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2-22-2022 New Earth Frequency Update ~ Cosmic Portal of Light ~

Ascension Mastery Message bringing forth the current energies of Acceleration that are occurring within Gaia through the Unified Whole Command (Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein of the 144th Dimension) and Rev. Christine Mahlariessee.

Greetings Comrades of the Light,

We come to you in the essence of the Unified Whole Command, represented by Master Thoth, the Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein who hold the frequency of the 144th Dimensional Level.

Our role for this moment and within the present energies is to help each of you grasp the Divine Light Energies that are imploding into Gaia.

This is occurring through the Great Central Suns of the Solar, Galactic, Universal, Multi-Universal, and Cosmic frequencies of light. The Logos of each of the Great Central Suns hold the presence of the energy within the aspects that they represent in Ascension Mastery.

They are the Divine Masters of Divine Mother Father God also known as the Cosmic Great Central Sun; the Multi-Universal is overlighted with Lord Metatron, the Metatronic Seals, and all angelic principalities within the Multi-Universes; the Universal Level is Lord Melchizedek’s domain guiding the Divine energies of Ascension Mastery in relation to the Initiations; reaching the higher realms beyond the Planetary into the Solar and Galactic; Melchior is the commanding force of the Galactic Great Central Sun, overlighting all Galactic forces represented by the Christ Light; with Helios and Vesta holding the frequencies of the Solar Level.

Each of these Great Central Suns are working in conjunction with each other to bring in the Higher Light Rays into the Solar 10th Dimensional System which is ignited by RA the Sun God.

This process is ongoing through many accelerations and light adjustments assisting Gaia to come into a higher source of grounded light.

Through the current Light Portal represented not only by this year of 2022, along with the month of February being a 2-2022, with the day of 22 brings forth all that you have been feeling throughout this month. It is a pivotal point of acceleration bringing forth an extensive surge through each of the Great Central Suns and coupled with the Cosmic Frequencies of Light beyond your Universe into the Multi-Universes and higher dimensions of the Cosmic Forces.

Each of the Cosmic Masters that have never incarnated into the Earth’s history but represent the forces of light beyond the 49th dimension into the higher realms through the 144th level are assisting in this Cosmic Portal. Each of these Cosmic Masters has a divine plan to assist the Earth and all of humanity as many of them have experienced similar moments on other planets to come into a higher state of frequencies, like the state of Oneness.

Some of these masters you may know by name; Vywamus, Lenduce, Atlanto, Adonis, and Averran. The essence that each of them brings forth is beyond the planetary level into the Galactic, Universal, Multi-Universal, and Cosmic forces.

They have been integrating their energies into the Great Central Suns to focus upon the Higher Light Vibration to assist in the planetary functions allowing them to function within the concept of higher vibratory rates than is usually experienced.

The intensity of these energies can be felt by many individuals, star systems, geographic areas of the planet bringing forth a higher vibrational rate within all systems on the planetary level. This also includes the Cellular Structure of all plants, animals, and humans.

It is not just about bringing forth physical abundance; in actuality it represents the way that the planet is perceiving the life force which is one in heavy Duality, representing dysfunction of human interactions with each other in many different areas including politics, commerce, and simple living habits.

Systems can break apart in order to find a new solution to living. We say “can” which does not mean “will”. The vibrancy of this light depends upon human interaction upon the Earth.

A planet cannot evolve into a higher dimensional existence without the majority of individuals to accept that journey within themselves.

This is a movement of Change in which all vibratory systems can be realigned into a higher order to give purpose and meaning to the aspect of Divine Living.

As each of you are inhabited upon the Earth, it is your duty to accept the higher Light Vibrations within your own consciousness. This means that you must surrender the old ways of your existence in order to make room for the New Essence that is evolving. This is a big process in which the Mental Self can decide that it is not time to do so. Many souls will come into this thought process as the Lower Ego of the Personality may not want to be part of the change.

It must be an Individual Decision on the part of every soul.

Are you ready to accept more Light within your four-body system or are you content the way that you are living your life?

This is a very big question for all of humanity. In the past two years you have experienced grave moments of deep healing; many souls have left the planet due to the virus hitting the atmosphere. It is not important how this has happened, but the fact that you are experiencing it.

How will you let the adjustment occur for you?

We tell you this, you cannot go backwards. Life as you knew it will be gone and every soul has to adjust to this fact. Many will not want to do so and may fight the system to achieve peace of mind.

But if you, as that soul, stops and allows the Divine Energies that are coming into the planet to assist you, then you will be releasing the battle which means you are on your way. You then become an Integral Part of the Cosmic Light Frequencies as you learn to adjust them within yourself.

This may not feel comfortable at first as you will want to be more grounded, connected to your third dimensional thoughts and feelings. As you move into the stage of accepting that your duality is challenging you, then you become more centered with the Light of the Truth.

It is at this pivotal moment that you become One with Gaia. As she is transitioning, you are doing the same. The more you allow the light frequencies to change the issues within your four-body system (physical-etheric-emotional-mental) along with all of your Chakras, then you start to become more in tune with the higher forces of light.

This process will not be an automatic fix, but will assist you to realize the potential of allowing the Light Energies to guide you. The important part is to always align your energies within the Unified Whole Command, as it will help you to reach the higher dimensional light infractions and not be interfered with through your dark timelines (which can happen very easily).

On the 22nd of February the intensity of this Cosmic Portal will be very strong; the importance is to allow yourself to surrender into the energies and not to listen to your Lower Self Personality. The connections of these energies will be at 12:01 AM through 11:59 PM on the 22nd.

The Science of Numerology is very crucial for these energies. This is when there is an alignment of the Great Central Suns with the Cosmic Masters to bring forth the Divine Light Source into Gaia.

If you reflect on the number “2” or “222” represents Balance, Idealism, Spiritual and Divine Connection to the Source of Life allowing for Transformation and Growth.

It is a time to allow what the Source of Life (or the Creative Source of Oneness, within the 14th dimensional frequency) to assist you, as the Incarnated Being, to hold the Divinity of Love, extend it to Gaia, and to all of humanity. It is time for the depth of your internal healing, to allow you as the Initiate to walk the Pathway of Mastery with strength, courage, nurturing of your soul, re-creating all that you desire to be from your Higher Self’s perspective, holding Divine Truth, becoming aligned with your Christed Light, and walking as that Initiate through the challenges and aspirations of what can be.

Isn’t it time for this Earth and all of her inhabitants to act accordingly to the Divine Law and Plan? It must start with ‘you’ holding it within yourself.

This is just the beginning with the Cosmic Forces; get ready to align prepare yourself for the journey of your-self.

We, of the Unified Whole Command as Master Thoth, the Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein, walk in unison for Oneness with each of you.

So Mote It Be! Let It Be Done!!

Join WALKING TERRA CHRISTA in a SPECIAL PRESENTATION on Zoom to connect together and initiate the COLLECTIVE GROUNDING of the COSMIC FREQUENCY OF LIGHT! (Check the link for more information)

Lord Adonis, Cosmic Master will be directing the dynamics of this gathering. He resides in the higher cosmic frequencies of light and is coming forward to assist us in learning how to walk through and balance the energies we will be experiencing.

DATE and TIME: TUESDAY FEBRUARY 22, 2022 at 2:00pm PT (North America)
HOW TO JOIN: via ZOOM or Phone (free registration)

*Audio Recording available

Many Blessings on your Ascension Path in 2022!

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. Walking Terra Christa is the originator of the teachings of the 22 Rays of God within Ascension Spirituality. (*formerly spelled “Meleriessee”).



Master Djwhal Khul ~ Festival of Lights February 2022 ~ Opening of Integration

Spiritual Meaning of the Ascension Mastery* Message of the February 16th Full Moon as brought forth by Master Djwhal Khul and Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

The Full Moon of Leo in opposition to the Sun of Aquarius occurs on February 16th, 2022 at 8:57 AM Pacific, 12:57 PM Eastern within Universal time at 4:57 PM.

As we are now embarking upon the Full Moon Energies, it is opening up our Heart Centers to go into another depth of healing while learning to project what we are feeling to create Action in the outside world with passion and confidence.

As this month is very representative of Oneness, with the numerology it represents of the 2-2022, the essence of the Leo moon is help us to become more attuned within ourselves to become the Oneness of the Creative Source, our Higher Self to be the directing force.

Change is the first focus coupled with the desire to feel the Divine Love which fuels enthusiasm. In order to find our passion we must align with the Divine Love that we are as a soul. This means that this cycle is helping every soul to find the purpose that they have been searching for but to also act upon it.

It is a moon of Abundance of Love, as when we express self-tenderness, then we find the ability to be more creative in all areas of our lives. The Aquarius Sun is the grounding force for this passion to be rooted within us through the ability to accept it is time to fully embrace our Inner Love from our Spiritual Self.

It is a month of new beginnings which highlights Abundance to be created in all phases of our lives especially within the physical conscious allowing the Soul’s essence to be the guiding light of our lives.

The Leo Moon represents Passion of what we have been intending to create with the ability to be confident in the way that we approach the adjustment we are making in our lives. It is a time to allow all aspects of our Feminine Divine to be the defining energy of our lives through Intuition, Inner Knowledge, and Acting upon the change with the Masculine Divine become the New Self with the power of Inner Knowing and Passion to be the guiding light.

The Aquarian Sun is the movement of that ability to be in a state of realizing that you can fully be assured without the Lower Ego coming into play through the actions you are creating. The Higher Self is assisting in allowing the change to occur while having the intuition that the time and place has now arrived for you to become more aligned within your own truest self.

It is time to step into the next part of your Truest Self to be acknowledged within you.

Take time to reflect on your innermost feelings that represent your Divine Truth so that it may be shared outside of yourself. This should bring forth the alliance of your Heart’s Essence to come into a new existence of acceptance.

