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Feeling the Love? (or perhaps not so much…)

by Rev. J. Michael Hayden

Post Valentine’s Day Sale to Assist Creating True Love

The hype and hope that is Valentine’s Day may bring with it the opposite feelings of what the day is supposed to be all about, especially for individuals not in a relationship as a couple.

For those couples already in relationship it can be a day that does not end up meeting the expectations.

In Western cultures becoming a couple through marriage is something that about 90% of individuals do.  The long term success of being in a relationship that stands the test of time is 50% to 60% of those couples. Which is a statistic that is basically just a bit better than flipping a coin.

Key Traits of a Coin Flip Lover

Enmeshed/Boundary Issues – Someone who is not able to have clear and healthy boundaries between their own “stories” and those of another. If could be their birth family of origin, or family through association. Parental figures or siblings could present as needy or controlling, and the person who is enmeshed does not know how to “just say no” in a respectful and loving manner. This “foundation” then is what forms the basis with a lover as it is the only way of being one knows. This trait can also manifest as hiding or running away from the other emotionally or even physically through making sure to be too busy to connect with the other person. The fear of “losing the self” is the driving theme of the relationship. Another way this manifests is to be the controller so that you do not get controlled.

Lack of Sense of Self – Similar to the above but more focused on the internal relationship one has with herself/himself. If an individual is not strong enough to know who they are within their own mental, emotional, and spiritual self, they can not experience where their own health life concerns begin or where they end. Like the above, this can show up as someone who seems easily influenced, over to the other extreme of someone who has the need to be in charge or they fear they will lose everything.

Little Ability to Self Nurture – This trait is that of the person who must have another person in their life to give them what they can’t provide without that person. This trait also shows up as being overly needy as in “If you loved me you would know to do this for me”.  This is also a form of control of the other person done through emotional manipulation.

The reality of most relationships, and why it can end up being a coin toss as to if it will stand the test of time, is that most humans have insufficient awareness of who they are being as a person. More specifically in terms of spirituality, who the are as a Soul within these areas of “beingness”.

One tends to look at their life and especially their childhood upbringing and experiences to see how they were “shaped” by outside forces to become who they are as an adult. Very few understand the Soul dynamic of arriving upon Earth to deal with a Soul issue to which they need to restore balance. In other words, for example, having parents who were divorced may have a lot to do with your own Soul requiring you to learn how to heal through that process and have little to do with your parents own issues.

Bringing Balance 

Our personality is not just the combination of all the factors we experience, it is very much about who we are as a person and how we interpret those experiences. Traditional theologians may claim we are a blank slate at birth endowed with certain universal human abilities. We then may become shaped by our external environment either positively or negatively based on the degree we are able to be reinforced to support those inherent abilities.

But from the point of view of Ascension Mastery, it is much more complex. We are also born “hardwired” with issues or biases that are unique to our own makeup that are not within the original purity of our Soul. They are issue that we have “picked up along the way” of being a Soul that lives many lifetimes.

This is why you will see children say very profound things about specific topics that other children have no interest in at all.

So our task as Ascending Souls, is to discover these biases or traits that we came in with, see how they influenced our life and choose if they are issue we desire to bring into a more balanced state or not.

The Divine Masculine and Feminine

That state of being more balances is when our feminine side brings forth that nurturing in most areas of our life so that we feel safe and taken care of even when alone. This requires a balanced masculine side to bring forth the personal strength of will and power of that self so that one is confident and secure in the way they express themselves and conduct themselves to and with others.

Using the Wisdom of Ascended Master Lady Mary Magdalene and her own spiritual mentor Ascended Master Lady Isis, we created an 8-hour seminar series course so that each individual can begin to understand the dynamics of how they as a Soul can regain the Divinity that is the Masculine and Feminine Divine restored to full Union.

There is no better way to be in a balanced relationship with another person than to create that balance within the self first. This is imperative so that the seeming randomness of the “coin toss 50/50 chance” gets removed from your own relationships.

This spiritually channeled Ascension Mastery seminar course will not instantly make you into a perfect partner for your soul mate or twin flame connection as the concepts and energies given require you to continue to allow the deeper understandings to unfold, But we feel they will greatly assist each participant in having the understandings required to make some progress, and to get the support from the higher vibrational spiritual energies within the process.

If you are interested in reading more details or to take advantage of the sale price of this 5-part series, please click below. (Couples in relationship included for one price. Now more than $50 in savings.)

