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NEW EARTH FREQUENCY Ascension Mastery Message for FEBRUARY 2020 with the Cosmic Light Energies of the UNIFIED WHOLE COMMAND. Transmission by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee of Walking Terra Christa.

We are THE GREAT DIVINE DIRECTOR, MASTER THOTH, AND MASTER EINSTEIN representing the UNIFIED WHOLE COMMAND within the UNIFIED WHOLE-GALACTIC-AGARTHA ALLIANCE. We reside within the 144th dimensional frequency of Oneness holding this vibrational light to assist the structures of the Cosmic, Multi-Universal, Universal, Galactic, and Solar Levels to be integrated into the Planetary foundation of the Earth.

We are especially honored to express to you about the present energies within GAIA and around the multi-dimensional frequencies that are assisting in the ascension process of the Earth into Terra Christa, the 5th Dimensional Earth that each of us are striving to create together.

We ask each of you to take a few moments within your breath to call upon our energies to assist your four-body system to accept and acknowledge the higher light essence that we are sending to you in these moments.

As each of you are experiencing the energies of this year within 2020, it brings to the surface the acceleration that is occurring on a molecular structure which allows each of you to transform yourself into a higher light vibration.

This year is designated by the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light as the Year to Be the Master. But in order to do so, an individual must call upon all of their inner faculties, which occurs within the Etheric Self, to be completely ready to Let All Things to Be as they should be from your Soul’s Essence into your present circumstances.

All that you are in this moment in time makes up the experiences upon the Earth. Each of you have chosen to step into a world that you knew from your soul’s perspective (without being in body) that it would probably be the most challenging life event as your soul. And, yet you are here, awakened, ready to take on the challenge of being a Master of Light, but yet stuck in the realm of duality that is creating much darkness everywhere that you turn.

That, in itself, can be the biggest disappointment as a soul.

This is due to the reality that your Physical Self wants more than you see within this world. But the key to the alignment of the light becoming more infused within the world is to become that light fully within your Physical, Etheric, Emotional (or Astral), and Mental Bodies. This alignment is necessary in order for your bodily system to attract the higher light frequencies which will truly make an impression in the molecular structure upon the Earth.

This is what true Mastery represents of allowing each of the four bodies to become in alignment with each other instead of them working separately. As a human, this challenge is your biggest blockage.

We know this to be true, as we have been where you are presently. The only difference is that the Earth is being infused with so many light frequencies that it is constantly creating havoc in many ways for each of you personally and globally upon the planet.

The only way to be able to get through the accelerations, which in fact, cause more disruption to be released, is to remind yourself that you are a multi-dimensional being, and are going through a renewal process. Your lower mind known as the Concrete Mind still has much programming within it that tells you otherwise, that you are sick with a virus and unable to function. This is so true as the overhauling process is reprogramming your entire structure to hold more of your Higher Light Bodies.

Let’s start with what has happened this year thus far with the higher light encodments.

There have been accelerations with the Full Moon in January. These moons are going to create change within your four-body system; it is the only way that you can aspire to walking as a Master in all awareness’s within your life. By this we mean Emotionally, Mentally, and Physically which needs to align with your Etheric Self, the body of memory that has been with you since the beginning of your creation.

The onset of the Palindrome on 02-02-2020 which occurred very recently brought forth an alignment of divine energies to be cohesive within Oneness.  What occurred during this movement of acceleration is that everyone around the world was feeling a shift within their consciousness whether they were aware of it or not. Dates are the science of the higher mind as they represent numerical alignments occurring into the physical reality.

You may have noticed your sleep patterns shifting, possibly your food intake was different, or a sense that something within you was changing. It also brought forth this alignment into each of your four bodies.

Now many may think that things should get better within that experience, but yet it can have the opposite effect.

It works this way ~ If the higher light frequency of Oneness is coming into your reality, then every part of your existence that you walk with (physically), feel (emotionally), think (mentally) are reflected within your Etheric Self as this part of you is your memory, your present reflection, and your future existence.

What does not align with Oneness within your four-body system is going to react in a certain way.

If you found yourself feeling out of sorts, almost like a flu condition, but yet still functioning, this means that you were purging the elements out of your system. This is considered to be a positive effect as what does not align with this higher light energy needs to be removed. The same thing happens when you cannot sleep or you sleep too much. Your body is starting to accept the higher light energy in very small increments.

It is important during these cycles that you LET IT BE WHAT IT SHOULD BE.

Do not allow your Lower Mind to dictate what is wrong with you. Utilize your spiritual tools to assist you, like deep connected breathing, listening to a spiritual song, reading a passage that helps your Heart Connection. Any and all of these suggestions will assist you, but you must remember that you need to be strong in order to get past the uneasy moments.

