in all forms.  It brings forth illumination of the Higher Self working within the Lower Self. 


This is a day in which tasks can be accomplished in a much easier manner than other numbers as it allows us to step into a doorway of opportunity.  It may include some challenges in the form of a “test” to see if the Lower Self is ready to accept the next step into ascension.  Keywords are:  Master Teacher, illumination, enlightenment, inspirational, spiritual awakening and enlightenment, high energy, idealism, inspiration and intuition, and being a visionary.

It is very interesting how many “11” numbers are showing up in the daily energies.  It was only a few days ago in January that we experienced this name frequency.  But since we have arrived into the month of February it will have a small difference in how we accept the energies within our present reality.  Again, the sum of the numbers are 4/7 = 11 which represents our organization, cleaning out house, and preparing for the next level of spiritual essence that we are to become manifest within our physical existence.

February represents the balance and harmony of the energies that we have been experiencing.  We must refer to the New Moon cycle as well as this has an additional surge of energy for the balancing effect.  Through this present cycle we are experiencing many levels of releasement that need to be processed.  These energies are taking us further into our depth with our relationships, what they mean to us now and possibly from previous timelines.  When you have occurrences such as this it means that you are experiencing the old energies for them to be changed into your present awareness.

The effects of “11” on this day takes you deeper into your mastery pathway so that you can understand more from your higher essence and not the lower self.  This can be a process of elimination of understanding what you are experiencing presently so that it can be addressed from your past timelines.  The purging that is happening in this year is for a reason ~ to make sure that each individual that wants to do better starts looking at themselves on a much deeper level.

Take time on this day to reflect how you have experienced this New Moon cycle with the increased energies.  The one element that is going to take you deeper is allowing the “2” of February to help you acknowledge these old issues within yourself so that you can go deeper into your essence and receive your higher aspects that are awaiting your arrival.

Mastery is one of great responsibility so take some time on this day to see how that word fits into your present experience.  It is meant to be taken as responsibility to the self and not to others.  We first must change the way that we are projecting ourselves in order to find the balance of the masculine and feminine within.  This process can be challenging but you have take advantage of the energies on this day, the Universe will support you in so many ways.

Another doorway of opportunity to experience more of whom you are.

Blessings on your journey of expansion.

We Are The Unified Whole Command of Many Beings of Light

Comprised of Master Thoth, Great Divine Director, Master Einstein

The Brotherhood of White Light with the Spiritual Hierarchy and Angelic Realm in Oneness

Note:The definitions of science of numerology with the keywords are excerpted from  The remainder of this post is channeled material from the Unified Whole Command through Rev. Christine Meleriesse.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Acceleration of Human Consciousness ~ December 2013 with Master Einstein

earth_violet_green-fbDue to the influx of energies within Gaia which started on the 23rd of November with the Uranus Pluto Square configuration and the Comet ISON, we have been asked to share two special messages from Spirit on this subject.  It is being shared in two parts.

(1) Lord Bear of the Great Bear System shared the Galactic perspective,; (2) this message from Master Albert Einstein of the Unified Whole assists lightworkers to understand what their role is by holding this light frequency and helping the rest of humanity to accept the changes that some individuals may be facing.

We are honored and blessed to be able to share the perspective of both the Mastery level and the Galactic energies.  To see the Galactic message from Lord of the Great Bear, please click the link, The Galactic Surge of Light within Gaia,

It is my pleasure to be with you in this moment.  We bring forth the energies of the 144th dimension in this writing.  Please breathe deeply, call upon your Higher Essence to fully be with you so that you work with the information from your Higher Mind and not the Lower Self.

Thank you, I Am Master Einstein.

My role in this moment is to help the human consciousness to understand the process that is occurring presently.  2013 has been the year when synchronization would erupt within the consciousness of GAIA.  That means that you, as an individual upon this earth, is holding that consciousness within you whether you are fully aware of it or not.  This is how Oneness is initialized and this is the process you have been undergoing this year.

Accelerations are happening every couple of weeks whether it is from the changes of the seasons, the moon cycles, and the planetary alignments.  As each of you are experiencing inner changes, every planet, star system, universe, and all cosmic levels are adjusting at the same time.  It is how it occurs.  When one object moves in a certain direction, it affects all other corresponding energies around it.  Whether you go with the flow of that object or move in a different direction depends upon your own particular consciousness.  It is the flow of life as it is eternal in each of us.

