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GAIA’s Truth for the New Earth – November Full Moon

panther meadows1The Full Moon Ceremony on November 4th, 2014 brought forth a reflection of the changes we have been experiencing.  NO-EYES a special Native Teacher comes to us monthly to give her vision for our future.  These energies are still within us until the New Moon of November 22nd.

It is I, NO-EYES at your service. Thank you so very much.

Hau ~ Hau~ Hau~ Oh my heavens, in the purification of your light you can fully allow these essences to be within you that you have experienced within this beautiful circle of Light.

In this moment, if you remember what you experiencing, you can bring that essence onto yourself continuously. Yet you must remember to do so. This moon will bring forth quite a bit of emotional charges in individuals. So it is important to have the balance to bring forth those elements that have been secret inside of yourself only to be revealed. Your truth cannot be your truth if it is only within you. You must allow it to expand out of you.

As we have so many individuals walking around keeping their secrets within themselves, it is creating that frequency upon the earth. It cannot arise into the higher levels that way, which is what you are experiencing presently. With your Mind’s Eye, see a beautiful medicine wheel. See within this sacred circle so many beautiful beings sitting here among each other.

This is our truth of the New Earth. This is Gaia’s truth. Yet, her availability to access it is only through each of you. Realize that you truly have many gifts to give, that your lineage is strong, that the power of your energies is not just the Native energies, but the Galactic energies of the Starseed energies, of the Inner Earth energies, of Lemuria and Atlantis, all coming into Oneness.

It is so very important not to hold onto the particles that seem lost and undefined within your consciousness. They are not there for you to accept. They are there for you to remove, so that more can occur for you. I am so very excited that this Earth is becoming the New Earth, and that the changes occurring upon this Earth will allow you live on within the higher energies.

The processes do not evolve because you all just came here as the Lightworkers that you are. You have a role within this pathway to know that you not only came here to assist others. You came to assist yourself. The totality of what you are receiving is beyond the capacity you can comprehend. It is beyond your mind. It is beyond your feelings. It is within you in these moments.

I am happy to be here and to say that during this month, there will be more changes within each of you in order to help you understand yourself on a deeper level. It is because you are here now. You will allow it to be. You will bring forth this essence onto yourself, so that you can assist on a deeper level. You will do so. As I connect with each of you, I see your wisdom, I see your knowledge, I see the power of all that you are.

I extend that mirror onto you right now within these beautiful Flames, within this beautiful wheel of light that we are all connecting with. This is my dream. It has always been my dream to see people coming together in love, in compassion, and in joy. I extend this onto you now. Allow it to expand within you throughout this month. Allow this moon of Taurus to help ground all those energies within you, no matter what emotions you are feeling.

As we move more toward the solstice, it is needed. Changes are coming. The changes that are occurring presently are on a much easier level than they could have been. The defining energy of 2012 could not come to pass fully, so you are getting a portion of that now. It will come in proportional stages.


So to save humanity, to save as many souls as possible, to allow each soul to awaken onto themselves and to see that they are the light. The darkness they feel is only because of what they have been before. Each of you are the Ones that must step forward. You have the hardest task of all to fully ground this essence within yourself, to remove your lower egos about it. What happens when you start tapping into your higher frequencies is that you begin to receive knowledge and gifts. If your Full Body consciousness has not evolved to a point at which you are ready to receive those gifts, the Ego will result in the lower forms.

It is always important to attain the highest level within yourself. Do the cleansing and the purging that is necessary. Utilize the frequencies of the Universe to assist you.

The next six weeks are a very powerful time.

It will depend on each of you; how deep you are willing to go and how far you are willing to see the purification of your light within you.

I see it. It is magnificent. It is beautiful.

I send that essence onto each of you in these moments, to help you envision it for yourself. Do not only envision it, but acknowledge it. You then must accept it to let it become you. Let us initiate those energies, so that you can fully assist yourself and the planet. The time is coming when more is arriving.

I Am No-Eyes, A Native Woman That Sees It All

Hau! Mitakuye Oyasin! – To All my Relations

N0-EYES from the Chippewa Nation was a teacher of Mary Summer Rain as she wrote about her in her many published books. She comes to our monthly Full Moon Ceremony to extend her essence and teachings through Rev. Meleriessee (White Raven). She has been a teacher of Mel’s since the 1990’s when she came to her through the eyes of her cat “Chakra”. She taught Mel how to heal her body with herbs, native remedies and tools along with teaching her the shamanic way so that she could access her native lineage. Their work together has helped many individuals to find their own pathway of light.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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Balancing the Feminine Divine, Full Moon of November

full_moon1-webThe Full Moon of November 6th, 2014 promises to help each of us go into a deeper level of our emotions as we access the Feminine Divine of Scorpio with the moon aspects within Taurus representing the Earth Energies and grounding.