Create a ceremony for yourself in which you can be fully supported to allow the Divine Truth within you to become your True Reality; allow it to be created with the Passion and Confidence that is represented by the Full Moon of Leo.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote
~February 2022~

I Accept My Innermost Passion of Divine Love to be embraced through the Full Moon of Leo as I create a New Beginning to be experienced while being Authentic to My Spiritual Self.

Greetings and Love,

I am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for the Ray of Love and Wisdom extending unto each of you the understanding of the present energies within the Full Moon of Leo.

This cycle represents many elements coming into play that each individual has been thinking about, or bringing forth intentions to make it a reality. It is a month of physical acceptability to allow these thoughts and feelings to become a true Reality of your life.

Every month we discuss what can occur or how you can get through the present energies. Within this cycle it becomes more of an integrated process meaning that your spiritual self has an opportunity to help you become those idealized thoughts; meaning, they are becoming more intertwined within your physical consciousness.

Now this is not magical thinking; it is not just going to happen because you have wished for it to be so.

No, it is more of what you have been working upon in your Higher Self consciousness that can be acquired if you open up your Heart to the Divine Light Energies that are occurring within this cycle.

Now sometimes, this can be incredibly challenging because whatever has been stopping the process previously needs to be healed, transmuted, and transformed. Any individual that has desires to become manifested, must always go through a deep cleansing process.

As we enter this cycle of the Moon of Leo, then energy is becoming very open to give every soul this opportunity to allow themselves to move into the process of Oneness within themselves. This means that each of the four bodies (physical-etheric-emotional-mental) need to go through a healing process in order for the spiritual body to become more integrated.

This is what we like to call as the Opening of Integration by allowing whom you are as a Spiritual Being to become more part of the entire process within the Physical Self. This takes an earnest effort as the programming within your sub-conscious mind will try to stop the process.

That is why this Full Moon Cycle of Leo is so magical. The confidence that every individual needs to push through the lower energy is being brought to the Earth for every soul to experience a moment of Divine Clarity, opening themselves up to Divine Love. It comes right in the middle of this month when numerologically the power energy of “2” in double and triple density is bombarding the planet with the assistance of the Great Central Suns.

My suggestion is to take full advantage of the present moon cycle to prepare you to become more grounded and ready for a highly integration of light and love to be felt within your heart, help you heal on a level that you may not be aware of, and accept the role of your Higher and Physical Selves to work more in unison.

I look forward to walking with each of you in this miraculous time of change.

So Mote It Be, Let it Be Done!

I am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

Listening to the audio recording for the Festival of Lights Ascend Earth Full Moon Ceremony that Master Djwhal Khul hosted will assist in bringing forth the vibrational emphasis through attunement and activation of these higher frequencies of light. Click Here for the recording to be accessed in our Donation Supported Library.

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.


Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

1-11-222 Portal of Oneness ~ Cosmic Great Central Sun of Divine Mother Father God

Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

Ascension Mastery Message from the Cosmic Great Central Sun of Divine Mother Father God received in the Clarion Temple of Oneness. 


Greetings My Dearest Ones! I am Yamteleus. Welcome! Welcome! Welcome to the Clarion Temple of Oneness.

This year we are opening up the doorway as always to the massive amount of Souls that are leaving the planet. We have received some of them. If there’s anyone that you know in this moment that needs to be brought forth into the temple, please state their name or call upon their Higher Self for healing.

Since the inception of this temple, it has been my pleasure to be part of these energies. I see such growth and the extension of such a beautiful power of Light coming within the temple to all the teachings and to each of you. I am deeply honored to be able to be in this position and to greet these Souls and tell them my story so that they can feel the confidence that this is the right place for them at this time. We thank all that have come to this temple, and we greet them in these moments.

Let us continue.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]


We are the Angels of the Many Principalities overlighting the energies within the temple for each of you, opening up the doorway of Divine Mother/Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun. We want to give a special consideration for the energies for this day of 1-11-222. Miraculous love is opening up your heart. Allow it to shine within you as Divine Mother Father God give their dissertation of the opening of these energies. It is our blessing to bring forth our Wings of Light in rainbow colors within the temple in these moments. All of our blessings to each of you in the whisper of our wings.


I Am That I Am That I Am!

I Am the Divine Mother, the Divine Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun.

Hallelujah! It is a new year and here we are in this glorious Clarion Temple with so many Souls bringing forth their presence within these walls. Millions and millions of Souls come through these doors continually to receive the healing that we are bringing forth to the entire Cosmic Forces of Light through all the existences of all that we are together.

As we stand before you in these moments, we bring forth all of these flames that are beyond the 22 Flames going to the 330 Rays of God, colors upon colors swirling within this temple assisting each of you to feel an essence of your Divinity, your Truth, and the guidance that you desire to hold within yourself to allow it to become part of the true reality.

It is not just a vision; it is a feeling. Breathe it in My Dearest Ones. Allow it to come into your senses, allow it to be part of your pure existence, allow it to come into your physical creation. Allow the Light to be so strong that there is nothing that you can feel in this moment but the beautiful sparkles of rainbow colors settling within your brainwaves, settling within your Heart Essence, settling within your bodily system. Your chakras are spinning at a rate much higher than they have been before. As you allow this Light energy to come within you and go through you, feel the beautiful expression that we extend to you in these moments.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

As we gather together here in these moments what a beautiful way to start the year, to start the existence of a vibrancy of Light to give each of you the stabilization that you need within your reality. It is important to allow the silence to come to you. It is important to allow this vibration to center upon your pure existence from your I Am Presence through all of your Higher Light Bodies allowing it to come into your physical vehicle. Allow it to come into your heart. Allow it to come into all the aspects that you are.

FEEL THIS NOW My Dearest Ones. FEEL IT! Do not let the thoughts stop you. Use your breath to connect to your Soul’s Essence as it enters into your Heart Essence.

It is on this day that we celebrate the beginning particles of this year.

January being the first month, the 11th day and the year of 2022. Unity, Oneness, taking care of thyself, allowing that stability to come into your center and to realize the potential that you acquire within your consciousness is representative of that connection to your Higher Self, to your Higher Mind, to all the aspects beyond the physical reality that you hold so dear within yourself.

Allow yourself to just be in this floating essence that is stable, yet it is constantly moving, to bring forth an opening of a new doorway to your Higher Consciousness, the next step of your reality.

It does not matter how long you have traveled working within these energies, this year is a new beginning. It allows you to step even higher than you have before if you allow the vibrational essence of this day to give you the full acceptance that is necessary within your consciousness.

What is the new beginning that you desire to have? I ask you to answer this not from your personality self, but from what your Soul wants you to start anew.

What is the opening that is occurring for you, breaking the doors of duality, allowing yourself to really aspire to your greatest hope?

This hope is not of a physical manifestation; it is an energetic exchange within you. It is representative of your emotions. It is representative of your Soul’s personality. You may not know what that is because of the physicality getting in the way.

So, let us MOVE all of that; let us PUSH it all away so that the openness of what this day, in this month, in this year represents can bring forth that Divine miracle to occur within your physical self to remove the accolades, the mental elements that get in the way, to remove the emotional challenges that try to stop you, to move away from what you think your life should be as a person and allow your Higher Self to guide you.

Feeling your Solar Angel giving you this blessing that it is OK. You’re safe, it’s OK because it is time, it’s OK for you to exist in a higher plane of vibration to remove the parts that are stopping you.

So, let us call upon this energy presently as we bring forth this newly charged acceptance of Divine Light energy for this year. With the triple digits of 222 with a zero in between, zero is a Oneness allowing those essences of stability that is absolutely essential of your heart beating at an entirely different level than it ever has before. The expansion is growing within you. Allow it to be part of your reality.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Softly, softly, allow your breath to be opened to receive the Divine Light energies at a level that you can handle bringing forth that extension of strength within you to look at any difficulty that you face through the power of your own Light, through the power of your guidance assisting you, the power of each of us in the Higher Realms of the Cosmic Great Central Sun holding this to be true.

Let it filter within you now like a spiraling Light energy, very softly coming into your consciousness. Let it settle into your heart. What does that FEEL like? Embrace it, embrace this presence of energy, and allow yourself to be grounded with it so that it becomes more of your reality.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Take a moment and feel this Spark of Light in front of you. Hold it in front of your heart. Allow it to intertwine within your own Heart Essence so that you can allow yourself to step into a new world that you’re unsure of, but you feel safe. Allow this Divine energy to come to you now because this is the time, to fully allow what you need to do to be your True Reality.

Whatever has stopped you in the past no longer is represented by your consciousness.

Feel the FREEDOM OF THE BLESSING of what eleven represents. This is just the beginning; it is the true beginning. If you look at the numerology January 1 and then 11, 111, and then 222 stepping into that stability. The doorway is now open. The Light frequencies within this temple bring forth that purifying essence from the Heavens above like shining pillars coming down into the temple and fully illuminating all that YOU desire to bring forth in your world from your Higher Essence. You may have seen it in a dream, you many have seen it in a vision. Allow it to become part of your reality.

Now EMBRACE it, BECOMING this Divine Light energy. It is like a Golden Yellowish, Silverish, Platinum vibrancy of White Light shining down within the temple illuminating every Soul in this moment to step into a NEW beginning to feel these beautiful essences that are surrounded within the walls of this temple. The vibrational essences that are occurring with all the 330 Rays of God are vibrating within you and around you. FEEL the PRESENCE of this LIGHT.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

The illumination of the Light frequency from the Higher Realms above are coming down into the temple so that each of the columns with those Rays of God are vibrating at a higher level. The magnificent energy within the temple flows around and within EACH of us centering this Divine Light energy to represent a NEW beginning, a new beginning for your physical consciousness, your reality in the physical world as a doorway is now being opened to allow a portion of your Soul’s Essence, that Higher Realm of Light that you are, of the I Am Presence and all its components to give you a BLESSING of Love, of Light, of a majestic quality of existence. FEEL this coming your heart now, breathing into it, settling within this blessing that is being given to you from the Higher Realms above of the Creative Source of Oneness where we ALL come from.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

There’s now a stillness throughout the entire temple as every Soul that is here is fully being blessed by their Higher Essence, by the Creative Source of Oneness, by the I Am Presence, by ALL of the I Am Presences, and each of us as Divine Mother and Father God. Feel it in your heart, ground it within the soles of your feet and let it expand into all parts of yourself.