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© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Personal use and providing a link to this article for informational or educational purpose (articles, websites or blogs) is welcomed and encouraged except any use related to or associated with profit making activities (including individual, business or organizational websites, publications, blogs, etc.) Reprinting or reposting this material for publications, websites or blogs that sell or advertise any products or services (as well as any printed or written reproduction) is not authorized without written permission. Rights are only granted to repost this material (in full and unedited with working url links) electronically on informational websites or blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. In such cases, you must include this complete copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. The information contained herein does not constitute the rendering of healthcare advice or the provision of treatment or treatment recommendations. It is not to be considered or inferred as medical or psychological advice. Use of the website and its originating content constitutes agreement of terms as provided under Website Terms and Disclaimer (click here).

Divine Union of the Soul


WHAT – FIVE PART TEACHING SERIES: Learning to Create Blessed Divine Soul Unions
LIGHT BEINGS: Lady Mary Magdalene with Lady Isis
(and other Lady Masters)
ENROLLMENT*: (See below – sliding scale discount)

In Order to Create, Attract and Sustain a Divine Masculine Feminine Union Individuals Require the Deeper Understanding and Vibrational Meaning that Signifies the Ultimate Divine Union: that of the Soul Itself.

Within the energies of the New Earth, each person must intimately realize the Union of their Own Self to be embodied if they are to have a healthy loving sustainable relationship.

In order for each of us to have a loving partner within our life, we need to know who we are first and foremost. Within the dysfunctions of the modern world, what is considered a Twin Soul or Twin Flame relationship is not truly that of a Divine Union Relationship. Many individuals get caught up with the sexual energy that results in meeting a person that they feel magnetized towards on a physical basis. Mary calls this “Misrepresentation of Divine Love”.

Lady Master Mary Magdalene, along with Lady Isis (and possible some other Lady Masters), are the transmitted Light Being teachers for this in-depth five (5) part course series being given throughout the months of February and March. These Lady Masters, representing the full embodiment of the Goddess Self, take us on the journey of Self Love, learning to embody our Divine Essence through a process of both teachings and vibrational meditations to access our Soul’s Highest Aspect in order to experience the Love of the Self. They will also teach us how we can change behaviors within ourselves that do not reflect the Divinity of the Soul as this is the mistake most of humanity makes when attracting the right partner for the wrong reasons or the wrong partner for the right reasons.

We gain an overview of all the types of Soul Relationships that each of us encounters. This brings us a deeper understanding of where we are presently and how to change the behavior of our feelings and emotions that we think are commonplace in Divine Unions such as a Twin Flame. These most knowledgeable Divine Union experts explain how we attract these relationships to heal the aspects of our soul but due to the physiological issues involved we tend to only think in terms of sexuality and the struggle for intimacy instead of the Inter-relationship of Divine Love.

This teaching journey is not just for individuals that want to attract a twin flame partner; it is a Journey of the Soul to embody the love that is desired within from the Source of Light, our I AM Presence, and the Light of God to fully be within us. It is about finding the balance of the Masculine and Feminine Divine, understanding where the weaknesses may be while accessing the strengths so that a balance occurs within the Heart Center. Lady Master Magdalene calls this “The Alchemy of the Divine Soul Embodied” within the context of the Divine Soul with the Divine Self coming together as One.

When we embody the essence of our own love, then we can embrace that Love that is mirrored to us from another.


Now offered as MP3 Audio Recordings.

Use the exchange button below to enroll for the full series of 5 teachings. A discount is given when ordering the full series. We will send you the download link information for listening to the class audio files.

Please join us for this essential mastery course and step into discovering the true meaning of “Divine Love“.

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Living in Fifth Dimensional Community


Many wish to live in a society where there is a cohesive sense of community. A place where each soul is recognized appreciated and honored for not only their individuality but also their gifts and contributions.

One aspect of living in a Golden Age upon a New Earth (“Terra Christa”) is often overlooked. That is the concept of communal energies. While the merging of our fields occurs in the regular Third dimensional world we all know, this aspect becomes much more pronounced when living in a higher frequency because lower energies are much more noticeable once you raise your frequency. What one member of the group feels or thinks; all members of the group will experience and at a much greater level than in the Third dimension. All will be impacted positively or negatively depending on the particular vibration of the emotion or the thought form.