The energies of October were very powerful. I would not call them intense but yet being on the pathway of an awakened soul, it pushes you in every direction. Usually it is the unchartered areas that we are asked to acknowledge within us. That, in itself, is where the challenge lies within each of us. It does not matter how far along the path that you are; our souls are healing deeply with each step we take towards the integration of more light infractions to occur within the physical body.

In the last two weeks I felt the energies to be more flat-lined. What I mean by this statement is that the accelerations were so great that it was time to fully integrate what we have experienced. As this happens, our physical body is probably the one area that is challenged the most.

As individuals knowing that they want to have more, most of us talk to the Universe to help us become the person that we are trying to acknowledge. I know that this is an important phase within my healing process. Living in Mount Shasta I continually talk to the mountain and since this mountain holds many magnificent energies; I know that I am heard. I speak about what I want to accomplish and transform within myself and in my world. The Universe always hears us, but sometimes we don’t receive exactly what we think it will be.

This is because we have to take the time in between of asking and receiving to transition ourselves to be the recipient of the special gifts that we desire. We forget many times that this has to happen.

Did you ever go to sleep at night calling upon your guidance to help you through some elements you are trying to change? Then, upon awakening, you feel emotional, or upset with yourself?

This means that the Universe is listening to you and giving you what you desire. But until you can fully accept the new essence, you have to remove elements within you that have been stopping you to receive this special gift you are asking to occur.

The New Moon of October represented those energies to fully come within us. Then, during the two-week period until the Full Moon we are readjusting ourselves to the upgraded version within us. This past two weeks has been a time where we have been unable to do anything but go through the process. This may not be felt in the physical body but in any of the other areas of emotions (Feminine Divine) and mental thoughts (Masculine Divine). It is all part of the Divine Creation for each of us to bring these elements into balance. Each of these cycles we are experiencing is helping us to do so.

This full moon is giving us that opportunity to go deeper within ourselves as the Feminine Divine is represented by the emotional body and within the sign of Scorpio the emotional issues can be hidden behind the scenes. The moon is in Taurus so it reflects the earth energies of wanting to feel peaceful and loving energies within the physical body. As Scorpio and Taurus interact with one another it will take each of us into a deeper part of ourselves.

What is to be revealed is the hidden aspect within our Being that needs to be acknowledged without judgment of any kind. This judgment can be right within our own subconscious as those elements need to be purged out of us in order for the Super-conscious or the High Mind to be acknowledged. It is a perfect opportunity to allow the true self to emerge into a new a deeper way of acceptance.

The important part is not to allow yourself to go into hiding with these emotions. These energies are igniting at this time to help us become more within our physical essence, to call upon our Higher Self within the breath to allow the integration of these elements to become One within us. Take time to feel them physically even if they are uncomfortable. In order to walk through the doorways of the Soul we have to acknowledge all parts of ourselves, especially the ones that we do not particularly want to deal with. That is when we find our deepest challenge and continue the walk so that the purification that We Are can be fully embodied within our full body system.

Allow the Feminine Divine of your emotional feelings come into your full perspective of the physical existence within you. Then take time to nurture yourself with the Earth utilizing various ways to do so. Taking a walk in nature, connecting to the essences of the trees, the land you walk upon as the seasons are changing. Make some herbal tea as you sip it feel the plants from the earth healing your emotions and start to feel the peace within you.

We are preparing for the end of the year as we go into 2015. Spirit has said that this year is what we imagined we would be experiencing in 2012. Take time to reflect on the changes you have made through this process and honor Grandmother Moon for her beautiful essence into our lives and within GAIA.

Many blessings for a beautiful Full Moon experience.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

The Full Moon in November takes place at 22:22 GMT, 2:22 PM Pacific, 5:22 Eastern.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a Full Moon Ceremony via tel-conference which can be accessed by Skype on Wednesday, November 5th, 2014, 4:30 PM Pacific.  To register and be part of these energies, please click on the link above.
©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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Super Moon of September 8th, 2014

full moon3Today being September 9th we are experiencing the 3rd Super Moon of this summer which is reflected within the essence of Pisces, the Water Sign, with the Sun Sign of Virgo representing the Earth. It probably represents the most powerful balancing act that we have experienced within the past three months which will assist us to move through the Fall Equinox, is on September 23rd, 2014, UTC 2:29 (US Pacific September 22nd, 2014, 7:29 PM).