The Dark Side is still fighting for control of this planet and during these times of acceleration it can be like fighting a battle within yourself. What can occur is that your body or mind thinks it should do things in a certain way, but yet, your Higher Self is trying to help you to surrender into the clearing process.

This is a time of great vigilance to become more aligned with your Higher Consciousness instead of the programming within your Sub-Conscious.

This month is filled with moments such as this.

The Full Moon occurring on February 9th brings forth a sense of Creation and Illumination with strength and courage. Utilize the energies of this moon to assist you to realize within yourself how to move forward in the alignment of the four-body system so you can become more attuned to your Higher Light Bodies.

Your Valentine’s Day on February 14, 2020 is a very important event. Not to give love to another as is promoted by society, but giving Love to yourself.

If you numerically add up the digits of this date, it represents the number “7” which is very spiritual. It aligns with the Divine Energies of the Soul’s Essence, the Higher Self, to allow the higher light frequencies to come into existence. On this day, reflect on the energies that you feel. The Heart Essence energy is very strong as it brings forth the Divine Love through the Christ Consciousness to be expressed.

In addition, the date of 02-22-2020 is another high acceleration. Again, utilizing the one digit of all the digits combined it brings forth Oneness, “1”. Expect more alignments to be occurring on this day as they will assist you to transform what you do not like into attracting the true essence of your Higher Self to become more in tune with your experience upon this earth.

The weather patterns can affect you in many ways so be aware of the storms that are occurring and how they make you feel. Cleansing your body, your mind, and your emotions will assist in feeling better through this process.

You must remember that each of you are going through periods of transformation and they will come in stages. This will not occur all at once, so be patient with yourself. Accept the moments of feeling the energies assisting you, as the more that your release, the easier the process will be.

Then, take notice any differences you feel within yourself. Your chakra system is going to go through many changes to prepare you for the higher energies.

This year will truly bring forth great change in a positive manner if you allow it to be.

It is our honor to express our energies with each of you.

We are the Unified Whole Command of THE GREAT DIVINE DIRECTOR, MASTER THOTH, AND MASTER EINSTEIN at your service.

Mote It Be, Let it Be Done!

Higher Spiritual Energies For Further Assistance:

ON FEBRUARY 8, 2020 at 10am PT Walking Terra Christa is holding their monthly Festival of Lights Online Global Audio Ceremony.
with Master Djwhal Khul and the Star Nations/Native Elders connection with Lord Ashtar for the Ascend Earth Project* live gatherings. Re-listen to the free audio recording (or to receive the connection energies if you miss the live event).
Audio recording is usually posted after the event or within 24 hours.

This year of 2020 (a “22” which is the number of “Mastery”) is a great way to more accurately develop your Spiritual Pathway of Ascension Mastery. Beginners or experienced individuals will be assisted. (Being a current student is not required). Our ASCENSION GATE CLINIC meets once a month over video with a teaching from the Ascended Masters and special attunements using the 22 RAYS OF GOD to bring forth the highest level of pure energies to assist your growth and transformation in each of the four energy bodies (mental, emotional, etheric, physical).   

Using the energetically attuned SPIRITUAL SPRAYS and CRYSTALS from our ESTY shop “Spectrum Light Ray Creations” adds a whole extra level of Ascension frequency to your aura’s field or to boost your sacred space at home or office. They assist everyone with the higher Spiritual Energies. Individuals who are more sensitive to vibration and frequency energies love them. We personally use them everyday.

Our YouTube meditation: “BECOMING ONE with your SOUL’S ESSENCE” will be a great tool for February’s energies.

*To learn more about how you can help with building ASCENSION COLUMNS please use the link ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Walking Terra Christa heads this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic Agartha Alliance (Lord Ashtar and the Agartha Network).



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Note: Walking Terra Christa is providing an 11:11 GLOBAL TELECONFERENCE WORKSHOP to walk into this GATEWAY with deeper understanding of our own Mental, Emotional. Etheric/Physical, and Spiritual Self. Workshop Series begins on Sunday Nov. 8 and continues through the evening of Tuesday Nov. 10. We then gather together for a GLOBAL CELEBRATION on the 11:11 (which everyone can join even if not participating in the workshop). Click here to read more about joining one or both events. 

The New Earth Frequency Update is a channeled message of the Unified Whole Command within the 144th Dimension of Light through Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden.Frequency-update_800_500-001

Blessings and Joy is arising in the hemispheres of the Earth at this time. We are happy to come forward and share an inspirational message from the Unified Whole Command, within the 144th dimension of Light of Oneness with Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein.

As the energies are increasing towards the 11:11 frequency of Light there are more changes happening within and around the earth. Each of you stand as the Beacons of Light existing upon the lands of GAIA holding this vibrational essence within yourself. Your transformation to walk through this doorway is immense and you should truly be extremely proud of what you are achieving.

