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New Earth Frequency Update Festival of the Christ Full Moon April 16th, 2022

Ascension Mastery Message through Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Heliohah of the current Full Moon cycle of Libra representing the Festival of the Christ with a special message from the Unified Whole Command from the 144th dimensional frequency of Light.

On April 16th, 2022 we enter into the full moon cycle of Libra  conjuncting with the Sun of Aries at 11:55 AM Pacific, 2:55 PM Eastern within Universal time of 6:55 AM. This cycle represents Aries being the physical consciousness vs the higher consciousness of Libra.

This moon is being considered a healing process for the Heart Center. It is a time to become more aligned with our Spiritual Self allowing for a deep Heart connection to be felt within the four-body system (Physical, Etheric-Chakras, Emotional, Mental Self (s)).

This cycle allows for these two parts of our Soul to come together in unison bringing forth a deep healing to occur within our Heart Center. It is a time to reflect on what elements need to change in order for a state of equilibrium to occur. Sometimes this means stepping away from a relationship or bringing it together.

If we think of this in terms of our Physical Self vs. the Spiritual Self, it represents the ability to make necessary changes in our physical reality to allow for the entryway of a deeper connection with the Higher Self of our Soul’s Essence.

This is exactly what is occurring during this cycle.

It is a time of accepting that changes need to be made in order to find the true meaning of the relationship of our Spiritual Self in relation to our walk upon the earth within our present consciousness. This, is in truth, is a hard line to walk as a human, as we are not used to accepting our higher reality as a Spark of Light as it can feel very intangible. As a species, we are used to walking the pathway of seeing it become a reality, before we accept it to be our Truth.

This cycle is asking us to embrace the element of Faith through our Spiritual Self, also known as the Higher Self to guide us in the right direction.

As we step into the energies of the Moon of Libra and the Sun of Aires, it can create a depth of healing within our Heart Center that may feel comfortable in certain moments, but then the releasing of the old must surface. This brings with it an emotional charge that may feel uncomfortable at first, but the more you allow yourself to move into the energies, it creates a sense of deep love to blend within your heart as you allow your Spiritual Self to guide your Physical Self in the process.

This moon is a true reflection of the FESTIVAL OF THE CHRIST as it represents the elements of LOVE, RESURRECTION, and CONNECTION TO THE HIGHER REALMS OF LIGHT or the Ascended Master State of Consciousness.

The Office of the Christ is overlighted by Lord Maitreya and Lord Kuthumi who hold the essence of the Christ Consciousness within their essence and extend it to humanity during this ascension festival. The forces of restoration are very predominant as we are very connected to the Mind of God (the Will, Masculine Aspect) within the Blue Flame. This is a connective energy to the Heart of God (the Love, Feminine Aspect) within the Pink Flame known as Creative Actualization (making our dreams become a reality).

Every soul upon the Earth is affected by these energies so that the essence of LOVE can permeate into the hearts of humanity. It is a time of Restoration, making the necessary changes, in order for the Heart to accept the Will and Love of the God Source Within the higher realms to become physically immersed within our consciousness.

This causes the keynote of RESURRECTION to take place.

What is no longer accepted within the Heart Essence through the change, now must leave so that the true healing can occur. This is actually when an Initiate can fully accept their own process of connecting to the Higher State of Consciousness which is represented by the Office of the Christ.

During this time there can be many reflections between your Personality Self and Higher Self which may conflict with each other. The main element is to realize, that you as an Initiate, are being guided by the Source Light and adhere to the changes that need to occur which is a true reflection of your HEART ESSENCE.

The balancing energy of the Feminine Moon Essence of Libra is helping every soul to come into a state of movement that will allow them to feel the pure essence of their own Divine Heart Essence as the Masculine Sun Essence of Aries will allow it to be grounded within the Physical Self. This is allowing each of us as Initiates and Masters to become more aligned for our highest purpose.

It is a time of great acceleration and within those energies, it becomes necessary for every soul to change what is not working for themselves in order to find the True Essence of their Divine Self to be acknowledged.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for the Festival of the Christ
Full Moon of Libra 2022

I call upon the Blue Flame of the Will of God to assist me with Inner Courage to allow the elements I desire to RESURRECT as I allow for the state of RESTORATION through the Pink Flame of the Love of God to assist me through the energies of the Festival of the Christ preparing me for the Wesak energies.