As we extend this beautiful blessing now DOWN through the dimensional frequencies to enter into the core of Gaia, the vibrancy of the Earth is now changing to receive these Light infractions. We thank all the Great Central Suns, not just us as the Cosmic but the Multi-Universal, the Universal, the Galactic, and the Solar to come together to bring this core of energy into the Earth at this time, on this day, in this year.

Let it expand outwards around the globe holding a veil of this beautiful Light energy around the Earth but also INSIDE the Earth so that every LIVING Soul can experience this frequency of Light. They may not know it consciously, but they may know it in their dream state, or they may FEEL a connection in just a moment. Feeling the blessing of these Light energies circling around all Souls allowing the Earth to come into a state of Unity and Oneness even if it’s just for one moment out of many moments of time. It is on this day that we have allowed this to occur.

That energy NOW comes back up towards us in the temple and within the 36th dimensional frequency it comes UP through the soles of everyone’s feet.

As each of us standing and sitting here within this glorious temple of Light NOW feel that deep connection to Gaia, there’s a sense of a re-connection to Gaia. There’s a sense of Unity, of not just of your thought process, but a FEELING. Allow it to come into your heart. Allow that beautiful essence of Gaia. She has great gratitude for each of you, gratitude for us, gratitude for what we are doing in these moments. EXPAND upon that within your breath. Let it go through your entire Full Body System. Allow the swirling of the energies to go completely around you from the left to the right putting you into a Vortex of Light that allows you to HOLD this miraculous movement within yourself to remind yourself that when you become more physical after this connection you will WALK with this energy. Notice what it feels like for you, notice the difference within your consciousness, within your healing process, physically, emotionally, mentally and etherically. Allow ALL that has not healed to come into a State of Wellness through this Divine Light energy.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

We are Divine Mother Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun. We want to thank all of these Great Central Suns for coming together. And we especially want to thank each of YOU for all that you are doing, for all that you are creating, and for all that you are being. We walk with you every step of the way.

I Am That I Am! I Am That I Am!

I Am the Divine Mother Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun in the Unity of Oneness for each of us together.

So Mote it Be; Let it Be Done.

©Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden, Integrative Channel; 11th, 2021; Cosmic Oneness.

[ORDER THE FULL AUDIO OF THIS TRANSMISSION ($22 normal means)] The Cosmic Oneness occurs on the 1st Tuesday of each month within The Clarion Temple of Oneness Teaching (click the link to order the recording for this transcription and receive the full vibrational energies and attunements available. Please let us know the date of the class you desire to purchase in the PayPal page).

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.


*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your subtle energy body vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training in learning how to properly incorporate your higher self consciousness into your everyday life. This is accomplished through healing your soul’s karma. Karma causes many lower frequency energies to remain stuck in the etheric energy body (the chakra’s). Proper Ascension Mastery learning is not the intellectual pursuit or study, it is acquiring real higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them in terms of actual vibrational frequency. One first has to remove 80% of the dysfunctional thoughts, feelings and behaviors that govern the third dimensional state of reality. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension, as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed, is important to understand, yet such an awakening is at the informational level of the “mental” intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

New Year, New Beginnings ~ January 2022 ~ New Moon of Capricorn

Spiritual Meaning of the Ascension Mastery* Message of the January 2nd New Moon as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

On January 2nd, we are experiencing the New Moon in Capricorn which is a very fitting alignment to have as we start the New Year of 2022.

Numerologically, the year of 2022 – brings the triple number of 2 which has the influences of Faith and Trust bringing forth the ability to be encouraged in your decisions that will elicit attainment and success of your desires. It also is a number of Balance and Harmony; trusting that your Soul’s Mission will come to fruition.

The number 222 then reflects the single digit of 2 to be in triple density having to do with balance and allowing those intentions to become your true reality through the ability to step into the element of trusting yourself from your highest perspective. It is a year of great Manifestation tripled with the ability to become more of your Higher Self in the physical walk upon the Earth.

When we allow ourselves to honor our Higher Selves to guide us in the right direction, for the right lesson, and purpose, then we are stepping into our Divine Guidance.

The year of 2-0-2-2 illuminates that all possibilities are attainable through adhering to the Laws of the Universe which represents all is in alignment as long as we accept the challenges that need to be experienced in order to receive the blessings that our Spiritual Self is guiding us to embrace.

The New Moon is teaching us exactly the same elements as what the entire year represents. Capricorn is known as the Goat climbing the mountain one step at a time. Balance and structure is absolutely necessary in order to attain its goals.

Per Café Astrology, “This New Moon harmonizes with Uranus, and we can feel a strong desire to break free from limiting circumstances.”

This means that it is a time to understand the limitations that we have placed upon ourselves that may be constricting our way of existence in our life. It is a time to set of boundaries that will give each of us the freedom, but also helps to stay in a balanced state of awareness through whatever challenges occur.

The suggestion is to take time for this New Moon to assist in the realization of the changes that need to be made, and create a system that will affect the movement forward in a state of balance and stability. This action will allow for the Desires to become Manifested within the right frame of mental and emotional stability.

We always look to the New Year to set goals for ourselves. This New Moon of Capricorn is allowing us to do just that in a state of inner reflection that is best for each of us through our Spiritual Self being the guidance that is necessary. It is a time to have the faith within ourselves that the changes we need to make are for our highest self, assisting the physical self to walk in balance to create the outcome that we are hoping for within our lives. This is where true Manifestation occurs – from our Divine Self. This moon gives us the grand opportunity to set up our year from the beginning continuing through the end.

Both this New Moon and the numerological meaning of 2-2-2 tells us to acknowledge the fears that constrict our lives in order to remove the anger, and walk with beauty within who we are becoming.

The New Moon is the best time to set our intentions for the month as it will continue through the Full Moon Cycle which occurs on January 17th in the sign of Cancer representing our Heart Essence. Doing so will set up the energies for this year to be transforming as we go through each of the cycles to become more to Ourselves than we ever thought that we could be.

Achievement of the Soul’s Essence is the true alignment – to become our own Mastery of our Destiny – and live within our own Inner Truth to be realized.

Blessings for a miraculous year of 2022.


To further help individuals heal within their spiritual essence and filter healthier frequencies into the mental/emotional/etheric light bodies (subtle energy body structures), last year we created a special meditation: SPIRITUAL CLEANSING FOR HEALTH AND HEALING. This Attunement Activation Meditation assist in realignment from the disruptive energetics of the Global Pandemic. This HEALING MEDITATION is a downloadable MP3 audio file for any device.
This Journey Meditation is now ON SALE at this link.

This time of year is also an important Divine Portal from the Spiritual Hierarchy for all initiates who desire assistance from the Ascended Masters. The TETON RETREAT is an etheric retreat that is only open from December 15th through January 14th. For the optimal TETON RETREAT Mediation Experience we suggest ordering the special TETON RETREAT CLASS MEDITATION JOURNEY and the companion SELF GUIDED ATTUNEMENT MEDITATION JOURNEY. Click here for the class details.

[HELP RAISE THE VIBRATION OF YOUR HOME AND LANDS] ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves. You may order our very powerful SPIRITUAL HEALING meditation as a great way to start using targeted meditations that go beyond what is typically used.  We also have the previously released SEVEN FREE CLASSES to help during these challenging times to assist in your Ascension Spirituality (visit to access).

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2022 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. Walking Terra Christa is the originator of the teachings of the 22 Rays of God within Ascension Spirituality. (*formerly spelled “Meleriessee”).




Passion of the Self ~ New Moon November 2021

Spiritual Meaning of the Ascension Mastery* Message of the November 4th New Moon as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

The New Moon in November occurs on November 4th in the sign of Scorpio. It brings with it a chance to make incremental changes in the way that we perceive our present life circumstances allowing for adjustments to be made, but first it must come from the ability to know oneself internally in order to create the outside result to occur.

The New Moon of Scorpio brings forth the ability to become more resourceful through the ability to be focused with a sense of compassion to ourselves.

It is known to be a moon of Self-Mastery but first we must first be aware of what drives us in our lives to create and become more aligned with our Higher Self.

From a third-dimensional perspective this may mean that an individual is focusing upon what they don’t’ like about themselves to create a shift in their perception of their physical self.

From a fifth-dimensional concept this means to align oneself with their Highest Purpose, through the Spiritual Self. This is something that can seem unattainable if an individual is not aware of their Higher Consciousness and how important it is to become more aligned with the Higher Self than overly concerned with what “is going to happen to me”.

The beauty of Self-Mastery is aligning yourself not with the wishes of your personality self, but to allow the blessing of the Higher Self to work in conjunction with the physical consciousness.

This New Moon of Scorpio is giving us a rare opportunity to look beyond what we are experiencing physically, and allow the incoming energies to assist in the process of learning how to integrate the higher consciousness. In order to achieve this, we as a human must realize the potential we have as a Spiritual Being. We have gifts within the Spiritual Realm that can be acknowledged physically.

Scorpio is giving to us the ability to go deeper into our innermost thoughts and feelings, to realize that it is time to rid ourselves of the drama we hold within our Emotional and Mental Bodies, to create the change we desire. Taking the time to get to know ourselves internally allows for the true transformation to occur. It is a time to delve deeper into our issues and allow them to surface, to heal.

It is always important to become more Passionate with Inner Selves. This is how true healing occurs as when we learn to accept that Love is the answer to our dilemma, then it can shift quickly within us.

This is the beauty of the New Moon of Scorpio as the New Moon always represents “New Beginnings”, but we have to remove the elements and dysfunction that lies within us in order to fully embrace the Rebirth Experience.

Personally, I love the New Moon energies as it is a time for me to truly bring forth my desires to be created within my life. Creating a special ceremony for yourself and calling upon Grandmother Moon to assist will truly bring forth a sense of Passion within the Self.