Pisces represents our emotions, the flowing movement in each direction, which takes us into deeper levels of our internal self. This Super Moon is reflective of the healing that has occurred for each of us individually through the last two cycles. It is important for each of us to take time to see how far we have come through the emotional and mental balance within our physical body.

Every part of ourselves has to go deeper to accept new essences of our Being to be fully accepted.
Acceptance is important in each of our moments of our creation. It helps us to understand who we have been before and who we are becoming.

It is difficult to talk about this moon cycle without knowing what has occurred before us. We always change in each moment, each week and each month. We learn from our experiences so that we can delve deeper into our Soul’s Essence, known as our Over Soul or Higher Self. It is truly who we are supposed to be but yet so many of us have a difficult time in accepting the higher part of ourselves to be grounded into our present reality.

The process of changing the way that we think and feel is all part of these cycles. As Grandmother Moon brings to us the ability to delve deeper into our Soul Body of Light, we learn to reject what does not work for us and accept the parts that have been waiting to be acknowledged. It is at these important moments that we have the deepest reflections of our challenges and achievements to create a better, more evolved self within the physical existence.

This moon of Pisces helps us to achieve all these elements within our lives. The flow of the emotions are like the tide moving in and out towards the shore and then out to sea. This essence helps us to dive deeper in the abyss of unknowingness to find parts of ourselves that are looking to be part of our reality. In essence we are learning to heal the dark elements deep within our subconscious that do not fit into the higher essence we are becoming. It is a time to true to understand why we create situations in our life that may seem painful but yet the true reality is that the trauma takes us deeper into the self-healer that we are. It’s just we forgot that we know how to do so and blame outer elements around us. In truth they are just a mirror to our own essence.

The flow of the energies presently is helping to achieve more within us than we ever thought possible. As we take the newer elements that have been waiting to be acknowledged, we then can ground it into our physical essence. This is where the Sun Sign of Virgo assists us ~ it helps us to embrace the parts that have been missing as the darkness stood in its way. The light is always within us; it’s just that the dark pockets from our past seem to block the doorway to our true success.

It is within those moments that we can have true success within our lives. These moments cannot be measured as it may be just a thought or an emotion that we realize is not our true worth, and then we are able to see to total picture of the missing part that is now fully acknowledged within our Heart and Mind.

Needless to say this is a very powerful moon. It takes us so deeply into the parts that we are afraid to acknowledge and allows us to be more magnificent than we ever thought we could be. The power of these cycles is only as powerful as the essence that we bring to it. The more that we work within the elements and cycles of life, the deeper our transition will be. The present energies are here to assist us and allow us to be achieve more than our physical mind can imagine.

But as always, the work needs to be done. True Reflection of the Self is most important. We cannot expect these elements to occur without the purification of our soul’s essence within the physical body.

We must remember that ‘we are not our body, we are our soul’.

As we move closer within the New Earth energies, these cycles are going to be increasingly more important to our grounding our physical bodies within GAIA’s essence. It is part of the process of healing that we are going through, just as she is experiencing. Please know that none of us is alone. There is so much help within the Core of Oneness of the God Force to assist us to be all that we ever hoped we could be. Ask, and you shall receive.

Take time to purge what you don’t like. When something occurs that is hurtful or uncomfortable, take time to go within yourself and see the true darkness that needs to be removed. Then you can ask for the purification of your Higher Essence to be fully within you.
You will truly thank yourself for doing the inner work so the outer self can be fully acknowledged.

Blessings and Love for another amazing cycle of light upon this planet.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Super Moon Climatic Energies

full moon3Today, being August 10th is the climax of the three Super Moons we have been experiencing this summer of 2014. This means we are at the height of our energies in both the lower and higher essence within our consciousness. It also is a time to dig deeper and find our powerful essence to be emerged within us.

At 18:09 GMT time (10:09 AM Pacific, 1:09 PM Eastern) this moon fully came into our existence. You may have noticed it last evening but the power of this cycle cannot be denied. Exactly what does this mean for us?

Astrologically, it represents the Moon in Aquarius with the Sun in Leo. We are in the battle of the Logical Mental Thoughts or Masculine Self with the Intuitive Emotional Feelings or Feminine Divine. It is a time to balance both of these essences within ourselves. It is important to create the balance of stagnation or going to fast. The Masculine of Leo wants full independence and like to be the leader of the team; the Feminine of Aquarius wants to be part of the team but able to show its independence in the greater whole.

We all know that the Feminine Divine is our initiator of our progress and the Masculine Divine provides the idea. The essential component is to allow the integrations of the Male and Female Essence within us to be our guide in all matters.