So much work still needs to be done as the frequencies that are coming into the planet need to be fully grounded.  It is important for us to look at the energies of 11:11:11 moving into 2012 through 2013, into 2014 and the present year of 2015. So much knowledge has been incurred since that time within your consciousness for you to accept within your physical bodies. We must not forget about all of planetary changes that have happened during these years as it has assisted the present energies to be fully accepted within you through humanity and within Gaia.

You are truly showing yourself as the Awakened Ones from the Fallen Angels of this Earth into the Enlightened Consciousness of Humanity.

We ask you to look at yourself, within your challenges, and your successes during this time to truly see what you have achieved. We are not talking about physical movements but truly how has your emotional and mental bodies been adjusted to receive the healing and higher light formulations to accept the Divinity of Consciousness to be felt by everyone on this planet.

People are changing in many different ways and no two individuals will walk this pathway in the same way. Some will never awaken to the fact that a shift of consciousness is occurring within the planet and change their thought processes. But everyone is being affected through their bodies, their minds, and their hearts.   The eruption of the energies cannot be matched by anything else that has occurred in the history of this planet. All elements are coming into place to allow the alignment of the higher realms of light to exist within each of you.

You are the Ones that are standing in front. You acknowledge your deepest feelings and thoughts; you see that they need to be changed so that is what you achieve. It may not be easy but it is necessary, as each of you know. And, this is going to continue from this point forward. The one element that is very important is that it is happening.


It is up to each of you, each soul upon this earth, to hold this frequency within your heart, let it expand through all of your chakras, let your higher chakras become One with you, allowing the healing to take place, the darkness to leave, the old timelines of the past no longer matter as they have served their purpose in your evolution of light within the physical existence.

Let us take you on a journey of how far you have come. You are the Angels of Light that came to this Earth to heal and build a new planet.  

What happened to each of you that were part of this creation is that you held so much more than the purity within your hearts. You held the darkness of others that you assisted. It was painful and the only choice you had was to stay, but not in angelic form. You chose to be human.

So the transition of being an angel into a human has been very intense, powerful, sad, devastating, and sometimes a beautiful experience to your soul. But through every life change upon returning to the heavens, you traveled into many schools with many masters that had achieved exactly what you are doing presently. You returned to the earth many times over to right what had gone wrong. As you were learning to become Whole Once Again, the trials still continued in various ways. But, yet you still return.

We would call some of you the First Wavers that have assisted the planet since the 1980’s to become more than was realized previously. You are the Ones that have stayed true to your purpose as you traveled through many dimensions of time and space; you stopped to live on many planets to help gain the knowledge of this planet, Earth, when it was time.

But yet, these remembrances can be lost until one finds themselves once again.


Many First Wavers have since left the planet. They became tired of the game and truly were not able to uphold the condition that is necessary on this pathway. They lost their Trust and Faith so it was time for each of them to continue their journey in the heavens. These First Wavers still watch over each of you especially to help the ones that have stayed to create the necessary changes.

This first wave of angelic essence allowed for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th levels of souls to become implanted within the earth. The energy was already created by the First Wavers and then the next wave of souls had to learn how to continue the pilgrimage into Oneness.   So the transition was a bit easier, so we thought it would be. This other groups of souls have been coming to the Earth since the 1980’s to the present.   Once they awaken they have the ability to obtain great knowledge of their star essence. But yet, many do not know how to exist in a physical body.

So the work has to continue. It cannot just happen like so many newer souls coming to Earth thought it would be. The density of the planet has been extreme. Initiating the Feminine Divine into the existence of Gaia has taken much longer due to many souls on this planet not believing in their own God Essence. So change has had to occur within this process.

December 2012 was truly an experiment of allowing the first wave of Oneness to come into the planet. But since the Earth is so dense the energies that came into the atmosphere was absorbed very quickly by souls and then dissipated just as quickly. The power of the energies was intensified to see how much Gaia and her inhabitants could hold.

We did find, however, that what these energies did for each of you is to help you delve deeper into yourself. You took on what you could within your four-body system and then the rest was dissipated into the ethers of the Earth for Gaia to receive great assistance. It was not lost but held within her auric field when it would be time to ignite the frequencies once again.

The time has now come on November 11th in 2015.

This is because of the transformation that the planet has gone through, each of you in your personal accelerations, and what has transpired through many souls upon this planet. People are waking up to taking care of themselves, looking at physical healing in many different ways, and learning that the past does need to be healed.

The Feminine Divine has always been part of this Earth. It is just that she has been waiting for the right time to bring forth her essence unto the planet. Sitting back and just watching when the energies within Gaia would allow her essence to become more involved. Through the evolution of the earth she became lost so she retreated into silence. That silence is now being broken in a completely new and powerful way.

