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Master Thoth and Lord Melchizedek discuss the Law of Relativity and how it relates to the understanding of Initiations, Lessons, and Planetary Accelerations such as Wave-X.

In this message, part 1 of 2, Lord Melchizedek’s perspective is given.
~ Transmitted by 
Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Integrative Channel

Greetings and Love to Each of You,

I Am Lord Melchizedek bringing forth the Melchizedek Priesthood to help you understand the Universal Law of Relativity and what it may mean in relation to your pathway to gain Mastery.

All of the Universal Laws represent the Initiations as without them we would not have a specific guideline of how to achieve mastery. Many individuals may not realize this unless they had studied the esoteric texts that first brought forth this information. I think in today’s standards that many initiates do not truly understand how to apply the laws to their own lives as they have not been given the opportunity to study them for their own personal use.

As we work within the Law of Relativity, there are other laws that have come first. It is important to realize that each individual must work within each law to totally understand how it relates to their personal understanding, their abilities to transform their psychological issues, to acknowledge their ability to look within themselves not only from a physical perspective but within the soul’s history.

When an Initiate comes across the Law of Relativity, they may not fully comprehend what it means for them. Yes, everyone has lessons as that is part of life, right? But the important element is how do they apply those lessons?

Do they accept the challenge and go deeper into it by looking at the lower psychological thoughts, or do they just say, “I whisk this away with the Violet Flame,” and then continue on with their day.

I share these statements as they are very important realizations into the Lower Ego versus the Higher Ego. A person that is willing to go into the depths of their despair by utilizing the metaphysical tools they have been giving, is truly utilizing their Higher Ego of the Higher Self and not the physical mind.

In retrospect an individual that is doing it for the opposite reason, of just wanting to not look at it, not able to acknowledge the darkness within, is truly working within the Lower Ego.

I think this is a big issue with many Light Workers at this time as they come into this planet with very special gifts. I make no doubt about this, but there is also an attitude that with these special gifts come very special considerations of being on this pathway. Some initiates feel they don’t have to go the extra long way into the psyche of the mind because they are gifted and came here to assist the Earth.

All of this is very true but the most important fact is that Earth is the School of Learning How to Walk as a Master. Many have done it before you and we are here for the asking. This pathway is one of deep reflection and assessment of the soul. It is not just about having gifts although that comes along with the territory.

It is about being that Master, with honesty, integrity, truth, respect, consideration of others, but most of all understanding that the true pathway is of the Self first.

We, as Masters, cannot help others if we are holding elements of dark timelines or debris to occur which can be sent to others. That is why this planet has gotten into the state of duality. It has happened before and we as the Masters want it never to occur again. I think you would agree with me.

Now I have your attention.

Lessons are created by your Divine Self to be realized within your Physical Self so that you can accept that you are a Light Being upon this planet. But yet, your soul has traveled many eons of time in many places. Some of these places have not been so good, and many of them have been right here on Earth.

As each soul goes through a challenge or a problem in their life, they are given the grand opportunity to work with their Higher Self to accept a new part of themselves in the Light that can help the physical mind to surrender to the old elements that have been plaguing that soul.

The Law of Relativity represents those energies to become manifest.

If you were to compare each lesson you learned, then you might find similarities between them especially if you fully did not accept the lesson within the physical consciousness.

This is how you get through your Initiations, all the sub levels as there are many tests that occur for each initiate in all of the levels. The beginning levels of the 1st through the 4th are extremely powerful for the physical self as they involved the Physical Body, the Emotional Body, the Mental Body, and then accepting the Higher Self within all four bodies.

As your soul brings up the many timelines of the past, you will encounter situations that will test you in your skills of awareness, what you have learned in the previous lessons, and how to acknowledge them with your physical consciousness.

It is a make or break deal for your Initiations and how quickly you fully accept the new essence you are becoming, the healing you are going through, and how it reflects your current lifestyle.

We also have to consider the challenges of the planetary alignments that are consistently occurring presently and will do so for quite some time to come.

Presently, the earth is within the Electromagnetic energies of Wave X.

You have just experienced several eclipses and then the Equinox, not to mention the New Moon and Full Moon cycles that are occurring.

All of this takes a toll on the way an initiate learns their lessons as sometimes there can be a feeling that it is because of the energies that are occurring. Please know that this is not true.

Wave X represents the Masculine of the Electro and the Feminine of the Magnetic pull that is being transmitted from the Source of Light – the 144th dimension where each I AM Presence was first ignited.

Within this essence is the balanced of the Masculine and Feminine energies that each soul fully needs to embrace within themselves. This first is being ignited into the core of Gaia for each soul to be able to feel these energies as it helps them to make the necessary changes within their ascension process. It is a grand opportunity to allow the Forces of Light to assist in the transformation of the physical self to change into a higher octave of energy.

The result of the exchange needs to be met with each individual within their four body system. It will allow for the changes to occur where imbalances may be the result within their system. It is a time to fully accept the challenge to go deeper and be more. It will also allow for the Light Quotient to be increased if the individual is ready to acknowledge the darker aspects that are arising, change them to be in full wholeness, and see the resultant energy you will become.