Learning to access your Higher Self consciousness is the first step into aligning your physical walk upon this earth to become balanced. We can get caught up in so many other variables that sometimes we do not see the total picture that is truly in front of us, if we open ourselves to the doorway of Perception of the Self.

As I write these words from my Higher Self, it is allowing me to reflect on my own challenges. I had about six hours of sleep, which sometimes occurs during the moon cycles. I meditated and realized I was in need to arise. I have been desiring to write more on this blog especially my personal experiences intertwined with spiritual knowledge. I realize in this moment that I am creating this opportunity. I have stepped out of my own dysfunction of desiring to find a way, and it appeared for me.

This process is allowing me to connect more fully into what I need to experience, walk through the doorway of that moment, and see the wisdom that can be gained by just stepping into the process of ALLOWING.

Which brings me to the subject of INTENTIONS with the NEW MOON CYCLE. This moon energy every month helps us as humans to be introspective and bring forth our desired outcome. Utilizing the gift of Intentions and not Prayers are commanding your Higher Self to help you Create the Outcome of your present circumstances. This goes in line with what I shared on creating a Ceremony.

My husband and I were able to create the ability to purchase our own home in June of this year. Without the work that we did in creating our new destiny, we believe it would have never happened. It takes time to do the inner work, but the results can be absolutely amazing.

We are meant to prosper and have beautiful moments in our lives. We just have to remember that it needs to be acquired through our Spiritual Self and all will be in alignment.

Take time during this New Moon (which is active presently three days before, three days after until the Full Moon Cycle November 19th) to bring forth your Intentions, do the diligence of clearing away unwanted issues, and receive the awaiting resulting blessings of Grandmother Moon in Scorpio.

To further help individuals heal within their spiritual essence and filter healthier frequencies into the mental/emotional/etheric light bodies (subtle energy body structures), last year we created a special meditation [SPIRITUAL CLEANSING FOR HEALTH AND HEALING] to assist in realignment from the disruptive energetics of the Global Pandemic.
This Journey Meditation is now ON SALE at this link.

We also have more free Meditations that help connect to the Solar Angel and the Entranceway of Light of the Solar Frequency. If you enjoy the events and meditations we create, please tell others about us and subscribe and follow us. Donations are also needed and appreciated by using our website menu.  (These Meditations are available by clicking here.)

*Ascension Mastery is the realized form of manifesting Ascension Frequencies where your vibratory rate actually increases over time due to the in-depth training (not the intellectual pursuit or study) and the acquiring of a higher Spiritual Essence. Everyone on Earth is already part of God’s Light and Love but that does not mean they as individuals (or collectively) are Ascending, or that Ascension is happening to them. Earth is at a cross roads of Spiritual Awakening to step into Ascension, but without each person taking on an individual personal life responsibility to change their lives into practicing actual Ascension energies there can be no real shift in frequency. Ascension as a concept, belief or a mystery to be revealed is akin to a mere informational level desired by the mental intellect and does not create the authentic higher Ascension Octave of Light and Love required for a New Earth to be created. Our mission as an Academy is to bring forth that actual level of higher love and light for you to learn to feel and acquire them. It is a process that will take any initiate/lightworker many years (even decades) to achieve just as it did for the Ascended Masters themselves. You may order our very powerful SPIRITUAL HEALING meditation as a great way to start using targeted meditations that go beyond what is typically used.  We also have the previously released SEVEN FREE CLASSES to help during these challenging times to assist in your Ascension Spirituality (visit to access).

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2021 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. Walking Terra Christa is the originator of the teachings of the 22 Rays of God within Ascension Spirituality. (*formerly spelled “Meleriessee”). PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Becoming the Butterfly ~ Festival of Humanity – Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – May 2021 ~ Master Djwhal Khul

Spiritual Meaning of the May 26th, 2021 Ascension Mastery Message of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse with Master Djwhal Khul as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

This full moon is the third of the ascension festivals with the Ascended Masters known as the Festival of Humanity. It represents the Restoration, Enlightenment, and Reconstruction of the Divine Light Source Energies to be realized physically which is also known as World Invocation Day.

We are arriving into the present cycle of the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse of Gemini on May 26th, 2021 which occurs at 4:14 AM Pacific, 7:14 Eastern, and in Universal Time of 11:14 AM. 

The Moon of Sagittarius represents the Higher Self whereas the Sun of Gemini represents the Physical or Lower Self. It also allows for the Moon of the Feminine Essence to bring forth dynamics of openness, change, and new ways of creating through communication. The Sun of Gemini representing the Masculine Essence is now holding the energy from the Feminine.

It is a time of renewal allowing our Intuition to guide our communications, to learn how to walk this Earth through the perceived notion coming from our Spiritual Self, helping the Conscious Mind or the Mental Self to become more fluid, allowing the Abstract Mind of the Higher Self to be the defining energy, and not the constrictions that are held within our lower aspects. It is a time of renewal to experience a pathway of New Directions to become our mantra of life.

The Lunar Eclipse brings forth the ability to communicate more easily as it is a time to remove old past patterns that have been blocking our progress. The element of Divine Truth becomes extraordinarily strong in our awareness which will assist in going through a metamorphosis of acceleration to become part of our reality. The eclipse energies last for about six months so this is a wonderful opening to make lasting changes in our physical consciousness to truly transition into the state of transformation throughout the coming months.

It is like being the butterfly, in its beginning stages curled up not knowing how to fly but yet when the opening occurs, it slowly finds its wings to exist with beauty and strength into the outside world.

This is a time of great transformation as each of us allows ourselves to look at our spiritual self who has the answers to our intended flight of transformation to be realized in our present circumstances.

Allow yourself to have patience through the changes, as it will not occur immediately but with small steps realizing the potential that we can be.

This moon also aligns with the Spiritual Festival of Humanity – Goodwill which is the third ascension festival of this Spring. It is a time of renewal of love and growth within each of us as Initiates. This festival occurs during the full moon in the sun sign of Gemini bringing forth the energies of Restoration, Enlightenment, and Reconstruction within the planet to express the light, love and knowledge of the God Source. It reflects on the energies of Wesak, what we have experienced through our challenges within the Initiations, and how we are now holding the higher level of acceleration within our four-body system.

The Seven Rays of God bring forth the dynamics of this festival to each of us to hold within us through our Physical, Etheric (Chakras), Emotional, and Mental Selves.

    1. Power will be given to the disciples so that they can direct efficiently and wisely the process of rebuilding – Blue Flame of Will and Power;
    2. The Will to Love will stimulate men of Goodwill everywhere to gradually overcoming hatred. The inner urge in men and women to live together cooperatively will be stimulated – Golden Yellow Flame of Love and Wisdom;
    3. The Will to Action will lead intelligent people throughout the world to inaugurate those activities which lay the foundation for a new, better world – Pink Flame of Creative Actualization;
    4. The Will to Cooperate will steadily increase. Men and women will desire and demand right human relationships as a natural way of life – Crystalline Flame of Harmony and Balance Through Conflict;
    5. The Will to Know and Think Correctly and Creatively will become an outstanding characteristic of the masses. Knowledge is the first step toward wisdom – Green-Golden-White Flame of the Science of the Divine Mind;
    6. The Will to Persist will become a human characteristic, a sublimation at the basic instinct of self-preservation and self-centeredness. This will lead to a persistent belief in the ideals presented by the Spiritual Hierarchy and demonstration of immortality – Ruby Red-Golden Flame of Inner Devotion;
    7. The Will to Organize will further create a building process which will be carried forward under the direct inspiration of the Spiritual Hierarchy. The medium will be the potency of the Will to Good the responsive goodwill of mankind. – Violet/Purple Flame of Ceremonial Order & Discipline.

The three festivals of Light, the Christ, Wesak, and Goodwill are the cornerstone of spiritual contentment upon the Earth. They set up the energies for all Initiates and Masters to work cohesively together to help create the New Earth. This energy lasts throughout the year until the festivals occur  next year in April 2022.

The dynamics of this moon, lunar eclipse and this festival marks the Clarion Call from the God Source unto humanity to bring forth allowing the Spiritual Forces of Light to become more grounded within the Crystalline Structure of Gaia.

Take time in ceremony or silence to feel the effects of this cycle, to help align your highest hopes and ideals in harmony with your Divine Self, to become more grounded into your physical vehicle. It will assist in the changes you are experiencing and allowing more light infractions to be placed within your four-body system.

It is a time to De-Ascend your Highest Essence into the Physical Self one step at a time.

Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for the Festival of Humanity/Goodwill

I call upon the Aspects of Power of Rebuilding, the Will to Love, the Will to Action, the Will to Cooperate, the Will to Know How to Think Correctly and Creatively, the Will to Persist, and the Will to Organize to bring forth the Restoration, Enlightenment, and Reconstruction of My Divine Self to fully express the Light, Love, and Knowledge of the God Source Expressed Through Me.

Greetings in Love,

I Am Master Djwhal Khul, Ray Chohan for Love and Wisdom, here to bring forth divine light energies for the Festival of Humanity and the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse of May 2021.

I am deeply honored to offer my expertise of understanding the present climate of energies, and how it reflects your own personal experiences upon this Earth. It truly is a powerful festival that brings with it accelerations of light to be infused into the planet and each of you.

Lady Mahlariessee has shared the depth and knowledge of this festival with the influences of the lunar cycle, but with it comes even more of a blessing to each of you. It is a time of awakening as each year this festival is the culmination of energies that have been experienced through the three months of Spring. It is our time, as the Spiritual Hierarchy, to stand with each of you aligned within the integrated energies that have occurred for all Initiates and Masters.

It is different for you since you are grounded upon the Earth so it can be very challenging to your senses of awareness as you will not understand the whys and wherefores of what is happening to you. In your travels on the Innerplane, it is quite different as it is for each of us not in a physical body.

