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Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, brought forth a deeper understanding on our first class “STEPPING INTO THE INSPIRATION OF THE SELF,” New Earth Consciousness Circle of Light before the journey to the Golden Etheric City of Shalancheiee.



It is I Lord Adama with the Councils of Agartha and Telos.

It is my Divine Pleasure to be with each of you within these moments and as Meleriessee has been sharing, please continue that breath even though I am talking. Try to understand things from your Higher Mind instead of the Lower Mind, the intellect that you have and to feel it. Embrace these energies within. This is truly what we desire to have you experience in this session.

As we are now moving into a new mastery program we feel it will be very helpful to each of you. It is not just about the Inner Child work but the element of your psychological self opening up to the integration of your higher consciousness, meaning your super conscious which is your Higher Self energy with your subconscious. This allows you to change those aspects within yourself that you may still be dealing with.

We have decided to take the process of the 12 Steps of Self Parenting as that is what it represents as each of you as the adult are comparing our sub-conscious mind to be more alliance within your three-body system than you have experienced in any other timeline.

So we take this first step that represents SURRENDER.

I have talked about Surrender many times but in this aspect I want you to concentrate on the elements you have a hard time dealing with pertaining to the issues that come up for you.

How do you allow yourself to not get into the control mechanisms, the lower elements of your ego wanting to control what is happening to you?

Within this state of letting go of that element that you have no control, that you are powerless, it can create moments of uncertainty but it also allows your consciousness to accept the fact that you have faith or the ability to allow these energies to help you move into a higher state of existence.

This is something that is very important at this level to be able to concentrate upon these energies and to see the changes that are occurring for you instead of keep going back to the same issues continually time and time again. A part of that is to realize that when one layer is stripped away, there will be more to be revealed in your consciousness that you need to work upon.

This is the way that it enfolds as you being a multi-dimensional Being of Light and have traveled many light years, millions and millions of them to get to this space in time. You have these remembrances within yourself that may hinder progress or possibly assist you, but you have to be able to differentiate between them of what is needed and what is not needed.

You allow yourself to go into the energy of SURRENDERING in that moment to realize that your Higher Self is going to guide you; it will literally put you in its arms while assisting you through this process you are going through. But what happens is the intellect that you are, the one that has been in control for so many eons of time and not just this lifetime comes into play. Many of you come with such a strong mental body that it is very challenging to let go of those particles within the mental field that have helped you in previous timelines. But they haven’t helped you to become an Integrated Christed Being. The assistance they have given you represent other elements in your lifestyles of the past.

This is the first step of getting into the Core of your Foundation, to allow yourself to realize that you of the physical person that does not have control over these issues that are plaguing you. The control that you do have is to allow your Higher Self to assist you to go deeper into them so that you can find the powerful attributes of Hope, Happiness, Joy, Serenity, and Peace. Then, comes Understanding.

You will not have understanding within your physical mind until you go through all your other doorways. This is something that you must command within your Higher Self, within your Mental Body to tell the Mental Self to relax in order for the Emotional Body to assist in this process. This is truly where you are going to allow the Feminine Divine to be intuitive, to be flowing, to have that understanding, and to give it to the Mental Body. Working only within the Mental Level will only give you anguish, it is going to give you worry, anger, and all those lower aspects that every human person deals within continually. It depends on how they deal with it to come into that space of conditioning of the balance of the Feminine and the Masculine, of the balance of the three minds.

This process we are going through in bringing forth the foundation of the 12 Steps will assist you in learning how your Higher Self can self-parent your Physical Self.

We take it in that context; yes, there will be issues with the Inner Child but we are not just concentrating on these issues. They will come up as that is part of why you are still holding unto these elements. The most important thing that you must consider within yourself is that it is not about your life as the Child, it is not about what you have not received, it is what your Soul has experienced in so many lifetimes that is coming to the surface for you to truly look at, and acknowledge so that it can be healed.

I want you not to take this process of this program that we are bringing forth into just a concept of the Inner Child. It should be in the understanding of your Higher Self Parenting your Physical Self. That is where the work is going to assist you more deeply. Your Higher Self has all the beautiful attributes that you desire. It has patience, love, hope, agility, movement, softness, and assertiveness. These are the elements we want you to bring forth into your existence so that you can understand what your Foundation represents in your life.

As we go through this process together, we are hoping that each of you will start to understand yourself on a deeper level. Remember that understanding comes from your Higher Mind.

If you are having issues within yourself of trying to understand why something comes up for you, do not let your mind go into that space. Allow the essence of Surrender come to you.  The Beings tonight are going to bring that more fully into each of you so you can acknowledge it. All of this represents a movement of flowingness; just allowing yourself to move from one space to the other without those thoughts that start to question and desire understanding and not taking a step forward because you do not understand why you are going through that doorway. Don’t worry about that.

When you feel that guidance coming to you, let it fully be embraced.