Since this is a Super Moon, the closest so far to the Earth, it represents the illuminating light upon each of us. The power of these energies is only a projection unto each of us to go deeper, learn more, and illuminate the essence that we desire to express in each moment of our existence. Understanding that there is true leadership within us to be expressed is an important component. We utilize this energy with the Ray of Will and Power. Learning to be a leader but part of a team is an essential component to accepting our role upon this earth.

If this is a problem for you, then how do you go about recreating the process within you? This is done by understanding within yourself the components that make up both processes. Getting an internal sense of who you are and how you are going to project that quality within you to others is a very integral part of understanding the Self.

We need the masculine and the feminine energies to work together cohesively in any situation, but most individuals do not understand their own composition of the soul’s essence along with how they project it to others.

This moon is helping us to do just that for ourselves. The power of the energies through this week is going to push us in either direction of stagnation or pushing forward quickly. It is important for each of us to realize the potential that we have upon this planet to help GAIA make the necessary changes. Every thought and projection that we have goes out into the world around us and into the earth. So if this moon is pushing us to see within ourselves the imbalance of our masculine and feminine energies, it is because we need that assistance. Some of us don’t always like to look in the mirror of our inner truth so this is the time in which we will be asked to do so.

The Beings of Light have talked about how powerful this summer has been for healing, changes, and inner growth. It is time for each of us to take advantage of what we are experiencing. The first element is to look within instead of looking outside of ourselves. Find what is not working within your mind and your heart to make the necessary changes. Sometimes we cannot see our inner truth, because we are searching for the bigger picture.

On a personal note I had very deep realizations today of energies that I have been feeling for some time and was unsure why they were coming to me. I was shown the reality of what I have always known within myself with certain individuals previously. I sat and reflected on the experience of realizing all this time, “I know that the energies I have been receiving were true.  I am now ready to make the right decision for my highest good in all ways of my existence.” I was not emotionally upset so I did not go into my emotional pain but yet I was given the internal truth of who I am and how I project that to the world. What others think of it is their choice. The true illumination was that I fully respect my decisions and feelings in balance of heart and mind. I am very content within myself of what I have fully realized. Sometimes it takes awhile for it all to filter in all areas of the psyche and full consciousness.  It is a beautiful day of awakening.

Instead of looking at this moon to create more conflict, work within yourself to find the balance of the mind and heart. Breathe deeply within yourself, activate your higher energies by asking for the healing light of your Higher Self to come fully within you. Allow it to settle into your Heart while asking your Masculine (right side) to blend with your Feminine (left side). Utilize the color of Blue for the Male and Pink for the Female. Spin them together in your heart and allow their essences to blend with both sides.

Be the integrative self that this Super Moon is helping us to achieve.

Walking Terra Christa is holding an open Tele-Call on Monday evening, at 4:30 pm. Details are available on

Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

The Illuminating Essence of this Full Moon ~ June 2014

Festival Christ 2014aThe Festival of Humanity is now arriving on June 13th at 5:11 GMT (12:11 AM Eastern and June 12th, 9:11 PM Pacific) within the Sun  of Gemini opposing the Moon within Sagittarius. 


This moon represents our Lower Mind of thinking logically battling the Higher Mind of our intuition and wisdom.


This is the last of the ascension festivals which represents the ability to ground the higher levels of awareness and consciousness that we have received during the Wesak moon just one month ago.  The time that has passed since Wesak has given us an opportunity to take those lessons we learned and understand what we have gone through in the process of our mastery pathway which may be a challenge to face within our present awareness.  These energies will take us out of the reality we have been living under into a whole new perspective as we actively allow our Higher Self to be our ruling guide in each moment that we think, feel, and act upon this Earth.

The Ray of Love of Wisdom within the color of Golden Yellow was activated through GAIA’s Merkabah Vehicle of Light during Wesak.  It is now time for each of us to fully integrate not only this ray of pure love from our highest perspective but to be fully grounded with it along with the Blue Flame of Will and Power and the Ruby Red and Gold Flame of Inner Devotion.  Life is changing on this earth; the integration of these powerful rays fully grounded will assist not only the entire planet but each individual to change their life path in a new and constructive manner.

With this integration of the Festival of Goodwill there will be a reconstruction in the following areas:

  • The Power of Will
  • The Will to Love
  • The Will to Action
  • The Will to Cooperate
  • The Will to Know and To Think Correctly and Creatively
  • The Will to Persist will become a human characteristic,
  • The Will to Organize


Our lessons will be centered upon each of the elements so that the choices we make will be reflected in every course of action we take.  We are now at the stage to reconstruct our lives on the basic principles of the Divine Will being manifested within our world.