Your electrical system is being re-wired continually. During this festival it becomes more cohesive within your cellular structure, then moving into the dynamics of your physical body in all parts of yourself. When you allow yourself to surrender and let the energies move through you instead of analyzing what is happening to you, this is when you truly receive the full dynamics of each of the Seven Rays of God to flow through you.

This is exactly what I ask of you. We share words, explanations of what the Festival of Goodwill means, but until you fully allow it to become part of your true reality, then you will not be able to move through the energies. To accomplish what you are desiring to achieve and fully accept the transformation to occur.

Everything that you experienced from the time of the Festivals of Christ and Wesak until this moment are very important. They are the seeds of light coming into your full body system to assist you to grow more substantially than you would have done without the awakening of your soul’s essence unto your physical consciousness.

But it does not stop there. In fact it is just the beginning for each of you and  you will have MANY BEGINNINGS. It is a never-ending process.

Do not allow your ego personality self to tell you that you have achieved a higher level of initiation or acceleration. Allow yourself to be humble and realize that what you are achieving are light fragments into your four-body system to be changed, to become the ideal essence that you have been striving for.

This moon is here to help you. Open up to all possibilities. Do not let anything stop you from the many transitions into a higher awareness, not just consciously but physically. Walk with what you have achieved and hold it dear to your Heart.

Be completely open with seeing the elements you do not want to acknowledge. Those doorways are important for the acceleration of the Earth, and this cycle will assist you tremendous to become more aligned with your higher purpose.

Acknowledge what that higher purpose is for you presently in this cycle – and it will change through each moon occurrence. Be sincere to yourself and allow the energies to shift and change you in miraculous ways.

Let’s walk together through the storms, to find the sun shine brightly and illuminate the blessing of your Higher Essence to help you acknowledge the truth, the love, the knowledge, and the wisdom to be acquired within you.

I walk in beauty reaching out my hand unto you. Let’s do this together.

In Blessings of Love and Wisdom,

I am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

Audio link: MAY 22, 2021 FESTIVAL OF HUMANITY/GOODWILL (World Invocation Day): A powerful grounding Ceremony to accelerate and integrate the Wesak frequencies of Light into each of us for the earth and expansion of higher consciousness. We suggest re-listening through the year to help reactivate the consciousness within the Three Minds to extend the building of the Light Body.

Once a year all Spiritual Initiates, Seekers, Devotees of the TEACHINGS/PRACTICES OF THE SPIRITUAL HIERARCHY gather to celebrate the LOVE/LIGHT of the GOD FORCE SUPPORTING & BLESSING Humanity and Earth. It is of crucial importance to Earth and to Each Soul. It is always beneficial to listen to the Wesak Ceremony held in April 2021 throughout the year. If you have not experienced this powerful journey meditation, please consider doing so today. 

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2021 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Riding the Magic Carpet Ride with the Cosmic Great Central Sun

Ascension Mastery Message from the Cosmic Great Central Sun of Divine Mother Father God bringing forth an understanding of what the Wesak Moon will represent before, during, and within a three-month period which was received in the Clarion Temple of Oneness, April 13th, 2021.


We are very honored to be with each of you once again in this glorious temple.

The onset of the energies that are occurring within the Earth plane presently is going to assist with the movement of more Divine Love to be expressed unto the planet.

It is up to each of you to hold this Divinity of Love within your own Heart to allow yourselves to fully accept what you are experiencing with the Divinity of Love and allow it to go into a deeper part of your reality.

This is a very crucial time before the onset of the Wesak energies when the Light on the planet becomes more instrumentally focused by the Higher Realms of Light in the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Brotherhood and the Sisterhood of White Light focusing within each of the Great Central Suns of the Solar, Galactic, Universal, Multi-Universal including our essence of the Cosmic Level. It encompasses the 352 levels of reality accessing each of the 330 Rays of God. It extends unto each of you, it extends unto every human, every animal, every plant, every mineral, every element upon the Earth that is vibrant with life. This year shall not be any different in fact it will be even more so.

Many of you may have been feeling great challenges in so many ways with the exchange of the Light energies that are being infused within the planet and within humanity. The power of this Light energy is beyond any words that we can express, because it must be felt vibrationally, it must be felt within your heart, it must be felt as an extension of your Soul’s essence becoming more aware within your physical consciousness of what you are experiencing in many different ways.

The process that is happening is Preparedness.

In order for the physical body to fully accept the Divinity of Light that comes from each of the Rays of God, each physical person within their consciousness must be ready to accept the next level of acceleration. And sometimes this can be very challenging to experience; in fact most oftentimes within the human capacity of the mind, to fully comprehend what is occurring.

The state of affairs is that every individual should not worry about WHY it is happening but that IT IS happening that there is a change occurring within each individual’s consciousness. There is a change in the way that they feel about their lives, there is a change in the way that they express themselves unto others.

The duality that is within the planet is being opened up in many different ways. A lot of these individuals, these Souls that are experiencing these energies, are going to be existing in a new sense of purpose and they may not know what they are experiencing. They do not KNOW what they are feeling, because it is going to be quite different from what their minds want to classify as an element of growth.

What comes with growth is the movement of one’s consciousness and Four Body System to experience a new way of existence even if that growth is just for one moment in time. But for many of you it will be much more than that.t

The Preparedness into Wesak is very important.

It allows for the entire nucleus of the Spiritual Hierarchy to work more directly with each of YOU energetically. It is the time of the year where the VEIL between the worlds is being lifted. But within that movement of the curtain rising there is in this case a sense of protection that comes from the Higher Realms of Light. And of course, the Intergalactics, the Ashtar Command, with the Federation of Light are there to assist each of you to be able to experience the movement of change and growth within your own life cycle. But within your own consciousness and awareness it is quite different than has ever been experienced before.

What is it as a human being of how you handle that situation when you feel yourself being pushed into a new direction but you, as that consciousness that you hold, does not understand what is happening?

Well, the most important thing is to not fight it and allow the growth that you are going through to take you into the new level of acceptance. But in truth, most of humanity will not do it in that manner because they are not able to let go of the past or to let go of the future and to be in that moment and feel the dynamics of the energetic exchanges that are occurring.

It is a gift for any Soul to be able to stand in the process of change and to have faith that all will be right, that there is a reason for the experience of that growth occurring within that person’s lifestyle, lifespan, and existence of whom they are as a Soul and not so much as a physical human being.

The human being part is your vehicle, which needs to go through a series of exchanges as some of you are already experiencing. The vibrancy within your cellular structure, the vibrancy that holds you in place, is going to shift dramatically if you allow it to be so. But you must accept that the changes that you are experiencing are for your highest good even though at times it may not feel like that is the case. Because, in order to get to the best part of your utmost desires to be manifested, you must go through the darkest parts that do not support that energy and to face up to them, to be the essence of the Will of God and then the Love of God to accept that exchange of energy to assist you in a completely different manner.

Now this is going to take your mind into a different place. It will not feel comfortable. But as long as you attain the desire to be more to yourself than your physical vehicle, your physical consciousness, then you will adhere to the dynamics of the energies that are going to be happening. This is very powerful.

The extension of these energies is beyond the capacity of what your mind can figure out. It is a vibrational essence that is going to be coming into the planet to assist every individual for the Wesak energies even though those individuals may not be preparing themselves consciously.

But every Soul upon the Earth is going through upheaval, is going through a spiritual change. That change may not have manifested in the physical form but within their Higher Light Bodies and within their travels on the Inner Plains during their dream-state, they definitely are being prepared to accept things differently than they previously were able to do.

So, what we are saying in this present moment is change is occurring and the more that you adhere to the blessing of that change and accept the fact that there will movement in a different direction for you, then you will be able to slide through that change like you are on a Magic Carpet that is taking you to your next destination.

Now what can happen through that process of that Magic Carpet flying through the air is that you will face inner demons within yourself or elements of your Etheric Self that you have not acknowledged. So, it is important to allow the Magic Carpet to guide you to that next destination.

Think of the Magic Carpet as US as Divine Mother and Father God holding you and taking you to that next form of reality so then the dynamics of the Wesak Moon can come into your physical body so that you can GROUND them.

In order to rise to a new level, which is what Wesak represents, you must adhere to the challenges that have stopped you from doing it previously. Now, you would not be going through these challenges if you were not ready to do so. Your Higher Self has deemed this appropriate for you even though in your physical consciousness you may think otherwise.

It is important to REFLECT upon this process for the next ten or more days, the next month, the next THREE months because Wesak does not stop when the ceremony is finished. It is a continual process. It is setting up the energies for the YEAR, for your preparedness as a Soul to step into the next level of acceptance. That is what initiations represent. You are being initiated onto a new level of acceptance through your Mental Body, your Emotional Body, your Etheric Body especially, and your Physical Body holding that energy.

This may sound overwhelming to you, but you are already in that process. Each of you that are here in this moment bringing forth these energies allows you to have an Exchange of Light Frequency within you that is pushing you into that NEW direction which is taking you deeper into the CORE of the Light to allow the blessing of these energies to assist you, instead of your mind trying to make the decision for you, which can TRIP YOU UP because of the accolades that are stuck within your Subconscious Mind.

The Magic Carpet will help you to GLIDE through those accolades so that you do not experience the depth of despair that you have felt in previous timelines. They are being opened up to be changed. Allow them to go through this process with you as we fly together on the Magic Carpet Ride from one place unto another, experiencing the depth of the Purity of the Light moving you into that next direction.

This is where the elements of Faith, Trust, and Hope comes in. Because when you allow yourself to fully embody these qualities, then the Magic Carpet Ride will be a smooth process. When you go through those moments that are lower and you are stuck within your Etheric Self, the Magic Carpet will push you to go through them so that you do not have to stop and think, “Why am I going through this? What is the memory? Why don’t I remember what is going on? It must be important to remember.”

But we say, “NO, it is NOT important to remember at this moment, because you are being guided to fly THROUGH unto the next level of your Soul’s growth.”  This is what Wesak represents.