In the Third dimension individuals who are more considerate and caring of others (which is a descriptive adjective that can be applied to a Lightworker), may have the habit of dealing with disruptive or lower frequency personal feelings and thoughts by keeping them to ones self as they work on resolving it, while those who are less concerned about how they affect others may be more abusive and outwardly more negative in their expression of those frequencies within them.

Recognizing one’s own energies as something to be monitored and corrected if needed is a trait of the more awakened soul, partly because they probably are also more sensitive to energies themselves but mostly because they realize they are seeking the pathway to greater Unity. Lightworkers and those who designate themselves as being here on earth to assist in the awakening of humanity are indeed more sensitive so they can learn to master a deeper level of energetic perceptions within, and outside of themselves.

The path to living together as One, requires more diligence because we cannot arise to a new way of being without the complete discovering of exactly how we each are contributing to the energies of the earth, each other and existence itself.

How often are we the unwitting or unknowing cause of disruption? How often do we contribute to continuing or condoning the exact frequencies that we find so destructive?

We all know that energy, once created, continues to exist. In terms of our fields, especially the mental and emotional bodies, what we create within will then continue to radiate outward. It cannot be ‘uncreated’ once created; it can only be slowed or stopped by another creation of lesser or equal force (respectively).

Communal living truly requires a depth of harmony not normally comprehended because the level of “right energy” that must be not only created to begin with, but then carefully nurtured and protected, is not something that many of us have ever experienced firsthand.

In our Third dimensional life conditioning, we can get away with ignoring much of what we feel or think inside, internalizing and suppressing any unwanted experiences or emotions so that we do not have to deal with them.

This is, to use an often overused phrase that is probably more applicable here than in any other usage, “the true root of all evil”.

Living in a Fifth Dimensional field of frequency means that one cannot carry around such baggage. All energies of those who make up the sum of the whole truly make up the whole. And this is true regardless of if you are aware of your baggage or not. Baggage is baggage. It is not personal, it is just what is. Third dimensional life carry’s a great deal of baggage with it.

Here is a cursory set of relationship guidelines to follow in order to begin the process of clearing out the baggage and raise your vibration so that you can lay a foundation for living communally upon the New Earth.

  1. Learn the Art of Self Awareness – one must be able to perceive when they are affected by lower frequencies, regardless of the source originating as external or internal. At the level of awareness we are speaking about, this is not a skill taught in most current cultures. It requires a true knowing of one’s inner self. One must learn who they really are to be aware of when they are not being that person. It is not a simple journey but it is very possible and much required being the first step in personal Mastery.
  2. Brave into Open Conversation – no resolution can exist in a world where things remain hidden. This is why you are seeing so many previously hidden aspects of our corporations, organizations and governments coming to light. We must also mirror that action by bringing what is inside us to light as well. Even if you are not really aware of anything more than an imbalance in your field, let alone your emotions or thoughts, learn to speak to others about your state of being. After all, your state of being actually contributes to theirs. Isolation or putting off such a conversation is only contributing more to the existence of disharmony within the larger field of the communal energy.
  3. Discover How to Raise Your Frequency – seek out tools and resources on how to “shift” your state of being in terms of a Higher Frequency of living. There are many coaching or traditional methods that can have you delve into your thoughts and emotions. Seek out those that have you gain full awareness of your perceptions and the ability to then shift your perspective and state of being in short order. There are some methods that involve techniques that accelerate the process so you do not need to spend years in therapy trying to retrace your footsteps, these involve using the knowledge and vibrations of the Higher Frequencies within the healing process itself. Regardless of what form of practice or methods you use, the goal is to not allow your past conditioning reaction to dictate your future wellbeing action. This is a process of discovering how often we make assumptions not only about others and their motivations but how deeply we are conditioned in doing so within our own conscious, or more accurately, subconscious.

Clearly these pointers are merely overview descriptions but they are very necessary if one desires to live in true harmonious relations with others. As we move forward into the energies of the New Earth within the 21st Century, the old patterns of allowing disruptive ways of being in our lives will no longer work. The higher vibrations of the cosmic energies now hitting and starting to be anchored within mother earth will make the gap between lower energies and higher energies more pronounced with every passing day. Individuals will find that the dysfunctional coping mechanisms they had successfully used to distract or divert issues or circumstances will cease to protect them. After all, the actual desire is to live in real companionship not just in the company of others, and that is how it is in the Fifth Dimension.


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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