So as each of you have been shifting into new thought patterns, life cycles, and consciousness, each of us is doing the same. That is why the Unified Whole of Oneness is now in its creation.  We are all projecting from the Source of Light into the physical existence of our reality.

As the accelerations are occurring, you cannot but be deeply affected.  Now it depends upon your own consciousness.  Where is your mind set?  Are you on a pathway of mastery or just self discovery?  Hopefully, where you are does not matter as we are all continually evolving into Oneness.  The darkness is being shown by the light within each of you, each of us, and within the whole system of cosmic awareness.

Depending upon your Free Will, you will either accept the Light for assistance or you will walk away from it and continue your usual state of Beingness.  This is the choice that many will be making at this time.

My role in this moment is to help you be aware of your responsibility upon the Pathway of Mastery with the upswing of energies that are going to be coming into the planetary structure within the next month.  It is very important to allow these energies to come within you, to make the changes that are necessary, and purge the darkness that has kept you under the Veil of Forgetfulness.  That is your role presently to work as hard as you can to be the master of your destiny and make the necessary adjustments in your life circumstance to allow your Higher Self and I AM Presence to rule your world.

I ask of you, “Is this what you are presently doing in your life?”  I pose this question as the Portal of Light on the 23rd of November will open up a passageway that is beyond anything else that you have experienced, and the other accelerations have been beyond powerful for each of you.  This first activation represents the ability to see within yourself the depth of your pain and heal it deeply.  The doorway will be open to bring forth a deeper acceptance and more increased knowledge to come from your Higher Self, the Higher Mind that will be of great assistance in your present life circumstance.  It has the capacity to move particles of darkness that have enraged humanity for millions of years.  The accessibility of working within your own level of mastery is beyond what I can share.  But it must be in alignment with the Divine Universal Laws within the creation of the Cosmic Great Central Sun.  It will bring forth the ability of mastery to be part of your normal way of living even if you have never studied with any of the masters before.  Our worlds are integrating; the world of Divine Consciousness of Mastery and the world of Humanity.

It is up to each of you to command this to be your Will from the Cosmic Great Central Sun.

It is an essential component for each individual to be communicating with their Higher Self through their Monad and I AM Presence. The Mastery work is essential to allow this energy to be grounded within the physical body.  There are those that are not working within their mastery level and only receiving the activationsm because it makes them feel better will find that their life will take on a different perspective.  The entire planet is going to be effected as now is the time to come into full awareness of full disclosure of the self.

The Portal of Light is opening up the passageway for the Comet ISON to pass into the Earth’s hemisphere, through the Sun, and back again.

Oneness is occurring from the Galactic levels into the Solar Level to accelerate the planetary level of GAIA.  This means that the frequencies of light of these worlds are coming closer together for alignment of all species.

Are you ready?  This is a very important question as whatever is not being served in the Light will be shown.  The darker energies are now being revealed in a completely and different way.  These energies can take the form of emotions, thought forms, people, organizations, and geographic areas.  It is a time of great revelations for each of us.

In order for the advent of the Galactic Christed Beings to be with each of you, each person must learn more about themselves while taking action to make the necessary changes.  The ones that are serious about their pathway will accept the changes as they are supposed to receive the new essences.  Again, as is always said, the Higher Self is guiding this energy on a personal level so that the Monad and I AM Presence can be fully activated.

It will assist individuals to fully accept more of their challenges in their initiation phases; thereby, climbing the mountains and being able to see the progress that they have made.  The preparation is being made to fully feel these essences of light on a personal level so that the planet can fully accept it.

Responsibility of an Initiate or Master

At this time, it is important to realize that as each of us is coming into full alignment, we will take on a new responsibility.  As we work within the Creation of Oneness for GAIA, we must utilize our tools, our gifts, and our way of life to assist the planet.  There are going to be many individuals that will not understand.  There may be fear-based thoughts through the media and other venues.  Individuals that have no sense of their God-consciousness will have a tendency to create unpleasant thoughts which will create situations to be compromised.

The dark forces of this planet are still very active; they are losing the battle but that is when they become strongest.  It is imperative to know who you are, use your tools of protection, work with the Unified Whole, and command your Light within you to be centered upon the Earth.