We, as the Divine Mother Father God, fully want to assist you in this process to help you to go through these energies without much interference of your Lower Mind to be blessed with the frequency of Light from the higher existence.

As we stand here in this glorious Clarion Temple of Oneness in this moment with the Gold Flame, it represents all those abilities that are the first Eleven Rays that each of you are learning to incorporate within your own consciousness.

BE THE STRENGTH YOU DESIRE TO BE but BE THE LOVE and allow it to fly into your pure existence.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Allow the Magic Carpet to glide you as we GO TOGETHER, as we FLY THROUGH the dimensions that has not served your purpose to find the process of this Light within this temple in this moment to expand your Heart. Allow it to be experienced in a completely different manner to bring forth a sense of Peace, a sense of Understanding, a sense of Inner Power that this is the WAY for YOU to experience the changes in your life.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Feel the change that you desire to be and allow it to manifest within all parts of your vibrational essence Emotionally, Mentally, Intellectually, Physically. Feel this vibration to assist you to move and to accept what your Higher Self, your Soul’s presence desires for you in this physical experience.  Hold this now. Feel it deeply. Ground it, become it.

Say unto yourself, “I accept whatever challenges that I may be faced with because Divine Mother and Father God are assisting me, walking with me and holding me to their Hearts as my Heart beats with their Heart. I feel the extension of the power of this exchange of Light coming within me and it helps me to remind myself to not hold myself back.” 

The blessing of this in this moment is beyond the words. There are no words Dearest Ones. There is just the feeling, there is just the vibration. Allow the words to dissipate. The acceptance is the feeling of just ‘Standing Tall’ and holding onto the strength becoming this pure essence that you desire to be.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Breathe deeply and feel that vibrational change occurring within you.

We would like the opportunity to assist every Soul in this way whether that Soul is awakened unto Ascension Mastery, whether that Soul is doing the work within their religions, or whether that Soul is believing the purpose within their self-knowledge and self-discipline.

We exchange this Light energy of the Gold Flame all the way down into the Core of Gaia to assist every sentient being, to assist Souls, to assist every human to have a moment of clarity, to have a moment of peace, to have a moment of exchanging their pure essence in the beautiful Lightforms that they are.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Feel the blessing of that Gold Flame coming up through the base of Gaia, coming up through the hemispheres around the Earth, coming up into the Higher Realms of Light. As it settles back within this temple where we are locating ourselves in this moment, feel the connectedness of this energy allowing it to flow into your Heart and knowing that each of you have participated, have created this energetic exchange to happen, which is part of your process to know, to know. Not what the past is but what this moment represents in your feeling level. It is expansive, it is vibrant, it brings forth the pure essence of all the Great Central Suns coming together in that Purity of Oneness to bring the Strength and Courage that is ABSOLUTELY crucial for the movement to occur.

As you move now into your Heart Center, feel the VIBRANCY of what you can experience and allow yourself to be on that Magic Carpet from this point forward so the exchanges that you will be experiencing will be life changing, will erupt a new sense of miraculous blessing into your world bringing a new sense of experience that you would not have allowed yourself to feel if you had not stepped out of your comfort zone.

BE THIS STRENGTH that we give unto you in this moment.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Ground it now. Breathe through it. Let it become part of your FULL reality.

Say unto yourself, “I accept the Magic Carpet of Divine Mother Father God to guide me to my next safest destination to transform and to grow into the evolvement of my Soul’s essence in my physical vehicle.”

So Mote it Be. Let it Be Done Dearest Ones!

We of the Divine Mother Father God extend our Light energies unto you in this moment.

Oh, Blessed Be.

Hyos Ha Kadoish!

Hyos Ha Kadoish!

Hyos Ha Kadoish!

What a blessing it is to be with each of you.

In the exchange of our Light, we honor you deeply.

So Mote it Be. Let It Be Done.


Walking Terra Christa Articles on Wesak:

*Everyone ordering a ticket also has access to download the event audio after the event concludes. (Allow time after the event for the file to be made available).

©Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden, Integrative Channel 13th, 2020; Clarion Temple of Oneness.

[ORDER THE FULL AUDIO OF THIS TRANSMISSION ($22 normal means)] The Cosmic Oneness occurs on the 1st Monday of each month within The Clarion Temple of Oneness Teaching (click the link to order the recording for this transcription and receive the full vibrational energies and attunements available. Please let us know the class subject and date in comments section).

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2021 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Illumination of Divine Love ~ Festival of Lights Wesak Full Moon April 26, 2021 ~ Master Djwhal Khul

Spiritual Meaning of the April 26th, 2021 Ascension Mastery Message of the Full Moon with Master Djwhal Khul as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

This full moon is the second of the ascension festivals with the Ascended Masters known as the Wesak Festival. It represents the highest vibrational inter-dimensional light that is being infused upon the planet marking the beginning of Ascension Mastery for the year.

The Full Moon in the Sun of Taurus and the Moon of Scorpio occurs on April 26th, 2021 at 8:31 PM Pacific, 11:31 PM Eastern within Universal Time of April 27th 3:31 AM.

This moon is the WESAK Festival of Light, celebrating the life and re-birth of Lord Buddha. It is a time in which every aspirant does the same to release old elements while learning to embrace the new essence that each of us is becoming.

Astrologically, the Sun of Taurus is very grounding, dealing with personal material wealth and security; whereas the Moon of Scorpio is transforming breaking apart old ideas and outmoded forms that no longer serve us especially in the realm of Ascension Mastery.

This moon will draw to our attention the blessing of our physical consciousness to relate to our higher spiritual ideals.

The Wesak Moon is very transforming both in the earthly and higher dimensional realms of understanding.

It is a time for every soul upon the earth to step into their higher power of accepting that they are a Divine Being of Light and to walk with that energy. What it will bring to the physical consciousness is a Rebirth of accepting that Change is Occurring and to learn through the Essence of the Moon (Divine Feminine) to become very intuitive, introspective and loving to ourselves.

The Sun of Taurus teaches us to become grounded with the new energies that we will be experiencing while learning to walk within the Light of our Spiritual Self, accessing the Higher Self through the ability to become more aligned with our Divine Self.

It is a time not to sit still with your emotional feelings, but to honor them by accepting the transmutation into transformation to occur. This represents the State of Vulnerability to be acknowledged which is the main component of allowing the Divine Feminine to work through the four-body system (Physical, Etheric-Chakras, Emotional, and Mental).

It definitely is a moon to bring about great change within our consciousness if you are willing to receive the Divine Qualities of Grandmother Moon. Then, Grandfather Sun will illuminate the blessing of the acceleration to become part of our Foundation.

This will also bring forth a sense of great renewal through each of the chakras as the Heart Center becomes more aligned within the Divine Feminine of the Love and the Divine Masculine of the Will which equates to the Wisdom gained by allowing both essences to work together instead of against one another.

We call this the blending of the Three-Fold Flame which Wesak personifies as this Festival of Light that will assist each of us to step into a deeper part of ourselves. The blending of the Higher Mind or Super-Conscious to change the Sub-Conscious and allow our Conscious Mind to reflect that integration, otherwise known as the Blending of the Three Minds which is an integral component of becoming aligned with our I Am Presence.

Take time to reflect at this time at what needs to be changed as the higher light infractions coming into the planet are assisting in this process. Take time in nature, connect with the Divine Energies, or create a special ceremony for yourself. (For this assistance, Walking Terra Christa is facilitating a Wesak Ceremony on Sunday, April 25th to celebrate the divine connection with the Ascended Beings in Shamballa; please see our link below to join in the energies as it is considered the most important Full Moon Festival of Light of the entire year in the transformational power it brings forth spiritually).


I call upon my Divine Feminine to open up its essence of Vulnerability to bring forth the Love of Divine Mother as my Divine Masculine is ready to receive and act upon the Will of Divine Father. The blending of both of these elements within me help me to grow, prosper, and become One within the Christ Consciousness that I Am Becoming as I celebrate with the Ascended Beings of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light for this Wesak Celebration of 2021.
I Am that I Am that I Am

Greetings My Dearest Initiates:

I am Master Djwhal Khul at your service to blend my energies as the Ray Chohan of Love and Wisdom to extend unto each of you. It is now time to fully accept within yourself the ability to feel the blessing of your Higher Self that is helping you become more aligned within your full body system.

This Wesak moon is going to take everyone for a Magical Carpet Ride into the Higher Realms of Light so that each individual may fully accept the blessing of their I Am Presence. This comes in waves of light energy, flowing within you and around you, as long as you allow your Feminine Essence to open up into the deep feelings growing inside of you. Allow the Masculine Essence to help be supportive in this process.

This moon is helping you to acknowledge your innermost feelings to arise out of your consciousness. Do not let emotions to sit inside of you any longer. Let them out whether it be the pain of your past incarnations or the joy of feeling the beautiful Love that is emanating through the dynamics of the Scorpio moon. It can be very raw, but that is exactly the space we would like to see you step into. The Divine Feminine is emitting within you to show you the blessing of what you are resisting so you can accept it to be transformed within the Light of this Wesak Moon.

This is the goal of this Wesak of 2021.

As, We of the Ascended Beings of Light, extend our light energy to each of you, allow yourself to become that Light Essence. Let it grow deeply within you to transform all parts of your existence that you have pushed away previously.

The Illuminating essence of the Sun and the Moon is shining down upon you helping you to acknowledge the best parts of yourself to become more of a reality than it has been since the beginning of this year.

Rejoice in Whom You Are Becoming.

Allow the change to come as we circle around each of you until we all become One Circle of Light. Feel it expand within your Hearts and allow your Earth Star to hold it so deeply that the transference of Light Energies will grow deeper and deeper within you, creating the initiation of the Light, the Love, the Joy, and the Blessing that you have always been.

I and all of the Ascended Masters of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light acknowledge all you ae experiencing. Allow us to assist you with the change as you become more aligned with your Truest Purpose.

I embrace you deeply as we learn from one another.

I am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.

Namaste and Blessings to each of you.