Frequency Update with the Unified Whole Command from the 144th Dimensional Level ~ Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director with Master Einstein

We, of the Unified Whole Command, are deeply honored and excited to extend to you our blessings and love during this magnificent time of Re-Creation.

As we stand together in the presence of the Creative Source of Oneness, we bring forth Unity and Oneness in the official concept of all things coming into the Creative Essence. Separately, each of us has traveled far and wide to extend our blessings and love to one another through the transition of space and time.

Each of you within that Creative Oneness, and separately, you are learning to live in a world that represents separation but yet Love. You have come to this Earth as a companion of the Light and within that vortex of energy, you have allowed your physical self to awaken to all possibilities.

It is at this time those possibilities start to become part of the creative process that allows for the shifting of time and space to be experienced.

It is at this time within the year of 2022, that the re-alignment of Gaia is occurring and each of you must move within those energies.

As we embark upon the Ascension Festivals of the year, it is always with immense pleasure and excitement to see all Sentient Beings to come together for a blessing from the God Force.

This Festival of the Christ will allow for the transition of Light Forms composed of each of the Rays of God to intertwine within your consciousness and through your bodily structure. The changes that you are feeling are due to your ability to accept less conformity and more freedom in the scope of your Divine Self.

The blessings of the Great Central Suns of the Solar, Galactic, Universal, Multi-Universal, and Cosmic are extending their light forms directed into the core of Gaia. The presence of these magnificent light rays will assist each individual to step into a state of healing that has never been experienced before. This is due to more of the grounding of the light energies to be more concrete within the earth allowing for the Rays of God to be realigned within the auric field of the Earth.

Specifically, the Flames of the Blue and the Pink Flame are going to be a focal point to allow individuals to feel the Divine Blessing of resurrecting the old self allowing for the re-creation process to occur. The Blue and the Pink essences will elicit a deep healing for any individual that is ready to receive it.

We can also call this a Birth – Death – Rebirth process as what you have been, will be changed internally; but yet the major portion of your consciousness remains intact. This means that this beginning cycle will allow your soul to fully embrace the changes that need to occur for the Wesak Festival, standing in the presence of the Masters to assist you in your role as an Initiate for your physical and spiritual existence to become One Unified Source of Light.

Through this process there comes a time when you may have a moment to realize what you have been doing previously is no longer working for you, as the composition of your bodily system is dying, changing, and re-erupting for you to accept the State of your Consciousness to be more aligned to the Source of Light.

As you go through this process, think of the Flames of Blue of your Will and Pink of your Love to become a focused integration of Light. Take time in silence to allow this to occur as you go through a deep integration process.

This may be an immediate profound experience for you, or it may take some time for the energies to adjust into your present consciousness and four-body system.

Whatever is the case for you, know that you stand at the precipice of arriving into your higher consciousness even for a moment to fully assist you to comprehend the dynamics of your Higher Self becoming more aligned within your Physical self.

The Full Moon of Libra will help you to become more balanced with the Integration. Allow her essence to help you feel the dynamics of the change that is occurring within you.

Now, if you feel that you are not accepting this light energy, remind yourself that your Mental Self is trying to be in control of the acceleration. This cannot be, so use the Will of God through the Blue Flame to surrender into the process.

The vibratory rate of light will be magnificent. You may already be feeling this integration.

Preparedness for Wesak is the focus of this energy. Use it wisely, don’t abuse it, but accept that the RESTORATION of your Divine Self is occurring through the Festival of the Christ.

We walk with you with blessings and movement of your Divine Self,

Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, Master Einstein of the Unified Whole Command.

WALKING TERRA CHRISTA HELD A LIVE ONLINE CELEBRATION OF THE FESTIVAL OF THE CHRIST on Saturday, APRIL 16th at 11:00 AM PDT. Setting up your personal sacred space and listening to the blessings from Lord Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya, Lord Sananda and Master Djwhal Khul, along with vibrating the Ascend Earth Ascension Columns with Lord Ashtar brings forth a very powerful high frequency of Light/Love to be experienced. The audio recording is on our website donation supported Audio Recordings Library for all to enjoy.

© 2022 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). (*formerly spelled Meleriessee). Please share and repost. Rights are granted to repost this article in full with image electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:



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