It is our time to unite with Love, Wisdom and Power.  The beauty of ISON is that it is going to create the more light essence to be centered within the atmosphere of GAIA.  It brings with it the Galactic frequencies to be intertwined within the Earth frequencies.  This allows each of us to become ONE with each of you more than we have ever done before.

We need your help to create ONENESS within the earth.  It is not just thinking loving thoughts, or doing wonderful deeds to others; it represents the ability to allow your own Oneness of the Self to be infiltrated within your Being.  Know when something does not feel right and adjust it immediately.  Work through your program of initiations, step into the challenges, do not let fear stop you, and command your highest presence to fully be your guide.  When the fear arrives, so do the other energies.  Do not be aggressive, but surrender your angers and frustrations.  Transmute it; utilize the Rays of God to assist you and will become the Master that your Higher Essence is asking you to be.  Step into the lower energies, and you may be lost for a long time.

This acceleration is going to open everyone up to new possibilities upon the planet.

I ask you to command your Light, do the work that is necessary so that others can feel their own Love, Power and Wisdom to be commanded within their Being.  You are a Sovereign Being of Light and command it to be.

We are all standing by through the next month to assist you with these energies.  We are achieving what was hoped in 2012 and now you are ready to embrace it.

My highest regard and love for each of you,

I AM Master Albert Einstein

Unified Whole Command

To learn more about the Unified Whole Command, see our blog entitled “Why Is It So Important to Connect to the Unified Whole”, or check out our Video, Oneness the Unified Whole,

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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The Resulting Energies of the Fall Equinox of 2013 ~ Lord Adama Discourses

p1030596-fbWednesday evenings we work with Lord Adama and the Team of Light to visit the Golden Etheric Cities.  On September 25th, 2013 we traveled to the Golden City of Shamballa which is above Macchu Piccu (the Etheric City of Shamballa is below the planetary level and this is a completely different city).  You may  download this MP3 file for a small fee by clicking this link.

Greetings! It is I Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light; here we are once again back to visiting the New Earth Cities.

I would like everyone to take a moment of reflection of the increased energies within your Being at the present time. The Equinox within Mount Shasta was absolutely beyond our wildest hopes and dreams so we thank you for doing ceremony, we thank you for connecting with others to do another ceremony (via telecall) to assist with the grounding of this energy and to receive and this evening we travel to the energies of Macchu Picchu that represents one of the other mountains of creation of frequency.  That is why we chose this city this evening.

First of all, I want every one to take a deep breath and try to reflect in moments past of this time last week; and in that reflection I don’t mean what you were doing physically but how you were feeling internally within your consciousness when you woke up in the morning and the difference that you feel in this present state of awareness.

Each of us were together during this time even though you were not here physically, so I want everyone to reflect within that essence of our completeness together without the body by just feeling those energies intertwining within yourself.  What you are feeling now?  If you are feeling a little bit imbalanced within your ability to stay grounded or staying awake, not sure what you are doing, or where you are going, then you are in a perfect place.

You cannot be part of such a powerful moment in time on an energetic level without you feeling it physically so it is important for you to understand from your Higher Mind, your Higher Self that you need to flow into these moments; that is another reason why we choose this city for this evening.

It is important to stay out of your physical mind as this is what is fully going to get you into trouble through this process.  If you can stay in your highest vibrational state as much as possible, it will assist you greatly.  Again, this is another reason why we chose this city for the vibrational changes that are occurring; it is important for us on the physical plane to allow them to integrate within us in whatever way we can.  If  it only happens through an emotion of possibly tears or a moment of complete silence, if it is a moment of feeling complete change within your physical body feeling dizzy ,not quite sure of where you are going physically, it is all part of the process. Your bodily functions are going to change when you go through acceleration such as this, and it is an important factor to remember.

If you feed this information into your Lower Mind, it will start to accept what is happening so that the Lower Mind does not diffract any thoughts that may be occurring. We have talked time and time again of being aware of whom you are; we know this can be challenging process because if your Lower Mind gets in the way that is your old self and is not the higher vibration. When you are in the higher vibration, it is like you are walking through a meditation, you are walking through another level of experience and your body is trying to adjust to it and the more that you try to push that adjustment the more that you will lose it.

So I ask you during this phase of this week to just relax, relax much as possible even in your working day if you can because that is going to assist you in allowing the energies to unfold within you and become part of who you are now so that there is an intertwining of energies instead of saying in this moment, “I am allowing the energies to come within me and when I get up I want to walk down the street and I want to feel better.”