Walking Terra Christa is the originating Ascension Mastery Teaching source of the 22 Rays of God to assist the spiritual advancement of Humanity and increase the vibrational frequency of Mother Earth. Using the free materials of the Ascend Earth Project (www.Ascend.Earth) is suggested for all to create a higher energetic grounding in service to the Spiritual Hierarchy especially when in meditation and in reflection upon your spiritual birthday of Wesak this year. (Please share this information).

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2021 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!



Spiritual Meaning of the March 28th, 2021 Ascension Mastery* Message of the Full Moon with Master Djwhal Khul as brought forth by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden.

This full moon is the first of the ascension festivals with the Ascended Masters known as the Festival of the Christ. It marks the beginning of our inner work as Initiates to walk with the Spiritual Hierarchy with Divine Love.

This moon is being considered a healing process for the Heart Center. It is a time to become more aligned with our Spiritual Self allowing for a deep heart connection to be felt within the four-body system (Physical, Etheric, Emotional, Mental Selves).

The alignment of the Full Moon of Libra with the Sun of Aires occurs on March 28th, 2021 at 11:48 AM Pacific, 2:48 PM Eastern within Universal Time of 6:48 PM.

The Sun of Aires represents the “Self” whereas the Moon of Libra aligns with “Others”. I like to think of this as the Physical in relation to the Spiritual Selves. Aires can be very domineering, wanting elements to change within the physical realm whereas Libra brings forth the attributes of Balance and “For the Good of the All.”

This cycle allows for these two parts of our Soul to come together in unison bringing forth a deep healing to occur within our Heart Center. It is a time to reflect on what elements need to change in order for a state of equilibrium to occur. Sometimes this means stepping away from a relationship or bringing it together.

If we think of this in terms of our Physical Self vs. the Spiritual Self, it represents the ability to make necessary changes in our physical reality to allow for the entryway of a deeper connection with the Higher Self of our Soul’s Essence.

This is exactly what is occurring during this cycle. It is a time of accepting that changes need to be made in order to find the true meaning of the relationship of our Spiritual Self in relation to our walk upon the earth within our present consciousness. This, is in truth, is a hard line to walk as a human, as we are not used to accepting our higher reality as a Spark of Light as it can feel very intangible. As a species, we are used to walking the pathway of seeing it become a reality before we accept it to be our Truth.

This cycle is asking us to embrace the element of Faith through our Spiritual Self, also known as the Higher Self to guide us in the right direction.

Through this process we must hold within ourselves that we are being guided from our own Source of Light and not within the Mental or Emotional elements that we sometimes can depend upon within the Physical Consciousness.

The way we exist upon the Earth is changing greatly. The Feminine Divine of the Emotional Self is becoming more focused within our reality, so it is important to reflect within the Higher Mind and Heart to guide us in the right direction. This can cause confliction, uncertainty, and walking through doorways that we have not experienced previously. It can actually be a very scary place for our Emotional Self.

As we step into the energies of the Moon of Libra and the Sun of Aires it can create a depth of healing within our Heart Center that may feel comfortable in certain moments, but then the releasing of the old must surface. This brings with it an emotional charge that may feel uncomfortable at first, but the more you allow yourself to move into the energies, it creates a sense of deep love to blend within your heart as you allow your Spiritual Self to guide your Physical Self in the process.

This moon is a true reflection of the FESTIVAL OF THE CHRIST as it represents the elements of LOVE, RESURRECTION, and CONNECTION TO THE HIGHER REALMS OF LIGHT or the Ascended Master State of Consciousness.

The Office of the Christ is overlighted by Lord Maitreya and Lord Kuthumi who hold the essence of the Christ Consciousness within their essence and extend it to humanity during this ascension festival. The forces of restoration are very predominant as we are very connected to the Mind of God (the Will, Masculine Aspect) within the Blue Flame. This is a connective energy to the Heart of God (the Love, Feminine Aspect) within the Pink Flame known as Creative Actualization (making our dreams become a reality).

Every soul on the Earth is affected by these energies so that the essence of LOVE can permeate into the hearts of humanity. It is a time of Restoration, making the necessary changes, in order for the Heart to accept the Will and Love of the God Source Within.

This causes the keynote of RESURRECTION to take place. What no longer is accepted within the Heart Essence through the change, now must leave so that the true healing can occur. This is actually when an Initiate can fully accept their own process of connecting to the Higher State of Consciousness that is represented by the Office of the Christ.

During this time there can be many reflections between your Personality Self and Higher Self which may be in confliction with each other. The main element is to realize, that you as an Initiate, are being guided by the Source Light and adhere to the changes that need to occur which is a true reflection of your HEART ESSENCE.

The balancing energy of the Feminine Moon Essence of Libra is helping every soul to come into a state of movement that will allow them to feel the pure essence of their own Divine Heart Essence as the Masculine Sun Essence of Aires will allow it to be grounded within the Physical Self.

Working through these energies with the Divine Aspects of the Feminine and the Masculine will assist the process of feeling the state of Equilibrium within your Heart Center.



Greetings My Dearest Initiates,

I come to you as Master Djwhal Khul with the presence of Light and Love of the Christ Consciousness to permeate into your Heart giving you the Peace of Restoring your Higher Self and I Am Presence to become One within your Four-Body System.

It is always my pleasure to connect with each of you through this monthly exchange of energies, but this month is especially a moment of the year that I always look forward to experiencing.

As Masters, we also are going through transitions, that will take us into a higher state of consciousness. It is not much different than each of you except that we do not have the pressure of the duality in the body. This, I know, is quite challenging to experience.

In truth what you are doing is beyond any measure that any of us as the masters can share with you. There is no way to understand the ramifications and challenges that you are undergoing presently.

It is within that exchange of light that I as the spokes-being of the Ascension Festivals want to reiterate to each of you that if you allow your Higher Mind, your Higher Heart to expand within your physical consciousness and body, then you will start to realize the power that you hold within yourself, for you and for the transition of this Earth into a higher state of existence.

It is important not to reflect upon the challenges you are experiencing, but to remember what you are achieving and how much effort that took for you to embrace it. Always remember your humble beginnings as it is very reflective of your journey within yourself.

It truly is your JOURNEY OF LIGHT.

What you do with this journey at this moment in time is very important. You must not let anything interfere with you experiencing a depth of healing within your Heart Center. You have all worked very hard to get to this moment in time. Do not let the duality upon the earth affect you even though it feels like it may be pulling you in a different direction. The more you adhere to the energies of the Festival of the Christ, the more you will become more aligned with your true self.

It is when you allow others in your world try to stop you from achieving your dreams into reality that you will fall below the mark and not be able to continue what you have already achieved.

I know there are many lightworkers that are feeling the lower energies, but you must not let that stop you.

Adhering to the dynamics of the Festival of the Christ to become the Love, allowing for Resurrection of the old self, and walking in balance with the Higher Realms of Light, you will feel and impress upon yourself a sense of accomplishment within you.

This is what I choose for each of you during the Festival of the Christ with the Moon of Libra and the Sun of Aires. Be your Divine Self in Balance with the Love fully enhanced within you, never to be removed by anyone or anything.

I give you my Love and Wisdom of the 2nd Ray of the Golden Yellow flame.

In Blessings and Love,

I am Master Djwhal Khul

Walking Terra Christa will be holding Online Celebration Gatherings for each of these festivals.

 The Festival of the Christ will take place on Saturday, March 27th, 2021 at 11:00 AM Pacific (2:00 PM Eastern). Donations Appreciated. Please join us by clicking this link for full details: Festival of Lights-Full Moon Ceremony.  

Listen to the event audio recording in our library:

○ The Wesak Festival will take place on Sunday, April 25th, 2021 at 9:00 AM Pacific (12:00 Noon Eastern). Admission Tickets Required (details pending).

○ The Festival of Humanity (Goodwill or World Service Day) will take place on Saturday, May 22th, 2021 at 11:00 AM Pacific (2:00 PM Eastern). Donations Appreciated. Please join us by clicking this link for full details:  Festival of Lights-Full Moon Ceremony.

ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2021 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

Archangels Gabriel and Hope of the Crystalline Flame ~ The Light of God Never Fails

Walking Terra Christa presented Archangels Gabriel and Hope representing the 4th Ray of God of Crystalline for the Ascension Mastery Teachings within the Clarion Temple of Oneness. 

The 4th Ray of Harmony and Balance Through Conflict represents the ability to Resurrect the lower elements within the Root Chakra to be brought into Balance allowing for the movement of flowing light energy to be the determining factor. It brings forth the essence of Hope and Faith through the archangels of this flame.


We now arrive in a field of beautiful flowers. We walk through the meadow across the Rainbow Bridge of the garden pathway, meeting all the beautiful magical elements that are here, the elementals and Angels and birds singing and butterflies, and beautiful essences. Now we see the beautiful Clarion Temple of Oneness.

We walk up the temple steps and we are acknowledged by Archangel Michael’s Warriors who are representatives of this temple. Stepping into the amphitheater, we are now met by Yamteleus, the Spokesbeing for the Clarion Temple of Oneness. We follow Yamteleus all the way down to the first row of the first level.

As we look out, this temple is very large. There are many levels and below us is the presentation area. As we look down, we see Archangels Gabriel and Hope who are awaiting our presence. We will now continue with the energies.


Greetings My Friends, I am Yamteleus. Welcome to the Clarion Temple of Oneness.

We are looking forward to the energies of Gabriel and Hope bringing forth that illustrious Light energy that they both share and ignite through the Divine energies. We can feel it now as the flame of the beautiful temple is pure Crystalline. Within that Crystalline we can see sparkles of many other rainbow colors. I open up the energies to the Angels.


[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]


We are the Angels of the Many Principalities as we open up the presence unto our Divine blessing of Archangels Gabriel and Hope. Our blessings to each of you is to fully allow this Divine energy to assist you for the transformation you are going through. All of our blessings in the depth and the presence of the God Force.