The Law of Relativity comes into the playing field with Wave X presently and all other energetic alignments that are occurring.

It helps an initiate to realize how far they have come, or where they need to go within their progress. Are there changes that were not acknowledged previously or are there existing conditions that still need to be healed?

Then it is important to realize the potential that as an Initiate you have to change what you were into what you desire to be. The revelation is that as you stand within the movement of the lesson, you then allow yourself to realize that your lessons are relative to everything else that you experience. It must be an acknowledgement within yourself that as others learn their lessons, yours may not be as challenging.

Every soul, every initiate, upon this planet is going through a similar experience. Take inventory of your own lessons, what they mean to you, and reflect back upon whom you were in previous moments. I guarantee you that you will see the growth and the potential to be more within yourself as you continue your journey.

These are all important revelations to have within this law. What you accept, you will receive; what you share, will come back to you.

It is all part of the Lessons that each initiate must learn within their pathway.

Gratitude is a very important consideration during these times of high acceleration ~ embrace the ability to be here now to experience this change as the Source of Light, the Multi-Universes, and all involved are assisting you to go further in a shorter amount of time than would have been experienced in previous lifetimes.

I look forward to working with each of you through your Planetary Ascension.

I AM Lord Melchizedek at your service.


© Copyright 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Linking to this page from any website or blog is welcomed and encouraged. Sharing our Social Media sites is also encouraged. Connect with us on ♥ FACEBOOK  ♥ TWITTER  ♥ YOUTUBE   ♥ NEWSLETTER ♥ DONATE  | Rights are only granted to repost this material electronically on informational websites and blogs that do not sell or advertise any products or services. Any reposting must include this copyright statement in full including the above active url referral links to help everyone stay informed and support our messages. In cases of text only formats, these active url links may be converted to display the full path of the url as linked. 

A Whole Lot Is Changing

chakra-1Back in the year before the Millennium when many souls were in fear of the crash of all electronics and computer systems reaping havoc with their lives, Rev. Meleriessee was given a healing modality called Diamond Heart therapy to assist souls to accelerate their spiritual lives. Even then the Ascended Masters held to the belief that humanity could do better in shaping its own destiny.

We have just learned today that this modality is now supercharged. This is (in our understanding) due to the fact that the energies that we all anticipated arriving upon the planet on12/21/12 have finally done so in enough of a wave that many new aspects are now available that were previously out of reach to many.

Here is what we learned today about this modality instilling within you these Higher Order elements:

♥ Spiritual Etheric Induction to the Melchizedek Priesthood and the Lord Melchizedek teachings
♥ Etheric Access to your your Golden Solar Angelic Body with Lord Metatron
♥ Formal participation in the Ascension Science Initiations through the Mahatma Energies
♥ Vibrational Chants of the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace to have them directly assist you with the deeper energies of the 22 Rays of God
♥ Initial Access to start to integrate the Energies of Divine Mother and Father God

We held a Introduction Teleconference for this training and you can hear it now on the Diamond Heart Essence Training details page. Check it out to find out out how we are cutting the exchange fee in half to make this available to anyone who feels it will greatly assist their Ascension Mastership accelerations. The live training is this month on Thursday the 14th at 5 PM PST.

Lord Melchizedek ~ Father of All Initiates

Lmelchizedekord Melchizedek is known to most individuals that step onto the pathway of Mastery.  He makes himself known through our dreams and meditations.  He is an amazing soul not only because of his stature but his essence is one of great concern, love, and admiration for all initiates stepping into Ascended Mastership.

Lord Melchizedek is the overlighting energy of the Priesthood for all initiates and lightworkers.  He represents the Universal and the Multi-Universal levels. He oversees the work that each of us is doing and assists us in many ways.  Many think that you must be initiated by another individual to gain entry into his priesthood but this is so untrue.  All we have to do is ask his permission.  Most of us have worked with him in other timelines and on the inner plane so it is just an act through our consciousness to work with him in the present timeline.  Please know that each initiate is guided into the temple and must show their diligence to have initiatory status within the priesthood.  Most individuals that step into this work have been studying for many timelines and on the Innerplane to work with the Melchizedek Priesthood.

The Melchizedek Priesthood also known as the Order of Melchizedek is a governing agent in the heavenly realms and has existed way beyond what is recorded.  The main focus of the Order is that it is in charge of the consciousness reprogramming that is necessary to link physical creation with the externalization of the Divine Hierarchy.  It is a royal priesthood that receives the voice of God for the sanctification of the people of Light.  The re-adminstration and teaching affect the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual states of existence and consciousness.

The Order of Melchizedek as the anointing power to rewaken and resurrect the righteous people of the world into the Light of the higher worlds.  They are the sons of truth behind historical wisdom.  All initiates are considered for entryway into the priesthood by Lord Melchizedek himself.  They teach spiritual principles to the planetary worlds.  They have the ability to communicate with other celestial communities and brotherhoods of light throughout the universes of God, coordinating the work of the Christ energy in the heavens and on Earth.  It is a bridge between the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Initiates of the Earth.