It doesn’t happen as easily as that but it is important to understand what you are going through by allowing the energies to unfold within you and not deter from that moment of exaltation.  Because, if you think about it being dizzy within your physical body, it becomes an awakened meditation.  What your body does automatically is say, “I don’t like this feeling so I want it to change; so I want to ground myself; I want to go back to bed; I want to eat something; I want to not talk to anybody; I want to be alone.”  If you take a breath of that frequency and allow that to flow into the rest of  your body as Meleriessee shared about the expansion of the outside body coming into the inside, (the outside of the light body coming through all the four body systems into the physical existence) then you will start to accept it.  Seep is usually eminent at this stage, because in a awakened state your physical body does not want to take that on so there becomes a duality within you.  So lets mirror that of what is happening within the world.

The higher Light frequencies are coming into the hemisphere through Gaia and every individual person is feeling this energy so even the elements of the Earth, the waters, and the land masses can erupt because it creates a surge of Light to coming into the planet that may change that land mass; it may change how the waters flow; the rains can come because that is more cleansing that is happening; so it is hard to stabilize all parts of the Earth during this process.

So I want you to reflect within that essence, that each of you is just like Gaia, that you are receiving these Light frequencies in your full body systems and you are not quite sure how to handle it.  It is important to be still and allow it to come within.   When it enters into your emotions, be open with your Lotus Heart and accept it.  If you do not allow this process to occur, then that is when you will get pulled back down into your lower emotional existence in which you had been previously experiencing. It can happen quickly because this energy is so strong that if you don’t allow yourself to integrate with the flow of it, then you block it. The more that you block it, the more that you will try for it to come in.  It will be like busting down a door and the waters, the flowing energies will come in and erupt within you.  This is when havoc will result within your physical existence.

Allowing yourself to be still is the most important aspect, because what happens in the lower emotional feelings is a lack of understanding; wanting understanding when it cannot be acquired can create anger along with hysterical doubts of emotions instead of allowing yourself to flow within and feel the Love that is coming to you.  Let it be embraced through your entire Beingness.

In reference to the Mental Body the thoughts can erupt.  If you allow yourself to be still into not just mindfulness, beyond mindfulness of being within yourself of the frequency of Light in your breath and that is what all you will hear as the in-breath and the out-breath of the stillness will occur within you.   If you don’t allow this essence to be enfolded within you, then your old thoughts will erupt that have not been cleared. You will be angry at what you have created or even worse, some will not realize that they are creating it to be so anger will result, and frustration will be at its height.

So what I am sharing with you is not to create fear, but to make you see your responsibility within all of this as it is very important to understand the effects of these energies which did not happen in 12-21-12 when they could have.  What I am sharing with you could have been upon this planet instead of countries thinking about war they would have been at war, instead of people thinking about peace they would act upon each other; so it has taken these last few months, these last nine months to be able to infiltrate these energies to make the changes necessary and even the most simplest people that have not awakened fully are feeling it. It is just not each of you that need to take responsibility but everyone, everyone needs to take responsibility for their own self.  Each of you that have been on this pathway much longer and are walking in these journey of initiations and mastery, yes, you do have more responsibility because as you move further in those initiations your responsibility is for Service.  You will find this aspect in each of you but, first of all, you must hold it within yourself.  This is what each of you are learning.

It is a very beautiful time but it is also a very important time to reflect each moment of what you are bringing forth within yourself.  Now, of course, if you are in places like Macchu Picchu, and Mount Shasta, the increased frequencies are going to be stronger because of the work that has been done there so it is more like a waterfall flowing from rock-to-rock continually, continually occurring.  So please know that those energies through these calls are being filtered to each of you.

It cannot be helped every time you come to Telos that you will receive them, every time that you listen to any of these calls you will receive it because it is all about the vibrations. We are finally learning on the planetary level to be in vibration and to allow that to flow within our Being.  This is why manifestations is very powerful right now.  So just allow your Hearts to be open ~ allow your mind to be still and it will all come into Unison within your Being.  You don’t have to think how to do it or what to do during these next few moments.

If you have time when you are traveling, say you are on a bus, a plane, or a train, take time to do to be in the moment and be still.  When you awaken, take a moment when you call upon your protection, the Unified Whole then allow yourself to be in that stillness of your breath.  It only takes a moment and that is all we ask.