This Wesak brought forth great changes in each of us.  Some of them are manifested in our outside world or within ourselves.  It does not matter which way it becomes obvious to each individual; the most important matter is allowing them to grow within us, change us to become the master we desire to be, and create our world accordingly.  This is truly about giving service to this Earth.

The aspects of this full moon only enhance the energetic exchange of this festival of light.  It represents our ability to communicate more clearly with a different sense of attitude within us.  It can create a sense of adventure in the actions that you take.  Gemini shows us conflict within our logic and Sagittarius brings us the illumination that we desire.

It truly helps us to bring forth the illumination of the Higher Mind to blend within the Lower Mind of the Physical Self so that there is more of a flow of ideas within our consciousness instead of the battling between the higher and lower energies within the self.

It is important to take time during this full moon to activate your Higher Self within your physical existence by breathing in the Rays of God or Spectrums of Light.  Connect with your Higher Essence to see what you may need to accept within your physical body so that these elements can be put into place within your pathway of light.

Walking Terra Christa facilitated a Full Moon/Festival of Humanity Meditation Gathering Event with Lords Sanat Kumara and Kuthumi, as well as the Native Elders, in the Crystalline City of Havalanchee located in the Etheric Earth over Mt. Shasta, California. Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos spoke at the end to invite everyone who participates in the event to ask to come to Telos in their dream state to have a celebration there.  Mel and Mike, the hosts for this magnificent ceremony, hope that individuals will choose to join them in celebrating and grounding these energies into Mother Earth by listening to the recording of the event.  (Click here to listen). To register for future free open gathering events, please check the Walking Terra Christa website for registration details.

Utilizing the Wesak Decree will assist in grounding the energies we are incorporating presently:


Inducting the Golden Yellow Flame of Love and Wisdom


The time is now upon us,

Of Celebrating Wesak in 2014,

Representing the Flame of Love and Wisdom,

To be fully integrated into GAIA.

This flame of the Golden Yellow,

Now joins with the flame of Ruby Red,

Representing Inner Devotion,

And the Ray of Will and Power,

Igniting the Deep Blue Essence of Light.

GAIA is now receiving these flames,

In her fully consciousness of the Merkabah Vehicle of Light She Is.

We, as the initiates of this Earth,

Have traveled far and wide,

Through time and space,

To be in the here and now,

As we receive these amazing flames of Light,

Within our Beingness.

As Love and Wisdom,

Represents Mental Illumination,

Of Allowing Universal Love,

To Be My Guide in all that I experience,

I breathe deeply within my Crown Chakra,

To Ignite the expansiveness,

That I AM..

I allow the Will and Power,

Of the Blue Flame to be fully ignited within my Throat Chakra,

I learn to speak my truth,

As I embody the strength and courage,

Of all my timelines to be fully accessed.


I feel the serenity and peace,

Of the Ray of Inner Devotion,

Within the flame of Ruby Red and Gold,

As it blends within my Solar Plexus,

I feel my Inner Power within me,

As I devote my pathway,

To understanding my Higher Self’s Journey Within Me.

I fully embrace all of these essences,

To be part of my physical existence,

As this is the way it is to be,

For 2014.

I extend my gratitude to the Source of Oneness,

Of the Brotherhood of White Light,

And especially Lord Buddha,

Our Planetary Logos.

He is assisting the entire essence of the Earth,

To accelerate our bodies,

So that they may meet with,

Our Higher Self, Monad, and I AM Presence.

The journey of ascension,

Can be very intense,

But so rewarding.

I breathe deeply,

As I feel the changes occurring within me,

I chant the sounds of,

“HAM” with “HE”,

For Will and Power within my Throat;

“AAA – OOO – MMM”,

For Inner Devotion within my Solar Plexus;

And the sound of “I” with “AUM”,

For Love and Wisdom.

All of these Spectrums of Light,

Now spin within me,

I ground them fully through my Earth Star,

As I send them into GAIA’s Merkabah Vehicle of Light;

As I receive the gift of these rays of light,

From the Elders Around the Throne of Grace,

I send them unto GAIA’s Core of Light.

The spinning of our Merkabah’s,

Are now in Unison,

As we Become One Beam of Acceleration Together.

I connect fully with all the Ascended Beings in Shamballa,

For Wesak 2014,

As we Become One,

With Lord Buddha as our guide,

Allowing All that I AM,

To be fully within all parts of my Being.

I feel it spinning within me,

I feel the connection of All Sentinent Beings,

As we Represent the One of the All.

I embrace all that I experience,

In this moment of Wesak 2014,

As my acceleration,

Is now grounded fully within me,

As I walk into a new doorway of Light.

I AM One with All that I AM

I AM that I AM that I AM

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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