Utilize the specific leaders of the Ruby Red Flame – Lady Nada, the Elohim Peace and Aloha and the Archangels Uriel and Aurora – to assist you with this energy. Call upon them and feel their energy.

When you call upon their energy to assist you, take a deep breath, feel that Ruby Red Flame, feel that energy coming into your Solar Plexus. Call out their names and allow that energy to come fully within you and not just within your mind. You must move the Mental thoughts of how it is supposed to be in order for it to come into its pure essence of What It Is being expressed within you. This is where the Solar Plexus is going to help. This is why we chose this ray for this first step. In order to truly move into that process of Self Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, Worthiness –  you need to embrace the power of the Ray to acknowledge through your Emotional Body what it truly feels like.

This is what you need to acknowledge throughout this month. The more you allow yourself to feel the energy, the more you will become the energy. This is where your Mental and Emotional bodies start to come into the Feminine and Masculine Divine. They are just words without that expression.

As we work through this process, allow yourself to feel what is necessary. If you find that the issues from your childhood are coming up, connect with your Inner Child as that part of you is within your Emotional Body. That part of you is the Child who is still expressing those elements of anger, frustration, of not being good enough and that is how you are going to open up your emotional body to the part of the healing it needs.

But how is that going to be reflected in your physical life now?

This is what you need to acknowledge. It is not just about the healing process of your Inner Child, it is a healing process of whom you have been within your entire Soul’s history and the transformation that you will go through through all stages of your awareness.

There are many of you that come across being very knowing in what you have to do and that can be expressed as aggressiveness. You may not think that is the way you are acting. Realize within yourself, these thoughts.

“Is this coming from my Lower Ego?”

“Am I looking for validation?”

“Is this because no one will listen to me and I come across in a more intense way?”

These are important questions to ask yourself and what may be occurring. When you bring forth that ability to understand from your Higher Mind and not your Lower Mind, that is where the true healing will come from. You must feel it first; you must allow that energy to come within you and express it through your Solar Plexus. Allow that area be filled with these energies to help you go into a deeper part of your existence.

Your Etheric Body is healing deeply through this process. You have to command through all your bodily systems including the Etheric Body that it cannot go on the way it has been for centuries and centuries. It is now changing that multi-dimensional self. The clearing that needs to happen in that level and it can occur Physically, Etherically, Emotionally, or Mentally and possibly Spiritually.

The starting point is allowing the Etheric Body to open up unto these energies and that is what Lord Metatron will assist with this evening.

We believe that this process is going to help each of you to know yourself on a deeper level, a soul level, not a physical level, and to realize that the doorways will open for you physically as you change the emotions and the thoughts as all will come together cohesively in Oneness. Because right now what happens in most individuals upon this planet, and this includes Lightworkers, is that they have defragmented selves in each of their bodies. They are trying to work separately to bring that cohesiveness together but the problem is that they are not communicating within each other. This is what we truly desire to occur for each of you.

I am really happy to come into this stage of the healing process. I think that we will hit a lot of the core values with the program we have put together with Mel and Mike. We think that this is going to be very powerful for each of you in this process.

I thank you deeply.

Let us take a deep breath together and bring forth that energy of what SURRENDER may mean for you.

The first process that you can do within that energy is to try and relax your body through your breath. Bring the energies all the way down from your Crown, through the shoulders and your back. Let it move into your arms. Sit totally relaxed, almost asleep, but you are awake. Allow your muscles and all your cells, everything that works hard to keep your body going to fully relax. Allow the energy to come down through the joints, into the organs, into the bloodstream and all the interworking’s of the physical body. When you command that within yourself, and allow it to be, then it will occur.

This is where you are the driver within your physical self desiring to have more feeling, to be in a different place emotionally and mentally. This is truly where Oneness will occur within each of you. Allow that energy to move downwards into the souls of your feet. This is also the entryway to allow the higher light vibrations to come into the physical body. You cannot do it with your thoughts or emotions. You must achieve it in the higher space of Love, of Light, of your Angelic Presence. That was your first entryway into this Earth as an angel. We are going to help each of you to go back into that space but to blend it with the physical self.

It is my pleasure to walk with you; I am Lord Adama your brother in Telos.

Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light which is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama on how to step into a 5th dimensional way of life; in addition there is are special Ascended Beings that represent the city who provide tools and accelerations. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase the MP3 download on any of the classes.

Walking Terra Christa is offering their Monthly Mastery Classes for 2017 “Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul” which is facilitated through Lord Saint Germain along with the Ray Chohan of the Month, and Lord Metatron. Our first class was guided by Lady Nada along with Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron in the Sacred Heart Temple of Oneness (144th dimension) and the Temple of Illumination with Lord Metatron (49th dimension). Please use the link to learn more about this series.

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Did you find this post educational for your higher understanding? Please consider supporting our work with a $3 donation for this article right now for 2017. Everyone reading this can help make a difference. We require public support to bring forth these important Ascension Mastery transmissions.

© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 

Decree ~ How to Surrender to My Angelic Self ~ Golden Etheric City of Shalancheiee with Lady Nada and Lord Metatron

Walking Terra Christa initiated their new program for 2017, “Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul: Taking Steps to Create the Higher Essence Foundation That You Are,” with “Step 1 ~ The Process of Surrender, Stepping into the Inspiration of the Self”. The Ascended Masters and Spiritual Hierarchy directed that we would work with the Golden Etheric City of Shalanacheiee which resides over Montana and Idaho in the United States.

This decree is from the first class in the series of ongoing once monthly Mastery Class program in working within the 12 Steps of Self-Parenting the Inner Self along with working with Lord Metatron and being initiated with the 12 Metatronic Seals. The first seal represents Integration of the Solar Angel, the angelic presence that we are since before our incarnation into planetary life. The WTC student membership program of weekly classes made several etheric meditative journeys to the City with Lord Adama introducing the teachings.

This city represents bringing forth the element of Peace to create an abundant lifestyle. It is represented by the 6th Ray of Ruby Red-Gold of Inner Devotion “Learning the Pathway of Peace is Forgiveness of the Self.
Lady Nada is the Ray Chohan of the ray with Elohim Masters Peace & Aloha and Archangels Uriel & Aurora.

Our first visit to the Golden Etheric City of Shalancheiee took each individual through a journey with Lady Nada into the Temple of Divinity of Peace. Each of the Beings of Light were present within the Temple who represent the Sixth Ray of Devotion, Archangels Uriel and Aurora, with Elohim Masters Peace and Aloha with the overlighting energies of the Elders Lord Astia and Lady Fratia who ignite the Ruby Red-Gold Flame.

For this visit Lord Metatron also participated within the temple within the Chapel of Initiations to bring forth the first attunement for the Metatronic Seals – Igniting the Star Glyph of the Solar Angel.

Learning How to Surrender to My Angelic Self

I have arrived within the Golden Etheric city of Shalancheiee,

Which Resides over Montana and Idaho;

It represents Inner Devotion with Lady Nada as the Ray Chohan.

I feel the amazing color of Ruby Red with the Gold,

It embraces me as I feel a sense of serenity that I am being cared for.

I am embarking upon a new program,

That brings forth the Steps of Self Parenting;

I have arrived at the first level,

To learn how to Surrender and now feel powerlessness in any element of my life.

I breathe deeply as I realize there is much I do not know,

But I also feel that this is the place I need to be.

As I enter the Temple of Divinity of Peace,

Lady Nada walks with me,

It is encircled with three canals around the temple walls,

First level is filled with the Ruby Red flame,

Then I see the Pink Orange,

With the third level filled with Magenta,

There are steps across each level starting with the Ruby Red,

I feel the change within me as the vibration changes,

I cross the bridge of the Pink Orange,

And then the Magenta of Divine Love.

We enter this magnificent temple,

I see the Archangels Uriel and Aurora,

They guide me past the main altar where there are many angels everywhere.

We walk up a circular staircase,

Into a beautiful magnificent room with stained glass walls,

Depicting angels in every shape and form.

I am then met by Lord Metatron,

He ushers me towards him,

I feel his magnificence of light,

As he embraces me to sit still.

I am here on this day in this moment,

To help you remember a part of you that has been lost,

It is your Solar Angel, who has been working with you since the beginning of time.

I feel this angel and it feels familiar to me,

I am told it is a part of my heritage that I now must remember.

The energy is very intense, but yet very calming,

I think about how I want to bring forth Love within me,

I realize this is my doorway to realize the potential that I have.

I sit with my Solar Angel,

I feel its essence,

And realize that I am now able to surrender to all controls,

I have put upon myself.

I have finally learned how to incorporate Self Love.

I am honored and please about this amazing journey I Am on.

I am no longer powerless over anything, any thought, or any emotion in my life.

I AM that I AM that I AM

The New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light is a weekly class in which we journey to one of the 22 Etheric Cities.  Included is a teaching from Lord Adama and a special Ascended Being that represents the city. Walking Terra Christa provides many options to participate in their weekly teachings with an affordable rate for all individuals.  You can participate in our Partner/Membership Program while experiencing the teachings on your own time via the recordings. You can also purchase the MP3 download on any of the classes.

Walking Terra Christa is offering their Monthly Mastery Classes for 2017 “Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul” which is facilitated through Lord Saint Germain along with the Ray Chohan of the Month, and Lord Metatron. Our first class was guided by Lady Nada along with Lord Saint Germain and Lord Metatron in the Sacred Heart Temple of Oneness (144th dimension) and the Temple of Illumination with Lord Metatron (49th dimension). Please use the link to learn more about this series.

Sharing on Social Media sites is requested as a service to support our work. Please help others connect with us:

Did you find this post educational for your higher understanding? Please consider supporting our work with a $3 donation for this article right now for 2017. Everyone reading this can help make a difference. We require public support to bring forth these important Ascension Mastery transmissions.

© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Reprinting or reposting this material on websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 

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