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The Violet Flame of Archangel Amethyst

swirls purple ayOn September 7th we received blessings from Archangel Amethyst who works with the 7th Ray of The Violet/Purple Flame with Archangel Zadkiel (Abundance of Light ~ Creating Prosperity Together, 9-7-13).

They both hold the Violet flame unto this Earth she as the female Archangel assisting in bringing the Violet flame into Gaia, so she sustains this energy for us.  Both Amethyst and Zadkiel work with this energy together.  As we know, the feminine energy is always the sustaining creation and the masculine energy is the one that always start the frequency that brings it all forward. So she brings to us today this flame to come to us and experience it within our Being.

You can call upon either of them, both of them or just the Violet flame anytime.  We are now working with the Purple within the Violet as it represents cosmic frequency of this ray.  This means that we are bringing in the 49th dimensional frequency of the God Force through the Elders of the Throne of Grace. The blending of the Violet and Purple allows our higher essence to be part of the experience and not just on a planetary level.

In summation of the aspects of this ray it represents Purification, Transformation, Invocation, Refinement, Creative Structure, and life with Sacred Living, Ritual Ceremonial and also working with the elements of the Earth, Fire, Water and the Wind.

Take a deep breath as we bring in Archangel Amethyst to assist us with the blessing today.


It is my divine pleasure to be here with each of you. I am Archangel Amethyst; Zadkiel is here with his essence around the flame and the altar.

The ability to sustain the Violet and Purple flame within your own creative process is very important as we work with the Violet flame to change the thoughts, the feelings, the karmic debts that are held within the Etheric body.  We want to completely purify all aspects within your full body system so that the full manifestation can occur. Because you see, even though you may think that you are completely clear to receive your desires, there an be elements that cross your path in your consciousness that arise to stop the full process.  This is why you may not be able to really accept the full manifestation that you may desire.

So today let us change this; let us change the fact there may be particles of what you receive from each moment, not just the moment of working within the Violet flame but each moment thereafter. Allow the frequencies of Light to come within you to accept the changes that are necessary in the process of your own Divine Creation.

Let us all take a deep breath together as we feel the flame of the Violet Purple coming to the entire garden and circling within each of us through all particles, through the cellular memory, through the physical essence, through your organs, through your breath, thorough your eyes, through all your openings and allow it to surface within your Earth Star and Soul Star. So let it spin outwards into your Etheric body, your Emotional body, and your Mental body so that the Spiritual body can be one complete essence.

We call upon the Violet flame to fully transmute all particles that do not serve this highest essence as we sit within this beautiful garden of the 144th dimension, which is the level of our creation.  This allows us to have that Creative Force within the physical essence as of this moment.  You are in several places at the same time.

Breathe the Violet flame, breathe the Purple flame through your breath into your Heart and allow it to expand outwards into all doorways out of you through your Earth Star like there are little pathways inside of you that allows you to travel out of you into the Etheric body.  Allow the Etheric body to be cleared through all the transmutation, through all the timelines that may be appearing in this moment to be cleared. Say unto yourself:

I call upon the Violet Purple flame to transmute and allow my purest essence to be revealed within me.

See this flame deeply ignite from your Earth Star coming up into your Heart and going to your Soul Star as you ignite this energy.  It expands outward within you with many colors of the Violet and the Purple igniting into your essences that You Are.

I am the Violet fire.

I am the transmuting Light.

I am all of this and more.

Feel this now expanding as if there is an outer shell that has just dropped out from around you and you see the purity of your Light. This is the ability to fully transform and create sacred living within your world. I say “Living” meaning within your own physical body.  What is sacredness to you; bring this sacredness into your Heart now and allow yourself to see the power that you are with these words.

I have now invoked the Violet transmuting fire within my Heart to burn away all particles of darkness, all particles of grayness that do not fit the Light that I am.

I am a being walking upon the Pathway of Mastery, and now I see the next level of my creation.

I step onto the platform of the Violet flame as it ignites more fully within me because I am the Violet flame.

I am the purification of my physical creation as my soul designates this power to be fully within me.

I am the purification of God’s Light ignited in all that I am.

Breathe deeply and feel these essences; now see your purification of your soul’s essence of the 144th dimension of the creation that you were of the first embryonic cell.  Now ignite within you without any timelines, with out any knowingness of what you are about to experience.  Come to that state of your purity and allow this essence to fully be within you.

Hold it dearly into your Heart, as this is now your creative source.

What is it that you desire now?

Bring this frequency into your present awareness as I say you are in many places at the same time.  This is the acceptance of your Light coming into your creative physical existence.  Feel that power fully within you being ignited now.

What is your thought of what you would like to create for this moment of this day, this moment.  What is it that you need or desire to be created within your world? Take a moment and feel that thought igniting within, see the vision, the vision of it being created.  It is now immersed within the Violet fire.

Feel this igniting energy now becoming manifest in your world.  See it in front of you in your hands as it grows and grows until you see the experience that you need to be, fully created in your world. It is yours; hold it to your Heart and expand it into your Heart essence through your Earth Star and Soul Star.  Now feel it through your entire Beingness, not just the physical heart of your existence, but your full body system of your Etheric, of your Emotional, of your mental, and Spiritual body, of your physical-ness of your Three Minds as they become One mind of your Three-Fold Flame of your Masculine and Feminine Divine, of your I AM, I AM that I AM.

Say to yourself:


 I am now the creative source of my manifestations.

And bless yourself, bless yourself with this creation.  Hold this flame within you as long as you need to.  I am here to do this for you; hold it deeply to your heart.

I am Archangel Amethyst at your service with the Violet fire that we are together.

So take a deep breath; hold those energies.  Keep breathing through them. If you can, just breathe through your nose instead of your mouth.  It keeps the higher vibration within the body instead of using the mouth and just expanding the energy within you.

It is my pleasure to be fully within each of you.

I AM Archangel Amethyst at your service. 

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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