So this evening we will be working with what we call the 3 M’s of Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma, as they will share the essence of vibration to you within the Light Violet-White Ray.  Think about how it is a very high frequency Light as it comes into your Crown, as you walk the land of this beautiful city and go into the Temple to allow yourself to feel this essence.  It is your destiny ~ it is time for you to fully accept all that you are and allow it to be manifest within your physical existence.  So we travel through your Mind’s Eye and allow the energies to enfold within your Being to fully accept what we have always known in this world that We Are One and that Oneness starts within our self, with all the aspects, all the timelines that have been misplaced to now come into full Unison within the physical self.

It is my pleasure to be here with you at this magnificent time.  I thank you for listening.  I thank you for adhering to the tools and the understanding of the 5th dimensional life that the Telosians have brought forth.  We thank you for accepting them and working within them as it is our gift upon the Earth.

Many blessings.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, published first on Sep 27, 2013 @ 11:50.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  Sharing of this information MUST INCLUDE THIS COPYRIGHT INFORMATION.


Mastery Thought of the Day

auras-fbAcceleration of Your Kundalini

People who try to force the evolution of their Kundalini unwisely have sometimes set themselves back entire lifetimes because of the damage they have caused to their Etheric Bodies.

Always work within the realm of your Higher Self as they are the guiding rule of what you can handle physically, emotionally, and mentally.  Whenever you decide to receive an activation for your DNA, always connect with your Higher Self first. The DNA activation comes from the guidance of your Higher Mind and Heart; you can overload your system if you work at it too quickly and cause great damage to your entire four-body system.

Working through the initiations is the process that is necessary for these activations to be accepted through the physical body.  As each initiation is acquired, you will receive the 12 strands of your DNA in the way that is guided by your Higher Essence.



©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

New Earth Frequency Update ~ The Timelessness Effect


There is no mistake about it – the Lion’s Gate energies this year have taken us into a whole new dimensional self.  That is the purpose of this Star Gate in 2013.  Challenges are resulting within all aspects of a Lightworker’s four-body system to bring forth the alignment of our Divine Self.

August 8th we will be entering the Apex of the Lion’s Gate.  If you think that you are feeling the energies now, it will climax within each of us for a 24-hour period.  Then it will be downgraded into our physicality by grounding it fully into GAIA.

The Lion’s Gate started on July 29th, 2013 and has been continuing until August 12th.  This year has been called the “Year of Synchronization”.  This is exactly what is occurring within the Planetary, Solar, and Galactic grids – to allow all frequencies to be aligned within the core of our Beings.  As we move forward towards the 5th dimensional reality, these activations are going to push us further ahead so that we can assist many more individuals.  The more work that you have done internally, the more work there is to be done.  We are receiving the frequency of the Rays of God (all 12 of them) through this star gate for the Christed Beings to become fully manifested to assist GAIA and all of her inhabitants.  To learn more about this frequency, please see our blog on the Lion’s Gate,

Wherever you may be on the pathway of Mastery, please know that this star gate is going to assist us to go deeper than we ever thought was possible at this time.  It is a wondrous time to become our multi-dimensional self embodied with whom we are presently.  If we, at Walking Terra Christa, can help you in any way, please contact us.


It is our pleasure to connect with each of you once again.  It has been awhile since we have been asked to speak, so thank you Meleriessee.  We are the Commanders of the Unified Whole of the Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein at your service speaking for the entire Creative Source of Oneness of Ascended Beings of Light.

Yes, we are stepping into the world of the unknown with the Apex of the Lion’s Gate on August 8th, 2013; we know that many of you are already experiencing the energies in your time zone.  We call this apex the Point of No Return in which the energies take everyone into the aspects of NO TIME creating the Timelessness effect.  This means that during this influctuation of energies there is no Present, no Past, and no Future.  It is about being in the moment of silence when nothing exists except the Creation of the Light.  There are no thoughts or emotions that stand in the way of your acceleration as the frequency of the Star Gate moves into its highest frequency.

Each of you have been preparing for this event in the last week so that you can be fully ready to accept all that you can from your Higher Self to truly understand from your Higher Mind into your physical self of what you are creating in this moment of Rebirth.  All of your struggles in the past week and months are bringing you to this point of awareness so that you can fully allow the Higher Mind to work within the physical self.  It is like aligning yourself with your essence in the deepest meditation that you have ever experienced but yet, you will be fully awake.