We are Gabriel and Hope speaking in unison in this moment bringing forth the Divine qualities of the Crystalline Flame but so much more than that. It is shining a Light where there has been darkness, shining a Light where there has been uncertainty, shining a Light in the power of all that you desire to create within yourself.

As you look at the flame presently, feel the vibrancy of the Crystalline Light expanding throughout the entire temple to every Soul that is here bringing forth the exquisite energies of all that is possible in the realm of the Essence of God.

The vibrancy of this Light allows every Soul to come into a new understanding of themselves without the physical consciousness. This is so very important to realize within yourself the power that you can achieve by bringing forth the allowance of the Divine Creative Essence, that you are a part of, to become your reality.

We bring unto you this Divine essence, sparkles of the Crystalline Light to come into your heart, to vibrate deeply within your bodily system, and to allow it to expand so that it circles within you and eventually around you. Feel this vibratory energy like it is a teardrop.

It is a Spark of Light. Within this Spark of Light allow yourself to fully become more than you were a moment ago. Feel the vibration of this Light. As my favorite saying is, “The Light of God never fails.”

As you bring this essence into your Heart Center, allow it to expand into all parts of your chakra system, your neurological system, your cellular structure, and your Etheric Self. Allow this Light energy to shift within you so that there is nothing else that you concentrate on except for this frequency of Light. With each breath that you take it becomes larger and larger. The Teardrop of Light then becomes more of a larger teardrop. It is no longer a teardrop. It is a Circumference of Light that has a beginning and has an end. But that ending never stops. It continues and you allow it to fully infiltrate your entire chakra system. The Heart expands now. Allow the Heart to open up into new ways of creation. Feel it. Feel this frequency of Light to come fully within you.

I, as Gabriel, extend unto you this Light of God which becomes very physical within your breath. It moves through all of your chakras. It goes down into your Root Chakra. It goes upwards to your Crown Chakra and it is spinning and vibrating. The vibration of this large teardrop picks up debris. As it picks up the debris, it transcends it immediately. Feel this Divine energy occurring within you in this moment.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Now feel this Divine energy. It is no longer a teardrop. Think of it as a large Spectrum of Light that has a point at each end and that a point is in your Root chakra and the other point is in your Crown Chakra.

What is reflected within the Crown is now going to be infused within your Root. The blessing of your Crown chakra is the connection to your Divine consciousness, the connection to your Higher Self. The blessing of that Light now comes into your Root Chakra for you to expand upon it. Breathe into this. Breathe into it so that you feel the beauty of harmonization, because that harmonization is coming from your Higher Self. It is coming from your Higher Light Bodies. Allow it to move into the Root chakra to dissipate and change all that does not fit this frequency of Light.

As it spins within you, each of the chakras within your Central Canal, it is going to pick up all the debris that is everywhere, the debris that does not allow you to have full faculty of your Higher Essence, your Higher Mind, your Higher Heart.

The vibration is so strong that you can feel the waves of Love flowing within you. There is nothing more beautiful in this moment.

As I look around the temple, I see everyone expanding. So, now the Spectrum of Light is moving out through the Central Canal into the physical allowing all physical elements that need to be healed to go into this energy. Allow it now to go into the Etheric, the depth and the memory of the Etheric. Yes, the chakras are part of the Etheric, but there is more that is outside of your physical body, also, which is that Divine essence that you are that carries all your woes, that carries all your joys, that carries all that have been.

Absorb the Crystalline Flame as we blend it around and within you as you now feel your Etheric Body spinning with your Physical Body. It is now going to spin into your Emotional Body, your Astral Body. A cleansing process is going on in this moment. As it moves into the Mental Body, there is clarity of thought. Feel this essence occurring for you. Allow your breath to take you deeper and deeper.

If you have a hard time, go back into your Heart. Go back into that vibration of the Heart and feel the highest quality of energies. As you are purging, you are removing the debris. You start to feel a flowing energy, which allows you to expand upon this essence.

This is the Light of God intertwining within all of your bodies, becoming part of your reality, allowing you to be in a state of transcendence. Feel this now. Feel the beauty that you are becoming. Feel the essence of the changes that need to be made but they are not concrete, they are flowing. You are receiving them and accepting them at the same time.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Now breathe deeper and say unto yourself, “The Light Of God Never Fails.”

And, as you say that, it becomes stronger and stronger within you. This Life Force that will allow you to strengthen yourself to be able to step forward and have that Courage within your Divine consciousness, within your physical self to change those thoughtforms, to change those feelings, to change all that you have trouble dealing with. Allow this flow of Light to spin within you.

“Ahhh,” you are a spinning energy now.

Your entire Auric field is being filled with the Crystalline Light Flame. Within this light frequency there is a movement of creativity that can occur, because as you bring in that Harmonization, things shift.

Let it come in. Let it be part of your experience. I now give you my lovely counterpart, Hope.


Greetings My Dearest Ones.

It is my blessing to be with in this moment to extend unto you the feeling of Hope. Transcending the energy is the first part, getting strong with the Light of God, that flame of the Light of God. Now, I give you the softness of that same flame to swirl within your Heart Center to allow you to feel content, because it is opening up that dark doorway within your mind, within your feelings, within your vibratory energies of each of your chakras.

There is a doorway of Light that is within you that gives you a feeling of hopefulness, and within hopefulness there is that desire to be more, that desire to be more to yourself, and to allow this energy to assist you to go into a deeper part of your creative process. It is now flowing through you.

As we extend our energies together, feeling Gabriel, with that strengthening energy of never failing, and myself bringing forth that essence of Hope. I extend unto you a beautiful Light Blue Flame.

This Light Blue Flame is part of the Crystalline Flame. It brings forth a sense of vibratory energy, the softness. Because when you can allow yourself to walk through the challenge and then also receive that essence of Hope, that it is truly possible. You now change through this process. Extend it unto yourself with your breath right now. Feel this vibratory sparkling Light energy that I send unto you.

I ask you to call upon your Solar Angel. Feel your wings. Allow yourself to be in deep gratitude to know that you can call upon this essence that is you. It is a remembrance.

I give unto you this remembrance to have within your consciousness to bring forth a new sense of clarity. Because once you become clear, the road in front of you becomes so much easier. Each step forward is not riddled with fear or anxiousness. It brings forth a sense of contentment, of joy, of grace, being merciful to yourself. Embrace this Divine energy that I extend unto you in this moment.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

As I reach my arms out to you, feel the softness which brings forth great strength. The best part comes because you are transcending the element that you have been dealing with. You breathe and you feel those beautiful essences of the Crystalline Flame and you ground it within yourself. When you allow the grounding of the Crystalline Light, your body will shift. It will heal more deeply. Your Etheric will open up and accept. Your Emotional Body will receive and transmit, and your Mental Body will calm down. Feel this blessing within you now as we come together once again.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

Take a moment. As we gather together in this moment, the vibrancy within the temple is magnificent. The flame is growing within everyone in all the different levels of this temple.

We now bring this light energy into a grounding form into the core of Gaia, through all the dimensional frequencies, into the planetary level, going into the core of Gaia and sending it out to all of humanity, sending it out to the animal kingdoms, the plants and the minerals and all of the geographic areas around the world.

Every Soul upon the Earth is receiving this blessing of transcending and in creating. The flow of this energy is moving through the entire globe into all the cities, into all the countries, and into all the areas. Now planet Earth, Gaia, is vibrating with the Crystalline Flame. We can see that Crystalline Flame coming up through the dimensions. It is igniting and is joining our flame here within this glorious Temple of Light.

Let us take a moment and feel these Divine energies because this is Unity, this is Oneness. As we all come together to create the sense of Balance, to create Harmony, and to remove those conflicts to allow them to dissipate through the pure essence of the Light of God, through the pure essence of Hope and allowing every Soul, every being, to come into a state of just for a moment, an Ahhh. And just release that. “Ahhh” and just feel that beautiful essence of Light becoming you.

As now your entire system is vibrating with the Crystalline Flame, your Heart Chakra is expanding with the sense of Hope, the sense of Joyfulness, the sense that there is a better tomorrow, and that better tomorrow is right now. Feel it My Dearest Ones. Feel this blessing that we give unto you as Gabriel and Hope to remember the pure essence of the Light of God shall never fail. It shall never fail.

Allow this vibratory energy to run through you at any given time where you feel the opposite type of energy. Allow the flame of the Light of God to assist you to become more to yourself, to become more to what is around you. Allow the Harmonization, that flowing Light energy that is within you right now, from your Crown to your Heart, to your feet to your Earth Star, and to your Soul Star. The vibratory energy is swirling around you and within you as you become ONE with the Light of God.

[Divine Language Network Light Encoding]

As we stand within this glorious temple, each of us is One within each other. It is our blessing as Archangels Gabriel and Hope of the Crystalline Flame to assist you to go deeper with this energy, to work with it, to allow it to become your Mantra.

All of our love is being sent to each of you.


It is now time for us to rise. We thank Gabriel and Hope for this Divine energy.

As we walk up the steps, we meet up with Yamteleus to bid our farewells along with Archangel Michael’s Warriors.

We walk up the steps onto the garden pathway. Feel the union that has been created that you are One with each of these Divine Beings.

As we walk across the Rainbow Bridge, we gather together to create our beautiful Merkabah Vehicle. It is sparkling so strongly that anyone in the skies can see it. In this inter-dimensional travel, we leave the 36th dimensional frequency, moving down to the 24th, going lower into the 11th, and the 10th, and then into planetary awareness.

We arrive in our own physical location. Ground yourself, breathing deeply.

©Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden, Integrative Channel 26th, 2021; Clarion Temple of Oneness.


[ORDER THE FULL AUDIO OF THIS TRANSMISSION ($22 normal means)]  The Clarion Temple of Oneness Teaching (click the link to order the recording for this transcription and receive the full vibrational energies and attunements available (share in your payment comments section the date of the class you are interested in receiving).



ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join this free Global Project by Walking Terra Christa to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2021 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee* Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. *formerly spelled “Meleriessee”. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!

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