This is the process that has been occurring for many centuries. Changes have happened but the alignment of the energies was not possible for the achievement of the Feminine Divine to be united with the Masculine Divine. Their union could not occur due to many variables of energies that were still very apparent in the consciousness of the world, within the people, and how they interact with one another.

It has been like every relationship that is born. It takes nurturing and time to allow both parties to surrender and become used to one another. The Emotional and Mental bodies of Gaia have been healing separately just like each of you have been experiencing.

Gaia has been waiting for humanity to be able to h old this frequency of light. It is getting easier as more individuals are awakening to the power of themselves through the Light of God within their own consciousness.   They may not know how it is being done, but every individual self is being assisted in this process.

So those of you that are waiting for the big boom of light acceleration to come into this planet, please be patient with yourselves. It must come within increments so that more individuals can hold the frequency within themselves. Otherwise, the planet will not be able to exist.

Each of you is the Grounding Cord to hold this frequency. That is why your challenges are so great, and why you desire to have more for yourselves than what you are receiving now. The vision you hold is so very strong and that vision will come.   But, please be patient with yourselves through this process.

We have to realize that in order for Gaia to hold a 5th dimensional energy and beyond she needs her grounding element within her. Just as each of you has to hold the Frequency of Light within you through your Earth Star, she has to do the same.


A planet is not really a great planet unless there are individuals within that existence that are holding the higher frequency. Otherwise, you have a planet of density. This is what Earth has been.

So on the day of 11:11 each of you will walk through a new doorway of light.

What does that doorway represent to you as a human being?

It means that you must uphold your contract to hold as much light frequency within yourself. If you cannot accept the higher ray chakras to be within you, then you will have a beautiful experience, but will need to do more work. But what happens if you do the inner work now, before the event? It means that less debris will be held within your body, and you will be able to accept your new-found self on a much deeper level.

So the igniting energies of December 2012 will be released once again. They have not been lost. In addition there is more coming from our essence of Oneness, to bring all souls into that essence. This means that timelines, lifetimes, and all remembrances will be put into this existence. But it also means that memories will surface, deep healing will need to be done as it is the goal of this planet to move forward.

More individuals will awaken by these energies and that is because your job is to hold what you can. This will then expand out of you into others around you.

Your angelic self becomes much more involved than you have ever allowed it to be before. You become the Solar Angel as the energetic exchange will blend within you to become more of what you ever thought you could be. The bliss of these moments will be miraculous and amazing.

This is because you are becoming your Multi-Dimensional Self on this day. You become all that you desire to be. Your role will be to hold it as much as possible. Breathe it, live it, experience it.

Your Feminine-Masculine Self comes into alignment and allows you to see what is possible.

You become the Angel and all elements that it entails for you, but yet, you are the human fully embodied with all of these essences.

You will get a glimpse into your future. You will see what is possible upon this Earth in the moments of 11:11.

Then, you will see what you need to do for your-self. The healing will come and take you into a deeper level of yourself. It is a true beginning for Gaia and each of you. We know there are many souls that will be able to hold it deeper so that it will assist others. You and Gaia are now ready for the transition into experiencing Oneness within the Self.

This is a grand opportunity for the Earth. 2012 represented a different doorway to see what Gaia could hold. It was a grand experiment as it has allowed more souls to awaken to so many possibilities.

So our suggestion is preparation. Go deeper into your Emotional and Mental Bodies. See what needs to be addressed so all bodies can blend together as One. Do the inner work so that you will receive what you are able to hold within yourself. Become One with all of these essences.

The power of this occurrence cannot be measured at this time. It will be up to each of you individually to see how you are able to integrate the energies, hold it within yourself, and become more than you have before.


We are ecstatic about the likelihood of what is about to occur. It is the first time since the beginning of Lemuria and Atlantis was in the purification of light that there is Hope that we can achieve this transformation.

We thank each of you for stepping forward, bringing your energies into the equation, and allowing your transformation to make this all possible.

We look forward to walking with each of you through the Doorway of 11:11.

We are the Beings of the Unified Whole Command of Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein.

So Mote It Be in the Light of Oneness and Creation.

Note: Walking Terra Christa is providing an 11:11 GLOBAL TELECONFERENCE WORKSHOP to walk into this GATEWAY with deeper understanding of our own Mental, Emotional. Etheric/Physical, and Spiritual Self. Workshop Series begins on Sunday Nov. 8 and continues through the evening of Tuesday Nov. 10. We then gather together for a GLOBAL CELEBRATION on the 11:11 (which everyone can join even if not participating in the workshop). Click here to read more about joining one or both events. 

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

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