Each person will experience it differently depending upon their awareness, the inner work they have done, their ascension process, and how far they want to go within their pathway.  But every human being upon the planet is feeling these energies even if they are not consciously aware of it.  Those that are highly seasoned upon this pathway of several years are the cornerstone of allowing the light frequencies to be inter-meshed within their world in order to hold it for others.  If you are one of these individuals, please know that your challenges do not go unnoticed as you are expanding your light within your body so that others can receive.

The 8th of August is a day to allow the expansion to run out of your physical bodies.  Many of you have been challenged in weak spots within your physical existence. The energy has been settling within those areas.  It is now time for it to be released as it merges within the rest of body as the Etheric body is become more involved within the physical.  So timelines are being readjusted, removed, and accessed to allow the physical body to remember.  It is a time of great awakening and the more that you accept surrender into these areas, the better the process will be for each of you.

Individuals that are not as highly aware of what they are dealing with energetically or within their physical structure will need to receive compassion and love from the others.  They are really hurting deeply as their work has not been as deeply ingrained within their lives.  It is a time of complete renewal so this activation of the Lion’s Gate is roaring through everyone’s essence to command to be more than they ever thought they could be.  The power of these energies is beyond our comprehension as it is different for each individual soul and how deeply they want to accelerate their pathway.  Lives will change at this time; it cannot be helped.  Even the ones that do not understand will be in a constant state of healing.

So now how do you accept the energies and how can you best heal yourself through the process?  As your Higher Self is commanding more time within your consciousness, this is the exact moment to fully reflect all that you have been experiencing.  Take moments in silence to fully reflect.  Be in a walking meditation, go outside, connect with nature, and GAIA.  Be at peace during this time, as in the Timelessness, there is nothing to reflect upon except BEING WITHIN YOURSELF.  Take this opportunity to fully accept your divinity of your multi-dimensional self to come into existence within your world.

This time is an opportunity to experience the 5th dimensional world as you sit in your 3rd and 4th dimensional existence.  It is a doorway to exist in a completely different manner than you have ever experienced.  You have been challenged greatly through the changes so take moments within your day to feel the reflection of your Higher Self and I AM Presence to be fully integrated within you.  Some may find that gifts are going to be more powerful on this day; the dreamstate can be miraculous as the changes intertwine within you.  It is a beautiful day to celebrate Oneness within the Self.

After the 8th of August, it will be time to balance what you experienced.  Allow it to be part of your world; otherwise, it could be lost.  So it is up to each individual soul to understand the process that is occurring for them.  This is a test of the Higher Mind to be fully active within all of your consciousness of the Super, the Sub, and the Conscious as you are integrating these essences within you.  The highly trained individuals will be able to effect great changes within their lives and then the teachings will come.  Others, that are newly awakened or not working within the mastery pathway as deeply will find that the changes that they receive will help them but there are still going to be great challenges.  This goes for everyone as the layers are being peeled away of the many lifetimes that each soul has endured.  Again, it depends upon your willing to go deeper within yourself to receive the Core of Your Being to be manifested within you.

We greatly embrace each of you at this time of awakening upon GAIA.  It is a wondrous time filled with great joys.  We know that some of your experiences have been interlaced with great challenge, but know that these elements occur to only make you better and remove to old timelines in which you were not successful.  Be the Lion and roar through this gateway of Love, Will, and Power to fully embrace the Christed Being that you are.

In Divine Oneness,

We are the Unified Whole Command at your service.

Channeled Through Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

 Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

Mastery Tool of the Day


arcturians-qprCall to the Arcturian Temple Workers, the Arcturian Elders, and the Arcturian starships for help in running the higher Light frequencies through your four-body system and meridians.  Ask for this at whatever Light Quotient percentage you are currently working on.


You can also ask them to downgrade the percentage if you are having a difficult time in assimilating them in your physical body especially during high energy accelerations within Gaia as we are being assisted through higher frequencies each month through the full moon, new moon, and planetary shifts.


Balance is the key to our survival during our transformation process to the New Earth.



©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

2013 ~ The Year of Synchronization

As we reflect back on the year of 2012, we have come to a new place of awakening.  2013 will represent to each of us individually how we can be better as we assist the planet in the transition of darkness into light.