Lord Melchizedek has a few words to share:

Blessings, Dearest Initiates and Chelas of the Light,

It is my Divine Pleasure to step into awareness of this moment and share with you my essence.  My goal is to help every individual person to understand their ability to be gifted in your world by the ideas that have been brought to them on a soul level.  Acceleration of this Earth is now moving at a light-speed pace and it is our desire from the God Force to not only assist each human to know and breathe the Light that they are.

First, let me share what the Priesthood represents to initiates of all levels.  Every person that awakens in the light within their physical essence is brought to the Order of Melchizedek.  As a soul, they are given the opportunity to allow their essence to shine for mastery.  This doorway is always open but not all will choose to walk through it.  As an initiate, you open your energy centers up to all the timelines within your Etheric body to be activated.  As a person, many choose not to accept those realities within their physical body.  There is always the opportunity to do so.

We work with every individual initiate no matter how far they take their pathway.  Some choose to work more deeply within this pathway and become a Priest or Priestess.  Many of you have already done so and step into the roles more easily this time around.  It depends upon your soul’s growth and what you want to achieve this lifetime. 

The work that we do with each other is to help bring the light formations into the physical world.  As you go further into your initiation phases, your body accepts more of this light along with the knowledge that is necessary to understand the process of your Divinity.  We, in the Order of Melchizedek, are very careful in how we select individuals to step forward with their knowledges and wisdom to the world due to many souls that have not stepped into the Light of the Hierarchy within the heavens that appear within your world.  If we feel someone is not fully acting within the interest of the Order, than we will help them to find that Light within them to assist in their progression upon the Earth.  This means that we are working within the Greater Whole to help all lightworkers to acknowledge the power of their soul’s essence.  We have several priests/priestesses that are working within the Earthplane level now but not all are on the same level of awareness or accessibility of their Light.  There are stages of acceleration with the Order to assist earth’s evolution into the higher vibrational light essence.

I share this information as it is important to realize that working within the Order of Melchizedek is a golden opportunity to aspire to the heights of desirability of the heavenly realm.  I want to express that as an initiate we will scrutinize your progress and help you to overcome any difficulties that arise within the pathway of mastery.  We have many souls that are on the ground floor level, so to speak and we hope they will aspire to higher heights of acceleration, but this is not always the case.  Many souls truly just want to stay in their chosen field as an initiate and are not ready to feel the accelerated phases within the body.

I, as Lord Melchizdek, oversee this Order of Light but I am much more to many.  I have lived upon the Earth in Lemurian and Atlantean times.  I knew many of you but I was not who I am today.  I also had to move up the ranks of the priesthood to show my worth.  I have been gifted with the Light of God within me and share this with all perspective initiates in order that they may ascend into the Light with all of their faculties intact.

We work together, You and I; even if you do not realize it.  I watch and observe the changes that are occurring and am very excited to acknowledge each of you personally and globally.  The work that you are doing is amazingly powerful and is assisting with the transition of the New Earth.  But we have quite some time before all of that is occurring.  I enjoy watching the transformation of each of you and within GAIA.

My role to you is to assist you the best way that I can whether you want to stay where you are in your transitional phases or to accelerate further.  I will tell you that the New Earth needs to be actualized with the light frequencies of the 5th dimension and this is why you are having such an intense time of accepting these light changes within your bodily structure.  I need to share that the work needs to be done; the light will not do it for you.  If you think that is the way, then you are in for some very rough moments of integration.

This is where I step into your world.  Let me help you know how to change, we will look at the aspects in your timelines so that they can be changed and ignited.  The power and source of your energy is in the purity of God’s Light.  All individuals that awaken need to find this light.  It is not given to you freely but earned through trial and error.  Your challenges are molded by your Higher Self integrating within the physical self and they need to agree.  It is when things do not go well, that there needs to be a realignment of energies and your physical self needs to know they are not the deciding factor any longer.  It is as simple as that and also as complicated.

Working within the framework of the light frequencies of this planet is something that is a challenge in itself.  But you are here for a good reason and we need you to accept your Divine Essence.  As they say, “the more the merrier.”  I love to lighten up the load that you are taking on although the seriousness of this time is always the strongest aspect to consider.  I see such a great future for all of us in the new Earth, but we need you to understand your spiritual essence within your physical essence even if you are unsure of what you are doing.  The best master is one that says “I do not have a clue of what I am doing, but I am doing it.”  That is all we can ask for together as a team of Qualified Individuals to share the light of the heavens into the earth.

It is my pleasure to connect with each of you in service to the Light.

I AM Lord Melchizedek

On Monday, July 1st Lord Melchizdek will be our guest speaker in The Clarion Temple of Oneness.  You may join this call by pre-registering on our website,

Additionally, Lord Melchizedek is our MASTER OF THE MONTH for July.  If you would like to have a 30 minute session with him, you can sign up on our Sessions page,

Some of the background information excerpted “The Complete Ascension Manual” Dr. Joshua David Stone.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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