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Understanding the City of Telos’ Role in the New Earth

Telos 5D repDo you understand why you so want to come to Telos?  Is it because of your Lemurian heritage and the joy of joining your brothers and sisters of the Light?  I, As Lord Adama, with the Telosian Council of Light, want to say to you that it is so much more than the elements that you feel.

We, the Community of Telos, is a representative of the New Earth and we live exactly the way that life will be in your very near future.  We are here to assist you with transcending and removing all old ways of life that you have learned in the thousands of years since we have been together.  Your role upon the Earth has been essential and it is even more important at this time.  That is why we ask you to travel deeper into your core essence than you ever thought that you could.  It is a journey that many cannot endure as it takes great courage to persevere with the challenges and upheavals that you are experiencing.

It is important for each of you to realize that you role is so very important and as the spokes-person of the Telosians, we truly honor the pathway you have chosen.  We are here to assist by walking with you and helping you to remember your divine heritage in Lemuria and Atlantis but not to hold onto that feeling.  That is your basis and you have so much more that you have learned in the process that is helping Gaia to ascend into her completed journey.

So our goal is to show you our ways, the way to the New Earth in which we will both meet one another in unity.  This is why we open our doorways to so many and request that you share with us your focus.  Telos is a city of great love and power; many of your essences have traveled here in between lifetimes and healing that has needed to be acquired.  But that is just the beginning.  There is so much more of us together as we grow and become the enlightened race of the New Earth.

We need your expertise, your love, and your guidance; we will share the same with you as we create together the New Earth.  We know that this is not an easy journey, neither for us.  We miss you and desire to be with all of you once again, but we both, have our parts to fulfill until that can happen.

I ask of you to think about what the New Earth may look like; have you seen it in your meditations?  Well, I ask of you:  think about joining us for the visits to the Golden Etheric Cities.  We need individuals to perceive these energies so we can make it manifest to help the present Earth transform her energies into the highest essence.

Join us on the New Earth Consciousness – Circle of Light calls and you will not be disappointed.  I want everyone to enjoy the beauty of these cities so they will become manifest within the earth we each of us that inhabit as the Inner Earth, Upper Earth, and New Earth become One.

I am deeply honored to share with you the beauty of our future together.

Your brother in Telos,

Lord Adama


If you would like to join us on the New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light calls, you may join on a call-by-call basis on Wednesday evenings.  Details are available on Walking Terra Christa,

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.


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