We have all chosen to be here in this juncture of time no matter where each individual soul may be experiencing their reality.  We must all admit that this year of 2012 has been the most challenging on a personal and global basis as we are being assisted in learning about our Divine roots as our Souls are being more active within our physical essence than we ever thought could be.

The activations of this year and in particular, December 2012, were very life changing for every soul upon the planet.  These changes are directed by our free will and the deeper we allowed ourselves to go within, the more acceptance that we have felt.  The upcoming year is a new level upon 2012 as it will be up to us, individually, in how we want to accept our pathways of Light into our physical existence and the world around us.

We, at Walking Terra Christa, held a most powerful retreat of seven days from December 12th through the 21st.  We learned that we came together to heal our wounds from the past in order to be in the present as we walk together into the higher level of existence upon this planet.  We healed previous timelines to help us acknowledge our Higher Self as the commander of our ship.  Elements arose that we needed to address, and we did it in love and compassion for the journey that we were on together.  It was not easy as we were confronted with challenges in each moment.  We stood with courage to hold the Light and some walked away not understanding the process that each of us had gone under.  This happens while being in Mt. Shasta as we are continually being pushed to get deeper into the essence of our souls.  That is the beauty of this journey as it is a gift that we receive to help us to become better at our jobs, being a Light Worker.

The essence of the Christ Consciousness becoming fully integrated within us is a personal journey.  It is up to us to allow the highest optimal experience; and if we do not allow the process to continue through our physical body, then it will become a struggle as we move into 2013.  From January to the Spring Equinox we are going to be asked to hold as much light as possible to assist Gaia in her transition.  The forces of the lower energies are doing the same on their end so our battle is not finished yet but we are much further along the way than we could have ever hoped.  It is going to be up to us to work through our judgments, fears, and lower thought forms that keep us stuck in the lower dimensions.  Many are still in this space and we as, the Leaders and Torch Bearers of the New Earth, need to be very diligent in our spiritual practice on a daily basis.

This means that not only is the human race changing, we as the leaders, must go deeper into our core essence to remove all the old timelines that have stopped us previously.  These thought forms that come to us are not from our Higher Self and have been engineered to keep us in bondage.  It is up to us to fully accept that we are higher beings of Light and share this Light with others through our vibration.  All of this must be done with our frequency that we have inhabited within us during the powerful activations in December.  Otherwise, they may get lost in the process.  It is a very powerful time to realize our dreams through thoughts, visions, and expressions that may seem unusual.  We must write them down immediately because the energies we have experienced are not grounded into Gaia yet so we have to help in the process.  Each of us may forget as we are still experiencing duality around us; the planet has not ascended but is in the transition of doing so.  It is a wondrous journey of Light.

2013 represents Synchronization and in order for this to occur we must fully allow the old timelines, thoughts, and remembrances of the past to be fully removed.  Otherwise, this synchronization cannot happen and there will still be discordant elements that we have to deal with.  This has to do with not only ourselves, but the environment, the planet, and everything around us to allow Heaven on Earth to occur.

Take time during this period to reflect on your past and how you have changed.  Then go a little bit deeper to see the rebirth occurring in your experiences of your Mind, Body, and Spirit as you become One Body of Light.  The power of this exercise is going to help every living cell and molecule around you as you illuminate it outwardly.  BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO BE and you will see the direct result as we become One Within Ourselves to allow Oneness to occur on the planet.

We are all healing deeply and we still have an incredible journey with each other in order to achieve the Unity Consciousness that we all deserve.  It is not going to happen automatically just by wishing it to be.  We all still have incredible challenges to conquer so that we can fully accept our New Divinity.  This is a new role for each of us and just saying you are Love and Light does not make it so.  It must be 24 hours a day and every day.  This is when true miracles will happen to each of us individually and as a beautiful planet of Light.

We have been given wonderful opportunities to be here and assist in the ascension of Gaia.  Changes will happen but they are at a much lesser degree than ever thought realized by Man and by Spirit.  Our pathways are completely open to receive and give more to each other than we ever could imagine.  The Beauty of Life and Joy is within our reach.  Take the time to dig deeper into your essence of Light and allow it to illuminate to the world.

Wishing everyone a magnificent 2013 ~ as we synchronize all that we have received to be more than we ever realized could be.

Love and Blessings,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden

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